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25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1 25X1A Approved For Release 2004/01/12 CIA-RDP71B00364R000300230025-3 T Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Thursday - 30 January 1969 10. I I Talked to Mr. J. R. Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, several times during the day concerning Committee plans and schedule of hearings and briefings. In response to his request, I advised that the Director's schedule for the coming week is almost complete with only Thursday morning available. Friday morning could be scheduled by rearranging of present commitments. Mr. Blandford stated the Chairman's appreciation for this advice but emphasized that there are no hearings scheduled for next week. This guidance was requested in the event that the Committee program starts firming up. A present information schedule of the Committee does not contemplate the beginning of hearings until after the Lincoln Day Recess. 11. I II contacted various members of the House leadership, Committee chairmen, Agency Committee members and friends of Mr. Allen Dulles on Capitol Hill during the morning and advised them of Mr. Dulles' death. The response by the various members in the House evidenced the high esteem held for Mr. Dulles. 12. I IMr. Clem Palazola, of the Atomic Energy_ Commission, called to advise us that he had been in touch with of our CI Staff, on the case of in response to a query on this case from George Murphy, on the staff of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. Palazola was merely alerting us to this in the event we should be contacted by Murphy on the case. I took this opportunity to inform Palazola of Murphy's request to us on 25X1A 25X1A 13. I I Advised the offices of the Senate leadership, appropriate CIA members, and friends of Allen Dulles' on the Hill of Mr. Dulles' death and the arrangements which have been made for funeral services. 14. (Secret - GLC) Accompanied Mr, I of OCI, to a briefing of William Spell, Staff Assistant to Senator John Stennis (D. , Miss. ). The subject of the briefing was the Middle East. This was done in response to Spell's earlier request. The briefing session lasted for ptwo rovide hours and was very warmly received by Spell. Mr. Spell 25X1A with some unclassified information on the iddle East countries which might be useful to him. He also advised him that there are several classified studies now in preparation which we could make available to him in the near future. SECRET Approved For Release 2004/01/12: CIA-RDP71B00364R0003002M,$2317/2003 Approved For Release 2004/01/12 : CIA-RDP71B00364R000300230025-3 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 29 January 1969 Page 4 25X1 13. Met with Miss Jackie Simpson, in the office of Representative William Anderson (D. , Tenn.), and in response to their buckslip transmittal, provided a copy of the unclassified blue booklet on the CIA and a reprint copy of the U. S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT article, "What's CIA, " which was a 1966 interview with Admiral STATOTHR Raborn. Miss Simpson thanked me for our assistance and indicated that she felt the items provided were adequate for response to their constituent, ~jk1TSPEC 15.1 et separately with Mr. J. R. Blandford, Chief Counsel, and r, ran atinshek, House Armed Services Committee, and briefed them concerning Mr. Kosygin's absence from public view; Soviet simulated strike missions off the North American coast; Liao Hou-Shu defection in the Hague; and Soviet use of the "May" patrol plane. STATOTHR Received from Mr. Blandford, a copy of a letter forwarded by the Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force to Mr. Blandford regarding FE Division has been advised. Mr. Blan or advised that the caucus by the Democrats will be completed probably during the day today and that the Armed Services Com- mittee will probably have its organizational meeting on Monday. Committee strength will be continued at 40 members. 25X1 16. I I Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appropria- tions Committee staff, who advised that although Chairman Mahon's schedule is very tight, he might desire a short meeting during the coming week between himself, Mr. Lipscomb and the Director. He noted, however, that this is purely speculative at the moment and no action should be taken until he has had a chance to check further with the Chairman. I briefed Mr. Michaels on the following items: Mr. Kosygin's absence from public view; Soviet simulated strike missions off the North American 25X1C coast; nd Soviet use of the "May" patrol plane in ASW. SECRET Approved For Release 2004/01/12 : CIA-RDP71B00364R000300230025-3 Approved For Release 2004/01/12 : CIA-RDP71B00364R000300230025-3 SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1A Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 28 January 1969 3. Talked to Chairman L. Mendel Rivers, who advised that he will be tied up all day due to the caucus which started at ten o'clock this morning. He asked that I call tomorrow morning, that he would certainly like to see Admiral Taylor and spend a few minutes with him before the weekend. I thanked the Chairman and told him I would be back in touch with him tomorrow. 