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December 29, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks E 11023
ago, and I know how deep are the currents of
this war.
President Nixon's proposal for timed with-
drawal is therefore eminently sound, and
his desire to keep such a timetable discre-
tionary is profoundly sensible. President
Nixon has clearly put us on the path to
Since it is far easier to start a war than
it is to end one (let us not forget that even
victors have difficulty ending wars), this
country should give President Nixon, not yet
a year in office, sufficient time to work out
the conclusion to one of the longest wars
In American history. Such support is simply
the reasonable action of a reasonable people.
To criticize the President's actions not for
being proper, but for being slow, is childish
and unrealistic. This country has been
founded on that delightful cry of the under-
dog: "Give a man a chance." I suggest we
give President Nixon a chance.
This is why it is so important for Repub-
licans especfally to band together behind
the President?to give him that solid sup-
port he needs to wage a war for peace. As
the titular head of the Republican Party,
President Nixon should not be exposed to
embarrassment or to any action by his own
Party which would weaken his quest for an
end to the Vietnam war. The earnest support
of our President is the freest expression we
have to show that we join President Nixon
in ending?as quickly as rationally pos-
sible?the hell of the Vietnam war.
In conclusion may I say that we as party
members should be slow to reject his ap-
pointees or question his policies, not be-
cause we should allow ourselves to be stifled,
but because Richard Nixon has come to the
Presidency at one of the most difficult periods
in American history and he is making de-
cisions to shape and to mold a better
Monday, December 22, 1969
Mr. MURPHY of New York. There
can be no peace in the Middle East so
long as the Arabs, with the cunning ap-
proval of the Russians, expect Israel to
withdraw from occupied territories as a
precondition to negotiations for peace.
It is therefore inconceivable to me that
the United States should even remotely
suggest withdrawal by Israel. Secretary
Rogers, in his December 9th statement,
suggests that the intercession of the
United States and Russia, and the abanz
donment of occupied territories, will
hasten peace. Israel does not accept this
position. I do not accept this as a sound
position. The United States should not
accept this position.
The lesson of 1957 is clear. Israel was
amenable to accommodation with the
Arabs after U.S. assurance and the Arabs
used the presence of a weak-kneed
United Nations force as a cover for build-
ing a war machine to smash Israel.
When that clash came in 1967; 10 years
later, Israel responded heroically to her
own survival and secured the homeland.
Arab territory was taken. It would be
foolish to abandon that territory now in
the hope of inducing the Arabs to again
participate in negotiations while it is
clear that the Arabs are bent on nothing
less than the total destruction of Israel
and the annihilation of the Jews.
Israel must hold the occupied terri-
tory and negotiate its return to the Arabs
only as part of genuine, substantive talks
aimed at bringing a secure and lasting
peace to the Middle East. You do not
bargain with anyone by throwing in your
best cards at the beginning of the game.
The United Nations also errs when it
attempts to deal with the Russians to
have them intercede with the Arabs.
Russia is in absolute harmony with the
intentions of the Arabs, and Israel is op-
posed to bilateral talks with Russia and
the four-power talks with Britain and
France. We should actually be pushing
for face-to-face negotiations between
Arabs and Israelis.
Nations not directly involved cannot
hope to bring peace to the Middle East
when one of those nations is the instiga-
tor and supporter of Arab aggression and
The security and integrity of the State
of Israel cannot be compromised. Israel's
best hope for long-range peace is
strength. I have therefore recently urged
the President to supply an additional 250
Phantom jets to Israel to insure her
defensive power in the shadow of in-
creasing Russian military assistance to
the Arab States.
While Israel is strong she will survive.
Her strength alone will finally compel
the Arabs to recognize the reality of the
existence of Israel and sit down to
achieve a lasting and durable peace.
Vital to Israel's strength is the un-
swerving support of her position by the
United States. The Secretary of State
can do grave injustice to Israel should he
attempt to compromise Israel's position
in opposition to Israel's wishes.
There has been war in the Middle East
three times in the last 20 years.
Let us learn from that history and not
make the same mistakes again.
Monday, December 22, 1969
Mr. RIEGLE. Mr. Speaker, our col-
league, the gentleman from Missouri
(Mr. Bomaisio) has done our country a
great service by continuing to focus
national attention on the pressing need
for congressional reform.
His compelling article from the No-
vember issue of Playboy magazine speaks
for itself and I would urge all Americans
to read it.
This article follows:
(By Representative RICHARD BOLLING)
It is my conviction, a heresy in my trade,
that the primary failures of political leader-
ship at the Federal level are found in the
United States Congress. Particularly, these
failures are found in the House of Represent-
atives, where I serve?the legislative area of
civil rights excepted. The House has failed
to organize itself in such a way as to exercise
effectively and responsibly its share of the
political leadership that the American people
may fairly expect from their Federal Govern-
ment. A drastic change in the House power
structure and major reforms of the House
as an institution are needed. The House as
now constituted is ineffective. It is negative
In its approach to national tasks and usually
unresponsive except to parochial economic
Interests. Its creaky procedures are outmoded.
Its organization camouflages anonymous cen-
ters of irresponsible power. It often passes
legislation that is a travesty of what is really
The fundamental reforms I suggest are
directed at the way Democrats in the House
organize themselves. In the majority during
31 of the past 38 years, the Democrats are
largely responsible for the present condition
of the House. The inflammations in our cities
and the unresponsiveness in our schools and
the effluence of our polluted environment
would be much less aggravated if the Demo-
crats had faithfully put the House in order.
If the House were properly organized, such
reactionaries as Howard Smith of Virginia,
longtime chairman of the House Rules Com-
mittee and a Democrat in name only, could
not have arbitrarily throttled school aid,
housing programs and civil rights legisla-
tion in the Forties, Fifties and early Sixties.
If the House were properly organized, Repre-
sentative Wilbur Mills of Arkansas, chairman
of the powerful House Ways and Means Com-
mittee, would not have been able to pigeon-
hole Medicare for the elderly until 1965.
Congress would be a more respected body
today if it, rather than the Supreme Court,
had outlawed malapportioned Congressional
districts and segregated public school dis-
tricts. A majority of the Democratic Party in
the House has permitted its minority Tories
to misuse seniority in order to obstruct,
damage and deflate the party's national pro-
grams. The House must assume part of the
blame for ghetto fires and rioting, Birming-
ham bombings and the Little Rock school
Is the Congress, especially the House, to
continue as the least responsible organ of
Government, responding, if at all, often 10,
20 or 30 years after social problems arise? Is
the essential well-being of the nation de-
pendent on an occasional political landslide,
such as occurred in 1964 because of the Gold-
water Presidential candidacy? Will the na-
tion learn to improve itself by means of other
institutions and thereby push the Congress
to the outskirts of American society?
The naysaying 90th Congress of 1967-1968
Is a good illustration of how a legislative
body should not work. The House during
those years gave one of its worst perform-
ances. The Congressional trail was dotted
with the sump holes of legislative inepti-
tudes and misadventures. The House mangled
elementary-secondary school aid, Model
Cities, the promising Teacher Corps, rent-
supplement and other anti-poverty programs.
It amounted to a virtual war against Amer-
ica's poor.
The first mishap was the handling of that
flamboyant Harlem grandee, Adam Clayton
Powell. At the time, Powell was in deep
trouble of his own making. He had abused
his trust as chairman of the Education and
Labor Committee. It distressed the country.
It distressed many House members. But the
Speaker of the House, John W. McCormack
of Massachusetts, did not see it that way. He
felt that there was no problem. Just news-
paper talk, the Speaker said. Yet mail de-
manding Powell's head was being delivered
by the truckloads to House members from
irate constituents. A few of the senior bulls
shared McCormack's view. Disturb Powell,
they reasoned, and who knows which of us
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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ?Extensions of Remarks December 29, 1969
committee chairmen may Someday be dis-
todged from our seniority shelter?
So what happened? Powell was quite prop-
erly stripped of his chairmanship of the
Education and Labor Comnllttee by a ca :sous
of his Democratic colleagnes. This a, ;tion.
then snowballed into a sUccessful but un-
constitutional move to deprive Powell or the
teat to which his Harlem cemstituents had
elected him. Incompetent leadership was to
blame for not blocking the exclusion effort.
As a result, Harlem, festering with dire
poverty, was not represented in the Horne for
the two-year life of the 901h Congress,
The Powell affair was only the first in a
Series of bumblings. The Democratic Douse
leadership agreed to accept an appor:ion-
anent of seats among Republicans and Demo-
crats on the key Ways and Means and
Appropriations committees that doorra d at
the outset the liberal domestic legis salve
ii.rogram of the President. While srbail
ghettos blazed during the inidsumin :r of
967, the House gutted remedial legislation
or urban areas in mindless fashion. It re-
used even to discuss a bill to authos ize a
at-eradication program for cities?yet A few
lays later, it became known that a celer tract
ha,d been let to eradicate rats in the office
buildings occupied by House membe..e. A
bill to renew and extend the anti-poverty
program?a real hope for millions of Ameri-
bans, both black and white -was so jr corn-
Patently scheduled that it barely stir dived
debate on the House floor.
Finally, in late 1968, the 90th Cor gress
ended on perhaps the most outrageous note
of all. The core of parliamentary government
is the vote. When it is abuiled or besmirched,
our democracy is gravely wounded. Ve', last
fall, it appeared that House assistant larks
were registering as present many members
who were not present?indeed, one rale tuber
was in California at the time he Was re-
corded. This scandalous ghost voting caused
no great outcry among Hou -e member s, al-
though it was referred for inquiry ti the
House Committee on Standards of C. racial
Conduct. That eommittee has recomsr, sided
a preliminary course of action that car lead
to effective reform in this vital area.
Amid this bedlam, the conservative and
reactionary committee chairmen prosaered.
One was Mills, the chairman of Way. and
Means. Under the rules of the House leg-
islation involving tax reform. Social Sec urity,
Medicare, welfare programs and a vast array
of other domestic problems are referred to
this grand committee. Mills is a legisiscor of
considerable ability and strong conservatism.
At some time or other, he has voted against
Medicare, minimum wage, foreign aid, Vfodel
Cities, anti-poverty funds and civil sights.
He bottled up the surcharge until he iorced
the President into agreement on a calling
on domestic spending, a deceptive-son iding
objective that disguised Its true pu 'pose;
rather than curtailing or stretching out such
expenditures as postponable military con-
struction, civil public works and highway
construction, Mills assured slashes 1.-1 the
newer, innovative programs designed tc solve
the problems of our cities.
As chairman of the Committee on Com-
mittees, composed of the 15 Democrats on
Ways and Means, Mills also occupies a power-
ful Democratic Party position in the House.
Until this year, when a small halter was
placed on it, this committee had, Without
restraint, assigned all other Democrats to
seats on the other permanent committees of
the House. Southern Democrats?actually,
"Republicans with Southern accents"- have,
until recently, been a reArbrity on th s key
Committee on Committees. Over the years,
this custom has enabled Southerners?many
of whom are able men of great integrity, but
virtually all of whom are Stuck to the segre-
gationist flypaper?to rise to head the major
legislative committees and key subcommit-
tees within these full committees. Even this
year, nine of the 21 committees have South-
ern Democrats as chairmen and only one of
the nine chairmen is what I would call a
"national Democrat."
How in the devil did this regressive state
of affairs develop? And why has it been per-
mitted to continua? The story begins in
1910, when insurgent Republicans, joined by
Democrats, successfully rebelled against a
tyrannical and deeply conservative G.O.P.
Speaker, Joseph "Uncle Joe" Cannon of
Illinois. The bipartisan rebels forged a voting
majority to strip the Speakership of its
major powers, among them the unilateral
power to appoint a:.1 members, Democrats as
well as Republicans, to committees. Subse-
quently, House Democrats and Republicans
each devised separate machinery to name
their respective members to the committees.
It soon became the, firm practice to re-elect
returning members to the committees on
which they had served in the previous Con-
gress. The Democratic committee members
came to be listed in order of the length of
time they had served on a particular com-
mite the greatest service
airman, if his p was the majority
p ty in the House. In a sense, this
stom was accep table. After all, it takes
ime to learn to be a competent national
gislator. But seniority became the over-
ing factor in determining appointments
to mmittees?a custom no other state or
nati 1 assembly in the world follows.
Custo became Congressional "common
law."' Vi ting sen:tority became as unthink-
able as s iting for one's sister. Senior
Congressmen, ?f course, enjoy the seniority
system. Most o those far less senior toler-
ate it, in the ho.e_ they too, someday will
enjoy the trappingB9 of chairmanships. The
few who recognize. 1
in any attempt to cha
The present state of a
For a Democrat to become
need only live long enough
elected often enough on colleagtes. Eventually, he'll Ma
though he may have the morais o
cape or the mind of a rnoron?or bo
who among Democrats is most like
achieve the cherished g
answer is easy: He is a member from a o
party Congressional district, usually in th
rural South?, suspicious and racist.
His rise on the seniority ladder is aided by
the competitive nature of many Northern
districts, where Democrats fare less well.
Consequently, Southern Democrats generally
hostile to the moderately liberal cast of
their national party came to dominate the
House power Structure. It is as if we named
George Wallace to head the United States
Civil Rights Cornmission, a Democrat to
head the Republican National Committee or
someone who believes the world is flat to
head the Federal apace agency. (Along their
way to power, it should be noted, the South-
erners have the assistance of the "dough-
faces"?Northern men with political appe-
tites rather than-- victions?elected from
rotten districts in Ne Chica o
other large cities. Both types c the
House to feast on the spoils. They don't give
a damn about issues.)
Occasionally, an aspiring Southern Demo-
crat lets slip his masks in this farce. Both
Albert Watson of South Carolina and John
Bell Williams of Mississippi, for example
supported the Republican Presidential can-
didate, Barry Goldwater, in 1964. Their ac-
tons. were so blatant that a thin, majority of
House Democrats, :tn caucus, was able to strip
them of their accumulated seniority. Watson
then showed his true colors. He resigned his
seat in the House returned to South Carolina,
ran as a Republice,n for the seat he had just
vacated and was elected. He still sits as a Re-
publican in the :House. Williams, a much
more senior member of the House, would now
be the chairman of the House Committee on
evils are outgunned
s, then, is this:
chairman, he
nd get re-
totance his
it, al-
cal of -chaiman?
Interstate and Foreign Commerce had his
seniority on that committee not been taken
away. Deprived of this opportunity for great
national power, he those to seek the much
less important position of governor of Missis-
sippi. He succeeded., and now the people of
that sad state are the exclusive beneficiaries
of his reactionary tendencies. This year, Rep-
resentative John Rarick of Louisiana, who
had supported George Wallace, was likewise
stripped of his seniority ata Democratic cau-
cus?an action energetically fought by the
House Democratic leadership, including
Speaker McCormack.
But these are only dents in the iron sys-
tem of seniority, a system. with very real re-
wards. From his cockpit as committee chair-
man, a member may and does thumb his nose
at the President, the Speaker and a majority
of his own party. A chairman usually decides
which bills will be granted hearings. He con-
trols the timing of the hearings and the se-
lection of witnesses. By absenting himself
or refusing to call committee meetings, he
often can deny a bill passage through his
committee. It's that simple?and that
Among the most right-wing chairmen is
Mendel Rivers of Charleston, South Carolina,
a Scopes who whispered support for Hubert
Humphrey in the 1968 Presidential election
while winking at the supporters of George
Wallace. During a TV interview, he once said,
"I don't put myself on a parity with a Gov-
ernment employee. The people, in the Consti-
tution, put me above them." lie supported his
party's national program only 37 percent of
the time during 1965-1966, and hasn't
changed since. He chairs the Armed Services
Committee, which seldom gives searching
thought to the major military matters within
its jurisdiction but acts, instead, primarily as
a committee on military real estate, parceling
out military installations to districts of "de-
serving members." John South
Carolina heads the District of Coluniblernorra-
mittee, which has made our nationserbeaf bf
Government a national disgrace. William
Colmer of Mississippi heads the powerful
Rules Committee, through which most legis-
lation reported favorably by committees must
pass before reaching the House floor for final
action. And this is only a partial list.
The result has been a grand deception
of the American people. For 34 of the past
8 years, as I noted earlier, the Democrats
ave been the "majority party" in the House.
the present 91st Congress, for example,
th e are 243 "Democrats" and 192 "Repub-
s" in the House. However, at least 60 of
the 43 Democrats are opposed to the Demo-
crat National Party platform. These 60 are
Sout rners almost without exception. And
there e perhaps ten John Lindsay types
anions, the 192 Republicans. Therefore, the
true nation on major domestic remedial
legisla ion is not 243 Democrats to 192 Re-
publit. ns. In fact, 243 Democrats to 192
Rep leans. In fact, 193 members are gen-
er in favor of progress and 242 are usually
osed. Consequently, the Southerners
Ill maintain a balance of power in those
dozen or so hotly contested domestic legisla-
tive rows that erupt during each session of
Congress. Their pivotal position is being
eroded, but it still often thwarts the national,
as opposed to the regional, interest.
This ratio is reflected within the key com-
mittees as well. Usually, the gutting of bills
to aid the poor and mistreated takes place
beyond the glare of publicity, behind the
closed doors of the committee room. The
truncated bill then comes to the floor?where
it is very difficult to restore the lost features.
The condition of committee appointments
has two faces, actually. One aspect is pack-
ing a committee, so that humane legis-
lation does not get a fair chance to be con-
sidered. The second aspect is equally disas-
trous to fairness and justice. Certain House
committees, as in the Senate, have become
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December 23, /90PPnwed QcOgAIREE6094:3W/RECOMER-DRI
Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker,
I offer a privileged resolution (H. Res.
770) and ask for its immediate consid-
The Clerk read the resolution as fol-
11. RES. 770
Resolved, That Philip M. Crane, of Illi-
nois, be, and he is hereby, elected a mem-
ber of the standing committees of the House
on Banking and Currency and House Ad-
The resolution was agreed to.
A motion to reconsider was laid on
the table.
(Mr. GARMATZ asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. GARMATZ. Mr. Speaker, today I
have introduced n bill which is designed
to implement President Nixon's proposed
10-year prograni to revitalize the Amer-
ican merchant marine.
I want to emphasize that this legisla-
tion is cosponsored by 35 members of my
House Committee on Merchant Marine
and Fisheries, as well as myself. It is also
cosponsored by a number of Congress-
men who are not members of my com-
mittee but are concerned about the future
of the American merchant marine. This
includes the majority whip, the gentle-
man from Louisiana (Mr. Boccs) , and
the minority leader, the gentleman from
Michigan (Mr. OERALD R. FORD).
The fact that many Democrats and
Republicans have joined together to sup-
port this legislation is significant: It is
indicative?especially of my committee?
of the bipartisan, cooperative spirit with
which we are attempting to reverse the
alarming decline of our maritime indus-
I hope the same spirit of cooperation
will now be displayed by all segments of
the industry?including labor and man-
agement?so that this program can be
made to work. I think the industry re-
alizes that?as far as a maritime pro-
gram is concerned?it is "now, or never."
Everyone is going to have to hitch in
his belt a few notches, and be willing to
make a few sacrifices.
When President Nixon first presented
his proposal for a long-range maritime
program to our Committee, I said at the
time that it was a good program, and that
I would support it.
The President first presented that pro-
gram to Congress October 23, 1969. When
the implementing legislation did not soon
follow, I became naturally concerned
about the time lag. I, therefore, an-
nounced on December 11, that my com-
mittee would begin a series of com-
prehensive hearings in January 1970 on a
total maritime program. In that hearing
schedule, I included a number of sub-
jects which are not considered in the
President's program. Among these are
the Jones Act, passenger ships, induce-
ment for ship construction in the do-
mestic trades, an independent maritime
(111033364R000300120003-9 1112971
all of this is leading to the Americani-
zation of the negotiations in the Middle
East, and I warn you, Mr. Speaker, it
will lead to another Americanized con-
flict. As the political settlement of 1957
led to another war, so will this settlement
as proposed lead to a conflict of im-
mense proportions. There is only one
way to serve the interest of all and that
is to bring the parties to the conflict in
1967 and the conflicts before that to the
negotiating table. Israel ran its war?it
can run its diplomacy.
I spoke above of a calculation. That
calculation is simply this. By concessions
to the Soviet Union, it is expected that
we shall appease them, and perhaps
neutralize the Arabs in the Middle East.
I am not unaware of the extent to which
Russia has armed the Arab nations fol-
lowing their disastrous defeat in 1967.
I am net unaware cf their rising power
in the Middle East, but I submit to you,
Mr. Speaker. and to this House that the
interest of the Soviet Union in the Mid-
dle East trans:ends their present in-
volvement with the Arabs and even su-
persedes their hostility to the State of
The Soviets are working on a global
scheme. If they can subvert the Arab na-
tions and subdue and destroy Israel, they
will have reached the Indian Ocean and
the control of everything that touches
it. One arm of the pincers movement will
be secure. The other arm at this moment
is strengthening rather successfully, it
appears to me, through the Southeast of
Asia and the heart of South Vietnam.
If we pursue the policy in the Middle
East that seems to be developing, we will
have played into the hands of the Soviets.
Forget if you will, Mr. Speaker, the
strong sentiments of sympathy, of soli-
darity, of confidence and of faith that
many of us have for Israel. Forget its ca-
pacity to be born, its strength to live, its
strength to dream, its struggle to teach
its children the traditions, the aspira-
tions, and the realities of an ancient
faith. Forget if you will the thrust which
resulted in Israel's birth. Israel came
about after World War II largely because
an ancient people were nearly destroyed
in Europe. They were disappointed when
other people who might have helped
turned and looked the other way.
The Jews were lonely during those
years because of the faults of other men.
For Heaven's sake, do not make the Jews
of Israel lonely again. The very basis of
our policy should be to keep this one
democratic state in the Middle East
alive. If we cannot keep it alive out of
compassion and friendship, let us keep it
alive because of our own selfish self-in-
terest. No matter what we forget, let us
not forget that Israel is the bastion, on
a far away shore, of Western values,
Western culture, and free men. If this
Nation forgets that, it will have aban-
doned a primary of its own existence.
Therefore, Mr. Speaker, the policy as
INT understand it needs immediate re-
agency bill, nuclear potential, and so
forth. These matters are important and,
I think should be included in a compre-
hensive maritime program.
The schedule of hearings already an-
nounced were based on the assumption
that we would have in hand by the time
the hearings commenced the legislative
recommendations of the administration
to implement the President's long-range
maritime program. Accordingly, I do not
think it will be necessary to reprogram
our hearings to take account of the
administration's legislative recommen-
dations. I am confident that with the co-
operation of spokesmen for the Govern-
ment agencies, industry, and labor we
can complete the hearings in all the sub-
ject areas I have proposed within the
time frame I suggested.
I want to congratulate President Nixon;
Maurice H. Stans, Secretary of Com-
merce; and Andrew E. Gibson, Maritime
Administrator. They have kept their
word and presented America with a new
hope for its ailing maritime industry. I
hope Congress will give it the support it
(Mr. McKNEALLY asked and was
given permission to address the House
for 1 minute and to revise and extend
his remarks.)
Mr. McKNEALLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise
seriously to question a policy being pur-
sued by the State Department and the
administration. It is incredible that the
long, drawn out period leading to ne-
gotiations following the 6-day war in
1967 between the Arabs and the State
of Israel should be culminating in the
way they are. It is understood that the
Soviet Union and the other two parties
were informed by our country that Israel
should withdraw to the Egyptian border
of 1967. Now we are informed that Israel
is to withdraw to the Jordanian border
with minimal changes. It occurs to me
that this policy is based upon a calcula-
tion which works to the detriment of our
friends and will lead, if it has not already
done so, to a further unsettling of the
situation bedeviling the Middle East.
Israel won the 1967 war. It threw its
own soldiers into the fight. In a period
of 6 heroic days, they redeemed again
their right to exist as a nation. The issue
was simple enough?whether Israel was
to remain a sovereign state or was to be
obliterated. In 1948, within 11 hours
of the Declaration of Independence of
the State of Israel, the United States
recognized Israel's sovereignty. From
that day on, it has been understood by
all people that the policy of the United
States would be in pursuance of its
original show of friendship and support.
Over the years the American people of
all faiths and nationalities have visited
Israel and acclaimed the strength of its
spirit and its stability. Time after time
that spirit has been tested by the Arabs
and time after time that spirit has not vamping. Any policy concerning the
once been broken. It can, however, be Middle East must be based upon the cen-
broken by such behavior as we are wit- tral fact of upholding the State of Israel
nessing in the present attempts at nego- as the only bastion of freedom in that
tiations. area and the only light in a darkening
I might say to you, in addition, that world.
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H 1 2,2 Approved For Rellealc@IMMeilkAlikR38k199-gitoRiP3??12??43
_e_ember 23, 1969
talf PEACE IN mciatAEL
(Mr. XING asked and was given per-
mission to extend his remarks at this
point in the Rvcoao.)
Mr. KING. Mr. Speaker, I wish to as-
sociate myself with the remarks of the
gentleman from New York (Mr. Mc-
KNEALLY) . I, too, am greatly disturbed by
the attitude of the Secretary of State,
Mr. Rogers, in attempting to dictate
peace terms to the sovereign state of
Israel. The result of his latest press re-
leases has been to send a shiver of fear
down the backs of all Of us who have long
supported Israel. We must not yield to
Soviet influence. We must not become
intrapped by Soviet schemes. Russia is
not our friend; Israel is.
Earlier this session, I introduced House
Resolution 234, which calls upon arid
urges the President antong other things
to bring about direct negotiations be-
tween Israel and the Amb States. This
must be done. Israel won the war, it can
and must be allowed to negotiate its own
House Resolution 234 reads as follows:
H. RES. 2E4
Whereas an internal 11B4dle East conflict
Inherently endangers the peace and well- the legislation:
being of the world community of nations; Juinelneadeseac
Whereas an open door in the Middle East .! The National Musemn of History and
is vital to the protection et NATO's sciuthern Technology (NMHT) is the center of historic
flank and to the flow of world commerce; . research and education at the -Smithsonian..
Whereas by 'United Nations declaration k It is fitting, therefore, that theInstitutiores
Israel legally deserves the status and rights \ observance of the Nation's Bicentennial in
of a sovereign nation and. ..the territorial in- 4976 should be focused principally upon this
tegrity which such status entails; Museum.
Whereas many thousands lost their lives in 'Yet this Museum, which has far surpassed
the recent Middle East conflict; and e ations in its popularity and in de-
Whereas it is essential to avoid repeating mands up its resources, is already made-
the mistakes of 1956 which led to the resump- quate to accOlhinviate the increased num-
tion of hostilities in 1967: Now, therefore, be bers of visitors aneto display to best advan-
tags its historical resoUrees. Unless action is
Resolved, That it is the acme of the House taken immediately to fit Museum for its
of Representatives that permanent pace in role in- the Bicentennial, the Museum may
the Middle East can be achieved only if? prove unable to make the corktribution the
(1) the existence and sovereignty of Israel occasion demands,
p3 acknowledged by the Arab ne,tionS;
mcamsee vcarroas, LIMITED SPACE
(2) freedom of passage in the Suez Canal
nd the Gulf of Aquaba is guaranteed not The number of visitors to =IT is in-
Only to Israel but to all nations; creasing steadily, oven without the Bicen-
(3) final settlement of the boundaries of tennial. In 1967, for example, the number of
the State of Israel is made end such boun- visitors to NMHT WBB nearly six million. The
etaries are acknowledged by the Arab nations; year 1976 will bring much larger numbers to
(4) effective restrictions _axe imposed upon the Mall and to the Museum.
the flow of arms into the Middle East from Exhibit space in NMHT is already scarce.
other members of the worui community; The historical collections are growing and
(5) all nations address themselves to a special acquisitions of historical artifacts
roblem in the Middle East; and be it Blether P
nal and equitable solutien of the refugee will be a part of the Museum's Bicentennial
reparations. If the Museum is to fulfill its
Resolved, That the House of Repreeenta- education role, to make a coherent and com-
'Oyes, in order that lasting peace May be prehensive statement about the growth of
established in the Middle East, urges the the United States it must now construct ap-
President of the 'United States - propriate exhibit space.
(1) to use all diplomatic resources at his To accommodate new permanept exhibits
oommand, Including our membership in the and to handle an unprecedented influx of
-United Nations, to work for the accomplish- Bicentennial visitors, the Sraithdonian Insti-
rnent of the five aforementioned objeetives, tution proposes that two Bicentennial pa-
vilions be added to the Museum of History
(2) to oppose, as a precondition the and Technology.
discussion and negotiation of the aforemen- THE BICENTENNIAL PAVILIONS
toned five objectives, the relinquishment by The Bicentennial Pvilions will become the
Ierael of territories possessed at the time the focus of a great effoxf of research to interpret
eease-flre was effectuated, and
the first 200 years of the United States Lon
U(3) to oppose an imposed settlement either after 1976, they, will be the seen of porg-
pon Israel or the Arab States, and
tent educational presentations revealing the
(4) to use every available means to bring epecialissternational nature of America's his-
a out, through direct negotiations between toey..---
rael and the Arab States, the consuinma-
As proposed, the two Pavilions will, with
t on of permanent peace treaties,
the present museum, provide a three-part
complex in the National Museum of History
The s pavilion, A Nation From the ] Na-
(Mr. LOWENSTEIN asked and was tions," will present the people who have
given permission to address the House settled America: their contributions, their
for 1 Minute and to revise and extend his
wish to associate myself with the remarks
of the distinguished gentleman from New
York (Mr. MCKNEALLY) this morning.
(Mr. BOW asked and was given per-
mission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include ex-
traneous material.)
Mr. BOW. Mr. Speaker, the Board of
Regents of the Smithsonian Institution
voted sit its meeting on November 5, 1969,
to request that the Congressional
Regents introduce legislation toauthor-
ize the construction of pavilions as addi-
tions to the Nati mal Museum of History
and Technology for the Smithsonian
Institution, including the preparation of
plans an spell Mations and all other
work 1 dental thereto. ,
A?, member of the Board of Regents,
I cOnaplying with that request today.
'The Board of Regents has prepared the
/following statement of justificadtion for
trials, and their charactex. The tteme arquld
be the distinctive immigrant exp'erience of
each period of American history and of each
part of the country.
Topical exhibits would illuminate the rise
of American civilization, emphasizing the
contributions of all the different ethnic
groups: pOlitical Institutions and law in-
fluenced by other nations; technology, from
English factory organizations to Dutch dia-
mond cutting; thescientific, agricultural and
mathematical contributions of the Germans,
Danish, Swiss and Italians, and the many
contributions of various peoples to American
religion, art, architecture, education, science.
sports and other fields.
The present Museum will continue to show
the achievements of America: what the
American people have accomplished together,
from folk art to physics to human rights.
The second pavilion will provide the final
phase of the Musetim's Bicentennial presen-
tation: "A Nation to the Nations." Its goal:
to trace the influence of America on the
world: the shaping' power of our thought,
industry and politics upon the world.
A-final segment of this pavilion, entitled
"Toward World Community," will show how
Americans and their ideas of cooperation
have helped shape and cement a world com-
It should be noted that the Bicentennial
Pavilions promise not only an effort in bricks
and mortar, but a focal point for new and
important scholarly activity,
As Secretary Ripley has said:
"We have failed to give the true historical
picture, to describe the whole panorama of
our. cultures. Young people representing
Negroes, Indians, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese
and other subcultures are not given the evi-
dence that they are part of the stream of
history of the United States with a noble
past, a vital present, and an unlimited fu-
ture. If our Institution is to play a valid role
in the Bicentennial of the American Revolu-
tion in 1976, we should be prepared to correct
what is in effect a series of oversights in his-
tory, the history of our country and of the
multiplicity of our people."
To this end, the Pavilion project will call
upon many of the nationl greatest scholars
as consultants. The Smithsonian hopes that
such eminent social historians as Oscar
Handlin, Samuel Eliot Morison, John Hope
Franklin, Oscar Lewis, Richard Hofstadter,
and others, will contribute to the Eiscenten-
nial Pavilion effort.
The paucity of scholarship both in immi-
gration-history and in the history of Ameri-
can influence abroad gives us the opportunity
to promote a deeper and wider discovery and
understanding of our role in the world.
At a time when our nation is preoccupied
with its internal divisions, when we are
tempted to identify "minority" status with
poverty and inequality, the Pavilions will
channel our concern into a broad humanistic
pride. They will remind ali Americans that
our "minorities" are the symbol of our pecu-
liar strength and of our ties to all mankind.
Each pavilion will provide approximately
25,000 square feet of additional floor space.
Design, construction, site improvements and
completion of interior furnishings are esti-
mated to cost $6,000,000.
The text of the bill is as follows:
H.R. 15420
A bill to authorize the construction of pa-
vilions as additions to the National Mu-
seum of History and Technology for the
Smithsonian Institution, including the
preparation of plans and specifications and
all other work incidental thereto
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled That the
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
?receinber 23, 1 App ro v e d FociNEW AMMO 41.E061119P71-WPA4R000300120003-9
Regents of the Smithsonian Institution are
hereby authorized and directed to have pre-
pared drawings and specifications for and to
construct suitable pavilions as additions to
the National Museum of History and Tech-
nology Building at 14th Street and Constitu-
tion Avenue, NW, Wasbington, D.C. (with
requisite equipment) for the use of the
Smithsonian Institution, to be used for spe-
cial exhibits in support of the Bicentennial
of the American Revolution and thereafter
for the use of the Smithsonian Institution,
at a cost not to exceed $6,000,000.
Sac. 2. That the preparation of said draw-
ings and specifications, the design and erec-
tion of the building, and all work incidental
thereto may be placed under the supervision
of the Administrator of the General Services
Administration in the discretion of the Board
of Regents.
SEC. 3. That there are hereby authorized
to be appropriated to the Smithsonian In-
stitution such sums, not to exceed $6,000,000
:f.'s may be necessary to carry out the provi-
sions of this Act: Provided, That appropria-
tions for this purpose, except such part as
may be necessary for the incidental ex-
penses of the Regents of the Smithsonian
Institution in connection with this project,
may be transferred to the General Services
Administration for the performance of the
work: Provided further, when so specified
in the pertinent appropriation act, that
amounts appropriated under this authori-
zation are available without fiscal year limi-
(Mr. TEAGUE of California asked and
was given permission to address the
House for 1 minute and to revise and ex-
tend his remarks.)
Mr. TEAGUE of California. Mr.
Speaker, although the President in mak-
lug strenuous efforts to reduce expendi-
tures in all Government departments
and agencies, 11E. has shown his concern
for the medical care of our sick and dis-
abled veterans by recently authorizing
1,500 additional full-time employees for
the Veterans' Administration, Moreover,
83 percent of these employees were spe-
cifically earmarked for the hospital and
medical program.
Despite this action by the President,
and other significant developments, per-
tam news items that have appeared in
recent days in newspapers, and, which
have been highlighted in national.
news programs fail to present all orthe
facts regarding the Veterans' Adminis-
tration's medical care program for
I am concerned that the general pub-
lic, and, more importantly, our young
Vietnam veterans may come to the belief
that the Veterans' Administration is
neither capable nor much concerned
about providing proper hospital care for
these younger veterans. Such a conclu-
sion would be entirely erroneous. This
Congress, the Veterans' Administration
and the President of the United States
are equally determined to provide?and
are not providing?outstanding medical
dare which the Nation's veterans have
most assuredly earned and deserve.
I am Informed by high officials of the
Veterans' Administration that these are
the facts.
Some reports infer that "an ava-
lanche" of Vietnam veterans are seeking
Veterans' Administration hospital treat-
ment, but that Veterans' Administration
facilities cannot provide the necessary
beds. Nothing could be further from the
truth. These reports overstate the de-
mand, and underestimate the Veterans'
Administration's capacity for meeting
the demand that actually exists.
Vietnam veterans have full and equal
eligibility for Veterans' Administration
hospital care with Veterans of all other
wars. An accurate measure of the present
demand is demonstrated by the fact that
of some 86,000 patients in the Veterans'
Administration's 166 hospitals at this
very moment, fewer than 6,000 are Viet-
nam era veterans. In the past fiscal year,
of the more than 800,000 Veterans' Ad-
ministration patients treated, only 44,-
000?or -slightly more than 5 percent?
were Vietnam veterans who required hos-
Based on experience to date, the total
of Vietnam veterans requiring treatment
probably will reach about 60,000 in this
fiscal year, and the Veterans' Adminis-
tration has the capacity to meet the
gradually increasing hospitalization
needs of our younger veterans. Thanks in
large part to farsighted legislation initi-
ated by our House Committee on Veter-
ans' Affairs, plus constantly improving
treatment methods, the Veterans' Ad-
ministration is treating more than 150,-
000 additional patients than it could
accommodate a decade ago.
The Veterans' Administration appro-
priations bill recently signed by the Pres-
ident includes $1.5 billion for medical
care?the highest sum devoted to this
purpose in the history of the Veterans'
Administration. The amount is about
$68 million over last year's appropria-
tions, and more than $180 million in ex-
cess of amounts available in the 1968
fiscal year.
Although much has been said about
the inadequacy of Veterans' Administra-
tion hospital staffs, the staffing ratio
between medical employees and patients
is constantly improving. The ratio for
all types of Veterans' Administration hos-
pitals in this fiscal year is about 127 em-
ployees for each 100 patients. The ratio
was 121 to 100 last year; 117 to 100 the
year before, and only 104 to 100 in fiscal
year 1966.
It has been alleged that physicians are
leaving the Veterans' Administration pro-
gram in disproportionate numbers. This
Is not borne out by the latest statistics.
As of September 30, 1969, the Veterans'
Administration had 4,954 full-time phy-
sicians?including 799 hard-to-get Psy-
chiatrists. This is 190 more doctors than
VA had just 6 months earlier, including
26 more psychiatrists.
Many of the critics who mistakenly
claim that physicians are not attracted
to the Veterans' Administration medical
program, infer that this has occurred
principally because of a major reduction
in medical research and medical educa-
tion and training funds. The truth is
that the Veterans' Administration now
has a medical research budget of $57.6
million, which is 20 percent higher than
last year, and 26 percent higher than
the year before?and is currently funding
the medical education and training pro-
grams at an all-time high level of $87
million, a sum $11.4 million higher than
the year before.
It has been claimed that the Veterans'
Administration was loading its psychi-
atric patients with chemicals and, thus
was dooming young Vietnam veterans
to perpetual stays in mental hospitals.
The psychotropic drugs now used
throughout the medical world, have
nearly doubled the turnover of mental
patients in all mental hospitals. The Vet-
erans' Administration, through its co-
operative studies, has scientifically estab-
lished the proper use of these drugs. As
a result, the Veterans' Administration
monthly turnover of psychiatric patients
in the past fiscal year was 18.4 percent.
The turnover was 15.4 percent the year
before, and was 12.7 percent and 10.6
percent in the 2 years before that. In
fiscal year 1950?before the Veterans'
Administration's pioneering work with
these drugs?the turnover rate was only
5.3 percent.
I want to assure our Vietnam veterans
and the American people that the Na-
tion's veterans now have, and will con-
tinue to have the finest medical care
possible in our Veterans' Administration
hospitals. I also know that no one is more
determined that this should be so than
Presic.1>t Nixon and his administration.
(Mr. PUCINSKI asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. PUCINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I believe
that Secretary of State Rogers is play-
ing a very dangerous game in the policy
he has assumed in the Middle East, par-
ticularly the policy he has proposed for
the solution of the Arab-Israeli problem.
I believe the Secretary is totally un-
mindful of the fact that there is a whole
new problem in the Middle East since the
Soviet Union has come into the Middle
East and has moved in on that situation.
I believe the policy of parity in arms in
the Middle East which this country has
followed for many years is no longer
realistic when we consider that the Soviet
Union has given Egypt 960 jet fighters
and has given the Syrians 460 jet fighters
and has rearmed completely the Arab
armies and is now stirring up aggression
in the Middle East.
In my judgment it is folly for our State
Department to fail to see that, unless we
give Israel the kind of arms she needs to
defend herself and to have a balance of
power in the Middle East, we are actually
inviting a major disaster in that part of
the world.
I was astounded to hear the Secretary
now is suggesting an imposition of terms
on Israel which neither Israel nor the
Arab States have had anything to say
about. We remember well the result of
Yalta and we remember well the result
of the other international agreements
where the major powers have tried to
determine the destinies of small coun-
tries, and we know what happens.
I suggest Mr. Rogers seriously recon-
sider his policy and that Mr. Rogers
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111 12974
Approved For Rtemtritmi3RKi chfigkv Bowgeonooinxtmaber 23, I 9-0 ?
i deed move in the diredion of for ing
tie Arabs and the 'smelts to sit down
ad work this problem ror thernsel yes.
There are these whOlircay. the Lsia ells
are the aggressors I thhia. we. hav( to
derstanel what the sitinaion is e . *
nation of 2.5 ' million -"'"" . I-1 1 c is
nd heroically and valiantly gal'4"137
y trying. to
s em the tide of 100 million leaders
ave publicly stated th 0 will not rest
ntil" Israel is driven Mb the sea. So
rael cannot under ant circumstances
, ? rmit any kind Of buil op of streagth
nywhere Along her many borders. The
orrient she lets two or three pocket!, of
trength build up, she is through. So the
raelis have had to tale a calculated
sk because they are lit hting against
rea,t odds. 4
I think it is high time That we Atreri-
ans recognize the surinval of a free
rael is not a sentimental journey for
e Jewish people alonenut it is in the
ighest interest of the United Stats.
What happens in the Middle East may
ery well control and delermine the fu-
ure of this world. Ther&la an old saving
at he vehb controls Mika controls the
orld. The rich natural ftourees of that
rican Continent have ttways been the
eat ambition of the Soviet Union. little
srael alone stands todair in the way of
he complete domination by the Soviet
nion of the Middle East.
So I say, Mr. Speake, it is a-4MM
? hey Mr. Rogers is follbwing today. I
? elieve the United States ought to nub-
iely declare that the sirvival of Iarael
s in the highest interests of the Utated
tates and of all free nations, arid act
ccordingly. If Israel needs 200 Phantom
ets, give her 260 Phantnin jets to in am-
am n peace. The only Way we will ''iave
? eace in the Middle Eaff" is to let I ;reel
?e strong enotigh to da'end herself. If
e forget this nation 'Ye will see the
oviet Union dominathig the Maidle
ast, dominating Southeast Asia, and
? orninating Europe. There is no quealon
hat this is coming uttriss we at de-
isively. aL
That is why I say there is reaaen to
? elieve that the State department on
collision course in the Middle East. Two
?bjectivee are the nnotivition which may
ead to a point of no &turn: first the
desire to appease the Solffet Union in the
ope that by such appelisement the So-
let Union will reciproaite by attempt-
ing to gain concessions fht us from la anoi
and second, the desire -by the United
States to regain the lost amity once en-
joyed in her rela,tionsh with the arab
nations. Both attempts are pregnant with
danger for the United States. The le ;sons
of Yalta should have giught our ratate
Department that the apptasement' el the
Soviet Union can only Wing tragedy in its
wake. Because of its prelent involVement
with Conimunist China-tile Soviet Union
- may give the impressiorilhat she is will-
ing to abandon her Conimunist expan-
sionism in exchange fni friendly rela-
tions with the ITnitecrStates. This is
sheer hypocrisy. There fee better way for
the Soviet Union to ziemonstrate her
peaceful intentions: Bylillowing the peo-
ples of Eastern and antral Europe to
hold free elections. I Eat sure that the
United States would apPland such laction
and offer many concrete acts of friend-
ship once that is done. But not until such
time ought we to rely on Soviet promises.
The desire to regain friendly relations
with the Arab States is commendable.
The United States should attempt to
achieve friendly relations with all na-
tions. But at what cost? How is one to
measure friendly relations? And with
whom do we seek friendly relations?
with the people of the Arab States or
with their dictators? Are we attempt-
ing to appease Nasser.? If we are, then
I hold that the American people ought
to be appraised of that fact. In my opin-
ion, appeasement is a mistaken policy. A
man who sees war as the only solution
to the problems in the Middle East is not
my idea of a man in whom the American
people should have trust and confidence.
By contrast, how does the Prime Minis-
ter of Israel state her case?
Mrs. Golda Melt. declared:
We have decided, that as far as it lies
within our power. Emil to the extent that it
depends on us this is going to be the last war
that will be fought between the Arab States
and us. We don't ask them for a love declara-
tion but that they must acquiesce to our
existence in the area. They will be there for-
ever. We ask them to live with us in peace?
f or our part, in cooperation.
Any concessions made to Nasser will
not be interpreted by anyone as a vic-
tory for us. It will, in deed and in fact,
be a defeat for the United States and a
victory for the Soviet Union.
The prdblems of the Middle East can
be solved only when the principals them-
selves are made to sit down at the con-
ference table. I am sure the Israelis
would not object, no matter what the
shape of, the table may be. Instead of
pressuring the Israelis, as is now being
done, the United States would do well
to take a more positive stand on the side
of Israel, not on the side of 'the Soviet
The SPEAKER,. Under a previous or-
der of the House the gentleman from
New York (Mr. HALPERN) is recognized
for 5 minutes.
Mr. HALPERN. Mr. Speaker, I deplore
the fact that Congress has failed to take
final action on a broader veterans' edu-
cation benefit bit. this year. It is my fer-
vent hope that action on an increased
GI education bill, will be the first order
of business whe:a the Congress recon-
venes in January.
It is nly belief that the increases being
proposed are inadequate, because they
fall far short of today's realities. The
House passed a 30-percent hike, raising
benefits from $130 to $170 monthly.
However, the Senate passed the Yar-
borough-Cranston bill, similar to my
own proposal, providing for a 50-percent
boost to $190 monthly. The difference
must now be reconciled by a Senate-
House conference, which I hope will
swiftly be convened when Congress re-
Another major difference in the bills
passed by both houses, was that the
Senate passed an amendment sponsored
by Senator Camearon, which I sponsored
in the House, setting up a PREP pro-
gram, a remedial education incentive
effort to encourage more Vietnam GI's
to use their educational benefits. The
House failed to act on this amendment.
Indecision on this matter of GI bene-
fits vitally affects the Nation's future.
GI education costs should be considered
a part of the cost of waging war. I do not
hear anyone asking that we skimp in
the coat of weapons to help our men
defend themselves.
In June of 1944 this Nation under-
took a bold new commitment in the
area of veterans' benefits with the pas-
sage of the Servicemen's Readjustment
Act of 1944. Among other provisions, this
act, popularly known as the GI bill,
established a program to help returning
war veterans obtain an education.
The response to this program was im-
mediate and immense. More than half
of the 15 million veterans returning from
service in World War II took advantage
of it to further their education. Under
a similar program enacted for veterans
of the Korean war period, another 2.4
million ex-servicemen received educa-
tional assistance, and the number of
veterans who have participated in the
current program for those serving in the
post-Korean period has already passed
the million mark.
It is not possible, of course, to meas-
ure precisely the long-range effects of
these programs of educational assistance
for veterans, but we can, in general
terms, be confident that every dollar
spent for such purposes is a dollar wisely
Education is after all. as Abraham
Lincoln once said, "the most important
subject which we as a people can be
engaged in." We do, moreover, know that
on the average the more education an
individual receives, the higher his life-
time earnings will be. In a very real
sense, then, we may look forward to
repayment with interest of whatever we
spend on veterans' educational allow-
ances in the form of the taxes to be
paid on incomes which might otherwise
never be earned. For this reason, failure
to maintain these educational allow-
ances at a level which will encourage our
veterans to go back to school and enable
them to stay in school would be false
economy of the very worst kind.
(Mr. BROWN of California asked and
was given permission to extend his re-
marks at this point in the RECORD and to
include extraneous matter.)
Mr. BROWN of _California. Mr.
Speaker, the Middle East is a powder keg
fused with big power politics and lit with
deep emotional issues of sovereignty and
survival. How this problem?this crisis?
can be resolved has troubled me for some
time. Every person concerned with world
peace must think about the Middle East
and the possible strains, conflicts, and
destruction it can create throughout the
Until now, my position had been in the
formative stage. My first appraisal of the
conflict led me to the belief that the
United Nations must play a crucial role
along with the big powers to resolve the
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
?December 23, iMproved Focaspmpsnatia2fORECIAMIDP7IBMSI4R000300120003-9 H12975
problem. In this regard, I did not cospon-
sor the many resolutions which advoacted
direct talks between the hostile nations.
I still firmly believe that through the
efforts of the U.N. and major powers of
the world a true peace can be obtained. It
is through these bodies that I am looking
for economic aid, refugee assistance, and
a world leadership and guidance in ob-
taining a lasting peace. However, I have
reevaluated the situation and now be-
lieve and would like to be associated with
those who advocate that an immediate
end to the continuous undeclared war
can be found in direct talks between the
hostile nations.
The reasons for my new position are
multifold. I have watched the United
Nations debate the merits of the 1967
war while one nation became the victor.
This demonstrated to me the importance
of a preventive role of the U.N. and the
likelihood of its direct intervention in
another all-out war.
The problems in Vietnam and the in-
effectiveness of the present negotiations
in Paris provide a good lesson. If we are
to avoid another Vietnam, and more de-
pendent relationships, we must permit
hostile nations to independently negoti-
ate their own peace?if they are to con-
trol and operate their own governments.
I am greatly distressed by the recent
pro-Arab foreign policy statement by our
Secretary of State. If the United States
is to become a viable agent in the search
for peace in the Middle East, we must
demonstrate no bias in our views and
vested interests. This was not shown by,
the Secretary's recent declaration. The
huge arsenal buildup by the Soviet Un-
ion in the Arab world coupled with the
neglect by the United States, Britain,
and France in the survival of the only
democratic nation in the Middle East
produces great concern for the real pros-
pects of an immediate peace and the
role of the United States in the search for
that peace.
The answer to Middle East crisis must
be found not in military terms, but in
solutions which emphasize peaceful co-
existence, recognition of the Sovereign-
ties of the area, and their right to peace-
ful existence, recognition of refugee prob-
lems and their right to live, and recogni-
tion of nonmilitary expressions of hos-
(Mr. BROWN of California asked and
was given permission to extend his re-
marks at this point in the RECORD and
to include extraneous matter.)
Mr. BROWN of California. Mr.
Speaker, Alcatraz Island long stands out
as a poignant symbol of our civilization.
For years it was "the Rock," an im-
pregnable prison fortress?its image one
of solitude, repression. Today, though,
Alcatraz begins to assume a new, more
positive, role. To American Indian people
a saga now taking place on Alcatraz is a
milestone. It represents a real break-
out to them, an escape by the Indian
people from a series of private and public
binds imposed by our society.
Since early November?and in the face
of persistent official harassment?Indian
people have "occupied" Alcatraz Island,
not as a conquest, but instead as a means
of pointing out the tragic place of the
Indian people in this society. The occu-
pation of Alcatraz by the Indians has
been a harmless, yet effective, method
of bringing to the attention of the
American people the fact that we have
neglected the cultural needs of today's
To date, government Indian policies
have been patronizing, treating them like
children, and further alienating the In-
dian people and destroying their rich
culture. One has only to read recent
books by young Indians such as Vine
Deloria and Scott Momday, and by the
Indians who wrote the moving study
"Our Brothers' Keeper" under auspices
of the Citizen's Advocacy Center, to un-
derstand the impact of the Government's
futile attempts to assimilate Indian peo-
ple into the "mainstream of American
Assimilation, termination, the entire
list of Indian policies have failed misera-
bly. There are more Indians in America
today than ever before, we are spending
more than ever on various Indian pro-
grams; yet, the Indian people consistenly
rank as the poorest, most illiterate, short-
lived and distant members of our society.
Therefore, Alcatraz is critically impor-
tant: It is a move by the Indian people
themselves. Unfortunately?and tragic-
ally?the Government has failed them.
Now, Indians have decided to peacefully
take destiny into their own hands.
I view the Alcatraz experience as no
"renegade" act. The island is barren,
crumbling, isolated, seemingly unwanted
by the Government which owns the prop-
erty. While various proposals for the is-
land have been made since the prison
was abandoned, virtually all have been
rejected as unfeasible for one reason or
I assume that had not the Indians
moved onto the island, it would have gone
unused, unnoticed for years. Over that
period, it would be a continual cost for
the Government; but, while it may be a
debit for Government, for the Indian
people it poses many immediate benefits.
On Alcatraz the Indians are doing
something positive. They have created
a living community on the island. And
their future plans are both feasible and
viable. Instead of a casino or a gold rush
days exposition, two possible alternative
suggestions bantered about at one time
or another for Alcatraz, the Indian peo-
ple envision using the facilities on the
island to set up a cultural center and
educational complex.
Along with a surprisingly large num-
ber of my colleagues, I support the In-
dian people in their plans and their
vision. Three weeks ago I met with some
of the Indians from Alcatraz?the group
is known as the Alcatraz relief fund?
at the American Indian Center in San
Francisco, and I indicated that I would
do all I could to help the Indian people
in their efforts to gain title to the island.
Last week, a meeting was held in my
Washington office. The relief fund was
represented by Mr. Browning Pipestem
of the Arnold & Porter law firm, the
fund's Washington counsel. Mr. Pipe-
stem had just returned from San Fran-
cisco, and we discussed the current situ-
ation on Alcatraz.
As a result of that meeting, Represent-
ative OGDEN REID and I decided to in-
troduce legislation to assist the Indian
people in their plans to obtain title to
Alcatraz. The language contained in the
joint resolution we are introducing today
was approved at a meeting this past
weekend by the Indians on the island.
Now, Representative REID and I have
been joined by nine of our colleagues to
sponsor a House joint resolution.
This resolution directs the President to
initiate immediate negotiations with
delegated representatives of the Alcatraz
relief fund and any other appropriate
representatives of the American Indian
community with the objective of trans-
ferring unencumbered title in fee of
Alcatraz Island to the relief fund or any
other designated organization of the
American Indian community.
Joining with Mr. REID and I in this
measure are: JONATHAN B. BINGHAM,
and Louis STOKES. In addition, Repre-
sentative Tom REES expressed his wish
to be associated with this resolution.
This resolution is but a first step. Next
session I plan to sponsor a broad legis-
lative proposal aiming to establish Gov-
ernment-funded, but Indian-run, cul-
tural centers and educational systems
geared to the needs and objectives of the
Indian people.
For too long, the relationship between
our Government and the Indian people
has been distressingly dismal. Alcatraz
can be a significant turning point in that
relationship, and I pray that President
Nixon will begin these important nego-
tiations as soon as possible.
(Mr. BROWN of California asked and
was given permission to extend his re-
marks at this point in the RECORD and to
include extraneous matter.)
[Mr. BROWN of California's remarks
will appear hereafter in the Extensions
of Remarks.]
(Mr. BROWN of California asked and
was given permission to extend his re-
marks at this point in the RECORD and to
include extraneous matter.)
[Mr. BROWN of California's remarks
will appear hereafter in the Extensions
of Remarks.]
(Mr. BROWN of California asked and
was given permission to extend his re-
marks at this point in the RECORD and to
include extraneous matter.)
[Mr. BROWN of California's remarks
will appear hereafter in the Extensions
of Remarks.]
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H 12976 Approved For RelegoNZAWAgfar.RARKTIR1i3g13W9R30012000A-9_
Liecember 23, 19619'
(Mr. HECHLER of West Virginia
asked and was given permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. HECHLER of West Virginia. Mr.
Speaker, on December 9, 1969, members
of the United Mine Workers of America
voted for their international officers. In
an unprecedented move, the challenger
for UMWA president, Joseph A. Yablon-
ski, had posted about 2,000 volunteer
election observers at many of the polls
throughout the country. Thus, he was
able to document many new violations of
the UMWA constitutio and the Labor-
and Disclosure
A requirements,
ked the union's in-
December 18, 1969,
the UMWA inierna-
the union's three top
le, George J. Titler,
challenging the De-
d setting out In de-
his challenge. All of
binitted to the De-
e of it he",(1 al-
ItEcorta---July 15,
H5955; July 29, H6509 and December 3,
H11682. The rest of theNiformation, in-
cluding election day violations, I am in-
cluding in today's RECORD.t.14.111?1441-.Y.--.?--sh
of Labor has authority under sect c u601
of LMRDA to make an investigation in
connection with the December 9 ele.tion.
As the following documented informa-
tion reveals, the Secretary of Labor
should investigate these matters.
I am cognizant that there are those
who would prefer to forgive and forget
any election, once it is over. I subrni that
law and order should not be suspended,
either during or after an election cam-
paign. We have an obligation to insure
that the law of the land is fully enforced.
There follow the documents to wl- ich I
have referred:
Management Repor
Act. Pursuant to
Mr. Yablonski in
ternal remedies
when he wrote t
tional tellers an
officers, W. A. B
and John Owens,
cember 9 election
tail the grounds fo
this material was s
partment of Labor.
ready appeared in th
Board the mattees covered by the enclosed
letter to the International Tellers and ap-
Fraternally yours,
DecEssexa 18, 1969.
International TeLers WILLIAM CALPIN, CLYDE
,.W. RUNIONS, and Elowtuan A. LAZUR,
United Min? Workers of America,
Washington, D.C.
GENTLEMEN: For the following reasons I
hereby challenge the December 9, 1969 elec-
tion for International Officers:
I. All of the conduct, unlawful under the
UMWA Constitution and the Labor-Manage-
ment Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959
forth in Mr. Joseph L. Rauh,
- Jr.'s July 9, 1.0* :.etter to Secretary of Labor
George P. Shultz, attached hereto as Ap-
pendix A.
2. All of the conduct, unlawful under the
UMWA Constitutien and LMRDA, set forth in
Mr. Rauh's July 18, 1969 letter to Secretary
Shultz, attached hereto as Appendix B.
3. All of the conduct, unlawful under the
UMWA Constitution and LMRDA, set forth
in Mr. Rauh's July 25, 1969 letter to Secre-
tary Shultz, attached hereto as Appendix C.
4. All of the conduct, unlawful under the
UMWA Constitution and LMRDA, set forth
in Mr. Rauh's July 30, 1969 letter to Secre-
tary Shultz, attached hereto as Appendix D.
5. All of the co:aduct, unlawful under the
UMWA Constitution and LMRDA, set forth
in Mr. Rauh's August 13, 1969 letter to sec-
retary Shultz, attached hereto as Appendix E.
Et All of the conduct, unlawful under the
UMWA Constitution and LMRDA, set forth
in Mr. Rauh's December 1, 1969 letter to
secretary ereto as Appen-
dix F.
DECEMBER 18, 1169.
Messrs. W. A. BOYLE, president; GEOF.GE J.
Timm, vice president; and JOHN Owzias,
United Mine Workers of Ante ica,
Washington, D.C.
Section 402 of the Labor-Management Re-
porting and Disclosure Act of 1959 requires
that I Invoke the remedies available ander
the UMWA constitution prior to fling a
complaint with the Secretary of Lator to
Invalidate the election of December 9.
The UMWA Constitution is not clear on
what remedies are open. to me inside the
Union. I submit this letter and the er,:losed
letter to the International Tellers and ap-
pendices thereto and request that they be
treated as my effort to exhaust any ad all
available remedies within the UMWA to in-
validate the December 9 election as vio_ative
of the UMWA Constitution and LMRDA, all
as described in massive detail in the en( losed
letter and appendices.
I desire to present this matter to the In-
ternational Executive Board at its next meet-
ing. Secretary Owens has informed me that
the Board would be called to consider my
letter concerning your financial peculations.
Either at that meeting or at one specially
called to consider your eleotion violations. I
will present to the International Executive
7. All of the conduct, unlawful un he
UMWA constituton and. LMRDA and
breach of Secretary-Treasurer Owens' Letter
of Instructions sent to UMWA local unions
pursuant to representations made on behalf
of 1.71VIWA to Judge George Hart in Civil Ac-
tion No. 3061-69, set forth in the affidavit of
Joseph A. ("Chip") Yablonski, who coordi-
nated my campaign effort in the field, at-
tached hereto as Appendix G.
8. All of the conduct, unlawful under the
UMWA Constitution and LMRDA, set forth
In the affidavit of Clarice R. Feldman, at-
tached hereto as Appendix H.
There is no need to repeat here what is set
forth in those eiget appendices. What they
Show, in a word, is that Tony Boyle stole the
election through massive violations of the
UMWA Constitution and. LMRDA unprece-
dented in the history of the American trade
union movement. his campaign can best be
described as a great treasury raid in which
he converted the dues of hones-t mine work-
ers and elderly pensioners to his personal
campaign and used the personnel of the
UMWA as though they were his private
These eight appendices demonstrate that
the election must be set aside because of the
maealve violations up to election day, includ-
ing already judicially-adjudicated violations
of Title IV of LMRDA; that it_must be set
aside because of the massive violations on
election day; and that it must be set aside
because of the massive violations of the
UMWA Constitution in counting the votes
cast in unconstitutional bogey locals. The
election must be sat aside for each of these
reasons separately. Taken together they make
an overwhelming case binding on the mind
and conscience of all honest men.
Tellers, stand up before It's too late. I, too,
once submitted to the discipline of Tony
Boyle. But I shall die an honest man because
I finally rejected that discipline. I realized
at long last that there are values so great in
this world that the time had come to stand
up and be counted for decency in our union
and a better life for the miners we repre-
sent. Your conscience will have to be your
Fraternally yours,
Washington, D.C., July 18, 1969.
Secretary of Labor,
Department of Labor,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR MR. SECRETARY: On July 9, 1969,
Joseph A. Yablonski, candidate for President
of the United Mine Workers of America, and
H. Elmer Brown, candidate for Vice President
thereof, requested an immediate and con-
tinuing investigation of the illegal activ-
ities of the incumbent UMWA officers
who are seeking to prevent the nomination
of Mr. Yablonski and Mr. Brown for those
offices. I am writing on behalf of Mr. Yablon-
ski and Mr. Brown once again to Bet forth
additional pieces of information supporting
our earlier request for an investigation. It
can truthfully be said that there has never
been the equal in massive violations of fed-
eral law to what the officers of the UMWA
are now doing.
Initially, it should be pointed out that a
copy of the July 9th letter was served the
same day upon W. A. ("Tony") Boyle, Pres-
ident, George J. Titter, Vice President, and
John Owens, Secretary-Treasurer, with a re-
quest that the Union or its governing Board
or officers bring suit to remedy the breaches
of trust by the incumbent UMWA officers and
those working with them as enumerated in
the July 9th letter to you. That request was,
In effect, rejected in a letter from Mr. Edward
Carey, General Counsel of the UMWA, dated
July 14, 1969, a copy of which was sent to
you. But the significant thing about Mr.
Carey's letter was not his rejection of our
request; rather it was his calculated failure
deny practically every assertion in our let-
to you, a denial which would have carried
th enalties of 18 U.S.C. 1001.
I identally, in the two instances where
Mr. rey did make statements of fact, they
are thout foundation. The suggestion in
Mr. C y's letter that Mr. Yablonski was
somehcv involved in the change of the
UMWA onstitution in 1964 to require 50
nomina ons from local unions rather than
5 has no upport in any record of the UMWA
and is Ijicorrect. The statement of fact?
Mr. Caret's denial that "an attorney for the
UIVIWA cliberately sought to sabotage the
mailing" falls in the face of the actual facts.
After JlJdge Corcoran issued his prelimi-
nary in. nction on June 20, 1969, directing
the U A to send out Mr. Yablonski's cam-
paign terature, lawyers for the UMWA and
Mr. lablonski worked out an arrangement
und,er which a non-profit bulk mailing per-
nn.itt was obtained by the UMWA from the
Silver Spring, Maryland, Post Office (Permit
No. 542). It was understood that this per-
mit was acquired f Or the purpose of distrib-
uting Mr. Yablonski's campaign literature
pursuant to Judge Corcoran's Order. While
Mr. Yablonski's literature, under the label
"Miners for Yablonski," was on the printing
press and after the postal authorities had
approved use of said permit by Mr. Yablon-
ski, Mr. Willard Owens, a lawyer for the
UMWA and son of Secretary-Treasurer John
Owens, called Mr. Harold E. McKnight, the
relevant official of the Post Office Depart-
ment, and informed him that an organiza-
tion of private individuals, i.e., "Miners for
Yablonski," was attempting to use the
UMWA non-profit bulk mailing permit. Mr.
Owens further told Mr. McKnight that
"Miners for Yablonski" was not the same
entity as UMWA and that therefore he
thought they should not be allowed to use
the UMWA bulk mailing permit. He did not
mention the fact that the EIVIWA were under
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H 13098
Approved For Rigertgalin :16AVIR37-114905194e0003001MgrAer 23, 1969
President's plan for ending the Vietnam
war and a resolution which I also co-
sponsored concerning the humane treat-
ment of American prisoners of war in
North Vietnam. Both passed the House
by large margins.
I was equally pleased by the work of
the Veterans' Foreign Affairs Committee
on which I am now the third ranking
Republican. Legislation increasing the
monthly education allowances for GI's
was reported out and approved by the
House. The Senate has passed a similar
but not identical bill, and both Houses
are now meeting in conference to iron
out the differences. Other veterans legis-
lation which was favorably acted on
includes the elimination of the require-
ment for filing an annual income ques-
tionnaire, a raise in dependency and
indemnity compensation, and liberaliza-
tion of mailing privileges for servicemen.
The committee has also begun action to
prevent veteran's pensions from termi-
nating as a result of the recent increase
in social security benefits.
H.R. 13374, funding of Federal Water
Pollution Control Act;
H.R. 13463, creation of mass transit
trust fund;
H.R. 13776, establishment of orderly
procedures to consider renewal of broad-
cast license's;
H.R. 13875, broaden active duty al-
lowed for GI education benefits;
H.R. 13983, revenue sharing with the
H.R. 14130, increase in home loan fi-
nancing for veterans;
H.R. 14214, railroad passenger service
House Resolution 614, "peace with jus-
tic,e in Vietnam" resolution;
House Concurrent Resolution 441,
prisoner of war declaration;
H.R. 14893, giving Secretary of State
authority to impose restrictions of travel
to countries when such travel under-
cuts American foreign policy; and
House Resolution 758, establishment
of congressional Committee on Improv-
ing the Quality of Our Environment.
Following is a list of some of the bills
I have introduced which I feel are vitally
important to our country and to the
Fourth District:
House Joint Resolution 304, FCC study
of violence on TV;
House Joint Resolution 305, constitu-
tional amendment allowing prayer In
public schools;
House Joint Resolution 357, constitu-
tional amendment for electorar reform;
H.R. 3045, definition of ;dad supple-
ments for the Federal Facia, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act; -
H.R. 3855, establishment of a Com-
mission to Improve dovernment Man-
HR. 4782, exempt ammunition from
Federal regulation;
H.R. 4783, limit questions in census
H.R. 4784, increase outside earnings
without deductions from social security
H.R. 5168, pieventive detention of
H.R. 5171 and 11.R. 14202, prohibit
mailing of obscene Material;
H.R. 7427, cost-of-living increases in
social security payments; -
H.R. 7428, cost-of-living increases for
railroad retirement;
H.R. 8769, permit joint operation of
newspapers for economy reasons;
House Concurrent Resolution 169, Bi-
af ran relief;
H.R. 9156, deduction of increased liv-
ing expenses from taxes due to the de-
struction of ones home;
H.R. 9355, Supreme Sacrifice Medal
for wives and parents of servicemen
killed in Vietnam;
H.R. 11118, liberalize eligibility of blind
persons for social security benefits;
H.R. 12744, authorization of Eisen-
hower silver dollar;
HR. 12425; addition of kidney disease
to Public Health Act;
House Resolution 301, creation of Na-
tional Gerontology Center to study ways
to help the aged;
H.R. 13053, benefits for firemen and
policemen killed in line of duty;
would fall short of an actual, peace treaty.
The notion is spreading that olir government
is willing to use its great influence on Israel
to accept a withdrawal arrangement similar
to the 1957 roll back. You are aware, sir,
of how the 1957 withdrawal from the .Sinal
Peninsula contained international assurances
that were so lacking in substance that we
are now faced with the present tragedy which
is daily taking a toll of Israeli lives.
I am certain you recall your erudite and
well-received address of September 8, 1968,
before the B'nal B'rith convention in Wash-
ington, D.C. You asserted that "it is not
realistic to expect Israel to surrender vital
bargaining counters in the absence of a
genuine peace and effective guarantees."
Have you now changed your mind?
You stated in that same speech that "we
support Israel because it is threatened by
Soviet imperialism". Yet Secretary Rogers
failed to remark on that fact in his recent
remarks. Nor did he find a single word in his
lengthy address to denounce the growing
menace of Soviet support of Arab guerrillas
and terrorists and the deadly pipeline of
Russian munitions supplying the unrelent-
ing Arab war against Israel.
In your own speech, sir, you stated that
"we must impress upon the Soviets the full
extent of our determination". But Secretary
Rogers gives the impression that we might be
vulnerable to appeasement at Israel's ex-
pense. He said nothing about the vitriolic
anti-Israel and anti-Jewish policies of the
Soviet Union. Are you still mindful, Mr.
President, of this sinister aspect of the
Kremlin's policies?
You told the B'nai B'rith that "we can
hardly ignore the fact that during the past
five years of active Soviet penetration, the
United States Government has at times
seemed to hide its head in the sands of the
Middle East. The (previous) Administration
has failed to come to diplomatic grips with
the scope and seriousness of the Soviet
threat". Sir, is your own Administration
similarly failing?
Mr. President, you told the B'nal B'rith
in 1968 that "as long as the threat of Arab
attack remains direct and imminent . .
the (power) balance must be tipped in
Israel's favor". You pointed out that "if
maintaining that margin of superiority
should require that the United States should
supply Israel with supersonic Phanton F-4
jets, we should supply those jets so that they
can maintain that superiority".
Secretary Rogers did not even state that
we were still concerned about a balance to
deter aggression. Are you still in favor of
maintaining an Israeli margin? When may
we expect a reply to the promise you made
to Israeli Premier Golda Meir when she
visited the White House last September?
Mrs. Meir got the very definite impression, it
would seem, that you were following the
Soviet military build-up of the Arabs and
were considering authorizing the sale of ad-
ditional jets, in addition to financial ar-
rangements to enable Israel to cope with
the developing military situation. As an
original sponsor of the Congressional resolu-
tions favoring the provision of Phantom jets
to Israel, I would naturally like to know
what is happening involving the supply of
such aircraft beyond the number originally
sold. I also am extremely eager to know
whether we will agree to financial arrange-
ments that would permit Israel to deter the
mounting Soviet-backed and Soviet-armed
vendetta of the radical Arab states against
Secretary Rogers has created more ques-
tions than he answered. I feel that the crisis
(yr. PODELL asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
'minute, to revise and extend his remarks
and include extraneous material.)
Mr. PODELL. Mr. Speaker, I am
deeply concerned about the security of
Israel in the conflict that now rages in
the Middle East. The erosion of Israel-
American relations threatens that secu-
rity still further.
Many of the points in the December 9
speech delivered by Secretary of State
William P. Rogers contradict some of
the earlier administration's declarations
concerning Israel. On December 19, I
wrote to President Nixon asking him to
clarify the U.S. position on this matter.
I think it important that the contents
of this letter be repeated.
DECEMBER 19, 1969.
The White House,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: I have carefully ex-
amined Secretary of State William P. ROgeIS
address of December 9, 1969, stating the Ad-
ministration's policy objectives in the Middle
East. Secretary Rogers enunciated a stand
that appears to differ in important aspects
from your own thinking on the issues of
peace and security in that region.
It would appear to me, Mr. President,
that the Congress has a right to know
whether to regard Secretary Rogers' expres-
sions or your own words as the official guide-
line to our Middle East policy. You have
often stated that it is important for our
enemies not to miscalculate on our inten-
tions. A situation now exists, however, that
finds Members of our own Congress confused
BS to whether the Administration is still
backing Israel's insistence oil a real peace
as the essential precondition for any rolling
back of Israeli forces from the present firing
I would be appreciative, Mr. President, if
you would clarify the actual position of the
'United States Government on the question
of Israeli withdrawal from occupied tem- in the Middle East requires that we say what
tory. Secretary Rogers has opened a Pandora's we mean-and that we mean what we say.
box of confusion by giving the Communist Since I, as a Member of the Congress, do not
bloc and the Arabs the impression that the know what is going on with reference to our
United States might press Israel to withdraw Middle East policy, there is a considerable
In exchange for some flimsy accord that likelihood that the Russians and their Arab
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Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
tin have been reasonable and should
o ce again result in a budgetary surplus.
T e past fiscal year was the first time in
10 years that a national administration
cli sed its fiscal books in black ink In-
st ad of red ink.'
wo main areas that I felt required
r actions in spending were the space
pr ram and foreign aid. The annual
a horization for NASA this year was
$3 9 billion which is less than previous
Ye rs and represents a recognition that
w need to solve many of our problems
on earth such as air and water pollution
w le we carry on our space exploration.
ving attended the launch of Apollo 11
ani having spoken with the astronauts,
I ally realize the importance of the
sp e program, but feel .that we must
be patient and only allocate what we
can afford to the program.
'though the Nixon administration has
eff ted improvements in the foreign aid
program, there is still too Much evidence
of wasted taxpayer's dollaas. Thus, I
votd against both the foreign aid au-
th rization bill and the foreign aid ap-
prcpriatlon bill. I offered amendments
boti in the Foreign Affairs Committee
and on the floor of the House which re-
dulled the requested authorization sub-
sta tially
Further attempts to curb expenses in-
clu ed my vote against the addition of
anqther staff member for congressional
aft es at the taxpayer's eiwnse, oppoi-
tIo4 to the construction of a new wing
to he Capitol Building, and support for
the provision in the Agricultural Appro-
pri tons Act limiting Fedef al subsidy
Pay ents to farmers to a ceiling of
$20 000 per year.
I strongly favored the draft reforni
legi414tion initiated by the Nixon ad-
mi ration as it should cure many of
the inequities in the present system. It
will minimize the disruption in the in-
divi ual lives of our young people 1:n!
red icing the period of prime vulner-
bilitW to the draft from up to 7 years to
12 Months. Moreover, selection of those
clasSifled as available on a complet4y
ran;om basis will give all an equal
cha ce.
Daring the last Presidential election it
becarne apparent that a situation was
dev loping whereby the contest could
have been thrown into the House Of
Representatives. Fortunately, this did not
happen, but it was evident that reforni
was in order. While I favored the distriet
plan and introduced a bill proposing
such, I voted for the direct election plan
on final passage in order that the Nation
would not have to face the possibility f
anot er Presidential election under the
Pres t system. The Senate still has to
act oi the constitutional amendment and
it must be ratified by three-fourths Of
the States.
As crime continued to rise across
America, the democratically controlled
Congress continued to delay considers-
tion of anticrirne bills, some of which
Presi ent Nixon asked for as long ago as
Jan ry 31. The President proposed a
wide-ranging attack on criminal activity
at all levels, including a stepped-up drive
against organized crime, illicit drug
traffic, and illegal gambling; legislative
changes in witness immunity laws, bail
reform laws, and grand jury procedures;
and Federal aid to State and local en-
forcement agencies. The only proposal
acted on by the Congress was an amend-
ment to the Bail Bond Act, which I co-
sponsored, to permit "preventive deten-
tion" until a trial is held of defendants
likely to commit fusther crimes. Among
the few ariticrime bills to come before the
House, all of which 7. supported, were the
following: establishment of a Select
Committee to Study Crime; the Correc-
tional Rehabilitation Act; and the Drug
Abuse Education Art which authorizes
educational programs concerning the
adverse effects from the use of drugs.
The House was especially acti ? this
area, as we all realize the ent need
to improve the quality of r environ-
ment. The House passed t Water Pols
ludon Control Act which mended and
strengthened water polluti control lag-
islation and proposed an thorization
of $348 million for a 3-year od. Fur-
thermore, the Public Works A opria-
tions bill called for $600 million for ter
pollution control grants to the Sta .
This is considerably more than h
been appropriated in the past. I also sup-
ported the Clean Ali Act which author-
ized funds for research into air pollution
problems involving fuels and metor vehi-
cles, the major contributors to air pol-
lution. In addition, legislation was passed
to establish a Council on Environmental
Quality. Permanent machinery to study
and recommend solu ;ions for this Press-
ing problem has long been needed.
Several constructive developments oc-
curred here. I suppoited the Republican
proposal for a 2-year extension of the
Elementary and Seeondary Education
Act approved by the House instead of
a 4-year extension. A shorter author-
ization is needed a; Congress should
change the fund distribution formula
after the 1970 census results and the
program should not be frozen beyond
the current 4-year presidential term.
This bill aso pombined four Federal grant
programs into a single block grant to
the States which is much more efficient
and allows better planning by the States
and local communities. Since I strongly
support vocational education programs
as they make productive citizens out of
many who would otherwise be on our
welfare roles, I voted for an amendment
to the HEW appropriations bill which
raised the total for :EIEW programs to
$17,500,000 as the increase was primarily
in the area of vocational education. The
House also passed the student loan
emergency bill which increased the
Federal subsidy on stfident loans by 3
percent. This was imperative as college
tuition in Indiana went up markedly this
year and at the same time interest rates
on loans increased. Finally, I favored a
House-adopted amendment to a supple-
mental appropriations bill which denies
Federal interest subsidies on college con-
struction loans to colleges which fail to
certify that they are complying with a
law directing colleges to Cut off Federal
aid to students or employees convicted of
crime of force against the college or who
engage in disruptive activities detrimen-
tal to the college. I voted for this amend-
ment as I felt the Congress had to do
something to assure those students who
are in college primarily for an education
that they will obtain the education for
which they paid.
The Congress passed an immediate
across-the-board increase in social secu-
rity benefits of 15 percent for the 25
million elderly people, disabled people
and their dependents, and widows and
orphans who now get monthly benefits
Because of the recent inflationary trend
It arleipasste-'6'bVi7tritsstcTe that there was a
sing and urgent'
eed for an across-
the-board increase in the social security
payments of people now on the benefit
Although I feel that some budgetary
Restraints are needed by the Pentagon
In its operation of our Defense establish-
ment, I voted for the military procure-
ment authorization bill which included
funds for the ABM as it is needed to
protect U.S. missile bases against a Soviet
first strike and would aid rather than
harm our nuclear disarmament talks
'th the Soviet Union. By deciding not
to ut ABM's around our cities, the Presi-
den as effectively removed them from
the li of high priority targets, but at
the sam ime has made certain that we
will have t power to react if an enemy
strikes first. s is the best way, I feel.
to deter such attack and save millions
of lives if it sho id ever take place.
As the senior Republican member of
the Foreign Affairs 'Committee. I have
spent a great . port* of this session
working on legislation 'affecting our for-
eign affairs and also consulting regularly
with President Nixon and Secretary of
State Rogers on foreig4 policy matters
The bulk of the co ittee work con-
cerned foreign aid. As mentioned previ-
ously, I led the succe ul effort to reduce
the amount autho ed and encouraged
more emphasis technical aid rather
than on gra nd loans. A new feature
of the- gn Aid Act is the Overseas
Private Investment Corporation which
will facilitate private U.S. investment
abroad, and, thereby, reduce the need for
U.S. tax dollars to be spent on foreign
Both in the committee and on the floor
of the House, I supported the annual
authorization bill for the Peace Corps
During the hearings on the bill, we heard
a good deal of refreshing commonsense
testimony from the new Director, Joe
Blatchford. He proposed that we utilize
the services of older persons whose fam-
ilies are grown and who have the skills
so needed by the developing countries.
Moreover, because of Blatchford's reduc-
tion of administrative personnel, the
Peace Corps was able to reduce its re-
quest for funds by $8,700,000.
The Foreign Affairs Committee spent
most of its remaining time on the con-
sideration of a resolution which I, along
with others introduced supporting the
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DeCeirtler 23, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD? HOUSE 11 13099
friends may grievously miscalculate on
American intentions.
I would deeply appreciate a reply that
would help clarify the seeming incon-
With assurances of the highest, personal
Member of Congress.
(Mr. KOCH asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 min-
ute, and to devise and extend his remarks
and include extraneous material.)
Mr. KOCH. Mr. Speaker, an article
which appeared in the New York Times
today indicated an apparent anti-Israel
position by David Rockefeller, president
of the Chase Manhattan Bank and sev-
eral other oil company executives who
are advising the President. The implica-
tions of that article distressed me and
I am sure other Members of this House.
To ascertain whether the columnist
correctly stated Mr. Rockefeller's posi-
tion, I have written to him today. A copy
of my letter follows:
Washington, D.C., December 22, 1969.
Mr. Davin Roatzrestre,
New York, N.Y.
DEAR MR. Roc Jim: I was very dis-
tressed to read this morning in the New
York Times an article by Tad Szulc which
clearly indicated that you, as president of
the Chase Manhattan Bank, John J. MeCloy,
former president of the Chase Manhattan,
and Robert B. Anderson, former Secretary
of the Treasury and director of Dresser In-
dustries Company, which has oil interests
in Kuwait and Libya?as well as others?
met with the President on December 9th
and advised him against continuing the
present policy of allegedly supporting Israel
in its confrontation with the Arab coun-
tries. /t appears that you basically argued
that the oil industry and perhaps the Chase
Manhattan Bank are suffering because our
policies toward Israel have received an ad-
verse economic and political reaction from
the Arab states?and that "the-United States
must act immediately to improve its rela-
tions with oil producing and other Arab
In my own judgement, the United States
has not sufficiently supported Israel and has
failed to provide it with arms and planes
necessary to offset the arms and planes
furnished by the Soviet Union to the Arab
states, and indeed now Secretary Rogers is
attempting to impose a settlement in the
Middle East which would be . adverse to
Israel. I, for one, believe it is in our national
Interest to support the State of Israel ads
the one democratic government in that area
which from its inception has identified with
the United States and for which reason it
has gained the enmity of the Soviet Union.
In addition, and of equal importance, are
the moral reasons for supporting the people
of Israel in their fight to survive. However,
if you are not already convinced of the
validity of both or either of these two rea-
sons, this letter will not persuade you and I
will not attempt to elaborate on them.
The reason for this letter is to inquire
whether the thrust of Mr. Szulc's article was
correct. And to do so I would appreciate hav-
ing the opportunity of meeting with you as
soon as possible.
While you and the Chase Manhattan Bank
have an absolute "right to take any position
you deem correct in support of your eco-
nomic interests and while I have no quarrel
with your having financial agreements with
any of the Arab states, I want you to know
that when you attempt to influence the for-
eign policy of the United States so as to sup-
port your economic interest, you run the
risk of having those who disagree with you
undertake a campaign designed to render
effects which would be economically adverse
for the Chase Manhattan Bank. The survival
of Israel is an important issue to me and
Ymy constituents?Jews and Christians alike.
If after our discussion, it is clear that the
article fairly sets forth your position, further
acts with respect to your bank would be in
order. And in that eventuality, your patrons
may be heard from.
(Mr. BURTON of California asked and
was given permission to address the
Home for 1 minute, and to revise and
extend his remarks and include extrane-
ous material.)
[Mr. BURTON of California addressed
the House. His remarks will appear here-
after in the Extensions of Remarks.]
(Mr. LOWENSTEIN asked and was
given permission to address the House
for 1 minute and to revise and extend
his remarks.)
Mr. LOWENSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, Mon-
day's papers headlined a story on Gov-
ernor Rockefeller's plans to restructure
the New York Public Service Commis-
sion. The commission's predilection for
servicing the utilities it is supposed to
regulate, rather than protecting the pub-
lic, has been documented many times.
Many of us in Nassau County are liv-
ing and working literally on top of ex-
plosive evidence of the commission's
dereliction of duty. I am referring of
course, to the high pressure pipeline in-
stalled with the cursory approval of the
State Public Service Commission by the
Long Island Lighting Co. The route for
this pipeline?capable of generating
pressure of up to 350 pounds per square
inch?runs directly through heavily pop-
ulated and traveled routes in Rockville
Centre, East Rockaway, Long Beach,
Island Park, Lynbrook, Hempstead, Mal-
verne, and Oceanside. In many instances.
the route passes within 50 feet of resi-
dences and within 12 feet of a high
school. The Public Service Commission
took the incredible position that the
choice of route fo rthis potentially lethal
installation was largely within the dis-
cretion of the LILCO and did not really
subject it to scrutiny.
In fact, the commission held abso-
lutely no hearings on the entire issue un-
til the construction of the pipeline was
virtually completed and $9 million had
been spent. After 4 days of so-called
hearings in which no cross-examination
was permitted, the commission predict-
ably issued a finding that permitted the
completion of the pipeline. Subsequent
lawsuits by aroused citizens groups and
affected villages were unsuccessful
largely on technical grounds. However, in
these cases one senses an underlying feel-
ing by the court that the existence of
the Public Service Commission as a
guardian of the public interest, was per-
suasive in denying these petitions. Resi-
dents of the areas through which the
pipeline traverses are not so deluded.
They are living over a powder keg of
incalculable destructive potential. At
least once in a week gas leaks and ex-
plosions are reported in various parts of
the country. Yet, not one of these dis-
asters approaches what could be the
magnitude of a similar incident in Nas-
sau. Potential for explosion or leaks is
always present and becomes greater as
time goes on. The pipeline is constructed
a few inches under heavily traveled high-
ways, and is located closer to homes,
schools, and other underground utility
lines than the distance specified by law.
This variance was made possible by
further odd behavior on the part of the
Public Service Commission?again act-
ing without hearings?without even con-
sulting the people most directly affected.
If this pipeline did not represent such
a continuing potential for catastrophe
for so many human beings, we could
file its existence as a case history of the
way in which the Public Service Com-
mission and the utilities it is entrusted
with regulating operate in partnership,
cynically disregarding the need and
rights of the public.
But it does represent such a potential,
and residents of the community cannot
file as history what remains a clear and
present danger. They have sought re-
dress from the Commission, from the
courts, and from Congress. Their cause
is the cause of all Americans whose
rights and interests have been sub-
ordinated to the financial conveniences
of powerful companies and the unrelent-
ing pressure of a technology that may
yet destroy its creators. All of us who
have been in this fight welcome the
new voices that have joined our protest
against the failures of the Public Serv-
ice Commission to fulfill its functions.
We hope they will add their energies
as well as their words to the tough battle
to bring some regulation to the regu-
And we hope they will remember that
among the continuing victims of the
Public Service Commission's past der-
elications are the people who must live
every day literally on top of the LILCO
pipeline. We will not be quiet while this
totally inexcusable invitation to disaster
perils the health and safety of our
(Mr. MOLLOHAN asked and was
given permission to address the House
for 1 minute and to revise and extend
his remarks.)
Mr. MOLLOHAN. Mr. Speaker, it is
unfortunate that the administration has
taken its present stance as Congress
moves to clear its agenda for this session.
The threat of a veto is, of course, a
legitimate weapon in the President's po-
litical arsenal; but in the past, most ad-
ministrations have exercised this threat
only at times when legislative and execu-
tive branches have reached an impasse.
It is unfortunate that an administra-
tion should use this most potent of weap-
ons to shape legislation when other
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means, and more cnstructive means,
have been and are avetilable,
For instance, the administratien used
the veto threat agailest the cost mine
1 safety bill last week, lecause of the ex-
pense of th,e compediation pnoesions,
i even though the Secrelary of the interior
I ignored until last week a requeet of 6
months ago to comment on those very
1 provisions, and their expense. The con-
ferees had completed_ their, work a full
month before the Secretary arawered.
Thus, the threat to veto the legislation
came at a time when neither Hoese was
1 in a position to reopen its consideration
of that 13111. In this itatice, the threat
of veto hampered raWe than centrib-
uted to the legislative?process.
Now we are faced with the tin at of
veto for the suppleniental appi opria-
tions for Labor and 11EW utile Is the
' President's civil rights plan, the Ph ladel-
phia plan, is left intact The Ooneptroller
General has flatly stated that the plan
1 is in direct violation ?of the 196e civil
rights law. In view of the administra-
' tion's efforts to curb _Federal construc-
tion and the general decline 'le the
, construction industry cd,this time, irnple-
menting the Philadelphia plan \meld be
profoundly divisive at a time when this
Nation should seek unity rather than
, further division.
Capitalizing on the *ire of the Con-
gress to adjourn, the administrator' is
'using this threat of veto to shape legis-
1, lation on taxes and apPropriations alike.
I The Senate was bluntly informed dur-
ing its consideration Of both tie: re-
form and the appropriations for the
,Departments of Labor and Health, Edu-
cation, and Welfare, that their lei isla-
tion was unacceptable and would be
Ivetoed. The warning was based upo i the
Cost of the two measure& and both were
represented to the public as being lughle
inflationary. The adminletration dee tined
to note that even with the higher expense
bf the tax bill and the tlays for Labor
4nd HEW, the budget would not be dis-
turbed because of the nearly $51/2 billion
put in the Defense budget.
This use of executive powers is a :arm
Of legislative overkill, add it is lam ent-
ble that the admiaistrateon has chosen
uch a blunt and inflexible approace to
hape the Nation's legislation. It is viola
rovocative than productive, and th( re-
ponse of the Hill is more likely to be re-
ctive than reasoned. In, the final anal-
sis,this attempt to legislate through
eth is likely- to be more damaging to the
Country than helpful.
(Mr. McCARTHY asked and was gi Jen
p rmission to address the House or 1
inute, to revise and extend his
1Mr. McCARTHY. Mr?, Speaker, as
Americans shop for their Christmas tur-
keys the high prices of the restive birds
mind them that we are_auffering from
tije worst inflation in 18 yeara
Last month the wholesale price of tur-
keys skyrocketed 61/2 permit. And indi-
cations are that the average turkey price
of 52.2 cents a pound will go even higher
in the future.
Since President Nixon took office in-
flation has pushed prices up 51/2 per-
cent?the highest rise since 1951. An-
other increase' this month equal to last
month's will make 1969 the most infla-
tionary year since 1947.
In the meantime, the average weekly
paychecks of some 45 million U.S.
workers have actually dropped. They fell
62 percent last month because of shorter
work weeks in the slowing U.S. economy.
When asked about price increases 7
days after taking office, President Nixon
answered that the Government would
not intervene in price and wage deci-
sions, that the fight against inflation
would rest on fiscal and monetary Policy
and he ' would not eallortelsnetness and
e -
That blew/U.1E lid off prices right there.
. Thesident has supported a severe
e policy. He demanded contin-
uation/of the tax surcharge. But un-
like P esident Johnson, he has made no
effort/ to use the moral power of the
presidency to persuade business and
labo to modify their price of wage de-
m ds. The Johnson administration not
on used moral suasion but put the
pr ssure on rising prices by sales out of
s u piles and by altering Government
b ing policies, especially at the
Pe tagon.
ile Members of Congress, including
mys f, have sought to reduce defense
spene g, not only to shift priorities but
to figh flation, the President has sup-
ported oat all of the new major
weapons s teme. Clearly, in this vital
area, the P 'dent has fumbled the eco-
nomic ball an t off a cycle of runaway
inflation. And th ect has been deva-
stating especially on ose with fixed in-
comes, those living on s ial security and
pensions. In the case o working men
and women, price increas ave far out-
distanced gains in wages.
I believe the time is long at due for
President Nixon re start us g the pow-
ers of his office to do some rig mean-
ingful to halt this cycle runaway
(Mr. FULTON of Penns vania asked
and was given permission address the
House for 1 minite a to revise and
extend his remarks.)
[Mr. FULTOj. .1 Pennsylvania ad-
dressed t.1Io11se. His remarks will ap-
pear -11 reafter in the Extensions of
(Mr. DON H. CLAUSEN asked and was
given permission to address the House
for 1 minute and to revise and extend
his remarks.)
[Mr. DON H. CLAUSEN addressed the
House. His remarks will appear here-
after in the Extensions of Remarks.]
(Mr. WYMAN asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his
[Mr. WYMAN addressed the House.
His remarks will appear hereafter in the
Extensions of Remarks.]
December 13: 199
(Mr. CORMAN asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute, to revise and extend his remarks
and include extraneous matter.)
[Mr. CORMAN addressed the House.
His remarks will appear hereafter in the
Extensions of Remarks.]
The SPEAKER. Under a previous order
of the House, the gentleman from Texas
(Mr. PATMAN) is recognized for 30
[Mr. PATMAN addressed the House.
His remarks will appear hereafter in the
Extensions of Remarks. I
The SPEAKER. Under a previous or-
der of the House, the gentleman from
Connecticut (Mr. MoNecee) is recog-
nized for 30 minutes.
Mr. MONAGAN. Mr. Speaker, the fail-
ure of the Department of Agriculture to
protect the public from the effects of cer-
tain pesticides has resulted in a mini-
mum of 100,000 unnecessary human
Poisonings in the past 10 years. The De-
partment has failed to enforce provisions
of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
Rodenticide Act?FIFRA?intended to
protect the public from hazardous pesti-
cide products being marketed in violation
of the act. Moreover, unless constructive
action is taken by the Department of
Agriculture to ? enforce provisions of
FIFRA?much of our food will be ille-
gally adulterated with pesticide residues.
At present, millions of pounds of cheese
and fish are impounded for this reason
and will have to be destroyed. Unless
consteuctive action is taken, much of the
food supply will contain large amounts
of cancer-producing pesticide com-
pounds. Unless constructive action is
taken to reduce environmental contami-
nation, a very large percentage of the
world's remaining animal life faces ex-
tinction during the next twenty years
and human life may be endangered.
Much of this wanton destruction has
been attributed to pesticide contamina-
tion and misuse.
The President and members of the
Cabinet acting as the Environmental
Quality Council should not be forced to
oversee, review, and order the cancella-
tion in part or whole of every pesticide
registration allowed by the Pesticide Reg-
ulation Division of the Department of
Agriculture that may be a potential or
imminent health hazard. If the Depart-
ment of Agriculture had carried out its
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Ro-
denticide Act responsibilities by follow-
ing a prudent course in matters concern-
ing hazards to human, other forms of
life and our ecology, much of our prob-
lems and fears would not exist.
It is chilling to realize that certain
food additives and pesticide residues
which we ingest may kill, cause cancer,
create fetal deformities in animal?
mammalian?life and also be hazardous
to humans. Pesticide fogs, sprays, and
vapors in a constant fallout in concen-
trations sufficient to kill animal life may
fall on man. Certain pesticides stored
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December 20, Mzevt(bWRAS1/41WCP3inailtfilA:liVellgig93?111:Masi 20003-9
ennese police to clear his way through
the mobs.
The testimonial dinner was as reward-
ing as the joys that he has brought to so
many with his remarkable voice and
warm personality.
Therefore, Mr. Speaker, I would like
to take this opportunity to again ex-
press the gratitude of so many along with
best wishes to Mr. Tucker and his wife,
Sarah, for a future which continues to
be as exciting and worthwhile as he has
known in the past.
And I would also like to mention the
names of some of the other persons who
helped to make this dinner such an out-
standing event. They are: Cochairmen:
Harold Donnitch, Mrs. Selma Kon and
Bernard Martin; program cochairman:
Al Liederman and Shelley Goren; and
Rabbi Bernard Jacobson.
Thursday, December 18, 1969
Mr. MIKVA. Mr. Speaker, the recent
resignation of Greece from the Council
of Europe underscores the need for close
scrutiny of relations between the United
States and Greece. Charges of political
suppression and dictatorial rule are ap-
parently not without foundation. More-
over, the prospect of continued violence
in Greece at a level unseen since the 1946-
49 civil war, should alert both Greeks
and Americans to the need of restoring
democraitc rule in Greece.
One expert who has thoughtfully ana-
lyzed the situation in Greece and appro-
priate American action is Prof. George
Anastoplo. In a briefing at the Chicago
Council on Foreign Relations, Professor
Anastoplo presented a paper which I
commend to my colleagues.
The paper follows:
(By George Anastaplo**)
"It is not fit that you should sit here any
longer! ... You shall now give place to better
men."?Oliver Cromwell.
The American scholar who has been per-
haps the most respectable advisor to the
** The author, who lives in Chicago, Is
Chairman of the Political Science Depart-
ment at Rosary College, as well as Lecturer
in the Liberal Arts at the University of Chi-
cago and Professor of Politics and Literature
at the University of Dallas. Other discussions
by him of Greece today may be found in the
current volume of the Congressional Rec-
ord at pages E1875 (March 11, 1969) , E2631
(April 2), E2632 (April 2), E5156 (June 23),
E5978 (July 15) and E6294 (July 28). ,
See, also, Saville R. Davis, "Blow to NATO:
Greek Armed Forces Disintegrating?" Chris-
tian Science Monitor, August 29, 1969, p. 1;
Christopher Wren, "Greece: Government by
Torture," Look, May 27, 1969.
This discussion has been prepared for use
in a briefing to be given by Dr. Anastaplo at
the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations,
September 15, 1969.
tyranny in Athens has recently returned to
Washington from a visit to Greece. He offers
us his current advice about Greek affairs
in an article, "A Role for the U.S. in Greek
Solution," published in the Washington Post
of August 3, 1969.
The truly significant feature of this article,
however, is not its advice but rather its ad-
mission that even Greeks who had been "dis-
heartened by the pre-coup quarrels and po-
litical instability and therefore intially ac-
cepted the [present] regime with a sigh of
relief" are now "cool if not downright hos-
tile" toward it. The mood of this article is
in marked contrast to its author's published
defenses of the regime ever since its seizure
of power, defenses which have been so gen-
erous as to be thought worthy of distribution
In this country by the Greek government.
(See, e.g., Notes on World Events, Chicago
Council on Foreign Relations, May, 1969, p.
There is, moreover, no discussion in the
Washington Post article of why anyone
should now be cool toward the regime in
Athens. But the article does manage to con-
demn as "intransigent" the Greek opponents
of the regime who have been cool and even
hostile toward it from the very beginning.
They are "intransigent," it seems, because
they prefer to continue their determined op-
position to this tyrannical regime rather than
to accept the advice of those who have col-
laborated with it.
Advice which has evidently been spurned
in Athens, at least by opponents of the re-
gime there, is now offered to Americans and
to their government in Washington. Let us
see what the advice in this article amounts
to and whether American critics of the Greek
regime should be as "intransigent" as the
Greeks who have already rejected it.
We are told in this article that there are
two opinions in Athens about what is likely
to happen in Greece if things continue as
they are now: "Opponents of the regime are
firmly convinced that in spite of his pro-
testations, Premier Papadopoulos has no in-
tention of allowing the return of free politi-
cal life. On the other hand, government
spokesmen assert that the regime is only tem-
porary and that elections will be held as soon
as 'the aims of the revolution are a,ccom-
plished.' " "Whatever the truth," the article
goes on to advise us, a "compromise" must
be found between the opponents and the de-
fenders of the current regime in Greece. But
until one is prepared to decide which of
these two opinions about what is likely to
happen in Greece is correct, one is neither
entitled nor equipped to offer responsible
advice either to Americans or to Greeks on
this vital matter.
Who is right here, the opponents of the
regime or the government spokesmen? There
is, of course, a sense in which both opinions
are correct: there is a sense that is, in which
both opinions come down to virtually the
same thing. Elections will be held in Greece,
if only for the sake of propaganda, as soon
as the aims of the revolution are accom-
plished: that will be when the transforma-
tion (or, at least, the immobilization) of
Greek institutions and of Greek public opin-
ion has reached the point where purportedly
free elections (but with the press still con-
trolled, of course) can be held without
jeopardizing the tight grip upon the coun-
try of its present rulers. After all, what do
"the aims of the revolution" amount to now,
if not primarily the personal advancement
and welfare of the handful of junior officers
(predominantly colonels) who betrayed in
April 1967 their military oaths, their king,
their comrades and their fellow-citizens with
the deliberate intention of holding on to
power long after the immediate political
crisis which permitted them to seize power
had passed?
The suggestion in the Washington Post
article of a "compromise" rests upon the con-
dition that things should be so arranged
that "the constitutional reforms" that have
already been achieved may be preserved. Pre-
cisely what reforms can the author be re-
ferring to? The Constitution of 1968 is hard-
ly an improvement upon its predecessors, de-
signed as it is to legitimate the colonels
who imposed it upon their country. Indeed,
the only permanent result of the 1968 Consti-
tution may be to discredit the occasional
worthwhile innovation included in it which
will hereafter be identified with an oppres-
sive regime.
One must consider, in order to assess prop-
erly "constitutional reforms," not only the
Constitution itself but also how it has been
imposed and what maintains it. We are deal-
ing, after all, with a regime that is ruthless
and, even worse, shameless in what it will
do and say to perpetuate itself. It is a tyran-
ny which has revealed itself as remarkably
incompetent in everything but the tricks of
conspiracy and of counter-conspiracy. No
conscientious student of Greek affairs can
Ignore the evidence, available since the first
year of the regime and now overwhelming,
which displays the present regime as having
easy recourse to extensive arrests and torture,
to the most flagrant deceptions, to open con-
tempt for constitutions and laws (including
Its Own), to the harsh suppression of all
independent opinion, and to an extravagant
(and eventually ruinous) expenditure of
funds on public works.
Who can doubt that all this is done by
the colonels not in the interest of Greece
but primarily in order to perpetuate them-
selves in power? It is no wonder that Greeks
who know what is going on in their country
are "cool if not downright hostile" toward
this regime and its apologists. The wonder
is that any responsible man can remain sin-
cerely sympathetic to the regime once its
character becomes apparent to him. Some
responsible men did express sympathy for
the regime at its beginning in the hope that
they might thereby help induce the colonels
to surrender power willingly?but it should
have been evident by the end of the col-
onels' first year, if not before, that this
approach would be of no use.
What informed man can continue to be-
lieve that there remain any serious "aims
of the revolution" worth preserving, any
coherent and defensible set of principles
guiding the program of the Greek dicta-
tors? The serious problem is not how to
preserve the legacy of the "revolution," but
rather how long it will take to eliminate
from Greek life the depredations of the
present tyranny, and at what price. The
corrupting influence of the colonels in
Greece will remain long after they are gone,
even if they should go tomorrow: they have
done much that will be difficult to undo
justly and harmoniously. Is not that usually
the legacy of an army of occupation?
The more astute among the colonels must
realize that if they go, their constitution
and "reforms" will go with them, no matter
what promises or deals or "compromises"
should be made in advance of their depar-
ture. The concern of the colonels at that
time is not going to be whether their "re-
forms" will survive their regime but wheth-
er they themselves will. The only com-
promise the colonels will ever take seriously
will be one which seems to permit them to
save their necks, not their "aims of the
revolution," in the event they find them-
selves about to fall.
Both the colonels and their opponents are
correct in recognizing each other as irre-
concilable enemies. What each realistically
seeks from the other is not compromise but
surrender. The advocacy of compromise be-
tween the government and its opponents
in 1969 (as distinguished from 1965, 1966
or 1967) is not only naive, it is also harmful
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CONGRESSIONAL RECORb? Extensions of Remarks December 20, 1969
to -the revival of genuine constituti nal
government in Greece. The only prac cal
effect of a serious attempt at compror4iise
at this time would be to demorslize, radi at-
ize and divide the serious opposition to
th: present regime and thereby to gain for
th colonels even more time.
l'ime is working against the interesta of
both Greece and her allies: the colonels'
u precedented purging and reshaping of
th4 officer corps, of the civil service (inclnel-
in the courts), of the school system, of lOcal
co ncils (both public and private) and of
th Church cannot but help them cling te
potrer if they remain united. Once their eX-
tensive reorganization is complete?and it
should be, except perhaps for the Church,
the Navy and Air Force, and she 'Universi-
tiee, virtually complete by the summer of
19t0?Greece is likely to have to endure for
a generation both the colonels' self-riglt-
eosts tyranny and the sporadic armed re-
sistance it will generate. There is atrea ly
more violence in Greece today than thcre
ha e been at any time since the 1946-1919
Civil War.
Massive propaganda, reinforced by gels, r-
ou subsidies, will continue to be used at
hone and abroad by the present Greek gt v-
erximent to magnify the vires of the col-
on ls and the vices of the politicians. We,
on the other hand, are not Obliged, in ore er
to expose the colonels to be aabad for Greece
as they are, to make the politicians of 19e1-
19 7 better than they were. Out the longer
th se colonels stay, the better those politi-
ci$ns look. In fact, it Is difficult to name a
sirjgle prominent Greek politician who would
no be better for Greece and her allies teday
thn the colonels now in power. Indeed, the
m t serious indictment one might make of
Greek politicians before April 1967 is that
sueh people as these colonels were permitted
to remain in the Army, that they were given
an opportunity to attempt to seize power,
an that they could suceed in such an at-
te pt. It is to be hoped that the legitimate
po i
tical and military leaders of Greece, as
w 1 as her allies abroad, have learned the
appropriate lessons from this disastrous ex-
periment. One important lesson is that
detent Greeks of all parties and allegiances
hake much more in CODITOCCH than any of
them has in common with tile kind of man
who is apt to be tempted to seize power for
hintsell if decent men are not moderate in
their political differences.
It is to the credit of Greek politicians of all
parties, as well as of Greek intellectuals, that
almost all of them have stood firm since
April 1967 against the threats the sophistries
anti the enticements of the present Greek
goyernment and of its apologists abroad. The
satne tribute should be recorXed on behalf of
thKing of Greece and most of the senior
as well as many of the junior officers of the
armed forces of that countrt These Greeks,
in itheir respect for the best in Greece, have
been more perceptive and more principled
alout what has been happening to their
co ntry than have been certain American
stiidents of Greek affairs (in and out of the
AMerican government).
The Washington Post artfele suggests as
the appropriate role for the United States
today that we encourage the "compromise"
it advocates. But if, as I haveargued, any at-
tellipt at such compromise in these circum-
stances will help the colonels consolidate
their power, then any American effort along
that line can only weaken the legitimate in-
fluence of America in Greece. For the longer
the colonels stay, the more independent they
are likely to become of American influence
and, indeed, of the influence Of any moderate
men at home or abroad. (One need only re-
cal Shakespeare's Richard In) We Amen-
ca could have discreetly helped the eon-
stitutional leaders of this NATO ally get rid
of their usurpers any time between April and
Dember 1967, a period during which, the
colonels were relying mostly on bluff and
maneuver to stay in power. Instead, we were
duped by talk of "constitutional reforms"
and "law and order" and hence did, or failed
to do, various things in 1967, as well as in
1968, which permitted and even helped the
colonels to dig in.
Measures are still available to us which
can be used to help our true friends in Greece
dislodge the colonels and restore their coun-
try to control by its reople, measures which
would be far more effective than Are likely
to be the timid ones our government now
employs to indicate its tardy approval of so
destructive a tyranny. Every serious student
of Greek affairs knows what more can and
should be done by the United States in the
present circumstances. There is no need for
me to spell out again on this occasion the
measures available to us, measures which
would emphasize the publicized withdrawal
of vital American support rather than any
explicit American interference in Greek
domestic affairs. I need only add that I con-
tinue to believe, along with many in Greece,
that Constantine Karamanlis is the best,
though not the only, name around which
effective opposition to the colonels can rally.
I also continue to believe that it would be
prudent for Mr. Karamanlis to offer to in-
clude in a coalition government, legitimated
by the King and recognized by the United
States, figures such as Andreas Papandreou.
This is where genuine comprornise would be
good for Greece.
The colonels, by the end of their third
year in power (in April 1970), will probably
have immobilized, if rot transformed, all in-
stitutions in Greece which might stand in
their way: repression and propaganda and
the lavish use of public monies will have
done their work. When that happens,
whether by 1970 or by 1971, responsible ele-
ments in Greece and abroad (including in
the United States) will no longer have any
significant influence in that country. If the
colonels are dislodged thereafter, it will
probably be (unless a serious international
crisis erupts) only - teeause of the use of
armed force against them in Greece. If vio-
lent opposition should somehow be success-
ful, the liberators of Greece?whoever they
may be?are not likely to forget first our
negligence and thereafter our impotence in
the time of their des:serate need. And then
what will our long-tenn influence be in that
allied country which we insist is of great
"strategic importance" to us?
Whether there will be in Greece a gen-
eration of violent tyranny or an immediate
return to constitutional government and the
rule of law depends, in large part, on what
the United States does In the months imme-
diately ahead. We Americans had better use
our power while some of it remains, rather
than allow ourselves to be duped again (this
time by talk of "cornrromise") into promot-
ing a policy unworthy both of us and of the
The peace and the prosperity, as well as
the liberty and honor, of Greece require that
the colonels go and with them everything
they have come to represent. This is what
Informed and conscientious Greeks are cer-
tain of. This, it is to be hoped, is what the
sadly misinformed American government is
belatedly beginning to realize.
Thursday, December 18, 1969
Mr. CHAPPELL. Mr. Speaker, the
Christmas season is approaching and
families throughout America are gather-
ing together for worship and gift giving
and rejoicing in family reunions.
Today I ask all Americans to join with
me as we celebrate this holiday, to re-
member those men who are missing in
action and prisoners of war--
Lest we forget our own gladness in be-
ing free;
Lest we forget our own joy in being
with our loved ones;
Lest we forget that over 1,300 families
will be without a loved one?again this
Lest we forget that the reason these
men are so cruelly held in. prison is be-
cause they were fighting for us;
Lest we forget that it Is. our responsi-
bility to bring these men home again;
Lest we forget the brotherhood of man
and our reasons for celebrating Christ-
Mr. Speaker, this is a time for each of
us to take the families of these:tor
men especially to our hearts. Let 114.1711
renew our efforts for freedom so that
these absences can be soon turned into
rewarding reunions for all the Christ-
mases to come.
Thursday, December 18, 1969
Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent to have printed in the
Extensions of Remarks an article entitled
"New U.S. 'Line' on Withdrawal Deals
Severe Blow to Israel," written by Wil-
liam S. White, and published in the
Philadelphia Inquirer of December 16,
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
(By William S. White)
WassuNctoss?The old year is drawing to
its close on a somber note for Israel, whose
whole position in her fight for survival has
worsened markedly in these recent days, The
newly enunciated American policy line call-
ing for Israeli withdrawal frim frontier se-
curity positions seized from the Arabs in the
1967 war, in return for Arab promises for
peaceful coexistence, has hit the Israelis a
cruel if unintentional blow.
For this well-meant effort to take up a
purely even-handed attitude from Washing-
ton is in truth a revolutionary departure
from the traditional American posture of
candid friendliness to the Israeli side in the
chronic crisis of the Middle East.
The difficulty is that-the doctrine of osten-
sible even-handedness actually assists those
extremist Arab states which are pro-Com-
munist and publicly bent both upon Israel's
literal destruction and the spread of Soviet
power in the Middle East.
It ignores the immense reality that this is
not a case where two adversaries are equally
good or equally bad. One cannot equate ag-
gressors patently embarked upon a Vietnam
type of "war of liberation," urged on by the
Soviet Union, with defenders motivated sim-
ply by the desire to stay alive?and defenders
moreover who form a pro-Western outpost in
the worldwide struggle that is the Cold War.
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- December 20,
close it by reminding my friends, the
leaders and the assistant leader on the
side, of another reference in our liter-
ature to the effect that a rose by any
other name would still smell the same.
Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, It is with
extreme sorrow that I report to the
Senate that a former Senator from
Pennsylvania and former Governor of
our Commonwealth, the Honorable
James H. Duff, died today. A spokesman
for George Washington Hospital an-
nounced that Senator Duff, aged 86, col-
lapsed at National Airport, was taken to
the hospital, and pronounced dead at
9:43 a.m. We have no further details, so
I shall say nothing further now except
that I was a longtime friend, associate,
and admirer of Big Jim Duff. We will
miss him greatly. We shall have more to
say in the form of a memorial tribute at
a later date.
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, will the
Senator yield?
Mr. SCOTT. I yield.
Mr. JAVITS. I should like to join the
distinguished Republican leader in ex-
pressing my sadness at the death of Jim
Duff, an old friend of mine. He lived a
very rich life and died at a ripe old age.
We shall miss him.
Mr. SCOTT. He died as he always
wished to?with his boots on.
Mr. JAVITS. I extend my condolences
to the members of his family.
Mr. SCOTT. And so do I.
Ail 0"
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, on sev-
eral occasions, I have brought to the at-
tention of the Senate the work which
was initiated by the NATO Parliamen-
tarians Conference, now the North At-
lantic Assembly, looking toward Greek-
Turkish economic cooperation. Reports
on this matter were presented to the
Senate on June 3, 1965, October 20, 1965,
January 19, 196'7, December 15, 1967,
January 28, 1969, and some remarks on
the subject were included in my report
on a trip abroad which was presented
to the Senate on July 2, 1969.
A number of important developments
have taken place during calendar 1969,
which I should like to lay before the
At the outset, to put the work which
has been done on this project in its
proper context, requires some brief com-
ment on the political situation in the
area, and of the relationship of this
project to that situation.
The project for Greek-Turkish eco-
nomic cooperation, although launched
by an inter-parliamentary body, was
conceived of as essentially a private ef-
fort. Through its good offices, working
with the private sector, but with govern-
mental support and approval, possi-
bilities in economic development yield-
ing mutual benefits to Greece and Tur-
key could be expanded. The effort was
designed to function in the economic
and not in the political sphere.
Thus, the major thrust of the project
has been to bring together participants
from Greece and Turkey, where pos-
sible mainly from the private sector, to
work together in such areas as tourism,
the cooperative exploitation of such nat-
ural resources as fish, the increase of
agricultural exports to Western Europe,
and the common development of the
border region between the two countries
along the shores of the Meric-Evros
Rivers. It is, I think, fair to say that al-
though the emphasis of this effort was
thus in the noncontroversial area of eco-
nomic benefit to both sides, the parlia-
mentarians had in mind, when the proj-
ect was initiated, not only the fact that
Greeks and Turks were among the less-
developed members of the NATO al-
liance, but also the fact that work on
mutually beneficial development proj-
ects would tend to increase contacts be-
tween the peoples of Greece and Tur-
key, and hopefully to ameliorate the
tensions which at the time existed as a
consequence of the Cyprus dispute.
In these objectives, it is fair to say
that the project Initiated in 1965 by my-
self and by my Greek and Turkish par-
liamentary colleagues, Messrs. Kasim
Gillek and Alexander Spanorrigas has
been eminently successful. Despite much
Initial skepticism it has, in fact, proved
possible to bring Greeks and Turks to-
gether and to produce useful and coop-
erative work. And that has been done
even at a time when tensions in the
area were extremely high. The result, I
believe, has been a substantial contribu-
tion to U.S. foreign policy objectives and,
I may note, the U.S. Government has
consistently supported this effort. So
also has there been a contribution to
the security which is the aim of NATO
Itself. In this latter belief, I am, inciden-
tally, reinforced by the comments on
several occasions of the Secretary
General of NATO, Manlio Brosio.
The recent course of political develop-
ments in Greece cannot pass unnoticed?
as I am, also, chairman of the Political
Committee of the North Atlantic Assem-
bly?a committee which had occasion to
consider a deeply troubled report on this
situation as recently as October last.
It has been my hope, as it must be the
hope of all friends of human liberty and
of the Greek ideal of moderation and
tolerance which forms so large a basis of
our own political system, that swift
progress would be made in Greece, to-
ward restoration of a representative par-
liamentary system, and that present re-
strictions on essential liberties would
quickly be removed. It remains my con-
viction that this must come, and that
it would greatly contribute to the secu-
rity, stability, and welfare of the Greek
state, and of the Greek people.
In this context a continued and in-
creased measure of cooperation on proj-
ects leading to the economic and so-
cial betterment of the peoples of Greece
and Turkey, and to peace in the south-
eastern area of NATO continues to be
vital. As the project for Greek Turkish
Economic Cooperation is such a project,
It benefits all. For this reason, I continue
the support which I have given in the
past to the objectives of the project
which are designed to bring together, the
peoples of that often-troubled area of
the world, to ameliorate the relation-
ships between them, to increase their co-
operation on mutually beneficial works,
and to set up institutions which can serve
as channels of communication between
the Greek and Turkish peoples.
With this introduction, Mr. President,
I should like to deal with some of the
attainments of the project during 1969,
and with some of the prospects for its
future work.
First. The project has been adminis-
tered over the course of the past several
years by the Eastern Mediterranean De-
velopment Institute, a nonprofit unincor-
porated association. The board of direc-
tors consists of nationals of the NATO
countries, with a large majority being
nationals of Greece and Turkey.
In the course of the past year, in-
digenous sister organizations have been
set up in Greece and in Turkey them-
selves, and funds have been raised in
local currency to meet their necessary
expenses. Work has been going forward
on various projects of the sort men-
tioned above.
In several of these areas, there has
been substantial progress.
In the held of tourism, a notable suc-
cess was achieved when, in March 1969,
the Greek National Tourist Organiza-
tion and the Turkish Ministry of Infor-
mation and Tourism held a meeting in
Istanbul, at which were present as ob-
servers the deputy chairman of the
EMDI, the Honorable Kasim Gillek, and
Its executive director, the Honorable Sey-
mour J. Rubin. At the March meeting,
the two sides approved, subject to ratifi-
cation, the first intergovernmental docu-
ment signed between Greece and Turkey
since the eruption of the difficulties over
Cyprus. This was a proces-verbal which
Is intended to lead to a formal agree-
ment on cooperation in the field of tour-
ism. The agreement which is contem-
plated would call for the establishment
of a permanent consultative committee
before which can be laid various pro-
posals of mutual benefit in touristic
Subsequent to the meeting of officials
In March, further meetings of a less
formal sort have been held. The most re-
cent of these was held in Athens on De-
cember 5, 1969. At these meetings, the
private sector of both countries has
strongly expressed its support for coop-
eration on tourism, and has agreed that
the lifting of visa restrictions for tourists
of Greek and Turkish origin would be of
mutual benefit to the two countries. Were
this to be done, it would largely restore
the freedom of transit between the two
countries which had existed after the
farsighted arrangements which were
made in the mid-1920's by the two great
statesmen of the area, Venizelos and
Additionally, others outside the region
have expressed strong interest in par-
ticipating in touristic developments. A
meeting thus was held tinder the spon-
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of the Deutschebank in Frank-
furt on October 13, at which various Ger-
Man and Italian interests, together with
* representative of the International
Finance Corporation, diseussed the pos-
Sible organization of research and -fi-
nancing entities which might help to
promote tourism in the region.
Tourism in this region is of great im-
portance. It Is already a major source of
income so far as Greece is concerned; it
promises to be an equally useful Source
et foreign exchange on the Turkish side.
Moreover, the touristic area of the
Aegean is so interlaced between the
Turkish mainland and the Greek ialands
as to make regional development not
Only attractive to tour operators and to
developers of touristic areas, but practi-
eally at least in the long run, inevitable.
The administrative arrangements
Which are contemplated under the
proces-verbal of March 1969, aheuld
Make a continuing contribution tO this
development and should help to develop
Oontinuing working relationshipS be-
Omen the two sides.
A major endeavor of the project for
Greek Turkish Economic Cooperation
and the Eastern Mediterranean Derlop-
Ment Institute has been that inv lying
the Meric/Evros River. In previons re-
Ports, I have noted that this work has
Moved forward extraordinarily well with
a heavily documented prefeasibility or
reconnaissance study having emerged in
late 1967 from the joint work of a large
group of Turkish, Greek, and German
experts. This report was revised and in
its final form approved, subject to right
Modification, at a large interna ional
Meeting held in Frankfurt in September
1967. It was then put in the hanida of
'various international financing lodies
iuch as the World Bank and the uro-
eau Investment Bank, and has been
xtensively discussed with the tnited
Nations Development Programme hich,
with the IBRD, had been kept au conrant
at all stages of the research and Study
ork. After a considerable amouit of
reparatory discussion, both the ?eek
land the Turkish Governments hav ofti-
kially notified the UNDP of their esire
move forward with farther deVelop-
ental work on the Mer1c/Evros,1 with
e help of the UNDP. As of earltv De-
ember 1969, a senior representat 0 of
the UNDP has visited both Greece and
Turkey for discussions with expert and
governmental officials there. Thes dis-
cussions are expected to lead to an orilcial
proposal to be laid before the next gov-
erning board of the UNDP in the spring
Of 1970.
Hopefully, this work will lead to full
icale feasibility study financed b the
P and the Greek and Tirkish
overnments, with certain small pilot
projects included, in areas of land -
*gement, irrigation, and small er
tojects in this sensitive area, the der
ween Greece and Turkey in 'I'hrace.
Should full scale implementation of this
feasibility study be undertaken, the final
eeale of expenditure is estimated in the
neighborhood of $100 to $150 nxllion.
This is obviously a matter of great im-
portance both to the economies of eece
and Turkey, and to the population of
this politically sensitive border area.
It is important to note, as I have men-
tioned in previous reports, that the
Meric/Evros River rises in Bulgaria,
where it is called the Maritsa, and that
the Bulgarian Government has in several
ways expressed interest in the develop-
mental work which I have just men-
tioned. This interest was expressed, for
example, in a visit to me of the Bulgarian
Ambassador in Washington. Prior to its
recent contacts with the Greek and
Turkish Governments, the UNDP con-
sulted with Bulgarian authorities in
Sofia. It would be :premature to make any
predictions as to whether the Meric/
Evros project may evolve not merely into
a binational and regional development
project, but into one which would form
a link based on mutually useful devel-
opment work between West and West.
That prospect in any case remains open,
and is partially encouraged by a recent
amelioration of relationships between
Turkey and Bulgaria and between Greece
and Bulgaria.
Finally, in this respect, it should be
mentioned that one of the objectives of
EMDI has been from the outset to stim-
ulate the activities of others on develop-
mental projects in the Greco-Turkish
area. This attempt to achieve a multi-
plier effect with toe efforts of EMDI has
had more than a reasonable amount of
Thus, not only have tourism projects
evolved and have physical and business
connections with the two sides devel-
oped, but a new project has been set in
motion in the field of agricultural re-
search in the Meric/Evros region.
This is a project funded by the Thys-
sen Foundation of Germany, and led by
a group of German agronomists to in-
vestigate the conservation of soils which
on both the Turkish and the Greek side
of the river have been eroded over the
course of many years by excessive graz-
ing and by improper methods of land
Management. Thls project, which is a
direct outgrowth of the work done by
the German, Turkish, and Greek team
on its Meric/Evros study, is at present
under way. Hopefully, other aspects of
the basic Merle/ Evros study will lead
to further exploratory and scientific
work of this same general sort. The pros-
pect of this happening seems to be quite
good, since the basic material upon which
further research proposals can be based
is already contained in the Meric/Evros
report, and since that report itself dem-
onstrates the feasibility of a joint and
cooperative research effort.
On other projects of EMDI, it is not
necessary at this stage and in this form
to say much in detail. Work is proceed-
ing on projects having to do with the
export of agricultural produce to West-
ern Europe and on investigation of the
ecological conditions affecting fish re-
sources in the eastern Mediterranean.
The recent meeting of the beard of di-
rectors of EMDI received a new sugges-
tion that EMDI could perhasp contribute
to the training of Greek and Turkish
guest workers in Western Europe, and to
the evaluation of methods by which the
skills of these workers could be put more
effectively to work when they returned
to their own countries.
A proposed meeting of industrialists
of the two countries is to take place
shortly in Istanbul and its program has
been expanded to include the develop-
ment bankers of both countries.
In short, there are ample opportuni-
ties for cooperative work, opportunities
which can be seized if conditions permit.
Second. I turn now to a new and po-
tentially extremely important aspect
of the work which has, until now, been
done on the project for Greek-Turkish
economic cooperation under the aus-
pices of the EMDI. This arises out of the
recommendations contained in the re-
port of the rapporteur of the Political
Committee of the North Atlantic Assem-
bly, the Honorable Erik Blumenfeld, of
Germany. This report, which was con-
sidered by the Political Committee of
the North Atlantic Assembly at its meet-
ings in Brussels in October 1969, under
my chairmanship, suggested the desir-
ability of expanding the objectives of
EMDI and of establishing a Mediterra-
nean development organization. The rec-
ommendation was carefully considered
by the Political Committee. It was, there-
fore, considered also by the Economic
Committee of the Assembly, under the
chairmanship of Mr. Bishop, of the
United Kingdom. During the discussion,
it was suggested that, after preliminary
work, a governmental conference should
be convened with the aim of establishing
a Mediterranean development organiza-
tion "with the ultimate aim that respon-
sibility for furthering the project should
be entrusted to the Eastern "teira-
nean Development Institute." I ei7d a
copy of the resolution which emerged
from the deliberations of both the Polit-
ical and Economic Committees of the
North Atlantic Ateembly to this state-
There are many problems as well as
many opportunities presented by this
recommendation, which was endorsed at
the plenary session of the North Atlan-
tic Assembly. Yet any new type of orga-
nization in the field of economic devel-
opment enters an already crowded arena.
It is clear, moreover, that cooperation
between donors in any such organization
is difficult, and a recommendation which
contemplates, as this one does, some
type of organizational unity between
"donors" and "recipients" makes the
task even more complicated. Nonetheless,
there is at present no specific organiza-
tion which deals with the developmental
problems of the Mediterranean base, nor
is there one which expresses those NATO
responsibilities which lie in the field of
development. It was for these reasons
that both the Political and Economic
Committees at the plenary session en-
dorsed the recommendation annexed
Since the adoption of this recommen-
dation, a number of steps have been
taken to move forward with this project.
I have consulted with Mr. Blumenfeld
and with Mr. Rubin, the Executive Di-
rector of EMDI, here in Washington.
Subsequently, the matter has been dis-
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December 20, lARYd S 17407
cussed by Mr. Rubin with Greek and
Turkish board members of EMDI and,
immediately thereafter, with the chair-
man of the Economic Committee of the
North Atlantic Assembly, with Mr. Blum-
enfeld, and with M. Phillippe Deshormes,
the Secretary-General of the North At-
lantic Assembly.
Based upon an analysis prepared by
Mr. Rubin, further work is going for-
ward to explore both the problems and
the possibilities with a view toward a
meeting at the International Secretar-
iat of the North Atlantic Assembly in
March next, which will consider the es-
tablishment of a working group, as called
for in the recommendation and which
will attempt to establish a program of
work for that working group. The time-
table set up at the Paris meeting of
December 9,1969, suggests that it should
be possible to lay a specific proposal be-
fore the fall 1970 meeting of the North
Atlantic Assembly.
Many difficulties will have to be over-
come before one may reasonably say that
progress has been made toward the ob-
jectives of the recommendation annexed
hereto. But work has been started on this
project in a good spirit, with a desirable
objective in mind and with the first
prerequisite of success; that is, knowl-
edge of the difficulties.
In these circumstances, I think it is
justifiable to hope that the experience
with the project which was begun by
the NATO parliamentarians in 1964-65
and which has yielded highly useful re-
sults is only the beginning of an en-
larged and even more useful experiment
in international cooperation for eco-
nomic and social development.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that the Chair lay
before the Senate messages on S. 65, S.
80, S. 81, and S. 82, in that order, and
that the Senate agree to the House
amendment in the case of each measure.
These bills are relatively minor items,
all dealing with a related subject.
pore laid before the Senate the amend-
ment of the House of Representatives to
the bill (S. 65) to direct the Secretary of
Agriculture to convey sand, gravel, stone,
clay, and similar materials in certain
lands to Emogene Tilmon of Logan
County, Ark., which was, on page 2, line
2, strike out ": And provided further,
That such sand, gravel, stone, clay, and
similar materials shall only be used on
said tract."
The amendment was agreed to.
pore laid before the Senate the amend-
ment of the House of Representatives to
the bill (S. 80) to direct the Secretary
of Agriculture to convey sand, gravel,
stone, clay, and similar materials in cer-
tain lands to Enoch A. Lowder of Logan
County, Ark, which was, on page 2, line
2, strike out ": And provided further,
That such sand, gravel, stone, clay, and
similar materials shall only be used on
said tract".
The amendment was agreed to.
Pore laid before the Senate the amend-
ment of the House of Representatives to
the bill (S. 81) to direct the Secretary of
Agriculture to convey sand, gravel,
stone, clay, and similar materials in cer-
tain lands to J. B. Smith and Sula E.
Smith, of Magazine, Ark., which was, on
page 2, line 3, strike out": And provided
further, That such sand, gravel, stone,
clay, and similar materials shall only be
used on said tract."
The amendment was agreed to.
pore laid before the Senate the amend-
ment of the House of Representatives to
the bill (S. 82) to direct the Secretary of
Agriculture to convey sand, gravel, stone,
clay, and similar materials in certain
lands to Wayne Tilmon and Emogene
Tilmon of Logan County, Ark., which
was, on page 2, line 2, strike out": And
provided further, That such sand, gravel,
stone, clay, and similar materials shall
only be used on said tract."
The amendment was agreed to.
GS-16, GS-17, AND GS-18
Mr. McGEE. Mr. President, I ask the
Chair to lay before the Senate a message
from the House of Representatives on
S. 2325.
the Senate the amendment of the House
of Representatives to the bill (S. 2325)
to amend title 5, United States Code, to
provide for additional positions In
grades GS-16, GS-17, and GS-18 which
was to strike out all after the enacting
clause, and insert:
That (a) section 5108(a) of title 5, Unit-
ed States Code, is amended by striking out
"2,577" and inserting In lieu thereof "2.727".
(b) Section 5108(b) (2) of such title is
amended by striking out "28" and inserting
in lieu thereof "44".
(c) Section 5108(c) (1) of such title is
amended by striking out "64" and inserting
in lieu thereof "90".
(d) Section 5208(c) (2) of such title is
amended by striking out "110" and insert-
ing in lieu thereof "140".
SEC. 2. Section 4 of the Act entitled "An
Act to provide certain administrative author-
ities for the National Security Agency, and
for other purposes", approved May 29, 1959,
as amended (50 U.S.C. 402, note) , is amended
to read as follows:
"SEC. 4. The Secretary of Defense (or his
designee for the purpose) is authorized to?
"(1) establish in the National Security
Agency (A) professional engineering posi-
tions primarily concerned with research and
development and (B) professional positions
In the physical and natural sciences, medi-
cine, and cryptology; and
"(2) fix the respective rates of pay of
such positions at rates equal to rates of
basic pay contained in grades 16, 17, and 18
of the General Schedule set forth in section
5332 of title 5, United States Code.
Officers and employees appointed to positions
established under this section shall be in
addition to the number of officers and em-
ployees appointed to positions under section
2 of this Act who may be paid at rates equal
to rates of basic pay contained in grades 16,
17, and 18 of the General Schedule.".
Mr. MeGEE. Mr. President, the meas-
ure with the adjustment has been cleared
with both sides. I move that the Senate
concur in the House amendment to the
Senate bill which was to strike out a
provision for 45 additional supergrades
and a provision for eight supergrades
specifically allocated to the Smithsonian
tion is on agreeing to the motion of the
Senator from Wyoming.
The motion was agreed to.
pore laid before the Senate the following
letters, which were referred as indicated:
A letter from the Secretary of State, trans-
miting a draft of proposed legislation to re-
organize and strengthen the United States
Government structure for dealing with West-
ern Hemisphere affairs (with accompanying
papers); to the Committee on Foreign Re-
A letter from the Deputy Secretary of De-
fense, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report
on the fixed property, installations, and
major equipment items, and stored supplies
of the military departments maintained on
both a quantitative and monetary basis (with
an accompanying report); to the Committee
on Armed Services.
The following reports of committees
were submitted:
By Mr. BAGLETON, from the Committee
on the District of Columba, with amend-
S. 2694. A bill to amend the District of
Columbia Police and Firemen's Salary Act
of 1958 to increase salaries, and for other
purposes, with amendments (Rept. No. 91-
629) .
By Mr. MAGNUSON, from the Committee
on Commerce, with amendments:
S. 2289. A bill to amend the Interstate
Commerce Act, as amended, in order to make
unlawful, as unreasonable and unjust dis-
crimination against and an undue burden
upon interstate commerce, certain property
tax assessments of common and contract
carrier property, and for other purposes
(Rept. No. 91-630).
REPT. NO. 91-627)
Mr. BIBLE. Mr. President, I submit
the 19th annual report of the Select Com-
mittee on Small Business.
I ask unanimous consent that the re-
port be printed, together with individual
views of Senators JAMS, SCOTT, and HAT-
port will be received; and, without ob-
jection, the report will be printed, as
requested by the Senator from Nevada.
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S 17408 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE December 20, 1967
REPORT ENTITLED "THE EFFECTS By Mr. moNToYA (for himself, Mr. percent in the first 2 years to 10 percent
OF CORFORATIO11 FARMING ON CANNON SUd. Mr, RANDOLPH): in the 8th year, and in poverty areas
SMALL BUSINESS"?REPORT OF A S. 3281. A bill to amend section 139 of title from 90 percent in the first 2 years to
COMMIrrelh',--INDtVID_,, UAL VIEWS 23, United States Code, relating to additions
to the Interstate System; to the Committee 10 percent in the 10th year.
(S. REPT. NO. 91-628) on Public Works. Other major features of the bill pro-
Mr. BIBLE. Mr. President, from the (The remarks of Mr. MONTOYA when he in- vide that operational support would con-
Select Committee on Small Business, I troduced the bill appear later in the RECORD tinue to be provided to recipients who
submit a report entitled "Impact of Cor- under the appropriate heading.) have already received commitments for
poration Farming on Small Business." I By Mr. YARBOROUGH: future support under the existing law;
ask unanimous consent that the report S. 3282. A bill for the relief of Jean Rawls Federal funds for all types of mental
Fairbank; to the Committee on the Judi-
be printed, together with individual views ciary. retardation projects in a State would
not be less than the amounts allotted
of the Senator from Colorado (Mr. Doan- S. 3283. A bill for the relief of John L.
NICE). to the State in fiscal year 1970 for con-
Clark; to the Corr mittee on Armed Services.
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The re- By Mr. KENNEDY: struction of community mental retarda-
port will be received; and, without objec- S. 3284. A bill to authorize the acquisition tion facilities; joint funding arrange-
tion, the report will be printed, as re- and maintenance of the Goddard Rocket merits with other Federal programs
quested by the Senator from Nevad t. launching site in Iccordance with the act of could be entered into; and before grants
August 25, 1916, as amended and supple- are made, States must be given an op-
mented, and for other purposes; to the Com- portunity to review and make rec,om-
EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF A mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs. mendations on projects in their juris-
(The remarks of Mr. KENNEDY when he
COMMITTEE dictions.
introduced the bill appear later in the RECORD In order to meet the problemto which
under the appropr: ate heading.)
By Mr. YAK3OR0UGH: the President called attention in his
S 3285. A bill for the relief a Mrs. Louise message of April 30, I969, to the Con-
Sheridan; to the Cnnmittee on the Judiciary. gress on improving the administration
By Mr. MAoNcsobt (for himself, Mr. of Federal programs, the Department of
GrinhaN, Mr. PEARSON, Mr. PROUTY, Health, Education, and Welfare has pro-
and Mr. Soon.) (by request) : vided in the bill for consolidating the
S 3286. A bill to assist consumers in eval- present separate categories of grants for
uating products by promoting development construction of mental retardation fa-
of adequate and reliable methods for testing
characteristics of consumer products; to the cilities, for construction of university
Committee on Commerce. affiliated facilities, andlor initial staffing
(The remarks oi! Mr. MAGNUSON when he of community mental retardation f a-
introduced the bill appear later in the EEC- cilities into a single, flexible program of
ORD under a separate heading.) grants to public or nonprofit agencies
covering facilities and services for the
mentally retarded.
S. 3278?INTRODUCTION OF THE Appropriations authorizations are re-
. The PRESIDING OlerICER. The bill
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I intro- will be received and appropriately re-
BILLS INTRODUCED duce, for the administration, the Mental f erred.
Retardation Services Amendments of The bill (S. 3277) to amend the Mental
Bills were introduced, read the first 1969. The bill assures the continuing Retardation Construction Act to extend
time and, by unanirnons consent the support of the Federal Government in and improve the provisions thereof, and
second time, and referred as folloW ;: providing services and expanded facil- for other purposes, introduced by Mr.
By Mr. JAVITS: ities for the mentally retarded, including JAVITS, was received, read twice by its
S. 3277. A bill to amend the Menta I Re- special incentives to encourage these title and referred to the Committee on
tardation Construction Act to extene and activities in areas having the most Labor and Public Welfare.
improve the provisions thereof, and for other critical need.
purposes; to the Committee on Labor and
Public Welfare. i Included among the activities for
(The remarks of Mr. Jimrs when he intro-
nder the appropriate heading.) which grants could be made under the
bill are the provision of services for the TOIYAB NATIONAL FOREST
mentally retarded?operation grants? TO EXTEND BOUNDARIES OF THE
uced the bill appear later in the RXORD E ,
By Mr. BRVIN (for himself, Mr. construction of mental retardation facil- Mr. BIBLE. Mr. President, I introduce,
ALLEN, Mr. EitarLAND, and Mr. Hex,-
Latto): ities ; development and demonstration of for appropriate reference, a bill to ex-
S. 3278. A bill to amend? the Civil Bights new or improved techniques for provision tend the boundaries of the Toiya,be Na-
Act of 1964 by adding a new title, vrialc b. re- of services for the mentally retarded; tional Forest in Nevada.
By Mr. BIBLE: share of the costs of new projects, in- forest. The bill would extend the na-
eluding construction projects, shall be tional forest boundary to include 12,920
adtraminiiiing of personnel to work on the The purpose of the bill, is to aid in the
tarded; and State and local planning, maintenance of the watershed, wildlife,
bill provides:
various problems of the mentally re- protection, improvement, and proper
First, the maximum on the Federal within the boundaries of this national
I am pleased net the administration ues of the lands in the Lake Tahoe Ba-
istration, and technical assistance, recreation, and natural environment val-
sin, much of which is already embraced
res to local sehool boards their oorattitu-
ons1 power to administer the public schools
mmitted to their charge, confers op par-
ts the right to choose the public 4011001c
eir children attend, secures to child/nil the
t to attend the public school chosen by
ir parents, and makes effective the rightpublic school administrators and tee:hers
serve in the schools in vitich they cTact
serve; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
75 percent except in poverty areas where acres of largely undeveloped, privately
S. 3279. A bill to extend itte houndari .6. of 90 percent would be permitted;
(The remarks of Mr. HIET.P when he in- projects providing mental retardation Lake Tahoe is a unique body of water
Second, the duration of support for othwenel adkel a. nds along the Nevada side of
e Toiyabe National For in Nevada, and
r other purposes; to the Committee 01_ In-
rior and Insular Affairs. -
services is to be extended from the pres- set in a basin which, despite encroach-
ent 51 months to 3 years except for pov- ment by urban development, still retains
der the appropriate heading.) erty areas where support could be much of its natural environmental
educed the bill appear later In the Mame
granted for 10 years; and beauty. It is one of the Nation's out-
s. 3280. A bill for the relief of Sergio I. Third, the Federal share of support standing natural assets.
=izamon; to the Committee on the Judi- for projects providing services would de- The stability of the natural conditions
. cline gradually, from a maximum of 75 contributing to the clarity of the lake
Mr. 1VIAGNITSON. Mr. President, from
the Committee on Commerce, I report
favorably sundry nominations in the
Coast Guard which have previously ap-
peared in the CONGRESSIONAL RECOR3 and
I ask unanimous consent, in order to save
the expense of printing them on the
executive calendar, that they lie on the
Secretary's desk for the informal m of
any Senator.
objection, it is so ordered.
The nominations, ordered to lie on the
desk, are as follows:
David W. Hiller, and sundry other ? ricers,
for promotion in the Cnairt Guard; ate:,
Paul L. Milligan, and sundry othe ^ Re-
serve officers, for appointment to the Coast
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Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71,1300364R000300120003-9
December 19, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks
however, a great service to the American
public. It is a critical stage in the delivery
of pharmaceuticals to the consumer, and in
my view, our accounts should be organized
so that the role of this essential service can
be better measured.
Next among the basic commitments is edu-
cation. We have an extensive education sys-
tem. It begins with the detail man, but it is
in our literature, in the distribution of re-
prints from the technical journals, our sym-
posia, our hospital meetings, our films?a tre-
mendous educational network directed to-
wards every physician, pharmacist and hos-
pital. And in every analysis of this system
that I can recall even by our critics, one
thing we get back clearly from the doctor
is that certainly to a significant extent, our
activities in relation to them, are truly edu-
cational and a true service to the medical
profession and, therefore, to the patient.
Now finally, there is promotion?sheer,
straight building of the market and share
of the market. Our industry is different from
others in degree but not in kind. 'Attention
must be attracted to the products available,
especially new products. This history of mar-
keting proves that people do not beat a path
to your door to buy that better mousetrap.
The market must be made. We must take
greater care, but we must still build the
market. This is a typical free enterprise type
of operation which is expensive and necessary
and without it the other services would not
be possible.
So there they are, these six commitments
of the pharmaceutical industry.
The most significant thing about this
briefly told story is that it brings home that
the pharmaceutical industry is not just a
manufacturing industry, but a service in-
dustry as well. We are a service and a prod-
uct industry with six commitments of pro-
found social value, This is basic to an under-
standing of what we are.
At the beginning of this talk, I touched
so lightly as hardly to have done it on some
of the accomplishments of this industry. But,
In the future, even more should be expected
of this industry because knowledge builds
on knowledge in geometric progression. And
the evidence is all there, that there will be
a speaker like me 30 or 35 years from now,
making the kind of comparison I did at the
outset of my remarks and probably likening
us, too, to some equivalent of the kindly old
general practitioner who had hardly any-
thing in his black bag.
But some members of this industry do not
assume all of these commitments. Some,
hardly any of them. And I think this con-
trast helps bring the significance of these
commitments into clear perspective.
I remember many years ago encountering
one of these people in this category of little
or no commitments, and out of sheer curi-
osity, I said to him, "How do you operate? I
know you don't do any research. I doubt if
you do any development. I've never seen any
advertising, and you. don't have any detail
men do you?" And he got a big laugh out of
this. And he said, "It's simple enough. First
of all, I'm not a full-line house, I pick and
choose the fast-moving items that are al-
ready developed, like the best-selling prod-
ucts in the Pfizer penicillin line." This was
many years ago, as I said. But he said, "I can
make these products and, in fact, I can make
them cheaper than you can?you're too
fancy. And I can send a postcard to the drug-
gist. Not all across the nation, not even
throughout all of my state. But I can send a
postcard to the druggist and say I've got
penicillin available at the lowest price on the
market. They won't all come to me, but I'll
get my share." He said, "I'm going down to
Palm Beach this winter. What are you do-
I don't deny that man his right to operate
in that fashion as long as his products meet
proper quality standards. I don't even criti-
cize. But I ask this question: What is the
relative social value of this entrepreneur. I
don't mean the value of his enterprise to
himself. I mean the value to society. This is
what is in issue these days. This is what the
debate is really all about, or should be about.
To some, the lower prices of the drugs he
supplies will seem an important social con-
tribution. But just what is the net value to
society of that price differential, when it
is achieved by largely or completely avoiding
those vital service commitments to research,
development, quality control, distribution,
education, and marketing that has earned
world leadership for the American pharma-
ceutical industry, and on which the progress
of therapeutics very substantially depends?
What is the real price of that low price drug?
And who pays it?
So this is the point of beginning for our
industry?to know ourselves through serious
study, to welcome the beginning of the pos-
sible new atmosphere as the shrill cries seem
to moderate, or at least as some moderate
voices begin to be heard. Before us now is
the difficult problem of the future of health
care in this country. Our hope and our re-
sponsibility is to participate with our new
partners?government, the medical profes-
sion, and academia, in building for the
future, The old way of hostile hearings and
regulatory battles has little to do with this
future?indeed can only hinder and impede
it. In a word, if we are to build the future
it will be by cooperation. In that necessary
cooperative effort, the pharmaceutical indus-
try is ready to do its part.
Monday, December 15, 1969 '
Mr. GILBERT. Mr. Speaker, I sup-
port H.R. 10124, offered by the gentle-
man from Massachusetts (Mr. Doxo-
Bus) , to extend the time for filing tort
actions by persons under the age of 21,
or insane or mentally ill, or imprisoned
on a criminal charge.
I have sponsored a similar bill in past
Congresses and in this Congress?H.R.
4155, 91st Congress. The bill will modify
existing law by providing that the 2-
year statue of limitations applicable to
tort actions against the Government will
not run against persons under legal dis-
ability at the time the action accrues,
and that, such individuals may present
the claim within 2 years after the dis-
ability ceases. We should recognize the
fact that persons suffering from legal
disabilities and particularly those who
are under age are actually being deprived
of their rights because of the presently
overstrict limitation provision in subsec-
tion (b) of section 2401, title 28 of the
United States Code.
There is a demonstrated need for this
legislation. I support H.R. 10124 and I
commend my distinguished colleague
(Mr. DONOHUE) for the action of his sub-
committee in bringing this bill to the
House floor.
Wednesday, December 17, 1969
Mr. OTTINGER. Mr. Speaker, I am
deeply disturbed about the apparent
erosion by the Nixon administration of
our position of support for a fair and
permanent resolution of the conflict be-
tween Israel and her Arab neighbors in
the Middle East.
The basis of our policy has been to
promote a settlement by direct nego-
tiations between the parties of their dis-
putes over borders, recognition, refugees,
and access to international waterways
and, until such a settlement can be
reached, to assure Israel's invulnerability
to Arab attack.
The first disturbing indication that the
Nixon administration was backing away
from this policy occurred at its inception
when Gov. William Scranton announced,
after a Presidential fact-finding tour of
the area, that the new administration
was going to pursue a more "even-
handed" policy. Next came a period of
equivocation over delivery of Phantom
jets to Israel in pursuance with prior
commitments. While the jets have now
been promised, they still have not been
These events led to sincere fears that
"even-handedness" meant abandoning
Israel in favor of Republican oil interests
in the Arab States.
These fears were heightened when the
United States supported the United Na-
tions resolution condemning Israel for
her attacks on Lebanon in response to
actions of Arab terrorists in blowing up
an El Al airliner at Beirut airport with-
out any condemnation for the Arab at-
tacks which provoked the incident. This
hardly seemed even-handed. Nor did our
abstention from subsequent one-sided
U.N. Middle East resolutions or our
silence in the U.N. during the public
hangings by Iraq of Jews.
These fears were again aroused when
the U.S.-proposed four-power talks to
promote a Middle East settlement with
France and Russia committed to side
with the Arabs. They were barely as-
suaged by our assurances that the four
powers would concern themselves solely
with broad guidelines for peace and not
the specifics of a settlement which we
stated would be left to direct negotiations.
The State Department's latest pro-
nouncement inviting resumption of offi-
cial recognition of the Arab States that
have sworn to annihilate Israel and are
daily sending terrorists across her bor-
ders to kill her citizens can but confrm
these fears.
Worse yet, Secretary Rogers' recent
speech putting forward specific border
settlement proposals, undermines Is-
rael's chief bargaining position requiring
direct negotiations of the details of a set-
tlement. Indeed, since only direct nego-
tiations can produce a permanent and
lasting settlement, the State Depart-
ment's position seriously jeopardizes the
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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks December 19, 1969
prospects for peace in that troubled area.
It seems clear that President Nasser
and his 'radical Arab Iglsociates will in-
terpret Secretary Rogers' latest over-
tures as a signal that they are fi ee to
pursue, with Soviet Assistance, their
policy of military adventurism against
Israel and her people. This encourage-
ment could well prove to be explosive.
Indeed, it is significant that no sooner
had Secretary Rogers spoken than the
Soviet Union's prime minister promised
increased military aid for Egypt and re-
affirmed his nation's support for the ter-
rorist Arab guerrilla movement.
I think it is clear that the Soviet-Arab
strategy is to create an atmosphere of
such intense crisis that the United States
would force major concessions upcn Is-
rael as the price for a temporary respite.
And temporary it clearly would be, for no
arrangement worked out in the absence
of direct negotiations between Israel and
the Arabs can hope to have any
We cannot, we must not let oun,elves
be coerced into such a position, for to
do so would jeopardize the political inde-
pendence and territorial integrity of Is-
rael without achieving a meaningful
peace in the Middle East. To undermine
Israel at this time would merely whet the
radical Arab appetite for full-scale as-
sault on Israel and increase the risk of a
wider war.
It is appropriate to remind our: elves
of the statements made by John Foster
Dulles when he was Secretary of State
under President Eisenhower:
The preservation of the State of Israel is
one of the essential goals of United States
foreign policy.
Israel is the one bastion of freed( no in
the Middle Esst. By encouraging the
Arabs, we are playing with fire in an
explosive situation. If the Arabs zikount
a major attack on Israel, we can hardly
avoid becoming involved. It is eminently
in our interests to prevent such a con-
flict from breaking out and to return to
the sound principles for a sound settle-
ment that this country ha; pursued until
the present.
Wednesday, December 17, 196,c-
Mr. SCHWENGEL. Mr. Speaker my
editorial for today is from the Arizona
Republic. The editorial _kilOWS :
WASHINGTON.?The Nixon administration
left it up to Congress yesterday to decade
whether heayier and bigger bailer truck.; and
buses are safe enough to be permitted to
travel on Interstate highways.
Federal Highway Adadin erator F. C
Turner told a House public works subcom-
rnittee his agency did not hate "sufficient re-
liable evidence" to determine whether the
increased sizes of trucks and buses prbposed
in controversial legislation wraild mean addi-
Menai safety hazards to motorists. I
If Congress decides moterist s safety 'is not
affected "measurably," Turner said, the ad-
ministration would urge that implementa-
tion be delayed until July 1, '1972, rather
than on the date of passage. The govern-
ment needs the three years to set perform-
ance standards Sir the bigger trucks, he
Turner's long-awaited disclosure of the ad-
ministration position on the bill, while not
an endorsement, brought smiles to the faces
of subcommittee members who support the
As opponent, Re. Fred Schwengel, R-Iowa,
said it was "incredible" that the Transporta-
tion Department did not recommend delay
In action on the bill until it could collect
adequate safety data.
The bill, supported by the trucking in-
dustry and opposed by the American Auto-
mobile Association, would increase from 8
feet to 81/2 feet the maximum allowable
width of trucks and buses using the inter-
state highway system.
The limit on weight would be raised from
79,280 pounds to 188,500 pounds. The length,
which is not limited now, would be set at
70 feet. Turner recommended a maximum
length of 65 feet.
Wednesday, December .17, 1969
Mr. NICHOLS, Mr. Speaker, on No-
vember 18, 1969, Dr. Harry Phiipott, pres-
ident of Auburn University, addressed the
Alabama Baptis.; State Convention in
Birmingham. Dr. Philpott is an ordained
Baptist minister although he has never
held a pastorate, his entire career has
been in the field of education. In his ad-
dress, Dr. Philpoi;t outlined the continu-
ing need for Christian higher education
In the years ahead. I would like to share
his thoughts on this important subject
with my colleagues by inserting his re-
marks in the RES'Oee at this point:
Our emphasis on Christian higher educa-
tion continues a glorious phase of Baptist his-
tory. It is well to remind ourselves of the
fundamental importance of education in the
development of Baptist churches. Our pres-
ent-day heritage has many roots but none
is more important than the leadership of
Luther Rice in the 19th Century. One com-
mentator has described his return from
Burma to solicit support for Judson's pio-
neering missionary enterprise as the single
most important event in Baptist history
during the 19th Century. He arrived with a
great zeal for missions but discovered the
support necessary for these could not be
obtained because of the fragmented charac-
ter and separatism of the Baptist churches
and because of the appalling lack of educa-
tion within the ministry and the leadership
Of the churches. If the missionary endeavor
was to move forward, it was necessary to
bring the churches together in associations
and conventions and to overcome the lack
of education and understanding.
With unequaled devotion, Rice traveled
throughout the eassern and southern United
States drawing Baptists together, presenting
the missionary challenge and sparking the
organization of Baptist colleges and schools.
The difficulty of hie task can be seen in the
fact that an early division in the ranks of
the Baptists separated those who believed
in education and Missions from those who
opposed such endeavors by the churches.
Our forebearers proudly proclaimed them-
selves Missionary Baptists and equally em-
phasized their great concern for education.
Church-related educational programs, acad-
emies, colleges, universities and seminaries
characterized the educational enterprises of
our churches and continue to be a basic em-
phasis of our Christian mission today. De-
spite the problems which face us-education-
ally and the changes in American educa-
tion which have had their effect on our pro-
grams, we Would be disloyal to our Baptist
heritage and, more importantly, unworthy
of the future if we did not continue to give
major importance to these endeavors.
I stand before you today as a concerned
individual with a troubled soul. I have al-
ways held, and still do, a firm belief in the
dual system of higher education as we have
known it in the United States. Problems
which face both the private sector and the
public sector of higher education are as dif-
ficult, if not more difficult, than at any
time in our history. During this century we
have witnessed undreamed of expansion in
public education, 'while the private and
church-related institutions have been forced
by a variety of circumstances to simply hold
their own, as a rule. In Alabama for ex-
ample, in the last ten years we have seen
a 115 per cent enrollment increase in our
institutions of higher learning, with only a
small proportion of this coming in the pri-
vate and church-related sector. Our best
estimates indicate that a 70 per cent increase
in higher education enrollment will take
place in the next decade, again with the
overwhelming percentage being in the public
Changing circumstances have dictated new
patterns for our Baptist programs in higher
education. While continuing, as we absolutely
must, support for our own institutions, we
have been challenged to develop Baptist
Student Programs in our public institutions.
The developing Junior College system in
Alabama has opened a new opportunity for
student work in many of our churches and
for the State Convention. Christian higher
education today requires that we meet stu-
dent needs whatever type of institution they
It should not be supposed that the public
institutions are immune from the same prob-
lems private institutions face in attempting
to fulfill their responsibilities. We are wit-
nessing at the present time, and I can only
predict that this trend will accelerate in the
next ten years, an obliteration of the line
which distinguished private and public insti-
tutions of higher learning in the past. Tax
dollars now provide as much as 45 per cent
of the annual operating budgets for some
private and denominational institutions
while public institutions must avidly seek
private gift support to supplement govern-
mental appropriations.
We have only to remind ourselves that in
every State Convention of Southern Baptists
this year the issue of tax support for our
institutions, or government aid in a variety
of forms, will be a major consideration. I
have no simple answer to resolve this issue
but from a survey of recent history can only
offer the prediction that in the decade ahead
some form of support from the governments
will be required for the continued existence
of our institutions. Our task will be to devise
programs which will safeguard, so far as
possible, the administration of our schools in
private hands and which will draw a clear
line of distinction between activities which
are religious' in character and those which
are common to the educational experience
of all students.
In this connection, I am pleased with the
growing understanding being shown by my
fellow Baptists in placing the day by day
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December 19, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD? HOUSE 1112801
Mr. WHITE. Mr. Speaker, the State
of Texas has lost one of its great civic
leaders, a widely known and highly re-
spected lawyer, a forceful and eloquent
Ig-ure on the political scene, a courtly
:espected gentleman.
Mr. Thornton Hardie came to El Paso
os a young graduate of the University of
Texas Law School in 1913. He has prac-
ticed law in El Paso for more than 56
years; certainly he was one of the senior
members and former presidents of the El
Paso Bar, a distinguished legal scholar,
and the senior member of the highly re-
spected firm of Hardie, Grambling, Sims
& Galatzan.
Excellence in legal training and prac-
tice, in civic life, and especially in the
field of education, were basic themes of
his life. For 6 years, he served our State
with great distinction as a member of
the board of regents of the University of
Texas system, as chairman of the board
for 2 years, 1961 to 1963. He also served
as a member of the Texas Council for
Higher Education, and was a member of
the Philosophical Society of Texas.
In politics, Mr. Hardie was an eloquent
defender of those principles of consti-
tutional government which he believed
essential to our Nation's well-being. Op-
ponents and allies alike respected his
great ability and admired his unfailing
courtesy and courtly bearing.
In our community of El Paso, he was
honored in the field of business, having
served as vice president and director of
the El Paso National Bank, director of
the Southern Union Gas Co., and the
Rio Grande, El Paso & Santa Fe Rail-
road Co.
His imprint upon the city of El Paso
and the State of Texas has been great
beyond measure. His memory will re-
main bright among his four children, all
of whom are outstanding civic leaders,
18 grandchildren and eight great-grand-
children, his brothers and sisters, and
his many friends.
Other Members of this body, who had
the good fortune to know Mr. Thornton
Hardie, I am sure will join in the senti-
ments that here was a citizen whose ca-
reer of service deserves our admiration
and respect.
ParsorieZaolk,T.- RESOLUTION
(Mr. FINDLEY asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. FINDLEY. Mr. Speaker, daily the
fighting in the Middle East increases,
daily the tension multiplies, daily the toll
of Arabs and Israelis killed mounts?
and each day the likelihood grows that
open warfare will erupt between nations
in that part of the world. If that fateful,
violent day comes again as it did in 1957
and 1967, the position of the United
States may well determine the future of
mankind. The military and political sup-
port which our Government gives to one
side or the other will drastically affect
the outcome of any war in the Middle
East, whether it spreads beyond the im-
mediate bounds of the conflict, whether
it involves a confrontation with the So-
viet Union, and whether once again
American boys are called upon to put
their lives on the line to support their
Government's foreign policy.
Does the United States have a commit-
ment that might draw us into a conflict
in the Middle East? If it exists, how does
it compare with the commitment our Na-
tion undertook in Vietnam? Who would
make the decision as to whether our in-
terest justifies military action? What is
the possibility of the United States be-
coming embroiled, through a Vietnam-
like process of gradualism, in another
undeclared war?this time perhaps pos-
ing an even greater risk of escalation to
a nuclear confrontation?
These are questions the Congress and
the American people are entitled to ask,
particularly at this moment of mounting
crisis in a region with which our country
has so many cultural, religious, ethnic,
and economic ties.
The answers will come as a surprise?
indeed, a shock?to most Americans, in-
cluding, I daresay, most of the Members
of Congress.
Still in full force on the statute books
is a resolution enacted by Congress in
1957 which states a broad area of na-
tional commitment to the preservation
of the integrity of nations in the Middle
East. It is far more specific than the for-
mal obligations cited as justification for
our entry into the conflict in Vietnam.
In fact, the all but forgotten Middle East
Resolution makes the Gulf of Tonkin
Resolution pale by comparison. It places
in the hands of the President the exclu-
sive authority to make the determina-
tion that military action is required and
to order into action military forces with-
out limit. It relieves the President even
of the necessity of consulting with the
Congress, as well as the necessity of se-
curing advance congressional approval.
It leaves open the possibility of an-
other Vietnam-like experience, another
undeclared war?this time bringing into
basic confrontation the vital interests of
the world's two super-powers.
What President?and especially one
now dealing with the agony of disen-
gagement from the Vietnam tragedy?
would wish to use this awesome power
without first consulting thoroughly with
the Congress and gaining from the Con-
gress specific approval. Surely, President
Nixon would be the last person inten-
tionally to permit the military doctrine
of gradualism to draw the Nation into
another large-scale undeclared war.
Indeed, President Nixon's statement
this week that he approves of the Sen-
ate appropriation bill amendment forbid-
ding ground combat troops from being
introduced into Thailand and Laos sug-
gests that the President would likewise
welcome congressional restraint on simi-
lar authority in the Middle East.
This estimate of Presidential intention,
while reassuring, does not relieve the
Congress of its own responsibility to the
American people. Under the Constitu-
tion, the power of the sword is vested in
the Congress. This power it unwisely sur-
rendered in 1957, and this power it must
regain. To argue that the resolution is
dormant and would never be cited is
scant comfort.
In the fall of 1964, President Johnson
would have scoffed at a forecast that he
would use the Gulf of Tonkin resolution
and the SEATO treaty as justification
for sending a half-million men into war.
Such a possibility has not been ruled
completely out in the Middle East. Dur-
ing the 10-day battle in November be-
tween the Lebanese Army and Arab guer-
rilla forces, Secretary of the Navy John
H. Chaffee told a London news confer-
ence, "I think certainly the United States
is not anxious to become involved in land
deployment in the Mediterranean." But
if circumstances became serious and re-
quired it, he said, "I think we could do
it." He added that, "I think the United
States would need very strong reasons
for landing troops from the 6th Fleet."
No one can forecast with accuracy the
passions and pressures which may be
generated by future events and brough;,
to bear on institutions of our Govern-
If experience has taught us anything,
it has shown how fragile peace really is,
and how difficult it is to draw the fine line
between U.S. involvement as a provider
of noncombat military support and U.S.
involvement in combat itself.
Difficult though it may be, the Con-
gress must assume responsibility for that
line drawing. The chore cannot wisely
be left to the President, even one as ex-
perienced and chastened as Mr. Nixon.
The power of the sword?one of the
two great powers reserved by the Con-
stitution to the legislative branch?is
clearly and exclusively established as a
congressional prerogative by this man-
date of article I, section 8 of the Con-
stitution, "The Congress shall have power
to declare war."
There are some, myself among them,
who believe that Congress has not ade-
quately fulfilled its responsibility in this
regard in the past. Irrespective of differ-
ing views on points of history, each of us
surely wants to guard the legislative
prerogative of power over the sword in
any future conflict which might entail
the use of U.S. troops.
If war should break out in the Middle
East?and there is every indication that
this is a real possibility?the Congress
should formally and officially participate
In any decision fixing the role the United
States would take in such a conflict. The
Constitution says we must, and the peo-
ple who elected us have the right to ex-
pect us to exercise our judgment in just
such a circumstance.
Yet, in the event of war in the Middle
East, would the Congress be called upon
to exercise its constitutional authority
before our military forces are used?
Under existing law, as interpreted
when it was enacted, it is clear that the
decision could be made to send Amer-
ican combat troops in almost unlimited
numbers into the Middle East to fight on
any side or as a buffer between sides
without specific approval by the House
or the Senate.
The Middle East resolution, passed in
the early months of 1957 when the men-
acing military posture of the Soviet Un-
ion seemed to threaten the stability of
the countries of the Middle East, states:
The United States regards as vital to the
national interest and world peace the pres-
ervation of the independence and integrity
of the nations of the Middle East. To this
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end, if the President determinos the ne-
cessity thereof, the United States s prepared
to use armed forces to assist any such na-
tion or group of such nations requesting
assistance against armed aggre-ion from
any country controlled by International com-
munism: Provided, That such employment
shall be consonant with the treaty obliga-
tions of the United States and with the Con-
stitution of the United States, Pub. L. 85-7.
This act has never been repealed. It
has no specified date of expiration. It
is permanent law.
Let there be no mistake. This resolu-
tion, passed under circumstances in the
Middle East which have 'adically
changed in the intervening 13 years, re-
quires neither consultation with Con-
gress nor congressional approval before
the President can send America/ men to
fight in a war.
When Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles testified on the resolution before
the Joint Senate Armed Sereices and
Foreign Relations Committees Ile made
that point abundantly clear in response
to this question put to him by Senator
Senator KEFAIIVEFL But can you give as that
as an assurance, that before the Armed
Forces of this Nation will be used tinier cir-
cumstances which might bring aboval a sub-
stantial conflict, that the President wc ask
for a declaration that a state of war xlsted?
Secretary DULLES. Not prior to tin ir use;
no sir.
And in response to Senator Fut-
BRIGHT'S query, "Who determines wheth-
er or not a country is Communist dom-
inated?" the Secretary of State replied,
"That determination would be nide by
the President."
This broad delegation of congreFnional
power is far greater than the grant of
I authority in the SEATO treaty ? chich
, President Johnson often cited as au thor-
ity for American military actions ender
ethe Gulf of Tonkin resolution. 'Under
I article IV of the SEATO treaty, each
party to the treaty pledged, in accord-
ance with its "constitutional proce:ses."
to "act to meet the common danger- re-
sulting from "aggression by meats of
larmed attack in the treaty area age inst
any of the parties."
I The hearings on the SEATO tree y in
1954 made it perfectly clear that ,1 ome
form of congressional action won't' be
required to authorize military action
Under article IV. Senator Wiley, the
hairman of the Senate Foreign ee '1a-
ons Committee unmistakably clan fled
t le meaning of the phrase "constitutional
rocesses" when he asked Secretor of
tate Dulles the following question:
Senator WILEY. So whether it were the
threat mentioned in Section 2 [of article WI
or the common danger resulting from 0 ii.
attack, action could be taken only a' ter
cOnsultation with Congress?
\ To this, the Secretary of State i n-
cpealifiedly answered "yes."
IAgain, later in the hearings, the Sore-
retary of State affirmed that the Presi-
dent "would act through the Congress if
it were in session, and if not in sessim
[le would] call Congress."
here was no similar pledge by Suet-
ta y Dulles in the hearings on the Mid-
dl East resolution. To the contrary, as
in icated to Senator Kefauver above, the
Secretary specifically stated that the
President rued not consult first with the
Congress, nor seek any kind of congres-
sional authority or supportive action,
prior to committing U.S. Armed Forces to
fight in the Middle East. Secretary Dulles
did say that the President might, under
certain circumstances, call Congress into
session after he had committed troops
and the war had already begun. This
comment demonstrated clearly the de-
gree to which the resolution relieved the
Congress of its war-making power.
The only military action taken under
authority of the Middle East resolution
unquestionably supports this interpreta-
When President Eisenhower sent U.S.
Marines into Lebanon without prior con-
gressional approval on July 14, 1957, he
cited the Middle East resolution?passed
16 months earlier?in support of his ac-
tion, although the aggression was being
carried out exclusively by Arab na-
tionals using Soviet weapons. As further
justification, he listed the pattern of con-
quest by the Communists in Greece in
1947, Czechoslovakia in 1948, China in
1949, Korea and Indochina in 1950, and
We now see in the Middle East . . . the
same pattern of ionquest with which we be-
came familiar during the period of 1915 to
1950. This involves taking over a nation by
means of indirect aggression; that is, under
the cover of a fomented civil strife the pur-
pose is to put into domestic control those
whose real loyalty is to the aggressor.
Referring to the Korean war, Presi-
dent Eisenhower went on to say, "All
the world knew that the North Koreans
were armed, equipped and directed from
without for the purpose of aggression."
Times have changed since the Congress
passed the Middle East Resolution over a
decade ago. The nature of the conflict has
changed. Although Soviet power remains
and in some respect is much greater, who
can say with precision that any country
in the Middle East is, in the words of
the resolution, ''controlled by interna-
tional communism"? The fierce in-
dependence and nationalism of Arabs is
only partly nurtured by Soviet ambi-
tion and aid. To the deep wounds of many
years are added the scars of the 7-day
war. Tension and conflict are seen more
In nationalistic teems today than in terms
of confrontation between the free world
and international communism.
At the same time the Soviet threat has
taken on a more menacing, although
changed, character. The Soviet Union is
now a superpower whose nuclear weapons
are acknowledged eo be in the same class
as those of the United States. It is also
a first-rate naval power, operating ex-
tensively for the first time throughout
the Mediterranean.
If a confrontation should occur be-
tween the United States and the Soviet
Union over the Middle East, our country
would no longer hold the decisive ad-
vantages of yesterday, even though the
danger of intimidation of these states by
massed displays of Soviet ground forces
no longer seems so great.
These changes meke all the graver the
risks entailed by a confrontation with
"international communism" in that re-
gion. Such a confrontation may come.
December 19, 1969
The time may also-come when the United
States will find it clearly in its interest
to go to war. But the stakes are now
so mountainous as to make absolutely'
vital formal congressional approval be-
fore any such decision is effected.
The Congress can deal expeditiousl,
with a challenge in whatever manner e-
appropriate. Let no one doubt the ca-
pability or the capacity of the Congress
to act with dispatch if the occasion merits
it. The comment of Senator Lyndon B.
Johnson, later to be President, at the
hearings on the Middle East resolution
are as instructive as they are ironic. Re-
ferring to the request in the resolution
for $200 million to support U.S. economic
and military aid, theSenator told Secre-
tary Dulles:
I think that you can trust the Congress to
act with reasonable care on matters vitally
affecting this Nation and not to drag their
feet. I know of no disposition to do so. It
seems to me if the Secretary of State and the
President feel the need for further informa-
tion before they reach a conclusion, that they
will give the Congress the same privilege they
reserve for themselves.
The attitude of the American people
has also changed quite markedly over the
last decade. We have learned from bitter
experience the limitations of limited
We have learned that a war effort
which has been denied the unifying force
of formal congressional support and ap-
proval is gravely shortchanged. We have
found that a limited military response
ordered on his own by the President can
lead the Nation into a paralyzing and
seemingly bottomless quagmire, From
this experience, I believe the Congress
has become convinced that the American
people well not support U.S. involvement
in a foreign war unless and until such in-
volvement has been given formal ap-
proval by the Congress.
Because of these two changed factors,
plus the constitutional responsibility
mentioned earlier, I am today introduc-
ing an amendment to the Middle East
resolution. It would clearly spell out the
role of Congress in any decision to com-
mit U.S. forces to the Middle East under
the authority of that resolution.
Retaining all the basic language of the
resolution, the amendment would add
three significant wordeteekareff the Con-
gress," to the operative clause permitting
the commitment of armed forces. It
would cause section 2 of the resolution to
read, in pertinent part:
Furthermore, the United States regards as
vital to the national interest and world peace
the preservation of the independence and
Integrity of the nations of the Middle East.
To this end, if the President and the Con-
gress determine the necessity thereof, the
United States is prepared to use armed forces
to assist any nation or group of such nations
requesting assistance against armed aggres-
sion from any country controlled by interna-
tional communism: Provided, That such em-
ployment shall be consonant with the treaty
obligations of the 'United States and with
the Constitution of the United States.
This amendment does not in any way
lessen our commitment to peace, justice,
and national security in the Middle East.
Nor does the amendment in any way les-
sen our commitment to stand fast against
Communist encroachment in that part
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December 19, 1969 CONGREssIuiN AL litCUICIJ ?
of the world. Outright repeal of the Mid-
dle East resolution might very well have
that effect.
Acceptance by the Congress of the
amendment I propose would have the
undeniable effect of reaffirming congres-
sional support for and commitment to a
stable, peaceful, independent Middle
East. At this point in our history when
the shadow of Vietnam seems to dull
many of our commitments around the
world, it would be wise for the United
States to renew its commitment to stand
fast against Communist penetration in
this part of the world.
My amendment restores Congress to its
proper decisionmaking role, recognizing
that before the United States can con-
stitutionally commit armed forces to Pre-
serve "the independence and integrity
of the nations of the Middle East," ap-
proval by the Congress, as well as the
President is required.
This amendment would not infringe
upon the legitimate right?in fact the
duty?of a President to commit troops in
the Middle East or elsewhere under cer-
tain limited circumstances without prior
specific approval by the Congress. As
Commander in Chief, the President has
the implied power to repel attack and to
protect the lives and property of U.S.
However, these exceptions to the gen-
eral rule of prior congressional approval
cannot properly be interpreted loosely.
Thus, a President cannot cite as authori-
zation the need to protect American lives
or property when in fact there is no
clear and substantial showing of danger
to such at the time of the intervention.
Similarly, the power to repel attack is
not an unlimited one. The right of self-
defense is undeniable, but this authority
permits only a limited response to a spe-
cific situation, and it terminates when
the need for self-defense terminates.
Beyond this, any intervention by Ameri-
can forces must be preceded by specific
congressional approval.
The need for action on this amend-
ment is urgent. If the volcano of war
does erupt in the Middle East, the United
States may well decide to send troops to
help restore peace and stability to that
part of the world. But let the decision to
do so result from the constitutional proc-
esses which form the strength and secu-
rity of our Nation and in which the role
of Congress is fixed by the Constitution
and not by the pleasure of the Presi-
dent. Let the decision to send troops, or
not to do so, result from a synthesizing
debate and vote?actions which will help
forge a unified public will behind na-
tional policy. Such a unified will can best
be forged on the one great anvil of de-
the Congress of the United
fense are conducting in-depth investiga-
Yesterday I received a letter from Mr.
Raymond J. Kappel, secretary of the
Fairview Park, Ohio, Jaycees, detailing
a meeting in July 1968, at which Ronald
Haeberle showed his now-famous color
photographs taken at Mylai.
Mr. Kappel, who did not attend that
meeting, wrote the letter in his capacity
as secretary of the group, at the request
of fellow Jaycees who were present when
the pictures were shown. I have discussed
Mr. Kappel's letter with a member who
was there, and he states that the facts
are accurately represented.
I know that my colleagues are tre-
mendously concerned with the alleged
events at Mylai and, accordingly, I am
making this letter part of the RECORD
and am striding copies of it to the ap-
propriate Department of Defense of-
Fairview Park, Ohio, December 11, 1969.
Rayburn Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR MR. MINSHALL: The Fairveiw Park
Jaycees have been deeply disturbed by the
alleged massacre at My Lai on Mazola 16,
1968. We also are concerned about tato sen-
sationalism of the publicity concerning My
On July 10, 1968, Mr. Rorilld Haeberle
presented a slide show on Vietnam at our
monthly meeting. The main theme of his
presentation was Vietnafn countryside until
the final few slides, which showed Viet-
namese people, whom Mr. Haeberle said were
killed as a result ofa military search- and-
destroy mission.l he slides were the same as
photographs that are now getting sensational
publicity by the news media. We were sick-
ened by theAntographs. We questioned Mr.
Haeberle to how these deaths, occurred.
He stated that his unit was on a search-and-
destroy ntssion and that the village was a
V. d. stionghold; that the villagers were
warned_ two days in advance by dropped
leaflets, and voice communication that the
village was going to be destroyed, and that
they jhould leave, and that anyone remain-
ing uld be considered a V. C. The manner
in which he made his presentation generally
left he group with the impression that this
act ts justifiable.
queation the use of these pictures by vari-
ous to what occurred in My Lal, we now 'publications and news media, 11/2 years
afteeithey were taken.
We feel that the Government should
thorbtighly investigate the alleged massacre,
and that the truth should be determined.
cerely yours,
Politicians often think people are fooled
by the press, but this is not true.
This letter from young Mr. Greg Mur-
phy, of Keene, N.H., sums up very well
the feeling expressed in the overwhelm-
ing majority of the mail received by our
committee on the Mylai investigation.
The main thrust of concern among
those who write to us is that the news
media have tried and convicted the
American soldiers in Vietnam before the
case has been proved and that our com-
mittee should investigate the whole mat-
ter indepth and not prejudge the case.
I think Mr. Murphy has summed up
very neatly the reaction many of us here
have had to the reporting of this story
in his reference to the fact that the
papers did not even bother to use the
word "alleged." Our mail would indi-
cate that a simliar reaction has been ex-
perienced by people throughout the
cur committee has received over 325
letkrs, and new batches of mail are de-
livered daily. There is a great interest
ph the part of the American people. The
mail comes from all parts of the coun-
try and from people in all walks of life.
Of course, we have received letters criti-
cal of our procedures and critical of
statements I may have made in public
interviews. But a staff review indicated
that the mail is running approximately
20 to 1 in favor of our manner of pro-
Those who write to us seem to be prin-
cipally concerned that we get all of the
facts before jumping to conclusions and
that we assure that the rights of the
American soldiers involved are protected.
The people are greatly concerned that
these matters will reflect unfairly on all
of the GI's who have served in Vietnam.
The most frequent comment in our
correspondence is concerned that the
press and TV reports have assumed the
guilt of the men accused before any in-
vestigation or any court-martial is
Again, I want to say to Members of
the House that the subcommittee I ap-
pointed under the chairmanship of the
distinguished gentleman from Louisiana
(Mr. HEBERT) will press forward with a
thorough investigation and will not rest
until all of the facts are in. That sub-
committee will determine if there has
been a massacre, if there was who was
guilty, and the extent to which the
Army's system is at fault. That subcom-
mittee will be diligent to protect the
rights of individuals.
We shall not be swayed from our con-
stitutional responsibilities by the glare
of the TV lights or the slant of the edi-
Mr. CLEVELAND. Mr. Speaker, will
the gentleman yield?
Mr. RIVERS. I am delighted to yield
to the gentleman from New Hampshire.
Mr. CLEVELAND. Mr. Speaker, I would
like to compliment the distinguished
chairman of the Committee on Armed
Services on his fine statement and, be-
cause he has used a letter of one of my
constituents, I would like to thank him
for having selected that particular letter.
I think it is fairly typical of letters I have
received from other constituents. The
(Mr. RIVERS asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his
States. remarks.)
Mr. RIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I would
like to read the House a sentence from a
letter recently received from a man in
Keene, N.H.:
I am an interstate bus driver (28 years
old), and if a thug accosted me and robbed
me, you can bet the news in reporting the
incident would say "alleged assault," but
here (the massacre) they almost never
bother to say "alleged."
And here is another sentence from the
same letter:
(Mr. MINSHALL asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute, to revise and extend his re-
marks and include extraneous matter.)
Mr. MINSHALL. Mr. Speaker, on No-
vember 20 I took the floor to ask for a
complete investigation of the alleged
atrocities at Mylai. I am glad to see that
the Congress and the Department of De-
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motto of the State of New Hampshire
has been and it still is, "Live free or die."
There are many tough-rninded, thought-
ful people in the Granite State.
Mr. RIVERS. I want to thank the gen-
(Mr. NICHOLS asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute, to revise and extend his remarks
and include a newspaper article)
Mr. NWHOLS. Mr. Speaker, I read
with great interest the comments of our
colleague, Congressman BOB SIKES, of
Florida, concerning the press coverage
of the Armed Services Committee in-
vestigation of the Mylai incident. I agree
with him 100 percent, and I want to add
my endorsement to his statements about
Chairman MENDEL Ravaas and the clAair-
man of the special stabcommittee) lOok-
ing into the Mylai incident, Congrets-
man F. EDWARD HEBERT, of LouLaana. Vt,?
is an honor and a privilege to serve with
these gentlemen, and I know that they
have ony the good of America at heart
in this or any other Matter which comes
before our committee.
If there is any man in the Congress
who would do a better job of investigat-
ing these charges than Congressman
Mama, I do not know who he i. As a
career newspaperman for some 20 years
before coming to the Congress, he knows
that there is no use to try to whitewash
or cover anything as important as this.
Chairman RIVERS and Congressman
litaaar want only to see that justice is
done in this case.
While the press is "quick to publicize
incidents such as that which allege,lly oc-
curred at Mylai, they seldom niake an
effort to bring to the public's attention
both sides of the situation. For tru tance,
the Columbus, Ga., Ledger, on Tuesday,
December 16, ran a picture which was
taken some 2 weeks before the incident
showing Vietcong women and Voting
boys carrying arms in Mylai. Such a pic-
ture would not, of course, be of interest
to certain newspapers because it would
not help their case in prosecuting those
Army officers who have been accused of
participating in this incident.
I believe any man going into ar area
where he knew women and childrei. were
Part of the Vietcong force would be par-
ticularly wary of anyOrie. I ask unani-
mous consent that this article fro :a the
Columbus Ledger be inserted in the REC-
ORD at this point.
A photograph of a Viet Gong unit lased in
the My Lai (4) area Was made available
Monday by a man who had served wii h the
11th Infantry Brigade at the time ( f the
incident of March 16, 1968, whiel has
brought charges that G.I.'s committed mur-
der against Vietnamese civilians,
He said the photograph came from a roll
of film captured in a Viet Gong bastcamp
in the Song My village area (My Lai was one
of the hamlets of this village) two weeks be-
fore the My Lai raid.
An officer who had Served with the 11th r
Brigade during its organimtion and as both
a field commander and staff officer, he said
the phOtograTh was developed by the
brigade public information office photog-
raphy laboratory, some copies retained by
that office, others given to inteligence
Identification of some of the individuals
in the group of 38 armed Vietnamese, in-
cluding three young women and several very
young boys, was made by 11th Brigade in-
telligence offices, he said.
Kneeling in -,he center of the group one
arm akimbo, wth a holstered piStol, is the
military leader of the unit, he said.
Standing at the far left, without a weapon,
In peasant garb of black pajamas, and obvi-
ously older than the armed guerrillas, is the
unit's political officer, he said.
Third from right, with a U.S. M-1 riffle,
posed on one tam, is a "combat hero" and
squad leader in the unit, the officer said.
mo ,rMir,-carbines, and M-1 of U.S. man-
Men .....falie-71YOtog have a 89 mm.
ttfacture and Mat 49 submaineguns of
French manufacture?typical Viet Gong
armament as opposed to North Vietnamese
regulars who carry Chinese-Communist
manufactured weapons of Russian style.
One man, standing on the right of the one
identified as the political officer, wears a
North Vietnamese regular's field uniform, as
does the squad leader in the front row. (The
n by the political officer was believed to be
h body guard, the officer said.)
(Mr. ROGEI of Florida asked and
was given per= on to address the
House for 1 minute, ? revise and extend
his remarks and i lude extraneous
Mr. ROGERS of Flori$ - Mr. Speaker,
on Monday, November 10, ? 69, a special
Veteran's Day memorial ser ce was held
at Martin County High Sch. $1, Martin
County, Fla., to honor Pfc. k arles F.
"Chuck" Tyson, an alumnus ,of that
school, who gave his life in Vietnam.
Charles Tyson graduated from' artin
County High School in June 19.8. His
favorite pastimes were surfing and wirn-
ming, both very popular in bea tiful
and scenic country located on the : n-
tic Ocean, just north of West alm
On September 17, 1968, Charles son
enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corp. He
completed his basic training with ring
colors and was vary proud to be a rine.
In March 1969, he arrived in etnam
and on March 2c.[ observed his 2$ birth-
day as a member of 3d Plato?. ompany
M, 3d Battalion, 5th Ma $i Regiment.
Private first class n was assigned
as a niflernanjj e 1st Squad of the
3d Platoon ti?M Company and on the
afternoon of June 21, 1969, Company M
was engaged in a search-and-clear oper-
ation approximately 4 miles east of the
Marine base at An Hoa, Quang Nam
Province, Repuladc of Vietnam. The en-
emy was encountered and during the
ensuing battle, Pfc. Charles Tyson was
struck by small-arms fire and was killed.
He was buried on July 8, 1969, at Fern
Hill Cemetery, Stuart, Fla., in Martin
County with military honors.
His commanding officer as well as his
ellow marines had a deep affection and
aspect for Charles Tyson for they knew
he was a sincere and dedicated marine
December 19, 1969
who loved his country, and particularly
Martin County.
His thoughts were of Martin County
High School, Stuart, Fla., when he wrote
to his parents in January of this year,
prior to his departure for Vietnam. I
would like to enclose that letter at this
point in the RECORD for the benefit of
my colleagues:
JANUARY 29, 1969.
I don't like to mention such things, it is a
necessary step that must be taken. If by some
odd stroke of fate I should not return from
my coming tour In Vietnam, there are a few
things I would like done.
1. First to be buried at Stuart, Florida.
2 To take the flag from my funeral and
give it to Martin County High School. In
addition I want $500 to be used to erect a
monument to all those students past, pres-
ent, and future who have given their lives
in defense of their God and country. With
an inscription by Nathan Hale, "I regret that
I have but one life to give for my country."
3. $2,000.00 from my insurance policy to be
used in 2 $1,000.00 scholarships for the most
deserving male aud fenaale students of Mar-
tin County High School,
4. The rest is to be used by the two of you
as you see fit.
The wishes of Pfc. Charles F. "Chuck"
Tyson were carried out at the Martin
County High School on November 10.
The flag from his casket was presented
to the Martin county High School by
Charles' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
R. Tyson, who now live in South Bay,
Fla., a short distance from Stuart, where
Mr. Tyson is now acting chief of police.
That flag now flies over Martin County
High School and has a very special
meaning to the students there.
The monument for which Charles be-
queathed $500 will be designed by the
students of Martin County High School
and will be constructed in the court-
yard. Charles' parents will give a savings
bond to the student who contributes the
most toward the design of the monu-
A scholarship is being established at
the school to provide $1,000 each to the
most deserving male and female student
at Martin County High School as
Charles requested.
Mr. Speaker, words are most inade-
quate to express one's respect and ad-
miration for this young man. Yet, I do
not believe Pfc. Charles F. Tyson III
would want us to linger in sorrow, but
would rather have us heed the words of
Nathan Hale in these troubled times:
I regret that I have but one life to give for
my country.
Mr. Speaker, r think this Nation will
continue to be strong as long as we have
young men of this caliber.
(Mr. THOMPSON of Georgia asked
and was given permission to address the
House for 1 minute, to revise and extend
his remarks and include extraneous
Mr. THOMPSON of Georgia. Mr.
Speaker, it is my understanding that the
southern strategy of the Nixon admin-
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nese Program once again. Details of the re-
vision are, of course, classified and the Com-
mittee has not yet had an opportunity to
thoroughly examine and evaluate the full
impact of the budgetary reductions.
As I indicated earlier, I have invited the
Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Chairman of the
Atomic Energy Commission to appear before
the Committee and testify on the possible
technological and political impacts of this
decision. For that reason this report, as it
pertains to Safeguard 3, must be considered
tentative pending the completion of the
hearing, which I hope to have some time
during the early part of the next session.
Safeguard 4 requires the improvement of
our capability within feasible and practical
limits to monitor the terms of the treaty,
to detect violations, and to maintain our
knowledge of foreign nuclear activity, capa-
bilities and achievements. The VELA pro-
gram is a joint AEC/DOD program supervised
by the DOD's Advanced Research Projects
Agency. It is a research and development
effort being jointly conducted to improve
the U.S. capabilities for detecting, locating,
and identifying nuclear detonations. The
VELA program has three subprograms:
VELA Uniform?detection of underground
nuclear explosions, VELA Satellite?detec-
tion by satellites of nuclear explosions in
space or in the atmosphere; and VELA Sur-
face Based?detection of nuclear explosions
in space by ground based equipments.
All of these subprograms are discussed and
managed under Safeguard 4, but it should
be noted that one of these subprograms,
VELA Uniform, while it produces important
information and gives us a capability to de-
tect, locate and identify underground nu-
clear explosions and to research technical
methods that could be used by other nations
to evade detection or identification of under-
ground nuclear explosions, does not contrib-
ute directly to the safeguards program of the
Limited Test Ban Treaty, This capability
might become much more significant in the
event that the talks that started in Helsinki
result in some agreement or that the United
States and the Soviet Union should enter
into treaties contemplating more comprehen-
sive test prohibitions.
VELA uniform?Detecticnt of underground.
nuclear explosions
The seismic location capability is being
Improved by application of knowledge gained
from a systematic study of all factors affect-
ing laypocenter determinations based on tele-
seismic data. Analysis of data available from
recent studies indicates that if source bias
can be effectively removed, then large events
can be located within areas of only a few
kilometers at high confidence. Investigation
of source bias is being conducted through
comprehensive evaluation of Long Shot as
well as Nevada Test Site data. A working
three dimensional earth model computer
program has been developed for evaluating
the travel time effects of differing crustal and
upper-mandle structures on location accu-
racy. Preliminary analyses have been initi-
ated to test new earth models which may
lead to prediction of travel time anomalies
(source bias) in uncalibrated regions.
The objective of the large array program
Is to develop and demonstrate the utility of
larger rays and associated .automated data
processing techniques for detection and
identification of small seismic events. To
achieve this, three large arrays have been or
are in process of being constructed and a
seismic array analysis' center has been es-
tablished in Washington, D.C. The Montana
array is complete. Construction on the large
aperture Norwegian seismic array began in
July 1966 and is expected to be completed
by the end of this year. The Alaskan long
period array was begun in April 1969.
Another area of effort is to evaluate tech-
nical methods that might be used by other
nations to evade seismic detection or iden-
tification of underground nuclear explosions.
As with most of the other VELA Uniform
Program, this effort is only incidentally as-
sociated with the safeguards to the Limited
Test Ban Treaty but might take on increased
importance in a more comprehensive test
ban situation. The research program includes
theoretical studies, laboratory research, and
chemical and nuclear experiments.
VELA satellite program
The VELA Satellite subprogram, with its
five successful launches in five attempts
and long-lived payloads, is recognized in the
field of space technology as a highly suc-
cessful endeavor. All spacecraft except those
from Launches I and II continue to function
about as planned. Launch I spacecraft have
been retired from active service in view of
several factors: (1) their more limited capa-
bility when compared to subsequent
launches; (2) the cumulated effect of mal-
functions which have decreased their capa-
bility; and (3) the undue burden placed on
facilities. The Launch H spacecraft, while
functioning reasonably well, are not now
the spacecraft tracking and data handling
being utilized on a routine basis because of
the improved capabilities of Launches III,
IV, and V.
To summarize the status of implementa-
tion of the Safeguards program we can say,
that over the past year DOD and AEC have?
made satisfactory progress in protecting the
national interest under the terms of the
Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. The under-
ground test program continues to provide
important information far beyond what was
originally expected. The laboratories are vig-
orous and productive and, as a result, they
are able to insure their vitality by retention
and, recruitment of high calibre technical
and scientific staff. Safeguard No. 4 was
adequately supported during the past year.
It is only in the area of Safeguard No. 3?
Readiness to Resume Testing in the Pro-
hibited Environments?that budget con-
straints are being imposed which will result
in degradation of the Safeguards program.
Whether this is the beginning of a change in
emphasis or a justifiable adjustment of pri-
orities which will still retain an acceptable
level of readiness is a question into which
the coming year will provide additional in-
sights and on which the subcommitee in-
tends to take additional testimony.
Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, some
of us have worried and wondered
whether there is beginning a serious
erosion of the rights and freedoms
guaranteed to all Americans by our Con-
stitution. Because reassurance from the
executive branch on this score has been
limited, or given only in the context of
actions or statements which seem to
contradict the assurances, it is especially
gratifying to note that President Nixon
last week expressed his?and the Na-
tion's?continuing /dedication to consti-
tutional liberties and especially to the
Bill of Rights. In proclaiming December
15 as Bill of Rights Day. The President
pointed out that "the founders of our
Republic had fought for individual lib-
erty and for representative and respon-
sible government," and that "In the first
10 amendments to the Constitution they
sought to insure that the power of the
Government would not abridge the rights
of citizens." He stressed that "the Bill
of Rights is the law of the land" and ex-
pressed the hope "that we may rededi-
cate ourselves as a united people to the
task of assuring to every person?regard-
less of his race, sex, creed, color, o,
place of national origin?the full en
joyment of his basic human rights."
This is an important message for
day, especially since it comes from
President of the United States. So ti
all Members of Congress, as well as
those who carry out the President's pc
cies, may appreciate his commitment
constitutional liberties and hun
rights, I ask that the proclamation p,
claiming Bill of Rights Day and RUM(
Rights Day be included in the R,Ecor
There being no objection, the proc
mation was ordered to be printed in
RECORD, as follows:
(By the President of the United Stet(
One hundred seventy-eight years ago,
Bill of Rights was ratified and incorpora
as part of the United States Constitutia
The founders of our Republic had fought fa.
individual liberty and for representative an
responsible government. In the first te.
amendments to the Constitution they sough.
to ensure that the power of the government
would not abridge the rights of citizens.
More than twenty years ago, the United
Nations General Assembly adopted the Uni-
versal Declaration of Human rights. The
founders of the United Nations had en-
dured a world war brought on by those who
denied the rights of men to equality and
justice and who abrogated the rights of na-
tions to exist in peace.
The two documents?the Bill of Rights
and the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights?are close in spirit although widely
separated in time. The Bill of Rights is the
law of the land. The Universal Declaration
is a statement of principles, of common
standards of achievement for all peoples and
all nations. We in the United States are en-
gaged in unremitting efforts to give real
meaning to these standards for every Amer-
ican, to assure to every person the full enjoy-
ment of his basic rights.
Now, therefore, I, Richard Nixon, Presi-
dent of the United States of America, do
hereby proclaim December 10, 1969, as Hu-
man Rights Day and December 15, 1969, as
Bill of Rights Day, and call upon the people
of the United States of America to observe
the week of December 10-17, 1969, as Human
Rights Week, to the end that we may rede-
dicate ourselves as a united people to the
task of assuring to every person?regardless
of his race, sex, creed, color, or place of na-
tional origin?the full enjoyment of his basic
human rights. Let us act so as to provide an
example that will point the way in the strug-
gle to promote respect for human rights
throughout the world.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand this ninth day of December, in the
year of our Lord nineteen hundred sixty-
nine, and of the Independence of the United
States of America the one hundred ninety-
Mr. CRANSTON. Mr. President, I am
deeply concerned by Secretary of State
Rogers' recent remarks on the Middle
East situation. By calling for a balanced
approach to this critical area of the
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without adversely affecting the na-
out in the response time is acceptable. Car-
ta' y, if economies can be made in the pro-
tional security, I, for one, would applaud the
actiten. A careful and critical _review of the
,ontinuing need for each element in the
afe uard program is a healthy and coin-
ietidable function of the DOD_ and AEC. In
aition to the Administration' examine-
however, I consider that it is incumbent
ale Safeguards Subcommittee to inquire
iv into a decision which will have a inirt
pact on the safeguards program. I
'he original assurances that the safe--
rifts would be maintained were given hy
aitient Kennedy in August of 1963. 'They
e reaffirmed by President Johnson in
11 1964. but the present Administration
s riot formally stated Its policy in this
- lan to arrange for the Secretary Of
e se, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
t , the Chairman of the Atomic EnergY ,
nhlission, the Director of the Defense
,ijc Support Agency, and the Directora
two AEC laboratories, Livermore an./
tunas to appear before the Subco
to testify on the possible tech
'al and political impacts of the; decisi
on the policy of this Adrainistratio
trdlng the continued implementation o
(fegnard 3 as well as the other eafeguard4
Mich are our responsibility to oversee. i
As las been my practice in the past, E
amid like to discuss now the record of,
he At4.mic Energy Commission and the De-
martin nt of Defense in implementing each,
of the safeguards over the past ,year. Con-
siderabie detail will be included in order to
providS as broad a dissemination of this in-
formatiOn as is possible without compro-
mising our Nation's security.
This Safeguard requires the aggressive con-
duct of a continuing comprehensive under-
ground nuclear test program designed to add
to our knowledge and improve ow weapon
systema in all areas of significance to Our
military, posture. The underground test pro-
gram ia providing substantially more in-
formation than was expected when the safe-
guards 'were formulated in 1963. Through
the acq isition of more sophisticated tech-
nologies from the continuing underground
test pr ram and the researoh activities
conductd by the laboratories (Los Alamos
Scientift Laboratory at Los Alamos. New
Mexico, he Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
at Liver ore, California, and the Sandia
Laboratories) which support the test pro-
gram. there has been continued development
in our c pability to conduct a variety of
full-scales underground nuclear tests. Many
of the t hniques used were not envadorted
as possib e when the underground teat pro-
grams fi t began. The continuing ander-
ground t t program is of paramount im-
portance in the continued growth of the
United States capabilities in both the de-
fensive arid offensive categories.
During FY 1969 the BOWLINE test aeries
continued the underground test program at
Nevada Test Site at about the same level
as CROSS 'TIE, the FY 1969 test series. Two
tests in the FY 1969 BOWLINE series were
Plowshare experiments (peaceful uses) and
three were bOD effects tests which were logis-
tically and technically supported by the
AEC. The remainder of the BOWLINE tests
were ASO vvreapons development tests.
The AECI program to conduct h er yield
testing on ahute Mesa at the Nev Test
Site has pr ceeded in an expeditious faller.
Since my last report two more high yield
tests have leen conducted there, the largest
of which hd a yield of about one megaton.
The two supplement test areas have now
reached an Operational status, one in Central
Nevada and one in Amchitka Island in the
Aleutian Islands chain off Alaska. The site
calibration test MILROW at Amchitka was
conducted on October 2, 1969, with a yield
in the one megaton range with no untoward
effects generated. For FY 1970 the planned
weapons development program is directed
toward the primary objectives of weapon-
ization, weapon feasibility, advanced tech-
nology and site calibration. Because of a
reduction in the amculat of funding for
AEC weapons development which will be
available in FY 1970, tha level of activity will
be somewhat reduced from the 1969 level.
The second safeguaid requires the main-
tenance of modern laboratory facilities and
programs in theoretical and exploratory mi-
clear technelogy which will attract, retain,
and insure the continued application of hu-
man scientific resources to those programs
on which progress on nualear technology de-
pends. The laboratory program is conducted
aby both the Atomic Energy Commission and
the Department of Detente.
The three weapons laboratories contractor
operated for the AEC, hale since the last re-
port continued to operate as progressive re-
search organizations in the nuclear, as well
as in non-nuclear fields. The nuclear research
d development programs are conducted
b'-Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and the
LawrgatekRadiation Laboratory at Livermore.
The non-?tear engineering and develop-
ment activiti re conducted by Sandia
Laboratories. In e of tie laboratories the
work performed can lffa classified into three
primary areas of interest?".,.
(a) The fundamental r1 arch of general
interest to a broad range , o eveloprnent
(b) Advanced development of sp fic con-
eepts; and
(c) The weaponization of these cm-islets
into stockpile weapons or weapon systenN
Of primary importance to the long-rank
vitality of the nuclear weapons development.
program is the emphasis which is placed on
, activities devoted to developing in advance
the new design concepts so important to
realizing the new state-of-the-art weapons
necessary for assuring the capability of meet-
ing future defense requirements. Emphasis
.on pre-weaponization development effort
'must be maintained in order to insure ad-
vancement of technology to meet the poten-
tial threat of the future and readiness to
meet future weaportization requirements as
pay rise. The Atomic Energy Commission re-
ports that the combination of the challeng-
ing research program in both nuclear and
non-nuclear weapons technologies, the con-
Vetting, progressive, highly complex nuclear
testing program, and the maintenance and
improvements in required laboratory facil-
hie,s have continued the laboratories' ability
to retain or recruit the necessary technical
and scientific( staff.
A major factor in the maintenance of proa
*save laboratories is the constant need na
up-date both facilities and equipment, both
whicho providing or a 7, e
spectrum of forward looking seientifie re-
search and development programs. A mesa-
mire of the magnitude of the requirement
ia found in the total of about $385 mllllott
witch has been authorized or obligated for
new or up-dated laboratory facilities and
equipment at Sandia, Los Alamos, Livermore
and the Nevada Test Site during the 6-year
period of Fy 1964 through FY 1969. The FY
19/0 budget allocates about $6 million for
construction and $51 million f ar equipment.
in carrying out its part of the responsi-
bility for implementation of Safeguard 2, the
Defense Department has expanded research
in n aclear technology in government labor-
atones and contractor facilities. These DOD
S 17289
programs help insure a continuing source of
top scientific personnel.
Some of the accomplishments of the DOD
in implementing the second safeguard dur-
ing this reporting period are as follows:
Significant progress has been made in ob-
taining better calculations of radiation en-
vironments in the atmosphere and within
various structures.
Calculations of radiation transport at low
altitudes, including air/ground interface
were completed for use In studying missile
silo radiation hardness.
Vulnerability and hardening research was
expanded for design, test, and evaluation of
strategic re-entry vehicles and related sys-
tems components.
Improvements were made in calculations
of the magnitude of shock waves induced in
materials by x-ray depositions and the en-
suing propagation and attenuation of the
A 20-ton high explosive surface burst test
were used to check theoretical calculations of
structural damage due to air blast induced
ground shock from a nuclear explosion.
Models continue to be developed for high
altitude nuclear phenomenology for anti-bal-
listic missile radars and communications. A
first generation computer code for radar de-
gradation and a 8-volume coramunication
handbook describing nuclear effects on radio
propagation was published in late 1968.
Land and naval system vulnerability!
hardening, medical effects of nuclear radia-
tion and general development of laboratory
simulation of nuclear effects has continued.
The overall program has been active and re-
sponsive to Service requirements.
In summary, our evaluation Of both the
AEC and DOD program for implementation
of Safeguard 2 is that the laboratories con-
tinue to be vigorous, their facilitiets and-tech-
nical and scientific talent are being main-
tained in a high state of competence, and
their programs are supporting the second
safeguard effectively:
The third safeguard requires the main-
tenance of facilities and resources necessary
ti institute promptly nuclear tests in the
p hibited environments (atmosphere, un-
de ater and space) should they be deemed
ess&atlal to our National security. The cap-
abil ty to conduct such a nuclear test series
on lort notice was first attained by the
AEC nd DOD on January 1, 1965. Since then,
the Ifational Nuclear Test Readiness Program
has een reviewed twice at the Presidential
staff/ level. It was revised in October 1968
and.: the revised program was approved by
the /White House in March 1969.
e revised National Nuclear Test Readi-
s Program required some additional prep-
tion to achieve readiness to carry out the
revised program. In the meanwhile, the DOD
-and AEC maintained their readineas to re-
sume testing in the prohibited environments with a significant program. As indi-
cated in my report of last year, the; reivsed
readiness program included:
I. Full proof of the survivability Of hard-
ened re-entry vehicles when they are sub-
jected to a realistic nuclear- environment
while in their operational modes;
2, Evaluation of the effects of ABM radar
operation from detonations at high altitude;
3. Obtaining realistic data on the electro-
magnetic fields created by nuclear detona-
tions at low and high altitudes;
4. Cratering, ground shock and debris ef-
fects on hardened systems and installations;
5. Air burst and underwater shock effects
related to problems of anti-submarine war-
fare and modern ship structure
As budgetary constraints grew tighter and
tighter during this past year, the AEC and
the Department of Defense felt compelled
to revise the National Nuclear Test Readi-
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world, he strongly implied that our past
policies were unbalanced. That is not
The simple fact of the matter is that
the United States of all the major pow-
ers has been the only one with a bal-
anced Middle East policy. Time after
time we have urged the Arabs to recog-
nize the reality of the State of Israel, to
sit down with Israeli representatives to
negotiate a true peace, and to allow for
both sides freely to share and exchange
in the wealth, resources, and progress of
modern life.
The Secretary's remarks are being in-
terpreted in diplomatic circles as being
primarily directed toward moves Israel
should make, especially returning terri-
tory overrun during the 1967 war. His
speech was an ill-advised attempt to
move Arab leaders closer toward peace.
It has had precisely the opposite effect?
it has hardened Arab resistance to a
peaceful settlement. When the one ma-
jor power with a sensible position on the
Middle East crisis makes statements
which seem to unhinge its heretofor firm
policies, it is not at all surprising that
the side being favored?the Arab side?
becomes even more intransigent.
Where is the balance in this kind of
a policy?
What sense does it make to urge Israel
to withdraw from Arab territories?ter-
ritories only occupied by Israel in self-
defense?when there is absolutely no
reason to believe the Arabs are prepared
to accept the existence of Israel, to make
peace with her, and to end Israel's con-
cern for her own security?
As my colleagues know so well, there
will never be peace in the Middle East
until the parties to the conflict there are
willing to become the parties to the peace.
There must be a binding contractual
agreement between Israel and her Arab
neighbors, an agreement arrived at di-
rectly by the parties themselves?not im-
posed by outside powers.
I believe that in foreign policy as in
domestic policy, actions speak louder
than words. The actions of the Soviet
Union in the Middle East speak for them-
selves. Ahnost $10 billion worth of Rus-
sian arms have been shipped into Arab
countries in the last 12 years. Arab
armies have been completely resupplied
with modern jets, tanks, artillery, and
missiles in the last 2 years. Soviet mili-
tary instructors have swarmed into the
area. And now, for the first time, Russian
weapons are being shipped directly to
various terrorist organizations. Also
there has of late been an increase in in-
temperate attacks on United States and
Israeli policies in the Middle East in the
Russian press.
The Soviet policy is simple: to radical-
ize the Arab world with arms and with
rhetoric. The ostensible target is Israel;
the real target is moderate Arab leaders
and moderate Arab governments
throughout the area. The Soviets have
done nothing to demonstrate that they
want peace in the Middle East. Appar-
ently, they just want to keep the pot
Faced with this situation, the United
States must react with patience and with
firmness. We must counter Soviet arms
shipments to the Arab world with mili-
tary and economic assistance to Israel to
enable her to maintain parity in arms
and to sustain the continuing economic
burden of continual military prepared-
We must also continue to point out to
our Arab friends that this dispute is no
more in their interests than it is in the
interests of Israel. Russian arms and
military equipment cannot alleviate the
population explosion in the United Arab
Republic nor can they relieve the misery
of the Palestinian refugees. Arab social-
ism and Arab unity will never be ad-
vanced by a holy war against Israel, nor
will they be advanced by falling under
the domination of Russia. America will
see to it that Israel will always have the
tools to defend herself. And each defeat
will drive the Arab world deeper and
deeper into the embrace of the Russian
When the leaders of the Arab World
realize that a permanent peace with Is-
rael is in their interests and in the inter-
ests of their people, there will be a just
settlement. Foreign Minister Eban has
repeatedly said that all things are Pos-
sible in a condition of peace.
Until a permanent peace comes we
must not let our sensible long-term pol-
icies in the Middle East be nibbled away
at by those who shortsightedly seek
short-term tactical advantages there.
Mr. McINTYRE. Mr. President, last
week my alma mater, Dartmouth Col-
lege, honored its president, John Sloan
Dickey, who has announced his retire-
Dr. Dickey has served as president for
25 years. During his tenure, this small
men's liberal arts college in Hanover,
N.H., has emerged as one of the leading
academic institutions in the Nation.
Dartmouth's stature today as one of the
top colleges in the country is in no small
part due to John Sloan Dickey's leader-
ship, his dedication, and his imagination.
At a tiine when university officials
throughout the land are being subjected
to criticism from all sides, I offer a well
deserved tribute to this fine educator.
I ask unanimous consent that an edi-
torial entitled "The Dickey Years at
Dartmouth," published in the Lebanon,
N.H., Valley News, December 13, 1969, be
printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the editorial
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
(From the Lebanon (NM.) Valley News,
Dec. 13, 1969]
Whenever institutional cement has been
allowed to set around curricula and admin-
istrators, campus dissent has taken explo-
sive forms. And where internal rigidity has
been combined with outside urban pres-
sures, as at Harvard and Columbia, violence
has verged on catastrophe
This may be one instance when Dart-
mouths upstate location has been helpful.
But geography does not confer immunity
from disorder, (as the Parkhurst affair
proved), and it is to John Sloan Dickey, hon-
ored today after 25 years at the helm of
Dartmouth, that one must look for keeping
S 17291
this institution relatively loose and respon-
sive to changing needs.
Scholastically, Dartmouth under Dickey
came from behind in the Ivy League. From
the first, Dickey recognized that there must
be scholars as well as outstanding jocks on
scholarship, and that the Big-Green-party-
boy image must be replaced. So he sat out,
in his own words, to "compete with the best
for the best".
By raising faculty compensation and in-
stituting such benefits as faculty fellow-
ships, Dickey directed the recruitmen of a
new team to replace one that was superan-
nuated. Funds were also found to broaden
opportunity for deserving but needy stu-
For twenty years the campus was visited
by persons of distinction from every area of
endeavor who spoke of the great issues of
our times for the benefit of seniors. Dart-
mouth's Public Affairs Center, with its em-
phasis on participation in public life, from
Senatorial offices to those of local town man-
agers, was an outgrowth of this 1947 Dickey
In 1954 Dickey persuaded the trustees to
study what the college should accomplish in
the fifteen years remaining before its bi-
centennial. Doctoral programs under the
faculty of Arts and Sciences were re-insti-
tuted, and deliberately kept small so that
Dartmouth would have, in the president's
words, "an undergraduate educational op-
eration worthy of celebration as she moved
from her second to her third century".
In turn, the fourth oldest medical school
in the nation was reconstituted to take
greater advantage of its proximity to the
regional medical facilities of the Mary Hitch-
cock Memorial Hospital and, most recently,
to provide more physicians and better medi-
cine through a shortened and sharpened MD
degree program. Two other professional
schools, Thayer and Tuck, received essential
The most dramatic innovations, the Hop-
kins Center and the time-sharing concept
of computer usage, underlined Dartmouth's
transition from a provincial institution to
one with concern for the whole man and
woman, outside as well as inside the aca-
demic community. And perhaps the most
"relevant" programs on and off campus are
those developed under the Tucker Founda-
tion, inspired by President Dickey, and named
after William Jewett Tucker, the last of
Dartmouth's minister leaders. The idea be-
hind ABC, A Better Chance, came to the pres-
ident following discussion in 1964 with pre-
paratory school headmasters over the needs
of disadvantaged youngsters in the secondary
school level.
Most recently Dickey insisted that the
merits of the black demands for an Afro-
American program on campus be examined.
"No white man," (said JSD), "no matter how
hard he tries, can understand the burdens
black Americans carry from 100 years of dis-
crimination on top of 200 years of slavery".
As John Sloan Dickey prepares to retire in
the countryside he loves, he leaves with the
satisfaction that Dartmouth is no longer a
small parochial voice in the wilderness.
Thanks to his quarter century of responsive
leadership, the numbers of those who love her
are now legion. And as his door was always
open to anyone who sought his counsel, so
the doors of a grateful community will always
be open to him.
Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, last
night, during the consideration of the
supplemental appropriations bill, 1970,
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S 17292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD? SE December-49-, 4 9 6 9
I offered for myself and te junior Sen- ator from New York (Mr. JAvrrs) , who pictures the Lapeer County Courthouse,
ator from Pennsylvania (Mr. SenwEikEe) likewise devoted an inordinate amount of the oldest courthouse still in use in
amendments to add to that measure $25 time and energy with acumen to the Michigan.
million for expenses necessary to improve development of the landmark health and The Journal has an interesting article
health and safety in the Nation's coal safety legislation. The untiring and in- about the history of the Courthouse and
mines?en million for the Department of telligent performances by the members the efforts of the Lapeer County Press in
Health, Education, and Welfare and $15 of staffs of the Labor Committee and preserving it.
for the Department of the In- Senate members of the committee de- I ask unanimous consent that the arti-
terier. We are grateful that the amend- serve special recognition and I corn- die be printed in the RECORD.
ments were agreed to and that the Sen- mend them. There being no objection, the article
ate followed this action by Agreeing also Mr. President, ask unanimous con- was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
to the conference report on idle new Fed- sent to have printed in the RECORD the as folio
eral Coal Mine Health and Safety Act, December 18, 1969 letter from Chairman
which now needs only aeative action PERKINS of the House Committee on Ed-
Mark Twain's remark that the report of
by the President of the 'grated States to ucation and Labor to Chairman RICHARD
his death was an exaggeration may be become law. law. B. RUSSELL of the Senate Cortimittee on plied to the courthouse on our cover this
I desire at this time to Officially reeog- Appropriations, concerning appropria- month?the Lapeer County Courthouse. For
nize that, through inadvertence, we filed tions to implement actions under the through the years it has been considered a
in our discussion of the rieed for the ap-
Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety wreck, or a disgrace or fist plain falling
propriations addition to bring to atten_ Act of 1969. down, and it has been threatened with ex-
tion and place in the legislative record There being no objection, the letter tinction, destruction or replacement. Yet it
stans today, perhaps in better condition
a communication by the distingUished was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
thand it has ever been, on Napessing Street in
chairman of the House Committee on as follows: Lapeer, Michigan, a thriving little city in
Education and Labor, the HonOreble u.s. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, southeastern Michigan, proudly bearing the
CARL D. PERKINS of Kentucky, relating COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND mantle of the oldest courthouse in Michi-
to the funding essential to provide for Deceinber 18, 1969. gan still in use.
payments incident to black lung diisease,
Hon. RICHARD B. RUSSELL, The courthouse, constructed in 1839, was
for health research andemedical Omani- chairman, Commiteethe product of a feud that proved profitablei on Appropriations,
nations, for coal mine safety research, U.S. Senate, Wa for the residents of Lapeer The first settler
shington, D.C.
and for coal mine health and safety DEAR MR, CHAIRMAN : AB you know, last of Lapeer, A. Hart, got into a fuss with
the second settler, J. R. White, who arrived
enforcement. night the House of Representatives passed
a few days later?a fuss that a later Lapeer
the landmark conference report on the Fed-
Chairman PERKINS' letter to the dis- County history described as "more or less
eral Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969.
tinguished chairman of our Appropria-bitter". By 1839 Hart and White, both of
I, and I am sure you, too, are quite anxious
tions Committee, Mr. RUSSELL, with to see that there is no delay in implementing whom were lawyers, each had built a court-
copies to the Senators from West Vir- this important legislation to protect our Na-
house and offered it to the public. Hart won
ginia, is of vital importeinee to the leg- tion's miners and .5o provide needed benefit what was called the "courthouse war" when
islative history
ry in support of the atnend- payments to those minens afflicted with pneu-
the board of supervisors bought his building
000, although it had him sio,000
meats agreedto. The able i eepresentative moconiosis, commonly called, "Black Lung,, for $3,
ospeszctAicts;dWem:r htea's coluartarthotzcost town's
from Kentucky was chairman Of the disease, and their widows.
I have consulted with the two Depart- L
House-Senate conference and submittedmeats concerned in administering this Act,
school. Everyone was happy about the war.
conference report No. 91-761 to aceomn- namely Interior and Health, Education, and Time and Wear and tear took their toll, for
pony S. 2917, the bill_ to improve the Welfare, and I find that the following by 1879 a committee of the board of super
health and safety conditions of persons amounts are needed for the remainder of visors sadly noted that the "courthouse is
working in the coal mining industry of this fiscal year to get this program off the fast going to decay on account of the xi crumb-
ling of the walls and poor condition of the
the United States. Chairman Pee
_eles ground ling
provided outstanding leadership, along To Health, Educ W underpinning The, conunittee also observed
Won and Welfare underpinning
The yard around the courthouse is in
(a) Black Lung Payments?$7 million to
with his subcommittee chairman Rep-
develop standards by April 1, 1970 and to pay a dirty and filthy condition by reason of
resentative JOHN DENT ,Df Penrisy vtama, initial claims filed between that date and cattle being allowed to run therein." The
on the legislation in the ether 009Y, and July 1, 1970. cows were chased away and the building
he presided with disPateb and ,fairness (b) Health Research and medical examine- moved to a new foundation.
over the remarkable ac.hievement of the tions?$3.5 million (a portion of this sum will In 1887 a supervisor from Imlay City, a
conference in agreeing to report the corn- be reimbursed). town that aspired to the status of Lapeer
plex measure following- a single day of To Interior: County seat, charged that the county build
meeting and working diligently and ,ami- (a) Safety Research?$8 million Ings were a "shame-and a-disgrace" and said
(b) Health ant. Safety Enforcement?$7 Imlay City was prepare& to spend $50,000
cably in that conference. million, for a new courthouse, if, of course, it were
Again, I highly commend the services I note that your committee approved the located In Imlay City. But this move was
performed for the Nation, and esPecially fiscal supplemental appropriations bill for defeated.
for the coal miners, by those leadepre and this fiscal year for floor action today. I By the 1960s the building had fallen into
their colleagues from the House. And strongly urge you to amend this bill to in disrepair again. It had not been painted
our colleagues in this WY, led by Chair- elude the atovetiluInsds0 We can getimmh 1 eidi- since before World War II, and the paint was
man RALPH YARBOROUGH or our Oernmit- t9 tiBieeirerartrisesn Is asns eepynoug peeling. It was stained from rusted pipes; it re minenrs and ;
tee on Labor and Public Welfare, and that, once includei in the Senate, / will work had dirty windows the yard was weedy;the heating system WaS erratic. The move
1 Chairman HARRISON WILLIAMS Off New actively in the Hcuse to gain at ceptance. for rejuvenation and restoration was led by
'Jersey, chairman of the Subcomittee on I appreciate your kind consideration of this the Lapeer County Press, which offered money
Labor, are deserving of praise fer per- matter which is of critical importance to for an architectural survey of the building.
severing on this measUre to a fruitful many people in Kentucky, West Virginia, Vir- This showed that the building Was struc-
conclusion. In my 25 years of service in ginia, Pennsylvan a, and other coal produc- turally sound, and a restoration fund was es-
the Congress, rarely have I absented and ing states. tablished. The Pregs sponsored what was de
worked at the side of a colleagne who With warmest regards. scribed as the "biggest dance ever held in
Sincerely, the county", the paper paying all the ex-
devoted as much time and expended as CARL D. PERKINS, penses and half the proceeds going to the
much effort with diligence, patience, and Chairman. fund. The board of supervisors allocated
intelligence as did Senator WILL1Aers of funds, but unfortunately the restoration was
New Jersey in presiding over hearings not completed.
and subcommittee sessions and in Senate THE LAPEER COUNTY A brand new building to house the county
management of the Coal Mine Health COURTHOUSE offices has been built behind the old court-
and Safety Act of 1969. He is deserving Mr. HART. Mr. President, the Amen- house, now 130 years old. But many of the
of a special tribute, as is the ranking can Bar Association has for some time of Lapeer County now realize they have a jewel in their midst, and they are
minority member of our Labor Fenbcome featured courthouses of unusual archi- determined to protect and cherish it. If they
mittee and its parent CommiSee on teetural interests on the cover of its have their way, the Lapeer County Court-
Labor and Public Welfare, the senior Sen- monthly Journal. The November cover house will last another hundred years.
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Approved For mmiggaixy :ramt-45)71wiktitypoo3ooi
-7 S17236 -rimade3friber 19, 1969
Mr. PELL. Would the Senator from
Kansas have any reaction to the thought
of having wage and price controls as
being a means of moving from talk and
from various ideas into something that
would really stop inflation, which is, as
has been pointed out, the cruelest tax
that faces our American people?
Mr. DOLE. I think that is something
to consider. It is a little alien to those on
this side of the aisle. We do not like Fed-
eral controls, but I say, in all sincerity, it
may come to that.
Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I ask for the
yeas and nays on the confirmation of the
and nays have been requested on the
confirmation of the nomination of Henry
J. Tasca to be Ambassador to Greece.
Mr. PELL. Mr. President, I suggest the
absence of a quorum.
sufficient second? There is a sufficient
The yeas and nays were ordered.
The clerk will call the roll.
Mr. CRANSTON. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that the order f6r the
quorum call be rescinded, so that I may
Mr. PELL. I withdraw my request.
The PRESIDING OrraCER. Without
objection, it is so ordered.
Mr. CRANSTON. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that I may proceed
for more than 10 minutes.
objection? Without objection, it is so
' Mr. CRANSTON. Mr. President, I
would like to speak on a matter directly
analogous to the matter that we have
just heard discussed on the Senate floor,
the threatened cuts in the HEW budget.
We face a similar slash in education and
health benefits for the men who have
fought for our country in Vietnam and
elsewhere and are not now being given
the level of education and health care
that they desperately need. To deprive
them of this for the same reason?be-
cause we have to make sacrifices to com-
bat inflation?and specifically to ask men
who have fought in Vietnam to now make
another sacrifice at home in the war
against inflation I believe to be heart-
less, unjust, and unacceptable.
I would like to speak briefly on the
exact situation that our country and
these veterans are presently facing.
Specifically, I am reporting to my col-
leagues in relation to H.R. 11959, the
House bill covering veterans' education
needs, which was passed by the Senate
on October 23 with an extensive sub-
stitute amendment.
After the passage of the substitute by
the Senate 7 weeks ago, the House yester-
day repassed the bill, substituting pro-
visions of House-passed bills for the Sen-
ate substitute. It rejected virtually all
significant parts of the Senate's special
educational package for high school
dropout veterans and only slightly in-
creased its 27 percent GI bill rate in-
crease up to 30 percent.
The House also failed to retain Senate
retroactivity of rate increases. The House
was offered no alternative to those this?
watered-down package.
The chairman of the Senate Commit-
tee on Labor and Public Welfare, the
distinguished Senator from Texas (Mr.
YARBOROUGH) , and I yesterday asked the
Senate to disagree to the House amend-
ment and appoint conferees. This was
done. Then, at once, I went off the floor
and called the chairman of the House
commrttee, requesting a conference on
Friday or Saturday. The Senate con-
ferees were ready to meet day and night,
if necessary, to reach agreement on this
vital legislation before our Christmas
But, to my regret, the chairman of the
House Veterans' Committee said that the
House Members could not meet in a
conference now; that we would have to
wait until after Congress reconvened on
January 19.
Unfortunately, this delay will affect
hundreds of thousands of deserving Viet-
nam veterans, war orphans, and wid-
ows trying to pursue GI bill education
and training with a grossly outmoded
rate structure.
The Senate does not want to accept
for them, and I am convinced that they
themselves do not want to accept, a poor
substitute package which fails to restore
comparability to Korean GI bill rates
which were available to veterans of that
war, and which fails to provide retythc-
tive increases back to the first. of the
school year, and which fails to propose
any substantive programs to attract and
assist dropout veterans?almost 25 per-
cent of all separatees?tb take advan-
tage of GI benefits. #'
It is basically the --President of the
United States, not the House of Repre-
sentatives or the members of its Veter-
ans' Committee, ,that is responsible for
this delay.
I categorically reject the President's
expressed view that the Senate rate in-
crease should be denied because of the
war on inflation. The hint of a veto, if
we passed a measure restoring aid to the
Korean ler, like the direct threat of a
veto of th analogous HEW appropria-
tion bill maple by the President last night,
apparently Influenced the House's action.
I understand the concern of House Mem-
bers. A veto%would mean another, even
longer delay, A11 giving to Vietnam veter-
ans the aid tkey need to get back to
school. Howevft, the President's ap-
proach, in effect, sks for double sacri-
fices from men vfh, have fought our
battles abroad.
First they made the sa'rlfJ,Qe of fight-
ing in Vietnam. Now that they come
back home, they are asked to make an-
other sacrifice to help stem inflation that
comes directly out of that war itself.
I do not believe Congress wants these
men sacrificed on the altar of the ad-
ministration's policies to combat infla-
tion caused directly by the war these men
were fighting. That makes sense to none
of us.
Finally, let me make abundantly clear
that GI bill education costs, like Veter-
ans' Administration hospital and medical
care costs, must be counted completely as
a cost of waging war.
I do not hear anyone say, "Deny our
servicemen the bullets and mortars and
armaments they need to wage the war."
Yet the administration is willing to pur-
sue policies which discriminate against
Vietnam veterans and deprive them of
our paying the cost of the war that re-
lates to their educational needs.
Why should we do less? I ask the Sen-
ate, why should we do less for Vietnam
veterans than we did for Korean vet-
erans? Are we discriminating, for some
reason? Because this is an undeclared
war? What reason has been advanced?
I have heard none. The 46-percent in-
crease the Senate bill provides in GI
benefits would mean only that we would
provide for Vietnam veterans the exact
level of educational aid that we gave to
Korean veterans.
Hearings which the Veterans' Affairs
Subcommittee is presently holding indi-
cate tliat not only Vietnam veterans, but
all veterans?veterans of World War I,
World War II, and the Korean war?are
being shortchanged at present on first-
rate medidal and hospital care in vet-
erans hospitals. This is totally intoler-
able. It cannot be countenanced.
Chairman TEAGUE in the House of
Represen.tatives has waged a superb bat-
tle in an effort to close this medical care
gap. He has established how great the
gap is in many respects.
,In our hearings we are now finding
some new evidence of incredibly bad
situations developing in terms of the
medical care we are not providing to
men who were badly wounded in Viet-
nam, or men who were wounded in any
of the wars our Nation has fought.
We join with Chairman TEAGUE in this
effort. We pledge ourselves to see to it
that the Senate is fully informed early
next session of exactly what our com-
mittee has found, and exactly what VA
medical and hospital needs are, after we
have established those needs.
Finally, to refer back to the situation
relating to GI educational benefits, we
conferees on the Senate side are gravely
disappointed that our attempts to secure
a conference have failed. We look for-
ward to a conference at the earliest pos-
sible date selected by the House conferees
in charge, and we will then report back
to the Senate what can be done to meet
the great education and training needs
of our Vietnam veterans.
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I ask unan-
imous consent to proceed for 10 minutes.
Mr. FLTLBRIGHT. Mr. President, I
was going to speak on the Tasca nomina-
tion. Did the Senator from New York
intend to address himself to that subject?
I understood we were ready to vote on
the matter, and I was going to say a few
words. I understand the yeas and nays
are ordered.
Mr. JAVITS. May I say to the Senator
from Arkansas that my problem is that
I have another executive meeting at 2.
But I will sit down and wait until he
Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, I dis-
like to inconvenience the Senator, but
I was told this was the proper order.
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that upon the com-
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1)ecember 19, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD? SENATE S 17235
I Said what I thought should be done by
the Chief Executive in response to the
nator's question.
say again that if the President makes
th choice to go against the old people
wlio need that 15-percent increase in so-
cial security, against the workingman
who needs that increase in the personal
exemption because of increased inflation,
to go against the Congress in the way it
has reordered priorities by reducing mil-
itary expenditures by more than $5 bil-
lion and increasing expenditures in such
vital areas as health, education, antipol-
lution, and so forth, by $1 billion and a
half, but still leaving a budget with a net
decrease of more than $5 million below
what the President asked?if he decides
to make that choice, that is his choice
and the issue is joined.
Mr. TYDINGS. Mr. President, will the
Senator from Oklahoma yield? /
Mr. HARRIS. I yield.
Mr. TYDINGS. Would the/senator
not agree that the President and the
Vice President made great use of the
coramtmications media, pa ularly tele-
vision, for the purpose of d4nonstrat4n.g
th ir faith and interest in t.e so-called
sil nt majority. They have Utilized the
fin st techniques of Madison rue to
ge their so-called message ac s, that
they are interested in the typical aineri-
ca family.
ask the Senator from Oklah4na
whether, when the issue comes to the+,
do ars and cents of tax reform and tax
re ef to the average American family as
op osed to the special interests, when it
cornes to the issue of some small increase
in domestic spending which affects the
average American family, whether the
President and the Vice President are not
talking, on the one hand, out of one side
of their mouths to incur favor, yet, Out
of the other side, when we get down to
tax reform and tax relief and the acttial
fight against inflation, they are pulling
the rug out from under the average
Anierican family and turning their baOks
on them.
l'hey come up and defend on the floor
of the Senate the so-called tax reform
proposal which elicits 25 percent of a
dol ar tax relief to those with $20,000 In-
cone and above, and then they turn
aroind and fight on the floor of the Sen-
ate an increase in the exemption from
$60P to $800 which would help every ndd-
dle-income family in the United States.
They say on the one hand that they
will veto a $1 billion-plus -increase ,in
the HEW budget because it Is infiatiop-
ary, and yet they give no credit whatso-
ever to the Senate which has reduced
$5 billion from the President's request in
defense appropriations.
I lask the Senator from Oklahoma hOw
can they justify to the American people
such completely opposite statements bon
one side and an action on the other. i
Ir. HARRIS. I do not think it can be
jus died. I think the Senator has stated
that rather well. I do not believe there
wo4ld be any major tax reform, nor
womfld there be the kind of overdue tax
reduction which has overburdened the
lower and middle income taxpayers, eX-
cent that Democrats stood together and
denianded there not be an extension of
the surtax unless there was also tax re-
form and tax reduction.
I believe that those are issues which are
critical issues for the people of this coun-
try, as are the issues of increased social
security, the human environment, health,
and education, for example.
Mr. TYDINGS. I ask the Senator from
Oklahoma, would not the Senator agree
with me that so far as coming to grips
with the problem of inflation in this
country is concerted, we have really
nothing but lipsenwee-frorn thtee,:_dmin-
istration, a/arsgil as the failu of the
administration to exercise leadership
either with big business or with big labor
in a manner which his three predeces-
sors, Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy,
and Johnson did, the sole reliance being
the raising of high interest rates with
Fed. Would the Senator not agree that
this puts all the burden, or nearly a ma-
jority of the burden of trying to curb
inflation on the homebuilding industry
in the United States and, really, rather
than curbing inflation is increasing in-
flation, and the longer the administra-
tion fails to take leadership in this area,
the worse the inflation is going to be-
Mr. HARRIS. The Senator is quite
right. "Credit crunch" and "tight money"
have become words as familiar to the
U.S. public as the name of the Vice
President. Economists as disparate as
Walter Heller and Milton Friedman have
warned that the extremely restrictive
m etary policies of the Federal Reserve
Boa which have reduced the growth of
the m ey supply to zero, should be
Friedm , a leading Nixon economic
adviser, is esp?lly pessimistic:
We are headin or a recession at least as
sharp as that in 1 3i. There is more than
a 90% chance of tha\ l'here is a 40% chance
of a really severe receSkion, such as occurred
In 1957-58, when unernpVment reached 8%.
The potential home \buyer feels the
credit crunch when he tiles to finance a
loan, with mortgage Interest rates run-
ning about 15 percent high this year?
a high interest rate which the average
homeowner will carry until l completes
his payments 20 or 30 year from now.
And the U.S. Government no finds itself
as much a victim of tight r4oney as the
buyer of a $25,000 home. Ts year Con-
gress set a legal allowanc of $2 billion
for uncontrollable, built- increases in
expenses. Increased bate st cost on the
public debt alone has ounted by $1.5
billion?using up 75 p cent of the limit
Congress set. These creased costs will
ultimately be bo of course, by the
average U.S. xpayer. Further, the
Pres1dent.,Mself has pointed out that
ernment faces additional costs
because of "a potential shortfall in the
sale of Government :inancial assets, due
to the persistence of high interest rates."
Despite the administration's stringent
monetary control, big banks have found
ways to circumvent the restrictions to
meet the demands of large corporations
which were willing to pay exorbitant in-
terest rates and priced the small borrow-
er, the small businessman, local, State,
and even the Federal Government, out of
the marketplace.
I wholeheartedly support the action of
the House of Representatives in passing
interest and credit controls devised by
Chairman WRIGHT PATRIAN and his Bank-
ing and Currency Committee. These
Democratic initiatives will help lower in-
terest rates, fight InflatiOn, assist the
housing industry and small business, and
help provide more Jobs. The conference
report on the bill will give the President
power to authorize controls over exten-
sions of consumer and business credit
during times of inflation?controls nec-
essary to relieve the current cruel-Inter-
est rates. The President has not yetitised
the full influence of his office in moderat-
ing price and wage spirals and has, curi-
ously enough, opposed this bill which will
give him greater power to deal with high
interest rates. I hope that he will decide
to use these legal measures when they
are passed by the full Congress.
Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, will the Sen-
ator yield?
Mr. HARRIS. I yield.
Mr. DOLE. In these discussions we
tend to forget the item of the Vietnam
war, which was left on the doorstep of
the present President of the United
States on January 20,1969. That has had
some impact and it too Is a household
word. This. I might add, is another way
President Nixon is exercising his "veto."
He is trying to end the war in Vietnam.
Under his leadership, we may get that
done. When it is done, there may be
additional money for the projects the
Senator has mentioned and perhaps
there will not be further discussion about
who Is responsible for inflation.
We can select what is favored by one
Senator, or one issue, but let us take a
look at the No. 1 issue, which is the war
In Vietnam. Senators on both sides of
the aisle will agree that, by and large,
President Nixon has dealt with it very
successfully?not always with the co-
operation of Senators on both sides of
the aisle, I might add?but he has dealt
with it successfully thus far.
If we were all to use the same zeal
and cooperation, with the support of the
American people, on the war on inflation
as we have on the war in Vietnam, we
might bring it to an end.
It is disturbing and discouraging to
this Senator that some conveniently for-
get the war in Vietnam when talking
about inflation and costs. So do not for-
get the war in Vietnam President Nixon
Inherited on January 20, 1969.
Mr. HARRIS. Mr. President, I note
that the Senator has apparently given
up trying to argue about Inflation and
interest rates and has decided instead
to talk about some other subject.
Mr. PELL. I wonder if the Senator
would give any thought to really moving
from talk to wage and price controls,
which none of us want to see, but which
may be necessary for the protection of
the victims of inflation and might seem
to be the solution.
Senator from Rhode Island wish to seek
the floor?
Mr. FELL. I beg the Chair's pardon.
Mr. President--
ator from Rhode Island.
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73ecember 19, 1
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pletion of the remarks of the Senator
from Arkansas, I may proceed for 10
objection, it is so ordered. The Senator
from Arkansas is recognized.
Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, the
pending business, as I understand it, is
the nomination of Mr. Henry Tasca as
Ambassador to Greece.
Mr. FULBRIGHT. I should like to say
a word or two by way of background.
Mr. Tasca has been a distinguished rep-
resentative of the Foreign Service. His
nomination was held up in the commit-
tee for some time, and I was responsible
for holding it up. There were at least two
distinct reasons for that.
One was that I thoroughly disapprove
of the cruelty and ruthlessness of the
military regime in Greece. I think that
the treatment the Greek regime gives to
so many of the enlightened citizens of
that country is intolerable. I did not
wish to be a party to an action which
might seem to approve of such a regime
by quickly and readily approving this ap-
That was only part of the reason. The
other side of the coin was that, at the
same time the administration had
nominated an ambassador, and a
distinguished man, to Greece, it had re-
fused, according to the newspapers, or
declined?I do not know exactly what
the correct word would be?to name an
ambassador to Sweden. The press reports
indicated that this was because of ad-
ministration disapproval of Swedish
policy, particularly with respect to its
attitude toward our policy in Vietnam.
Furthermore, and as a related matter,
not too long ago the Cranston resolution
was considered and agreed to by the
Senate. I supported it. That Senate
resolution stated a very wise rule;
namely, that approval or disapproval of
a regime is not indicated by recognition.
Thes resolution was in general terms and
certainly was not directed at Greece
alone and, in any case, the question of
recognition is not technically involved in
the appointment of ambassadors either
to Greece or Sweden. I make this state-
ment however, because someone has said
that holding up the nomination of Mr.
Tama for these few weeks is a violation
of the spirit, at least, of the Cranston
resolution. I do not think it was. It was
not a question, there, of recognition.
Also, the delay involved a combination of
our Government's refusal to name an
Ambassador to Sweden and the rather
rapid way in which the administration
had designated a new ambassador to
In any case, after some time, admin-
istration spokesmen assured me that they
would proceed to nominate and name an
ambassador ot Sweden, I said with that
assurance, I was perfectly willing to
proceed. This was never a matter of
personality or any criticism of Mr. Tasca
himself; it involved our overall policy?
and I have no objection to approving the
nomination of Mr. Tasca.
But I want to reiterate that I do not
approve of the Greek regime. It is not
just because of my sympathy and con-
cern for the Greek people, although that
is an important reason. I think it is a
great tragedy for that country, which in
a sense is the birthplace and originator
of the whole concept of democracy. We
owe more, I expect, to Greece than to
any other single country for the basic
ideas under which our country has been
developed, and particularly our political
institutions. In addition, the Greeks are
a small and very brave people, and I
have great sympathy when I see the
tragedy of their being mistreated by their
own Government.
In addition, I am very much concerned
about an attitude that seems to be grow-
ing in this country. Even though it is
the Americans, my own constituents, and
my own Government, that concern me
more than anyone else or anyone else's
government, nevertheless it makes me
very uncomfortable and unhappy to see
how callous our Government seems to
have become about military dictator-
ships which mistreat their own people,
and destroy even the basic human qual-
ities of respect for the individual and
respect for the dignity of the individual
human being. When they engage in tor-
ture, as has been reported so often and
so freely to be the case in Greece, and
especially torture of the leading intel-
lectual people of their country?their
great musicians and their great writers
are picked out and especially subjected
to the most degrading kind of treat-
ment?I hate to see our country become
so callous that, for some ulterior politi-
cal purpose?in this case, it is said, be-
cause Greece is an anchor to NATO?
we overlook all these things and give
them special treatment and active as-
I do not advocate that we go in and
try to change their regime. That is up
to the Greek people. We have had enough
of physical intervention, as demon-
strated in Vietnam and the Dominican
Republic. But we should not give active
support, such as we are giving to the
Greek colonels. This I object to. It shows,
In my view, a lack of appreciation for
simple basic human rights and human
dignity; and it is disgraceful, in my view,
for this country, which professes all this
concern for individuals and for human
dignity, to engage in it.
This type of thing, it seems to me,
cannot help but lead to increasing cyn-
icism on the part of our young people,
as well as those of our older people who
are at all interested in humanity, because
we profess one thing and do another. It
is the type of hypocrisy which I think
Is very damaging to our reputation in
the minds of thinking people.
So I regret that our country seems to
be put in such a position. I think we
should not give this assistance, and very
substantial military assistance, to a re-
gime which mistreats its own citizens.
I think it is a reflection on our own sense
of discrimination and our own princi-
ples with regard to human dignity.
Therefore, although I strongly deplore
what we are doing in supporting Greece
with military aid, I shall now support
the nomination because I do not regard
sending an ambassador, and do not be-
lieve it should be regarded, as approval
in the least of the regime, and because
it is in accord with what I think was the
sentiment of the Cranston resolution,
which this body approved, not quite
unanimously but overwhelmingly.
The political representation of this
country is not to be taken as a sign of
approval of the policies of the military
regime. The sending of an ambassador is
simply an essential instrument of inter-
national relations?essential to the con-
duct of our international relations. It
should not be interpreted as supporting
the regime.
I do not approve of the regime and
hope that it will change. Only recently
it found itself compelled to resign from
the Council of Europe because it was
about to be excluded because its policies
were rejected by other members of the
Council of Europe.
I believe that the Europeans have as
much, if not more, interest in NATO than
we do. Why sometimes we value the im-
portance of matter to NATO more than
they do in Europe is beyond my compre-
Mr. President, with these remarks I am
ready to vote for the confirmation of the
nomination. I want to make it clear that
I do not approve of this regime. I also
want to make it clear that we ought to
send an ambassador to Sweden, a coun-
try which is one of the most humane
and civilized countries in the world.
I have no criticism of Sweden and its
actions with regard to this or any other
matter. Sweden is a very advanced coun-
try. But they disagree with our policy in
Vietnam. And we have therefore failed
to name an ambassador to Sweden.
I hope that our Government will
promptly name an ambassador to Swed-
Mr. AIKEN. Mr. President, I feel that
the United States has been severely
handicapped by not having an ambas-
sador in Athens.
With the loss of our naval bases in
North Africa, there are only a few rather
tenuous harbors left for our fleet in the
Mediterranean. The Russian naval
strength in the Mediterranean is now said
to be about equal to our own.
One of the places where our Navy is
still welcomed, entertained, or able to
find a harbor is Greece. I do not believe
that confirming the nomination of an
ambassador to Greece will in any way
obligate us to approve or disapprove the
kind of government the Greeks have
I feel there are those who do not feel
kindly toward approving an ambassador
to Greece who would feel very much
worse if our fleet were to leave the Medi-
An exchange of ambassadors with an-
other country does not mean that we
approve of their form of government.
I call attention to Senate Resolution
205 which was enacted by the Senate not
long ago. The resolution was introduced
by the junior Senator from California
(Mr. CRANSTON) . I cosponsored the reso-
lution with him.
The resolution reads:
It is the sense of the Senate that when
the United States recognizes a foreign gov-
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ernment and exchanges diplomatic repre-
sentatives with it, this does not of itself i_nply
that the United States approves of the form
of ideology or policy of that foreign gm ern-
If the Senate takes the position that
it should confirm the nomination of Mr.
Tasca to be Ambassador to Greece, it
'Would not mean that we approve of the
present form of the Greek Government.
I have no excuse for our failure to send
an ambassador to Sweden. There should
be one there, and I am advised a selection
has already been made.
So I hope we confirm Mr. Tasca's nomi-
nation. There is no question of his abil-
ity. That point has not been raiseil at
any time during our discussions.
' The question was whether we would,
in effect, be approving the Greek Govern-
Ment by appointing an ambassador to
that country.
We are the ones who are paying the
price by not having an ambassador
Mr. DODD. Mr. President, I support
the nomination of the Honorable Henry
J. Tasca as Ambassador of the United
States to Greece.
Ambassador Tasca is a career Forsign
Service officer with more than two de-
cades of experience in Europe, North
Africa, and the Far East.
He is also an economist of note, rho
has at different times served as
Treasury representative in Rome, as al-
ternate U.S. Executive Director of /itene-
tary Fund, as Deputy Director of she
Marshall plan, and as AID Directo ? in
He also ranks as one of our top experts
On NATO affairs, having served as deputy
to Ambassador Harriman on the NATO
Council from 1958 to 1961.
In his most recent aSSigiltnent, as U.S.
Ambassador to Morocco, he conducted
himself, according to all reports, with
exceptional distinction.
, If there is opposition 'to Ambassador
Tasca, it cannot possibly be on the
grounds of qualifications, because the
Senate has rarely been called upon to
approve a nominee more qualified in
terms of both general background and
specific exprience in the area to which
lie is being assigned.
The oppositiOn is based, rather, on
the belief that no American Amba isa-
dor should be accredited to Athens so
lbng as Greece does not enjoy constitu-
tional government.
It is for this reason that the Am sri-
can ambassadorship in Athens has re-
mained vacant for more than a year
now. And it is for this reason that the
Senate Foreign Relations Commi btee
took 4 months to act on the nomina don
of Ambassador Tasca.
Mr. President, I believe that we lave
been playing a dangerous and strange
game with the American ambassador-
ship to Greece.
' Although most of those who oppose
the nomination are among the first to
protest against any suggestion of hater-
vention in the affairs of other nations,
the fact is that our failure to appolint a
riew American Ambassador to Greeee for
almost 1 year now does constitute al kind
of intervention in the internal affairs
of Greece.
I do not say this by way of approving
the present military government in
Greece. I remind the Senate that only
last Friday, when we were discussing
military aid to Greece, I introduced a
resolution which was unanimously ap-
proved, saying that it was the sense of
the Senate that the United States should
use Its influence to bring about the earl-
iest possible retur:a to constitutional rule
in Greece.
When we deliberately abstain from ap-
pointing an ambassador, however, we are
not merely intervening in the affairs of
Greece, but to compound the damage, we
are depriving ourselves of those normal
diplomatic contacts which could and
should be used to convey our thoughts
and suggestions to our Greek allies.
And to make matters worse, we are
undercutting the NATO alliance, because
without access to Greek harbors and air-
fields and anchorages, the position of
NATO in the eastern Mediterranean
would be critical indeed.
I consider our failure to dispatch an
ambassador to Greece strange because it.
seems to involve a double standard which
is applied to the prejudice of our allies
and to the advantage of our enemies.
When Moscow invaded Czechoslovakia,
with the support of several of its Warsaw
Pact quislings, in August of last year, I
know of no one among those who today
oppose the appointment of an American
ambassador to Athens who demanded
that we refuse to accredit an American
ambassador to Moscow until the Red
army vacated Czechoslovakia and re-
stored the Dubcek government,
Mr. President, I earnestly hope that
the Senate of the United States will put
an end to this dangerous and hypocriti-
cal and self-defeating game.
In the present critical situation in the
affairs of Greece and of NATO and of the
Mideast, it is imperative that America be
represented in Athens by an ambassador
of qualified background.
Ambassador Tasca has this back-
His nomination should be approved.
The PRESIDING OrisiCER. The ques-
tion is, Will the Senate advise and con-
sent to the nomination of Mr. Henry J.
Tasca to be Ambassador and Plenipo-
tentiary to Greece. On this question the
yeas and nays have been ordered, and
the clerk will call the roll.
The assistant legislative clerk called
the roll.
Mr. KENNEDY I announce that the
Senator from New Mexico (Mr. ANDER-
SON) , the Senato r from Missouri (Mr.
EAGLETON) , the Senator from Mississippi
(Mr. EASTLAND) , the Senator from South
Carolina (Mr. HOLLINGS) , the Senator
from Hawaii (Mr. Isiouys), the Senator
from New Hampshire (Mr. McIN-Tvits) ,
the Senator from Georgia (Mr. RUSSELL) ,
the Senator from Missouri (Mr. SYm-
INGTON) , and the Senator from Maryland
(Mr. TYDINGS) , are necessarily absent.
Mr. GRIFFIN. I announce that the
Senator from New Jersey (Mr. Cass), the
Senators from Illinois (Mr. PERCY and
Mr. SMITE), and the Senator from Texas
(Mr. TOWER are necessarily absent.
The Senator from Kentucky (Mr.
COOPER) IS absent because of illness in
his family.
The Senator from South Dakota (Mr.
MUNDT) is absent because of illness.
The Senator from Tennessee (Mr.
RAKER) and the Senator from Nebraska
(Mr. HausicA) are detained on official
If present and voting, the Senator
from Nebraska (Mr. Harsiss), the Sena-
tors from Illinois (Mr. PERCY) , and (Mr.
SMITH), and the Senator from Texas
(Mr. TOWER) would each vote "yea."
The result was announced?yeas 79,
nays 4, as follows:
[No. 266 Ex.]
Byrd, Va.
Byrd, W. Va.
Jordan, N.C.
Jordan, Idaho
Smith, Maine
Williams, N.J.
Williams, Del.
Young, N. flak.
McCarthy Nelson Young, Ohio
Hollings '
Smith, ni.
So the nomination was confirmed.
Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi-
dent, I ask unanimous consent that the
President be immediately notified of the
confirmation of the nomination.
in the chair) . Without objection, it is
so ordered.
Mr. HARTKE. Mr. President, on the
occasion of the Senate's confirmation of
Mr. Henry J. Tasca as U.S. Ambassa-
dor to Greece, I want to express my deep
concern about the continuing deteriora-
tion of the political situation in Greece.
It is a situation which, if it continues to
worsen, could well lead to a new Viet-
nam?this time in Europe.
I want also to express my dismay at
the fact that the present administration
is following the same set of policies es-
tablished by the previous administration
that must inevitably lead to disaster, not
only for Greece but for long-range Amer-
ican interests in that vital part of the
world. The net result of these policies has
been that the majority of the Greek and
European peoples generally believe that
the United States is responsible for bring-
ing the military junta to power in the
first place and maintaining it in power
since April 21,1967.
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As early as August 10, 1966, 8 months
before the coloLels destroyed Greek de-
mocracy in its own ancient birthplace,
I had occasion to refer to the impending
disaster in an interview with the political
editor of the Athens Daily Post, Mr. Elias
P. Demetracopoulos. "If we want," I said,
"to avoid more Vietnam and Dominican
Republic interventions in other crucial
parts of the world, both the White House
and Capitol Hill should thoroughly in-
vestigate these grave charges voiced in
Greece against the United States."
The following year it was my unhappy
distinction to be the first Member of this
body to visit Athens after the colonels
came to power. I had lengthy talks then
with their leaders. The impression I
gained from those conversations has only
been reinforced by events in the interim.
And that is why last Friday I voted
against granting U.S. military assistance
to the present regime. How tragic it is
that a majority of the Senate determined
otherwise on the very day that member
nations of the Council of Europe took
the unprecedented action of forcing
Greece to resign from the council be-
cause of the regime's violation of the
human rights of the Greek people and
its torturing of political opponents. I
might add that the Council took this step
In the face of intense lobbying by Amer-
ican spokesmen arguing against it.
Thus the Greek issue has now become
a European issue. The action of our allies
last week constitutes a sharp diplomatic
slap against our policies in that area. We
had better heed the warning before it is
too late.
The Truman Doctrine of 1947 saved
Greece from becoming a satellite of the
Soviet Union. The Greek people have
been deeply grateful to us for this, but
their gratitude is turning now to resent-
ment and worse because of our support
of the dictatorship. If we fail to join ottr
European allies in their efforts to restOre
democracy to Greece, we may soon be
faced with developments too terrible to
contemplate. And we may end up by hav-
ing to bury, with our own hands, that
Truman doctrine which is so proud a
milestone in our postwar resistance to
Mr. President, these pressing issues
have been dealt with in characteristically
cogent fashion by Mr. Clayton Fritchey
In an article appearing in today's Wash-
ington Evening Star. I ask unanimous
consent that the article be printed at this
point in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
on the generals, for the junta can afford a
European boycott as long as it can count on
the support of the American government.
Instead of joining in the isolation of the
junta, however, the Nixon administration is
about to resume full military aid for the re-
gime, and it is also about to send a new U.S.
ambassador to Athens as further recognition
of the dictatorship.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee
has been doing what it can to delay both
actions to indicate its disapproval of the
Athens government, but that strategy is
about exhausted. Sen. Claiborne Pell, D-R.I.,
got the committee to amend the foreign aid
bill to forbid all arms for Greece, but, with
administration blessing, the amendment was
defeated a few days ago by the full Senate.
The committee has also been holding up the
confirmation of Henry Tasca as the new am-
bassador to Athens, but he will soon be on
his way nevertheless.
All this, of course, is going to be dismaying
to the democratic exiles. Also, it explains why
our European allies are so skeptical about our
objectives in Vietnam, especially the Nixon-
Johnson protestations that the United States
has to fight in Vietnam because it is dedi-
cated to upholding the principle of self-
Even that leading hawk and veteran anti-
Communist, Sen. Karl Mundt, R-S.D., finds
this line too much to swallow. After hearing
Defense Secretary Melvin Laird and Secretary
of State William Rogers (in secret session)
emphasize "self-determination" as the No. 1
U.S. objective in the war, Mundt felt com-
pelled to say, "I do not think there is self-
determination in Greece . . . I do not -Wink
they have self-determination in Portu-
gal . . ."
Mundt could have cited 50 Other countries
where, unlike South Vietnam, the United
States has been unmoved by the suppression
of self-determination and democracy. In fact,
In many instances, such as Taiwan and Thai-
land, the United States is actively helping
the, very governments which abolished self-
Mundt thought the administration would
be on better ground if it substituted resist-
ance to aggressive communism as its prime
objective. But that, too, is subject to glaring
inconsistencies. Why, for example, could the
United States tolerate a Communist take-
over in North Vietnam, but not in South
Vietnam? Why is communism acceptable
only 90 miles away in Cuba, but not accept-
able 10,000 miles away in one small corner of
The conclusion that our European friends
draw from this is that neither our dedication
to self-determination nor Communist con-
tainment is absolute. When it suits our in-
terest to back democracy or fight communism
we sometimes do so. Otherwise, we look the
other way, as in Czechoslovakia and Hungary,
or Brazil and Argentina.
In -the case of Greece, however, the Euro-
peans think we could do much to restore
self-determination at no cost and little or
no risk. The administration's answer is that
It must help the junta because the Greek
arm is supposed to be the southern anchor
of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Our allies point out that NATO is designed
to protect Europe, and if the Europeans are
not worried about the alleged southern an-
chor why should the United States be so
After all, the United States has been ex-
clusively equipping the Greek army for over
20 years, and so far it has used the arms
only to subdue the Greek people. If the se-
curity of Western Europe depends on this
Fascist force, Europe is in a bad way.
(By Clayton Fritchey)
After the military dictatorship that runs
Greece hurriedly quit the Council of Europe
to avoid being kicked out for violating dem-
ocratic freedoms, the country's former
finance minister, Constantine Mitsotakis,
now an opposition leader, said, "The next
step is up to the United States." It is indeed
but when that step is taken it is not going to
please Mitsotakis and his fellow exiles.
While the hopes of the democratic exiles
have been raised by the council's indictment
of the military junta, these oppositionists
know that it is not enough in itself to topple
the regime or even generate serious reforms,
unless the United States also applies pressure
Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres-
ident, I ask unanimous consent that the
Senate proceed
legislative business.
There being no objection,
resumed the consideration of
S 17239
to the consideration of
the Senate
Messages in writing from the Pres-
ident of the United States were com-
municated to the Senate by Mr. Leonard,
one of his secretaries, and he announced
that the President has approved and
signed the following acts and joint res-
On December 15, 1969:
S. 564. An Act for the relief of Mrs. Irene
G. Queja; and
S. 2019. An Act for the relief of Dug Foo
On December 16, 1969:
S.J. Res. 143. Joint Resolution extending
the duration of copyright protection in cer-
tain cases.
On December 18, 1969:
S. 118. An Act to grant the consent of the
Congress to the Tahoe regional planning
compact, to authorize the Secretary of the
Interior and others to cooperate with the
planning agency thereby created, and for
other purposes.
A message from the House of Repre-
sentatives, by Mr. Hackney, one of its
reading clerks, announced that the House
had passed the bill (H.R. 14944) to au-
thorize an adequate force for the pro-
tection of the Executive Mansion and
foreign embassies, and for other pur-
poses, in which it requested the concur-
rence of the Senate.
The message also announced that the
Speaker had affixed his signature to the
enrolled joint resolution (S.J. Res. 54)
consenting to an extension and renewal
of the interstate compact to conserve oil
and gas, and it was signed by the Acting
President pro tempore.
The bill (H.R. 14944) to authorize an
adequate force for the protection of
the Executive Mansion and foreign em-
bassies, and for other purposes, was read
twice by its title and referred to the
Committee on Public Works.
Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres-
ident, notwithstanding the fact that the
morning hour has expired, I ask unani-
mous consent that there now be a period
for the transaction of routine morning
business, with statements limited to 3
minutes, making an exception in the case
of the Seantor from New York.
objection, it is so ordered.
Under the previous order, the Senator
from New York is recognized.
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S 17240
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Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I rise to
'voice my serious concern over what ap-
pears to be a basic change in the admin-
istration's policy for fighting inflation, a
Change that is relevant to the current de-
bate over whether we are already in?or
the 50-50 chance that we will soon be
serious recession.
' The basic change in policy to which I
refer is the abandonment by our mone-
tary authorities of the strategy of orderly
Monetary restraint which was considered
So important by the administration last
spring. This strategy was intact last
spring, but during the summer and fall
we have seen it give way ta a system of
Monetary repression. It is now bringing
about a state of affairs causing alarm
among prominent economists and Which,
if allowed to persist, would accelerate the
danger of serious reces Aon without
bringing a halt to the steep rise in prices.
Since the administration is responsible
for this change, it can also be responsible
for not allowing it to persist and for
reverting again to ordei ly monetary
restraint. .
I would also like at this time to outline
the steps I think Congress should take to
Mitigate the suffering which this change
Will necessarily bring about
1 The present administration was
brought to power, at least in part, as a
result of widespread clissatisf action
among Americans over the "guns and
butter" approach Of the Johnson admin-
istration, a course which involved us
heavily in an unpopular-war in South-
east Asia and brought on crippling in-
flation at home. What was obviously
needed on the economic front was strong
leadership to bring the budget back into
balance and to coordinate this fiscal
Plicy with a system of orderly monetary
r straint.
As far back as July 1988. presidential
candidate Nixon had charged that the
inflation has resulted "primarily from an
eXpanding money supply," which in turn
had been fed by the monetization of
budget deficits. To correct-tins condition,
Mr. Nixon said, required reversing the
irresponsible fiscal policies which pro-
diced these deficits.
The President's message to the Con-
gress, in March of this year, on combat-
ing inflation, correctly pointed out that
"Only a combined policy of a strong
badget surplus and monetsay restint
can now be effective in cooling inflation,"
This diagnosis echoed public stateatents
of administration economic policy-
Makers, all of whom emphasised the 4ieed
to get monetary and fiscal policies pack
on to the proper course of restraint
What was meant by "re Araint" was
spelled out by the Chairman of the Coun-
ci of Economic Advisers last spring.
Fiscal policy, he said, would be dfrecied
ttward achieving a strong budget surplus
in 1970. With regard to monetary policy,
Di. McCracken added:
There is one element here MAL is ver yl On-
pqrtant?that monetary and credit policY re-
main on a course of relatively Sl,av expanSion.
These words were said in March of this
year. On May 20, in testimony before the
House Banking and Currency Committee,
Dr. McCracken repeated this view when
he characterized existing monetary
policy as, "moving along a course permit-
ting only a slow and cautious expansion
of the money supply."
Looking back over the past 10 months,
I believe that the administration has
made commendable progress in bringing
fiscal policy back on the right track, as-
suming the Congress does not jeopardize
this progress by an improvident tax re-
form bill.
With regard to monetary policy, how-
ever, I fail to see the slow expansion of
money and credit which Dr. McCracken
thought was so very nt. The
growth of the m
supply has been
at an absolute steg dstill since late spring,
causing alarnass'among prominent econ-
omists as to'the effects of continuing
this state pf affairs any longer, and the
total sui1y of commercial bank credit
has re ined virtually unchanged since
last ril. Is this the relatively slow
expansion of money and credit which
we =Were told in March was very
fact, Mr. President, what we have
at i the moment is not monetary re-
st amt?it is monetary repression?and
I ubmit that the responsibility for this
not only with the Fed, which formu-
la s monetary policy, but also with the
istration, which is on record as
sup g it.
Some a anatdon for this funda-
mental chan 1 policy can be found
by examining pol, tatements of ad-
ministration economic ers over the
course of the past several m s. What
emerges is the distinct impress that
the makers of monetary policy have n-
icked, and have abandoned their pre
ous approach of firm restraint. Tha
approach was originally designed to slow
down the economy?to head it back onto
a noninflationary path.
The policy of firm restraint?in the
words of Secretary Kennedy last Feb-
ruary?was to last "until there are un-
mistakable signs" that we are headed
back on this path. But the same Secre-
tary Kennedy in October has been look-
ing for different signs. According to Sec-
retary Kennedy, the administration still
wants the signs to be unmistakably
clear, but this time he says the signs
must also show "that the balance of risk
has shifted from inflation to recession."
In other words, the administration
and the Fed plan to slam on the brake
and not to let off until there are
mistakable signs that the brakes ? y
While the administration d not
formulate monetary policy on a y-to-
day basis, it does closely coor ate its
long-range objectives with e of the
Federal Reserve Board an n the final
analysis, bears primary ? onsibility for
the state -actla y.
I urge the i'ilnistration and the Fed-
eral Reserve Board at this time to heed
the growing concern of economists and
legislator's including the Joint Economic
Committee itself, and bring monetary
policy on to the track of a slow but stable
increase in the money supply.
At the same time, so that the admin-
istration can realize significant budget
surpluses for the near future, I urge that
Congress in the House-Senate conference
on the tax reform bill reexamine the tax
rate reductions in the reform bill now
before us, including the very worrisome
action which the Senate took in raising
the personal exemption *to $800. I do not
put the self-financed social security in-
crease in the same class; we should not
expect the Social Security Trust Fund to
finance the Government debt as it is
presently doing.
Failure to act in both these policy areas
and on both these levels of Government
could quickly bring this country into the
grim situation of continued price infla-
tion coupled with a mild or not so mild
In some sectors of the economy we have
pretty grim conditions right now. If the
housing industry, for example, reflected
the state of the economy as a whole, we
could say we were in the middle of a full-
blown recession.
Also, Federal, State, and local govern-
ment financing has been hard hit by
soaring interest rates.
Prices of stocks are at a 3-year low.
We have viewed with alarm the omin-
ous weakening of the employment mar-
ket this year and November culminated
a 4-month slide in industrial production
this year.
I believe that two of the most impor-
tant areas determining the Nation's
economy areliousing and unemployment.
For two decades the stated objective of
Federal housing policy has been to pro-
vide every American with "a decent home
and a suitable living environment." Only
last year this objective was translated
into a specific national housing goal of
26-million units in 10 years?or 2.6 mil-
'on annually.
n the basis of present housing starts
w will not even approach that goal. At
th eginning of this year, housing pro-
duc on was at 1.9-million units. It now
sta s at 1.3 million, and by the end of
this ear it Is said that we will be build-
ing 'ouses at a rate of only 1 million
um a year?well under half the pro-
du on needed to meet the national goal.
obably the single most important
r son for this failure has been the pat-
of rapidly escalating costs in the
ilding industry, in excess of increases
n the cost of living. Increases in the cost
of money have been most dramatic. In-
terest rates have gone up so high that
the housing industry is today on the
verge of a major recession.
The tragic irony of the situation is to
be found in the contradictions of Fed-
eral policy. In 1 year we enact bold new
housing porgrams and establish national
housing goals. Yet, in the next year, the
administration supports changes in both
tax legislation and monetary policy which
could make it impossible to implement
the national housing policy which has
been authorized.
It would appear that periodic crises in
housing are built into our economic sys-
tem and the present structure of our
financial institutions, and that housing
will always bear the major burden of
tight money.
But this need not be so. I believe that
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United States
of America
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDFS'Itly
193.PAIMPA9S99959n Record of
December 18, 1969 follow on page S 17327
Congressional Record
Vol. 115
No. 212
The Senate met at 11 o'clock a.m. and
was called to order by Hon. JAMES B.
ALLEN, a Senator from the State of Ala-
The Chaplain, the Reverend Edward
L. R. Elson, D.D., offered the following
Eternal Father, as we gaze once more
upon the manger scene, may the child-
heart of simple faith and trust be born
In us again. Lead us to the truth which
is understood not by logic but by poetry
and music and a soul in tune with the
Infinite and eternal. In the long hours of
toil keep us from being pushed or
pinched by the day's program, but pre-
serve in us an area of serenity and quiet
strength. May we come to that reality of
Thy sustaining and abiding presence we
have never known before. And may we
serve in the spirit of Him who came
to be the servant of all. Amen.
will read a communication to the Senate.
The assistant legislative clerk read the
following letter:
Washington, D.C., December 19, 1969.
To the Senate:
Being temporarily absent from the Senate,
I appoint Hon. JAMES B. ALLEN, a Senator
from the State of Alabama, to perform the
duties of the Chair during my absence.
President pro ternpore.
Mr. ALLEN thereupon took the chair
as Acting President pro tempore.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that the reading of
the Journal of the proceedings of Thurs-
day, December 18, 1969, be dispensed
pore. Without objection, it is so ordered.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that the Committee
on Labor and Public Welfare and the
Committee on Armed Services be au-
thorized to meet during the session of
the Senate today.
pore. Without objection, it is so ordered.
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that the Senate go
into executive session to consider a
nomination on the Executive Calendar.
There being no objection, the Senate
proceeded to the consideration of execu-
tive business.
pore. The nomination on the Executive
Calendar will be stated.
The assistant legislative clerk read the
nomination of Henry J. Tasca to be U.S.
Ambassador to Greece.
pore. The question is, Will the Senate
advise and consent to the nomination?
Mr. GOODELL. Mr. President, on
Tuesday, December 9, I requested Sen-
ate Majority Leader MANSFIELD to place
a temporary hold upon the considera-
tion of the nomination of Henry J. Tasca
to be U.S. Ambassador to Greece.
I did not take this action because I
believed the United States should indef-
initely postpone sending an ambassador
to Greece.
On September 25, the Senate adopted
a resolution (S. Res. 205) declaring that
when the United States recognizes a for-
eign government, that action does not
in itself imply that we endorse its pol-
icies. I agree with the principle set forth
In this resolution, and I voted for it. In
general, the establishment and mainte-
nance of diplomatic contacts with other
nations should reflect the realities of in-
ternational politics, not our preferences.
Greece now is ruled by a brutal dic-
tatorship that does not hesitate to make
systematic use of terror and torture.
The repressive nature of the Greek
regime does not, however, justify a per-
manent refusal to dispatch an ambassa-
dor to Athens?any more than Soviet
police state methods would justify with-
drawing our Ambassador in Moscow.
Nor was my action based on any res-
ervations concerning Mr. Tasca's quali-
fications. He is, as I have stated pre-
viously, a most able diplomat who is
fully qualified for this sensitive post.
I requested a temporary hold on con-
sideration of the nomination because I
was convinced it was not the propitious
moment to approve an ambassador?as
the Council of Europe was about to con-
sider the expulsion or suspension of
Greece from the Council for violation
of the basic human rights of Greek
I was fearful that the confirmation of
a U.S. ambassador a few days before the
Council's meeting would be misconstrued
in Europe as a gesture of support for the
junta and as an attempt to intrude our-
selves into a decision that should have
been made by Europeans themselves.
The Council's meeting has now taken
place. The Greek dictatorship was
forced to resign from membership in
this body of democratic nations.
The strong stand of the members of
the Council is most gratifying. It will be
a clear signal to the forces behind the
junta that the patience of the European
democracies with the Greek junta's
cruel and dictatorial methods has run
Now that the Council of Europe has
met, the dispatch of an ambassador to
Athens could no longer be interpreted as
a sign that the Senate of the United
States opposes strong disciplinary ac-
tion by the Council against Greece.
Accordingly, I have decided to release
the hold I requested on the consideration
of Mr. Tasca's nomination. I am hope-
ful he can be confirmed soon, and I will
vote for his confirmation.
While I will not oppose this nomina-
tion further, I would like to register my
concern over the failure of the United
States to make effective use of its dip-
lomatic influence to press for more hu-
mane and democratic policies in Greece.
Reform in Greece is needed in the in-
terest of simple humanity and justice.
The victims of the Greek dictatorship
are human beings. They must not be
harassed, terrorized, and tortured. If we
show no interest in preventing this sort
of suffering, our claims of representing
democratic and humanitarian ideals be-
come no more than a mockery.
S 17227
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S 17228 Approved For
MUNAL RE ORD ? SENATE December 19, 19119
Reform in. Greece is needed to pre-
serve our credibility. We simply cannot
afford to profess a double standard of
morality?one for Communist nations
and one for rightwing dictatorships with
which we happen to be allied. No one
will believe our protests against repres-
sion in Czechoslovakia or Russia if we
turn a blind eye to tyranny in Greece.
Finally, reform in Greece is needed to
Protect our security. Continued repres-
sion only increases the-chances of a civil
war?one which the Greek Communists
could exploit to reestablish the influ-
ence they lost in. the late 1940's.
The men supporting the junta are real-
ists. Faced
mands for reform from the United States
and its European allies. these men may
well be induced by self-interest to Press
for more humane policies. Faced with
an ineffectual U.S. response, they will
have little incentive for change.
Regrettably, the official reaction of the
State Department to the junta's police
state practices has been-most ineffectual.
Despite indications that the forces in
Greece undergirding the junta might
press for reforms in response to a strong
U.S. stand, the State "Departmerit has
evinced little more than mild disapproval
for the regime's harsh asolicies. The De-
partment has succeeded in conveying
the impression that it is far more con-
cerned about what hypothetically might
happen to our military bases in Greece
than with what is actually happening to
the basic human rights of the Greek
A glaring example of this sort of com-
placency was the Department's star d on
the ouster of Greece from the Council
of Europe.
The Council is restricted by its charter
to those countries that "accept the orin-
doles of rule of law" and the enjoyment
by all citizens of "Inman rights and
fundamental freedoms." The Greek dic-
tatorship patently fails to meet either of
these requirements.
Before the Council mel. last Friday, the
official position of the State Department
was "neutrality" on the aide of the junta.
Persistent reports came "from Pails that
the State Department was lobbying with
European foreign ministries for reten-
tion of Greece in the Council.
The basis of the Dejaai tment's pro-
junta stance was the familiar one of
fear of loss of the NATO bases in Greece.
The Department was 'naive enouga to
believe threats by semiofficial Greek
sources that if Greece shis ousted from
the Council of Europe it might "recon-
Sider" its membership ihITATO. It chose
to overlook the fact that the Council is
a purely advisory body of parliamentary
representatives that has never ineluded
the authoritarian goveihnient that has
been associated with NATO and Portugal.
It also chose to overlook the fact that
the junta has strong security and eco-
nomic interests in the maintenance of
the bases which would make its depar-
ture from NATO extremely unlikely.
As events turned out, the Department
miscalculated entirely. Its lobbying effort
failed, and Greece was forced out of the
council. Not surprisingly, Greece decided
to continue its NATO association.
Unfortunately, this was not an isolated
incident. It reflects the basic attitude of
the State Department at the working
level. Department officials profess a de-
sire for reforms by the junta, but they
fall to convey any urgency or real deter-
mination. They seem more concerned
with explaining away the junta's actions
than with inducing constructive changes.
I am hopeful that Mr. Tasca's depar-
ture for Greece will signal a change of
policy. I hope that he will be sent with
new instructions for a tough stand to-
ward the Gree e regime's police state
methods. I hope our State Department
will become an effective advocate of re-
form in Greece.
A crucial test of U.S. intentions will be
its decision on resuming regular military
aid to Greece. It was most unfortunate
that the Senate chose last week to over-
ride the ban proposed by the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee on military as-
sistance to the junta. The resumption of
full military aid at this time would be a
clear sign of support for the present
regime's policies. Regular arms aid should
be withheld until meaningful steps to-
ward democratization are taken.
Our foreign policy must reflect some-
thing more than a mere chess game of
power politics. It should embody our
underlying commitment to humanitarian
and democratic ideals.
The fundamental principles upon which
our Nation was launched, if they mean
anything at all, should be no less funda-
mental in shaping the relationship of
our Government toward othe eoples.
Where a great democracy has fi as
in Greece, we must avoid policies that
can be construed as support for those
who strangled it
Morality should not grind to a halt
at our borders. We should not park our
consciences when we pick up our diplo-
matic passports.
Mr. President, having said all this, I
believe the withholding of approval by
the Senate of the nomination of an am-
bassador to Greece 3 days before the
Council of Europe met did avoid involv-
ing this country directly in that decision
in the Council of Europe. I understand
this was read with some meaning by
members of the Council of Europe
that at least the U.S. Senate was refus-
ing at that time to take action that could
be interpreted as support of the Greek
I believe at this point it is in our in-
terest to have an ambassador dealing at
the highest level in Greece to present our
views forcefully to the Greek junta and
other elements or establishments of
Greece that we want the Greek Govern-
o move back toward democracy;
that we do not attempt to dictate their
form of government or attempt to tell
them what change should be made, but
we do say we will not support a govern-
ment which engages in widespread viola-
tion of basic human rights of people.
These violations of basic human rights
in Greece by the junta are well docu-
Mr. President. under all these circum-
stances I withdraw my opposition to the
nomination of Henry J. Tasca to be U.S.
Ambassador to Greece.
Mr. MOSS. Mr. President, I congratu-
late the Senator from New York on his
statement regarding the nomination of
Henry J. Tasca to serve as our Ambas-
sador to Greece. I differ with him some-
what on his conclusion as to the timing
on this matter but I agree heartily with
what he said about this matter.
I am one of those Senators who had
a "hold" against the nomination for the
very reasons discussed by the Senator
from New York, but I thought the time
of the pending action of the Council of
Europe would have been most inoppor-
tune for the United States to confirm an
ambassador to the junta in Greece.
This morning, therefore, I wish to an-
nounce I still object to the confirmation
of Henry J. Tana, as U.S. Ambassador
to Greece at this time because it is still
so closely associated with the action that
happened in the Council.
I do not oppose Henry J. Tasca because
of his lack of qualification for the posi-
tion. He has already distinguished him-
self as Ambassador to Morocco and
through a fruitful career in the American
Foreign Service.
I think he is eminently qualified. I
want to underline this point: that I do
not question his qualification, or his
worthiness in any respect. I oppose the
confirmation now, because I feel that for
the Senate to act at this time to send
an American of ambassadorial rank to
Greece would be a blunder in timing.
There are a number of reasons why.
I shall mention several.
Earlier this month, the Council of
Europe expelled Greece from that or-
ganization. I know that the colonels in
Greece say they withdrew. But the fact
is that the Council voted to expel Greece
at the end of this year on the charge that
the Greek Government had failed to re-
store democratic freedoms, and the colo-
nels withdrew rather than face the hu-
miliation of being kicked out.
The Council of Europe is not an eco-
nomic alliance. It is an association of
democratic governments designed ex-
pressly to advance democracy and hu-
man rights. Their moral disapproval of
the regime in Greece shows quite clearly
how the people on the other side of the
Atlantic feel about the military junta
which holds that country in its tyran-
nical grasp. The Council abhors the pres-
ent Greek Government. And furthermore,
many of them feel that it is only Amer-
ca's apparent friendship for the re-
gime?only our apparent support of the
colonels?which keeps them in power.
For the U.S. Senate to confirm an am-
bassador to Greece hard on the heels of
strongly expressed European disapproval
of the regime would be little less than a
slap in the face to many of our allies.
Second, according to no less an au-
thority than former Greek Minister Con-
stantine Mitsotakis, with whom I con-
ferred recently, the next few months?
possibly the next 3 months?offer the last
opportunity for a restoration of the
Greek democracy without a blood bath.
This opinion is also shared by my good
friend Elias Demetracopoulos, a distin-
guished European editor and a leader of
the resistance movement against the
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junta in America, who accompanied Mr.
Mitsotakis to my office.
The history and temperament of the
Greek people practically assure us there
will be an effort sometime in the future
to force out the colonel's government?
even if it drenches the country in blood.
No other people, on the face of the
earth, understand more fully the desire
of the Greek people for freedom, than
do the people of the United States.
Greece may have been the cradle of dem-
ocracy, but we have made democracy
work?and work reasonably well, for al-
most 200 years. The Greeks feel deeply
their bond with us. They are relying on
us now in their time of great travail.
Why give them cause to doubt our
support?why douse their spirits and
quench their thirst for freedom?by ac-
crediting a man with the rank of Am-
bassador to the junta government. It
would be an affront to the Greek pa-
Third, since the Nixon administration
has not yet come up with a policy on
Greece, why do we need a man of Am-
bassadorial rank there? America's affairs
can well be handled by the competent
career men already in our Embassy there.
Must we f111 the rank of ambassador
right now?
Mr. President, in the 21/2 long years
since the military junta took over Greece,
there has not been even one small step
toward the restoration of a parliamen-
tary government.
We hear stories every day about peo-
ple being brutalized in courts, and in
prisons. Civil liberties are dead. Nor-
mality and freedom and liberty and order
and security are only words which the
colonels use from time to time?they
have no real meaning to the people.
I realize that sending an American
ambassador to Greece does not neces-
sarily mean that this country approves
of the present government. But most cer-
tainly if we do not send an ambassador?
if the United States would postpone ac-
tion on confirmation of Ambassador
Tasca for some of the reasons I have
outlined, it would certainly be construed
as an expression of our disapproval of
the junta regime.
I suggest confirmation be delayed. It is
time to stop showing cordiality and
friendship for the colonels, to stop ex-
changing visits and honors with them,
and to start openly showing some sym-
pathy for the people who are striving to
restore the democratic freedoms that we
hold so dear in our own country.
The U.S. Senate should not at this
juncture in history be in the process of
confirming a U.S. ambassador to Greece.
Mr. GOODELL. Mr. President, will the
Senator from Utah yield?
Mr. MOSS. I am happy to yield to the
Senator from New York.
Mr. GOODELL. I want to express my
gratification for the very fine statement
the Senator has made.
We are in essential agreement. I think
the only area where we may differ is on
the question of sending an ambassador.
I agree with the Senator's comment
that the next 3 months will be critical
in Greece, that unless steps are taken
to ease the repression there and move
toward democracy, Greece may well
enter into a bloodbath and revolution,
one that will be difficult to control, be-
cause revolutions never can be controlled.
I think it is imperative, under those
circumstances, that we have an ambas-
sador there at the highest level putting
the pressure on the Greek junta, talking
to the top leaders in Greece, expressing
our concern.
I would emphasize that although the
Council of Europe has expelled Greece,
as the Senator has indicated, the Euro-
pean nations who are members of the
Council of Europe have ambassadors to
Greece in Athens and they are there, as
I hope our Ambassador will be there, to
express the deep concern of the peoples
they represent over what is happening in
The record should be made clear, al-
though the Senator and I differ on the
timing of this approval, that I certainly,
and I think the Senate, in approving the
nomination?if that does occur?are not
In any way indicating to the Greek junta
our approval of their policies.
As a matter of fact, it is precisely the
I think that our Ambassador should
now go there to indicate our disapproval
at the highest levels.
The Senator, who has just spoken so
eloquently, thinks that we should not
send an ambassador because that would
be a means to indicate our disapproval.
Thus, our only difference is in the way
we express our disapproval of the Greek
I thank the Senator from Utah for
yielding to me.
Mr. MOSS. I thank the Senator from
New York. He and I are in agreement
that U.S. disapproval of the junta should
be demonstrated. Our only difference is
whether the signal has been adequately
given by a rather temporary delay or
whether it should be delayed further,
I am perfectly willing to acknowledge
that such a signal has been given so that
the people of Europe, and the Greek peo-
ple themselves, understand that there is
no degree of approval but, as a matter of
fact, high disapproval of the regime of
the junta over there, and that now we
are sending our representative there to
have a spokesman on hand to deal di-
rectly with the junta.
As I say, this may possibly be so, but
I have felt that it is so close, still, to the
action taken by the Council of Europe,
that perhaps our disapproval should be
underlined even more clearly.
One thing that disturbed me a bit in
talking with Mr. Mitsotakis, and with
others, is that there is a feeling among
some of the Greeks that the United
States has some sympathy for the junta;
that, in fact, it has been said?rumors
spread so easily?that the junta would
not stay in power at all were not the
Pentagon in league with it.
We know that that is not true, but I
am wondering whether we should not
send the signal in more clearly than we
have, that it is not true that we support
the junta in any way.
But in either event, I think having this
colloquy on the floor and this expression
made in the U.S. Senate is helpful in-
deed to try to get word to the Greek
people that we have great affection and
sympathy for the Greek people; we
would like to see them have control of
their own destiny and have democracy
reestablished in their country; and we
are hopeful that in some way we can help
them back to controlling their own des-
tiny democratically, without having a
terrible blood bath, which may be immi-
Mr. GOODELL. Mr. President, will the
Senator yield further?
Mr. MOSS. I yield.
Mr. GOODELL. I think the Senator
will agree with me that, in any event,
Mr. Tasca should understand that the
U.S. Senate wants him to go to Greece
as an ambassador?if his nomination is
approved?to express, in the strongest
terms, our disapproval of the suppres-
sion and brutality occurring in Greece
under the junta.
I think we can agree that whether the
decision to send an ambassador to Greece
was wise or not will be judged by the
action taken by Mr. Tasca as Ambassador
in Athens. If he goes over there and
makes our voice stronger and clearer to
the junta, then it will have been a valu-
able contribution in sending the U.S.
Ambassador to Greece now.
I think the Senator and I would agree
that, assuming the Ambassador goes, that
is what we want him to do, and we hope
the State Department and the President
give him that kind of instruction.
Mr. MOSS. I heartily concur with the
Senator and thank him for that expres-
I rather expect that the confirmation
of Mr. Tasca will be confirmed. I hope
there is not the least shadow of reflection
of his ability or integrity coming from
my remarks, because I think he is a fine,
able man; but I concur with the Senator
that, if he goes there, he should go there
with a message, as strongly expressed as
can be expressed, that we do not sympa-
thize with the actions of the Greek
junta; we sympathize with the Greek
people and we want freedom and civil
rights reestablished in Greece at the
earliest possible time and without a blood
Mr. GOODELL. If the Senator will
yield, that point, I think, was made un-
mistakably clear the day the U.S. Senate
reversed the decision on military aid to
Greece; we immediately thereafter, and
unanimously, passed a provision that de-
cried what was going on in Greece and
urged the Greek Government to move
back to democracy. That was a unani-
mous action.
Mr. MOSS. Mr. President, I yield the
Mr. BAYH. Mr. President, I listened
with a great deal of interest to the col-
leagues from Utah and New York, and I
find myself in complete agreement with
their general thoughts. I see, once again,
however, that it is possible for reason-
able men to pursue the same goal by
different means. I find, on weighing all
of the facts, that my colleague from
Utah, has made an equally persuasive
At this time, I, personally, am op-
posed to Senate consideration of the
nomination of Henry J. Tasca as U.S.
Ambassador to Greece. But I am inclined
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KE ATE December [9, 1919
to lay aside my personal inclinations in
the interest of Senate procedure.
I do not question the qualifications of
Ambassador Tasca. It has been pointed
out that he has served with distinction
as Ambassador to Morocco and has
proved his abilities as a diplomat dur-
ing a long foreign service career. I op-
pose consideration of his nomination at
this time for the same reasons I op-
posed the amendment of my distin-
guished colleague, the Senator from Con-
necticut (Mr. Dorm) , striking section
508A from the foreign aid authorization
bill, as a demonstration to the Greek
Government, the Greek people, and the
world, that the Congress of the United
States does not approve of the prac-
tices of the current military regime in
the cradle of democracy.
This regime's policy of torture and
denial of constitutional rights ha S been a
matter of deep concern to me, not only
as a 17.S. Senator, but as a citizen of
the United States. In a country where
we take for granted those rights, it
is difficult for us to imagine a normal
political life without them. Yet the Greek
people are now suffering from the delib-
erate denial of basic haulm and i3olitical
I would remind the Senate once again,
of the action taken November 18 by the
European Commission of Human Itights,
when it delivered a scathing report to the
Council of Europe detailing its findings
that the regime in Greece has allowed
torture to be used against its political op-
ponents "as an administrative practice"
and that the regime has failed to prove
its claim that the suspension of civil lib-
erties had been justified by an Internal
As has also been pointed out, on De-
cember 12 Greece withdrew from the
Council of Europe but only wheT. :it be-
came clear that she would be su pended
until democracy and human rights were
restored to the Greek people.
As I pointed out a moment or tWo ago,
the only means available to the Senate
to express its disapproval is to lay this
nomination over for a short period of
time. Then when we come back early in
January, we could quickly confirm the
nomination of this man, who is fully
capable of pursuing the course the Sena-
tor from New York has suggeSted he
should pursue and that, hopehiliy, he
will. If he was not so inclined, t think,
after reading the debate and be4ng in-
formed, he certainly will be. I appreciate,
however, the unusual nature of this pro-
cedure and so I shall not press the mat-
Mr. President, would it be in oder to
address a parliamentary inquiry at this
Mr. BAYH. As part of the advice and
consent authority that is set forth in the
Constitution, is it possible, in confirming
the nomination of an ambassador, for
the Senate to fix a time certain orl Which
the confirmation of the norhination
would take place?
Chair would be of the opinion that that
would not be within the province of the
Senate. The Senate has the duty at this
time of passing on the confirmation, yes
or no.
Mr. BAYH. May I address a further
parliamentary inquiry?
mentary inquiry is in order.
Mr. BAYH. Is it possible for the Senate
to fix any condition, such as a time at
which the Ambassador would present his
credentials? In other words, would it be
possible for us to advise and consent with
the stipulation that the credentials would
not be presented before January 15, for
example, as a display of our displeasure
with the Greek regime?
is advised that that would not be in or-
der. The-Senate has the rigIat to confirm
or reject. If it wishes to postpone con-
sideration, it has that authority; but as
long as it acts on a confirmation affirma-
tively, then it is within the province of
the State Department to give the nomi-
nee his assignment.
Mr. BAYH. appreciate the Chair's
clarifying this point.
I realize that it would be possible for
the Senate to move to defer considera-
tion. After listening to the discussion be-
tween the Senator from New York and
the Senator from Utah, though, the Sen-
ator from Indiana is inclined to follow
the course of action expressed by the
Senator from New York. I do not want it
to appear that the Senate is refusing to
cooperate with President Nixon in the
formulation of his traditional foreign
policy prerogatives. I wish it were pos-
sible for us to cooperate with the Presi-
dent and still indicate our displeasure
with the Greek regime. It is not possible
according to the Chair's ruling.
Mr. PFlrj, Mr. President, it is tragic
that on the same day that Greece was
forced out of the Council of Europe for
its repressive policies and its practice of
torture, the Senate voted to continue the
authorization of military assistance to
that unhappy country.
It was argued here on the Senate floor
that we should not interfere in the
domestic affairs of a friendly nation?
and the definit on of not interfering is
that we should continue the authorizing
of many millions of dollars of military
support and weapons for that country.
My definition of not interfering is
"doing nothing." But, I guess what we
have now is the new Alice in Wonder-
land look?not to interfere means to
have a massive aid program?to inter-
fere is not to have such a massive aid
program. Be that as it may, the net re-
sult of the actions of the Council of Eu-
rope and of our Senate is that the Greek
people now realize that the Greek re-
gime is abhorrent to the Western Eu-
ropean democracies, but the object of ac-
ceptance and sit:31)0ft by our own Nation.
From reactions I have already re-
ceived, I understand that the United
States is now, more than ever, identified
by the Greek people as a supporter and
an advocate of the junta. One immediate
result of this action is the statement by
Col. George Papadopoulos, the present
Greek chief of government, to the effect
that no elections will be held in the fore-
seeable future.
What a slap in the face to the United
States is this announcement coming as
it does, immediately after our action in
the Senate that specifically authorized
the continuation of military assistance,
by knocking out my provision specifically
denying continuation of such assistance
in the committee bill. Now let it not be
thought that we are turning the other
cheek when, in a very few moments, we
confirm the nomination of Henry Tasca
as our Ambassador to Greece.
I am confident he will make a fine am-
bassador, but he certainly will have a
difficult mission.
The Pentagon approves of the Greek
Government as an efficient government
and one which provides agreeable ports
of call for our military forces. The execu-
tive branch of our Government has never
vigorously expressed itself; as a whole it
really has a "no policy" policy. Our Sen-
ate is divided as shown by the 45-to-38
vote last week. And our people as a whole
have a justified revulsion to the Greek
In voting for the nomination of Henry
Tasca, I wish him luck in an exceedingly
difficult position. May he have success in
relaying the abhorrence of the American
people for the practices of the recalci-
trant Greek regime and in nudging it
back onto the path of civilization, democ-
racy, and freedom. And may he particu-
larly succeed in reducing or?and this
would be truly wonderful?in eliminat-
ing the use of torture by the junta as a
matter of administrative practice.
Finally, in voting for the confirma-
tion of Henry Tasca's nomination, I am
following what I have always believed is
the correct policy when it comes to hav-
ing diplomatic relations with a foreign
government: The more a.bhorent the re-
gime, the more we dislike the regime,
the more we disapprove of the regime,
the more important it is to have tela
level representation at that regime's
If we want to tangibly express our dis-
approval, let us not do so just in word,
but let us off our aid, because by doing
that, we hurt that regime; but by not
having top level representation, we are
simply cutting Off our nose to spite our
face, and I do not think this serves our
national interest.
I ask unanimous consent to have
printed in the RECORD the news story
from Athens, headlined, "Greece's Pre-
mier Bars Early Vote: Defies Euro-
peans," written by Alvin Shuster and
published in the New York Times of
December 16, 1969.
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
[From the New York Times, Dec. 16, 19691
(By Alvin Shuster)
ATHENS, December 15.?Premier George
Papadopoulos tonight ruled out any possi-
bility of early elections in Greece and insisted
that the aims of the army-backed Govern-
ment must be met first.
In an unyielding speech, which made no
mention of any new liberalizing measures,
the 51-year-old Premier said that the Govern-
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ment would continue indefinitely to exercise
all executive and legislative powers of the
country. He said this was because "the people
will it, because it is in their interest and
because it is history's command."
Brushing aside the concern in the Council
of Europe about the failure to announce an
election date, Mr. Papadopoulos said: "This
is a matter that concerns only us because it
concerns our life and the life of our nation."
He warned Greece's Western allies to be-
ware of the threat of democracy in their own
nations. He said that Greece with drew from
the Council of Europe last Friday rather than
be suspended because she could not take
orders on how to run her affairs, Greece has
become accustomed to bitterness from her
allies, he added.
Mr. Papadopoulos, who led the army coup
d'etat on April 21, 1967, spoke to the nation
on radio and television from the chamber
once used by Greece's Parliament. It was an
emotional address, delivered in high-pitched
tones before an audience of about 500, in-
cluding Aristotle S. Onassis, the multimil-
lionaire shipowner.
The Premier insisted that Greece now had
a form of government that "in substance in-
sures total freedom to the individual, except
those working against public order and se-
curity." The people gave a mandate to the
Government by their approval in September,
1968, of a new Constitution he said.
Most of the provisions of the Constitution
dealing with civil and personal liberties re-
main suspended under existing martial law.
The Government is now preparing a series of
special laws aimed at eventual implementa-
tion of the constitutional provisions.
In discussing national elections, Mr. Pa-
padopoulos said the Government would give
one year's notice before elections were held
to enable new political parties to be formed.
He said that national elections would follow
local elections, but he offered no timetable
for local elections either.
As necessary requirements for elections,
the Premier listed a series of goals. Among
them was the reorganization of Government
machinery, the "cleansing of social institu-
tions" and improvements in the economic,
social and political areas.
"Unless these are achieved and the country
becomes healthy and capable of accepting
the constitutional reforms, we shall not
proceed to elections," Mr. Papadopoulos said.
Throughout the speech, Mr. Papadopoulos
likened Greece to a ship whose "crew had
become cowardly in a storm" and had turned
to the armed forces for help. His Govern-
ment merely wants to lead Greece to a safe
harbor, he said.
"Yet some of our friends are treating us
like pirates rather than saviors of a ship,
either because they want to impose their
will or out of solidarity with the old deposed
crew," he said. "But the Greek people have
always shouted 'hands off us' whenever for-
eign powers try to impose their will."
The Premier urged Greeks to buy fewer
foreign goods In favor of more Greek prod-
ucts "as a sign of faith in your country."
He also said that businessmen should be con-
tent to hold their prices.
"Public order and security," he said, "shall
be preserved at the present level."
Mr. CHURCH. Mr. President, I com-
mend the distinguished Senator from
Rhode Island for his remarks. He has ex-
pressed my views so much better than I
could express them that I simply asso-
ciate myself with the address he has just
Mr. McGOVERN. Mr. President, what
is the pending business?
pending question, in executive session, is
whether the Senate shall advise and
consent to the nomination of Henry J.
Tasca as Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of the United States to
Mr. McGOVERN. Mr, President, I quite
agree with the statement of the Senator
from Rhode Island (Mr. FELL) with ref-
erence to the .qualifications of the nomi-
nee, Mr. Tasca. I am sure that he is a
man who will bring good qualifications
to the appointment. But I should like the
Senate to know that I was one of the
Senators who joined with the Senator
from Utah (Mr. Moss), the Senator from
North Dakota (Mr. BURDICK) and others
In asking the leadership to hold up on
this nomination for a period of time, not
because I was interested in blocking the
nomination, but simply to signify to the
people of Greece and, indeed, to world
public opinion, the concern that many of
us have about the Greek military dic-
tatorship that has, at least temporarily,
destroyed democracy in Greece.
I think it is a great loss to the cause
of freedom around the world that Greece,
which has symbolized throughout his-
tory so much of the spirit of freedom
and human dignity, has fallen under the
control of the group of military dictators
who brutally seized power some time ago.
I regret very much what I regard as a
serious mistake by the Senate, a few days
ago, in approving the amendment offered
by the senior Senator from Connecticut
(Mr. Dorm) which in effect lends Ameri-
can approval to this undemocratic mili-
tary regime in Athens, by extending
American military aid. I do not know of
anything that we could have done that
would have been more unwise than using
American military power and the moral
endorsement behind that resolution to
signify to the world that, somehow, we
are interested in preserving this regime
that is now in control in Athens.
I very frankly hope that regime will be
swiftly replaced, that it will be a short-
lived experience for the people of Greece,
and that a more democratic system can
be restored in that part of the world. It
is the sheerest kind of hypocrisy for this
great country of ours to talk about ad-
vancing the cause of freedom, and then
use the tax funds of the people of this
country to maintain in power the kind
of undemocratic, unfree, and unrepre-
sentative regime that now holds the peo-
ple of Greece in its grip.
I very earnestly hope that this Ambas-
sador whose nomination we are about to
confirm will use whatever influence he
has to keep our Government fully in-
formed on the realities of what is taking
place in Greek politics today, so that we
will not make the kind of tragic errors
in the future that we made on this floor
a few days ago when we called for the
extension of American military support
to that kind of a government. What we
did is a defeat for freedom; and I vote
for this ambassadorial nomination only
on the grounds that I hope that by main-
taining diplomatic relations we will come
to a better understanding of the tragic
forces that are now in play in what was
once a free nation.
Mr. PELL. Mr. President, will the Sen-
ator yield for a question?
Mr. McGOVERN. I yield.
Mr. FELL. Was the Senator as struck
as I was, in the course of that short de-
bate, by the weird argument I have just
cited, wherein one of our colleagues said
we ought to be very reluctant to appear to
be dictating to or meddling in the inter-
nal affairs of other governments of the
world? Apparently his definition of not
interfering or meddling is that we should
continue this huge military assistance
program to Greece.
However, if we stop this military as-
sistance, then we are meddling and inter-
fering. What can we do to let the Ameri-
can people know that we are interfering
by sending military assistance?
This is the point that the press and
the country has lost sight of, that we have
a new Alice in Wonderland definition of
interfere. And under this new definition,
to interfere is not to send massive sup-
port but to let a nation alone, and not to
interfere is to send massive support.
Mr. McGOVERN. Mr. President, I
could not agree with the Senator more.
It is an indication of how far we have
come in assuming that military aid to
right-wing governments represents an
investment in freedom. It does not repre-
sent an investment in freedom. It repre-
sents a setback for it.
It does not represent an investment in
the cause of self-determination.
The same logic that the Senator has
brought out here so well is one of the
things that has concerned me for many
years about our involvement in South-
east Asia.
We talk about our interference there
as advancing the cause of self-determi-
nation. The truth of the matter is that
the presence of American military might
in such overwhelming force in Vietnam
is the very factor that is preventing the
process of self-determination from as-
serting itself. It is preventing the local
indigenous political force from assert-
ing itself in South Vietnam.
And that is true with reference to the
point the Senator makes in Greece. I
commend him for making what seems
to me to be a valuable contribution to
our understanding.
Mr. CHURCH. Mr. President, will the
Senator yield?
Mr. McGOVERN. I yield.
Mr. CHURCH. Mr. President, does not
the Senator feel that our policy toward
Greece is a rather frightening example
of how close we are coming to the use
of "doublethink" as described in Orwell's
"1984." The language we use to label
our policies is the very opposite of their
reality. This is true of Greece and, as the
Senator points out, the same tendency
is to be found in our semantic treat-
ment of our massive intervention in
More and more, we use words that are,
In fact, the opposite of reality. And this
was the very phenomenon forecast by
Orwell in projecting the kind of totali-
tarian state he anticipated would over-
take us by 1984.
Sometimes I think we are halfway
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there, and moving ever nore rapidly in
that direction.
Mr. McGOVERN. I think the Senator's
point is well taken with reference to dou-
ble think.
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We have seen the sante kind of phe-
nomena with reference to our domestic
situation here in terms of nationol pri-
The Senator from Rhode Island and
the Senator from Idaho know that we
have just come from a discussion as to
what should be the proper response to
1 the President's statement that he is
1 going to veto the appropriation bill on
health, education, and welfare on the
ground that it is inflationary.
Congress, as I understand it, has in-
creased by $1.5 billion the amount of ap-
propriations for these re? !ous programs
ithat relate to the health, education, and
lwelfare of the American people. And that
I is said to be inflationary. Yet, when we
come to the military sector of the lnidget,
the Congress of the United Stat ee has
reduced the amount ref:vested by the
President by more than $5 billion.
Presumably, that is an anti-inflation-
ary effort on the part of Congreas. We
have reduced and taken out of citeula-
tion some $5 billion that would other-
wise have been spent for military Our-
poses. Yet, we are accused of adding to
the inflationary pressures in the coun-
try because we have added a modest
4mount to the programs 4 signed to im-
prove the health, educatiou, and welfare
Of the American people.
This relates directly again to the point
that the Senator from Rhode Island and
the Senator from Idaho haee been Mak-
ing, that we have come to the viewPoint
where we think a military investment
of any kind, if it is an :iivestment in a
military dictatorship that suppresses the
freedom of its own people, represents an
investment in the cause of freedond and
that money spent to improve the quality
of our own people is dangerous and in-
flationary. That is double thinking.1
1 Mr. CHURCH. I concur wholeheart-
eally. 1
Mr. PELL. Mr. President, is It not the
responsibility of a free pre ,3 to express
clearly what the thought is? And When
we use "Alice in Wonderls.nd" looking
glass talk, it seems to me that there is
an obligation to tell the taxpayers ex-
aptly what is meant so that when scene-
one says, "We shall not interfere or
meddle in the affairs of another natiOn,"
the story should say, "By not interfering
is ' meant sending massive iailitary i as-
sistance to that nation."
I think the people as a whole, if they
knew the Alice in Wonderland chatter
that we sometimes engage in wOuld
laugh at us. And that would bring us
back to using the words we should nse.
iVIr. McGOVERN. Mr. President, that
world show that foreign aid is getling
"c riouser and curiouser every day.'
iir. PELL. Mr. President, I would make
that point that we in pulahe office are
opinion formers and that those who in-
terpret our words have a responsibilitY to
clarify some of the doubletalk.
Mr. HARRIS, Mr. President, as in leg-
islative session, I would like to say a few
words about the President's threat to
veto the HEW appropriation bill and also
to veto the tax reform bill.
Mr. DOT P. Mr. President, a parlia-
mentary inquiry.
Mr. HARRIS. Mr. President, I believe
I have the floor. I did not yield it for that
purpose. If the Senator wants me to yield
for a question, I will be glad to do so.
Senator from Oklahoma yield to the Sen-
ator from Kansas for the purpose of
making a parliamentary inquiry?
Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, a parliamen-
tary inquiry.
ator will state it.
Mr. DOLE. MI. President, do I under-
stand that we are in executive session?
executive session A Senator can speak as
in legislative session on request.
Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, may I in-
quire as to the pending business?
pending business is the confirmation of
the nomination of Mr. Henry J. Tasca to
be Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni-
potentiary to Greece.
Mr. HARRIS. Mr. President, the con-
sumer price index for November was just
announced. It showed the steepest jump
in consumer prices since last June.
The actual increase was 0.5 percent.
The .seasonally adjusted annual rate for
November was 7.2 percent.
Mr. President, the steepest increase
was in food. The food increase was 0.7
percent, with particularly high increases
in the consumer price index for vege-
tables, eggs, clothing, home ownership
costs, and services.
Also, the wholesale price index has just
been announced. And it shows that in the
wholesale price index we have just seen
the biggest jump in 6 months.
It includes a 3-percent increase in food
costs. Eggs, for example, went up 23 per-
cent. Turkeys, just in time for Christ-
mas, went up 6.1 percent. Vegetables
went up 34 percent on the wholesale price
There is no question that inflation is
a tremendous worry for this country. It
is one thing which should concern every
one of us. However, I do not think that
the President of the United States has
properly placed the issue before the peo-
ple of the United States.
The Congress of she United States has
been fiscally resporsible. It has lowered
the total appropriations on all appro-
priation bills which have been sent to it
by more than $5 billion less than the
President's budget. More importantly,
this Congress has decided to begin to get
the priorities of this country straight by
reducing by more than $5 billion the
amount of money the President asked
for military appropriations, and it de-
cided that it wanted to do more for the
people of this country in health and edu-
cation by raising that appropriation by
approximately $1.5 billion.
I say that if the President of the
United States wants to veto that bill,
then Congress ought to override his veto,
either now or when we return after the
first of the year.
I am proud that the conference com-
mittee on the tax bill, according to this
morning's report, has that bill about in
balance in revenue raised and revenue
spent with the bill which came to us
from the House of Representatives and
to the Senate floor from the Finance
Committee, of which I am a member.
I am proud, too, that the conference
committee on the tax bill has decided to
raise the personal exemption and has
decided to raise social security by 15
In his recent press conference, the
President said that if those two items
were in the bill, he would veto it. I say
it should be sent to him. If he does veto
it, that veto should be overriden by
Mr. President, I hope the President will
use the influence of his office, as he has
not done up to this moment, in wage
and price decisions. I hope he will at
long last use the influence of his of-
fice to bring down these scandalously
high interest rates.
We will have a conference report be-
fore us today, handled by the distin-
guished Senator from Wisconsin (Mr.
PROXMIRE ) , which will provide the Pres-
ident additional power to hold down in-
terest rates?powers similar to those
which were given to the President dur-
ing the Korean war. The President of
the United States, unfortunately, has op-
posed those additional powers for him-
self. I hope that once we give him those
powers, as I think we will do today, he
will use them to bring interest rates
down?interest rates which have risen to
the highest level in 100 years and which
themselves are the greatest fuel for the
fires of inflation that presently exist.
Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, will the
Senator yield?
Mr. HARRIS. I yield.
Mr. DOLE. First, I commend the Sen-
ator for recognizing that we do have in-
flation. We have had it, as the Sen-
ator knows, for several years.
Mr. HARRIS. May I say that I have
spoken on this issue practically every day,
and I am glad that the Senator from
Kansas also is concerned about inflation.
I do not recall how he voted on every
amendment when the tax bill was be-
fore the Senate. Most of his colleagues
rather overwhelmingly voted against ad-
ditional tax reforms which would have
Increased the revenue raised by that bill
and for most of the measures which
lost revenue and were adopted.
But I am glad to say that it seems from
this morning's press reports that the con-
ference has gotten that bill back in about
the same kind of revenue spent-revenue
lost balance that existed when it came
from the Finance Committee.
Mr. DOLE. Let me pursue my question.
I recognize that the Senator from Okla-
homa may be speaking now as a Senator
and also as the chairman of the National
Democratic Party. I conclude, therefore,
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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks December 12, 1969
with a number of different management phi-
Even today, there are some twenty-eight
individual railroads which provide some type
of inter-city service. While this is a dra-
matically fewer number of railroads than ex-
isted previously, it still represents the re-
gional characteristic of our railroads. Each
railroad, as you can see from these examples,
has :ts own parameters of track. The whole
network is a total of its components?in this
case not something efficient by itself. A
through-train run by more than one railroad
is subject to the individual vaguaries of each
management. So basic a process as check-
through baggage, for instance, may be chal-
lenged by a carrier more interested in com-
muter service. Furthermore, equipment pro-
curement loses economics of scale when each
road purchases a small lot with widely vary-
ing specifications. Even two or three discon-
tinuance proceedings involved in individual
sections of one train reflect the highly re-
gionalized nature of the inter-city system.
Historically the highmark in rail passenger
service came just after World War II, with
the decline beginning in the 1950's. It was
during that period that the competitive ef-
fects from other modes began to be reflected
in fewer number of passengers and lower rev-
enues. As losses attributable to inter-city
trains increased, the common reaction was to
reduce those losses by reducing costs. This
was accomplished by the singularly narrow
method of eliminating one train at a time.
Each whole train discontinued under Section
13-A was a reduction in total costs equal to
the cost of that train.
Of course, the ancillary result was a rapid
decline in the number of trains and level of
service. It also precipitated a more than pro-
portionate decline in the volume of equip-
ment ordered and delivered, and provided the
impetus for a trend to the repair of equip-
ment aimed at preserving safety often to
the abandonment of comfort. A continually
deteriorating financial situation simply in-
hibited continued investment in passenger
The twenty year decline in inter-city serv-
ice developed in lieu of a national transpor-
tation policy. Each competing mode. devel-
oped in response to many demands, especially
in relation to public activity in its behalf.
The highway trust fund bolstered the Inter-
state Highway System and the Federal Gov-
ernment has the responsibility for building
and operating commercial airports. Rail pas-
senger service, throughout, remain independ-
ent of the changing factors which affected its
The decline in intercity equipment has
more than proportionately reflected the
decline in the service itself. The fleet is old
and generally tends to be deteriorating at
least from the viewpoint of comfort. The last
significant orders were delivered in 1956?
fourteen years ago. This creates the situation
where, even if there is a surplus of equip-
ment for current operations, its age and con-
dition is questionable. Obviously, a public
investment program would require a census
of equipment using a standard classification
Our basic objective was to create a desir-
able level of service, while correcting exist-
ing mistakes. We then determined the mini-
mal number of cars which would be needed
for this basic system. For the purpose of de-
termining the costs of a program for re-
habilitating and replacing the inter-city
fleet, we super-imposed existing equipment
on the equipment which would be necessary
for a basic, desirable level of service. Because
It would take up to ten years to completely
replace the existing fleet, we assumed a
phased five-year program in which to begin
rejuvenating inter-city service.
The difficulty in measuring inter-city pas-
sengers is carried through in attempting to
determine which equipment is used for inter-
city travel. Our research, for example,
showed a 5% to 15% difference in the num-
ber of inter-city cars derived from two relia-
able sources?AAR Statistics and the Official
Rail Equipment Register. Regardless of the
overlapping in counting, it was determined
that a sufficient volume of equipment exists
to begin a rehabilitation/replacement pro-
We assumed that the present level of
service, including existing equipment, would
be the beginning of a comprehensive upgrad-
ing program over an extended period of time.
On this basis we established two distinct
types of service, depending on the unique
demand for each.
Conceptually, short-haul service is based
on a deviation from existing inter-city serv-
ice. The key factor was to avoid extended
transporation services connecting a series of
cities over long distances. It is based on the
concept that rail transportation is more com-
petitive in providing frequ6ht service between
two discrete points. Such intensive short-
haul services involves creation of city-pair
links or routes. It creates a shuttle-type
effect, with at least one daily-pair of trains
between each city pair.
In order to determine economic demand
for the high level of Investment. required,
we assumed a short-haul network based on
population concentrations, or Standard Met-
ropolitan Statistical Areas with populations
in excess of 500,000. Axiomatically, a large
proportion of the demand for inter-city
travel will come from these areas.
Of approximately fifty-five population
centers, excluding intra-Northeast Corridors,
there are some 75 pairs of cities generally
300 miles or less from each other which
form the basic passenger network which can
be expected to generate competitive demand
for train service.
This short-haul intensive service will re-
quire at least one daily pair of trains be-
tween each city grouping. Since this is the
beginning of a rejuvenated network, it may
be anticipated that other city-pairs will gen-
erate demand for additional daily trains.
The long-haul network is primarily de-
signed for those routes for which there is a
unique demand. The New York to Florida
route, for instance, can operate daily at a
profit. Some of the Western routes, which
are operated at higher capacity during the
summer "months, may require only three-
times-a-week service during the winter.
The sinallest number of cars required for
the basic_ intensive service networks is '700
coaches, 100 lounges, 300 foodservice and 100
sleepers; totaling 1,200.
(Throughout, we were concerned with
main line coaches, diners, lounges, and
sleepers. It was assumed there were enough
locomotives available and declining mail and
baggage uses obviates the need for more
headend cars. We also excluded the North-
east corridor because of the existing level of
Regardless of the source of information, it
is obvious there are sufficient numbers of
cars in existence?between 4,500 and 5,000
coaches, diners, lounges, and sleepers. Their
usable condition, however, is one of the most
speculative questions to be asked.
We arbitrarily determined that to be serv-
iceable, some would require light rehabilita-
tion and the majority medium to heavy re-
Absolute cost data for inter-city equip-
ment is extremely ambiguous. Existing
equipment is anywhere from 15 to 60 years
old. Even the newest equipment would likely
require $10,000 to $70,000 each to re-
habilitate. While these costs are low relative
to new car costs, after rebuilding it would
still be aging equipment. An accelerated ap-
plied research program may provide signifi-
cant improvements in design and facilities
for new equipment. Further, it is widely
assumed that most equipment physically
lasts less than the 25-30 years depreciation
allowed for accounting purposes.
With the 1,200 cars needed, and cost of
light rehabilitation and medium to heavy
rehabilitation, it would require $50.2 million
to rehabilitate only 1,200 cars in the existing
However, if there is an alternative invest-
ment possibility, and there was only total
replacement required, assuming 1,200 cars
to begin rehabilitating the network, it would
take $345 million to build the new equip-
ment, and we have estimated somewhere ap-
proximately $4 million for a one-year research
New equipment costs can only be esti-
mated on the basis of the few coaches built
in the last ten years and by comparison
with commuter cars now being built. While
new cars would be expensive, they would be
new and incorporate new configurations de-
veloped during the applied research program.
In addition, it may be assumed that new
equipment would reduce maintenance costs.
We should like to emphasize the perspec-
tive both of these cost charts are to be put
in. In the first case, they are to form the
nucleus of a rejuvenated system and do not
represent the total of all passenger equip-
ment which will be ncessary over a long-
range program.
They are designed for a five year period
and are constructed to be alternative, as
either individually or in an evolving program
where some cars are rehabilitated while new
cars are ordered and delivered. This will give
the government the option of phasing pro-
grams as events develop. Because short-haul
Intensive service is a dparture from exist-
ing concepts, we assume the need for de-
parture from complementary components of
inter-city service. Short trains incorporating
new technologies will probably reduce man-
power demands per individual train.
New technologies will also be required if
the system is to be rejuvenated. The most
current events point to a change in railroad
research and development methods. The pre-
ponderance of thought in this country has
been towards such exotic developments as
the tracked air cushion vehicle. A consortium
of three North American companies, con-
versely, recently acquired the rights to a
British process which would permit speeds
up to 150 m.p.h. on existing track. The im-
portant aspect is that it allows high speeds
with existing basic configurations.
For these same reasons we suggest an in-
tense one year, $4 million applied research
Friday, December 12, 1969
Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr.
Speaker, the military dictatorship of
Greece stands convicted today before the
world by its own action in withdrawing
from the Council of Europe. The leaders
of that dictatorship, minutes before it
faced a verdict by 17 European nations
on its acts of torture and oppression,
pleaded guilty to those charges by fleeing
the scene and the council. Let there be
no mistake, the dictatorship recognized
it could not afford a verdict from honest
men and honest nations.
It is becoming increasingly obvious
that the days of this dictatorship are
numbered. The earlier worldwide con-
demnation of its oppressive rule by the
European Commission on Human Rights,
as well as by the resolution of the NATO
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Dcember 12, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions
basic mistake to attempt to solve the trans-
portation passenger problems of this coun-
try by any single mode. Dr. Nelson, formerly
of 00T, has said, "There cannot be effective
coordination of transportation at the Fed-
eral level so long as the Bureau of Public
Roads countt up benefits and coats of high-
way systems only, and allocates funds for
highway construction on that basis; so
lo g as the Federal Aviation Administration
re* ons benefits and cotts of air systems
on y, and grants funds for airport construe-
tioi on that basis; so long as the Federal
Ra lroad Administration considers rail sys-
teis only and acts on that basis, and to
lo g as the Corps of Engineers totes up bene-
fits and costs of waterway systems only, and
expends waterway construction funds on
th t bassi's. . ."
obviously, development of a national
policy is a long range requirement for pas-
senger problems that face us today. Condi-
tions encouraging air and highway travel
over the past 20 years have changed cpei-
siderably in the recent past. Expanding're-
qui ements for individual travel have catised
a s turation of many of our larger airperts
an4 clogged highway access to larger Gillet
du ng critical periods. Highway accidents
an4 aircraft near misses have caused con-
cer across the country. Real estate in andf
aro d our expanding larger cities is eithe
ast nomically expensive or not available +
meet requirements for future air and hig
way travel. In the meantime, rail passex1gr
capacity hat been drastically curtailed,
the past 2 years.
n objective look at all modes of passel\
ger transportation is required as soon as pos-
sib e so that this nation can meet its require-
me its for transporting people by establish-
ing a total system which includes all insides
and in which each mode complements eaCh
other mode without duplication effort. Siieh
a system would provide for meeting all pee-
seneer requirements at least cost to the goes
eminent. It would require an objectice real-
locetion of governmental transportation
funds to support the capacity required of
each mode. Without the long range objec-
tivOs of a national policy, problems are han-
dled only on a piecemeal basis and on the
basis of solving the problems of each Mode
separately. This is not to say that all action
should be suspended by the government
pending an ideal solution to the problem.
Some constructive emergency treatment is
needed now.
Passenger movement problems are net
static. At a point in time wherehighways and
air terminals are facing sateration with
projections of increased passenger traffic in
the years ahead, we stand at a threshold
where rail passenger service is about to be
phased out as a future capability if bet
supported by the government. We should
not wait for the ultimate solution of the
long range studies which must be made if
we 'are to have any rail passenger service
left Virginia Mae Brown, chairman of the
ICC, stated in a letter to Senator MagnuSon
on 16 July 1969, "The past year has only
subetantiated our opinion that significant
seginents of the remaining intercity passen-
ger service, except for service in high den-
sityi population corridors such ae the noreli-
easii corridor will not survive the next eew
years without a major change in Federal Or
carrier policies."
The causes of deterioration of rail passen-
ger service have been many:
1 Government support of airports and
highways with very little to the railroads en-
couraged movement by air and highway.;
2 Declining revenues caused many rail-
roads to lose interest in carrying passengers
and resulted in a deterioration of service.
3 The high cost of acquisition of neW
equipment and the cost of improvement of
roadbeds resulted in declining expenditures
for Capital improvements.
4. Lack of planning by many railroads and
lack of a national transportation policy for
the movement of people caused deteriora-
tion in rail service and diversions to other
5. Approval of disco ntinuances in isolation
without an assessment of the impact of each
discontinuance on other rail schedules on a
national basis resulted in poor service.
As a result of our three month study, we
believe it is the consensus of knowledgeable
people in and out of the railroad business
that if rail passenger traffic in this country is
to continue at all with a level of service ac-
ceptable to the public;, some kind of public
support is required now. An excellent study
made by the ICC "investigation of costs of
intercity rail passenger service" published on
16 July 1969 indicates the seriousness of cur-
rent passenger losses ts the railr aelindustry.
Of eight railroads , carrying 40 per-
cent of the enger load, the average less
was fourt and three-quarter million dol-
lars in 68. The highest loss for a single
railro was almost 22 million dollars. As a
es , railroads cannot be expected to make
e capital investments in passenger oper-
ations at this time.
Unless our Government embarks on a real-
istic and immediate selution to the current
intercity passenger movement problem, the
movement of people will soon become the
bottleneck of our expanding economy. Air
and road traffic will be super-saturated; rail
traffic will be non-existent.
Realistically, the rail mode appears to pro-
vide the most promising immediate solution
to intercity passenger movement. The rail-
?roads do not need more real estate. Their
' hts of way already provide access to the
ers of most cities. Improvement to road-
rovide freight as well as passenger
es. They can move masses of people.
pollutior. is minimal. The Met-
rohners alre dyy have shown that the public
will patronize tins with decent cars and
service rather tlian be subject to the in-
creasingly frequent 'delays of air traffic on
short runs.
If intercity rail passengeretraffic is to sur-
vive at all, action by this Go ress is highly
desireable. The rail passenger stem needs
an immediate transfusion of sup rt if com-
plete collapse is to be circumve ed. It is
essential that Congress reverse th current
trend of discontinuanees by provid ig guid-
ance to the Interstate Commerce Commis-
sion, Department of Transportati and the
railroads this year ane by setti up within
the DOT initial funds and mplementing
organization which can earey out the desires
of the Congress now and in the future.
To that end and to provide a yardstick for
your decisions, our study proposes for the
first time we believe a basic intercity net-
work which can be used for development of
equipment costs now and for an expanded
system as needs arise. Historically, each rail-
road is an island and operates accordingly.
We recommend considering all rail passenger
traffic as part of a balanced national system.
To that end, we hope that our suggestions
will provide the Congress with a basis for
concrete action this year which will be well
within the parameters which long range
studies may develop for future action. Any
atcion by you would be a first step in rescu-
ing this important national asset from fur-
ther deterioration. A national asset for which
I am certain there will be increasing demands
in the future.
We would like to summarize the results of
the study we recently performed for the RAIL
Foundation of Washington, D.C.?A Prelimi-
nary Plan for Up-grading the U.S. Inter-City
Rail Passenger Fleet. The study generally
of Remarks E 10647
concerned with the current and future status
of inter-city rail passenger service in the
United States. Specifically, we directed our
attention to determining the amount of
money that would be required to begIn re-
habilitating and/or replacing the existing
fleet, as the basis of a longer-range program
of up-grading the entire fleet.
In view of the many bills before this Con-
gress dealing with inter-city rail passenger
service, we would like to direet pertinent
parts of our findings to the possibility that
there may be public Investment in the in-
dustry. Such public investment should be
approached with the fullest knowledge avail-
able and in consideration of all alternatives.
To this objective we directed our efforts at
examining the major historical mistakes
which helped create the present situation,
how, if those mistakes are rectified it would
set the stage for rejuvenating competitive
inter-city service, and the number and cost
Of equipment for an alternative five-year pro-
grain tie begin up-grading the passenger car
The declinG of inter-city seevice has taken
some twenty years to reach its present low
level. Virtually all of the data reflecting this
period indicates declines in inter-city serv-
ice. There are, though, a number of identifi-
able reasons for the decline; some were in-
duced internally within the industry and
some were created externally; it all took
place, however, in lieu of a national trans-
portation policy.
The basic cause for the current situation
Is that inter-city passenger service was not
responsive to a shift in demand for it. For
some seventy-five years trains were the dom-
inant force of public transportation in this
country. Its function varied from trans-con-
tinental runs to shorter-haul inter-city
runs. Regardless of distance Most trains de-
veloped as extended, continueus path trans-
port modes, beginning at one point and con-
tinuing through a number of other points
until it arrived at the end of its journey.
Each train was a journey by itself, a process
that worked well in the absence of competi-
Over-all, the growth of air and highway
travel caused a change in the demand for
rail travel. Geographical factors in the West
and population in the East combined with
competing technologies to precipitate the
change. At a time when piston planes then
jets were providing trans-continental trans-
portation in hours, trains were still operatine
every day over six routes to the West Coast.
Rigid adherence to daily service in face of
declining demand resulted in polarized rider-
ship patterns. Transcontinental routes to the
West Coast, for instance, now are most heav-
ily travelled in the summer months, showing
75% capacity utilizatinn for three or four
months and 30-40% _capacity for the re-
maining months.
Inter-city service in the more densely pop-
ulated eastern part of the country declined
for more complex reasons. Population became
concentrated into metropolitan groupings in
all regional subsections of the eastern half
of the country. Not only did air and high-
way travel between these metropolitan areas
provide competitively substitutable modes
in speed and technology but most important-
ly did they compete in concept and function.