4. Scheduled a meeting for 10:00 a. m. , 3 February, for and myself to meet with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, and review with him the Agency retirement legislation and appropriate Agency personnel policies. Mr. Slatinshek's new assignment within the Committee includes back- stopping Mr. Blandford on Agency matters. 25X1 5, I I Received a call from Mr. J. R. Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, who advised that he has received another transmittal from the Secretary of the Air Force STATOTHR concerning the case of and his alimony problems. Mr. Blandford advised that me CFiairnnni not particularly interested in what resolution is achieved on this case but would appreciate settlement in one fashion or another. 25X1 25X1 25X1 6. Received a call from Mrs. Crous, in the office of Senator Sparkman, who advised that a sealed letter had been received by the Senator for transmittal to the Latin Affairs Officer of the Agency. The latter will be transmitted to Mr. Maury with a covering note from the Senator's office. 7. Spoke to Representative Gilbert Gude (R., Md.), and furnished him with additional facts concerning George Carver, which could not be included in the formal nomination for the Arthur Flemming Award for security reasons. Gude thanked me for bringing this to his attention but was noncommittal with respect to the Award. 8. Representative Bill Alexander (D. , Ark.) was pleased to accept my invitation to breakfast at the Agency on 4 February. Representatives Anderson (D., Calif.) and Chappell (D., Fla.) and Mikva (D. , Ill.) were unavailable but the time was blocked on their calendars and I will confirm later. SECRET Approved For Release 2004/01/12 : CIA-RDP71B00364R000300230025-3 Approved For Release 2004/0SU DJRDP71 B00364R000300230025-3 25X1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Thursday - 23 January 1969 5. I I Messrs. Warner and poke to Frank McNamara, Staff Director, HCUA, concerning a possible amend- ment to the Internal Security Act of 1950 dealing with the unauthorized disclosure of information. McNamara was most receptive to the suggestion and saw no problems in handling it without involving the Agency. McNamara thought it would be a good idea if we were to talk to J. Sourwine, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee staff, concerning the amendment once it has been introduced on the House side. McNamara also suggested that we talk to Walter Yeagley at the Department of Justice before the amendment is considered by the Committee. 25X1A 25X1 6. Spoke with Ed Braswell, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, concerning the transfer of credit and minimum guarantee proposals being reported by the Social Security Administration to House Ways and Means and Senate Finance Committees. Mr. Braswell saw no problem in including the CIA retirement system along with the civil service and foreign service systems in these proposals. He thanked us for being in touch on this. 25X1 7.1 Met with Mr. Robert Michaels, House Appro- priations Committee staff, who advised that representatives of Mr. Warnke's office had met with him on the 8th of January and cleared the final transfer of funds supplementing the McNamara /T idemand Agreement of January 1968 in the amount of $2 million. This $2 million is in addition to the previous $1. 5 million supplement. It is Mr. Michael's understanding that negotiations were completed and agreement reached by the Defense Minister and Depart- ment of Defense representatives during the week of January 17. I thanked Mr. Michaels for the information. I reviewed with Mr. Michaels the Chieu Hoi of the government of Vietnam and the monthly rate of returnees during the last several years. Mr. Michaels had no particular question. I also briefed Mr. Michaels on the following items: (a) Soviet difficulties with the SL-12; (b) possible increases in Soviet military aid to Cuba; (c) the absence of Kosygin from the Moscow celebration for the Soyuz cosmonauts; and (d) possible additional Arab terror- ist attacks on El Al aircraft. 