Daily trains still left one city, stopped at
numerous others and terminated at another
city hundreds of miles_ away, In the mean-
time demographic activity was generating a
demand for transportation between large
metropolitan areas. An increasingvolume of
travel developed back and forth between the
population centers.
At the same time the nation was criss-
crossed with standard-gauge tracks, The to-
tal number of railroade operating over these
tracks, however, was substantial. Railroad
passengers, while physically being able to
travel virtually anywhere by rail, were faced
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December 12, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ?Extensions of Remarks E 10649
Assembly, had isolated the Greek dicta-
torship. Within Greece, political leaders
of all tendencies have defied the dicta-
torship's threats of prison and exile to
demand the restoration of free elections,
democratic rights, and the rule of law.
Even that small part of the population
which once supported the junta has been
alienated by its cruelties and its pervasive
corruption, which surfaced so blatantly
in the maneuvers surrounding the Onas-
sis-Niarchos competition for an oil re-
finery. At the same time the incompe-
tence of the dictatorship has undermined
the foundations of the Greek economy.
Commerce and industry have stagnated,
while the country has gone deeper and
deeper into debt. The balance-of-pay-
ments deficit for the first 7 months of
1969 exceeds that for any previous full
The claims of the dictatorship that
anarchy and a Communist takeover led
it to overthrow the legal government of
Greece has been disproven before the
nations of the world. But now, through
the actions, corruption, oppression, and
torture of that dictatorship, anarchy does
The question today is not whether the
dictatorship will fall, but when and how,
and what will happen after its departure.
For if the fall of the present dictatorship
Is significantly delayed, and if the dic-
tatorship, by bribes and promises, should
still retain enough support in the armed
forces to conduct a last ditch resistance,
the results could be tragic. Despite the
best efforts of Greek democratic leaders
to assure the reestablishment of full
legal guarantees for all, the pent-up
anger of the Greek people at the dictator-
ship's atrocities might overflow the chan-
nels of legality. At the same time, mili-
tary resistance by the dictatorship would
produce large-scale bloodshed as well as
horrible destruction to Greece.
To assure a swift and bloodless restora-
tion of democracy and legality, construc-
tive U.S. action at this point is necessary.
Above all, it is essential that the United
States take steps that will leave no doubt
in the minds either of the Greek people
or the dictatorship of where this country
In order to convince even those mili-
tary elements who still back the dictator-
ship because of the favors they have re-
ceived and expect from it, the United
States should stop immediately the ship-
ment of all military aid, and join with
other countries to bar the dictatorship's
acquisition of weapons through com-
mercial channels. The United States
should recognize the stand of the Council
of Europe and should support efforts to
suspend Greek membership in NATO
until Greece restores the democratic
rites which NATO was founded to defend.
The suspension of arms deliveries and
rapid action by the United States also are
necessary because of Papadopoulos'
threat to apply for admission to the War-
saw Pact.
The friendship of the Greek people for
the United States has been traditional.
Today the United States should act be-
cause of its friendship and kinship to
the Greek people, act by denying the op-
pressors of Greece arms and and support.
In addition to making it clear in these
ways that we are the allies of the Greek
people and not of their oppressors, the
United States could help to effect a peace-
ful transition from dictatorship to de-
mocracy by offering to arrange for the
removal to exile of members of the pres-
ent dictatorship. Such an offer would
make it possible for the dictatorship to
leave without widespread bloodshed and
without facing the penalties it deserves
for its crimes. Such an offer should re-
main open only for a short period of time,
for if the transition is to be peaceful it
must also be swift. A continuation of the
dictatorship can only lead to further
bloodshed. The safe removal of the lead-
ers of the dictatorship should be ar-
ranged only if it is to avoid bloodshed.
The nightmare in Greece may be com-
ing to an end. The decision on whether
it is going to end lies both in Greece and
In the United States. Firm action by the
United States can help now.
Joining me in this statement are
Friday, December 12, 1969
Mr. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, a few
days ago all Members of the House re-
ceived a letter from me concerning the
channelization of the Alcovy River in the
State of Georgia. At that time, I pre-
sented the Members of this House with
an article which I wrote for Field &
Stream magazine showing the adverse
effects that channelization has upon
Since that time a number of Members
have requested additional information
concerning the adverse effects of water-
shed projects upon wildlife. For the in-
formation of my colleagues, I am hereby (Presented before the Association of Ameri-
inserting several articles which have can Geographers at Cleveland, March 31,
come to my attention which I believe 1953, by Walter M. Kollmorgen, chairman
will answer any questions on this sub-
of the Department of Geography, Univer-
ject: sity of Kansas)
STATEMENT ON SMALL WATERSHED PROJECTS In the Kansas River Basin, as well as in
many other river basins, there is an urgent
need for alternative plans dealing with flood
problems. Such plans should be submitted
(By C. Edward Carlsen, regional director, Bu- to the public for acceptance or rejection, and
reau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, At- they should be submitted with revealing
lanta. Ga.) price tags. Under present procedure, the pub-
Gentlemen, I am honored to sit with you lic is confronted with a one-or-nothing pro-
today to discuss a matter of mutual con- gram and the proposed program is likely to
cern, the continuing despoilation of fish be extravagant in financial cost as well as in
and wildlife habitat. This is but one example land cost, i.e., land destroyed by permanent
of environmental degradation which is going flooding. Geographers and other technicians
on at an ever-accelerating pace all around could be very helpful to engineers with a
us. Air pollution, water pollution, estuarine dam-building complex by exploring alterna-
destruction, urban sprawl are the prices we tive arrangements to reduce flood losses and
pay for the cultural developments accom- translating these various arrangements into
panying our burgeoning human population. plans for public consideration.
Some are inclined to condone all our abuses
of the planet as the cost of Progress. I dis-
agree with that philosophy and so does Present programs for bringing some meas-
everyone who has taken time to analyze the tire of flood protection to the Kansas River
situation. An awakening public is beginning Basin?and also certain other basins?by the
to appreciate that a check-rein on racehorse construction of a multiplicity of dams repre-
exploitation and growth is both a good and
a necessary thing, for we have come to real-
ize that conservative management of our
environment is essential to the survival of
the human race.
Conservation of the fish and wildlife re-
source is a significant element of the whole.
Fish and wildlife are part of the web of life.
They are indicators of a healthy environ-
ment which grows a healthy people. That,
gentlemen, pinpoints our role and responsi-
bility in the scheme of things.
I remember with fondness the waterfowl
and squirrel hunting the Alcovy supplied
10 and more years ago, but in the year and
a half I have been back in Georgia I have
not had the opportunity to become re-
acquainted with the area. Therefore, I am
not going to talk about the Alcovy project
per se. I am not adequately familiar with it.
I do, however, wish to support Director
Bagby's statement concerning the time
schedule as it relates to the project. My record
shows that we received the watershed data
sheets on July 12, 1968. And I do desire to
apprise the honorable Representative Sorrels
that streambottom hardwoods are indeed
choice waterfowl habitat. There are two
broad groups of ducks, diving ducks and
puddle ducks. The diving ducks are the ones
he was referring to which require a "runway"
for take-off. The puddle ducks take off like
quail and I am sure you are familiar with
I wish to spend the few available minutes
in talking about stream manipulation proj-
ects, and in particular channelization and
drainage features which destroy or set the
stage for the destruction of fish and wild-
life habitat.
Stream modification projects have destroyed
between three and four million acres of bot-
tomland hardwoods of significance to water-
fowl in the last 20 years in the Southeast
alone. In contrast, gentlemen, we have ac-
quired only 158,751 acres of wintering ground
habitat for waterfowl from 1948 to 1968 in
Region 4 and it has cost $12,043,325 from our
Duck Stamp Funds in the process.
Let me say immediately that not all of
these losses have been caused by P.L. 566
projects. Public Works activities authorized
by the Congress have also been involved. In
some cases these and P.L. 566 projects have
been intermeshed on the same stream, one
complementing the other. However, the net
result has been the same, alteration of fish
and wildlife habitat.
[From Economic Geography, Vol. 29, No. 3,
July 1953]
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E 10650 - CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions o
sent an interesting form of floodplain c anti- fits concept. By magnifying one or several
balism. This cannibalism results in part from real or imagined benefits, almost any kind of
the common misconception that flood con- engineering monuments can now be just-
trol means control of floods. Since no scheme fled. This is particularly true of non-reim-
Yet devised will control floods in the Mid- bursable benefits because beneficiaries make
west, the tantalizing mirage of "flood con- no special payments for projects developed
trol" must lead to a multiplication of dam and so no account can go into the red. If
Structures until major portions of our prized beneficiaries would be required to reimburse
alluvial valleys lie buried under a stair-step the federal Treasury for many of or most of
aeries of lakes, the benefits listed on water-control pro-
Equally interesting is the fact that irre- grams, the entire program would shrink to
placeable farm land is being cannibalized by size and sense overnight.
replaceable sites for urban developments. From the standpoint of landforms and
During the 1951 flood, according to the Corea soils, floods have a constructive as well as
Of Engineers, about 90 per cent ($479,000,000) a destructive side. This should be, but is
Of the damages experienced along the main not, reflected in flaod-loss estimates. Con-
Stem of the Kansas River occurred in urban sider, for example, the major and unusual
areas. It is this large urban lees which is now flood in the Kansas River Basin in 1951.
cited to justify the greatly expanded dam- Some alluvium deposits improved terrain
building program in the Kansas River Basin, and drainage; other deposits made for an
To bring agreater measure of protection to improved soil stracture after shallow or
these urban areas it is proposed to flood per- deep plowing. Still other deposits of proper
inanently from 150,000 to 200,000 acres tof the texture will prove of value in that they in-
best agricultural lands in eastern Kansas or crease the inventory of certain plant foods.
in lowlands adjacent to the Kansas River. Let us briefly conceder some ofathese con-
Flooding these large tracts of lowlands will structive processes. .a
also blight the economy of many males of Prior to the flood, some floodplain farm-
adjacent uplands which are or should be in land was uneven in elevatlpn, possibly with
pockets of water, wet spot or seepage spots.
Drainage problems may aye made for some
waste land or lane^arginal for farming.
The fill or depos24 left by the flood oblit-
erated some of the uneven terrain and
greatly improv
this are not
mine remark
valued his la
grass. These lowlands supply large ainounts
of concentrated feeds to supplement the for-
age of the uplands. It follows that the pres-
ent plan of controlling floods is nothing less
than a Rube Goldberg dream and one With
a frightful price tag.
Let us try to gauge the nature cff' the
appetite of the carnivore many propOse to
liberate in our flOodplains. In 1944 the Pick
Plan recommended an expenditure of aosne-
what less than one billion dollars to bring
a reasonable measure of flood protectibu to
to the entire Missouri Basin (House )ecu-
ment No. 475). Since then and partictdarly
t nded and elaborated that in extent, with
s4 ns nce 1951 the flood control plain for the
arises River Basin alone have been so ex-
the result that much of the hill land and
slope land has a thin veneer of soil The
Flint Hills of Kansas extending north-aouth
of Topeka and Manhattan are an extreme
eXample of this kind of land Here lie thou-
sands of acres of land with only a few inches
of soil and soil material on a very shallow
bedrock. Much of the remaining land hs.s a
hardpan within a foot of the surface and
bedrock at a depth of two to three feet. This
land already presents a serious problein in
Management because of the tendendy to
otrerplow and overgraze. Flooding a third
of the floodplain lying in this area will cre-
ate an almost insoluble problem in soil con-
servation. Many hundreds of upland grazing
units within the area will lose a dependable
sUpply of concentrated feeds. In combina-
tion, these changes mean more overgraz-
ing, more overplowing, more small, un-
economic farming units, and, most of all,
more devastating erosion. These geographic
changes seem to be completely ignored by the their productivity. It other words, increased
Army Engineers and also big city preasure yields from many deep-plowed fields in one
groups, who seem to be totally ignorant of year paid for this special operation and
where their food comes from and what kives there are those who believe that deep plow-
them employment. It is urgent and eyed im- tag may become a standard practice in the
perative that in the problem we face, struc- floodplain to increase soil productivity. Here
tural engineering become the handmaiden of is another benefit that was not listed to
geographic engineering if we are to go ror- partly offset the flood losses.
ward rather than backward in a resource It is not necessary here to dwell on the
conservation effort. The tragedy of the Pick- value of new alluvium of proper texture. For
Sloan Plan is that it destroys more w alth several thousands of years these new deposits
than it creates, and it achieves thi by made a garden spot of the Nile Valley. Now t
sqnandering Several billions of dollars ofpub- that dams are regulating more and more
lid money.
, the flow of that stream and the silt remains
COFT-BENEFIT CLARIFICATION AND RECT/FICATION behind the dams, Egypt is rapidly approach-
it is submitted that geographers and ether ing productivity and fertilizer problems. Cot- t
teehnicans can make a basic contribution ton also yields a shorter staple and a more
to ;all water-centre' and water-management brittle fiber. Closer to home we have the ex- r.
pretgrams by scrutinizing and rectifying a ample of the Missouri River floodplain be-
weird structure of fairyland economics gen- tween St. Joseph, Mo., and Sioux City, Iowa. I
eraaly referred to as cost-benefits ratios. This In 1952 farmers in that floodplain boasted t
stricture has become particularly compli- some of the best corn and soybean yields i
eated with the advent of the multiple bene- they ever experienced?early in the year
the drainage. Examples of
iflicult to find. A friend of
d that before the flood he
d at $200 per acre, but after
the flood he !valued it at $400 per acre be-
cause fill of ropertextured material had
solved all dr nage problems and removed
ere Is an example of where
d losses should also in-
flood gain.
as not uncom-
terial of
all waste land,
an inventory of
elude an inventory
Another flood gain t
mon was the deposit of san
limited depth over fine-textured
land. Gumbo land presents problems itaa
management, drainage, and crop produc-
tion. Several inches of sand deposits can
readily be plowed into a gumbo soil, and
In combination this mixture greatly im-
proves the working qualities and produc-
tivity of the soil. Even deposits of sandy
material from 12 to about 24 inehes deep
were mixed with formerly exposed soil ma-
terial by deep plowing, that is, plowing three
to four feet deep, l?lowing at a depth of
about three feet cost about $30 per acre.
This expense was associated with the flood
loss and was therefore largely paid for by
the government. Now it develops that these
deep-plowed fields a.elded about 20 bushels
more corn per acre than the shallow-plowed
fields which had little or on fill or ,deposits.
The result is that plans are now derway
to deep-plow other aelds with little no
deposits to rejuvenate them OS to incr
f Remarks December 12, 1969
their lands were flooded and new alluvium
was deposited. The flood losses were given
wide publicity; the high yields that followed
have hardly been noted. Here again, only the
losses are stressed and magnified, partly to
justify big engineering works.
That too much stress has been given to
land destruction is well indicated in news
releases by agricultural specialists at Kansas
State College, Manhattan. Under the date of
Sept. 11, 1951, Manhattan, Kansas, comes this
news item:
"Flood a Soil Aid?K-State Scientist
Says Most of the Kaw Valley Will Produce
Better as a Result?Can Build Up the Sand?
Only Loamy Earth Is Damaged by Deposits?
Some Drainage Problems Erased.
"A Kansas State College soil scientist says
a large part of the land flooded by the Kan-
sas river in July will produce better crops in
the future because of the flood.
"Describing the popular conception of soil
damage as 'grossly exaggerated,' Harry C.
Atkinson, associate professor of soils, said the
sandy soil many persons think is ruined
will be the best sweet potato and watermelon
land in the valley within a short time.
"Atkinson and W. A. Badgley, USDA soil
scientist, have been surveying the north side
of the Kansas river from Wamego to Law-
rence since April. They have run a spot sur-
vey of the north valley from Wamego to
Lawrence, but will not complete their de-
tailed survey until 1962.
"Atkinson said it is too early to give fig-
ures, but he estimated that only 10 to 20
per cent of the severely flooded land on which
all crops were lost has been damaged by the
"The other 80 to 90 per cent, he said, even-
tually will yield better crops.
"Pictures the college has of sand deposits
after the 1903 flood show they now are part
of land that is selling for $400 to $600 an
acre, Atkinson said.
"Once the sandy soil is built up with or-
ganic material it will produce alfalfa, sweet
Isetatoes, corn and other crops?the same as
the el_903 sandbars have been doing consist-
ently,Iie said.
"Sandaeleposits loam soil are detri-
mental, he continued, but sand on sand
makes no clilogge in the ability of the soil to
produce. San ?en clay is beneficial so far as
workability of the land is concerned.
"'We've h othing but bad news from
the flood,' he sai ? 'Besides enriching a large
part of the rive valley land, it filled in
some low spots th t were formerly drainage
problems. Now thy will drain off.'
"Where raging ter scoured and out away
top soil, it deflnit y lowered the productivity
and the value the soil, he said, but those
washed awe ots are not completely sterile
and will ? ? ? uce lighter crops.
"At, . on 's survey shows much of the
..?-?ed land is richer with elements needed
for crop production than it was before the
flood. There is little or no need for fertilizers
except on land with heavy sand deposits, he
said, and they need nitrogen added," (Kansas
City Times, Sept. 12, 1951.)
The foregoing estimate, it should be noted,
comes from a soil scientist who was in the
process of studying the flooded lands.
Present methods of figuring cast benefits
also do not make allowances for the dis-
turbed hydrological conditions which follow
he impounding of large bodies of water in
floodplains. Suppose a dam about 100 feet
high is thrown across a floodplain and im-
pounds a lake with a depth somewhat less
han 100 feet. Ground-water conditions will
be disturbed for many miles above the upper
art of the lake and deterioration of land
will follow. Moreover, the stream debauch-
ng into the lake will have its gradient dis-
urbed, will drop part of its sediment before
t reaches the lake, and will experience a
rapid process of aggradation. Before long it
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Washington, D.C., December 8, 1969.
House of Representatives,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR CONGRESSMAN: I am enclosing a report
from Mr. Dulski which I complied at his in-
structions and which deals with your voting
record on the matter of postal rates from the
time you began service on the Post Office and
Civil Service Committee. Chairman Dulski
has reviewed this report and approved it in
its entirety.
Sincerely yours,
Chief Counsel and Stall Director.
Washington, D.C., December 8, 1969.
To: Chairman Thaddeus J. Dulski.
From: Charles E. Johnson, Chief Counsel and
Staff Director.
Subject: Record of Representative Arnold
Olsen on Postal Rates Applicable to
Third-Class (Advertising) Mail.
The official records of the Committee on
Post Office and Civil Service disclose that
Representative Olsen, throughout his tenure
in the Congress, has voted consistently in
support of legislation to increase postage
charges for the mailing of bulk third-class
(advertising) mail matter.
The official reCords of the House of Repre-
sentatives, as contained in the Congressional
Record, disclose similar support by Mr. Olsen
in votes in the House of Representatives.
During the Committee executive sessions
on the official recommendation of former
Postmaster General J. Edward Day for gen-
eral postal rate adjustments in August and
September of 1961, the Committee had before
it for official consideration H.R. '7927, in ac-
cordance with unanimous agreement shown
in the minutes of Executive Session No. 13,
August 17, 1961.
H.R. 7927 included, among other matters,
an increase from 21/2 cents to 3 cents in the
minimum charge per piece for regular bulk
third-class (advertising) mailings.
In Executive Session No. 17, on September
6, 1961, Mr. Lesinski offered, as a general
amendment to H.R. 7927, the provisions of
H.R. 9052. H.11. 9052 included, among other
matters, provision for continuing the then-
existing minimum charge per piece of 21/2
cents for regular bulk third-class mailings,
with only two exceptions. The minimum
charge was to be 3 cents for any bulk third-
class mail on which "time value" (pref-
erential) service was requested by the mailer
and on any such mail that was not addressed
to a specific individual address. ?
The effect of this provision in HR. 9052,
therefore, was to provide no minimum per
piece increase in a very large proportion of
third-class bulk mailings.
The official Committee minutes of Execu-
tive Session No. 18, on September 7, 1961, dis-
close that, on the record vote on adoption of
the Lesinski Amendment (including the
softened bulk third-class minimum charge
per piece), Representative Olsen voted No.
A no vote, of course, was in support of the
original provision of H.R. 7927, to fix the
minimum charge per piece for all regular
bulk third-class mailings at 3 cents, as rec-
ommended by former Chairman Tom Murray.
H.R. 7927, as amended, was reported by the
Committee to the House of Representatives.
The Congressional Record discloses the
following with respect to consideration of
the Rule (H. Res. 464)-which, had it been
adopted, would have provided for House con-
sideration of H.R. 7927 as reported from the
Committee on Post Office and Civil Service.
On September 15, 1961, a Member of the
House Committee on Rules, by direction of
that Committee, called up House Resolution
464 and asked for its imrhediate considera-
House Resolution 464 provided for the con-
sideration of HR. 7927 under a closed rule,
waiving points of order, with two hours of
general debate.
The effect of the proposed closed rule was
that H.R. 7927, as reported from the Commit-
tee on Post Office and Civil Service, would be
subject to no amendments and, therefore,
would have to be voted up or down.
At the conclusion of debate on H. Res. 464,
the previous question was ordered and, on a
record vote, Representative Olsen voted No.
The effect of a no vote in that case was to
kill the proposed "closed rule," and open the
way for presentation of an "open rule," under
which H.R. 7927 would be open for amend-
Immediately thereafter, a Member of the
Committee on Rules offered an amendment
to House Resolution 464 to provide for con-
sideration of HR. 7927 under an "open rule."
The open rule was agreed to on a voice
On January 23, 1962, H.R. 7927 was called
up in the House of Representatives and
Chairman Tom Murray offered a substitute
to restore all major provisions of the bill as
originally introduced.
During the debate on the Murray substi-
tute, Representative Olsen said:
"Now, I think that * * * the bill now be-
fore us [the Murray substitute] does not in-
crease second or third class as much as per-
haps it ought to." (Congressional Record
January 23, 1962, Page H646)
The Murray substitute proposed raising
the 21,6 cent bulk third-class minimum per
piece charge from 21/2 cents to 3 cents, It
was amended by the House to raise the rate
to VA cents (Congressional Record Janu-
ary 23, 1962, Page 11664). This amendment
was adopted on a voice vote. It was not op-
posed by Mr. Olsen under the five minute
Representative Olsen was elected Chair-
man of the standing Subcommittee on Postal
Rates for the 90th Congress.
The former Postmaster General on April 5,
1967, submitted Executive Communication
No. 610, a general postal rate increase pro-
Chairman Dulski on the same date intro-
duced HR. 7977, to carry out the Postmaster
General's proposal.
Subcommittee Chairman Olsen held pub-
lic hearings on 21 separate hearing dates,
during the period May 9 to June 28, 1967,
and heard more than 100 witnesses.
The Olsen Subcommittee then held 7 ex-
ecutive sessions during the period July 12
to July 27, and voted to report H.R. 7977
with a number of major improvements made
by the Olsen substitute, offered in the first
executive session.
The general effect of the Olsen substi-
tute was to provide substantially greater
revenues than would have resulted from the
Postmaster General's official recommenda-
tion. The Olsen substitute specifically in-
cluded increases in all third-class mailing
rates as recommended by the Postmaster
At the conclusion of the Subcommittee
executive sessions, the Subcommittee unani-
mously approved a formal motion by the
Ranking Minority Member commending
Chairman Olsen on his extremely able and
fair handling of this legislation in the public
The full Post Office and Civil Service Com-
mittee took up the Olsen Subcommittee gen-
eral rate increase bill, HR. 7977, and com-
pleted action on it after 17 executive sessions,
extending over the period from August 9 to
September 21, 1967.
The first official action in the first such
executive session was a motion by Mr. Olsen
that the full Committee report H.R. '7977, as
reported by his Subcommittee-including all
third-class rate adjustments requested by the
Postmaster General.
At one sesssion (August 16) Mr. Olsen suc-
cessfully opposed an amendment that would
have struck out of his Subcommittee bill
a requirement that ''bills and statements
of account produced by electronic data proc-
essing equipment" must pay first-class post-
age. Mr. Olsen offered a substitute to that
amendment, specifying that all bills and
statements of account must pay first-class
postage when mailed, regardless of how they
are produced. The Olsen substitute carried
on a close record vote.
H.R. 7977, after being perfected by the
Olsen subcommittee and the full Committee,
provided for gross annual postal revenue in-
creases totaling $884.1 million-$59.2 million
more than the $824.9 million requested by
the Postmaster General.
H.R. 7977 was called up in the House of
Representatives October 10, 1967. Mr. Olsen
strongly. supported the bill, including the en-
tire third-class mail recommendations of the
Postmaster General, during the debate (Con-
gressional Record October 10, 1967, Pages
An amendment was offered by Mr. Hechler
(Page 1113153) to increase the regular bulk
third-class minimum charge per piece from
3.8 cents, as provided in the Committee bill,
to 4.5 cents. During the debate under the ?
five minute rule, Mr. Hechler asked unani-
mous consent to proceed for an additional
five minutes. He was supported in this re-
quest by Mr. Olsen (Page H13217, Congres-
sional Record October 11, 1967) .
A substitute amendment by Mr. Anderson
of Illinois (Page H13219) to provide a three-
phase increase in the minimum charge per
piece-3.2 cents, 3.6 cents, and 3.8 cents in
three successive years-was opposed by Mr.
Olsen (Pages H13220-H13221) and he
strongly supported the Committee bill.
The Anderson substitute was defeated, 69
to 145, on a teller vote (Page 1113230). The
amendment by Mr. Hechler was defeated, 61
to 147, on a division (Page /113230).
Chief Counsel and Staff Director.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House, the gentle-
man from Ohio (Mr. MILLER) is rec-
ognized for 5 minutes.
(Mr. MILLER of Ohio asked and was
given permission to revise and extend
his remarks.)
[Mr. MILLER of Ohio addressed the
House. His remarks will appear hereafter
in the Extensions of Remarks.]
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
a previous order of the House, the gen-
tleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. WIL-
LIAMS) is recognized for 10 minutes.
Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, during
the August 1969 recess of the House, my
wife, and I, in company with other Con-
gressmen and their wives, attended the
annual convention of the Pan-Arcadian
Federation of America in Athens, Greece.
Our visit to Athens also gave us the op-
portunity of visiting other parts of
Prior to our departure for Greece we
were familiar with the takeover of the
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Greek Government by the military junta.
We had read about alleged atrocities and
torture of the Greek people by the pre-
sent Government under the military
1 junta, and we had rein about bombings
in some-public places in Greece. We were
generally under the impression that the
country of Greece wag_ in a rather vise-
, like grip of a military4overnmeria.
1 We flew directly to Athens from John
1 F. Kennedy Airport la New York and
landed in Athens at approximately 2 p.m.
in the afternoon, Athens' time. "5.7e were
I expedited through custeems at the beauti-
ful new Athens Airport and we were di-
rected to the restaurant area for a re-
ception in our honor. Assistant Prime
Minister Constantine Vovolinis was our
1 host at the reception and the reception
1 was adequately covered by the v arious
news media.
1 Subsequent to the reception we pro-
ceeded to the Grand Thatagne Hotel on
Constitution Square. We stayed at this
hotel during our entire time in Greece
and we found the accommodationl to be
excellent and this hotel had a mest gra-
cious atmosphere with excellent service.
During our stay in Greece we visited
all of the historical spas in and around
Athens. We found the Acropolis to be
most interesting and informative We
were surprised to learn for the firs: time
that the Parthenon had survived in ex-
cellent condition until -the latter part of
, the 18th century when, at a time when
' Greece was occupied by the Turk the
Turks used the Parthenon as a storage
place for gun powder= The Venetians
I were attacking the Turks and a Venetian
artillery shell went through the roof of
the Parthenon and ezploded the gun
powder. Thus, more damage was caused
to the Parthenon in a few seconds than
had occurred down through the cen-
We found the Greek people to ba ex-
tremely friendly, industrious, and cour-
teous, and we made Many friends in
Greece. Mr. Christ Mitchell, preside=nt of
the Pan-Arcadian Federation of Amer-
ica, made certain that our visit to 0 eece
was most enjoyable.
We all had complete Zfeedom of move-
Inent in Greece and no members or units
of the military were in evidence, other
than a few servicemen on leave. This
Was, of course, exactly The contras y to
What we had been led to believe. Also,
there is no section of ilgthens in Which
people cannot move with complete Safety
t any hour of the day or night.
We spent 1 day on the island of Crete
and visited Khania and a NATO.,haseAn
the immediate vicinity of Khania. We
also visited Iraklion atilt the Minoan
archeological site immediately south of
Iraklion. It is at the Minoan archeobgi-
site that the palace-, of the Mmos
kings has been excavated and partially
restored. This palace dates back to ap-
proximately 1400 B.C. and is reputed to
be the birthplace of modern civilization.
We also spent some time visiting the
various Greek islands, such as Idra and
Spetse, and we traveled by hydrofoil boat
and cruise ship. We found the islands to
be beautiful and picturesque. The Greek
people use these islands as resort and
vacation areas.
During our stay in Greece we had an
opportunity to talk to hundreds of Greek
people. Many of these people spoke Eng-
lish and we were even able to converse
with Greeks who did not speak English
as two of the Congressmen who accom-
panied us spoke Greek and we always had
some Pan-Arcadian Federation members
with us who also spoke Greek. We found
the overwhelming opinion to be that the
present Greek Government is doing an
excellent job for the people of that coun-
try. The lot of the people of Greece is
steadily improving and the present Greek
Government has instituted some long-
needed reforms. The progress in Greece
is readily apparent through the large
amount of construction that is taking
place in every section of Greece that we
Also, during cur stay in Greece we had
an opportunity to talk to George Pops-
dopoulos, Prime Minister; Stylianos Pat-
takos, First Deputy Prime Minister; and
Nickolas Makarezos, Minister of Econom-
ic Coordination. These men are the form-
er Greek Army colonels who formed the
military junta which took over the Greek
Government in 1967.
We spent approximately 11/2 hours dis-
cussing conditions in Greece with Prime
Minister Popadopoulos. From our frank
discussion with him we learned of the
steps that the Greek Government is tak-
ing to strengthen Greece and to main-
tain it as a free nation. The reforms
which the Greek Government is effect-
ing ttre as follows:
First, a complete reorganization of the
administration with training courses to
improve the ability of all civil servants;
Second, an acceleration of the eco-
nomic and industrial growth in Greece
and s better economic return to the
Third, a more fair distribution of the
tax burden with high income families
and companies paying, for the first time,
their fair share of taxes;
Fourth. Social services such as social
insurance, welfare, and medical care are
now being provided to all Greek citizens
with the same retirement benefits for
everyone. Prior to this reform, some
Greek citizens were drawing an annual
pension of 100,000 drachmas after only
contributing one-half of 1 percent of
their salaries. While other Greek work-
ers had to pay 18 percent of their wages
in order to get an annual pension of 2,000
drachmas. Also, hospital units and
health stations are being established
throughout Greece. Formerly, the hos-
pitals and health stations were concen-
trated in the Athens area.
Fifth. The entire Greek educational
system has been vastly improved.
Sixth. The debts owed to the Govern-
ment by all farmers have been forgiven.
During our discussion with Prime Min-
ister Popadopoulos he expressed his de-
termination to have free elections in
Greece at the earliest practical date. He
stressed that the difficulties in Greece
which his government is attempting to
overcome developed over many years and
had greatly weakened Greece. In order to
see that Greece is maintained as a strong
country the reforms which are being put
into effect must be producing results be-
fore free elections can be held. Therefore,
the Prime Minister stressed that he could
not tell us exactly when free elections
would be held in Greece.
When questioned about the reports of
the torture of some Greek political pris-
oners, the Prime Minister vigorously de-
nied them. I later learned that Congress-
man ROMAN Puciarsici had visited the
Island of Yaros where the prisoners were
supposed to have been tortured and actu-
ally talked to the political prisoners
through the Greek speaking U.S. consul.
I checked with Congressman PTICINSKI
Upon my return to Washington and
learned that he had found no evidence of
any torture of prisoners, even though he
had talked to the prisoners himself. Con-
gressman PUCINSKI also informed me
that the political prisoners had not even
been subjected to any mistreatment at
While we were in Athens the U.S. 6th
Fleet put into the harbor and we saw
many American sailors enjoying the
sights of Athens. It is interesting to note
that Athens is the only port available to
the U.S. 6th Fleet in the Western Medi-
terranean as the Turks will not permit
our fleet to use the Turkish ports. This
points up the fact that Greece is a most
important NATO ally of this country and
one of the few countries that we could
rely on in that section of the world in
case of any difficulty.
It is generally recognized that Greece
is the cradle of democracy. However, the
Greek Government that was overthrown
in 1967 was anything but a democracy.
Rather, it was a strong monarchy form
of government.
King Constantine remained in Greece
under the administration of the military
junta with full pay and all other forms
of remunerations for the entire royal
family. Just before the referendum on
the new Greek Constitution, King Con-
stantine attempted a countercoup in an
effort to overthrow the military junta
When the countercoup failed, King Con-
stantine and his family fled to Rome
where they are now living in self-
imposed exile. The present Greek Gov-
ernment continues to pay the royal fam-
ily, and King Constantine and his family
have a standing invitation to return to
Athens, in complete safety, at any time.
Under the old Greek Constitution the
King was designated as "supreme head
of the state." He was commander of the
Armed Forces and had the power to de-
clare war. Also, he was authorized to en-
ter into most types of treaties without
the consent of Parliament.
Under the old Constitution the King
could appoint and dismiss his ministers
as he saw fit, and the Ring could veto
any law passed by the Parliament. The
King's failure to publish any such law
within 2 months from the end of a par-
liamentary session caused the law to be-
come null and voia.
The new Greek Constitution approved
by referendum on September 29, 1968,
provides that the Council of Ministers
must propose a declaration of war and
that the King's treatyrnaking power
can be limited by law. The new Constitu-
tion provides that the King's veto of any
law passed by the Parliament may be
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DejenTher 11, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE 1112207
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overridden by a vote of the majority of eluding toll-free transit of the Panama fourteen, which Treaty, in the English and
Parliament and the King can only dis- Canal for Colombian "troops, materials Spanish languages, and as amended by the
miss his government if it does not enjoy of war, and ships of war," and the use of Senate of the United States, is word for word
as follows:
the confidence of Parliament. the Panama Railroad in the event of in- Treaty between the United States of Amer-
This new Constitution also contains terruption of ship transit. Ica and the Republic of Colombia for the
many other desirable provisions and can In the negotiations between the United settlement of their differences arising out of
be the vehicle through which Greece will States and Panama following the 1964 the events which took place on the Isthmus
achieve a truly democratic form of gov- Panamanian mob attacks on the Canal of Panama in November 1903.
emment. Various sections of the new Zone for three recently proposed new public of Colombia, being desirous to remove The United States of America and the Re-
Constitution have already been placed canal treaties, which were never signed, all the misunderstandings growing out of the
into effect and the present Greek Gov- the negotiators completely ignored the political events in Panama in November 1903;
ernment is constantly placing more sec- treaty rights of Colombia and that coun- to restore the cordial friendship that former-
Mons of the new Constitution in effect, try has protested that it would defend ly characterized the relations between the
Prior to the takeover of the Greek its rights. Also the treaty interests of two countries, and also to define and regu-
Government by the present regime, the Great Britain under the Hay-Pauncefote late their rights and interests in respect of
strength of communism was steadily in- Treaty were similarly disregarded. These the interoceanic canal which the Govern-
creasing in Greece. The reforms which are among the factors that led more meat of the United States has constructed
across the Isthmus of Panama, have resolved
the present government is placing in than 100 Members of this body in the for this purpose to conclude a Treaty and
effect are strengthening Greece to a present session to introduce identical have accordingly appointed as their Pleni-
point where the people of Greece will be resolutions opposing any surrender by potentiaries:
able to adequately govern themselves and the United States of its sovereign rightS His Excellency the President of the United
have the ability to resist outside in- over the Panama Canal to any other ha- States of America, Thaddeus Austin Thom-
fluences such as communism. tion or to any international organiza- son, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleat-
From my observations in Greece, I am tion?House Resolution 592, 593, 594, and potentiary of the United States of America
confident that these conditions will be so forth. t the Government of the Republic of Co-
lonibia; and
established in the near future and that In connection with the ignoring of His Excellency the President of the Re-
the Government of Greece will become U.S. treaty obligations, it is important public of Colombia, Francisco Josa Urrutia,
Minister for Foreign Affairs; Marco Fidel Sua-
rez, First Designate to exercise the Executive
Power; Nicolas Esguerra, Ex-Minister of State;
Jos?aria Gonzalez Valencia, Senator; Ra-
fael Uribe Uribe, Senator; and Antonio Jos?
Uribe, President of the House of Representa-
Who, after communicating to each other
their respective full powers, which were
found to be in due and proper form, have
agreed upon the following:
Article I
The Republic of Colombia shall enjoy the
following rights in respect to the interoceanic
Canal and the Panama Railway, the title
to which is now vested entirely and absolute-
ly in the United States of America, without
any incumbrances or indemnities whatever.
1.?The Republic of Colombia shall be at
liberty at all times to transport through the
interoceanic Canal its troops, materials of
war and ships of war, without paying any
charges to the United States.
2.?The products of the soil and Industry
of Colombia passing through the Canal, as
well as the Colombian mails, shall be exempt
from any charge or duty other than those to
which the products and mails of the United
States may be subject. The products of the
soil and industry of Colombia, such as cattle,
salt and provisions, shall be admitted to entry
In the Canal Zone, and likewise in the island
and mainland occupied or which may be
occupied by the United States as auxiliary
and accessory thereto, without paying other
duties or charges than those payable by sim-
ilar products of the United States.
3.?Colombian citizens crossing the Canal
Zone shall, upon production of proper proof
of their nationality, be exempt from every
toll, tax or duty to which citizens of the
United States are not subject.
4.?Whenever traffic by the Canal is inter-
rupted or whenever it shall be necessary for
any other reason to use the railway, the
troops, materials of war, products and mails
of the Republic of Colombia, as above men-
tioned, shall, be transported on the Railway
between Ancon and Cristobal or on any other
Railway substituted therefor, paying only the
same charges and duties as are imposed upon
the troops, materials of war, products and
mails of the United States. The officers, agents
and employees of the Government of Co-
lombia shall, upon production of proper proof
of their official character or their employ-
ment, also be entitled to passage on the said
Railway on the same terms as officers, agents
and emloyees of the Government of the
United States.
a true democracy.
In the meantime it is my considered
opinion that we must be patient with
the present Greek Government and
make every effort to assist it in the ac-
complishment of its objectives.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House, the gentle-
man from Ohio (Mr. LUKENS) is rec-
ognized for 5 minutes.
[Mr. LUKENS addressed the House.
His remarks will appear hereafter in the
E,..tensions of Remarks.]
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House, the gentle-
man from Texas (Mr. GONZALE%) is rec-
ognized for 10 minutes.
[Mr. GONZALEZ addressed the House.
His remarks will appear hereafter in the
Extensions of Remarks.]
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House, the gentle-
man from Pennsylvania (Mr. FLOOD) is
recognized for 15 minutes.
Mr. FLOOD. Mr. Speaker, information
of unquestionable reliability has been re-
ceived that the Colombian Government
has been, and still is, collecting authori-
tative books and documents relating to
the Panama Canal, including statements
from other Latin American countries
consider that this development is highly
In the Thomson-Urrutia Treaty of
1914-22 Colombia, the sovereign of the
isthmus before the Panama Revolution
of 1903, recognized that the title of the
Panama Canal and Railroad, is vested
"entirely and absolutely" in the United
States of America without any encum-
brances or indemnities whatsoever. The
United States, in return, granted in this
treaty important rights to Colombia, in-
to know that the Panama Canal Reor-
ganization Act of 1950?Public Law 841,
81st Congress?included in section 12,
subparagraph 412(d) _the following:
The levy of tolls is subject to the provi-
sions Of Section 1 of Article III of the treaty
between the United States of America and
Great Britain concluded on November 18,
1901, of Articles XVIII and XIX of the con-
vention between the United States of Amer-
ica and the Republic of Panama concluded
on November 18, 1903, and of Article I of the
Treaty between the United States of America
and the Republic of Colombia proclaimed
on March 30, 1922.
In view of the facts previously enu-
merated, it is clear that Colombia is pre-
paring to defend its vital interests in the
Panama Canal that were ignored in the
recent treaty negotiations with Panama
and, at the appropriate time, to enter the
The facts also emphasize the impor-
tance for the United States, in all its
actions concerning the Panama Canal,
to be legally correct and not to ignore
or disregard the vital treaty rights of
other nations or of interoceanic com-
merce. Anyone who thinks that Colom-
bia will surrender its treaty rights as
regards the Panama Canal and Railroad
is a "babe in treaty land."
Because the terms of the Thomson-
Urrutia Treaty between the United
States and Colombia and the obligations
of our country thereunder are not as well
known as the provisions of the other two
canal treaties, I quote the full text of
the treaty with Colombia, together with
the notice of its publication and proto-
col of exchange, as follows:
[Treaty series, No. 6611
Whereas a Treaty between the United
States of America and the Republic of Co-
lombia, for the settlement of their differences
arising out of the events which took place on
the Isthmus of Panama in November, 1903,
was concluded by their respective Plenipoten-
tiaries at Bogota on the sixth day of April
in the year one thousand nine hundred and
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5. Coal. netroletim'ancl sea salt, being the
',satinets of Colombia for Colombian con-
s;iroption passing frOm?, the Atlantic coast of
Colombia to any ColeEbian port on the Pa-
cific coast, and vicena, shalt whenever
traffic by the canal la-interrupted, be trans-
ported over the afore td Railway,Ifee of any
cbarge except the actad cost of handling and
transportation, which'illail not iri any case
eaceed one half of llhe ordinary freight
charges levied upon%Oar products of the
United states passing ,1 ,er the Railway and
lo transit from one Ir L to anotilier of the
United States.
Article IT .
The Government o ao Unite States Of
America agrees to pa t the City of Wash-
ington to the Republinf Colombia the sum
of twenty-live million.--aollars, gate., United
States money, as folIclik: The stint of five
million dollars shall -t.e paid Within six
months after the exc.-Mtge of ratifications
of the present treaty:1mi reckoning from
tJie. date of that paSot, the temainin
twenty million dollars till be paid in io
annual installments arilve million doll s
Article III
'1'he Republic of Colorn?bia recognizes n-
ama as an independentttion andatiking
a basis the Colombian w of June ,9, 185
, agrees that the bound all be the; follow-
ing: From Cape Tibur Lu the headwaters
1 of the Rio de la M1e1 and folloWing the
, mountain chain by the ge of Gad t to the
, Sierra de Chugargun a that of Mali going
1 down by the ridges of _Witte to the heights
of Aspave and from thee to a point on the
Pacific half way betwelp. Coealito, and La
To consideration of recogniden? the
Government of the Un _ States Will, im-
mediately after the exe bge of the,ratifica-
1 nous of the present Triala, take the :neces-
airy steps in order to osr'in from. title l Gov-
ernment of Panama the espatch c duly
I accredited agent to neg ate and aonclude it
1 l e
with the Government Crealombla a Treaty
, of Peace and Friendship, th a view ? to bring
about both the establishMen i; of reg lax dip-
lomatic relations betwali Colorn la and
1 Panama and the adjustratil, of all q estions
1 of pecuniary liability arbetween ir two
countries, in accordandr with reqognized
principles of law and p adents, 1 ,
Article I
The present Treaty sh be approved and
ratified by the High Co acting Pa ties in
, conformity with their ective la a, and
. the ratifications thereof It be exebnged
in the city of Bogota, soon as May be
; In faith, whereof, the?,saici Plenipoten-
tiaries have signed the teacnt Tr Or in
duplicate nad have her afflxeq their
respective seals
Done at the city of Boa, the si4h day
of April in the year of our f?ord n4iteen
hundred and fourteen.
JOsE M. Gorstir VALEriaA.
taaarotao Jost 1:TR,I HE.
And whereas the advice &I' consent of the
Senate of the United Statqs to the r
tion of the said Treaty wa,_given als4 With
the "understanding, to beatnade a pst of
such treaty and ratificati - that th Pro-
Visions of section 1. of Art I of the- treat
granting to the Republic Colombi4 free
passage through the Panatha Canal fk Us
troops, materials of war ships o war,
shall not apply in case of liar betwee ,the
Republic of Colombia and y other ecoun-
tiy"; I
' And whereas the said Triata as amended
br the Senate and the above recited under-
standfrig of the Senate made a part of such
Treaty have been duly ratified on both parts,
and the ratifications of the two Governments
were exchanged at Bogota on the first day of
March, one thousand nine hundred and
Now, therefore, be it known that I, Warren
G. Harding, President of the Tnited States
of America, have cause ty, as
amended, and the ' understanding, ade
a part thereof, to made public, to the d
that the same d every article and claus
thereotamay c observed and fulfilled with
good fEdth the United States and tins cit-
izens .1.
In om whereof, I have hereunto set
my and caused the seal of the United
Sta ix be affixed.
at the city of Washington, this thir-
li of March, in the year of our Lord
e thQURAN, d nine hundred and twenty-two,
nd of the independence of the United States
of America the one hundred. and forty-sixth.
S. ?
By the President:
Caraarrs E. Buenas,
Secretary of state.
The uUdersigned Plenipotentiaries having
met for the purpose of exchanging the ratifi-
ations of the 't'reaty signed at Bogota, on
1 6, 1914, between the United States of
Ante and Colombia, providing for the
settleme 'grenees arising out of the
events Which Ihre--ea. tarIsthmus of
Panama in November, 1903, andfre,ratifica-
tions of the Treaty aforesaid having "en
carefully compared and found exactly cob.
formafkaate-eaanaother, the exchange took
place this day it, the usual form.
With reference to this exchange the fol-
lowing atateinent is incorporated in the pres-
ent Protocol in accordance with instructions
1. In conformity with the final Resolution
of the Senate of the United States in giving
its conseikt to the ratification of the Treaty
In queastiga. the stipulation contained in the
first c1au4D of Article one by which there is
ceded to athe Republic of Colombia free pas-
sage of it; troops, materials of war and ships
of war through the Panama Canal, shall
not be applicable in case of a state of war
between the Republic of Colornbia and any
other country.
2. The said fins: Resolution of the Senate
of the Un_it, ed States signifies, as the Secre-
tary of State in effect stated in the no
which he addressed to the Colombian
tion in_Washington on the 3rd day arbeto-
- ber, MI, that the Republic of Colombia will
not have the right of passage, free of tolls,
for its troops, materials of war and ships of
war, in case of war between Colombia and
some other, catuntry, and consequently, the
Republic of Colombia will be placed, when at
war with another country, on the same foot-
ing as any other nation under similar condi-
tions, as provided in the Hay-Pauncefote
Treaty concluded in 1901; and that, there-
fore, the Republic of Colombia will not by
operation of the declaration of the Senate of
the United States above mentioned, be placed
under any disadvantage as compared with
the other belligerent or belligerents, in the
Panama Canal,. in case of war between Co-
lombia and., some other nation or nations.
With this understanding the said Resolu-
tion has been accepted by the Colombian
Congress in accordance with the dispositions
contained in Article two of Law fifty-six of
1921, "by which is modified Law number
fourteen of 3,614" approving the Treaty.
In witness. whereof, they have signed the
present Protocol of Exchange and have af-
fixed their seals thereto.
Done at Bogota, the first day of March, one
thousand nine hundred and twenty-two.
4ember 11' 1969
(Mr. MOSS asked and was given per-
mission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include ex-
traneous matter.)
Mr. MOSS. Mr. Speaker, today 31 of
my colleagues and I asked a Federal
Court of Appeals to invalidate the in-
crease in air fares that the Civil Aero-
nautics Board recently permitted all do-
mestic airlineato putt into effect.
In a petition and, legal memorandum
filed with the Pederal Court of Appeals
in the Districtsif Columbia, we said that
the Civil Aeronautics Board had acted
tinPrePerlY and, illegally in approving the
fare increases. We had earlier unsuccess-
fully petitioned the CAB not to grant the
fare increases, but instead to hold an
adequate hearing to determine what were
the actual needs of the airline industry.
Our Motion today Asked that immedi-
ate raierbe granted by the court to pre-
vent irreparable injury to the traveling
public by continuation of the higher
fares. Specifically, we asked the court to
enter a preliminary order to prctect the
public while the court decides the appeal
which we are taking from the CAB ac-
The preliminary order requested that:
The court order the CAB to reinstate
the airline fares that had prevailed prior
o the recent increase;
Iternatively, the court enter a pro-
te ive order requiring the airlines to
ma ?prompt refunds to passengers rr
all o charges, should the court subs( -
quent I ? d that the present fares are
Or, as ?xs nal alternative, the court de-
cide the ? allenge to the CAB's order on
au exped d schedule.
The et tion flied with the court today
was a mpanied by a 100-page memo-
rand , prepared by our counsel, detail-
ing e legal arguments in support of
t requests. We asked that the court
ar oral argument on the motion on
an expedited basis.
My colleagues who filed this motion are
Wn.sorf, and. myself.
The motion and supporting material
which we filed follow:
[In the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District
of Columbia Circuit]
Memorandum_ and support of petitioners'
..mation_for interlocutory relief
I. Issues presented.
A. The /ssues.
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also to build and man 21st century space and
outer planetary stations and underseas col-
onies on the ocean floor?
Faster than automation eliminates some
Jobs, the development of science and tech-
nology creates new ones. The employment
'lag" is in trained people, not available jobs.
As all this becomes more and more evi-
dent, there is a change even in the New York
City educational attitude. On May 29, 1969,
the New York Times headlined "Dispute Over
Vocational Schools Here Revived," pointed
out that city vocational schools "have been
largely free of the student unrest that has
troubled many academic schools," and went
on to say that many youths in the vocational
schools "are quick to express their satisfac-
This student satisfaction In all vocational
and technical schools is being expressed in
most graduates' sincere desire to go on to
higher education in their chosen fields of
work. It is very difficult to stifle the eagerness
to learn of a young person studying a sub-
ject of genuine interest well suited to his or
her individual abilities. Very often, along
with students' progress in manual or artistic
skills there is born a keen desire for more
academic achievement.
Since 99 per cent of young Americans be-
tween the ages of six and seventeen are in
elementary and secondary schools, It is there
that they should be able to find opportunities
rescuing them from the variables and early
vicissitudes of home environment. Children
are not of one mold and they must not be
cast into a school system of one mold.
The Founding Fathers who drat ted our
Educational Bill of Rights in the raid-19th
century and created the land-grant colleges
were aware of this truth when they revolu-
tionized higher education In America. Now in
1969, we must have Founding Fathers with
courage and foresight enough to revolution-
ize the elementary and secondary eduoation,
adapting it to the ohildren's real needs and
freeing it from the fetters of academic intel-
lectual snobbery and the dictates of an aca-
demic hierarchy and bureaucracy.
In 1962, Allan Nevins, historian for the
Civil War Centennial Commission, wrote a
paper on "The Origins of the Land-Grant
Colleges and State Universities, a Brief Ac-
count of the Morrill Act of 1862 and Its Re-
sults." Nevins began thus:
"It was an immortal moment in the his-
tory of higher education in America and the
World when, on July 2, 1862, Abraham Lin-
coln lifted his pen and signed the College
Land-Grant Act, of which Justin S. Morrill of
Vermont was the principal author."
In 1862, when Morrill was asked why he
had led the fight for the Act that bears his
name, he replied, "Being myself the son of a
hardfisted blacksmith . . . who felt his own
deprivation of schools (never having spent
but six weeks inside of a schoolhouse), I
could not overlook mechanics in any measure
intended to aid the industrial classes in the
procurement of an education that might
exalt their usefulness,"
Now in our century, which is so full of good
hope even while it manifests so many human
disappointments and fears, can we deny a
majority of our youth the opportunity to
procure an education exalting their useful-
ness to themselves and to the society in
which they live?
Webster's Dictionary defines the verb "to
exalt" as "to raise high; elevate, raise in rank,
power, or character; to elevate by praise or
in estimation."
In 1862, Abraham Lincoln exalted Ameri-
can higher education by making it wider And
better suited to the individual talents and
needs of the people, Let us hope that by 1972,
another American President will have lifted
his pen to exalt our elementary and sec-
ondary education by making It wider, by
granting to vocational/technical schools both
status and funds equal to those of aoademic
schools, by according to vocational and tech-
nical education teachers with practical
know-how the same degree of prestige en-
joyed by academic teachers, and thus creat-
ing a 20th oentury education Bill of Rights
for all of American's children.
Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I would
not want to live in a country where
officeholders could not be criticized. It
Is a two-way street, however. Unless
officeholders can criticize the press, the
public is deprived of a full discussion on
the issues.
I ask unanimous consent to have
printed in the RECORD an editorial en-
titled "Fair Exchange," published in the
Norfolk (Nebr.) Daily News of Novem-
ber 22, 1969.
There being no objection, the editorial
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
Even before Vice President Spiro Agnew
provided some "equal time" criticism for
newspapers after dealing with the TV net-
works, a prominent editor rose to claim that
the Nixon administration was trying to
muzzle the media.
But when Spiro says that's not true, and
Herb Klein and other administration
spokesmen chime in, we do not allow our
traditionally skeptical newspaper nature to
disbelieve them. Many in private and public
life would like to influence the news, to
change it, to make it more responsive to a
particular point of view, but there are few
Americans with a dangerous disregard for
the value of a free press.
Norman Isaacs, the executive editor of
the Louisville Courier-Journal and Times,
and also president of the American Society
of Newspaper Editors, accused the adminis-
tration of undertaking a campaign for
"some sort of covert control" of both news-
papers and broadcast stations. It is an un-
fortunate reaction when critics of the media
They are put in the position of attacking
a free press, rather than criticizing what the
free press does occasionally that one thinks
is wrong.
Mr. Agnew has made it clear he believes
in no censorship, no control; but he wants
to criticize the press just as it criticizes
politicians. That ought to be fair enough.
Mr. PROX/VIIRE. Mr. President, on
December 11, 1948, the General _Assem-
bly of the United Nations adopted the
Human Rights Convention on Genocide
during its Paris session.
The text of the convention confirms
that genocide is a crime under interna-
tional law, whether committed in time
of peace or war. Of even greater impor-
tance, the convention states that all per-
sons committing genocide shall be pun-
ished, be they constitutionally responsi-
ble officials, or private individuals.
Though genocidal crimes are not to be
confused with political crimes, those
guilty will be subject to the rulings of
their competent national court, or, if
possible, an international penal tri-
Over 70 nations have ratified the
Genocide Convention since 1948. The
United States has not.
On June 16, 1949, the convention out-
lawing genocide was submitted to the
Senate by President Truman. Public
hearings on the convention were held by
the Foreign Relations Committee in Jan-
uary and February of 1950. Although the
subcommittee reported favorably on the
convention, it became stalled in full com-
mittee and remained on the table at the
time the 81st Congress adjourned.
On this day, the anniversary of the
adoption of the Genocide Convention by
the General Assembly of the United Na-
tions, I once again ask this Chamber to
recognize the importance of this matter.
How can it be that this Nation, which is
founded on the principle of life and
liberty for all, not think It scandalous
that we have not affirmed this principle
for all peoples throughout the world9 I
urge the Senate to immediately consider
and move toward ratification of this
Mr. MOSS. Mr. President, our tragic
involvement in Vietnam and such ex-
plosive events as those taking place in
the Middle East overshadow develop-
ments of great significance in other parts
of the world. One such area is Greece,
where a dictatorial junta continues to
rule that brave and freedom-loving
A few days ago, I was visited by the
former Greek Minister, Mr. Constantine
Mitsotakis, one of the best-known per-
sonalities in the postwar history of
Greece. Today he is engaged in the strug-
gle to restore parliamentary democracy
in his native land. A resistance fighter
against the Germans in World War II,
Constantine Mitsotakis was first elected
M.P. for Chanta at the age of 28. From
then on he was continuously elected for
the Centre Party. He has served in the
Papandreou government as Economic
Minister in 1965 and 1966. After the
colonels' coup, he was arrested and im-
prisoned, but succeeded in escaping in
1968 and is living outside Greece.
In our discussion, Mr. Mitsotakis em-
phasized several points which he con-
siders of particular significance concern-
ing the situation in Greece today?points
which I feel it is important for the Sen-
ate to understand.
First. Perhaps of major concern, Con-
stantine Mitsotakis believes that the next
few months?possibly 3?present the last
opportunity for a restoration of a demo-
cratic government in Greece without a
bloodbath. Moreover, he is certain that,
given the history and character of the
Greek people, a future attempt will be
made to force out the colonels' govern-
ment even if that means a bloody revolu-
Second. Also, he considers the present
attitude of the United States to be one
of the most powerful factors in main-
taining the junta In office. Even the
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December 11 SENATE
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forts to keep students in school 25 per cent
are high school drop outs Ftherniore, ap- When Chauncey M. Depew, celebrated his
proximately two-thirds do not go on to eol- 93rd birthday in 1927, he said, "When I grad-
lege, yet their education is yeeted at Cot- tutted from college, it was either the law, the
lege entrance,
ministry or medicine for the graduate. To-
Worse, of the third who det.go to a four- day there are 3,000 ocaupations upon to the
year college, only half remainAltere and ea...a college graduate."
a degree. The other half dr tip out, mainIF Now in 1969 there are many more than
In the first and second yea, And so the 3,000 occupations open to trained young peo-
follbwing comparison can beTinade.
In 1861, American higher education was
geared to the real needs of only: two per cent
of Youth; in 1969, American elementary and
seasOndary education is geared to the needs
of about 15 per cent of American youth.
It is interesting to note that by far the
biggest number of college dropouts is in the
liberal arts and social sciencea, not the pro-
fessional schools. Also, the ac%e social un-
rest in colleges occurs mainly_ .iinong stu-
dents in the arts and social sanences, not in
the professions.
In cities, almost all social urireat has been
among students in academic bigh school's
and colleges. The vocational and technieal
schools have been virtually free of It.
On October 18, 1968, the London Sundag
Times reported in an article 'nettled "Tho
Detonators" that all recent student rebellions
In England had occurred in the academic co/ -
leges1; none In the technical and vocational
institutions. Everywhere, students are cry-
ing Out for "relevance" in edatae Lion.
Is , the calm in vocational and technical
schoOls due to students' inferior intelligence:
or Is it due to their receivint the kind
education that fulfills their indiVidual n
enables them to display their individual
titudes, and furnishes them with deft
practical goal?
Many theories are being advanced about
the relative intelligence of ObIldren, and
about the influnece of envittnment and
heredity on their intelligence. 'Ilaeso theories
are mainly guesswork; most of the same HO.
tions were advanced during the 1850's in
the fight against the Land-Grant Colleges
Act. Then, it was thought that only upper
class "gentlemen" were mentallf and moral-
ly fit for a higher education. It also was
thout that only the "higher subjects" of
classi4-1 studies were fit for anbolarly de-
grees. Agricuture, mechanics, science and
industry were considered to be lower sub-
jects of study fit only for lesser :intellects.
Few Americans today are awar. e that the
great Massachusetts Institute of-Technology,
for example, is a land-grant colge.
In 1931, when eminent American scholars
assembled at the 45th Annual :Convention
of the Association of Land-Grant Colleges
and Universities in Chicago, Dr,- W. J. Kerr
"Progress today Is based on science.
The s ience first taught in the land-grant
colleg s was of the most objective and prac-
tical k d. These early beginnings led to larg-
er and more intensified appliaaations of
science, producing cumulative reaults, which
in turn gave fresh momentum tithe move-
. But 88 per cent of them
are untrained in elementary and Secondary
schools for any occupation except pursuit of
an academic education which two-thirds do
not pursue because they do not wish to,
or cannot afford to, or are not mentally able
Obviously, our elemantary and secondary
public education systera is out-of-kilter with
most young people's callings, needs and de-
sires. Obviously, that is why at least 25 per
cent drop out of high school. That is a very
high rate, one that our nation cannot af-
ford. After all, if any business in America lest
25 per cent of its customers it Would go
Nevertheless, today, as we move into the
1970's, all classe - of our citizenry, as in
outran; ting to an education
ely entrenched in both public
upport thi
the 1850's. ar
system "s
and priv
as no relation to
the re urces of the country and the objec-
tives/Of the great mass of the people."
Our misfit public school system wee snob-
bish and undemocratic enough in the early
1950's to guarantee a future social upheaval
in our nation; but in 1957 it was made in-
finitely worse when the Soviet Union
launched Sputnik into space. Hysterical over
what was supposed to be Soviet superiority
in science and education, many of our na-
nal leaders embarked. on what might be
cal the Sputnikization of Americanpub-
fl , Immediately, there arose the
cry boy and girl should go to
t our nation could meet
lay,sicists and other ad-
lic esiu
demand tha
college in order
a need for nuclear
Winced scientists.
This Sputnikization took ? e at a time
when masses of Our agriculture orkers left
newly automated farms in the uth, and
flocked North to the cities to fin employ-
ment. A large percentage of these fa work-
ers were Negroes who spoke a dial , had
little basic education, and suffered om all '
the handicaps of new emigres plus t prob-
lems of ethnic differences and polit 1 dis-
advantages. At the same time, in maurban c
communities, there was an influx of panish-
speaking emigres from Puerto ico and
Mexico. What-the new :ainorit groups in
cities most needrenewasa. fling to be- t
come economically self-sustaining. What d
they received in public school was imprac- o
college-oriented academic training. J
And the law forced them to remain itapris- f
ened in the academic schools until the age of t
6 In 37 states, 17 and 18 in the others. gr
As captives, the chiliren of the new n
emigres became saddest victims of a misfit c
school system. The dropout rate soared; so
d juvenile delinquency and crime rates. ri
Simultaneously, there occurred a wave of o
ntellectual and emotional sentimentality G
at affirmed civil rights by pretending all "
ildren are alike except for differences in se
nvironment. Though no Iwo blades of grass
petals on a rose are alike, it was preached
nd propagandized that all children could be th
tight in school, willy-nilly, to pass college te
trance exams and go on to a higher sea- to
mic education.
Because elementary and, secondary public ce
ucation in our big cities is largely irrele- o
ant to the needs of at least 85 per cent of rueban youth, there has arisen a social situa in
tion that threatens to bring the nation
down. Our cities are rife with violence most-
ly brought on by the frustrations of rootless,
goal-less, untrained young people easily mis-
led by agitators.
The social, economic and intellectual pres-
sures being exerted on masses of young people
In overcrowded urban schools to acquire a
college education are cruel and undemo-
cratic in the extreme. Literally, they cannot
take it. Dr. T. Campbell Goodwin, pediatri-
cian and Assistant Commissioner for Chil-
dren's Services in the New York State De-
partment of Mental Hygiene, says that today
state mental in.stitutions are crowded with
children falsely labeled as "retarded" or
"problem oases."
On August 9, 196'7, Te Christian Science
Monitor said in an editorial:
"What's wrong with a good vocational edu-
cation and a technical high school diploma?
Why should it be considered, as it so often
is, inferior to a college preparatory course?
"A survey made by an Ohio educator in
his state found '75 per cent of parents and
students desiring vocational education in the
"Throughout the United States, and in
some other industrialized countries, voca-
tional education has long been a stepchild.
Only the academic curriculum has had pres-
tige. The boy (or girl) who turns away from
college to train for a job too often loses
status in the eyes of his teachers and com-
panions. The high school which boasts of
the high proportion of its graduates going to
college is disappointed in him.
"The time has come to wipe out these
snobberies. One way to do this is to provide
much better vocational education than is
now offered."
Yet, on December 5, 1967, the New York
Post reported, "The Board of Education to-
day imposed the death sentence on most of
the city's [New York City's] vocational
schools. The action, part of a change-over
to four-year comprehensive (academic plus
vocational) high schools ends two years of
bitter debate within the school system. .
[ Schools superintendent] Donovan last
spring urged the board to drop plans for a
single system of comprehensive schools on
grounds that they posed 'major difficulties' in
terms of facilities, programs, equipment arid
personnel. The board, overruling Donovares
arguments and earlier threats of rebellion
rom principals' associations, said today that
Is 24 'multi-trade' vocational schools, hous-
ng 33,000 students, would be phased out or
onverted . . . within the next eight years."
It is the opinion of the Christian Science
Monitor that, "The era of upgraded vooa-
lanai education for all who want it is over-
ue." That was the opinion of the Frontiers
f Science Conference in Oklahoma City,
estuary 1969, at which inventors and mann-
acturers of our space and oceanographyechnology, of the "picture-phone" and other
eat new scientific endeavors stressed the
ational need for trained technicians, me-
hanics and service personnel.
In July 1967, Lloyd's Bank Review car-
ed an article by Gerard Colley, Senior Econ-
mist at the Battele Memorial Institute,
eneva, Switzerland, who pointed out.
Tourism is today one of the fastest-growing
ctors in the world economy."
Does anyone deny that with the advent of
ass national and international air travel
ere is necessary a huge number of trained
chnical, mechanical and service personnel
fill jobs in airporthahotels, eating places,
useums, parks, cultural and entertainment
nters, banks, shops and markets? Does any-
'e doubt that service and technical person-
1 will be needed not only to foster tourism
the developed and developing nations, but
The 'practical science" in agrioniture, pur-
sued first at our land-grant collean,s, is what i
led to the abundance 01 our present day agri- toculture, which enables us to andel famine ch
and feed half the world. MoreOrer, it was e
academic freedom at land-grant q9licg,es that or
enabled individual scientists to make great a
discoveries and put them to good-uae under ta
our free enterprise system.
And So we see that our nation was blessed de
with thousands upon thousands of gifted
young people who pursued higher education ed
at "poen* boy" or "cow" colleges., They en- , v
riched not only America but the entire world. 1 sir
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Greek military, he believes, does not
favor the junta, but rather tolerates it
from belief that it enjoys the support of
the Pentagon.
Third. Mr. Mitsotakis believes that the
initiative taken at the end of September
by the former conservative Greek Prime
Minister, Constantine Karamanlis, of-
fering his personal cooperation for the
restoration of normality and the safe-
guard of order and security, creates an
opportunity for restoration of parli-
mentary rule. Mr. Mitsotakis was a liberal
opponent of the conservative E.R.E. gov-
ernment?under Mr. Karamanlis?while
free debate prevailed. But from the first
moment of his escape from Greece, Mr.
Mitsotakis placed his services at the dis-
posal of Mr. Karamanlis and declared
publicly the need for the political world
to rally around Mr. Karamanlis and sup-
port his leadership. Mr. Mitsotakis told
me he believes that such a movement can
succeed only if the junta is denounced
by the United States and other nations
of the free world.
We can sympathize, lam sure, with the
plight of the citizens of Greece, who en-
dured so much during and after World
War H to establish self-government.
Tribulations of the more distant past re-
sulted in the immigration of thousands
of Greeks to the United States. Many
went to my State of Utah?principally
young men?to work on railroad ? con-
struction gangs and in the mines. Sub-
stantial sums of money earned through
this hard labor were sent back to the
homeland to assist needy relatives.
Homes, families, and business enterprises
were begun. Today, the descendants of
these immigrants are among our most
respected families and are most active
citizens of Utah.
It is now 21/2 years since the colonels'
regime crushed self-government in
Greece. During that time, their govern-
ment has apparently failed to gain even
a minority of supporters. Repeated state-
ments that the regime would be regular-
ized by elections have not been redeemed
and restoration of parliamentary rule in
any form appears to be far off.
It must be remembered that America,
applying the Truman doctrine, allotted
some $3 billion to Greece to counteract
a Communist threat. Thus we succeeded,
without the loss of a single soldier, in
preventing Communist expansion . in
Europe. In this struggle, all Greeks were
united and the bloody war was success-
fully prosecuted without even tempo-
rarily suspending parliamentary govern-
As Senators may recall, December 12
will see a meeting of the Foreign Min-
isters of 18 nations of the Council of
Europe. It appears that the Council will
expel Greece, based upon a report of the
European Commission for Human Rights,
written after more than 2 years of in-
If the Council takes such action or if
strong support for expulsion is at the
meeting, the United States should surely
reassess its position toward the Greek
dictatorship. And such a review should
take place soon?before the opportuni-
ties which appear to be present for the
restoration of a popularly based parlia-
mentary regime have passed.
Mr. President, a number of editorials
and news reports have been published in
the press recently concerning the Greek
situation. I ask unanimous consent that
they be printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the items
were ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as folows:
[From the Washington (D.C.) Post, Nov. 26,
Aruzkrs.?Five former members of parlia-
ment considered security threats by the
army-backed Greek government were com-
mitted to an additional year in exile under
a government decision today, informed
sources said here.
The five men have been in exile in re-
mote villages and islands for more than two
years. They were deported after the army
seized power in Greece in April, 1967.
The sources named the five former mem-
bers of the Center Union Party?a powerful
party before the army takeover?as Ioannis
Charalambopoulos, Ioannis Papaspyrou,
Panayotis Katsikopoulos, Constantine Ko-
niotakis and Ioannis Alevars.
[From the New York Times, Nov. 30, 1969]
ArnErqs.?The army-backed Greek Gov-
ernment announced today that It had
drafted a law establishing rules for the for-
mation of political parties, which are now
banned under martial law.
The draft would be one of 18 "institutional
laws" that are to take effect only when full
constitutional rule, suspended since April,
1967, is restored.
The Government has pledged to have the
18 draft laws ready by the end of this year,
but refuses to commit itself to a timetable
for the restoration of the suspended articles
of the Constitution and the lifting of martial
Today's announcement, which concerns
one legal step in a lenghthy procedure for the
final ratification of the "institutional laws,"
was seen in part as an effort to placate
Greece's critics abroad.
Criticism of the Greek authorities for their
failure to restore democracy, more than two
and one-half years after seizing power, is
expected to reach a climax in the next two
weeks when Western foreign ministers meet
in Brussels for the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization winter session and later in Paris
for the meeting of the 18-nation Council
of Europe.
Diplomats here expected the Athens au-
thorities to make further gestures to demon-
strate their good faith, including the release
of some of their 2,000 political prisoners.
These gestures were expected particularly
before the Council of Europe meeting on
Dec. 12, which is to vote on a motion for the
suspension of Greece's membership.
The Athens leaders are eager to demon-
strate their goodwill in view of the impres-
sion that will be created by the report of the
European Commission on Human Rights
which, after a two-year study, is said to have
reached the conclusion that Greece had tol-
erated the torturing of political prisoners
and that the danger of an imminent Com-
munist take-over invoked by the military
to seize power in April, 1967, did not really
The report is still secret and the Council
of Europe is bound by its statutes not to dis-
cuss it or take any action on it before a
three-month cooling-off period has elapsed.
S 16477
(By Alvin Shuster)
LomoN.?The European Commissifin for
Human Rights has concluded that Greece's
military-backed Government allowed torture
of political prisoners and denied many fun-
damental human rights.
Its 1,200-page report, the result of more
than two years of investigation, found that
torture and ill-treatment were "an adminis-
trative practice" that was "officially toler-
ated." It charged that Greek authorities had
takeri no effective steps lo stop the practices.
The commission, an agency of the 18-na-
tion Council of Europe, also found that,
contrary to contentions of the Greek regime,
there was no danger of a Communist take-
over at the time the army colonels seized
power on April 21, 1967, and imposed martial
law. It is still in effect.
'There is evidence indicating that it [a
Communist takeover] was neither planned at
that time nor seriously anticipated by either
the military or police authorities," the com-
mission said.
Its still-confidential report, in four vol-
umes, is likely to bolster the case of govern-
ments that will push for the expulsion of
Greepe when the ministers of the Council of
Europe meet in Paris on Dec. 12. The coun-
cil has postponed action awaiting the com-
mission's findings, which have now been sub-
mitted to the member nations.
Apart from the blow to Athens' prestige,
expulsion from the Council would also mean
removal of Greece from the Parliament of
Europe, which sits in Strasbourg and pre-
pares social and economic programs for its
Britain has decided to vote against the
regime at the meeting and is trying to in-
fluence others to do so. The United States,
although not a member of the council, has
indicated concern about Greece's expulsion,
fearing, in part, that it might lead to pres-
sure to expel her from the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization as well.
Some United States officials also worry
that such council action might lead the
colonels, out of pique, to withdraw from
participation in NATO.
Greek leaders have sought to give the im-
pression of movement toward democracy.
They are expected to defend themselves at
next month's meeting by citing steps they
have taken, including recent talk of a still-
vague timetable for the restoration of rep-
resentative government.
But the regime will be presenting its ar-
gument against the background of the most
detailed and official condemnation of its ac-
tions yet. The report represents the efforts
of lawyers who took hundreds of hours of
testimony and even traveled to Greece for on-
the-scene investigation. Some have called
their work the weightiest international legal
inquiry since the Nuremberg trial of war
criminals after World War II.
Technically, the council cannot take any
steps on the basis of the report until three
months after its submission. BLit such coun-
tries as Britain, Norway, Sweden and Den-
mark believe there are sufficient grounds for
action now anyway.
The conclusions?that the use of torture
had been established "beyond doubt," that
human freedoms are violated and that no
Communist threat existed at the time of the
coup?go to the heart of the case. The report
concludes that the Greek regime has thus
violated the conditions of membership, in
particular Article 3.
'That article in the charter of the council,
founded 20 years ago, states that members
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"Must accept the principles raf the rule of
la* and of the enjoyment by all persons
within its jurisdiction of human rights and
fundamental freedoms."
Such rights may be suspended under the
charter in "time of peril of other public enter-
gency threatening the life of the nation,"ibut
the commission fonnd that fiie,e conditions
did not exist at the time of the coup.
The report said that while there was a
period of "political instability and tension"
in Greece, this did not constitute a "mlialie
enaergency." While there were demonatra-
thins in the streets, it said, the situation did
"riot differ markedly from that in many other
countries in Europe."
at also rejected the Greet Government's
argument that Continued suspension of
rigthts was necessary because of bomb in-
cidents and the growth of "illegal organiza-
"The commission does not find, on the
evidence before it," it said, "that either fac-
tor is beyond the control of the public an-
t orates using normal measures, or that they
a on a scale threatening the life of the
Greek nation."
The report said that competent creek
authorities, "confronted with numerous and
sabstantial complaints and allegations of
torture and ill-treatment," failed to take any
effective steps to investigate them or to insure
remedies for "any such complaints or allege-
tams found to be true."
Moreover, the report said that Greeks Were
being denied such fundamental rights as
freedom of expression, association, Ei4 fair
trial, and free elections at regular inte vals.
Stich rights, it noted, are required under the
cOuncil's charter.
The report, prepared by a subcommission
of the Human Rights Commission, was adopt-
ed by the parent group earlier this merith.
rtl was submitted to the member countries
nine days ago.
The council, primarily an advisory Orga-
nization, was organized to further political,
secial and economic unity of Europe. Its
other members are Austria, Belgium, Cyrus,
France, West Germany, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
Siaitzerland and Turkey.
[From the Washington (DC.) Post
Nev. 30, 19691
(By Rowland Evans and Robert Novak)
Contemptuous remarks about the U.S. by
a high Greek official are producing two
*holly unexpected side effects: Keeping the
American ambassador's chair in Athens Va-
cant a bit longer and wonsening relations
between the State Department and the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Cominittee.
Moreover, the indiscretion of Panaarlotis
Pipinellis, Foreign Minister of the Greek
Military dictatorship, might just tip the bal-
ance against full resumption of U.S. mili-
tary aid to Greece.
At issue is a top-secret briefing by Pipinel-
11, for Greek ambassadors in Western Eu-
r pe, delivered at Bad Schniznach, Svatzer-
land, on Aug. 26. Two weeks ago, we reported
ftom a verbatim account of that briefing
that Pipinellis referred to the 11.6. as a "so-
called democracy" not to he trusted.
At that point, the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee was ready to recommend
Confirmation of Foreign Service officer Henry
Tasca, nominated on Sept. 9 by Preeident
Nixon for the long vacant Athens post. But
When Sen. J. W. laulbright of Arkansas heard
of the Pipinellis document he informed the
State Department that his committee *Mild
Lot act on Tasca until it had a charice to
study the Pipinellis document
The State Department went into a classic
diplomatic stall. In response to three sepa-
rate telephone calls from Fulbright aides,
it curiously pleaded inability to locate a
copy of the briefing?curious because a copy
was actually in the State Department's hands
before we obtained ours. Vexed with the
State Department, Fulbright finally ob-
tained a copy through private channels.
That means Tasca may not get confirmed
before the new year. More important, the
effort of Sen. Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island
to put a rider on the foreign aid bill bar-
ring military assistance to Greece is strength-
In addition to Pipinellis' assault on U.S.
style democracy, he belittled Mr. Nixon's
Vietnam and defense policies.
"We all thought that, after the Repub-
lican victory, there would be greater stress
on rearmament and on strengthening the
world's defenses," Pipinellis said. "But the
real situation has proved quite different. Mr.
Nixon went to the Fan East without, as it
seems, having decided any other concrete
program than a declaration to all Asians that
America is returning to a policy of falling
back to home."
News of U.S. troop *pullouts "has been
heard with disbelief," Pipinellis said, sarcas-
tically referring to a $6 billion U.S. defense
cutback as "good fleas."
The easy victory of conservative Republi-
can Crane in last Tuesday's special congres-
sional election from Chicago's northern sub-
urbs will give I. Lee Potter a graceful exit as
staff director of the Republican Congres-
sional Campaign Conunittcc a move pri-
vately insisted upon by the White House.
Potter, Republican National Committee-
man from Virginia, has been under criticism
ever since the disappointing Republican
showing in the 1968 congressional elections.
That. criticism swelled this year when the
Republicans lost three seats and gained none
in special congressio:aal elections earlier this
Party pros grumbled that Potter spent too
much time on business interests in northern
Virginia and not enc ugh on candidate selec-
tion. Over the past two years, the commit-
tee's once impressive Staff has disintegrated.
These complaints strongly disputed by
Rep. Bob Wilson of California, the campaign
committee chairman, found fertile soil in the
White House (which hasn't forgotten Pot-
ter's preconvention coolness 'toward candi-
date Nixon in 1966). Accordingly, White
House political aide Harry Dent has relayed
the President's desire that a change be
James Allison, the sharp young Texas po-
litical pro now deputy chairman at the Re-
publican National Committee, could have
the job but won't take it. In the running
are Gus Owens, a fie:.d man for the campaign
committee; Tom Lies, who left the commit-
tee to work under Dent at the White House;
and Robert Bradford, executive director of
the Illinois Republican Party.
[From the Washington (D.C.) Post, Nov. 29,
The foreign ministers of 18 nations in the
prestigious Council of Europe are to meet
Dec. 12 to decide a hether to throw Greece
out. They should. The ruling junta in Athens
has, as charged, violated human rights and
blocked parliamentary rule. An organization
of the council's idealistic purposes which
countenanced the junta would forfeit public
respect. As long as there seemed a chance
that the colonels might pick their way back
toward democracy, the council could reason-
ably suspend judgment But the officers have
made it plain they do not intend to relin-
quish power voluntarily. They are sapping
the Greek economy and, by their clumsiness
and terror, turning the public's earlier
apathy into opposition. Their isolation by the
Council of Europe could add an important
increment of pressure on their position at
After the April, 1967, coup, and especially
after the King's abortive countercoup that
December, Greek politicians were in disarray
and many observers feared there was no real
and acceptable alternative to military rule.
This autumn, however, Constantine Car-
amanlis, a widely respected former premier
who had gone into exile, managed to or-
ganize the responsible political elements into
a standby coalition; he offered himself as
head of a provisional government of national
unity. Mr. Caramanlie called on the junta
to step down; otherwise, he said, other offi-
cers should "appreciate their duty"?that is,
oust them. For now, the colonels remain in
power. But those who oppose them can work
with confidence that constitutionalism, not
chaos, lies beyond.
Though the -United States has taken pains
to stay at arm's length from the colonels, the
20-year record of deep American involvement
in Athens has given wide currency in Greece
to a curious Myth. This myth holds that
Washington sustains the junta and that, if
It chose, Washington could bring it down.
Bringing down the colonels is not Washing-
ton's duty? or right. But denying them cru-
cial support is: military aid is one kind of
crucial support.
Two administrations have withheld ma-
jor military aid since the coup, except for
a brief period last year when jitters about the
Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia tool pre-
cedence over distaste for the Athens regime.
By Senator Pell's calculation, as much as
$263 million in aid hat backed up. In remarks
not fully appreciated by the junta's Amer-
ican critics, the Nixon administration states
that Greece has "scrupulously fulfilled" its
NATO obligations?but without the military
aid. The critics have been alarmed by a Pen-
tagon chart listing Greece as having bought
$33 million worth of arms in 1969, as against
$24 million in the preceding sir years. In-
quiry reveals, however, that the $33 Million
figure includes $27 million for deals that fell
through. The colonels are furious. The Unit-
ed States should do nothing to bring them-
Mr. COOK. Mr. President, I invite the
attention of Senators to the outstanding
community relations work being done in
my hometown of Louisville by a corpora-
tion called Action Now, Inc., under the
able direction of George T. Underhill,
Action Now, Inc., represents the in-
volvement of the private sector in the
problems of the underprivileged. It does
not in any way compete with Federal,
State or local agencies. Rather it at-
tempts to complement and aid them. Its
primary purpose is to tap one of the
city's largest resources?successful man-
agement. The directors of Action Now,
Inc., are drawn from the Louisville busi-
ness community, black and white. They
have much to offer that cannot be dupli-
cated in a Government agency: Their
time is unstructured, they are familiar
with their city's problems, they have a
vested interest in those problems.
Action Now is a privately financed,
nonprofit organization designed to func-
tion as its name implies?to stimulate
jobs, housing, and business experience
for the disadvantaged. Its three compa-
nies function in the areas of job Procure-
ment, Jobs Now; adequate housing.
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December 11, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENA S 16521
bill. In a heartening demonstration of firm-
ness, President Thieu has asked to have it
amended to its original strong version. Under
Vietnamese law, the upper houSe amend-
ments, if any, will prevail unless overridden
by two-thirds of the total membership of the
lower house. Even then President Thieu can
amend and will prevail, unless his amend-
ments are overridden by a majority of the
joint membership of the two houses. Thus,
for the moment, with President Thieu's con-
tinued exhibition of firmness, land reform is
"up" again after its lower house drubbing.
But whether the upper house amends
and-if not-whether President Thieu
amends and is not overridden, now depend
crucially on the credibility of the compensa-
tion to the landlords.
As this was written, pressures appeared to
be building for a United States declaration
of financial support for the program-con-
sistent with President Richard Nixon's strong
general statement of support for the program
in the Midway communiqu?f June, 1969.
Whether such a statement is made may well
be decisive in determining whether, as this is
being read, the mass of South Vietnamese
peasants are finally becomng owner-farmers,
or whether the chance to achieve an impact
during the 1969 main Delta harvest period
(December to February) has been missed.
If, finally, land reform goes "down" again, it
may w..7.;4 be for the final count.
l?a 14+
Mr. GOODELL. Mr. President, I have
requested Senate Majority Leader MANS-
FIELD to place a hold on the consideration
of the nomination of Henry J. Tasca to
be U.S. Ambassador to Greece.
My reason is that I believe this is not
the propitious moment for the United
States to send an ambassador to
Greece-not that I have any reservations
concerning Mr. Tasca's qualifications.
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
sent that a statement I issued yesterday
explaining the reasons for my action be
printed in the RECORD, as well as an edi-
torial on this subject which appeared in
today's New York Times.
There being no objection, the state-
ment and editorial were ordered to be
printed in the RECORD, as follows:
I have requested Senate Majority Leader
Mansfield to hold up consideration of the
nomination of Henry J. Tasca to be our Am-
bassador to Greece.
My reason is not that I have any reserva-
tions concerning Mr. Tasca's qualifications.
He is, by all accounts, an able diplomat who
is fully qualified to hold ambassadorial rank.
I have taken this action because I think
it is not advisable at the present moment for
the United States to send an ambassador to
the Greek dictatorship.
I recognize that it is often desirable to have
full representation in countries with whose
policies we fundamentally disagree. Diplo-
matic communication is important between
countries having different political systems.
This, however, is a delicate moment.
The Council of Europe is about to consider
a motion to suspend or expel the Greek re-
gime from membership because of its viola-
tions of the basic human rights of Greek
The Administration has been ? urging the
Greek regime to adopt more democratic
The Senirte Foreign Relations Committee,
I am pleaded to note, has decided against
authorizing any military aid to Greece.
There are signs that the forces behind the
Greek junta might respond to these and
other pressures for reform.
I am hopeful that the temporary withhold-
ing of an ambassador would be an additional
signal of our displeasure with the dictator-
ship's present practices and might encourage
responsible elements in Greece to press for
more democratic and humane policies.
I am fearful that the dispatch of an am-
bassador at this time-two days before the
Council of Europe meets to consider the
suspension or expulsion of Greece-would be
particularly ill-timed. It could be miscon-
strued in Europe as a.gesture of support for
the junta and its present course; and intrude
ourselves gratuitously in a decision that
should be made by the Europeans themselves.
I note also, that we have not even nomi-
nated an ambassador to Sweden. Many in
that country apparently believe that we have
not done so because we are displeased with
the Swedish government's position on Viet-
nam. I do not know if this is the case. What-
ever happens, we must certainly avoid giv-
ing the impression that we are more con-
cerned over Swedish aiews on Vietnam than
we are over totalitarian practices in Greece.
In summary, I am proposing a temporary
hold on the nomination because I believe this
is the wrong moment to send an ambassador;
and also to emphasize our disapproval of the
Greek junta's present policies and encourage
responsible forces for change in Greece.
A police state now reigns in Greece, the
birthplace of democracy. Government by ter-
ror and by torture rules in the land which
first conceived of government by consent of
the governed.
The Human Rights Commission of the
Council of Europe, after extensive investi-
gation, has found that torture and ill-treat-
ment of political prisoners amounted to an
"administrative practice" that has been "of-
ficially tolerated" by Greek government au-
thorities. The Commission specifically re-
ported 213 cases in which it had found evi-
dence of torture-including a number of
cases in which evidence of torture was found
to be conclusive.
In addition to torture, the Commission
found the Greek junta guilty of widespread
abuses of civil and personal rights.
The Commission also exploded the fiction
propagated by the junta that its seizure of
power and subsequent rule was justified b'
the threat of a Communist takeover. After
reviewing the evidence, it found there was
no substance to the junta's claims that a
Communist coup was imminent in 1967.
At this critical moment, It is imperative
that we do nothing that can be misinter-
preted by the Greek dictatorship and other
nations as an endorsement of the junta's
present policies.
[From the New York Times, Dec. 11, 19691
Membership in the Council of Europe is re-
stricted by its statute to countries that "ac-
cept the principles of the rule of law" and
enjoyment by all citizens of "human rights
and fundamental freedoms." Foreign minis-
ters of the eighteen members vote in Paris
tomorrow on a resolution adopted by a huge
majority of the Council's Consultative As-
sembly demanding the ouster of Greece "for
serious violations of the conditions of mem-
The ministers will have before them a 1,200-
page report by the European Commission on
Human Rights that details many cases of tor-
ture of political prisoners by the Greek junta.
They will also doubtless consider the un-
covering by a respected British reporter of
what appears to be a top-secret document,
signed by the Director-General of the Greek
Foreign Ministry, involving Premier Papa-
dopoUlos himself in a right-wing plot to stage
a military coup in Italy.
In these circumstances, Senator Goodell
has acted responsibly in asking Majority
Leader Mansfield to delay a vote on the con-
firmation of Henry J. Tasca as United States
Ambassador to Athens. As Mr. Goodell makes
clear, this is no reflection on Mr. Tasca; nor
is it an effort to keep the ambassadorship in
Athens vacant indefinitely because of disap-
proval of the junta.
It is simply that for the Senate to confirm
Mr. Tosco on the eve of the Council's vote
would be interpreted as an attempt by Wash-
ington to pressure undecided Governments
to keep Greece in the fold. The United States
is already being accused of trying to influ-
ence the Council's decision in favor of the
junta. A brief delay will not damage Mr.
Tasca's standing with the colonels; indeed,
it may enhance his influence if the delay
helps persuade them that the United States
is genuinely concerned at their failure to
to move Greece back toward freedom and
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that the Senate pro-
ceed to the consideration of Calendar
Nos. 581, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, and 599.
objection, it is so ordered.
The Senate proceeded to consider the
bill (S. 2809), to amend the Health Serv-
ice Act so as to extend for an additional
period the authority to make formula
grants to schools of public health, which
had been reported from the Committee
on Labor and Public Welfare with
amendments, on page 2, after line 5, in-
sert a new section, as follows:
SEC. 2. Section 309(a) of the Public Health
Service Act is amended by striking out "and
$12,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30,
1971" and inserting in lieu thereof: "$15,000,-
000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971,
$18,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30,
1972, $21,000,000 for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1973, $24,000,000 for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1974, and $27,000,000 for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1975".
And, after line 13, insert a new section,
as follows:
SEC. 3. Section 306(a) of the Public Health
Service Act is amended by striking out "and
$14,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30,
1971" and inserting in lieu thereof: "$14,000-
000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971,
$18,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30,
1972, $22,000,000 for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1973, $26,000,000 for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1974, and $30,000,000 for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1975".
So as to make the bill read:
S. 2809
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That section
309(c) of the Public Health Service Act is
amended by striking out "$5,000,000 for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1968, $6,000,000 for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, and $7,-
000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30,
1970" and inserting in lieu thereof: "$7,000,-
000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970,
$9,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30,
1971, $12,000,000 for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1972, $15,000,000 for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1973, $18,000,000 for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1974, and $20,000,000 for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975".
SEC. 2. Section 309(a) of the Public Health
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16522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE December 11, 1969
Service Act is amended by striking out `: an These three programs are not new. The the training of public health personnel. The
$12,000,000 for the fiscal ye aX ending Jute- $0, traineeships were authorized in 1957, the other two are section 306 of the Public
171" and inserting in lieu ttiereof : ON "$16,C GO,-
., formula grants in 1958 and the project Health Service Act that authorizes appro-
for the fiscal year ending June 30, larrsa
08,000,000 for the fiscal year ending Juxte grants in 1960. priations for traineeships for professional
public health personnel and section 309(a)
S. 2809, as reported, would authorize
30, 1972, $21,000,000 for the *cal year eliding
JUne 30, 1973, $24,000,000 ror the fiscal year the following appropriations: of the Public Health Service Act that au-
thorizes appropriations for project grants for
ending June 30, 1974, and $87,000,000 for the For traineeships, $18 million for 1972; graduate training in public health. Both of
nscal year ending June 30, 5875". $22 million for 1973; $26 million for 1974; the latter two authorizations expire June 30,
, SEC. 3. Seotion 306(a) of tie Public Health and $30 million for 1975, 1971.
Stervice Act is amended by striking out -and For project grants, $15 million for The common objective or these formula
$14,000,000 for the fiscal year ending 'June 1971; $18 million for 1972; $21 million grants, project grants, and traineeships is to
33, 1971" and inserting in lieu thereof: '4314,-
000,000 for the fiscal year ending Julie 30, for 1973; $24 mill..on for 1974; and $2 i
a increase the supply of well-trained public
health personnel. These sources of linen-
1971, $18,000,000 for the fiscal year ending million for 1975,
cial support are closely related.
Jane 30, 1972, $22,000,000 kr the fiscal: year For formula grants, $9 million for
i recommended, therefore, that the for-
ending June 30, 16373, $26,000,3000 for the fiscal 1971; $12 million for 1972; $15 million for mule grants, project grants, and trainee-
It s
yilar ending June 30, 1974, and sao,000,000 for 1973; $18 million,/ or
t e fiscal year ending June 30, 1975". , lion for 1975. - ? nd $20 mil- ships be given a common expiration date of
June 30, 1975.
Mr. YARBOROUGH. Mr. President, Mr. Prpardent, the 16 schools b&public THE PROBLEM
today a high rate of infant mortality is healt --).e of 'which are in StateNm- Advancing urbanization and acceptance
the major reason why the United States vers es, have the responsibility for pro- of public responsibility for new health serv-
lags behind other major countries in vi g graduates capable of duty in the ices to the populatien have expanded the
lOngevity. Prenatal and infant care and lth services of all the 50 States, the need for personnel trained in protecting the
public health. For many years agencies con-
nutrition education needed to reduce tories, and the Federal Government,
o con-
cerned with community health programs
infant mortality rate are essentially las well as for international activities, have been faced by shortages of professional
bile health problems. So are the lmg- :, They are analagous to national service personnel with public health training-in-
t rm chronic illnesses of age becoming al academies in that they must prepare stu- eluding physicians, nurses, and sanitarians.
n w domain for public health inquiry dents for public sen?vice anywhere in the In recent years the shortages have become
and control. country. Ninety percent of their gradu- more severe than ever before as new concepts
I Increased urbanization and acceptg:i. ates enter public service and hold key of the role of public health have evolved. New
of public responsibility Mr new heal posts in local, city, State, National, and responsibilities have been given State and
local health departments. Some years ago
services to the population liave expanded international agencies, and the charac- the control of infectious diseases represented
the need for personnel trained in WO- ter of professional leadership in the the major role of health departments. Today
tecting the public health. For many years teaching of public health in the United immunization programs are a relatively
htncies concerned with commmity ates has been reflected in the frequency small but none the less important aspect
alth problems have been faced ti3r which faculty members are called of the activities of health departments and
shOrtages of professional personnel with on consultation abroad, these activities require highly specialized
ptiblic health training, including 013E1- Mr. resident, because this bill is and trained public health personnel. Among
cions, nurses, and sanitarians. vitally i ortant to the training and bet- the new responsibilities are comprehensive
health planning, health and medical care
Approximately 5,400 positions in State ter prepa tion of public health person- administration; environmental management
arid local health departments are Cur- nel, I reco end that this bill pass the in the areas of air, water, and land; popula-
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Decemsber 5, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions
Circumstances could change. Adopting the
projections of Consolidated Gold Fields, a
few years of rising demand and dwindling
supply could restore the markets and the
bullion dealers to their former glory. That
might equally well be achieved, though more
drastically, if declining prices caused a
shake-out of dispirited hoarders and re-
turned gold to its floor. Life has been full
of surprises for the bullion dealers. It is
little wonder that in celebrating, this year,
the fiftieth anniversary of the daily London
"fixing," they have been anything but de-
sponde t.
Thursday, December 4, 1969
Mr. FRASER. Mr. Speaker, on No-
vember 18 I placed hi the RECORD two
articles detailing the attempts of the
ruling colonels to stifle the Greek press.
Another aspect of the colonels' cam-
paign was reported on November 26, 1969,
in the New York Times. The article
ATHENS, November 25?Most of the daily
newspapers of Athens were prevented today
from circulating In north and central
The ban was apparently imposed by local
security police Greece's military-backed gov-
ernment, which recently issued a new law
attesting to "freedom of the press," had no
official comment.
For the last six weeks, newspaper publish-
ers and distributors have reported police ob-
struction in the provincial sales of Athens
newspapers not actively friendly toward the
It began with ban on the sale of specific
issues of national newspapers. On an ap-
parently haphazard basis, newspaper distri-
butors in some provincial towns were ordered
ttip ration the sales of Athens newspapers
that did not support the regime. This was
later changed to a system of quotas some-
times representing 20 percent of the news-
papers' normal sales.
Today's measures were enforced differently
and more drastically. Technically no news-
papers were seized and no quotas were set.
The police visited news vendors in the Thes-
saly area of central Greece and ordered that
the bundles of all but three Athens dailies
were to be returned unopened to the pub-
lishers. The sale of newspapers friendly to
the regime, Eleftheros Kosmos, Nea Politeia
and Vradyni, was permitted.
The battle between the Government and
the press started soon after Premier George
Papadopoulos abolished preventive censor-
ship on newspapers on Oct. 3.
The press reacted cautiously but with wit.
There were cartoons ridiculing the Portu-
guese elections or of Spain that were easily
translated by readers into comment on
Headlines were often calculated to irri-
tate the Government, and two Athens dailies
published series on the attempt of exiled
King Constantine to topple the military-im-
posed regime.
Athens publishers were called in by Gov-
ernment officials and told to mend their
ways. But officially the Government denied
any attempt to harass the press.
Deputy Premier Stylianos Patakos said
early this month: "What has happened is
that readers are so disgusted with What'
newspapers print that they naturally refuse
to buy them."
Under the new press law, which goes into
effect Jan. 1, any interference with news-
paper distribution not authorized by judicial
authorities is punishable by a minimum
three-month prison term.
Nothing has been more characteristic
of the junta than their attempt to end
the free press in Greece unless it is the
colonels' periodic announcements of re-
form timetables. The latest was reported
by the Times on November 24. The fol-
lowing day an excellent editorial put the
latest "reform" in its proper perspective:
ATHENS, November 23.?Greece's military-
backed Government said today that it had
set a firm timetable for the restoration of
representative government, which was abol-
ished in a coup d'etat 31 months ago.
This assurance was given by Foreign Min-
ister Panayotis Pipinelis in an article pub-
lished today in the Athens newspaper Acro-
polis. In the article, which did not disclose
any dates, Mr. Pipinelis said:
"I can assure the Greek people that the
actual Government under its present leader-
ship is in a position to carry out unfailingly
the program for a phased application of the
whole Constitution within a predetermined
time limit. Then the Greeks will be called
upon to express their opinion on its ac-
complishments, in order to consolidate them
or even smash them if so they wish."
The Foreign Minister's statement marked
a step forward from earlier vague declara-
tions that full constitutional rule would be
restored "only when the revolution's goals
have been accomplished." One of these goals
is the civic re-education of the Greeks, which
could last a generation.
Most GIVR and political liberties of the
Greeks have been in abeyance since the army
coup in April, 1967.
Greece's Western allies have been pressing
the leaders to commit themselves to a time-
table for evolution toward democracy. The
United States even "selectively suspended"
military aid to Greece as leverage for politi-
cal changes,
The Greek leaders have so far resisted this
pressure on the ground that they alone "shall
determine when the time is ripe for demo-
cratic evolution, bearing in mind the in-
terests of the Greek people."
Mr. Pipinelis's statement that a timetable
does exist comes at a time when most of
Greece's allies and friends are reviewing their
attitudes toward the Greek Government in
view of the slow progress toward a return to
democratic government.
A crucial decision is expected in Paris Dec.
12 when the 18 foreign minister of the
Council of Europe meet to consider the mo-
tion to oust Greece for suspending demo-
cratic freedoms and parliamentary rule.
Earlier efforts to avert an ouster, by in-
ducing Athens to pledge itself to an irrevo-
cable timetable for democratization, failed
last September when the three-phase pro-
gram submitted by the Greek Government,
covering the period to the end of 1970, fell
short of promising either the lifting of mar-
tial law or the holdings of free elections.
Mr. Plpinelis's statement implied a change
of attitude. If a guaranteed timetable lead-
ing to elections were announced. Greece's
explusion from the Council of Europe might
be averted.
The Scandinavian countries, Belgium and
the Netherlands which have led the move-
ment to expel Greece, were joined this week
by Britain. Britain made it clear that unless
definite proof of good faith were produced
of Remarks E 10357
by Athens at once Britain would support the
ouster movement.
One thing can be said about the Greek
junta: Its international political maneuvers
are entirely predictable. It Invariably begins
to make noises about restoring freedoms or
returning Greece to representative rule when
it is facing the threat of international censure
or condemnation.
Thus, almost on the eve of the meeting of
Atlantic Alliance ministers in Washington
last April, Colonel Papadopoulos proclaimed
"restoration" of three articles of the 1968
Constitution relating to civil liberties. With
this meaningless gesture he was trying to
head off a threat of NATO action against
And thus, with a move to expel Greece
from the Council of Europe coming up at
the meeting of foreign ministers next month,
Foreign Minister Pipinelis discloses that the
junta has a definite timetable for elections
and a return to representative government.
Mr. Pipinelis gives no dates?just assurances
that the regime will apply the Constitution
in phases "within a predetermined time
limit," and that the Greeks will then be
given the opportunity 'to express their
opinion on its accomplishments." They can
vote to consolidate those accomplishments
"or even smash them if they so wish."
Mr. Pipinelis at seventy is a pathetic figure:
the only political leader of any prominence
to serve the colonels since King Constantine's
abortive countercoup of 1967; the only politi-
cal name the junta has been able to flaunt
abroad in the vain attempt to garner re-
Mr. Pipinelis is the foreign minister in
name only, as he certainly discovered long
ago; and not even he can really believe that
Papadopoulos, Patakos and Company have a
timetable for legitimate elections or any in-
tention of submitting themselves to a free
judgment of the Greek people.
Finally, the European Commission for
Human Rights has concluded its study of
the Greek regime. They reportedly have
found that torture and ill-treatment are
"an administrative practice" that is "of-
ficially tolerated." Those who defend the
colonels' government should carefully
consider this report and the effort which
will be made later this month to expel
Greece from the Council of Europe.
At this point I include in the RECORD
news reports of these developments:
(By Alvin Shuster)
LoNrioN, November 28.?The European
Commission for Human Rights has con-
cluded that Greece's military-backed Gov-
ernment allowed torture of political prisoners
and denied many fundamental human rights.
Its 1,200-page report, the result of more
than two years of investigation, found that
torture and ill-treatment were "an adminie-
tractive practice" that was "officially toler-
ated." It charged that Greek authorities had
taken no effective steps to stop the practices.
The commission, an agency of the 18-
nation Council of Europe, also found that,
contrary to contentions of the Greek regime,
there was no danger of a Communist take-
over at the time the army colonels seized
power on April 21, 1967, and imposed martial
law, still in effect.
"There is evidence indicating that it (a
Communist takeoveri was neither planned
at that time nor seriously anticipated by
either the military or police authorities,"
the commission said.
Its still-confidential report, in four vol-
umes, is likely to bolster the case of govern-
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E 10358 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks
menta that will push for the eforpulsion of
Greece wheia the ministers of the Council of
Europe meet in Paris on Dec. 12. The council
has postponed action awaiting the commis-
sion's finding& which have now been sub-
mitted to the member-nations.
Apart from the blow to Athens prestige,
expulsion from the Council would also mean
removal of Greece from the Parliament of
Europe, which sits in Strasbourg and pre-
pares social and econclinic programs for its
Britain has decided to vote against the
regime at the meeting and is trying to influ-
ence others to do so. The United States, al-
though not a member of the council, has
indicated concern about Greece's ,expuision,
fearing, in part, that it might lead to pres-
sure to expel her from the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization as well.
Some United States officials also tvorry that
such council action might lead the colonels,
out of pique, to withdrati, from participation
in NATO.
Greek leaders have sought to give the im-
pression of movement toward democracy.
They are expected to defend themselves at
next month's meeting by citing steps they
have taken, including recent talk or a still-
vague timetable for the restoration of repre-
sentative government.
But the regime will be presenting its argu-
ments against the background of the most
detailed and official condemnation of its
actions yet. The report represents the efforts
of lawyers who took hundreds of hours of
testimony and even traveled to Greece for
on-the-scene investigatiou Some have called
I their work the weightiest international legal
I inquiry since the Nuremberg trial of war
criminals after World War II.
Technically, the counell cannot take any
steps on the basis of the report until three
months after its submission. But such coun-
tries as Britain, Norway, Sweden and Den-
mark believe there are sufficient grounds for
, action now anyway.
The conclusions?that the use of torture
had been established "betond doubt." that
human freedoms are violated and that no
Communist threat existed at the time of the
coup?go to the heart of the case. The report
concludes that the Greek regime has thus
violated the conditions of membership, in
particular Article 3.
That article in the charter of the council,
I founded 20 years ago, abates that members
I "must accept the principles of the rule of
law and of the enjoyment by all persons
within its jurisdiction of human rights and
fundamental freedoms."
Such rights may be suspended under the
charter in "time of peril or other public
emergency threatening the life of the na-
tion," but the commission found that these
conditions did not exist at the time of the
The report said that while there was a
period of "political instability and *Delon"
in Greece, this did not constitute a '"public
emergency." While there were demonstra-
tions in the streets, it said, the situation did
"not differ markedly from that in many
other countries in Europe."
It also rejected the Greek Government's
I argument that continued suspenssan of
Irights was necessary because of bomb inci-
dents and the growth of "illegal
tions." orratilza,-
"Te commission does not find, On the
evidence before it," it said, "that either fac-
tor is beyond the control of the public au-
thorities using normal Measures, or that
they are on a scale threatening the 'life of
the Greek nation."
The report said that competent Greek au-
thorities, "confronted with numerous and
substantial complaints and allegations of
torture and ill-treatment," failed to take
any effective steps to investigate them or to
insure rernediEs for "any such complaints or
allegations found to be true."
Moreover, the report said that Greeks were
being denied such fundamental rights as
freedom of expression, association, a fair
trial, and free elections at regular intervals,
such rights, it noted, are required under the
council's charter.
The report, prepared by a subcommission
of the Human Rights Commission, was
adopted by the parent group earlier this
month. It was submitted to the member
countries nine days ago.
The council, primarily an advisory orga-
nization, was organized to further political,
social and economic unity of Europe. Its
other members are Austria, Belgium, Cyprus,
France, West Germany, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
Switzerland and Turkey.
Loanioar.?The regime of the colonels in
Greece will shortly face one its more difficult
diplomatic tests since the 1967 coup that
brought it to power. The Council of Europe,
meeting in Paris a week from this Friday,
will consider suspending Greece from mem-
bership because of her undemocratic mili-
tary government. The expectation here is
that the council will vote for the suspension.
The move against Greece has more than
the usual potential of mere name-calling
motions in international organization. This
action might have a real political effect in
Greece. And it is also noteworthy because
it has aroused a rare difference of diplomatic
opinion between Britain and the United
Britain is going to vote against the col-
onels, and the Foreign Office is playing a
leading part in trying to persuade others
among the 18 council members to do so.
The United States, which is not a member
of the Council of Europe, has indicated to its
European allies its uneasiness over the
British move,
The American concern is with Greece's
position in the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization. The growing number of Soviet
ships in the Mediterranean, the coup in
Libya and the unending Abra-Israeli tension
have all intensified the view in Washington
that Greece is vital as a military ally.
American military assistance, which was
cut off after the colonels' revolution in 1967,
Was resumed in part after the Soviet inn--
sion of Czechoskvakia last year. Some air-
craft, minesweepers and other items espe-
cially useful for _NATO support are now
going to Greece. And the United States again
has an ambassador in Athens.
What worries American officials is that the
colonels, in pique at a slap from the Council
of Europe, might suspend Greek participa-
tion in NATO's operations on the southern
flank of Europe. Diplomats here report that
various Greek scurces have been voicing
threats of that kind in an effort to prevent
an adverse council vote.
British officials are skeptical at the notion
of Greece's withdrawing from NATO in
pique. They argue that the Athens regime
needs NATO more than the alliance needs
it?especially because the colonels depend
for their power or support from the army,
Which greatly values the NATO role.
European sentiment against the colonels
will doubtless be farther stirred by a report
of the European Human Rights Commis-
sion A massive study of repression under
the military regime, in four volumes, it be-
gan leaking out here over this weekend.
The study concludes that the regime has
made a practice of- using torture and has
denied most of the fundamental rights of
man--of expression, association, fair trial
and free elections.
December 5, 1969
The charter -Of the Council of Europe, an
advisory body created in 1949, says that
members "muait accept the principles of the
rule of law and of the enjoyment of human
rights arid fundamental freedoms." It is be-
cause the council his that political basis
that Michael Stewart, the British Foreign
Secretary, has insisted on dealing with
At the last meeting of the Committee of
Ministers, in gay, Greece was in effect put
on probation. A resolution warned that she
would be suspended unless the Government
took steps to restore democracy and the
rule of law.
British officials see no sign that the col-
onels have rule since then. No date has
been set for an elections. The press is still
gagged. The colonels dismissed the Presi-
dent of their Council of State last summer
when he found that they had gone beyond
their powers in acting against some judges;
for good measure the colonels exiled the
lawyers who had handled the case.
American diplomats say the United States
has persistently urged the colonels to get
the country back to representative democ-
racy. But the tfnited States is plainly re-
luctant to apply direct pressure.
One American worry is that successful
action against Greece in the Council of
Europe would lead to demands for her ex-
pulsion from NATO. The British argue that
NATO's purpose is altogether different. They
also say that failure to do anything in the
Council of Europe might bring pressure
in three NATO countries?Norway, Den-
mark and the Netherlands?for a move
against Greece in NATO.
The members of the Council of Europe
are Austria, Belgium, Britain, Cyprus, Den-
mark, France, West Germany, Greece, Ice-
land, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta,
the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzer-
land and Turkey. At least 10 of the 18 must
vote for expulsion for the motion to prevail.
The council's purpose is to further the
political, economic and social unity of Eur-
ope. It has sponsored a large number of
treaties on legal, social and practical com-
munications questions, One of the treaties
is the European uman Rights Convention,
which is accepted by many European states
and has a court to enforce its provisions.
Exclusion fromi the ceuncil would bother
the Greek regime primarily as a symbol?
a blow to the prestige that the colonels have
carefully tried to foster. Loss of council
membership would also deprive Greece of
her seats in the Parliament of Europe, which
sits in Strasbourg and Acts as an advisory
legislative body far Europe.
Friday, December 5, 1969
Mrs. HECKLER of Massachusetts. Mr.
Speaker, few human relationships are
nobler and more endearing than that of
the physician and the families he serves.
In this day of the medical specialist,
however, the traditional family physi-
cian has become a vanishing breed.
It is fitting, therefore, to pay high
tribute to a man like Dr. William Ma-
son, of Truesdale Hospital, in Fall Riv-
er, Mass. He typifies the traditional fam-
ily physician. I think for many of us
this article, which I am inserting in the
RECORD, will bring back "memories that
bless and burn" of our own family doc-
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ration of the Colonies from the motherland,
but that sentiment in the Declaration of
Independence which gave liberty not alone to
the people of this country, but I hope to
the world, for all future time."
The man we are honoring this week is
Walter Knott, former tenant farmer and
founder of the famed Knott's Berry Farm,
and the motivating spirit behind the crea-
tion of a second Independence Hall and Heri-
tage House on the Knott grounds at Buena
Park, California.
If you have been a listener to these weekly
discourses on what has been happening to
the American Dream, and how we may keep
It from perishing, you will understand the
thrill I experienced last month when I spent
a day with Walter Knott, and learned how
this tenant farmer who lived in a log cabin
with a dirt floor, and without subsidies or
security guarantees, built one of the great
enterprises of the nation.
I learned that Mrs. Knott, now 80 and still
supervising the serving of up to 6,000 chicken
dinners on Sundays, had eight customers
the first day she opened her house to paid
guests. I learned why Walter Knott would
want to build America's second Independ-
ence Hall?down to the thumb and linger
prints on 140-thousand specially made bricks,
to the chipping of the huge block and crack
of the Liberty Bell, and on up to the gold
plated weather vane 168-feet above the
After admiring the craftsmanship that re-
created the great bell, Mrs. Wimmer and I
were ushered into a little theatre where we
witnessed a cineramic presentation of great*
paintings that vividly portrayed the cen-
turies of man's struggle for freedom and in-
dependence, which prepared us for the next
event that was to take place in an Assembly
Room, the exact duplicate in every detail of
the Assembly Room in Independence Hall,
Philadelphia, where the debate on the Dec-
laration was held.
We took our seats on the same kind of
backless benches on which spectators and
the press of olden days viewed the debates
of the Colonies, and after a brief lecture, the
lights were turned off, and from each of
the thirteen tables candles began to burn
and voices rose from each table as arguments
over the Declaration began.
From the sound track there rose also the
noise of the storm outside, and the sound of
rain beating upon the roof could be heard,
and above it all the protests, challenges,
compromises and fears that marked one of
the most memorable days in the history of
Some of the voices were heated. There was
pleading: Soft, Passionate, Convincing, Chal-
lenging, and as a delegate walked across the
Hall, making his point, the sound of foot-
steps and the voice moved with him.
These men were reminded that they were
sealing their death warrant if the Declara-
tion were adopted; if the Revolutionary War
was lost, or if they were captured, but as one
of the delegates said: "We are also deciding
the fate of the Thirteen Colonies, and maybe
the fate of generations untold."
In the end, they signed the Declaration,
pledging their lives, fortunes, and sacred
honor; knowing, as someone remarked, they
"would have to hang together or hang sep-
As we emerged from the Assembly Room,
Mrs. Wimmer remarked in a hushed voice,
"we were there when it happened," and I
understood for the first time what must
have burned in the heart of Walter Knott,
and in the hearts of those whose inspired
help created such a colossal enterprise.
Of special interest, I think, was the need
of putting the voices of the Signers on one
strip of tape, which technicians had declared
was impossible. A new machine and a new
process had to be invented, and it was. The
cracking of the Bell presented another prob-
lem, and it is a story unto Itself. The inde-
pendent Lund Paint Company produced a
paint formula the same as that used on the
original Hall. Craftsmen at the Berry Farm
performed the cabinet work and made the
gorgeous chandeliers and the famed Rising
Sun Chair used by the Speaker. Two 60-foot
flag poles were donated by the Atlantic-
Richfield Company before the company was
taken over by the British. The four great
clocks, with their ten-foot faces, were made
by the skilled men of The American Sign &
Indicator Corporation, and independent Don
Koll Construction Company, builder of the
great Hall, raised them to their lofty po-
Yes, it was "We The People"?as Walter
Knott would say it, who dug the raw mate-
rials from the earth; who molded them into
bricks, copper and steel, and who fitted the
work of hand and machine into place.
Listening to this?unparalleled story of our
rise as a free enterprise nation, and thinking
back to those hours of indecision that must
have haunted the Pilgrims, I recalled the
words of William Bradford, the great Pilgrim
Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay,
that "great and honorable actions are ac-
companied by great difficulties, and must be
both ent,erprised and overcome with answer-
able courage."
According to histotical accounts, the crew
and captain of' the Speedwell, sister ship of
the Mayflower, must have gotten faint heart
because they managed to create delays that
ended in a final count Of 102 strong hearts
being put aboard the Mayflower, to begin a
voyage as immortal as life itself.
What fears they must have suffered. The
sickness and death. The storms and fog. The
unknown dangers that awaited them if they
ever reached land, yet all we hear today, it
seems, is "give the people this and give them
that;" welfare, welfare, welfare, and what
welfare is there to life if man is to lose the
enterprise to overcome? If he stands in his
ghetto and blames everyone but himself for
his plight? If he shall run his own farm or
business and look not to the threats against
his country or his family until trouble is on
his own doorstep?
Lowell wrote that the American Republic
will endure only so long as the ideas of the
men who founded it remain dominant, but
has any generation ever drifted so far afield
from the ideas, the dreams of the American
Revolution, as the present generation?
I say to everyone, everywhere in America,
that Jefferson was either right or wrong when
he warned "it is not to the advantage of a
Republic that a few should control the many,
when nature has scattered so much talent
through the conditions of men;" and that
James Madison was either right or wrong
when he warned: "Hold fast to programs,
both rational and moral, that have as their
central goal a constant diffusion of power."
Both these men feared too much power in
too few hands. Both spoke constantly of
moral values being basic to social, economic
and political values, and they knew if safe-
guards were not erected that every step of the
people would be away from a free Republic
and toward great concentrations of power
now seen in holding companies, conglomer-
ates, giant labor unions, powerful chain
store systems, and all-embracing govern-
All trends today?everywhere?are away
from the self-determination, self-reliance, in-
dependent enterprise, local control over lo-
cal affairs in government that is basic to the
philosophy upon which our nation was
founded, but despite a clamor of voices
raised against this -change in our society,
voices such as our own National Federation
of Independent Business now reaching mil-
lions of people weekly, the task of turning
the tide is shirked or ignored by so many
who have so much to lose.
I believe there are people in this audience
from all walks of life who see the America
of yesterday as a kind of Messiah among the
nations of the world, and our youth today
are asking that she fulfill this role. They
know little of how to fill their part of the
role or what it really is. They ask only for a
cause?not knowing that the TIMES are their
cause, and it is so with older Americans, in
all walks of life.
And so I say to all of you in radio land,
the debate that took place in Independence
Hall must begin all over again, for only on
the battlefields of the minds of men will
such great ideas as those which founded our
nation be relived. We need to say My Coun-
try 'Tis of Thee, Sweet Land of Liberty in
the way it ran through the minds of the poor,
uneducated immigrants who knelt on the
decks of ships that emerged from the fog
and into sight of the Statute of Liberty,
weeping when they saw the great Torch of
Freedom held high in the heavens over New
York harbor.
No other people in the world were ever so
blessed with so many opportunities to serve
their nation and the world, for what hopes
would there be for people anywhere who love
liberty, if America should lose her hold on
the traditions and wealth with which she is
now possessed?
George Washington wrote: "The fate of
the Republic is in the hands of God," but
he called upon all Americans, both then and
now, to "raise a standard to which the good
and wise can repair;" saying in effect that
if God gives all things to man, if he neglects,
forgets or misuses his freedom, all things
will someday be taken from him.
Let us set our course with the zeal, courage
and dreams which motivated those who took
to pathless seas, to find a land where they
could sow their seeds and reap their harvests,
free from the tyrannies of the old world.
Their dreams came true, and later gener-
ations called it The American Dream . .
a dream that took Walter Knott from a
humble tenant farm to the builder of a
seoond Hall of American Independence, to
help make the first one live.
From an address by Abraham Lincoln
(Cincinnati, 1856): "Let us appeal to the
sense and patriotism of the people, not to
their prejudices; let us spread the floods of
enthusiasm here aroused all over these vast
prairies so suggestive of freedom. There is
both a power and a magic in popular opin-
ion. To that let us now appeal."
Mr. PELL. Mr. President, the Euro-
pean Commission on Human Rights has
been working for almost 2 years on a
report accusing the Greek Government
of torturing political prisoners as a mat-
ter of policy.
While this report must remain con-
fidential until it has been fully consid-
ered by the Council, the London Sunday
Times has secured a copy of it, an ab-
stract of which appeared in the Wash-
ington Post of today.
I ask unanimous consent that this ab-
stract be inserted in the RECORD follow-
ing my remarks.
objection, it is so ordered.
(See exhibit 1.)
Mr. FELL. If this report of the Euro-
pean Commission on Human Rights does
result in the expulsion or suspension of
Greece from the Council of Europe I be-
lieve this would be a very good thing in
that it might be the dash of cold water
needed to jolt the Colonels' junta in
putting its foot down on the use of tor-
ture and might even push them along
on the road toward elections.
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[From the Washington (D.C.) Post,
Dec. 4., 19691
Lormore?A secret report prepar by the
European Commission. on Human eaglets ac-
cuses the Greek government of tort uring po-
litical prisoners as a matter of pole y.
Almost certainly the raidings of I he report
Will lead to Greece being expelled from the
Council of Europe this month.
The Sunday Times has examined a copy of
the report, which lists 213 cases in which
there is prima fade evidence of torture. And
the report produces evidence suggesOng that
five men, all named, have died as a result
of the policy of torture.
The chief method employed Wee beating
on the soles of the feet, which is extremely
painful but leaves little or no trace
The report alleges that a member of the
ruling junta, Ioannis Lades, person dig tor-
tured one prisoner.
But perhaps more important than the de-
tails of brutality is the fact that the com-
mission deal in detail with the defense
which the Greek government has given for
its admitted suspension of civil liberties.
The Greeks have always claimed that there
was a Communist, or "Leftist" plan to seize
power averted only by the colonels' own
, coup in 1967.
The 15 international lawyers of the Com-
mission reject the Greek evidence that there
was any such plot, and accuse thm j mai of
producing forged evidence.
In September 1967, Sweden, Denmark. Nor-
way and the Netherlands charged the Greek
regime, fellow-member with themselves of
, the Council of Europe, with having violated
certain fundamental rights of the Greek peo-
ple. Six months later, the four pemesting
1 governments extended their indictment.
They accused the Greek government of
' torture?not merely random cases of arbi-
trary police brutality, but of a state of af-
fairs where "high officials within the hier-
archy of state authorities or with their per-
mission or knowledge . . . permit or even
systematically make use of torture'
A nation cannot remain a member of the
Council unless it is a parliamentary democ-
racy. So the charge made against Greece im-
plied at once the sanction of expulskee
1 The task of examining the case Was given
Ito the Commission on Rumlin Rights, based
Ilike the council itself in Strasbourg, Right
Iinternational lawyers have :Tent the inter-
vening two years on the investigation, in-
terrogating eighty-seven witnesses, includ-
,ing officials of the Greek junta, political pris-
eners still in jail in Greece, politicians in
exile, journalists, doctors, workers for Am-
nesty International, and even at one stage
et waiter in Liverpool.
Another seven lawyers joined in the evalu-
ation of the evidence. The result is that the
Greek junta has been found guilty precisely
as charged. Almost inevitably, this means
that Greece will be expelled from the Coon-
ell of Europe this month.
1 The 1,200-page report of the commisasion
remains a secret document. There is no
present official intention to publish it. How-
ever, The Sunday Times has been able to
obtain a copy, and extracts are publishes/ on
tile grounds that It presents perhaps the
nearest possible approach to a definitiee
tount of the condition of liberty in Greece.
, The commission mentions e13 eases In
which there is prima fade evidence or tor-
tine?some can be more thoetughly elocu-
mented than others. And it producesi evi-
dence to suggest that at least five people
May have deed as a result of torture inflibted.
These are named as Costes Paleegos,
nnis Chalkidis, George Tsarouchas, Phen-
yl tis Ellis and Nikiforos Mandilares. I
orture is only one aspect of the suspen-
et n of civil liberties laid to the junta* ac-
count. In deeense, the Greek government
claimed before the Commission that the
suspension of civil liberties was justified by
the existence Df a danger to the State. The
oammissicei devotes about half its report to
the matter of this defense; this is, perhaps,
the most detailed examination of the well-
known allegation that leftwing groups were
planning violent revolution before the coup
which brought the junta to power in 1987.
The commission finds that there is con-
siderable evidence that no such plans existed
for the overthrow of the state.
The junta also produced a letter which
purported to show that the late George
Papandreou, the leader of the Center Party,
had been negotiating with Me Communists.
The comenissior found that one of the junta's
own witnesses, a Dr. Keessaskia, had proved
this document to be a forgery tire years
In the 430-page section on torture, the
Commission lista and analyses the evidence
it heard from 38 witnesses in Athens and
Strasbourg. Sixreen of these claimed to be
victims -Of -torture; 25 were accused police
officers and others in official positions under
the regime.
Then the commission gives its conclu-
SiOns?reached by majorities of 10 to 13. "The
commission has found it established beyond
doubt that torture or ill-treatment . ? has
been inflicted in a number of cases."
This has been a sustained policy: "There
has since April, :1987, been a practice of tor-
ture and ill-treatment by the Athens Se-
curity Police, in Bouboulinas Street, or per-
sons arrested for political offenses. This tor-
ture and ill-treaenent has most often con-
sisted of the application of lalangee or
severe -beatings to all parts of the body. Its
purpose has been the extraction of informa-
tion including confessions concerning the
political activities and associations of the
victims and other persons considered to be
Moreover, the junta has condoned this to
the point at which torture has become "ad-
ministrative practice." "The competent
Greek authorities, confronted with numerous
and substantial complaints and allegations
of torture and ill-treatment, have failed to
take any effective steps to investigate them
or to ensure remedies for such complaints or
allegations found to be true."
The Commission devotes one entire volume
of its report simply to listing 213 people who
are alleged to have been tortured, and the
evidence available in each case.
This, the comminsion agrees, does not pro-
vide proof. But the report points out: "The
commission ca.nno; ignore the sheer num-
ber of complaints ... It is not able to reject
the whole as a conspiracy by Communist and
antigovernment groups to discredit the gov-
ernment and the police . . . It cannot but
regard the actual number of complaints
brought before it as strong indication that
acts of torture or ill-treatment are not iso-
lated or exceptional, nor limited to one
Faced with this mass of cases to examine
the commission decided to take a sort of
random sample and focus on selected cases
throughout Greece, "The . . . commission
has investigated 30 cases to a substantial de-
gree and expressed some conclusion with
regard to 28 of them. With regard to these
cases the Commission finds it established
that: torture or ill-treatment has been in-
flicted in 1i individual cases (it then lists the
cases) . . the evidence before the commis-
sion of torture or ill -treatment having heed
inflicted on 17 other individuals demands
further investigation . . the commission
was in effect prevented directly or indirectly
by the respondent government (Greece)
from completing its investigation of these
cases . . ."
The junta refused to allow the commission
to see 21 witnesses. Among those 21 were the
alleged victims most reliably reported to bear
still the physical marks of their experi-
In most cases, however, a method of tor-
ture, falanga, had been chosen which does
not leave marks. The report describes it:
"Falange or bastinado has been a method of
torture known for centuries. It is the beat-
ing of the feet with a- wooden or metal stick
or bar which, if skillfully done, breaks no
bones, Makes no skin lesions, and leaves no
permanent anti recognizable Marks, but
muses intense pain and Swelling of the
feet . . ."
Lacking simple medical evidence, the Com-
mission spent months cross-checking wit-
nesses' stories. The 30 vises the Commission
examined in this detail are a recital of
On one page are details of the beating
which Ioannis Lades, then Secretary-Gen-
eral of the Ministry of Public Order, per-
sonally gave to a journalist Of whom he die-
approved?"He struck me with his flat. . .
and started pouring out insults . .
" 'You are a party, a Bulger. You shall die.
I shall kill you with my bare hands
On other pages is the tragedy of Anastasia
Tsirka?Police came to her Meese on the
night of September 23, 1967 and found three
leaflets of a banned organization. Tsirka was
tortured to discover we had given them to
her. The beatings of the Seourity police in
Boubulinas Street killed her unborn child_
The doctors think she is now probably
- The junta maintained it had conducted an
Inquiry into Mrs. Tsirka's allegations and
disproved them. The commission found that
the inquiry had omitted even to question
doctors at the hospital to which she was
taken after her miscarriage.
Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, a great
number of inquiries have come from
Members of the Senate, as well as from
the people of the Nation, about the draw-
ing under the new Selective Service Act.
Selective Service has prepared a ntnnber
of questions and answers that are most
commonly asked about this subject, and
I ask unanimous consent that, for the
information of the membership and the
public, the questions and answers which
have been prepared be inserted in the
RECORD at this point.
There being no objection, the ques-
tions and answers were ordered to be
printed in the RECORD, as follows:
Question. Explain the drawing under the
recently emended Selective Service Act.
Answer. On December 1, there was a draw-
ing in Washington of 366 closed capsules in
each of which was a slip a paper on which
was written a month anaL day of the year,
for example, May 2, June 1; etc. The order in
which these capsules were drawn determines
the relative position in the national random
sequence of registrants born on all the dates
of the year including February 29. As Sep-
tember 14 was drawn first,-ail men born on
September le are No, 1 in the national ran-
dom sequence. As June 8 was drawn last, all
men with that birthday are No. 366 in the
national random sequence.
Question. How will this sequence be used
by local boards?
Answer. Each local board will assign num-
bers to its registrants who are in I-A or who
become I-A in eceord with the national
sequence. Some local boards may not have
at any one time men with birthdays on
every day. In such a case the kcal board
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S15006 11'1' CONGRESSIONAL RECORD? SENATE November 25, 1969
Mr. BYRD of Virginia. Mr. President,
during the weekend, I had an opportu-
nity to study the communique issued
Friday by the President of the United
States and the Prime Minister of Japan.
It was cordial in tone, as it should
have been. It is important, I feel, that
there be a close and friendly relation-
ship between Japan and the United
Prime Minister Sato's visit to the
United States, as President Nixon made
clear, should help achieve a better un-
derstanding between the two countries.
The text of the communique is three
columns of newspaper type. It is divided
into 15 brief sections.
The key section is number 6.
This is the section which deals spe-
cifically with Okinawa. In this section,
the Prime Minister emphasized his view
that the time had come to respond to
the strong desire of the people of Japan
to return Okinawa to Japanese control.
President Nixon expressed appreciation
of the Prime Minister's view:
Now we come to the key sentences:
They (President Nixon and Prime Minis-
ter Sato) therefore agreed that the two gov-
ernments would immediately enter into
consultations regarding specific arrange-
ments for accomplishing the early reversion
of Okinawa without detriment to the secu-
rity of the Far East, including Japan.
They further agreed to expedite the con-
sultations with a view to accomplishing the
reversion during 1972, subject to the con-
clusion of these specific arrangements with
the necessary legislative support.
Now, let us analyze the above lan-
Just what agreement was reached by
Mr. Nixon and Mr. Sato.
First. They agreed that the two gov-
ernments would immediately enter into
consultations regarding specific arrange-
ments for accomplishing the early rever-
sion of Okinawa, and,
Second. Such consultations would be
subject to the conclusion of these spe-
cific arrangements with the necessary
legislative support.
So, it seems clear that the only agree-
ment made by President Nixon is one of
principle; namely, an early reversion of
? But no details have been agreed to.
No specific arrangements have been
agreed to.
The agreement, to cite the text of the
communique, is to "enter into consulta-
tions regarding specific arrangements."
As one who feels that the United
States must have the unrestricted use
of Okinawa, our greatest military com-
plex in the far Pacific, if we are to con-
tinue our widespread commitments in
Asia, I frankly am relieved since reading
the text of the communique.
The text does not bear out the news-
paper headlines concerning the com-
The only agreement President Nixon
made was to "immediately enter into
consultations regarding specific arrange-
And then that was followed by the two
leaders of government specifying that
any specific arrangements would be sub-
ject to legislative support which, insofar
as the United States is concerned, means
approval by the Senate.
I am glad to state to the Senate that
I support this communique. It should
help Prime Minister Sato in Japan with-
out forfeiture by the United States of any
control over Okinawa other than agree-
ing to enter "into consultations regard-
ing specific arrangements."
I am especially pleased that the Sen-
ate's role in any final arrangements af-
fecting Okinawa is specifically recog-
nized in the text of the communique.
The fact that this is so clearly spelled
out in the communique results, I feel,
from the action taken by the Senate of
the United States on November 5, 1969.
On that date, the Senate, by a re-
corded vote of 63 to 14, specified that any
change in the Treaty of Peace with
Japan must come to the Senate for ap-
proval or disapproval.
In the Nixon/Sato communique 16
days later, both leaders recognized that
any "specific arrangements" affecting
Okinawa would be subject to Senate ap-
In my judgment, this establishes a his-
toric precedent and one which is of vital
importance both to the Senate and to
the Nation.
President Johnson, last year, unilater-
ally returned to Japan the Bonin Islands,
which included Iwo Jima, without sub-
mitting his action to the Senate for rati-
The Senate was not aware of President
Johnson's action until the deed had been
But the Senate on November 5 of this
year served notice that any changes in
treaties previously ratified by the Sen-
ate must be submitted to the Senate for
This action of the Senate on Novem-
ber 5, followed by the Nixon/Sato com-
munique of November 21, makes clear
that both the Senate and President Nixon
are aware that no change may be made
In the present status of Okinawa without
Senate approval.
It is difficult to predict what the Senate
will do in regard to Okinawa?and I do
not intend to try.
The leadership of the Senate favors
an early return of Okinawa to Japan, but
I have talked with a great many Senators
who do not agree with that viewpoint.
I have the feeling that the United
States will be retaining the free and un-
restricted use of Okinawa until such
time as we reduce our commitments to
defend so many Asian nations. It is my
hope that we will soon begin to reduce
our Asian commitments.
I ask unanimous consent, Mr. Presi-
dent, that the text of the Nixon-Sato
communique be printed at this point in
There being no objection, the com-
munique was ordered to be printed in
the RECORD, as follows:
WASHINGTON, November 21.?Following is
the text of the joint communiqu?ssued to-
day by President Nixon and Premier Eisaku
Sato of Japan:
President Nixon and Prime Minister Sato
met in Washington on Nov. 19, 20 and 21,
1969, to exchange views on the present inter-
national situation and on other matters of
mutual interest to the United States and
The President and the Prime Minister rec-
ognized that both the United States and
Japan have greatly benefited from their close
association in a variety of fields, and they
declared that guided by their common prin-
ciples of democracy and liberty, the two
countries would maintain and strengthen
their fruitful cooperation in the continuing
search for world peace and prosperity and in
particular for the relaxation of international
tensions. The President expressed his and his
Government's deep interest in Asia and stated
his belief that the United States and Japan
should cooperate in contributing to the peace
and prosperity of the region. The Prime
Minister stated that Japan would make fur-
ther active contributions to the peace and
prosperity of Asia.
The President and the Prime Minister
exchanged frank views on the current in-
ternational situation, with particular atten-
tion to developments In the Far East, The
President, while emphasizing that the coun-
tries in the area were expected to make their
own efforts for the stability of the area, gave
assurance that the United States would con-
tinue to contribute to the maintenance of
International peace and security in the Far
East by honoring its defense treaty obliga-
tions in the area. The Prime Minister, ap-
preciating the determination of the United
States, stressed that it was important for the
peace and security of the Far East that the
Unied States should be in a position to
carry out fully Its obligations referred to by
the President. He further expressed his rec-
ognition that, in the light of the present
situation, the presence of United States forces
in the Far East constituted a mainstay ft
the stability of the area.
The President and the Prime Minister spe-
cifically noted the continuing tension over
the Korean peninsula. The Prime Minister
deeply appreciated the peace-keeping efforts
of the United Nations in the area and stated
that the security of the Republic of Korea
was essential to Japan's own security. The
President and the Prime Minister shared the
hope that Communist China would adopt a
more cooperative and constructive attitude in
its external relations. The President referred
to the treaty obligations of his country to the
Republic of China which the United States
would uphold. The Prime Minister said that
the maintenance of peace and security in the
Taiwan area was also a most important
factor for the security of Japan. The Presi-
dent described the earnest efforts made by
the United States for a peaceful and just
settlement of the Vietnam problem. The
President and the Prime Minister expressed
the strong hope that the war in Vietnam
would be concluded before return of the ad-
ministrative rights over Okinawa to Japan.
In this connection, they agreed that, should
peace in Vietnam not have been realized
the time reversion of Okinawa is scheduled
to take place, the two Governments would
fully consult with each other in the light of
the situation at that time so that reversion
would be accomplished without affecting the
United States efforts to assure the South
Vietnamese people the opportunity to deter-
mine their own political future without out-
side interference. The Prime Minister stated
that Japan was exploring what role she could
play in bringing about stability In the Indo-
china area.
In light of the current situation and the
prospects in the Fax East, the President and
the Prime Minister agreed that they highly
valued the role played by the Treaty of Mu-
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S 15005
Studefils- Teachers-
American :manish- Minority 1.0----- American Spanish- Minority
Indians Negro Oriental American total Other Total grades Indians Negro Oriental American total Other Total
Highland Park (43)____ 0 03 1 5 737 7420 2 0 26 28
Smith (67) 0 0 2 0 3 519 522 (O. 6) 0 0 0 0 .0 15 15
Windemere (70) 0 0 3 0 3 565 563 (0. 5) 0 0 0 0 0 18 18
1(158 (49) 0 3 0 0 3 660 661 (0, 5) 0 1 0 0 1 21 22
, 000000000001110
Fireatone (6) 0 3 0 I 4 1, 340 1,344 (0. 3) 0 2 0 0 2 50 52
HattOn (40) 0 2 0 0 2 981 982 (0. 2) 0 2 0 0 2 28 30
Ellet (4) 0 2 0 0 2 1,132 1,134 (11.2) 0 1 0 0 1- 45 46
Ritzntan (63) 0 0 1 0 I 797 798 (0. 1) 0 2 0 0 2 24 26
Fairlawn (31) 0 0 I 0 1 834 835 (0.1) 0 1. 0 0 1 24 25
Byre (14) 0 I 0 0 I 1,369 1,370(0.1)0 1 0 0 1 49 50
Betty Jane (24) 0 0 0 0 0 1,111 1,111(0.0)0 2 0 0 2 37 39
Hillwolod (45) 0 9 0 0 0 101 1010 0 0 0 0 2 2
FiresiOne Park (33)- 0 0 0 0 0 1,057 1,057(0.0)0 2 0 0 2 29 31
Guinther (38) 0 0 0 0 0 289 2890 0 0 0 0 8 8
Voris (69) 0 0 0 0 0 596 59601111111000 ) 0 0 0 0 0 27 27
Thomaitown (68) 0 0 0 0 0 298 298 (0.0) 0 0 0 0 0 10 10
Lawndale (51)__.- .-- 0 0 0 0 0 421 421 (0. 0) 0 1 0 0 1 _ 13 14
Number 0 3,206 111 11 3, 227 11,083 14,310 0 26 0 1 27 536 563
Percent,... 0 22.4 .1 .1 22. 6 77. 4 100 0 4.8 a .2 4.8 95.2 190
First Street (10)____.._. 0 493 0
Washington (22) 0 242 0
.1eGerson (12) o 412
Tod Avenue Elemen-
tary (2) o 102 0
Willard (24) 0 305 1
Market (21) 0 159 0
Roosevelt (18) 0 117 0
West (23)., 0 165 1
Last (7) 1 0 156 0
Turner (21) 0 121 1
Warren W tern Re-
serve (3 0 358 3
Mann (15) 0 125 0
Harding (1), 0 294 1
Alden (4) 'I 0 56 1
Elm Road (8) 0 32 1
Laird Avenue (13) 0 40 0
Dickey Avenue (6) 0 12 0
McKinley (17) o a o
Emerson (9),, 0 6 0
Garfield (11): 0 2 0
McGuffey (16) 0 1 0
Lincoln (14). ''t 0 o o
Secrest (l9)_ i 0 0 o
Devon (5) 1.. 0 0
493 15 508 (97.0) 0 6 0 0 6 16 22
242 33 2750 2 0 0 2 11 13
413 116 529 (78.1) 0 2 0 0 2 19 21
102 52 154 (66.2) 0 0 0 0 0 8 s
307 158 465 (66.0) 0 1 a 0 1 19 20
159 96 2550 5 0 0 5 II 16
118 367 485 (24.3) 0 0 0 0 0 16 16
166 547 713 (23.3) a o o 0 0 32 32
156 556 712 (21.9) 0 1 0 0 1 .31 32
122 517 639 (19.1) 0 0 0 0 0 24 24
362 1,577 1,9390 3 0 0 3 82 85
01 111110082071)
125 580 705 (17.7) 0 0 0 0 0 22 22
300 1,646 1,9460 3 0 1 4 tat 88
57 383 4400 0 0 0 0 15 15
33 320 ' 3530 2 0 0 2 11 13
40 427 4670 1 0 0 1 14 15
14 413 4270 0 0 0 0 15 15
8 498 5060 0 0 0 0 16 16
6 672 6780 0 0 0 0 22 22
3 452 4550 0 0 0 0 15 15
1 554 5550 0 0 0 0 19 19
0 168 1680 0 6 0 0 7 7
0111181100000 88?
0 516 5160 0 0 0 0 14 14
0111111100000 88?
0 4211 420 (0) 0 0 a o o 1.3 13
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tual Cooperation and Security in maintain-
ing the peace and security of the Far East
including Japan, and they affirmed the in-
tention of the two Governments flunly to
maintain the treaty on the basis of mutual
trust and common evaluation of the inter-
national situation. They further agreed that
the two Governments should maintain close
contact with each other on matters affect-
ing the peace and security of the Far En-St,
including Japan, and on the implemen-
tation of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation
and Security.
The Prime Minister emphasized his view
that the time had come to respond to the
strong desire of the people of Japan, of
both the mainland and Okinawa, to have
the administrative rights over Okinawa re-
turned to Japan on the basis of the friendly
relations between the United States and
Japan and thereby to restore Okinawa to
its normal status. The President expressed
appreciation of the Prime Minister's view.
The President and the Prime Minister also
recognized the vital role played by United
States forces in Okinawa in the present sit-
uation in the Far East. As a result of their
discussion it was agreed that the mutual
security interests of the United States and
Japan could be accommodated within ar-
rangements for the return of the adminis-
trative rights over Okinawa to Japan. They
therefore agreed that the two Governments
would immediately enter into consultations
regarding specific arrangements for accom-
plishing the early reversion of Okinawa with-
out detriment to the security of the Far
East including Japan. They further agreed
to expedite the consultations with a view
to accomplishing the reversion during 1972,
subject to the conclusion of these specific
arrangements with the necessary legislative
support. In this connection, the Prime Min-
ister made clear the intention of his Govern-
ment, following reversion, to assume grad-
ually the responsibility for the immediate
defense of Okinawa as part of Japan's de-
fense efforts for her own territories. The
President and the Prime Minister agreed
also that the United States would retain,
under the terms of the Treaty of Mutual
Cooperation and Security, such military fa-
cilities and areas in Okinawa as required
in the mutual security of both countries.
The President and the Prime Minister
agreed that, upon return of the administra-
tive rights, the Treaty of Mutual Coopera-
tion and Security and its related arrange-
ments would apply to Okinawa without mod-
ification thereof. In this connection, the
Prime Minister affirmed the recognition of
his Government that the security of Japan
could not be adequately maintained with-
out international peace and security in the
Far East and, therefore, the security of
countries in the Far East was a matter of
serious concern for Japan. The Prime Min-
ister was of the view that, in the light of
such recognition on the part of the Japanese
Government, the return of the administra-
tive rights over Okinawa in the manner
agreed above should not hinder the effective
discharge of the international obligations
assumed by the United States for the defense
of countries in the Far East, including Japan.
The President replied that he shared the
Prime Minister's view.
The Prime Minister described in detail
the particular sentiment of the Japanese
people against nuclear weapons and the
policy of the Japanese Government reflect-
ing such sentiment. The President expressed
his deep understanding and assured the
Prime Minister that, without prejudice to
the position of the United States Govern-
ment with respect to the prior consultation
system under the Treaty of Mutual Coopera-
tion and Security, the reversion of Okinawa
would be carried out in a manner consistent
with the policy of the Japanese Government
as described by the Prime Minister.
The President and the Prime Minister took
note of the fact that there would be a num-
ber of financial and economic problems, in-
cluding those concerning United States busi-
ness interests in Okinawa, to be solved be-
tween the two countries in connection with
the transfer of the administrative rights
over Okinawa to Japan and agreed that de-
tailed discussions relative to their solution
would be initiated promptly.
The President and the Prime Minister,
recognizing the complexity Of the problems
involved in the reversion of Okinawa, agreed
that the two Governments should consult
closely and cooperate on the measures neces-
sary to assure a smooth transfer of adminis-
trative rights to the Japanese Government, in
accordance with reversion arrangements to
be agreed to by both Governments. They
agreed that the United States-Japan Con-
sultative Committee in Tokyo should under-
take over-all responsibility for this prepara-
tory work. The President and the Prime
Minister decided to establish in Okinawa a
preparation commission in place of the exist-
ing advisory committee to the High Commis-
sioner of the Ryukyu Islands for the purpose
of consulting and coordinating locally on
measures relating to preparation for the
transfer of administrative rights, including
necessary assistance to the government of the
Ryukyu Islands. The preparatory commission
will be composed of a representative of the
Japanese Government with ambassadorial
rank and the High Commissioner of the Ryu-
kyu Islands, with the chief executive of the
government of the Ryukyu Islands acting as
adviser to the commission. The commission
will report and make recommendations to
the two Governments through the United
States-Japan Consulative Committee.
[ if]
The President and the Prime Minister ex-
pressed their conviction that a mutually sat-
isfactory solution of the question of the re-
turn of the administrative rights over Oki-
nawa to Japan, which is the last of the major
issues between the two countries arising from
World War II, would further strengthen
United States-Japan relations, which are
based on friendship and mutual trust and
would make a major contribution to the
peace and security of the Far East.
In their discussion of economic matters,
the president and the Prime Minister noted
the marked growth in economic relations be-
tween the two countries. They also acknowl-
edged that the leading positions which their
countries occupy in the world economy im-
pose important responsibilities on each for
the maintenance and strengthening of the
International trade and monetary system,
especially in the light of the current large
imbalances in trade and payments. In this
regard, the President stressed his determina-
tion to bring inflation in the United States
under control. He also reaffirmed the com-
mitment of the United States to the princi-
ple of promoting freer trade. The Prime Min-
ister indicated the intention of the Japanese
Government to accelerate rapidly the reduc-
tion of Japan's trade and capital restrictions.
Specifically, he stated the intention of the
Japanese Government to remove Japan's
residual import quota restrictions over a
broad range of products by the end of 1971
and to make maximum efforts to accelerate
the liberalization of the remaining items. He
added that the Japanese Government in-
tends to make periodic reviews of its liberali-
zation program with a view to implementing
S 15007
trade liberalization at a more acceler-
ated pace than hitherto. The President
and the Prime Minister agreed that their re-
spective actions would further ?solidify the
foundation of over-all 'U.S.-Japan relations.
The President and the Prime Minister
agreed that attention to the economic needs
of the developing countries was essential to
the development of international peace and
stability. The Prime Minister stated the in-
tention of the Japanese Government to ex-
pand and improve its aid programs in Asia,
commensurate with the economic growth of
Japan.. The President welcomed this state-
ment and confirmed that the United States
would continue to contribute to the eco-
nomic development of Asia. The President
and Prime Minister recognized that there
would be major requirements for the post-
war rehabilitation of Vietnam and elsewhere
in Southeast Asia. The Prime Minister stated
the intention of the Japanese Government
to make a substantial contribution to this
The Prime Minister congratulated the
President on the successful moon landing of
Apollo 12, and expressed the hope for a safe
journey back to earth for the astronauts. The
President and the Prime Minister agreed that
the exploration of space offers great oppor-
tunities for expanding cooperation in peace-
ful scientific projects arriong all nations. In
this connection, the Prime Minister noted
with pleasure that the United States and
Japan last summer had concluded an agree-
ment on space cooperation. The President
and the Prime Minister agreed that imple-
mentation of this unique program is of im-
portance to both countries.
[ is]
The President and the Prime Minister dis-
cussed prospects for the promotion of arms
control and the slowing down of the arms
race. The President outlined his Govern-
ment's efforts to initiate the strategic arms
limitations talks with the Soviet Union that
have recently started in Helsinki. The Prime
Minister expressed his Government's strong
hopes for the success of these talks. The
Prime Minister pointed out his country's
strong and traditional interest in effective
disarmament measures with a view to
achievement of general and complete dis-
armament under strict and effective interna-
tional control.
Mr. HOLLINGS. Mr. President, I com-
mend our distinguished colleague from
Virginia for emphasizing the importance
of the Okinawa question to the security
of the free world, and its disposition to
the interest and participation of the
U.S. Senate, as concerns the so-called
agreement or communique between
President Nixon and Prime Minister
I do not necessarily enjoy the same
comfort as the Senator, but I hope he is
right. I do not necessarily enjoy the same
assurance that this communique is crys-
tal clear. Having just gone through a
3-month ordeal of headline and sub-
stance, and having had the headline pre-
vail after having read the substance over
and over again, and lost, and there being
no education in the second kick of a
mule, I would like to read some of the
headlines and show what I believe Prime
Minister Sato had in mind as to this
particular communique.
The headline in the Japan Times on
Tuesday, November 11, was as follows:
"Sato Tells Opposition U.S. Will O.K.
Reversion Under 1972 Formula." That is
the headline.
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S 15008
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It so happened that the Interpai lia-
inentary Union group 'from the 7.S.
enate was in Japan oil ' that day, and
isiting in the home of the Prime Minis-
ter. It was at practically that same ,ime
that the sense of the Senate resolu tic a of
the distinguished Senator from Virg info
was under consideration here. I w mid
liave joined in Support of what the :ien-
ator from Virginia presented in that
resolution. But Mr. Safe) received that
resolution in the context that it hat no
bearing whatsoever, and he said so very
Clearly. He said if he had inisunders ood
t, he did not believe he would have ')een
invited to the United States to corit inue
with discussions.
He cited the matter that uncle. no
Circumstance, for example, would the
textile talks be confused with the Oki=
nawa question. Now, Mr. President, this
s the one section of the article with
which I agree. I believe our international
Security and our commitments in the Par
East transcend a singular econ )mic
problem like textile jobs, and certainly
no one has been more attentive to that
particular problem than'.
Some have said that we are gem g to
Swap Okinawa for textiles with Japan,
and I do not agree with that approach
in any way whatsoever. I do not t hink
they should be confused, because this is
far, far more important to world peace
than fulfilling our comnaltinents ix the
Far East.
of the Senator has expired.
Mr. BYRD of Virginia. Mr. Presi lent,
I ask consent that I be permitted to con-
tinue for an additional 5 minutes.
objection, it is so ordered.
Mr. HOLLINGS. Mx. Preside] it, I
thought the Senator from Virginie has
yielded the floor. I will be glad to as the
Senator a question.
I do not necessarily wish to jein the
Senator from Virginia with my pertic-
ular thoughts. However, I will coin inue,
if the Senator will permit me.
I think there has been some confusion.
First, certainly we should not confuse
textiles with Okinawa.,Second, I de plore
the confusion of the Mutual Security
Pact of 1964 with the rights of 010 lawa.
I am fully aware of the statenient of
former Secretary of State Foster Dulles
and of the ultimate sovereignty. We do
not want countries. We did not wai t the
Philippines. We did not want Cub:, We
did not want Vietnam. We do not want
territorial gain. Everyone knows th at.
We do not want the reeponsibilit that
has been thrust upon us, but havin ; had
it thrust upon us, we should not con-
fuse the mutual security pact wita the
internal affairs of Japan.
Okinawa is so fundamental in lc arry-
ing out?at this particular time ia: any
other time?our commitment in the Far
It is only, in my judgment, as I see it
from listening to Japan itself, the do-
mestic political concern with the reelec-
tion of the Prime Minister in January
that brings about this confusion. They
want to have him reelected. That :s fine
with me. However, if It comes to filling
the commitment or getthig him reelected,
I think we should bring it clearly to the
attention of the people of Japan that
they should assume some of the respon-
I do not think that we should confuse
this with legislating the demonstrators
when we tell it like it is. And there has
been activity engaged in concerning our
responsibility or role as Senators. And I
am not sure that is appreciated yet by
the executive.
I hope that the Senator is correct. I
believe that ultimately Okinawa should
go back. I think that if we could make an
agreement to continue our responsibility
and operations in Japan with the un-
questioned right of launching combat op-
erations, to use the expression employed
in Japan?not just nuclear, but also com-
bat operations?without having to -Check
with the Japaneie Government, that is
all we would need.
Under the 1972 formula, we have to
check with them. This is what Mr. Sato
understands. If we could only buy a
subscription to tae Japanese Times for
the Members of the Senate between now
and the election in January, we would
understand better what has been and
is being published in the headlines in-
stead of what is in the actual agreement.
I think this is an important agreement.
The Senator feom Virginia interprets
the Senate's clear language as conveyed
in the Byrd resolution as reaffirming the
obligation and right of the Senate with
respect to treaty obligation. I would wish
that if the executive disagrees with the
Senator's version, he would so state.
I think that the Senator from Virginia
has brought about a very important un-
derstanding and brought it to the light
of truth.
Getting behind the headlines and to
the substance of the matter, I can see
where the substance of the Senator's
interpretation is founded. However, un-
fortunately, that has not been my
Mr. BYRD of Virginia. Mr. President,
I thank the distinguished and able Sen-
ator from South Carolina. I associate
myself with his statements for the most
In regard to what Mr. Sato may feel
about what should happen to Okinawa,
that is his own personal view. However,
I am taking the language of the com-
munique signed by the President of the
United States and by the Prime Minister
of Japan at face value.
I am assuming that they are being fair
with the American people and with the
Japanese people and with the Senate of
the United States, and that the execu-
tive branch of the Government will do
what the communique says it will do, and
that is, submit any proposal affecting
Okinawa to the Senate of the United
The PRESIDING One/UM. The time
of the Senator has expired.
Mr. BYRD of Virginia. Mr. President,
I ask unanimous consent that I be rec-
ognized for an additional 3 minutes.
objection, it is se ordered.
Mr. BYRD of Virginia. Mr. President,
if that is done, I am convinced that
there are enough Senators who feel that
Okinawa is vital to the United States
If our country is to continue to guaran-
tee the freedom of so many Asian na-
I have no doubt that Prime Minister
Sato will endeavor to use his discussions
with the President to his political ad-
vantage in Japan. And like the Senator
from South Carolina, I See no particular
objection to that. He is entitled to put
whatever interpretations he wishes on it.
However, what we in the Senate have a
right to rely upon is the statement of
the President of the United States which
is inserted as a major part of the com-
munique?that any action must receive
legislative support.
I think, as does the Senator from
South Carolina, that this is a vitally im-
portant matter.
This Nation is deeply committed all
over the world.
We have mutual defense agreements
with 44 different nations.
We have committed ourselves to de-
fend Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos,
Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines,
and many other places, the names of
which do not come to mind at the mo-
If we are going to adhere to all of
these commitments, I submit that we
had best keep our greatest military com-
plex in the far Pacific, which is Okinawa.
And I think the action the Senate took
on November 5 of this year in the sense-
of-the-Senate resolution will be ex-
tremely important in protecting the
Okinawa bases for the United States and
will also be extremely important in re-
asserting the Senate's role in foreign
Mr. HOLLINGS. Mr. President, I, too,
agree with the Senator from Virginia
that now is not the time to return Old-
nawa Under our present commitments
and under the present circumstances
with world peace being in jeopardy in the
Far East.
I am not ready to withdraw from the
Far East. I, too, as does the Senator from
Virginia, take the communique at its face
value. I read the same words:
They further agree to expedite the con-
sultations with a view to accomplishing the
reversion during 1972 subject to the conclu-
sion of these specific arrangements with the
necessary legislative support.
It does not guarantee the accomplish-
ment of it. And the word "support" does
not necessarily mean advice and con-
I believe the President wanted to put
It clearly in light of the sense of the
Senate resolution which advised that we
felt that the advice and consent to con-
firm the treaty ratification was necessary
and that the actual exclusion of the word
"ratification" is significant in itself. And
their use of the word "support," rather
than "ratification," is what is disturb-
ing to me.
I hope the Senator is correct. We have
the same sentiment, I believe, with re-
spect to our commitments and the vital
nature of Okinawa at this time to the
fulfillment of the obligations of the Unit-
ed States in the Far East and in the
maintenance of world peace.
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November 18, fliW?"EtKithAIRAT3iiimitsiA,Ngwq93,914Foppepsi 20003-9 E 9787;
Norris remarked that on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 11, the Student Senate would hold a joint
meeting with the Faculty Senate, open to
the student body, in the small ballroom 'at
Squires Student Center. The purpose of the
meeting is to discuss the name change.
Tuesday, November 18, 1969
Mr. FRASER. Mr. Speaker, ham-
handed efforts by the Greek colonels to
stifle the Greek press continue. The
junta's most recent moves are clearly
described in two recent New York Times
dispatches from Athens. In its last two
paragraphs, the second of these reports,
which appears in this morning's Times,
characterizes the new press code:
It is widely believed here that the Gov-
ernment will soon announce the reactivation
of Article 14 of the Constitution, safeguard-
ing press freedom, to prove its intention to
restore constitutional rule.
But the enactment of the press code
heavily qualifies that freedom down to such
minute detail that Greek journalists feel
that in effect, they will be forced to consult
their lawyers whenever they plan to write
the latest sports roundup.
Mr. Speaker, I introduce these articles
into the RECORD at this point. The
colonels advocate severity as the mother
of justice and freedom. The recent Greek
experience proves otherwise. The arti-
cles follow:
[From the New York Times, Nov. 16, 1969]
ATHENS, November 15.?The military-
backed government of Greece today abolished
major financial concessions enjoyed for dec-
ades by Greek newspapers. The move was
described as a measure to "cleanse and
discipline" the press.
A new press law ended some duty exemp-
tions for imported newsprint. The privilege,
granted in 1938, was designed to facilitate
freedom of the press.
John Agathanghelou, Alternate Minister
to the Premier's office said at a news confer-
ence that the new press law sought "to pro-
tect society and the state from an abuse of
press freedom," an abuse that, he said, was
"the main cause for the decline of democracy
in Greece" before the military coup of April,
The Minister refused to disclose the full
contents of the news laws, which also specify
penalties for press offenses. He also refused to
answer all questions about the law; and said
technical reasons made it necessary for the
texts to be distributed Monday.
The press law also imposed strict controls
on the finances of all Greek newspapers, he
said, to insure "they cannot be bribed,
bought off, or engage in illicit transactions
that are not in the interests of the Greek
Mr. Agathangehelou refused to clarify, in
view of the suspension of coristitutional
guarantees for press, whether press offenses
would still be tried by special military tribu-
nals under the current martial law.
He said that the duty-free newsprint privi-
lege would now be scaled in this way: News-
papers with circulations up tb 25,000 daily
will still enjoy the privilege; dailies with
circulations up to 50,000 will pay 50 per cent
of the import duty for newsprint, which
amounts to 70 per cent of its cost?the duty
on a ton of newsprint costing $166 would
be $116.
The exemption rate will drop to 25 per cent
for circulations to 75,000 and to 5 per cent
for daily circulations of 100,000 or more. The
rates are to be applicable to all the news-
print used by each paper.
Three of the nine Athens dailies have a
circulation of over 100,000?the morning
Acropolis and its afternoon edition Apogev-
matini, and the evening Ta Nea.
All three were accused by the Government
recently of abusing the qualified press free-
dom granted on Oct. 3 after the abolition of
Their publishers were warned action would
be taken against them if they did not quit
printing "provocative" headlines and car-
toons implying hostility to the Government.
All three, particularly "Acropolis," have
since suffered severe financial losses in the
countryside, where local authorities forbid
local distribution agents to sell the usual
number. "Acropolis" estimates that its cir-
culation outside Athens has been cut down
by one-third, or by about 20,000 copies.
When its publisher protested to the Gov-
ernment, he was told that no restrictive
orders had been issued, but that the readers
"disgusted by the contents" of his paper had
decided overnight to stop buying it.
At today's news conference, Mr. Agathan-
ghelou also disclosed in order to offset news-
paper losses from the abolition of the duty
exemption, increases in the newsstand price
of newspapers?now frozen at 5 cents?would
be allowed. Larger sizes will also be allowed.
in order to make more space available for
A second new law requires press enter-
prises to pay taxes on profits, as do other
Greek businesses, although newspapers with
circulations under 15,000 will retain their
tax exemption.
Two of the three Athens dailies that sup-
port the Government circulate 12,000 to 15,-
000 copies a day, meaning they will retain
their privilege of importing newsprint duty-
free and will pay no taxes.
Mr. Agathanghelou, in explaining the new
tax system, said that one newspaper with a
circulation of 50,000 had been taxed $9,670
last year on profits of $140,000, for example.
- Under the new law it would pay $64,000 on
the same income.
He said the steps were to aid freedom of
the press "by equalizing the opportunity for
competition between large and small news-
[From the New York Times, Nov. 18, 1969]
ATHENS, November 17.?Prison terms and
fines for press offenses were decreed today by
the Greek Government in a law that goes
into effect Jan. 1.
The 101-article press code, officials said,
was designed to "cleanse and discipline" the
Greek press. They charged that the press
had been "responsible for the decadence of
Greek democracy" before the military take-
over 30 months ago.
Deputy Premier Stylianos Patakos, asked
why the new law was so severe, said tonight:
"Severity is the mother of justice and free-
The military-backed Government has
promised since the April, 1967, coup to re-
store genuine democracy after reforming in-
stitutions, but has been faced by the delicate
problem of allowing freedom of the press
without incurring the risks that a totally
free press might pose.
After 30 months of strict censorship, the
Government said on Oct. 3 that it was lifting
restrictions, in an apparent attempt to dem-
onstrate its good faith. However, editors were
given a two-page list of banned topics.
The code issued today is considered to be
another move in the Government's search for
a method of dealing with the press.
Under the code, courts must suspend the
publication of a newspaper if, within five
years, it twice commits certain offenses.
These include any articles that are deemed to
insult the king, or the state religion, to dis-
close military secrets, to incite sedition, to
propagate the views of outlawed parties or
to commit libel.
Publishers, editors and reporters will be
collectively responsible for the accuracy of
their publications and will be jointly indicted
in case of an offense.
Under the new code, incitement to sedi-
tion may involve prison terms ranging from
five years to life. The publication of an
article considered likely to shake the public
trust in the economy can bring imprison-
ment for at least six months and a fine of
at least $3,330.
Articles or cartoons judged to have re-
kindled political passions can result in a jail
term of at least a month and a fine of at
least $330.
Sentences of press offenses cannot be sus-
The new law also provides punishment for
misleading headlines, which have been used
recently to show hostility to the military-
backed Government and to the suspension
of 10 constitutional guarantees since the
coup in April, 1967.
Late last month, for example, an Athens
daily had a 3-inch-high headline saying
"More Democracy." In smaller letters, it
added: "?Brandt Promises."
The press code says: "The use of headlines,
pictures or drawings that do not reflect ac-
curately the relevant text or deliberately mis-
lead the public is punishable by a minimum
jail term of six months, a $3,330 fine and
suspension of the right to cut-rate duty
Also made punishable, press offenses under
the new rules were distortion or misinter-
pretation of parliamentary reports, defama-
tion, out-of-context reference to documents
or statements, descriptions of criminal acts
or suicides and references to trial cases be-
fore an irrevocable verdict.
Libel regulations were also tightened. Pen-
alties for insult, defamation and libel were
increased to a minimum of three months in
jail plus a minimum $660 fine.
Provisions of the new code announced last
Saturday abolished major financial conces-
sions that Greek newspapers had enjoyed for
decades. Among other actions,' the code ended
some duty exemptions for imported news-
print and required some newspapers for the
first time to pay taxes on profits, as do other
The new law establishes a commission of
senior judges and governmental officials who
are authorized to control the finances of all
newspapers to prevent bribery, blackmail and
foreign financing. Publishers must be Greek
All press offenses will be tried by the civil
courts after Jan. 1. Until then, the press
regulations issued under martial law, after
the abolition of preventive censorship in
October, remain in force and violations come
under the jurisdiction of special military
After the abolition, publishers discovered
that an anti-Government attitude increased
their sales. They devised a method of han-
dling headlines and cartoons that clearly im-
plied hostility to the military without vio-
lating the regulations.
To discourage this attitude, an erratic pat-
tern of obstruction of unfriendly newspapers
was established. The Government denied
that it had given any orders, but said that
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9784 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ?Extensions of Remarks November 18, 1969
readers had become "disgusted" by opposi-
tion newspapers and no longer bought them.
This resulted in severe trtancial losses for
(some leading Athens dailies, and they quickly
ended their critical practices. The new law
Will make these practices punishable by
prison terms and fines.
While the new code tries to discourage ir-
responsibility of the press, which had been
rampant before the coup, the penalties it
imposes on a broad range of topics is likely
to inhibit journalists.
It is widely believed here that the ClOvein-
inent will soon announce the reactivation of
Article 14 of the Constitution, safeguarding
Press freedom, to prove its intention to re-
Store constitutional rule.
But the enactment of the press code heavily
qualifies that freedom down to such minute
detail that Greek journalists feel that in
effect, they will be forced to consult their
latvyers whenever they plan to write the
latest sports roundup.
Tuesday, November 18, 1969
1 Mr. TEAGUE of Texas. Mr. Speaker,
recently Secretary Finch publicly an-
nounced an HEW directive to terrninate
the use and sale of DDT over the next
2 years. In light of this decision and the
reasons given for such action, I feel it is
ime for the House to take a carefql look
t H.R. 10749, legislation introduded by
he gentlewoman from liVa.liington (Mrs.
Ay) to indemnify our Nation's beekeep-
ers for losses sustained from the Use of
pesticides on adjacent faimlands. In a
etter to Secretary Hardin outlining the
problems now facing the honey industry,
Mr. Roy Weaver, of Navasota, Tex.,
tated 500,000 of our 5 million bee colo-
es were destroyed or heavily damaged
y pesticides in 1967. It is important for
the membership to read and understand
the significance of Mr. Weaver's letter,
which follows:
September 18, 1989.
D.S. Department of Agriculture,
Washington, D .0 .
DEAR MR. SECRETARY: I am Roy S. raver,
Jr., a commercial beekeeper in Texa oper-
ating about 5500 colonies of honey bees in
partnership with my father and one brother.
am chairman of the Legislative Conioilttee
Of The American Beekeeping Federations, and
chairman Of the Government ttelationS Corn-
inittee of the Honey Industry Council of
America. Duriny my beekeeping career I have
served as president of the American Bee-
keeping Federation, president of the Ameri-
can Bee Breeders Association, and president
bf the Texas Beekeepers Association.
The honeybee is of great value to agricul-
ture as a pollinator, and is the only known
ollinator which can be moved into an area
in great numbers when desired. Howeger, the
eekeeping industry in the United States is
?n poor condition. For the last 22 year% the
umber of colonies of honeybees in the U.S.
as declined steadily at the rate of l`g per
year. Many operators are finding it an un-
profitable enterprise and are going out of
business. If the abundant agricultural pro-
duction of the United States is to continue,
Ways must be found to reverse the, decline
in the number of colonies of honeybees.
There are two obvious sources for Increased
income to beekeepers. The first is through
the sale of the traditional cash, crop, honey,
at profitable prices. The second is through
the rental of honeybee colonies for the pol-
lination of agricultural crops.
Briefly, I recorrniend that the United
States Department of Agriculture aid the
beekeepers in selling their honey at a profit,
and aid beekeepers and farmers to a better
understanding as to the value of honeybees
as pollinators with the thought that eventu-
ally fees for pollination services will be on
the main sources of income for beekeepers.
About 90 crops grown in the United States,
valued at more than a billion dollars, are
considered to be dependent upon insect pol-
lination. In addition, other crops valued at
about 4 billion dol tars are benejtted by in-
sect pollination. The honeybee is the only
insect which can be moved into the vicinity
of these crops in large numbers to perform
the pollination sergice at the time it is re-
The primary purpose of the beekeeper has
generally been the production of honey as his
cash crop. Little has been understood by bee-
keepers or farmers as to the value of honey-
bees as pollinators. Much of the pollination
is done incidentally while the beekeeper is
trying to produce a crop of honey. Communi-
cations between beekeepers and farmers has
been poor. As a result most pollination fees
are "starvation wages" for beekeepers.
It is imperative for agriculture that honey
become a stronger competitor with other food
commodities. Although there are about
200,000 beekeepers :n the United States, only
about 1,200 are full-time commercial opera-
tors with 400 or more colonies. However, they
produce about one-third of the honey crop
and provide most of the colonies used in
commercial pollination. There are about
12,000 part-time beekeepers who own 25 to
400 colonies each and produce another third
of the honey. The r amaining 187,000 are hob-
byists who own less than 25 colonies each.
These beekeepers encounter Many prob-
lems. Some of these are: low prices of honey
and low pollination fees in relation to the
hien cost of operation; decreasing bee pas-
ture due to changing agricultural practices
and urbanization; losses caused by bee dis-
eases; and losses due to pesticides.
While the cost of operating a beekeeping
enterprise has been spiralling upward the
price of honey has. remained almost static.
Honey is not holding its own in the market-
place. Even though it is our only natural un-
refined sweet, the per-capita consumption is
slowly declining.
The price support program on honey has
operated quite well in that it has prevented
disastrously low prices and at the same time
has provided hones for school lunches at a
very low cost to ihe government. However,
the support price has not been high enough
to prevent a decline in the number of col-
onies of bees. I recommend thatighe support
program be continued, and that the support
rate be gradually raised until it approaches
For a long time to come beekeepers will
continue to produce honey as their cash crop.
As a permanent solution to the problem of
low honey prices we need to increase the
per-capita consumption of honey. In order
to do this the beekeepers of the United States
have devised a self-help promotion and re-
search program on honey which requires en-
abling legislation. This proposed legisla-
tion is now before the 91st Congress in H.R.
955, S 1851, and similar bills. I request that
the USDA strongly recommend passage of
this act and assist the beekeeping industry in
implementing it as rapidly as possible.
If the price of honey rises due to increased
supports or increased demand it is possible
that low priced foreign honey will come into
the country in large quantities. The import
tariff on honey is only 1 cent per pound.
H.R. 374 and similes bills before the 91st
Congress would increase the tariff to 3 cents
per pound and require the USDA_ to set
quotas on honey to he imported. I am work-
ing for the passage of this bill.
If neither increased support Prices or in-
creased demand for honey caused by the
promotion of this delicious and healthful
sweet serve to reverse the decline in the num-
bers of honeybees available for pollination of
our crops then direct subsidy payments to
beekeepers may be become necessary. Our
country must have -enough honeybees to fill
their vital role in our abundant agricultural
In 1967, an estimated 560.000 colonies of
honeybees out of the 5 million in existence
in this country were destroyed or heavily
damaged by pesticides. Thousands more were
damaged or destroyed by diseases. The total
damage to the beekeeping industry by
pesticides and disease is estimated to be
$7.5 million annually, while the income from
the production of honey arid beeswax is less
than $40 million. Changing agricultural prac-
tices and urbanization are destroying many
wild plants which honeybees depend on for
pollen and nectar for building strong
colonies. Operating a beekeeping enterprise
requires much expensive hand labor and
complex management decisions.
The solutions to these and other problems
can be found only through research, both on
the scientific level and on the practical level
by beekeepers and others who have the in-
centive to try to progress. The USDA can be
of great help in this. I recommend a thorough
study and implementation of "A National
Program of Research for Hess and other
Pollinating Insects and Insects Affecting
Man" prepared by a Joint task force of the
U.S. Department of Agriculture and the State
Universities and Land Grant Colleges. This
is a good outline of some of the research that
is sorely needed.
Respectfully submitted.
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Approved For ReLetwaug1 AC1eERIIMB0OMFgh30300120044eember 17, 1969
Demonstrations such as we have wit-
nessed for too long now, contribute to the
breakdown of this system. I bitterly op-
pose those who would turn democracy
into a street fight with the strongest de-
ciding what is right and what is wrong.
We saw this happen in Germany before
the war, and those who are in the streets,
abusing the name of democracy, should
give careful thought to the implications
of their actions.
Revolution, hiding under the cloak of
democracy will not be tolerated by those
who have learned its true meaning by
shedding their blood in its defense.
Mr. MONTGOMERY. Mr. Speaker, I
ask unanimous consent that all Members
may have 5 legislative days in which to
extend their remarks on the subject of
my special order.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there
injection to the request of the gentleman
from Mississippi?
Ther was no objection.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
a previous order of the House, the gen-
tleman from Illinois (Mr. Puciwsxi) is
recognized for 60 minutes.
Mr. PUCINSKI. Mr. Speaker, the sit-
uation in the Middle East is deteriorat-
ing very rapidly and unless the United
States makes a bold move toward sup-
plying Israel with at least 200 Phantom
jet fighters immediately, this gallant and
brave nation may find herself in great
peril of her very survival.
I have recently returned from a per-
sonal visit to Israel and there is no ques-
tion in my mind about the determination
and profound ability of the Israelis to
defend their nation.
The will and the spirit of the Israel
soldiers make up for whatever deficiency
this gallant nation may have in armor.
But spirit alone is not enough when a
nation like Israel is now confronted on
all of her borders with the full force and
fury of Arab terrorism and Arab aggres-
sion made possible by the Soviet Union's
total rearming of the Arab States.
The United States and the free world
can no longer ignore the fact that the
Soviet Union has given Egypt 960 jet
fighters since the 6-day war of 1967.
The Soviet Union has given Syria an-
other 430 jet fighters.
The Soviet Union has given countless
trucks, tanks, field artillery pieces, and
every other military weapon that the
Arab states need to wage aggression
against Israel.
Mr. Speaker, the situation in the Mid-
dle East is more serious today than ever
before and the great tragedy of our times
is that Israel does not want anything
from her friends?and in particular, the
nor is she seeking any assistance from and could immediately respond to the
the U.S. 6th Fleet now in the Mediter- help of the Israel if an all-out Arab as-
ranean. sault is waged against that country. We
The Israelis firmly believe they are are now trying to extricate ourselves
fully capable of defending themselves if from our tragic involvement in Vietnam
they can have, above all, the necessary and I believe it is safe to predict that
aircraft for in that part of the world it there are few Americans, if any, who
is the effectiveness of the air force that want to see our Nation involved in yet
spells the difference between survival another conflict. But I submit, Mr.
and defeat. Speaker, that the United States is not
It is inconceivable, in my judgment, limited to one of only two alternatives?
f or the free world to idly sit by and either helping Israel militarily or watch-
watch the Soviet Union totally rearm all ing her go down to tragic defeat.
of the Arab States and train Arab armies I submit there is a third alternative
for meaningful aggression against Israel. and one that we ought to adopt. This is
an avoid in- the a
of giving Israel whatever
volvement in the Middle East and I am
I believe that America c e a
she needs to provide an effective deter-
encouraged by the fact that the Israelis rent to Arab aggression.
do not seek our involvement.
But I believe the United States could
take a lesson from the Soviet Union and
adopt a new policy of providing our
friends with maximum military hard-
ware and minimum U.S. troops.
There is no Soviet soldier dying in
Vietnam, in the Middle East, or in Korea.
Yet, every enemy soldier who has been
f these three theaters
captured in either er o
of operation is heavily armed with So-
viet-made equipment.
Every one of these prisoners has So-
viet-made rifles, uniforms, messkits, bul-
lets, binoculars, shoes, and whatever
other military needs he may have.
In Lebanon where the terrorist groups
recently negotiated an agreement for
new raids into Israel, they openly used
Soviet trucks to move their forces and
equipment to the Israel border.
If we really want to avoid a major war
in the Middle East, we must help Israel
become strong enough to defend herself
against Nasser's public pronouncement
that he and his Arab allies will drive
Israel into the sea.
Mr. Speaker, five American Presidents
have assured Israel that she will not be
driven into the sea. I say to you that the
United States need not be involved mili-
tarily in any Middle East conflict if we
will have the presence of mind and the
courage to help Israel set up a sufficient
deterrent to Arab aggression.
Why is it that the Soviet Union has no
qualm or compunction about openly re-
arming all of the Arab States? Why is it
that the Soviet Union does not fear world
reaction or a loss of any of her interests
by openly training Arab forces for ag-
gression in the Middle East?
What is it about the American State
Department and the Defense Depart-
ment which puts us into this facetious
role of some sort of "parity" in arms in
the Middle East?
This policy of parity?giving the Arabs New York as the work of cranks or sick
the same degree of help that we give the minds.
Israelis?might have been valid prior to Mr. Speaker, it is not my intention
the Soviet Union's entry into the Middle to either exaggerate or deal in hysteria.
East. But surely such a policy at this time The people of Israel are calm and reso-
is not only tragic, but totally ignores the lute and life goes on in the big cities
fact that while the Arab States have un- fully mindful of the dangers that lie in
limited access to arms and ammunition the borders.
from Russia, we continue to keep Israel We have every reason to believe that
United States?except the military hard-
totally constrained in her ability to de- Israel is fully capable of protecting her-
ware with which to protect herself, fend herself. self and her nation but she needs mill-
Israel does not want American sol- I respectfully submit, Mr. Speaker, that tary aid.
diens. She does not want American a continuation of this folly is the surest We must realize as Americans that
mechanics to service whatever airplanes way to war in the Middle East. there never again will be a ticker-tape
we give her. She does not want any offl- It is of no comfort to me to know that parade down Wall Street marking the
cial intervention by the United States, the 6th Fleet is in the Mediterranean end of a huge conflict.
There is no question in my mind that
once the Arab States realize that any
attacks on Israel will prove futile and
once the Arabs realize that they are not
going to drive this gallant nation into
the sea, perhaps then the Arabs and Is-
raelis can get together and work out a
lasting peace in the Middle East.
I think that the height of indignity is
for the United States to insist that Israel
shall only receive the kind of military
aid from the United States that she can
afford to pay for when the Arab States
have a blank check from the Soviet
Union to draw on for whatever possible
conceivable military aid they need.
We cannot ignore the fact that Russia
has given Egypt 960 jet fighters and
Syria another 430.
The pilots of these fighters are now
being trained by Soviet military experts
and I say to you, Mr. Speaker, that it is
only a matter of time before the full fury
of this Soviet military aid to the Arab
States is unleashed on the people of
Nor can we ignore the fact that the
same terror tactics which have been so
thoroughly tested by the Vietcong against
innocent people in South Vietnam are
now being used by Arab terrorists against
the Israeli in Israel.
The world cannot remain oblivious to
this growing use of terrorism as an in-
strument of aggression. The mayor of
Tel Aviv told me of the great difficulties
his administration is experiencing in
dealing with these terrorists because
most of the manpower of Tel Aviv is en-
gaged in border guard duty with the
Israeli Army.
This whole technique of terrorism is
something that the free world must learn
to live with. We are now beginning to wit-
ness it in our own country. Do not dis-
miss the bombings of office buildings in
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pember 17, iyu moNAL RECORD ? HOUSE
weekend?the morale was very good in
spite of the many times they have to
com out to the Armory and prepare
the elves to meet a situation such as
last veekend. I might say that most ef
these guardsmen are Government em-
ployees and college students, your offi-
cers and NCO's and some of your enlisted
men work for the Government but 30
to 4 percent of your guardsmen in the
Dist 'et of Columbia are made op of col-
lege tudents who go to different collegeis
in th District of Columbia area.
Some commanders in the Waahington
National Guard have told me that in
some cases the departments of Govern-
ment are less cooperative in letting a
guar sman off to come to drill than som
empl yers in private enterprike. In o
word,some of the department liegas in
Goverment give the comma ders and
the nen in the National Gu a harder
time than a man who runsA service staa
tion and who has only e...attendant.
Oftentimes a private usinessman b
more willing to let his e loyee go than
some of these Governmex department
heads. I say that this is wro and that
When a situation like this com '' p, these
depa ent heads should coopeia
In he callup for this weekend, 9
cent f the District of Columbia guar
men reported for duty which is certainly
comniondable. The 5 percent that did
not show up were too far away to come
back over the weekend or were sick or
some of them were not able to be eon-1
taeted. But 95 percent out of a ixesible
100 percent is a very good average. It le
about 5 percent over what was expected
to sheOw up this last weekend.
Nosy speaking of the antiwar demon-
strators, I would like to give my estimate
of the crowd. I would say that the num-
ber of people in Washington between
Friday and early Sunday morning was,'
betw n 250,000 and 300,000 people. It
was crtalniy not as high as 800,000, as,
I hay heard. ,
I n4ght comment that I noticed some,
of these groups walking around and Il
talkeci to some of them. They came in,
pairs?a boy and a girl. They came'
mainly from colleges in this part of the
countey. For some reason, a large group
of them were strangely dressed. Their
dress was different from what we usually
see. They almost had on costumes. Some
of thee young people, the ones I talked I
to, reelly do not know completely what'
the cause was?they heard a bus was
corning and they had a friend and they I
paid their roundtrip and so they came
We have talked about these groups
and the damage done.
I certainly do not agree with any of
the philosophy of what the demonstra,
tion celled for. I really think it was un-
necessary. As I said, many of the young;
people did not know exactly what they
were t ere for. Several I talked to said,1
"Yes, support President Nixon's pro- '
gram" which was entirely off course,
from hat the moratorium was about.
Wh3 they surrounded the Justice De-
partm4nt and why some of the demon-1
strato , 5,000 of them, went down there,
I do not know. The Federal Government,
through the Attorney General's Office or
President Nixon's, has not taken a really
active part in the cases or the court suits
that are noW going on in Chicago.
I heard some of the cries in the crowd,
"Free Bobby Seale." I did not really fol-
low this. Speaking of things shouted out,
I heard some of these young people
shout, "Ho, Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh. We
have the Vietcong flag." And it just did
not hit me right. It rubbed me and a lot
of other Americans the wrong way.
The White House was protected by a
large number of buses; that were placed
bumper to bumper and surrounded about
two-thirds of the White House, They
were use _as-a-harrier in case there was
trcjibiflTn trying to demonstrate near the
larhite House.
The weather was a factor. The weather
was a key factor. It was cold and miser-
able Friday night when, you might say,
the ones who were the troublemakers ar-
rived. They did not get much sleep. Sat-
urday they were cold and tired, and it
was cold Saturday, and after the demon-
stration at the Justice Department, a few
of them came toward the White House.
By 8 o'clock most of them were looking
for warm places. Most of the young peo-
ple had gone back to their buses from
which they originally had come.
The cost was, in my estimation, to state
conservative estimate, between $800,000
$1 million to the Federal Govern-
men I am sure this demonstration
slowed ness in Washington. Several
of the str were blacked off all day
Therefore, I ow private enterprise
was hurt by this emonstration.
We are very for ate that no one
was seriously hurt, an that there was
a minimum amount o property de-
stroyed. I would say that will not
happen to us again. Pcssibl if we-have
-this large a number of people ho would
come back into Washington, might
not be as fortunate as we were t week-
end, and possibly there could be rious
violence. So I certainly hope that ese
demonstrations will not continue.
In closing I would like to say at
this was quite an experience for me
meet, to drill, and to be with the Distri
of Columbia National Guard and als
to see how the police worked.
I have to commend the police, and th
National Guard for the fine job that w
Mr. MAYNE. Mr. Speaker, will
gentleman yield?.
Mr. MONTGOIVIERY. I yl el. the
-gentleman from Iowa.
Mr. MAYNE. Mr. S
commend the
er, I certainly
man for his very
graplilc,,ewryies account of the events
in ashington over the weekend as seen
from the vantage point of a National
I was particularly shocked at the gen-
tleman's account that the Vietnam flag
was being flown at the base of the Wash-
ington Monument. This is certainly an
affront to every American who wears the
uniform of the United States proudly, or
Who has made the supreme sacrifices de-
fending the American flag Certainly all
of the patriotic Americans can have
nothing but condemnalon for anyone
who would desecrate the base of the
H Nvoa
Washington Monument by flying the flag
of our enemies who are doing their
utmost to kill brave Americans in Viet-
Mr. MONTGOMERY. Mr. Speaker, I
thank the gentleman from Iowa.
I would like to mention to the gentle-
man this was not a particularly mean
crowd. There was a small _group that
Would cause the problems and others
would follow. I saw some of the young
people crying. They did not know exactly
what they were getting into, and they
would get into something that was
shameful and I think they were sorry
themselves that they did it. rjust cannot
believe they will ever be able to rally that
large a group to come back to Washing-
ton. Certainly I hope they cannot.
Mr. NICHOLS. Mr. Speaker, I am very
pleased that my good friend and dis-
tinguished colleague from the State of
Mississippi has asked me to join him in
this special order to discuss, the tragic
situation which we witnessed in Wash-
ington over this past 'weekend. Over a
quarter of a million young people de-
scended on this city to march in the
streets to protest the war in Vietnain.
This occurred with total disregard for
our President's plea for support for his
peace efforts.
Most of these young people left their
studies and cut classes to come to Wash-
ington. Many of them have parents who
are making substantial sacrifices and in
all cases are putting out a great deal of
money so that their children can get an
education and hopefully require some
There was very little wisdom demon-
strated during the last 3 days. Despite all
the promises given to city and national
officials, large numbers of the demon-
strators broke their pledge to nonvio-
lence and rioted, not only against the
police, but against the law-abiding
citizens of their country and against the
members of their own ranks who kept
their word.
Honor, integrity, and justice seem to
have very little meaning for these pro-
testors who use them so frequently and
loosely. Apparently they only apply to
other people, not to themselves. They
seem to believe that they have a corner
on truth and therefore are above the law.
Perhaps most important of all is the
disregard and disdain they show for the
democratic process. All of those who
marched during the 3-day protest ig-
nored the fact that this is a country built
on law, an impartial and just law which
protects them even as they break it. In
many cases, the law has gone much
farther than it should to protect then
rights while it ignores the rights of the
great majority of the people of the coun-
try to be protected from their irres-
ponsible and reprehensible activities.
We have a democratic system which
allows dissent and protest by lawful and
time-honored means. We have a free sys-
tem of elections which allows all Ameri-
cans to register their complaints and
exercise free choice in electing new lead-
ers. The only way that this system can
continue to operate to protect the rights
of all is for the minority to respect the
choice of the majority and abide by their
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We must realize that there never again
will be a battleship Missouri steaming
Into Tokyo harbor as it did in 1945 to
accept total surrender. These new con-
flicts that face the world today have no
formal beginning and no formal ending.
This is why America's new policy must
place heaviest emphasis on sending mili-
tary arms to our allies to help make them
strong enough to help themselves before
the conflict begins.
We must use our military d,rms as a
A few months ago we had a big debate
here in this Congress on the anti-
ballistic-missile system and the propo-
nents argued that perfection of this sys-
tem will provea deterrent to conflict.
I submit that that same logic prevails
and applies to sending 200 Phantom jet
fighters to Israel forthwith, not next
year, not 3 years from now, but right now.
Nothing will bring peace to the Middle
East faster and more assuredly and con-
vince the Arabs that Israel is more than
capable of protecting herself.
This is a policy that requires no
American personnel; no American sol-
diers, but one that offers our allies mean-
ingful help.
I know of no mandate for American
troops to police the entire troubled world
in these days of mounting conflict. It is
for this reason that I do not urge the
sending of one American soldier but we
can no longer ignore the fact that the
Soviet Union uses her military might in
a much more effective way.
It is the height of folly to think that
Russia wants peace when she continues
to rearm nation after nation to wage
aggression. We must realize this new
technique of warfare and respond ac-
It is of no comfort to us that our rep-
resentatives and Soviet representatives
meet in Helsinki to being talks on nu-
clear disarmament.
Of course, the Soviet Union will agree
to placing limitations on strategic mis-
siles when all over this world the Soviet
Union is sending to aggressor nations
the day-to-day sinews for terror, sub-
version, and conventional aggression.
We can have all the controls in the
world on strategic missiles between the
United States and Russia and yet see
most of mankind fall captive to the
Communist conspiracy.
When are the statemen of this country
going to realize that the Soviet Union
plays a series of options at one time?
She is talking peace in Helsinki and
waging war in the Gaza Strip.
Our Nation has to learn to use its
options the very same way that the So-
viets have used their options over the
past 22 years.
During the past two decades the So-
viets have kept us off balance and we
respond to, instead of, anticipating their
It is high time that the United States
took the initiative and I submit, Mr.
Speaker, that the place to start is to send
to Israel 200 jet fighters immediately.
The 50 fighters that she is buying from
America ought to be included in this
One final word. In my judgment, it is
the height of folly for anyone to suggest
that the Israelis would use these fighters
to wage new aggression against the
The 6-day war was necessitated by 20
years of constant aggression and harass-
ment by the Arab States.
Ten days ago I stood on the mountains
of the Golan Heights and I personally
examined the Syrian embankments
there. I saw the moment in which the
Syrians were able to harass the Israelis
from these excellent strategic vantage
I examined a kibbutz near the Jordan
River which had been bombarded by the
Syrians every night to the extent that a
whole generation grew up spending every
evening and nighttime in a bomb shelter.
The 6-day war was a necessity to give
Israel a chance to breathe but I submit
to you, Mr. Speaker and my colleagues,
that to suggest to me that the Israelis
want to keep all of the liberated terri-
tories or that they seek more is to ignore
the realities of life and to fail to under-
stand the nature of the Israelis them-
I submit that the Jewish people did
not struggle for 2,000 years to get their
own homeland only to become a minority
In their own country.
There is no question in my mind that
if and when the Arabs give Israel un-
equivocal guarantees of Israel's soverign-
ty and full and free access to all the
waterways, the Israelis will be more than
anxious to discuss with the Arabs the
return of these territories. Obviously, the
Israelis will retain some of the territory
for reasons that are beyond contradic-
tion, but I believe it would be foolish to
suggest that somehow or other the Is-
raelis want to keep all the territories
they won in the 6-day war. To do so
would give them control over such vast
expanses of land and population that
they would become a minority in their
own country.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House, the gentle-
man from New York (Mr. RosisoN) is
recognized for 30 minutes.
Mr. ROBISON. Mr. Speaker, now that
the other body has completed its con-
sideration of the 1970 Public Works ap-
propriation bill, the question of how
much to invest?during what remains of
this fiscal year?in the Department of
Interior's waste-treatment construction
grant program again becomes a matter
of some concern to this House.
As my colleagues will well remember,
when this issue was before us on October
8 the House decided, after considerable
debate, to appropriate $600 million in
new obligational authority for the pur-
poses of this important program which
sum, together with available unobligated
balances of $64.9 million carried over at
the end of the last fiscal year, would have
provided a total grant program of about
$665 million for the construction of
waste-treatment works, as authorized by
the Clean Water Restoration Act of 1966
4R000300120003-9 H 10937
to abate our national water-pollution
The vote on this in the Committee of
the Whole, as all will recall, was a close
one?coining in the face of a concerted
drive on the part of some of our col-
leagues for the "full funding" of this pro-
gram at the $1 billion authorized figure.
I thought then?and still think?that
we made a responsible and wholly de-
fensible decision, tripling as we did the
prior year's appropriation for this item in
a year when the demand for budgetary
restraint was so clearly obvious; and in
light, too, of what we could determine as
the probable top figure that the Depart-
ment of Interior, in its most objective
moments, would tell us that it could put
to use in what remains of this fiscal year.
However, it will soon be necessary for
us to again go over much of the same
ground for the other body, in its sep-
arate wisdom?a phrase I prefer to use
though there evidently is a bit of "one-
upmanship" in all this?has now decided
to fund this program at the full authori-
zation figure of $1 billion; to "fully fund"
it, that is, in the sense that phrase was
urged upon us in those weeks leading
up to October 8.
Now, Mr. Speaker, considering the
great political appeal this program has,
and considering the undeniable need for
faster progress to be made thereunder?
which means an increased level of Fed-
eral support?it is tempting for all of us
to now say "So be it," tdthe action taken
by the other body, thus bowing in ad-
vance to the new wave of lobbying pres-
sure for "full funding" that will soon
again engulf us.
That pressure will undoubtedly reach
its peak when, as this bill gets ready to
move to conference, a motion will be
made to instruct the House conferees to
accept the other body's $1 billion bid for
popular approval, as further evidence. of
our support for this program.
I do not happen to believe?generally
speaking?in the practice of so instruct-
ing any conferees. I think many of my
colleagues share that viewpoint, but it
is clear, in advance, that it will be diffi-
cult for anyone, politically speaking, to
vote against such a motion in this in-
These remarks, then, have been pre-
pared with that thought in mind?it
being my purpose, if I can, to encourage
in advance of that vote some objective
consideration of that question of "full
funding" of this program, with especial
reference to what "full funding" can or
cannot accomplish.
If my colleagues, Mr. Speaker, will
think back to the debate we had last
month on this same question, most of
them will recall that it was brought out
in the course thereof that there is some-
thing badly wrong with the allocation
formula under which funds for this pro-
gram are made available to the inter-
ested municipalities in the several States.
As we discovered, 17 States?along with
Guam, Puerto Rico, arid the Virgin Is-
lands?were more than fully funded
under that formula even at the original
$214 million budgetary request, this be-
ing on the basis of their reported need
for Federal assistance under this pro-
gram as totaled up from applications
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they, too, could be said to be "fully
This, then, would still leave seven
States?Florida, Indiana, Maine, Mary-
land, New Jersey, Nesv York, and Ore-
gon?on paper considerably less than
"fully funded" on the basis we have been
talking about, please note, even at the
other body's $1 billion figure. My own
State of New York, Mr. Speaker, is the
best example of this problem since its
Pending, filed, applications total up to
$202,279,540, against Which?even at the
$1 billion level?it would receive only
And, Mr. Speaker, there is nothing we
can do about this situation unless and
until we change that allocation formula.
Now, of course, it is true?and let me
be the first to admit it?that, at the
other body's $1 billion figure, New York
will become entitled to receive under that
allocation formula for the purposes of
this program that $89,223,166, or a bit
short of $37 million more than it would
become entitled to under the House's $600
million figure.
Why, then, do I not grab for that with-
out any questions?
Well, precisely because, Mr. Speaker,
I have not yet been able to determine
what New York's true "action backlog"
really is.
I have already mentioned the Proba-
bility of some administrative "slippages"
in connection with Tennessee, Michigan,
and Nevada; but such "slippages"?that
relate to administrative capacities to
more than triple the pace of progress
under this program at both State and
local level, as well as the Federal, levels?
will apply in all States
pending at regional IsWISCA offices or at
State agencies, and from applications in
some stage of progress at the local level
but not yet formalized At the $600 mil-
lion House figure these same 17 States?.
and territories?already fully funded
and, in fact, enjoying under the alloca-
tion formula an actial surplus over
their reported need a t the $214-million
figure, would see that surplus escalated
from $37.9 million to over $101 million.
Clearly, there is an urgent need for Con-
gress to review and revise that allocation
But, to move on, eight additional States
would become fully funded?on the
same basis of total reported need?
under the $660 million House fig re and
would also, for reason relating lick to
the workings of the Present al cation
formula, receive at least a teMporary
surplus over their totaFreported need for
funds under this program of $41.2 mil-
Thus, to sum up so far, at the House
figure of $600 million for the purposes of
this program, 25 States would be fully
funded?indeed, overfunded?under any
definition of that phrase.
At this point, it needs to be stated, I
suppose, that the figures I am using are
those as supplied me by the Federal
Water Pollution Control Comnaission,
and were current as of-August 31 of this
. Now, Mr. Speaker, it would seem to
become necessary to consider a bit more
fully what we mean by "fully ftitided."
Do we mean, thereby, simply the ap-
propriation of the full authorization of
$1 billion for this fiscal year?
Or do we mean to appropriate what-
ever we can decide is actually Wing to
be required under this program by the
States in the balance of this fiscal year?
It seems to me, Mr. Speaker, that if
the appropriation process is going to con-
tinue to mean anything we ought to try
to fund any program before us only at
that level which we can determine?and
agree upon?Gould reasonably be obli-
gated during the fiscal year in question.
Though there has been some backing
and filling on this point, Interior con-
tinues to say?as best I know?th t this
would be $600 million, at the niot. And
It is important to remember, in a, con-
nection, that we are talking about obli-
gations?not expenditures?for, since
the Federal grants, as I understal do
ot go out until a project is 25 tiCent
expenditure level for this prograta will
mplete, it is safe to assume that the
hot rise very much during the ba.Ianee of
this fiscal year no matter how mqch we
eventually decide to appropriate f r it. I
don't know, Mr. Speaker, if many of my
olleagues are still very interested in this
pect of our budgetary decisions even
ugh we have previously seen fit im-
pose a spending-ceiling of sorts the
resident; but if any are so concerned,
they may take some comfort from what
have just said.
- In any event, what now of timae re-
-naining 25 States who do not seem, at
first glance, to be fully funded?in the
1.ciuse figure of $600 million?
oadest sense of that phrase---: the
Well, seven of those States?
Connecticut, Hawaii, Massach tts,
Minnesota, Rhode Island, and Vermont,
along with the District of Columbia,
would really be fully funded for all prac-
tical Intents and purposes, though now
In a narrower sense of that phrase, at
the $600-millio:a level since the alloca-
tions they would then receive would more
than cover the respective dollar totals of
all the grant applications they have pend-
ing at regional FWPCA or State pure-
water offices. Besides which, they col-
lectively would become entitled at that
level to an additional $28 million, or
thereabouts, to apply eventually to their
reported backlog of local used, as rep-
resented by applications for grant
moneys that are now in some stage of
preparation back at the municipal level,
but which will orobably not actually be
filed for months?in some cases, perhaps,
years?yet to come.
This, then, leaves 18 "problem" States
for us to consider?the problem in con-
nection therewith being one that, because
of that allocation formula, we cannot
really resolve w:aether we decide to stay
at the House figure of $600 million, or
adopt the other body's $1 billion figure,
or opt?as seems a likely result of the
forthcoming conference?for some "split-
ting of the difference" between the two.
I would ask my colleagues to take note,
Mr. Speaker, of the fact that, to come
closer to "full funding" as we have here
on the House side, we have already had
to vote to overfund 32 States?under that
obsolete allocation formula?to the tune
of nearly $210 million just on the basis
of their "action backlog" of applications
pending at those regional FWPCA or
State offices.
If we were now to decide to force the
House conferees, in advance, to accept
the other body's $1 billion figure?there-
by improving the lot of those remaining
18 States but still, please note, without
coming close to meeting the apparent
needs of at least seven of them?the over-
funding that would then be produced in-
sofar as pending applications were con-
cerned would rise to nearly $437 million.
Mr. Speaker, I strikes me that this is
simply not a very efficient way for us to
be trying to advance the purposes of this
program?and that what we ought to be
concentrating on, instead, is ways and
means to review and revise that obsolete
allocation formula, and how to nail down
the matter of reimbursing those States
who have been going ahead on their
own?in advance of Federal assistance?
in meeting ther pollution-abatement
goals, on which subject more in a
Now It is, of course, true that, at the
$1 billion level, we can "fully fund"?
again on that basis of dollar totals of
Pending applications--eight of those re-
maining States, these being California,
Illinois, Missouri, New Hampshire, Ohio,
Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.
And I should think Tennessee should also
be added to this list since its application
backlog totals $21,278,986 against which
it would receive?at the $1 billion level?
$21,083,396, or close enough to cover, one
would think, the actual need.
As a matter of fact, both Michigan and
Nevada?assuming some administrative
"slippage"?woulcl also be so close to be-
ing covered at the $1 billion level that,
for all practical intents and purposes,
In addition to which, since the FWPCA
does not, as I understand, require a
municipality on filing an application for
grant moneys to certify as to its financial
readiness to proceed with construction of
its project, once Federal assistance is
forthcoming, we now have no way really
of knowing how many local municipal
entities?even in a State with such a
large paper backlog of need as New
York?are really ready to go ahead with
their project if the level of Federal assist-
ance is pushed on up to the other body's
$1 billion figure. This is a problem, I
might mention, that has been made even
more difficult of estimation by virtue of
the fact that this Congress, in its zeal
for tax-reform, has unintentionally
brought some added uncertainties of
performance to the Municipal bond
And then, finally, Mr. Speaker, one
also has to consider the capacity of de-
sign engineers, as well as the construc-
tion and equipment industries, to handle,
all at once, a vastly expanded workload
of progress under this important pro-
What I am, therefore, saying is that,
while it is of course politically tempting
to accept in advance the other body's
"one-upmanship" to the full $1 billion
funding for this program, it is still ob-
vious that nowhere that amount could
possibly be obligated during the balance
of this fiscal year for this program's pur-
Poses?a program, need I say, that I sup-
port just as strongly as anyone in this
body?and that, therefore, the House
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It is my view that the amounts au-
thorized can provide for reasonable prog-
ress in all significant aeronautical and
space programs. I am, therefore, hopeful
that when the corresponding appropria-
tions bill reaches the floor of the Senate,
it, too, will be passed in an amount suffi-
cient to fund the authorizations con-
tained in this bill.
Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. President, as a
conferee on HR. 11271, I want to con-
gratulate our distinguished chairman
and the ranking minority member, the
senior Senator from Maine, for their ad-
mirable work in the conference. The
quality of their leadership is clearly in-
dicated by the results of the conference
which in most instances upheld the Sen-
ate's position. I also compliment the
chairman and members of the House
committee who participated so capably in
the conference. I believe the conference
resulted in a bill that will provide a bal-
anced NASA program, a program already
endorsed by the Senate bill.
There is, however, one program on
which I would like to say a few words,
The House-passed bill provided an addi-
tional $3 million for the chemical pro-
pulsion program to be used only for the
260-inch large solid motor project. The
Senate deleted this amount because no
role has been assigned these large solid
rocket motors for the near future and
because the necessary funds to accom-
plish the few additional tasks remaining
to establish the large rocket motor tech-
nology are included in the budget request
under supporting research and tech-
While no role has been assigned as yet
to the 260-inch large solid rocket motor,
I think the record should show that
NASA continues to regard the large solid
as an alternative for future space pro-
On October 31, 1969, the chairman of
the Senate Committee on Aeronautical
and Space Sciences wrote to Dr. Paine
requesting his views on the role of the
260-inch solid rocket motor. Dr. Paine
replied in a letter to the chairman dated
November 3.
Mr. President, with the consent of Sen-
ator ANDERSON, I ask unanimous consent
that the two letters be included in the
RECORD at the conclusion of my remarks.
The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob-
jection, it is so ordered.
(See exhibits 1 and 2.)
Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. President, in his
letter, Dr. Paine makes it clear that
NASA continues to regard the large solid
rocket motor as one of the attractive,
technically feasible alternatives for fu-
ture space programs and reiterates the
fact that the fiscal year 1970 budget does
provide for continuing work in research
and technology related to this project.
Moreover, Dr. Paine points out that while
the possibilities of a fully reusable space
shuttle vehicle point in a direction of
favoring reusable liquid propulsion sys-
tems, he does not at this time believe
NASA can or should rule out entirely the
possibilities of a space shuttle using the
260-inch solid rocket motor in the booster
I should add that I had a personal
telephone discussion with Dr. Paine prior
to our Senate-House conference and
prior to my knowledge of the letter which
Senator ANDERSON had written to Dr.
Paine. In the course of that discussion
Dr. Paine made it very clear to me that
he expected to continue the research and
technology work on the large 260-inch
solid fuel rocket out of the authorization
proVided for in this year's budget and
which are now contained in the confer-
ence bill.
I send forward the two letters I have
asked to be printed in the RECORD.
Exnuirr 1
OCTOBER 31, 1969.
Administrator, National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, Washington, D.C.
DEAR Tom: During fiscal year 1967, NASA
completed the test firing of its third half-
length 260-inch large solid rocket motor. Fol-
lowing this, some efforts have been devoted
to completing the technology for this booster.
In the FY 1970 budget presentation, no pro-
vision in either the original or the revised
submission was made for any further demon-
stration firings of 260-inch large solid motor
In view of the space shuttle studies and
other activities currently underway and in
view of the President's Space Task Group
recommendations eniphasizing commonality,
reusability, and economy in space transpor-
tation systems. I would like your current
views as to just where you would envision
a booster with the projected capability of the
260-inch large solid rocket motor would fit
into the nation's requirements for large space
boosters. / believe also it is very important
that the Committee have an expression of
your views on this inasmuch as both the
House and the Senate have already approved
NASA's recommendations for continued pro-
duction, and therefore availability, of the
Saturn V system for supporting our very
heavy space booster requirements.
I would appreciate your thoughts on the
projected role of the 260-inch large solid
rocket motor at your very earliest conven-
Sincerely yours.
Washington, D.C., November 3, 1969.
Chairman, CoMmittee on Aeronautical and
Space Sciences, U.S. Senate, Washing-
ton, D.C.
DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: This is in reply to
your letter of October 31 asking for my cur-
rent thoughts on the projected role of the
260-inch solid rocket motor.
We continue to regard the large solid
rocket motor as one of the attractive tech-
nically feasible alternatives for future space
systems. For this reason, as you know, we
have provided in our FY 1970 budget for
continuing work in research and technology
related to the 260-inch solid rocket motor.
This work relates, for example, to thrust
vector control and propellant casting and
processing. We do not plan to proceed with
further construction and firing of full scale
rocket motors until such time as a decision
is made to proceed with actual development.
Our studies to date of the possibilities of
a fully reusable space shuttle point in the
direction of favoring reusable liquid propul-
sion systems. However, I do not at this time
believe we can or should rule out entirely the
possibility of a space shuttle using a 260-
inch solid rocket motor in a booster stage.
Depending on a number of factors, it could
turn out that we would decide to use the
large solid rocket booster as an alternative
to the fully re usable liquid propulsion sys-
With respect to Saturn V, the require-
ments we have presented to the Committee
are not affected by the possibility of a deci-
sion to develop the 260-inch solid rocket
motor. If we should decide to develop the
260-inch solid for the space shuttle, we
would, of course, consider utilizing it for
any payloads for which it is suitable, in-
cluding those which otherwise would require
the Saturn V OT a derivative vehicle consist-
ing, for example, of the first and second
stages of the Saturn V. However, we would
not develop the 260-inch rocket motor solely
for the purposes of providing a substitute for
the Saturn V or its derivatives.
If I can provide any additional informa-
tion, please let me know.
Sincerely yours,
T. 0, PAINE,
Mr. YOUNG of Ohio. Mr. President, as
a member of the Senate Committee on
Aeronautical and Space Science, I wish
to concur in everything that has been
stated here in regard to the conference
report. I feel that the distinguished
senior Senator from New Mexico (Mr.
ANDERSON) , chairman of the Space Com-
mittee of the Senate, is to be congratu-
lated upon his fine leadership in the con-
sideration of the conference report.
I ask that the Senate now vote on it.
The VICE PRESIDENT. The question
is on agreeing to the conference report.
The report was agreed to.
Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres-
ident, I move to reconsider the vote by
which the conference report was agreed
Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. President, I move
to lay that motion on the table.
The motion to lay on the table was
Mr. BYR,D of Virginia. Mr, President,
President Nasser's speech last night is
highly disturbing.
The President of the United Arab Re-
public, speaking to the Egyptian Gen-
eral Assembly, called for a path of "fire
and blood" in the Middle East.
The Arab's friend, he said, is the
Soviet Union. He listed the United States
as an enemy.
While President Nasser is known for
bombast and inflammatory talk, his ad-
dress last night, coupled with his actions,
seems to me to be a cause for some
I have long felt that the Middle East is
potentially the most explosive area in
the world. I formed this view first as a
newspaper editor, obligated to take a
keen interest in international problems.
My view has been reinforced since be-
coming a member of the U.S. Senate.
Eighteen months ago, on an official
Senate visit to the Middle East, I had
a long and frank talk with Egyptian
Foreign Minister Mahmoud Riad, He
indicated some reasonableness?which,
incidentally, subsequent events have not
borne out.
I expressed the view to the Egyptian
Foreign Minister that, to an outsider,
there appears to be two fundamental
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S 13920
Oeps which must be takea before per-
Manent peace can be achieved.
i One, the Arab nations must recognize
that Israel is here to stay and cannot be
e iminated as the Arabs sought to do in
Ji me of 1967.
[ And second, the leaders of the United
Arab Republic must engage in direct ae-
gatiations with the leaders of Israee
While the four major powers, namely
e United States, the _Soviet Union,
eat Britain, and France, might be able
collectively be helpful in arriving at a
s lution, the solution to be permanent
arid realistic peace must result $rom
direct negotiations between the inter-
ested parties; namely, the Israelis arid
their neighbors. .
',In my judgment, the Soviet Union was
the motivating force behind Nasser's
provocative actions against Israel in
1967. Last night's speech by President
Nasser indicates to me that he and the
viet Union are adding flames under a
pot which is already boiling.
, ?
Mr. YOUNG a Ohio. Mr. President,
the number of men in our Armed Forces
now totals more than 31/2 million?larger
than the regular armed fortes of either
the Soviet Union or China.
' Gne of every 11 American young Men
between the ages of 18 and 45 is in uni-
form full time as a member of our Arnied
Forces, Another 1,200,000 civilians are
emPloyed by the Defense Department. Of
this total number, 170,187 American ei-
vilians, men and women, work for dur
Anted Forces overseas as civilian eine'
plo ees. In addition, millions of Arrieri-
can work in industries sustained, amidst
ent' ely, by Defense Department con-
tracts. It is fair to state that one lin
every seven wage earners in this country
is d pendent on the Pentagon for his Or
her paycheck. This includes much of the
Nation's most outstanding managerial
and technological talent.
mis President, in view of these facts, it
so times seems futile to try to diminiSh
and Somewhat limit the power and infhli.-
encel of the military-industrial compleX.
AlmOst 9 years have elapsed since PreS-
ident Dwight Eisenhower warned of the
groWing menace of the power of the mill-
tarySindustrial complex in his farewell
statement to the American people in
January 1961.
T e power of the military-industrial
com le
x has continued to grow and e*
nand. Our military and naval establish-
men seems to be expanding constantly.
It es uch larger and more costly than
was When General Eisenhower left the
White House. 1
We now have 343 major military base*
in 2 countries and seven U.S. posses
sions In addition, we have 2,687 minor
milit ry installations spread throughout
the w rld. More than 1,200,000 Amezicari
servi emen are stationed in foreign
countrles. +
Th United States does not have a
mandate from the Almighty to police the
entire world. It is high time that the ad=
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ministration and ,the Congress review
our treaty commitments and obligations.
The President in his recent speech an-
nounced that in 1,he future the United
States will assist nations willing and able
to defend themselves with their own
forces. We should be determined never
ligain to go througSi the tragedy and na-
tional insanity of another involvement
in a civil war in some other Asiatic
country?Laos, for example. President
Johnson's intervention in a civil war in
South Vietnam with American combat
troops was the worst mistake any Amer-
ican President ever made. In view of
these facts, it is clear that there is no
need to continue to support the present
level of our Armed Forces. It is time that
the administration take drastic steps and
cut the number of Americans in uniform
by at least a million.
There are now more than half a mil-
lion Americans of our Armed Forces sta-
tioned in South Vietnam and Thailand.
Forty percent of our tremendous air
power and 35 percent of our naval forces
are committed to combat duty in Viet-
nam, Thailand, and off the coast of Viet-
The President has stated that he has
a secret plan to end our fighting in Viet-
nam. His plan is still his secret. How-
ever, let us hope he will end our involve-
ment in a land war in Southeast Asia
and bring the boys home within the next
6 months.
The one place where we can and
should make immediate reduetions of
our Armed Forces is to return forthwith
most of the more than 310,000 men of
our Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines
now stationed in Western Europe with
their 240,000 dependents. They have
been maintained there over the years,
since the end of tVorld War II, at great
expense to American taxpayers.
A quarter of a century has elapsed
since World War U. Our massive mili-
tary presence in Western Europe has be-
come merely foreign aid, in the sum of
many billions of dollars, to the West
German Republic, Holland, Belgium,
Spain, and other European countries.
The United States is the only NATO
member that has met its commitment
100 percent. The only other NATO na-
tion that has come up to even 80 percent
of its commitment has been West
We have 220,000 servicemen stationed
in West Germany, with 160,000 depend-
ents. Based on its gross national prod-
uct, the West German Republic is the
third-wealthiest country in the entire
world. The West German mark is one
of the world's strongest currencies. In
Swiss banks the mark of the West Ger-
man Republic is considered more sound
than the U.S. dollar. The recent reval-
uation of the German mark, increasing
its value, will automatically cost Amer-
ican taxpayers at least an additional
$100 million a year fox the maintenance
of our forces stationed there. Also, Amer-
icans buying Volkswagens and other
German-built automobiles will as a re-
sult pay a higher price for each auto-
mobile purchased, thereby increasing the
outflow of money from our country. Sure-
ly, it is outrageous and unthinkable that
nearly a quarter of a century following
the end of World War II, the United
States continues to maintain more than
220,000 officers and men of our Armed
Forces in West Germany.
While we Americans conscript our
young men for 2 years and send many of
them to West Germany, the West Ger-
man Government conscripts their young
men for only 18 months, Furthermore,
our other allies in Western Europe either
have no draft laws whatever or conscript
their youngsters for a much shorter pe-
riod of time than we. Denmark conscripts
for 12 to 14 months, France and Norway
for 12 to 15 months, Italy for 15 months,
Spain for 16 to 24 months, Belgium for
but 12 months. and Great Britain not at
The nations of Western Europe can
certainly provide the necessary troops to
defend themselves. There is no reason
for them to depend on us. Since the death
of Stalin, the Soviet Union is no longer
an aggressive threat to our NATO allies.
The leaders of the Kremlin during the
past 10 years have been intent on increas-
ing the standard of living of their own
people. The Soviet Union, now a "have"
nation, is veering toward capitalism. Let
the West German youth be conscripted
and drafted into their own armed forces.
Why should the lives and aspirations of
our teenage young men be disrupted to
form the first line of defense for the
Germans and French and their Euro-
pean neighbor countries?
It is generally regarded we do have a
national interest in defending Western
Europe. It does not follow that to serve
this interest we must maintain more
than 310,000 troops and more than 240,-
000 dependents in Europe. The time is
long past due for us to withdraw at least
200,000 of these men, and all dependents,
from Western Europe.
The U.S. Air Force has a proven capa-
bility of flying to Europe an entire divi-
sion, a fully armed and equipped com-
bat division, and field them ready for
combat within less than 36 hours.
Furthermore, whatever men of our
Armed Farces are sent to Western Eu-
rope for a tour of duty in the future
should be sent for a period of not more
than 13 months, and with no depend-
ents. If there is a need for our troops in
Europe, then we should have a lean, trim.
combat-ready force stationed there, not
hundreds of thousands of men of our
Armed Forces living like "squawmen"
with their wives and children. At the
present time, all of our officers from car -
tain through field grade up to general
grade assigned to Western Europe are
living high on the hog with their families
and servants, and enjoying trips to Euro-
pean resorts in their Mercedes and other
European automobiles, which some sell
at handsome profits when returning to
the United States. They and their fam-
ilies never had it so good.
BYRD of Virginia in the chair). The Sen-
ator's time has expired.
Mr. YOUNG of Ohio. I ask unani-
mous consent to proceed for 3 additional
objection, it is so ordered.
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November 5, 1969 ApprovetewaltINEBUDINAB/INWIMFREPHBTA364R000300120003-9S 13821
South, the school bus has come to repre- try, most of them in urban centers and out- "We will not tolerate arbitrary busing,"
sent for thousands of people the stupid, stub- side the South. Mr. Nixon said then.
born, clumsy, inept attempt by a heavy- The promise common to all of those plans Gov. Lester G. Maddox of Georgia has
handed bureaucracy to force school Integra- is basically simple and emerged as an answer described busing frequently in vitriolic terms,
tion, a problem they believe only time can to a question school administrators have once calling it "a Communist ruse."
solve, been pondering since the 1954 decision: Gov. Albert P. Brewer of Alabama. has
Moreover, with last week's insistence of How can any school be racially balanced expressed similar sentiments in less vivid
the Supreme Court on immediate, Complete when the neighborhood it was designed terms, as have his counterparts in Louisiana
compliance with its 1954 school integration originally to serve has become or always was and Mississippi.
mandate, the furor over the school bus is racially unbalanced? The public officials' distaste for busing is
likely to increase both in scope and intensity One answer, as first devised in the Berke- also frequently expressed in Northern States
In the urban South in coming weeks as ley school system five years ago, is the die- and cities.
busing is chosen as a tool for quick desegre- solution of the time-honored concept of And not long ago, George C. Wallace, the
gation. the neighborhood school and the physical Presidential choice of nearly 10-million
"My kids ain't riding no buses all over movement of students from the residential Americans, twirled a cheap cigar in his
the country just to make the damned Su- neighborhood to a school in another neigh- fingers and offered his own contribution to
preme Court happy," vowed a disgruntled borhoocl, thereby achieving substantial class- the continuing argument.
Georgia parent last week, a sentiment voiced room integration. TRIFLING WITH OUR KIDS
over and over again by Mississippians whose DEVASTATING IMPACT "I'll tell you this," Mr. Wallace growled.
schools will feel the initial impact of the
The impact of that solution is, however, "It don't make any difference how many
Court's sweeping decision. for many parents and students, devastating. judges they appoint from the South or what
"What goes against my grain is my little
children riding buses, sometimes in sub-zero There are long rides in the morning and their philosophies are, and it don't make any
, afternoon to and from their new school, difference how they try to court the South?
weather, to places I've never even seen,"
complained the Rev. Alan Walbridge, a white
There is a loss of identification" with the if they keep on busing our kids from one end
Episcopal priest in Pittsburgh who has orga-
school itself, since it no longer is the neigh- of the town to the other, then there's going
nized a private school to avoid the city's
borhood school." "to be trouble because, I'll tell you this, par-
"I suspect, also, that many of the angry ents are not going to put up with it. They're
busing program. ones are simply saying, whether they are Ne- just trifling with our kids when they bus
"They might get lost or never come home
groes or whites, that they do not want their them around like that."
" h added hild n in a school with children who aren't And so the debate continues, as steadily
All across the country, there is consider-
their own color," a school administrator in
able antagonism. Evansville, Ind., said recently.
In Denver, two school board candidates ran
An official of the United States Department
successful campaigns this year on antibusing
of Health, Education and Welfare agrees.
platforms. Paul Rilling, chief of the department's Civil
TWO SOCIAL ILLS Rights Office here in the South, ventured
In Grand Rapids, many white and Negro that, in his own region, at least, it is not
parents have objected strenuously to the busing that "heats up" the parents, but
city's busing program, and one group boasts rather, integrated education.
that its efforts helped elect three new school In fact, records in Mr. Rilling's office and
board members. at the United States Department of Justice
In California, according to a newspaper here indicate that busing has not been a sig-
survey, parents of school-age children are nificant factor in or a substantial part of
"most concerned" about drug abuse among the south's struggles with classroom desegre-
youngsters and the busing of their chil- gation.
dren to schools out of their residential neigh- PROBLEM FOR NEGROES
borhoods?two facts of life the parents de- ?I think it is fair to say that if it has been
scribe as "social ills." a problem at all, it has been a problem for
In Birmingham, Ala., an organization of Negroes rather than whites," Mr. Rilling said.
white parents is raising money to use in a In most desegregation plans in the South,
court fight against their city's integration there is substantial "one-way desegregation,"
plans, which include the use of busing. a plan that moves Negroes from their schools
In Dayton, Ohio, boycotts, school strikes to previously all-white schools and in most
and occasional violence have marked that cases simply closes the schools that formerly
city's efforts to achieve racial balance in its were Negro. Mr. Ruling's agency is prohibited
schools by using buses. from either suggesting or ordering that bus-
Here in Atlanta, Negro parents staged ing programs be initiated in any Southern
vehement protests against a school closing school syste1 . to achieve racial parity in
and the busing of their children to a new, schools under its aegis.
integratedMr Rilling also finds support from other
and Fla noisily RS old yellow and black ve-
thicle that rolls along the country's streets
and highways, alternately swallowing and
then disgorging children and making as
remarkable a contribution to the nation's
bent for controversy as the internal com-
bustion engine's role in the improvement of
Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, re-
cently, Look magazine published an
article entitled "Greece: The Torture
Goes On," written by Mr. Christopher S.
Wren. In view of our support of the re-
gime in Greece, I think it is appropriate
that the article be drawn to the atten-
tion of the Senate, which will be called
upon to vote for continued military as-
sistance to the present regime.
I ask unanimous consent that the
article be printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the Article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
SOME ACCEPTANCE, TOO(By Christopher S. Wren)
that, even with the Supreme Court order Last June 7, George Papadopoulos, the
Southern officials and educators for his view
There are examples of acceptance as well, last week, the "busing syndrome" will not
In Berkeley, Calif., where the idea of busing become an important factor here in .the Greek colonel who runs Western Europe's
to achieve racial balance originated, it is South. only new dictatorship since World War IL
working and working well and there is little , "It is really an urban problem," he argued. mused before an Athens news conference
If any conflict, local officials say. "In the South, where the bulk of the stu- that he might agree with the view that the
In Rochester, N.Y., and Verona, N.J., the dent population is enrolled in smaller sys- press was a "whore." The self-appointed
story is the same. And even in Boston, where tems, most of them rural, there is absolutely Prime Minister was referring to Look maga-
Louise Day Hicks received thousands of nothing new about riding a bus a long cis- zine's disclosure of political torture in Greece
votes after her anti-busing mayoral cam- tance for a long tie to school." (May 27, 1969) .
paign in 1967, the busing program has met OFFICIAL SUPPORTHis indignant response was delivered once
with wide acceptance and will probably be the offending article, Greece: Government by
Regardless of the size or the intensity of Torture, was safely off the newstands (in
expanded. the South's reaction to busing plans, the is- Athens, cops were bought up by the junta:
sue is sturdy enough and substantial enough "How could we consider ourselves part of a
Advocates of busing, such as Neil V. Sul- to remain alive across the country. Parents civilized society when we accept the most
liven, the Massachusetts Commissioner of of every description and officials with a van- imaginary and malignant accusations pro-
Education insist that it can work and is, in sty of powers and authority will probably duced by a mentally deranged person ... and
fact, the best, fastest, safest and most eco- continue to oppose both the idea and the how could we reproduce those accusations for
nomical way to get children to school. fact of the busing, the use of tens of millions of readers through-
"If you can provide a good education, peo- They have support from high places. out the world?" Under the subhead "Feeble
pie don't mind busing," he said, referring to In Williamsburg, Va., for instance, Vice Author," the censored Athens News picked
the success of the plan now in force in Bos- President Agnew, in an attempt to mollify up the cue: "Papadopoulos said this article
ton. "Transportation does not become the the heated interests of several Southern goy- was written by a mentally deranged person."
problem. All they [the parents] want at the ernors, recently stated his blunt opposition It was later quietly explained the Prime
end of the bus ride is quality education." to busing. And in many corners of the coun- Minister really meant not this writer, dnly
Although exact statistics are hard to come try, editorial writers and public officials are his sources.
by, officials in the United States Office of constantly referring to a campaign remark Papadopoulos thereupon invited Look to
Education believe there are more than 100 by President Nixon in Charlotte. N.C. last send to Greece "a duly authorized represents-
separate busing plans in effect in the coun- year. tive with the purpose of investigating the
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truth. He could be accompanied by the per-
son who supplied the writer with the false
accusations. . .."
The Prime Minister promised that if he
were shown torture did take place, he would
hang the culprits in Constitution Square.
The last such public executions in central
Athens, Greeks recall, were carried out by the
Nazis during the Occupation. The Prime
Minister never bothered to send his invita-
tion to Look. It appeared the next week
among the routine Greek Embassy press re-
leases handed out to She Washington press
corps. Still, Look accepted.
Since the details had come from torture
victims within and outside Greece, Look
had no single "person who supplied the writer
with the false accusations.- It propased send-
ing James Becket, an American lawyer who
has investigated torture chargeS within
Greece for Amnesty International, the world-
wide organization coneerned with political
prisoners. Becket had given some of his
documentation to Look. Congressinan Don
Edwards of California was suggested as an
observer. Rep. Edwards, chairman of the
U.S. Committee for Democracy in Greece,
offered skill as a former Pm agent and cur-
rent member of the House of Representatives
Judiciary Committee.
Following the Prime Minister's invitation,
further evidence and offers of assistance came
in to Look from Europe. Thirteen prisoners
in Averoff prison, Athens, smuggled out a
signed statement that they wanted to talk
about their torture. A Scandinavian diplo-
mat wrote: "I could furnish yott with a
number of names of people who have been
tortured much worse than those yon,mention
in your article."
A month later, the Greek Prime Minister
finally authorized the consul general in New
York to inform Loots that Representative
Edwards and Becket, as "participants of
movements inspired by Snejudice and anti-
Greek hysteria" were not welcome in Greece.
The article's author was 'absolutely unac-
ceptable." As for the Prime Minister's promise
to summarily execute anyone guilty Of bru-
tality, this, the consul general explained, was
merely a "Greek metaphor" used "by the
Prime Minister to emphasize the depth of
his cenvietions. . ."
Yet as long ago as ApriT, 1968, the Greek
junta was given prima faeie evidence that,
political prisoners had ben abused. Anthony
Marreco, a British lawyer for Amnesty Inter-
national, was allowed into three Greek pris-
ons. Afterward, he gave Minister of Interior
Stylianos Pattakos the histories of ten pris-
oners whom he had interviewed and believed
were tortured. Pattakos dismissed them as
Communists and Marreco's andings SA Com-
munist propaganda. Pattakos closed the mat-
ter: "The Greek Goverritnent has to protect
its people against its Communist enemies."
Amnesty International is DOW banned from
Greece as "Communist," test as it has been
banned from the Soviet Union ail
The Greek dictatorship insists that torture
claims have been refuted by Use International
Red Cross and the so-called British Pasha-
7entarians Committee. It was in fast the
subsidiary International Committee of the
Red Cross that visited Greece. Its initial re-
port dealt with prison-camp conditicins, not
storture. A second report concluded that the
,ICRC did not wish to declare whether or not
Iprisoners were tortured. Because the ICRC
cannot release its findings without the per-
mission of the host government,n4 Other
reports have been published, The Ittac in
July, 1968, and again in February, 1969,
privately protested to the junta its inisrep-
resentation of the reports.
The Rea Cross has secured from the junta
some improvement in prison conditions. But i
Its business is mercy, not politics. ReStricted
to diplomatic channels, it can see only what
the government decides to show. In World
November 5, 1969
War LI, for instance, a Danish Red Cross team
finally allowed Into the Therresienstadt con-
centration cam? in June, 1944, found new
flowerbeds and freshly painted barracks. To
tidy up, the Nazis had shipped 2,780 Jews
to Auschwitz.
The British Parliamentarians Committee
turns out to be five British Members of
Parliament who were junketed with wives to
Greece for the 1968 Easter holidays by
Maurice Fraser Associates. Fraser, a former
gambling-easinc promoter, had persuaded the
junta to pay his new firm $253,000 a year to
handle its public relations in Britain. Two
of the MP's did visit the prison camp on the
island of Leros, where torture did not occur.
The spokesman, Gordon Bagier, MP, scoffed:
"Quite frankly, I am getting a bit fed up
with the sensationalist reporting to come
out of Greece. We found that reported torture
had always 'hapsened to someone else.'"
After a long court fight the following fall,
the London Sunday Times won the right to
publish a secret memorandum from Mau-
rice Fraser to the junta that he had a Brit-
ish MP in his employ. Confronted with it,
Gordon Bagier confessed that Fraser was
paying him 2500 ($1,200) a year.
The junta has grown desperate for good
publicity. It reprints in government pam-
phlets?The Foreign Press About Greece?
favorable letters to the editor under the
masthead of the foreign newspaper that
has carried them. The casual reader will
take the unlabeled private letter for an offi-
cial editorial endorsement. The government
recently extended round-trip New York-
Athens air fare and 24 days of full hospitality
to a California radio-TV team of four, in the
hopes of some friendly spot reports.
But when Christopher Janus, Jr., a 25-
year-old vacationing Peace Corps teacher,
visited Greece or. August 2, he was detained
overnight and deported without explanation
to Nairobi. His father, Christopher Janus, a
Chicago stockbroker of Greek descent, had
written two articles for the Chicago Sun-
Times after visiting Greece in 1967 and 1968.
Janus, who was decorated by an earlier
Greek Government for his work in Greece
during the civil war, had simply repeated
what a lieutena:at colonel in Athens told
him last year: "A little torture is necessary
to preserve civilization."
The Look art:ele has been translated,
mimeographed and circulated inside Greece
along with the novels and poetry banned by
the . But ahalf-dozen new escapees
from Greece separately insist that the beat-
Ingalls the police stations have been stepped
up in an- attempt to stem the bombings and
other stiffening resistance among the Greek
Six weeks after the article appeared, Athens
radio felt free to boast: "The U.S. Govern-
ment recently decided to include Greece
among the four countries to which 90 per-
cent of U.S. military aid for 1970 will be
When 50 American congressmen petitioned
the Secretary of State in a July 30 letter for
"a clearer sign oi' U.S. moral and political
disapproval of the dictatorship," an Assistant
Secretary of State, William B. Macomber,
conceded that "WE' see an autocratic govern-
ment denying basic civil liberties to the citi-
zens of Greece," but insisted that the junta
was meeting Greece's NATO treaty obliga-
tions. Calling the NATO argument an excuse
for U.S. inaction, Rep. Don Edwards took
issue: ". . . the present dictatorship violates
the very principles of NATO, the very reason
for NATO, the protection of free people
through the preservation of governments
chosen by the people."
American taxpayers' money still Rows to
a government that relies on torture to sur-
vive. Among the now allegations of brutality
S a letter from a woman who wrote Look
that her aunt, a middle-aged dressmaker, was
arrested and, the niece heard, tortured the
week after Papadopoulos issued his angry
denial. "She was releated after having been
kept for 40 days under strict confinement
[and] continuous interrogation. Before her
release, she signed a declaration saying that
she was treated 'very politely and kept under
very human conditions of imprisonment.'
She had been warned, of course, that in ease
she is going to say anything to anyone related
to her interrogation, she will be rearrested
and 'properly' treated." Her name, like dozens
of others, has been sent to the Human Rights
Commission of the Council of Europe, which
has been examining such cases and will an-
nounce its conclusions later this fall.
If, in the meantime the Prime Minister is
anxious to examine the validity of the
pyramiding charges of torture, he has only
to honor his pledge of June 7, to let Look
Into Greece to "investigate the truth" he says
he so desperately wants.
Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, this week
Canada joined the growing list of coun-
tries who have placed substantial con-
trols on th
pesticide DDT.
According to reports in the New York
Times and the Wall Street Journal, the
Canadian Government will reduce the
use of DDT beginning January 1, 1970,
by 90 percent. Prime Minister Pierre
Trudeau said that the regulations are
being imposed?even though the long-
term effects on human life are un-
known?because definite and alarming
evidence has confirmed the injury and
destruction to fish and wildlife from
Sweden, Denmark, and Czechoslovakia
have already banned this persistent pes-
ticides from use in their countries. In
the United States, Arizona and Michi-
gan have banned DDT, and many other
States are presently considering similar
measures in their legislatures.
I ask unanimous consent that the ar-
ticles be printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the articles
were ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
[From the New York Times, Nov. 4, 19i39l
Orraws, November 3.?Canada announced
measures today to reduce the use of the pes-
ticide DDT by 90 per cent next year.
The number of cultivated food plants on
Which it may be used will be reduced from
62 to 12 beginning Jan. 1. Also, the tolerance
levels in various foodstuffs are to be sub-
stantially reduced.
Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau,
making the announcement in the House of
Commons, said the Government was acting
on the baais of studies showing effects of
DDT on birds and fish. Long-term effects of
the pesticide on human life are still un-
known, he said. He emphasized that the Gov-
ernment had no evidence of injury to human
The Prime Minister noted that the Ca-
nadian diet contained an an average only
one-fifth the maximum daily intake of DDT
(0.7 milligrams) accepted as unsafe by the
World Health Organization.
In recent months several Canadian prov-
inces have curbed the use of the pesticide,
whose effectis have been found harmful in a
number of studies in the United States.
Ontario announced a general ban on DDT
six weeks ago.
Mr. Trudeau today commended the provin-
cial governments for the initiatives they
had taken to control the use of DDT, but
he said more comprehensive action was
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uctober 30, 1969
dent, it requires both time and money to
implement any kind of school order. Are
Federal courts prepared to levy taxes by
injunction? Are they prepared to compel
State legislatures to levy taxes and ap-
propriate funds to implement Federal
court decrees?
Mr. President, the Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare and the
Federal courts have closed over $15 mil-
lion worth of school buildings in the
State of Alabama. We resent that. Money
comes hard down in Alabama. These
buildings have to be built with taxpay-
ers' funds and for HEW and the Federal
courts to come in and tell us that we
have to close our?in many cases?
brandnew and expensive school build-
ings in order to help implement these
integration programs, we do not like it.
We are upset about it.
People are greatly concerned about
this issue. We are interested in matters
of tax reform in Alabama; in stopping
inflation; in the Vietnam war and seeing
to it that it is brought to an end on an
honorable basis, after we have kept our
commitments and as we support the
President of the United States in his
plans to bring peace in Vietnam.
All of these things concern the people
of Alabama but I believe that the one
Issue which concerns them most is that
of maintaining our public school system
In Alabama and keeping it from being
taken over, lock, stock, and children, by
the Federal Government. That is the No.
1 issue in the State of Alabama, keeping
local control of our local institutions.
Just the other day, I received informa-
tion from the Department of Defense
that there have been almost 1,000 Ala-
bama boys who have lost their lives in
Vietnam. I have paid tribute on the
Senate floor to these brave young men.
Yes, Alabamians loyally support the
Government of the United States. We
obey the court decrees. We want fair and
equal treatment. We do not want one law
applied in the North and another law
applied in the South.
The protection of our public school
system and the protection of our local
institutions in Alabama, are the primary
considerations of the people of Alabama.
We want to see every boy and girl in
Alabama receive a quality education. We
want to see them get the same educa-
tional advantages, the same cultural ad-
vantages, and the same economic advan-
tages which are enjoyed by boys and girls
In other States.
I stated that this type of policy is de-
signed to appeal to certain people. That
is what is at the root of the whole
thing?how many people this type of
policy will appeal to. It is a matter of
politics. That is the reason why we have
unequal enforcement of the law in the
South. It is a matter of politics.
Just a few weeks ago I received a call
from some of by black friends in Ala-
bama who are complaining about the
closing of their high school. It was a
school with a student body of around
400, a fine school, with a fine auditorium,
a fine cafeteria and lunchroom, used by
the citizens for social gatherings and
community meetings. They had a fine
football team, a good band, and they
liked their school. They had school
The court came along, on the recom-
mendation of HEW, and closed that
school. The patrons did not like it. They
asked me to do something about it.
About all I can do is protest to HEW
and tell the Members of the Senate who
might possibly chance by about the clos-
ing of this school in Alabama.
These questions are not academic, for
we have the precedent of Federal district
courts issuing injunctions against con-
stitutional officers of State governments
to compel State legislatures to gerry-
mander representative districts to meet
a collectivist political concept of equality.
Is it to be imagined that the people of
the South will continue to support with
their taxes a public school system di-
vorced from education considerations
and one in which the welfare of children
Is totally subordinated to the absurd dic-
tates of the National Government?
So the Supreme Court decision in the
Mississippi case has settled actually lit-
tle. It merely opens a new era of litiga-
tion during which the Federal executive
and the Federal judiciary will continue
to apply every coercive weapon at their
command to compel the assignment of
pupils and teachers to achieve racial
balance in the public schools.
Mr. President, we hope that the pub-
lic schools of Alabama and the South
may yet be saved from th sociological
ewes that are be1nd on us.
Mr. FELL. Mr. President, last month,
on September 29, I commented here in
the Senate on the failure of the Greek
Government to honor the invitation it
had extended to Look magazine to send
a reporter to Greece to determine the
truth of charges of torture of political
prisoners in that country.
To refresh the memory of my col-
leagues, the Greek Government extended
the invitation in a press release in re-
sponse to an excellent article written by
Mr. Christopher S. Wren and published
in the May 27, 1969, issue of Look maga-
Look magazine promptly accepted the
invitation and proposed to send to
Greece a three-man team composed of
Mr. Wren, Mr. James Becket, an Amer-
ican attorney who had investigated the
torture charges for Amnesty Interna-
tional, and Representative Doll EDWARDS
of California, a former FBI agent and
member of the House Judiciary Com-
After a delay of a month, the Greek
Government informed Loox magazine
that the three-man team was not ac-
ceptable to the Greek Government and
would not be welcome in Greece.
I recently received from the Consul
General of Greece in New York, George
D. Vranopoulos, a copy of the formal re-
sponse of the Greek Government to the
Look magazine proposal. To fill in the
public record of the exchange between
Look magazine and the Greek Govern-
ment, I ask unanimous consent that the
letters from Consul General Vranopoulos
to myself and to Mr. William D. Arthur,
editor of Look magazine, dated July 12,
be printed in the RECORD.
To further complete the RECORD, I have
obtained from Look magazine the reply
by Mr. Arthur, dated July 29, to the
Consul General, and ask that both let-
ters be printed in the RECORD at this
point as well as a letter from Mr. Becket
printed in the International Herald Trib-
une on October 24.
The being no objection, the letters
were ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
New York, N.Y., October 8, 1969.
U.S. Senate,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR: I have read with interest
your comments concerning Greece in the
September 29 Congressional Record.
It is always encouraging to see members
of the United States Senate exerting unself-
ish efforts to keep pace with dvelopments
that concern America's allies.
Your September 29 comments dealt with
the unfortunate and unfounded allegations
of Look magazine that the Greek Govern-
ment employs torture to suppress or punish
political opposition.
These allegations are not true.
To update your files on the exchanges be-
tween Look editors and Greek officials, I offer
this copy of a letter sent to the magazine on
July 12, 1969.
You are free to reproduce this letter if you
wish to complete the picture.
Consul General of Greece.
New York, N.Y., July 12, 1969.
Editor, Look Magazine,
New York, N.Y.
DEAR MR. ARTHUR: With reference to your
letter of June 16, 1969 addressed to the for-
mer Counsellor of the Greek Embassy in
Washington, I have been authorized to state
the following:
1. The Prime Minister of Greece, during a
press conference in Athens with representa-
tives of the Greek and Foreign Press, on
June 7, 1969, did, indeed, invite the manage-
ment of Look to send to our country an au-
thorized staff reporter to evaluate the facts
relating to the material published in your
magazine, through a purely journalistic in-
2. The Prime Minister, however, has ob-
served with disagreeable surprise that his
invitation, although explicitly specifying a
clearly journalistic investigation, was mis-
interpreted from beginning to end, in view
of your declared intention to have Messrs.
James Becket and Don Edwards accompany
your representative. These two gentlemen
are not only lacking any journalistic quail-
Rations but they are also participating in
activities openly hostile to the prevailing
situation in Greece.
The Prime Minister would gladly grant an
interview to an unbiased journalist repre-
senting Look, but not to the participants
of movements inspired by prejudice and anti-
Greek hysteria, even in the event that such
individuals were to present themselves in a
journalistic capacity.
3. Beyond this overall misinterpretation
of the meaning of the Prime Minister's in-
vitation, it must be pointed out that not
even the journalist in the proposed group
Is an appropriate designee. Mr. Christopher
Wren is a person absolutely unacceptable to
the Greek Government,
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October 30, S 13557
done by HEW in the North. They are
prote ted under the language of the
HEV appropriation bill, and HEW is
prey nted from taking these steps.
Wh re, however, racial segregation ofi
stude ts in a school system has been caused,
in w ole or in part, by the official action of
the tate, these statutory provisions pro-
vide ao barrier to any steps necessary to
deseg egate the schools and are not steps to
overceme racial imbalance prohibited by
those laws.
to do
ther words, HEW is free to do these
in the South but are not permitted
them in the North, the reason being
t one time in the South we did have
a du 1 system of schOols.
That seems unfair to the junior Sen-
ator from Alabama?that we should have
one rule for the use of Federal funds in
the North and a different rule in the
Mr, President, we in Alabama are thiS
year celebrating our sesquicentennial.
We ave been in the Union of StateS
this ear for 150 years, and we are proud
of th t fact. We are proud that Alabama
is th 22d State of the Union.
I int out that the people of the
Sout ?the people of Alabania and the
Sout ?are as loyal or more loyal to our
coun ry than the people of any other
secti of the country. Military procure-
ment bills receive the support of the Sen-
ators and Representatives from the
Sout .
Ju the other day, I received a letter
from a radio station in Alabama that
had r n an editorial in opposition to the
Vietn m moratorium on Oct,ober 15.
Th y had invited their listeners to call
in an?tell them whether they approved
of th editorial which was critical of the
demo strators. Hundreds of replies came
in aslI 98.3 percent of those replies were
in fa or of supporting the President, sup.
portixg the foreign policy of the Presi.
dent, and of the United States.
Mr President, I point out these things
to shw that the people of Alabama are
loyal 4merican citizens. We olkey the law,
We r spect the law. We are proud to be
a part of the Union. We are proud that
our tate is now celebrating the 150t1
anntvlersary of its admission to the
Mr President, we want to be treated aS
citize s in Alabama. We do not want td
be tr ated as a conquered province. We
want to see the laws enforced equally
We speak of equal protection of the
laws, ut why is not this HEW appropria-
tion imltation granted equally in the
South as it is in the North? It has been
made clear on the floor of the Senate lcat
the distinguished Senator from Missis-
sippi ' and other Senators, and it is a
matt r of common knowledge, that there
are li erally hundreds of public schools
In th country, in the big cities of thl
Nort , that are 100 percent segregated.
do not believe that news of the 1954 decal
sion of the Supreme Court in Browfl
a tten
t the Board of Education ha
d many of our big cities in th
. If it has, they have not paid a
ion to it.
we see the spectacle of the Sus
Court stepping into a ease where
was already an order for the sub-I
mission of a plan by December 1, and
they come in and say, "Integrate now,"
1 month from the deadline that had al-
ready been established.
We do not want to lose the public
school system in Alahama and in the
South. It would hit the very people that
these decisions supposedly are designed
to help. Far from being helpful to them,
if we lose the public school system in
Alabama, it would be a great detriment
to them. The low- and middle-income
citizens of Alabama and the South are
not able to send their children to private
schools. We have to rely on the public
school system and we want to preserve
that public school system.
Mr. President, I have introduced in the
Senate an amendmeni, to the HEW ap-
propriation bill. I do not know how much
good it would do if the amendment were
agreed to because they apply one rule, as
I say, in the North and still another rule
In the South, However, I have introduced
this amendment and I will call it up
when the HEW appropriation bill comes
before the Senate for consideration.
The amendment reads as follows:
It is hereby declared to be the sense of
Congress that the freedom of choice of par-
ents to choose the public primary and sec-
ondary schools to which they shall send
their children (subject to age, academic
and residence requirements) is an inviolate
right, the protection and maintenance of
Which is part of the public policy of the
United States.
I wish that were the public policy of
the United States. What in the World
would be wrong with allowing a?child
anywhere in the country to choose the
school he wants to attend? We are will-
ing to follow that system. We are willing
to give bona fide support to a system of
that sort.
We have had freedom of choice in Ala-
bama, until we came uu der court decrees;
and the courts have called the HEW to
come in and suggest school plans and
have then just put them into effect.
I believe that under that plan we
would have every boy and girl in Ala-
bama attending the school that he or she
wishes to attend. This Ls not a one-sided
thing. This does not provide benefits to
one race at the detriment of another
I was interested in observing in the
text of the opinion of the Supreme Court
that in this case they did cite two cases,
one in 1964 and one in 1968, by the War-
ren court. The 1954 case cited no legal
precedents. As I have said, the Burger
court has not distinguished itself in this
case, in the opinion of the junior Sena-
tor from Alabama; and it looks as if,
even though Mr. Chief Justice Warren
Is no longer on the Court, his presence
is still very much felt there.
I notice, too, that the opinion was a
per curiam opinion. No one signed it. It
was the utterance of the entire Court, an
8-to-0 decision.
If the Supreme Court is divided on a
question of this sort 8 to 0, I do not be-
lieve there is a whole lot for anyone to
be disturbed about if someone of a
slightly different political philosophy
should be named to the Court. At best it
would then be an 8-to-1 opinion, which
would not be too bad, I am sure, from
the view of those who like this sort of
Mr. President, I was encouraged by one
Phrase in the opinion of the Supreme
Court to which I have alluded. In the
first numbered item of the Court's order
it calls on the Court of Appeals of the
Fifth Circuit to direct the school boards
that they begin immediately to operate
as a unitary school system within which
no person is to be effectively excluded
from any school because of race or color.
Well now, that sounds all right to the
junior Senator from Alabama because it
smacks of being freedom of choice. If no
Person is to be effectively excluded from
any school because of race or color, that
can only mean that he would have the
free choice of going to the school to
which he wishes to go. In that respect,
if that in fact be the meaning of this
phrase, I would certainly endorse those
few words in the opinion.
Mr. President, the Federal Executive
charged with responsibility for imple-
menting judicial decrees in the massive
sociological experiment in Mississippi
and throughout the South has frankly
admitted that the proposals he imposed
upon certain Mississippi school systems
had been hurriedly prepared. The depart-
ment conceded that to implement these
plans would" surely produce chaos, con-
fusion, and a catastrophic educational
setback for the children involved." Does
the Constitution of the United States re-
quire chaos, confusion, and a catastroph-
ic setback for children in public schools?
The U.S. Supreme Court swept aside
all such considerations and washed its
hands of responsibility for such chaos.
The Supreme Court ordered the Court of
Appeals for the U.S. Fifth Judicial Cir-
cuit to direct the school boards to accept
all or any part of the hopped-up plan
provided only that the plan "insure a
totally unitary school system" instan-
taneously and without regard to con-
The opinion is indiffrent to the welfare
of the children, untroubled by conse-
quences and devoid of conscience. The
order is free of education considerations,
indiffrent to the = will and wishes of the
children, their parents, and teachers and
completely unconcerned about the con-
venience or health or safety or welfare
of the children involved. But more?it is
indifferent to practical down to earth
consideration for the future of public
school education in the South.
Mr. President, how is this decision to be
implemented? We know, of course, that
the Department of Health, Education,
and Welfare will threaten to withhold
public funds, a part of which are used
to buy hot breakfasts and provide lunches
for children of the poor. We know that
the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Judicial Circuit will issue its decrees and
injunctions and threaten public school
officials with fine and imprisonment
without benefit of trial by jury if they
do not surrender their Constitutional
power to administer local public schools
and accept dictation from Federal courts
and from the Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare. But, Mr. Presi-
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4. The Greek Government is amenable
to the suggestion that your staff reporter be
accompanied by an accredited press photog-
5. The Prime Minister has also invited Mr.
Korovessis, the only accusser identified by
name in your article. The Prime Minister
has publicly assured Korovessis immunity
from any jeopardy bodily or otherwise. From
the Prime Minister's statement it is clear-
ly evident that the journalistic investigation
would deal exclusively with the brutality
charges asserted by Mr. Korovessis to Mr.
Wren. Therefore, the proposed investigation
is acceptable only if directed to the afore-
mentioned brutality charges and not to the
alleged 200 instances of torture, which Mr.
Wren in a vague but colorfill manner claims
to have knowledge of.
6. In the event Mr. Wren's allegations
as to the Korovessis' matter were proven to
be true, the Government would immediate-
ly take measures to severely punish to the
full extent of the Law, those responsible for
such acts. This was the essence of the re-
mark of the Prime Minister "the execution
(of the culprit) in the Constitution Square",
which is a Greek metaphor often used by
Greeks firmly convinced of the bona fides
of their belief, and not the literal and nar-
row interpretation placed upon his words.
The use of such a significant figure of speech
by the Prime Minister to emphasize the
depth of his convictions should have aroused
definite suspicions as to the extent to which
the truth was distorted in Mr. Wren's article.
7. In closing, we reiterate that in spite of
the offensiveness to the Prime Minister of
the misinterpretation of his remarks, the in-
vitation extended by him in the aforemen-
tioned press conference still stands; namely
that a duly accredited member of your rep-
ortorial staff together with a press pho-
tographer are welcome to visit Greece for the
stated purpose. It must be understood that
this invitation does not extend to any per-
son who is not a journalist by profession or
who, despite a journalistic background,
through association in anti-Greek move-
ments or lack of objectivity, is prone to pre-
judge prejudicially and hence is completely
The foregoing is based on the conviction
that your renown publication has experienced
conscientious and dedicated staff members
capable of carrying out your intention to
search for the truth through reputable chan-
nels of proven journalistic reliance and free
of prejudicial influences or motivations.
Consul General of Greece.
JULY 29, 1969.
Consul General of Greece,
New York, N.Y.
DEAR MR. VRANOPOULOS: Please convey to
the Prime Minister of Greece my disappoint-
ment at his unwillingness to let Look prop-
erly accept his initial invitation to "investi-
gate the truth" about political torture in
Greece, as reported in the May 27 issue of
Because the Prime Minister had expressed
his interest in learning the facts, I had sug-
gested that Look's representatives be three
Individuals who could best present the evi-
dence to the Prime Minister: Senior Editor
Christopher S. Wren, who wrote the article;
James Becket, who has written regularly for
respected American publications; and Con-
gressman Don Edwards of California, who of-
fers valuable experience as a former agent of
the Federal Bureau of Investigation and a
current member of the Judiciary Committee
of the U.S. House of Representatives.
The Prime Minister's objection to Messrs.
Wren, Becket and Edwards seems to be that
they know too much. Otherwise he would be
anxious to avail himself of the documenta-
tion they are ready to present.
[From the International Herald Tribune,
Oct. 24, 1969]
On June 7, 1969, Premier Papadopoulos of
Greece, incensed at an article in Look maga-
zine entitled "Greece: Government by Tor-
ture," challenged the author of the article
and "the person who supplied the informa*-
tion" to come to Greece at government ex-
pense to make an "objective investigation."
As someone who had provided the author,
Christopher Wren, with information, I wrote
the premier, expressing my willingness to
accept at my own expense the invitation. I
also expressed this in a letter to the Interna-
tional Herald Tribune.
Look magazine took up the premier's chal-
lenge and said they would send at Look's ex-
pense Mr. Wren, Congressman Don Edwards
and me. Mr. Papadopoulos never answered
Look directly nor did he answer my letter.
However, a month later, the Greek consul
in New York informed the magazine that we
three were "absolutely unacceptable."
The premier, however, retains a strong in-
terest in the torture issue, considering it, in
fact, more important than his very life. On
Aug. 22, in answer to a question on this sub-
ject by Congressman Yatron of Pennsyl-
vania, he stated that "on my word of mili-
tary honor," these stories "are infuriatingly
and basely false," and "if evidence of even
one such case is supplied, then the only
duty left to me as a man under military
oath is to commit suicide."
Because of the premier's obvious concern, I
propose now to send him the names of 400
persons known to have been tortured, a
representative sample of signed affidavits of
Greek citizens describing their tortures, the
names and rank of 119 officials known to
have been tortured, and the names of 21
places where torture is carried out, including
the Dionysos camp run by the premier's
brother. In spite of courtroom declarations
by tortured defendants and overwhelming
evidence, the government has made no in-
vestigation, but, rather, has promoted the
known torturers. For the sake of Greece,
the premier should demonstrate his sin-
cerity on this important issue.
Mr. PELL. Mr. President, I commented
on September 29, in the light of the
Greek Government's failure to honor the
Invitation it had extended, that the in-
vitation was "false, and not meant to
be accepted."
There is nothing in the exchange of
correspondence I have presented here
today that would cause me to change
that viewpoint. It was, in fact, entirely
too much to expect that the repressive
Greek regime would actually permit a
thorough inquiry by a competent and
knowledgeable team of investigators.
Even without such a visit by investi-
gators, however, there is ample evidence
of the repressive nature of the current
Greek Government.
In the October issue of Harper's maga-
zine there is an excellent article by Mr.
John Corry entitled "Greece: The Death
of Liberty." In the article Mr. Corry, a
respected author, journalist, and former
Nieman Fellow, provides a graphic de-
scription of conditions in Greece and
tells of the patience and extraordinary
courage shown by the Greek people in
living under the present regime. I ask
unanimous consent that the article by
Mr. Corry be printed at this point in
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
(By John Corry)
The thing about the Greeks is that they
have survived, and that while lesser peoples
have waxed, waned, and disappeared, they
have hung on, enduring their own rogues
and geniuses, being pawed over by one Great
Power or another, getting the history of the
Medes and the Persians written in their hills,
suffering their endless catastrophes, becom-
ing as much Eastern as Western, and staying
all the while peculiarly Greek, which means
they are not like everyone else, but warmer,
kinder, crueler, prouder, and more full of
both courage and guile, with the more im-
portant of these being guile. When Odysseus
got back to Ithaca, Homer says, gray-eyed
Athena said to him with nothing but ad-
miration, "Crafty must he be, and knavish,
who would outdo thee in all manner of guile,"
and three thousand years later, when some
students at the University of Salonika were
asked what they thought was the greatest
virtue of them all, they answered nearly to
a man, "To be clever."
Greece, you must understand, is not so
much a country of clear light, old ruins, and
blue and green seas at it is a condition. It
is where the citizens are sorry at politics and
successful at business, where they love their
country and despise their Governments, and
where a queue is always a shambles, the rule
being that the smaller the citizen the more
quickly he will fall out of line. It is where
there are many supplicants, but few beggars,
Where there is kindness to foreigners and sus-
picion of countrymen, and where everyone
is absolutely certain that he is not only as
good as his fellow man but positively better.
"The first thing you must know about us,"
said a sophisticated Greek lady, "is that each
one of us is sure he can run the country
better than anyone else." Greece is also some-
thing with which many Anglo-Saxons and
Teutons have love affairs, Lord Byron being
only the most publicized, and where any two
citizens, like Talmudic scholars, can argue
three sides of a question. When Thucydides,
the celebrated Greek historian, began his
history of the Peloponnesian War he wrote:
"The task was a laborious one because eye-
witnesses of the same occurrence gave dif-
ferent accounts of them as they remembered,
or were interested in the actions of one side
or another." Nothing has changed much
since then, and the sons of the eyewitnesses
are still more interested in your knowing
what they think happened, or ought to have
happened, rather than what actually did
happen. It is all very complex, even to the
Greeks, and no one is ever quite sure what is
really going on, and the only probable thing
is that the Greeks will survive, and that their
newest disaster, which is the Army officers
Who run the country, will not.
The Army officers, colonels mostly, took
over the country on April 21, 1967, saying as
they did so that they were the instruments
of a National Resurrection and a National
Purification, wherein Greece would be purged
of corruption, mismanagement, and the
Communist menace. In fact, there was cor-
ruption and mismanagement, which there
still is, and in the twenty-three years before
the officers came to power, forty-one Govern-
ments had risen and fallen. Moreover, al-
though the officers have never produced
much evidence to show there was a real Red
peril, as opposed to the kind that gives Ev-
erett Dirksen the vapors, they probably be-
lieved that one existed. In 1963, when Prime
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lifinister George Papadopoul was a colonel
an the northern border, he put sugar in the
fuel supply of his tanks, which made them
atop running, and then said the Comm-masts
id it. Then he told the Government of this
nstance of Red duplicity, but nothing came
f it when someone found out what had
.eally happened, and the Government put it
'all down to the Colonels zeal. In his favor,
however, It should be remembered that in
rreece Communism truly had been all fire
nd sword. In late 1944, after the Germans
ad been driven out, Communist partt.sans
ought both loyalist Greeks and the British
rmy for control of the country. According to
declaration filed at the old United Nations
Organization by what was then the Greek
Government, 46,985 civilians were killed by
the Communists in the short war, and God
alone knows how many the Governmem side
illed. Then, in June 1946, fighting resumed
n a more massive scale. There were atroci-
ties on both sides, and when it stopped in
i950 the Government said that its ' armed
forces had suffered 49,720 casualties, which
included those captured, and that the figure
for the Communists was 79,773. It wae a ter-
rible time, more terrible than the German
Occupation, and it uprooted more than one
Million Greeks, with all the misery tine: this
Meant, while the damage to property aid to
national life was simply incalculable.
Nonetheless, I know of no one in Greec who
thought this was about to bappen again, and
however corrosive the life in Parliamer1 . may
have been, however antiquated the rdational
institutions, however upsetffing the labor dis-
Putes, the street protests and demerstra-
'talons, Greece was getting by. Moreover It was
being run by Greeks. There had been the
ong years of the Turkish bccupation, which
nded with the War for Independence in the
early part of the last century, and then after
1830 the British, French, and Russian Am-
bassadors had things pretty much their way.
Otto I, a Bavarian, was Ring, and he ruled
with all the grace of a Turkish Sultan sur-
Inounding himself with other Bavariale, and
ally being deposed in 1861. He was suc-
eded by George I, who was a Dane, largely
haecause when it looked as if the British
Might get one of their own on the throne.
the French and Russians had objected Even-
tually, however, the British did becolne the
ominant force, what the Greeks cell the
'foreign factor," but their suzerainty ended
n 1947, when, with a polite cliplomat4c note,
they yielded up their burden and asked the
mericans to shoulder it.
This was during the Civil War, and tio first
here was the American military rnitsion,
nd then the economic aid, great quantities
f it that helped to rebuild the country and
ere possibly the best and the brighteet uses
f American munificence in the postwar pe-
iod, and then the technical experts, the
dvisers, the endless officials, the diplomats,
nd all the beginnings of a new suzeirainty.
'I remember," an American diploma, says,
when Paul Porter was the AID chief, and
the director of the Greek budget woulti come
n and see him and say, 'We want to spend
o much money on this, and so mtich on
hat,' and Porter would say yes or no, so
hat he was really the guy who was retuning
he country." (Porter later became A For-
as's law partner; I do not know if this proves
nything.) That suzerainty ended ii 1.961,
When Congress, wearying of adding n ve na-
tions to the Foreign Aid rolls without seeing
S,ny come off, removed Greece, Taiwan, and
israel. In fact, Greece by then had a' sound
debt structure, her economy was growing,
end she didn't need the money. (Neither did
aiwan or Israel, but they both complained.
ater, the economic aid to Taiwan thht was
uspended was shifted over to inilitaary' aid;
srael just hit American Jews up again.)
Those years of the Truman Doctrine, of the
Marshall Plan, were years of great AMerican
prestige in Greece; we were well loved. Here,
for example, is a Greek politician speaking.
He is gray-haired and distinguished, books
in three languages are on his library shelves,
and he was an elected Deputy and a Minister
hi more Greek gtvernments than he can
easily remember. "In the early nineteen-
fifties, the American Ambassador, Peurifoy,
once called me and invited me to lunch. This
was Just before an election. Peurifoy was an
old friend, and the luncheon was just a
social occasion. Bur; then along ca,me a free-
lance photographer, who took our picture,
and the next day it was in all the Athens
papers. My people saw it, and Ian sure I got
ten thousand votes because of it in the elec-
tion. If this were to happen again, if people
were to see my picture now with an Ameri-
can official, I would lose the election." There
are no elections now, of course, and the poli-
tician, who probably had the photographer
planted, could be overstating things. Still,
there is a new anti-Americanism in Greece,
and it worries the American Embassy, and it
is probably strongest among the young,
where It ought not, to exist at all.
Why, definitely the Americans support the
Colonels," the girt was saying. "It is the
Pentagon and the CIA, not the people. If
the people knew what was happening here
they would be with us. All the students be-
lieve there has been interference from the
Americans." The girl was a leftist who
smiled a lot, even when she was telling
horror stories. She attended the University
of Athens, and periodically she had to re-
port to the fourth floor of the police station
on Bouboulinas Street to be interrogated.
Her boyfriend had been sentenced to ten
and a half years on an unspecified charge,
and her friends all thought she would end
up in jail herself. (The extra half-year on
his sentence is worth remembering because
in Greece when Tau are put away for more
than five years, or for more than ten years,
the conditions of servitude can be made a
little harder. Many of the political prisoners
I knew of were in for five and a half years,
or ten and a half years, with that extra half-
year being just a special piece of nastiness.)
"There are many informers at the univer-
sity," the girl said. "I see them sometimes
at Bouboulinas Street when I report there.
That way I can te:.1 who they are. Everyone
on the board of the Student Union is an
informer, Before the Colonels took over, the
board was elected. The head of the Student
Union was always elected, too, but just after
the Revolution the Government appointed a
right-wing student to be the head. He didn't
like the Colonels, Elther, and so he resigned.
Now they are more careful when they ap-
point someone." Aee there underground or-
ganizations among the students? I asked.
"Oh, yes," she said, "The biggest one is left-
wing, ariel there is me for the Center-Union.
They agitate." what else do they do? I
asked. "They pass out leaflets," she said. Is
there anything else? I asked. "Well," she
said. "they write slogans on the black-
This Is the way it is among the students
and intellectuals; if the counterrevolution
comes it will corns from elsewhere. At the
University of Salonika, which is even larger
than the University of Athens, perhaps one-
third of the professors have been dismissed,
but the bothersome part in thinking about
this is that a great many Greek professors
ought to have been dismissed years ago,
having long put up with an educational sys-
tem whose newest ideas sprang from the
Kaiser's Germany, which meant overcrowded
classes, an absence of science facilities, and
some of the most overbearing pedagogues in
the world. "Have you ever heard of Montes-
quieu?" a professor of history at Salonika
asked me. Yes, I said. "Are you sure?" he
said, Yes, I said. "And are you familiar with
the American Constitution and the system
of checks and balances?" he asked. I told
him I was. "Well, then," he said, "perhaps
I'll be able to talk to you about how a
democracy works." The professor, who was a
frosty man, 'with vague eyes, was absolutely
opposed to the Colonels, but he had not
been dismissed, although many of his col-
leagues had. Dismissals are announced in the
Government Gazette, and the reasons offered
are something like `'illegal relations," which
can mean meeting tomeotte on a street cor-
ner, or "being against the actual situation of
the country," which can mean anything at
Moreover, the University of Salonika is full
of police informers, perhaps more so than in
Athens, and some do it- out of zeal, and
some probably for fun, and some for either
special favors or money, with the acceptable
pay supposed to be about 500 drachmas, or
$16.60, a month. One professor in Salonika
said that a police official had complained to
him that he was grading Bente of his students
too low. Which ones? the professor asked.
These, the policeman said, and offered him
a list of what the professor took to be the
policeman's Informers. It is also interesting
that when the professor objected to the
policeman's superior, there were immediate
apologies. Dictatorship in Greece has a
tentative quality; no one is ever quite sure
of how far he can move against the regime,
or of why he is not in jail when those with-
out blame are, and so there is a lot of
testing, of trying to find the paint Where
the Colonels do act. The Colonels and their
apparatchiki, however, are inconsistent,.
When eighteen writers signed a declaration
saying that freedom had died, two or three
were called to pollee headquarters and po-
litely asked why they hatialone each a thing.
When Anna Synodinou, probably the best-
known actress in Greece, renounced her
career because the stage was no longer free,
a general called her in, and said that as a
man he admired her, but as a member of
the Government hardly at all. Therefore, he
said, would she please stop making inflam-
matory statements. However, at the funeral
of George Papandreou, the former Prime
Minister, forty-one persons were arrested
and sentenced to one to four and a half years
for shouting what the police said were pro-
vocative slogans.
So, that is also the way it is in Greece, an
Attic police state, where you cannot easily
tell repression from simple inefficiency, and
where you also cannot easily tell when a
citizen is surrendering to the ale:tuns, or
when he is, in fact, awaiting the policeman's
midnight knock. Nothing is really the way
it seems, and myth and reality, as they al-
ways have been in Greece, are intertwined.
"The only bullets we are receiving are the
flowers that are thrown at us," said Deputy
Prime Minister Stylianos Patakos, making a
pun in Greek with the word for receive. "Be-
fore you came here," he Said, "you thought
there were Machine guns and tanks on the
streets." Then he smiled benignly, and said,
more or less, that everyone loved the Govern-
ment. Still, when Prime Minister Papadop-
oulos is driven to his office each morning
from his modest home live minutes away,
it is the way it would have been if Lyndon
had decided to visit the Democratic conven-
tion in Chicago, with Daley handling the
security on Michigan Avenue; each intersec-
tion is well blocked off, all traffic is stopped,
and, I estimate, three hundred to four hun-
dred cops stand at attention.
Similarly, I once arranged a meeting in
someone's apartment with a pleasant, gray-
haired lady who looked like your old Aunt
Florrie. "I got off at the floor above, and then
walked down one flight," she said. "I learned
that from a British diplomat. That way the
concierge can't tell where you're going." I do
not know for certain if the lady's caution was
necessary, but there is a great deal of this
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in Athens, with code names to be used on the
telephone, orders never to call from a hotel,
but always from a kiosk, because your phone
may be tapped, instructions to take a taxi to
a street two blocks from where you're going,
and then to wait to see if you are being fol-
lowed, and only then to walk to your ap-
pointment. Middle-aged people behave the
way they must have during the German Oc-
cupation, and they tutor the young. None of
this is to say that everyone acts this way;
rather, it is for those who are committed,
which is a small number of people, but they
are the ones who yearn most for a democracy.
From time to time the Prime Minister, of
course, says that Greece is a democracy, or at
least about to become one, but on form, as
the horse players say, it is hard to prove. The
press is controlled, there are no elections,
there are no strikes, there are no political
parties, there is no independent judiciary.
There is not much of anything except what
the Government says there is to be, and one
of these is a Constitution. The Constitution
is worth looking at because, the Government
says, it was approved in a referendum by
something like 92 per cent of the people. I do
not think 92 per cent of the Greeks would
agree on What day it is, and I met an officer
who said that he personally saw a box of bal-
lots dumped out because everyone was tired
of counting. Nonetheless, we will say that a
majority of the Greeks voted for the Con-
stitution, and that the count, if not exact,
was at least indicative. To begin with, the
yes ballots were blue, which is the national
color of Greece, and the no ballots were black.
At first, the no ballots were to be red, sug-
gesting that only a Communist would vote
against the Constitution, but internal pres-
sures, or perhaps a public-relations man, pre-
vailed, and black was chosen. One woman
said that when she voted she was given only
the yes ballot, and that she was too timid to
ask for one marked no, and a man told me
that in his polling place the no ballots were
stuck behind the ballot box, and that to get
one be would have had to reach over the box
and under the nose of an Army captain. To
hell with it, he decided, and voted yes. Fur-
thermore, a large number of people abstained
Thom voting that day, even though absten-
tion can be followed by civil penalties, the
loss of a passport, for instance. In the Con-
stitution itself, Article 138, which is the last
article, says that the Constitution will be in
force immediately, except for those articles
that take effect only when the Government
says they do. These articles deal with arrest,
the courts, search and seizure, free speech and
censorship, the right of assembly, the right
of association, the vote, the right to form
political parties, Parliament, and the secret
ballot. So far as I know, none of these is in
effect, although the Government repeatedly
has pledged itself to a return to constitu-
tional liberties.
Whether or not this will happen is ques-
tionable. There are many theories in Greece;
one being that the Prime Minister is a secret
moderate who is hard pressed by the younger,
right-wing officers to stand even firmer than
he does; another being that the Prime Min-
ister is a natural despot posing as a secret
moderate who is hard pressed by the younger,
right-wing officers, and a third being that the
Government is in such a chaos that no one
is able to consistently press anyone else at all.
Even before the newspapers were censored.
Greece was always full of rumors, and now
there are more of them. Some are sheer in-
vention from no place in particular, some
are planted by this side or that, and some are
actually true. Everyone can find support for
his own idea of what is happening, or about
to happen, and any two people can interpret
the same rumor, or the same evidence, dif-
For example, last June 21, in a letter that
seems to have found its way into every intel-
ligence agency in town. Lt. Col. Dimitrios
Ionnides of the military police wrote to the
Prime Minister to express the dissatisfaction
of some officers of the Revolution. A large
part of the letter dealt with King Constan-
tine, who led an unsuccessful counter-coup
in December 1967, and has since been living
in Rome. (Despite this, the Government
hangs his picture in all its offices, gives him
a pension, and keeps in touch with him
through its Embassy.) Colonel Ionnides said
that the offcers were unhappy with the con-
sideration being shown to the King, and he
asked that the contact through the Embassy
in Rome be ended, and that those few officers
involved in the counter-coup who had not
been arrested be arrested. The Colonel also
complained of a few internal matters, and
then he said. "The hope on the part of former
politicians for a return to parliamentary gov-
ernment has made the implementation of the
work of the Revolution difficult. A respon-
sible declaration, in addition to the promises
given to the efficers, should end these hopes."
Now, this apparently meant that the Prime
Minister already had told the officers that
there would be no return to parliamentary
government, and that Colonel Ionnides and
his brother officers wanted him to tell the
rest of the nation. Therefore, the Prime Min-
ister was either (a) being pushed by the
other officers into following a harder line, or
(b) far in advance of his officers in taking a
harder line, and just laggard in telling the
nation so, or (c) neither or both of these.
None of thi? would be very important, except
that it indicates that a return to the conven-
tional freedoms is still far in the future for
8.7 million people, and that once again we
are trapped into having truck with another
military dictatorship.
American businessmen are more comfort-
able with this Government," a lawyer said.
"They don't understand that the long-term
prospects are against them. After this Gov-
ernment is deposed the American firms that
are involved in this regime will be ousted."
The lawyer, plainly nervous because his door-
man, a former policeman, had seen me enter
his office, made much of his living by rep-
resenting American businesses in Greece, and
he had for them a kind of affectionate con-
tempt. "It is the managemnet level," he said,
"they don't know, or don't care, what is hap-
pening here. They welcome the stability, and
if they have not supported the coup, at least
they have tolerated it. In the end it will be
as it is in South America; they will be driven
out. My friends who are in jail, I don't know
how much hatred they'll have for Americans
when they get out, but these are the people
who will someday lead Greece." As we all
know, the business of business is business,
and a dollar is amoral. Besides, capital in-
vestment stimulates the economy, provides
jobs, and generally enhances the well-being
of everyone concerned. "Trade, not aid," calls
up self-reliance, viable partnerships, and the
best of intentions, and when an American
concern invests money in Greece a great
thing is made about it in the newspapers,
and the Deputy Prime Minister is sure to
lay the cornerstone. The conventioal wisdom
is that invested money ultimately will help
the poor, and for once the conventional wis-
dom may be right. The other thing is that
eve the most benighted Greek liberal knows
that capitalism gets along better with the
right than the left wing, and he is right,
too. "There is no such a thing as American
investment, there is only investment. It has
no nationality," said Nicitas Sioris, the Under
Secretary for Education, who was once the
Under Secretary for Finance. He was not
right; there is American investment, and it
is an otuward and visible sign, to the Greeks,
at least, that Americans support the Govern-
Before the Revolution there were no
American banks in Athens. There was Amer-
ican Express, but it was mostly in the busi-
ness of handling remittances from home.
Then, just after the Colonels took over,
Chase Manhattan, First National City, and
Bank Of America opened offices. Litton In-
dustries, that great conglomerate, had been
invited into the country when George Papan-
dreou was Prime Minister, but it had dropped
out when national politics became too com-
plicated. Immediately on their ascension,
however, the Colonels invited Litton back
in again, and Litton agreed to understake
the economic development of Crete and the
western Peloponnesus, and, it says in the
contract, to "refrain from any active par-
ticipation in political activities in Greece,"
and to "act as the faithful servant of the
Government." In return, the Government
was to periodically deposit a million or so
in U.S. dollars in a Litton account in Switzer-
land. In Greece, Litton neither sows nor
reaps, but gets others to come in and do so;
it promotes, finding investment opportuniti-
ties, and then finding investors. "Much has
been said about this contract and the two
contracting parties," Deputy Prime Minister
Patakos said not long ago about the ar-
rangements with Litton. "I wish to say there
is nothing at all to this, and the work is
progressing." It is a Government convention
that, when someone says something it does
not want to hear, the Government does not
repeat it but instead puts out solemn as-
surances that whatever was said was said
by what it usually calls a "slanderer of
Greece," and was all wrong anyway. In Lit-
ton's case, the slanderers were saying that
the Colonels had been had, and that Litton
was falling far short of its commitment on
bringing in capital. In the beginning, there
was rosy talk about Litton pulling as much
as $950 million into Greece, although the
contract itself called for Litton to bring in
somewhat less. By the second anniversary of
the signing, however, there was only $1,650,-
000 in foreign capital brought in by Litton
actually at work in Greece. There was a great
deal more in the pipeline, of course, but it
was not enough. When Patakos said, "Much
has been said about this contract," it was
Government talk, indicating that the
Colonels themselves were a little unhappy,
and sure enough, a little later It was an-
nounced that the Litton contract would be
revised. Still, whatever Litton tells potential
investors abroad about the glories of Greece
(periodically someone calls it a mouthpiece
for the Colonels) it is sensibly quiet in
Greece itself.
It is not so with Thomas Pappas of Boston,
a Greek-American, who contributes mightily
to the Republican party, who said after the
convention that he had "put in a good word
for Spiro" and once suggested in Athens that
he was an old CIA man.
"After the Almighty God created men and
beasts, He created the Greek-Americans, and
He didn't know what to do with them."
The speaker here, another former Minister,
was saying that the Greek-Americans were
neither Greek nor Americans, but something
else. There are 2.5 million of them, and the
former Minister, who was a traveling man,
said that in America they acted like Greeks,
and in Greece they acted like Americans. He
spoke about them the way poor Greeks speak
about "the rich Greeks," rich Greeks being
both incomprehensible and suspect to poor
Greeks, and he wished they would all go
away. They will not, but it was really the
more visible Greek-Americans that the for-
mer Minister was talking about. Mr. Pappas
is the most visible of all, and his people in
Athens, if not Mr. Pappas himself, say that
he is close to the President of the United
States, knows full well who the next Ambas-
sador will be, and, in fact, very probably
will name him himself. Mr. Pappas, the for-
mer Minister said, is a charming man who
cooks spaghetti, tells funny stories, and is
good to his friends. Still, he said, he wished
he would go away. Pappas, whose family is
from the same village as Spiro T. Agnew's,
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came to Boston as a very small boy, prcispered
greatly by importing olive? oil, Wad then got
into real estate and Republican politics. He
has brought a great deal of Money in Greece,
and is now the proprietor of chemical rants,
a steel mill, and a refinery In Salonnet to-
rnato-paste and tomato-juice plants in the
Feloponnese, cattle herds in Macedonia, and
God knows what else. He has the condeesions
for some canning factories, and most recent-
ly he has started to build earne Coca-Cola
bottling plants, for whichhe also has a con-
eession. Coca-Cola had tried for years to get
Into Greece, but other Goaernments, fearful
of the competition for the Greek frill: and
soft-drink industries, declined to achr,it it.
The Colonels, recognizing- a good thing in
having another American name around Wel-
comed it.
1 Pappas put his first big motTey into Greece
in 1962 when a right-wing Governmeat was
in control, then suffered mildly in 196a when
la left-wing Government tried to revise the
Contracts, and by 1966 was trying to see that
this never happened again. That was a year
en which the King dismiased the Govern-
ment, and in its place there came a right-
wing one, and a Prime Minister whet was
Iclose to Pappas. The new Government, how-
lever controlled only a minority of deputies
'in the Parliament, and to survive it needed
the support of members of the liberal Gen-
aer-Union party. Pappas, according to the
lbest of the political gossip in Athena, ap-
proached several liberal deputies, promised
them some considerations, and asked them
'to switch over. Some of them apparently did,
although the next year was the year cf the
lcoup, and so it hardly mattered. (When the
'Colonels took over, Tom's brother, John Pap-
pas, a sometime judge, was in Greece, When
ihe got back to Boston he said the coup was
Igood for the country, and while this Was not
much noticed in America. 4 I., was headline
news in Greece.) After the cup, Tom Pappas
and the Prime Minister frequently were pic-
tured together in the papers. Tom, in fact,
was the best man when the Deputy Prime
Minister's daughter was married, and when
he casually suggested about ,L year late] that
he had worked for the CIA, well, there was
the whole big ball of wax ,-the CIA, big bun-
ness, and, of course, the Junta.
Knowledgeable Greeks knew some ,hing
about the U.S. Embassy, roughly rating the
more important people there as either good
guys or bad guys, and they know who some
of the CIA men are in the U.S. militely mis-
sion, and even a little bit about them. It is
something else, though, to know wha,, the
CIA men have been up to, one reason eeing ?
that the Colonels themselvee put out seories
about how the CIA supports them, and an-
other being that it is generally hard te know
what anybody is up to in Greece. The nallitalaa
mission itself is more tranaparent. It IS .here
because Greece is the southern anchor of
NATO, and so on, and it gets along well with
the Greek Government because, whirl the
hell, we're all Army officers, and we're al Net
doing a job, and so on. The Colonels love to
have the American officers tint out for eere-
rnonial occasions, and this is always recorded
by the photographers, and then it gees all
bver the papers, too. The Embassy people
Io not like this kind of thing, and they
hink that every time they .,tart to eeit it
cross to the Greek Government that things
ould be better off all around if the Goearn-
ent gave at least the appearance of being a
democracy, that then the military Mission
comes in, tells the Colonels they're doing
Just fine, and not to worry about the Em-
bassy because diplomats just aren't realists.
oreover, when the diplomats tell the A mer-
can officers there is every possibility that
he Junta will create so much anti-American
eeling that the Greeks may well pull out of
ATO sometime, that doesn't, seem to get
cross, either.
The CIA is another matter. There are a
great many Greeks Who believe that Ameri-
can intelligence truly has supported the
Colonels. One persistent story is that fif-
teen generals who were arrested last spring
were denounced to the Greek Government
by a Greek-American officer to whom they
had confided their plans for a counter-coup,
Another is that American intelligence re-
cently turned over to Greek intelligence
1,200 telephone taaping devices for what was
officially called "NATO purposes." The first
story may be circulated by the Greek Gov-
ernment; the seoo ad, I think, has the ring
of truth.
For years there has been a close relation-
ship between the Greek and American in-
telligence agencies. (Indeed, even though the
Initials do not translate that way, Greek in-
telligence Is always referred to as the CIA.)
The Greek CIA, however, functions as both
an FBI and a CIA, responsible for both in-
ternal and external security, and it always
has been run by Army men. When George
Papandreou was Prime Minister he became
annoyed by the agency's close relationship
with the Americana and tried, without much
success, to change it. George Papadopoulos,
the leader of the Junta, served in and
out of the Greek CIA for years, and there
Is some evidence that, as early as 1952, he
was in touch with, and Shortly later getting
funds from, the American CIA. During the
German Occupation, Greek Army officers had
formed a secret organization to protect What
they called "the Amy's ideals," and in 1952
Papadopoulos became its general secretary,
and started to form his own inner circle
within the secret organization. Showing a
remarkable talent for conspiracy, he appears
to have done this by about 1954, which is
also about the time a few other officers be-
gan to ball him the "Nasser of Greece," and
as early as 1958 he told at least one other
officer that he was ready to oust the King.
He was, of course, a junior officer, small
beer, and I do not know if anyone took him
seriously. Moreover, to rise within the Greek
Army it is almost mandatory for an officer
to train in the United States, usually at Fort
Benning, Georgia. On the day of the coup
an Embassy officia: called the military mis-
sion and asked who Papadopoulos was. The
American officers mid they didn't know, and
that there was no record of his having trained
at Port Benning, or anywhere else in the
United States. Nevertheless, there is an-
other persistent story, this one saying that
In the early 1980s, which would be just before
he dumped that sugar in the fuel supply of
his tank, Papadopoulos trained in the United
States in the teoaniques of psychological
warfare and anti-Communist espionage. I do
not know if this is true, but some Greeks be-
lieve it, and they are the people who will
one day inherit their country. As a nation
we have a talent for backing safe, right-
wing leaders, and Greece, remember, was once
torn apart by a bloody war over Commu-
nism. I think that PapadopouLos, as a devoted
anti-Communist, was involved with Ameri-
can intelligence agents, maybe even with
some high-class liberal types, the kind who
always talk about adjusting ourselves to the
realities of power, and I find it inexpressibly
From time to time, there have been charges
In the American and European press, par-
ticularly in Britain and in Scandinavia that
political prisoners have been tortured in
Greece. Most recently, Look Magazine said so,
and the Greek Government cried slander,
while Prime Minister Papadopoulos thought
seriously enough of the accusation to call a
press conference and denounce it. "People
should know that only through the respect
for truth can we survive in peace and free-
dom," he said, and then declared that Look's
principal informant, a political exile, was "a
mentally deranged person, who has been an
inmate in an asylum for disturbed persons."
Therefore, he said, it was all a lie. Greek-
American newspapers were even more out-
raged. They said it was reprehensible to ac-
cuse the Greek Government of allowing this
kind of thing to go on, and they said that
stories of,terture were nothing more than
leftist fiction. In Greece. however, I got the
statements of dozens of political prisoners
who said they had been tortured. What is
extraordinary is that the prisoners were will-
ing to have their names published. I do not
understand the courage, or perhaps the de-
spair, of a man who will publicly denounce
his jailers while he is still within their reach.
It was explained to me that the prisoners
simply didn't care, and that they thought
nothing worse could happen to them than
already had happened. I don't know; I think
it may just be that they are Greeks. I have
heard that when a German officer ordered a
Greek officer to haul down the flag from the
Acropolis at the beginning of the Occupa-
tion, the Greek officer got the flag, wrapped
himself in it, and then leaped from the
parapet to the rocks below. I do not know
if it really happened this way, but It sounds
like something a Greek could do. just so, I
think that a prisoner who allows his name
to be used is also doing something a Greek
could do.
Of the dozens of statements about torture,
here are only a few, and they are published
exactly as they were translated into English.
The only other thing is that Prime Minister
Papadopoulos has said that, if torture can be
proved, "I will not hesitate to order the exe-
cution of those responsible right here in
Constitution Square, and I shall assume full
responsibility for it." I hope he keeps his
Pavlos Klavdianos, 23 years old, student
at the school of economics and commercial
sciences: I was arrested oriFebruary 29, 1968,
by the policeman Earathanassi. I was taken
to the General Security offices. All the time
I was being beaten and punched. In the
office of the police officer John Kalyvas, I
was beaten for about two hours by Kalyvas.
Karapanayioutis, and Karathanassi. They
used wood planks, metal wires, and rubber
clubs. They tied very tightly my genitals
with a rope and pulled them. After this I
was taken to the terrace, where there is a
little room. They tied me on a bench and
-tortured me by beating the soles of my
feet. . ... I was taken to the camp of 505
Marine Battalion in the area of Dionysos.
I was tortured immediately with beating on
my soles. I was burned with a lit cigarette
on the wrist of the right hand. . . After
this I was put in the punishment confine-
ment room. There I was kept for thirty-eight
clays. I was continuously tortured with beat-
ing on the soles of my feet by Major Con-
stantine Boufa, Major Basilica Bea,nnides
and other officers. . . . Captain Spyropoulos
fitted on my brow and my neck some electric
wires and connected them with a live plug.
This was done twice. Then they stripped me
naked and made me run -under the rain in
the yard. . . . For many days they did not
allow me to sleep. . . . On orders from the
commanding officer, John Manoutsakaki, two
soldiers and a sergeant of the military police
tried to rape me. Because I resisted they
stopped giving me food and water. . . .
Athanasios Kanellopoulos, 31, telephone
company employee: I was arrested for my
syndicalistic activities, for conducting prop-
aganda againt the Junta, and because I lead
worked professionally with the former pri-
vate secretary of Andreas Papandreou. I was
arrested on January 1, 1969. I was led
straight to a colonel . . . who beat me for
two solid hours. I was then handed over to
the Piraeus Security Police, where I was
beaten incessantly for ten days, bound hand
and foot, half-naked, on the soles of my
feet. . . The most severe blows I received
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they do in seme socialist countries, but in
Greece the Government will also pay the
doctors to go, which may even be nicer.
The Government also says there are more
schools, more university dormitories, and
more child-care centers going up now than
ever before, and that it is putting aside 13
per cent of the national budget for educa-
tion, which is more than any other Greek
Government ever thought of doing. Further,
there has been a rise of 200 per cent in the
number of teaching assistants at the univer-
sities. Presumably, they must all prove their
loyalty to the Government, and the moldy
figs at the universities will never see any
virtue in it, anyway, but it is another small
sign that something, somewhere, is being
done. "As far as our greatest social need, it
is hard to answer briefly," Lucas Patras, the
Minister of Social Welfare, said. Mr. Patras
Is a shy, pleasant man who studies a lot,
and then writes things with titles like "The
Problem of the Pensionable Retirement
Age." "Our country is in a state of change,"
he said. "From a state of low social develop-
ment we are moving into one of high de-
velopment. This creates social problems, and
all ,the problems are at an explosive stage.
Social Security is in a state of anarchy. We
must move to a new system. The distribution
of doctors is not the best. We must make
new decisions. The old leaders didn't under-
stand the problem of moving from a pre-
to a post-industrial society." Then Mr.
Patras sighed a little, and went on to explain
the problem of Social Security. There are 338
Social Security centers, which he called
"founts," and each job or profession has its
own, and each one runs itself. "Unfortu-
nately, each fount was not part of an over-
all program," Mr. Patras said, "but existed
separately, no overall policy. This, of course,
is kind of crazy, but that is the way it was
before the Revolution." The Greeks pay their '
money into the founts, and when they are
pensioned off, or go on unemployment, the
founts pay it out again. Since no one has
ever thought of a way to do this by mail, a
Greek must present himself at the fount to
do business. As an afterthought, Mr. Patras
said that the Government at least had
beaten the problem of the long lines that
were always stretching out from the founts
under the hot sun. He did not say how the
Government had done this, and it is only
a small thing, but I suspect it is terribly im-
portant if you are an old-age pensioner with
one leg. This is the same Government that
exiled the composer Mikis Theodorakis to a
miserable mountain village, posted some
boors with guns nearby, and then banned
his music all over Greece. I do not know how'
many one-legged pensioners you have to get
into the shade to make up for losing Theo-
dorakis, but I think it should be pondered,
especially by the people who let the old guy
stand out there in the first place.
In the end, what may save all the Greeks,
even from themselves, is their madness. Not
all Greeks have it, but enough do, and it
helps them get by. A Greek driving an auto-
mobile is mad, Which he must be, because
all the other drivers are mad, too. Greek men
know of only two kinds of women, the kind
they bring home to their mothers, and the
other kind, and they stare at women a lot,
and flare their nostrils slot. It is a little mad,
but I do not think they get much, and so
maybe they must be this way. Greeks in
nightclubs break plates when the bouzouki
music gets to them, and this is mad, but
there is not much else they can do, and they
must do something. The Colonels have passed
a law that makes it illegal to break plates
this way, but the plates still get broken.
"We Greeks break plates like we break the
law," a man said, hurling a few at the bou-
zouki player. The maddest Greek I ever met,
in fact, was a bouzouki player.
"I admire American saxophone players,"
he said. "They make me weep." He pursed his
lips, grabbed an imaginary saxophone, and
swayed forward and back, looking very sad.
"Did you know there is no written music
for the bouzouki?" he said, and I said I did
not. "Well, there is none," he said, tearing a
peach in two, and offering me half,
"Tell me about the bouzouki," I said.
"I will tell you.," he said, "because you are
a friend of mine. I have been playing the
bouzouki for thirty-six years, since I was six.
The bouzouki has been seen in popular places
only since 1953. Before that it was only in
secluded places. It was a music for tough
guys. It originated in 1930, and it was based
on Turkish music, but only thugs and smug-
glers ever heard it. Then it started to become
popular with intellectual people. I remem-
ber that rich people, snobs, would start com-
ing to the tough-guy places. Did you know
that my father is a colonel, and my sister
is a scientist?"
I told him I did not, and I asked him how
he got to be a bouzouki player.
"You cannot find a bouzouki player who
will tell you his story," he said, "but I have
a great desire to tell mine to you." Then he
fell into a long silence.
I asked him what made a good bouzouki
"This is a most difficult question. I admire
you very much for asking it. No he has ever
asked me such a provocative question be-
fore." Then he fell into another long silence,
and looked very sad, but finally he said, "It
Is intellect. This is the difference, the differ-
ence between two players is intellect. If you
have the same desire, intellect is the thing
that separates us."
He was silent again, and then he spoke
about composers, commending several, and
then saying, "But not Theodorakis, he is
for the crowd. He is a thief, a pseudo-intel-
lectual, and a Communist. You understand,
of course, that I am talking only about
I said I did, and asked him when he
would play the bouzouki.
"Not tonight," he said, and looked very
sad. "I am not in the mood." Then he got
up and walked away.
The bouzouki player was not a fool, only
a little mad. He will probably get by, and
in the end he and some other mad Greeks
will do in the Colonels. They may have to
do it without the Americans, but in the end
it will be done. On the day a Greek said,
"Have you heard the latest?" which was
that some more arrests had been made, nine-
teen American newspaper boys came to
Athens. They were jugeared, freckle-faced,
and cowlicked, and they were all over the
newspapers, and all over the television news.
They were from the Hearst organization, and
the Hearst man who was with them told
the Prime Minister, "Some of the things
that one reads today about Greece are myths.
One finds this out when one comes to Greece,
sees Greece, and live S in Greece. We shall take
with us the most beautiful impressions of
your country." Then the man from Hearst
handed over messages from other Americans.
John McCormack, the Speaker of the House,
sent the Prime Minister "expressions of
esteem." Senator Henry Jackson of Wash-
ington said something about NATO, and then
he told Mr. Papadoupoulos he was sure the
newsboys would be impressed by "your coun-
try and your people." Governor Richard B.
Ogilvie of Illinois said it was wonderful that
the newsboys would learn "how your brave
people fought and struggled to remain free,"
and Ronnie Reagan, after saying something
about "the idea of freedom and justice,"
sent "the best wishes to you, Prime Minister,
Mr. Papadoupoulos, and to all the people of
Greece from all the people of California."
Governor Preston Smith of Texas said every-
one was really looking forward to the time
the Prime Minister could visit America, and
then he sent his best wishes "for the con-
tinuation of your success in your struggle
for freedom and democracy." On television,
the Prime Minister was beaming and beam-
ing, and out there somewhere, a great many
other Greeks needed all their madness to -
survive it.
Mr. PELL. Mr. Bresident, this month
an organizational meeting of the Rhode
Island Partners of the Alliance Planning
Committee was held in Providence to
officially launch the 39th partnership
involving private citizens of the Americas
in a program known as the Partners of
the Alliance. Rhode Island is to be joined
with the State of Sergipe, Brazil, located
In the northeast part of that country, in
this partnership. Rhode Island is the
17th U.S. State to be paired with a
Brazilian state in the program.
Governor Frank Licht of Rhode Island
opened the meeting and accepted the
honorary chairmanship of the Rhode
Island Partners of the Alliance commit-
tee. The meeting was attended by over
40 private sector leaders representing
such organizations as the chamber of
commerce, Rhode Island Hospital As-
sociation, various businesses and indus-
tries, labor groups, newspapers, and
radio and television stations. Mr. John
Rego, director of the State Department
of Natural Resources, was named to
serve as temporary chairman of the
Rhode Island Partners and to head the
program development team scheduled to
travel to the State of Sergipe, Brazil, at
the end of this month. Other team mem-
bers include:
Paul Hicks, executive director, Rhode
Island Industrial and Petroleum Asso-
Robert Fredericksen, representing con-
servation and natural resources.
Jacob Dykstra, president, Point Judith
Fishermen's Cooperative Association, Inc.
Harold Bateson, president, Charles A.
Maguire & Associates, Inc.
Robert Crohan, vice president and
general manager, Outlet Co.
I congratulate Rhode Island's citizen
team and wish them well in their meet-
ings with the private sector leaders in
Sergipe. I know they will accredit them-
selves well in developing meaningful
Projects in which the peoples of the re-
spective States can work together. The
partners program seeks to foster cooper-
ation and understanding in the Ameri-
cas, and I am confident that private
groups and organizations in the State of
Rhode Island will participate in this
worthy undertaking.
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
sent that the remarks of Governor Licht,
together with an explanation of the part-
ners program by Mr. Wade B. Fleetwood,
Deputy Director of the partners, and an
article from the Providence Journal of
October 4 be printed at the conclusion
of my remarks.
There being no objection, the material
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
I am very pleased to be here this noon. I
accept with pleasure the title of honorary
chairman of the Rhode Island Partners of the
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on my testicles by kicking. As a result I
suffered from damaged testicles, fits of dizzi-
ness, and I am unable to walk properly. The
names of my torturers are Kouvas, who led
the torturing, Yannoutsos, Kotsaloa, Angelo-
poulos. . .
Sothis Anastassiadia, 29, stage designer:
I was arrested by a group of police officers,
with Lambrou, BabaUs, and Maths at the
head. I was kept in solitary confinement for
130 days at the Security Heat'quarters. I was
tortured repeatedly by sole-beating and beat-
ing on my face and genitals. The torturers
were Babalis, Krava rills, Kontoeeorgakis,
Spanoa. . . .
Stanaata,kis Nikiforos, 24, self-employed: r
was arrested on April 13, 1968, by the Secu-
rity of Heraklion, Crete. The same day I was
tortured from 8:00 a.m, until midnIght by a
group of men from the Security under the
Director of the Gendarmerie on Crete. . . .
I was beaten on the soles of the feet. My
hands were wrung and I was kicked on the
back While hung froln the feet . . . On
April 1.8 I was sent to the Security Head-
quarters in Athens--Bouboulinas? where I
remained in complete isolation until May
Yannfs Petropoulos, 24, decorator: I was
arrested on April 4, 1968. I was taken to Gen-
eral Security Headquarters in Athens and
was beaten up. The next day I was taken to
the DiOnysos Camp. There they shaved my
head and made me eat up my hair. For
many hours in a large room ten men were
beating me all over the body and especially
on the head and on the stomach. . . . Be-
cause of the beating on the soles of my feet
I could not walk for ten days. They took off
four of my toenails. They burned withciga-
rettes my fingernails. They staged a mock
executiOn. They tortured me by the method
of lettitg water drip on my brow.. .
Mich el Apanomeritakis, 28, civil servant
at the office of the Ministry to -the Prime
Minister's office, member of the Center-Union
Youth in Crete, member of a resistance
group: Arrested on August 5, 1988, I was
kept in total solitary confinement for forty
days at the suburban Security Headquarters.
I was taken for questioning and there I was
inhumanly tortured for fourteen hours by
seven men of the Security Police. They beat
me violently on the head, the face, the loins,
the belly, and the genitals. I also received
several blows on the chest with a chair. The
result Was a severe hemorrhage from the
mouth, the ears, impossibility to walk for
twenty days, partial loss of hearing in my left
ear, and swelling of the genitals. My tor-
turers *ere Karambatsos, lieutenant colonel
of the Gendarmerie; Mavraidis, lieutenant
colonel of the Gendarmerie; Pavates, lieu-
tenant Colonel of the Gendarmerie, and four
other policemen. . . .
Panayiotis Tzavellas, 44, musician: I am an
invalid. One leg has been cut off at the thigh
and the other is also injured. I stiffer from
endarteratis. I was arrested on August 8, 1968,
and was tortured at a Security Station of the
suburbs by punching on the head, kicking,
and flogging. They broke one of my crutches
by which they were beating me on the head
and all aver the body. I was unconscious for
five day. For forty-four days I was kept in
complete isolation and slept on the cement
floor without any bedding and in only my
shirt. I am still detained awaiting trial. It
is already six months.
Nikolans Kiaos, 26, student of the faculty
of physies and sciences: I was arrested on
April 21, 1968, by seven police officers of the
Students' Department of the General A.sfalia
(police station] of Athens. . . . I Was taken
to the office of Kalyvas, where, in his presence,
Karapanayiotis beat me up. For a long while
he was beating my head on the Wall. After
this he took me to the terrace, to a covered
room, and tied me on a bench. They beat me
on the sales of my feet with Iron and wooden
rods. They beat me on my genitals. In my
mouth they placed a thief,: truncheon in order
to drown my screams. . . . The same night
they took me to the 505 13attalion of the In-
fantry Marines at Dionysos. A lieutenant and
a policeman called Chrisakis beat the soles
of my feet. . . . On the 29th of April in the
afternoon Major Goufas teat the soles of my
feet in the presence of commanding officer
Manousakaki. They beat rae all over the body
with a wire truncheon. They tortured me
with water drops falling on my brow. They
were specially beating me on the ears. /
passed blood in the urine and pus is still
dripping from my ears. . .
As I said, there are do2ens of other state-
ments, all sounding much the same, and they
should be read by all the junketing American
Congressmen, hippies, tourists, and business-
men in Greece. / think that all the men who
were quoted are now in Averof Prison in
Athens, which is neither the best nor the
worst place for a political prisoner in Greece,
but only a typical one. Physical torture, being
mostly an instrument of police stations and
Army barracks, evidently does not go on
there, but a sad and nasty drying up of the
spirit does. Averof is a clump of five build-
ings, with sections for men and women politi-
cal prisoners, and for ordinary convicts. Be-
fore the National Resurrection came to
Averof, prisoners with terms of up to ten
years could be visited three times a Week,
and prisoners with terms up to twenty years
could be visited eight times a month, Now,
political prisoners who get up to five years
are allowed four visits a month, and for five
to twenty it is twice a month, and for twenty
to life it is once a month.
Once, incidentally, any relative could get
itt to see a prisoner; now the most distant
relative allowed in is a first cousin, who Must
he related to the prisoner's father, not to
the mother. Fiancees are not allowed to visit
tt all unless they have special permission
from the Ministry of Justice, and this is not
Men given. When relatives do visit they
stand behind a low cement wall, and then
there are bars, and then a fine wire net, and
then more bars, and then the prisoners and
their guards. For a while this summer, chil-
irert were allowed to visa; their fathers or
mothers twice a month !n a room where
hey could embrace. Then it was announced
hat the visits, which had been thirty min-
.:tea, would be limited to five minutes. The
;cleanest children especially use up a minute
c two of this in finding their fathers or
tiothers among the other prisoners and
_meads. Nearly all the cells in Averof hold two
cisoners, and they are small cells, with a
,ery narrow space between -he cots. The pris-
aners spend seventeen hours a day there,
arid they are locked in at 7:00 p.m. in the
urnmer, and 6:00 p.m. in the winter. The
ells have no toilets, only buckets that are
mptied in the morning. There is a toilet
- hat all the political prisoners use, but it is
eldorn cleaned, and its rotten, fetid smell
I Nerflows into the cells. Some prisoneri say
This is the worst thing of all at Averof. The
alovernment spends eight drachmas a day on
I cod for each prisoner, which is about 25
rats, and It is popularly supposed that
bout two drachmas of this are stolen. There
1; a canteen, however, and its profits are
-used to buy drugs for the prison hospital.
Families may also send in food three times
Week, but they cannot :end in anything
that is sold in the canteen, and sick pris-
aners cannot receive any food at all. Candy
1; forbidden; I do not know why. The hos-
rital is a few hundred yards from the cell-
'block, and when prisoners go there they go
in handcuffs in a police wagon. The dentist
kits on Friday, but he is equipped only to
extract teeth. Foreign-language books are
not allowed in the prison, and other books
are allowed in only at the discretion of the
waaden. Many books are banned in Greece.
but the warden prohibits others as well.
Once he banned Proust's Remembrance of
Things Past.
Averof is not a monumental tragedy, not
like Belsen or Buchenwald, but it is grimy.
There are probably only slew thousand peo-
ple in the Avarofga of Groece, hat there are
others who have been exiled fromatheir homes
and sent into remote villages, andantino many
others who pass in and out of police stations,
sometimes being detained_ for a few hours,
sometimes overnight, and sometimes for days
and weeks. The newspaper pulaligh no stades
about them; things are seldom announced.
"Have you heard the latest?" Greeks seem to
be forever saying, and the lataat is always
something political, or something about
another arrest. Perhaps one-thirclof the Army
officers have been arrested, or xetired, and
some of them are in exile, and some walk the
streets, and some are kept in tan old hotel
near Athens. The windows are nailed shut,
and twice a day two guards take each officer
downstairs for a turn around what was once
a lobby. In Athens there is also an atomic-
research center. Democritos, which is named
for the Greek who said 2,400 years ago that
all matter was made up of tiny particles. One
morning in June an electronics seientist was
arrested in his laboratory at Democritos, and
more than a month later his colleagues still
didn't know what had happened to him. At
five in the morning of the day he had been
seized, a Democritos chemist was taken from
his home, questioned by the police, and then
released. .The chemist had been invited to
present a paper at a meeting of the American
Chemical Society, but then the cops said he
couldn't go. What shall I tell the Ameri-
cans? he asked the director of Democritos
Tell them you broke a leg, he said. This was
about the time that a lady scientist from
Democritos was stopped at the airport while
she was on her way to attend a professional
meeting in Vienna. She could not leave, the
police said, because she was a menace to na-
tional security. The "latest" is always some-
thing like that.
The other side of all this, although I met
few Greeks outside the Government who
cared to admit it, is that the Government
has done some things for its constituents.
Any dictatorship, no matter how inefficient,
usually does, and even Mussolini- made the
trains run on time. Liberal- critica of right-
wing regimes hardly ever acknowledge these
things, probably because it would damage
their case, but they ought to. For example,
the Greek farmers, like American farmers,
habitually overborrow, and the Greek farm-
ers, like American farmers, habitually cry
poverty. The difference is that the Greek
farmers, who make up about half the popu-
lation, really mean it. The per capita income
in Greece is something like $750, and the
farmers scratch out livings on little plots
and patches of rocks and worn-out ground.
By 1967 they owed the Government bank ten
billion drachmas, which was about one-quar-
ter of what they could produce in a, year, and
in early 1968 the loans were pardoned. The
farmers' pensions also were increased 70
per cent, and, while the Colonels are not
the sort to upset a big landowner by par-
celing out his estate, they are at least talk-
ing about consolidating the small farmers'
holdings. That is, if a farmer owns, say, four
acres spread over seven different places, they
would all be put together. The Government
also has introduced free medical care, and
it says that in 1968 farmera and their fam-
ilies had 35 million free clays in hospitals,
and that doctors also made four million free
visits in rural areas. Before the Revolution,
the Government also says, there were exactly
1,050 doctors in the poorest, most isolated
areas of Greece, and now there are 1,410. The
rule is that a young doctor, just out of med-
ical school, must go into these areas for at
least six months, which is similar to what
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The second amendment would have a
retroactive effect. It provides a "second
chance" to those young men who have
been opposed to participation in the Viet-
nam war and have been forced into the
dilemma of service in a war they oppose
for ethical or religious 'reasons or prison
or flight from the country. By "second
chance," I mean giving a young man the
opportunity now to offer information to
his local board in substantiation of his
claim to exemption from military service
provided he was conscientiously opposed
to participation in a particular war at the
time he received a notice to report for in-
duction or at the time he left a jurisdic-
tion to evade military service.
Under both amendments any claim to
exemption which is granted, would re-
quire the young man to perform noncom-
batant service in the Armed Forces or an
acceptable form of alternative civilian
service as that now performed by tradi-
tional conscientious objectors.
Mr. LOWENSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, I
cannot believe that anyone here believes
it would be either wise or fair to adopt
this rule. It may seem to be politically
clever to adopt it, but it is not even that.
Every time we make a mockery of what
legislative procedure ought to be we
erode the credibility of this House and
anyone who thinks that that is politi-
cally clever is, in my judgment, political-
ly very stupid.
The country is in a turmoil about the
draft. This House is supposed to be rep-
resentative of the country. It ought not
to be demean itself and insult the coun-
try by refusing even to consider amend-
ments and alternative proposals. That
is one of our specific constitutional func-
tions in the Congress?to decide how
the United States shall raise the man-
power for its Armed Forces. Nothing
could be more "germane," and there
could be no worse time to deny proce-
dural democracy on a substantive ques-
tion of such enormous importance to
a functioning democracy. To adopt this
rule is to engage, if I may use a phrase
that has gained a certain currency, in
effete snobbery of the most impudent
I am grateful to the distinguished
gentleman from Missouri and the dis-
tinguished gentleman from California
for their leadership on this question and
I thank the gentleman for yielding.
Mr. BOLLING. Mr. Speaker, before I
yield to any of my colleagues, I ask unan-
imous consent that all Members may ex-
tend their remarks at the conclusion of
my remarks.
The SPEAKER. Without objection, it
is so ordered.
There was no objection.
Mr. FINDLEY. Mr. Speaker, I make
the point of order that a quorum is not
The SPEAKER, Evidently a quorum is
not present.
Mr. YOUNG. Mr. Speaker, I move a
call of the House.
A call of the House was ordered.
The Clerk called the roll, and the
following Members failed to answer to
their names:
Bell, Calif.
Brown, Calif.
Burton, Utah
Byrne, Pa.
[Roll No. MO]
Dawson Monagan
O'Neill, Mass.
Edwards, Calif. Fatman
Foley Pike
Fraser Pirnie
Frelinghuysen Podell
Hanna Powell
Hunt Pucinski
Jarman Reifel
Kirwan Sandman
Lipscomb Springer
Van Deerlin
McClary Whalley
Mikva Widnall
The SPEAKER. On this rolleall 384
Members have answered to their names,
a quorum.
By unanimous consent, further pro-
ceedings under the call were dispensed
Mr. YOUNG. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani-
mous consent that further consideration
of this resolution be postponed until to-
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from
There was no objection.
The SPEAKER. Earlier today the
House passed the bill S. 2917 with an
amendment in the nature of a substitute.
Without objection, the title of the Sen-
ate bill will be stricken and the title of
the House bill (H.R. 13950) inserted in
lieu thereof.
There was no objection.
(Mr. ALBERT asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
Mr. ALBERT, Mr. Speaker, I take this
time before the Members leave, to advise
that we plan definitely to have a Friday
(Mr. EDWARDS of California asked
and was given permission to address the
House for 1 minute, to revise and extend
his remarks and include extraneous
Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr.
Speaker, the freedom of the floor of this
House is a freedom we all enjoy, but we
often fail to realize the rarity of such
freedom. Today I am presenting to this
House a letter from fellow representa-
tives of the people of another country,
but representatives who do not have
freedom of the floor of their own parlia-
On this floor we have debate?, the most
Important issues of our day often with
views in direct opposition to the admin-
istration being expressed freely and
without fear. For the men who signed
this letter, an expression of views in op-
position to their administration's policy,
a dictatorial policy, means the risk of
jail and even of torture. These men in
using the freedom of this floor risk the
loss of their own freedom.
Thus, this letter, signed by 56 former
members and or ministers of the Greek
Parliament is a precious document. Its
cry for freedom in that country is a cry
made at great personal risk. The letter
speaks for itself and I hope the response
of this Nation will speak for itself.
The United States both officially and
unofficially is well aware of the Greek
dictatorship. Our State Department has
described the dictatorship's trampling of
the civil rights and liberties of the Greek
people. Unfortunately, despite such
statements, our Government continues
to supply arms to that dictatorship to
reinforce its subjection of the Greek
people. I hope that we will cease such
support and I urge the administration to
end such support.
Mr. Speaker, I include the letter from
the 56 former members of the Greek par-
liament in this RECORD and I include
my reply to the letter in this RECORD.
In addition I include the original con-
gressional letter in this RECORD:
September 11, 1969.
Congressman DON EDWARDS,
Chairman, U.S. Committee on Democracy in
Greece, Washington, D.C.
DEAR Sm: We were informed of your letter
to the Secretary of State, W. Rogers, dated
July 30, 1969 and wish to express our sincere
appreciation to you and the forty-nine other
honorable members of the U.S. House of
Representatives who expressed their concern
for the prevailing situation in our country.
In your Statement, Sir, you have men-
tioned that Greece was "the only European
nation among the Western Allies which in
the post war period fell to a military coup".
Allow us to remind you that Greece, in
addition to her contribution to the allied
victory during the war, was also the only
nation in the World to have successfully
opposed an armed Communist Subversion.
It was exactly twenty years ago when the
Greek army, under a parliamentary Democ-
racy, with the leadership of the late King
Paul and the generous material assistance
of the U.S. through the Marshall Plan and
the Truman Doctrine, gave the final blow
to the communist armies and forced them to
retreat defeated and disbanded beyond the
Greek borders. This aid was given by the
U.S. Congress, not only to defend the coun-
try from the communist threat but especially
to secure and support the free institutions
and democratic system of the nation.
Having been subjected to so many sacri-
fices, we believe that Greece, more than any
other nation in the Western World, was en-
titled to live in peace, freedom and Democ-
racy. Furthermore, we believe that our coun-
try, which bleeding and shattered was able
to defeat the Communist Aggression imme-
diately after she came out of Nazi occupa-
tion, was and is in the position to defend
Democracy without resorting to a military
regime. The history of the last 20 years,
contrary to what is being said by the present
rulers, proves that Democracy was function-
ing in our country and that the political
leadership had knowledge of its mission. The
achieved progress in all spheres of public
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uctobei- 2,-9) 1969
'life prior to the military coup is a good oon-
firmation of such views.
It is our view. Sir, that the moral, political,
economic and military interests of Greece
call for an immediate return to a free so-
ciety, a government by the people f,ad a
1Democracy which will aeMeguard, net only
our freedom, but also the bonds of friend-
ship with your great countey.
As elected representatives if the last Greek
Parliament, we accept your eianifestaton of
solidarity and declare that the struggle for
freedom, decency, democracy and civil rights
is indivisible and knows no geographic bar-
riers or national borders, but it is and ought
to be the responsibility of enlightenedleaders
everywhere. We all have responsibilities for
the defense of these traditions, but above all
we have responsibilities to our people. Win-
ston Churchill said: "Truat the people, rnaee
sure they have a fair chanee to decide their
destiny without being terrorized from any
quarter." We do trust our people but they
have no chance to decide their destinie; and
they are being terrorized.
It is for this that we declare again that
the preservation of the sleet hurnaeistic
ideals will be better guaranteed if the tr.s.
of America remains a true beeeon of Freedom
and Democracy. Your statement and the an-
swer of the Under Secretary of Stet( will
serve that goal if the ideas expressed vell he
converted into policies of decisive elenift-
Please convey our friendly greeting: and
thanks to the other honorable member:, who
signed the statement with eeu.
Sincerely yours,
President of the last Greek Parliar lent:
Dimitrios Papaspyrous, deleted.
Ex-Members of Parliament end/or Elm- Min-
isters: Christos Avramides, deleted, Mi -Meet
Galinoe, Athana.sios Gelestathts, deleted Km-
Inanuel Zapartas, deleted, Eennanuel Teeth-
ris, Dimitrios Kinias.
Stillanos Allamanis, Angelio Vlechoti ane-
sis, Dimitrios Georgiou, Demi! ins Dame is, E.
Dentrinos, deleted, Chrisostemos Karapi eris,
deleted, deleted.
George Bakatseloe, deleted, Zisis Papa lava-
heu, George Relies, Evageho Savope
Agisilaos Spiliakos, deleted, Anther. asios
Talladouros, John Teirimolche Iakovee Dis-
Athanasdos Yannopoulce, John Cleitiov-
raids, Hellas Papahellou, Age,ilaos Spillakeee
John Tsirimokos, Constantine Maris, !Pongee
los Aneroussis, Christos Pipil is.
John Boutos, Panagiotis Papaligherao
Fotios Pitoulis, Theocharis Pentis, del cted,
deleted, Constantine Tsetse*, John Tour ibae,
I. Tsoudepos.
Constantionos Aposkitis. Consta: time
Tsatsos, Thomas Adreadis, Achilles Papeloe-
ka,s, Constantine Stefassstlm, Dimit zo
Chatzigakis, George Stefanepoulos, George
Graphakoe, Athanassios Tithetholuce
(The names deleted have been done
protect signers who have =del:gone poetical
To former members of the Greek Perlia-
DEAR SIRS: First let me express my a.dretra-
bon of your courage, to erten the 56 former
Members of the Greek Parliament who
eigned the brave letter calling for a return
to democracy in Greece. I laaw that son es of
the members of this group have been ar-
rested and all braved arrest in niaking
known their views.
We in the United States, still protected by
our free institutions, belie* that the p( liti-
cal fight you .are waging In a country far
from our own is in behalf of free men every-
where. We find it disheartening that our gov-
ernment has not given a clearer sign of our
s'upport of your efforts, beet we hope that
United States policy can be changed. 4s yourioted in your letter, "It was exactly 20 years
ago when the Greek Army, under a riatlia-
mentaay democracy, with the leadership of
the late King Paul and the generous mate-
rial assistance of the U.S. through the Mar-
shall Plan and the Truman Doctrine, gave
the final blow to the communist armies and
forced them to retreat defeated and dis-
banded beyond the Greek borders. This aid
was given by the us, Conrgess, not only to
defend the country from the communist
threat but especially to secure and support
the free institutions and democratic system
of the nation." Today the United States con-
tinues to send military support to Greece,
but sadly It is not being used to protect the
"free institutions and democratic system of
the nation," but to suppress those very in-
stitutions and system. Many of us in Con-
gress wish-to see this aid ended, and we will
work toward that end.
Speaking for myself, and I know for many
of my colleagues, our dream is to see Greece
free once again, to see it rejoin the honor-
able company of Western European nations
In the Western Alliance. It is our belief that
the people of Greece should make their own
choice without ?inside interference. We be-
lieve the United States best can support the
efforts of the Greek people to regain their
freedom by making clear its lack of support
of the present dictatorship.
Finally, let me add my prayers to yours
and all of the other Greek citizens who de-
sire a return to freedom, that shortly democ-
racy will once more reign in the nation
which founded the concept of a free people,
living together in justice and harmony.
Member of Congress.
Washington, D.C., July 30, 1969.
Secretary of State,
Department of State,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR MR. SECRETARY: We are writing to
you because of our deep concern over the
situation in Greece, the only European na-
tion in the Western Alliance in the post
World War H period to fall to a military
Authoritative reports indicate that in
junta-led Greece the economy Is in decline,
fundamental civil liberties are suppressed,
and people continue to be arrested and jailed
Without charge. What's more, anti-Ameri-
canism is reportedly on the increase because
our long-time friends believe the United
States is the principal support of a mili-
tary dictatorship which has no popular base.
Our policy of occasional, tepid expressions
of "hope" that tee junta will return to
democracy stands in rather hollow contrast
to the repeated instances of high-ranking
American military figures being pictured
and quoted in the controlled Athens press
lavishing generous comments on the junta.
Thus we find ourselves in a situation where
at a time of moral and political crisis in
Greece, our traditional friends of liberal,
centrist, and conservative persuasion be-
lieve with bitterness that the United States
supports the dictatorship and the dictator-
ship, on the other hand, boasts about it. In
the short term, and in the long term, we
are in danger of reaping the whirlwind of
anti-Americanism, especially when the junta
falls, as it inevitably must.
America's attitude is critical to the sur-
vivability of the junta. The sooner the junta
falls, the greater the prospect that a re-
sponsible, democrat :.c, western-oriented suc-
cessor government will emerge to bind the
economic and political wounds. The longer
the junta lasts, the. grimmer the prospect
of political polarizeoion, turmoil, bloodshed,
and unpredictable consequences to Greece
and our own political, moral, and military
Accordingly, we respectfully urge your con-
sideration al the Allowing action:
1. Since the poet of 11,13. Ambassador to
Greece, presently vacant, has taken on a
growing symbolic and praCtical Value, that it
be filled by an experienced, civilian-oriented
diplomat of superior credentials and not be
treated as a political reward or routine pro-
2. That a clearer sign of U.S. moral and
political disapproval of the dictatorship be
given and sustained.
3. That U.S. military aid to Greece should
not be increesed, and indeed, should be cur-
Hon. Joseph P. Addable?, Hon. Glenn M.
Anderson, Han. Jonathan B. Bingham,
Hon. John Bradernes, Hon. George E.
Brown, Jr., Hon. Pbillip Burton, Hon.
Daniel E. Button, Eton. Shirley Chis-
holm, Hon. Jeffery Cohelan, Hon. John
Conyers, Jr., Hon. James C. Corman,
Hon. R. Lawrence Coughlin, Hon.
Charles C. Diggs, Jr., Hon. Don Ed-
wards, Hon. Joshua Milberg, Hon. Don-
ald M. Fraser, Hon. Jacob H. Gilbert,
lion. Seymour Halpern, Hon. Augustus
F. Hawkins, Hon. Henry Helstoski, Hon.
Floyd V. Hicks, Hon. Daniel K. Inouye,
Hon. Charles S. Joeison, Hon. Robert
W. Kastenmeier.
Hon. Edward I. Koch, Hon. Robert L.
Leggett, Hon. Allard K. Lowenstein,
Hon. Abner 3. Mime Hon. Patsy T.
Mink, lion. WilliameS. Moorhead, ROIL
John E. Moss, Hon. Lucien N Nedzi,
Hon. Gaylord Nelson, Hon. Robert N.
C. Nix, Hon. Richard L. Ottinger, Hon.
Bertram L. Podell, Hon. Adam C.
Powell, Hon. Thomas M. Rees, Hon,
Ogden It. Reid, Hon. Henry B. Reuss,
Hon. Peter W. Rodin?, Jr., Hon, Ben-
jamin S. Rosenthal, Hon. Edward It.
Roybah Hon. William F. Ryan, lion.
William L. St. One, Hon. James H.
Scheuer, Hon. Louis Stokes, lion.
Frank Thompson, Jr., Hon. Jerome R.
Waldie, Hon. Stephen M. Young.
Mr. KOCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today
to express my great admiration for the
moral courage displayed by the elected
representatives of the last Greek Par-
liament who signed this letter read by
the gentleman from California. It is also
my intent to express my outrage at the
continued oppression. of human rights
and democratic principles by the ruling
military junta in Greece.
This letter from those brave and deter-
mined Greek patriots is representative of
the passion of the Greek people for free-
dom and democracy that refuses to be
quelled and is still so strong in the face
of continued harassment and intimida-
I renew the plea made to the Secretary
of State by 50 Members of this Congress
for "clearer signs of U.S. moral and po-
litical disapproval of the dictatorship in
Greece." We can ill afford to continue our
tacit approval for this outrageously
tyrannical government which, despite its
protestations of "future democratic re-
form," makes no visible effort in that
direction. Indeed, it is a regime that
makes no effort to conceal its acts of op-
pression and injustice and continues to
ignore pleas to restore basic human
How can we hope that the ruling
Greek Government will change its pres-
ent course and reinstitute democratic
processes when the United States does no
more than pay lipservice to its interest
in "full restoration of civil liberties" and
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Octobc,r-29t 19 69
the "achievement of representative gov-
If we do not manifest in decisive policy
statements our intention to encourage
freedom and representative government
in Greece we will not only betray those
who signed this moving letter, but the
very basic traditions and ideals of the
United States.