25X1 8.1 I Met with Mrs. Coralee Bull, Personal Secretary to Chairman Rivers, who advised that the Chairman's schedule for next week is quite unsettled. She also advised that he plans to be away from the city tomorrow. I will check with the Chairman's office on Monday and schedule a meeting for Admiral Taylor. Approved For Release 200 01/1 : CIA-RDP71B00364R000300230025-3 ApprovecLor ReleaaAe 2004/01/12 :CIA-R 7.1B003ld R000300230025-3 SECRET JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 21 January 1969 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 1. Representative Donald Riegle (R., Mich.) called to inquire whether the Agency might have any requests to levy on his Administrative Assistant, Carl Blake, during a projected trip to Vietnam during February. I told Riegle I was almost certain there were none but that I would check and be back in touch. 2. I uIn response to his call Friday, met with Representative William G. Bray (R., Ind.) and his Administrative Assist- ant, Mr. Bruce Merkle, and discussed some parts of Mr. Bray's expanded draft of a paper on attacks of the New Left on CIA. Mr. Bray reiterated that he accepts complete responsibility upon publication for any statements made in the paper but desires to avoid at least those pitfalls that would be 25X1A obvious to experienced Agency eyes. 25X1A During the day I also met with Mr. Merkle and a senior in government study at Purdue University. 25X1 is the daughter of a very old amily, who are close friends 216 of Mr. Bray. A personnel interview arranged for with Mr. for Wednesday, 22 January at 11:00 a. m. 3. Met with Mr. J. R. Blandford, Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee, who advised that no determinations will be made on scheduling of Committee briefings until after the Commit- tee is established Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. I also inquired of Mr. Blandford whether there was any assistance or information tdhe Chairman desires concerning the case of reviewed the facts briefly with him. Mr. B andlor a vise although he may have had a discussion with Air Force representatives, he does not remember the case and requested that I brief him after receipt of the correspondence which is being forwarded to Legislative Counsel from the Department of the Air Force. Also briefed Mr. Blandford on several items of current intelli- gence. See Memorandum for the Record for listing of the items. DP71 B00364R000300230025-3 Approved For Release 2004/01212(:' "RU Approved For Release 2004/01/12 : CIA-RDP71 P003000300230025-3 v LT Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Thursday - 16 January 1969 3. I I Hand carried to Bill Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the Intelligence Memorandum entitled The 1969 Soviet Defense Budget. I advised Woodruff that this was an inherently complicated subject and that there were no simple 25X1A answers. I added, however, that if he had any trouble with this to let me know and I would be happy to have Bruce Clarke go over it with him. I told Woodruff we had been unable to schedule a meeting with or tomorrow and it was agreed we would try to set up a new ate which would be convenient for all parties, probably next Tuesday or Wednesday. Alerted Woodruff to the fact that, as he had done once before, Dr. Pecora, Director of the Geological Survey, would like to talk with him soon in areas involving compartmented information and Pecora's assistant, Mr. Sibert, would be calling him in the next day or so. Woodruff recalled the prior meeting with Director Pecora,and said he would be happy to talk with him again. 4. I I Picked up from Dorothy Fosdick, Staff Director of the Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations, some material from the Soviet Diplomatic Dictionary on the subject of Com- munist diplomacy. Miss Fosdick has asked if we would be good enough to translate one page of this directory for inclusion in a report by the Sub- committee. I told her we would be happy to do so. She asked that we also review several other pages, which she included, for other information of interest. 5. I I Talked with C. B. Morrison, on the staff of Senator Allen Ellender . , La. ), and arranged to return the first reel of the Senator's film tomorrow. Morrison said the Senator had also indicated that he would be happy to talk with our people about his trip at a mutually convenient time. We are to be in touch with Miss Marihelen Horneman, the Senator's personal secretary, to set a date and time. 6. At his request, I dropped by to see Jim Gehrig, Staff Director. of the Senate Space Committee, and reviewed with him the facts regarding Soyuz 4 and 5. Gehrig indicated interest in visiting the Agency and a briefing by our people to be updated on the status of the Soviet programs. We are working with FMSA.C to establish a convenient date sometime during the week of 27 January. Approved For Release 2004/01/12 : CIA--RDP71B00364R000300230025-3 iI(1, rp T Approved For Release 