WWII? 91110263
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But when I think of our already over-
burdened taxpayers and America's grave
urban problems?the ghettos and the
crime and the underprivileged?I pray
for an end to the arms race. Just think
what we could do here in America to
achieve tax relief, model cities, and equal
opportunity for all if the Federal Govern-
ment did not have to expend time, effort,
d f ntitstic amount of money to
an a a
engage in an arms race with the Soviet
Union. So much could be done for so
many if we were able to divert some of
(Mr. BIAGGI asked and was given per- the resources that are now required to
mission to address the House for 1 min-. sustain the arms race.
ute and to revise and extend his re- Take, for example, just one item: The
marks.) cost of the anti-ballistic-missile system.
Mr. BIAGGI. Mr. Speaker, we are ap- Consider what America could do with
proaching a date that could be a historic that money alone at home if we did not
turning point for a world living under have to spend it in the arms race.
I ask, therefore, that Congress help
build the foundation for meaningful and
effective talks at Helsinki. As a first and
very important step, I urge expressions of
support for a mutual moratorium on
arms testing pending the outcome of an
agreement with proper safeguards be-
tween the United States and the Soviet
Such action would be an invitation to
the Soviet Union to join us immediately
in moving away from the shadows of war
for the benefit of all mankind. It would
also be a vivid demonstration of our good
faith at the conference table on Novem-
ber 17.
the threat of nuclear warfare. On Nov.
17, the United States and the Soviet
Union begin preliminary nuclear arms
limitation talks at Helsinki. While I have
constantly urged that such talks get un-
derway, I have no illusions about any
shortcuts for ending the arms race.
But I do believe that as a first order
of business at Helsinki we must strive
for a mutual moratorium on all arms
testing pending the formulation of com-
prehensive agreements with extensive
safeguards that can come only from pro-
longed negotiations. I think this Con-
gress and the President should express a
sense of willingness to accomplish this
We have pondered too long while the
world has been living under what the
late John Fitzgerald Kennedy described
as "a nuclear sword of Damocles." More
than a year ago, our Nation and the So-
viet Union pledged in the nuclear non-
proliferation treaty to begin arms con-
trol talks promptly. Now, at last, we are
on our way to the conference table. But
the luxury of time has been lost.
Therefore, America and the Soviet
Union must display a more urgent de-
termination to reverse the arms race
than either has exhibited thus far.
Both sides are continuing the develop-
ment of multiple independently target-
able reentry vehicles?MIRV's. This
policies of fraternities relating to the admis-
sion to the fraternities of Negro, Jewish, and
non-Caucasian students in priAciple? How
many actually have Negro, Jewish, an non-
Caucasian students as members?
President Homer requested the national
fraternities to provide him with the infor-
mation necessary to answer these questions.
In addition "to a complete statement" from
them on these matters, he asked that they
send him a copy of their constitution for use
in the event that he received similar in-
quiries in the future.
The announcement that the Civil Rights
Commission had begun an investigation into
the affairs of college fraternities and sorori-
ties created a stir among fraternity leaders.
On July 12, Louis F. Fetterly, a California
attorney and leader in national interfrater-
nity circles, wrote to the Commission about
Its activities. He asked for a copy of the ques-
tionnaire and an explanation of the use to
which the information elicited would be put.
A week later he received a reply from Cor-
nelius P. Cotter, Assistant Staff Director for
Programs, who declared that "The Commis-
sion is not at this time conducting a study
related to fraternities or their admission
policies." If such a questionnaire is being
distributed among fraternities, he asserted,
"it comes from a source other than this Com-
mission." However, he added, "If you have
reason to believe that a questionnaire is
being distributed and represented as coming
from this Commission, we should appreciate
your help in securing additional information
concerning it."
On August 12, Mr. Fetterly wrote Dr. Cot-
ter advising him that the letterheads, return
envelopes, and title on the questionnaire all
indicated they came from the United States
Commission on Civil Rights, Washington 25,
REPRESENTATIVE WAGGONNER'S D.C. Mr. Fetterly reported that the question-
EFFORTS TO SAVE OUR FRATER- naire was being represented as part of a
NITIES AND SORORITIES nationwide survey, and the covering letter
and questionnaire were apparently sent by
(Mr. LONG of Louisiana asked and Mr. Will Erwin, Co-Chairman of the Sub-
was given permission to address the committee on Education for the Indiana
House for 1 minute, to revise and ex- Advisory Committee to the U.S. Civil Rights
tend his remarks, and to include extrane- Commission.
On the basis of this new information, the
ous material.) Commission ascertained that indeed there
Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Speaker, was a questionnaire. It had been developed
an article appears in a fraternity mag- by the Indiana Advisory Committee in co-
azine, the Shield, of Phi Kappa Psi? operation with the Civil` Rights Commission
volume 89, No. 4, summer 1969, pages of the State of Indiana and, "due to a mis-
253-262?which goes into considerable understanding," had been mailed without
detail about the effortsof my colleague, prior clearance by the Washington staff of
Representative JOE D. WAGGONNER, to the Commission. Mr. Peter M. Sussman, As-
protect the Nation's fraternities and si
stant Staff Director for State Advisory Com-
mittees, to whom the ball had been bounced
new type of multiple warhead will
sororities from the meddling of HEW into by Dr. Cotter, explained that since this cc-
greatly expand the striking power of their membership practices. This discus- tion was "contrary to established Commis-
strategic missiles and further endanger sion of what has transpired in recent sion procedures," he had requested the In-
all mankind, months is well worth the time and at- diana Advisory Committee to suspend any
It has been evident for too long that tention of any reader who feels as I do, further use of the questionnaire. He went on
weapons systems have become more that it is high time to put whatever to point out that the reference in the letter
accompanying the questionnaire to a "na-
tionwide survey" was in error: "Neither the
sophisticated and more destructive? brakes are necessary on the extralegal,
and America and the Soviet Union are sociological meddling of this Department. United States Commission on Civil Rights
still locked in the arms race. We have With unanimous consent, I insert this its elf nor any of its Advisory Committees
reached the point where it is not enough article in today's RECoRD, as follows: outside the State of Indiana is conducting
to limit the buildup of strategic arms. CONGRESS, FEDERAL AID TO EDUCATION, AND such a survey."
We must instead reverse it. FRATERNITY DISCRIMINATION Less than two months later, however, fra-
I have often thought about the bil- (By Tom Charles Huston, assistant attorney ternity chapter presidents at campuses
lions spent by the two superpowers for
general, Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity) throughout the State of Utah received a
weapons from which there can be no (Norn?This is an analysis of the legisla- letter from Adam M. Duncan, Chairman of
survival. When I reflect upon this and tive history of the Waggoner Amendment and
the Utah Advisory Committee of the Civil
an assessment of the protection it provides Rights Commission. Mr. Duncan explained
then consider that we are spending bil- for the fraternity system and for universities, that his committee had been "commissioned
lions more to sustain the arms race, I through the 1965 Higher Education Act.) by Congress to make factual findings and
find myself deeply distressed and wonder On June 28, 1958, President John E. Horner recommendations" on problems of racial dis-
. whether the powers of the world have of Hanover College wrote to the executive crimination. The "function" of his commit-
lost their senses. secretaries of national fraternities which had tee, he went on, was to serve as a "sounding
chapters on his campus that he had been re- board" and "clearing house" for civil rights
Yes, I agree that we must be able to
defend our Nation from attack. I quested e by the U.S. Commission on Civil P
Rights "to file with the agency an extensive Mr. Duncan enclosed a questionnaire which
sure that this is the principal reason why questionnaire relating to policies in the civil he requested be promptly returned "in the
we are moving ahead with the anti- rights area." According to Dr. Homer, "the enclosed, self-addressed and franked enve-
ballistic-missile?ABM?system. questionnaire makes specific reference to the lope." The questionnaire concerned the
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membership practices and internal opera-
tions of the fraternity? It requested infor-
mation on whether members of minority
groups were accepted as members by the
local chapter and, if not, whether this was
due to a prohibition in either the local or
national governing document. It also re-
quested that copies of these documents be
attached, or if this was not possible, that a
place be indicated where the Committee
could examine them.
This intrusion into the affairs of a private
organization by a govetinnent agency, coming
as it did upon the heels of the Indiana case,
aroused protests not only from fraternity
` leaders, but also from Members of Congress.
During debate on the proposed Civil Rights
Act in the House of Representative on Feb-
ruary 6, 1964, Congressman Edward E. Willis
of Louisiana, citing these incidents, moved
to amend the bill by denying to the Com-
mission the power to "authorize any investi-
gation or study of the Membership practices
of any bona fide fraternal, religiouis or civic
organization which seleets its membership." 2
Congressman Emanuel Cellar, Chtirman of
the House Judiciary Committee quid floor
manager for the bill, accepted the amend-
ment .? He told the Steatite that on behalf of
the Judiciary Committee he had coMplained
to the Commission that it had gor.e too far
and exceeded its authority. On January 29,
he had received a letter from Howard W.
Rogerson, Acting Chairman of the Commis-
sion, explaining that the action of the Utah
Advisory Committee "was a very limited in-
quiry . . into the racial practices of fra-
ternities and sororities located at the State
University." "The Utah committee," Mr.
Rogerson reported, "was not interested in
the practices of fraternities of sorbrities at
private colleges. Nor was the committee in-
terested in the practices of adult fraternal
organizations, such as the Masons, which
are unconnected with public institations of
higher education." s The Cornmisnon was
not, however, planning to pursue "even the
limited Utah inquiry into the racial practices
and sororities at the State university."
Mr. Rogerson enclosed with his letter a
nannoraindurn outlining the legal !pasts for
the inquiry which the Utah committee made.
The final paragraph of this memOranduni
"We do not recommend iihat the Commis-
sion add a survey of practices at the State
universities to its present program, but all of
the factors discussed above indicate not only
that there was a legal base for the Utah ques-
tionnaire, but that the Commission would
have ample authority to inquire further into
this matter if it chose to do 80." 7
Congressman Geller was not satisfied by
Mr. Rogerson's letter and, appeals, not
impressed by the reasoning of the leg mem-
orandum. He contacted Mr. Rogerson and re-
quested a specific answer to the question of
whether the Commission Intended to pursue
this sort of inquiry further. Mr. Rogetsion re-
plied in a lerbter dated January 30, that the
Commission did not have any plans to do so.
He indicated that the Utah committee had no
authority to take any action if the qUeation-
naires were not answered, and it did riot plan
to seek further information from fraternities
and sororities. He concluded with the assur-
ance that no other questionnaires wexie being
sent by any of the Commission's adVisory
committees to fraternities or social Organi-
lowed by more questionnaires, an
Aware that similar assurance had been
Celler advised the House of Representatives
that it was essential to get -embedded in the
statute, not correspondence or promites but
some definite prohibitions against seine of
these activities which have been complained
of with reference to the Civil Rightsi Com-
Mission." He felt the Willis Amendment ac-
Footnotes at end of article.
Oomplished this purpose and he Was happy to
accept it
Congressman Meader of Michigan, however
had doubts that the Willis proposal was ex-
plicit enough. Be offered a mine/Rube amend-
ment whioh read that "nothing in this or
any other Act shall be construed as authoriz-
ing the Commission, its Advisory Committees,
or any person under its supervision or con-
trol to inquire into or investigate any mem-
bership practice; or internal operations of any
fraternal organization, any college or uni-
versity fraternity or sorority, any private
club, any religious organization, or any other
private organization."11
Congressman Meader argued that the
Commission believed, as expressed in the
legal memorandum sent to Congressman
Geller, that it had every right to conduct
inquiries into discriminatory membership
practices by private associations, and to pre-
clude such activity it was necessary to spell
out in the most precise terms the limitations
which Congress wished to place upon the
Commission, in this area.% Congressman
Roosevelt of California raised a question re-
garding the definition of "private organiza-
tions." L2 This phrase had not been included
in the original Willis proposal, and Roosevelt
feared that it would be construed so broadly
as to limit the joower of the Commission to
investigate discrimination in labor unions,
corporations, and other organizations not
generally included in the concept of volun-
tary associations." On the basis of this objec-
tion, Congressman Meader agreed to the
deletion of the phrase.%
Congressman Meader had also added an-
other dimension to the Willis proposal by
including the phrase "internal operations"
in his amendment. Not only would the Corn-
Mission be prohibited from investigating into
membership practices of private groups, but
also would be prescribed from conducting an
inquiry into their "internal operations."
Congressman Celler was worried that this
Inclusion would unduly limit the authority
of the Coniunissicin.16 It was one thing, he
argued, to investigate membership practices,
but quite another to look into internal oper-
ations, The latter, he reasoned, might be of
legitimate interest to the Commission where
they involved the denial of rights granted to
members of minority groups by other pro-
visions of the Chil Rights Act Congressman
Meader was asked what he had in mind when
he referred to "laternal operations." "I will
tell you what 'internal operations' was in-
tended to get at," he answered. "The Masonic
Order, /Knights of Columbus, and many fra-
ternal organizations like the Eagles. Elks, or
secret Clubs. It is not only their membership
practices which should be protected but all
of their internal operationa11
"Would you," faked Meader of Congress-
man Celler, "permit a Civil Rights Commis-
sion to demand a document of the ritual of
a secret society cr fraternity or sorority or
Masonic order?" a "No," the Judiciary Com-
mittee Chairman replied.%
Congressman Roman Pucinski of Illinois
introduced a subject into the debate which
would be hotly debated in the Senate a year
later.% He objected to the amendment on
the grounds that fraternities and sororities,
as an integral part of a State uniiersity
which received federal financial assistance,
should not be permitted to discriminate on
the basis of race, end therefore the Commis-
sion should be authorized to investigate their
membership practices. "I know from my own
experience on the Committee on Education
and Labor," he told the House, "that the Fed-
eral Government is perhaps the greatest con-
tributor to many of these universities and
colleges. But we say under this amendment
that while the Federal Government can
spend millions of dollars in these institu-
tions, the Civil Rights Commission cannot
Investigate discrimination in these fraterni-
Congressman Celler replied that "In the
Octobtr7 1969
first place,- sororities and fraternities are not
supported by the Government. They receive
, no loans or funds directly from the Govern-
ment." sts Pucinski agreed with the thrust
of this argument, but maintained that
"being on the campus of the university bene-
fiting from these taxes, they are a part of
the university and indirectly benefit from
Federal assistance." " Congressman Celler
countered with the simple assertion that "I
do not believe that is correct,"24 and the
House proceeded to adopt the substitute
When the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was
signed into law by President Johnson, it con-
tained the Meader Amendmentas which pro-
vided that: -
Nothing in this or any other Act shall
be constetted as authorizing the Commission,
its Advisory Committees, or any person un-
der its supervisian or control to inquire into
or investigate any membership practices or
internal operations of any fraternal orga-
nization, any college or university fraternity
or sorority, any private club or any religious
This section made it explicitly clear that
the Civil Rights Commission Gould not under
the color of Federal law investigate the ac-
tivities of campus fraternities. The private
acts of discrimination by voluntary student
groups were beyond the realm of Federal con-
cern or, at least, beyond the realm of the
Commission's coneern.
Congress, in various Titles of the Civil
Rights Act, empowered specific Federal agen-
cies to eliminate discrimination in the fields
of educational employment% votinga? and
public accommodations .% A key provision was
Title VI, sec. 601, which declared that "No
person in the United States shall, on the
ground of race, color, or national origin, be
excluded from participation in, be denied the
benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination
under any program or activity receiving Fed-
eral financial assistance." la This policy
clearly applied in the area of education where
millibns of Federal dollars were being ex-
pended annually in aid to colleges and uni-
versities, both public and private. The imple-
mentation of Section 601 of Title VI was to
be effectuated through the issuance of reg-
ulations by the Federal departments em-
powered to extend Federal financial assist-
ance.22 These regulations were to b "
eral applicability" as awl "consistent with
achievement of the objectives of the statute
authorizing the financial assistance in con-
nection with which the action is taken." h
On December 31, 1964, Francis Keppel, U.S.
Commissioner of Education, sent a memo-
randum to the presidents of all institutions
of higher education in the United States ad-
vising them that the regulation of the De-
partment of Health, Education, and Welfare
authorized under Section 602 of Title VI had
been approved by the President and promul-
gated by the Department to become effective
on January 3, 1965.35 Each college Or univer-
sity which received Federal funds was re-
quired under Section 80.4 of the Department
Regulation to file an Assurance of Compli-
ance with the non-discrimination require-
ments of Title V/. Unless the Assurance
(HEW Form No. 441) was filed with the De-
partment, the institution would not be eligi-
ble for Federal assistance.
Mr. Keppel enclosed with his memorandum
an Explanation of HEW Form No. 441, which
presented examples of the type of discrim-
inatory practices which were prohibited
under the Department Regulation.% Of in-
terest to eciticators were questions 8 and 9
which explained the effect of the Assurance
of Compliance upon their administrative
"8. What effect will the regulation have
on a college or university's achnission prac-
tices or other practices related to the treat-
ment of students?
"A. An institution of higher education
which applies for any Federal financial as-
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October 28, LOIftroved For Be1smuZ9M14/PR TrEiediggligigika41ii-000300120003-9
ment. The present administration policy
is totally inadequate. It rests upon the
concept of an election to be conducted
and essentially controlled by the Saigon
militarist regime while huge numbers of
American troops remain in South Viet-
nam, The VC and the Hanoi Govern-
ment quite obviously will not accept a
rigged election of that sort. Indeed, they
may not accept any settlement to which
the present Thieu-Ky militarist regime
is a party.
The President has never really faced
up to this issue. His statements about not
"imposing" a government in South
Vietnam miss the point entirely. In fact,
the administration is imposing the
Thieu-Ky militarist regime on South
Vietnam every day of the year. Were we
to withdraw only our financial subpart
from that dictatorship and the huge
subsidy to meet the payroll of its troops,
the Saigon Government would fall
within a month. Thieu and Ky would
then be forced to flee and rendezvous
with their unlisted bank accounts in
Hong Kong and Switzerland.
The fact is that while professing a de-
sire for peace, the administration has
failed to create political conditions in
Vietnam under which peace is possible.
The desire of those Saigon militarist
leaders to remain in power is totally in-
consistent with President Nixon's state-
ment that "What is important is what
the people of South Vietnam want."
These incompatible policies hold out the
prospect not of peace but of a prolonged
military occupation which will continue
indefinitely to drain American treasure
and lives.
President Nixon and all responsible
Americans want to get out of Vietnam
as soon as possible. Walter Lippmann
has stated that we are fighting a major
war in South Vietnam in order to save
face. It is true just as the Chinese sage
Confucius said many centuries ago:
A man who makes a mistake and does not
correct it, makes another mistake.
The same is certainly true regarding
It is now evident to practically all
Americans that we do not have any
mandate from Almighty God to police
the world. There is a general realization
that we never should have supported the
French from 1946 to their defeat at
Dienbienphu in 1954 in their attempt to
reestablish their lush Indochinese colo-
nial empire.
Then, it was a tragic mistake that
we went into Vietnam with our Armed
Forces and Our tremendous air power
and napalm bombed so many cities, vil-
lages, and hamlets in South Vietnam to
"save them." We are compounding that
mistake the longer our Armed Forces
remain there.
Moratorium day, October 15, was the
greatest peaceful mass demonstration
in the history of our Republic. Amer-
icans paraded with dignity or remained
away from Work to show to administra-
tion leaders that Americans want the
war to end without delay?that Amer-
icans demand a haltoss of price-
less lives of recent high school graduates
and the flower of the young manhood of
America in a faraway little country of
no importance to the defense of the
United States.
Very definitely, we should bring home
as quickly as possible by ship and plane,
in the same manner our Armed Forces
were sent, the more than 500,000 Amer-
icans in our Armed Forces now in South
Vietnam. At the same time we should
call on- the North Vietnamese to with-
draw without delay all of their forces
now in South Vietnam. This total ac-
cording to former Ambassador Averell
Harriman, a truly great American and
our most skilled and experienced nego-
tiator, is estimated to number not more
than 40,000.
I am hopeful that President Nixon will
accelerate the withdrawal of American
troops from South Vietnam. He should
respond to the overwhelming will of the
majority of Americans and immediately
withdraw all of our Armed Forces from
further morning business?
Mr. PEARSON. Mr. President, I sug-
gest the absence of a quorum.
will call the roll.
The bill clerk proceeded to call the
Mr. FELL. Mr. President, I ask unan-
imous consent that the order for the
quorum call be rescinded.
PEARSON in the chair). Without objec-
tion, it is so ordereft"
Mr. PELL. Mr. President, today, Oc-
tober 28, marks the 29th anniversary of
the entry of Greece into World War II.
It is an important holiday in Greece for
It marks the turning point in that coun-
try's struggle for liberty and freedom.
On October 28, 1940, the Greek people
began a decade of fighting and sacrifice,
marked by both triumph and tragedy,
which encompassed some of Greece's
most desperate moments and some of its
finest hours. Those of us who care about
the ideals for which the Greeks fought,
and who care about the courageous peo-
ple of that country, find it difficult to
celebrate today, because of the fact that
Greece is in the hands of a military re-
gime which has made a mockery of the
victories won by Greece during that tur-
bulent 10-year period.
I have spoken many times on the floor
of the Senate in recent months on this
subject. I do not intend to repeat or re-
capitulate these comments today. Suffice
it to say that the regime continues to be
repressive. The Greek people do not en-
joy the civil liberties which are the
fundamental characteristic of a de-
mocracy. Reports of torture by reliable
observers continue, despite official de-
nials. In fact, the regime has been cen-
sored by the Consultative Assembly of the
Council of Europe for violating the Euro-
pean Convention on Human Rights and
a subcommission on human rights of the
Council will present a report on this sub- t
ject in December. Finally, there are per-
sistent reports of a growing anti-Amer- h
ican sentiment in the country based on
the feeling that the United States is sup-
porting the present regime.
The people of Greece should know that
there are many in this Chamber, many
in the House of Representatives, and
millions of Americans who deplore the
present situation in Greece. We are not
only saddened by the apparent unwill-
ingness of the Government to move
toward the restoration of democracy, in
the land in which democracy was born,
but outraged by the violent methods
being used by the regime toward those
who question its principles and practices.
There is, of course, little that we can
do to help the Greek people, for the char-
acter of their regime is, in the final anal-
ysis, their own internal affair. But there
is something that we can do not to help
the military dictatorship. To this end,
I have proposed an amendment to the
foreign aid bill which would curtail mili-
tary aid to Greece by insuring that no
additional aid is programed until the
Congress so approves. I shall do all that
I can and have that proposed amend-
ment enacted into law.
further morning business?
Mr. BELLMON. Mr. President, since
the nomination of Clement F. Hayns-
worth, Jr., for the position of Associate
Justice of the Supreme Court on the
18th of August of this year, every Mem-
ber of this body and particularly those
Members who serve on the Committee on
the Judiciary have been flooded with
comments from their constituents, special
interest groups, labor organizations, and
from many of their colleagues, concern-
ing this appointment.
Mr. President, every Member of this
body has heard of the "Darlington case"
and the,"Brunswick case." The facts of
those eases and the judge's role in them
have been repeated many times here on
the floor of the Senate and any objective
study of them can, in my opinion, only
lead to the conclusion that the charges
made are in fact not substantiated by
any evidence before the committee or the
Members of this body.
From my examination of the testimony
presented at the? hearings on Judge
Haynsworth's confirmation, the commit-
tee was primarily interested in deter-
mining whether three basic criteria had
been met by this nominee. First, is Judge
Haynsworth a person of great integrity;
second, has Judge Haynsworth demon-
strated judicial temperament; and third,
does Judge Haynsworth possess a high
level of professional ability.
Using these basic criteria as guidelines
upon which one should base his opinion
in considering the nomination, I have
found ample evidence that the nomi-
nee qualifies with flying colors.
Judge Haynsworth has made disclos-
ures of his financial holdings in more
detail than is required by any Member of
his body and in much greater detail
than most members of the judiciary who
ave previously been confirmed by the
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S 13314 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD? EA'" c er 28, 1969
Many members of the legal professien lobbying of Senators by private interest Baltimore, top lobbyist for the NAACP and
whet have conducted cases before Judge groups. Lobbying is neither illegal or un- other civil sigh: had organiaetale en
Haynsworth as well as the organized bar, moral. Private groups are entitled to their e Haynsworthin the form of the American Bar As- opinions on Supreme Court nominees as use of his involv ent in the long,
tangled legal case involving the Darlington
sodIation, have expressed confidence in they are on any other subject. But, in
Manufacturing Co. and Testae Workers
his ability as a judge to render a fair and the case of Court nominees, the Senate union, his participation In Carolina Vend-a-
1114 decision in any case appearing be- has a duty, under the Constitation, to' Maxie oo. and his civil rights record as a
or him. consider their integrity, capability, and judge on the Federal Court of Appeals.
I would also like to point out that mew experience, and if they apprOve the norm- Harris telephoned oaniel J Moynihan.
of those expressing that view had. in inee on this basis, to advise and consent urban affairs specialist on the White House
staff who was with the President in Cali-
fact, lost cases in the judge's court. How- to the nomination. I question what new fornia, and Jerris Leonard, Assistant Attor-
ev6r, it appears that they still hold to the insight into these imies will be - Wed ney General, on. Aug. 15 and warned them
opinion that the decisions vrere rendered by a powerful lobbybw...lis.4 the AFL-CIO, considered Hayns-
fairly using the cases decided in the pest Mr. Presidents-15*s lobbying effort is worth anti-tabor and anti-civil rights
me detail in a Washington record as well as issues involving his ethical
conduct whkle on the bench.
In addition, Wang sent a telegram directly
to the President raising the same issues.
"The President didn't reply, he didn't reply
at all," Measly said recently. "His reply came
a few days later when he aianounced the ap-
pointment of Judge Haynsworth."
Mr. RSV" MON. Mr. President, it is
clear, in view of the President's position
and the organized opposition, that there
will be a major confrontation on the
Senate floor over the nomination of judge
The question has been raised from
several sources that profess only an abid-
ing concern for the well-being of the
Supreme Court: "Why does not the
President withdraw the nomination and
avoid the bloody confirmation fight?"
Mr. President, there is need for serious
concern over the impact of this fight on
the Supreme Court, The image of the
Court has been tarnished recently by
the resignation, under fire, of the Asso-
ciate Justice whom Judge Haynsworth is
supposed to replace. We need to be great-
ly concerned by the public's loss of con-
fidence in the impartiality of this Court.
Concern for the Court, however, does
and the evidence which had been pre- discussed
sented. Post a
Mr. President, there is need for seriOus un
concern over the impact of this contro- p
ve sy on the Supreme Court
can find no reason to oppose a person w
ly because his philosophy is contrarY as
own. I can find nothing which 1110i- A
s that the judge has committed an
ethical practice. Judge Itaynswerth
has been a distinguished circuit judge,
and I believe he will be an outstanding
addition to the U.S. Suprema, Court.
r. President, a major confrontation
over the nomination of Judge Hans-
worth to the Supreme Court is coming up
ori the Senate floor in the near future.
T e public's interest in the Court, and
tl4e intense press coverage of the nomi-
tion hearings, and attacks against the
n minee insure that the Nation will be
watching closely as the Senate votes on
this nomination.
The President has made it clear that
stands behind Judge Haynsworth's
mination. After reviewing all of the
tIacks made against the nominee on his
'1 rights record, his labor record, and
his integrity, the President reafflrined
h confidence in Judge Haynswerth His
tter of October 3, 1969, to the minority
leder states:
In order that there be no ml hinderstatici-
ing on the part of anyone, 1 send this letter
to confirm that I steadfastas, support this
nOmination and earnestly hese and trust
that the Senate Judiciary Committee and
the senate will proceed with dispatch to
approve the nomination.
It is equally clear that those who op-
pose the nomination are not ready to
relent. The machinery to block confierna-
tion has been set in motion and it is .
questionable if the attack could be , . we qualify him, he is an undistinguished
stopped now even by those who started it. the choice and it would be better for the
Thus, notwithstanding the fact that d the Court if another man were nominated.
? in his Mr. President, the only part of that
a great deal of balance has been added
tte the whole discussion in the Senate by. est single argument with which I can agree is that
he has done nothing Wrong, nothing
the efforts of the distinguethed Senator ? on rYf Con-
trom Nebraska (Mr. Ileusen) al. the serious break that would disqualify him. Thereafter,
distinguished Senator from Ken ucky and the nine- my disagreement with those who make
(Mr. Coos), thousands of labor inion .-?- istratton the argument is complete.
and union members and thousands of
supporters of civil rights are writing and
telegraphing their opposition to Itheir
Senators. Most of these communications
reflect an understanding of, or ex sure
to, only one side of the issue. The rep-
resent the product of the massive fort
that was begun several weeks ago then
he entire story had not been presented.
e are confronted, now, by thous ds of Harris, the AFL-CIO associate general ooun- cause too many people are opera wig un-
eop/e and organizations who have pub- seir, arenedtAnwidre th j.wesJe.piBiLefiRllaer, legislativeJr.,nil wellkdniroec- der serious misapprehension.
*cly committed themselves to fight the t? g. . wn The nomination by President Nixon
Washington lawyer representing several civil
Haynsworth nomination, right or Wrong. rights groups. of Judge Clement Haynsworth, Jr., does
There is another dimension to the They alerted George Meany, president of not result in the Senate considering "just
'stop Haynsworth" effort: The outright the Aego-ceo, and Clarence Mitchell of another Federal judge"; but rather an
e of October 16, 1969, and I ask
ous consent that the article be
ed in the RECORD.
ere being no objection, the article
ordered to be printed in the RECORD.
(By Murray Seeger)
Sen. Th as J. Dodd (D-Conn.) received
a telephon call a few days ago from an old
friend, Jay ?vestone, director of interna-
tional affairs the AFL-CIO.
The two men ually discuss their common
interest in figh g communism, but this
recent conversation was different. Lovestone
was trying to get a mmitment from Dodd
that he would vol against confirming
Clement F. Haynsworth .Tr. as an associate
justice of the U.S. Supre e Court.
"We don't usually use on something
like this," an AFL-CLO sta an said this
week. "But the Irlaynsworth cake is special."
The special nature of the Hayhsworth case
that it represents the first occiton since
1930 that the labor federation h actively
opposed a Supreme ()Oust nomination
That nominee was John J. Parker Of North
Carolina, the last o3urt appointee to lose
a Senate confirmation vote.
As one of the 10 Democrats on the majority
side of the Senate Judiciary Cominitttee, not dictate the withdrawal of Judge
Dodd warranted spec-al attention in the view Haynsworth's name by the President.
Instead, it counsels those who attack
of the AFL-CIO. He voted to send the Ha ns-
worth nomination to the Senate floor, ut Judge Haynsworth recklessly to consider
may vote against confirmation. and decide whether their pique over the
Another Democratic member of the or>
mittee, Sen. Joseph D. Tydings of Meryl
had an unusual visit from Al Barkan, direc
of the AFL-CIO Committee on Politi al
Education before voting "no" on the nomi a
Sen Hugh D. Scoot of pennsylvania,
minority leader of the Senate who is
uncommitted on the nomination, has
pressured to vote "no" by the only Re
can in the AFL--CIO hierarolay,
Minton, of Philade'phia, president
Glass Bottle Blowers' Association,
United Steelworkers, biggest Lull
Haynsworth has become the
issue for the AFL--CIO in this
gress and represents the
between the federatio
1 4,4,T he ..s..:;.,c=4:
,ainst Haynsworth has Judge Haynsworth has been a distin-
also renewed the alliance between the AFL- guished circuit court judge and it has
cio and fewer civil right organizations at been predicted that he will be an out-
a time when local unions and minority standing addition to the U.S. Supreme
groups are battling in several cities. Court.
"This has already become part of the 1970
congressional elections," one union source The public has shown little under-
said, standing of the qualities which fit Judge
When Haynsworth's name first came Haynsworth for his position. I think
through the Washington rumor mill, Tons these qualities should be reviewed, be-
choice of a men of his philosophy is suf-
ficient to justify the lasting damage they
may inflict on the Court.
The demands for withdrawal of Judge
Haynsworth's name seem to rest on an
e argument that goes like this: While
en Judge Haynsworth has not done any-
bli- thing wrong, or anything that would dis-
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itht,OKI)? Extensions of Remarks October 27, 1969
There are now in effect laws that provide
for imposing a prohibition on individual
business firms against repeating a mailing to
one who has objected to the post office, upon
the receipt of what he considers objection-
able material. This has only limited effect
upon the pornographers. They can still make
the first mailing with impunity. And further-
more, each separate filth peddler can make a
first mailing to the same household.
H.R. 6186 details what would be considered
pornographic and to be unlawful if sent to
the home in which there is a minor. The
broad interpretation of the word "knowingly"
in the proposal would make it financially
uneconomical for these depraved distributors
to broadcast their filth on a mass basis. They
would have to consider that any home could
have minors present, and before making the
first mailing, would have to determine in
advance that such a condition did not exist.
I believe this would effectively stop this
obnoxious practice without being subjected
to the charge of censorship. I hope that the
legislation can be approved by your commit-
tee at an early date.
Monday, October 27, 1969
Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr.
Speaker, the news from Greece shows
a rising tide of protests against the mil-
itary dictatorship there. Unfortunately,
the same news shows that the U.S. Gov-
ernment continues to be linked with that
dictatorship, resulting in a rising tide
of anti-American feeling.
The current of events in Greece was re-
cently studied by N. A. Stavrou, a pro-
fessor at Howard University. He has been
kind enough to provide me with a copy
of his excellent report, one that details
fully what is happening in Greece.
In insert this documented and first-
hand study into this RECORD:
(By Prof. N. A. Stavrou)
The present report is based on facts as-
sembled during a research trip to Greece
which lasted from August 1 to September
13, 1969. This trip was made possible by a
Research Grant given by the Social Science
Division of Howard University and had as its
primary objective the study of Protest
Groups and their formation. A specific re-
search plan had been worked out prior to
my departure from the States. However, soon
after my arrival in Greece I discovered that
scientific research was impossible under a
regime of marital law. I was given warnings
by many people not to proceed with the idea
of conducting a survey of public opinion by
submitting questions to ordinary people,
because they told me, "You don't know to
whom you are talking." Consequently, I had
to revise my research methodology in several
ways. Systematic sampling of opinions had
to be substituted by selective gauging of
reactions to questions purposely made to
provoke. To support such responses I sought
to examine the behaviors of groups of dis-
contented persons. I thought I would have a
better understanding of what is happening
in Greece if I concentrated on five sources
of information: a) former political leaders
now in active opposition; b) former high
ranking military officers as well as officers
in active duty when this was possible; c)
former elected officials of small towns or
private associations; d) plain people from
all walks of life whose confidence I had to
cultivate before they could talk as they
felt, and e) the government's position which
could easily be sampled from the censored
press, or personal interviews when possible
Some of the political leaders and personal-
ities with whom I had extensive discussions
on the subject matter of my study and the
current Greek political situation are:
Hon. Panayotis Kanellopoulos, Former
Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Lead
er of the E.R.E. Party.
Hon. Stephanos Stephanopoulos, Former
Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Coor-
dination, Foreign Affairs, and leader of Li-
beral Party founded after his break with the
Center Union (FDK).
Hon. Evangelos Averoff-Tositzas, Former
Minister of Foreign Affairs (ERE).
. Hon. Ioannis Zigdis, Former Minister of
Industry (Center Union).
Hon. Emmanuel Kothris, Former Minister
of Commerce, Deputy of Center Union. -
Hon. Ioannis M. Tsouderos, Former Dep-
uty of Center Union.
Hon. Spyros Markezinis, Former Minister
of Economic Coordination and Leader of the
Progressive Party.
Hon. Constantinos N. Rallis, Former Dep-
uty and Minister of Information.
Hon. George Mavros, Former Minister of
Defense and Interior, Governor of the Bank
of Greece, presently considered as the leader
of the Center Union.
Hon. George Rallis, Former Minister of
Interior (ERE).
Hon. Harris Rentis, Former Deputy of Cen-
ter Union, Minister.
Hon. Ioannis Varvitsiotis, Former Deputy
of ERE.
Lt. Gen. Theodoros Griropoulos, Former
Chief of Defense Staff, Chief of the Army,
author (Retired).
Lt. General Petros Nikolopoulos, Former
Chief of the C.I.A. of Greece, Former Chief
of Staff of the Army.
Lt. Gen. Ioannis Sorokos, Deputy Chief of
the Armed Forces (1969) , Ambassador Ap-
pointee to London.
Gen. Alexandros Hatzipetros, Chief of
CIA. of Greece.*
Lt. Col. L. Mavraganas, C.I.A. of Greece.
Gen. George Thomopoulos, Chief of G.D
E.A. (General Directorate of National Secu-
With General Sorokos I ?had a rather ex-
tensive and probing (on both sides) conver-
sation, while with the latter three individu-
als I discussed no substantive matters. From
Gen. Hatzioetros I requested Information on
Front Organizations functioning in Greece
between 1955-1967. He introduced me to Lt.
Col. Mavraganas, who was ordered by the
General to assemble unclassified information
available in the Agency and give it to me.
At the same time, Gen. Hatzipetros said that
most of such information is kept by
G.D.E.A., where he introduced me to Gen.
Thomopoulos. Lt. Col. Mavraganas, after I
told him what I was looking for, promised to
send all information available and unclassi-
fied "as soon as the Colonel who specializes
in such matters returns from his leave." Gen.
Thomopoulos requested a specific list of
types of information and I submitted one to
him. He, too, promised to mail available in-
formation as soon as it could be assembled.
So far, I have received no material requested
from either agency.
In addition to the above-mentioned per-
sonalities, I have met a number of formerly
high-ranking officials, local leaders, Union
personalities newspapermen and former
Ministers who wish anonymity. Through
newspapermen and friends, I have tried to
get some information on the role and fate e
of the 45 generals who have been arrested
and kept under solitary confinement in a t
hotel outside of Athens. One high-ranking
officer whom I was able to meet In his place
of exile talked with me "freely" after I told
him who informed me of his whereabouts
The only place where I found suitable for
. an exchange of views with the gentleman
was by the sea, where we could swim and
talk without being followed by his guard, a
plain clothesman, never more than 10 feet
away. The number of swimmers made it diffi-
cult for the guard to see anything unusual
going on between the General and another
swimmer who could not be identified as a
...foreigner in the water. The gentleman not
only talked to me under such circumstances,
but he was also kind enough to write an ex-
tensive analysis of the issues of Anti-Ameri-
canism and effectiveness of the Armed
forces. I had to make special arrangements
to get this document, which is now in my
On the basis of information received from
the above-mentioned Individuals as well as
from hundreds of plain people I have the
following observations to make on the current
Greek situation:
Political Process: There is almost unani-
mous agreement among the politicians, form-
er Deputies and local leaders that Greece is in
for an absolute dictatorial regime which will
be more repressive as the time passes. In
*support of such arguments everyone points
to the current developments, such as decrees
promulgated, compulsory laws enacted and
proposed (the Press Law was the conversa-
tion piece during the last three weeks of
my stay in Greece) as well as public pro-
nouncements by government leaders. They
all believe that the Salonica speech of Mr.
Papadopoulos should suffice to convince any
extreme optimist of the fact that Greece is
going rapidly backwards. In addition to this,
they point to the day to day behavior of the
government, always with specific and irre-
futable examples of brutal actions and un-
controllable arrogance on the part of the
authorities. It appears to them, they argue,
that the regime becomes daily more insecure
and more repressive. They feel, and know,
they say, that a police state is rapidly being
perfected and political persecution continues
unabated. Personally, I had opportunities to
observe the presence of the police state.
Deputies and former Ministers who wanted
to meet with me hesitated to do so because
they were :allowed by plainclothesmen. At
least three former Ministers who met with
me were continuously being followed and I
was a witness of this. They are Mr. George
Mavras, followed by three men in a Volvo
car; Mr. George Rallis and one former Min-
ister who wishes his name not to be men-
tioned. All political leaders that I have talked
to, with the exception of Mr. Evengellos
Averoff-Tositzas, feel that compromise with
the present regime is impossible and whoever
suggests it must be naive. The government,
they point out, does not have and never has
had such intentions. They have impressive
evidence to support their position.
Mr. Averrof feels that the government is
of course unwilling to compromise, but a
militant position by other political forces
will prevent solutions from within or with-
out the junta. "When you promise to court-
martial them," he said, "they will fight and
they will stick together." In line with this
position, Mr. Averrof feels that "the Mevros-
Kanellopoulos Political manifesto was a mis-
take." Another slight variation from the posi-
tion of the political world as I understand
it comes from Former Minister of Economic
Coordination and leader of the Progressive
Party Mr. Spyros Markezinis. Mr. Marke-
zinis feels that the present leaders are inept
and inevitably will need the help of experi-
need people, if they "properly care about
Greece, as they claim." He is also willing to be
he Prime Minister of a Transitional govern-
ment. "After all," he said, "I was a success-
ul Minister of Economic Coordination and
*Introduced to him by Gen. Sorokos.
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Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP711300364R00(300120003-9 89 03_
OctOer 27, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ?Extensions of Remarks
the Georgia Council of Farmer Cooper-
atives prepared a leaflet showing the di-
verse ways cooperatives serve their mem-
bers in Georgia. I think this information
will be of interest to the Members of
Congress. I am, therefore, including the
following summary of these interesting
In the marketing area in Georgia
there are 23 cooperatives with 87,700
members. These cooperatives have 7,170
loyees and do a gross volume of busi-
ness $329,100,000. The major products
marketed by these cooperatives are poul-
try, peanuts, milk and milk products, and
grain and soybeans.
In the area of production supplies there
are 14 cooperatives with 84,000 members.
These cooperatives have 470 employees
and do a gross volume of business of $49,-
In the area of services, credit is pro-
vided through Federal land bank as-
sociations and Production Credit Asso-
ciations. Electric membership corpora-
tions provide electrical power and dairk
herd improvement associations provide
management services.
These are just some of the many serv-
ices which are provided through cooper-
atives to aid farmers In nearly every
aspect of their farm business. I join with
the citizens of Georgia in saluting the
fine work of our Georgia cooperatives.
It might also be of interest to point
out that the first agricultural coopera-
tive marketing association formed in
Georgia was in our 10th District. This was
in the early part of the 1930's when the
Athens Cooperative Creamery-was estab-
lished in Athens, Ga., by my wife's father,
A. P. Winston, Judge Henry West, L. M.
Sheffer, Dr. Henry Fullilove, Dr. Harvey
Cabaniss, and Emmett Cabariss. It is
still a successful operation, being now
Better Maid Dairy Products, Inc.
Piper Cherokee which claimed 83 lies, add percentage of private pilots fly after drink-
now fuel to the airport/airways issues. ing.
And, ,when a small general aviation air- In each of the past three years, he said
craft is involved, the finger invariably is alcohol has been attributed to 61A to seven
pointed toward the "little" plane by initial percent of fatal private plane crashes.
press reports. By way of comparison, National Safety
Reaction holds the light aircraft had no Council states that alcohol probably is a
right tO be there, regardless who was at fault, factor in at least half oe all fatal motor
The Parade article declared: "It was a stu- vehicle accidents.
dent with only 38 hours in the air. who Actually, the accident rate of general avia-
rammed into an airliner in September over tion aircraft is decreasing---5,069, or 1.311 ac-
the I dianapolis airport while making a cidents per every one millun airplane Miles
practic pass at the runway." flown in 1968 compared with 6,115, or 1.78
Actu lly the accident occurred some 20, accidents per million miles flown i
miles Southeast of the airport. Subsequent The number of fatal acciden
findings suggest it was the airliner that creased from 603, or ,18
struck the light plane. flown, in 1967, to 692, o
In at analysis of the 38 in-flight collisions flown in 1968.
At the same t
cent increase i
from 114,186 ?
a correspon
the miles
Aga4 for comparison, some 26 million (25.5
per ce t) of the nation's 102.1 million motor
vehic7es in 1968 were involved in accidents
acco nting for 55,200 motor vehicle deaths,
acco ding to National SafEty Council figures.
There were 14.5 accidents per one million
driven by motor vehicles and .04
itles per million miles driven.
e FAA categorizes all non-airline and
litary aircraft in the United States as
aviation, or "private" aircraft. Its
t numbers more than 100.
4 million genEral aviation hours
, as a point in fact, 69 per cent
as purposes and 31 per cent
" ersonal use of aircraft,"
at the top of the
as intended to
of records
n the civil
the N
g in the United States during 1968,
tional Transportation Safety Board
, which investigates all fatal air acci-
ound FAA's air traffic control system
d in at least seven.
n all seven, traffic congestion, control
tower Visibility and human performance lim-
itation, and inadequacy of VI-1R (aircraft
operating under "see and be seen" visual ?
flight rules) traffic flow procedures were.
found contributory to the chain of: events!
leadin up to collision.
Sight collisions are very rare at air-
here traffic flow is directed In a posi in
d orderly manner," the NTSB declared, feta
e analysis, NTSB said six of the 38 T
ns occurred on or above an airport,, non-
es within the airport traffic pattern,' gener
thin two miles of the airport and 10 own ft
ts more than five miles from the air- Of tla
tive a
In t
12 mi
five w
port. flown in
The collisions involved 76 individual air- were for bus
craft and 71 fatalities, although total pas- could be label
according to ADS.
The picture appear
Parade article apparent
depict the "private" plane m
A check by the Wichita E
maintained on each aircraft flow
system revealed that all aircraf
have transponders, radar, distance m
equipment, autopilots, redundant co
cations and navigation systems and,
sence, were equipped coinparably or be
than the two commercial jetliners shown
the background.
The five "private" aircraft in the picture
represent a transportation investment by
"private" businesses of $1.2 million, of which
nearly $1 million is represented by the cost
of electronic communication and navigation
equipment alone.
Indeed, these private planes are waiting
for the navigation, air traffic control and fed-
eral communleations system to catch up so
equipment they, have installed can be used
on any airport in the U.S.
Most businesses &V corporations utilizing
their own private airoraft today also
heavy users of the cor" cial airlines.
Whether public or pri va ir sat et
vital concern to all.
owever, in-
million miles
0 per million miles
e ther a was a nine per
he ifeneral aviation fleet-
1967, to 121,237 in 1968?and
ng nine per cent increase in
wn by genera', aviation aircraft,
to Aviation Data Service (ADS).
sengers and crew members totaled '246.
Of the aircraft, three were coManercial air-
liners, one a military fighter and two were
glider?the remainder being peeivered gen-,
eral aviation aircraft. One collision,
dentally, involved two planes beine used to
herd horses in Wyoming.
Twenty-one aircraft were described al
being on pleasure flights, while 20 were eni
gaged in some form of flight instruction. ]
Concluded NTSB:
"While there was no evidence of adverse
weather having been a significant factor in
any Cf the 38 in-flight iccidents,
haze ind/or smoke were likely tia have been
in the area in six instances; pre-Mitation,,
showery in nature, was probably In the gen-
eral area in 11 cases.
"All 38 collisions, however, ?conned during
daylight hours under VTR conditions (ceiling
above 1,000 feet and visibility more than
three miles).
"It was noted most collisions occurred in
areas and periods of greatest general aviation
activity and the most likely time and place
for cellisions to occur would be on bright
clear Sunday afternoons in August at un.-
oontr011ed airports," NTSB said.
A Common misconception among laymen,
including the Parade writer, is that radar
equiPment on aircraft is used for spotting
other aircraft.
Stated Parade: "Few private planes are
equipped with radar, to act as extra eyes for
the pilot."
Nor do any commercial airliners have thee
"extra eyes." Aircraft radar is for weather
avoidance and does not detect othtr aircraft.
Parade also pointed out that the "private
pilot who decides to go on a lark in the skies
after drinking . . . is . . . probably the
grea est threat to air safety."
It dded that autopsies performed on pilots
from the 692 fatal general aviation accidents,
during 1968 "indicate that as many as 200.
had been drinking. Of these accidents, oft
cials said that alcohol was the cause of 5
'bey nd a shadow of a doubt.'"
As recently as September, however, Ber-
ner Boyle, NTSB chief of the Safety Anal-
ysis Division, said he believed only a smell
Monday, October 27, 1969
Mr. STEPHENS. Mr. Speaker, it has
been brought to my attention that the
month of October is "Co-Op Month." The
theme this year is "Cooperatives: Prog-
ress Through People."
The State of Georg..a is observing this
"Co-Op Month," along with the rest of
the Nation. As part of this observance,
Monday, October 27, 1969
Mr. UTT. Mr. Speaker, I would like
to include my statement on HR. 6186
which would seek measures to control
pornography, which I am cosponsoring
Mr. Chairman: I appreciate this oppor-
tunity of including some comments in the
record of testimony on the various measures
seeking to control pornography. I am a co-
sponsor of H.R. 6186 which would prohibit
the dissemination through interstate com-
merce or the mails of materials harmful to
persons under the age of eighteen years and
would restrict the exhibition of movies to
such persona.
My state of California has seen both a
flood of the most vile presentations sent
through the mails to the homes, and an
expansion of the producers of the filth
Printing presses have run around the clock
turning out the tons and tons of advertis-
ing material in full color and great detail. My
constituents who are receiving such material
are demanding that steps be taken to protect
their loved ones from being exposed to the
shock of seeing such traeh.
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October 27,
do not wish to become a Minister again."
However, he, too, is pessimistic about the
prospect of the junta giving up or even shar-
ing power with anyone, and he qualifies his
willingness to be Prime Minister with import-
ant conditions.
Many feel that the junta will try occa-
sionally to absorb political personalities of
Pipinellis type and transform them into
"Von Papens of Greece." Such occurrences
will help the government in certain ways,
but it will not break the front of opposi-
tion. Personally, I have the feeling that two
or three such persons entertain the thought
of entering the governmental fold, but it is
also quite likely that others who are with the
government will resign. One candidate for
resignation is Prof. Kyriakopoulos, Minister
of Justice, who, I was told, had nothing to
do with the Press Law, nor was he properly
consulted about it. I feel that the arrival of
the new American Ambassador will be the
catalyst of certain developments in the rela-
tions of the Junta with the opposition, if the
Ambassador comes with specific policies in
mind. However, no one believes that the
American policy will change drastically and
furthermore, those who could have helped to
an orderly development, have reasons not to
trust the Americans.
Prospects: Everyone feels that as the gov-
ernment becomes more repressive and the
opposition more experienced, organized vio-
lence will increase. My survey indicates, and
practically all political leaders I have talked
to agree, that the government has reached
the point of almost complete separation
from the people. The present rulers of Greece
have absolutely no appreciation of the im-
portance of support from below. At least
four Former Ministers suggested that vio-
lence is justified because the regime itself is
violence par excellence. FurthermOre, they
argue, "the 'bombs are better heard by the
State Department and the C.I.A. than the
voices of reason." "The Americans," they say,
"do not consider the Greek problem critical
so as to stop doing certain things because
it does not appear critical. They look in the
night clubs and bouzoukia joints and con-
clude that here is a happy people. Perhaps
few bombs will help them awaken and real-
ize that we are in a deadly crisis." In con-
clusion, everyone feels that orderly devel-
opments. with the present government as a
partner are impossible. Violence is to be ex-
pected and in the long run it will be more
extensive. I have asked many leaders why
they don't make an opening for a dialogue
with the government. Their answer.was quite
simple and pragmatic: "The Greek people
will brand anyone who deals with the present
government a traitor and quisling. After all,"
they say, "if elections were to be held to-
morrow, the political parties of 1965-67 will
receive the same number of votes as then.
We have our following intact," they say,
"the junta does not have any at all." I
sought to check on this claim and asked a
local leader who is quite familiar with the
attitudes of the countryside. He agrees that
the political forces are divided as they were
before the coup, but "parts of those forces
have become militant" and in any outbreak
of violence they will move to the left regard-
less of where they belonged before April 21,
1967. Mr. Mavros said that "we made our
offer. In the political proclamation with
Kanellopoulos, we stated that we are ready
to form or support a transitional govern-
ment," he said. The offer has been laughed
off by the junta, who keeps referring to them
as the "Ex-politicians." '
On Support: I indicated above that the
present regime of Greece has absolutely no
appreciation for popular support and in the
two years of its presence has done more to
alienate its supporters than increase them.
It is commonly agreed that even those who
granted them good intentions earlier regret it
now. Consequently, the support they have
does not come from the people in general but
from the following categories of special
(a) People who make their living from gov-
ernmental employment, especially those who
got their jobs after April 21, 1967. From this
group, however, one must differentiate, a sub-
group which actively opposes the regime.
There is, for example, an active underground
group made up of Civil Servants which cir-
culates pamphlets with anti-regime material.
(b) People who make their living indirectly
from the state and from whom support is ex-
tracted rather than offered.
(c) Several extremist groups made up of
people who have been active in the period
between 1944 (such as people who composed
the organziation X, under George Grivas)
and who have the stigma of cooperation with
the Germans. These people are presently
zealous informers for the regime and are
being Identified by the people as such. It is
also a rather curious development to note
that former Communists are among those
who have become informers and supporters
of the regime. The noted examples are, of
course, Mr. Savas Constantopoulos', editor of
the newspaper Eleftheros Kosmos (Free
World) who was a high-ranking member of
the Greek Communist Party and Mr. Th.
Papakonstantinou, another high former rank-
ing member of the Communist party who was
Minister of Education and who has the dis-
tinction of having studied in the Marxist
Schools of Moscow.
One serious problem with all those who are
working for the state is that it is expected
of them to prove their loyalty by concrete acts
of support for the "National Government."
This is more evident in the countryside
where everyone knows everyone else.
(d) A fourth group which supports condi-
tionally the present regime is Big Business.
Their support, as usual, depends on benefits
they get by governmental policies. However,
their rivalry can have serious political im-
plications. Shipping magnates who brought
their ships under the Greek flag, for example,
did so for a very simple reason: They do not
as yet pay a single penny of taxes to the State.
This was confirmed by a former Minister of
Economic Coordination, who is furious of the
fact that the government insists on collecting
taxes from his writings (exorbitant in his
view) while big business gets a free ride. The
fact that the Greek shipowners do not pay
any taxes at all is based on a little known
decree issued by the government which clas-
sifies ships into several categories for pur-
poses of taxation. Ships over twenty-five years
old, for example, are free of taxation for sev-
eral years. Newly-constructed ships are free
for ten years; ships repaired in Greek ship-
yards are free of taxation at a rate of one
year per one hundred thousand dollars worth
of repairs.
This business group will continue to sup-
port the government as long as it promotes
its interests. It will also increase the opposi-
tion because the workers will be forced
eventually to oppose it actively and with it
the government. As of now, no one can speak
of trade unionism in Greece and it is ex-
pected that the workers who lost all gains
of the last twenty-five years will join the
active opposition, and the government re-
lations with big business will be affected
Opposition: It is rather difficult to examine
the makeup of the active opposition. How-
ever, it is my view that the present regime is
rejected by the vast majority of the Greek
people of which a minority is prepared to do
something against it.
Potential opposition will come, many be-
lieve, and I agree, from all those people di-
rectly affected by the present regime. The
number of such people is quite impressive
and it is sufficient to make up a strong revo-
lutionary force. Many feel it reaches the
E 8905
vicinity of half a million people. When chal-
lenged on this figure, they proceed to calcu-
late. They claim that there were over one
hundred thousand elected officials who lost
their jobs, beginning with the Mayor of
Athens and ending with the water distributor
(an elective position in some places) of the
remote village. Add to this, fired civil servants
and dismissed officers as well as all those
individuals who had a "file" in the Security
Agencies, as well as their relatives and you
come up with a larger not a smaller number.
Furthermore, they say, practically more than
three-fourths of the leaders of associations
of all sorts have been forced out. Many be-
lieve that not only do we have sufficient
forces for future violence and upheavals, but
also opposition leadership with respect and
From this number of affected individuals
one ought to deduct a smaller group which
has been "revolutionized" by brutal violation
of individual rights. They are the people ar-
rested since April 21, 1967. Many say the
often-mentioned figure of six thousand is
incorrect. They put the number of persons
arrested at 70,000 with detainment periods
roughly from a few days to years. The figure
of 70,000 arrested was supported by a former
Lt. General who wishes his name not to be
mentioned. He himself has been arrested
and detained for a prolonged period. I sought
to crosscheck this information. From further
investigation, I found nothing to warrant re-
jection of the 70,000 figure. It is cliamed by
many, and I fully agree on this, that the
forces of potentially extensive violence are
all present in Greece. What is lacking is or-
ganization and this might take some time
because the opposition functions under a
severe police regime which is in many re-
spects harsher than in Communist states.
Active Opposition: There are opposition
groups from all three political groupings.
However, so far the Right Wing and Center
Forces are playing their role. Mostly the
Right Wing. The Center Forces, I was told,
have not yet played their role fully, while
the Left is rubbing its hands with pleasure
seeing the government effectively destroying
institutions which they could not. A former
Minister told me that in many cases leftists
organizations have betrayed other opposi-
tion groups to the authorities. For doing
such things, he said, they are rewarded with
state employment thus achieving another
goal: infiltration of state agencies. Other
Deputies and former Ministers had specific
cases of such occurrences to reveal.
It appears to me that the active opposition
is presently structured in three layers with
only the Royalists and the Right systematic-
ally active. The Center Forces which accord-
ing to some encompass a wide spectrum of
intellectuals is rapidly organizing and will
come forward. In the Center, I include the
forces of Andreas Papandreou. The percent-
age of his following is disputed by many.
One former Minister placed the following of
Andreas at 20%of the Greek voters. Others
give invariably larger or smaller figures. A
former Minister of the Interior stated: Re-
gardless of what the precise number of An-
dreas' following is, the Americans must real-
ize that he is a force and any solution with-
out him is difficult if not impossible."
Tortures of Prisoners: I was very much
interested in examining the charges of tor-
ture by the police authorities in Greece. My
findings confirm that there was both psycho-
logical and physical torture. I have asked
many people to express themselves on such
charges, both former officials and plain peo-
ple. One Minister believed that there was
no wide-scale torture, but definitely there
was, and still is, taking place in "preventive
cases." People identified as opposition leaders,
or people who are suspected of having in-
formation on opposition groups are system-
atically tortured, he said. He further stated
that he "knew of four such cases in which
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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD?Extensions of Remarks October 27, 1969
Prisoners were brutally tortured." The same
Views have been expressed by a former Min-
ister of Interior. This gentleman, whose hon-
esty was never questioned,. said, "It is re-
pugnant to think that the Secretary General
f the Ministry of the Interior and other
high officials will themselves beat prison-
He personally knows of-prisoners beaten
by Mr. Lades. I have specifically checked on
the case of Professor Mangaisis, whose wife
Was court martialed and innsrisoned for four
years because she sought the help of for-
eign leaders for her husband. The gov-
ernment presented Professor Mangakis in a
Press Conference in which be denied being
tortured. Thus she was accused of slander-
ing the authorities and a court martial sen-
tenced her to four years in prison. It is
widely belived, though, that the Conference
itself was staged and at least five creditable
people told me that the "correspondents"
were intelligence officers. This I cannot con-
firm. I simply convey the allegations of peo-
Pie whose honesty I have no reason to doubt.
Besides the physical there is also psycho-
logical torture. It involves people who are
repeatedly called into the police statiOn for
purposes of intimidation, One person, for
example, told me of the pressures put upon
his family a day after the cunstitutional ref-
erendum in which he voted -no." The man
(in Northern Greece) returned in the eve-
ning from his fishing trip to find out that
his entire family was in the police station for
at least three hours, being drilled as to "why
they voted no." Torture by police, I was told,
does not involve only politica/ crimes; it ex-
hands on any and all crimes. The individual
has absolutely no protection and cannot
complain -anywhere, being afraid that he
Will be court-martialed for "slandering the
authorities." There are two eases which I
pan refer to here. One involv, a single Gen-
darm (horopfylakas policeMan ) who sent to
pourt 10 percent of the population of a small
town in three days. When I asked why Bev-
ral people didn't complain somewhere, the
person who offered the Mformation said:
"No one is crazy to go to the Court Martial
on top of it."
Another case which gives some indication
of police behavior involved a person in the
area of Thebe. Sometime ago a number of
robberies and murders had been committed
in Greece. The police naturally were look-
ing for suspects. Finally they concentrated
on one individual as the prime suspect. He
was beaten so badly to "admit" the Oriffies,
that he lost his sanity as well as his physical
health. However, it was discovered later that
all robberies and murders had been com-
mitted by a group of German tourists who
have done the same in England and other
European countries. They were tried and
onvicted, and their death penalty is now
ebeing appealed.
Economy: Not being an economist, I Cannot
offer an expert opinion on the subject How-
ever, a comparative report of the state of the
Greek economy composed by a number of
former deputies and specialists signed by
former Minister of Commerce Emmanuel
Kothirs contradicts with figures the claims
of the present government. Personally, I have
the following observations to make: ;
For the time being there is economic sta-
bility in Greece about which I am mit pre-
pared to state how long it will last. The
government is only doing patchworit with
repeated loans and spending without cbiatrol.
Salaries of officers of all ranks have dbubled
in the last two years and the pesantry is
offered "bribe-loans" and no one knows
where the money comes from. There are
definitely hidden dangers for an abrupt col-
lapse of the Greek economy This might be
precipitated by the deadly struggle currently
in progress between four economic giants:
Onassis, Niarchos, Andrea,dis and Pappas. I
can say definitely that the Niarchos-Onassis
conflict had and will have political inliplica-
tions. A number of junta officers were furious,
for example, when George Papadopoulos in-
tervened in the refinery case in favor of
Onassis after two expert Committees favored
Niarchos. There is a group within the junta
which is pressing for "moral purification"
(ethiki apokatharsia) of the "Revolution"
and this group was absolutely furidus when
Mr. Papadopoulos ;.ntervened in favor of
Onassis after the two men had a Man to man
talk on the refiners contract. This group,
apparently, is led by the commander of ESA
(Greek Military Police), Col. loannidis, the
-man who. sued Mrs. Mangakis for slandering
his outfit. The Colonel was furious with
Papadopoulos and his men when he learned
that -the leader whc; came to power to stop
favoritism intervened personally in favor of
Onassis. The Onassis-Niarchos feud brought
to surface other disagreements among the
junta officers. The "purists" pressed Papado-
poulos to put an and to the question of
monarchy "one way or another." They sug-
gested that pressure ought to be put on the
King to take a position, any position, on the
issues of bombs and resistance movements,
as well as on the question of his return
which is favored by another group of officers.
The outcome of such pressures was a
severe campaign against the monarchy dur-
ing the first week of September in viola-
tion of Articles of the Constitution which
have not been suspended. The same pres-
sure was also behind the Papadopoulos speech
in Salonica in which he rejects in toto the
parliamentary system because he said "no-
where was progress achieved with Parlia-
rrientary system."
In conclusion, I would say that the strug-
gle on economic giants in Greece will have
serious political implications. Secondly, in
the long run Greece is risking economic dis-
aster and social diseontent because_ so far all
serious economic :measures favor the big
business. The repatriation of Shipping Mag-
nates to Greece has no practical benefit for
the Greek state ar.d the collection of rev-
enues, since no one pays any taxes for sev-
eral years. Many claim that the return of
Greek ships under the Greek flag provides
for employment of Greek hands. This view
is also erroneous. I was told authoritatively
that the shipping magnates have been press-
ing and got tacit permission to hire as many
as 25% foreign crewmen. This means that
they are free to hire seamen from India
and Pakistan at c:aeap salaries. From sea-
men, I learned that all benefits achieved
during the last twenty-five years of union-
ization have been eliminated by daily decrees
coming out of the Ministry of Merchant Ma-
rines. For example, now a seaman who works
for a ship for less than two years, but who
decides to return home before the two-year
period, is obliged by law to pay his way back
as well as the way of his replacement.
Imagine what this means for a seaman who
is in Japanese ports and wishes to return
home. Seamen tell stories of daily posting
of orders and memos in ships telling them
What "they cannot do."
There are similar developments in other
trade unions. For all practical reasons, one
should consider free trade unionism as dead
in Greece. Such organizations which are still
formally in existence now have taken up an-
other role totally unrelated to the interests
of the membership: they have become the
"transmission belts" or the regime and mega-.
phones for propaganda. One example is the
case of Professor Karageorgas who is impris-
oned for his paracipation in resistance
movements. During my stay in Greece, there
were resolutions passed by many associations
"condemning his activities with disgust,"
something that is totally unrelated with their
official role.
Anti-Americanism: There is widespread
anti-Americanism in Greece and it comes
from all sides, including the Government.
The opposition and the average Greek is anti-
American because he believes that the pres-
ent regime came to power with U.S. aid, and
stays in power with their help. To my state-
ments that they had a wrong view of the
U.S. position invariably everyone would an-
swer: "If the Americans did not like the
present government, it could fall in 24 hours.
They like it and they keep it." This answer
was given to me by former Prime Ministers
and by plain people. One Prime Minister said
flatly, "The Americans can topple there in 24
hours. If they stop the jet fuel and other sup-
plies, they cannot last long."
Another world-respected leader was bitter
about the American role. "I don't say that
the United States brought them to power as
the average Greek does," he said, "what I
am saying is that with your policies, you keep
them in power."
I tried to rationalize with him, saying that
the United States has a dilemma here as to
what to do with an ally who fulfills its obli-
gations to the alliance but whose regline the
United States do not approve of. I mentioned
to him the letter of the 50 Congressmen and
Senators, and the answer of the undersecre-
tary of State as an example. He had many
praising words for the Congressmen and
Senators, but he insisted that "it is wrong to
say that Greece fulfills her obligations to the
alliance for several reasons: First, the alli-
ance was set up to protect the Democratic
way of life and the partners have undertaken
the obligation to do that. -Greece obviously
violates the cardinal ideal of the alliance.
Secondly," he said, "Greece's participation in
NATO is only academic."
The Greek armed forces today have been
transformed into a "politicized polite force
and the Greek people view NATO as the ve-
hicle by which they were enslaved. Therefore,
the armed forces do not folfill their obliga-
tions to the alliance, as the Americans are
led to believe. As for the occasional ex-
pression of concern about the prevailing
Greek situation," he continued, "they are
negated the day after they are made. Here
is," he said, "the Secretary of State saying
one thing the first clay, and the next your
government sends over an astronaut with an
autograph for Mr. Papadopoulos, or Dr. von
Braun, who is quoted as saying that "Greece
knows how to govern itself,"
One high-ranking officer (I do not mention
the service to avoid the likelihood of being
identified by the authorities in Greece) Who
has been persecuted in a number of ways by
the government, wrote an extensive analysis
for me of the issue of anti-Americanism and
its sources. "How can the Greek former Com-
rades-in-Arms not be anti-American, when
the Americans are silent about their fate
and when they are kept in prison." lie, him-
self, returned several honors and resigned in
protest from inter-ally associations.
A former `Minister of Education told me
that the issue of anti-Americanism is very
serious and the government of Greece is re-
sponsible for this. "In their search for re-
spectability," he said, "they sought accom-
plices for what they did on April 21. At
first, the people were led to believe that the
coup was the outcome of a collusion be-
tween three accomplices: the palace, the
Americans, and the Army. The King, with
his coup of December 13, proved to the na-
tion that he was not an accomplice to this
coup, at least. The Americans did not prove
yet that they are not guilty. On the con-
trary, by their acts, they support the view
that they are."
Origins and Make-up of the Junta: Au-
thoritative information regarding the origins
of the present military Junta contradict an-
other myth: that they came to save Greece
from Communism. Recent editorials in the
"Eleftheros Kosmos"?a pro-government
newspaper?places the origin of the Papado-
poulos idea "to save the nation in 1238." My
information supports the following:
(a) The conspiracy started as an idea in
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October 27_, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Extensions
1956, when the military organization, ID.
KA., sought to convince a General to seize
power and declare a personal dictatorship.
The General reneged at the last moment and
later became Minister in the Karamanlis
(b) In 1958 the "Idea" of Papadopoulos
was taking the shape of an organization
"within the I.D.E.A.," or the officers of the
organization still in active duty.
(c) At least one General realized that
"something was going on around Papado-
poulos" and sought to disperse the key mem-
bers of what appeared to him to be an or-
ganization. "I send," he told me, "Papa-
dopoulos to Kilkis, Lades to Filiates, etc."
However, the General was accused by a
prominent political leader of "persecuting
officers friendly disposed towards E.R.E." (the
rightist party). At one time, it said, the Gen-
eral raised the question of removing Papa-
dopoulos from the Army for "medical rea-
sons, since he was not old enough to be, re-
tired." However, during my interview, he
avoided the question: "What was wrong with
(d) Some of the key members of the pres-
ent Junta, I was told by the same General,
had political connections with political par-
ties. Specifically, Lades, Makarezos and a few
others kept referring to Spyros Markezinis
as "our leader." "I was teasing them," the
General continued by referring to Markezinis
as "their boss."
(e) The organization was tentatively iden-
tified as E.E.N.A. (standing for National
Union of Young Officers).
(f) It is widely agreed, however?and there
is substantial evidence to this?that the
original members of the organization pro-
ceeded rapidly with the creation of power
bases and satellite organizations of their
own. This, they believe, will provide the seeds
for developments from within. One such
"satellite organization is the group of Col.
Ioannielis, Chief of Military Police.
(g) It is also agreed and partially sub-
stantiated, that the government is rapidly
promoting officers of trust and retires pro-
fessional soldiers who were not members of
the Junta but stayed with it for purely pro-
fessional reasons. Newly promoted officers,
when placed in key positions, tend to be
"Independent" of their leader Papadopoulos
and the army is thoroughly splintered.
Solutions Proposed or Expected: The "best
solution" proposed by former political lead-
ers is a solution from the Army itself. They
don't call it a counter-coup but there is no
doubt about what they mean when they
say, "The Army has a duty to vindicate it-
self in the eyes of the Greek people, and
return to them what it has forcefully taken
A competent military leader suggests that
out of 11,000 officers only a maximum of
2,500 ought to be considered committed
Junta people. The rest remain professional
soldiers whose effectiveness is jeopardized by
a bad public image.
It is an undeniable fact that the officers
corps is viewed upon as an "oppressive group
and praetorian guard" by the people, and the
element of time is important for a solutipin
from within, i.e. before the officers condition
themselves being also an elite group. A sec-
ond solution supported by some is a "transi-
tional government" which will prepare the
nation for a return to Democratic proce-
dures. This is not rejected by the political
leaders as a "bad solution" but as "academic,
because the present group has no such in-
tention." The third "non-solution" will be
riolence and everybody agrees that it will in-
crease as the time passes.
The element which will precipitate the
first solution is commonly agreed to be a
clear-cut declaration of opposition against
the present government by the United
States, or at least a clarification of the U.S.
policy regarding the Greek problem. If the
United States makes it clear and known that
it is not happy with the prevailing conditions
in Greece, there will be developments from
within the junta. On the contrary, if we in-
sist on a "business as usual policy," there
will be an increase in violence from below.
Furthermore, if we promote a "gimmick-
solution" by insisting a compromise between
the political world and the junta be made,
then the violence will continue and it will
be controlled by the left, while all those
politicians who would cooperate with the
present regime "will be isolated together
with it."
As is evident from the present report, I do
not propose any solution for the Greek prob-
lem. This is left to the policymakers. What I
propose, however, is a clarification of the
U.S. policy and a coordination of the ac-
tivities of the U.S. missions in Athens, With
such a clarification, the people and the Army
will know what to expect and what to do
other than what they are already doing.
Monday, October 27, 1969
Mr. LEGGETT. Mr. Speaker, last week
the Nation expressed itself on American
involvement in the Vietnam war. The
President has made the decision to de-
involve, Vietnamize or deposture. There
Is little secret left with respect to Ameri-
can intentions. I pointed up yesterday
that the students were not alone in their
encouragement of the President's ac-
tion?they were joined by a large portion
of rural America.
Senator GOLDWATER and Gov. Ronald
Reagan last night in Norfolk severely re-
sented the moratorium expression of
opinion to the President. They apparently
think their hawkish, know-nothing views
on nuclear bombardment of Hanoi should
ring in a vacuum in the President's ears.
As further evidence of the broad sup-
port of the moratorium, I include at this
point in the RECORD a letter from one of
my Davis, Calif., constituents containing
a published plea from the mayor of our
October 19, 1969.
Congressman Roazier L. Ltcerrr,
House Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
sures speak for themselves; however we hope
this cover-letter will make it easier for you
to receive the message of the 393 citizens of
the city of Davis, California:
On October 0th Mr. Ralph Aronson wrote a
letter to our local newspaper giving a per-
sonal statement of his sympathy for the Viet-
nam moratorium and his concern that the
U.S. government not continue more-of-the-
same in Vietnam. ("Vietnamization," in my
own opinion is NOT a new solution?this
having been what we originally set out to do
from approximately 1954-55 on.)
The reaction to Mr. Aronson's letter was
one of general agreement, but even more, it
was a spur to try to communicate our own
feelings as well. The 393 signees in the en-
closed advertisement and attached sheet
chose the method of a public advertisement
as possibly a more effective form of "protest"
than individual letters (that often exist in
of Remarks E 8907
"intention") might have been. Not only do
YOU receive the message, our community re-
ceived it. There was no organized "push" for
these signatures?people just passed the
sheet from hand to hand from Friday, Octo-
ber 10 until Monday, October 13. The addi-
tional signatures are those of people who did
not come in contact with a "sign-sheet" be-
fore the cut-off date for publication of the
advertisement. They left their signatures at
the editorial office of the local newspaper
that they might be included with the "group"
letter to you. High school and college stu-
dents were not approached in this petition?
we wanted to hear from the non-vocal part of
our community and felt that student groups
were making their own statement. Might I
add that we were surprised to find a very
wide cross-section of participation from con-
servative to liberal elements in our town,
(The entire text of Mayor Aronson's letter
Youth should not be blamed for the rest-
lessness regarding the commitment of funds
for SST planes?their impatience for funds
for ABM over funds for poverty?or their
concern for funds for Mars over solutions
to problems of people or their concern for
programs benefiting minorities or dis-
It is time some of their restlessness, im-
patience and concern is rubbed off on some,
or all, of us and we take up the struggle,
declare ourselves and take a stand. I cannot,
in my own mind, be convinced of our leader's
statements that the cessation of the Vietnam
war will not release funds toward the prob-
lems in this country. Since according to
them, this money cannot, or will not, be
forthcoming for use at home. Is this then to
be construed as a valid reason to continue
this war which, In all purposes, it and all its
attached problems represent the greatest
concern of all?
Up to now I have been silent and apathetic
to the cause, believing our statesmen were
progressing toward a solution. / have allowed
myself to be lulled by the pre-campaign
strategy of our honorable President of the
"secret" solution to the end of the war. After
six months I have been more convinced that
the "secret" lies in other hands than our own
President and our own military and political
leaders. We are being asked to enter into a
60 day moratorium not to publicly protest or
demonstrate or criticize our leaders regarding
their progress concerning the Vietnam war.
Our honorable President seems to have for-
gotten that it was this same criticism and
demonstration against the past political
party's policy that got him elected. We have
already had six years of such a moratorium
regarding the apathetic attitude of the
American people and, rather than a 60 day
moratorium against protesting the war. I
favor a 60 day peaceful, responsible, protest
with letters to congressional leaders advocat-
ing a more progressive and positive action to
the withdrawal of our troops and an end to
the war.
? I have been soothed by the declaration we
are training more South Vietnamese to take
over their own cause. I cannot believe that
this, in itself, is a solution either, since this
seems to be only a method of perpetuating a
war rather than a solution to peace. If the
training of South Vietnamese is itself a solu-
tion, then lets do it?if we can train our own
boys in California, Texas, Georgia to fight
under conditions in Vietnam, then bring 25,-
000, or 50,000, or 100,000 South Vietnamese
here and train them quickly, easily, for fight-
ing in their own country.
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I don't know If a Mayor of a community of
20,000 people can hare an affect u this re-
gard, but if all Mayors of cities of 20,000 can
reach Mayors of larger cities, and citizens of
larger cities can effectively reach their State
officials to eommunic,ate this concarn to our
National officials, periaaps they will get the
No more, enough!
I aile not affiliated in this propokt with any
organization, local or national, radical or con-
ventional. I take this Stand as an .---zutividual
and ask other concerned citizens to join me
as individuals.
Reaeo Altoresaa,
Mayor o; Davi
We, the undersignedsubscribe to the eipirit
of Mayor Ralph Aronson's statemenk and
agree to have our names appear with/an ad-
vertisement in the Davie Enterprise stating
this fact and to have the advertisement dis-
tributed to President Nixon and Senators
George Murphy, Alan Cranston nil Repre-
sentative Robert C. Leggett.
Dr. and Mrs, Jack Major, Kay, Oeasawara,
Terry Lyon, Dorothy Dreyfus, jr. and Mrs.
Lloyd L. Ingraham, Mr, end Mn. yI,rton M.
Laude, Marion E. Small, Mrs. at Lwice B.
Reynolds, Nora Sterling. Holley to Grant,
Christopher 0, Grain, Mrs, R, Bands, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald W. Syttee., Mr. J. T Lading-
well, Marjorie L. Dakhla Donna Walter,
Charles W. Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Do a Brush,
Maxine Schmalenberger, Dr. anti M D.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. De, Mr. d Mrs. .
Paris, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ye. Willis, and Mrs.
an Q
R. A. Oliveira, Mr. and Mrs. R. B Nie ick,
Duane Paul, Mr. and MM. Gordon C. ta
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stints, Mr. sod Mrs.
Theodore P. Lianos, She Toriallo, W. F.
Trainor, Cynthia Hills, Juanita A. Is, F. J.
Hills, James R. Hutchinson, Pat! Lola A.
Hutchinson, Richard B Groveling, Kay C.
Burrill, Dona Lee 13randota, William 'O. Bur-
Edwin L. Blackmore, Richard A. cr awford,
David E. Lee, Thomas Cleveland, Joaa Cleve-
land, Dr. and Mrs. Philip Yarnell, Dr. and
[ Mrs. Andrew J. Gabor, Mr. and MI s. Carl
[ _Renoud, Julia R. Sultanate Beverly Farmer,
[ Richard W, Kulmann, Mr. and Mrs Tony
Smith, Dean Karnopp, Grace Node, Nancy
Cutler, Sandy Gee, KarIM Romstata C. K.
[ Shen, Harumi Sawatomeri, Sylvia Laae.
Stanley Johnson, Beth Johnson, !ttarvin
Fisher, Cecile Carter, James R. Douglas,
[ Lindy F. Suraegai, Hisa A. Kumagai, Oarroll
E. Cross, Janet S. Cross, Wm. Wanner,
[ Dave & Mary Lee, David & Jane Deemer,
'Ethel M. Espana, Carlos Espana, Eliaabeth
Meyer, Mx. and Mrs. Wilson Smith, Mary
[ Cooper, Milton and Jeanne W. Gardili T, Mr.
and Mrs. KInsell L. Coulson, Mr. am. Mrs.
[ James Biggar. -
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burch, Mr. Gerald Dick-
inson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Swaia Mr.
and Mrs. Isao FujiMoto, Ur. and Mrs. Roland
Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Arther Lilyblacti, Mr.
and Mrs. Theodore F. Gould, Lois L. Pole:rano,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Castelfranoo, Bober is M.
Kenney, Linda A. Fitzgerald, Joan Wesahler,
Colin G. King, Adrian A. Bennett, Cynthia
13. Bennett, W. Erie Gustafson, Eric E. Goan,
Louise K. Conn, Grant Soda, John E. Diaper.
' Deborah Poineau, Elizabeth Draper, James
IL Balderston, Kathy Davis, afx. and Mrs.
Neal P. Peek, Mr. and Mrs. bon Christlaasen,
Janet L. Hall, Kenneth Ma Ball, Calvin and
Tippy Schwabe, Mrs. Betty J. Longs .tore.
Ralph Stocking, Elsie Stocking, Jerome
Rosen, Sylvia T. Rosen, Mrs. Jane K. Seller,
katie Keller, Anna Keller. Daniel S. Seller,
Sam Smith, Otto Heck,
Shirley Kirkpatrick, Donald Ross, Peggy S.
Eichorn, Jane Carey, Christine Hawtherne,
(Jenny Lee, Henry Hagedorn. Betty O'Neill,
Charlotte Musker, Margaret ifitl, Anne and
of Remarks October 27, 1969
Bud Steubing, Ron and Flo Holmes, Charles
and Carol Va a Alstine, Bob Fitzgerald, Bud
and Laura Goodman, MadeIon Pytel, Alan
and Terry Klinger, Stephne F. Moore, Jinny
Moore, James Ganzer.
Carol and Richard DeTar, Peggy Dough-
erty, Janet and El11 Weigt, Milton and Marie
Morse, Susie Boyd Erlean Hills, Betty Jane
Polk, Eliza eirIT: tafson, Dulores 0.
McCo n li?vglas W. lColm, Louis F.
We ? er, Dennis Barrett, 'Merman Fink,
M ha Barcalow Barrett, Mr. and Mrs.
arles V. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Allen J.
Manzano, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Child, R. W.
Harris, Vera M Harris, Doug Waterman.
Donna Waterman, Roland Hoermann, John
F. Pamperin, Phyllis Jacobs, Barbara D.
Hoermann, Teri Wheat, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J.
Knox, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wade, Donald &
Edith Rothchi: d, Celia Rabinowitz, Dick &
Lois Grau, Donald M. Reynolds, P. It. Painter,
Jeff Drowely, Judith P. Deyo, Viola and Fred-
erick Peters, J. W. Osebold, Charles M. Har-
din, Donald P. Keisler.
Dolores E. Rhode, E. A. Rhode, Mr. & Mrs.
Richard F. Walters, Mr. and Mrs. K. Uriu, Mr.
and Mrs. Robera S. Loomis, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
K. Stuinph, Mx, and Mrs, Arthur R. Spurr,
J. 0. Wheat, Amy L. Wheat, Margery M.
Vasey, Mrs. H. J. Phatf, Olive G. Lorenz, Oscar
A. Lorenz, Jeanne It. Enos, L. Reed Enos, Jan
A. Stannard, Anthony A. Staunard, Dianne
M. Sullivan, James J. Sullivan, Stephan
Robert Miller, ElRoy L. Miller, Pat Collins,
Bill Collins, Wayne Gerrard, Rodney Shep-
herd, Bonnie Shepherd, Albert A. Royval,
Twits Royvea, Hazel V. Gerrard, Mayme A.
Butler, Sheila Day, D. C. Hudson, Ben and
Merry Hart, W. C. Weir, Elizabeth R. Weir,
and Mrs. Lloyd Musolf, Mrs. Max Rothe,
MarTSeCttletsy LeNoue.
Mr. and Mrs. Siannons, Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Soaensen, Denny, Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. Alderman, Mr. an s. Mar-
vin Zetterbaum, Dr. and Mrs. Ro K.
Sarlos, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rappaport, Clar.
Cooper, Bonnie Paria, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cos.
tontine, The Rea. and Mrs. R. E. Senghas,
Deborah E. Semerau, Ken Greider, Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin D. Soltalow, Mrs. M. Goldman, Mr.
and Mrs. Stephen SosnIck, Dr. and Mrs.
Robert Maisel, Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. Get-
tinier, Mr. and Mrs. David Volmam Mr. and
Mrs. Sherman Stein.
Mr, a,nd Mrs. James Valentine, Mrs. Mar-
garet Seibel, Dorothy L. West, Dick Longen-
bangle, Martin C. Hagan, Trude Parkinson,
Margaret Neu, Pierre J. Neu, Mrs. Donna
Mackie, Michael C. Hancock, Pleasant Gill,
Marcella Eddy, Mrs. C. Assimachopoulos,
Ronald D. Maus, Will Lotter, Jane B. Lot
Shirley R. Maus, Thomas L. Allen, Patriot
Allen, Robert M. Cello.
Patricia Bernaurr, Irene M. Cello, an
Hamilton, Sumner Morris, Joyce Morri Wil-
liam Hamilton III, Kathleen M. MurPit , Alen
Starribusky, Barbara Gunn, Dtfrothea
Knowles, F. F. Knowles, Jerry Murphy, Rita
T. Stambusky, Ruthann Seeley, John A. See-
ley, Benjamin Lane, Robert E. Smith, Loren
D. Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Neu, David
C. Lewis.
Harriet K. Lewis, Richard L. Manford,
Yvonne A. Ma.nford, Barbara R. McKinney,
Charles L. McKinney, Marian G. Carlson,
William F. Riddle Jr., Howard T. Nelson, Roy
J. Hendrickson, Ronald D. Schechter, Gary 0.
Eurrigio, Janice B. Belding, Mrs. Vernon Clift,
Vernon Clift, Mr. and Mrs. Alden Crafts, M. J.
Susan C. Fegley, Sue Ellen Tatter, Pattism
Tutton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Metz, Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Duckor, Dr. and Mrs. 0. A. Leon-
ard, Mr. and Mrs. James Neiswonger, Mr. and
Mrs. Bickford O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
V. Hoagland, Mr. at d Mrs. Donald Lindberg,
John C. Wetzel, John Vanliat, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Neiswonger, Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Smith,
Barbara Larsen, Rose M. Jacobson.
Monday, October 27, 1969
Mr. SCHWENGEL. Mr. Speaker, my
editorials for today are from the Worces-
ter, Mass., Telegram and the Boston Her-
ald Traveler, in the State of Massachu-
setts. The editorials follow:
[From the Worcester (Maas.) Telegram,
Aug. 5, 19691
(By James J. Kilpatrick)
Wesoreleaora?At One time or another,
every motorist has known the miserable ex-
perience?someltmes the terrifying experi-
ence?of trying to pass a tractor-trailer truck
in foul weather Conditions. The boxcar profile
blocks the road ahead. One gropes through
rain and flying spume, hands gripping the
wheel. Just a couple of feet to the side, 35
tons of steel are rolling along at 80 miles an
hour. At last you get around; and behold:
Another truck ahead.
A House suboommittee resumes hearings
this weak. on a bill that brings these recol-
lections vividly to mind. The bill would set
new permissible maximum width, weight,
and length limits for the interstate highway
system. Truck and bus companies are ar-
dently supporting the hill; the American
Automobile Association, representing passen-
ger car drivers, is just as dead set against it.
For my own part, I wish there were some way
to find a compromise down a Middle lane.
Proponents of the bill make an excellent
case--up to a point. The present interstate
width and load limits were fixed IS years ago,
according to standards laid down in 1946.
Since then, the interstate highways have
me into being. It is a plausible contention
at these magnificent freeways are capable
handling wider and heavier loads than the
ol primary highways could leike.
e bill would permit the states to author-
ize an increase in single-axle loads from 18,-
to 20,000 pounds; an increase in tandem-
a loads from 32,000 to 34,000 pounds; and
Increase in the gross load limit from 73,-
2 I pounds to a higher figure obtained from
length and axle formula. The maximum
permissible width would be increased from
96 to 102 inches.
waive 'FROCKS
These changes are recommended by the
U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. They are not
opposed by the American Association of State
Highway Officials (AAKE(0). The point is
made that roughly half the states already
permit these higher load limits, under a
grandfather clause inserted in the basic fed-
eral act of 1956. The proposed increase in
maximum width would make it possible for
trucks to carry cargoes (such as plyboard)
that comes In multiples of eight feet; the
extra six inches, it is said, also would con-
tribute to greater stability and to greater
So far, so good. The ordinary motorist may
wince at the greater width, but it is hard to
object to the proposed new limits on weight.
At about this point in the debate, however,
the proponents run out of gas; the remainder
of their case is much less Impressive.
The bill proposes a federal length limit of
70 feet. It's too much. Orogen now allows up
to 75 feet on designated highways, and Ne-
vada has a 70-foot limit, but 27 states hold to
65 feet, Iowa limits length to 60 feet, and 20
states have a 55-foot limit. Both the Bureau
of Public Roads and AASHO recommend 65
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E 8836 liejeAK TOMNinCIARpn1B0036,099,9,1,9,01 2099tpber27, 1969
WILLAMS, U.S. Senator from Delaware,
and the dean of the Iowa delegation in
the House, Hon. H. R. GROSS.
At this point I would like to include an
article from the October 18, 1969, issue of
Human Events which describes the First
Annual Conservative Awards Dinner.
The article follows:
More than 300 leaders of the American con-
servative movement turned out Saturday
night, October 4, for the First Annual Con-
servative Awards Dinner at the Sheraton Park
Hotel, Washington, D.C. The dinner was spon-
sored by the American Conservative Union,
National Review, Young Americans for Free-
dom and Human Events.
The highlight of the dinner was the pres-
entation of awards for outstanding congres-
sional service to Sen. John Williams (R.-
Del.) and Rep. H. R. Gross (R.-Iowa). The
awards were bestowed by Rep. John Ashbrook
(R.-Ohio), chairmazi`of the ACU, who re-
minded the guests of how thankful Ameri-
cans should be for the valiant work Sen. Wil-
liams and Rep. Gross have each performed
in Congress for more than 20 years. -
Sen. Williams, first elected in 1946, is
planning to retire next year upon the con-
elusion of his fourth term and many times
during the evening he was urged to recon-
sider. But the Delaware senator who has
sparked so many important congressional
investigations remained firm in his resolve
not to run again now that he has reached
age 65. The guests were disappointed, but
had to admire a man who insists upon stand-
ing by his principles even if it means giving
up a job he enjoys.
Rep. Gross, a conservative known na-
tionally for the sharp "no" he so often hurls
at various spending schemes, received per-
haps the biggest ovation of the night when
he turned to the subject of Viet Nam. "We
should win that war," he said, "or get the
hell out."
The evening's keynote address was
delivered by columnist James J. Kilpatrick.
While noting that opposition to foolish gov-
ernment programs was certainly necessary,
Mr. Kilpatrick also urged conservatives to
"apply their talents to affirmative answers to
American problems"?problems like con-
servation, pollution, penal reform and low-
cost housing. Conservatives have the proper
principles at heart, he said, but "if I had
only one political wish, conservatively speak-
ing, I would wish to see us translate broad
conservative principles more frequently into
specific, affirmative action." Mr. Kilpatrick
applauded those men and women who for so
many years have volunteered their services
to the conservative cause. He said that more
than ever before their dedication was needed,
because "there is much work to be done."
Other remarks at the dinner were, de-
livered by William F. Buckley Jr., editor of
National Review, and Robert Bauman, secre-
tary of ACU and a former national chairman
of YAF, who served as master of ceremonies
for the evening.
Among the members of Congress who at-
tended and joined in honoring two of their
congressional colleagues were Sen. Strom
Thurmond and Reps. Don Clausen, Jim Col-
lins, John Hammerschmidt, Manuel Lujan,
William Scherle, and E. Ross Adair.
Guests from the White House staff in-
' eluded presidential adviser Dr. Arthur Burns,
speechwriter Patrick Buchanan, Special
Presidential Assistant Dr. Martin Anderson,
congressional liaison man Bill Timmons,
"inspector-general" Clark Mallenhoff and
presidential staff aides Mort Allin and Tom
Huston. Among the other Administration ap-
pointees in attendance were USIA director
Frank Shakespeare, Ted Humes of the Labor
Department and Defense Department aides
William Baroody Jr. and Jerry Friedheim.
Other guests included John Mahan, chair-
man of the Subversive Activities Control
Board, and Ken Towsey of the Rhodesian
Information Service.
Also attending the dinner were such well-
known conservatives as Holmes Alexander,
Lemuel Boulware, Allan Brownfeld, Ralph de
Toledano, Dr. Lev Dobriansky, Willard Ed-
wards, Victor Lasky, Fulton Lewis III, Dean
Clarence Manion, Neil McCaffrey, Stefan
Possony, William A. Rusher, Phyllis Schlafly,
George Schuyler, Paul Scott, Ken Thompson
and Tom Van Sickle.
The sponsoring organizations hope that
next year's dinner will be even better at-
tended and that conservatives lima all over
the country will try to get to Washington
to help honor two more members of Con-
gress who, like Sen. Williams and Rep. Gross,
have done so much to strengthen the con-
servative cause.
Thursday, October 23, 1969
Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, a recent
dispatch in the New York Times reports
that the military government of Greece
Is undertaking a liberalization program.
The press is now free?except there is a
two-page list of banned topics. Sum-
mary arrests and imprisonment are
barred?except in cases involving "the
public order and security." Military
courts will no longer have jurisdiction
over civilians?except in cases of treason,
espionage, sedition, disturbing the peace,
spreading false information, and arous-
ing discord. In short, the people of
Greece are now free?as long as they do
not do or say anything the colonels do
not want them to.
Verily, the junta is preserving Greece
as a bastion of freedom.
I include the article entitled "Greek
Regime Eases Martial-Law Curbs, but
With Exceptions" from the New York
Times of October 4, 1968, in the RECORD
at this point:
ATHENS, October 3.?Greece's Army-
backed regime today modified three martial-
law rules?on press censorship, arbitrary
arrest and trial by military courts?but the
new measures contained a number of quali-
fications, assuring that controls would con-
Greek newspaper editors were told today
that the press was now free. But they were
handed a two-page list of banned topics and
were told that although they no longer
needed to submit galley proofs to the cen-
sors, a copy of each paper must still be sub-
mitted for approval before it goes to the
At the same time, summary arrests and
imprisonment were barred "except in cases
involving crimes against public order and
security" and the jurisdiction of special
military courts was narrowed.
The new measures were announced by
Premier George Papadopoulos at a news con-
ference in the marble-walled Senate cham-
ber in downtown Athens.
The timing of the measures puzzled for-
eign diplomats in Athens.
Some noted that that they came 24 hours
after George Teistopoulos, an Under Secre-
tary in the foreign office, returned from the
United States, where he had talks with Sec-
retary of State William P. Rogers, and passed
on to the Greek leaders the strength of feel-
ing in Washington in favor of substantial
liberalization in Greece.
It is also possible that the announcement
was intended to counteract a statement in
Paris Tuesday by former Premier Constan-
tine Caramanlis, who said that the regime
was making no progress toward democracy
and intended to perpetuate its oppressive
It came a day too late to prevent the ap-
proval of a resolution by the Consultative
Assembly of the Council of Europe in Stras-
bourg condemning the regime.
The list of taboo newspaper topics in-
cluded these:
All news and comments "directed against
public order, security and national integ-
rity," such as "slogans or statements of out-
lawed parties or organizations aiming at the
violent overthrow of the prevailing lawful
Topics of a subversive nature, including
incitement to ctizens or the armed forces to
violate orders and laws, or instigating dem-
onstrations, mass meetings or strikes.
Publications directed against the national
economy, including rumors likely to provoke
anxiety on the progress of the economy or
the stability of the currency, or divulging
state economic secrets.
Reports likely to revive political passions
and feuds.
The 50-yearzold Premier said the new
measures were justified by a substantial im-
provement of the domestic situation since the
coup of 29 months ago and by the support
his regime enjoyed from the Greek people.
"The patient is no longer in the plaster
cast," he said, using his favorite analogy in
which Greece is the patient and he the
surgeon. "The patient is now in small splints.
Let's hope he won't break his limbs again."
Mr. Papadopoulos told reporters he had
Issued orders, effective at once, abolishing
press controls as well as banning arbitrary
arrests and trials of civilians by special mili-
tary courts. These controls had been author-
ized under the martial law in force since
the coup.
"Personal freedom is inviolable," the Pre-
mier declared. All arrests and imprisonments
from now on will be carried out in accord-
ance with the Constitution?"except in cases
involving crimes against public order and
security," he said.
The jurisdiction of special military courts,
set up by the regime to punish security of-
fenses, will now try only cases of treason,
espionage and sedition, including charges of
disturbing the peace, spreading false infor-
mation and arousing discord, he said.
Most of the cases tried by special military
tribunals since the coup have involved
charges of sedition.
Mr. Papadopoulos said the regime was
negotiating with the International Red
Cross for investigating allegations of tor-
ture of Greek political prisoners. He said,
"This should put an end to the infuriating
campaign of lies about tortures in Greece."
Mr. Papadopoulos, asked to comment on
the statement by Mr. Cararnanlis, said he
was not prepared to discuss the future of
Greece with "anyone except the Greek
Mr. Caramanlis, a rightist whose attack on
the regime drew wide support from most
Greek political groups warned the Athens
rulers to make way for democracy or face
violent overthrow.
Mr. Papadopoulos said that he, as a citizen
who had voted in the past so that Mr. Cara-
manlis could become Premier, could only
say: "Pity, I regret."
Commenting on elections, he said: "We,
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00tober 27, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ?Extensions of Remarks E 8835
Monday, October 27, 1969
Mr. MA.HON. Mr. Speaker, on tomoi-
rov the House is scheduled to consid( r
Hoise Joint Resolution 966, making cqr.-
tiniing appropriations for November for
thoe departments and agencies whase
re lar appropriation bills for fiscal year
197 have not been enacted.
here is Considerable interest anr
MeMbers as to the provisions of th re;.-
olution in comparison to the on undE r
which most of the Government as op-
era.ed since July 1, and particilar1y the
effect of the resolution on authorized
fun ing levels for certain edupation pre'-
grans?more specifically te one for
"category A" and "catego _ B" aid for
sch ols in Federally impac ed areas.
I have prepared a fact -et on the
cor4mittee resolution in g eral and its
eff t in this respect on the education
programs. Copies will be vailable du/ -
ing 'consideration on the ousc floor.
I include a copy of the :fact sheet and
a stipporting tabulation:I
(NoTE.?For impacted aid nd other edu:
catiOn programs, see items 10
1. Continuing resolutions are not appro.
priation bills in the usual sense. They do tot
make additional appropriations. They mere 7
make interim advances that are chargeable
against whatever amounts the two Houses of
Congress finally appropriate in tile regular
annual bills,
2. Continuing resolutions are nothing bu:
interim, stop-gap measures neceis,ary to keep
government functions operating on a pa-
tion ally minimum basis between July 1 and
enactment of the regular authorization and
appropriation bills. They are designed t.
preserve the integrity and optirvnq of the reg -
ular I authorizations and appropriations prde -
essee in the committees and in both Houses.
2. Continuing resolutions were never de-
signed and never intended to "get ahead cr
the regular order", i.e., to reSOlve weight.
substantive, legislative or appropriation is-.
sues outside the framework of the regula ?
bills{ (If they were so used, a Pandora's box
of disruptive end disorderly actions could
well result.)
4. Continuing resolutions have always beet
designed to avoid controversy so as to secur:
prompt enactment, else they would jeopard-
ize orderly processes and orderly continua-
tion of essential governmental functions.
5. Continuing resolutions are thus a
growth, born of long?and successful?ete-
perience. They have become standardized is;
their concepts and specific prftsions. Thev
apply universally, and consistency, to all de"
partments and agencies. The basic concep,:.
over the years is this: .
Legi lative status of Continuing Resolu-
a appropriation tion funding level
bi 1 when Con- is always:
ti uing Resolu-
tidn becomes ef-
When neither House
has acted.
When passed House
but not Senate.
When passed both
House and Sen-
The budget estimate
or last year's level,
whichever is lower.
Last year's level, or
House level, which-
ever is lower.
The action of the
two Houses; or if
in disagreement,
the lower of the
6. The committee tasolution 'follows the
basic concepts of past resolutions. It is a 30-
day ution?for November only.
. The committee resolution 'Makes a
change in the application of the concept and
thus in the effect on some operations, by
taking account of congressional actions on
appropriation bills striae July 1 when the
current resolution weat into effect.
8. The committee resolution makes no
change at all in 6 of the regular bills; they
occupy the same position they did on July 1.
It will have some limited effect on the Agri-
culture and Legislatirie bills which have
moved to the conference stage, and on the
Labor-HEW, State-Justice-Commerce, and
Public Works bills which have moved to the
Senate since July 1.
9. The committee resolution, replacing the
existing resolution effective November 1st,
will produce little or no change in authorized
rates of interim spending levels for many
programs and activities. But will permit
significant changes in a hamiful of items in
the Department of IIEV, especially in the
Hill-Burton hospital grants (about $100 mil-
lion more) and in certain education pro-
grams (about $600 million more).
10. The committee resolution adds about
$600 million to the authorized spending level
for education programs, as shown on the at-
tached table. $319 million additional is for
impacted area school aid (PL. 874).
11. For schools in Federally impacted areas,
the committee resolution would authorize
funds at the 1969 level for both categories
"A" and "B"; a total of $506,000,000?some
$319,000,000 above the currently authorized
rate. There would be no special restrictions
with regard to "category B". -
Payments are made periodically during
the fiscal year but the final payments are
not usually made until late September or
October, i.e., after the fiscal year for which
they are appropriated. Thus an increase in
these funds at this time w'ould have no prac-
tical effect different from that of providing
them when the regular HEW bill is enacted.
[In millions]
1969 1970
level budget
1970 continuing resolution
July 1
nose (Public Law
bill 91-33)
effective Increase
Nov. 1 Over
(NJ. present
Res. 966) version
Supplementary educational centers (title III,
Library resources (title II, ESEA)1
Guidance, counseling, and tef.ting (title V,
Equipment and minor remade ing (title Ill,NDEA)179 0
Impacted area aid (Public Law 874)1 506 187
Higher education facilities construction grants, /
4-year undergraduate facilities i 33 ell
NDEA student loans 1 193 A162
Library assistance:
Service 41 ? 23
Construction 9 0
Title I, ESEA I 1,123 1,216
Vocational education' 248 279
Education for the handicapped 80 86
$165 $116
50 0
17 0
$116 $165
(a) 50
17 (f) 17
+17 -
79 +79
506 4-319
33 0 33 +33
229 162 193 +31
23 42
0 9
1,123 1,123
248 248
so 80
Subtotal 2,544 2,069
Other education programs 1,073 1,111
3,194 1,939 2,545 +606
1,029 950 945 -5
Total, Office of Education_ . 3,617
3,180 4,223
2,580 3,490 +601
1Joelson amendment items.
Sec. 101(d) of the present con :inuing resolution made special provision for continuing State administrative activities only. Under
the committee version funds for Loth State administration and program grants would become available effective Nov. 1.
Thursday, October 23, 1969
Mr. ASHBROOK. Mr. Speaker, I was
indeed pleased to participate in the First
Annual Conservative Awards Dinner
held at the Sheraton Park Hotel in
Washington, D.C., on October 4, 1969.
Jointly sponsored by the two leading
conservative national publications and
the two major conservative political ac-
tion groups, the dinner was a success
from every point of view. This was the
first occasion on which the four sponsors,
the American Conservative Union, Hu-
man Events, National Review, and
Young Americans for Freedom, have
joined together in presenting such distin-
guished service awards to conservative
leaders in Congress.
Those present included many officials
of the Nixon administration and Mem-
bers of Congress who joined in applaud-
ing the distinguished recipients of the
awards, our colleagues, Hon. JOHN. J.
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October 27, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD?Extensions of Remarks
and only we, shall decide when they will be
held in Greece."
Asked if, in view of the fact that he had
announced the freedom of the press, he
would now allow the Greek papers to publish
Mr. Caramardis' statement, Mr. Papadopou-
los replied: "I will not."
Monday, October 27, 1969
Mr. HUNGATE. Mr. Speaker, I would
like to call to the attention of my col-
leagues the following article which ap-
peared in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat
on October 22, 1969;
The proposal for abandoning the anti-
quated Electoral College system and adopt-
ing direct election of the President and Vice
President was gathering cobwebs for dis-
couraging months. Congress now seems in a
mood to pass the amendment for popular
election and submit it to the states.
This is what should be done without grow-
ing any more moss on the issue. There is
every evidence the great majority of the peo-
ple want the constitutional amendment pro-
viding direct vote for the President.
The nation should be afforded the right to
decide, by submission of the change to legis-
lative plebiscite In all states. Shucking the
archaic, frustrating Electoral College from the
Constitution should have been effected long
ago. Further temporizing and indecision on
Capitol Hill cannot be justified.
The need for dumping the undemocratic
Electoral College process was trenchantly im-
pressed on the country last November, when
it appeared the choice of a President might
be thrown into the House of Congress with
attendant smelly political deals. In modern
America it is utterly unacceptable that Con-
gressmen might elect a President.
But when the danger of a House presi-
dential selection was over, and Richard Nixon
elected, apathy set in. Now that apathy ap-
pears to have lifted.
The House recently passed the amendment
proposition by a whopping vote-339 to 70, or
66 ballots more than the required two-thirds
for an amendment to the Constitution.
This has given the program a sudden, big
Impetus. So thumping a majority for the re-
form in the House should carry great weight
in. the Senate. The House was overwhelm-
ingly willing to divest itself of a 188-year-old
constitutional right.
Another influence toward approval of the
amendment by the Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee?the obvious first hurdle in the up-
per house?was the appointment of Sen.
Robert P. Griffin, Michigan Republican, to re-
place the late Sen. Everett M. Dirksen.
Mr. Dirksen favored the so-called "dis-
trict plan", less satisfactory than popular
election. Senator Griffin has declared he will
support direct election.
The President has sensibly shifted his at-
titude on this reform. For some time he was
lukewarm, even mildly antagonistic, toward
dropping the Electoral College, which he
thought could not be effected before 1972, the
next presidential election. Now he thinks it
There is no reason to believe it can't. It
should. Present public sentiment indicates it
will be approved if it comes out of Congress.
As in the House, a two-thirds majority
ballot in the Senate is necessary for approv-
ing a constitutional amendment. Then the
question must be submitted to the 50 state
legislatures of the nation, where, 38 must
ratify tlre--promssfl-te-p-ileee-it in the Con-
stitution and junk the Electoral College,
The House stipulated that the complete
ratification process?by Congress and three-
fourths of the states?must be completed by
Jan. 2, 1971, if it is to be effective for the
1972 national elections. There is no reason
this cannot be done.
The measure will have to be acted on how-
ever, with reasonable dispatch. It has been in
the Senate committee about a month. If it is
permitted to grow moldy there, this needed
reform could be lost. Should it fail of adop-
tion now, it likely will be pigeonholed many
more years, as President Nixon observed when
he called on the Senate Sept. 30 to indorse
the revision.
A report published last April by Newsweek
magazine said one reason the President now
wished to abolish the presidential elector
system is that he had personal knowledge of
how electors sought to bargain away their
The report stated several electors on the
Wallace slate offered to trade their votes to
Nixon in return "for presidential favors."
Other similar offers were rumored; all were
turned down.
One reason for reluctance in Congress over
dumping the Electoral College was a feeling
states would not approve the amendment.
There is growing evidence they would. A
New York Times survey recently indicated
30 legislatures already have evidenced deter-
mination to ratify, or lean in that direction.
As only 38 are necessary, it looms as no in-
superable task to persuade the remaining
fence-sitter legislatures. The prospect that a
President could ever again be elected by a
minority or by logrolling deals in Congress,
can be eradicated before the next presidential
campaign in '72.
OF wrsomrsiN
Monday, October 27, 1969
Mr. STEIGER of Wisconsin. Mr.
Speaker, among all the victims of infla-
tion, none are more deserving of urgent
attention and relief than the benefi-
ciaries of social security. They have in-
vested part of their earnings in the
promise of a continuing income?and the
Congress must act now to fulfill that
promise, in pace with realities.
The President has taken the lead. His
recommendation to increase basic bene-
fits by 10 percent is nothing less than a
positive obligation?and it is the level of
increase that is actuarially sound. His
recommendation to attach the future
schedule of benefits to cost of living will
go far to eliminate the repeated experi-
ence of playing catch-up, as benefits lag
behind living-cost increases?and it will
take the political gamesmanship out of
this process.
Both recommendations are essential.
Both are, in the broadest sense, non-
partisan. And both deserve the support,
now, of the Congress.
Of equal importance is the President's
recommendation that the "earnings test"
be raised from $1,680 to $1,800?the
amount beneficiaries may earn without
any loss of benefits. He also would elimi-
nate the 100-percent tax, the outright
confiscation of all earnings beyond the
$3,000 level. For all earnings beynnd the
exempt amount, he would substitute a
50-percent tax and thus maintain an in-
centive for earnings at any level within
the capability of the beneficiary. To say
that the Nation needs the experience and
productivity of its older citizens is clear
beyond question?yet, under present law,
we penalize them for their enterprise.
This irrationality must be eliminated,
and the President has recognized the
urgency of such a reform.
Monday, October 27, 1969
Mr. BRAY. Mr. Speaker, the war on
crime is one that never ends, and its wag-
ing demands the initiative and inven-
tiveness of all law enforcement agencies
and individual citizens.
The city of Indianapolis, Ind., has
come up with a plan, simple in concept
yet effective in operation, that shows
great promise. It is assigning personal
patrol cars to policemen to drive off-duty
as well as on. Indianapolis is the first
major police department to utilize this,
and the following story from the New
York Times of Sunday, October 26, 1969,
describes the practice, which could well
be copied by other urban forces:
[From the New York Times, Oct. 26, 1969]
INDIANAPOLIS, October 25.?In Indianapolis,
policemen are assigned their own personal
patrol cars to drive off-dirty as well as on,
and the system is given credit for helping to
produce a pattern of reduced crime.
While the national average for the seven
major crime categories in cities of half a
million to a million increased by 13 per cent
for the first nine months of this year, five of
the seven categories showed a decrease in
Indianapolis and all seven showed an aver-
age increase of only 1.2 per cent.
The record so far in Indianapolis this year
is so encouraging to city officials that they
- are confident that the city's unusual pattern
of big increases in most major categories may
finally be broken.
Major crimes in Indianapolis increased at
an average rate of 15.6 per cent in 1968 com-
pared to 1967. Now, with the normally heavy
crime months of June, July and August be-
hind it, the Indianapolis police department
thinks the average for 1969 may set a na-
tional example.
Mayor Richard G. Lugar and Police Chief
Winston Churchill give much of the credit
to the system of individual patrol cars.
"Nearly all state police departments have
assigned oars to individuals," says Raymond'
3. Stratton, deputy chief of operations, but
we are the first police department to do so."
Under the Indianapolis plan, patrolmen
are encouraged to use their cars, while off-
duty for trips with the family to drive-in
theaters or the grocery or church.
"As a result," says Maj. Frank Spallina,
administrative assistant to Chief Churchill,
"we may have as many as 400 cars on the
street instead of the old 100 or so per shift."
Major Spallina says that "with all those
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cars running around or parked throughout
the city" there is "more reluctance by juve-
niles to steal cars" and more heeitancy in
general to commit crimes.
Several arrests have been made by off-duty
policemen since the individual iiatrol oar
system went into effect in early June. In-
cluded were arrests made by off-duty police-
men who stopped robberies or burglaries in
A chief benefit of the program, according
to Major Spallina, is the new spirit of pride
it is giving the policemen, who have installed
custom-fashioned equipment racks in their
cars, or carpeted interiors, or who have spent
their own money to improve such equipment
as radios.
Major SpaHine, looks on the perbonal at-
tention shown on the can; as healthy evis,-
dence of high morale.
In the first nine months of 1967 ?rim rose
16.1 per cent in Indianapolis compare1fo the
previous year. In 1968, the increase was 21.2
per cent compared to 1967.
For nine months this year, only the cate-
gories of burglary and larceny sthovred in-
creases?of 9.1 and 5.6 per oentsrespectively.
In the other major categorie,e, murder was
down 18.6 per cent; forceable /tape was down
7.8 per cent; robbery was down 18.3 per cent;
aggravated assault was down 6.6 per cent,
and vehicle theft was down 12.3 per cent.
Monday, Oct .ser 27, 1969
Mr. TEAGUE of T -xas. Mr. Speaker, I
want to call to the att rition of this House
the departure from a overnment service
of the Deputy Directo of the Bureau a
the Budget, Mr. Phi _ S.
known to his friends asSam?
I first met Sam Hughes shortly after I
came to Congress. I came to know him
I intimately when the Korean GI bill of
Irights was formulated and later in the
outstanding work that be performed in
I connection with the Survivor Benefits
Act, Public Law 881 of the 84th Congress.
Sam Hughes is one of those rare in-
dividuals who has absolute integrity, who
can give you an answer which you com-
pletely disagree With but which at the
same time forces you to see the logic of
his position and know that his View is
based upon considerable thought and a
lot of plain ordinary horsesense.
Sam Hughes, in the few moments that
he has had of vacation, likes to climb
inountains. Perhaps this is one of the rea-
sons why he has had the ability to see so
far ahead in regard to Government pro-
grams. Certainly he has never lived in a
rarefied atmosphere which one ,acco-
eiates with heights, but has certainly
been able to see clearly and much more
so than many of us.
The Federal Government is losing, in
zny judgment, one of the ablest men who
ever served it. An individual with 14ather
keen insight once wrote "hindsight tends
to etch deeply the clear lines of leader-
Ship that appeared blurry close at hand."
Sam Hughes' actions were never hlurry
and he always showed positive leadership.
Sam carries with him the best Wishes
cl all of those of us on the Hill who have
had the. good-An tune to luid11711111. We
shall sorely miss his counsel and we wish
him well in whatever endeavor he desires
to pursue after the 21 years of distin-
gUiShed service that he gave to the Bu-
reau of the Budget.
Monday, October 27, 1969
? Mr. JONES of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker,
?time of unrest in our Nation,
especially on our college campuses, it is
reassuring to know that sanity still pre-
vails among some of our educators. One
voice of reason which rings out clearly
In the Eighth Congressional District of
Tennessee is i;hat of Dr. Archie R.
Dykes, chanceLor of the University of
Tennessee at Martin.
At the beginning of the current aca-
demic year, Dr. Dykes, one of the Na-
tions truly outs anding college adminis-
trators, addressed his faculty with an
analysis of the challenge facing higher
education and a proposal for meeting
this challenge. I was deeply moved by
the speech, and because I feel Unit-Tar
American leaders can bene t-from the
or Dykes' ob-
ing the entire text
Remarks October 27, 1969
This world of ours is a new world, in which
the unity of knowledge, the nature of human
communities, the order of society, the very
notions of society and Culture have changed,
and will not return to what they have been
in the past. What Is new is new not because
it has never been there before, but be-
cause it has changed in quality. One thing
that is new is the prevalence of newness, the
change in scale and scope of change itself,
so that the world alters as we walk in it, so
that the years of a man's life measure not
some small growth or rearrangement or mod-
eration of what he learned in childhood, but
a great upheaval.
Change, then, pervasive and revolutionary
change, is the dominant characteristic of our
time. We are living through a series of con-
current and interacting revolutions in
science, transportation agriculture
munications, demography, civil rights, and,
yes, education. Each of these revolutions has
brought spectacular changes. Each has its
train of tumultuous social consequences.
As a result of these great changes, we
in education, like everyone else, are for-
ever required to see our world through new
eyes and to behave in accordance with new
understandings and new concepts. In a
world changing as rapidly as ours, ideas,
understandings, beliefs, and ways of doing
things rapidly become obsolete. Our best
knowledge and our best understandings have
an ever diminishing life before they are re-
placed with new knowledge and new under-
standings. In brief, we have intellectual
obsolescence in shorter times than we have
e faced before in man's history. To per-
sist ehaving and conducting our affairs
as if eh ge has not occurred can result in
catastrop e.
For a minutes this morning, I wanted
to share th you some of my thoughts'
about the implications of these changes to
hose of here in this room, the faculty
and staff f The University of Tennessee at
Martin. t me mention just a few observe-
ions tha may be relevant.
1. The first implication of these changing
imes h to do with what we are trying to
accom ? Ish in education. Traditionally, we
aye elved the major function of edueation
as e disernination of information, the
te ng of facts, the instilling of knowledge
is and will continue to be an important
unction of education. But in the context
f a world of revolutionary change, when
nowledge is doubling every ten to fifteen
ears in some fields of study, when there
incre-a-sing finiteness to the length of time
n which the best knowledge will bold true,
hen new facts and new information are
oming into existence with unparalleled
apidity, I think we may well wonder if the
rimary function of education has not
hanged. If schooling is regarded primarily
a process of absorbing the funded knowl-
dge of the past, it seems to me it may well
ose its relevance to the world in which we
ye. And if teaching is regarded as simply
e peddling of facts and information, its
mise may come in the years immediately
The National Science Foundation now tells
that knowledge in science is doubling
ery ten years; that of all the research that
as ever been published, more than half of
has been published since 1950' that more
han half of all money spent on research
as been spent in the last eight years; and
at of all the scientists who have lived
nee the dawn of history, more than eighty
scent are living and working today, We are
d authoritatively that approximately 2,000
es of printed materials are published
erg sixty seconds. If an individual at-
mpted to keep informed by devoting his
1 time to reading, he would fall behind
more than one billion pages every year.
('he explosion of knowledge, or the "Infos-
tion revolution," is probably the most im-
reasonableness of Cha
servations, I am in
of the addressHIGHSR ;,...-
The cnnastances surrounding high edu-
ce today are not unlike those portrayed
ar es Dickens in the T
?ale of Two Cities, t
describing the era of the French Revolution
To paraphrase his classic language:
"It is the best of times, it is the worst of h
It is the age of wisdom, it is the age of
It is the epoch of belief, it is the epoch of
It is the ;season of Light, it is the season ,Or o
" k
nar kn es s
It is the spring of hope, it is _the seaton of
We have everything before us, we have
nothing before us . . ."
Indeed, these are difficult and trying times
In America, perhe,ps the most trying and
most difficult of any period since the Civil
War, more than a century ago. Yet, within
our complex, frustrating, and perpelexing
problems, there exist the greatest opportuni-
ties our nation or any nation has ever had
before it. And these same circumstances
characterize colleges and universities
throughout our land. Perhaps never before
has higher educatinn generally and colleges
and universities individually been confronted
with problems which so clearly threaten de-
struction, while, simultaneously, unparal-
leled opportunities lie before them for prog-
ress toward "undreamed of achievements.
Truly, we live in a time of unparalleled
change. And no one would question, I be-
lieve, that these great changes going on
about us have enormous implications for all
of us, in our citizenship responsibilities, in
our family obligations, but especially in our
duties as faculty members in an institution
of higher learning.
Some time ago, an article in Fortune maga-
zine, seeking to dramatize the gap between
our present era and the past, quoted Robert
Oppenheimer as follows:
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
E 8782?
Amount Amount
requested approved
Pennsylvania Gas & Water
$2, 200, 000
$1, 800,000
Philadelphia Electric
29,707, 184
Lone Star Gas
Wisconsin Public Service
Wisconsin Gas Co
1Jointly received rate increases totaling $6,500,000 plus oppor-
tunity to obtain additional $7,700,000.
a Note: $13,157 granted in April by State commission, full
$23,900,000 granted in July by Supreme Court.
a Note: 3 weeks after Florida Commission approved $3,700,000
increase, Southern Bell filed request for $32,000,000 rate increase.
Note: Consumers Power reported request totalled $57,-
000,000. Michigan Public Service Commission reported to
subcommittee request had totaled $108,900,000.
In June.
In July.
7 New York Public Service Commission has advised company
it will accept revised request for $18,000,000.
Wednesday, October 22, 1969
Ur. BUCHANAN. Mr. Speaker, the
Congress, by joint resolution of April 17,
1952, provided that the President "shall
set aside and proclaim a suitable day
each year, other than a Sunday, as a
national day of prayer on which the
people of the United States may turn
to God in prayer and meditation at
churches, in groups, and as individuals."
Such a day is quite appropriate in the
life of this country since America was
founded on the ethical and moral prin-
ciples embodied in the Judeo-Christian
America's greatest strength lies in the
faith and religious commitment of her
people. "In God We Trust" must remain
more than a mere motto for the people
of America if our country is to remain
strong and free.
This year, President Nixon, by procla-
mation on October 8, set aside Wednes-
day, October 22, as our National Day of
Prayer. In his proclamation, the Presi-
dent asked that "on this day the people
of the United States pray for the achieve-
ment of America's goal of peace with
justice for all people throughout the
In observance of this day it was my
privilege, along with a number of my
colleagues who regularly attend the
House and Senate prayer breakfast meet-
ings to attend a prayer breakfast at the
White House with Dr. Billy Graham.
The remarks of both the President and
Dr. Graham, together with prayer led
by the Honorable DEL CLAWSON of Cali-
fornia, were of great inspiration to those
The one prayer on the lips of all man-
kind, of whatever religious persuasion,
should be a prayer for peace with justice
and a prayer for those in places of high
responsibility in our land.
The President is to be commended for
setting aside this day and it is my ho
that all everywhere shall benefit
from its
Thursday, October 23, 1969
Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, I was
pleased to learn that Mrs. Louise Bowker,
of my State, recently has added to her
many accomplishments her election as
president of the Newspaper Association
Managers, Inc. The NAM is fortunate to
have the talents and industry of this
Arkansan leading this organization.
I ask unanimous consent to have
printed in the Extensions of Remarks an
article published in the Missouri Press
News outlining some of Mrs. Bowker's
civic and professional contributions.
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
[From the Missouri Press News, October 1969]
Mrs. Louise Bowker, secretary-manager of
the Arkansas Press Association, was elected
president of Newspaper Association Man-
agers, Inc. at the group's 46th annual meet-
ing August 22, in Williamsburg, Virginia.
NAM is an association composed of managers
of state, regional and national newspaper
organizations. She is the first woman ever
elected to the NAM board, having been chosen
secretary-treasurer in 1967 and moving to
the vice presidency in 1968.
She joined the Arkansas Press Association
as office manager in April 1956, was promoted
to assistant manager in 1961 and became the
first woman to head the 97 year old associa-
tion in 1962.
In 1962 she was chosen APA's "Man of the
Year" an award bestowed on the person con-
sidered to have made the greatest contribu-
tion to the programs and progress of the
Arkansas Press Association. She was elected
Woman of Achievement in 1963 by Arkan-
sas Press Women, Inc.
She is currently serving as secretary of the
Arkansas Highway Users Conference; vice
president of the Arkansas Council on Chil-
dren & Youth; and vice president of the
Mid-America Newspaper Mechanical Confer-
ence, the first woman in the country to be
elected to such a board. She is a member of
the Little Rock Advertising Club and is
active on its legislative committee; the Sal-
vation Army Auxiliary; North Little Rock
Boys Club, and other civic organizations.
She is a native of Jonesboro, where she
was graduated from the public schools and
Jonesboro Baptist College, majoring in busi-
ness administration. Mr. Bowker is married
to S. W. Bowker, an insurance executive of
North Little Rock, Arkansas.
Other officers and board members elected
were: Vice President, Robert M. Shaw, Min-
nesota Press Association; Secretary-Treas-
urer, Richard W. Cardwell, Hoosier State
Press Association; and Director, Ray Hamley,
Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association.
ober 23, 1969
Thursday, October 23, 1969
Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, a recent
dispatch in the New York Times reports
that the military government of Greece
Is undertaking a liberalization program.
The press is now free?except there is a
two-page list of banned topics. Sum-
mary arrests and imprisonment are
barred?except in cases involving "the
public order and security." Military
courts will no longer have jurisdiction
over civilians?except in cases of treason,
espionage, sedition, disturbing the peace,
spreading false information, and arous-
ing discord. In short, the people of
Greece are now free?as long as they do
not do or say anything the colonels do
not want them to.
Verily, the junta is preserving Greece
as a bastion of freedom.
I include the article entitled "Greek
Regime Eases Martial-Law Curbs, But
With Exceptions" from the New York
Times of October 4, 1968, in the RECORD
at this point:
ATHENS, October 3.?Greece's Army-
backed regime today modified three martial-
law rules?on press censorship, arbitrary
arrest and trial by military courts?but the
new measures contained a number of quali-
fications, assuring that controls would con-
Greek newspaper editors were told today
that the press was now free. But they were
handed a two-page list of banned topics and
were told that although they no longer
needed to submit galley proofs to the cen-
sors, a copy of each paper must still be sub-
mitted for approval before It goes to the
At the same time, summary arrests and
imprisonment were barred "except in cases
involving crimes against public order and
security" and the jurisdiction of special
military courts was narrowed.
The new measures were announced by
Premier George Papadopoulos at a news con-
ference in the marble-walled Senate cham-
ber in downtown Athens.
The timing of the measures puzzled for-
eign diplomats in Athens.
Some noted that that they came 24 hours
after George Tsistopoulos, an Under Secre-
tary in the foreign office, returned from the
United States, where he had talks with Sec-
retary of State William P. Rogers, and passed
on to the Greek leaders the strength of feel-
ing in Washington in favor of substantial
liberalization in Greece.
It is also possible that the announcement
was intended to counteract a statement in
Paris Tuesday by former Premier Constan-
tine Caramanlis, who said that the regime
was making no progress toward democracy
and intended to perpetuate its oppressive
It came a day too late to prevent the ap-
proval of a resolution by the Consultative
Assembly of the Council of Europe in Stras-
bourg condemning the regime.
Rep. Gross, a conservative known na-
tionally for the sharp "no" he so often hurls
at various spending schemes, received per-
haps the biggest ovation of the night when
he turned to the subject of Viet Nam. "We
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Oct6ber 23, 1969-E
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 ? CIA-RDP711300364R000300120003-9
8781 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -Extenszons of Remarks
Increases ,
_pending NaMe of company Category
Wisconain Public Service Commission-Cort,_
Wyoming Public Service Commission
Date requested
Wisao sin Telephone Co Telephone $1,000 Mar. 24, 1969
Gei Telephone Co. of
iseonsin. do $2,800 Apr. 7, 1969
Dodge County Telephone Co _do (2) Apr. 8, 1969.. ..
Valdeos Telephone Co do, (2) Apr. 14, 1969_
Muny Natural Gas Utility Gas $4,700 Apr. 16, 1969 --
Chippewa County Telephone Telephone $44,100 Apr. 25, 1969
OP., Inc.
Wainakee Telephone Co
BlaOk Earth Telephone Co
Sh*ano, Wis Electric (2)
Mattison Gas & Electric Co
2 Cheyenne Light, Fuel &
Power Co.
do (2) May 19, 1969
May 23, 1969
May 29, 1969_ _
1 Nov. 7, 1968 _
do (2)
See footnote 2, table 2, below.
Case h for which no amount of revenue requirement is ind cated represent either sm
Gas $500,000
fElectric $168,000
IGas $142,600
Status of request
Hearing held.
Hearing pending.
COMM ission's order entered June
13, 1969, rejecffina company's
proposal and requiring refiling
tariffs permitting a total in-
crease es follows: Electric. _
$48,419; gas, $50,852.
panies or instances where actual additional revenue requirements have not been indicated at the
our- present stage of the proceeding.
Arkansas_' None
Californ a .. 60,137, 000
Colorado None
Connec nut None
Delawa e None
District Of Columbia 24, 900, 000
Florida None
Georgia+ None
Hawaii 1, 621, 400
Idaho None
Illinois . 2,159, 000
I ndiana + None
Iowa 450,000
Kansas None
Kentucky None
Louisia a None
Maine + None
Maryland 24, 900,000
Massachusetts None
Michigan 2-.120, 634,725
Minnesota (2)
Mississi pi None
Missour _. 17, 500, 000
Montan None
Nebras a - (2)
$219, 000
Gas Telephone
None\$1, 062, 877
49, 153,000 -?
1, 472, 000
5, 521, 900
i67, 108,000
11, 025, 000
$493, 600
46, 424, 000
31, 500, 000
13, 282, 000
17, 070, 548
981 089
4, 440
Novada None
Now Hampshire None
Now Jersey __ None
Now Mexico , $3,411, 662
Now York 22, 000, 000
North Carolina None
North Dakota None
Ohio None
Oklahoma 360,000
Oregon . None
Pennsylvania 29, 707,184
Puerto Rico None
Rhode Island None
South Carolina_ None
1 366, South Dakota_ (2)
345. 3 Tennessee None
6 114
920:052 U. MIS -----------(2)
17, 000, 000
Verm 2.364, 000
4 0 None Virginia_ None
3, 00, 000
3, 120, 000 Washington None
West Virginia_ 36, 600
1 139, 435 Wisconsin__ . 1 6, 8 52, 000
Wyoming . . 168, 000
Grand total__ _
45, 021, 500
? None
I Oth r increase(s) pending with no set dollar aoiount requested or established. See table at: we
2 No regulation.
[In millions of dollars1
1969 ,
Category Amount
Public Service Co. of Colorado Electric-gas
Connectlicut Natural Gas Gas
Southern Bell Telephone Telephone
Southerh Bell Telephone do-
Idaho Power__ _____ ______ Electric
Commonwealth Edison do_
New Enrand Telephone & Telephone ._
Teleg aph.
Northern States Power Electric__
Kansas City Power & Light
le, self 6ntral Power S, Light Electric
New leney Power & Light do
$1. 9
$1, 300,000
1 238,088
379, 000
16, 133,641
2, 877, 000
11, 880, 000
175, 742,171
$175, 081, 090
3, 000, 000
11, 804,400
822, 526
26,700, 000
1 22, 010,800
468, 006, 763
4 961,160, 505
" On July 30, 1969, Public Se ce Co. of New Mexico filed for an electric rate increase
of $4,219,547.
Does not reflect 25 applications to hich no dollar amount was available.
Its millions of dollarsl
Community Public Service
Public Service of New Mexico
Southwestern Public Service
Comp y
Category Amount
Consolidated Edison....................
32.10 Iroquois Gas Corp Gas
29.7 Ohio Bell Telephone
United Telephone of Ohio
Cleveland Electric
8., 4
Duquesne Light.........
Metropolitan Edison
Telephone__ __
South Central Bell Telephone. Telephone__ _
Lone Star Can Gas
Wisconsin Public Service_ Electric
123 Total
52. 0
.-14 0
20. 7
4. 6
5. 1
498. 6
General Teleph no of
1)46, 300, 000
Southern Calif nia Edison_
60, 137, 000
Southern Calif via Gas.,
5, 939, 000
Southern Cou ins Gas
Souther ew England
Te one
23, 900, 000
1 23,900,000
Southern Bell
3, 701, 500
Consumers Power
I 57,700,000
37, 822,000
Michigan Consolidated Gas_ _ _
27, 000,000
1 4, 200. 000
3 2,800,000
Missouri Public Service......
Niagara Mohawk
Lee Telephone Co ___
21, 880,000
Footnote at end of table.
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
100, 000
October 23 , 1 9 6 9CONGRESell8RIZVEM: &14911:1700 0 (9 /3 IttA3 MX00120003-9 E 8783
job accomplishment" and suggested it be
Approved For
should win that war," he said, "or get the
hell out."
The evening's keynote address was
delivered by columnist James .1. Kilpatrick.
While noting that opposition to foolish gov-
ernment programs was certainly necessary,
Mr. Kilpatrick also urged conservatives to
"apply their talents to affirmative answers to
American problems"?problems like con-
servation, pollution, penal reform and low-
cost housing. Conservatives have the proper
principles at heart, he said, but "if I had
only one political wish, conservatively speak-
ing. I would wish to see us translate broad
conservative principles more frequently into
specific, affirmative action." Mr. Kilpatrick
applauded those men and women who for so
Many years have volunteered their services
to the conservative cause. He said that more
than ever before their dedication was needed,
because "there is much work to be done."
Other remarks at the dinner were de-
livered by William F. Buckley Jr., editor of
National Review, and Robert Bauman, secre-
tary of ACU and a former national chairman
of YAF, who served as master of ceremonies
for the evening.
Among the members of Congress who at-
tended and joined in honoring two of their
congressional colleagues were Sen. Strom
Thurmond and Reps. Don Clausen, Jim Col-
lins, John Hammerschmidt, Manuel Lujan,
William Scherle, and E. Ross Adair.
Guests from the White House staff in-
cluded presidential adviser Dr. Arthur Burns,
speechwriter Patrick Buchanan, Special
Presidential Assistant Dr. Martin Anderson,
congressional liaison man Bill Timmons,
"inspector-general" Clark Mallenhoff and
presidential staff aides Mort Allin and Tom
Huston. Among the other Administration ap-
pointees in attendance were USIA director
Frank Shakespeare, Ted Humes of the labor
department and Defense Department aides
William Baroody Jr. and Jerry Friedheim.
Other guests included John Mahan, chair-
man of the Subversive Activities Control
Board, and Ken Towsey of the Rhodesian
Information Service.
Also attending the dinner were such well-
known conservatives as Holmes Alexander,
Lemuel Boulware, Allan Brownfeld, Ralph de
Toledano, Dr. Lev Dobriansky, Willard Ed-
wards, Victor Lasky, Fulton Lewis III, Dean
Clarence Manion, Neil McCaffrey, Stefan
Possony, William A. Rusher, Phyllis Schlafly,
George? Schuyler, Paul Scott, Ken Thompson
and Tom Van Sickle.
The sponsoring organizations hope that
next year's dinner will be even better at-
tended and that conservatives from all over
the country will try to get to Washington
to help honor two more members of Con-
gress who, like Sen. Williams and Rep. Gross,
have done so much to strengthen the con-
servative cause.
Thursday, October 23, 1969
Mr. BOGUS. Mr. President, it has
often been said that "little things mean
so much." And I am certain that the
commander of the Dover, Del., Air Force
Base believes it, for his example at the
base illustrates that phrase accurately.
In January of this year, Brig. Gen. Fred
W. Vetter, Jr., assumed the top post at
one of the Military Airlift Command's
largest installations.
Initially, the general expressed a de-
sire to improve and maintain the physical
appearance of the property and to
strengthen the ties to surrounding com-
munities. This ambitious officer set a
personal example for all to follow.
In the quest of better community rela-
tions, the air base recently hosted a
"Salute to Delaware," a daylong pro-
gram of aircraft displays, parades, dem-
onstrations, and a performance by the
precision flying team, the Thunderbirds.
Attendance was in the thousands despite
the fact that it was a weekday.
Delawareans are proud of this military
base. I am confident that all Delawareans
join me in commending and thanking
General Vetter for the fine job he is
doing. -
An Associated Press article written
concerning General Vetter, by Edgar Mil-
ler, was published recently in the Dela-
ware State News. I feel it is an excellent
character sketch and illustrates quite
well why those under his command and
the citizens of the first State appreciate
this fine officer and the job he is doing.
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
sent that the article published in the
Delaware State News of October 17 be
printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
(By Eqoar Miller)
DovErt.?Brig. Gen. Fred W. Vetter Jr. left
himself wide open shortly after taking com-
mand of the 436th Military Airlift Wing at
Dover Air Force Base last January.
"Put me on the spot," he challenged the
base's 25,000 officers, enlisted men and de-
pendents in an unusual?for a general?
column in the base's weekly newspaper, The
One of his first takers did just that.
The writer was a sergeant with two chil-
dren who said that with a third straight
hardship assignment staring him in the
face?this time in Greenland after previous
tours in Korea and Vietnam?his wife was
threatening to divorce him if he didn't give
up his Air Force career.
Vetter investigated, found the man's com-
plaint was indeed legitimate and replied:
"The assignment of this man was care-
fully investigated and discussed with higher
headquarters. He has been released from the
assignment . .."
Such swift, decisive action made the col-
umn an immediate hit and Vetter now is
deluged with mail, so much that he can
only publish a representative selection. But
he gives personal attention to all letters and
each writer gets a personal reply.
The letters have had results in several
areas, from film processing at the post ex-
change to spraying for Japanese beetles in
flower gardens.
While there are a few which are "petty
and self-serving," most letters serve a useful
purpose, Vetter says.
"It's amazing the number of good and
practical suggestions we are picking up",
the general says.
Some of the letters really do put him
on the spot and "can be utter dynamite"
if not handled right, Vetter says.
Of course, Vetter's reaction to a given
letter might not always be what the writer
had in mind.
Take the case of the three lieutenants who
complained that officer of the day duty of-
fered "very little in the way of a sense of
Vetter agreed that junior officers weren't
getting enough out of the long, tedious hours
of OD duty at night and on weekends so he
expanded their chores to include "educa-
tional as well as meaningful responsibili-
ties" so they wouldn't be bored any more.
The column has done much to give Vetter
a reputation on the base as a man who gets
things done?in a hurry.
He has particularly emphasized spit and
polish?often to the anguished groans of
many airmen?at all levels of base life, from
his own office down the base housing area.
As a result, the base has taken on a neat
and trim appearance. Housing area roads
have been resurfaced and buildings are being
painted throughout the base. "The men look
smart and one senses a new feeling of ur-
gency and pride," one staff officer, Lt. Col.
Maurice G. Steele, said.
Vetter begins his day with a brisk mile
run at 6:30 a.m, through the housing area.
During the run he takes note of any un-
kempt lawns or houses. If he spots one he
jots down the address and the occupant gets
-a call from him later. He also calls those
who have done a particularly good job of
keeping up their quarters.
Vetter's hobby is big game hunting and
his office walls are covered with trophies from
hunts on several continents. His latest trophy
is still being mounted?the 61-inch antlers
of a moose shot in Alaska.
A native of Snohomish, Wash., who now
calls Houston, Tex., home, Vetter began his
career as an aviation cadet in 1942. He was
promoted to general in April 1968.
Vetter's lean, 5-foot-11 frame, his dashing
salt and pepper mustache and graying tem-
ples and his straight military bearing led
one newsman to write in a biographical
"If Hollywood were type-casting for an
Air Force wing commander, Fred Vetter Jr.
would get the role."
OF 011/0
Thursday, October 23, 1969
Mr. STOKES. Mr. Speaker, October 26,
1969, marks the 75th anniversary of the
Union of Poles in America. A fraternal
service organization, the Union of Poles
in America was founded in Cleveland,
Ohio, in 1894 and has since provided in-
numerable benefits to the Polish-Ameri-
cans of Ohio. But more noteworthy is the
great service this organization has pro-
vided to our community through its
many juvenile and adult social programs.
The Union of Poles is headquartered in
Cleveland and its national president, Mr.
Richard E. Jablonski, also resides in that
city. As a Representative for the city of
Cleveland, I commend the Union of Poles
for their 75 years of unselfish service and
I wish them continuing success for the
In saluting this organization, I would
like to provide my colleagues with the
following historical review of the Union
of Poles in America prepared by Mr.
Richard E. Jablonski:
The Union of Poles in America, under the
protection of our Blessed Mother, came into
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
E8784 Approved Fe6gatssesiM3A2/02 : CIA-RDF'711300364R000300120003-9
RECORD?Extensions of Remarks October .e.3,
being as a result of the merging of two
Unions, The Polish Etonian Catholic Union
under the protection of the Immaculate
' Heart of Mary and Thb Polish Roman Catho-
lic Union, under the protection of Our Lady
of Czestochowa. This merger occurred at the
joint convention in Cleveland, Ohio on May
30, 1939.
The Polish Roman Catholic Union, under
the protection of the Drimaculate Heart of
Mary, was organized On July 1, 1894, in
Cleveland, Ohio. Its first president was A.
The Polish Roman Catholic Union, under
the protection of Our Lady of Czeatochowa-,
was organized on March 11, 1898, in Cleve-
land, Ohio. Its first president was Francis
Both of the unions, after many prelimi-
nary discussions, held special conventions
during the month of May 1938. Finally it
was decided to hold a common cc:invention
on May 30, 1939 in Cleveland, for the purpose,
of finalizing the merger. Its first president,:
was Joseph Missal.
During the 30 years of existence, the Uniol
of Poles has considerably increased lag mem
bership and financial resources. The finan-
cial resources are now approaching' the $1,-
000,000 mark. The entire organizatidn stands
on a firm financial boat; and is one of the
leading fraternal organizations in America.
From an earned surplus, dividends have
been paid to its members every year for the
past 25 years.
During World War II, the Korean War and
the present War in Vietnam, the 'Union of
Poles has guaranteed the entire payment
of life insurance in case of death Or an in-
sured member serving in tile Armed Forces?
not excepting the policy with war reserva-
The Union of Poles is a participating mem-
ber in the Polish American Congress and
for many years has taken an active part
in the social, cultural, and economik affairs
of the "Polonia."
The Union of Poles in America, a fraternal
organization, strongly believes in serving its
country; and taking an active part in help-
ing the free world emerge a very great power
in the service of mankind, for a better,
stronger, and happier society of Fi?ee and
Independent Nations.
Today, we observe, together with the
"PoIonia," the Diamond Jubilee, the '75th
year of the founding of the Union. '
OF WEST vnionna 1
Thursday, October 23, 1969
Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President West
I Virginia is fortunate to have within its borders a journalist of the talegt and
'capacity of Jim Comstock, whose ase of
'operations is Richwood in the forest r
I lands of my State. a
His keen powers of observation and w
his ability to find new insights in nearly C
every situation make the West Vilrginia
Hillbilly a most popular and eagerly
awaited weekly newspaper. Under the Ii
guidance of Comstock, his partner, ron- s
son McClung, and their erudite Master w
of the print shop, C. Donnee Cook, the
Hillbilly has become an institution known
across the United States and overseas. to
It is more than just a weekly news
paper. It devotes itself primarily to the
discussion of life in West Virginia, its
strengths, it weaknesses, its heritage, and
its future. Hillbilly likewise is ever alert
to ways in which West Virginia can be
But it is also-a light-hearted publica-
tion, filled with humor and Comstock's
own, often-irreverent comments on
events af the day.
In tne course of bringing Hillbilly to its
present state of journalistic eminence,
Jim ' Comstock himself has become a
southt-after personality who frequently
giaces speakers' platforms in West Vir-
glinia and other States. He reports on his
:travels and observations weekly in a
lengthy colum n called the Comstock
Elsewhere in the publication there may
be discussions of many subjects under
intriguing headlines such as these from
recent editions of Hillbilly: "West Vir-
ginia Cole Slaw Signs As American As
Apple Pie," "Mamories of a B. & 0. Dis-
patching Man,' "A Mighty Mingo Chief-
t ," "How the Teacher Nipped a Riot,"
"A You Need Is a Peach Tree Limb To
Find 'Water," "By Rail Up Shaver's Fork
River," ok What a Big Dog Dragged
In," "In the nd of Buckwheat Cakes,"
"Hillbilly Ram gs," "The Man in the
Henhouse," "Have leeping Bag, Will
Travel," and "Old Lik r in a New Jug,"
a regular compilation o notations and
poetry. Hillbilly also feati1rs a regular
heritage page, a lively excha ge of let-
ters from readers and periodic reviews
of various industries that cont ibute to
the West Virginia economy. A piature of
a pretty West Virginia girl always
brightens Hillbilly's pages.
Mr. President, Jim Comstock recently
spoke at Salem College, my beloved alma
mater, telling of the trials and trihula-
tons of an editor. His appearance , was
reported in the September issue of, the
Salem College Bulletin, and I ask
imous consent that excerpts from ti ar-
ticle be printed in the RECORD.
There being 110 objection, the e erpts
were ordered printed in the REC RD, as
"I founded The West Virgind Hillbilly
because I wanted ik tell the world that West
Virginia is a notch above the other states,"
Editor Jim Comstock told the, Salem Col-
ege students.
Comstock, West Virginia "anibassador ex-
raordinary," spoke at Salem CcAlege and was
eceived by the students with enthusiasm.
He told of his special "ramp edition which
aused quite a stink with the subscribers
id especially wita the Post Office Depart-
eat." He explained that the stunt drew
national attention on the wire services and
esulted in The National Geographic doing
n article about the paper, ramps and Rich-
ood?the home of the Comstock and Mc-
lung publications
"Every Monday morning I have 16 blank
ages in front of me to fill," Comstock said.
To a literate person that paper, when pub-
shed, has meaning. I ask myself, 'Is there
ome little thing in it that will lift the
orld ?' "
The West Virginia Hillbilly really belongs
the readers, and the readers have the
_ -
power, he declared. Among the Many things
which Hillbilly readers have done are?
founding a "Past 80 Club," building a hos-
pital in Richwood, sending a boy to Williams-
burg, Pa., for rehabilitation, saving the scenic
Cass steam railroad?the last of its kind in
the country?for a tourist attraction, start-
ing the drive to buy Pearl Bucks' birthplace
home in Hillsboro for West Virginia.
Comstock told the story of Hillbilly's col-
lapse a couple of years after its birth and
of Melvin Miller who came to Richwood
to encourage the two publishers to start
again. Miller, who had just graduated from
Bethany College, was on his way back when
his small sports car failed to make a curve
and he was killed.
Inspired by Melvin Miller's faith, Comstock
and McClung started the publication again.
The first issue of the reborn paper was dedi-
cated to Miller in Comstock's story, "Here,
Melvin Miller, is Your Paper."
"Each week I ask myself, 'Have I done
something good? Have I been true to the
dreams of a boy who wanted to start a
Comstock is one of the state's best press
agents. He has publicized its writers, sculp-
tors, painters and musicians; worked to bring
in new industries; and plugged its tourist
In Hillbilly he has satirized West Virginia's
politics, described its beauties in glowing
words, and kept alive its rich folk heritage.
Otto Whittaker, who compiled and edited
the recent book, Best of "Hillbilly," says that
Comstock probably knows more than any
man alive about the yesterdays and todays
of Appalachia and how it got that way, and
for the past year he has been enlarging this
knowledge with a felloWahip from the Ford
In addition to editing the Newsleader and
Hillbilly, Comstock is compiling and editing
a 25-volume encyclopedia on West Virginia.
"In this encyclopedia we hope to preserve
West Virginia's heritage Which is rapidly be-
ing lost," he said. -
Thursday, October 23, 1969
Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I have
repeatedly called the attention of the
Members to the rampage perpetrated in
Chicago on October 9, 10, and 11 by mili-
tant members of the MS.
It is important that people around the
country understand the developments in
Chicago and therefore I insert into the
RECORD a very effective commentary
carried in the Sunday, October 19, Chi-
cago Heights Star, a publication whose
staff kept very close to the situation:
By all accounts, militants of the self-
styled Students for a Democratic Society
alienated or at least embarrassed all but the
most knuckle-headed of their admirers dur-
ing the group's mOst recent descent upon
Chicago. They came to tear the city apart.
and they remained to demonstrate how
badly decent people would fare if they in-
deed achieved whatever brand of society they
really want.
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
E 8672
41ROM'Art9145631ffe6E.RAIligalsg9PAPR9k3a9R12000Mtober 21, 1969
Tuesday, October 21, 1969
Mr. HANNA. Mr. Speaker, this month's
Army Digest carried an interesting and
informative article on our military pres-
ence in Korea. I include it in the RECORD
at this point:
Along 171/2 miles of tense and troubled
frontier, you hear the accents of Iowa farm
boys, Georgia mill workers, Harvard Law
grads. Some are regulars, long-term profes-
sionals; others are perfoming an obligation
of citizenship. All have a hard and endless
Job?watching the line along the American
sector of the Demilitarized Zone, which
straddles Korea's 38th Parallel.
An entirely new generation has grown up
since a gray Sunday in June 1950 when North
Korea dispatched 117,000 tough, Soviet-
equipped regulars south to strangle the in-
fant Republic of Korea.
From 16 nations came a swift response.
American troops spearheaded an interna-
tional army, the 'first of its kind and purpose
?the United Nations Command. It met the
crisis to force the North Koreans, and the
Chinese Communists who intervened to res-
cue them, to the conference table at Pan-
munjom?where recriminations still fly like
Today, actual shots still fly as Communists
continue to break the unquiet peace.
Soldiers of the United Nations Command
are involved almost daily in some Com-
munist-initiated act of violence along the
151-mile DMZ, Their vigilance continues
against hostile raiders and infiltrators .trying
to move south. Throughout Korea, UNC
forces react swiftly to eliminate enemy agent
teams and infiltrators who strike hard and
often at their positions.
In January 1968, a 31-man North Korean
commando team crept into Seoul on a deadly
mission?to assassinate ROK President Chung
Hee Park. Intercepted a short distance from
the Presidential Mansion, they were hunted
down and killed or captured.
Since 1967, there have been about 1,600
Incidents involving Communist violations
of the Armistice, some 40 percent of which
were small firefights. More than 550 enemy
infiltrators and agents have been killed and
nearly 50 captured.
As General C. H. Bonesteel III, command-
ing general, UNC/USFK/Eighth U.S. Army,
observed: "With the exception of the con-
flict in Vietnam, nowhere else in the world
today is there so direct and inflammable a
confrontation between Free World forces and
vicious, strong and agressive Communists
as there is along Korea's DMZ."
Despite Communist orations at the Pan-
munjom truce table, there is nothing to in-
dicate that the situation has changed ap-
preciably since the signing of the Armistice,
July 27, 1953, when General Maxwell D. Tay-
lor, then Eighth Army commanding general,
told his troops: "There is no occasion for
celebration or boisterous conduct. We are
faced with the same enemy, only a short
distance away, and must be ready for any
moves he makes."
Some of the United Nations countries who
made Korea a proving ground of Free World
resistance to Communist aggression have
left token forces. The ROlts themselves man
most of the 151-mile armed frontier. And
the presence of the U.S. 2d and 7th Infan-
try Divisions, and 314th Air Division tells
the Reds: "We're still here? and still ready."
Across the American sector of the line
stretches a security system that includes mod-
ern observation deVices and a newly com-
pleted barrier fence. But the real barrier is
in the hearts of the South Koreans, backed
by their American and United Nations al-
lies. Behind that protective line, this rug-
gedly anti-Communist country has achieved
political stability and impressive economic
progress, making it one of the success stories
of the United States assistance program.
Korea is a proud nation. Its people have
kept their national and cultural integrity for
thousands of years, despite invasions by the
Chinese, Mongols and Japanese.
Korea's location is of strategic importance.
Geographically, it occupies a position athwart
Communist approaches to the North Pacific.
The Korean peninsula lies at the apex of
three great power triangles?Russia, Red
China and Japan. The capital, Seoul, is less
than 500 air miles from Peking, the Chinese
Communist capital, and from Harbin and
Mukden, China's great industrial centers. It
is even closer to Russia's ice-free port of
Red China and the Soviet Union maintain
substantial forces nearby. Just north of the
Demilitarized Zone stands the North Korean
army, third largest in the Communist world.
But the ROKs remain undaunted.
Since the 1953 armistice, the Republic of
Korea has built a well-led well-organized
and thoroughly capable military force, which
numbers among the largest in the non-Com-
munist World. Its force of more than 500,000
Is organized into two armies, five corps, 17
divisions. In addition, it has two divisions
serving in Vietnam. A newly organized Home
Defense militia, composed, mainly of ex-
servicemen, but including some 15,000 wo-
men volunteers, numbers about 1.9 million.
For the past three years, ROK soldiers
have served with allied units in Vietnam.
Their 48,000-man force there is noted for its
toughness in combat and rugged effective-
ness in civic action and psychological opera-
Behind the protective shield of its de-
termined soldiers, Korea has achieved an
economic miracle. New roads, highways, fac-
tories, the stepped-up tempo of manufactur-
ing and construction mark its long strides
toward modern development. Exports, which
amounted to only $32 million in 1960, ex-
ceeded $500 million in 1968. The Gross Na-
tional. Product has been climbing between
8 and' 12 percent a year for the past five years.
Not only new industries but cultural and
educational institutions as well are springing
up all over the republic. Its literacy rate is
among the highest in the world.
Korea's growth as a peaceful, prospering
nation provides an inspiring example to
other developing countries. In less than two
decades, it has shown the world how a society
can modernize and prosper under free
To developing nations around the world,
Korea's visible progress toward growth and
stability presents an attractive alternative
to the repressive methods of totalitarian
Amid the heightened tensions brought
about by infiltrations and forays from the
north, Korea, the Land of the Morning Calm,
maintains its vigil?and its serenity. Today,
ROK forces make up the bulk of the United
Nations Command. Shoulder to shoulder with
other members of the United Nations Com-
mand, U.S. Forces Korea and the Eighth U.S.
Army, they share a common determination
to stand their ground on cold and barren
ridgelines to show aggressors that freedom
Is not an empty catchphrase?that it will be
defended whenever and as often as neces-
sary. This is Korea today.
Tuesday, October 21, 1969
Mr. PURCELL. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Rhea
Howard of Wichita Falls, Tex., was re-
cently singled out by the Dallas Times
Herald as a "Friend of Three Presi-
dents." Not only has Mr. Howard been a
friend of three Presidents, but he has
also been instrumental in the growth
and development of his community, his
State, and his Nation through his active
work in the newspaper business and the
Democratic Party.
The Governor of Texas, Gov. Preston
Smith, once described Mr. Howard as a
man who "had the nerve to walk out
front, with his back to the crowd." This
rare quality of leadership, Mr. Speaker,
has stood for a number of years as an
inspiring standard of public service to
his fellow Texans. His courage and con-
viction have championed many causes,
and it is with a great deal of pride that
I would like to share the accomplish-
ments of this Texan with my colleagues,
to whom I commend Rhea Howard as an
exemplary statesman:
(From the Dallas Times Herald, Oct. 8, 19691
(By Lois Luecke)
WICHITA FALLS.--A Texas publisher who
earned the friendship of three U.S. presidents
and whose counsel was sought by the White
House says a newspaperman has to be a
champion for both the community and the
area in which he lives.
"I don't see how any man who runs a
newspaper can dig a hole and crawl in, leav-
ing the battleground of civic life. He must be
a part of his city. He must take sides in is-
sues. He must help solve the problems," he
At 77, Rhea Howard, editor and publisher
of the Wichita Falls Times and Record News,
a newspaper veteran of 62 years and a long-
time Democratic party leader in Texas, daily
practices his philosophy of journalism.
"There is no such thing as a city standing
still," he will tell you. "Wichita Falls has
gone forward and the newspaper has had
something to do with it. A man who puts out
a newspaper has to keep abreast of the
times?maybe ahead of the times?to provide
Howard followed in his illustrious father's
footsteps when he became head of the Times
Publishing Co. upon Ed Howard's death in
1918. He was 55 when he took the helm of
the newspaper his father founded in 1907. In
his 21 years as publisher, associates have
seen not only a continuity in the fulfillment
of the Times' founding principles but a new
era of involvement based on personal com-
mitment and leadership.
He was tapped, and answered the call,-for
help in nearly every civic endeavor: hellirew
himself wholeheartedly into his political
party's campaigns and has been a delegate
to the last live national Democratic conven-
Howard was one of 22 Texas publishers in-
vited by President John F. Kennedy in Octo-
ber 1961 for a briefing and consultation on
national and international affairs?an oc-
casion which Howard deems "the highlight
of my newspaper career."
A close friend of former President Lyndon
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I)? Extensiovs of Remarks E 8671
"That the flag of the United States be 13
strip* alternate red and white; that the
union be 13 stars, white in a blue field, repre-
senting a new constellation."
Sine Congress did not specify the arrange-
ment of the 13 stars on the blue background,
Betsy had them arranged in a pirele, based
on the idea that no colony th,uld take
General Washington described the symbol-
ism of the flag as follows:
"We take the stars from heaven, the red
from our mother country, separating it by
white stripes, thus showing that we have
separated from her, and the White stripes
shall go dawn to posterity representing
In 1.916, President Woodrow W.lion pro-
claimed June 14 as the anniversaty of the
creation of the first stars and stripes and as
Flag Day, which is annually observed
throughout America.
Our flag is a proud symbol or the history
of our people and our country. Its 13 stripes
for th ? original 13 colonies and Tts stars far
every state will always serve to remind us of
our struggle from a small, young country to
the greatest nation on earth.
Tuesday, October 21, 1969
Mr PEPPER. Mr. Speaker, the week of
October 19 Marks the 41st anniversary
of the National Business Wortien's Week,
a time specifically devoted to dramatiz-
ing the contributions of wortten to the
professional and business world.
The first observance took place in 1928,
In the years since then, wcanen have
made tremendous advances in our society.
From an early effort of business and
professional women to achieve accept-
ance and status based on their ability
and accomplishments, NBIA/Virbes grown
to be a nationwide observance of the
contributions of women in every seg-
ment of our society.
The objectives of National Businese
Women's Week are noteworthy: to pub-
licize achievements of busineSs and pro-
fessiclial women everywhere, an he local,
State and National levels; arid to pub.
licize the objectives and program of the
national federation.
The National Federation of Business
and Professional Women itself has an
impressive membership of more than
180,000 women active in all the 50 States,
the District of Columbia, Puei to Rico,
and the Virgin Islands. Founded in 1919,
its growth is exemplified by its em-
blem, the Nike?Winged Victory of
-Samothrace, which symbolizES progress.
And the Federation of Business and Pro-
fessio 1 Women can indeed take pride
in th progress it has made tOward at-
taini g its objectives, which are four-
Firet, to elevate the standards for
women in business and in the profes-
SecOnd, to promote the interests of
business and professional women;
Third, to bring about a spirit of co-
operation among business and profes-
sional women of the United States; and
Fourth, to extend opportunities to
business and professional women through
education for industrial, scientific, and
vocational activities.
The membership of this federation
represents a force which is being ef-
fectively molded for the promotion of ex-
cellence in business and government.
Its voice is the voice of conscience and
concern. A leader since its founding in
1919 in the effort to advance women's
rights and upgrade the status of Women
in this Nation, its members are to be
commended, encouraged, and supported
in their good efforts.
I would like to call the attention of
my colleagues to the action items of this
year's legislative platform adopted by the
Federation of Business and Professional
Women at its national convention last
summer. These are proposals that would
benefit men as well as women, and de-
serve our careful consideration. They in-
First, continued support for legisla-
tion to amend the Constitution of the
United States to provide that equality of
rights under the law shall not be denied
.or abridged on account of sex.
Second. active support for pending
legislation providing for a broadened
head-of-household benefit under the
Internal Revenue Code; increased per-
sonal exemptions for dependents under
the Internal Revenue Code; and a more
equitable distribution cif the tax burden.
Third, the proposal and support of
legislation providing for uniform laws
and regulations for men and women as
to working hours, working conditions,
rates of pay, equal employment oppor-
tunity, including retirement for age;
equal treatment for working men and
women in the area of survivor and re-
tirement benefits; and increased child
care deductions under the Internal Rev-
enue Code.
Fourth, the proposal and support of
State legislation to provide for uniform
jury service and uniform qualifications
in the selection of men and women to
serve on grand or petit juries in any
Fifth, support of legislation that will
bring about more effective crime con-
trol and law enforcement.
Mr. Speaker, these are legislative mat-
ters which have waited long and in vain
for congressional attention. For nearly
25 years in both the Senate and the
House I have been sponsoring and sup-
porting the equal rights amendment to
the Constitution and legislation which
would guarantee equal conditions of em-
ployment to all American citizens, re-
gardless of age or see. This session, I
have once again introduced such legis-
lation, and once again :( hope that it will
be passed.
This Nation has only gradually awoken
to the energy, creativity, and potential
which our womanpower possesses. f think
the contributions of women to American
life were possibly best summed up by
President Kennedy when he said, in 1961,
As was foreseen by the early leaders.
women have brought into public affairs great
sensitivity to human need and opposition to
selfish and corrupt purposes. These political
contributions and the manifold activities of
women in American communities are the
outgrowth of a long tradition by pioneering
by American women. They stand as an en-
couraging example to countries in which
women are only now achieving equal poli-
tical and social status.
During this week which is dedicated to
publicizing the achievements of business
and professional women everywhere, it is
with admiration for these able women
that I extend my best wishes to them.
I congratulate President Harmon and the
more than 3,800 local organizations
which make up the National Federation
of Business and Professional Women's
Clubs on their progressive and essential
Tuesday, October 21, 1969
Mr. WILLIAM D. FORD. Mr. Speaker,
to say that the proper use of the frank-
ing privilege often raises complex, tech-
nical, and difficult questions for Mem-
bers of Congress is to state the obvious.
The franking problem is a continuing
one. Every year we are faced with new
questions of frankability and past an-
swers do not always fit the new questions
that arise. In our fast-paced world there
is a constant changing of ideas, events,
modes, and methods of communication.
The result is often honest confusion for
the Member confronted with a totally
new franking question.
In the past Members could submit con-
gressional material to the Post Office De-
partment for approval and for rulings on
the frankability of the matter. However.
last December's decision by the Post Of-
fice that it could no longer make such
rulings has left a void in this area.
Mr. UDALL of Arizona has proposed a
resolution to establish a Select Com-
mittee on Congressional Mailing Stand-
ards which would fill up this gap. I join
with him and with others in supporting
this measure as an effective way to meet
a continuing and often thorny problem.
This proposal would direct the biparti-
san select committee "to provide guid-
ance, assistance, advice, and counsel,
through advisory opinions or consulta-
tions or both, to any Member of the
House of Representatives, upon his re-
quest in connection with the mailing or
contemplated mailing by the Member of
franked mail."
Such an advisory body could do much
to protect both Members of Congress who
had honest doubts on a question of
frankability and the public who has the
right to make sure that the franking
privilege is used in an ethical manner. It
would allow any doubts to be resolved in
advance and would assure that the
franking privilege was not abused.
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October 8, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD? HOUSE '11 9297
ganize the fall offensive. Leaders of the
New Mobilization Committee include:
Arnold Johnson, an official of the Com-
munist Party, USA; long-time Socialist
Workers Party leaders Fred Halstead,
Harry Ring, and Gus Harowitz; Peter
Vinther of the Young Socialist Alliance,
the youth section of the Socialist Work-
ers Party; David Dellinger, self-professed
non-Soviet Communist; Irving Beinin,
staff employee for the Communist news-
weekly Guardian; Prof. Donald Kalish,
reportedly, by his own admission, some-
what to the left of the Communist Party;
and Leroy Wolins, leader of Veterans for
Peace in Vietnam and an identified mem-
ber of the Communist Party. The evi-
dence therefore points to Communist
domination of the New Mobilization
Committee's plans and operations.
Two other groups playing key roles
in the fall offensive are the Student Mo-
bilization Committee and Students for
a Democratic Society. SDS plans activity
in Chicago around the theme "Bring the
War Home." I reported to the House on
September 18, 1969, the plans of the SDS
to launch massive demonstrations in
Chicago during the period of October 8
to 11, 1969,
The Student Mobilization Committee,
which has specifically endorsed and
whose functionaries are actively support-
ing the Vietnam moratorium, was ini-
tiated by Communist Party member Bet-
tina Aptheker in 1966. During 1968, how-
ever, the Student Mobilization Commit-
tee passed into the hands of members of
the Young Socialist Alliance, and it re-
mains today under tight control of the
Y'oung Socialist Alliance. The Student
Mobilization Committee is organizing its
own student strike for November 14, just
before the New Mobilization Committee's
Washington and San Francisco marches.
YSA member and SMC leader Carol Lip-
man serves with Vietnam Moratorium
Committee organizer David Hawk on the
New Mobilization Committee's steering
These few facts are only a minute
sample of the overwhelming mass of evi-
dence that the fall offensive, of which the
Vietnam moratorium is an integral part,
is not designed as a legitimate protest
movement aimed at correction of defects
in our foreign policy, It is rather a prop-
aganda maneuver designed and 6rga-
nized by Communists and other revolu-
tionaries who desire a victory by the
North Vietnamese, not to help, but to
weaken and harm the United States.
(Mr. SKUBITZ asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. SKUBITZ. Mr. Speaker, almost
every day I receive heart-rendering let-
ters from elderly people telling me that
they can not make it on their meager so-
cial security checks. All their lives they
have worked hard to set aside something
for their old age. Now that inflation has
gobbled up their savings they are forced
to depend on their social security check
as a means of survival.
For this reason I introduced a meas-
ure early this session which increases so-
cial security benefits under the old age,
survivors, and disability insurance pro-
gram. In addition, it provides for an
automatic adjustment of benefits to in-
creases in the cost of living.
I am delighted that the President has
asked for an increase in social security
However, I do not favor the President's
proposal of an across-the-board increase.
Any increase given to those now on so-
cial security is an outright gift to the
recipient?not something earned. There-
fore, it seems to me that the increase
should be based on need and surely those
in the lower category need more con-
sideration than those in the top cate-
gory. After all, the fellow who gets a
minimum $55 a month must pay as Much
for a loaf of bread or electricity or medi-
cine as one who receives the maximum.
If enacted, my bill would raise the
minimum social security benefits from
$55 to $80 and would create an actual
percentage increase ranging from 45.4
percent for those recipients at the lowest
level to 5.6 percent for those at the high-
est benefit level. The people who would
be assisted most by such a change are
those at the lowest end of the scale and
have the greatest need for increase in
their social security payments.
In addition to the present need for
greater benefits, the rising cost of living
will make further increases necessary in
the future. As suggested by the Presi-
dent's proposal, my bill provides for ben-
efits to automatically increase as the
cost-of-living index rises. This would be
on a percentage basis applying equally to
all benefits.
Who pays the bill for any social se-
curity increases? The President appar-
ently wants to charge it to those who now
pay social security.
I cannot agree with this proposal. In
my opinion, the costs should be borne
out of the general fund. Can anyone here
advance one single reasonable argument
to show why one who pays social security
should pick up the chit while the Presi-
dent, the Supreme Court Justices, and
Members of Congress, who respectively
received $100,000, $39,500, and $1,2,500
salary increases, should go scot-free. Any
reason why any person not on social se-
curity should go home free?
My bill differs from the President's
proposal in that it authorizes a contri-
bution from general funds for the amount
of the increased benefits. These would be
benefits over and above what the recipi-
ents previously contributed to social se-
curity. The responsibility for taking up
the slack belongs to all of society and
should be financed by all segments of our
economy?not just those persons paying
into the social security fund.
I might add that a recent poll of my
district shows that '74 percent of the per-
sons polled favor my proposal of taking
funds out of the general funds so that all
taxpayers pay their fair share.
One of the most appealing aspects of
my social security program is a provision
to allow older persons to collect benefits
while still earning an income. My bill
would raise the present earning limit of
$1,680 to a new limit of $1,800. The
President's bill calls for this change.
Under the present retirement test,
persons who earn more than the exempt
amount of $1,680 continue to have $1 in
social security benefits withheld for every
$1 they receive.
To avoid this, my bill would eliminate
this $1 reduction for each $1 earned and
replace it with the same reduction for
each $2 earned above $3,000. This change
increases the incentive to work for older
persons who badly need this income to
meet today's inflation.
Often our elderly citizens must suffer
because of meager incomes, and every
rise in the cost of living increases their
plight, for this burden hits hardest those
who live on a fixed income.
If enacted, my bill would immediately
raise the benefit payments to the elderly
and would not allow the cost of living to
destroy these gains by reducing their
purchasing power. Thus, the present and
expected future problems of social secu-
rity recipients can be substantially re-
In conclusion, I agree with the admin-
istration proposal that the social security
benefits should be increased on a cost-
of-living basis and that people should be
allowed to earn more before losing bene-
In any event, something should be done
as soon as possible. Three out of every
ten older persons are living in poverty.
Most of them were able to support them-
selves in decency until they became older.
Unless positive action is taken, these
older persons are going to suffer even
more. For this reason I feel it is urgent
that we make the needed changes in the
social security laws.
(Mr. YATRON asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his
Mr. YATRON. Mr. Speaker, during
the recent period of congressional recess
I, along with my wife Millie and daugh-
ter Theana, was a guest of the Pan-
Arcadian Society of America at its an-
nual convention in Athens, Greece.
I was extremely pleased to have been
offered the opportunity to make this 2-
week journey for a couple of reasons.
One, Greece is the country of my par-
ents' birth. I was consequently nurtured
in ways Greek since the days of my
youth. This opportunity was the very
first that I have had to see the country
about which I had heard so much in the
past. For the first time, I met relatives
who had been but names before. I and
my family were the recipients of their
hospitality and welcomed to our own
The second reason which prompted my
visit to Greece at this time was the de-
sire to make my own appraisal of the
current Greek Government. As a mem-
ber of the Committee on Foreign Af-
fairs, I have felt it incumbent upon me
to ascertain the realities of Greece's cur-
rent political situation. Certain news-
paper stories and magazine articles have
been published, Mr. Speaker, which place
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the government ins Athens hi an ex-
tremely unfavorable light. Although I
was apprehensive that these stories of
torture and repression might prove true,
I was quite anxious to arrive at my own
conclusions on the matter. It is these
conclusions about which I should now
like to comment.
Mr. Speaker, Greece is justifiably
proud of being characterized as the
cradle of democracy. I mysele am cer-
tainly pleased that the; designa ion has
been bestowed upon the land of my an-
cestors. It is, therefore, at once para-
doxical and even, on the surface at least,
unfortunate to verify the existence of a
military government in Greece.
Be that as it may, however. L must
submit that the government winch now
rules Greece is a necessary execelient.
When the conditions whice have
prompted its estableshment iave dis-
appeared, however, I would be rat st anx-
ious to observe the reeumption of parlia-
mentary processes in Greece. Wien this
time arrives, I hope it will be a4 knowl-
edged by the present governrrie nt and
that these leaders will relinquls1 their
positions and allow themselves to be
guided by the choices of free Greeks vot-
ing in a fair election.
Because the ruling junta has served
to forestall a possible Communis take-
over in Greece, however, its existence was
at least born of justifiable aim;. Cer-
tainly a Greece run by Comenunists
would be far less palatable than a eSreece
run by former colonels. This is ob Aously
so especially when one views Greece in
, the context of its role as a merrier of
the North Atlantic Treaty Orgati,ation.
Greece has been an integral part of
NATO since its formation 20 yes :3 ago.
Greece continues to serve as an inpor-
tent link in the chain -which constitutes
our military defense network.
It must also be said here that the
junta has enacted certain vitally needed
reforms that for one reason or another
were not implemented by lettig
stantine and the Greek Parlinment.
Farmers have seen their debts era ;ed by
the Government, social security benefits
have been increased, students no onger
pay tuition at Greek universitie ; the
educational system as a whole ha- been
vastly improved, the Greek economy is
a vigorous one, and civil peace pre-
If I may, Mr. Speaker, I should like to
emphasize this latter point. The absence
of a law-and-order problem in ( reece
was one of my most saUefying
tions. Yet this is hardly consonant with
I the armed camp visions that one uLually
' associates with a dictatorial govern. tient.
Conversely, whereas crime is ramps nt in
other large cities of the world, its exist-
ence in Athens, the surrounding cou stree
side, and throughout the Greek nation is
unobtrusive. The feeling, instead, was
one of safety in the streets
The question that must now be pesed,
of course, is whether ex ternal appear-
ances of order mask nefarious ?or duct
behind the scenes. And, more specitiallee
whether political prisoners are being
brutalized into cooperative submission.
In order to determine the credibile a of
reports indicating that repressive and
coercive context is prevalent within the
confines of Greek police stations, I made
a special effort to get out and talk with
the Greek citizenry. I sought the people's
impressions of their Government and
whether they felt it encouraged or even
tolerated the repressive activities attrib-
uted to it. In following this course, Mr.
Speaker, I prcbably spoke to 100 different
people during ray 2 weeks in Greece.
Nom of these gave me any evidence to
support the truth of the reports about
torture. In fact, none could even ac-
knowledge the accuracy of such reports.
And none, Mr. Speaker, had ever been
the victims of these alleged brutalities.
While I recognize that 2 weeks in
Greece is hardly a sufficient period upon
which to base a definitive critique on
the Greek Government's activities, Mr.
Speaker, I am able to state that my im-
pressions were?and it is only my im-
pressions on which I comment?that the
reports of systematic torture perpetrated
for political reasons in Greece are not
well founded. TI there was any substance
to such reports it seems that I would
have been able to gain at least some in-
dication of this from the scores of per-
sons with who:n I conversed.
In my discourses with Prime Minister
George Papadepoulos, I was assured that
his government was neither conducting
nor sanctioning the conduct of closed-
door malevolence for political reasons.
In fact, Mr. Papadopoulos recognized
that free elections must be held in
Greece. Although he was unwilling to
establish a date for such elections, he did
indicate a desire to hold them at the
earlist possible opportunity. His position
was, however, that Greece must first gain
the strength with which to adequately
govern itself and the tenacity to resist
negative influences.
I must say, Mr. Speaker, that I am
extremely hopeful these conditions will
materialize at an early date. I yearn for
the return of democracy to Greece. And
though the path of its return may wind,
I am hopeful democracy's strength at the
end of this interim period of autocracy
will be sufficient to justify a temporary
digression from the previous way.
4Mr. VANIK asked and was given Per-
mission to address the House for 1 min-
ute, to revise and extend his remarks
and include extraneous matter.)
Mr. VANTK. Mr. Speaker, the mora-
torium is a worthy effort by the young
people of America to express their grave
concern over an issue which deeply in-
volves all Americans, but which involves
our young people more critically than
any other group. This peaceful expres-
sion is in the best tradition of our de-
mocracy and se ould be encouraged. I
expect to address myself to this issue
on the floor of te e House of Representa-
tives next Wednesday.
(Mr. NELSEN asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute, to revise and extend his remarks
and include extraneous matter.)
Mr. NELSEN. Mr. Speaker, on Friday,
October 3, 1989, I introduced for myself
and Mr. GERLSID R. Poen, Mr. SPRINGER,
Mr. O'Koiesei, Mr. }Inane, Mr. BRUT-
BILL of Virginia, Mr. Wiens, Mr. STEIGER
of Arizona, Mrs. May, Mr. Irloasisi, Mr.
CRASSER, Mr. Pone and Mr. McCeoelr,
H.R. 14188, a hill to amend chapter 23 of
title 16 of thaDistriot of Columbia Code
to revise proceedings regarding juvenile
delinquency and related matters, and for
other purposes. My distinguished col-
leagues from the Democratic side of the
aisle, Mr. IVLoMILLAN, Mr. DOWDY, Mr.
BLANTON, and Mr. KYROS, introduced a
similar bill, EL& 14224 on October 7,
I include in the RECORD the text of a
statement setting forth my reasons for
introducing H.R. 14188:
For some time now there has been general
concern on the part of the Administration,
many of the Members of Congress, represen-
tatives of the District Government, repre-
sentatives of various community organiza-
tions, and citizens of the community itself
with the rapidly increasing serious and vio-
lent crime being committed by juveniles in
the Nation's CaMtal. For instance. I note
that a recent statistics show that in the last
six years, robbery by 16- and 17-year olds
has increased 258 percent. At the same time,
Mr. Speaker, I have been concerned with
the recognized deficiencies in existing legis-
lation for protecting the due process rights
of arrested juveniles.
The Department of Justice, in consulta-
tion with expert representatives of the De-
partment of Health, Education and Welfare
and the District Government, has under-
taken an extensive revision of the Code of
Juvenile Procedure for the District of Colum-
bia. The Administration's proposed Code of
Juvenile Procedure for the District of Col-
umbia, which is contained in this bill, is held
to be a balanced and comprehensive approach
to the problem of juvenile crime in the Dis-
trict of Columbia. It atipplements the pro-
visions of H.R. 12654, which I introduced on
July 15, 1969 and which was subsequently
referred to the District of Columbia Com-
mittee. H.R. 12854 provides for a comprehen-
sive reorganization of the current court sys-
tem and the judicial environment in which
family problems would be handled in the
District of Columbia. The restructured court
of general jurisdiction, the Superior Court,
would have a Family Divisiorr in which would
be vested all of the jurisdiction of the now
existing Juvenile Court of the District of
Columbia and the Domestic Relations Branch
of the Court of General Sessions of the Dis-
trict of Columbia. It is intended that all
family-related problems, such as delinquency,
parent-child problems, etc. would come with-
in the jurisdiction of the Family Division of
the Superior Court.
In its proposed legislation, the Adminis-
tration has provided that those 16- and 17-
year olds who commit specified crimes of
violence most dangerous to the peace of the
community, such as murder, rape and rob-
bery, will be ineligible for treatment as juve-
niles. Instead they will be prosecuted as
adults with the whole panoply of correc-
tional services available, Including supervi-
sion and treatment pursuant to the Federal
Youth Corrections Act. lestention within the
juvenile system of these matured, sophisti-
cated and experienced 16- and 17-year olds
who commit such violent crimes would ap-
pear in many instances to only undermine
the rehabilitative potential of other juve-
niles. Together with its proposed waiver pro-
visions in H.R. 12854 and H.R. 13889, the
Administration has chosen to limit the bene-
fits of juvenile treatment to those youngsters
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S 12200
Approved For Release wpm? ? EmoD71WQME0003001200a2,.?,0,v?ber 8,
[In thousands of dollars!
ment State and Institution
Fiscal year
1967 1968 1969
Program topic
Texas A. & M Optimization research 400 200 155
Meteorology research 430 215 215
Do Aircraft dynamics subsonic flight 388 194
Texas Christian Human pattern perception 272 100 135
University of Houston__ Information processing , 380
. Rice University Coherent and incoherent EM radiation
Remote sensing of gamma ray signatures
Automatic navigation
Do Statistics in calibration methods
Texas Tech Performance and man-machine effectiveness
Utah: University of Utah Chemistry of combustion
Vermont: University of Vermont Isolation and sensory communication
A Do
AF Southern Methodist
A University of Virginia Learning control systems
' Atomic interactions in gases
A Virginia Polytech, Blacksburg Vehicle engineering and control 400
AF _do
_do Cyrogenic instrumentation
West Virginia: West Virginia University V/STOL aerodynamics 416 208
19, 375 28,180 29,239
190 190
350 175
400 200 200
502 296
470 235
398 200 200
410 257
171 170
408 200
Washington, D.C., October 8, 1969.
Director, Defense Research and Engineering,
Department of Defense, Washington, D.C.
DEAR MR. FOSTER: I noted the enclosed
article in this morning's Washington Post,
concerning a contract with the University of
Mississippi under Project Themis.
AS you know, both the House and the Sen-
ate have added a provision to the military
procurement bill which requires that all De-
partment of Defense research have a "direct
and apparent relationship to a specific mili-
tary function or operation." I am interested
in having your views on how this amendment
will be implemented by the Department after
it becomes law, along with some estimate of
the types of contracts, and the amounts in
dollars, that may be cut out in carrying out
this intent of the Congress. I would also like
to know if in your view the contract de-
scribed in this article would be possible
under the terms of the amendment.
Sincerely yours,
Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, in spite of
cease-fire agreements that supposedly
became effective many months ago, bor-
der fighting and guerrilla warfare con-
tinue to disturb the peace of the Middle
It is more than 2 years since the end
of the June 1967, Arab-Israel war, and
still no negotiations have taken place be-
tween the parties to the conflict.
It is time that the people of the United
States turned very serious attention to
the obstacles which have made it impos-
sible to achieve peace in the Middle East.
These matters are discussed in an in-
formative editorial appearing in the cur- his allies cling to the timeworn myth silo.
rent issue of Prevent World War III, "Israel does not exist."
which is published by the Society for The myth, however, is getting to be pretty
the Prevention of World War III, Inc., of thin: after fighting three wars in a genera,-
50 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. tion with a "nonexistent" enemy, reasonable
10019. observers would think that negotiations are
in order.
I ask unanimous consent that this aril- To the contrary, however: one cannot even
de be printed in the RECORD. get an official Arab spokesman to debate with
There being no objection, the article an official Israeli spokesman on neutral terri-
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, tory?as American TV producers and leaders
as follows: of discussion clubs have long since discov-
Although Middle East peace seems n.o One cannot even argue about the "senior-
nearer today than it was a year ago, the ity" of the governments concerned. None of
hich revent it have at least become the Middle Eastern states existed in the days
icti al existence
somewhat more clearly visible. of World War I?and the jur c
issues w P
Among the many causes which keep being- of eight of the Arab states is actually shorter
erency alive, the following stand out: than the 20-year history of Israel. Indeed,
Refusal of the Arab states to negotiate Israel was the 59th country to be admitted
with Israel. to the United Nations. In that regard, she
Soviet determination to claim the whole is a comparatively "old" county, 67 others
Middle East area as a sphere of influence, having been admitted since. (Only 6 of the
Escalation of the guerrilla fighting?to the Arab League states were members of the
extent that the 1967 "ceasefire" has become United Nations at the time of Israel's warn's-
almost meaningless. sion; the other 8 are all "younger" states, by
d rd )
Failure of the United Nations to aernv
an even-handed approach to the contending Impatience with this "we won't talk" at-
forces in the region. titude is beginning to be more and more
The much discussed "Four Power Initia- visible in America. On the 21st anniversary of
tive" can hardly be expected to make progress Israel's existence, for example, a clear ma-
on any of these basic matters. Except that it jority of all the members of the Senate and
may provide a forum for some talk about House of Representatives joined in a widely
Soviet intentions, this series of meetings has publicized statement "in Favor of Direct
served mainly to arouse deeply disturbing Arab-Israel Peace Negotiations," in which the
fears of an "imposed settlement." This is a legislators declared that "there is no sub-
somewhat ridiculous apprehension, indeed, stitute for face-to-face negotiations." "The
when one stops to consider that such a "set- parties to the conflict must be parties to the
tlement" would be meaningless unless con- settlement. We oppose any attempt by outside
pled with a long-term American-Soviet powers to impose halfway measures not con-
armed guarantee?which the two powers are ducive to a permanent peace," the law-
certainly not apt to agree upon in the fore- .makers said.
seeable future. Meanwhile, the sensibilities We wholeheartedly agree with this view?
of the Israelis, and the feelings of some Arab which has also been enunciated by Presi-
governments as well, have been trodden dent Johnson and by President Nixon.
upon?and tensions have, if anything, been The mission of Ambassador Jarring was
increased, initiated with the idea that it might pave
ARAB INTRANSIGENCE CONTINUES the way to talks, by at least exploring at-
The official Arab map of the Middle East titudes on specific issues. Thus far, talks seem
today shows Israel only as "occupied territory as far away as ever.
of Palestine"?exactly as we noted on this Secretary of State Rogers has made it clear
page a year ago. Until the 14 governments that the purpose of the much-publicized "Big
of the Arab League?or at least the four Power" talks would not be to impose a
whose territories surround Israel?are ready peaeo?but only to try to get the belligerent
to modify this unrealistic approach, there is parties together. It is clear that the Soviets?
little possibility of real progress. on whose help as a supplier of armaments
The state of Israel is recognized today, the Arab governments have been almost
and has been recognized for 20 years, by vir- wholly dependent?could do a great deal to
tually all of the world's sovereignties, in- promote such talks. Thus far, however, the
eluding those of the Soviet Bloc as well as voice of Moscow has not been heard on the
the Western world. Israel is a full-fledged point, and there are no indications of any
member of the United Nations, and no inter- change forthcoming.
national lawyer would dare question her The result, of course, is a stalemate?and
statehood. Nevertheless, President Nasser and so it must remain until changes in the at-
titude of the Arab governments make it
There are many oases in the world where
responsibility for failure to negotiate can be,
divided between two or more parties. In this
particular instance, there is not even a pos-
sibility for dividing the responsibility.
Israeli diplomacy, correctly enough, has
taken the position that its responsibility is
primarily concerned with the conduct of
relations with the neighboring Arab states.
From a world point of view, however, and
particularly from the American standpoint,
the problem of peace in the Middle East is
a far different one. It is a problem of meet-
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iln thousands of dollars!
mel t
State and institution
University of Florida
Florida State
Georgia Tech
University of Georgia at Affront
University of Hawaii
do --
University of Hawaii at Honolulu
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois Institute of TechnoVegy at Chicago
Indiana University
Notre Dame University__ _..
Iowa State
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
do - ,
Kansas State
University of Kentucky
Kentucky University at Lexiligtua
University of Louisville
Louisiana State
University of Massachusetts__
Boston College - ?
Michigan: Michigan State Univerity at East Lansil4
University of Minnesota
Mississippi State
University of Mississippi
University of Missouri at Columbia
University of Missouri at Rolfe_
Washington University at St. Leiiia
Nevada: University-of Nevada
New Hamphsire: Dartmouth C011ete_
New Jersey:
Rutgers University
Stevens Institute
New Mexico:
New Mexico Institute M &
University of New Mexico
New York:
Rensselaer Polytechnic__.
Yeshiva University, New York City
North Carolina:
North Carolina State
North Dakota:
Program topic
Fiscal year
S 12199
1967 1968
Solid state materials
Logistics and information,processing
Geophysical fluid dynamics
Prediction of tropical weathtr phenomena
Computer aided instruction
Low speed aerodynamics
Interface phenomena
Statistical analysis and information retrieval
Astronomy research
On-line computer systems
Vector borne tropical diseases
V-STOL aerodynamics
Degradation of structural meterial
Environmental hazards
_ Deep sea engineering_
Automatic navigation and co tiro!
Ceramic and composite materials - 400 200
Vibration and stability of military vehicles 449 224
-Application and theory of aulomata 500
100 198
400 200
_ Remote sensing instrumental ion
Social and behavioral science 400 200
400 too
Performance in altered envinnment
Nuclear radiation effects on Electronic components 400 200
Metal deformation processing
Research in electrochemical processes 408
Environmental stress physiology
Performance assessment and enhancement
Infectious and communicable diseases
Digital automata 342
Deep sea structures
Elementary chemical,kinetics 360
_ Behavioral studies_
Infrared detector and laser teffinology
Gas turbine technelogy
Organization performance am human effectiveness 400
Rotor and propeller aerodynamics
Biocontrol systems_ 278
Fluid transport properties
Aqueous aerosols in atinosphelc processes
Basic studies on electronic ma-erials
Terrestrial science research
Control, guidance, and information studies
? Optimum detection systems
Cloud physics
Time shared computing systems_ 399
North Dakota State
Union of North Dakota
Oh 0:
Case-Western Reserve
Ohio University
Kent State University
University of Cincinnati
Oklahoma State
University of Oklahoma
Oregon: Oregon State
Drexel Institute of Technology_
Jefferson Medical College
Lehigh University
Hahnemann Medical College
A A ' Rhode Island: Rhode Island University at Kingston4
South Carolina: Medical College of Smith Carolina_,_,___
South Dakota: South Dakota Schootet Mines
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
AF do
AF University of Tennessee, Tullalunna
A Vanderbilt University
Fluid flow aerodynamics
Nonlinear physics of polymers
Cryogenic sciences and engineering
Evaluation of terrain vehicle systems
Environmental sciences
Radiation effects on elecironics.
Modification of environment
Environmental physiology_
Electrochemical power sources.
Radiation effects
Optimum digital signal crecesong
Research on thin film inateiials
Materials response phenomena
Digital encoding systems_
Control of vectors of diseases o military importance
High pressure physiology_
Research in R. & D. management
Low level navigation
Liquid crystal detectors
Internal aerodynamics in air-breathing engines
_ Eeldronic description of the ens ironment 462
_ Mechanism and theory of shock
On-line computer environmental research
Powder metallurgy
Forecasting by satellite observations
Pathogenesis of acute diarrheal disease
Nonlinear wave propagation
Low-cycle fatigue in joined structures
Fluid amplification
Biomanies in stress
_ Photoelectranic imaging devices.
_ Resuscitation and treatment of wounded
Modification of convective cloucs 290
Dynamic sealing
Remote sensor research
MHD power generation
Coating science and technology
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
- 190
150 150
408 204
400 200
550 275
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
ing the Soviet ambition to make of the entire
area an added sphere of influence and con-
trol. With the ending of the British and
French colonial controls, a vacuum has de-
veloped?and Moscow sees an opportunity to
realize a centuries-old ambition to gain an
outlet to Africa, the Mediterranean and the
Indian Ocean.
Difficult though the question of Arab in-
transigence may be, the problem of Soviet
penetration is even more threatening.
Except for Soviet arms, Nasser's Egypt
would never have been able to mount an
offensive against Israel?nor would the mul-
titude of guerrilla bands now flourishing on
Arab soil.
For the first time, the Soviets have a major
naval force in the Mediterranean. They have
strengthened their position with the addi-
tion of a new Communist-oriented Arab state
at the strategic entrance to the Red Sea--
the People's Republic of Southern Yemen.
Egypt's Nasser publicly acknowledges that
"the Soviet Union has made up for all the
arms that we have lost," and the head of
Iraq's new dictatorship swears eternal loyalty
to Marxist ideology.
It is obviously to the Soviet advantage
to keep the Middle East in turmoil?and the
best means of doing this is to keep the Arab
hatred of Israel inflamed. Anti-Israel policy
In Moscow today, indeed, goes even to such
far-out extremes as requiring that gift food-
boxes sent by Israeli Jews to relatives in the
Soviet Union be returned unopened.
These attitudes are reflected in the propa-
ganda which flows both from the Arab capi-
tals and from Moscow. It is directed in fairly
equal parts against the United States and
On the eve of the Six Day War, for example,
Nasser's radio proclaimed:
"We challenge you, Israel. No, in fact we
do not address the challenge to you, Israel,
because you are unworthy of the challenge.
But we challenge you, America. . . . To Is-
rael and to American gangsterism we hold
death in store."
For El Fatah and the guerrillas, this hatred
extends also to the United Nations?as shown
in El Fatah's basic "political statement" of
last October, which denounced "the Security
Council Resolution and all the Zionist and
imperialistic schemes laid before the United
To the non-communist world, the chal-
lenge of a possibly Soviet-dominated region
fovering the entire Middle East becomes a
ife-and-death matter. In terms of world
?eace, the present precarious balance be-
ween the `;super-powers" would be upset,
,nd the danger of any Middle East local war
vscorning a world holocaust would be multi-
ied. This is the kind of situation which
resident Nixon must have had in mind
when he warned that "the island of Ameri-
can democracy cannot survive in a sea of
totalitarian dictatorships."
For the United States, the preservation of
national self-determination in the Middle
East thus becomes a vital matter. For the
world, unrestricted communist expansion in
that area could spell the end of the Cold
War "detente."
Both American and Soviet diplomacy must
therefore be addressed to the question of
making the Middle East an "open" region,
and all peace-loving members of the United
Nations should support that end. To the
extent that the Soviets have armed their
client states, the United States must make
\?7Urtain that the remaining democratic na-
tions (Israel, Turkey, Iran) are strengthened,
in the hope that a balance of arms may at
least delay an upheaval. The ultimate ob-
jective should be agreement by outside pow-
ers to limit or end all military support to
Middle East states?but that is a far-off
prospect. In the meanwhile, a strong Israel is
the best hope for a balance of power that
will at least delay the unfortunate day when
the Middle East might become the scene for
an inescapable East-West confrontation.,
If peace ever is to be secure in the Middle
East, the problem of the guerrillas?and the
open support given them by the Arab gov-
erments?is perhaps the first question that
cries out for attention.
What we are witnessing today Is a "cease-
fire" instituted by the United Nations, and
accepted by the "official" governments?
while large-scale fighting in fact continues,
exactly as before, under the aegis of El
Fatah, the Palestine Liberation Organiza-
tion and related guerrilla groups.
It is difficult for fair-minded people to
realize exactly what is taking place. When
the United Nations succeeded in establish-
ing a ceasefire, most observers assumed that
it applied to everybody. The Arabs, however,
have not taken that view; in their opinion,
guerrillas, terrorists and self-styled "freedom
fighters" are to be permitted to operate
outside the ceasefire rules.
Opening the first session of Egypt's new
National Assembly, in Cairo, January 20,
1969, President Nasser praised "the growth
of the Palestinian resistance organizations,
their increasing role, and the consequent
escalation of their operations."
"These organizations have a positive role
in sapping a part of the enemy's energy and
blood," Nasser said. "Brothers, I want to
convey on your behalf a greeting of admira-
tion and appreciation to the four resistance
organizations?Fatah, the Popular Front,
the Palestine Liberation Organization
(PLO) and the Arab Sinai Organization. . .
The UAR unconditionally places all its re-
sources at the disposal of these organiza-
tions," he continued, with strong applause
from the Assembly audible over the inter-
national radio.
Nasser left no doubt as to how his posi-
tion related to United Nations policies: "It
was the right of the Palestine resistance or-
ganizations to reject this (United Nations)
resolution," he said?in spite of the fact that
"the UAR itself has accepted" it.
In other words, we see here the strange
picture of a government which on the one
hand declares its acceptance of an inter-
-national cease-fire, while at the same mo-
ment it announces that "all of its resources"
have been placed behind a continuation of
the identical warfare by "unofficial" or
guerrilla groups. The peace of the world can
never be secure tinder such circumstances.
This is not a new policy with the Arab
states, as a perusal of nearly any official Arab
publication for the last year would demon-
For example, we find the fallowing com-
ment in the September, 1968, issue of ARAB
NEWS AND VIEWS (official publication at the
Arab Information Center, in New York, as
spokesman for the 14 Arab League states) :
"Recent Arab commando actions in Israeli-
occupied territories may be described as
major operations in the struggle to regain
Arab territory. . . . Throughout the Arab
world, Arabs have expressed pride over the
recent successes of the Palestinian com-
mandos. Headlines in newspapers from
Beirut to Baghdad lauded the activities and
spoke of the commandos striking at 'Israel's
Another page of the same publication re-
cords a resolution of the Arab Students Or-
ganization of the United States and Canada
calling upon the UAR, Jordan and Syria "to
encourage armed struggle along the cease-
fire lines."
And on February 8, 1969, the newly-elected
leader of the combined "liberation organi-
zations," Yassir Arafat, declared that these
guerrilla units would "move with, their men,
and equipment into occupied Palestine (i.e.,
Israel) to fight along with their comrades in
"We see a peace achieved through the muz-
zles of guns carried by revolutionaries de-
termined to liquidate the Zionist entity"?
proclaimed the Voice of Fatah in a broadcast
to the Arab world by Radio Cairo at about
the same time that President Nasser was ad-
dressing the Assembly.
We could lengthen this discussion indefi-
nitely with similar quotes from Iraqi and
Jordanian leaders.
What we have in the Middle East today
seems, indeed, to be a dual system of inter-
national relationships: one official, and one
unofficial. The "official" government pro-
claims support for U.N. resolutions?while at
the same moment, the "unofficial" one
rounds up recruits for commando bands, and
boasts of guerrilla achievements. Meanwhile,
the "official" government goes on making
appropriations for support of the "unofficial"
units, while at the same time proclaiming its
"peaceful intentions."
For Americans to understand the meaning
of these commando activities, it is necessary
to use a little imagination. During the 18
months from the effective data of the U.N.
cease-fire, until the end of 1968, 281 Israeli
civilians and soldiers were killed by terroristS
or guerrillas. A little bit of arithmetic will
suffice to translate this into American terms.
Considering the ratio of Israel's population
to ours, this would be equivalent to about
20,800 Americans being killed during the
same time, by terrorists crossing our borders
from Canada or Mexico. If this were actually
happening here, it is easy to imagine the
result: no public meeting could be held,
no candidate for office could be heard, no
newspaper could be printed, without major
attention to "the bandit menace."
In actual history, the last time such a
situation occurred on this continent, it in-
volved a few casual raids by a Mexican guer-
rilla leader named Francisco Villa, who at-
tacked a town and burned a number of
ranches in New Mexico and Western Texas,
killing several United States citizens in the
process. The reaction of President Woodrow
Wilson was definitive: he sent General
Pershing with a good part of the American
army, to pursue Villa half-way across Mex-
ico, in retaliation.
We must therefore understand the ex-
treme burden put upon the peace of the
Middle East by the operations of these El
Fatah and PLO unit. Israel has, we believe,
been more than patient under the circum-
stances?much more patient than the United
States would have been.
Israel, like any other sovereign govern-
ment, has found it necessary to retaliate?
and international law reserves that right to
any power whose boundaries are thus in-
Meanwhile, almost continuous fighting has
developed along the Suez Canal line, involv-
ing regular armed units of the opposing
How much longer can this Situation con-
tinue to exist without escalating into full-
scale warfare? That is the most urgent ques-
tion of the day.
There is no effective counsel of modera-
tion in such a case. It is the duty of a gov-
ernment to protect its citizens against il-
legal attack across its borders. No govern-
ment can long exist if it does not perform
this duty. It is likewise a first responsibility
of sovereignty for any government to prevent
groups based on its soil from violating its
borders to make unauthorized warfare upon
a neighbor. This is a duty which none of the
Arabs states is performing. As a result, the
peace of the world falls into constant peril.
Because of the manner in which the Se-
curity Council of the United Nations is
weighted, and because of the constant threat
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of a Soviet veto in the background, an ap-
pallingly one-sided attitude toward the Arab-
Israeli confect has developed at the United
When Israel reporte to the UN observers
that Arab guerrillas have crossed the borders,
nothing is done. Indeed, reports of more than
1200 such crossings have been recorded in the
period since the 1967 ceasefire.
When an El Al plane is attacked at Athens,
and an Israeli citizen killed, the matter is
passed over without action by the Security
Council. When Israel, acting in accordance
with long established international practice,
retaliates at Beirut?killing no one, and tak-
ing extraordinary precautions to see that no
one is ? injured?the Security Council
promptly votes a reprimand.
The story could be continued almost with-
out end. As matters stand, one Of the most
used gambits of Arab propagandists is the
theme, "Israel has been reprimanded." An
even-handed editor would have to balance
reports along this line with headlines such as
"United Nations Ignores Arab Werfare."
The disparity in treatment adcorded the
two protagonists is so obvious that It hardly
requires proving?and it is equally dangerous
to the peace of the Middle East and to the
future credibility of the United Nations itself,
as an instrument for the protection of world
The Arab plea that "we are not responsible
for the guerrillas" has long since worn so
thin that no one believes it. The Palestine
Liberation Organization was established four
years ago at a formal meeting of the Arab
League states, and given an initial budget of
2.3 million dollars?a sum which has since
been many times multiplied. As See have al-
ready noted above, President Nasser quite
openly assured the guerrillas of the fullest
support?not in a secret meeting, but in his
opening address to the Egyptian arilament,
this very year. Everyone knows t ese facts--
but the Security Council preteiids not to
know them, This is an insanity which, if per-
sisted in, can only bring the United Nations
itself into disrepute.
Even if we grant that retaliation is danger-
ous to stability, the alternative is 'even worse,
for this principle would then put very coun-
try in the world at the mercy of whatever
guerrilla band might wish to 1nvai?t. Inter-
national law has therefore lone recognized
the right of retaliation and it Its time that
the United Nations should act in iaCoord with
this age-long practice, or else itself take steps
to put an end to illegal commando and ter-
rorist depredations.
Of course, some delegates are silent because
they do not want to risk a Sovi veto: but
can we achieve peace by that method? The
answer is a resounding "No."
Some of the problems we have discussed
can be met by the action at one or more of
the parties in the Middle East. The question
of Arabs and Israelis "talking With each
other" is such an issue. The perffs of Soviet
penetration are a matter of power politics.
But the question of the guerrillea, and the
problem of securing even-handed justice at
the United Nations, are things Which con-
front the diplomats art the world organiza-
tion?and subjects to which they etheuld turn
earnest and prompt attention.
Mr. PPM. Mr. President, the United
States and the Soviet Union, yesterday
presented a draft seabed arinS control
agreement at the Geneva Disarmament
For the past 2 years, Mr. President, I
have been urging that the United States
assume leadership in seeking an agree-
ment to prevent the spread of the nu-
clear arms race to the seabeds. The
Subcommittee on Open Space of the
Foreign Relations Comniittee in July of
this year held a public hearing on the
seabed arms control issue. As chairman
of that subcommittee, I am heartened
by the United States and Soviet Union
agreement on a draft treaty.
I ask unanimous consent, Mr. Presi-
dent, that the text of the draft treaty
and the text of a joint statement issued
by myself and the senior Senator from
New Jersey (Mr. CASE) , the minority
member of the subcommittee be printed
in the REcoaa at this point.
There being no objection, the material
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
The States Parties to this Treaty,
Recognizing the common interest of man-
kind in the progress of the exploration and
use of the seabed and the ocean floor for
peaceful purposes,
Considering that the prevention of a nu-
clear arms race on the seabed and the ocean
floor serves the interests of maintaining
world peace, reduces international tensions,
and strengthens friendly relations among
Convinced that this Treaty constitutes a
step towards the exclusion of the seabed, the
ocean floor and the subsoil thereof from the
arms race and determined to continue nego-
tiations concerning further measures leading
to this end,
Convinced that this Treaty constitutes a
step towards a treaty on general and com-
plete disarmament under strict and effective
international control, and determined to
continue negotiations to this end,
Convinced that this Treaty will further
the purposes and principles of the Charter
of the United Nations, in a manner consist-
ent with the principles of international law
and without infringing the freedoms of the
high seas,
Have agreed as follows:
1. The Statas Parties to this Treaty un-
dertake not to emplant or emplace on the
seabed and 171.8 ocean floor and in the sub-
soil thereof beyond the maximum contiguous
zone provided for in the 1958 Geneva Con-
vention on the Territorial Sea and the Con-
tiguous Zone any objects with nuclear wea-
pons or any other types of weapons of mass
destruction, as well as structures, launching
installations or any other facilities specifi-
cally designed for storing, testing or using
such weapons.
2. The States Parties to this Treaty under-
take not to assist, encourage or Induce any
State to commit actions prohibited by this
Treaty and not to participate in any other
way in such actions.
1. For the purpose of this Treaty the outer
limit of the contiguous zone referred to in
Article I shall be measured in accordance
with the provisions of Section II of the 1958
Geneva Convention on the Territorial Sea
and the Contiguous Zone and in accordance
with international law.
2. Nothing In this Treaty shall be inter-
preted as supporting or prejudicing the po-
sition of any State Party with respect to
rights or claims which such State Party may
assert, or with respect to recognition or non-
recognition of rights or claims asserted by
any other State, related to waters off its
coasts, or to the seabed and the ocean floor.
1. In order to promote the objectives and
ensure the observance of the provisions of
this Treaty, the States Parties to the Treaty
shall have the right to verify the activities of
other States Parties to the Treaty on the
seabed and the ocean floor and in the subsoil
thereof beyond the maximum contiguous
zone, referred to in Article II, if these activ-
ities raise doubts concerning the fulfillment
of the obligations asurned under this Treaty,
without interfering with such activities or
otherwise infringing rights recognized under
international law, including the freedoms of
the high seas.
2. The right of vertification recognized by
the States Parties in paragraph 1 of this
Article may be exercised by any State Party
using its own means or with the assistance
of any other State Party.
3. The States Parties to the Treaty under-
take to consult and to coperate with a view
to removing doubts concerning the fulfill-
ment of the obligations assumed under this
Any State Party to the Treaty may propose
amendments to this Treaty. Amendments
must be approved by a majority of the votes
of all the States Parties to the Treaty, in-
cluding those of all the States Parties to this
Treaty possessing nuclear weapons, and shall
enter into force for each State Party to the
Treaty accepting such amendments upon
their acceptance by a majority of the States
Parties to the Treaty, including the States
which possess nuclear weapons and are
Parties to this Treaty. Thereafter the amend-
ments shall enter into force for any other
Party to the Treaty after it has accepted such
Each Party to this Treaty shall in exer-
cising its national sovereignty have the right
to withdraw from this Treaty if it decide,
that extraordinary events related to the sub-
ject matter of this Treaty have jeopardized
the supreme interests of its Country. It shai
give notice of such withdrawal to all othei
Parties to the Treaty and to the United Na-
tions Security Council three months in ad-
vance. Such notice shall include a statemen
of the extraordinary events it considers ti
have jeopardized its supreme interests.
I. This Treaty shall be open for signatur
to all States. Any State which does not sig
the Treaty before its entry into force in ac
cordance with paragraph 3 of this Article me
accede to it at any time.
2, This Treaty shall be subject to ratifici
tion by signatory States. Instruments of rat
fication and of accession shall be deposit,
with the Governments of ?, which
hereby designated the Depositary Govern-
3. This Treaty shall enter into force after
the deposit of instruments of ratification by
twenty-two Governments, including the Gov-
ernments designated as Depositary Govern-
ments of this Treaty.
4. For States whose instruments of ratifica-
tion or accession are deposited after the entry
into force of this Treaty it shall enter into
force on the date of the deposit of their in-
struments of ratification or accession.
5. The Depositary Governments shall
forthwith notify the Governments of all
States signatory and acceding to this Treatj
of the date of each signature, of the dat
of deposit of each inetrument of ratificatioi
or of accession, of the date of the entry int'
force of this Treaty, and of the receipt o
other notices.
6. This Treaty shall be registered by th(
Depositary Governments pursuant to Artie',
102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
This Treaty, the English, Russian, French
Spanish and Chinese texts of which are
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Government Employees Finan-
cial Corporation (94/100ths
StJck dividends, Splits:
Cole Drug Company, Inc.; (300 shs.) 1 ad-
ditional share for each sh. held 5-7-68.
Georgia-Pacific Corporation (24.90 shs.)
stock dividend.
Georgia-Pacific Corporation (25.15 shs.)
stock dividend.
Georgia-Pacific Corporation (25.41 shs.)
stock dividend.
Georgia-Pacific Corporation (25.67 shs.)
stock dividend.
Government Employees Financial Corpora-
tion (2.06 shs.) stock dividend.
Gulf & Western Industries (10.05 shs.)
stock dividend.
International Tel. & Tel. Corp. (100 shs.)
2 for 1 stock div.
Ivest Fund, Inc. (4.129 shs.) dividend. ,
Ivest Fund, Inc. (38.081 shs.) capital gains.
Synalloy Corporation (10 shs.) 5 for 4 split.
Exchanges :
Guaranty Insurance Trust, 3000 shs. ex-
changed on 1-2-68, for 210 shs. Mortgage
Guaranty Insurance Corporation, and on
8/21/68 this was exchanged for 630 shs. of
MGIC Investment Corporation.
Southeastern Broadcasting Corporation,
2,932 shs. exchanged for: Multimedia, Inc.,
2,932 5% cony. cum. pref. and Multimedia,
Inc., 11,728 Common.
Carolina Natural Gas Corporation, 500 shs.
exchanged for Piedmont Natural Gas Com-
pany, Inc., 60 she. $6 cum. cony. 2nd P/d.
Liberty Life Insurance Company, 7,022 she.
exchanged for The Liberty Corporation,
7,022 she. 1 for 1 basis.
Gifts, Receiver:
The Liberty Corporation (100 shs.) Xmas
present from mother.
Synalloy Corporation (1/2 sh.)
The Investment Life & Trust Co.
(2/10 sh.) . 65
The South Carolina National Bank
(9/10 sh.) 32.67
[These were occasioned by stock dividends]
The Liberty Corporation ( sh.) 8. 34
Georgia-Pacific Corporation (7/100
sh.) 6.
? Georgia-Pacific Corporation (62/100
eh.) 29.76
Gulf-Western Industries (95/100
sh.) 38.57
Government Employees Life Ins. Co.
(82/100 sh.) 42.03
G & W Land & Dev. Corp. (7/10 sh.) 7.00
Stock dividends:
Georgia-Pacific Corporation (25.93 shs.)
Stock dividend.
Georgia-Pacific Corporation (2,619 shs.) 2
for 1 stock split.
Georgia-Pacific Corporation (52.38 shs.)
Stock dividend.
Govt. Employees Life Ins. Co. (3.18 shs.)
Stock dividend.
G & W Land and Development Corp. (17.3
shs.) 1 sh. for each 20 shs. Gulf & Western
owned 7-18-69.
The Investment Life and Trust Co. (29
shs.) Stock dividend.
Jefferson-Pilot Corporation (50 shs.) Stock
The Peoples National Bank (30 shs.) Stock
Synalloy Corporation (2 shs.) Stock
The South Carolina National Bank (69
shs.) Stock dividend.
United Nuclear Corporation (4 she.) Stock
The Broadcasting Company of the Souti
later Cosmos Broadcasting (337 shs.) Ex
changed for: The Liberty Corporation (1,01
$6. 59
shs.) Common and (337 shs.) $.40 Voting
Preferred oonv. series.
Surety Investment Company (379 shs.)
Exchanged for The Liberty Corporation
(1,389% shs.).
(List of Securities Owned by Clement F.
Haynsworth, Jr. from January 1, 1957 to
As previously supplied to you, a company
by the name of Communications Satellite
Corporation was listed as a stock owned by
Judge Haynsworth. Subsequent checking in-
dicates that Judge Haynsworth never pur-
chased this particular stock and that the
broker in question made an error in listing
this particular stock as being sold to him.
This error was not discovered until the new
chronological list was prepared.
Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, will the Sen-
ator from South Carolina yield?
Mr. HOLLINGS. I yield.
Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, let me say
at the outset that I am one of those who
has not yet determined how to vote on
the nomination. But let me ask the Sen-
ator from South Carolina if he feels he
can get his story told by the liberal press
in America, when the nomination was
made by a Republican President of a
conservative Democrat from the State of
South Carolina.
Mr. HOLLINGS. Judge John J. Parker
was appointed to the Supreme Court, but
not confirmed, some 30 years ago under
similar circumstances.
The inference left by the press is that
Justice Goldberg disqualified himself on
labor decisions. He never did; he dis-
qualified himself on the Darlington case,
but he had been their lawyer.
Judge Haynsworth was not Deering-
Milliken's lawyer, but that has not been
No one contends that Justice Thur-
good Marshall should disqualify himself
from civil rights cases. But they say Judge
Haynsworth has made money on textiles,
that he is a textile judge.
I think it is highly important that those
who know the judge, and have read every
one of his decisions, over a 12-year
period, that he has ever participated in,
can come here with admiration and sup-
port for Judge Haynsworth. I have tried
to get that in the papers, but instead, the
story has been distorted until he has
been made to feel that he was indicted
rather than appointed, because they have
taken the ball and started running with
it toward a predetermined touchdown,
saying, "Why has be not withdrawn?"
Mr. DOLE. The Senator's discussion
has been very helpful to me as one who
has not made a decision, but I believe
he will find the press and the media more
interested in taking a position than in
telling the truth. The press which de-
fended Mr. Fortas would naturally be
against a Republican President's nomi-
nee for the Supreme Court. It is an un-
fortunate fact that 90 percent of the
media are liberals in their thinking, not
looking for a conservative judge or in-
terested in telling the true story to the
American people. I think the Senator is
making a valiant attempt today; I hope
it will be successful.
Mr. HOLLINGS. Mr. President, I yield
the floor.
Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, this
country has devoted a great deal of its
enormous military spending to combat
the expansion of Communist China.
In Vietnam?perhaps the major rea-
son for our immensely expensive involve-
ment has been to stop Communist ex-
pansion. One article in a recent issue of
the New York Times characterized
President Nixon's strong commitment in
Vietnam to be based on the notion that
our active military presence constitutes
the cork in the bottle that contains
Communist expansion.
But Vietnam is only part of a vastly
expensive military effort to contain Red
China. It includes our many expensively
manned far Pacific bases, our hugely ex-
pensive aircraft carriers, the other com-
ponents of our Far Eastern fleets and
their reserves, as well as a major Air
Force commitment.
The reason for all this is because of
the fear that without a vigorous and ac-
tive military presence Red China would
sweep throughout Asia and perhaps ex-
tend far beyond.
Mr. President, this is probably the
most expensive illusion of our time.
What kind of a threat does mainland
China really constitute to this country?
How serious a threat does it really rep-
resent in Asia? Could China execute a
successful invasion elsewhere in Asia?
Could she mount a serious attack in the
Consider the facts: In spite of the most
vigorous sometimes vicious denunciation
by Red China of U.S. involvement in
Vietnam, there has been no verified re-
port of a single Chinese soldier involved
in the Vietnam war. Why? Not because
of any moral or peaceful compunction on
the part of the Chinese but for the simple
reason that China does not have the
economic strength to support any mili-
tary effort except on its borders even in
a country as nearby as Vietnam.
China lacks the transportation facili-
ties. It has no navy worthy of the name.
It has a pitifully inadequate air force. Its
highway system, rail system and rolling
stock are so feeble that they are barely
adequate to provied border protection.
Within the borders of China its 750 mil-
lion people widely equipped with small
arms would constitute a highly formi-
dable, probably an impossible force to
overcome without using massive nuclear
arms. But as a world conquering invader,
Red China is simply not in the ball game.
China's own nuclear arsenal is primi-
tive bush league compared to that of the
United States and Russia.
But most significant of all, Mr. Presi-
dent, China has not been gaining eco-
nomic strength. She has been losing it.
A couple of years ago our Joint Eco-
nomic Committee conducted an in-depth
study of the economy of China. We com-
missioned 20 of the leading scholars
in the world to do the job. That study
showed an erratic course of progress and
setback for the Chinese economy.
Without a strong and growing econ-
omy, the Chinese threat dissolves in
smoke. And the most recent reports from
the Chinese Communists celebration of
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their 20th year in power 1.;low how un- hend how the President selected Judge that section of the United States Code
likely it is that China will constibre a Haynsworth for nomination to the Su- pertaining to the conduct of Federal
Serious threat in coming'-years. preme Court. Admittedly, that judge has judges.
Maoist China faces its third dei ade been highly proficient in making a fast Although Judge Haynsworth has denied
With massive problems and handicaps. buck. If the President thinks it is desira- any impropriety and has expressed sor-
Here is the only major Country it the ble to appoint a ,iudge who is regarded row over these incidents, the fact is that
World that has not groWn economically to hold views considered very conserve,- judges of the U.S. courts and especially
in the past 10 years. China's gross na- tive there certain:y should be a number the Supreme Court of the United States
tional product is probably no higher than of judges with this viewpoint, who un- must, like Caesar's wife, be above sus-
it was 10 years ago. But it has an an- like Judge Haynsworth, cannot be said picion. There should be no shadow or
nual population growth of 15 rnillibil to to have ever rendered judicial decisions taint of impropriety on an Associate
20 million. This has destroyed attenipts favoring segregation and delaying inte- Justice of the highest court of our land.
to raise the standard ol living or. the gration as directec by the Supreme Court This is especially imperative today in
military power, except for a rudimentary of the United States.
nuclear power. view of the conditions which gave rise to
Surely, of the approximate 436 judges the Supreme Court vacancy for which
Mr. President, the dangerous dispute of various Federal courts there are many, Judge Haynsworth has been nomi-
With the Soviet Union o'er borders and many whose judicial careers have been nated?the circumstances which prornp-
ideological influence and the continued outstanding and, in fact, who are su- ted the resignation of Associate Justice
hostility toward not only the Uiaited perior as jurists in every respect to Judge Fortes.
States but most other countries ade to Haynsworth. Then, Mr. President, in ad.- As the distinguished junior Senator
the strains and uncertainties. dition to judges of the U.S. district courts, from Michigan (Mr. GRIFFIN), the as-
Certainly the United States along and of the U.S. Courts of Appeals, there sistant minority leader, wrote in an ar-
With other Pacific powers should mein- are eminent judges in the supreme courts bele published by the University of
tam a constructive military presence in or in the courts of highest jurisdiction of Michigan Law School in April 1969:
the Pacific. But we are spending far the 50 States. In fact, in our 50 States, The Senate must not be satisfied with any-
More than can possibly be justified now. Just as is the situation in my State of thing less than application of the highest
And other independent Pacific nations Ohio, there are trial judges in the various standards, not only as to professional com-
a ould carry their share of stopping any counties of, those States who are highly petence but also as to such necessary quail-
ed Chinese expansion, trained and exper enced, have served in ties of character as a sense of restraint and
As the New York Times reported a most creditable manner, are greatly propriety . . . Thus, when the Senate eon-
: siders a nomination to one of the nine life-
admired and highly respected for their time positions on the Supreme Court of the
, Given stability, practical domestic guide-
wisdom, integrity, are known to be de-
United States .. . the importance of its de-
n:nes and policies of peaceful adjustmen- in voted to the law and are men of the high- termination cannot be compared In any sense
fOreign relations, the Chinese Communist est character and of judicial caliber, to the consideration of a bill for enact-
state would stand a good chance of pttrIng Judge Haynsworth in at least two ment into law. If Congress makes a mistake
oat of its present slump and making new cases clearly violtried the canons of ju- in the enactment of legislation, it can al-
p ogress. But these factors appear diffliult dicial ethics--in his vote in 1963 which ways return at a later date to correct the
assure under a leadership headed by Mr,
d id error. But once the Senate gives its "advice
decided a case for a company which had
Mao or any other leader now on the hort on. and consent" to a lifetime appointment to
contracts with a firm in which he owned the Supreme Court, there is no such con-
a one-seventh interest; and in 1967 when venient way to correct an error since the
he bought 1,000 shares of stock in a corn- nominee Is not answerable thereafter to
PanY on which he had helped render a either the Senate or to the American people.
favorable legal verdict and before that
verdict was announced. In the former he In pressing forward with the Hayns-
worth nomination, President Nixon is
made a profit of some $400,000 on an ini- damaging the image of the U.S. Supreme
tial investment in 1950 of approximately Court in the eyes of millions of Ameri-
$3,000. This from a company in which he
was not Just a casual investor, but an cans. He is further disillusioning many
insider. younger Americans over the honesty of
today's society and government--of the
Canon 26 of the ,::ode of judicial ethics establishment, so to speak,
promulgated in 1938 by the Committee Mr. President, for these reasons alone,
on Professional Ethics of the-American I shall vote against confirmation of
Bar Association reads: Judge Haynsworth as Associate Justice
A judge should abstain from making per- of the Supreme Court of the United
sonal investments ir enterprises which are States.
apt to be involved in litigation in the court,
and after his accesulon to the bench, he However, there are other compelling
should not retain such investments previ- reasons for rejecting this nomination.
ously made longer thin a period sufficient to Judge Haynsworth's decisions in a
enable him to dispose of them without seri- series of civil rights cases clearly suggest
ous loss, that he is opposed to desegregation.
Also, United States Code, title 28, sec- Among our most serious domestic prob-
tion 455 states: lems are those dealing with civil rights
Any justice or judge of the United States and the problems of minority groups.
shall disqualify himself in any ease in. which During the past 15 years, the Supreme
he has a substantial interest, has been of Court of the United States has taken
counsel, is or has been a material witness, or leadership in helping redress their griev-
is so related to-or conr ected with any party or ances and in assuring civil rights and
his attorney to render it improper, in his civil liberties to all regardless of their
opinion, for him to sit on the trial, appeal, or race or creed. It would be unfortunate in-
other proceedings therein,
deed if millions of citizens believed that
JUDGE HAYNSWORTH It is crystal clear that Judge Hayns- the Supreme Court was no longer con-
worth violated canon 26 and the United cerned with equal treatment for all and
1?.1r. YOUNG of Ohio. Mr. President, in States Code on at least two occasions human dignity. F
rom his past m judgment President Nixon should President Nixon on several occasions Judge Haynsworth's appointment to record,
cc tainly withdraw the nomination of has stated- that he is a strict Construe- Court might well leave that impression
Ju ge Clement F. Haynswortli as Asso- tionist in interpreting the Constitution, and perhaps have grave consequences,
ci te Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. In his recent announcement reiterating I believe it is significant that in every
There are approximately 436 U.S. district his support of Judge Haynsworth, it is one of the seven labor cases on which
court judges and U.S. Court of Appeals clear that he is far less strictinter- Judge Haynsworth sat that were reviewed
judges. It is difficult for me to compre- preting the canons ef judicial ethics, and by the Supreme Court, he voted against
Mr. President, I submit_the only ju ;ti-
fi tion for our enormous military Nx-
nclitures lies in the threat of pot in-
ti I enemies. Two nations constitute he
o4erWhelining basis for thia threat: the
viet Union and the mainland Chinese.
The military threat of the Soviet Un-on
? e that of China is limited by economic
c nstraints. The Office of Strategic
S udies in London tells us that the So-
viet spends about half as much on
litary operations as thellnited States.
S e has half the gross national product
of this Nation. She is constrained by an
in ustry and agriculture- that sirroly
c ot afford to give up More resources
to the military without seriously wealt(n-
in utht einSRovedietc'shlinonagw-
h nce its military power. '
teermconfecroonntomianceal and
mbre conspicuously overestimated ad-
versary, And the cost of this overestimate
in military overspending, in inflation, in
an onerous tax burden, in Shamefully in-
adequate housing and in a series of other
neglected domestic problems is very great
This country can afford to cut $19 to
$15 billion from its military budget new.
In fact we cannot afford, not to make
those cuts.
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October 3, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ---- Extensions of Remarks E 8141
Hill and throughout the State Depart-
ment. But he will be especially missed
by those of us who serve as members of
the House Foreign Affairs Vommittee.
Skip provftled eadli of us with years of
valuable counsel and experience as well
as courteous and efficient personal serv-
ice during the committee's trips abroad.
It was on those occasions that many of
us got to know Skip personally and were
privileged to share his friendship.
His death is an untimely loss for all
of us. Mrs. Broomfield joins me in ex-
tending our sincere condolences to Mrs.
White and their son, Scott.
Friday, October 3, 1969
Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr.
Speaker, this week there was a significant
new development in the Greek political
situation. I refer to the statement of Con-
stantine Caramanlis, the former Prime
Minister who served his nation and the
free world during the 1950's and early
The New York Times editorial has
called him "the most respected and ef-
fective leader of post-war Greece." He
has been long known as one of the most
pro-American statesmen in Europe. Mr.
Caramanlis is still vigorous and relative-
ly young, only 62, and he is perhaps the
only man who would be suitable to
serve in the interim period after the end
of the Greek dictatorship,
While the critical question remains as
to who will bell the cat, there is now a
clearer, democratic alternative, the so
called "Caramanlis solution." This solu-
tion has the support of the leadership of
the two biggest parties in Greece which
accounted for nearly 90% of the vote in
the 1964 election.
Under leave to extend my remarks in
the RECORD I submit an editorial from
the New York Times of October 1, 1969;
a London dispatch from Alvin Shuster;
and an important article from the Octo-
ber 3 Monitor, for inclusion in the CON-
[Prom the New York Times, Oct. 1, 1969]
At long last the most respected and effec-
tive leader of postwar Greece has plunged
wholeheartedly into the expanding effort to
rid his country of a brutal and incompetent
military dictatorship. Constantine Caraman-
lis waited a long time from Ms self-imposed
exile in Paris to commit his enormous pres-
tige to the fight against the colonels, but his
savage, detailed indictment of them yester-
day removes all doubts about where he
stands. ,
Mr. Caramanlis goes beyond appeals to
Greece's armed forces to throw out Colonel
Papadoupoulos and his henchmen; he offers,
In effect, to lead an interim Government that
would prepare the way for Greece's return to
constitutional democracy. This is exactly
what nearly every Greek democratic leader of
stature, at home or in eXile, has hoped and
worked for.
It is exactly the formula agreed on in
July?and made public abroad at consider-
able risk?by the leaders inside Greece of the
two biggest parties, Panayotis Canellopoulos
of Mr. Cararnanlis's National Radical Union
and George Mavros of the late George Papan-
dreou's Center Union. Even before this agree-
ment, Greek democratic forces had been
prepared to bury old differences and unite
behind the leadership of Mr. Caramanlis to
oust the colonels,
The junta will doubtless pull out all stops
in a desperate effort to discredit Mr. Cara-
manlis. On the only other occasion when he
spoke out?to brand the colonels "putsch-
lets" and "imbeciles" in December 1967?the
junta tried clumsily to link his stand with
that of Communists.
But the Greek people know Mr. Caraman-
lis as an impeccable conservative, who gave
their country its greatest period of stability
and economic growth of the postwar period.
They also know, despite the barrage of junta
propaganda, that he has spoken the truth in
charging the colonels with isolating Greece
politically, and morally, demoralizing the
armed forces, undermining the economy and
creating a highly explosive climate in the
The Caramanlis statement presents the
Nixon Administration with its moment of
truth about Greece. The State Department
must face the fact that its policy for
Greece?of trying to flatter and nudge the
colonels along the road to constitutional
Government and elections?is bankrupt. Not
one political leader of stature has been wil-
ling to join forces 'with the colonels even
United States influence at this critical
juncture could be decisive. That influence
must be exercised to uphold the principles of
democracy and freedom for which this coun-
try involved itself with Greece under the
Truman Doctrine twenty-two years ago.
(By Alvin Shuster)
LONDON, September 30.?Constantine Cara-
manlis, the former Premier of Greece now in
self-imposed exile, ended nearly two years of
silence today and appealed to his country's
military forces to help overthrow the army-
backed regime. He offered, in effect, to lead a
new government.
Denouncing the present Government as a
tyrannical failure, the 62-year-old founder
of the right-wing National Radical Union
said arbitrary rule had now become en-
trenched and the despair of Greeks had
reached new depths.
He accused the regime of deception in
pledging to restore democracy and said it in-
tended to remain in power indefinitely by
terrorizing the people and hoodwinking in-
ternational public opinion.
If the present Government headed by Pre-
mier George Papadopoulos fails to retire vol-
untarily, he said, it is up to those officers
who joined it in good faith to bring about a
"But, beyond them, the whole of the coun-
try's armed forces must undertake the task,"
he continued. "It is they who, having their
origins among the mass of the people, bear
the grave responsibility, on behalf of the na-
tion, of protecting its freedom, security and
Since the army seized power in Greece on
April 21, 1967, support for Mr. Caramanlis
as an alternative has increased within the
country. At present, he is generally regarded
by opponents within Greece as perhaps the
only man able to rally the nation behind him
In any new government.
In a 1,000-word statement, Mr. Caramanlis
charged that the former colonels heading the
regime had disrupted the armed forces by
dismissing hundreds of high-ranking and
battle-experienced officers, had undermined
the economic future of the country, and had
isolated Greece politically and morally from
the family of free nations.
"Finally, by their tyrannical rule., their idle
boasting and their hit-or-miss methods, they
have created an explosive situation in Greece
and deprived Greece of international re-
pute," he said.
Mr. Caramanlis, whose statement was made
available in London and Paris, led Greece
from 1955 to 1963, achieving the longest pe-
riod of stability in Greece's turbulent post-
war politics. After his defeat six years ago
by the Center Union, headed by the late
George Papandreou, he moved to Paris where
he lives on the top floor of a luxury apart-
ment house.
Unlike the left-of-center Andreas Papan-
dreou, the son of the former Premier, who
has often been outspoken in trying to mobi-
lize opposition to the regime from his exile
in Sweden, Mr. Caramanlis had remained
Accordingly, Mr. Cara,marilis's followers
had become increasingly concerned about
his silence, fearing his support would begin
to dwindle unless he took a strong new stand
against the regime. They felt that time was
running out on efforts to push the regime
fawn power, and that opposition elements,
wondering about his views, needed a unify-
ing focus.
Friends attributed his long silence to a
feeling by Mr. Caramanlis that he did not
want to speak unless he felt a statement
would have some impact in bringing about
a change in government.
The former Premier had kept his silence
since Nov. 28, 1967, when in an interview
published by the Paris newspaper Le Monde
he called for the quick departure of the
"putschist" rulers. The interview was Mr.
Caramanlis's first outright condemnation of
the regime?he had previously deplored
"tragic" developments in his country at the
time of the coup.
What effect his statement today will have
remains to be seen. The Greek Government
leaders seem to have a firm grip on the
country, although there are indications of
certain unhappy elements within the army.
Mr. Caramanlis said his statement?which
will reach Greece in the foreign press and
on Greek-language and foreign-language
broadcasts?was issued to mark the first an-
niversary of the approval of the Constitution
drafted by the regime, Many of its provisions
on basic rights remain in suspension because
of martial law imposed when the army took
The statement, however, was viewed as
part of an effort by Mr. Caramanlis to give
the impression, particularly to the United
States, that chaos and anarchy would not
follow the demise of the present Government
and to encourage new pressures on the for-
mer colonels.
Mr. Caramanlis, for example, alluded to the
"demagogic policies" of the regime's pred-
ecessors and said that basic reforms were
needed in Greek politics to prevent a return
to the political turmoil that prompted the
military takeover.
"It is time," he said, "that the military
men in power realized that the geopolitical
position of Greece and the character of our
people do not lend themselves to dictator-
ship of any kind; and it is time that the
political forces of Greece realized that a
return to the habits and political formations
of the past would not be a restoration of
normality, but only another kind of abnor-
Mr. Caramanlis, who tried and failed to
bring about constitutional and political re-
forms when in power, apparently sees his
role as the leader of a strong transitory -gov-
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E 8142 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks October 0', 1969
ernment that would take immediate contr
initiate major constitutional changes a
organize free elections, He himself wou
Undoubtedly then be la candidate.
Although Mr. Caramanlis has had diffe
ences with the monarchy and believes
political powers should be curbed, :t is u
derstood he has been in touch with Xi
Constantine, who fled to Rome in Decemb
of 1967 after attempting a counterco
against the present Government.
By offering himself as the alternative
the present regime, Mr. Caramanlis was al
trying to calm those fearful that a left-wi
government would follow the colonels.
short, he was saying that a right-Wing di
tatorship would be replaced by a right-win
democratic government.
"I must take this opportunity also,"
said, "of assuring those who are anxio
about the future that I would not ha
broken silence if I did not believe that th
country can be restored without danger
conditions of normalcy, and if I 'were n
prepared to make my personal contributio
if need be, towards that end."
[From the Christian Science Monitor,
Oct. 8, 1669]
Arne/sm.?Former Premier Constantine Ca
ramainlis's indictment Of Greece's presen
rulers and his appeal to them to step down
apparently made a tremendous impressio
on those Greeks who heard it first over for
sign radio stations.
But it will be some time before the fu
impact of the statement can be ascessed.
Although the appeal Was moderate in ton
the former Premier urged the Country'
armed forces to take appropriate actio
Should the present government refuse to
bow out peacefully.
"It is their responsibility and Mission,'
he said, "to protect the people's liberty
security, and independence."
He indicated that he himself rld be
ready to participate in a new tra anions,
government which would have the task o
restoring the country to normalcy.
Mr. Caramanlis, a moderate conservative
is one of the few Greek politicians with high
prestige and untarnished image.
He has been living in voluntary exile in
Paris since 1963. His statement was issued
in Paris and London.
The Greek Government at first refused to
allow its publication here. But two Athens
dailies suspended publication for Et day
rather than print only the government's
answer to Mr. Caramanlis without also car-
rying the former Premier's statement.
The newspapers won the day when the
government finally consented to publication
of the full Carmanlis text.
Mr. Caramanlis's last published statement
was made on Nov. 29, 1967, during the Greek-
Turkish crisis, when he urged the quick
departure of the leaders of the Greal-k coup
of April that year.
Taking the position that he can no longer
remain silent since the military insts on
perpetuating itself in power Mr. Carsananlis
now argues that democracy can be reatored
in Greece through one of two ways: either
through voluntary withdrawal of theresent
government, or through ita toppling b force.
Conceding that the first alternativetould
be safe and also constructive, Mr. Cara-
manlis warned that the Second alternative
Might be provoked by uncontrolled powers
which could put the country through trials.
This was interpreted as meaning that the
Communists would eventually take an, active
part in the toppling of the military regime
when it suited them.
In other parts of his statement Mr. Cara-
Enanlis accused the military government
iorotagonists of "lacking the courage ,t0 di-
rectly admit that they aim at perpethating
themselves in power."
Instead, he continued, "they have created
a contradictory and tyrannical regime with-
out any ideological orientation which has
committed many mistakes."
Mr. daramainis then speeifically blamed
the regime for disintegration of the armed
forces through "sovietization" and cashier-
ing or retirement of battle-tested high-rank-
ing officers, for si poor economic policy which
had dangerously increased the balance-of-
payments deficit, and for the moral and polit-
ical isolation of the country.
Mr. Caramanlis maintained that the regime
in power could riot cover up its shortcomings
through "theocratic ideas" reminiscent of the
Dark Ages or such slogans as "Greece of
Greek Christians," not, at any rate, when
the regime's methods had not been very
Many here interpreted this as an indirect
attack on the military rulers for their arbi-
trary arrests, and persecutions and tortures
alleged to have occurred.
Mr. Caramanlis alluded to a previous rec-
ommendation of his for the transfer of power
to a government, generally accepted and
'vested with extraordinary powers, which
could in due time prepare the country for
a safe return to normality.
Lest he be misunderstood, he served no-
tice to both the military in power and the
He told the military that Greece, by vir-
tue of its geographical position and the
idiosyncrasy of its people, was not suitable
for any form of dictatorship. He warned the
politicians that "a return to the schemes
and the habits of the past would not mean
a return to normality but only a different
form of anomaly.''
In closing Mr. Caramanlis assured all that
he would not speak out unless he felt the
country could safely return to normality. He
expressed his willingness personally to con-
tribute toward that end, if need be.
Mr. Caramanlis cannot easily be discredited
by the regime in view of his prestige and un-
tarnished record.
As Premier from 1955 to 1963, he was one
of the main architects of Greece's postwar
recovery and development.
Mr. Caramanlis also has established him-
self as a modera:e statesman. He chose to
go into self-exile rather than openly attack
the crown as an institution when a crisis
erupted between him and Queen Prederika
in 1963.
Re tacitly admits that the country's politi-
cal situation was chaotic before the 1967
coup and he wants to look toward the future
and not the past.
The military rulers, therefore, will have
to be careful in what they say about him
As a veteran politician put it, "Caramanlis's
statement is so self-evidently true."
Some think that leading politicians and
other elements new will come out in favor
of Mr. Caramanlis.
Already former Premier Panayiotis Ka-
neliopoulos has tcld foreign correspondents
that he is in full agreement with the Cara-
manlis statement.
It is reported that George Mavros of the
Center Union Etna Demitrios Papaspyrou,
President of the last Parliament, will make
similar statements shortly.
Thursday, October 2, 1969
Mr. DORN. Mr. Speaker, I was shocked
and saddened to hear of the passing of
my warm and personal friend, "Skip"
Skip White was one of the greatest
men it has been my privilege to know. He
rendered magnificent service to the
Nation and was loved and respected by
Members of the Congress.
There were so many good characteris-
tics about Mr. White. He was always
thoughtful, pleasant and helpful. He
was intelligent, industrious, and a dedi-
cated public servant, Skip White pos-
sessed the quality of warmth and friend-
ship that drew people to him. Above all,
he loved this Republic. He served our
country and the cause of freedom
throughout the world with a very special
devotion and dedication.
Skip White will be greatly missed by
his colleagues in the State Department,
by every Member of Congress who knew
him, and by a host of friends the world
over. Skip White used our office fre-
quently to make calls and hold confer-
ences in connection with the Wednesday
morning State Department briefings for
House Members. Mrs. Dorn and my staff
looked forward to his visits, as he was
always courteous and kind. They join
me in my deepest and most heartfelt
sympathy always to Mrs. White and to
all of his family.
Friday, October 3, 1969
Mr. BIAGGI. Mr. Speaker, HR. 14000,
the fiscal year 1970 military procure-
ment authorization bill, has been passed
by the House. I felt compelled, out of con-
cern for national defenses and the na-
tional interest, to support final Passage,
despite the fact there are many expendi-
tures in the bill I opposed and expressed
my opposition by voting on a number of
amendments offered. It grieves me, and
my colleagues who feel as I do, that the
bill appeared in this final form. Notwith-
standing the objectionable portions my
Position was motivated by a sense of re-
sponsibility and concern for my country
and for the hundreds of thousands of
American boys who are currently serving
In the military services, who require con-
tinued support until the end of the war
hwohmenesthey can once again return to their
Nonetheless, Mr. Speaker, it is incum-
bent upon me to etch into history a brief
but vitally Important footnote relating
to the manner in which this bill was con-
sidered by the House of Representatives.
As reported out of the Committee on
Armed Services H.R. 14000 authorized
appropriations totaling $21,347,860,000.
This re-port?No. 91-522?ran to 176
pages, and was dated September 26, 1969.
The report followed extensive hearings
on military procurement authorization
which total thousands of pages of testi-
mony. Yet the bill was first taken up on
the House floor on October 1, 1969, which
hardly gave time for due consideration
of either the hearings or the report and
was passed shortly thereafter.
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Recent estimates indicate that our Na-
tion's need for electric power is doubling
every decade. To meet this need, numer-
ous, large power generating plants will
have to be constructed. Many of these
plants will be nuclear fueled.
These nuclear-fueled powerplants will
need vast amounts of water for cooling
purposes. The return of this water,
which is usually 11 degrees to 23 degrees
hotter than when it was taken into the
powerplants, can have a disastrous ef-
fect on the water quality of the water
into which it flows.
Under title I, no Federal agency will
be allowed to issue a license or permit
for the operation of a powerplant if its
water discharge would seriously and ad-
versely affect the water quality of the
water into which it is ejected.
The second title of S. 7 establishes an
Office of Environmental Quality to de-
velop standards to protect and enhance
the environmental life in all areas af-
fected by Federal and federally assisted
projects and programs.
The need for an office to integrate na-
tional environmental policies has become
readily apparent as the effects of tech-
nology, population, and urbanization on
environmental life are increasingly felt.
The Senate has already begun to rec-
ognize the need for greater coordination
of Federal programs in the environ-
mental area. Earlier this session, we
passed the bill, S. 10'75, introduced by
the Senator from Washington (Mr. JACK-
SON), establishing a three-member Board
of Environmental Quality Advisers to be
appointed by and to report to the Presi-
dent. Either this group of advisers or the
Office of Environmental Quality proposed
by S. 7 would be a step in the direction
of better Federal coordination. Ulti-
mately, I think we will be successful only
by establishing a Department of Human
Environment and Natural Resources to
control environmental programs pres-
ently scattered through 18 departments
and agencies of our Government. Follow-
ing preliminary hearings by my Subcom-
mittee on Executive Reorganization on
this subject, I wrote the President's Ad-
visory Committee on Executive Organiza-
tion?the Ash committee?asking them
to give priority to this problem.
The President, if he is to successfully
define a comprehensive Federal conser-
vation policy, must have the advice and
counsel of Americans from all walks of
The Office of Environmental Quality
'at the White House proposed by S. 7
would Mobilize competent spokesmen
from the private and public sector to par-
ticipate in a national effort to preserve
and protect our environment.
Through the Office of Environmental
Quality, the capacity of the President
and the Congress to give continuing,
thoughtful attention to the varied and
interrelated problems which compromise
Our environment would be greatly in-
creased and could serve as a forerunner
to the creation of a Cabinet-level Depart-
ment of Human Environment and
Natural Resources.
The legislation will provide for the
establishment of environmental advisory
committees and biannual environmental
forums. These advisory committees and
the forums will allow concerned citizens
to express their ideas and recommenda-
tions on environmental problems.
Through the Office of Environmental
Quality, their ideas and recommenda-
tions will filter up to the President, giv-
ing him the benefit of many approaches
to environmental problems and giving
this Nation the opportunity to formulate
an overall conservation and environmen-
tal policy. Now regrettably, there is no
comprehensive policy?only a hodge-
podge of many Federal programs, operat-
ing with a kind of independence of their
own and with little or no coordination.
Too often we have taken the rich
natural resources of this continent and
turned them into unusable and ugly
stains on the landscape. Our rivers, lakes
and coastlines have been subjected to
such wanton disregard that today, filth
and waste threaten their continued
Fortunately, Congress has wakened to
this peril and enacted legislation to com-
bat this disgrace. However, existing laws
have left some serious gaps, which
threaten the success of these prior efforts.
The bill will fill these gaps, and take
the needed forward steps to repair and
prevent the continual damage to our
environmental life. /4 E
Mr. FELL. Mr. President, when it
comes to insuring that the Greek people
have a government responsive to their
wishes and one that does not acquiesce in
the practice of torture on its citizens, we
see little progress.
To my mind, the danger in Greece is
that, in desperation, the people there
may turn toward communism as being
the only way of escaping the ugly em-
brace of their present regime. As of now,
this is not the case, since the opposition
to the regime seems still to be centered
amongst citizens who have middle-of-
the-road or conservative philosophies.
But in time I believe there is a real
danger of the pendulum of opposition
swinging to the left. This is one more
reason why the sooner the regime is
changed, the better off both Greece and
the free world will be.
In connection with the Greek Govern-
ment's practices of permitting torture
and police station abuse to be used as a
method of discouraging political opposi-
tion, I placed in the CONGRESSIONAL REC-
ORD of May 12, 1969, an excellent article
written by Christopher Wren that was
published in Look magazine of May 27,
1969. Following the publication of this
article, the Greek Government went
through the motion of inviting Look to
send a representative to Greece to see
for himself.
At that time, I commended the Greek
Government for this response. In my
comments on the Senate floor on June
26,1 said:
I am very glad indeed that the Greek Em-
bassy responded by issuing a press release in
which Look Magazine was invited to send a
representative over to Greece to investigate
the truth of the article.
S 11503
I said further:
I trust, too, that since the Greek Govern-
ment has invited him, every effort will be
Made by Greek officials to let Mr. Wren
travel and visit where he wishes.
However, if ever there was an invita-
tion that was false and not meant to be
accepted, that was it In this regard, I
ask unanimous consent that the article
published in the current?October 7?
issue of Look describing the eventual out-
come of this invitation?or, rather, non-
invitation?be printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
(By Christopher S. Wren)
Last June 7, George Papadopoulos, the
Greek colonel who runs Western Europe's
only new dictatorship since World War II,
mused before an Athens news conference
that he might agree with the view that the
press was a "whore." The self-appointed
Prime Minister was referring to Look maga-
zine's disclosure of political torture in Greece
(May 27,16G).
. His indignant response was delivered once
the offending article, Greece: Government by
Torture, was safely off the newsstands (in
Athens, copies were bought up by the junta) :
"How could we consider ourselves part of a
civilized society when we accept the most
Imaginary and malignant accusations pro-
duced by a mentally deranged person . . .
and how could we reproduce those accusa-
tions for-the use of tens of millions of read-
ers throughout the world?" Under the sub-
head "Feeble Author," the censored Athens
News picked up the cue: "Papadopoulos said
this article was written by a mentally de-
ranged person." It was later quietly ex-
plained the Prime Minister really meant not
this writer, only his sources.
Papadopoulos thereupon invited Look to
send to Greece "a duly authorized represen-
tative with the purpose of investigating the
truth. He could be accompanied by th, per-
son who supplied the writer with the false
The Prime Minister promised that if he
were shown torture did take place, he would
hang the culprits in Constitution Square.
The last such public executions in central
Athens, Greeks recall, were carried out by the
Nazis during the Occupation. The Prime
Minister never bothered to send his invita-
tion to Look. It appeared the next week
among the routine Greek Embassy press re-
leases handed out to the Washington press
corps. Still, Look accepted.
Since the details had come from torture
victims within and outside Greece, Look
had no single "person who supplied the writer
with the false accusations." It proposed send-
ing James Becket, an American lawyer who
has investigated torture charges within
Greece for Amnesty International, the world-
wide organization concerned with political
prisoners. Becket had given some of his
documentation to Look. Congressman Don
Edwards of California was suggested as an
observer. Rep. Edwards, chairman of the
U.S. Committee for Democracy in Greece,
offered skill as a former FBI agent and cur-
rent member of the House of Representatives
Judiciary Committee.
Following the Prime Minister's invitation,
further evidence and offers of assistance
came in to Look from Europe. Thirteen pris-
oners in Averoff prison, Athens, 'smuggled
out a signed statement that they wanted to
talk about their torture. A Scandinavian
diplomat wrote: "I could furnish you with a
number of names of people who have been
tortured much worse than those you mention
in your article."
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A month later, the Greek Prime Mi Lister
finally authorized the consul general in New
York to inform Lome tnat RepreseeLative
Edwards and Becket, ae, "participants of
movements inspired by prejudice and anti-
Greek hysteria" were not welcome in Greece.
The article's aUthor was ,"absolutely luso-
ceptable." As for the PrimeMinister's pr >raise
to summarily execute anyene guilty ;:d bru-
tality, this, the consul general explained, was
merely a "Greek metapher" used "by the
Prime Minister to emphaetze the depth
of his convictions...."
Yet as long ago as April, 1968, the rlreek
junta was given prima facio evidenee that
political prisoners had been abused. Ant bony
Marreco, a British lawyer fee Amnesty liter-
Rational, was allowed into three Greek
prisons, Afterward, he gave Minister 0' In-
terior Stylianos Pattakos tle histories of ten
trisoners whom he had interviewed and be-
eyed were tortured. Patta.kos distal issed
hem as Communists and Marreco's findings
as Communist propaganda". Pattakos cased
ehe matter: "The Greek Government has to
tfrom rotect its people against eta Communist ene-
es." Amnesty International is now be stied
Greece as "Communist," just as it has
been banned from the Soviet Union as "-:1A-
The Greek dictatorship insists that toi lure
claims have been refuted by the Interna-
tional Red Cross and the sta-called British
Parliamentarians Committee. It was in fact
the subsidiary International Committee of
the Red Cross that visited Greece. Its initial
report dealth with prison-tamp candit.ons,
not torture. A second report concluded that
the ICRC did not wish to declare who 'her
or not prisoners were tortured, Because the
I RC cannot release its findings witl out
the permission of the host government no
other reports have been publiehed. The Ti mc
in July, 1968, and again in February, 1969,
privately protested to the junta its misre fre-
sentation of the reports.
The Red Cross has secured from the jt eta
some improvement in prison conditions. But
its business is mercy, not potties. Restre ted
to diplomatic channels, it can see only 'To, hat
the government decides to show. In World
ar II, for instance, a Danish Red C 'ass
tam finally allowed into the Theresienat adt
c ncentration camp in June.J944, found new
fl werbeds and freshly painted beaTracks. To
ti y up, the Nazis had shipped 2,780 Jews
t Auschwitz.
The British Parliamentarians Committee
tl4rns out to be five British Members of Fu-
ll ment who were junketed, with wives to
G eece for the 1968 Easter holidays by Illiu-
ri e Fraser Associates. Fraser a former TT rn-
bl ng-casino promoter, had_ persuaded ,he
ju ta to pay his new firm $253,000 a yeai to
handle its public relations in Britain, 'Two
of the MP's did visit the prison camp on tne
island of Leros, where torture did not oec ur.
T e spokesman, Gordon Bagier, MP, scofft d:
"quite frankly, I am getting a bit fed up i
wi h the sensationalist reporting to come out ?
of Greece. We found that reported torture .t."
had always `happened to someone else.'" i
ter a long court fight the following fall, h
th London Sunday Times wen the right to
pu lish a secret memorandum from Mani' ce
Fr ser to the junta that he had a Britsli
M in his employ. Confronted with it, Ger-
d Bagier confessed that Fraser was payieg
h' 2500 ($1,200) a year.
But when Christopher Janus, Jr., a 25-
year-old vacationing Peace Corps teacher,
visited Greece on August 2, he was detained
overnight and deported withoul. explanation
to Nairobi. His father, Christopher Janus, a
Chicago stockbroker of Greek descent, had
written two articles for the Chicago Sun-
Times after visiting Greece in 1967 and 1968.
Janus, who was decorated by an earlier
Greek Government for his work in Greece
during the civil war, had simply repeated
what a lieutenant, colonel in Athens told
him last year: "A little torture is necessary
to preserve civilization."
The Loon article has been translated,
mimeographed and circulated inside Greece
along with the novels and poetry banned by
the regime. But a half-dozen new escapees
from Greece separately insist that the beat-
ings in the police seations have been stepped
up in an attempt to stem the bombings
and other stiffening resistance among the
Greek people.
Six weeks after the article appeared, Ath-
ens radio felt free to boast: "The U.S. Govern-
ment recently decided to include Greece
among the four countries to which 90 per-
cent of U.S. military aid for 1970 will be dis-
When 50 America:a congressmen petitioned
the Secretary of Stree in a July 30 letter for
"a clearer sign of U.S. moral and political
disapproval of the dictatorship," an Assist-
ant Secretary of State, William B. Macomber,
conceded that "we see an autocratic govern-
ment- denying basic civil liberties to the
citizens of Greece,'' but insisted that the
junta was meeting Greece's NATO treaty
obligations. Calling the NATO argument an
excuse for U.S. inaction, Rep. Don Edwards
took issue: ". . the present dictatorship
violates the very principles of NATO, the
very reason for NATO, the protection of free
people through the preservation of govern-
ments chosen by the people."
American taxpayers' money still flows to
a government that relies on torture to sur-
vive. Among the new allegations of brutal-
ity is a letter from a woman who wrote
Loon that her aune, a middle-aged dress-
maker, was arrested and, the niece heard,
tortured the week after Papadopoulos issued
his angry denial. "She was released after
having been kept for 40 days under strict
confinement land] continuous interroga-
tion. . . . Before her release, she signed a
declaration saying that she was treated 'very
politely and kept -leader very human con-
ditions of imprisonment.' She has been
warned, of course, that in case she is going to
say anything to anyone related to her inter-
rogation, she will be rearre,sted and `properly'
treated." Her name, like dozens of others,
has been sent to the Human Rights Com-
mission of the Council of Europe, which has
been examining such cases and will an-
nounce its conclusions later this fall.
If, in the meantime the Prime Minister
s anxious to examine the validity of the
yramiding charges of torture, he has only
o honor his Pledge of June 7 to let Loon
nto Greece to "investigate the truth" he says
e so desperately wanes,
The junta has grown desperate for goal
pu licity. It reprints in government perm) 1-
let ?The Foreign Press About Greece-4
vo able letters to the editor under the meet-
he d of the foreign newspaper that has
car ied them. The casual render will take
th unlabeled private letter for an official
editorial endorsement. The gaol errunent re-
cently extended roundtrip New York-Athens
air fare and 24 days of full hospitality to a
Cal fornia radio-TV team of four, in the
hopes of some rieradly spot reports.
Mr. MONDALE, Mr. President, dis-
quieting rumors have reached me to
the effect that last Thursday, Septem-
ber 25, without fanfare and without?to
the best of my knowledge?any public
notice, the Rural Community Develop-
ment Service of the Department of
Agriculture was abolished and its per-
sonnel ordered to return to their
respective agencies.
The RCDS, as its name implies, was
established to coordinate the efforts of
September 29, 1969
the Department to further rural industry
and nonfarm employment in an era of
Increasing farm mechanization and less
demand for farm labor. It was the first
Government-wkle effort, to my knowl-
edge, attempting to redress the problem
of rural-urban imbalance, a disastrous
population trend that has crowded some
70 percent of the American people into
less than 2 percent of the U.S. land mass.
Now, without fanfare, without formal
announcement, this program is dead?
again, according to information reach-
ing me.
Certainly the ReDS did not solve the
problem of too little opportunity in the
countryside. But hoPeful beginnings
were made; more than a,000 interagency
committees, one in each U.S. county,
were formed; a formal apparatus to pro-
vide information to industry seeking
rural locations was established; multi-
county conservation-4ndust1-1al17ation
panels were formed and operated suc-
cessfully in many areas.
The Secretary of Agriculture, if we
are to believe the testimony he presented
to the House Agriculture Committee last
week, believes in more rural jobs. The
Secretary all but admitted in this testi-
mony that farm programs alone hold
out little hope for providing the so-
called marginal operator with a decent
Why, then, has he abolished the one
USDA agency specifically set up to deal
with this problem?
Mr. President, I believe that we who
believe that something can be done to
stem the flood of rural to urban migra-
tion deserve the answers to this question.
Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, on July
15, 1969, I introduced the Urban and
Rural Education Act of 1969, S. 2625.
Because of the importance of the bill
in helping to deal with the education
crisis that exists in rural and urban
America, I have been placing in the
ters endorsing the measure.
Today, I ask unanimous consent that
two letters from the State of Pennsyl-
vania be printed in the RECORD; one let-
ter from Superintendent Kishkunas of
Pittsburgh, and the other from Superin-
tendent Shedd from Philadelphia, both
calling for the enactment of the bill.
Superintendent Shedd said that he is
"quite excited about its possibilities."
Superintendent Shedd continued:
This Act, is indeed a significant start in
providing this funding and affording us the
opportunity to overcome the educational
handicaps faced by so many of our children.
There being no objection, the letters
were ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
Philadelphia, Pa., August 26, 1969,
U.S. Senate,
Committee on Armed Services,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR MURPHY: After having care-
fully reviewed the Urban and Rural Educa-
tion Act of 1969, I am quite excited about its
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were increased for two cruisers and two
smaller vessels. Funds totaling $154.5 million
were added for general ship construction and
conversion. All these additions were in ex-
cess of the Administration's submission. Riv-
ers added the money in a successful Com-
mittee amendment.
Reps. Nedzi (D-Mich.), and Whalen (It-
Contractor Profits Study Amendment
This amendment would require the Gen-
eral Accounting Office to provide the Armed
Services Committees by December 31, 1970,
with a study of the profits-made by contrac-
tors and subcontractors on negotiated con-
tracts with the DOD. It provides the GAO
with subpoena power to obtain needed in-
- Explanation
There is no recent study of profits on
negotiated defense-related contracts which
Is comprehensive or objective. Partial studies
have developed widely differing figures. A
DOD-supported study indicated that profits
were generally low, however a study by a
recently-appointed Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury indicated the profits were 155%
of the industry average. There is no dispnte
over the ability of GAO to carry out such a
study. The amendment is supported by the
Comptroller General.
Senate action
This amendment passed the Senate by an
85-0 vote. It was endorsed by Chairman Sten-
nis of the Senate Armed Services Committie.
House committee action
Rep. Jacobs (D-Ind.).
Bomber defense amendment
This amendment would incorporate the
specified cuts made by the Senate Armed
Services Committee into the House Armed
Services Committee's bill. The Senate de-
leted $45.0 million for the new AWACS air-
borne radar system, $16.0 million for an im-
proved CONUS interceptor, and $75.0 mil-
lion for the new SAM-D missile.
The House should support the careful
analysis given these items by the Senate
Armed Services Committee and delete them.
The Soviet manned bomber threat is small
and primitive, and there are rio signs that
a new bomber force is being developed. Our
present system was hastily constructed at a
cost of tens of billions of dollars, is of low
effectiveness, and, in view of the threat, has
almost no use. Development of a multi-
billion dollar improved system should be
deferred until the threat is carefully re-
examined. There is also little point in de-
veloping protection from bombers when a
workable ABM is not available.
Proponents of the new system argue that
they will deter the Soviet Union from con-
structing another manned bomber; and if
they do not, the Russians will have to spend
billions extra on their bomber program to
penetrate U.S. defenses.
Senate action
The Senate Armed Services Committee not
only deferred funding of the program, but
required the Defense Department to produce
a detailed analysis of the Soviet bomber
threat before submitting further requests for
House committee action
No similar amendment was offered in the
Committee. Chairman Rivers specifically ex-
empted these systems from his across-the-
board R & D fund cut in H.R. 14000.
Rep. Reuss (D-Wis.)
The Aircraft Carrier Amendment
This amendment would defer authoriza-
tion of funds for the third and fourth nuclear
carriers, CVAN-69 and CVAN-70, pending a
study of the foreign-policy and strategic roles
of carriers, their vulnerability, and their
costs. The study would be made by the Senate
and House Foreign Affairs and Armed Serv-
ices Committees. Funds deferred by this
amendment would total $483.0 million.
The U.S. is the only nation in the world to
maintain an extensive carrier fleet, and the
purpose of that strategy has never been
critically examined. Naval capital ship force
levels have been set at 15 since 1921, except
during wartime. Carriers are symbols of the
U.S. "world-policeman" foreign policy. The
annual operating costs of carriers exceed $5
billion, exclusive of investment in the new
multi-billion-dollar nuclear task forces.
Opponents argue that carriers ar sub-
stitutes for land bases, are necessary for
quick involvement in overseas conflicts, and
can deter brushfire wars by demonstrating
the U.S. presence.
Senate action
A similar amendment was defeated in the
Senate by a vote of 75 to 7 after its sponsors
(Mondale & Case) unsuccessfully tried to
withdraw it in favor of a substitute approv-
ing CVAN-69 but requiring a study of the
role of carriers before funding any additional
carriers. As a result, the two sponsors and
and other supporters voted against their
original amendment and in favor of their
substitute amendment which was approved
by a vote of 81 to 0.
House committee action
The House Armed Services Committee not
only approved DOD's request for CVAN-69
by authorizing $383.0 million ($5.9 million
more than requested) , but it also approved
an additional $100.0 million?which was not
requested?for CVAN-70.
Chairman Rivers also formed a Sea Power
Subcommittee this year to publicize the
status of the U.S. and Soviet fleets and the
difficulty the Navy has encountered in pro-
ceeding with its $30 billion shipbuilding
Reps. Moorehead (D-Pa.) ; and Gude
Manpower amendment
This amendment would require that the
overall strength of the Armed Forces be
reduced by the number of men withdrawn
from Vietnam.
An estimated 800,000 men have been added
to the Armed Forces as a result of the war,
of which only 540,000 have been stationed
in Vietnam at one time. In order to return
to peacetime levels, men withdrawn from
Vietnam will have to be either discharged
from the Armed Forces or, if redeployed, be
matched by cuts in other forces. This amend-
ment would provide for such conservative
reductions. The restriction would be elimi-
nated in the event a President?or Con-
gress?declared national emergency.
Senate action
The Senate approved a similar amendment
by a vote of 71 to 10.
House committee action
The Committee rejected tying troop level
reductions to Vietnam troop withdrawals.
However, the Committee bill does require a
troop reduction of 176,000 by June 30, 1970.
Rep. Mikva (D-I11.)
Monday, September 29, 1969
Mr. RARICK. Mr. Speaker, in the en-
tire Mediterranean area, the left con-
sistently attacks only the Governments
of Greece and Spain. This program fol-
lows the pattern which I last week
pointed out in connection with the con-
tinued leftist assault* on the Govern-
ments of South Africa, Rhodesia, and
Whenever free men have defeated
communism they can immediately ex-
pect to be subjected to the repeated slurs
and smears of the international left.
Americans are rightfully concerned
about the threat of a Red Mediterra-
nean?especially since an attack on one
of our warships, flying the American flag,
in daylight and in international waters
has already cost American lives. And
Americans should be aware that the
Russian fleet is welcomed in all ports of
the Mediterranean except those of
Greece and Spain.
The present Government of Greece is
pro-American and anti-Communist. The
distorted press constantly maligns the
Government of Greece as a military dic-
tatorship, but fails to remind its readers
that this coup by loyal Greek officers
foiled a Communist takeover of their
To balance hysterical extremists at-
tacks by the left on Greece largely by
those who have never visited that coun-
try or by those who are fugitives from
Greek justice, it is truly refreshing to
read an objective report by a distin-
guished American writer of unquestioned
Patriotism who gives his personal one-
the-scene account of the situation which
actually exists in the cradle of democ-
Mr. Speaker, I include two reports
from Greece by Victor Riesel, as follows:
(By Victor Riesel)
ATHENS, Greece.?It's all very relaxed in
the gardens and foyers of the old Parliamen-
tary palace. You pass the usual single guard
with the usual single gun. Then into the
usual vaulted gilded rooms of ancient royalty.
And soon you are with a very informal
Prime Minister who doesn't mind if you spill
hot Greek coffee on his new desk and doesn't
look, act, talk nor dodge questions like a
military dictator world intellectuals make
him out to be.
After an hour of coffee and questions Prime
Minister George Papadopoulos chuckled when
I said on departing I had come expecting to
find a tough soldier but had found him to be
a social devolutional and intellectual.
He is both. Why then do American intellec-
tuals and many world labor leaders attack
him and his military junta each day? The
answer is that he is not their kind of intel-
Prime Minister Papadopoulos is anti-Com-
munist. He is pro-American. He runs the only
Balkan nation outside the iron curtain.
His nation?parliament-less though it is
?loathes the dictatorships to the north. In
the words of one of the Prime Minister's
cabinet members, Greece is an ally of the
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September 29, PlIW EtCri1/4KR?931t5NRE egt TADeLlg9/9
viet Union, there is no hard evidence that
the Soviets intend or would even be able to
challenge the U.S. deterrent in the neat
decade. Should a threat materialize, the evi-
dence will be clear enough to allow adequate
time to permit countermeasure,. In atil
event, Safeguard is not the optimum re-
sponse to a Soviet threat. There is doulal
about the workability of the system. Even if it
did Work, it could be easily overwhelmed.
Senate action
T e Safeguard ABM request was approvec
by tie Senate in a series of VOUS followill
an i tensive two month debate, The two ke3
vote S were the Smith amendment to proceec
with any alternative but Safeguard, whiar
failed in a 50 to 50 deadlock, and the Hart-
Cooper amendment to proceed With R. & 121
but defer deployment, which failed by a volt
of 51 to 49. `
The earlier'vote in the Senate Aimed Sery-
ices Committee also carried by a narrow mar-
gin, IO to 7 with 1 abstention_
House committee action
e Committee, in an unusual move, heard
ony both for and against the ABI1.1
witnesses inside and outside the DOD
. Leggett moved to delete 045.5 milliqr
the procurement request and $200.(
n from the R & D request The amend-
was defeated by a vote of 30 to 8.
Reps. Leggett (D.-Calif.) and Whalen (*-
Ohio .
IF-5 Freedom Fighter amendment
This amendment would delete $36 millien
in R & D for the Northrup P-5 Freedom
Figh er, leaving $12 million for It & D and
all o the $4 million for procurement. The
rema fling funds are to be used to subsidize
the rivate industry development of the
The amendment supports the Administra-
tion. DOD feels it should not underwrite
the costs to private industry of developing
another aircraft with which to equip our al-
lies and sell to other nations. the DOD be-
lieve that developmental costs of the F-5
shou el be low, and that, if it is saleable,
Northrup will easily make good its invest-
ment. Accordingly, the DOD requested Ile
funci for this program.
Senate action
Bedause the DOD did not request theSe
fund, the Senate did not deal with the F-$.
The nate-approved bill contains no money
for tie F-5 subsidy.
House committee action
Ch irman Rivers has been concerned fel'
some time about the expense of equipping
allies with aircraft from our present force,
and bout loss of sales to U.S. companies
from foreign competition. He maintains that
the Air Force should pay for the develop-
ment of a cheaper aircraft. On the last day
of markup, when $52 million of C 5A funds
were released, he transferred the money to
the Northrup F-5. Rep. Leggett moved to
change this amount to $26 million; but this
motiqn was defeated in the Committee.
Rep. Leggett (D-Calif.)
SRAM amendment
Th s amendment would duplicate the ac-
tion of the Senate Armed Services Commit-
tee in cutting $17.0 million from it & D and
$60.4 million from procurement, a $77.4 mil-
lion atal. The amendment would leave $67.7
milli On for R St D.
The SRAM air-ground strategic nuclear
missile program is two years behind sched-
ule, has a cost overrun of 194% of the orig-
3 IL 3 20003-9
inal estimate, and has yet to produce a
successful series of flight tests, The R & D
program is considered one of the worst-
managed in years. The missile was designed
for the B-52, which may not still be flying
when SRAM becomes operational, and the
FE-111, which was not finally designed
when SRAM design started. Every time the
FB-111 design changed, SRAM design had to
be altered. The missile calls for a motor
which did not exist when the proposal was
approved, and still does not workaatevetthe-
less, a successful SRAM could lessen the need
for AMSA, and for that reason further R. & D
might be warranted.
Senate action
The Senate Armed Services Committee
moved to slow down development by cutting
& D by $17`:0 million. Because no working
mod6ls w94e yet available, the Committee
voted to Aelete procurement request of $0.4
million fu production and $40.0 million for
B-52 in rface modification.
House committee action
Rep. Le ett introduced this amendment
In the Co ittee, but was defeated. Chair-
man Rivers cempted SRAM in H.R. 14000
from his 0.8% cross-the-board R & D cut.
Rep. Leggett (D-balif )
GAO auditinkmendment
This amendment would quire DOD to
submit quarterly reports on jor weapons
systems and projects In R & fl,,or produc-
tion. The reports would be audited by the
General Accounting Office and tr smitted
to the Congress. The GAO would.\e em-
powered to conduct independent au ts of
the projects and to saopoena books khich
defense contractors have in the past re ed
to supply.
Recent testimony has indicated that majo
defense contractors haae kept two sets of
accounts when cost overruns or delays were
developing in projects. Similarly, the services
have hidden information on mismanagement
from the Secretary of Defense. DOD has also
attempted to prevent Co:agress from receiving
information on cost and schedule changes in
major contracts. The amendment would es-
tablish a reporting system designed to im-
prove the quality and quantity of informa-
tion sent to the Congress on major defense
Senate action
The Senate passed a similar amendment
(the Schweiker amendment) by a vote of 47-
46. The Senate Armed Services Committee
has set up an informal reporting system
partially accomplishing the purpose of the
amendment. The Schweiker amendment
focused on contracts, rather than programs
(which include contracts). It is generally
felt, therefore, that the House amendment is
an improvement over the Senate-passed
House committee actio
A similar 'amendment was defeated in the
House Armed Services Committee. H.R. 14000
require the DOD to provide all information
requested specifically by the Armed Services
Committees, and to keep the Committees
informed about current DOD activities. In
Committee testimony, Comptroller-General
Stoats generally endorsed some kind of cost-
reporting system for the Congress.
Reps. Podell (D-N.Y.) and Whalen (H-
CBW amer.dment
This amendment would establish a semi-
annual reporting procedure on expenditures
and programs for CBW and prohibit de-
velopment of delivery vehicles for lethal
agents. It would also prohibit secrecy in
E 7939
foreign and domestic shipping and storage
of material, thereby improving U.S. com-
pliance with international treaty commit-
ments. It would also ensure notice of open-
air testing, and put a ceiling on stockpiles
as of June 30, 1970. It does not cut any
funds from the bill.
DOD research, testing, shipping, and stor-
age programs for CBW have repeatedly
rfroved unsafe in recent years, culminating in
accidehts and injuries both in the U.S. and
abroad. The program has been conducted in
such secrecy that neither thea Congress not
the electorate can review or even be aware
of the costs and dangers involved. Current
CBW shipping and storage practices present
a public danger of contamination by ac-
cidentally released toxid agents.
Secretary Laird has stated that this
amendment is consistent with both public
safety and national security.
Senate action
A slightly more restrictive amendment
amendment passed the Senate 91 to 0, with
Senate Armed Services Committee Chair-
man Stennis voting for it.
In the Senate Armed Services Committee,
all funds for R & D on offensive chemical
and biological agents were deleted,- a total
of $16.0 million.
House committee action
A similar amendment was offered but re-
jected in the House Armed Services Com-
mittee. Part of the R & D funds for CBW
may be affected by the Committee's 9.8%
across-the-board It & D cut. The DOD ap-
parently did not reaffirm its support for this
amendment to the Committee, and the Com-
mittee did not alter the original DOD request.
Reps. Neclzi (D-Mich.) and McCarthy (D-
Naval shipbuilding amendment
The amendment would eliminate $1,923.3
illion added to the bill by Chairman Rivers,
ereby restoring the level of funding to the
A nistration's reclamma (revised request
fol owing Senate action).
T e Administration's request was only
slig tly modified by the Senate Armed Serv-
ices ommittee and the Administration con-
curr d in this action. Chairman Rivers' bil-
lion dollar increase primarily affects support
vess ls rather than firstline ships. National
sec ity is not impaired by deferring funding
un I required in the Navy's established ship-
bu ding and conversion program. The huge
s proposed to be added in MR. 14000 could
s ously upset the entife Naval moderniza-
on plan. Passage of the amendment would
upport the Administration's position as re-
flected in the original request and in the re-
Senate action
The Senate Armed Services Committee
added $152.7 million for an additional nu-
clear attack submarine but deleted $186.7
million for three FDL (Fast Deployment
Logistics) ships. Extensive floor debate on the
role of carriers culminated in passage of an
amendment to re-study the entire role of
carrier-centered fleets before approval of the
next capital ship, CVAN-70. The Senate Au-
thorization was concurred in by DOD.
House committee action
Chairman Rivers approved funds for ship-
building and conversion exceeding the Sen-
ate and the Navy's program by $1,023.3 mil-
lion. The House Armed Services Committee
did not restore the FDL ships, deleted by the
Satiate, but added funds for construction of
two additional nuclear ships (one carrier and
one cruiser), six additional major vessels, and
eighteen additional lesser ships. (See page
14 for complete add-on), Conversion funds
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September 29, E 7941
Americans and will continue as long as it is
not "the slave of the Slays."
Apparently many an American intellectual,
and especially the bearded Victor Reuther
(heavy spending director of the United Auto
Workers Union International Dept.), take all
this as a personal insult.
Walter Reuther, for example, has visited
Yugoslavia and accepted Marshall Tito's hos-
pitality. But the Detroit redhead would not
visit Greece. Why? Doesn't the state-con-
trolled radio of Yogoslavia daily blister the
U.S. foreign policy? Of course it does.
Doesn't Greece cooperate with the U.S. and
its armed forces and its foreign and ccmimer-
cial policies each day? Of course it does. Why
then is there empathy for Marshal Tito's
Yugoslavia and enmity for Prime Minister
Papadopoulos's Greece?
For example, European labor leaders have
forced the International Labor Organization
(ILO) of Geneva, Switzerland to investigate
Greece's handling of the labor movement
here, called the General Confederation of
Greek Labor (GSEE) which had and still
has some 100,000 members. Western European
labor leaders, many egged on by the Reuthers,
want Greece expelled from the ILO because
the movement here has been reorganized by
the military junta.
But, now hear this! These very same labor
leaders happily sit with Communist "union"
chiefs on the ILO governing board. They rub
shoulders with Communist Bloc labor men
who often are members of the secret police
or controlled by them, sent to Geneva by
Bulgaria (represented on the governing
board), Hungary, Poland, the Soviet Union,
etc. The ILO approves aid to Poland and the
dispatch of electronic and computer scientists
to Communist lands. They sit with Ahmed
Fahim, whom I have met personally in Cairo,
head of the United Arab Federation of Labor.
Mr. Fahim is rigidly controlled by Col.
Nasser's secret police. He is violently anti-
Israel and despises America.
Western labor leaders and intellectuals will
fraternize with these men, yet they want
Greece booted from the. ILO?which under
the direction of an American Director Gen-
eral, Dave Mone, is investigating Greek labor.
Well, the Greek labor law is tough. It says
that the old crowd has had it real fine and
now Greek labor leaders must work in the
Industry at least 100 days a year and must
have worked that much time each year for
the past six years to qualify for leadership.
And the law says that a union can strike
for only three days if it doesn't get the ap-
proval of the rank and file at a membership
meeting. Well, perhaps there will be no
strikes under the military rule. But no one
here gets shot, no one is imprisoned in slave
labor camps as they are in the USSR. And
what of the Czech. labor movement. And what
of the Soviet "Labor federation"? Is it not
headed by Alexander Shelepin, former head
of the Soviet secret police.
Of course, it is. Yet Victor Reuther ap-
proves of this Soviet movement?and inci-
dentally of the Soviet educational system.
Very much so. But he and his colleagues and
friend Melina Mercouri, the actress, and her
husband of old Hollywood and Zorba the
Greek fame doesn't approve of Greek educa-
tional reform. Why?
Until the military revolution led by Col.
George Papadopoulos in April, 1967 (he is
now minister of education as well as prime
minister) the universities here were corrupt.
College students had to pay anywhere from
$15 to $20 for each book. The books were writ-
ten by the professors who received heavy
royalties. And the books were bought in col-
lege bookstores which sent lists of purchasers
to the professors so they would know who
was the "good" student and the bad.
The professors lived handsomely. So well,
indeed, that they would stay on forever. It
got so that 76 was middle age. They bought
land and built villas. The educational system
was in the worst, most corrupt ehaos. At one
law school, some 750 students would crowd
Into a theatre, which was a movie house at
night, to hear the professor's lecture,
Professors were paid to give final exams.
And you know the rest.
Now all universities and colleges are free.
All books are free. All professors retire at 65.
The acquisitive ones, all quite wealthy, were
discharged, purged, booted out; call it what
you will. Student bus fares, mess hall costs
and dormitory payments have been drasti-
cally slashed.
The Ministry of Education, where in the
past not one employee could speak a foreign
language fluently, has been reorganized.
There is a law that all letters and applica-
tions must be answered in a week. In the past
such mail was ignored for four years.
New universities are going up. .
Some of the world's most modern colleges
are being built here by the military junta
the intellectuals needle so much. I'm asked
especially to flag professor John Kenneth
Galbraith to come and see. He'll notice, inci-
dentally, no sandbags, no milita on the
streets and in the universities as in Com-
munist cities; just outdoor cafes where you
can cuss the government and the service.
A $50 million college is being built on 400
acres here in Athens, another on 800 in
Patras, still another 800 acres are being
readied for a university at Ioannia. And the
university of Salonika is being expanded. Yet
this is a small nation of 8 million.
Today students need only qualify scho-
lastically to enter universities. They qualify
by taking exams, even as in the U.S.-academic
exams. Not political.
Let's not mistake it. This nation is being
ruled by a military junta. It replaced one of
the most corrupt, dirtiest, landgrabbing re-
gimes in history. The documents are here to
prove it.
There is no democracy as we know it. There
Is no parliament, But I have read some of the
old pork barrel laws. They make our House
of Representatives look like a mock Congress.
But freedom for freedom, Greece will
match and, as in the days of Marathon, out-
race the Communist totalitarianism to the
north. Why then is this vital ally of the U.S.
being hacked by the same camarilla which
woos the avowed enemies of America? Makes
no sense.
'ATHENS, Ganzcz.?Absorbing the Greek has
been a tough assignment for the communist
international apparatus and its underground
here which plays political blackmail by
threatening anticommunist Americans with
unpleasant plastic bombs.
The point of the bomb is to have us rush
to the nearest cable office and warn President
Nixon not to be friendly to this little beach-
lined nation because of its military govern-
For those of us who know that "Never on
Sunday" is not Greece's national anthem,
this blackmail by explosion obscures a few
facts of geopolitical life: Greece?and some
do believe our own national interests?is in
a Maoist-Moscow pincer.
Over in Albania, ruled by Premier Enver
Hoxha's Communist Worker Party, is a con-
centration of Peking air, naval, submarine,
military and nuclear missile "Advisers."
That's on one Greek border. On another is the
operational head-quarters of the Soviet's
"Slav Section." That's in Bulgaria. And over
yonder is Tito's Yugoslavia. Not very pleasant
Meanwhile, welcome in Greece are some
key U.S. bases, a most strategic mammoth
NATO complex on Crete and a warm recep-
tion for the sleek U.S. Sixth Fleet which
weighs anchor here regularly.
Now that this backdrop is painted along
with the Acropolis, the Parthenon and Olym-
(By Victor Wesel)
pus, one can turn to the outcries against the
military strong men now running the Greek
government. We hear from Congressman Don
Edwards (0-Calif.) and some 47 other Rep-
resentatives that this is a very bad thing.
But we don't hear outcries from Mr. Ed-
wards and his colleagues for the withdrawal
of our ambassador from Peru, where the lef t-
wing military government has ordered the
shooting and capture of American fishing
boats; or for the withdrawal of recognition
from the Soviet Union whose troops machine-
gunned university youngsters in Prague's
martyred streets the other day; or for the
end of diplomatic relations with brutally
anti-Semitic Poland.
Fact is, the Greek government of 26 min-
isters and minister-alternates, of which three
are former army men, is tough. But not as
tough as any of the governments on its
border?governments with which Congress-
man Edwards would exchange cultural mis-
There are at least 56 cruel slave-labor
camps, including the unknown Potma, in the
Soviet Union, camps in which APL-CIO
President George Measly says tens of thou-
sands of workers, writers and intellectuals are
dying slow, brutal deaths.
There are no slave labor camps in Greece.
It is not true that "hundreds of thousands"
of oppositionists have been picked up by a
secret police. There are no dragnets.
There are about 1,700 prisoners who could
be labelled "political." Most of them, about
1,100 are on the Aegean island of Leros. About
100 of them are women. Some 500 can leave
for their city homes and villages immediately
If they sign agreements not to agitate against
the government.
The professorial Minister of Justice from
the University of Salonika, Dias Kyriako-
poulos, who answered my questions for more
than an hour and a half, says they can go free
even if they give their word verbally.
He adds they don't want to get out of the
island detention because they fear they'll be
liquidated by the Communist underground
if, when free, they refuse to take orders.
There are informed sources who say those
who refuse, do so on principle and fear noth-
ing. But no one disputes they can go free.
This would leave about 600 on the island.
At least 500 of these are hard-core commu-
nists with long "CP" records, many of whom
have been picked up by previous administra-
No doubt some noncommunist, antigovern-
ment activists have been picked up and im-
prisoned elsewhere?but so have the remains
of their bombs been picked up along with
many wounded.
Many leaders of what were political par-
ties before the April 21, 1967 military revolu-
tion come and go as they wish. They can
leave the country. They can practice their
professions. They can agitate. True, some
can't leave Greece, They're a handful, how-
ever, but neither can one take a taxi from
his home to Moscow's airport and live it up
In the free world.
One of those who loves Greece is Panos
G. Troumbounis, leader of the newspaper-
men's union which is the counterpart of
the U.S. American Newspaper Guild, AFL-
CIO. He is unhappy. He thinks the draft of
the proposed press law is too tough, too re-
strictive, too tight to permit his followers
to get the news, write it and comment freely
on it.
We talked about this for a long time In
his headquarters. He's a newsman's news-
man. The get-it and print-it type.
But he's free. He argues with strong man,
Prime Minister George Papadopoulos. He
moves in and out of Greece. He goes to meet-
ings of the International Federation of
Journalist in Belgium and Switzerland and
agitates for resolutions critical of Greece's
press laws,
And Mr. Troumbounis says that he has
not been threatened nor told to stay home,
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E 7942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of
Only one newspaper has been shut down
since the revolution?the official co mmu-
fist daily. Two new ones are publishing. No
' editions of any paper have been snap ended
I or banned.
I One, in Salonika, was held up for arint-
ing a picture of the million-dollar-a-year
' 1King Constantine at the mauguratinn of
1President Nixon. When the Prime NU-lister
iwas told .of this by brother Trournth }lulls,
[word flashed immediately said the paw r rot-
ler in two hours. A second daily was held
Lm for an afternoon.
[ There are now newsmen in prison here.
if one is picked up for collahoration With the
underground, the newspaper union chief
tllerts the Prime Minister and the reporter
s freed.
, And, while we're talking about Salonika,
Which for many hundreds of years untL the
Nazi storm troopers invaded this land, was
the center of great Jewish learning, let' 3 for
ILfleeting second look at freedom of reii ;ion,
here is absolute freedom of worship The
omen Catholic minority and the soviv-
6,000 persons of Jewish faith go to their
churches and temples in utter freedom..
' They are freer here than in any coin 'lin-
net land. All of which is not to say that the
gime is not tough, nor that IL believee hat
erten measures and Draconic laws are
necessary, or that they featherbed the op-
p sition.
But why is this a reason for alienating an
a ly in a part of the world where we Lave
ghty few? Why is this a reason for de-
priving Greece of arms when it is unispar-
nig of its soil, and its sons, in defense of the
free world?
[Why suddenly is it the fashion in Some
circles back home to skewer Greece beca ise
it has a tough government,- yet fawn on
the totalitarianism of the Soviet Union?
Why are we asked to desert our Greek at ies
yet woo the mocking military regime In
P u and tolerate those who once shay ed
H Ho Ho?
Why the double standard?
Monday, September 29, 1969
Mr. FELIX. Mr. Speaker, I strongly
support President Nixon's proposed rob- -
nue sharing with State and loaf 1
gov mments,
Ten years ago I incorporated this id e 1
of evenue sharing in a bill to providc
assit ance to the States in Meeting tienee s of education. My idea was to re-
a percentage of the income tax co/
lected by the Federal Government to thi
respective States in lieu of Federal aid to
education. By this means I hoped to
avoid Federal control of our schools
which I think are properly the responsi-
bility of the States. Likewise such deci-
sions as compulsory busing of school-
children to provide racial balance, to me,
are properly a matter for local school
boards and the parents who elect them.
However, I think the basic argument
In favor of revenue sharing is that it
would protect our dual system of govern-
ment and federalism under the Consti-
tution against eventual control.
The States and local communities
have been desperately attempting to
meet their nee& for adequate public
service. More and more they have been
forced to turn to the Federal Govern-
ment for money and the result of this
growing dependence on Federal largess
has been more and more control on the
national level. In many instances Federal
programs bypass local authorities who
certainly know best their own needs and
So, as I say, Mr. Speaker, I applaud
the President in asking Congress to pro-
vide means of financing State and local
needs without the Federal Government
saying how and where the money must be
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Remarks September 29, 1969
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roved Ftra?
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September 24 1M
S 11241
substantial improvements over the pres-
ent system. Under this bill, various State
eligibility standards will be more uni-
form. The bill would permit direct com-
modity distribution during the transition
to a food stamp program. With the adop-
tion of this bill, the food stamp program
should prove so attractive that most
counties would prefer to participate in
the program rather than the commodity
distribution program.
Of course, no program changes would
mean anything without a massive in-
fusion of additional funds. I believe that
the Senate Agriculture Committee has
responded generously by increasing the
appropriation authorization from $315
million in fiscal year 1969, to $750 mil-
lion in fiscal 1970, and one and five-tenth
billion dollars in each fiscal year, 1971
and 1972.
In my mind, one of the strong points
of S. 2547 is the fact that it provides for
needed improvements in the food stamp
program within the framework of the
Department of Agriculture. Here a late,
there has been substantial agitation to
move the food programs from the De-
partment of Agriculture to the Depart-
ment of Health, Education, and Welfare.
I can see no justification for such a
move. An objective appraisal should con-
vince any observer that the shortcom-
ings of our food programs in the past
have not been due to the inherent in-
adequacy of the Department of Agri-
culture, but to restrictive legislation and
Inadequate funding. Employees of the
Department of Agriculture have consid-
erable expertise in administering food
programs. They are some of the most
dedicated and capable of our public
Certainly, the Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare appears to have
enough problems it cannot solve with-
out giving it the additional responsibility
of feeding the hungry of the 'Nation.
Until such time as I am shown that the
Department of Health, Education, and
Welfare can do a better job of feeding
hungry people than the Department of
Agriculture, I shall fight the transfer of
food programs with every resource at my
The bill now before the Senate pro-
vides the legislative framework and nec-
essary funding to enable the Department
of Agriculture to get the job done. Let us
give that Department a chance.
Mr. President, I do not believe that any
Member of this body will deny that there
Is considerable hunger and malnutrition
in this country. I believe that we all real-
ize that it is indefensible for a country
with as much agricultural abundance as
ours to continue to tolerate this na-
tional disgrace.
I urge the Senate to act now to pass
this food stamp legislation so that the
House may have an opportunity to act
before the end of the year. There is no
excuse for delay. The facts are on the
table. It is within our capacity to allevi-
ate hunger and malnutrition in this
country now.
Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, I sug-
gest the absence of a quorum.
will call the roll.
The bill clerk proceeded to call the roll. ?
Mr. HARTKE. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that the order for
the quorum call be rescinded.
objection, it is sof red.
Mr. HARTKE. Mr. President, since the
June 1967 Arab-Israeli war, we have all
rediscovered the tragedy of the Arab
refugees. Unfortunately many have con-
cluded either that their fate was un-
avoidable or that the Israelis must be
at fault. Articles appear frequently with
full-scale color photos of ragged children
with empty soup bowls. Columnists note
that Al Fatah finds its recruits primarily
among the Arab refugees. United Nations
relief workers shake their heads and
complain that no solution appears pos-
sible. We are led to believe that it was
always so. Nothing could be further from
the truth.
The Arab refugee has a little-known
counterpart. In the aftermath of the
1948 war for independence, the Arab
States summarily expelled or condoned
harassment of their substantial Jewish
populations, From Algeria to Yemen and
Egypt to Syria, Jewish communities dat-
ing from the fall of the second temple
in A.D. 70 were uprooted and thrust to-
ward Israel. In many states the largest
part of the nation's merchant classes
left with the clothes they could pack in
a duffel bag.
In the 21 years since, the energies and
compassion of Israel have absorbed al-
most all of this second disaspora. It was
an act of faith that embraced the dis-
possessed and sponsored in the first
months of Israel nationhood, the largest
refugee settlement program the world
has ever seen.
The problem was very similar to the
problem facing the Arab States. There
were 450,000 Jewish refugees, perhaps a
hundred thousand more than the origi-
nal Arab exodus. They were Sephardic
Jews, often illiterate, with Arabic back-
grounds completely foreign to the West-
tern, modern culture of Israel. They had
been expelled from communities with
nearly 2,000 years of family and tradi-
All of the rhetoric of imperialism self-
righteously used by Arab socialists?the
expropriation of land traditionally be-
longing to the native, the displacement
of the native artisan?applies as well to
the Middle Eastern Jew expelled by Arab
socialists. Like many other third world
refugees, he too was suddenly deprived of
property valued for thousands of years;
he too faced a new and incomprehensible
world; he too suffered the trauma of
scampering from a reign of terror.
Unlike the Arab refugee, though, the
Middle Eastern Jew had no offer of com-
pensation and surely no offer to return
to the home of his fathers. Unlike the
Arab refugee, he escaped to a world of
technology, industry, and knowledge
which he barely, if at all, understood.
And unlike the Arab refugee, he and one
half million others fled to a nation al-
ready burdened with the survivors of
Auschwitz. It is one of the human won-
ders of our age that nearly no American
has ever heard of a Middle Eastern Jew-
ish refugee. Twenty years later, they are
the citizens of Israel, the sinews of one
of the world's newest and fastest growing
nations and a reproach to every nation
that has refused its compassion to the
The fate of the Arab refugees is a chill-
ing contrast. In the paroxysm of Israel's
birth, with Arab armies poised on three
sides, terrified Arabs succumbed to the
urging of Palestinian newspapers and
Egyptian radios and fled their homes.
Believing that the victorious Arab leg-
ions would wipe the Israelis off the face
of the earth, they left with their kitchen-
ware, children and clothes, expecting to
return in a matter of weeks and share
in the spoils of a new Palestine.
The bravado of Arab airwaves in 1948
began the wandering trek, that over 211
years has led to hopelessness. Rejected,
despite the rhetoric of Arab brotherhood,
by the states suroundidg Palestine, the
refugees languish in explosive boredom.
Life degenerates to a fantasy where vio-
lence and violence alone intersects real-
ity. It is here that Al Fatah recruits. It
is here that the Middle East burns. It
is here that hatred is fueled by squalor.
Until the Arab refugee is embraced by
societies that want him. The Middle East
will continue to burn.
The responsibility for the million lives
that waste in refugee camps belongs
uniquely to no one source, but should lie
heavily on the Arab conscience. Even
the Israelis have been more willing to
bear their burden of responsibility for
the Arab refugee. Lands formerly be-
longing to Arabs have long since become
part of the Israeli economy and should
either be returned or compensated for.
While obviously reluctant, since Pales-
tinian Arabs would be an extraordinary
security problem, Israel nonetheless has
offered to 100,000 the possibility of re-
turn, and to the rest, compensation for
their losses. Similar offers have been
made throughout the last 20 years. The
Arab world has refused to accept an
offer from the Israeli Government which
would mean implicit recognition of the
existence of the State of Israel?some-
thing no Arab politician has been will-
ing to do for the last 20 years. While
we might sympathize with the outraged
pride of the losers in 1948, we must
weigh in the balance the squalor of the
refugee camps in 1969.
Far less excusable than Arab refusal
to accept Israel funds is the treatment
doled out to the refugees by their broth-
ers in Islam. Channing B. Richardson,
professor of political science at Hamilton
College, N.Y., in his study of the refugee
problem, reports:
With a few exceptions, the refugees have
not been wanted in the countries into which
they have fled. Egypt evacuated the few
thousand refugees who fled there, turning
them back into the tiny Gaza strip and
maintaining close guard lest any of the
200,000 slip back. Lebanon places severe re-
strictions on the refugees who have fled into
her territories. Syria, with the largest usable
area of arable land upon which hundreds of
thousands could begin life anew, will accept
no more.
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iep-Tember 24, 1969
Only the tiny kingdom of Jordan
granted the refugees citizenship and be-
gan some tentative resettlement pro-
The reasons involved reflect no credit
on the Arab nations. Ininany cases, tight
control of the land by a few wealthy fam-
ilies has led to exploitation that no Pales-
tinian would accept. At times as much
as four-fifths of the crop could be de-
manded in return for seed and the use
of land. In many cases governments were
more interested in the foreign exchange
available in U.N. relief payments than
they were in genuine rdsettlement Each
successful self-supporting Palestinian
represented one less relief check and the
end to an easy flow of ha.rd Western cur-
rency. Nearly $425 million in relief has
flowed into the region; and with the
demands of modernization, Arab re-
gimes have, in effect, decided to sacrifice
the refugees to the eidgencies of de-
velopment. Finally, the refugees, sub-
sisting on United Natick-as checks can
afford to work for far lower wages than
the already low-paid Arab worker. Fear
of a flood of cheap labor has led to legal
restrictions on employment very Similar
to American immigration policy en the
Mexican border. While all of these rea-
sons are in some way understandable,
they do not add up to an impressive or
humanitarian record, and they certainly
undercut the often out' ageous moral
self-righteousness of Arab spoke ;men
crying about the fate of refugees.
The United States, Itself, is net en-
tirely free from blame. Since 1942, we
have blindly, though of good will fi-
nanced the U.N. refugee camps, sup-dart-
ing nearly 70 percent of the cost, The
Soviets, meanwhile, despite their claims
of undying friendship for the Arab peo-
ples, have refused all along to contribute
that first penny for refugee relief.. With
such policies, much like our welfare pro-
grams, we have made it economically
profitable for both the host country and
the refugee to remain mist ttled. Tht en-
tire program is a huge disincentil e to
solutions. Clearly a morelaumane and ul-
timately successful approach would pro-
Vide incentives in the learn of foreign
tredits for U.S. goods andmaterials. Fled
to a settlement progratn, the credits
could be limited to agricultural or in ills-
trial development programs that em-
ploy and settle the residents of the ref-
ugee camps. Naturally, some prot.:,sien
vould have to be made for the old, ;Ick,
r disabled among the refugees, but s are-
y that is not an insurmountable bar tier.
There is a precedent or refugee set-
tlement. Following the 1943 war, riEarly
100,000 Arab refugees illumined in Is-
rael. Over a several year period, tint Is-
raelis managed to asshriftate all but the
'hard core"?the disabled, the sick, the
Old, the very young. The Program pro-
duced the highest Arab per-capita wage
In the Middle East. No one should delude
Eomself into thinking that a U.S.-spon-
ored program is going to succeed im-
ediately, but we must, I think, .ake
he first step. With the lure of Am can
Amer can to be given or Withheld, Arab
lands might yet assimilate the refugees.
Mr. President, I have directed my re-
Marks today to the particular problem
of the Arab refugees, because there it
seemed that the United States might
make an immediate impact. But the
deeper problem remains?the problem of
finding a path to lasting peace in the
Middle East. For as we all recognize, the
tragic plight of the refugees will not be
fully alleviated until peace is attained.
Five months ago in this Chamber I had
occasion to remark that a settlement
could not be imposed by outside parties.
Nothing that has happened since then
leads me to change that view. Let me
therefore repeat
Peace will come to the Middle East when,
and only when, the direct parties to the con-
flict sit dawn together, and together resolve
their differences. This, in turn, will come
When, and only when, the Arab states are
prepared to concede the most elementary
point in international relations;_ Israel's right
to exist, and that, finally, will come when,
and only when, Israel's own strength and
America's firmness of purpose make it finally
and unequivocally clear that Israel is not
going to be overwhelmed by the weight of
Arab numbers and Soviet arms.
Let us hope, Mr. President, that re-
sponsible Arab leaders will grasp that
point before they themselves are engulfed
by the tidal wave of fanaticism which
their maneuverings threaten to loose.
Mr. BYRD of West Virginia, Mr. Presi-
dent, I suggest the absence of a quorum.
will call the roll.
The clerk proceded to call the roll.
Mr. BYRD of West Virginia, Mr. Presi-
dent, I ask unanimous consent that the
order for the quorum call be rescinded.
objection, it is so ordered.
Mr. BYRD of West Virginia, Mr. Presi-
dent, I ask unanimous consent that the
Senate stand in recess until 12:45 o'clock
objection, it is so erdered.
Thereupon (at 12 o'clock and 28 min-
utes p.m.) the Senate took a recess un-
till2 : 45 p.m.
At 12:45 p.m., the Senate reassembled,
and was called to order by the Presiding
Officer (Mr. CRANSTON in the chair).
A message from the House of Repre-
sentatives by Mr. Bartlett, one of its read-
ing clerks, announced that the House
had passed the bill .(S. 1075) to establish
a national policy for the environment; to
authorize studies, surveys, and research
relating to ecological systems, natural
resources, and the quality of the human
environment; and to establish a Board of
Environmental Quality Advisers, with
amendments, in which it requested the
concurrence of the Senate; that the
House insisted upon its amendments to
the bill, asked a conference with the
Senate on the disagreeing votes of the
two Houses thereon, and that Mr. GAR-
PELLY, and Mr. SAYLOR were appointed
managers on the part of the House at
the conference.
The message also announced that the
House had passed a bill (HR. 474) to es-
tablish a Commission on Government
Procurement, in which it requested the
concurrence of the Senate.
The message further announced that
Speaker had affixed his signature to the
enrolled bill (S. 1888) to change the
composition of the Commission for Ex-
tension of the U.S. Capitol, and it was
signed by the Vice President.
The Senate resumed the consideration
of the bill (S. 2547) to amend the Food
Stamp Act of 1964.
Mr. McGOVERV. Mr, President, I send
to the desk an amendment in the nature
of a substitute for the bill now before
the Senate, and ask that it be made the
pending business.
amendment will be stated.
The legislative clerk proceeded to read
the amendment.
Mr. MeGOVERN. Mr, President, I ask
unanimous consent that further reading
of the amendment be suspended.
objection, it is so ordered.
Mr. McGovEsx's amendment is on page
1 line 3 strike everything after the en-
acting clause through page 8 line 6, and
insert in lieu thereof the following:
SEC. 2. The rood Stamp Act of 1961 is
amended as follows:
"(1) Section 2 is amended to read as fol-
"'Sac. 2. It is hereby declared to be the
policy of Congress in order to promote the
general welfare, that the Nation's abundance
of food should be utilized cooperatively by
the States, the Federal Government, local
governmental unit,- and other agencies to
the maximum extent to safeguard the health
and well-being of the Nation's population
and provide adequate levels of food con-
sumption and nutrition among low-income
households. The Congress hereby fLnds that
increased utilization of foods in establish-
ing and maintaining adequate levels of food
consumption and nutrition will tend to cause
the distribution in a beneficial manner of
our agricultural abundances and will
strengthen our agricultural economy, as well
as result in more orderly marketing and dis-
tribution of food. To effectuate the policy
of Congress and the purposes of this Act, a
food stamp program, which will permit those
households with loW incomes to receive a
share of the Nation's food abundance suf-
ficient to provide them with adequate levels
of food consumption and nutrition, is here-
in authorized:
"(2) Subsection (b) of section 3 is
amended by adding at the end thereof a new
sentence to read as follows:
" 'The term "food" also means such prod-
ucts as the Secretary may determine to be
necessary for personal cleanliness, hygiene,
and home sanitation.'
"(3) The second sentence of subsection (e)
of section 3 is amended to read as follows:
"The term "household' shall also mean
, -
(1) a single indivichial living alone who has
cooking facilities and who purchases and
prepares food for home consumption, or (2)
an elderly person who meets the require-
ments of section 10(h) of this Act.'
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S 11210
to occur anytime that tensions exist be-
tween two or more countries. With re-
spect to the hijacker who requests polit-
ical asylum, the dangers of hijacking a
commercial aircraft are clearly so great
that nations acting responsibly should
agree to return the hijacker provided,
however, that he will be tried and pun-
ished only for the hijacking offense.
The concurrent resolution would make
It the sense of Congress that this should
be done.
I submit the concurrent resolution.
current resolution will be received and
appropriately referred.
The concurrent resolution (S. Con.
Res. 38) , which reads as follows, was
referred to the Committee on Commerce:
S. Cox. Rts. 38
Approved For Rtfaraggyiti/Ay :0867937_14411:9?114f100030 (m9190294 ber 24, 1969
In the pipeline the actual effect on
Greece's military posture, should Con-
gress not vote additional aid until next
year, would be minimal. There will, of
course, be some disruption in the flow
of arms, should full shipments be re-
sumed following a change in the char-
acter of the Greek Government. But the
United States cannot have its cake and
eat it too. I believe we should demon-
strate in no uncertain terms to the
world, and particularly to the Greeks
themselves, that the present Greek
Government does not enjoy the full
support of the United States and that
the arms spigot has been turned off
until a reasonably democratic govern-
ment emerges. To glut the pipeline fur-
AMENDMENT NO. 202 ther in view of the current situation in
Mr. SPARKMAN submitted an amend-
Greece will only add to the pressures to
up on the suspension policy.t, intended to be proposed by him, to I might point out that if future events
the bill (H.R. 13270) to reform the in- warrant a full resumption of military
come tax laws, which was referred to the
Committee on Finance and ordered to be add a supplemental authorization can al-
ways be requested by the administration.
Whereas the hijacking of the Trans World
Airlines Boeing 707 to Syria by Arab guer-
rillas on August 26, 1969 astonished respon-
sible governments that any government
would condone and associate itself with the
hijacking of a commercial airplane; and
Whereas the hijacking of any commercial
airplane greatly endangers the lives of the
passengers and crew of the airplane, and
results in delays and inconvenience to both
passengers and the airlines; and
Whereas in the past flight crew skills, air-
line policies, and favorable circumstances
have fortunately prevented a hijacking in-
cident from becoming a catastrophic airplane
accident; and
Whereas the hijacking of commercial air-
planes will cease only when an interna-
tional agreement is reached that recognizes
hijacking as a vicious international crime
and provides that the hijacker shall be
punished; and
Whereas the Tokyo Convention on hijack-
ing and certain other offenses committed
aboard aircraft, establishes sound interna-
tional law to promote safety of civil aviation,
but does not provide that the hijacker shall
be punished: Therefore be it
Resolved by the Senate of the United States
(The House of Representatives concurring),
That it is the sense of the Congress that the
Administration should act immediately to
enter into bilateral agreements with all na-
tions to provide for the mandatory extradi-
tion of a hijacker, including a hijacker who
requests political asylum to the flag country
of the hijacked aircraft; and be it further
RescrIved, That the bilateral agreements
shall provide that the hijacker who is ex-
tradited will be tried and punished only for
the hijacking offense.
North Vietnam with the requirements of
the Geneva Convention relative to the
treatment of prisoners of war.
objection, it is so ordered.
The Secretary of the Senate reported
that on today, September 24, 1969, he
presented to the President of the United
States the enrolled bill (S. 1888) to
change the composition of the Commis-
sion for Extension of the U.S. Capitol.
Mr. PELL. Mr. President, I submit an
amendment intended to be proposed by
me to the administration's foreign aid
bill, S. 2347, which would curtail military
aid to Greece.
Following the military coup in April
1967, the United States suspended ship-
ment of major arms to Greece and, al-
though there was modification of the
policy last fall, the suspension of major
items, such as tanks and aircraft, re-
mains in effect. But authorizations and
appropriations for military aid to Greece
have continued each year in the hope
that democratic government would be
restored, thus justifying a resumption of
arms deliveries. As a consequence, a siza-
ble backlog of weapons has accumulated
hi the pipeline.
As of June 30, 1968, $122 million In
military aid was available for delivery
which, together with the $37 million ap-
proved for fiscal 1969 made a total of
$159 million in arms aid available, twice
the highest annual arms aid program
provided Greece during the last 5 years.
The bulk of this amount remains unde-
livered, much of it composed of sus-
pended items.
But this is only a part of the picture.
In addition to the $159 million in regu-
lar military aid available in fiscal 1969
large quantities of surplus defense equip-
ment, originally costing $105 million,
were programed for Greece. Although
Defense officials explain that this is used
equipment and should only be counted at
a fraction of original cost, they look
through American, not Greek, eyes. To
our military men a used tank may be
worth only its value as junk. But to a
Greek military man a tank is a tank.
So the value to the Greeks of the surplus
arms set aside would be far higher than
the Pentagon cares to admit.
My amendment would not affect mili-
tary aid previously voted for Greece. It
would insure only that no additional aid
is programed until Congress gives its ap-
proval. With the large amount already
Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres-
ident, at the request of the Senator from
Indiana (Mr. BAYH) , I ask unanimous
consent that, at the next printing, the
names of the Senator from Nevada (Mr.
CANNON), the Senator from Mississippi
(Mr. EASTLAND), the Senator from Mich-
igan (Mr. GRIFFIN), the Senator from
Iowa (Mr. HUGHES), the Senator from
Washington (Mr. JAcicsoN) , the Senator
from Minnesota (Mr. McCARTHY), the
Senator from California (Mr. MURPHY),
and the Senator from Texas (Mr. YAR-
BOROUGH), be added as cosponsors of
Senate Resolution 243, a resolution ex-
pressing the sense of the Senate concern-
ing action by the United Nations for the
purpose of obtaining compliance by
And there is also the emergency author-
ity of section 506 of the Foreign Assist-
ance Act which permits the President to
provide up to $300 million in arms to
foreign countries from Defense Depart-
ment stocks if he deems it important to
the national security.
There is no cause for optimism over
the prospects for a return to truly demo-
cratic government for the unfortunate
people of Greece. We can hope for a
change, but mere hope is not a proper
basis for congressional approval of tens
of millions in military aid.
I hope that the Committee on Foreign
Relations will adopt my amendment.
amendment will be received, printed, and
appropriately referred.
The amendment (No. 203) was re-
ferred to the Committee on Foreign Re-
Mrs. SMITH of Maine (for herself and
Mr. GOLDWATER) submitted an amend-
ment, intended to be proposed by her,
to the bill (H.R. 11249) to amend the
John F. Kennedy Center Act to authorize
additional funds for such center, which
was ordered to lie on the table and to
be printed.
Mr. MATHIAS. Mr. President, I sub-
mit an amendment intended to be pro-
posed by me to S. 7, a bill to amend the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as
amended, and for other purposes.
This amendment is a short one in-
tended simply to augment the very con-
structive provisions of S. 7, which for the
first time would require compliance with
water quality standards by all activities
and facilities over which the Federal
Government has direct control or for
which Federal licenses or permits are re-
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September 24, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD? SENATE S11209
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 155-- ular emphasis on foreign policy con- rent resolution (S. Con. Res. 38) con-
*TRODUCTION OF A JOINT RIM - siderations. If the United States is to cerning the hijacking of commercial air-
OLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR 4-L be fully liable for the immediate effects craft.
sTuDY AND EVALUATION OF IN - of a possible tsunami, or the possible des- In almost all of the past hijacking
TERNATIONAL AND OTHER FOR - truction of a fishery. or the increase of flight crew skills, air carrier policies, and
ETON POLICY ASPECTS OF UNDER ? radioactivity general1y among people of fortunate circtunstances have permitted
GRO'UND WEAPONS TESTING the Pacific rim, I believe we should know hijacked flights to be completed; how-
Mr. GRAVEL. Mr. President, on behalf the implications and extensions of that ever, we have been lucky and there is
of myself and the Senator from Hawaii liability. I would hope that the Foreign general fear it is only a matter of time
(Mr FoNc), I introduce toaay, for ap Relations Commitee, in recognition of before a hijacking incident results in a
propriate reference, a joint resolution to this fact, would schedule early hearings catastrophic aircraft accident. As each
on the mea_anre, and-rfrilerthat,will be hijacking increases the probability of
establish a commission that would re-
the case
viewl the international and foreign polic3 such a disaster, there is also concern
ii.i The PRESIDING OFFICER. The joint that such a disaster would generate a
imp cations of the United States under-
resolution will be recEived and appropri- wave of public feeling making deliberate
gro d testing.
tilra ely referred.
In recent days, two nations, Japan and,, and careful consideration of the hijack-
Canada, have expressed their concern The joint resolution (S.J. Res. 155), ing problem difficult.
forinally over the planned underground\ to provide for a study and evaluation of An aircraft hijacking involves imme-
tests at Amchitka, Alaska. lifoth nations international and other foreign policy diate physical danger to all of the occu-
obi ted to the tests, raising the question spects of underground weapons testing, Pants of the aircraft. The hijacker, who
of safety, the question of damage, and troduced by Mr. GRAVEL, was received, is usually a fugitive from justice, a mal-
the question of liability, re twice by its title, and referred to content, or a 'nut" armed with any-
The full text of those objections has the mmittee on Foreign Relations, thing from a sawed-off shotgun to a
not yet been released by the State De- dynamite bomb, may panic at any time
partment, but the content in part is ADDITIO and destroy the aircraft directly or In-
knoWn. directly by physically Incapacitating the
There is considerable concern through- N., s. 2718 pilots. Also, passengers may panic or re-
out the Pacific region regarding the Mr. GRIFFINN.Mr. President, at the act in an imprudent manner to endan-
forthcoming tests. In Alaska, the pub- request of the Senator from Utah (Mr. ger the aircraft. There are also addi-
lic has been alarmed. Though Atomic BENNETT), I ask unani ous consent that tional hazards presented by landing an
Energy Commission officials have been at the next printing, e names of the aircraft at an unfamiliar airport, par-
attempting to reduce that alarm it con- Senator from Virginia r. BYRD), the ticularly at night without adequate
tinueS to exist. In Hawaii, a.5 my distin- Senator from Oklahoma ( . BELI,MON), landing aids, lights, and so forth. To re-
guished colleagues Mr. FONG and Mr. the Senator from Illinois ( r. PERCY), duced the hazards somewhat, arrange-
Inotr*z can confirm, concern is equally and the Senator from In na (Mr. ments have been made for extra fuel to
high. There is enough scientific informs- HARTKE) be added as cospons of S. be placed aboard aircraft in the ease of
tion on the seismic punch of underground 2718, a bill to modify ammunit n rec- airline flights terminating in the Florida
tests eo suggest the possibility of a man-
ordkeeping requirements, area and for cards to be carried by flight
made earthquake, and an equal possibil- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without crews on which is Printed in both Eng-
ity of a resultant tsunami wave. objection, it is so orderEd. lish and Spanish such messages as "not
Each nation on the rim at one time S. 2887 enough fuel to reach Cuba" in case the
or another in this century has suffered Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pre hijacker does not understand English.
dama e by such natural occurences. The dent, at the request of the Senator fro Recently, the Nation's news media has
fear now expressed, by two of our Indiana (Mr. HARTKE), I ask tmanimo extensively publicized the gravity of the
closes national allies, that the next oc- consent that, at the next printing, t13 hijacking offense, the many hazards to
curre ce may be man made. The foreign name of the Senator from Idaho (Mit safety of the aircraft, and that even
policy implications of such an event needwhen successful, hijacking an aircraft
Cntracn) be added as a cosponsor off
to be fully recognized by the United 2887, a bill to amend Eection 13a oft does not pay. The public has been in-
State before we proceed. Interstate Commerce Act, to author' formed that the so-called "safe haven"
Sec nd, both Japan and Canada-- study of essential railroad passenge of Cuba may be an illusion and this
close owers to the United States eco- ice by the Secretary of Tran should discourage would-be hijackers
nomic lly and strategically?snare in the and fciflither-Fairpciaes.. who are often fugitives from justice and
Pacifl fish and wildlife abundance. We The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without persons with personality disorders who
In th large sense live on that abund- objection, it is so ordered. are seeking notoriety and excitement.
ance. ative peoples in all three places S. 2890 The press has reported that hijackers
take t eir subsistence from it. Interna- Mr. CHURCH. Mr. President, on be- are given rough treatment and that at
tional usiness concerns add to the gross half of myself and my distinguished col- least one hijacker was put into solitary
fiscal product of the world through the league from Idaho (Mr. JorinaN), I ask confinement for longer than 2 weeks.
Another hijacker was reported to have
marketing of the Pacific fishery prod- unanimous consent that, at the next
ucts. At least 10 other Pacific rim nations printing, the names of the Senator from spent the first 6 weeks after his arrival
there in a Cuban jail. The news media
are lected by that fishery, and its Washington (Mr. Maur% uson), the Sen- has also informed the public that two
health Again, the question of submarine ator from Nevada (Mr. CANNON), the
aircraft hijackers, who were returned to
ventin, the concentration of radioac- Senator from Ohio (Mr, BAXBE), and the the United States by Cuba are serving
tivity n fish, and the increased radio- Senator from Minnesota (Mr. MONDALE), 20 years' sentence. Unsuccessful hijack-
activity among those who consume those be added as cosponsors of S. 2890, a bill
fish, has also been raised. We know that to amend title 38 of the United States ings have been widely publicized as well
as the policy recently instituted by the
because of 1962 tests, atmospheric tests, Code to permit certain active duty for
In the Pacific, the salmon running up training to be counted on active duty Justice Department to indict hijackers
the Kotzebue, Kuskokwim and Yukon for purposes of entitlement to education- who can be identified so that when juris-
ts delivered the highest radioactivity al benefits under chapter 34 of such title, diction over the person is obtained, he
counts ever measured on earth to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without will immediately be prosecuted.
Eskimos of my State. What foreign pol- objection, it is so ordered. However, the permanent solution to
icy considerations are brought into view ' the aircraft hijacking problem is to se-
by the possibility of internationalizing cure an agreement based on interna-
the radioactivity? This is another ques- SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION tonally accepted standards that hijack-
tion my joint resolution seeks to have 38?CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ing is a serious crime endangering many
answerkl. SUBMIrrau, RELATING TO HI- lives and that the hijacker shall be se-
In View of the impending tests at ' JACKING OF AIRCRAFT mercial aircraft is an offense that may
verely punished. Hijacking of a coin-
Amchitka, Mr. President, I have pre- 1 Mr. CANNON, Mr. President, I sub- involve aircraft of any country, operat-
pared this joint resolution with partie- I mit, for appropriate reference, a concur- ing in any Part of the world, and is likely
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In the NERVA program?thanks to the
very kind assistance of the Senator from
Maine (Mrs. &yam) ?we were able to
adjust programs so that the total overall
budget did not exceed the amount re-
quested by the administraion. So in mak-
ing our adjustments, we are coming up
with the same amount, budgetarily, as
the administration has requested. Of
course, we have $250 million less than
the amount provided in the NASA auth-
orization bill already passed by the
I have no doubt that should the Pres-
ident determine to go ahead at a more
rapid pace, the NERVA program, with
the addition or this $13.5 million, will be
directly oriented toward accomplishing
the recommendations of the Space Task
Mr. BIBLE. Mr. President, I appreciate
that additional comment. I think my col-
league will agree with me that our ex-
perience in Nevada, where we have this
capability, was that every time there was
a lessening of activity, we lost some
highly experienced men. I would trust
that by the passage of this bill we could
prevent that in the future. I am delighted
that the President's task force put em-
phasis on this program, as well as other
programs. I wholeheartedly support the
program and hope it pass intact.
Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, a
story in the press this morning says the
distinguished senior Senator from Ken-
tucky plans to call for an investigation
by the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee "to determine whether American
Armed Forces were already committed
to combat in Laos."
Last month, when the able Senator
proposed his amendment originally I
stated on the floor of the Senate:
We have been at war in Laos for years
and it is time the American people knew
more of the facts.
What could have been a plainer state-
ment? Therefore, and especially in that
the Senator from Kentucky is a member
of the Subcommittee on Security Agree-
ments and Commitments Abroad, which
subcommittee has already made plans
to bring this matter before the Senate,
I do not understand the reason for this
Let me take this opportunity to inform
the Senate and the public at large, which
has been aroused by recent press stories
about fighting in Laos, that the subcom-
mittee in question has scheduled hearings
on that country to begin in executive ses-
sion October 14. These sessions are part
of a series of hearings which were
planned last month; and which I an-
nounced on the Senate floor as long ago
as August 13.
In July, two members of the subcom-
mittee staff, Messrs. Walter Pincus, chief
consultant, and Roland Paul, counsel,
spent many days traveling in Laos
gathering information on the U.S. pro-
grams and personnel in that country. I
Personally have visited that country sev-
eral times in recent years.
?SENATE S 10981
As with our hearings on other coun-
tries, representatives of U.S. agencies
active in Laos will be brought back from
that country to testify first hand on the
In this manner, the subcommittee will
seek to put on the record as much detail
as possible on our involvement in that
country, along with the political-mili-
tary agreements, understandings and
commitments that have formed the
policy basis for that involvement.
A matter as serious as our involvement
in Laos?or any country for that mat-
ter?should not be explored hastily by
the Congress on the basis of news stories.
What is needed is careful preparation
and that is what we have sought to do.
Let me repeat again. In discussing the
distinguished Senator from Kentucky's
original amendment on Laos and Thai-
land last month, I stated on this floor:
We have been in war in Laos for years, and
it is time the American people know more of
the facts.
I hold to that statement today and
assure both my colleagues and the public
that, allowing for legitimate national
security interests, as complete a record
as possible on U.S. involvement in Laos
will be made public following completion
of our executive sessions.
For too long we have permitted our
activities abroad to be carried on behind
a cloak of secrecy?and often that
secrecy veils such activities from the
people in this country and their elected
officials?not from the enemy.
A message from the House of Repre-
sentatives by Mr. Bartlett, one of its
reading clerks, announced that the
House had passed a joint resolution
(H.J. Res. 681) proposing an amendment
to the Constitution of the United States
relating to the election of the President
and Vice President, in which it requested
the concurrence of the Senate.
The joint resolution (H.J. Res. 681)
proposing an amendment to the Con-
stitution of the United States relating to
the election of the President and Vice
President, was read twice by its title and
referred to the Committee on the Ju-
The message also announced that the
Speaker had affixed his signature to the
enrolled bill (H.R. 6508) to provide ad-
ditional assistance for the reconstruc-
tion of areas damaged by major dis-
asters, and it was signed by the Acting
President pro tempore.
The Senate resumed the consideration
of the bill (H.R. 11271) to authorize ap-
propriations to the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration for research
and development, construction of facili-
ties, and research and program manage-
ment, and for other purposes.
Mr. CANNON. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that all staff mem-
bers of the Committee on Aeronautical
and Space Sciences be allowed floor
privileges during the debate on this bill.
objection, it is so ordered.
Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. President, as a
member of the Senate Committee on
Aeronautical and Space Sciences, for sev-
eral years I have continuously studied
the resources required for NASA pro-
grams. I have watched requirements for
the national space program grow as we
developed our capability for manned and
unmanned space flights. I am not going
to dwell here on the great achievements
of NASA, as they are a matter of public
I have also observed the increasing
maturity of the space program, and I
have participated in the authorization
recommendations in recent years which
have progressively reduced the resources
available to the agency. These reduc-
tions, from $5.3 billion in fiscal 1964 to
$3.7 billion, which is before the Senate
today, a reduction $1.6 billion, or 30 per-
cent, have forced NASA to continuously
examine its many programs to effect
It is clear that a very large portion of
the NASA budget is devoted to manned
space flight. This is very understandable.
Maimed space flight is a very complex
undertaking. It involves huge rockets,
complex space craft, superior man-
agement, technical skills, modern facili-
ties, and brave and well-trained person-
nel. Nevertheless, manned space flights
have been reduced from an allocation of
$3.2 billion in fiscal 1966 to a projected
$1.9 billion in the pending measure, as
So it has become highly necessary to
operate with reduced funding.
I am not going to recite the steps by
which these reduced funding programs
have been worked out, Mr. President, but
I do want to make it clear that our
committee has been fully cognizant of
the fact that we should and must reduce
the program; and this bill, together
with the request of the present admin-
istration, clearly shows the determina-
tion to reduce budgets.
Our proposed bill covers exactly the
same amount of authorization which is
requested by the present administration
in its reduced budget--namely, $3.7 bil-
lion plus, though there are some minor
Mr. President, I am concerned about
the fact that some of our distinguished
friends feel as though there should be
even further reductions, and that those
reductions should be applied to the
manned space program. If there has ever
been any showing of interpidity and of
constant adherence to a fixed commit-
ment which our Nation has made, and to
the carrying through of that commit-
ment until success has been attained, it
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S 10982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE September 19, 1969
has been shown in the progress of the Mr. President, I have been a little dis- Mr. President, what is it that we have
manned space program.
turbed to note that one of our most dis- ahead? Nine Apollo flights are sched-
Mr. President, I had the honor to go tinguished colleagues yesterday showed uled. Nine Saturn V's are either con-
down to the cape at the time that the first this feeling which exists in some quar- structed or are under construction; and
manned space venture?the first Mer- ters, by presenting two amendments, one the funds in the pending bill would
cury shot?was scheduled to go CSIX, and of which has to do with the withholding permit the continued construction. Nine
had to be postponed. I have been there of $300 million of the funds authorized Saturn 1-B's are either under construe-
at frequent launchings from that time for the manned space program for the tion or are fully constructed; and the
until now, and I had the honor and great Apollo flights, under the following words, funds in the pending bill would continue
privilege of being present when the which I am quoting from yesterday's that program.