2004/01/12 :CIA-RDP71B00364 000300230025-3 J 25X1 r ii..n A Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Thursday - 16 January 1969 7. Jay Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Special Sub- committee on Internal Security, returned to me the publication entitled Restless Youth which we had made available to him previously. During the course of my visit with Sourwine, he talked by long distance telephone to Director Millikan of the Massachusetts Institute of STATOTHR Technology (MIT) on the case of Mr. Sourwine sub- STATOTHR sequently informed me he had ascertained that had talked with the STATOTHR of ossibilit t th b y e p ou CDA) a Arms ontrol and Disarmament agency (A. orking for MIT as a consultant on unclassified matters but had raise with ACDA the possibility that MIT might want to involve in certain classified aspects of this work if the question of his security clearance could be resolved. According to Sourwine, ACDA then consulted with Assistant Secretary of State Katzenbach, who presumably made a "determination" with regard to clearance. All of this was STATOTHR supposedly purely anticipatory and advisory in nature. Sourwine says that now MIT proposes to raise these issues officially. In response to my query, Mr. Sourwine said that Senator Eastland has reintroduced his ominbus amendments. to. the Internal Security Act in exactly the same form in which his bill was introduced in the last Congress. It is their strategy to amend the new bill in Subcommittee to include the same amendments which were made to S. 2988 in the 90th Congress. This will avoid the necessity for conducting additional hearings on the bill. (This situation could affect our plans to approach Sourwine with a suggested amendment to the bill having to do with disclosures of information. ) 25X1 25X1 25X1A 8.1 1 Met with Mr. Darrell St. Claire, Chief Clerk in the office of the Secretary of the Senate, and received from him copies of the President's supplemental Budget Message and other information relating to the proposed executive pay increase. Mr. St. Claire was most courteous in his assistance and stated his personal pleasure on the continuance of Mr. Helms as Director of the Agency. 9. I I Paul Evans, Office of Security, called to inform us that I I who is being processed for a staff position, has given Senators Margaret Chase Smith (R. , Maine) and Edmund Muskie (D., Maine) as references. Approved For Release 2004/01/12 : CIA-RDP71B00364R000300230025-3 srrR\FT Approved For Release 2004/01/12 CIA-RDP71B00364R000300230025-3 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 15 January 1969 5 I I Henry Thomas, Office of Security, called and asked if we would be willing to contact William Woodruff, on the staff of the Senate Appropriations Committee, again to alert him to the fact that the Department of Interior Geological Survey, officials would like to talk with him with regard to the program carried on by the Geological Survey which involves sensitive compartmented information. I told Thomas that I would be glad to talk with Woodruff to alert him to a call from Geological Survey officials. 6. I I Met with Mr. Wade Isaacs, Adminis- trative Assistant to Representative David E. Satterfield (D. , Va.), concerning the report we had received from i_ hat the Congressman and his Administrative Assistant and Legislative Assistant would be interested in visiting the Agency. standing and is a close personal friend of the] I and decided that it would be best if the Congressman visited the Agency oy himself. Mr. Satterfield has a back problem and had just gone to Richmond for treatment and Isaacs said he would get in touch with me to suggest a convenient time for the visit to the Agency and topics in which Mr. Satterfield would be particularly interested. 7. Met with George Armstrong, in the office of Representative John M. Ashbrook (R. , Ohio), in connection with their interest in receiving a He explained that Mr. Ashbrook emp a a congressman and in this connection uses inserts in the Congressional Record as a primary means in fulfilling this responsibility. I explained that we would be happy to give them a but wanted him to know that we print only a limited number. o tar LITEy ave not inserted STATSPEC into the Record, but wanted to know how such material would be attribute nowing that it should I said I would check to see if we could come up with some ideas on this and would be back in touch. Armstrong said that they were elated with the prospects of a Republican Administration, but that they were not happy with some of the appointments which have been made and could be expected to be outspoken critics of the Administration on policies with which they disagree. Approved For Release 2004/01/1.-2: glA-RDP71 B00364R000300230025-3