Apollo 11 blast-off took place. RECORD. That part of the amendment It is planned to accomplish the nine
I have seen the progress that has which I think makes it clear what was additional Apollo flights because the
taken place. I have seen the intrepid way suggested by me distinguished friend mere fact that we have touched down
in which the astronauts have devoted the Senator from Wisconsin (Mr. Peox- upon one spot of the Moon and explored
themselves and dedicated their hew to nem) is as follows. He proposed a new an area of a few yards around that spot
this program. I know that nothir g_ has section 7, reading: of touchdown is by no means an indica-
happened in my lifetime --and I believe Of _the funds authorized pursuant to sub- tion that we kribw all about the Moon
during the history of our Nation-- which sectfOn 1(a) (1), S300,000,000 which has been that man would like to know.
has moved our Nation quite so greatly as earMarked for operations of the Apollo mis- It would be just as if Columbus, having
the success of the Apollo 11 flight, which, signs shall not be obligated or expended discovered this hemisphere, had gone
until the Administrator, in consultation with
of course, followed those which lead gone back and reported it and thus satisfied
the State Department, has fully explored the
before. possibilities of international cooperation and the rest of the world with his report that
Mr. President, I think we are inclined cpst-sharing in space exploration, and has the Earth was round, that there was a
to overlook the fact that that ' terrible reported to Congress on the results of these new hemisphere over here, that the road
tragedy at the time of the testing of the etorts. west was not a road which would lead to
Saturn 204 vehicle made many people the edge of the Earth, and that man had
that is the meat of the proposed
think that we were at the end of the not made further exploration or been
amendment; a reduction cif $300 million
trail, and that we could not possibly ac- ambitious enough to continue for 200
In the manned space program until the
complish the lunar landing by 1970.
Many thought that It could never be State Department can explore further? years or more with further explorations
accomplished. I remember the feeling of and Lded knows we have had plenty to discover just what was in the new
hopelessness which was reflected in my
of explorations in that field already? hemisphere that Columbus had dis-
own mail from many of my constituents the ability of our Nation to negotiate a covered.
in areas surrounding Cape Kennedy.
shared program with other nations, I need not remind the Senate that al-
Mr. President, there has been no more which would be highly desirable if it though that discovery was in 1492, the
notable accomplishment in the history could be attained. We have been, of first English-speaking settlement was in
of this Nation than the return toprogress course, seeking in various ways to attain 1607, at Jamestown, a good deal more
and accomplishment of the program, such a program heretofore, by which our than 100 years after the discovery by
which was marked, in July of this year, Nation would join with the Soviet Union Columbus, and that the next such set-
by the successful Apollo 11 flight, in and with other nations in the comple- tlement was in New England in 1620. I
which our three dauntless astronauts ac- tion of the lunar exploration program. do not need to remind the Senate of
zomplished the purpose to which we had Mr. President, I think every one of the consent effort of the English and the
committed ourselves almost 10 years ago: us would say that would be wonderful Spanish-speaking peoples and other na-
to launch a flight which would result in if it could be accomplished. But to hold tions to continue the exploration, first,
a lunar landing in this decade. up the program and to eeduce further of the eastern part of the continent, and
Mr. President, we accomplished our the frequency of the Apolle flights, which then all the way around South America
commitment. We accomplished that have already been reduced by the pend- to explore the western side of it. There
flight; and now there are some who pro-
ing bill and the new program of NASA was a continuous group of explorations
pose that, instead of recognizing the fact under that bill to three flights a year, for some 200 or 300 years.
that we have several dozen very fine and hold it up indefinitely, would, I In the case of lunar exploration, the
young men who have dedicated eleeir lives think, be a terrible blow to the program. planned operation extends only through
to the further fulfillment of this explore- I understand that our distinguished the nine flights which I have mentioned,
tion of the moon and of the peogram in friend from Wisconsin will probably not and at the very reduced speed provided
general, we reduce still further the man- offer that amendment, and I rejoice that for under the pending bill and under the
ned space program. he came to that conclusion. But I would new plans of NASA, which has cut its
I want to make it perfectly cleae, in the not want the :RECORD to be silent on this program as far as it can with safety.
first place, that this program as con- matter. To hold up the Apollo flights dur- Mr. President, the Saturn 1-B's are, of
tamed in the pending bill, i44uces in ing the indefinite period: when further course, for use in the Apollo applications
considerable measure that priegram,
efforts could be made, withthe troubled program. Ordinarily that would mean
several ways. The principal way in which international situation w ich exists now, the use of those things which we have
it is reduced is by the reduction of the to get joint backing of f rther lunar ex- learned in the Apollo program, for the
frequency of flights. It was planned that Plorations by a group of nations, would further informing of our Nation as to
the Apollo flights would continue, after simply be suicidal, in My opinion and in what are the qualities of our own en-
Apollo 11, at the rate of about five a year. the opinion of the coMmittee. vironment and the close-in environment
The reduced program?which is the I would not want anyone to think that of space around the Earth.
minimum number under which real effi-
we frown upon ant effort to get such Mr. President, the committee report
ciency can be attained and prserved, in
international cooperation, but we try to supports those two efforts and expects
the opinion of the NASA administrators, be practical about the matter; and we them to continue, although at the re-
who haye certainly shown theie ability? know that the. efforts heretofore made duced rate and reduced financing per-
contemplates a minimum of theee a year, have not succeeded, and have no reason mitted under this authorization. I want
which is what is embraced in the pending to think they will succeed in the future. it to be very clear that the report and
bill. -rii the meantime, we know full well the bill do not commit the Senate or
That is the greatest reduction which that the red ection of Apollo flights to the Nation to any mannee exploration
those who are most knowledgeable about three a year, under the present budget of the planets at their great distances.
this subject matter, the administrators and under the pending bill, from the five There is no commitment of that kind in
of the program, feel can be accemplished, a year which was conterriplated, and the the pending bill.
with a continuation of the preeent very consequent reduction of personnel, is, in I believe that every member of the
great efficiency on the part of some the opinion of those who know best, a committee would feel it untimely even to
thousands of people who participate in definite blow at the safety of what we consider what our commitment will be
these blast-offs and In the following of are attempting, as well as of the effec- after the present planned program is
the flights. tiveness of our flights. - concluded.
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September 19, 1969 CON
tamed?then it throws light upon many
of the sections of the convention which
have been criticized.
There is no question that so long as
we have totalitarian governments who
are committed to the destruction of their
opposition there will be other groups who
will be the objects of political and gov-
ernmental attack. There was some dis-
cussion as to whether an effort could be
made to check that problem, which is a
very difficult problem, with this particu-
lar convention on genocide, but since
these great political issues get into the
whole field of political agitation, it was
thought wise to limit this convention to
the specific subjects of national, ethnical,
racial, or religious groups. Dean Rusk,
then the Deputy Under Secretary of
State appearing before an ad hoc sub-
committee of the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee, stated:
It is an attempt to single out that part
of it which has been most vicious in the
past, and which is fairly readily identifiable,
and try to get on with that.
This convention is not all-encompass-
ing. The suggestion is subtly made that
race riots and lynchings may thus come
under Federal power. It is clear from
the legislative history of the language of
the Genocide Convention that what was
meant was not just embarrassment or
hurt feelings, or even the sense of out-
rage that comes from such action as
racial discrimination or segregation,
however horrible those may be. What was
meant was permanent impairment of
mental and physical faculties on a mass
scale of national, ethnical, racial, or re-
ligious groups.
If we keep in mind the big picture
of what this convention establishes, I
cannot see how we can fail to ratify this
vamp our present fragmented adminis-
tration of closely related Federal assist-
ance programs. This bill would provide
the President with limited authority to
consolidate various related grant pro-
grams and their administration. This
consolidation would promote Govern-
ment efficiency and coordination. It also
would untangle the numerous procedures
a locality must follow in applying for
and receiving a Federal grant-in-aid.
The second bill I am cosponsoring is
S. 60, the Program Information Act, in-
troduced by the Senator from Delaware
(Mr. Boccs). This measure will comple-
ment the efforts the administration is
now making to catalog the programs de-
signed to provide Federal aid to State
and local governments. The bill provides
for the compilation of a catalog of Fed-
eral programs and the qualification re-
quirements they bear. This catalog would
be systematically revised and made avail-
able to the public on a regular basis.
Mr. President, these two measures are
vital if Federal grants-in-aid are to be
effectively administered and distributed
to the localities which require them. I
urge the Senate, therefore, to give them
prompt consideration enactment.
Mr. PERCY. Mr. President, today ap-
proximately 420 Federal assistance pro-
grams are designed to provide State and
local governments with over $20 billion
for the purpose of meeting their pressing
social and economic needs. While the
assistance furnished through these pro-
grams is vital, the proliferation of such
programs has itself created another set
of problems these governments must
solve. These problems are basically iden-
tifying what type of aid is available to
State and local governments and cutting
through the redtape and reams of paper-
work required to obtain the Federal
The Subcommittee on Intergovern-
mental Relations of which I am a mem-
ber, has been considering legislation
which would facilitate State proce-
dures for acquiring grants-in-aid and
strengthen Federal management of them.
I am pleased to be a cosponsor of this
The Grant Consolidation Act of 1969,
introduced by the Senator from South
Dakota (Mr. MUNDT) , is one of the meas-
ures under consideration. This is an ad-
ministration bill resulting from President
Nixon's recognition of the need to re-
Mr. PELL. Mr. President, I invite the
attention of Senators to an article en-
titled "Greek Armed Forces Disintegrat-
ing?" published in the Christian Science
Monitor of August 29. The author of the
article, Saville R. Davis, believes that the
army is divided and humiliated and that
Greece is no longer a "valuable military
ally" of the United States.
I continue to be both saddened and
concerned at the situation in Greece. The
article is addressed to still another aspect
of the situation in that country whose
government, it seems to me, can no longer
be considered an ally in any sense of the
I ask unanimous consent that the com-
plete text of the article be printed in the
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
[From the Christian Science Monitor,
Aug. 29, 1969]
(By Saville R. Davis) Some of the third group were charged with
ATHENS.?The main reason for American trying to alienate officers on active duty from
support of the present Greek Government hat the junta and were brought under formal
been removed. The United States depended on judiciary inquiry which is still in progress.
the integrity of the Greek armed forces to Others were not charged, trials not sched-
uled, and in most cases the original period of
support the Western military position here
and to act as a bridge to the Turkish Army detention extended.
on the east flank of the NATO defense area. IMPRISONED WITH CRIMINALS
The Greek Army no longer exists as a stable, Some of the officers are now in various
organized force-in-being, prisons together with common criminals.
This is conceded by friends and opponents They are not allowed to communicate with
of the "colonels' government" that now con- relatives or their lawyers.
trols Greece. Army officers not detained or arrested and
In three successive waves the colonels' re- still in active service have been subjected to
gime has jailed, placed under house arrest, surveillance by varied and intensive methods.
or exiled to remote villages large numbers of These include the placing of informers in the
the nation's most-influential military leaders. lower ranks who report to the security forces
Names and facts are listed below, on the statements and activities of their offi-
The remainder of the armed forces have cers. They also include mail censorship and
been subjected to a systematic campaign telephone tapping.
which, the regime says, is necessary to protect The result is said to be extensive and
the government against a coup. Critics call deep-lying demoralization, with no one able
it a reign of organized terror, designed to
eliminate opposition.
In either event, the Army is divided and
humiliated and its effectiveness as an in-
strument of the Greek nation is broken.
Higher officers who remain are not allowed
to command. Lower officers who hold power
are faced with a passive resistance they can-
not overcome.
This is the picture gained from well-in-
formed sources both tolerant of the regime
and opposing it. If this picture is oversim-
plified, the main argument still holds: The
battle for allegiance of the armed forces
has torn and dismembered them.
It was the former stability of the Greek
armed forces which made that country a
valuable military ally of the United States.
It cannot be said that in trying to purge
the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force the
Greek regime has been carrying out its an-
nounced policy of "saving the country from
falling into the hands of the Communists."
Most of the arrested military leaders had
fought directly against the Communists
when they attempted to seize power by force
in 1946-49. They were the bulwark of Greece
against Communist subversion.
One of them said, "Their offense against
the present government was that they were
broadly nonpolitical, but pledged to the
Western institutions of freedom that were
born in their land, and they detest the en-
slavement of a free and proud people by the
present rule of dictatorship and martial law."
Some of them supported King Constantine
in his ?abortive effort to overthrow the dic-
A fact sheet on the arrest and detention
of the military leaders follows:
In later February of last year the first
group of retired officers was exiled. In July
and August, when the government was cam-
paigning for a referendum coming in Sep-
tember, a second major group of officers was
arrested. This year, after celebrating the sec-
ond anniversary of the colonels' coup in
April, a third group was taken.
Methods: arrests were normally between
two and three o'clock in the morning. Police
cars surrounded the residences and in some
cases searchlights illuminated the houses.
The officers were removed in most cases
without explanation other than the charge
of being "dangerous to public order and se-
curity." They spent different amounts of
time in the central security detention cells,
sometimes under primitive conditions.
Most of them were then escorted to an
Aegean island, in some cases to remote moun-
tain villages. There they were asked to report
to the local gendarmerie at specified inter-
Villagers were warned by the gendarmerie
not to approach the officers. Adequate medi-
cal help was denied in at least two cases of
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to be confident of who would support or
oppose his position in the event of a show-
The ruling group is generally described
as a small minority of men within the Army,
coming largely from small village back-
grounds, trained in intelligence and con-
spiratorial methods, and much tougher in
their methods of seizing and holding power
than at first was realized.
As the months passed under arbitrary rule
and martial law, these methods- became
harder rather than easing. BecaliSe the
"colonels" were a small minority seeking to
eliminate the old leadership of the armed
forces and to control the rest by a cerapaign
of systematic and deliberate "terror tac- EXILES ANNOUNCED
tics," they appear to have alienated large Col. Periklis Ps,pathanasiou, a raiding
sections of the armed forces as well as to forces combat officer who also escaped in the
have controlled others. Middle East. Maj. John Demestiehas, a field
Army staff office' who fought against the
Communists. Air Force Col. Tsasakos, who
served with NATO, Navy Capt. FIonotaos, :who
also served with NATO and escaped in the
Middle East during World War IL Brig. Gen.
Ch. Tsepapadakis, who was an instructor at
the National War College and fought against
the Communists. Maj. Bpissias, a brilliant
young combat officer and an instructor at the
Army War College
Third group, May 1969: An official an-
nouncement which listed only 10 of the fol-
lowing said they ware to be exiled for "activi-
ties directed against public orders." Two
weeks later the junta said that a judicial in-
quiry was under way to determine responsi-
bility for a movement against the regime.
Vice Admiral Avgeris, Navy chief of staff
and chairman of tae joint chiefs of staff, Lt.
Gen. John Genimatas, commandant of the
Army War College, director of a special group
which developed the new organization of the
modern Greek Army, Army corps commander,
Army chief of staff who fought in Korea as
well as against the Communists.
Lt. Gen. George Tsichlis, commanding gen-
eral of an infantry division which had fought
against the Communists. Vice Admiral
Egolfopoulos, Navy chief of staff who served
in NATO, who escaped in the Middle East and
is one of the most talented and respected
senior naval officers in Greene.
Maj. Gen. Vardoulakis, an officer with a
brilliant war record, commander of an infan-
try division, particpated during World War
II in special wartime raiding forces missions
from the Middle East against the Germans in
the mainland of Greece and in the islands of
the Aegean and for ght against the Commu-
Brig. Gen. Const, Paps.georgpou, command-
ing general of the military district of Athens,
who fought both the Germans and Commu-
nists. Brig. Gen. Nicholas Demestichas, chief
of staff of an Army corps who had fought
the Communists.
Lt, Gen. Christos Papadatos, commanding
officer of the military academy and com-
manding general of the Athens region. Brig.
(len. Dem. Papadopoulos, chief of staff of the
Athens region, second in comma,nd of an
Infantry division. These "terror tactics" are being witnessed
RECORDS F-JLI, OF HONORS by the population 'with apprehension and
treatment, and he was sent Into exile in mender of an infantry division and with
May of this year.) the Washington NATO mission, escaped in
Rear Admiral Spanidis, representative of the Middle East, and fought the Communists.
Greece at the SHAPE NATO headquarters, Lt. Col. John Souravlas, who had escaped
a submarine commander in World War II in the Middle East and been a raiding forces
who escaped in the Middle East during the combat officer. Lt. Col. Efrosoyannis, who was
German occupation, also a raiding forces combat officer and
Brig. Gen. George Kournanadkos, a Ft., fought the Communists.
Leavenworth graduate. (The oases of these Col. George Tavernarkia, a regimental corn-
iest two officers were recently detailed in the mender who fought the Communists. Finally,
American press in the Evans-Novak column.) the following combat officers who fought
Gen. Ron, Koniotakis, Who also represented against the Communists: Air Force Colonels
Greece at the SHAPE NATO headquarters and Diakoumakos, Pierakos, and Papageorgiou,
had escaped in the Middle East under the three distinguished Air Force commanders
German occupation, and staff officers, who escaped as young
pilots in the Middle East during the German
Army Col. Pipanikolaou, Lt. Colonels
Chrisostalis, Bouras Anaat, Vlachos Somara-
kakis, and Zajharopoulos. Majors Zervas,
Maragakis, Moros, Yannopoulos, and Mou-
stakzis, Captains Mathioudakis, Grivas,
Zarkadas Alex. In addtion Maj. B. Kocirkafas,
an outstanding raiding forces officer, arrested
in May 1969, is feared missing since the time
of his arrest.
Since May, 1969, among those arrested are
Colonels Bioutsos, Mitsovolea,s, Tzanetis,
Maj. Gen. Em. Kehagias, an infantry division
commander, and Lt. Gen. Sof. Tzanetis,
Gen. Tzanetis was arrested while vacation-
ing in the Island of Rhodes. He escaped from
Greece during the German occupation, he
commanded an infantry unit in Italy in
World War II, he was commanding general of
the Army War College, he was vice chief of
the National Defense General staff.
There are at least four young officers on
active duty who during 1968 have been ar-
rested in their units, court martialed, and
are now serving sentences in various pris-
ons. These are Lt. Charalamlsoulos (serving
a 10-year sentence in the Koricialos Prison),
Captain Zervopoulos (15 yeara in Egina Pris-
on), Maj. Ageios Pnevmatikos (10 years in
Korfu) and his brother Capt. Konst.
Spnevmatikce (4 years in Kopidalos). There
Is positive evidence that these officers were
subjected to severe tortures during the time
of the investigations.
There are some hundreds of other distin-
guished officers of all ranks, who have been
retired and removed from any position where
their talents and their devotion to the mis-
sion of a modern soldier-officer in a free
society, could be utilized for the defense of
Greece and NATO.
Many of the United States-trained officers,
have been purged, arrested, or exiled. The
purge continues.
The Greek press gave names of about 300
officers in January and February, 1969, and
463 in July, 1969, who Were promoted. A
large investment of the Greek people and
of the United States is lost. War experience,
professional training, and devotion to the
ideals of the free world could eventually
Friends of the regime argue that these
tactics were necessary in order to compel
hostile elements in the armed forces ItO obey
the new government. Critics say these tac-
tics are the prelude to the final destroction
of freedom in Greece and that the regime
does not dare to relax its use of terror Itactics.
Arguing either way, it appears ttat the
armed forces have themseivss becom a bat-
tleground in the struggle for power and that
they are no longer the stable force that the
United States counted upon.
Following is an inconaplete list of ar-
rested or exiled officers. The wartime record
standing training both in Greece an in the
and experience of these officers, thlr, out-
United States and their anti-Corninunist
position is spread on the public record.
First group, February 1967:
Brig. Gen. Dimitrios Zafiropoulcaia who
had been second in command of an infantry
division, who escaped in the Middle East
during World War It and was severely
Wounded in action, had commanded the
raiding forces and been assistant niilltary
attache in London.
Brig. Gen. Andreas Hoerschelmain com-
manding general of the 20th Armored Divi-
sion, who escaped from Greece during the
German occupation, fought the Comnittnists
in 1946-49, served in NATO headqUarters,
and was top of his class in the Greek Mili-
tary Academy.
Col. Demitrios Opropoulos, also tap of his
Class, served in the Washington NATO staff,
had an excellent combat record, and, was
promoted for bravery on the battlefield.
Col. Constantine Tzanetis, a highly re-
spected senior artillery officer during the
combat against the Communist guerrillas
Who became commanding officer of divisional
Col. Nicholas Zervoyannas, commanding
Officer of parachute school and the Greek
officer with the largest number of para-
chute jumps, who escaped in the Middle
East during the German occupatiori and
fought against the Communists. Alsol navy
commander Vardis Vardinoyannis.
Second group, July-August, 1968:
Lt, Gen, Antonakos, Air Force chief of staff
Who escaped in the Middle East during the
German occupation, a fierce anti-Cominu-
inst. Lt. Gen, K. Kailas, commanding general
of the First Field Army and commanding
officer of the raiding forces, who feught
against the Communists.
Lt. Gen, George Peridis, a Ft. Leaven
-aduate who was twice promoted in
battlefield for bravery, was comma
general of the 3rd Army Corps, participated
iii the non-Communist guerrilla units dur-
ing the German occupation; and fought the
Communists in 1946-49. (General Peridis
became seriously ill in exile,swas hospitalized
in Athens under guard, his hospitalization
Was discontinued before the conclusicin of
or th
Navy Capt. Georg. Psalidas, who escaped
in the Middle East. Brig. Gen. P. Panourias,
commanding general of an armored division
and Pt. Leavenworth graduate, who escaped
in the Middle East, fought the Communists,
and was wounded in action.
Colonel Kalamakis, chief of staff of an
Army corps who served with NATO head-
quarters, fought in Korea and against the
Communists. Colonel Kalaraakis was deco-
rated by the United States as a member of
the 7th Cavalry in combat action against
the North Korean and Chinese Communists.
Brig, Gen. Balkos, a Ft. Leavenworth grad-
uate, instructor at she War College, and a
distinguished senior staff officer.
Col. Perivoliotis, regimental commander
who fought the Communists. Brig. Gen.
Bouras Anast, who served as assistant corn-
anxiety. Friends and oppanents of the dic-
tatorship are disturbed to see the prestige
of the Army questioned by the people.
In talking with many people, one quickly
realizes that the uniform nf the Greek of-
ficer, once a symbol of pride, has become a
source of embarrassment and even an object
of scorn.
This is a disturbing fact to all concerned
since in today's world, tanks, ships, planes,
and men in uniform are known to be worth-
less if not supported by the will of the peo-
ple. This popular support is lacking today
in Greece.
Combined with this is a very rapidly grow-
ing "anti-Americanism" which stems from
the conviction of most people in Greece that
the dictatorship exists in power only because
of American toleration and support.
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September. 17, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ?
35,000 or 40,500, because you. can apparently cerning the peace talks, command care- tervene directly with its own military per-
add it up almost any way you like; the feet ful attention.
sonnel in the Middle East. That has been
of the matter is that the removal of a total Senator GOODELL emphasizes the his-accomplished and can be reaffirmed con-
of 60,000-plus troops from the war by raid-
December is, as the President said, "a torical development of the Mideast con- tinuously through normal diplomatic chan-
aigni-nels, or if necessary on the hot line,
ficant step." The only question about it is filet; the long standing effort of the So- The United States has conveyed to the So-
whether Hanoi will see it that way, whether viet Union to gain a paramount position viet Union in the big power talks our grave
the President's conclusion that "the time for for itself and its communistic ideology concern over the unilateral arms escalation
meaningful negotiations has therefore ar- in the Mediterranean area; and the undertaken by the Soviet Union in the
rived" will be accepted by the North strategic importance of the Mideast; and Middle East. The talks have had no appar-
Vietnamese. he adds a major dimension to the con- ant effect, whatsoever, on RUSSIall arms sup-
Naturally' the hope here is that it will be. ? t ?
ng conflict. plies to Egypt, Syria, and other Arab na-
It would simplify everything if Ho Chi Minh's tions. We can and should continue to strive
successors would read into the performanceSenator GOODELL says: for an arms control agreement with the So-
of the administration in recent weeks a Until that Arab objective (to destroy viet Union in the Middle East through nor-
capacity to play it either way, hard or soft, Israel) changes, peace in the Middle East mal diplomatic channels.
long or short, without regard to domestic can only be preserved through a balance of It was hoped that through the big power
pressures. That, clearly, is the impression power, both actual and apparent, that favors talks the Arab and Israeli leaders could be
that the President has been seeking to convey Israel. That is the Balance of Peace in the brought to the conference table for direct
by delaying the decision for a month; by Middle East under present conditions. negotiations. It is now apparent that the
putting it about that it could well have taken Th. . Soviet Union either cannot, or will not, per-
or say som.etaiing ab.out the wax
return from the White House West in San ment of the 50 Phantom jets, 10 of which
Clemente; by holding a high-powered policy have already been delivered, to Israel.
review; and by deciding in the end on a with- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
drawal figure that is modest and just a out sent that Senator GOODELL'S complete
or two below what some had been predicting. report, along with a press release which
it is a tough and narrow line to walk, this provides a good summary and introduc-
business of trying to mollify opinion at home
tion, be printed in the RECORD, and I
while seeking to play it very cool vis-a-vis the
North Vietnamese. The President is obviously urge all who are interested in the Mid-
walking it with great care, and so far with east situation to read this noteworthy
considerable success. He has managed to report:
move in a direction and at a pace which have There being no objection, the material
so far proved acceptable to the war critics at was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
home, even if it has not yet convinced Hanoi as follows:
that it is now time to negotiate.
So this is probably a good time for waiting
and seeing, for not quibbling about the num- The following is New York Senator Charles
bers, for not pushing too hard or too fast, E. Goodell's report on his nine day journey
because only time will tell whether the North to the Middle-East. It was prepared with the
Vietnamese will read into the latest uni- assistance of Dr. Dankwart Rustow, profes-
lateral American withdrawal the same signi- sor of International Social Forces at Colum-
ficance that the President sees. It is entirely bia University. Dr. Rustow accompanied the
possible that the war strategists in Hanoi will Senator on his trip to Israel.
put 25,000 and 35,000 together, and do their The report is in two sections. The first, for
own projections, and conclude that all they the benefit of the press is a summary state-
have to do is wait. If that happens?and ment, while the second is the full text.
history suggests that it could well happen "As far as sheer value of territory, there is
because it is difficult, as the President noted no more strategically important area in the
yesterday, "to communicate across the gulf world than the Middle East." Dwight D.
of five years of war?then it will be more Eisenhower.
than ever necessary to face up to the really This report is based on an intensive nine-
hard questions about South Vietnam's cape.- day stay in Israel during which I had occa-
bility to take on a heavier share of the burden sion to speak to the country's top leadership,
of fighting the war. It will be more than ever
necessary to ask whether our concept of a
reasonable settlement is realistic, whether
there isn't more that we could do in the way
of refining our bargaining position. Because
one thing seems inescapable: only the pace
of American withdrawal is any longer in
serious question; the direction in which we
are headed has been fixed by yesterday's sec-
ond and somewhat longer step towards
American disinvolvement and it is the right
Is means at a minimum, as my col-
weeks instead of days for the President to do suade the Arab leadership to negotiate di-
league states, the completion of the ship- rectly with Israel. On the contrary, continu-
hIS ation. of the formal big power talks merely
encourages the Arab world in the belief that
somehow the big powers will Intervene and
impose a settlement without direct negotia-
tion by the parties concerned. Although the
United States has firmly stood by the posi-
tion that there must be direct negotiations
unconditionally between the Arab leader-
ship and Israel, further continuation of the
talks strengthens the false hope that the
present United States position may be nego-
tiable and that we might be persuaded to
try to impose preconditions on Israel.
In breaking off the formal big power talks
on the Middle East, the United States should
make it abundantly clear that we stand
ready at any time to negotiate an end to the
arms race in the Middle East and to assist
In bringing Arab and Israeli to the bargain-
ing table. While we have sincerely pursued
the potential of big power talks for the past
seven months, the Soviet Union has been
pouring arms into the hands of Arab leaders
committed to destroy Israel.
2. In response to the unilateral arms es-
calation of the Soviet Union, the United
States should accelerate delivery to Israel of
the 100 Skyhawks and the 50 Phantom jets
to which we are now committed. In addi-
tion, we should now pledge to Israel that, in
the absence of a binding Middle East arms
agreement with the Soviet Union, we shall
deliver, by 1971 or 1972, 100 more Skyhawks
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, my dis-
tinguished colleague from New York (Mr.
GOODELL) recently returned from an in-
tensive 9-day visit too the Middle East.
He had long talks with Israel's Prime
Minister Golda Meir, Foreign Minister
Abba Eban, military and governmental
leaders, and?most interestingly?with
prominent members of Arab communi-
ties. His extensive and authoritative re-
port on this visit is important reading
for all of us who are concerned with
the conditions of tension and danger in
that part of the world. Senator GOODELL'S
conclusions about the prospects for
peace, and his recommendations con-
including Prime Minister Golds, Meir and and 25 to 50 more Phantom jets.
Foreign Minister Abba Eban, ranking mill- We live in a world of hard choices. While
tary figures, government officials, intellec- the United States desires arms control in the
tuals and other persons in private life. I via- Middle East, we must realistically recognize
lied kibbutzim, universities, schools, hospi- when arms control is unattainable by agree-
tals, youth centers, and agricultural stations. ment. There are situations in which the giv-
I also inspected at first-hand some of the ing of arms is the only way to preserve a
trouble spots along Israel's old and new bor- peace and hopefully to induce future arms
ders and had occasion to confer at some control by showing the other side that it
length with prominent members of the Arab cannot obtain its objectives through arms.
communities in Israel?both those Arabs who The Soviet Union has replenished Arab
since 1949 have been full citizens of Israel planes and other weaponry destroyed in the
and those in the territories occuped by Israel 1967 war to the point where Nasser has a
since 1967. greater numerical superiority today than he
I am convineed that the time has come for did at the start of the 1967 war. The Arab
a basic reassessment of our Middle East pol- superiority in aircraft before the war was
icy with reference to the big power talks on about three to one. It is now about five to
the Middle East and the role of the United one. The replacement aircraft is sophisti-
States in preserving a Balance of Peace in cated weaponry, including MIG 19's and MIG
the Middle East. I therefore submit the fol- 21's. In spite of the numerical superiority of
lowing recommendations, with a brief sum- Arab weaponry, the superior training and
mary of the reasons for each. iiiill of Israeli military personnel preserves
1. The United States should break off the for Israel today the preponderance of min-
four-power and the formal two-power talks tary power inthe Middle East.
on the Middle East which have been taking Given Nasser's avowed objective to destroy
place intermittently over the past seven Israel by war, it is obvious that Nasser wants
months. a war as soon as he can win it?or thinks
The big power talks on the Middle East he can win it. Until that Arab objective
were undertaken at the urging of President changes, peace in the Middle East can only
DeGaulle of France and the Sovipt "Union. be preserved through a balance of power,
In those talks we have conveyed unmistak- both actual and apparent, that favors Israel.
ably to the Soviet Union the grave conse- That is the Balance of Peace in the Middle
quences, in terms of confrontation of our East under present conditions. While the
two nations, if the Soviet Union should in- United States strives for negotiations that
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will produce a real peace, we must provide
the arms to Israel to Match Soviet military
transfusions to Nasser, thereby preserving
the Balance of Peace.
3. The United States should provide mili-
tary aid to Israel in the form of grants and
long-term loans.
Up to now. Israel has been allowed to
purchase arms from other nations and pay
for them in hard cash. The Soviet Union has
given Egypt and Syria vast amounts of mili-
tary aid in the form of grants or liberal long-
term loans.
Israel today spends 20'a. of its (gross na-
tional product on defense. It is facing an
imminent balance of payments problem.
Without doubt, Israel will continue to s,acri-
flee as necessary for survival, but it is not
fair for us to allow Israel to carry this bur-
den alone.
The Soviet Union for many years has been
striving to penetrate into the Middle East.
Immediately after World War IT it was
turned back in Turkey and Iran. In the past
three years the Soviet Union has success-
fully accomplished an end run around
Turkey and Iran by exploiting the frus-
tration of Arabs and the demagoguery of
I militant Arab leadership. Tiny Israel has
stood alone against this gargantuan threat.
I It has clone so at great cost and great seed-
flee. While doing so, Israel has fennel the
I Western world continually reluctant even to
sell necessary arms to Ismael. Without Israel,
I the United States, Great Britain and France
I would almost certainly have to face the Bus-
Sian threat in the Middle East themselves.
I How long will We require Israel alone to hold
the shield in the Middle East for the entire
free world?
The recommendations I am making are
presented in an effort to move the Middle
East into a realistic power context that will
I produce a productive peace to benefit Arab
and Jew alike. Many Arabs cynically, observe
that any U.S. politician, epsecially one from
New York State, will ignore Arab claims and
embrace totally the claims of Israel. When
I was in Israel, I intensively sought dut Arab
I spokesmen in an effort to understand their
I problems and their concerns. Mosleats, Jews,
I and Christians all have deep roots in the
I Middle East. The Arabs are a proud People
with a rich cultural and religious heritage.
I Once unified by the doctrine of their great
prophet Mohammed some 1200 year,s ago,
they spread their faith within a century to
, the far oorners of the world. But in 'politics
I and in economics, the Arabs have been beset
by an almost incessant series of misfortunes
for the last one thousand years, including
'invasions by Mongols, by Europeans and by
'the Turks, who ruled over them for 400 years.
IThe Middle East has been a pawn of the im-
perialist expansion and power conflicts of
19th Century Europe and, colonialist domi-
nation in the 20th Century.
, The Arabs have legitimate claims in the
Middle East, and so do the Jews. These claims
Can only be worked out, with justice, when
[arab leaders and Jewish leaders face each
ntlaer with mutual respect and a willingness
to compromise. I found that respect *toward
Arabs and that willingness to compromise in
every Israeli leader to whom I talked. There
Must be compensation for Palestine refugees.
That burden for the world is not insoluable,
eonsidering the much larger number of
refugees that were assisted throughout the
World after World War II.
It is sad to note that very episode in the
Middle TIRgt, however innocent, is used by
President Nasser and the El Fatah to further
inflame the passions of hatred and bitterness.
'rhe fire at the El Aqsa mosque is a imitate
example. I was in Old Jersusalem the maraing
of the El Aqsa fire and I say the reaction of
Arab and Jew alike. The Jewish people have
a great- reverence for holy places of every
religion. They shared the sorrow of their Arab
brothers at the desecration of the mosque.
They responded quickly and with miraculous
efficiency in apprehending the accused perpe-
trator. Having witnessed this, I was shocked
by the extreme and irresponsible reaction of
President Nasser and King Faisal. These im-
patient leaders zommitted oral arson by pas-
sionately distorting this tragedy to inflame
and mislead their own people.
The question must be asked, how long the
Arabs of the Middle East will let the False
Prophet Nasser lead them down the path of
hatred and demagoguery? Yes, the Arabs have
a legitimate cause and legitimate grievances.
That is acknowledged, first and foremost, by
the leadership of Israel. The Jewish cause
and the Jewish grievances are acknowledged
and understood by many responsible Arab
leaders?in Jord141, on the West Bank, and in
Israel is demonstrating, for Arab and Jew
alike, the potential for development in the
Middle East. That miraculous demonstration
must be carried forward because here, truly,
is the long term hope for peace in the Middle
East. When rational Arab leadership comes
to the fore and pursues its rightful objec-
tions in comity with Israel, all parties can
prosper. Under the present circumstances of
terrorism and retaliation, one can only shake
his head in disbelief and ask: How long will
such irrationality prevail?
This report is based on an intensive nine-
day stay in Israel during which I had occa-
sion to speak to the country's top leader-
ship, including Prime Minister Golda Meir
and Foreign Minister Abba Eban, ranking
military figures, government officials, intel-
lectuals and other persons in private life. I
visited kibbutzim, universities, schools, hos-
pitals, youth centers, and agricultural sta-
tions. I also inspected at first-hand some of
the trouble spots along Israel's old and new
borders and had occasion to confer at some
length with prominent members of the Arab
communities in Israel?both those Arabs
who since 1949 have been full citizens of
Israel and those in the territories occupied by
Israel since 1967.
The most dramatie impact on a person
visiting Israel today Is that Israel is not erod-
ing or collapsing, despite the hopes of her
Arab antagonists and the fears of some out-
side observers. On the contrary, her progress
and prosperity continue at an astounding
pace. Israel is a vibrant and vigorous young
nation, able as long as necessary to face the
tremendous risks and to shoulder the tre-
mendous burdens that the current situation
My contacts and my first hand observa-
tions of the MidcLe Eastern situation have
convinced me thas the time has come for
a basic reassessment of our Middle East
policy in two regards?first with regard to
the Big Power teaks that have continued
intermittently since the beginning of this
Administration, and second with regard to
the amounts and the conditions of OUT as-
sistance to Israel. I than make specific recom-
mendations on each of these two points in
the course of this report.
Israel is a small ',wintry at the very cen-
ter of the Middle East, itself a focal region
that connects the three continents of the
old world and branches of two of the world's
oceans. In the words of General Eisenhower,
"As far as sheer value of territory is con-
cerned, there is no more strategically im-
portant area in the world than the Middle
East." To the United States the region is
important because it supplies about % of the
free world's petroleum, because it is a major
hub of world communications by land, sea
and air, and because it is on the Southern
flank of NATO. It also is important because
of our friendship of long standing with na-
tions such as Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, Jordan,
Saudi Arabia and above all with Israel.
Israel, like the United States, is a country
of immigration, of pioneering, of pragmatism
and technology, of unity and diversity, of
roots in the past and of promise for the- fu-
ture. Israel is a Country of demooracy, of free
expression, and of political stability?
achievements almost unheard of in that part
of the world. In short, Israel is important to
the United States as a part of the Middle
East, but also and above all for its own sake.
The Middle East is also important to us for
what it means to the Soviet Union. In the
context of the Communist bid for world
power it is remarkable that Russia's Middle
Eastern frontier from Turkey to Afghanistan
is the only major direction in which direct
Communist control today remains confined
within the old borders of the pre-1917 Czar-
ist empire. Significantly, the Middle East,
particularly since the 1950's, has been the
prime target for Soviet attempts at expand-
ing Communist control and influence in-
directly. The Soviets have in recent years
vastly increased their fleet in the Mediter-
ranean. There is reason to believe that a
naval buildup in the Indian Ocean is one of
their prime long-range policy targets. Not
only would Soviet control of the Middle East
make it possible for the Russians to disrupt
the free world's communications at a most
crucial link, but it also would enable them
to -tamper with the free world's oil supplies
and to outflank NATO from the South.
A. Soviets in the Middle East
Russian interest in the Middle East thus
is of long standing, and we are witnessing
now only the latest of several phases of Rus-
sian activist involvement in the area. For
example, in the situation immediately after
the Second World War, the Russians made
territorial demands on Turkey, proposed the
establishment of Soviet naval installations
along the Turkish straits, and sougth a part
in administering the former Italian colonies
such as the Dodecanese and Libya. In Iran
at the same time they refused to relinquish
their wartime occupation of the northern
provinces, and instead installed puppet re-
gimes in Iranian Azerbaijan and Kurdistan
while seeking to force the entry of commu-
nists into the government and pressuring for
an oil exploration concession that would have
enabled Soviet agents to roam freely the
breadth and length of the country. Greece
during those same years was plunged into a
bloody and costly civil war, precipitated by
an uprising of Greek communists, and lib-
erally supplied across the frontier from com-
munist Yugoslavia.
But a second lesson is worth learning from
?this history. Not only is Soviet interest of
long standing; Soviet penetration was pre-
vented through a combination of local op-
position and American firmness. The Turks
flatly rejected Soviet territorial demands and
proposals for a Soviet part in the defense of
the Straits. Turkish-American relations be-
came closer. A large-scale program of Ameri-
can military, technical, and economic assist-
ance strengthened democracy and industrial
enterprise. Turkey supported actively the
U.N. action in Korea and in 1952 joined
NATO?and two years later the Russians
solemnly withdrew the territorial demands
they had pressed for close to a decade. In
Greece the communist guerrilla uprising was
suppressed with active British and American
support, whereas Tito's break with the
Soviets in 1948 cut off an important line of
communist supplies. The Iranian govern-
ment, with moral support from the United
States, resisted all the various Soviet pres-
sures and demands, and a Soviet attempt at
takeoVer by coup was thwarted. Greece, Tur-
key, and Iran became among the Free
World's most reliable allies in the subse-
quent years.
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to seriously talk about agreed arms limitation
for supplies to the Middle East?es soon as
they are ready to seriously talk about it.
Otherwise we should not be overly nervous
at the limited Soviet naval build up and
other manifestations of long-range Soviet
presence in the Mediterranean and the Mid-
dle East. There is no early danger that their
Mediterranean fleet would even be remotely a
match for ours. We will of course not allow
them to make the Mediterranean into a
Russian lake. But it never has been and never
will be an American lake. It is big enough, in
short, like any other open sea, for naval
units from all nations operating in competi-
tive but peaceful coexistence.
Just as we must make our position clear
enough to restore or maintain an atmosphere
of rationality in American-Soviet dealings, so
we must try to help dispel the elements of
gross irrationality in the attitude of local
Middle Eastern governments. The most
flagrant such irrationality is the vain hope
on the part of the ITAR and other Arab gov-
ernments that the Soviet Union by some sort
of diplomatic magic might reverse the mili-
tary defeat that they suffered through their
own aggressive folly in 1967. Arab leaders
must realize that the only mutually satis-
factory way in which the protracted Middle
Eastern crisis can be settled is by Arab gov-
ernments taking up Israel's offer for direct
peace talks. Hard and honest bargaining
alone can be the basis for a hard and durable
agreement. In the absence of such direct
negotiation, perhaps some form of de facto
accommodation' will gradually emerge. The
thriving trade that now is taking place
between the East Bank and the West Bank
of the Jordan, as well as the new trade
since 1967 between the West Bank and
Israel, are encouraging examples of de facto
Arab governments, however, are not likely
to change their attitude and shift to a more
peaceful and constructive course while they
can cherish the illusion that the Soviet
Union, through Big Power negotiations, can
somehow deliver them all the lost territories
on a silver platter. In short, it is my con-
sidered judgment that continuation of the
formal Big Power talks under present cir-
cumstances is a disservice to the short-range
stability and the long-range prospects for
peace in the Middle East.
Let me make myself clear. My criticism
is not directed at the considerations that
prompted us at the beginning of the new
administration to explore the possibilities of
constructive major power diplomacy with
regard to the Middle East. The talks about
the Middle East that were conducted on a
four power and later on a two power basis
in New York, and then in Washington and
Moscow, were useful at the time they opened.
The Russians had been pressing for several
months for such contracts and conversations,
and it was necessary that we test the serious-
ness of their intentions with regard to the
Middle East. The French had been pressing
for talks on a four-power basis, and our
desire for closer relations with France spoke
in favor of trying the four-power approach
so dear to them.
The talks, particularly those between our-
selves and the Soviets, would indeed have
been useful if they had revealed Soviet wil-
lingness or ability to bring their Arab friends
to the negotiating table to sit down with the
Israelis to talk peace. The American-Soviet
talks also would have been extremely useful
If they had revealed any Soviet desire to
limit or reverse the deadly flow of arms
which, since the 1950's and at an accelerated
pace in the last two years, they have been
Injecting into the Middle East. The United
States has made clear time and again that
we are concerned about this constantly
escalating arms race in the Middle East and
that we are eager to work out a scheme by
The current phase of Soviet Middle Eastern _
policy began in the mid-fifties as an attempt
to leap over this hurdle of the Turkish-
Iranian "Northern Tier." Through a dramatic
program of arms to Egypt and through
financial support for the ambitious Aswan.
Dam project, the Soviets ensured the good
will of the "revolutionary" regime of Presi-
dent Gamal Abdul Nasser. The military coup
of 1958 in Iraq replaced a regime closely al-
lied with the West with one friendly to
Nasser and the Soviet Union. As a result of a
series of coups, the communists and Soviet
sympathizers gained an increasingly stronger
position in Syria. Algeria emerged from its
prolonged war of independence in a similarly
neutralist if not pro-Soviet mood.
In the decade between 1956 and 1967, the
Soviet Union began a gigantic and reckless
program of arming Arab states such as Egypt,
Syria, and Iraq against Israel?including de-
livery of some of the most advanced aircraft
ever used outside the direct control of the
major powers. Soviet and Nasserite propa-
ganda at the same time were beginning to
spread the allegation that Israel was a neo-
colonialist, expansionist, puppet of the West.
One major aim of Soviet policy, both be-
fore and even more since the war of 1967,
has been to establish a Soviet naval presence
in the Mediterranean. But even during this
period of the late fifties and early sixties,
Soviet sights were beginning to extend fur-
ther. Soviet programs of military and tech-
nical assistance to such countries as Yemen
and Somalia?on either side of the passage
leading from the Red Sea to the Indian
Ocean?clearly indicated their long-range
naval ambitions in the Indian Ocean. The
withdrawal of the British from Aden (now
part of Southern Yemen) opened a new field
of activities for the Soviets and their
Egyptian and Yemeni sympathizers. There
are some indications that the Soviets, at
least before the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, had
hopes of taking similar advantage of the im-
pending withdrawal of British military
forces from the oil-rich Persian gulf.
The closing of the Suez Canal since 1967
obviously has seriously delayed any such
long-range Soviet plans. Aside from hopes
for a Soviet naval presence in the Indian
Ocean, there also is the fact that, for geo-
graphic reasons, the Russians lose more from
the closing of the Canal than any other
maritime power. The Canal cuts nearly in
half the shipping distance from Odessa to
Hanoi with traffic now re-routed through
Gibraltar and around the Cape of Good
Hope. By contrast, the saving of distance,
due to use of the canal, from the Persian
Gulf to London or New York is far less. The
availability of the new supertankers for oil,
moreover, means that the most important
part of the traffic out of the Persian Gulf
has been bypassing the Canal in any case.
In short, it seems clear that Russia would
stand much to gain by a re-opening of the
Canal?and this presumably was reflected
in their specific proposal published in Pravda
in January, which foresaw a phased Israeli
withdrawal beginning with positions at the
Canal as the first step in a big-power solu-
tion for the Middle East. But whatever hope
there was that concern for the re-opening of
Suez would induce the Russians to take a
reasonable view in the Big-Power talks, let
alone to bring Nasser around to such a more
reasonable or conciliatory view, have by now
clearly been disappointed. Although the Rus-
sians would gain from Suez re-opening, they
appear either unwilling or unable to get the
Egyptians to the negotiating table so as to
insure such a re-opening in an overall frame-
work of Middle Eastern peace.
It is my assessment that Russian imme-
diate intentions witn_regard to the Middle
East are neither to help bring about direct
negotiations and peace, nor to encourage a
new fourth round of open Arab-Israeli war-
fare?a contingency that could only result
in a further humiliating defeat for their
friends in Cairo and further severe losses
of Soviet military equipment. Their imme-
diate aim seems to be to keep the crisis at
the present level of continual, sporadic bel-
In the broader and longer perspective, the
Russians are building up their presence
wherever they can throughout the Middle
East and the Mediterranean. Their present
course is one of maintaining constant pres-
sure and tension without provoking any
final confrontation between Russia and the
United States.
The experience in the days preceding the
1967 Arab-Israeli war shows how easily
Soviet intentions can miscarry in. the vola-
tile climate of Arab politics. Amidst the
constant and heightening tensions of the
Middle East the Soviet armament program
and Soviet support for the Arabs creates
a very real risk of a new Arab-Israeli war
starting through miscalculation. An even
riskier set of miscalculations might make
of the Middle East the tinder box that
would set off a global third world war.
The apparent Soviet reluctance to get
involved in any direct Russian-American
confrontation over the Middle East implies
for the United States a serious responsi-
bility and a major opportunity to work for
B. United States posture on Middle East
To rise to this challenge the United
States must do its part to try to strengthen
the factors of rationality and to dispel the
factors of irrationality and miscalculation
at 3 levels: in our own relations with the
Soviet Union, in Arab-Soviet relations, and
In relation between the Arabs and Israel.
In our own direct relations with the
Soviets we must continue to make it clear
that direct Soviet military intervention in
the Middle East would be viewed by us as
a grave matter. We must leave no doubt
that any such action of theirs would bring
into play a resolute and appropriate American
response. It is conceivable, for example,
that Egypt or perhaps Syria through a
shortsighted repetition of the events of
1967 might plunge into another disastrous
military defeat. The defeated Arab Gov-
ernment might then appeal for Soviet Mili-
tary intervention to .reverse the misfortune
of battle. In such a contingency the Rus-
sians must know that they will not have a
free hand in the region and that any at-
tempt to inject their power directly into
the Middle East would not be countenanced
by the United States.
For the same reason we must continue
to make it clear to the Arab government,
to the Soviets, and anyone else that we
simply will not allow the destruction of the
State of Israel?which Nasser and other
Arab leaders from time to time claim as
the grand aim of their policy.
In American-Soviet relations with re-
gard to the Middle East, there is every
reason to believe that such a clearcut
American position will continue to act as
an adequate deterrent. Our reaction, pre-
cisely because it is earnest and credible,
will not in fact have to come into play.
Russia's policy toward the Middle East tra-
ditionally has been expansionist?but it has
been extremely patient, and rarely if ever
adventurous. We owe it to ourselves, to our
friends in the Middle East, and to the Rus-
sians, to define, clearly and in advance, the
limits of Soviet adventurisrn that can be
tolerated by the United States. The introduc-
tion of Soviet combat forces into direct con-
flict in the Middle East would veer the
world to the brink of nuclear disaster.
We should continue to make it clear to the
Soviets that we disapprove of the massive
infusion of deadly weapons in their lavish
shipments to Nasser and other Arab govern-
ments, and equally clear that we are ready
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Which this deadly flow of arms and this
Constant escalation can bastoppecl.
Unfortunately the Soviet Union has by
now made it clear enough. that it does not
intend to bring such talks- to fruition. It Is
bundantly clear that the Soviets ether
annot or will not persuade the Arabs to talk
peace with Israel. The Soviets have made it
equally clear that, on tie contrary, they
intend to continue arming Arab governments
Such as the UAR and Syria on an unprece-
dented scale.
My first recommendation is, therefore, that
there be an immediate end to the formai Big
Four and Big Two conversations about the
Middle East that we have -been conducting
since February. We should cantinue, through
normal diplomatic channels, to make it ;:lear
to the Soviet Union that we take a grave view
of their continued arms shipment and that
We will not allow any overt Soviet miLtary
intrusion. We can also moire it clear mice
again through normal diplomatic channels
and through appropriate action at the United
Nations that we are ready to help bring the
Parties to the peace table or lo discuss limita-
tions of the arms flow to the Middle East as
ten as there is any corresponding willingness
the other?Soviet or Arab----side, To ;on-
nue with the Big Pour poWea talks, with all
ir attendant publicity Wend this point
s yes to encourage Arab gothraments to san-
ue on their present =sadistic course.
asser is shouting war iniatcad of talking
peace. He is hoping somehow that Soviet
Power and big four diplomacy will make up
for the unrealism of past Arab policy. Von-
t nuation of the big power farm al talks would
1 crease the psychological btirdsn imposed on
I rael. A public cessation of the big power
lks over the Middle East Could shake Arab
1 adership back into the real world and help
efuse the present situation.
Let me turn then to a review of the cursent
military tensions and to an assessment ol the
long-range prospects for peace.
In the Immediate situation and in the short
rim the Middle East remains precariously
sispended between war and peace. There are
o fundamental factors ha this situation
that must be understood. Fast. Arab ext em-
1St leaders such as President Nasser and the
ill tary rulers of Syria, 'ref:sand Algeria l Lave
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September 17, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE S 10729
Israel emerged within somewhat more viable
de facto lines, in control of substantially
more than the area that the U.N. had allotted
for the Jewish part of Palestine. Arab lead-
ers now began to refer to the 1947 partition,
which they had then rejected, as some kind
of legal document defining their supposed
This pattern has been broadly repeated in
1956 and 1967. Rejection of one solution,
however hard on Israel, by the Arabs; head-
long rush toward hostilities so as to destroy
Israel or drive her into the sea; defeat of the
Arab side; and then a legalistic claim on the
basis of the solution earlier rejected by the
Arabs themselves. Thus in both 1956 and
1967 Arab governments after their defeat in-
sisted that Israel withdraw behind the armis-
tice lines of 1949 which Arabs leaders had
then rejected as worthless and illegitimate
and which they violated with systematic
guerrilla infiltration.
The third and most overwhelming element
of the Arab tragedy is the wholesale suffering
of Arab peoples caught in this conflict and
abused by the short-sighted and patently
abortive policies of their most prominent
leaders. There is first of all the suffering of
the Palestine Arab refugees of 1918?many
of them encouraged by fellow Arabs to leave
their homes on the overconfident promise
that they would march back, in days or
weeks, in the train of victorious Arab troops.
The Palestine Arabs were always among the
most cultured, the most literate and the
most highly educated Arab populations. The
educational program of the UNRWA (sup-
ported with contributions of which that of
the United States Government always has
been the largest) heightened further this
educational level. Many individual Palestine
Arab refugees indeed have found prominent
employment in the thriving oil economies of
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and other Persian
Gulf states. Their monthly remittances in-
deed had by 1967 come to be a major item in
Jordan's balance of payments.
The vast majority of refugees, however,
grew up in camps, crowded together in con-
ditions that were, physically, kept scrupu-
lously sanitary but, mentally and humanly,
were dangerously unhealthy. They were fed
on minimal rations of nutrition and excess
rations of propaganda and hate?hate of Is-
rael, hate of the Jews, hate often of the West
generally and of the United States most spe-
cifically. The most glaringly inhumane con-
ditions prevailed in the Gaza Strip, a tiny
area into which 300,000 refugees were
crowded. This area was administered for 18
years by Egypt, but no one vtas given Egypt-
ian citizenship and no one was allowed to
travel to Egypt. Since Jordan formally an-
nexed the part of Palestine it came to admin-
ister after the 1948 war, conditions there
were slightly better. The West Bank Arabs
were given Jordanian full citizenship, and
indeed they contributed to an enormous
growth of the East Bank capital of Amman
into a large metropolis. In the government of
Jordan, too, Palestinian Arabs played a
prominent role. Yet the mainstay of the
monarchy remained the poorly educated be-
douin of the East who seemed far more re-
liable as soldier and as civilian supporter
than the frustrated and restless and highly
cultured Palestinians.
The knowledge that Israelis had made a
thriving orchard out of once-largely barren
land only increased Arab resentments within
this prevailing negative and hostile setting.
The prospect, of Israeli-Arab peaceful eco-
nomic competition in the future was likely to
inspire self-doubt and fear. [A whole new
generation has thus grown up in refugee
camps and it is from this bitter and frus-
trated generation that the fedayeen of al-
Fatail are drawn.]
Yet the fact remains that Arabs and Jews
are fellow, brother semite peoples. Among
Israelis it is most remarkable that there is
no trace whatever of the hatred of the Arab
as Arab?even toward the present Arab gov-
ernments in their misguided policies such as
Nasser there is more contempt and pity or
exasperation than hate. The Jews of Israel
are too impatient with the positive tasks of
construction and of building for the future
to allow themselves time out for hate. They
have been victims of hate long enough in
Nazi Germany and elsewhere to know the
destructive farce of hate. They also know that
whatever the fate that diplomacy and warfare
may hold for them in the future they will
have to live among Arabs. Since they want to
live in peace, it is Arabs with whom they
are ready to live in peace.
On the Arab side, in official and public
proclamations, and to often in genuine,
passionate emotions, it is hatred that pre-
vails. This hate is part of the unrealistic, not
to say psychopathological, course into which
tragedy has propelled so many Arabs over the
last two generations. The first change that
can reverse this psychological constellation is
the recognition by Arabs that Israel, for bet-
ter or worse, is here to stay. Talk about driv-
ing it into the sea is no more than wanton,
idle talk.
Even within the present tragic situation
there are important nuances among Arab
attitudes. Those Arabs who have known
Israel best have come to 'accept her?the
hundred thousand Palestine Arabs who re-
mained behind after 1948 in cities such as
Nazareth, who came to enjoy on equal terms
the benefits of a thriving and growing, and
staunchly egalitarian economy, who enjoy
their Arab-language educational system, and
the privilege of free democratic elections
(among the very few Arabs anywhere who
have had that privilege ever!), I saw at first
hand that highly educated Arab women have
come to preach an enlightened brand of fem-
inist in that setting.
It was not that these resident Israeli Arabs
liked the idea of a Jewish state or did not
grieve at the Arab defeats. They accommo-
dated themselves to imposed political realities
whether in the time of Alexander the Great,
of the crusaders, or of the Ottomans. On the
basis of that realistic accommodation, mu-
tual trust now has a chance to grow.
Next there are the Arabs of the occupied
territories?West Bank, Old Jerusalem, Gaza
Strip (the Sinai peninsula and Golan being
hardly populated). Here searing memories of
defeat are recent and sharp. Yet there is little
love for Jordanian or Egyptian rules who too
often made these people into pawns. Even
among these there is some growing appreci-
ation of the economic realities of Israel.
There is hope that more employment can be
provided and appreciation of the thriving
trade over the "open bridges." There is also
the hope expressed by these Arabs that Arabs
and Israelis can sit down and start to talk
Third, there are those Arab peoples and
governments closest to Israel in geography,
and closest to Palestine in historic tradi-
tion?Jordan and Lebanon?where a much
more realistic and moderate attitude has
prevailed. Lebanon stayed out of the 1967
war and does its best to discourage the
fedayeen. Jordan is in a more precarious situ-
ation and of course miscalculated woefully
In entering the war. But Jordan and Israel
are geographic twins and, just as there are
innumerable paints of friction, there also
are innumerable points of latent common in-
terest. These include coordinated use of the
Jordan waters (tacitly being implemented
according to the Eric Johnston formula that
Jordan publicly could not accept), potential
Jordanian direct outlet across Israel to the
Mediterranean and, above all, relief from the
insecurity and suffering of constant belliger-
ence. These latent common interests might
come to the fore if Jordan and Israel or
Lebanon and Israel were left to themselves.
One ever present desire of U.S. policy should
be to enhance the de facto independence of
these governments.
Fourth, there are the Arabs most decidedly
hostile and most implacable toward Israel.
Aside from the active combatants of al-
Fatah?the crop of the dragon seed of the
hate-choked refugee camps?these most hos-
tile Arabs ironically are the furthest away
from Israel and have suffered little if at all
from the Palestine tragedy. This is Syria,
which only has the shortest of borders with
Israel, whose claims to Jordan water always
were pro forma, and where anti-Israeli pos-
turing serves as an outlet for the frustrations
of the most unstable and turbulent political
system (or non-system) in today's world.
This is Egypt?whose populated areas are
separated from Israel by hundreds of miles of
desert, which does not need the Tiran strait
except to deny It to Israel. This is Iraq, with-
out any common border. This is also distant
Algeria. And of course occasional holy-war
noises emanate from oil rich, but backward
Saudi Arabia.
Arab actions and proclamations over the
last two years have made it amply clear that
the militants and extremists still set the
pace. The recent and tragic fire at the al
Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem led to another
round of vituperation and scurrilous accusa-
tions against Israel. It brought on another
round of saber rattling and of inflammatory
threats by Nasser, by Faisal of Saudi Arabia
and others. The more moderate and rational
Arab leaders, including the leadership of Leb-
anon and including King Hussein, have
been muffled. King Hussein's actions over the
last years indicate the precariousness of any
rational Arab position in the present con-
text. It would be illusory to expect any in-
s?tant change in this hostile and belliger-
ent Arab mood. Even the cessation of the
Big-Power talks, which is our most urgent
order of business, can only make a beginning
pressing Arabs to reassess their course and
to formulate, step by step, a more rational
alternative for the future.
We should not let any illusory notion of
evenhandedness obscure the fundamental
differences between the position of Israel and
the position shortsightedly espoused by Arab
leaders such as President Nasser, King Faisal,
and President Boumedienne. The Arab
leadership preaches hatred of Israel; Israel
knows that she must live at peace with their
neighbors. The official Arab dream is one of
destruction and revenge; the Israeli dream is
one of transforming deserts into orchards
and restoring a long persecuted people to
dignity and quiet pride. The Arab govern-
ments demand the destruction of Israel;
Israel has no desire to destroy the Arab na-
tions. Arab leaders pretend to see in Israel a
symbol of imperialism and aggression; yet it
is those same Arab leaders who harbor ex-
pansionist plans at Israel's expense and who
have allowed themselves to become the tools
for Russia's imperialist designs on the Middle
East. The Arab governments look to the past
and fight for redress of wrongs, some real and
some fancied; Israel looks to the future and
fights for survival. The Arab governments
would like to change the present status quo
by diplomatic pressures, by acts of bel-
ligerence or by military threats; Israel would
transform the present status quo into a
stable and negotiated peace. In short, the
present-day militant rulers in Cairo, Damas-
cus, Baghdad, and elsewhere indulge in the
grossest and most irresponsible irrationality,
whereas Israel is making her plans on a sober ?
and reasoned assessment of the contingencies
imposed upon her.
Since the prospects of negotiated peace
seem, right now, remote at best, it is appro-
priate to examine the current military situa-
tion in some detail. The de facto belligerence
has now reached higher levels than it did at
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Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
S 10730 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE September 17, 1969
I any time except in the actual Wars of 1948,
, 1956, and 1967. Along the Suez Careal there
I are intermittent rounds of artillery duels,
I occasionally escalating into miner aerial
I skirmishes and forays to destroy einmy em-
placements. Along the Jordan and on the
I i.
1 Northern frontier of Israel, there is a pattern
I of guerrilla incursion_ or bombardment
I launched by Arab Palestinian groups such as
al-Fatah, and Israeli retaliation by artillery
or air against the terroriet bases mainly in
Jordan and Lebanon. Occasionally this pat-
tern expands into acts of violence f er from
, the center of the conflict- such as tae vari-
I ous Arab acts of aerial piracy, the Israeli
I raid on Beirut airport and the severe/ deep
I incursions by helicopter-borne forces into
Central and Southern Egypt.
This constant belligerency poisons the dip-
lomatic atmosphere and thus malts even
more remote the prospects of peace aegotia-
tions. Yet, by themselvets, these acts of war
I neither are likely to be decisive in weaken-
ing one or the other antagonist, nor are they
I necessarily the prelude to open warfare.
I Even in the most densely populate i parts
of the territories occupied since 1('? (the
West Bank and the Gaza Strip) OA re has
not developed anything remotely resaabling
1 the classical guerrilla or peeguerrilla situa-
tions of the 1950's such as In Malaya, e Igeria,
, Cyprus, or Viet Nam. The level of MG melons
'has not gone up, and the internal senility
I situation in the West Bank and the Gaza
I Strip seems to be stabilizing graduaal a The
'Israeli retaliatory bombardments, while they
i cannot put a stop to the well-flnaneed and
well-armed Fatah activity, have already had
the effect of forcing the Fatah to pall its
L bases back from the immediate vich ity of
I the de facto frontier and to disperse their
bases into smaller units, tiatts slowing down
their operations. Also, the Jordanian and
Lebanese governments are lees than passed
about this military activity that is conducted
from their soil hut outside their effective
I control. King Hussein, depending on his tac-
tical estimate of the situatlen from Week to
Week, alternately tries to work out an ac-
commodation with the Paleetinian ter'. erists
or to chip away at their power. The Lebanese
1novernment has given Israel to under tand
hat it does not really object to Israe It re-
nation against guerrilla bases in the
yrian border area beyond the Want river
the slope of Mt. Hermon? even tiaougla it
may see itself compelled to denounce :enrol
n the Security Council.
Along the Suez Canal, the Israelis were
able, during a lull following one of their
helicopter attacks on power lines Moak, the
ItEile, to fortify their positions so as to with-
Stand any subsequent artillery attacks.
The reason that these current incidents of
belligerency are not likely to escalate into
full-scale ground war is implicit in the na-
ture of the 1967 cease fire lines. Israel's new
de facto frontiers, along the Suez Cana/ the
rdan River, and the crust of the Golan
ights are excellent strategic frontiers?
d the new cease fire lines, in total perien-
e er mileage, are substantially shorter than
tortuous armistice lineanf the 194-967
pr1ocl. It has been rightly observed that she
S ez Canal (even in its non-uavigable State)
a d the Jordan River are far b,,tter thab any
t nk traps that could have been deaig tied
b the most skilled of military engineers
Whether or not there will be a faerth
Stpteniber 17, 19Aibprovedfencelkrth(26611
not have the economic resources to afford
any such compensation program.
Only within a restored, prolonged, assured
balance of peace and balance of economic
survival can the current situation gradually
settle down so that Arabs may come to a more
realistic assessment. Only then can Arabs
within cease fire lines take advantage of the
economic possibilities of cooperation with
Israel. Only When it is clear that the arms
supplied by Soviets to Egypt, and other dis-
tant countries, cannot reverse the present
balance of peace, will the Arabs closer to the
scene-Jordan and Lebanon with their mod-
erate governments, the Palestinians inside
and outside the cease fire line with their
interest in rejoining families-come to the
fore. Only then can we expect a step-by-step
enlargement of the pragmatic cooperation
that miraculously goes on even now, as
illustrated by the thriving trade between
West Bank and Israel, as well as West Bank
and Jordan, and the Palestinian students re-
turning for summer vcations under Israeli
occupation with their families.
The folly and callous irresponsibility of
Nasser policy may some day become fully
apparent to Arab audiences. It is a policy
that has preached war for 17 years and led to
defeat twice. It is a policy that concentrates
such massive efforts on armaments that they
dwirf the expenditures on the Aswan dam. It
is a policy that holds no realistic hope for
anything but senseless Arab and Israeli suf-
- fering in the years ahead. The alternative is
a policy of mutual respect and cooperation.
Even with small beginnings of de facto ac-
commodation, it could produce a gradual
increase of understanding between two long
divided Semitic border peoples each proud
of their ancient religion and literature, each
'with an economic challenge of a better future
in a desert that human skill and dedication
can convert into a garden of growth for
Arab and Jew alike.
_64R000300120003-9 S 10731
Lumber Co. (noW knowrl as Pleasant's Log- AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIA-
ging & Milling, Inc.); and TIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1970 FOR
H.R. 11890. An act for the relief of T. Sgt. MILITARY PROCUREMENT, RE-
Peter Elias Gianutsos, U.S. Air Force (re- SEARCH AND DEVPLOPMENT, AND
The message further announced that SERVE COMPONENT STRENGTH
the Speaker had affixed his signature to Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, I ask
the following enrolled bills and joint unanimous consent that the Chair lay
resolutions, and they were signed by the the unfinished business before the Sen-
Vice President: -
S. 83. An act for the relief of certain_ civilian
employees and former civilian employees of
the Bureau of Reclamation;
8.85. An act for the relief or Dr. Jagir Singh
S. 348. An act for the relief of Cheng-huai
H.R. 4658. An act for the relief of Bernard
L. Coulter;
S.J. Res. 149. Joint resolution to extend
for 3 months the authority to limit the rates
of interest or dividends payable on time and
savings deposits and accounts;
Mi. Res. 250. Joint resolution authorizing
the President of the United States of America
to proclaim September 17, 1969, General von
Steuben Memorial Day for the observance and
commemoration of the birth of Gen.
Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben; and
H.J. Res. 7'75. Joint resolution to authorize
the President to award, in the name of Con-
gress, Congressional Space Medals of Honor
to those astronauts whose particular efforts
and contributions to the welfare of the
Nation and of mankind have been excep-
tionally meritorious.
A message from the House of Repre-
sentatives, by Mr. Bartlett, one of its
reading clerks, announced that the
House has passed the bill (S. 757) for the
relief of Yvonne Davis, with an amend-
ment, in which it requested the concur-
rence of the Senate.
The message also announced that the
House had passed the following bills, in
which it requested the concurrence of
the Senate:
H.R. 1695. An act for the relief of Alfredo
H.R. 2260. An act to confer jurisdiction
on the U.S. District Court for the Western
District of Wisconsin to hear, determine, and
render judgment on the claim of Emma Zim-
merli against the United States;
H.R. 2107. An act for the relief of Elbert
C. Moore;
H.R. 2458. An act for the relief of Frank
J. Enright;
H.R. 4634. An act for the relief of Law-
rence Brink and Violet Nitschke;
H.R. 8694. An act for the relief of Capt.
John T. Lawlor (retired);
H.R. 9177. An act to provide for the dis-
position of judgment funds of the Confed-
erated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reser-
H.R. 9910. An act for the relief of Han-
nibal B. Taylor;
MR. 10356. An act for the relief of Mrs.
Iris 0. Hicks;
H.R. 11060. An act for the relief of Victor
L. Ashley;
MR. 11503. An act for the relief of Wylo
Pleasant doing business as Pleasant Western
ate notwithstanding the hour.
will report.
The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. A bill (S. 2546)
to authorize appropriations during the
fiscal year 1970 for procurement of air-
craft, missiles, naval vessels, and tracked
combat vehicles and to authorize the
construction of test facilities at Kwaja-
lein Missile Range, and to prescribe the
authorized personnel strength of the Se-
lected Reserve of each Reserve compo-
nent of the Armed Forces, and for other
objection to the request of the Senator
from Mississippi?
There being no objection, the Senate
resumed the consideration of the bill.
tion is on agreeing to amendment No.
165 of the Senator from Kentucky (Mr.
Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President, I sug-
gest the absence of a quorum.
will call the roll.
The bill clerk proceeded to call the
The following bills were severally read
twice by their titles and referred, as
Mr. COOPER. Mr. President, I ask
indicated: unanimous consent that the order for the
H.R. 1695. An act for the relief of Alfredo quorum call be rescinded.
Caprara; The
H.R. 2260. An act to confer jurisdiction on
the U.S. District Court for the Western Dis-
objection, it is so ordered.
trict of Wisconsin to hear, determine, and RECESS SUBJECT TO THE CALL OF THE CHAIR
render judgment on the claim of Emma Elm- Mr. COOPER. Mr. President, I have
merli against the United States; consulted with the majority-and minority
Ha. 2407. An act for the relief of Elbert C. leaders, and after consultation I make
Moore; this motion.
Ha. 2458. An act for the relief of Frank J.
I move that the Senate stand in recess,
Ha. 4634. An act for the relief of Lawrence subject to the call Of the Chair.
Brink and Violet Nitschke; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without
H.R. 8694. An act for the relief of Capt. objection, it is SO ordered.
John T. Lawlor (retired) ; (At 1 o'clock and 20 minutes p.m., the
B. Taylor;
H.R. 9910. An act for the relief of Hannibal Senate took a recess, subject to the call
H.R. 10356. An act for the relief of Mrs. of the Chair.)
Iris 0. Hicks; At 1 o'clock and 56 minutes p.m., the
H.R. 11060. An act for the relief of Victor L. Senate reassmbled, when called to order
Ashley; by the Presiding Officer (Mr. CANNON in
HR. 11503. An act for the relief of Wylo the chair) .
Pleasant doing business as Pleasant Western The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen-
Lumber Co.) now known as Pleasant's ator from Kentucky is recognized.
Logging & Milling, Inc.); and Mr. COOPER. Mr. President, what is
Ha 11890. An act for the relief of T. Sgt.
Peter Elias Gianutsos, U.S. Air Force (re- the pending business?
tired); to the Committee on the Judiciary. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The pend-
H.R. 9477. An act to provide for the dis- ing business is amendment No. 165 of-
position of judgment funds of the Con- fered by the Senator from Kentucky.
federated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Res- Mr. COOPER. Mr. President, on Au-
ervation; to the Committee on Interior and gust 12, I offered in the Senate an amend-
ment to clause (2) of section 401, title
IV of S. 2546. After some debate, I with-
drew the amendment, as it had not been
CONCLUSION OF MORNING printed, and as several Members of the
BUSINESS Senate expressed a desire to have more
The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there time for its consideration and some
further morning business? If not, morn- wished to join as cosponsors. The record
ing business is concluded, of the debate may be found on pages
Insular Affairs.
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S 10732
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
9776-9783 of the CONGRESSIONAL REcoaa,
August 12, 1969. I gave notice that I
would introduce again the amendment
when the Senate convehed after reeess.
The amendment I offered on August
12 was directed to clause (2) of section
401. Its purpose was to prohibit the use of
the Armed Forces of thkUnited States in
combat in support of local forces iri Laos
and Thailand.
Title IV?General Provisions of S.
2546, as reported by the Senate Commit-
tee on Armed Services, reads as follows:
, SEC. 401. Subsection (a) of section 401 of
Public Law 89-367 approved March 15, 1966
(80 Stat. 37), as amended, is hereby arnended
to read as follows:
. "Funds authorized for appropriarn for
the use of the Armed FOPee.3 of the 'United
1States under this or any her Act are au-
thorized to be made available for their Stated
I purposes to support: (1) Vietname and
'other free world forces in Vietnam, ( ) local
Iforces in Laos and Thailand; and for Irelated
costs, during the fiscal year 1970 on Mich
terms and conditions as the Secretary l Of De-
fense may deter/nine."
On August 12, section 401 was Modi-
ed by amendments offered 47' the
enator from Arkansas Mr. Feta nun)
hich were agreed to by the S riator
from Mississippi (Mr. STENNIS), the
anager of the pending bill, an1 the
enate. Its present text Isas fall s:
Not to exceed $2,500,001000 of the , funds
uthorized for appropriation for the luSe of
the Armed Forces of the United States under
his or any other Act are authorized' 90 be
ade available for their stated purpOses to
upport: (1) Vietnamese and other free
World forces in Vietnam, (2) local forces in
aos and Thailand; and for related 1 costs,
during the fiscal year 19/0 on such terms
and conditions Under Presidential regula-
tions as the President may determine.
The Senate will note that the pretent
language of section 401 provide tha
, Funds authorized for the use of the 4xtned
tarces of the United States ander t1ie or
y other act are authoriged to be iil,ftde
available for their stated purposes to; Sup-
non: (1) Vietnamese and other free Vierld
ferces in Vietnam, (2) local forces int Laos
and Thailand, and for related costs. 1
1 The words "to support" are of onera-
tive importance. They apply and are di-
rected equally to Vietnam, where the
'ted States is engaged in war, arid to
Los arid Thailand, where we arel not
i formed that we are engaged in IWar.
ction 401 makes no distinction as to
e kinds of support which are author-
d to the forces in Vietnam and to the
lolal forces in Laos and Thailand.
The United States is at war in Viet-
nam. The United States provides eqtdp-
m nt, material and supplies, training?
bi lions of dollars?everything necesSary
fo the conduct of war to Support &kith
Vi tnam, its forces, and other a ied
fo ces in South Vietnam. Bat the United
St tes has provided far greater support.
It has sent over 500,000 of its men 4iud
many women to fight, to suffer woi4ids
and injury, and to die.
The language of section 401, as m &-
fief!, speaks for itself. Its literal mea ag
is lear, and the language itself is the
fir* and decisive source to provide inter-
pretation of the legislative intent of sed-
tion 401. Under this test, section 401 can
be interpreted to direct that the kinds of
support provided to: First, Vietnamese
and other free world forces in Vietnam
can be provided to local forces in Laos
and Thailand.
The amendment which I offer reads as
On page 5, line 14, strike out "to support:
(1)" and insert in lieu thereof "(1) to sup-
On page 5, lint: 15, strike out "(2) local
forces in Laos and Thailand; and", and in-
sert in lieu thereof "(2) to_support local
forces in Laos and Thailand, but support to
such local forces ahM1 be limited to tbe
providing of supplies, materiel, equipment,
and facilities, including maintenance there-
of, and to the providing of training for such
local forces, and (2)".
The amendment would provide and
make a gstinction between the kinds of
support: at the United States shall give
to South Vietnam and the kind of sup-
port wO would make available in Laos
and Thailand.
If the amendment is adopted, section
401 will read as follows:
Svc. 41. Subsection (a) of section 401 of
Public fi,aw 89-367 approved March 15, 1966
(80 Stat. 37), as an is hereby amended
to read aa follows: it
"Not to ceed 9%500,000,000 of the funds
authorized 0,7 appropriation for the use of
the Armed Fors of the United States under
this or any other.,,..kct are authorized to be
made available for) eir stated purposes: (1)
to support Vietnam and other free world
forces in Vietnam, (2) t eupport local forces
in Laos and. Thailand, bu'la,support to such
local forces shall be limited ta,:the providing
of supplies, materiel, equipment, and facili-
ties including maintenance thereof, and to
the providing of training for such local
forces, and (3) for related costs, during the
fiscal year 1970 on such terms and conditions
under presidential regulations as the Presi-
dent may determine."
I desire to make the purpose and the
Interpretation of the amendment sPecifla
and clear. It draws a distinction be-,
tween the use of funds authorized to
support Vietnam and other free world
forces in Vietnam and funds authorized
to support local forces in Laos and
Thailand. It wou:d limit strictly U.S.
support of local forces in Laos and ,
Thailand to the types of aid designated/
by the amendment and for related costs;
The amendment is intended to declare
that funds authorised under this or any
other act shall not be used to engage or
commit the Armed Forces of the United
States in combat, hostility, or war in sup-
port of local forces in Laos or Thailand.
It is intended to prohibit specifically
such use of funds authorized: Congress
has this constitutional authority under
article I, section 8 of the Constitution.
It is perhaps the only clear authority
which Congress has to deal with such
a situation.
It is estimated that 45,000 of our
Armed Forces are stationed in Thailand.
I do not know that our forces are now
engaged in combat in Laos or Thailand
in support of local forces. I hear from
various sources that some are engaged
in combat in Laos and Thailand against
insurgents, but I must say I have no
Personal knowledge, that it is correct. As
I recall from hearings I have attended,
both in the Committee on Foreign Re-
lations and the Committee an Armed
Services, I have not heard any official
of this country say that we are engaged
in hostilities in Laos or Thailand. If they
are so engaged, the amendment is in-
tended to deny their continued use in
combat in support of local forces in those
In bluntest terms, the amendment is
offered with the purpose of preventing,
if possible, the United States from mov-
ing step by step into war in Laos or
Thailand, as it did in Vietnam.
During the course of the debate on
August 12, objections were raised to the
amendment, and since that time ques-
tions have been directed to me concern-
ing its full meaning.
The distinguished Senator from Texas
(Mr. Towea) suggested that the amend-
ment would prohibit U.S. forces in Thai-
land from engaging in combat for their
self-defense or the defense of U.S. air
bases or other U.S. facilities. I assume
the same argument would be directed to
U.S. forces in Laos. This argument is
patently incorrect, on its face. Of course,
the U.S. forces, wherever they are, can
defend themselves as a matter of right,
as a matter of commonsense, arid as a
matter of international law; and, con-
stitutionally, the President, as Com-
mander in Chief, has the authority to
take whatever measures are necessary to
assure the defense of U.S. forces.
I am sorry the Senator from Texas is
not in the Chamber at this time. I wish
to emphasize again that this amendment
in no way would prevent our forces,
wherever they are, from defending them-
I have been asked if my amendment
would prohibit the use of U.S. Armed
Forces stationed in Thailand from con-
tinuing combat support of U.S. forces in
Vietnam and other free world forces in
Vietnam, such as bombing operations
which originate in Thailand and are di-
rected against enemy forces in Vietnam
and in Laos along the Ho CM Minh
trail. My answer is that the amendment
would not prohibit such combat activities
of U.S. forces. Whatever one's views may
be about Vietnam, we are at war in Viet-
nam. The Commander in Chief, the
President, has control of that situation,
as a constitutional matter, and if in fact
operations originating in Thailand were
used to assist our Armed Forces and
other forces fighting in Vietnam, my
amendment would not prevent such op-
eration, clause (1) of section 401, would
not be affected by the amendment I offer.
But with respect to clauae (2), it must
be clear that the amendment is intended
to prohibit absolutely the engagement of
U.S. Armed Forces in combat, in support
of Laos or Thailand local forces, fighting
in Laos and Thailand.
The distinguished Senator from Ari-
zona, Senator GorawATEE, in a very val-
uable contribution to the debate, asked if
the amendment I offer would prohibit
U.S. forces in the installation of radar
and other facilities to assist local forces
in Laos and Thailand. My answer is "No."
The amendment is intended to prohibit
the use of our Armed Farces in combat
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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Kemarks nine'ricoer 16, 1969
in the parole, probation, counseling and cor-
rectional forces.
The whole correctional system is in dis-
repair?antiquated, overloaded, operating to
corrupt rather than to cure the offenders
consigned to it. "Holding tanks," Brock
Adams calls the city's jails. What kind of
supervision and guidance can the 17 proba-
tion officers of the Court of General Sessions
give the offenders assigned to them when
they carry a caseload of 122 probationers
In the costly correction of these dramatic
defects?and not in assigning policemen to
sit for hours on end monitoring telephone
conversations at random on the chance of
picking up something juicy?lies the real
hope of effective attack on crime. Justice
delayed is triply destructive. It breeds a
sense of helplessness and hopelessness in
beleaguered citizens. It breeds cynicism and
disheartenment in conscientious police of-
ficers who see the offenders they risked their
lives to arrest set free by lags and loopholes
in the law; see them intimidating witnesses;
see them continuing to prey on the com.
rnunity. It breeds contempt and derision in
criminals, especially in young punks, who
see the forces of law and order frustrated
and demoralized. The very heart and center
of a realistic attack on crime must be a
dbtermination to make the law take its course
swiftly and sternly?and with the goal not
of sterile retribution but of redemption.
When all this is done?and it all must be
done to meet the realities of a condition
caused by persistent neglect?it remains es-
sential to remember that such measures deal
only with the consequences, not with the
causes, of crime. These causes?slums, in-
adequate schools, squalor, human wretched-
ness, poverty?will continue, until they are
ameliorated, to breed criminals faster than
cops can catch them, faster than courts can
condemn them. The cost of ignoring these
causes is far greater, in terms of money and
public safety and human happiness, than the
cost of conquering them.
them on their championship spirit which
reflects such great credit on their par-
ents, their State and the Nation.
A recent editorial from the Honolulu
Star-Bulletin summed up our feeling of
pride in the world series winners this
It was a representative Hawaiian team?
made up of that glorious mixture of the
Islands' races, And, as seems to be the case
with all teams we send to these athletic com-
petitions abroad, it was as much a winner
in the fans' hearts as it was on the field.
Warmest congratulations to these players
and their proud parents, their coaches, and
the estimable Police Activities League, which
sponsored the team as part of its productive
youth sports program.
The editorial from the Honolulu Star-
Bulletin of August 30, 1969, and a related
article from the August 28 issue follow
Through scores of seasons and thousands of
games, with teams of elementary school boys
up to the Triple A professional Islanders.
Hawaii tried without success to win a base-
ball championship.
This week success came when the PAL
Americans of Honolulu won the PONY
League World Series at Washington, Pa.
These boys of 13 and 14 swept through four
games undefeated in the final series among
eight teams from the United States, Canada
and Latin America.
It was a representative Hawaiian team?
made up of that glorious mixture of the
Islands' races. And, as seems to be the case
with all teams we send to these athletic com-
petitions abroad, it was as much a winner
in the fans' hearts as it was on the field.
Warmest congratulations to these players
and their proud parents, their coaches, and
the estimable Police Actitives League, which
sponsored the team as part of its productive
youth sports program.
Tuesday, September 16, 1969
Mr. 1VIATSUNAGA. Mr. Speaker, we of
the 50th State have much to be proud
of?our breathtaking scenery, our ideal
climate, our splendid heritage of aloha,
and our progressive institutions. But now
the Nation's youngest State can also
boast of another unique achievement?
its first international baseball champion-
This world championship was won by
the Honolulu All-Star PAL Americans
who returned home victorious from the
annual PONY World Series, held last
month in Washington, Pa.
The title game for the islanders, the
Pacific region representatives in the
eight-division tournament, was a "come-
from-behind" affair. The youngsters
trailed 4 to 3, before winning the crown
sought by teams from the United States,
Canada, and Latin America.
I know that you, Mr. Speaker, and the
other Members of Congress, would wish
to join me in applauding these outstand-
ing teenaged boys and in commending
"The kids are just overjoyed," said Hawaii
Coach Ed Riga in a telephone interview with
the Star-Bulletin today. The players (13-14
year-old All-Stars from the American League
of the Honolulu PAL) were just great. I told
them Hawaii is proud of them.
"The home runs were really hit. I'd say
Tatupu's first one traveled about 280 feet
and his second over 300. Ane's was a sharp
280-footer. We're real proud of the boys.
Their spirits_were high and they had the
confidence and will to win."
Pep Toyofuku, Pacific Region director of
PONY baseball who accompanied the team
to Pennsylvania for the series, told the Star-
"I'm so happy for the boys. After trying
for nearly a decade, we're the champions of
the world in our class. The way the kids
fought back after being behind is something
I'm writing home about."
Toyofuku said the Hawaii contingent will
return home Monday after visiting with Ha-
waii's Congressmen in Washington, D.C.
The victory was the second for lefty Ta-
mayoshi, a 5-8, 140-pound Kawananakoa
School student. He and Nakagawa were
oredited with all Hawaii's victories,
The Islanders collected 11 hits and Arcadia
10. Nakawaga allowed seven hits and was
charged with four runs.
Tamayoshi was touched for only four hits
in his relief role. He struck out four and
walked three as he jelie3 on his cracking
f astbs,11.
WASHINGTON, PA.?Hawaii can now boast
of its first international baseball champion-
ship, thanks to the PAL Americans, who de-
feated Arcadia, Calif., 8-5, last night and
won the annual PONY World Series.
The victory was the fourth straight for the
unbeaten PAL team from Honolulu in the
double-elimination series, while Arcadia had
been defeated once going into last night's
The title game for the Islanders, the Pa-
cific Region representative in the eight-
division tournament, was a come-from-be-
hind affair. They trailed, 4-3, before clinch-
ing the crown sought for by teams from the
United States, Latin America and Canada.
Three home runs, two by Mosilua Tatupu,
who drove in four runs, and the fine relief
pitching of Keith Tamayoshi, who relieved
starter Craig Nakagawa in the third inning,
were the major factors in the victory.
After the California team scored a run in
the second, Hawaii scored' three runs in the
top of the third, two on Tatupu's first home
run of the game.
Arcadia then regained the lead in the bot-
tom of the third with three runs before
Tamayoshi came in to strike out an Arcadia
batter with two out and runners on second
and third.
Hawaii settled the contest in the fourth
with four runs. Neal Ane singled, Howard
Nakata doubled in Ane, Bill Barrett ,singled
in Nakata and Tatupu, a 5-10, 175-pbunder,
who is headed for Farrington High School,
crashed his second two-run homer.
Ane, grandson of former Honolulu Mayor
Neal S. Blaisdell, hit a solo homer in the
sixth inning to cap the game's scoring.
Tuesday, September 16, 1969
Mr. BURKE of Florida. Mr. Speaker,
the Pan Arcadian Society of America,
an American-Greek organization, invited
Mrs. Burke and myself, together with
nine other Congressmen and their wives,
to be their guests to tour Greece during
the 2-week congressional recess period
which just ended.
This being a trip which would not
cost the Government anything, I ac-
cepted for several reasons. First, because
it gave Mrs. Burke and myself the first
opportunity to have a vacation with our
younger daughter, Kelly, since I was
elected to the Congress. During the past
several summers, Congress has remained
in session during the summer vacation
period when Kelly was out on school va-
Second, I accepted because I felt it
would give me an opportunity to , see
Greece first-hand and to make a de-
termination regarding conditions under
the present Greek military government.
Although there have been recent stor-
ies of the Greek people being harassed
and their rights being suppressed by the
existing military government, my experi-
ences in traveling in Greece and mixing
with the people seemed to belie this.
Everywhere I traveled, from Athens to
the rural towns, to most of the Greek
islands including Rhodes, Crete, Santini,
Hydra and others, the people seemed
busy, happy, and even prosperous in com-
parison to other nations I have visited.
The Greek economy, with the city of
Athens leading the way, appears to be
on the rise, and the recordbreaking
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September 16, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ?Extensions of Remarks E i533
Nor can we see the solution to crime con-
trol in wholesale wiretapping or greater re-.
hance on confessions. In the U.S. District
Court, D.C., only one major ease in the last
few years has involved Wiretapping. That
one, breaking just two week ago, dealt With
a heavy volume of narcotiM traffic. And al-
though confessions, along with sttasiments
and admissions-a,gainst-intercst are used in
Ihe preparation of many criminal cases pre-
ented in District Court confessions arc
aeldom relied upon in court. other, mere re-
liable evidence is generally need.
The answer lies in full !support, through
additional manpower and resources, together
With improved administrath e management
nthe courts, for all elements in the criminal
justice process. We must be willing to pay th
he necessary price for improvement of e
Component parts of the criminal justice sys-
Let it be understood that court reform
and increased judicial manpower will Wet.
Without assistance, eradicate crime. Ansi let
it be clear that the court serves as neither
4 rehabilitative agency nor a trap clr the
Unwary. Nor is it an institution des' ned to
discipline the police department. It Tuhsit be
Counted upon simply to carry ita shas Of the
burden which is to determine guilt o Imo-
cence and then sentence the guilty an e,c
the innocent.
Most penologists will agree that there are
very few institutions which actually "correct"
criminals. Most are mere "holding tanks" or
"graduate schools" for future criminal be-
havior. Smile are so adept at serving as breed-
ing grounds for crime that they mix juveniles
' 11 cells with hardened offenders. Some inati-
tntions are as troubled with the distribUtion
oEt narcotics within their walls as are Other
agencies with such distribution on the out-
Nor are our alternatives given a fair chance
succeed. Probation, that extra chance to
avoid a life of crime, is seemingly regarded
a joke, rather than the serious matter that
1 is. Here in Washington, for example, the
$ venteen Court of General Sessions proba-
t on officers with supervision responsibilities
cirry an unbelievable caseload of 122 pro-
b tioners each. The sixteen officers attached
ta the District Court fare little better, each
carrying a caseload of approximately eighty
, The parole system wallows under siinilar
canditions. Parole officers in the D.C. Depart-
Ment of Corrections average 130 in/Mites
Within the institution, far guidance and
ceunseling, and 51 parolees out on the streets.
The capacity of the D.C. Jsil is 593. Its
current population is a startling 1,033? The
YEauth Center at the LorMn Correctional
Complex has a capacity of 840. It is *piti-
ed by nearly 400 youths. The Women's
Mutton Center holds 80. Itnow has slightly
o er 100.
Does anyone wonder why criminals return
ta the only life they know?
' Yet alternatives to incarcerating all of-
feiders do work. One of our judges ill the
K ng County Superior Court, In the stat, e _of
Washington, has recently claimed "at least
8 per cent success" with probationers., De-
fe red or suspended sentences for first of-
f ders have demonstrated their success. And
p rt-time residential supervision of offenders
im small centers within their own communi-
ti s has helped to break the physical andPsy-
chological isolation of institutional life. Mils
is being successfully demonstrated by the
Bureau of Rehabilitation's half-way hues
here in Washington, D.C.
There is no doubt that we need an ex-
panded use of community-baacel corrections.
FM' youthful and early offenders, greater
provision must be made a personal and
group counseling, therapy, tutoring, and
perhaps occasional short-term confinement.
11'? those who have served time in correc-
tional institutions, additional emphasis must
be placed on pre-release centers or
half-way houses. Graduated release and fur-
lough programs should be expanded.
This will require determined effort and
hard cash. In Washington, D.C., it is esti-
mated that it will take $25 million for a
new jail and $10 million for a new correc-
tional institution. It will take additional fi-
nances to expand she half-way houses and
to reduce the parole caseload.
Yet we must take these stopstop the
revolving door whisks- returnsshard-
ened felons to-- th-e streets will take snore
than rheterit. I think we are willing to make
that c9ninitment.
. The personal and social costs of crime are
Ataggering?and too often unacknowledged.
The personal anxiety caused by fear and the
personal suffering from being a victim of
crime are pasts for which there, can be no
dollar figures. The millions of dollars spent
by businesses and individuals for protection
through Insurance, and the expenses re-
quired by added security guards and burglar
alarms, go largely unrecognized. And the
pennies which merchants continually add
to the price of goods and services to cover
losses incurred through shoplifting, or the
costs of "protection." imposed by organized
crime, amount to millions of dollars. We
complain about the costs necessary to
provi dditional policemen or probation
officers buig ignore the hidden costs which
we everyday ale.iforced to pay.
The costs of iifterserating offenders are
generally estimated af'5iQble or even triple
the costs of community- ed supervision.
In Washington, DC, it costs nty dollars
a day to incarcerate an offender at Youth
Center, twenty-three dollars at the \lc en's
Detention Center, and thirteen dollars at 'be
main Correctional Complex. For a man o
work release, it costs $9.80 per day. And that
Man, in addition, contributes to the tax
base. As the Bureau of Prisons has estimated,
inmates from these institutions?once re-
leased?have earned a total of over five mil-
lion dollars in salaries during the last three
years. Yet We are reluctant to spend money
on half-way houses and pre-release programs.
It is time in this Elation's history that all
of us realize, as I hope I have pointed out
we do, that immediate action must be taken
to deter crime and restore domestic peace be-
fore any of our social programs can truly suc-
ceed. We must spend more than the $5 billio
per year which is the current estimated ex-
penditure for police, courts and corrections
at all governmental levels. If we can spend
$24 billion to put a man on the moon we
can certainly afford to spend the amount nec-
essary to provide safety and security in our
own homes.
If we fail, the urban culture of America
will darken, asphalt jungles of anarchy will
spread through our cities, and our citizens
will be nothing more than armed warriors.
The fear that exhts in our communities
has created a limitless void between human
beings. / would hope that this great nation,
founded in adventure and matured in explo-
ration, will again find purpose and unity by
charting the unknown in the pursuit of do-
mestic peace.
An attack on crime, akin in magnitude
and determination to the launching of a
major campaign in she course of a war, is
more than ever a dcmestic Imperative. The
need for suett an attack, mobilizing all the
resources at the community's command, has
long been evident. But despite the sounding
of an alarm by President Johnson and an
equally insistent call by President Nixon, the
necessary nationwide sense of urgency simply
isn't evident except perhaps in the trenches,
where outnumbered, under-equipped police
forces battle on against impossible odds. In
the command posts however?in Congsess, in
the federal bureaucracies, in many state-
houses and city halls?the war is still being
waged, in the main, rhetorically; the needed
resources are not being mobilized on any-
thing like the necessary scale.
The inadequacy of the effort is nowhere
more evident, or more deplorable, than in
the District of Columbia, not only because
this is the Capital of the United States but
because violent crime in the streets has
grown here to appealing proportions. The of-
ficial police disclosure that 714 armed rob-
beries occurred in this city during the month
of August gives a grim foundation to the fear
that has become an epidemic in the com-
munity. Washington is a city under siege.
It must be liberated.
"What is needed," Congressman Brock
Adams said in a most distinguished speech
last week to a meeting here of the Interna-
tional Association of Chiefs of Police. "is a
total commitment of resources?energy,
finances, and manpower?toward the eradi-
cation of fear, control of crime, and restora-
tion of domestic peace." But the congressman
Is not content to attack crime with the crude,
cheap weapons of demagogy?slurs on the
Supreme Court, contempt for civil liberty
and for the rights of privacy, sheer sloganeer-
ing. "Fighting for human rights," Mr. Adams
observed wisely in defense of his libertarian
colleagues, "is not inconsistent with fighting
crime." Indeed, it is not. Respect for human
rights is the indispensable condition of a
respect for the law.
Some of the sensational proposals in the
Justice Department's crime bill?wiretap-
ping, for example, or the wresting of con-
fessions from ignorant suspects?have little
to commend them save theatricality. They
are expressions of panic. One might as sen-
sibly suggest combating crime by declaring
a state of martial law or imposing a perma-
nent curfew on the community. Such reme-
es entail prohibitive social costs.
Adams' approach is more pragmatic.
He gins with advocacy of an enlarged,
more ? obile, better-educated and better-
paid p ? ice force for the District?and with
a willin ness to face and foot the bill for
such a ce. Congress, as he observes, has
not' bee entirely inactive on this subject.
It passe comprehensive anti-crime bills in
1967 an 1968 providing assistance to- local
law en ?rcement agencies. But it takes time
to r suit and train police professionals.
process needs the utmost acceleration
now. Visible police officers unmistakably
deter crime.
But this isn't the only answer by any
means. "No matter how many police of-
ficers we have and no matter how many
arrests are Made." Mr. Adams went on to
say, "criminals will not be deferred unless
speedy justice is dispensed. This is why the
proposed court reorganization and expansion
now pending in the House is of such vital
Importance. The District Court of General
Sessions acknowledged recently that it had
more than 1,500 defendants awaiting trial
in July. The U.S. District Court here has
more than 1,700 criminal cases pending. It
is an appalling fact?an appalling reproach
to the conscience of the community- that
the average time between indictment and
disposition of a case in the District Court,
as Mr. Adams has painted out, is 254 days,
and twice as much in the Court of General
Sessions. 71 time for the completion of an
appeal in criminal cases is added to this, the
average span of a criminal proceeding comes
to almost two years.
This is a travesty on justice. There is no
good reason or justification for such delay.
It is unknown in the criminal courts of
England. It can be abated in part by in-
creased personnel throughout the judicial
System here?not on the bench alone but
in the U.S. Attorney's office, in the defense
services available to indigent defendants, in
the marshal's staff?and, perhaps above all,
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September 16, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD --Extensions of Remarks E 7535
number of tourists traveling there this
summer was much in evidence.
can truthfully say that one of the
most striking observations during my
visit was the lack of crime in the streets.
Although there is a military government
in power, I saw less soldiers or police in
public than I do in Washington, D.C.,
or any of our large cities.
This element of safety Stuck with me
as I contrasted the major cities of Greece
with cities in our country such as Wash-
ington, D.C. and New York where crime
is lunning rampant.
I do not condone any dictatorship
whether it be the paternal style of
-Franco in Spain, the heavy suppression
of the Communists, or the military dic-
tatorships that exist in many countries
of the world. Yet to me, I would rather
have a dictatorship friendly to the
United States than a Communist regime
such as we have in Cuba today.
As I sat through talks by some Greek
government officials I kept in mind the
fact that it is a dictatorship that con-
trols the Greek people, but I also kept in
mind the fact that Communists are itch-
ing to cause trouble and to gain a foot-
hold in this strategically located country
that borders three seas in Southern Eu-
rope and is only a few miles from Bul-
garia, Hungary and other iron curtain
Those in our country, who are calling
for the overthrow of the present Greek
Government, do not point out in their
speeches of criticism that Greece under-
went a disastrous civil war in 1947-48,
which the Communists instigated, and
which brought it perilously close to be-
ing taken over by a Communist regime.
The truth of the matter is that this
threat still exists today.
There are those that would like us to
forget that during the 1940's, the Soviet
Union stepped up its revolutionary activ-
ity in Europe and elsewhere, and brought
Its boot down on nations such as Czech-
oslovakia and others that were weak and
reeling from the effects of World War
History now shows that Greece would
have gone under communism had it not
been for the tremendous military and
other aid given to it by the United
The threat of communism in Europe
was so strong that all the freedom-lov-
ing nations of the Western Hemisphere
joined, as a matter of mutual defense,
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization,
which was created for the sole purpose
Of fighting communism.
Greece has always been a member na-
tion of NATO and at this time it might
be wise to note that the 20th anniversary
of this organization just passed re-
cently?August 24?without fanfare, and
with many critics still talking of dis-
banding the anti-Communist force.
Through the years, America has in-
vested literally billions for the upkeep
of NATO and foreign aid programs to
rebuild Europe and keep the pro-West-
cm n nations free. _
It would seem to me that those who
propose the disbandment of NATO and
those that propose ultraliberals take
over Greece forget too easily the perilous
positions of some nations in
regard to Communist takeovers.
Is not the lesson of Czechoslovakia
and the other eastern bloc nations clear
enough? Why cannot the ultraliberal
critics and "do gooders" see the Com-
munists for what they really are?
All Communist nations are dictator-
ships, but for some reason the Govern-
ment in GreeCe is painted as a horror
story which simply is not true.
I said previously that I do not con-
done dictatorships, including the one in
Greece, but on the other hand, I am sure
that for the time being at least, the pres-
ent leadership in Greece is needed if the
Greek people are to eventually have a
free government.
From all I can detect, economic and
educational advancement have been
made under the present Greek regime
and it is a capitalistic nation where free
enterprise still exists.
Greece is the cradle of democracy and
the Greek people have always cherished
freedom, and after visiting and seeing
the Greek people, I feel they will ulti-
mately select their leaders through dem-
ocratic processes without a hammer and
sickle hanging overhead and ultimately
without the fear of a uniformed dicta-
tor tribunal checking the balloting.
Tuesday, September 16, 1969
Mr. ICHORD. Mr. Speaker, the cur-
rent investigation of Students for a Dem-
ocratic Society by the House Committee
on Internal Security has already pro-
duced considerable evidence of violent
disruption by SDS members for anti-
democratic goals.
It is interesting to observe that indi-
viduals closely associated with SDS in
the past are today uttering rather harsh
judgments with respect to the nature and
orientation of SDS activity.
A New York Times correspondent,
covering a Socialist conference held in
Hopewell Junction, N.Y., recently, inter-
rogated Socialist Party Chairman Mi-
chael Harrington on the subject of SDS.
The correspondent observed in his ac-
count in the Times of September 8, 1969,
that Harrington had attended the 1962
national SDS convention at Port Huron,
Mich., which is often referred to as the
founding conference of the youth group.
That convention, by adopting a set of
principles largely written by Tom Hay-
den and also electing Hayden president,
actually served as a kind of rebirth for
an organization which had a long and
not too successful history as the youth
section of the Socialist-Liberal League
for Industrial Democracy.
Harrington was chairman of the board
Of the league in 1965 when the parent
organization severed the umbilical tie
with SDS. Policy differences at that time
included LID disapproval of an SDS de-
cision to admit Communists to member-
SDS today, Harrington told the New
York Times, is "suicidally moving into a
sectarian Maoist-Leninist cul de sac."
Harrington was also in agreement, the
Times reported, with a blistering con-
demnation of SDS delivered at the con-
ference by the national chairman of the
Young People's Socialist League. The as-
sessment of SDS in the speech of YPSL
Chairman Josh Muravchik is quite re-
Muravchik declared that "what has
been known as the New Left?S.D.S., its
fellow-travelers and hangers-on?has
now completely established itself as the
Old Left."
SDS has adopted all "the most gro-
tesque stupidities which have charac-
terized the failure of American radical-
ism," the Socialist youth leader explained
"It was bad enough when the Commu-
nist Party tried to apply to America the
revolutionary program of the Soviet
Union," he said," but to apply to Amer-
ica the revolutionary program of China
and North Vietnam just staggers the
imagination." ?
The entire text of the New York Times
article detailing the views of the Socialist
leaders is as follows:
(By William E. Farrell)
HOPEWELL JUNCTION, N.Y., September 7.?
Leaders of the youth wing of the Socialist
Party, U.S.A., today denounced the faction-
ridden Students for a Democratic Society as
"stupidly irrelevant" and said the campus
organization's "physical and mental ill
health make it unattractive to socially ideal-
istic students."
As an alternative, the leaders of the Young
People's Socialist League, which numbers
about 1,000 members in 25 chapters, most of
them on the East and West Coasts, called
for the league to recruit more members to
"radically transform America in a democratic
Standing at an outdoor lectern at the
Workmen's Circle Lodge here, Josh Murav-
chik, a 21-year old senior at City College, who
Is national chairman of the league, told 275
Socialists that "what has been known as the
New Left--S.D.S., its fellow-travellers and
hangers-on?has now completely established
itself as the Old Left."
He accused the S.D.S. of having adopted
"all the most grotesque stupidities which
have characterized the failure Of American
"It was bad enough when the Communist
party tried to apply to America the revolu
tionary program of the Soviet Union," Mr.
Muravehik said, "but to apply to America the
revolutionary program of China and North
Vietnam just staggers the imagination."
The receptive throng of delegates?middle-
aged teachers and trade unionists, young
couples, and youths of high school and col-
lege age?laughed when the youthful leader
said of S.D.S. "Their mission is completed;
they've abolished classes?at Columbia City
and California."
He said liberal parents and the mass media
had accepted S.D.S. and black nationalists
groups as the chief spokesmen of students
and Negroes, without bothering to ascertain
that they did not reflect the views of the
majority who wanted social change.
The criticism of S.D.S. as well as a plan for
the league to try to recruit many of the
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75,?,1 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of
students who were active in the campaigns
of Senator Eugene McCarthy and the late
Senator Robert F. Kennedy received affirma-
tiVe nods from most of the delegates, includ-
ing Michael Harrington, the author, who is
chairman of the Socialist party.
Mr. Harrington was interviewed just be-
fore the two-day conference?which mingled
diScussions on tax reform and environmental
pollution with swims and a cocktail party?
drew to a close.
One of those present at Port Huron, Mich.,
in 1962 when S.D.S. was formed, Mr. liar-
rington said it was now "suicidally mceetng
into a sectarian Maoist-Leniniat cul de sic."
Speaking generally about the Socivalst
party, whose most famous member was the
late Norman Thomas, Mr. Harrington sid
that it no longer posed as "an electoral al-
`We retain the name Socialist party ?)e-
caluse it's a historic identification," he SE id,
balit putting candidates on the ballots was no
lo ger "the way to move America to the left."
The party, which numbers about 3.000
active members, now seeks to form "a ma-
jority coalition out of the liberal wing of he
Democratic party," Mr. Harrington, who is
vice president of the New Democratic Coeli-
tion steering committee said.
One of the last speakers was Bayard
Rlstin, director of the A. Philip Randolph
In titute, who told the assemblage that he
was "pessimistic" about the next few years
The Young Socialists were making "grave
mistake if they think something's going to
happen quickly," the civil rights leader tied
paeifist said.
"We're in a period like the Red Queen de-
scribed to Alice in Wonderland -it take
great deal of running to stand still here."
Tuesday, September 16. 1969
gr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, in all the di s-
cussion which has taken place in recent
m nths with regard to the impact of te c-
til and apparel imports on our domesi ic
ec4inomy, there is one aspect of this pro't-
ler which has not received as much a I -
te tion as it deserves.
am referring to the stake the woMi n
of this country have in reasonable reg-
ulation of imports.
Eecause so many jobs in the textile al d
apparel industry can be performed hy
women, this industry has become a
haven for the hundreds of thousands if
women who are the full or partial bread -
winners in their families.
One of the Nation's leading walnut
colUmnists. Margaret Dana. recently ex-
plained why regulation of textile and at,-
parel imports is so important to the wan-
en of this country. She pointed out Unit
80 Percent of the employees of the get:
meat industry are women and that their
jobs are being threatened by so-calle ci
bargain garments which are flooding
thi country from low-wage nations ii
the Far East. She warned that if 0- c
present uncontrolled flood of impoe s
continues the women employed in the
apparel industry will be the first to suffer
through lost jobs, lost in0411ao, and cic-
ter oration of the standards of the a-
parel products they buy.
Her thought-provoking column, which
appeared in the Sharon (Pa.) Herald, is
well worth reading, and I ask that it be
printed at this poir.t in the RECORD:
(By Margaret Dana)
Almost the first thing the experienced
shopper learns is that a bargain is more than
a low price. And the more competent the
buyer becomes, the more critically she asks
how that low price got that way.
Is it low because the merchandise is left
over, undesirable for some reason to the ma-
jority of shoppers? It can still be a real bar-
gain. But if that low price is there because
the goods were "specially bought" for the
sale, the quality may have been badly cut
along with the price.
There are other ressons, some of them in-
ternational, for low prices on some things.
One area getting a lot of attention these days
is textiles and garments. There has been an
astounding growth in recent years of im-
ported fabrics?by the yard and as clothing.
Some of it is of good quality, some is poor,
but the prices are low. The question is: Are
they. bargains? Shall we continue to wel-
come unrestrained floods of foreign fabrics
and garments, especially from countries
whose standards of living are very low and
whose wage scales are incredibly below those
in the United States? Responsible consumers
should be asking themselves: Who gets hurt
to make these bargains?
If the wage scales were competitive, only
fair competition would probably result, even
if inferior goods managed still to come
through. As it is, many a garment worker,
whether in Hong Kong or in some other area,
may be paid around 17 cents an hour, as
compared with $1.83 an hour in this coun-
try, with about 30 cents in fringe benefits
an hour. The garment industry here has
raised its wages 21 per cent in the last three
years, which was right and proper. But it
brings serious problems of competing with in-
creasing floods of merchandise produced at
the primitive wages of some other countries.
There are various ill-advised spokesmen,
some purporting to speak for the consumer,
who insist there should be no quotas set on
fabrics or garments ar.d no restraints on this
competition. Some say that if Imports were
controlled, the textile and garment industries
in this country would immediately have a
field day, Inflating prices further and gen-
erally taking a bite oat of the hard-pressed
The actual facts dc not justify any such
conclusions. When cotton apparel and textile
controls were set, back in the early 1960s, to
regulate orderly marketing, theretwas no in-
crease in cotton apparel prices as a result.
If wool and man-made fibers and their prod-
ucts were similarly controlled to prevent a
runaway flooding of our markets, there is
no reason to suppose there would be any
more of a price increase.
The fact is the texti:e and the garment in-
dustries are and always have been highly
competitive within themselves. The garment
industry is one of the largest employers in
our manufacturing Industry, with 24,500
plants competing against one another. Many
of the companies are tiny, and struggle con-
stantly to keep afloat. They need no outside
prodding to keep their prices competitively
As a matter of plain fact, the garment in-
dustry has managed somehow to keep the
increase in prices for their goods below just
about every other segment of the economy.
In the past 10 years, for instance, while non-
durable product prices rose 18.4 per cent, and
food prices rose 19.3 per cent, while health
and recreation costs rage 30 per cent, apparel
prices rose the smallest percentage--16.8 per
cent. At that the manufacturer's price in-
Remarks September 16, 1969
crease was lower than the retailer's, even
while he absorbed increased wages, overhead,
taxes, etc.
Women should also look carefully at this
fact about employment in the garment in-
dustry: 80 per cent of the personnel in gar-
ment factroles are women. If uncontrolled
imports force a competition that is unfair,
women will be the first to suffer?through
lost jobs, lost income, and a deterioration of
standards. "
Shall, we let imports continue to rise with-
out any controls whatever, or shall we ask
our Congressmen to support reasonable, or-
derly marketing to prevent further damage to
fair competition? This is one "bargain" area
where women's voices are needed.
Tuesday, September 16, 1969
Mr. COUGHLIN, Mr. Speaker, the
Soviet Union, like the United States,
Britain, France, and other industrialized
nations, is deeply involved in the niter-
national trade in the weapons of war.
Since 1955, when it first entered the
arms trade in a significant way, the
Soviet Union has distributed nearly $7
billion worth of arms to some 35 non-
bloc countries.
Egypt alone has, received approxi-
mately $2 billion of this total, and In-
donesia?before the fall of Sukarno?an-
other $1 billion in arms. The remaining
$4 billion worth of weapons has gone to
such countries as Algeria, Guinea, Soma-
lia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, India,
and Morocco. The last four countries
named also receive arms from the United
One of the better newspaper articles
describing the Soviet postwar arms aid
program appeared an Sunday, Septem-
ber 14, 1969, in the Washington Star.
I believe that it deserves to be re-
printed in full for the benefit of my col-
leagues. It points out, as I have tried to
do in the past, the desperate need for a
conventional arms control agreement
between the world's great industrial
-Fueling regional arms races and cater-
ing to the weaknesses of unstable and
unsophisticated nations, as the Soviet
Union has been doing with its arms aid
for the past 14 years, will inevitably lead
to a rise in the incidence of conflict and
in the spread of clefacto wars. E'en-
Wally, one of these conflicts or wars will
lead, as several have in the past, to a
confrontation between the world's two
super-powers from which there may be
no escape.
A nuclear war could break out as the
result of a conventional war escalating
out of control, yet there are absolutely
no international control agreement In
force. Once again, I call on the United
States to take the lead and seek to have
the question of conventional arms con-
trol included on the agenda of the forth-
coming strategic arms limitation bats
in Geneva.
The article follows:
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September 12, AtiterSved ForalliCadieE280C3EME2REGURDP-7-19061761R000300120003-9
same beaches unpleasant . . . Our tourist
promotion must be fair and candid."
But Stanley Lowry, Santa Barbara Cham-
ber of Commerce manager, says the purpose
of the campaign was not to mislead anyone.
It was to emphasize the dozens of other at-
tractions in Santa Barbara which are un-
affected by the out-of-control gusher.
Chief Dep. Att. Gen. Charles A. O'Brien
has charged oil experts are hesitating about
helping the state in its preparation of a $500
million damage suit against Union Oil Co.
Obscurantism and complexity surround
certain aspects of the situation.
For example, a panel headed by Dr. Lee A.
DuBridge, the President's science adviser,
concluded the way to solve leakage problems
is to drill more wells to relieve pressure in
the channel. The report has not been made
public. The only information ever issued was
a 11/2-page announcement saying the panel
favored continued drilling to empty the en-
tire basin of oil.
Weingand, who is as close to the situation
as anyone can be who is not connected with
an oil company, assesses the pluses and
minuses of the situation this way:
The oil rigs on federal leases are still in
the channel. They are taking oil out of the
ground. New wells are being drilled and ex-
ploration is going on beyond the 5-mile limit.
But on state leases there is a ban on oil
drilling in the channel, and the State Lands
Commission recently upheld the ban despite
a recommendation of its own staff.
?The oil companies have lost face because
of the massive spill. They are under attack
in Congress. With the public they are "bad
guys" when it comes to despoiling the en-
?There is still oil coming up through the
fissures, and no one knows how to stop it.
Huge underwater tents put over the leaks
trap some of the oil, but sometimes the tents
tip and large amounts of oil escape and bub-
ble to the surface.
?Bad publicity has hurt the oil industry.
Since oil companies depend on the public
to buy their products, they cannot stand to
be assailed continually.
?U.S. Sen. Alan Cranston's efforts to curb
drilling, release the entire Dubridge report,
and to crack down on the oil industry, have
helped direct nationwide attention to Santa
Barbara's problems.
?Court suits totaling $1 billion against
the oil companies will keep them off balance
and make them realize the seriousness of
incidents such as the Santa Barbara Channel
?There may not be as much oil offshore as
was first estimated. Since it is in "pockets,"
it will be harder to get at and may be un-
economical to drill and pump.
Meanwhile, the struggle goes on. For the
GOO people, the problem is to keep citizen
concern alive, burning, and forceful.
An unnamed writer, reviewing the tar on
the beaches, dead birds, the massive cleanup
attempt, the federal and state hearings which
failed to stop the drilling, the night some
citizens broke up a city council meeting
which they considered too indecisive, and un-
pleasant confrontations with Union Oil offi-
cials visiting Santa Barbara, applied Marshall
McLuhan's well-known remark: "Even Her-
cules had to clean the Augean stables but
Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, the first
contingent of F-4 Phantom jets were
delivered to Israel last weelc. Future de-
liveries will be made periodically during
the coming year until all 50 planes are
received by Israel.
I am pleased that the deliveries are
now being made. I have long urged that
the United States provide Israel with
weapons and equipment necessary for
her defense. I have stressed particularly
Israel's need of Phantom jets, and was
responsible in large measure for the
language in the 1968 Republican plat-
form which urged that the United States
provide supersonic jets to Israel.
While I hope that mutual disarma-
ment and permanent peace in the Middle
East can eventually be achieved, it can-
not be done by keeping Israel weak while
the Russians continue to stock the Arab
Nasser and the other Arab leaders
continue their aggression against Israel,
and it seems to be increasing rather than
subsiding. The Arabs violate the cease-
fire agreement on Israel's borders almost
daily. There are now more than 100,000
Arab troops massed along Israel's
Any hope that the Arab States might
show restraint or be willing to negotiate
in good faith to ease the crisis in the
Middle East appears to be dwindling. At
this point, it Is only Israel's strength
which prevents the outbreak of war in
the area. The Phantom II jets, which are
a match for Nasser's Russian jets, will
help deter a full-scale Arab attack
against Israel.
Mr. MOSS. Mr. President, on Wednes-
day, September 10, the Salt Lake Tribune
published an editorial entitled "Urgent
Need for Draft Reform." Since it well
expresses the concern many of us feel
about draft reform and campus unrest, I
ask unanimous consent that it be printed
In the RECORD.
There being no objection, the editorial
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
Campus unrest has many sources but in
the eyes of many the military draft, and the
Vietnam War that makes it necessary, are
the taproots.
As millions of students this month return
to colleges and universities Congress is still
sitting on draft reform proposals made by
President Nixon last May. Meanwhile, al-
though much congressional attention has
been given plans for curbing campus unrest,
surprisingly little of the effort has focused on
revising the draft. Congress cannot end the
Vietnam War, but it could overhaul the
Selective Service Act.
Experts in human behavior can give all
kinds of reasons why the present draft law
tends to fuel student defiance. But in the
end they come down to one: The present law
Is unfair, uncertain and wide open to abuse.
President Nixon proposed three basic
changes that would help correct these de-
ficiencies: 1?The present seven-year period
of eligibility would be reduced to one year.
2?The youngest eligible men would be called
first, thereby eliminating the lengthy period
of waiting and anxiety. 3?Institution of a
random selection system on a national basis
rather than by local draft boards alone.
Opponents of draft reform now say that it
should wait until after the Vietnam War. But-
this reasoning overlooks the basic need for
changing the law, which is to make the sys-
tem equitable now, when the men it scoops
up are likely to see action in an extremely
unpopular war.
It also has been argued that changing the
draft to make it more fair would lead to de-
feat of more sweeping proposals for doing
away with conscription altogether. This
could be so but it doesn't follow that young
men of draft age today should have to con-
tinue under an unfair system in hopes of
someday abolishing that system for others.
Draft reform is as vital as tax reform and
welfare reform and other proposals now be-
ing discussed in Congress and out. It affects
not only the lives of the several million young
persons directly touched by the draft, but
has direct bearing on the domestic peace of
the United States now and perhaps far into
the future. Draft reform should be given the
highest congressional priority.
Mn MUNDT. Mr. President, as the
House of Representatives continues to
debate the question of electoral college
reform, more and more arguments are
coming to light showing the weaknesses
of the so-called direct vote plan now be-
fore the House of Representatives.
One of the most recent and most in-
teresting comments on the subject is
contained in "The Making of the Presi-
dent 1968." This best seller, written by
Theodore H. White, one of the most
knowledgeable observers of presidential
elections, is the third of Mr. White's
narrative histories of American politics
in action. It is an excellent book and I
commend it- to all Senators.
While not endorsing any of the plans
at present under consideration, Mr.
White, correctly in my estimation, dis-
misses the direct vote proposal as an ac-
ceptable alternative to the present,
method. Commenting on the rationale
behind the direct vote plan, he states that
the theory "is to be so unaware of present
reality as to approach insanity."
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
sent that the, comments of Mr. White
contained in chapter 12 be printed in the
There being no objection, the com-
ments were ordered to be printed in the
RECORD, as follows:
One must separate out principle from
reality to appreciate the ongoing debate
about reform of electoral laws for President.
The key idea of the Constitution is Fed-
eralism?however, much complicated by its
Article Two and Amendment Twelve on the
choice of President. The Constitution sets
up, as principle, that the Americans should
vote, in communities by states, as a
The federal principle is a powerful one,
perhaps sounder now in the Age of Experi-
ment than when it was encoded in 1787.
Where the Constitution errs, and danger-
ously errs, is in caging this principle within
the entirely obsolete Electoral College. The
electors of the Electoral College still legally
choose the President after the people have
theoreticaly chosen the electors. In most
states, however, the naming of electors is
done in practice by party committees or
party leaders to give lesser badges of honor
to obscure party faithful; in most states,
names of electors do not even appear on the
balot. In sixteen states the electors are
fossilized, like flies in amber, by state laws
that require them to vote for the candidate
the people choose. They do not know each
other, do not deliberate together, do not
consider or discuss candidates. They are
supposed to, and almost always do, vote for
the candidate the people of their state have
chosen. Yet the Supreme Court has held
that they cannot legally be compelled to do
so. And as passions rise, as the permanent
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third party of the South grows in strength,
It seems ever more likely that these unknown
relics of antiquity may attempt to exercise
individual and selective judgment on their
oval. In 1960, fourteen electors from Alabama
and Mississippi, and one from Oklahoma
chOose -to cast their votes for Senator Harry
F. Byrd of Virginia although he appeared no-
wbere on the ballot. In the closing days of
the 1968 campaign a newspaper boomlet arose
for Nelson Rockfeller as deasilock candidate
if the electors could not achieve a major, ty.
In all fact, the Electoral College, as at present
frOzen into the lave of the land, is an aria ha
ronistic survival of a primitive past?as
useless as a row of nipples on a boar hog.
The chief alternative proposal in present
debate is that of direct election of the Presi-
dent by all the people of the United Steam'
one man, one vote. This is a ?. ? sal
feigned by sitting-down politica nalysts.
It rests on the generalized t ry of the
aseembly as-the-whole, or t. - principle that
people, to exercise power, oust exercise it
absolutely directly.
To approve the theory ? assembly-of-the-
whole as a way of electing sidents of the
United States is to be so u e of present
reality as to approach insanity.
There is, to begin with, the need
o nize that voting qualifications differ in
e ery state. Four states permit citizens to
there were no Israeli casualtie tion of Israel's failure to carry
re was no word from in the second attack, the spokes out the council's previous resolu-
li headquarters on the third man said. tions to reverse the annexation
d attack. Israeli planes struck acros of Arab East Jerusalem.
..- . -
S in Retaliation the Jordan River into Jordan
in retaliation for the Israeli The army said two Israeli
The Egyptian attacks were
amphibious raid on Egypt's planes flew across the Jordan to
Gulf of Suez coast Tuesday, in knock out an Arab guerrilla po-
Which Israeli troops reported sition south of the Sea of Galilee
killing 100-150 Egyptians, and The Israelis said the guerrillas
an air attack in the same area had fired on three Israeli pa-
yesterday. trots. The military spokesman
shot down seven of the raidersmiles south of Port Suez, and ai
"rely on protectors,"
an unidentified area along d rob bagged an eighth sin
One two raids against its port of its overseas tin
positions. canal.
The Israeli air force met tin atliparently referring to the Unit-
ed States, but it said such
tte 'Egyptians said they raiders, and two MIG21s am reckoning "may prove to be a
downed four Israeli planes and two S u k h o y fighter-bomber Elva miscalculation."
&Strived Israeli artillery, naval went down in the dogfights. An At the United Nations, 26 Mos
installations, antiaircraft bat- other Hawk missile brough lern nations were expected to
teres aMmunition dumps and down a fifth plane. present a proposal to the Securi.
at 4actministrative headquarters i ty Council calling for condetnna.
THE EVENINWIWeR For Release 2003/12/02-:1iXST
7 Downed
Israel Says;
Foes Claim" 4
AVIV (AP) ? 4gyptian
planes carried out repeated
apinst Israeli forces in
tlieleetipied Sinai Desert today
In retaliation for , Israel's at-
tfit4s against the Egyptian
coastline south of Suez.
The Israelis reported hey
lanes Raid in
Israeli Aecomn ille-SenlinIficial Cairo newspa-
Al Aran/ -charged that the
The Israeli spdkestriati gave tilted States c planning the am-
ollaborated with
this account of the Egyptian the Israelis in
, phibious raid and that the g
_raids :
Egyptian aircraft first crossed' post was to offset the poll cal
the Suez Canal at 9:30 a.m. and effects in the Middle East of
wounded three Israeli soldiers Libya's revolution.
in the northern part of the Sinai Representatives of th% ..Celltal.
Desert. Two Egyptian planes i ence er A enweek with Is-,
were shot down during this raid, ome ear s
one by a U.S. Hawk antiair- raeli military intelligence for the
craft missile and one by Israeli planning, the paper claimed. It
planes, while a third Egyptian said its information came from
plane "probably" was downed an Arab embassy in Paris.
by antiaircraft fire. ie.wspaper Pravda said the Isra-
The Soviet Communist party
At noon, Egyptian planes ?.,h raid was "a new challenge to
again crossed the canal and the he U.N. Security Council and
Gulf of Suez to strike at Israeli be United Nations as a whole."
Ras el Misalla, 1C Pravda said Israel hopes it
limited sup-
in three successive atacks. No Israeli planes were hit an
said both planes returned safely.
ilitary spokesman quoted The army also reported 'four
a'iro radio said Egyptian Arab saboteurs were killed in a
ea attacked Israeli army pa- clash with Israeli troops near
Ind in ensuing dogfights the Damiya Bridge across the
doe three Israeli Jets in Jordan north of the Dead Sea.
first two attacks. One
In the northern Jordan Valley,
tart plane was reported
the Israelis said Jordanian
forces blew up a water pump
e SkeSman declared the turbine today, threatening the
tian raid was concentrated I water supply to an Israeli kib-
ci and artillery positions butz.
ntral and northern Sinai The raid apparently was in
esrrbyed two Hawk missile retaliation for an Israeli raid
o statement said Israe- Chor Irrigation Canal was hit,
n radar station. into Jordan June 23 in which the
then tried twice to severely damaging Jordan's wa-
Egyptian defense posi- ter supply.
it the Gulf of Suez south of In Amman, a Jordanian
Suet Canal but were driven spokesman charged that the Is-
off by Jet fightens voo rs iptiaanseeis ova/used napalm
F :
fire. o e
danian casualties.
September 11, Foralt S A112 %MIR H 7831
?. The Communists have time and again
In Vietnam as elsewhere demonstrated
they have little regard and concern for
human life and no comprehension of the
concept of humane treatment.
We have all heard, of course, from the
two recently released American prisoners
how Hanoi actually treats our captive
servicemen. These revelations were
However, I feel that at last one aspect
of Hanoi's cruelty to these Americans
and their families has not been fully dis-
closed. It has to do with the scores of
Americans, particularly flyers, who are
missing over North Vietnam and con-
sidered by the Defense Department to,
In all probability, be captives.
A case in point involves a Navy flyer
from my district, Metropolitan Nashville-
Davidson County, Tenn.
He is Cmdr. William Porter Lawrence
of the U.S. Navy. Commander Lawrence
was shot down near Nam Dinh, North
Vietnam, on June 28, 1967, and no word
of or from him has been received since.
It is hoped that Commander Lawrence
parachuted to safety and is now a cap-
tive. His radarman has been reported
as having been seen by another prisoner
and his parachute was seen opening as
his aircraft went down. The Navy also
has stated that his homing-rescue de-
vice was active and transmitting signals.
He is considered by the Navy to have been
captured but there is no substantiating
evidence of this.
Mr. Speaker, this is mental cruelty and
torture of the most perverse type. Billy
Lawrence's family have for more than 2
years lived with only hope and prayer
that their son may be alive.
Every conceivable effort has been made
to secure information on the where-
abouts and condition of Commander
Lawrence through neutral nations and
indirectly through the North Vietnamese
Government but to no avail.
What is to be gained Hanoi by this type
of conduct?cold, calculated cruelty?
There is little we can do by way of overt
action to change this policy in North
Vietnam, However, if it is true that Hanoi
is responsive to American public opinion
then our words here today, hopefully, will
Initiate a wave of national indignation
which will be heard by the North Viet-
namese. For us it is just about all that
we can presently do, but if public opinion
Is our only weapon then let us employ
it wit the maximum of efficiency.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
previous order of the House, the gentle-
man from New York (Mr. FARBSTEIN) is
recognized for 20 minutes.
Mr. FARBSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, the
21st summer of the Arab war against
Israel has seen an alarming number of
unpunished?and therefore undaunted?
aggressions from the many quarters of
the Arab world. These include?and the
list is by no means exhaustive?constant
avy Egyptian artillery barrages and
emmando raids across the Suez Canal;
innumerable attacks launched from
Jordan and Lebron against Israel po-
sitions and settlements; the shelling of
a Dead Sea beach resort area by Iraqi
troops stationed in Jordan, killing a 26-
year-old American girl?the first tourist
death since the June war; the blowing
up by terrorists of a pipeline in Haifa and
Aramco's tapline in the Golan Heights;
the terrorist explosion of a car on a street
corner in Tel Aviv; the terrorist hijack-
ing 2 weeks ago of a TWA plane to Syria,
which is still holding two Israel civilian
passengers captive; and terrorist attacks
on Israel and Jewish establishments in
London, Bonn, Brussels, and The Hague.
As if to assure the world of their ag-
gressive madness, Arab government lead-
ers have called for a Moslem holy war
and Arab terrorist leaders have vowed
a no-holds-barred war against Jews
everywhere, including the United States.
Throughout this long hot summer of
.Arab aggressions?cease-fire violations?
the United Nations Security Council and
Secretary General U Thant have looked
the other way, insisting that Israel do
the same and condemning her when she
does not.
But unlike the United Nations, Israel
cannot afford to ignore the fact that
Israel soldiers and civilians are picked
off and murdered daily by Arab regular
and "irregular" forces. And while she
surely appreciates the tongue clucking
by Western powers occasioned by some
particularly outrageous Arab atrocity,
she can hardly rely on that as a means
of defense.
In keeping with the time-honored
adage that those who play with matches
get burned, Israel has finally struck back
hard at Nasser's Egypt. Once more, as
James Reston observed after the June
war, Israel has "had the courage of our
I am, therefore, both shocked and
Puzzled by the invectives which have
been hurled against Israel this week,
branding her counteraction against
Egypt as "aggression" and calling upon
our Government to cut off arms to Israel.
Israel's strength alone keeps the Mid-
dle East from exploding into a new war.
That the Arabs would launch a full-scale
invasion to destroy Israel and massacre
her people if there were any chance of
success is readily admitted?no, prom-
ised?every day by Arab leaders, Arab
terrorists, and the Arab press.
Democratic countries who are both
willing and able to stand up for them-
selves are few and far between in this
world, and it is in America's highest
interest to support them. Surely we can
recognize that rarity, a stable democratic
state capable of its own self-defense,
when we see it.
Israel has never asked that American
troops be sent to her defense, but only
that she be permitted to buy from us the
military equipment she needs to insure
her survival. To deny Israel the means
for her self-defense is, by definition, to
condemn her and her people to death.
(Mr. PODELL asked and was given
permission to extend his remarks at
this point in the RECORD and to include
extraneous matter.)
Mr. PODELL, Mr. Speaker, hundreds
of thousands of students on the Nation's
campuses depend upon student loans at
moderate interest rates in order to obtain
higher educations. This year, while Con-
gress squats on dead center, several
hundred thousand of these young peo-
ple, whose only crime is that they attend
colleges and universities, anxiously and
with increasing despair watch time run
out on their chances to obtain these
loans. More than 290,090 of them will be
unable to attend classes if they do not
receive them.
In 1965, the Federal Government began
guaranteeing student loans and paying
the 6 percent interest on them until these
students completed their educations. In
1968, Congress raised the ceiling on Gov-
ernment interest payments to banks from
6 to 7 percent. Since then, however,
banks have been able to raise the prime
interest rate to 81/2 percent. Such usuri-
ous interest rates make it far more pro-
fitable for them to invest in enterprises
other than higher educations of Amer-
ica's young people. Therefore, they are
refusing to make these loans with avail-
able funds.
Banks insist supplemental interest
payments are essential. They demand
their pound of flesh or no capital for
education. Sheepskins be damned, is
their motto. The hide of the average
small borrower is more lucrative to them.
Even the sweat of overworked parents
cannot come up with enough in the way
of interest to make them loosen purse-
strings. Therefore, a program is now in
jeopardy which loanedcollege money
to 750,000 young America. ns last year.
A guarantee of more interest from the
Congress to banks is therefore called for,
and I believe the House must move in
this direction. The Senate has already
taken affirmative action. The scope of
this looming disaster is readily apparent
when we realize that 750,000 students
who borrowed last year under the guar-
anteed loan program accounted for $670
million. Loans under the three other.
major Government loan programs to
students came to only $625 million. These
latter programs have been cut or held
even this year, making action on our part
even more imperative.
In addition, we must realize that on
almost every campus across the Nation,
tuition and other educational fees and
costs have risen once again. Students
and their families are caught in an im-
possible bind. Right now the measure
which would allow Government to offer
a guarantee to banks of an increased
interest rate is stalled in a procedural
tangle which exposes the worst elements
of Congress to the light of day. How can
we sit here passively while perhaps a
quarter of a million young people help-
lessly see their eductions placed in jeop-
ardy? How can we daily pay lip serv-
ice to all the American ideals if we are
able to turn around and perpetrate such
an act against these youngsters, who
are not guilty of a thing save a desire
for an education?
There is talk of an antirioting amend-
ment. I say this is nonsense, and most
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of the Members of this House are in per-
feet agreement. The vast majority of stu-
ders on our campuses, and there are
go ng to be 7 million this year, are the
finest group of young peOple this Na-
n or any other country has ever as-
se bled and produced. They are the hope
of our land, and few are guilty of the
multitude of sins the ignorant and dem-
agogic among us are fond of accusing
them of. On specious grounds of rabble-
ronsing slogans, we are prepared to de-
liver a body blow to the hopes of so many.
Scandal and national shame are not
strong enough to describe this state of
,A time has come for this Congress to
reaffirm its hope in the future of this
Nation, rather than damilthe ills of our
past and search for doom in the present.
It is time we showed a smidgin of faith
in our own ideals and the young peo-
ple who reflect them, rather than damn-
ing them as hoodlums, drug addicts, and
professional dissenters. They merely
mirror the rest of our society.
(Mr. BARRETT asked and was Oven
permission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include 'ex-
traneous matter.)
Mr. BARRETT. Mr. Speaker, recent
newspaper accounts of the confrontation
between those employed and those seek-
ing employment in the building trades
in Pittsburgh relate a situation which
cotild develop in every city in the Nation.
This situation need not exist.
The Congress last year enacted a
Housing and Urban Development Act
setting forth housing goals for the next
10 years, which if implemented and Put
into effect by the administration would
resolve the dilemma. In fact, a labor
shortage could develop in the building
The present situation is a direct reSult
of Presidential determination. The Pres-
ident can act to resolve the problem in
Pittsburgh and elsewhere, and at the
same time move the programs forward
to provide decent, safe, and sanitary
housing for all the people of our Nation.
An acute analysis was pi esented by
Michael Harrington in the Washington
Evening Star of September 9. 1969, which
I include for my colleagues to read:
There is a simple way to resolve the bitter
conflict between blacks and building trades-
men in Pittsburgh. But since it is also ex-
pensive the government will almost certainly
noet act and both the Negroes and the ninon
in n will both lose no matter which Side
seams to win.
The basic problem is that decent work is
scarce. The blacks rightly want to break out
of the menial, janitorial accupationa to
w ich this society assigns th.em; and those
w ites who are already employed untIer-
standably want to protect their jobs. Under
sueh circumstances there has to be a de-
strlactive collision.
Hut if there were a sudden increase in the
demand for construction workers all that
would change. The white labor force would
be secure and there would be a need for hew
mn, many of them black. And once the
fumidamental economic quarrel over jobs
was settled there wauld still be personal
prejudices between the old antagonists, but
the desperate urgency of the current con-
frontations would be gone.
Such a solution has, already been proposed
by a Presidential Commission and then, as
usual, been filed and forgotten. Less than one
year ago Sen. Paul Douglas' National Com-
mission on Urban Problems told the White
House and the nation that if the goals of
the Housing Act of :l968 were actually put
into effect, there world be a labor shortage
in the building trades. If that happened
then the same economic logic which recently
caused auto makers "roa hire ghetto dwellers
would begin to operate: it would be profit-
able to compete for the talent of the poor,
both black and white.
The innocent observer might think that
just because a blue-ribbon panel shows that
we can get more housing and less racism in
one stroke, the society will act. But that, as
anyone who has followed the generation of
broken promises in this area knows, is not
the case. It would take federal money and
imagination, and Ri.3liard Nixon is stingy
with bath.
Pat Moynihan's announcement that there
would be hardly any new funds for social
spending right after the end of the Vietnam
war?assuming that the President stops
equivocating and ends that tragedy?was a
statement of political choice, not economic
If you assume the administration's partic-
ular, and wrong-headed, priorities?like al-
locating billions to ABM and MIRV?there
won't be enough cash around. But if, as Pat
Moynihan himself brilliantly pointed out in
his last book, the arms race were deescalated
and social values became primary, the sup-
ply of Federal dollars would grow faster than
the demand for them.
So Nixon is not bowing to the economic
fates but making hia own choice. It is for
that reason that thee won't be money for
housing, or for many other things, and that
the war in Pittsburg:a between the ex-poor
of the Thirties and the now-poor of the Six-
ties will go on. And the sad fact of the mat-
ter is that, under current conditions, neither
side can win.
There are union men who have already
cheered George Wallace in Pittsburgh and
there are blacks who are convinced by these
events that labor is indeed racist. In short,
two of the key forces in any potential pro-
gressive coalition are turning against one
Even if the Negroes would win a few jobs,
they would lose the political possibility of
getting an administration which would open
up decent work for all the poor. And even
if the whites repulse :;he blacks, they will be
helping forces, like the people behind Wal-
lace, who are the enemies of union security.
The overwhelming majority of American
trade unionists understood this point when
they voted for Humphrey, not Wallace or
Nixon, in 1968.
But there is one alternative to the im-
passe in Pittsburgh which just might work.
The nation is filled with people deploring the
conflict. Let the union agree that new jobs
will be filled without discrimination and
with special concern for the poor, of what-
ever race. Let the blacks understand that the
crucial problem is to create new openings
and not to displace, and embitter, the em-
ployed. And then let them join and call the
American bluff. Let them demand that
Richard Nixon and George Romney redeem
the 1968 pledges about housing and open up
new jobs in Pittsburgh in the process.
Farfetched? But the building tradesmen,
and particularly the Carpenters, are now
accepting the idea of mass produced hous-
ing; and as long ago as the great March to
Washington of 1963 black America under-
stood that freedom ixmld Only come with
new jobs. And more to' the point, if this so-
ciety continues to deault On its promises,
if black and whites tight one another rather
than uniting to get work for all, those
clashes in Pittsburgh are going to be re-
peated in every city in the nation.
(Mr. MIZE asked and was given per-
mission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include ex-
traneous matter.)
Mr. MIZE. Mr. Speaker, Assistant Sec-
retary of Agriculture Clarence Palmby
has diligently worked and traveled to
promote U.S. agricultural exports. His ef-
forts to overcome problems inherited
from past years have been appreciated
by farmers and by foal/Mien across the
His public statements on the difficul-
ties the Nation is experiencing with the
International Grains Arrangement have
been honest and forthright.
Mr. Speaker, one of the best statements
Mr. Palmby has made on the difficult
problems of trade Was before the Sep-
tember 3 meeting Of the /11inois Grain
Corp. In that statement, Secretary
Palmby outlined some of the steps taken
by the administration to keep U.S. prod-
ucts competitive and increase future ex-
There is no more crucial area of trade
policy than agricultural trade. Our agri-
cultural plant is the most efficient in the
world. Diplomacy and hard-headed busi-
ness tactics must be combined to promote
the future prosperity of U.S. agriculture
through productive export policies.
Because of the clarity and obvious good
sense of the Assistant Secretary's re-
marks in Illinois, arid because a healthy
commodity trade helps our entire econ-
omy, I insert his statement in the RECORD
at this point:
(Remarks by Assistant Secretary of
Agriculture Clarence D, Palmby)
I am pleased to be with you this evening?
to share views with a group so important
to the agriculture of this great farming State.
My thanks to Barney Adomeit for his invi-
tation?and to all of you for your kindness
and hospitality.
Barney is a long-time friend. I don't have
to tell you what he has been able to achieve
with the Illinois Grain Corporation, in the
very few years he has been your General
Manager. But I might add that he is
highly appreciated throughout the coopera-
tive field?and thoughout agriculture in
I want to talk with you about some of the
problems that we have before us in world
trade. Barney pointe out to Me that Illinois
is not only the number one agricultural ex-
porter, but also the leading etporter of man-
ufactured products among the 50 States.
Illinois is truly a part of the world
The strengthening of American agricul-
ture?through Market development here and
throughout the world?is a major goal of the
Administration, It is one that engages a large
measure of my time and energy. It is one that
each of you shares in, as a marketer of grain
and soybeans.
Our farm exports have fallen off some in
each of the past two years?declining more
than a billion dollars from the record level
of $6.8 billion in 1966-67. The dock strike
was, of course, a major contributor?one
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September 11 , 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORto ? Extensions ofKemarks
between the Justice Department and the
auto manufacturers.
As main features of this drive, I have
already written to every legislator in the
State asking them, if they agree, to in-
dicate their support for an open trial in
this case. I am also asking various gov-
ernment units to show their interest in
filing damage suits against the manufac-
turers if an open trial should eventually
prove the Justice Department's charges
to be valid.
In addition, a statewide petition is now
being distributed in California to show
mass citizen concern and support for an
open public record and decision in this
Thursday, September 11, 1969
Mr. MIKVA. Mr. Speaker, I would like
to call to the attention of my colleagues
and all our fellow citizens, the recent
execution by the Government of Iraq of
15 alleged spies. Since the beginning of
this year alone, 36 Iraqis have been exe-
cuted by their government without even
the rudimentary guarantees of due proc-
ess that we take for granted in the
United States.
Because of the present tragic situation
in the Middle East, it is undoubtedly true
that there are individuals actively en-
gaged in spying and espionage activities.
However, it is clear to me that the Iraqi
Government is conducting this series of
"trials" and executions primarily to dis-
tract public attention from its own in-
adequacies and failures.
Dictatorial and oligarchic regimes have
always sought to find scapegoats to
blame for their own oppression. In this
way, they try to circumvent opposition
and criticism by calling for national
unity in the face of an imaginary threat.
Adolf Hitler and his cohorts in Nazi
Germany succeeded in persuading many
of their countrymen that the source of
Germany's economic and political prob-
lems after World War I was an "inter-
national Jewish conspiracy." There is no
need for me to describe in detail the
tragic consequences of this deception for
the 6 million Jews who were murdered.
The Soviet Union has for many years
blamed its shortcomings on the remnants
of "bourgeois deviation" rather than on
its continued suppression of political
freedom and civil liberties.
Nations, like individuals, tend to look
for "fall guys." Democracies, like honest
individuals, ultimately face up to their
problems, and accept the responsibility
for error and the necessity for change.
Dictatorships find such integrity of pur-
pose inconsistent with their continued
existence, and would rather hang people
than recognize their inadequacies and
act to correct them.
I condemn the reprehensible conduct
of the Government of Iraq and urge my
colleagues to join me in pressing for a
peaceful and mutually satisfactory set-
tlement to the tragic and self-defeating
conflict in the Middle East.
Thursday, September 11, 1969
Mr. SATTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, on
August 18, I had the privilege of partici-
pating in a press seminar at the Center
for Strategic and International Studies,
Georgetown University, on "The Future
Role of the U.S. Navy." This seminar,
moderated by the distinguished col-
umnist Mr. Robert D. Novak, dealt pri-
marily with the role of our Navy as it
pertains to first, the political and na-
tional security environment; second, con-
ditions of peace and conventional war;
and third, general war and deterrents of
general war.
Discussion of the subject dealt with
some of the current issues which have
been raised in Congress with regard to
the role of the U.S. Navy, particularly
its attack aircraft carriers. Because of
the timely nature of this seminar, and
the important observations it produced,
I include at the close of these remarks,
for the information of my colleagues, the
text of the report on this seminar pre-
pared by the Center for Strategic and
International Studies of Georgetown
The political and security environment of
the world is undergoing significant change.
There is in many areas increased instability,
increases in the forces of nationalism, tend-
encies towards neutralism, a withdrawal of
western military capabilities and insertion
of Soviet military presence through the ex-
panded global role of the Soviet navy, and
broad programs of military, economic and
political aid.
Caribbean Sea and Latin America
From the standpoint of examining the
navy's role, at the moment political issues in
the Western Hemisphere are the most sig-
nificant. Looking at the area as a whole,
there are three primary kinds of commit-
ment, in regard to which we are facing a
time of considerable change. First is th,e in-
escapable commitment of geography; the
second, the longstanding historical commit-
ment; and third, the most significantly at
present, the pattern of commitments that
are challenged by on-going change stem-
ming within the structure of the Organiza-
tion of American States. We have reached a
kind of impasse as reflected in Governor
Rockefeller's recent trip, preventing con-
structive, collaborative and cooperative ac-
tion. There are two points of key concern:
One, the Panama Canal, and the other, Cuba
and the Florida Straits. In regard to the
Panama Canal, negotiations are stalled with
respect to the Canal Treaty revision, which
may reduce U.S. rights. In Cuba, which lies
across the Atlantic approach to the Panama
Canal, we may be at the threshold of a new
Soviet naval entry into the area with the
unprecedented visit of a naval flotilla to
Cuba. A permanent Soviet presence there
could pose major problems in regard to the
political stability of the small unstable states
in the Caribbean region.
In the Middle East, the naval interest is
very high. We have had our Sixth Fleet there
for twenty-one years, but perhaps for fif-
teen or sixteen, we had no competition. Now
the Soviet Navy has moved into the area,
and its strength is at an all-time high in
the Mediterranean. This has created all kinds
of difficulties, both for the United States and
the U.S.S.R. No longer do we have the Med-
iterranean exclusively to ourselves, therefore,
we cannot do all the things we used to do
with the freedom and flexibility that could
be exercised until about 1965, possibly '67.
For the Russians this is a new experience.
They have been trying for a long time to
break out of their traditional confinement.
They have never been as successful in this
area until the present decade. The Soviet
Navy has been able to get more and More
money for the kind of expansion they would
like to see in the coming decade. They have
in mind establishing a global presence in
support of Soviet World political and eco-
nomic ambitions. They have unlocked the
puzzle of breaking out of their traditional
confinement by imitating our underway re-
plenishment and repair techniques. This they
would like to do in the Atlantie and in the
Indian Oceans. Their presence in the Indian
Ocean and the closing of the Suez Canal
have posed major logistic problems. Neverthe-
less, they have been able to establish bases
in the Mediterranean and now near the Bab-
al-Mandeb at the south of the Red Sea.
These may be used as jumping-off places for
acquiring other bases.. In that area and in
the region of the Indian Ocean the British
withdrawal presents a vacuum which the
Russians are already attempting to fill.
NATO has provided reasonably acceptable
responses to three major requirements: first,
the justification of the U.S. presence in Eu-
rope in a way that is reasonably acceptable
to American and European people and their
governments; secondly, assistance in building
and maintaining internal order in Western
Europe, and this means especially reconciling
the Germans to their neighbors; thirdly, the
provision of forum in which current crises
can be examined and, if necessary, dealt
with prudence and sobriety and in which
security aspects of alternative European fu-
tures can be explored. The latter has be-
come difficult. NATO's vigorous past looks
better if you stop around 1963. For the past
four or five years, there has been consider-
able increase in tensions and differences,
there has been an increase in disputes and
backbiting. In spite of the modest rebirth of
NATO following the Soviet occupation of
Czechoslovakia, the concrete effect inside of
NATO has not been great. The prosperity
of NATO appears somewhat superficial, the
institution remains somewhat in the dol-
drums while the United States and European
relations and East-West relations become a
subject of great debate. We stand at the
threshhold of a lot of new events in Europe;
for example, the forthcoming German elec-
tion, Britain's domestic problems and the
anticipated election in Great Britain, the
new government in France, the new prospects
for WEU, the possibility that Britain and
Scandinavia and other countries may be
admitted to the Common, the riddle of
Greece, and the question of changed rela-
tions between countries like Spain and Thr-
key with the Soviet Union and other parts
of Eastern Europe. While improvements in
NATO may be the prudent course of policy,
we may face the fact that NATO may have to
be replaced some day.
The Far East
A key factor in the evolution of develop-
ments in the Far East is the Sino-Soviet
conflict, which promises to perpetuate itself.
It has caused the Soviets to go more to sea
for the movement of their weapons to Viet-
nam. The Soviet Navy in the Far East is of
considerable importance. Its presence in an
area of conflict where our interests are in-
volved can be a growing detriment. It can,
through its presence, bring doubt among
some of our allies as to U.S. will and action.
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E1386 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks September 11, 1969
Even Red Chine, the exporter of revelution,
In spite of its trouble in internal pnablems,
is very capable of expanding with What is
now a coastal navy. Of this there are some
straws in the wind. The basis for our naval
presence in the area is founded oh com-
mitments to many states. For example, the
obligations to Taiwan still exist and for this
our naval presence will be necessary, We
would like to see Japan fill some role other
than economic to supplement our farces in
the Pacific but Japan so far has rejected this
course. A number of developments in the area
create a condition wherein opportunism is
going to become more important as well as
a turn toward neutralism and greater shange.
France and Pakistan have repudiated SEATO.
Indonesia has rejected any potential Alliance
and is not leaning to the West. The French
have withdrawn, the British are withdrawing,
and we, too, hope to withdraw in a Measure
at least from Vietnam. This could increase
the importance of U.S. naval capabilities in
the Pacific.
Perhaps another factor in the polittcal dis-
cussion ought to be what is happeniiaa here
in regard to greater demand for spending on
domestic affairs. A rather active debate on
national priorities is already under way. It is
going to continue for the next four years.
The view was advanced that both internal
domestic programs and defenses are essen-
tial. In other words, we need what We need
to defend the country, and we need what we
need to have the country prosper and insure
the welfare of its citizens. We need both. We
cannot trade them off.
It has been said that you can take a par-
ticularly pressing social problem, the need
for schools in a particular depresseid area,
and set it against what we are spending
for chemical and biological warfare; and
create a sophisticated tradeoff, W ith of
course has no application to the ge erality
of it. The definition of objectives raieds many
issues about adversaries. ,
Do we still believe that there is a drive by
world Communism for domination? Is it
going to be Chinese or Russion or a coiribina-
tion of both, or is it going to be a national-
istic approach by Russia? What is our answer
to this and what will we do? And What do
we want to do?
It is from these objectives that we will be
able to determine what sort of an armed
forces establishment we will have anti what
their role will be. And it will not be a
direct argument between social progress and
In this question of trading off one can Well
say that the greatest social service 'that a
government can render to its people 'is to
keep them alive and free, which is attatsall
the business of the diplomats and sbidieiss.
As to what our national policy and teir ob-
jectives for the future are going to be, mili-
tary men of course await the civilian leader-
What the decision will be we don't know.
But when the decision does come on OUT fu-
ture national policy, which is up for debate
now, then it will be up to the military to
come up with supporting strategies,1 naval
strategies, that Will be in support of the na-
tional strategy that is to be adopted+ Until
the United States really decides what its
national objectives are, you can not equate
aircraft carriers against education and things
of this kind. First one must determirM what
are our national objectives.
The point was raised that the United
States still has many friends around the
World, and we still are the backbone of the
Iree peoples of the world. We still want pee-
le to be able to determine their future. The
idew was strongly expressed that we are not
about to come back to Fortress America. We
cannot withdraw from the fact that we are a
world power. Some felt OUT national objec-
tives are not going to be changed to a great
The priority of national security was in-
ferred from references to the Constitution.
If you look at the six purposes in the pre-
amble three are related to national security.
And if you look at the 17 duties of the Con-
gress, seven of them are related to national
security. And if you look at the thittiseoclutinas,
of the President, two are relateja national
security. The first one mentioned is Com-
mander in Chief. And the' first function of
a government is notional defense; the protec-
tion from outside tali:eats.
Giving priority in national defense, it was
argued, worked in the past. In Korea we
mobilizedse little bit. We spent 18 percent
of the P for national defense in that war.
only appropriated .enough money to
the war but started rebuilding the
, Navy and Air Force. In other words,
didn't do in effect
ent to -te was on a pay-a.s-you-go basis.
It in this last one. What we did
keep the budget level, the $50
on level that Mr. McNamara programmed
he first came in. This represented a
se in the amount of resources devoted
onal d.efense in terms of the percent-
NP. We just piled the war on top. So
sally get was about a 1 percent
the rather level allocation of
sue during the Eisenhower ad-
where it ran about 8.3 percent
plus or minus 2.
This reasoninas concerning priorities was
directly challengat . Reference was made to
the McNamara ca chism" which was given
to us all before we s down to make a pos-
ture statement before e Vietnam war broke
out, namely, the Pres". t told us to buy
whatever we needed at t lowest possible
price. And then the Vietnam ar came along.
Project after s roject wa postponed,
stretched out or canceled. We f nd out that
for all the brave words of 1960-61 e couldn't
hack it, we coulen't handle Vi nam and
still do the rest of the things in th strategic
budget and elsewhere.
It was maintained that domestic p oblems
are more important even than natio ? al se-
curity to a lot of people. We have very
this large segment of the population of two hun-
dred million who haven't at is tim the
slightest interest in our national sec rity
problem because their domestic problem are
more important to them. It is a very 1 rge
segment of our people.
And then there is another large seg nt
that we may be forgetting. There is a gen a-
tion that is growing up that is totally I in-
terested in the Communist threat. ey
don't believe in it. They don't think t at it
exists. They did not live through the orld
War II or even the Korean War, or f they
did, they were vesy young, and doesn't
mean anything to them. Nor they live
ough a depression perio hich has an
the thi
imp domestic prob-
lems. This g up s a very large one. Its
members are going to be our voters ten years
and twenty years from now. We are talking
about the future 01 the Navy?are these peo-
ple really interested in whether a navy floats
around the world protecting our national
Interests, since they don't know what those
are. To them domestic problems are much
more important. We ought to consider this,
and not say that domestic requirements can-
not be equated with or traded off with mili-
tary needs. We are doing just exactly that.
The federal budget is a deterinination of
those priorities. These must be tradeoffs.
Use of the Korean War es an example of
fighting on a pay-se-you-go basis was ques-
tioned on the grounds that sother needs were
not being imet or were put off because of
the military priority. It was further argued
that one of the reasons for the limited ob-
jective in Viet Nam, according to McNamara,
was that he was not going to be stuck with
$12 billion worth of useless surplus equip-
ment that the Fisenho-wer Administration
ended up with.
It then was interjected that the Korean
surplus was what saved Mr. McNamara from
an embarrassing shortage of munitions dur-
ing *ie first two years of Vietnam?that is
until we belatedly got the production lines
cranked up.
further rejoinder it was opined that
there has been no real orderly approach to
many of domestic problems in our govern-
ment. Spending for domestic purposes has
grown extensively when you look at the total
budget of $57 billion in what might be
called the HEW area. We Could get a lot nuns
for that ntaney by employing modern tech-
nical systems. We will come to this.
It was further argued that it is incorrect
to say that all of the people under 30 don't
worry about the defense of their country or
the security, because if you look at the num-
ber of people that have gone through the
Southeast Asia business you will be surprised
at the number of the young people Who really
see the requirements. "
Concern was expressed about a move al-
leged to be afoot today where many people
are suggesting that we should not change
our fundamental basic commitments, but
that we ought to attempt to control them
by curtailing our capabilities either in terms
of the size of our forces or the equipment
that we provide for them. It was main-
tained that we should put first things first;
ascertain what our commitments would be
internationally, and What our commitment
should be domestically, determine the pri-
orities in each separately, and then?based
on the ameunt of funds available--divide
it up to do the beet that we can in each area.
The need for a better definition of na-
tional objectives, however, was generally rec-
ognized. We are confronted with a two-fold
security problem in this country: security
from outside attacks and security from
within. Priorities must be met to the extent
our finances_ permit, in spite of the problem
of inflation.
The Soviet Navy is no longer a "coastal"
navy. It was 20 years ago following World
War II. It was a coastal navy when it oper-
ated out of its own coast and its mission was
strictly a defense mission. But the Soviet
Navy today is entirely a different one. It is
the most modern navy in the world, second
only to that of the United States in size.
The Soviets are building a navy for their
own needs. Their purpose basically is to deny
use of the seas to us for our purposes, and
then to use the seas for their purposes.
Geography gives them an entirely different
The Soviets, in classic fashion, are now
engaged in the naval support of a worldwide
political-economic offensive. They, unlike the
U.S., have emphasized the historic role of the
navy in support of foreign policy, The Soviet
Navy is part of a total maritime challenge,
not just a combatant one. When we think of
the modern Soviet Navy we must also think
of their modern merchant marine and mari-
time industrial base. They come hand in
hand. The impressive thing about the Soviet
effort is the tremendous momentum they
have in their ship building capacity, their
modernization, and their merchant marine,
all of which can be turned to naval purposes.
We cannot possibly have a modern navy
without a modern merchant marine and a
modern ship building indostry. They have
built up their merchant marine fleet much
faster than they built their navy. They are
delivering their goods, their arms and their
influence throughout the world with their
own bottoms. They are backing it up with
their navy. And their fishing fleet Is large
and modern. All the ships that the Russians
have today are designed, built and operated
We n
to na
age o
what we
increase ?
GNP in de
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September 10, .40,9oved FoiCIONGREESSIONNE2REWIRDF-17-111MA4R000300120003-9
cials disregard the fact that the parent
corporation sets production quotas, sends
regional directors into the field to pressure
its dealers to maintain the production quotas,
and seizes entire dealerships when produc-
tion falls off, plunging longtime, dedicated
personnel into virtual bankruptcy. My in-
vestigation indicates the degree of pressure
applied by the parent organization to main-
tain high subscription sales quotas is largely
responsible for deceptive practices in the
industry. The production quotas often are
unattainable, unless consumers can be
tricked into becoming subscribers.
The tricks, of course, usually involve oilers
of xx magazines "free of charge" but "of
course, you'll have to pay a small sum for
postage (or handling, or wrapping, or edit-
ing, as the case may be) ." One woman re-
ported she was asked to "sign a receipt for
200 free green stamps" and after signing
discovered that she had signed a contract
to buy magazines.
Obviously, we have Just begun to pene-
trate the surface of shoddy business practices
in the magazine subscription sales industry.
The complaints continue to pour in. The
investigation goes on.
New York, N.Y., August 22, 1969.
Congressman FRED B. ROONEY,
Congress of the United States,
House of Representatives,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR CONGRESSMAN RooNzy: Further fol-
lowing your letter of August 11th, I wanted
to tell you of our continuing action program.
1. Since my visit with you in May, I have
held a series of meetings with individual
publishers to acquaint them with our activi-
ties and furthermore, to enlist their efforts
with respect to their own organizations.
2. When I was in your office, I indicated
that some nine crew managers and sixty-
eight solicitors had been terminated by their
individual employers after the records of had
business practice collected through the aus-
pices of Better Business Bureaus and local
Chambers of Commerce had been pointed
out. Since then, four more managers and
forty-five solicitors have been terminated.
3. Some of those terminated for cause,
namely, bad practices, have gone to other
agencies who are not a part of the self-
regulatory programs. As this has occurred,
some publishers have withdrawn their au-
thorizations for agencies who would employ
this type of people to sell their magazines.
4. We are having another review meeting
in mid-September with local Bureau man-
agers and the industry to discuss first of all,
the progress since our last meeting in clean-
ing up these problems and secondly, to turn
our attention to the matter of sales talks
and advertising for prospective employees.
While not directly bearing on the magazine
selling industry, I thought you should know
about our efforts in promoting higher ethical
standards for direct selling in general. One of
our landmarks has been the adoption by the
Direct Selling Association of a code of ethics
entitled appropriately "The Right Thing To
Do". I am attaching a copy of this brochure.
This was released to the press and to the
companies in June. Since then, we have dis-
tributed over 40,00-0 copies to people engaged
in direct selling.
I really feel, Congressman Rooney, that this
is a tangible expression of the concern of
business, as well as its willingness to main-
tain and improve high ethical standards in
the public interest.
Kindest regards,
[From the Washington (D.C.) Evening Star, (Mr. GONZALEZ addressed the House.
Sept. 7, 19691 His remarks will appear hereafter in the
How MAGAZINE SOLICITORS CAN Hoox You Extensions of Remarks.]
(By Arthur E. Rowse)
The charming female voice on the other
end of the telephone said she was making a
survey (where did I hear that one before?)
and wondered if I would answer a few ques-
tions about TV advertising.
What a beautiful hooker. Who wouldn't
like to give a polling firm some choice com-
ments on the quality and taste of TV com-
mercials? So I lost no time responding to such
questions as "What do you think of TV com-
While I was trying to find appropriate
words to answer the last question, the voice
thanked me very graciously and then got
down to the real business behind her call.
"In appreciation for answering these ques-
tions," she said, "we are going to send you a
brand new Webster's Encyclopedia Dictionary
without charge." She said it had 1,500 pages
and beautiful color pictures, plus many other
wonderful features too numerous to men-
tion here.
My, how generous she was, I thought, just
for a few minutes of my time. Before I could
even catch my breath to reply she added:
"In addition, with our compliments, we
will send you 60 issues of Holiday, Sport,
True, Look and Venture."
I knew, of course, that such unbounded
generosity was too good to be true, so I asked
who she was representing and what the gim-
mick was.
"The only favor we ask," she explained, "is
that you send us 57 cents a week to pay the
cost of mailing the magazines to you. You
will get a written guarantee verifying
what I have said to you. Just give me your
complete name and address and I'll have our
field representative deliver it to you."
Pressed further for the company involved,
she said it was the Educational Book Club?
isn't that a nice name??and that it was a
subsidiary of the Cowles Publishing Co., pub-
lishers of Look and Venture magazines.
She said I would be billed $2.45 a month
(57 cents a week times an average of 4%
weeks per month). A little hasty figuring
showed that $2.45 a month times 60 months
comes to $147.
When I complained that such an amount
was quite a lot for postage for magazines
that pay the low-low second-class rate, she
said that was not her "department" but the
representative would explain it.
Sure enough, a nice man visited my office
the next day with the dictionary and the
"guarantee." He said he would have a dic-
tionary sent, then explained that it would
be better for both of us to pay the whole
thing in 21/2 years Instead of five, only $4.90
The "guarantee" turned out to be an order
form. But when I asked if I could check with
my wife and mail it with my signature to
him, he suddenly turned curt, crossed off my
name and walked away.
His reason of course, was to avoid getting
anything into the mail and thus make him
liable under the laws on postal fraud. By
avoiding the mails, this scheme has flour-
ished for years, hooking countless thousands
of people on a deal many may regret later.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House, the gentle-
man from Texas (Mr. GONZALEZ) is rec-
ognized for 10 minutes.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House, the gentle-
man from Louisiana (Mr. RAFticic) is
recognized for 15 minutes.
Mr. RARICK. Mr. Speaker, attempting
to take sides in the Middle East is impos-
sible to an impartial American because
the events of the case have been too con-
fused by the usual sources of information
which have, seemingly, in the past sev-
eral days turned handsprings as if to
explain away the essential facts by call-
ing aggression a "deterrent" and military
escalation "defensive" in the long boil-
ing tension areas of Northeast Africa.
Yet the provocative utterances of the
U.S.-born Prime Minister of Israel, Golda
Meir, that Arab leaders "should not be
surprised if they are hit sevenfold in
response" must be considered in any
evaluation of the latest series of events.
Can any thinking American conceive
of the wrath of world opinion should the
President of the United States threaten
sevenfold reprisals against the Commu-
nists of North Vietnam for the terrorist
acts of the Vietcong? Or the frantic
world censureship should Prime Minister
Ian Smith announce similar policy meas-
ures against African states from whose
territory guerrilla terrorists stream into
Rhodesia. What about South Africa or
the Portuguese?
The recent events in the Middle East
must be considered the most serious
threat to peace in the world which, if
major powers participate or allow them-
selves to be drawn in, could evolve into a
nuclear showdown.
The abbreviated policy statement by
the U.S. Department of State is that our
Government "deplores and regrets cease-
fire violations by either side by regular or
irregular forces." This weak official an-
nouncement by our diplomatic spokes-
men will not even convince the American
people of a nonpartisan position by our
Government. How can it be expected to
vindicate our image of suspect involve-
ment in the eyes of the world community?
Under unanimous consent I submit
a newspaper clipping for inclusion in the
[From the Washington (D.C.) Post, July
JERUSALEM, June 30?Israeli Prime Minister
Golda Meir warned the Arabs today that if
they continued attacking Israel they "should
not be surprised if they are hit sevenfold in
"Anybody who fails to honor the cease-
fire agreement and shoots at us cannot
claim immunity from the results of his
aggression," she told the Israeli parliament,
the Knesset.
"Arab leaders should make a correct ap-
praisal," she said, "of what their aggres-
sion achieves and our inevitable reply. They
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7776 Approved For Romimuggitwitt. 9tdistui-Bqww0030012,9ppkber 10i 1969
should realize the suffering they are inflict-
ing on their own people."
Mrs. Meir's stiff warning in Jerusalem fol-
lowed the explosion of a patted, stolen jeep
loaded with more tbn-n 1041 pounds of ex-
p_osives in the heart of Tel Avivearly' this
, The Israelis said 10 persons were wounded
hi the first significant terrorist attack in
T1 Aviv this year. Police set up roadblocks
al over the country and pleked up 20 to 30
A ab suspects, imbstly from Jaffa, the city
s th of Tel Aviv.
[The Al Eatah Arab guerilla organization
ued a statement in Aram -in capital of
J rdan, claiming credit for the bombing.]
Israeli jets strafed and bcedhed Arab guer-
,?,. 20003-9 ormaisgArimehticiABigismovwx091
September 9, 1 E 7321
Tuesday, September 9, 1969
Mr. RARICK. Mr. Speaker, as men of
good will the world over talk of achiev-
ing peace, the world community opinion
Is shocked by today's news that Israeli
troops, tanks, and aircraft had executed
an aggressive attack against Egyptian
forces in the troubled northeast Africa
region. In the days and weeks ahead
there will be charges and countercharges
offered by both sides, and the watching
world can expect a counter-retaliation
by the Egyptian forces to avenge their
The American people, weary of fight-
ing communism?in Vietnam in a war
their leaders have not permitted them
to win?have been told repeatedly that
world opinion would react against attacks
across sovereign borders or bombing a
hostile force supplying guerrilla infiltra-
tors. To the American people there can
be only one major concern with this new
International crisis. Why did the United
States supply the Israeli forces with jet
lighter planes and train their pilots just
days before this Israeli attack? How can
our Government say that our position
is neutral when we supplied the imple-
ments of aggression? How can our Gov-
ernment hope to escape censure from the
world community for our involvement?
Under such circumstances, we fall vic-
tim to damaging propaganda that we are
supporting the Israelis in a religious war.
Someone must tell the world that the
American people will not send their sons
into another war created by diplomatic
blundering, treaty, or by executive order.
If our foreign policy is one of neutrality
in the Middle East, then it is time our
President announce it to the world and
prove our credibility by forbidding any
more armaments to be supplied in areas
of world tension. Of what value are nu-
clear test ban agreements or nonpro-
liferation treaties, when we allow our-
selves to become drawn into a potential
The American people want no U.S. role
in bringing about Armageddon.
Mr. Speaker, I include several news
[From the Washington Star, Sept. 9, 1969]
TEL Am.?Israeli planes, tanks and ships
struck Egypt today in the heaviest raid
since the 1967 six-day war. Tanks were
landed in Egypt by assault craft and cut a
30-mile swath through military installations,
radar and rocket sites.
An Israeli military spokesman said the
10-hour punitive, raid cost the Egyptians
"dozens" of killed and wounded and that the
only Israeli casualty was a slightly wounded
soldier who was withdrawn safely with the
entire attacking force.
An Israeli plane, reported to be an Ameri-
can-built Skyhawk, was shot down by anti-
aircraft fire and the pilot parachuted into
the Gulf of Suez. He was officially listed as
Intense naval activity preceded the landing
which a spokesman said began last night.
when Israel reported its motor torpedo boats
destroyed two Egyptians PT boats in the Gulf
of Suez. Cairo reported sinking an Israeli
patrol boat today with the loss of its crew.
These were the first naval engagments since
An Israeli communique said the raid was
in response to Egyptian "aggression."
(This was believed to include not only
heavy Egyptian artillery attacks along the
Suez Canal but Arab terrorists attacks on
Israeli installations in Europe and various at-
tacks against Israeli airlines, spokesmen said
in Washington.
(Despite the obvious warning, the leftwing
extremist Arab guerrilla group known as the
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
warned today in Amman, Jordan, it would
escalate its terrors campaign against Israeli
organizations abroad with "more dangerous,
possibly fatal" attacks.
(Cairo Radio had no immediate reaction
to the Israeli raid, but it broadcast commu-
niques reporting heavy Israeli shelling of
Egyptian installations in the Suez area at
the southern end of the Suez Canal and re-
ported dogfights over the canal between
Egyptian and Israeli planes today.)
The Israeli forces hit the Egyptian coast
from El Hafayer, 24 miles below Suez City,
south to Ras Zafrana, 54 miles below Suez.
The Gulf of Suez ranges from 30 to 50 miles
wide at this area across the Israeli-occupied
Sinai desert.
Israelis in Tel Aviv said they Struck to
punish the Egyptians for what they called
increasing fire at Israel's troops posted on
the east bank of the canal. Nine Israelis have
been killed and 11 wounded there in the past
week. Observers said Egyptian artillery may
have been the prime target.
There was no official word on oil installa-
tions being hit. The biggest producer of
Egypt's offshore oil works lies about 100 miles
south of the Sties and in the general area of
today's raid.
The center of that oil works is the offshore
Morgan oilfield where about 100 Americans
are employed. The field is exploited by
GUPCO, owned half by Egypt and half by
the Pan American Oil Co.
There was no sign of general war prepara-
tions, and no sign of any callup of reserves.
The Israeli spokesmen, when they finally
gave details, stressed that the raid was puni-
It apparently was aimed at drawing Egyp-
tian troops and artillery away from the Suez
Canal zone to ease up on the constant
Egyptian bombardment.
Israeli sources in Washington said it was
unlikely that the first of the U.S. F4 Phan-
toms delivered to Israel took part in today's
raids but that they were thought to be in
combat readiness. For the purpose of air sup-
port slower planes would be more useful.
The raid followed a series of Israeli warn-
ings to Egypt and the other Arab nations.
Israeli Transport Minister Moshe Cannel said
in Tel Aviv yesterday Israel was considering
new retaliation against Arab guerrilla
The Israeli army spokesman said Egyptian
jets and troops made no effort to interfere
with the armored raid's progress although
the operation was reported to have lasted 10
Israeli officials did not announce the action
until it was over in midafternoon, but a word
that something was afoot subsidiary of
Standard Oil of Indiana.
Ras Zafrana, southern limit of today's raid-
ing, lies 50 miles across the gulf from Abu
Zemina in the Sinai which Israel occupied
in 1967. It is the center of American-owned
oil installations in the gulf.
Unofficial reports said tanks went ashore
from landing oraft and that Israeli troops
plunged ashore from craft protected by
the tanks that went ahead of them.. Jets
swooped overhead to give fire cover and to
attack targets ahead of the advancing Israelis.
"Warnings are not enough," said one Is-
raeli source. "More drastic action 115 needed
to put an end to these attacks."
Strict control was maintained on all in-
formation of military activities.
(Israeli sources in Washington confirmed
that the area chosen for the raid is where
the Egyptian armed forces are thinnest.
(The aim, according to these sources, was
to Show the Egyptians, who are said to have
concentrated as high as 100,000 men along
the northern reaches of the canal, that their
southern flank is vulnerable to Israeli at-
TEL Aviv, September 7.?A U.S.-supplied
Phantom fighter-bomber streaked over this
Israeli metropolis today, watched by thou-
sands of delighted Israelis.
The warplane was one of a long-awaited
batch of Phantoms Which the army said
yesterday had arrived from the United
States. The flight was obviously demonstra-
tive, observers said. Israeli military aircraft
are very rarely seen over Tel Aviv.
"Even now we will not ignore our security
worries, but we can anticipate the future
with a more relaxed feeling," said the influ-
ential newspaper Haaretz.
[From the Christian Science Monitor, Aug.
11, 1969]
Wasmnorox.?The United States plans to
deliver four supersonic F-4 Phantom jets to
Israel next month and will complete delivery
of a shipment of 50 of the high-performance
fighter-bombers within a year, according to
authoritative sources here.
At the same time, it was reported, Israel
has lodged a tentative request for about 100
additional aircraft?including another 25
F-1's--to meet its defense needs,
The State Department declined comment
on the report, but reliable sources said the
request had come through the Israeli Em-
It appeared that disclosure of le Israeli
bid for extra aircraft was deliberately leaked
here well in advance of Israeli Prime Min-
ister Golda Melee planned visit Sept. 25 for
talks with President Nixon.
Israel first turned to the United States
Government for new fighter planes after the
June, 1967, Arab-Israeli war when France
olamped an embargo on an order for 50
Mirage jets for the Jewish state.
In December, long after Israel sought
Phantoms from the United States, the out-
going Johnson administration announced
approval of the sale of 50 of the sophisticated
jets, capable of twice the speed of sound.
Authoritative sources said it was the deliv-
ery of that order that would begin next
month. About 12 Israeli pilots have com-
pleted training in the United States to fly
the Phantoms.
[From the New York Times, Aug. 6, 19691
(By Hedrick Smith)
WASHINGTON, August 6.?Israel is reported
to have approached the Nixon Administration
with a request for nearly $150-million worth
of aircraft, including F-4 Phantom Jets, to
maitain long-term air superiority over her
Arab neighbors.
Reliable informants said today that the
Israeli Ambassador, Itzhak Rabin, had asked
the United States to agree to sell about 80
more Skyhawk A-1 fighter-bombers and
about 25 more supersonic Phantoms.
Under previous deals the United States is
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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD?Extensions of Remarks September 9, 1969
a eady selling both types of aircraft to
I ael. The Phantoms are estimated to cost
$ -million to $4-million each and the Sky-
hawks about $1-million witla the exact cost
depending on the equipment included.
The informants said the request was made
t month, shortly before the flare-up in
t e air war between the United Arab Re-
p bite and Israel in the Suez Canal area.
This was also about the time that President
P mpidou indicated publicly that France
uld maintain her 1967 embargo on the de-
livery of the supersonic Mirage jets previ-
ously bought by Israel.
The Nixon Administration was reported
td have given no response to the Israeli re-
qiiest, but to have taken it under considera-
tion. If past patterns are followed, the re-
qUest marks the first step in. a lengthy proc-
es of negotiations in which the Israeli
fi urea may be revised before the United
States considers that it has a final and f or-
al request. Detailed talks are expected to
b gin this fall, the informants said.
Israeli officials are reported to have re-
newed their earlier expressions of interest
ls having the Phantoms equippcd for carry-
g atomic weapons. The United States has
reLiected such pleas and has insisted that
Israel agree not to use American-supplied
jes to carry such weapons.
The United States became the prineipaI
si.ipplier of the Israeli Air FO/Ce after the
Arab-Israeli war of June, 1967.
'Under an agreement signed in 1966 and
e panded in January, 1968, during the Jelin-
so Administration the United States has
d livered more than half of 80 promlied
S yhawks. Israeli officials acknowledge that of the planes have been used in the
recent fighting.
In a more publicized deal, announced last
D e. 27, the United States agreed to sell
Israel 50 Phantoms. The 1,200-mile-an-hour
aircraft was then the most advanced Amer-
ic n fighter-bomber in operation. About
d zen Israeli pilots have completed training
in this country, and Israel is scheduled to
b in receiving a squadron of 16 Phantoms
n xt month, at the rate of four planes a
Tuesday, September 9, 196'9
Or. MLNLSH. Mr. Speaker, with re-
gard to recent statements by President
Richard M. Nixon to halt construction
on 75 percent of public works projects,
I Should just like to add my voice to the
increasing chorus of critics on this is-
Although the President has stated that
hiS curb on Federal construction projects
will also serve to curb inflation, I niust
wholeheartedly disagree. Although ecOn-
?mists have various and sundry icleas
a, what will serve to halt the present in-
fl tionary spiral, it is generally agreed
th t the main cause of the present p'b-
lcth is defense spending.
I cannot see where it would serve the
public interest to halt projects alre dy
in various stages of completion. It w uld
s-On to me that such methods woluld
cnly cost the public more in the long
run. These projects will be taken up at
some future time for completion, when
construction costs may be much in-
creased. Additionally, Unemployment
would certainly ensue were projects un-
der construction to be halted midway.
To increase the number of unemployed
workers is certainly not an efficient solu-
tion to the problem of rising prices.
I urge the administration to more thor-
oughly investigate the matter of infla-
tion, so as to arrive at an answer that
will not throw the baby out with the
bath water.
Tuesday, September 9, 1969
Mr. FLOOD. MI. Speaker, there has
been widespread discussion in the press
of the Nation during recent weeks quot-
ing from a letter by me to the-President
of the United States in opposition to the
appointment of Robert M. Sayre, now
U.S. Ambassador to Uruguay, as our
Ambassador to Panama.
My information is to the effect that
Mr. Sayre was an active participant with
Walt W. Rostow in the formulation of
the three proposed new Panama Canal
treaties, which were never signed after
completion of negotiations in 1967, be-
cause of strong opposition in both Pan-
ama and the United States.
What is needed as our Ambassador in
Panama is someone who will defend the
indispensable sovereign rights, power,
and authority of the United States over
the U.S.-owned Canal Zone territory
and Panama Canal and not one who has
been active toward subverting them, and
who cannot be objective because of his
previous commitments.
Mr. Speaker, it is, indeed, unfortunate
that the President has surrounded him-
self with advisers whose records have,
in effect, been unsatmd as regards the
best interests of our country. It is fortu-
nate that we do have able and well-
informed men in the United States, with
the proper qualifications for appoint-
ment as our Ambassador to Panama,
and they should be appointed.
In order that the Congress and the
Nation at large may know precisely
what I have stated regarding the pro-
posed appointment, I include the entire
correspondence with the White House;
also, an article in a recent issue of Hu-
man Events that quotes me correctly:
jtrty 28, 1969.
White House,
Washing-ton, D .0 .
DEAR MR. PRESIDENT : Recent Spanish lan-
guage press news from Panama is to the
effect that the Panamanian Government
hopes to reopen the negotiations for new
Panama Canal Treaties. This news, coupled
with current reports that Foreign Service
Officer Robert M. Sayre is being seriously con-
sidered for appointment as U.S. Ambassador
to Panama, is ominous.
According to my information, Mr. Sayre
was an active participant with Walt W.
Rostow In the formulstion of the discredited
1967 proposed new Panama Canal treaties,
which proposed treaties aroused strenuous
public opposition in both Panama and the
United States. In the latter, some 150 mem-
bers of the Congress introduced resolutions
opposing ratification. Many speeches in op-
position were made in both the House and
As those proposed treaties were not only
weak and unrealistic, but also perilous to the
security of both the United States and the
Western Hemisphere, including Panama, I
trust that you will not appoint anyone asso-
ciated with the preparation or negotiation of
the proposed 1967 treaties as Ambassador to
that country, but someone who can be de-
pended upon to protect the indispensable
sovereign rights, power and authority of the
United States over the Canal Zone territory
and canal. Except for our presence in Panama
today, Soviet power would be dominant there,
and would absolutely control the Panama
Canal in which project the United States has
made a net investment, including defense,
from 1904 to June 80, 1968, of more than
$5,000,000,000, all supplied by the American
The situation affecting the Panama Canal
is of such grave character that it should not
be dictated by shabby SentilnelYbalitieS. We
have enough trouble cal our hands with Cuba,
which was permitted to pass into the Soviet
orbit; we do not wish to have another like,
and even more grave, situation at Panama.
Member of Congress.
Washington, D.C., July 30. 1969.
House of Representatives,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR Ma. noon; This will acknowledge
your letter of July 28 to the President re-
garding Mr. Robert M. Sayre, a Foreign Serv-
ice Officer, and the proposed Panama Canal
treaties which were submitted to the 90th
I know the President will appreciate having
this frank expression of your views which
will be called to his attention upon his re-
turn. At that time we will be in further
touch with you.
With cordial regard,
Deputy Assistant to the President.
Washington, D.C,, August 14, 1969.
House of Representatives,
Washington, D.C.
reference to your letter of July 28 regarding
Panama, you will hate noted that on Au-
gust 9 the President announced his decision
to nominate Mr. Robert M. Sayre, present
Ambassador to Uruguay, as Ambassador to
Panama. The President wants to assure you
that this decision was taken only after the
most careful consideration, and that Mr.
Sayre is a very able career _officer who can
be depended upon to protect the interests of
the United States and to implement faith-
fully the policy of this Administration.
With respect to reports that Panama
hopes to re-open negotiations for a new
canal treaty, such a suggestion has not
formally been made by the Panamanian Gov-
ernment. We do not know if it will be, but
again the President wishes to assure you
that our policy toward this question will be
carefully reviewed within the National
Security Council mechanism.
With cordial regard,
Wirams E. Timmoisis,
Deputy Assistant to the President.
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September 9, H 7741
duced. So our hard-pressed apartment
dweller will end up by receiving nothing,
another example of this administration's
contempt for cities and those who live
in them. Tax relief for single persons
over 35 is lowered by one-third. Wealthy
Americans who feared the House bill
would trim their profit-filled sails can
rest easy, for the President is very so-
licitous of their good life. He has pro-
posed a 50-percent ceiling on earned in-
come, so they may keep their integrity,
bacon, and profits intact.
Figures and counterproposals will now
fill the air for weeks. Average citizens
will shake their heads in confusion, only
vaguely aware of what is transpiring from
within. I would not blame them for being
confused. Anyone would be. Yet there is
one basic conclusion emerging from all
this. After the House passed a bill which
would measurably help people now being
taxed most, the President decided to
support a series of changes which de-
prive them of tax relief. Instead, he wants
to aid the wealthy and major business
enterprises. Does this make sense? Then
so will the Archbishop of Canterbury run
off tonight and become a circus acrobat.
Is it not touching to see our admin-
istration worry so much about those poor
little waifs on Wall Street? Poor, bare-
footed stock brokers plodding through
the snow, clutching tattered rags around
their poor shivering bodies, have moved
the President to the quick. After all, $75?-
000 a year is not an awful lot to struggle
by. on, is it? It costs wheelbarrows of
money to support a yacht, buy emeralds
and sables and take lengthy cruises. How
can millions of middle-income Ameri-
cans who make those big $7,500 to $15,-
000 salaries begrudge a millionaire his
profits? So the President will rescue
those persecuted coupon clippers and
slam door in the face of the slavering
wolf of tax reform. Poor tax reform. Al-
ways a bridesmaid, and never a bride.
President Nixon will aim his bouquet at
a far more eminent member of the
Mr. Speaker, I fervently hope the pub-
lic is aware of what is being done to it
by these proposals. Let its voice be heard.
The present Government of our country
Is obsessed with 19th century economics,
and is bringing economic ruin upon the
Nation. Prosperity deteriorates before
our eyes. Men are losing their jobs.
Homes and other necessities are increas-
ingly out of the reach of millions. All the
while, the administration is worrying
about how to better help out the rich.
Heaven help us if this is the logic gov-
erning the reasoning of our elected lead-
ers. They are carrying on a holy war
against working people and horsesense.
(Mr. PODELL asked and was given
permission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD.)
_ Mr. PODFJJ, Mr. Speaker, just as
there are individuals who by their acts
become outlaws, so there are nations
which, by their policies and actions, vio-
late all accepted norms of international
behavior. The truth of these accusations
is amply illustrated by recent events in
the Middle East. It is one thing to ob-
serve these happenings. It is quite an-
other to allow them to go unpunished.
On August 29, a U.S.-flag aircraft owned
and operated by Trans World Airlines
enroute from Rome to Tel Aviv, was hi-
jacked by Arab terrorists and forced to
fly to Syria. It carried 113 passengers
and crew, among them six citizens of
Israel; four women and two men. After
a terror-ridden flight, ending In detona-
tion and destruction of the plane, the
Israelis began their inevitable ordeal.
After 60 hours of detention, the Israeli
women were released. As of this moment,
the two Israeli men are still in Syrian
custody, tender as it must be. This of
course is a complete violation of all for-
mal and unwritten codes of accepted in-
ternational behavior. I am astounded
that our Government has allowed this
pirate state, run by a bloodthirsty coterie
of Communist stooges, to insult and defy
our Nation, flag, and international con-
ventions we are a party to.
This is the very same Syrian regime
which is inexorably persecuting the 4,000
remaining Jews within its borders to the
ultimate degree. The same regime which
races through the most menacing powder
keg since the Balkans in 1914; uttering
loud childish shouts, waving torches and
throwing lighted matches around. This
is the regime which acts as a Soviet satel-
lite, allowing them to utilize Aleppo as a
naval base. Now it blandly contravenes
basic international conventions and
dares the United States to do something
about it. Much credit is due the Interna-
tional Federation of Airline Pilots' As-
sociations for their prompt, no-nonsense
stand on behalf of international law.
The United States can do no less than
follow their example and demand Syria's
adherence to these conventions.
From Syrian pirates we move to the
bleak darkness inhabited by Iraqi mur-
derers. Some 2,500 Jews survive in Iraq,
living in the shadow of the gallows which
so aptly symbolizes the essence of that
unhappy country's present regime.
About 80 of Iraq's hostage Jewish pop-
ulation are already believed to be in
prison. The rest live in terror of further
orgies of public executions which have
already sickened the world. Torture and
discrimination are their daily lot, com-
bined with censorship, economic dis-
crimination, constant surveillance, and
denunciation by informers. Of 51 people
already executed by this coterie of sadis-
tic killers, 11 were Jews. In addition, it
Is reliably stated that at least seven
other Iraqi Jews have been tortured to
death in Baghdad jails.
While such atrocities are being per-
petrated, at least 1,500 Egyptian Jews
are suffering similar fates under the
heavy hand of an increasingly desperate
Nasser regime.
What is the response of the United
Nations to all this accumulated evidence
of Arab brutality and nationally focused
hatred? It yields to Arab refusals to per-
mit investigation of the plight of Jews
In Arab lands. A U.N. Commission has
toured the Middle East, investigating the
condition of Arabs in areas administered
by Israel, lending a solemn ear and aura
of respectability to the most fanciful
fevered imaginings and distorted accu-
sations the Arab mentality can conjure
up. Except for Adolph Eichmann, not a
single death sentence has been passed in
Israel. Israeli conduct is an open, fair
book to thousands of impartial observers,
Including innumerable journalists.
So here we have some of the more
memorable modern tales of the Arabian
Nights. Instead of genies,-incense, gar-
dens of the night, and fabulous treasures
of the east, we recoil in distaste from
assassins, jingoism, torments, and ha-
treds let loose by these modern demons.
It is an old story of persecution in a
new setting, and the world beats its
breast from afar as the torment of inno-
cents proceeds apace. Is there justice?
Is there fairness? Not for the Jews of
Arab lands. Not at the hands of the
United Nations. Not, it seems, from the
United States, either.
(Mr. HECHLER of West Virginia
asked and was given permission to ex-
tend his remarks at this point in the
RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
Mr. HECHLER of West Virginia. Mr.
Speaker, Logan County annually ranks
at the top or right near the top among
all counties in the United States in its
production of coal. It is entirely fitting
that both candidates for president of
the United Mine Workers of America
should come personally to Logan to be
seen, heard, and judged by all the peo-
ple of this coal-rich county. Since Mr.
Boyle was in Logan on Labor Day, the
people of the entire county will have an
equal opportunity to come and hear Mr.
Joseph Yablonski, also a candidate for
president of the United Mine Workers of
America when he appears at Midelburg
Island Stadium at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday
afternoon, September 14.
It is my understanding that several
of the leaders in the West Virginia black
lung movement, including Dr. Donald
Rasmussen and Dr. H. A. Wells?who
pioneered in directing the searchlight
of attention on the need for new health
and safety legislation to protect coal
miners?will also be present and speak
at next Sunday's meeting. It is also Pos-
sible that Dr. I. E. Buff may be present,
depending on his plans for a foreign trip
to inspect coal mines in other countries.
The legislation which is now pending
in Congress designed to strengthen the
coal mine health and safety protection
of the coal miners cannot be fully effec-
tive without two important factors:
First, effective enforcement; and second,
a strong and aggressive United Mine
Workers of America to insure that the
rules and regulations pertaining to
health and safety are interpreted and
enforced to the fullest degree through-
out the coal industry, and in such a way
as to provide the best protection for
every individual coal miner.
The only way that all those concerned
with improved coal mine health and
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safety can get to size up those who will
be responsible officers Of the UMWA is
to attend meetings like the Labor Day
meeting, and next Sunday's meeting at
Logan High School at 3:30 p.m.
By unanimous consent, leave Of ab-
sence was granted to:
Mr. Commis (at the request of Mr.
GERALD R. FORD), for today, on account
of official business.
Mr. PRICE of Texas (at the reqUest of
Mr. GERALD R. FORD), for September 11,
and 12, 1969, on account of official busi-
Mr. SAYLOR (at the request of Mr.
GERALD R. FORD), for September 10, 1969,
on account of official business.
By unanimous consent, permission to
address the House, following the legisla-
tive program and any special order t here-
tofore entered, was granted to:
Mr. PATMAN, for 15 minutes, todey, to
revise and extend his reinarks and to in-
clude extraneous matter.
Mr. MCDONALD of Michigan (at the re-
quest of Mr. DENNIS), for 5 minutes, on
September 9, to revise and extend his
remarks and include extraneous mater.
(The following Members (at the re-
quest of Mr. ANDERSON OX California and
to revise and extend their remarkp and
Include extraneous matter:)
Mr. DENT, for 10 minutes, today.
Mr. FLOOD, for 30 minutes, today,
Mr. ADDABBO, for 15 minutes, toda)
Mr. STAGGERS, for 15 minutes, tociai.
Mr. GONZALEZ, for 10 minutes, tory.
By unanimous consent, permissi ni to
revise and extend remarks was granted
Mr. RYAN and to include extraneous
matter during his remarks in general de-
bate on House Joint Resolution 241
Mr. BERRY immediatdy following Mr.
SMITH of California during consider ation.
of House Resolution 491
(The following Members (at the re-
quest of Mr. DENNIS) and to include ex-
traneous matter:)
Mr. KEITH in three instances.
Mr. SNYDER in 10 instances.
Mr. DEEwnrsicr in three instances.
Mr. WYMAN in two instances.
Mr. TALCOTT in three instances.
Mr. STEIGER of Wisconsin in tw,) in-
(The following Members (at the re-
quest of Mr. ANDERSON of California and
to include extraneous matter:)
Mr. MONAGAN in two instances.
Mr. FISHER in four instances.
Mr. ADDABBO in two instances.
Mr. FLOOD in three instances.
Mr. RARICK in four instances.
Mr. HECHLER Of West Virginia in two
Mr. KasrmmE/Es in two instances.
Mr. DINGELL in two instances.
Mr. ASHLEY in wo instances.
Mr. MriKvA in two instances.
Mr. GONzALEZ in two instances.
Mr. MURPHY of New York in two in-
Mr. O'NEILL of Massachusetts in two,
Mr. Miriam in two instance
Mr. BROWN of Calif?
Mr. FREE EL, from the Committee on
House Ad nistration, reported that that
comm.lttel did on this day present to the
Presiden , for his approval, a bill of the
House o the following title:
H.R. 72)6. An act to adjust the salaries of
the Vice resident of the United States and
certain o ers of ihe Congress.
Speaker, I move that
The motion was agreed to;
(at 5 o'clock and 31 minutes P.
House adjourned until
Wednesday, September 10, 1969,
o'clock noon.
of California.
House do now
), the
? rrow,
Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of
committees were delivered to the Clerk
for printing and reference to the proper
calendar, as follows:
Mr. DULSKI: Committee on Post Office and
Civil Service. HR.. 13000. A bill to implement
the Federal employee pay comparability sys-
tem, to establish a Federal Employee Salary
Commission and a 13eard of Arbitration, and
fcs,.....otlier purposes; with an amendment
--(Rept. No. 91-480). Referred to the Commit-
tee of the Whole House on the State of the
Mr. YOUNG: House Resolution 534. A
resolution providing for the consideration of
HR. 474. Committee on Rules. An act to
establish a Commission on Government Pro-
curement. (Rept. No. 91-481). Referred to the
House Calendar.
Mr. DELANEY: House Resolution 535. A
resolution providing for the consideration of
H.R. 13300. Committee on Rules. A bill to
amend the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937
and the Railroad Retirement Tax Act to pro-
vide for the extension of supplemental an-
nuities and the mandatory retirement of em-
ployees, and for other purposes. (Rept. No.
91-482). Referred to the House Calendar.
Mr. MADDEN: House Resolution 536. A
resolution providing for the consideration of
H.R. 8449. Committee on Rules. A bill to
amend the sot entitled "An Act to promote
the safety of employees and travelers upon
railroads by limiting the hours of service of
employees thereon," approved March 4, 1907.
(Rept. No. 91-483). Referred to the House
Under clause 4 of rule XXII, public
bills and resolutions were introduced and
severally referred as follows:
FI.R. 13682. A bill to amend the Federal
eat Inspection Act; to the Committee on
.R. 13683. A bill to amend the Tariff
edules of the United States with respect
the rate of duty on whole skins of mink;
the Committee on Ways and Means.
l.R. 13684. A bill to amend title XVIII of
Social Security Act to provide payment
chiropractors' services under the program
supplementary medical insurance benefits
Under clause 2 of rule X:XIV, executive
communications were taken from the
Speaker's table and referred as follows:
1124. A letter from the Acting Administra-
tor, Foreign Agriculturar Service, Depart-
ment of Agriculture, transmitting a report
of agreements signed under Public Law 480
in July and August ioes, for foreign cur-
rencies, pursuant to the provisions of Public
Law 85-128; to the Committee on Agriculture.
1125. A letter from the Comptroller Gen-
eral of the UnitEd States, transmitting a Tr the aged; to the Committee on Ways and
report on the potential for savings by reduc- /means.
tion of aircraft engine procurement, Depart- ;
meatof the Navy and Department of the Air By Mr. DELLENBACK:
H.R. 13685. A bill to amend the Gun Con-
trol Act of 1968 to provide that certain rec-
1126. A letter from the Under Secreta ords of the sale or delivery of firearms and
Agriculture, transmitting a draft of pr ammunition shall be maintained for a period
legislation to modify the boundaries of only one year and shall thereafter be de-
Santa Fe, Cibola, and Carson Natio stroyed; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
in the State of New Mexico, an By Mr. GALLAGHER (for himself, Mr.
purposes; to the Committee BARING, Mr. BIAGGI, Mr. BRASCO, Mr.
Insular Affairs. - BURKE of Florida, Mr. Burros, Mr.
of the
for other
nterior and
1127. A letter from the Assistant Secretary
for Administratio.a, Department of Com-
merce, transmitting the report of the Depart-
ment on commissary activities outside the
continental United States for fiscal year 1969,
pursuant to the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 598a;
to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign
1128. A letter from the Attorney General,
transmitting a report on the administration
of the Foreign Agents Registration Act for
calendar year 1968, pursuant to the provi-
sions of that act; to the Committee on the
BYRNE of Pennsylvania, Mr. emir-
DEL, Mr. FtunoN of Tennessee, Mr.
Mx, Mr. O'NEAL of Georgia, and Mr.
H.R. 13686. A bill to amend the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954 to increase the penal-
ties for the unlawful transportation of nar-
cotic drugs and make it unlawful to solicit
the assistance of or use a person under the
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
September 4,Mir vtdMtKfieigegili3iiiieabit.SP?PRWAMPs3 VREM120003-9 E 7171
2. Show veteran entitled to Vietnam Medal.
3. Furnish copy of casualty report from
US Department of Defense.
With application, you will receive an ad-
dressed envelope for purpose of mailing your
bonus application to Harrisburg. Stamp and
send by ordinary mail.
If undue delay, write me and I will be glad
to follow up for you.
Wednesday, September 3, 1969
Mr. O'NEILL of Massachusetts. Mr.
Speaker, I would like to take this oppor-
tunity to join my colleagues in expressing
my profound sorrow at the death of a
beloved friend and a great boxing cham-
pion, Rocky Marciano.
I first met Rocky 25 years ago, before
the beginning of his pugilistic career,
through a mutual friend, and member of
the Massachusetts Legislature, John
Asiaf. Thereafter I was to see Rocky on
numerous occasions, for he often came to
watch the Massachusetts State Legisla-
ture in action. He made his entry into
the boxing world in 1947 and began a
career that was to last for 9 glorious
This man compiled the most fantastic
record of 49 victories out of his 49 box-
ing encounters, and managed to remain
the undefeated world heavyweight box-
ing champion for 4 of those years before
his voluntary retirement in 1956. The
brilliance of his unblemished record daz-
zled the professional boxers and spec-
tators alike. Although purists of the sport
and critics deplored the lack of polish
and refinement in his technique, they
conceded that he possessed fantastic
physical stamina and verve and an over-
whelming desire to win. To the average
sports fan Rocky symbolized the essence
of boxing; that is, to hit your opponent
as hard and as often as you can, hit him
more than he can hit you, and keep going
until you have earned a victory.
This primitive motif seemed to be the
driving force behind his triumphs in the
arena. He endured dreadful batterings
and survived brutal bashings which
would have caused admission of defeat
by a less determined and courageous
man. An outstanding example of this tre-
mendous will to win was his victory over
Jersey Joe Walcott in September 1952.
Rocky had a very difficult time with Jer-
sey Joe, who gave him quite a thrashing,
but despite all the agony and the blood
of 13 gruelling rounds, Rocky found the
way to win. Indeed it was a fight well
worth the effort, for this earned him the
coveted title of world heavyweight cham-
pion. And what a winner he was.
Rocky worked hard and long for his
successes, and he invested every ounce of
energy and enthusiasm into his training
sessions. He was an honest man who was
liked by those he had defeated, and ad-
mired by the public he entertained. He
exuded an aura of sincerity, wholesome-
ness, and respectability, and wherever he
appeared the crowds would greet him
with warmth and adulation. The world
knew and loved Rocky as a fighter of the
first order, whose superior powers in the
ring placed him with the giants in the
history of American sports; but it was my
privilege to know this man personally as
a gentle soul with a good and kind heart.
Mr. Speaker, these words are inade-
quate expressions of the respect and af-
fection which I felt for a valiant boxer
and a very dear friend, Rocky Marciano.
Mrs. O'Neill joins me in extending my
deepest sympathy to Mrs. Lena Marche-
giano in her hour of loss and grief.
Thursday, September 4, 1969
Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr.
Speaker, the official U.S. foreign policy
concerning Greece is no longer a work-
able one.
Our State Department stand has been
to deplore the lack of democracy in
Greece under its present military dic-
tatorship and to put diplomatic pressure
on the military junta to end its reign
of terror. But in one of those classic
cases of "on the one hand and then on
the other hand," the State Department
and the Pentagon have said Greece is
fulfilling its North Atlantic Treaty
obligations and therefore the United
States cannot get too tough with the
This dual policy has led to a series of
strange events involving the Voice of
America, the State Department, and the
U.S. Information Service, including ap-
parent censorship of the opinions not
only of Members of Congress, but also a
representative of the Secretary of State.
A policy of talking out of both sides of
the American mouth has produced its
usual results. The people of Greece, con-
fused at best about the U.S. policy, are
turning against this country. The
military junta brags about our "support"
and applauds our naming of an ambas-
sador to that nation.
And that junta continues its destruc-
tion of the Greek Armed Forces, the only
so-called reason for our continued mili-
tary support of the dictatorship.
The Christian Science Monitor on Fri-
day, August 29, 1969, documented the
sad condition of the Greek Army.
I will insert the Monitor article in full
at the end of my statement, but I would
like to quote some of its conclusions at
this time.
The Greek Army no longer exists as a stable,
organized force-in-being . ? . In three suc-
cessive waves the colonels' regime has jailed,
placed under house arrest or exiled to re-
mote villages large numbers of the nation's
most influential military leaders . . . The
Army is divided and humiliated and its ef-
fectiveness as an instrument of the Greek
nation is broken.
These are harsh words, but the Mon-
itor staff correspondent, Saville R. Davis,
documents them with facts, figures, and
So, the United States through its con-
fused foreign policy has in effect sup-
ported a government which is tearing
down the NATO shield.
Our convoluted policy has led us into
even deeper confusion, confusion which
involves apparent censorship of the
opinions and statements of Members of
this House and. of the U.S. Senate by
the Voice of America.
On Sunday, August 17, 1969, Paul
Grimes of the Philadelphia Bulletin, in
a story entitled "Greek News Censored
on Voice of America," reported on this
situation. I will summarize his story, but
I will have it be reprinted in full at the
end of this statement.
The Voice of America is deliberately sub-
duing its service to Greece and permitting
the State Department to censor its news-
cast so as not to upset the dictatorial mili-
tary regime there.
Mr. Grimes reported.
- He added that Greece is blackmailing
the State Department by threatening
Voice of America transmitters on Greek
Mr. Grimes continued:
One news item that the State Department
is known to have censored was broadcast
August 7. It concerned a letter dated July
30 that 47 members of the U.S. House of
Representatives and three Senators sent to
Secretary of State William P. Rogers.
As a signer of that letter, and as presi-
dent of the U.S. Committee for Democ-
racy in Greece, I was concerned about
these charges. I asked the State Depart-
ment, the Voice of America, and the U.S.
Information Service to report on these
allegations. Specifically I asked for
transcripts of the original news scripts
and for the changes made in them.
I am still waiting for a reply. I have
been told by USIA the transcripts are
available, but will not be released to me
until senior officers, now out of the coun-
try, review the answers to be given me.
A target date of September 8 has been
set by USIA for release of this informa-
tion. The reason for the delay, USIA has
said is to give me the "full picture" of
what happened.
Without the transcripts, and the other
information, I cannot say for sure wheth-
er censorship of those broadcasts took
place. I can say for sure, however, that
censorship is being imposed by USIA on
the information I requested. I would sus-
pect there might be reason for that cen-
I would like a full explanation of that
censorship, yet I can understand it when
faced with the basic flows in the U.S. for-
eign policy toward Greece.
We have not made our opposition to
the military dictatorship in Greece
known. We must do so.
I ask the State Department to make
clear its disapproval of the Greek Gov-
I also ask that the Voice of America
broadcast in full the letter to Secretary
Rogers, signed by 50 Members of Con-
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mber .4, 1969
gress, which was apparently censored by
the Voice of America, and the State De-
partment's reply, including both ot its
"On the other hands." Finally, I ask that
the Voice report the Christian Science
Monitor story on the destruction of the
Greek Army.
Let us make clear where we stand
The material referred to above foll WS:
[Frorn the Christian Science Mont
Aug. 29, 19691
(By Saville R. Davis)
Arnears.?The main reason for ican
sopport of the present Greek Govern4ncnt
has been removed. The United States del:fend-
ed on the integrity of the Greek armed ferees
to support the Western military position here
arid to act as a bridge to the Turkish Arniy on
the east flank of the NATO defense area.
The Greek Army no longer exists es a
stable, organized force-in-being.
This is conceded by friends and opponents
or the "colonels' government" that now con-
trols Greece.
In three successive waves the colonLa' re-
giine has jailed, placed under house arreat, or
eXiled to remote villages large numbers Of the
nation's most-influential Military leaders.
Names and facts are listed below.
The remainder of the anned forces have
been subjected to a systematic campaign
which, the regime says, is necessary to pro-
tect the government against a coup. Critics
cell it a reign of organized terror, designed to
eliminate opposition.
In either event, the Army is divided, and
homiliated and its effectiveness: as an inatru-
ment of the Greek nation is broken. 1Lgher
officers who remain are not allowed to com-
mend. Lower officers who held power are
faced with a passive resistance they cannot
This is the picture gained from well-in-
f ed sources both tolerant of the regime
a opposing it. If this picture is oversiespli-
fi , the main argument still holds: The hat-
tle for allegiance of the armed forces bee:tern
and dismembered them.
It was the former stability of the Greek
arrned forces which made that reentry a valu-
able military ally of the United States. 1
It cannot be said that in trying to purge
the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force the
Greek regime has been carrying out Re an-
naunced policy of "saving the country ifrom
felling into the hands of the Communists."
Most of the arrested military leadere tad
fought directly against the Communists
when they attempted to seize power by force
in 1916-49. They were the bulwark of Greece
against Communist subversion. ,
One of them said, "Their offense against
the present government was that they Were
broadly nonpolitical, but pledged to the
estern institutions of freedom that were
n in their land, and they detest the en-
sl vement of a free and proud people by the
present rule of dictatorship and martial law."
Some of them supported King Oonstaatine
in his abortive effort to overthrow the &eta-
A fact sheet on the arrest and detettion
oil the military leaders follows:
In later February of last year the first
group of retired officers was exiled. In July
aid August, when the government was tam-
p igning for a referendum coming in 'Sep-
t miser, a second major group of officere was
a rested. This year, after celebrating the
cond anniversary of the colonels' cotip in
April, a third group was taken.
Methods: arrests were normally between
two and three o'clock in the morning. Police
cars surrounded the residences and in some
cases searchlights illuminated the houses.
The officers were removed in most cases
without explanation other than the charge
of being "dangerous to public order and se-
curity." They spent different amounts of
time in the central security detention cells,
sometimes under primitive conditions.
Most of them were then escorted to an Ae-
gean island, in some eases to remote moun-
tain villages. There they were asked to report
to the local gendarmerie at specified inter-
Villagers were warned by the gendarmerie
not to approach the Dricers. Adequate medi-
cal help was denied In at least two cases of
serious illness.
Some of the third group were charged with
trying to alienate officers on active duty from
the junta and were brought under formal
judicial inquiry which is still in progress.
Others were not charged, trials not sched-
uled, and in most cases the original period of
detention extended.
Some of the officers are now in various
prisons together with common criminals.
They are not allowed to communicate with
relatives or their lawyers.
Army officers not detained or arrested and
still in active service have been subjected to
surveillance by veriee. and intensive methods.
These include the placing of informers in the
lower ranks who repert to the security forces
on the statements and activities of their offi-
cers. They also include mail censorship and
telephone tapping.
The result is said to be extensive and
deep-lying demoralization, with no one able
to be confident of who would support or op-
pose his position in the event of a showdown.
The ruling group is generally described as
a small minority of men within the Army,
corning largely from small village back-
grounds, trained in intelligence and con-
spiratorial methods, and much tougher in
their methods of seizing and holding power
than at first was realized.
As the months passed under arbitrary rule
and martial law, these methods became
harder rather than easing. Because the
"colonels" were a small minority seeking
to eliminate the old Leadership of the armed
forces and to control the rest by a campaign
of systematic and deliberate "terror tac-
tics," they appear to have alienated large
sections of the armed forces as well as to
have controlled others.
Friends of the regime argue that these
tactics were necessary in order to compel
hostile elements in the armed forces to obey
the new government. Critics say these tac-
tics are the prelude to the final destruction
of freedom in Greece and that the regime
does not dare to relax its use of terror tactics.
Arguing either way, it appears that the
armed forces have themselves become a bat-
telground In the streggle for power and that
they are no longer tee stable force that the
United States counted upon.
Following is an incomplete list of arrested
or exiled officers. The wartime record and ex-
perience of these officers, their outstanding
training both in Greece and in the United
States and their arid-Communist position
is spread on the pub: to record.
First group, February 1967:
Brig. Gen. Dimitrios Zafiropoulos, who
had been second in command of an infantry
division, who escaped in the Middle East
during World War II and was severely
wounded in action, had commanded the
raiding forces and seen assistant military
attache in London.
Brig. Gen. Andreas Hoerschelman, com-
manding general of the 20th Armored Divi-
sion, who escaped from Greece during the
German occupation, fought the Communists
in 1946-49, served in NATO headquarters,
and was top of his class in the Greek Mili-
tary Academy.
Col. Demitrios Oprapoulos, also top of his
class, served in the Washington NATO staff,
had an excellent combat record, and was
promoted for bravery on the battlefield.
Col. Constantine 'Tisanetls, a highly re-
spected senior artillery officer during the
combat against the Communist guerrillas
who became commanding officer of divi-
sional artillery.
Col. Nicholas Zervoyannis, commanding
officer of parachute sahool and the Greek of-
ficer with the largest number of parachute
jumps, who escaped in the Middle East dur-
ing the German occupation and fought
against the Communists. Also navy com-
mander Verdes Vardinoyannis.
Second group, July-August, 1968:
Lt. Gen, Antonakcs, Air Force chief of
staff who escaped in :the Middle East during
the German occupation, a fierce anti-Com-
munist. Lt. Gen. K. Kailas, commanding gen-
eral of the First Field Army and command-
ing officer of the raiding forces, who fought
against the Communists.
Lt. Gen. George Peridis, a Ft. Leavenworth
graduate who was twice promoted in the
battlefield for bravery, Wass commanding
general of the 3rd Army Carps, participated
in the non-Communist guerrilla units dur-
ing the German occupation, and fouglit the
Communists in 1946-49. (General Perldis be-
came seriously ill in exile, Was hospitalized
in Athens under guard, his hospitalization
was discontinued before the conclusion of
treatment, and he was sent into exile in
May of this year.)
Rear Admiral Spanidis, representative of
Greece at the SHAPE NATO headquarters,
a submarine commander in World War II
who escaped in the Middle East during the
German occupation.
Brig. Gen. George Kouraanakos, a Ft.
Leavenworth graduate. (Me cases of these
last two officers were recently detailed in the
American press in the Evans-Novak col-
Gen. Kon. Koniotakis, who also repre-
sented Greece at the SHAPE NATO head-
quarters and had escaped in the Middle East
under the German occupation.
Col. Periklis Papathanaelou, a raiding
forces combat officer who alio escaped in the
Middle East. Maj. John Denaestichas, a field
Army staff officer who fought against the
Communists. Air Force coL Tsasakos, who
served with NATO, Navy Capt. Kon.ofaos,
who also served with NATO and escaped in
the Middle East during World War II. Brig.
Gen. Ch. Tsepapadalrls, who was an instruc-
tor at the National War College and fought
against the Communists. Maj. Bpissias, a
brilliant young combat officer and an in-
structor at the Army War College.
Third group, May 1969: An official an-
nouncement which listed only 10 of the fol-
lowing said they were to be exiled for "activi-
ties directed against public orders." Two
weeks later the junta said that a judicial
inquiry was under way to determine re-
sponsibility for a movement against the
Vice Admiral Avgeris, Navy chief of staff
and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff.
Lt. Gen, John Genie:rates, commandant of
the Army War College, director of a special
group which developed the new organization
of the modern Greek Army, Army corps
commander, Army chief of staff who fought
in Korea as well as against the Communists.
Lt. Gen. George Tsichlis, commanding gen-
eral of an infantry division which had fought
against the Communists. Vice Admiral Egol-
fopoulos, Navy chief of staff who served in
NATO, who escaped in the Middle East and
is one of the most talented and respected
senior naval officers in Greece.
Maj. Gen. Vardoulakis, an officer with a
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brilliant war record, commander of an in-
fantry division, participated during World
War II in special wartime raiding forces mis-
sions from the Middle East against the Ger-
mans in the mainland of Greece and in the
islands of the Aegean and fought against the
Brig. Gen. Const. Papageorgpou, command-
ing general of the military district of Athens,
who fought both the Germans and Com-
munists. Brig. Gen. Nicholas Demestichas,
chief of staff of an Army corps who had
fought the Communists.
Lt. Gen. Christos Papadatos, commanding
officer of the military academy and corn-
mending general of the Athens region. Brig.
Gen. Dent. Papadopoulos, chief of staff of the
Athens region, second in command of an in-
fantry division.
Navy Capt. Georg. Psalidas, who escaped in
the' Middle East. Brig. Gen. P., Panourias,
commanding general of an armored division
and Ft. Levenworth graduate, who escaped
in the Middle East, fought the Communists,
and was wounded in action.
Colonel Kalamakis, chief of staff of an
Army corps who served with NATO head-
quarters, fought in Korea and against the
Communists. Colonel Kalamakis was deco-
rated by the United States as a member of
the 7th Cavalry in combat action against the
North Korean and Chinese Communists.
Brig. Gen. Balkos, a Ft. Levenworth gradu-
ate, instructor at the War College, and a dis-
tinguished senior staff officer.
Col. Perivoliotis, regimental commander
who fought the Communists. Brig. Gen.
Bouras Anast, who served as assistant com-
mander of an infantry division and with the
Washington NATO mission, escaped in the
Middle East, and fought the Communists.
Lt. Col. John Souravlas, who had escaped
in the Middle East and been a raiding forces
combat officer. Lt. Col. Drosoyannis, who
was also a raiding forces combat officer and
fought the Communists.
Col. George Tavernikis, a regimental com-
mander who fought the Communists. Fi-
nally, the following combat officers who
fought against the Communists: Air Force
Colonels Diakoumakos, Pierakos, and Papa-
georgiou, three distinguished Air Force com-
manders and staff officers, who escaped as
young pilots in the Middle East during the
German occupation.
Army Col. Pipanikolaou, Lt. Colonels
Chrisostalis, nouras Anast, Vlachos, So-
marakakis, and Zajharopoulos. Majors Zervas,
Maragakis, Moros, Yannopoulos, and Mous-
takzis, Captains Mathioudakis, Grivas, Zark-
adas Alex. In addition Maj. B. Koqrkafas, an
outstanding raiding forces officer, arrested in
May, 1969, is feared missing since the time
of his arrest.
Since May, 1969, among those arrested are
Colonels Blouttsos, Mitsovoleas, Tzanetis,
Maj. Gen. Em. Kehagias, an infantry divi-
sion commander, and Lt. Gen. Sof. Tzanetis.
Gen. Tzanetis was arrested while vacation-
ing in the Island of Rhodes. He escaped from
Greece during the German occupation, he
commanded an infantry unit in Italy in
World War H, he was commanding general
of the Army War College, he was vice chief
of the National Defense General staff.
There are at least four young officers on
active duty who during 1968 have been ar-
rested in their units, court martialed, and
are now serving sentences in various prisons.
These are Lt. Charalamboulos (serving a 10-
year sentence in the Koridalos Prison) , Cap-
tain Zervopoulos (15 years in Egina Prison) ,
Maj. Agelos Pnevmatikos (10 years in Korfu)
and his brother Capt. Konst. Spnevmatikos
(4 years in Kopidalos). There is positive evi-
dence that these officers were subjected to
severe tortures during the time of the in-
There are some hundreds of other dis-
tinguished officers of all ranks, who have
been retired and removed from any posi-
tion where their talents and their devotion
to the mission of a modern soldier-officer in
a free society, could be utilized for the de-
fense of?Greece and NATO.
Many of the United States-trained officers
have been purged, arrested, or exiled. The
purge continues.
The Greek press gave names of about 300
officers in January and February, 1969, and
463 in July, 1969, who were promoted. A
large investment of the Greek people and of
the United States is lost. War experience, pro-
fessional training, and devotion to the ideals
of the free world could eventually vanish.
These "terror tactics" are being witnessed
by the population with apprehension and
anxiety. Friends and opponents of the dic-
tatorship are disturbed to see the prestige
of the Army questioned by the people.
In talking with many people, one quickly
realizes that the uniform of the Greek of-
ficer, once a symbol of pride, has become a
source of embarrassment and even an object
of scorn.
This is a disturbing fact to all concerned
since in today's world, tanks, ships, planes,
and men in uniform are known to be worth-
less if not supported by the will of the peo-
ple. This popular support is lacking today
in Greece.
Combined with this is a very rapidly grow-
ing "anti-Americanism" which stems from
the conviction of most people in Greece that
the dictatorship exists in power only because
of American toleration and support.
[From the Philadelphia Sunday Bulletin,
Aug. 17, 1969]
(By Paul Grimes)
WASHINGTON.?The Voice of America is
deliberately subduing its service to Greece
and permitting the State Department to
censor its newscasts so as not to upset the
dictatorial military regime there.
At stake are nearly $35 million in radio
transmitting facilities that the U.S. Govern-
ment maintains or is constructing in Greece.
Washington appears determined to keep
them, even if this means compromising with
a regime that it acknowledges is highly un-
The Voice of America is the broadcasting
arm of the U.S. Information Agency, the
government body that is charged with carry-
ing America's message abroad. Its commen-
taries and some other programs are admit-
tedly tailored to suit U.S. policy, but its
newscasts are ostensibly objective.
Richard G. Cushing, acting director of the
Voice, conceded in an interview here last
week that because "we have a lot of expen-
sive real estate in Greece," the service is
"The Greeks are very sensitive to anything
we say about Greece," Cushing said. "We
have to get along with the regime.
"We don't want to be thrown off Greek
soil. We have this problem. Yet we don't
want to compromise our broadcasts."
The most important real estate involved is
a $28.7 million transmitter complex that is
under construction at KavaIla in northern
Greece. It will include ten 250-kilowatt and
one 50-kilowatt transmitters for short wave
and one 150-kilowatt for medium wave.
The transmitters will relay broadcasts that
originate in Washington. They will be
beamed primarily to central Europe, the
Balkans and South Asia,
"The signal into India," Cushing said, "has
not been good."
When the Kavalla complex is completed
in about two and a half years, the United
States plans to give Greece a $1.5 Million,
150-kilowatt relay transmitter that it now
uses at Thessalonike, also in the north. The
Voice plans to retain, however, a $4.5 million
transmitter on the Greek island of Rhodes in
the Aegean Sea. The 300-kilowatt Rhodes in-
stallation relays broadcasts primarily to the
Arab countries of the Middle East.
One news item that the State Department
is known to have censored was broadcast
Aug. 7. It concerned a letter dated July 30
that 47 members of the U.S. House of Repre-
sentatives and three senators sent to Secre-
tary of State William P. Rogers.
The signers included Rep. Joshua Eilberg,
a Democrat from Northeast Philadelphia.
The letter expressed "deep concern" over
actions and policies of Greece's military
junta. It said the United States was losing
friends abroad because it appeared to sup-
port the regime.
"Our policy of occasional, tepid expressions
of 'hope' that the junta will return to demo-
cracy," the letter said, "stands in rather hol-
low contrast to the repeated instances of
high-ranking American military figures being
pictured and quoted in the controlled Athens
press lavishing generous comments on the
"In the short term, and in the long term,
we are in danger of reaping the whirlwind of
anti-Americanism, especially when the junta
falls, as it inevitably must."
The letter urged that Secretary Rogers con-
sider measures to show clear diplomatic,
moral and political disapproval of the Greek
regime and to curtail U.S. military aid.
Replying in Rogers' behalf, William B.
Macomber, Jr., assistant secretary of state for
congressional relations, stated that the pres-
ent "internal order" in Greece "does not coin-
cide with the best interests of Greece, whose
stability, in the long run, we believe, de-
pends upon the free play of democratic
But Macomber also noted that Greece,
"even under the junta, has fulfilled its
treaty obligations" to the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization.
"This, then," Macomber wrote, "is the
dilemma?how to deal with an ally with
whose internal order we disagree yet who is
a loyal NATO partner."
In discussing the way the exchange was
distorted in Voice of America Greek-language
newscasts, officials here insisted that Greek
membership in NATO was considerably more
important than radio transmitters. They also
made it clear, however, that the Athens re-
gime doesn't seem about to withdraw from
NATO, but that, if. ruffled, it might very well
seize the Voice facilities.
Thus, the transmitters appeared to be
their greatest immediate concern.
The Aug. 7 newscast was pegged to Ma-
comber's reply but also embraced the con-
gressman's letter. It included nothing that
was in the original letter, however?only a
note that the congressmen had urged a "stiff
stand" against the regime.
The newscast said Macomber's reply had
been "welcomed" by Rep. Don Edwards (D-
Calif) , one of the most outspoken congres-
sional critics of U.S. policy toward Greece.
The script, as it was originally prepared in
the Voice newsroom, included the following
two sentences marked "opt," for optional:
"Congressman Edwards also said that wide-
spread purges of the Greek armed forces have
weakened the effectiveness of the Greek con-
tribution to NATO. And he charged that
Greek officials have refused entry to Greece
to some American citizens with no advance
warning and no explained reasons:'
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E 7174 CONGRESSIONAL REcoRD?Extenvons of Remarks ,eptember 4, 1969
Before being broadcast, according to au-
theritatiwe sources, the script was sent to the
Greek desk at the State Deparl ment It was
returned to the Voice with the advice that
th; two sentences should be deleted. The
Voce concurred.
The deletion is understood to have been
apProved personally by Henry Loomis, acting
director of the USIA in the absence of Direc-
tor Frank J. Shakeepeare, Jr., who is in Viet-
nam. Loomis, who rejoined the agency in
April, had resigned as Voice director four
yevirrs earlier after complaining that his su-
periors were forcing the Voice to censor n.ews.
he Voice has had several brushes with the
Greek junta since it seized power in APril,
1907. At first, according to Cushing, "they
wanted to censor everything we said in the
Gr k language."
ather than submit, Cushing said, he and
Jon Chancellor, then the Voice director, de-
ci ed "we would prefer to go off the air, which
wet did."
' But then," Cushing said, "the Greek e-
girie went to the (US.) Emtra,sy and said,
'Lcolc, this is embarrassing. Go back an the
air, be careful and we won't censor it. So
they backed down and we went back on the
'We have been careful in our output. We
don't put anything out that hasn't been
pretty well checked."
Thursday, September 4, 1969
Mr. JACOBS. Mr. Speaker, I insert:the
following to illustrate the cause for the
Indiana delegation's pride in LEE Helm-
Ton. The ability to express the essential
with brevity is a rare talent indeed. His
remarks follow:
Let me begin with some statistics. In 1965
the Democratic Party in Indiana had two
Deinocratic Senators. We had won three
straight senatorial races (1968. 1962, 1964).
We had a Democratic governor and had tvon
two straight contests for governor. The Jest
reee by the largest margin ever given an
Indiana candidate. We had six of eleven .LS.
Congressmen, 78 of 100 representatives in the
General Assembly and 35 of 50 state senators.
Every state office, except for a few judges,
was filled by Democrats.
In 1965 Indiana was solidly Democratic.
in 1969, the figures are not quite so inter-
esting. We still have two U.S. Democratic
senators. There is a republican governor,
republican in every state office (except fin a
few judges).
Republicans have seven of eleven U.S. Oon-
gressmen; 73 of 100 seats in the Indiana
House; and 33 of the 50 seats in the Indiana
You know the story of the woman who
wrote her Congressman saying: "I'm so kits-
guSted, let's give the country back to the
indjans." The congressman wrote back Say-
ing. he was not sure that was the best thing
to do but it was better than giving it hack
to the republicans.
In Indiana we have given the government
badk to the republicans.
Bo I come to French Lick with one cites-
tion on my mind:
Are the Democrats of Indiana ready to
begin in 1970 the climb back to power?
The answer to that question lies in this
room. Because you will determine the will
and the spirit and the vitality of the demo-
crat party in Indiana, In 1970 and 1972.
Each of us instinctively wants to answer
that question affirmatively.
But let me inject a note of caution.
The democrats will begin to climb back to
power to the extent we are able to under-
stand the changes taking place in American
politics today, and to articulate and capture
the root feelings of the American people.
You and I must understand that politics in
America has become unglued. The rules of
the game have changed.
We can no longer automatically assure
that the Democrat party is the dominant
party. In the six presidential elections since
World War II we have won a clear majority
only once in 1964. Truman and Kennedy were
minority winners.
The Democratic Coalition, which gave us
electoral victories many years, can no longer
be counted on. The South is no longer auto-
matically democratic?Franklin D. Roosevelt
used to get 75 to 80% of the vote of the
deep South. Hubert Humphrey got 29%.
The working man, as he becomes increas-
ingly middle class in status and concerns,
does not vote democratic automatically.
Young people (and (10% of our population
will be under 30 next year) and minority
groups are asking?not should I be a demo-
crat or repubman?but the more probing
question: will the system work? Will it meet
the challenges of the 70's? And, they will not
accept the glib cliches of politicians who
want to solve the problem of the 70's with
remedies that only partly worked for the
problems of the 40's and 50's.
The suburbs have perhaps become the key
to winning elections and when people move
to the suburbs their thinking and their poli-
tics change. In short; the American politics
is changing. Our effo:ts, as always, must be
directed toward the (D1:0111011. man. But, the
common man of 1969 is not the same as the
common man of the 30's. He earns more
money, is better educated, expects more, and
has different interests and concerns than his
father and mother.
And we will begin our climb back to power
as we grasp the implications 'Of these
changes. Let me venture to my fellow poli-
ticans in this room what some of those root
feelings are:
The people are deeply concerned?and in
some cases, even furious?about the relent-
less increase in taxes: local, state and fed-
eral. They neither 'understand nor accept
those increases, and they think we can do
better in collecting and spending the rev-
enues of government.
They want tax relief and tax equity?a
reasonable assurance -hat Americans in sim-
ilar circumstances pay approximately the
same tax.
They want a saner sense of priorities.
Enough money for national security, but not
for monstrous militasy expenditures.
Adequate funds to stop the fouling of our
natural environment and to improve the
quality of education and health care, but not
swollen expenditures for programs with
marginal results.
They perceive the global responsibilities
of a world power, but they reject the idea
that. this nation is the policeman of the
world, the gendarm to guard every gate.
They want from a:.1 of us in public life
less rhetoric and more candor, fewer prom-
ises and more performance, less talking and
more listening.
And, as much as anything, they want a
piece of the action, a sense of participation,
a feeling they are not shut out from the de-
cision making processes in the political party
and government.
These feelings and demands of the people
are difficult to satisfy fully. But those of us
in politics have the obligation to try. No
one can really say if the democrats will begin
the climb back to power in 1970. But the
formula for success in 1969 is what it has
been since 1789: listen hard to what people
say, and do our level best to respond with
concern and reason and compassion.
OF n.r.mots
Thursday, September 4, 1969
Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I re-
mind the Members that the Polish Gov-
ernment in exile continues to function
in London and the voices of its officials
are far more representative of the people
of Poland than the mutterings of the
Moscow-controlled puppets in Warsaw.
Therefore, I insert into the RECOND the
address of His Excellency August Zaleski,
President of the Polish Republic in exile,
on September 1, commemorating the 30th
anniversary of the German invasion of
The text of President Zaleski's state-
ment which follows is of unusual sig-
nificance emphasizing as it properly does,
this historic anniversary which started
World War II:
It is thirty years since Poland fell victim
to the treacherous aggression of Nazi Ger-
many and Soviet Russia.
As a result of this onslaught the whole
world was enveloped by the flames of the
Second World War.
It was not the first time that Poland,
which in the course of the thousand years
of her history has always represented the
ideals of human freedom, justice and love of
one's neighbour, as well as respect for in-
ternational treaties, became the object of
aggression on the part of two adjacent im-
perialist powers. Poland, the most easterly
outpost of Western civilisation, a country of
civic freedom and hundreds of years of par-
liamentary democracy, the cradle of some of
the greatest minds in the geld of national
and international law, a state of religious
and cultural tolerance which in the Union
of Lublin in the year 1569 gave birth to a
free association of nations in a single Com-
monwealth?this Poland has always been
an obstacle to the wilful egoism of the two
neighbouring powers.
In the defence of these lofty ideals Polish
Soldiers fought on all battlefields of the last
war, on land, at sea and in the air. The Sep-
tember campaign, Narvik, the campaign in
France, the Battle of Britain, Tobruk, Monte
Cassino, Ancona, Bologna, Fitlaise, Arnhem,
the Warsaw Rising?these were the stages
of the Polish struggle for freedom.
After the war, however, in. spite of these
enormous sacrifices the Polish people were
abandoned to the demands of unbridled Rus-
sian imperialisni. And the wOrld, since 1945,
has not attained the desired peace.
The Polish people, undeterred by this ex-
perience, have not given up hope that in the
end good will triump over evil, and law over
injustice and aimed might,
We, Poles dispersed over all the corners of
the free world, have the duty, put upon us
by the captive nation, to show the world the
nature of this conflict between law and jus-
tice on the one hand, and naked might and
despotism on the other.
We are fully aware that the road to the
victory of law and justice is hard and may
extend into the indefinite future, but we
shall never lose hope that by the Grace of
God good will Ventually triumph over evil.
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bonds and 6 percent on tax-free munici-
pals. Ordinary families receive the same
4 to 5 percent on their savings. Govern-
ment is even paying large investors over
7 percent on short-term borrowed
money. But it continues to pay series E
savings bond buyers the same 4.25 per-
cent, and 5 percent on Freedom shares
available with E bonds. We therefore see
the grotesque spectacle of a family bor-
rowing money from a bank, paying any-
where from 8 percent to 15 percent, while
its savings remain on deposit at 4 per-
cent. The administration's response con-
sists of pious mumblings about curbing
Inflation, balancing the budget, paying
off the national debt, squaring the circle,
and achieving perpetual motion. Indus-
try and labor have been given the green
light on prices and wages. Guideposts
controlling such inflation-producing ac-
tivities have been jettisoned. Oil com-
panies, America's princes of plunder,
have raised their prices nationally sev-
eral times this year.
Meanwhile, our elderly are quietly
overcome by hopelessness, as inflation
devastates their limited incomes, which
Government is not making even the
slightest move to adjust and raise. Pious
Presidential platitudes are cheap, but
decent cuts of meat and drugs for arthri-
tis are dear. But skies are so blue in
California, and those golf courses are so
green and inviting. Problems are so far
away. It can all wait another day or an-
other year. Or even forever. Who knows?
Maybe it will all go away.
Unemployment edges higher daily.
There are now more than a quarter of a
million more Americans unemployed
than when President Nixon took his oath
of office, and the worst is yet to come.
The National Industrial Conference
Board estimates that more than a mil-
lion workers could lose their jobs in a
few short months. And do we not all re-
member that unctuously smooth rhetoric
during the campaign that talked of end-
ing inflation without increasing unem-
ployment? The rate is now at a 9-month
high, with adult men accounting for the
lion's share of the increase. Is it mean-
ingful to remind people..that there were
no such happenings during the Kennedy
and Johnson administrations? We were
in the ninth year of the longest uninter-
rupted economic boom in history, which
aided the poor measurably through
growth of payrolls, a phrase we have
heard much of in recent months. Millions
of people ceased to be "poor" as they
were put to work by a prospering econ-
omy. They were willing to work and
found jobs. Today, it was learned that
the administration will announce a 75
percent cutback in Federal construction
projects to curb inflation. These cut-
backs could affect as much as $1 billion
worth of work. Once again, we see Gov-
ernment being used to harm people,
rather than help them.
Our picture is bleak, indeed. Wrong
solutions are being applied to inflation,
which only succeed in harming those
who are most vulnerable. Irresponsible
elements in our business community on
the highest levels are being encouraged
to give overly acquisitive impulses the
full go-ahead. Government raises its
voice against those who seek tax justice,
but remains silent when malefactors of
enormous wealth and power rob an en-
tire nation. If this is the way to run a
government and manage an economy,
then so do cucumbers give light and so
will your local water commissioner start
at fullback for the Redskins. Their ears
are open, but they listen selectively.
Their eyes are open, yet they see only in
a limited sense. The voice of the people
is unheard. The cry of the dispossessed
rings out, but is unheeded. Perhaps it
will continue until we are hip deep in an
economic swamp which has no bottom.
Only one thing is certain. Ordinary peo-
ple will pay the economic bill and do the
physical suffering. Their reaction will be
fascinating to watch. Certainly, they
have no reason to allow this to be perpe-
trated upon them. I must admit that it
is quite an accomplishment to ruin a
prosperous economy in less than a year.
lackers to set our foreign policy through
these hijackings in an effort to deter
American support to Israel. The hijack-
ers arrogantly boasted after they brought
down the TWA liner in Damascus that
they hijacked the plane in retaliation for
American military aid to Israel.
Mr. Speaker, it seems to me that un-
less the United States does take a posi-
tive stand and sends these Phantom jets
forthwith to Israel, we will see more of
these hijackings. We should serve notice
on the Arab countries and their terrorists
who persist in these attacks on American
aircraft that any action against the
United States will only bring more as-
sistance on our part to Israel. We must
impress on these terrorists that any fur-
ther attacks against the United States in
any form will mean more arms to Israel.
We must make it clear these attacks will
not defer our aid to Israel. And we must
make it clear through stepped-up mili-
tary aid to Israel that international
hoodlumism is not going to dictate Amer-
ican foreign policy. That appears to be
the only way we are going to be able to
stop these hijackers and these outrages
on American rights.
(Mr. PUCINSKI asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his re-
Mr. PUCINSKI. Mr. Speaker, the
shameful and deplorable hijacking of the
Trans World airliner last weekend by
Arab partisans shocked the conscience of
the whole free world.
It appears to me that we should not
let this attack on an American airplane,
an international carrier, go unchal-
lenged. It is obvious that Arab partisans
are developing a new form of terrorism
against the United States and any other
country which helps Israel.
As deplorable as the hijacking of this
airplane was, even more shocking and
shameful is detention by the Syrian Gov-
ernment of six Israel citizens who were
passengers on this American airliner.
Mr. Speaker, the House must react as
strongly as possible against this new
form of political piracy by countries such
as Syria. We must arouse the conscience
of the world against this international
I was pleased to learn over the week-
end that the International Federation of
Airline Pilots Associations is contem-
plating very serious action against Syria
for the detention of these citizens of
Israel. The federation is planning a 24-
hour worldwide strike if the rewining
two passengers are not released by Mon-
Further, Mr. Speaker, I was interested
to learn that the Airline Pilots Associa-
tion in the United States is supporting
this action.
I hope President Nixon will provide
further leverage by signing the Tokyo
Convention treaty as soon as possible so
we can show Syria and the rest of the
world that we will not tolerate this type
of hijacking.
But most important, it would be my
hope that the United States will send
forthwith to Israel the 50 Phantom
fighters that the Israel Government so
badly needs to build up her defenses.
We should not permit hoodlum hi-
(Mr. HARVEY asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute, to revise and extend his remarks,
and include extraneous matter.)
Mr. HARVEY. Mr. Speaker, the Dis-
trict of Columbia and the surrounding
metropolitan area lost one of their most
distinguished citizens this past weekend
when Harry P. Bergmann, senior vice
president of the Riggs National Bank,
was accidentally drowned in a boating
accident in the Chesapeake Bay.
The tragic passing of Harry Bergmann
is a deep, personal loss to me. It was my
privilege to count him as a friend and as
a neighbor. My relationship and my
friendship with him date back to my first
year in Congress. I first met Harry in
1961. He was then chairman of the
American Bankers Association's Mort-
gage Finance Committee. At the time he
was testifying in favor of the Housing
Act of 1961?a pioneer piece of legisla-
tion in the housing field?then before the
Banking and Currency Committee, on
which I served.
In the years following, he testified in
behalf of the American Bankers Associa-
tion on several occasions, for he was a
leader in the effort to provide suitable
housing for all Americans through the
use of our private enterprise system. I
recall very well the last occasion that
he testified while I still served on that
committee?April 2, 1965. At the time,
together with other ABA representatives,
he testified in favor Of the very contro-
versial rent supplement feature of the
Housing Act of 1965. He suggested that
it was a better alternative for solving
the housing problems of the District of
Columbia and other areas of the coun-
try than subsidized interest rates or
public housing.
It was typical that Harry Bergmann
tackled any problem with vigor and did
not shy away because the problem might
be controversial. In his tenure as presi-
dent of the Congressional Country Club,
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September 3, iftWoved ForeoltgoNafflomix R@VelitIWIJIIR9AC4R000300120003-9
gati n of new areas of legislative
Routine office tasks also make up a
large portion of the interns' duties. The
combined effects of an increase in the
norrnal workload and staff vacations
during the summer help to -account for
the high priority given to such duties as
filing, typing, and handling mail. Among
offices that were chiefly oriented toward
this approach, we found that the moat
highly successful were those who gave
prospective interns a clear indication of
what their office duties would be. The
educational value of this type of activity
should not be underemphaelzed, but a
substantial number of the respondents
were careful to point out that the edu-
cational perspective afforded through
partieipation in office work was en-
hanced by giving interns ample oppor-
tunity to attend the seminars and meet-
ings conducted by the bipartisan Intel
program or by the college proerams.
We found that nearly 82 percent
the interns covered by our survey re-
ceived funding either from their offices
or from a college program. This is a
rather impressive figure, until one be-
gins to delineate and analyze the sep-
arate sources of funding.
The cutoff of House funds previously
set aside for compensating interns
place4 an increased financier burden on
the College programs, and -their very
limited financial resources necessarily
prevent them from adequately bridging
the "expense gap." Several prOgi ems pro-
vide no funding whatsoever, one pro-
vides only scholarships, another only
transportation costs, and a remaining
few irovide grants which range from
$150 Io $900 for the summer. These vari-
ous f rms of funding reach _66 percent
of th4se in a college program, and only
22 pe cent of the total number of interns
cover d by our survey. Fortunately, ade4
quately funded intern programs in other
sectors of government allow the chair.;
men of college programs to reserve most
of their money for financing positiona
on the Hill, a situation which has its
paradoxical aspects, since Congress ia
responsible for approving the funding of
all the agency programs.
The clerk-hire allotment available tO
each congressional office provides thei
other principle source of intern funding;
Simple calculations, using the figures in
our survey, show that 326 of the 542 in-
terns received funding only from their
office, and, since a portion of the interna
receiving money from their colleges un-
doubtedly receive additional funding
from their offices, the available clerk-
hire funds are spread even thinner. Yet,
this is the major source of funding for
the intern program.
It is unfortunate that the funding of
a program of such importance is subject
to the variations in regular staff hiring
among individual congressional offices.
There is no reason why an intern should
be paid less just because the workload
in his Member's office requires a larger
full-tiine staff, but such is the logic of
the present system of intern funding.
ConSequently, there is great diversity
in the amounts and sources of eompensa-
tion available to interns in each office. At
one end of the scale, our study shows
that there were 98 interns who received
no funding whatsoever?and an esti-
mated total of 148 ir..terns in this cate-
gory, based on the bipartisan intern pro-
gram's total figure of 820 House interns.
These are positions which are not open to
students with scant economic resources,
and, to paraphrase many of the letters
sent to prospective su.nmer interns, only
those who have enough money to pay
summer expenses need apply. Our figures
indicate that, for this summer, a total
of 89 offices either were n
in the intern pro or had increased
the size of t ' ummer intern staff, and,
in the ence of corrective measures,
furtef expansion of the program will
dpbtless increase the tendency of offices
o divert attention away from students
who first, require outside funding or
second, do not have access to organized
college intern programs.
The scope of this 3tudy did not in-
clude a determination of the average
amount received by funded interns, but
it is safe to conclude that the House in-
rn program is an opportunity largely
cl d to students who cannot afford to
com ere in the absence of outside fund-
ing a uate to cover living and travel
There a a number of partial remedies
available. I ?ividual offices could, the-
oretically, sq eeze more money out of
available offic funds, and colleges un-
doubtedly will so, in spite of pressing
financial limitati ns of their own. How-
ever, only the Ho se as a whole can, by
restoring the fundi g provisions of Reso-
lution 416, guarant that a minimum of
funds will be availa e .for interns in each
office, thereby incl ding in the public
record, and incorpo ting in the budget,
a well-deserved vo of confidence in
our intern progra and the young
people who partici te in it. While this
Will not guarantee qual opportunity for
intern positions r ardless of financial
need, we can, wit the growing support
of the colleges, ke a forward step in
that direction.
(Mr. ?DELL asked and was given
per on to address the House for 1
mi and to revise and extend his
Mr. PODELL. Mr. Speaker, wherever
we iatitt today, storm signals of economic
distress are flying. The administration
Placidly observes the ominous trend, do-
ing nothing to halt it and everything
to increase its momentum. Already the
average workingman is feeling the
pinch. Already pustules of unemploy-
ment are breaking out across the Na-
tion. -
Last month home construction ac-
tivity declined another 9 percent, as
tight money continues to depress the
real estate industry. The Commerce De-
partment announced that housing starts
In July plunged* down to a seasonally
adjusted annual rate of 1,336,000, the
sixth consecutive monthly drop in con-
struction of privately owned housing, in-
II 7435
eluding farm homes. On the west coast
scores of lumber mills are laying off
workers in droves. Apartment construc-
tion also declined, as potential lenders
pursue usurious profits alltime-high
interest rates allow. The administration
chooses not to attack such staggering
rates of interests. Instead, it fights like
a demon to extend the surtax, and now
makes burbling noises about cutting
House-enacted tax reforms which bene-
fit lower- and middle-incoMe taxpayers.
Big Steel calmly raised prices an aver-
age of 4.8 percent, to be followed by the
rest of this basic industry. Aluminum
companies promptly followed suit. This
orning copper and zinc companies did
e same. Even the auto industry sought
to roll these hikes back, and lost the
battle because for pressing need for steel
as a new model year neared. Ford has
now raised truck prices 5 percent, and
all new cars will be carrying significantly
higher prices. The administration, its
eyes riveted upon traditional laissez-
faire policies of noninterference, is as
silent as a closed door and as inactive as
a snail at full gallop. It certainly admires
old-fashioned American virtues, like
greed in high corporate places. Simul-
taneously, the Federal National Mort-
gage Association offers debentures at all-
time high rates of interest, 8.30 percent.
The Farmers Home Administration an-
nounces a new top interest rate of 8.5
percent on notes it uses to cover loans
for rural housing and rural community
projects, including water and waste dis-
posal systems. Orders for new and sales
of used machine tools fell steeply. New
orders in this basic category fell 22.1
Percent, as used tool orders plummeted
16 percent. All background orchestration
for this drarna-turning-into-tragedy was
provided by the stock market, which
plummeted more than 150 points.
Twenty-six million stockholders and
100 million affected Americans watched
in horror as they sustained a loss of $125
billion. Soothing noises and much
rhetorical vaseline flowed from the
White House in response to anguished
cries from all points of the economic
compass. e
Meanwhile, costs of homeownership
rose nearly 1 percent in 1 month due to
higher property taxes, mortgage interest
rates, and home repair costs. Utilities
across the Nation are lining up expect-
antly in front of public utilities com-
missions, requesting higher rates, which
are being granted. Food prices alone tell
the woeful consumer story, as family
budgets stagger and collapse. Prices sky-
rocket. Hotdogs contain more fat and up
to 15 percent of chicken ordinarily
treated as garbage, and the administra-
tion could care less about tainted fish in
the marketplace. The consumer is lead-
ing a shoppins life akin to that of a fly
alOne in a room with 100 boys, each
armed with a fly swatter. The admin-
istration watches happily from the side-
lines, nodding approvingly.
Small savers are paying for high in-
terest rates, but not sharing in the re-
wards. Banks are charging the highest
interest rates in a generation on business,
mortgage, and personal loans. Large In-
vestors obtain 8 percent on corporate
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August 13, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECOBD ? Extensions of Remarks E 6945
N.J., we have learned of the announce-
ment that Mrs. Lillian M. Bradshaw,
Dallas, who has been named as the presi-
dent-elect of the American Library As-
sociation. Everyone in Dallas shares this
great honor and recognition with her.
Mrs Bradshaw has been an outstanding
participant in all of our community
activities. She will bring this same
charm, enthusiasm, and intellectual Mr. PUCINSKI. Mr. Speaker, the very
drive with her into her administration as highly respected member of the Chicago
the head of the American Library Tribune's Washington bureau, Mr. Phil-
Association. lip Warden, has written a very timely
The following is the complete report article about the selection of an Amer-
on Mrs. Lillian M. Bradshaw, who is now ican Ambassador to Greece.
serving as the director ?of the Dallas Mr. Warden's column appeared in this
Public Library, and who will become pres- morning's Chicago Tribune and I should
ident of the American Library Associa- like to call it to the attention of my coi-
tion in 1970. leagues.
Mrs. Bradshaw received her under- Mr. Warden's column follows:
graduate degree from Western Maryland AN ACHILLES HEEL?THE GREEK POST
College, Westminster, Md., and her (By Phillip Warden)
library science degree from Drexel In- WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.?The choice of an
stitute of Techonlogy in Philadelphia. ambassador to Greece threatens to become an
She has served on the staff of the Utica Achilles heel for the Nixon administration.
Public Library, N.Y., from 1938 to 1943; Greek-Americans want to see one of their
as assistant coordinator of young adult own chosen. They look to Vice President Ag-
work at the Enoch Pratt Free Library in w e sona dm ionfisatvGarteioenk
iinmmitsi gorhaonito,et oAi nnfl uw-
Baltimore, Md., from 1943-46. She has however, has refused to become involved.
e '
held positions of director of reader's serv- The state department proposes to give the
ices, coordinator of adult services, as- post to one of its career diplomats, Henry J.
sistant director and acting director of the Tasca, now ambassador to Morocco. His post-
Dallas Public Library from 1946-62. In doctoral studies in the London School of Eco-
1962 she was appointed director of li-
nomics and his service as economic adviser
to W. Averell Harriman on North Atlantic
braries for the Dallas Public Library Treaty organization matters make his politi-
System. cal views suspect to many Republicans.
Mrs. Bradshaw has previously filled "The liberals are trying to ram him thru
various offices in the American Library as ambassador to Greece," a Member of Con-
Association, including president of the gress who has worked closely with the Greek-
adult services division, 1967-68; director American community in Chicago, said last
of the executive committee for the public week. "The reports we receive from Sweden
relations section of the Library Admin- sTaaysotaharrthteheicesntanteed defoahrntsmoennt has chosen
istration Division; and has diverse re- the state departmeynt have been
sponsibilies in the Public Library Asso- him."
elation. She is currently a member of the Ever since Nixon chose Agnew to be Vice
American Library Association Council President, the Greek-Americans have con-
and chairman of the Association's Na- tributed heavily to the Republican Party.
tional Library Week Committee. Mrs. Consequently, no one wants to bite the hand
Bradshaw has also served as President of which is feeding it.
the Texas Library Association, 1964-65, The naming of an ambassador acceptable
to all the Greek-American has been corn-
and is now chairman of that association's plicated by the growing debate over the
legislative task force. Greek government. The once-powerful sup-
' d h has port for the Greek military junta has waned.
AN ACHILLES HEEL?THE GREEK Quinn probably would be the first choice of
the group.
Whoever is chosen by the White House
will have to first be cleared by Thomas An-
HON. ROMAN C. PUCINSKI thony Pappas, millionaire food importer and
capitalist, and a member of the Republican
OF ILLINOIS national finance committee, administration
Tuesday, August 12, 1969 Ultimately a far greater problem for the
Nixon administration will be whether the
man finally chosen will be acceptable to the
Greek government.
Tasca, who will be 57 this month, did his
undergraduate work at Temple university.
He pursued his economics studies at the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania and the London
School of Economics. He received a post-
doctoral social science research council fel-
lowship and was a Penfield traveling scholar
in Europe in 1938 and 1939. .
In other activities, .
served as a member of the national steer- These undoubtedly are among the reasons
ing committee for National Library why Agnew decided not to become involved, over the remaining years of this century.
Week; as a member of the advisory coun- But stronger reasons are found in Agnew's What is needed, in my opinion, is crea-
cil and board of trustees of the associa- ck
ground. Agne's
w father drummed smed into tive arrangements utilizing the strengths
tion for Graduate Education and Re- an mfnd Americanof his , nots oan the Greek. The aeidepr ir Aognweasw
t that
of our private lending sector to unlock
search in North Texas; director of the would not allow Greek to be spoken at home, yet untapped pools of money to meet
Texas Municipal League; director of the The Vice President speaks no Greek. Agnew these increasingly pressing demands.
Dallas County Community Action Corn- is proud of his Greek ancestry and his immi- Lender participation must be increased
mittee; a conferee and assistant task grant parents, but the Vice President stresses by several magnitudes if we are to
force leader on the goals for Dallas pro- that he is "an unhyphenated American." achieve a meaningful "breakthrough."
gram; and president of the Dallas Metro-, The state department has received a num- One of the key problems is the lack of
politan Area Public Libraries Association. ber of nominations for the ambassadorshiP. a secondary market mechanism to allow
She is a member of the Zonta Club of lending institutions to avoid or minimize
Anthony Angelos, a business man of Chi-
Dallas and the Dallas chapter, American Senate minority leader, asked for the ap- their liquidity problems in connection
cago, is among them. Sen. Dirksen (R., Ill.),
Association of University Women. Mrs. pointment of his close friend, Kimon T. Kar- with long-term loans. Testimony at the
Bradshaw is listed in Who's Who in abatsos, a banker, Karakatsos lives near recent hearing acknowledges that this is
America and Who's Who of American Dirksen in suburban Virginia. George Chris- a major part of this complicated situa-
Women. She was a representative of the topher, former mayor of San Francisco, is an- tion and certain of the proposals are
American Library Association at the other nominee, thought to indirectly enhance the p0-ten-
Swedish Public Library Conference in Sen. Barry Goldwater (R., Ariz.) has tial for a secondary market and thereby
1960, was chosen Librarian of the Year pushed Lt. Gen. William W. Quinn, chief of bring in new sources of loan funds.
by the Texas Library Associaion in 1961, of the army section. United
group to Greece from 1953 to 1955 as What is needed, as I see it, is a direct
ted States military ad-
was chosen ? B'nai B'rith Worn-an-ana nominee. ' and determined effort to do for education
e. Quinn has been extremely popu-
Awareness In 1965 and has been the lar with the Greek-Americans. If they can- in this country what has been done for
recipient of numerous local honors for not have an ambassador from their own eth- housing through the FHA with its sec-
civic endeavors. nic group, members of Congress say that ondary market.
Tuesday, August 12, 1969
Mr. DON H. CLAUSEN. Mr. Speaker,
when the Federal guaranteed loan pro-
gram was enacted in 1965, there was
great optimism that it would fulfill a real
national need, particularly in alleviating
the increasing burdens of a college edu-
cation for middle-income families. Al-
though the concept is sound, the pro-
gram has, unfortunately, been unable to
meet the need for a variety of reasons.
The program now faces a crisis situa-
tion. As a result of soaring interest rates
and the tight money market, one-third
or more of the students seeking guaran-
teed loans in order to enter college this
fall are being rejected.
I commend the administration for of-
fering proposals to help solve this imme-
diate problem and I am pleased that
hearings in both Houses of the Congress
have made this acute situation nation-
ally visible.
Concern for the immediate needs is
not enough, however, as we contemplate
the educational demands of the country
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I have recently written to President
Nixon advocating the establishment of
an FHA-type mechanism for education
in order to assure the needs of lending
institutions who might be induced to par-
ticipate in the student loan program.
And I was very pleased to note, shortly
thereafter, that in testimony before the
Senate, the American Bankers Associa-
tion devoted a goodly portion of their
testimony to this pant; indicating,
among other things, that they were ap-
pointing a special force of experts in the
investment and student loan are-as to
formulate a specific proposal for a secon-
dary market. I commend them for this
Initiative and trust that this will con-
tribute to the much-neetittl discussion
this issue. With such discussiOn, e
should be able to frame specific pro ..als
and identify alternatives.
Admittedly, this is a_ difficult arta to
work in?statistics are meager an41 ad-
vice is often conflicting. But the nit ional
Interest makes it imperative th we
attack the problem head on. And we
start now so that we can have wdrk: e
possibilities available when the ecOn
allows for improvement in the hione
In this regard, my understan ing is
that the Joint Economic Commitee is
tentatively planning to hold h arings
this fall on the structure and fin ncing
of higher education and I woul4 hope
that this matter of a secondary gtrket
for student loans would be giv n in-
depth attention.
My feeling is that it is none too e4,riy to
be working hard to substantially ' rease
the quality and quantity of opportunity
In education available by 1976, the 200th
anniversary of the U.S. Declaration of
Independence. Perhaps the most appro-
priate way to mark this significant date
would be to have available to all our peo-
ple a comprehensive "bill of edu ation
Tuesday, August 12. 1969
Mr. POWELI. Mr. Speaker, alt ()ugh
Gabon is a small and relatively un1nown
Country on the West Coast of Africa, it
has the highest per capita income of all
the former French Africon terrilories.
The economic outlook for the fut re of
this palmy, mountainous, forested =-
try which straddles the Equator o the
West Coa,st of central Africa, olds
More promise still. Currently, Gabon's
Most important natural resource g its
forests; the lumber industry 1. the
Country's largest employer and Main
source of revenue. Perhaps more sig-
nificant for the country's long-tent de-
velopment, however, are its rich mineral
resources, which have only begun to be
ploited in recent years.
Gabcm is bounded on the norti by
Rio Muni and Cameroon, and on the
south and east by the Congo Repu lie--
Brazzaville. Unlike many-of its sis re-
blies, Gabon enjoys a favorable bal-
RECORD ? Extensions
ance of trade and payments, and its per
capita gross national product is the
highest among the independent states of
black Africa. Gabon finds itself in this
fortunate situation partly because it has
a relatively small population and partly
because it possesses enormous wealth in
natural resources.
Gabon is rightly proud of her devel-
opment since independence. The coun-
try's burgeoning economy is an encour-
aging contras i...t,lae-eacrnernit-problems
of ma he:.. neighboring states in
Af In 1967, Gabon's total exports
r: .resented a 19.3-percent increase over
xports in the previous year.
Gold, uranium, and petroleum are
other natural resources expected to bring
In increasing amounts of foreign ex-
change in future years. Thus, in Gabon's
rich minerals would seem to be the key
to her development as a modern self-
sufficient nation. Like all of the other
new nations, however, Gabon badly needs
foreign capital to build up her economy.
But Gabon has been more successful in
attracting foreign capital than some of
the other new countries. Realizing that
foreign private capital investment is
ssary to the development of the
try, the Government has made sig-
t efforts to encourage the inflow
nient capital. Gabon's Invest-
provides liberal terms for
tors and makes no distinc-
oeign or locally owned
firms concernhug privileges and guaran-
tees. Gabon haS. had an investment
guaranty agreerne with the United
States since April 19
Mr. Speaker, I woul ike to take this
occasion to congratula the people of
Gabon on their 3,chievem ts since in-
dependence and to express hope that
they will continua to enjoy t blessings
of steady. economic and socia progress
In years to come.
Tuesday, August 12, 1969
Mr. SPRINGER, Mr. Speaker, I at-
tach herewith an article from the New
York Times of Eunday, August 10, by
Anatoly Kuznetsov. This is an interest-
ing article by a man recently a resident
of Russia. I feel sure my colleagues will
be interested in reading the article:
(NOTE ?The following article, "Russian
Writers and the Secret Police," is by the 39-
year-old Soviet author who received asylum
in Britain on July 10, saying that he could
no longer work under repression and censor-
ship. He describes the surveillance directed
against him, and his enforced role in over-
seeing other prominent writers. He also tells
of his long yearning frustrated by the secret
police, to go abroad.)
(By Anatcly Kuznetsov)
It is a frightful story that I have to tell.
Sometimes it seems Go me as though it never
happened, that it was just a nightmare. If
only that were true.
of Remarks August 13, 196.9
The Soviet system remains firmly in power
in Russia only thanks to a exceptionally
powerful apparatus of oppression and pri-
marily thanks to what has been called at
various times the Che, the G.P.U., the
N.K.V.D., the M.G.B. anti K.G.B. In other
words, the secret pollee, or the Soviet
Everybody knows that the number of peo-
ple murdered by the secret police runs into
many millions. But when we come to reckon
the number of people who are terrorized and
deformed by them., then we have to include
the whole population of the Soviet Union.
The K.G.B.' s tentacles reach, like cancerous
growths, into every branch of life in Russia.
And in particular into the world of Soviet
I do not know a single writer in Russia
who has not had some connection with the
K.G.B. This connection can be one of three
different kinds.
The first kind: You collaborate enthusi-
astically with the K.G.B. In that case you
have every chance of prospering.
The second kind: You., acknowledge your
duty toward the but you refuse to
collaborate directly. In that case you are
deprived of a great deal; and in particular
of the prospect of traveling abroad.
The third kind: You brush aside all ad-
vances made by the K.G.B. and enter into
conflict with them. In that case your works
are not published and you may even find
yourself in a concentration camp.
How all this works out in practice I shall
explain by reference to my own experience.
As a matter of fact a similar story could be
told by any Russian writer who is even
slightly known. But they are there, and
they want to live, and so they keep quiet.
In August, 1961, I was preparing for the
first time in my life to travel abroad to
France. I had been included in a delegation
of writers. It was a most impressive experi-
ence (because in the Soviet Union the only
people who are allowed to travel abroad are
those with "clean" records, who have been
thoroughly "vetted," who have not been in
any trouble at their work or in their political
activities, who have never in their lives con-
sulted a psychiatrist, who have never been
before the courts, and so on and so forth.
What is more, the whole process of getting
one's papers in order lasts many months and
requires a mass of references, questionnaires,
secret signatures and confidential advice on
how to behave. By the time a person has
gone through this procedure he is so intim-
idated and tensed up that the trip begins
to seem like some religious ritual.
I had already gone through this intimidat-
ing procedure and was packing my case when
someone telephoned to say..that people from
the secret police were going to visit me. A
couple of men appeared and showed me their
Identity cards. They made a few jokes,
chatted about literature, then got down to
"You realize, of course, why we've come.
One of our comrades will be traveling, as
usual, with your delegation. But it will be
difficult for him to cope on his own. So you
will help him. You just keep an eye out to see
that nobody slips away and stays abroad, to
see who talks to whom, and to see how people
"No, I don't want to," I said.
"You must."
"Let somebody else do it."
"Others will be doing it."
"I don't want to."
"Well, then, we shall have to reconsider. In
that case, what's the point Of your going."
I remained silent, quite avercome. And the
two men started to explain to me that this
was the most usual and most natural thing:
No group of tourists and no delegation could
do without its "comrade" and the voluntary
assistants attached to him. The Western
world was devilishly cunning, and we had to
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August .13 pp
the tenuous hold over the hearts and
minds of the captive peoples.
Mr. Speaker, I am glad that we are
celebrating Captive Nations Week once
again this year. We have indeed made
great progress, in these 10 years, and I
feel even more strongly now than I did
in days past that the day of real free-
dom for the peoples of Eastern Europe
and elsewhere in the world is not really
so far away as we had once thought it
might be.
(Mr. ANDERSON of Tennessee asked
and was given permission to address the
House for 1 minute and to revise and ex-
tend his remarks.)
Mr. ANDERSON of Tennessee. Mr.
Speaker, recently I had the privilege of
visiting Greece for the first time. Though
this trip was completely unofficial and at
my own expense, I thought perhaps my
colleagues would be interested in my
making a few observations.
The visit was necessarily brief, but in-
cluded Athens and the surrounding area,
Rhodes, and Symi?a delightful small is-
land where there are no automobiles or
buses to pollute the air, one of the very
earliest seats of learning within our
Western civilization.
As an American, I have always been
fascinated by the influence of Greek his-
tory and culture on the world, and on our
own country. As a politician, I revere
Greece as the birthplace of democracy.
As a former military man, I am deeply
appreciative of the heroic achievements
of Greek soldiers and sailors during
World War II and Korea. As a friend of
many Greek-Americans, including sev-
eral in this Chamber, I am intensely
aware of the great contribution of her
native sons and daughters to the success
of America.
Mr. Speaker, I am also a pragmatist,
and as such I must speak in terms of a
profound national interest in the con-
tinuation of the strongest ties with
While all of us realize it, I believe one
must visit the country to fully appreciate
the strategic importance of Greece to the
cause of Western noncommunism, and
the bulwark of Western strength that
nation has been, and is today. In terms
of geography, Greece has but a thread
of continental connection with NATO.
Geographically, it is of a piece with its
Balkan Communist neighbors to the
north. Even Western Germany is not
so militarily vulnerable as Greece. It is
an outpost in most tenuous geopolitical
circumstance, but one laced in code, in-
terests, commitment, and traditions to
our mutual cause.
There is no profit in playing fast, loose,
and arrogantly in our relations with
Greece. I talked with dozens of citziens
ranging from modest fishermen and
small businessmen through industrialists,
bankers, and prominent educators. With-
out exception, everyone I talked with had
favorable comments about the existing
government and the stability, confidence,
the atmosphere of personal dignity, and
the climate of opportunity it has
Certain magazine writers and others
would lead us to believe that Greece is
an armed camp, carried on by a govern-
ment built on oppression and torture, not
unlike that of the days of Nazi Germany.
As a brief visitor to Greece, I would be
foolhardy to take the role of defense at-
torney against these charges. On the
other hand, I would be a coward not to
say that I found absolutely no evidence
to support these charges. Thus, I am
compelled to report to my colleagues.
American magazines sell better with
stories about torture than about eman-
cipated businessmen. A publicity seeker
does better to attack than to defend.
Mr. Speaker, I shall not take any more
time except to suggest to my colleagues
the following points of consideration:
It will be a disaster of great conse-
quence if Greece should be left ex-
posed, isolated, and alienated at the
mercy of its Balkan neighbors.
Perhaps there are some idealists who
tend too easily to equate the problems
and solutions of different nations in dif-
fering circumstances. There are cer-
tainly seekers for accommodation who
bristle with invective over every trans-
gression of the right, while ignoring, for-
giving, or defending monstrous crimes
against freedom, human conscience, and
political decency by Marxist regimes.
Before we assume the exalted role of
advising Greece how to handle things,
let me point out that compared to the
United States, there is very little crime
in Greece?virtually no civil strife, vir-
tually no uprising on the campuses.
Greek taxicab drivers do not swear at
their passengers or other taxicab drivers.
Greek children are well fed and not left
to drift on their own. A narcotics addict
or hippie is a person disrespected from
another land.
The current new government has ac-
knowledged its pledge and aim to re-
turn to a consentual democracy. I can-
not assure you that they will do it, but
I can assure you, Mr. Speaker, of this: Its
record thus far seems beneficial to the
people of Greece, and distrust of this
Government seems more endemic among
the literati in the United States than
among the fishermen, farmers, and busi-
nessmen of Greece.
Stable democracy is notoriously the
hardest form of social organization to
learn. Certainly we, who inherited at our
national birth a great body of democratic
practice, and have sought to improve
upon it ever since, are yet far short of
perfection. The history of democratic
political development is everywhere simi-
lar in its gradually decreasing cyclical
swings between authoritarian and per-
missive emphasis. Any such society col-
lectively learns, usually with pain, to in-
tuit a variable scale of balance between
organizational necessity and personal
freedom within democratic parameters.
It learns to adjust this scale in a manner
acceptable to its citizens in response to
external and internal crises and calms.
Any nation which commits itself to the
pursuit of consentual democratic govern-
ance undertakes a grueling task fraught
with perils. To opt for political democracy
is to seek the best and the hardest.
Greece has made this commitment. It
has thrown its lot with the European
democracies, with NATO, with the great
western maritime trading world. It has
opposed the Communist advance, de-
feated a guerrilla war of subversion, and
fought beside the United States in the
Korean war. It has rejected the Pacist
and Communist totalitarian systems, and
done so with blood and sacrifice. But it
Is having its pains in democratic political
development. This is hardly shocking,
nor should it be viewed as an excuse for
shrill vilification and retribution.
Finally, we should recognize that de-
spite the celebrated achievements of
ancient Athens, Greece, has less experi-
ence in modern political democracy than
most people realize.
Greece languished under foreign rule
almost continuously from 146 B.C. till
1830, and from 1940 to 1944. Modern po-
litical parties became effective factors in
Greek life in the mid-1920's, and the
vote was extended to women in 1952.
Greece is learning the hard balance of
democracy between political freedom and
workable national unity. The latest swing
in emphasis is toward authoritarian or-
ganization. I suspect that the pendulum
may swing two or three times in the next
30 years, each time in a less extreme arc.
On each occasion there will be tempta-
tions here in the United States to ago-
nize, dramatize, lecture, and chastise.
Let us think twice, keep our historical
perspective and our geopolitical cool. We
can begin now.
(Mr. FOLEY asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 min-
ute, to revise and extend his remarks and
to include extraneous matter.)
Mr. FOLEY. Mr. Speaker, I should like
to express my very deep concern about
the recommendation in the President's
recent welfare message which states:
For dependent families there will be an
orderly substitution of food stamps by the
new direct monetary payments.
Mr. Speaker, it was only last May 6
that the President took a momentous
step forward in behalf of all Americans
when he said:
America has come to the aid of one starv-
ing people after another: But the moment is
at hand to put an end to hunger in America
On that date the President recom-
mended proposals which?if carried
out--would be useful first steps toward
meeting the goal.
In general, I support and applaud the
suggestions of President Nixon in his
recommendations to reform the present
welfare system. These recommendations
as they apply particularly to the aid-for-
dependent-children program, represent
a movement toward greater equity, ade-
quacy of funding and broadening of
participation. In addition, the Presi-
dent's recommendations tend to elimi-
nate discrimination against the working
poor and tend to discourage undesirable
rural-to-urban migration.
However. I am deeply concerned that
the President's message indicates that
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coN hbSiONAL RECORD ? HOUSE AuguRt 13, 1969
the change in his position about provid-
ing an adequate and nutritious diet for
all American families threatens a long-
overdue expansion of the food stamp pro-
In the President's May 6 message on
hunger and malnutrition, he pointed out
and emphasized the need for adequate
nutrition for millions of American
families who lack sufficient means to
obtain it.
The welfare reforms recommended by
the President cannot substitute for food-
stamp programs. The income support is
too minimal to accomplish that purpose.
It is particularly disturbing that the
President's recommendations in gutting
back food stamps come so soon?only a
little over 2 months after his hunger
and malnutrition message. If the Con-
gress were to endorse the food-stamp
cutback and pass the welfare reform
only, we would be committing a fraud
on millions of Americans whose hopes
have been raised.
The two programs are not only com-
patible but complimentary. Indeed the
original concept of food stamps can
work with far greater effectiveness if the
welfare reform is implernented. Awl the
concept of breaking the poverty cycle by
th sound education and whole iome
care for all children and job opportuni-
ties for adults will fail without an ade-
quate nutrition program.
Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from
Pennsylvania (Mr. GREW) and I were
pleased on Monday to present the
House a proposal?H.R., 13423?We be-
lieve may be the most far-reaching, re-
sponsible approach yet to meeting the
grave scandal of hunger and widespread
malnutrition among American citizens
and nationals. In this effort, we were
joined by 23 other Meinbers. After the
August recess, we hope additional Mem-
bers Will join in cosponsorship.
The successful eradication of dotrestic
unger and malnutrition, I should like
to point out, is perhaps the most con;rete
Way we can today help to break the pov-
erty cycle. Other programs are certainly
Important, but malnutrition is?if not
the single most critical element?cerain-
ly one of the basic factors in the poverty
0Yele and clearly that element that we
Gan most promptly, effectively, and tr eas-
trebly cope with.
I do not believe we can too often re iter-
te the basic facts of domestic hunger
nd malnutrition. Here are some ot the
ey findings as they relate to poverty,
learning ability and io the imtrerise
ial costs the American taxpayer in-
urs from permitting this situation to
Although only 12 percent of the v bite
population in the United States lito s in
poverty compared with 40 percent o: the
lack population, a total of 21 Million
thite people and 10 million black people
ve at or below the poverty level using
the definitions provided by the Social
Security Administration,
One-fourth of the Nation's children,
and one out of every three children under
6 years of age, are living in homes in
which incomes are insufficient to meet
the costs of procuring many of the es-
sentials of life, and particularly food.
There is strong evidence that malnu-
trition may be the common denominator
of the evils?among the impoverished?
of a high incideoce of prematurity and
low-birth-weight infants, increased ma-
ternal mortality and almost Unbelievable
prevalence of mental retardation. Chil-
dren in the culture of poverty, partic-
ularly these prematurely born, contribute
the major numbers of those of our popu-
lation who grow up to be mentally re-
tarded. Up to 50 percent of low-birth-
weight infants may, upon survival, have
intellectual quotients below 70 percent.
It is estimated that approximately 70 to
80 percent of all mentally defective chil-
dren are born in a poverty environment.
We might note here that severe nutri-
tional deprivation during the first 18
months of life prevents normal brain de-
velopment. The :aumber of cells present
in the brains of infants dying of severe
malnutrition may be from 20- to 50-per-
cent below that present in age peers dy-
ing of causes unrelated to nutrition. In
general, we can say that while there is
no evidence that feeding people makes
them smart, there is indisputable evi-
dence that hunger makes them dull,
The food stamp program reaches only
about 3.2 million people. Many poor fam-
ilies live in jurisdictions without this
program. The commodity distribution
program reaches approximately 3.7 mil-
lion people. The defects of the latter pro-
gram are well-known. In response to
my inquiry, the U.S. Department of Ag-
riculture advises that their estimate of
the percent of the poor with incomes
under $3,000 participating in the food
stamp program is only 16 percent and
the percent of the poor participating in
the commodity distribution program is
only 22 percent--on a national average.
Some 1.3 million Americans have no
cash income at all: 561,000 are unrelated
individuals; 770,000 live in families of
varying size. More than 5 million Amer-
icans live in families whose yearly house-
hold income is less than the total amount
they must have for food alone?less than
the equivalent of $1,200 a year for a
family of four, the amount the Depart-
ment of Agriculture claims Is the mini-
mum cost of an "emergency economy"
diet. Another 9 million live in families
with incomes between $1,200 and $2,400.
They cannot spend more than half their
Income on food and still meet their
childraising and other fixed living ex-
penses. These 14 million hard-core poor
have inadequate diets. Many, perhaps
millions, suffer from chronic and severe
hunger and malnitrition simply because
they do not have the money to purchase
a nutritious diet. Our Nation's food pro-
grams are clearly not designed to meet a
hunger and malnutrition problem of
these dimensions.
Our proposal, we suggest, has the par-
ticular merit of tying together?perhaps
for the first time in the history of U.S.
farm programs?the legitimate interest
of the agricultural producer and the
compelling human and social needs of
a large segment of American consumers
or potential consumers in the same pro-
gram on a basis that will insure fair
representation of the interests of both
groups. In short, we are linking, in an
operational way, through the mechanism
of the Commodity Credit Corporation,
the producer, consumer, and welfare as-
pects of American agriculture.
I need only point out that the Prece-
dent for doing so is well settled as far as
U.S. aid to other nations is concerned.
The Commodity Credit Corporation to-
day finances the sale and export of agri-
cultural commodities under the Food for
Peace Act--commonly known as Public
Law 480. I should like to underscore the
fact that title II of Public Law 480 au-
thorizes the donation of U.S. agriculture
commodities to combat malnutrition, to
provide help for needy persons and for
nonprofit school lunch and preschool
feeding programs outside the United
States. The United States has been utiliz-
ing Commodity Credit Corporation
financing for such activities abroad since
The provision of adequate financial
support for a major and successful effort
to combat hunger and malnutrition in
the United States Is the basis for our pro-
posed increase of $5 billion in the bor-
rowing authority of the Commodity
Credit Corporation. There is no require-
ment that all of this authority be used
every year. There is sufficient latitude in
this authority to provide for both a major
effort in domestic food programs and to
take care of farm emergencies resulting
from bad crop years. Responsible esti-
mates indicate that in addition to the
amount the United States is presently
spending for domestic food programs we
must spend another $3 billion if we are
to provide adequate food for all those in
America who are now suffering some de-
gree of malnutrition.
Other major features of our program
Allowing the working poor to partici-
pate in Federal food programs;
Making distribution of stamps more
convenient by allowing retail stores and
other outlets to sell them.
Approaching budgeting problems more
realistically by offering stamps weekly
Instead of monthly and bimonthly;
Authorizing the Secretary of Agricul-
ture to establish food stamp programs in
every county in the United States, and
allowing him to administer programs
directly or through private nonprofit
agencies in counties where participation
falls below 50 percent of eligibles;
Authorizing free food stamp coupons
for certain very low income households;
Allowing self-certification by affidavit
for low-income households thus drasti-
cally cutting administrative costs. The
bill also carries heavy penalties for fraud.
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siuNAL RECORD? HOUSE August 12, 1969
Edward J. Driscoll, president of the na-
tional charter airline organization, said he
was trying to reschedule at least 20 Standard
flights on other carriers.
He said 12 of them had already been
handled but he couldn't make any guaran-
tee about the others. Only one flight, a
Toronto group in Rome, involved returning
Robert Fraley, Standard's vice president
and legal counsel, would say only that all
operations had been suspended with a final
flight between Las 'Vegas and New York early
He would not discuss the reason for the
shutdown or what might happen next.
Standard moved its headquarters to Se-
attle from Miami, Fla., in 1966. Despite
vigorous leadership, it never seemed to get
untracked in the heated competitive world
of the supplemental or charter carriers.
Just this May the Civil Aeronautics Board
filed a complaint against the company for
allegedly dealing with charter groups which
were improperly certified.
Earlier the line leased two twin-engine
propeller airlines to expand its business to
smaller charter groups. Before that its fleet
consisted of two Boeing 707s.
The small-group business apparently fell
through and the leased planes were returned
to their owner.
In a later deal, Standard worked out a re-
ported $8.5 million contract with a San
Francisco travel firm which was to supply
charter passengers.
The fate of that arrangement hasn't been
One airline industry observer speculated
that Standard isn't actually going out of
business but is "regrouping" in order to at-
tract new financial support.
The airline's stock has not been traded on
a regular basis recently.
Fraley said the company might have a
statement to make next week.
Driscoll, who heads the National Air Car-
rier Association, said his organization had
no legal requirement to take up Standard's
unfulfilled flights, some of which are do-
mestic military charters.
He said other supplementals were in the
midst of their busy season and might not be
able to spare aircraft to rescue Standard
The SPEAKER. Under previous order
of the House, the gentleman from Mich-
igan (Mr. GERALD R. FORD) is recognized
for 5 minutes.
Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker,
today I would like to extend my con-
gratulations to the Washington Work-
shops Foundation for the wonderful pro-
gram which it is Offering to this country's
secondary school students.
The foundation which is offered in co-
operation with Mount Vernon Junior
College is a nonprofit educational foun-
dation offering high school youngsters
a unique opportunity for specialized
summer study in the Nation's Capital.
The participants come from through-
out the country to attend the 2-week
seminars. Daily morning classes on the
legislative process are conducted by grad-
uate instructors. These classes are fol-
lowed by afternoon visits to Capitol Hill
where the group is addressed by various
Representatives and Senators. The Con-
gressmen lecture briefly on the politics
of the legislative process. These talks are
followed by a question and answer ses-
sion between the participants and the
The Washington Workshops students
come from every State in the country
and from every social and economic
background. A number of students are
assisted by title I funds for disadvan-
taged students under the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act of 1965. Some
of this country's larger corporations are
underwriting the cost of participation for
ghetto area youngsters.
Realizing that there is a need for more
and better communication between the
leaders and youngsters in this country,
the Washington Workshops Foundation
is taking meaningful ms,asures to satisfy
this need.
(Mr. EDWARDS of California asked
and was given permission to extend his
remarks at this point in the RECORD and
to include extraneous matter.)
Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr.
Speaker, the deteriorating situation in-
side Greece must concern all of us. While
some of those opposed to the present
Greek Government are now venting their
feelings on Americans, because of their
belief this government supports the pres-
ent dictatorship, that dictatorship has
apparently established a proscribed list
of Americans.
I must warn every American tourist
planning to visit Greece to first contact
the Greek Embassy here to see if he or
she will be allowed into that nation.
A recent incident, the strange case of
Chris Janus, illustrated what may hap-
pen to Americans wishing to visit Greece.
Christopher Janus, Jr., and his wife,
Nancy, both of Chicago, have been in
Tunnis. He is a Peace Corps volunteer,
an employee of the U.S. Government, and
he plans to extend his term of duty with
the Peace Corps.
Mr. Janus, like many other Americans
planned a summer vacation, a vacation
in Greece. He and his wife flew to Athens,
but as they got off the airplane they were
met by police and Mr. Janus was held at
the airport. Some hours later he was ex-
pelled grom Greece.
His case is not a single one, but it il-
lustrates what may happen to any Ameri-
can tourist going to Greece.
I and other Members of Congress asked
the State Department what is Greek
The following is the cablegram the
State Department has forwarded to me,
a report by the U.S. officials in Greece:
Based on explanations given by two dif-
ferent official sources, Christopher Janus, Jr.
was refused admission either because of his
father's anti-regime activities, or because
passport control officers at airport mistook
him for his father who has the same name.
Christopher Janus, Sr., a Chicago
stockbroker, who has organized numer-
ous tours of Greece, was decorated by
the Greek Government once for his serv-
ices as a U.S. official in aiding Greece to
combat communism. Mr. Janus, Sr. has
written antijunta articles, published in
Chicago papers.
The present Greek dictatorship pun-
ished the son for the writings of the
father. That government has no more
consideration of freedom of the press in
the United States than freedom of the
press in Greece.
How many others are on the pro-
scribed list? I do not know, although I
have asked the State Department to
I do know this. Look magazine was in-
vited to breece by the Government at
Government expense after it published
an article exposing the use of torture by
that government. Look replied it would
send a team at its own expense. I was in-
vited by Look to be a member of the
team along with James Becket of Am-
nesty International; The Greek Govern-
ment withdrew its invitation and said
none of us would be welcome. I suppose
I am on that list, along with my staff and
the staff of Look magazine. .
The actions of the Greek dictatorship
are those of desperate men. Let me share
with you some encouraging and some
discouraging signs concerning Greece.
On the 30th of July, 49 other Mem-
bers of Congress and I joined together
in writing Secretary of State William P.
Rogers outlining our views on the de-
teriorating situation in Greece and call-
ing for a tougher U.S. policy toward the
dictatorship in Greece.
I am pleased both with the interna-
tional response to his appeal and to the
response from our State Department.
William B. Macomber, Jr., Assistant Sec-
retary of State for Congressional Rela-
tions, writing in the absence of the Sec-
retary of State, made clear the present
situation in Greece when he noted:
On the one hand we see an autocratic gov-
ernment denying basic civic liberties to the
citizens of Greece. We think such an inter-
nal order does not coincide with the best in-
terests of Greece, whose stability in the long
run, we believe depends upon the free play
of democratic forces.
The State Department's position was
never more clearly outlined, and I will
include the full text of the letter at the
close of my remarks.
Mr. Macomber did include an "on the
other hand," which I believes points out
the one.flaw in present American policy.
He notes the military junta has fulfilled
its treaty obligations to NATO. He does
not note that the present dictatorship
violates the very principles of NATO, the
very reason for NATO, the protection of
free people through the presentation
of governments chosen by the people.
He also fails to note that up to 2,000
U.S. trained Greek officcers have been
purged and the Greek military forces
have accordingly been weakened.
Both the congressional letter and the
State Department reply have been widely
circulated overseas. A steady stream of
mail has poured into my office, much of
it in support of our stand against the
distatorship in Greece.
There was one writer, however, an
American living in Greece, who said,
"Greece is no more ready for democracy
than Spain."
I would ask the Greek Government, the
Greek people to reply to that kind of
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August 12,1969
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were ot great benefit to her husband.
She paesed away on October 10, 1960.
Mr. peaker, on August 15, Governor
Thatcher will be 99. Though most of the
facts tlat I have enumerated have been
commetited upon from time to time in
the annals of the Congress, in view of
this arjnlversary, repetition is justified.
You 4g in spirit and mentally alert, and
Possess ng the abundance of genius, he
still ho ds important positions, and con-
tinues to perform valuable services of
benefi nt character. I believe that I re-
flect tlie feelings of my colleagues, and
of all others who know overnor
Thatcher, or are familiar with his career,
when I say that our country is fortu-
nate I1- having had for so long a leader
who hs accomplished so much of last-
ing va ue. I deem it fitting to quote a
sonnet written by him in recent years:
How i4ay one keep his youth, despite the
Or face the East, altho his sun be sett i ng?
Or stay Time's pen, naught aiding or abetting
Its cruel graph which all too soon appears?
How shll dear Hope supplant the doubts and
The snse of loss, the racks et sighing,
Which , aging breasts are constantly beget-
And what shall staunch the flow or silent
None May reply; but Faith may Well suggest
That never does life end, but it beiglMs
Withh new hour, whate'ver the Past may
The sprit's all-in-all: by it we're West.
Or c ed; its force, unquenched, the
Victry wins
O'er Time's advance and Death's dread
of th
10 minutes.
Mr. STAGGERS. Mr. Speaker, the
future of wood products in West Virginia
arged and brightened by an oc-
ce in Hanover, N.J., on July 31
e occasion was the deshcation of
diation Machinery Corporation's
eadquarters and development cen-
s new plant is designed to pro-
duce radioisotopes, particularly cobalt 60
A sinilar plant is projected for Hardy
Cour 4y, W. Va., a plant, however, three
times as large.
At the Hanover dedication, Dr .Glenn
T Serorg, Chairman of the V.S. Atomie
Ener y Commission, discussed the use
of radioactive isotopes in induetry and
In th ie arts. His address was neeesarily
sometvhat technical in nature, end some
simplification might make the explana+
tions he gave more acceptable for general
Ch mistry asserts that the Unit of mate
ter ? the atom, but that the atom itself
is m de of building blocks. The heaviest
of t1ese building blocks is the protori,
or neutron. Each element contains a
normal number of protons in an atoni,
and this number of protons Provides
the atomic weight. Hydrogen, for 1n.
stance, has only one proton, and there-
fore an atomic weight of One. Oxygen
SPEAKER. Under previous order
House, the gentleman from West
ia (Mr. STAGGERS) 15 recognized for
weighs 16, carbon 12, and so on through
the approximately 100 different known
Occasionally an atom may be made up
of more than the normal number of
protons. A few atoms of hydrogen may
contain two protons, or even three. Water
made up of two- or three-proton atoms
Is called "heavy water," and is different
from ordinary water. Carbon 14 has two
extra protons, and its use in measuring
the age of objects found in nature has
been publicized for sometime.
In consequence of thE different num-
ber of protons .found in an element, t
atoms of such element; have diefnt
atomic weights. These differen eights
are called isotopes. e
Many isotopes disintegrate in the
course of time by casting off one or more
of the extra protons. Such isotopes are
said to be "radip&tive." Radium and
other elements afire highly radioactive,
ot only protons but other
s of the ae,om. The process
g off the extra particles of
explosive in nature, and this
atomic power.
dem scientific development, man
ed to produce radioactive iso-
many elements. This is exactly
lant at Hanover, N.J. will be
'se the plant in Hardy
alt 60 is an isotope
h more slowly
iven off by
and throw o
building bl
of thro
gives u
has le
topes o
what th
doing, and
County, W. Va.
which disintegrates
than radium. But the erier
the disintegration has prono
on various materials.
At the Hanover dedication, Dr.
borg explained that:
Wood-plastic material treated by cobalt
radiation "yields a solid wood-plastic com-
bination which:
1. Is harder than natutal wood by several
hundred percent?thus more resistant to
blows, scratches, etc.
2. Has much higher compression strength
and abrasion resistance.
3. Absorbs water more slowly and there-
fore provides resistance to warping and
4. Retains the natural wood grain and
color, or can be artificially colored through-
5. Can be Sawed, Mined, turned and
sanded with conventional equipment, giving
a hard, beautiful, satin-smooth finish.
The distinct advantaa' this new proce
is that many of the prope
wood are improved without sacrificing any of
the wood's important characteristics, includ-
ing aesthetic appeal."
red oak, a highly desirable wood for radi-
ation treatment.
It is significant that research and de-
velopment on wood-plastic materials was
initiated at West Virginia, University in
1962 with a Federal Govermnent grant
of just $9,000. The project was under the
direction of the Atomic Einergy Commis-
sion, as were most of the projects in-
volving the production of radioactive iso-
topes. Up to this time, the Atomic Energy
Commission has turned over the job of
production and distribution ot some 37
different isotopes to private industry. Al-
ut 100 different private firms
produce such isotopes, and as many as
4,500 firms are licensed to use them. Re-
search and development has been taken
as the responsibility of the Federal Gov-
ernment. When a product has been found
to have commercial application, it is
turned over to private industry. Thus the
Government promotes industrial progress
and expansion, to the benefit Of the total
In a word, this means that we can
now take the waste products of lumber-
ing, milling, and construction, such as
sawdust, waste lengths of lumber, and
turn them into a material better than
the natural wood. What this may mean
to the wood industries of West Virginia
can be easily imagined at a time when
lumbering prices skyrocket by the day.
The Hanover plant is designed to pro-
duce enough cobalt 6(1 to treat 25 mil-
lion square feet of flooring per year. It
Is estimated that within a few years
there will be a market demand for 100
million square feet.
The plant to be constructed in Hardy
County will help to supply the increased
demand. It will cover 100,000 square feet,
and will be built on a site of 500 acres.
Hardy County was the logical choice for
the plant because of the abundance of
The SPEAKER. Under previous order
of the House, the gentleman from Texas
(Mr. GONZALEZ) is recognized for 10 min-
[Mr. GONZALEZ addressed the House.
His remarks 'will appear hereafter in
the Extensions of Remarks.]
The SPEAKER. Under previous order
of the House, the gentleman from Ohio
(Mr. HAYS) is recognized for 10 minutes.
Mr. HAYS. Mr. Speaker, you will re-
c: that on the 9th of July I brought
to attention the fact that many so-
call supplemental air carriers were fly-
ing ound this country and around the
worl ? in violation of the regulations gov-
e g their behavior set down by the
that time I urged immediate cor-
re lye action by the CAB regulation de-
p tment charged with keeping these
riers in line and out of the hair of
the regularly scheduled air transport
companies certificated by the CAB. It has
been brought to my attention, Mr.
Speaker, that one of these carriers,
Standard Airways, has suddenly sus-
pended operation and gone out of busi-
ness leaving mane hundreds of people
scattered around the world. The Stand-
ard decision to cease operating even af-
fected a group of passengers in Rome
who were supposed to be delivered by
that carrier to Toronto.
Nevertheless, the Seattle Post-Intelli-
gencer of just a few days ego carried
an interesting and illuminating news-
story about the plight of Standard Air-
ways and I include it in the RECORD at
this point:
[Prom the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Aug. 2,
Standard Airways, a Seattle-based charter
airline, suddenly suspended operations yes-
terday, stranding some vacationers who had
to find other transportation.
The airline operates two Boeing 707s, pri-
marily on domestic charters between large
Eastern reties and Las Vegas and Hawaii.
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August 12, 1969 CONGRESSIO
working closely with the United States in
furtherance of the purposes and obligations
of the NATO Treaty.
Our policy toward Greece is now under
intensive review. As we consider this difficult
problem we will keep the suggestions of your-
self and your colleagues very much in mind.
Sincerely yours,
Assistant Secretary for Congressional
Our basic political concepts, those on
which this nation was founded, came
from Greece. If Greece Is not ready for
Democracy, then more than 2,000 years
of history are a he.
Sadly, however, time is running out in
Greece, at least for the good will once
evoked by the United States. Anti-Ameri-
can feeling, feeling coming from the mis-
taken belief the United States supports
the present dictatorship, is rising, witness
the recent bombings. Currency is flowing
out of Greece, Witness the dictatorship's
recent action, as reported on the finan-
cial pages of Monday's New York Times,
In attempting to block that flow. The
oppressions of the dictatorship are grow-
ing more desperate, witness the recent ar-
rests and tortures.
What should we hope for in Greece?
I do not know that answer, but I can
outline the answers of a former high
Greek official who visited in my office re-
cently. I outline his views in the hope
that their repetition will bring them to
the attention of our State Department
and to the Pentagon.
He called for three steps:
First. The withdrawal of the junta,
hopefully without bloodshed;
Second. The establishment of a coali-
tion government, including all spectrums
of Greek political life, except the junta;
Third. National elections to be held as
soon as possible, and in no case later
than a year from the establishment of
the coalition government.
This gentleman also pointed out the
proposal, apparently now being circu-
lated in some of our military circles, that
the junta can broaden its support by
bringing opposition members into its gov-
ernment while retaining its control over
key government positions. He made it
clear that this proposal will not work.
He said there can be no compromise with
the junta.
However, these are decisions to be
made by the Greek people. The U.S. role
is clear. It should disassociate itself from
this hated military dictatorship.
The letter referred to follows:
Arrousr 5, 1.969.
House of Representatives,
Washington, D.C.
sence of the Secretary I am replying to your fers a $10 billion program over a 12-year
letter of July 30, also signed by a number period, the appropriation for which may
of your colleagues, concerning our policy
or may not be forthcoming. Totally in-
towards Greece. I am sending a copy of this
reply to the other Members who signed the adequate. Such expenditures would be-
letter.gin with a paltry $300 million in 1971.
Your letter points up the dilemma we Disastrously late. Putting out a three-
face in determining our policy toward Greece. alarm fire with an eye dropper would be
On the one hand we see an autocratic gov- a more sensible exercise.
ernment denying basic civil liberties to the The plan advocated by so many, from
citizens of Greece. We think such an internal Mr. Volpe and the mayors to so many
order does not coincide with the best inter- Members of -Congress, including myself,
ests of Greece, whose stability in the long
run, we believe, depends upon the free play would have funneled some revenue from
of democratic forces. We have been pressing excise taxes on new autos into the trust
this viewpoint upon the Greek Government, fund. Here was guaranteed revenue. In-
and our policy on military assistance has stead, Congress under the President's
been motivated by our desire to see Greece plan would have to approve any and all
evolve toward representative government,
appropriations on an annual basis.
On the other hand, Greece is a NATO ally Without a new long-range program of
Federal aid to improve, expand, and up-
obligations. It is important to our strategic
which has scrupulously fulfilled its treaty
grade metropolitan transportation sys-
interests in the Mediterranean area and has
extended full cooperation in this field. tems of the Nation, our cities elsewhere
This, then, is the dilemma?how to deal will wither, choke and die. That is the
with an ally with whose internal order we truth of it. What a horrible catastrophe
disagree yet who is a loyal NATO paztner we face as a result. For death of our
cities will mean chaos and destruction of
the rest of our Nation. No area will be
Immune. Such a danger will be faced with
ever-increasing imminence by this Na-
tion. All blame is to be laid directly and
squarely at the door of this administra-
tion for refusing to help avoid a potential
disaster almost without comparison.
Our cities are choking on automobiles
and their pollution. We are aiming at
crossing oceans in 2 hours with an SST.
For what? To wait three hours in traffic
jams? Why should any city or suburban
Congressman support programs which
leave the overwhelming majority of our
people's problems unattended to? Mil-
lions of Americans demand mass transit
aid just as they have demanded tax re-
form. We cannot afford more breakdowns
in the traffic of our cities. We are sick
unto desperation of more concrete rib-
bons tearing neighborhoods to pieces in
the name of dumping more cars into our
cities. We must have mass transit. We
must have a trust fund. If the White
House will persist in ignoring city needs.
Congress cannot follow its example.
The Metropolitan Transit Authority
of New York alone will need $2.1 billion
over the next 7 years. Chicago's Transit
Authority will require $1.5 billion over
the next 5 years. This very capital of
our Nation is a scandal as far as mass
transit is concerned. Depriving this city
of a subway for another useless bridge
and more destructive roads is a situation
more in keeping with some macabre and
grotesque Punch and Judy show.
The President, under his plan, pro-
poses to pay one-third of total cost out
of Federal funds for urban mass transit.
Today, the Federal Government absorbs
90 percent of cost for building highways
out of the trust fund. Applying the same
Federal rule and share to mass transit
brings the concept within reach of lo-
calities, encouraging them to choose one
over the other. Now they have no choice.
Mr. Speaker, there will come a day,
and soon, when cities will grind to a halt
and choke. As the Nation contorts in
economic, political, and physical agonies,
people will ask how and why amidst the
carnage. When that time comes, I feel
certain that a battalion of articulate
voices will ensure that from sea to shin-
ing sea the person and administration
causing it is given full credit in the minds
of all the American people.
So as the dirty, crowded, and late com-
muter and subway trains continue, and
the agonized, uncomfortable American
pleads for relief?he can always look up
in the sky to note a Presidential heli-
copter hovering or flying, whatever the
case happens to be. Who knows? Some-
day, every American may have a heli-
(Mr. PODELL asked and was given
permission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD.)
Mr. PODELL. Mr. Speaker, this ad-
ministration has derailed the hopes of
millions upon millions of Americans who
depend upon subways and commuter
trains every day. Rarely, if ever, have I
seen an administration more completely
misjudged, misunderstand, and misdirect
evidence, pleas and reality more than in
the case of the gentlemen downtown re-
garding urgent needs of mass urban
transit in our country.
Buses, subways, and railroad trains all
over the Nation are creaking, collapsing,
and dying financially before our eyes.
Our cities are utterly dependent upon
mass urban transit for continued survi-
val, much less prosperity. It is absolutely
imperative that massive Federal aid be
pumped into cities of our land in form
of aid to such modes of transportation.
Our cry has gone unheard in the White
House, for a change.
Cities, in order to make massive, long-
range commitments for urban transit
construction, require long-term fund
guarantees. A trust fund to finance such
improvements on a Federal level would
have been the best and only really viable
alternative. Such a plan has been the
used for interstate highway construction
for years. Secretary of Transportation
Volpe enthusiastically supported such a
concept. Mayors of so many of our ma-
jom metropolitan areas?members of
both parties?Pleaded for Presiden-
tial approval of this approach, in vain.
Instead of $10 billion spent over a 5-
year span, which is required to meet ex-
isting and proven needs, the President of-
(Mr. asked and was given
permission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include ex-
traneous matter.)
Mr. PATMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am to-
day introducing a joint resolution to
amend the U.S. Constitution by adding
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the words "So Help Me God" to the
official oath taken by the President of the
United States at his inauguration. The
nstitution, in article II, section 1, pre-
ribes the exact wording of the oath of
o ce for the President, and while the
taking of an oath in other eases almost
necessarily concludes with the words "So
Help Me God," the constitutional oath
des not use this phrase. The remark-
able fact is, however, that every Ameri-
can President has voluntarily added
these four words to he oath of office
uPon being sworn in as President of the
United States. Oaths of office for Mem-
bers of Congress, Cabinet members, and
other Federal officials are specified by
la* and they do include "So Help me
ivfr. Speaker, it is understandable but
unfortunate that neither the Constitu-
tien. or its 25 amendments contain any
reference to a Supreme Being. Why have
we not written the word "God" into the
Cqnstitution by amendment? Or, we
might ask?how have we hacl the ef-
frontery to ask His help in actual fact
when we deny Him constitutional recog-
nition? Or do some people view the en-
tire question as too petty for considera-
tion? I think it is high time to put our
bonze in order by adding the words "So
Help Me God" to the constitutionally
Prescribed oath of office for the President
of the United States.
PATMAN asked and was glen
permission to extend his remarks at this
poi pt in the RECORD and to include ax-
traieous matter.)
r. PATMAN. Mr. Speaker, one of the
main reasons, I believe, that personat
bartkruptcies are at an alltime high in
oui country and some lendeis are able
to xtract usurious interest rates is the
lack of consumer financial training
available to the American public.
In too many cases, students graduate
from college without knowing how to fill
out a check or make a bank deposit and
thuls they are easy targets for unscrupu-
lona lenders and are often induced to get
in dyer their heads in financial matters.
Financial education is one of the an-
swers to the problem. If we can teach
our young people how to save and budget
their funds, they will not be so easily ti
lured into financial difficulties when they a
go Out on their own One of the best in
stitrttions to accomplish this educati n
they are learning all aspects of Personal
finance that will serve them so well
later life.
The August issue of the Credit Union
magazine, the official publication o
CUNA International, the worldwid
credit union association carries an ex
eellent story about the operations of th
Fort Knox student credit union. I am in
eluding the article in my remarks and
hope that in the near future the pilot
Project at Fort Knox will be _extended
into every school district in the country:
While many credit union9ee striving to
their bring youth into ting organiza-
tional structure, Kentucky's Fort Knox Fed-
eral Credit Union 1": iv helped a group of
youngsters set up ita own credit union.
Owned and operated by students at Fort
Knox High School, it functions amording to
federal credit union regulations and bylaws
even though nbt ct.artered. The students
elect their ow yi officers and committee mem-
bers, pool the'lr savings to make loans to
each other, and maintain their own records.
Fort Kneix Fedora:. Credit Union serves
more than; 12,00 military and civilian gov-
ernment e4iployees at Fort Knox; it's student
oounterpa4 serves military dependents at-
tending t e army post high school.
Althou the Fort Knox Federal Credit
Union is ponsoring tat, student project, the
students et their own policies. For exam-
ple, at th student board's first meeting the
directors ziopted the blowing guidelines:
Once a member, always a member;
Minimufi deposit requirement for opening
an accoun is $1; minimum for subsequent
deposits is 2 cents;
Date of th onthly board meeting is the
third Wedn.esd.y of each month;
Date of the anal membership meeting is
August of each yee,,
Interest on loans per cent a month
on the unpaid balance;
Signature loan limit Is $ with a maxi-
mum term of six montAs;
Secured loan limit is $500 wi maxi-
maun term of 18 months.
The credit committee appointed a loan of-
ficer, granting him authority to approve sig-
nature loan requests up to $10.
Although the Fort Konx First Student
Credit Union uses the same forms and
plies as its_ sponsor?membership cards, de-
posit slips, withdrawal slips and so forth
the students did design their own loan appli-
cation. The federal credit union's was used as
a guide, but the new one is geared to student
generate income that will be returned to the
in student owners."
When Schaffner met with the student body
in March he explained the proposal and the
reasons for it, and also outlined the history,
organization and operations of a credit un-
e ion. "This is a new bag," he told the young-
stars. "It's never been tried in any other high
e school, and it's all yours. You organize it;
- , you plan it; you sustain it; and you main-
tamn it."
The students picked up the challenge
When 133 of them?representing a quarter of
the school's 550 students?turned out for
the organizational meeting on April 14, 1969.
The attendance was so overwhelming that
the meeting eventually had to be recessed
until April 16. That day 206 showed up-
37 per cent of the student body?and the
elections were concluded.
The first board of directors of the Fort
Knox First Student Credit Union consists
of Ron Karpinsky, persident; David Dayton,
vice-president; Jo Kelly, secretary; John
Marchese, treasurer; Laura Rawlings, mem-
bership officer; and Jennifer Kimball and
Reed Kimbrough, directors.
Among its initial actions, the new board
had set May 15 as the deadline for charter .
memberships in the credit union. But by
May 14, the new credit union had only 17
members. The next day, however, was a busy
one for treasurer Marchese. By the time he
Closed up shop, membership had swelled to
143. "Every single one of them had waited
until the last minute," Marchese said
"A lot of seniors were reluctant to join,"
Marchese continued, "because they knew they
were leaving within a month after the credit
union was being started." Still, 15 seniors
did sign up and three of them were elected
to the board.
A month and a half later?on June 30?
membership was 141 with total assets of
$2,231. Four loans totaling $429 had been
granted, with $54 repaid. The first two loans
were to pay expenses for going to the high
school prom; the third loan was to buy a
mini-bike; the fourth for a Honda
The response of the students to the credit
union project reinforced the faith of Sgt.
Major Leo C. Pike, president of the Fort
Knox Federal Credit Union and a member
of the school board.
"This is a most worthwhile experiment,"
\Sgt. Pike said. "Young people today know
ow to spend money, but they don't know
ow to manage money. This is an opportunity
or them to learn."
The credit union was available to the stu-
ents on Tuesday and Thursday mornings
tiring the school year. Marchese would set
up office in the school building at 7:80 a.m.-
25 minutes before classes began. After-
school hours had proved unproductive be-
cause 90 per cent of the students rely on
school buses to get home. Although there is
a late bus, students remaining that long
are usually involved in other extracurricular
During the summer, Marchese and William
Raker, high school mathematics teacher and
coordinator of the student credit union pro-
gram, are working at the Fort Knox Federal
Credit Union office as fulltime employees.
Raker is the link between the school board,
the student credit union and the Fort Knox
Federal Credit Union. His assignment for the
summer is twofold:
"I'm learning the inner workings of this
credit union and credit unions in general SO
loan guide th
The program is actually a pilot project,
conceived by Rep. Wright Patman (D-Tex.)
to remedy the lack of "consumer education,
particularly in the area of handling money,"
n the school systems. ''Because of this, stu-
ents, even on the college level, know litt
bout handling money and are financi
ve, the Congressman said.
To set up the program, Rep.......PE(Can
ought the assistance of the Fort Knox Fed-
ral Credit Union and school system. As a
esult credit union manager Robert Schaff-
er and superintendent of Schools Herschel
oberts drew up the proposal. It called for
minium of 20 students to manage the stu-
ent credit union: board of directors, seven;
radii committee, five; supervisory commit-
ee, three; and education cominittee, five,
"The objective of this program is educe-
ons.) in nature," manager Schaffner said.
All of the students involved will reap the
enefits of a deeper insight into a portion of
e economic and monetary system of our
ation. They'll participate in the democratic
rocesses of an open and free election of of-
cers by the members. They'll exercise the
'ht of free expression during annual meet-
gs. And through their participation they'll
Is the credit union and it is my hope t
credit unions across the country
begin consumer education programs
connection with our Nation's school sy
In order to get some experience for :
this program, a pilot project has been c
set tip at Fort Knox, Ky., using the Fort t
Knok Federal Credit Union and the Fort
Knox Dependent School System. The ii
student credit union will be run entirely
by the students. In a few weeks this .,_
or t union will hold its first annual
me g and although the credit union p
has keen in operation but a short time,it fi
r ults have been impressive. Not only id
are tudents learning habits of thrift but in
n the operation of
their credit union. And I write the letters
and prepare the brochures to keep interest
in the student credit union alive during the
Early indications are that he's succeeding
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ment, because the contractor is committed
to make every effort to employ five applicants
from minority groups.
In your Solicitor's memorandum it Is
argued that the "straw man" sometimes used
in opposition to the Plan is that it "would
require a contractor to discriminate against
a better qualified white craftsman in favor
of a less qualified black." We believe this
obscures the point involved, since it intro-
duces the element of skill or competence,
whereas the essential question is whether the
Plan would require the contractor to select
a black craftsman over an equally qualified
white one. We see no room for doubt that
the contractor in the situation posed above
would believe he would be expected to employ
the black applicant, at least until he had
reached his goal of five nonminority group
employees, and that if he failed to achieve
that goal his employment of a white crafts-
man when an equally qualified black one was
available could be considered a failure to use
"every good faith effort," In our view such
preferential status or treatment would con-
stitute discrimination against the white
worker solely on the basis of color, and
therefore would be contrary to the express
prohibition both of the Civil Rights Act and
of the Executive order.
It is also contended in your Solicitor's
memorandum that substantial judicial sup-
port for administrative affirmative action
programs requiring commitments for con-
tractors for employment of specified numbers
of minority group tradesmen is contained in
the decision of the Ohio Supreme Court in
Weiner v. Cuyahoga Community College Dis-
trict, 19 Ohio St. 2d - (July 2, 1969). That
decision upheld the award of a federally
assisted construction contract to the second
low bidder, as a proper action in implemen-
tation of the policies of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964, after approval of award to the low
bidder was withheld by the Feedral agency
involved for failure of the low bidder to
submit an affirmative action program (in..
eludingmanning tables for minority group
tradesmen) which was acceptable to that
agency pursuant to an OFCC plan established
for Cleveland, Ohio.
While the decision In Weiner case (which
was a majority opinion by five of the justices
with dissenting opinions by two) has some
bearing on the issues here involved, since
the decision appears to be based in sub-
stantial part on the conflicting opinions of
Federal courts cited earlier we do not be-
lieve the decision can be considered as con-
trolling precedent for the validity of the re-
vised Philadelphia Plan.
In support of the required procedure, which
is admitted at page 33 of the Solicitor's
memorandum to require contractors to take
actions which are based on race, the memo-
randum relies upon the acceptance by the
courts, in school, housing and voting cases,
of the use of race as a valid consideration in
fashioning relief to overcome the effects of
past discrimination. Aside from other dis-
tinctions, we believe there is a material dif-
ference between the situation in those cases,
where enforcement of the rights of the mi-
nority individuals to vote or to have unsegre-
gated educational or housing facilities does
not deprive any member of a majority group
of his rights, and the situation in the em-
ployment field, where the hiring of a minor-
ity worker, as one of a group whose number
is limited by the employer's needs, in pref-
erence to one of the majority group precludes
the employment of the latter. In other words,
In those cases there is present no element of
reverse discrimination, but only the correc-
tion of the illegal denial of minority rights,
leaving the majority in the full exercise and
enjoyment of their corresponding rights.
In addition it may be pointed out that in
those cases the judicial relief ordered is di-
rected squarely at the parties responsible for
the denial of rights, and We therefore do not
consider them as supporting requirements to
be complied with by contractors who, under
the findings of the Plan, are themselves more
the victims than the instigators of the past
discriminatory practices of the labor unions.
Moreover, in the court cases the remedies are
applied after judicial determination that ef-
fective discrimination is in fact being prac-
ticed or fostered by the defendants, whereas
the Plan is a blanket administrative man-
date for remedial action to be taken by all
contractors in an attempt to cure the evils
resulting from union actions, without spe-
cific reference to any past or existing actions
or practices by the contractors.
While it may be true, as stated in the Plan,
"that special measures are required to pro-
vide equal employment opportunity in these
seven trades," it is our opinion that imposi-
tion of a responsibility upon Government
contractors to incur additional expenses in
affirmative action programs which are di-
rected to overcoming the present effects of
past discrimination by labor unions, would
require the expenditure of appropriated
funds in a manner not contemplated by the
Congress. If, as stated in the Plan, discrimi-
nation in referral is prohibited by the Na-
tional Labor Relations Act and Title VII off
the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it is our opinion
that the remedies provided by the Congress in
those acts should be followed. See also in
this connection section 207 of Executive
Order 11246.
While, as indicated in the foregoing opin-
ions and in your Solicitor's memorandum,
the President is sworn to "preserve, protect
and defend the Constitution of the United
States," we question whether the executive
departments are required, in the absence of
a definitive and controlling opinion by the
Supreme Court of the United States, to
assess the relative merits of conflicting opin-
ions of the lower courts, and embark upon a
course of affirmative action, based upon the
results of such assessment, which appears to
be in conflict with the expressed intent of
the Congress in duly enacted legislation on
the same subject.
In this connection, it should be noted that,
while the phrase "affirmative action" was
included in the Executive order (10925T
which was in effect at the time Congress was
debating the bills which were subsequently
enacted as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, no
specific affirmative action requirements of
the kind here involved had been imposed up-
on contractors under authority of that Ex-
ecutive order at that time, and we there-
fore do not think it can be successfully con-
tended that Congress, in recognizing the
existence of the Executive order and in fail-
ing to specifically legislate against it, was
approving or ratifying the type or methods
of affirmative action which your Department
now proposes to impose upon contractors,
We recognize that both your Department
and the Department of Justice have found
the Plan to be legal and we have given most
serious consideration to their positions. How-
ever, until the authority for any agency to
impose or require conditions in invitations
for bids on Federal or federally assisted con-
struction which obligate bidders, contrac-
tors, or subcontractors, to consider the race
or national origin of their employees or pro-
spective employees for such construction, is
clearly and firmly established by the weight
of judicial precedent, or by additional stat-
utes, we must conclude that conditions of
the type proposed by the revised Philadel-
phia Plan are in conflict with the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, and we will necessarily
have to so construe and apply the act in
passing upon the legality of matters involv-
ing expenditures of appropriated funds for
Federal or federally assisted construction
In this connection it is observed that by
section 705(d) of the act, Congress charges
the Equal Employment Opportunity Com-
mission with She specific responsibility of
making reports to the Congress and to the
President on the cause of and means of
eliminating discrimination and making such
recommendations for further legislation as
may appear desirable. That provision, we
believe, not only prescribes the procedure for
correcting any deficiencies in the Civil
Rights Act, but also shows the intent of
Congress to reserve for its own judgment the
establishment of any additional unlawful
employment practice categories or nondis-
crimination requirements, or the imposition
upon employers of any additional require-
ments for assuring equal employment oppor-
We realize that our conclusions as set out
above may disrupt the programs and objec-
tives of your Department, and may cause
concern among members of minority groups
who may believe that racial balance or equal
representation on Federal and federally as-
sisted construction projects is required under
the 1964 act, the Executive order, or the Con-
stitution. Desirable as these objectives may
be, we cannot agree to their attainment by
the imposition of requirements on contrac-
tors, in their performance of Federal or fed-
.erally-assisted contracts, which the Congress
has specifically indicated would be improper
or prohibited in carrying out the objectives
and purposes of the 1964 act.
Sincerely yours,
Comptroller Gen the United States.
Mr. GOLDWATER, Mr. President, the
statistics are known, the despicable con-
dition of their confinement has been con-
firmed, and the arrogant and unco-
operative attitude of their captors has
been broadcast throughout the world?
yet little or nothing has been accom-
plished toward the release or more hu-
mane treatment of more than 1,300 of
our servicemen held prisoner by the
North Vietnamese. Dissatisfied with the
lack of progress made by the State De-
partment which coordinated the prob-
lem for the former administration, the
Defense Department requested and re-
ceived earlier this year, the authority as
primary action agency on the prisoner
Since then, the Department has made
a vigorous effort to obtain maximum in-
formation on the prisoners from the
meager sources available. Disgusted by
the combination of poor and frequently
inhumane treatment, Secretary Laird
has issued two strongly worded state-
ments requesting a list of prisoners'
names, the immediate release of all pris-
oners, particularly the sick and wounded,
and that the North Vietnamese honor
the Geneva Convention rules which in-
clude: First, neutral inspection of con-
finement areas; second, proper treat-
ment of prisoners; and, third, free flow
of mail.
Speaking for the North Vietnamese
Government at the Paris meeting, Xuan
Thuy has rejected these requests stating
that his government will never provide
even a list of the names of those con-
The administration of captured North
Vietnamese soldiers has been the respon-
sibility of the South Vietnamese Govern-
ment. Here great emphasis has been
placed on proper treatment of enemy
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priSoners including adhere/we to the
Geneva Convention rules and regular in-
spection of POW camps by the Interna-
tional Red Cross. Sick and Wounded pris-
oners have been released and repatriated
to North Vietnam. The North Viet-
namese, however, have shown little or
nolinterest in their own captured sol-
diers. All offers of exchanges have been
rejected. In recent months the south uni-
lat rally released 103 prisoners in the
that the north would react favor-
abl. The results were negative.
Of the more than 1,300 American pris-
oers, nearly 800 are airmen downed over
North Vietnam. The first U.S. pilot who
we believe is still a prisoner was captured
in August 1964. As of June 1969, moge
tha,n 200 American servicemen have been
listed as either prisoners of war or mis.;-
ing in action for more than 31/2 years.
This period of time is longer than any
U.S. serviceman was held prisoner dug -
Mg World War II.
It has been more than 6 months since
the bombing of North 'Vietnam was
halted. During this period which has ix.-
eluded other peaceful initiatives such as
the beginning of a combat troop witl -
drawal of 25,040 men, there have been no
releases and almost no information on
American prisoners. In the past 5 years,
North Vietnam has released only six
pilets and all six had been held for rela-
tiv ly short periods of time ranging from a
3 t 71/2 months.
he meager information on captured
U. . servicemen come primatily from a
feat propaganda photographs and films,
leaks from Communist-bloc reporters,
an from escaped American prisoners.
Although inexact and sketchy, all indica-
tions are that the American prisoners
are - being physically mistreated. The
great majority have been isolated from
the outside world for lona- periods of
time. There are strong evidences of mal-
nutrition and improper medical care.
Recent photographs show that some
priaoners are continuing to suffer from
injOries incurred at the time of capture.
Other pictures show considerable and
dangerous losses in weight.
In the past 5 years less than 100 pris-
oners have been allowed to write their
fa/riffles. For the most part these letters
have been short, sterile, and obviously
censored. Their frequency has averaged
two per year?an unbelievably low num-
ber in view of their confinement. Con-
versely, in December of 1968, 714 ChriSt-
mas packages were forwarded to prison-
ers by their relatives. We have no con-
firmation whether any were actually re-
ceiVed. In two cases, propaganda Mins
indicating that the prisonem were open-
ing Christmas cards revealed under close
study that the mail shown was Easter
cards sent many months before. '
Mr. President, almost all Senators
have suffered some personal grief or
anguish. What makes these trials bear-
abli is the knowledge that these trials
wil4 eventually end. Think for a moment
of Ihe courageous families of these prts-
ondrs who have lived for months and
yeas under the clouds of worry and mi-
ce ainty. Seventy-five of these families
reside in Arizona. I can think of no trib-
ute worthy of their suffering. I can, how-
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ever, thinlr of some actions appropriate
to today's aituation.
First, we should not hasten into com-
mitments in Paris or elsewhere with a
government which is unwilling to honor
even the humanitarian accords of the
Geneva Convention. Second, we should
support and encourage an extension of
the determination recently stated by the
Secretary of Defense:
We will not relax our efforts to ensure
humanitarian treatment for all American
servicemen while they are in captivity and
to secure their release. These brave men and
their families shall noi, be forgotten.
Mr. President, I urge that we support
the Secretary of Defense in his new and
vigorous efforts to resolve this complex
and exceedingly difficult problem. It is
apparent that determination, unity, and
resolve are necessary to success. We in
this body should provide these essentials.
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, the illegal
flow of drugs from foreign countries
compounds the ,serious burgeoning prob-
lem of narcotics addiction in our coun-
try. Recent investigations to trace this
traffic, have disclosed that about 80 per-
cent of the illicit heroin entering the
United States traces its origin to opiates
grown in Turkey clandestinely manufac-
tured in France. I have been deeply con-
cerned about our need to effectively con-
trol the unlawful flow of narcotics into
the United States and have written to
Mr. John E. Ingersoll, Director of the
U.S. Bureau of Narcotics, in order to de-
termine what action has been taken by
our Government to suppress this illicit
traffic in narcotics from Turkey.
Mr. Ingersoll has advised me that an
agreement has beer, reached with the
Government of Turgey which provides
for a phased reduction in the number of
provinces currently growing opium.
Moreover, the Agency for International
Development initiated a $3 million loan
project designed to provide Turkey with
scientific equipment and expertise for
crop substitution and agricultural tech-
niques. Also, funds have been allotted to
strengthen and increase law enforce-
ment by the Turkish Government for
the prevention of illicit opium sales.
The Director is confident in the sin-
cerity of the Turkish Government's in-
tentions in this area, and by the Propi-
tious results of the loan program so far.
He expresses the belief that opium pro-
duction in Turkey will end entirely at
least by the fall of 1972. The information
herein illustrates important governmen-
tal action on the matter of the availabil-
ity of narcotics; as well as a peaceful
self-help relationship between the United
States and Turkey.
Mr. BAYH. Mr. President, few domes-
tic programs are more essential to future
national welfare than providing ade-
quate housing for all Americans. Despite
general recognition this need, essential
goals in this field cannot be achieved
without massive and concerted efforts by
all agencies and organizations, both
public and private. In meeting the ever-
increasing demand for improved housing,
a major role must continue to be played
by traditional building contractors and
craftsmen. However, because of the
unprecedented, overwhetaing needs
throughout the country, architects, engi-
neers, and designers have been turning
to newer techniques which may prove
feasible in producing livable homes on a
quantity basis.
In this connection I was interested to
note that Mr. James R. Price, president
of the National Homes Corp., which is
the Nation's largest manufacturer of
housing, on July 22 suggested to the
Senate Subcommittee on 'Housing and
Urban Affairs ways of easing the critical
shortage of decent housing in our large
cities. Through innovative methods of
mass production and by adapting indus-
trial techniques, this firm in less than
30 years has produced attractive hous-
ing for more than a third of a million
families, many in lower- and middle-in-
come groups. Moreover, National Homes,
which has its home office in Lafayette,
Ind., since it was organized in 1940, has
been an exemplary illustration of how
Government and private enterprise can
cooperate in the resolution of problems.
Under the leadership of Mr. Price and
his associates this company has pio-
neered in developing and applying new
processes which have earned an enviable
reputation in the field. Late last year
National Homes won a nationwide com-
petition and contract awarded by a jury
of outstanding experts to design and
construct the Thomasville Urban Devel-
opment Area at Atlanta, Ga. The five
proposals submitted in the competition
were evaluated on the basis of such cri-
teria as the excellence of the site plan in
relation to an optimum living environ-
ment, excellence of architectural de-
sign, quality of proposed construction,
achievement of stipulated goals with re-
spect to education, recreation, commerce,
streets, utilities, rentals, and other fac-
tors, and the financial responsibility and
demonstrated capability of the developer.
It is a tribute to National Homes that
the jury unanimously selected it as the
company which best met the criteria
established for this large and unique
Mr. President, it is important that
careful consideration be given to all con-
structive suggestions which might help
alleviate our critical housing shortage.
In his testimony Mr. Price offered some
thoughtful comments about housing with
respect to such matters as the need to
secure inner-city land, the advantages
of industrialized module construction,
the desirability of Federal insurance for
large-scale projects, and the value of
providing leadtime for builders through
advance commitments of funds. Because
his proposals should have widespread
significance to all those who are con-
cerned with our serious housing needs,
I ask unanimous consent that Mr. Price's
statement and an article written, de-
scribing National Homes project in a
Chicago ghetto, by Jerry Reedy, and pub-
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ploy more Minuteman missiles to the date
when the first missile would be ready. If the
deployment were to be carried out on the
same moderate-priority, moderate-cost basis
as Safeguard, it would be six and a half
years before even three hundred additional
Minuteman could be deployed. Doubling
the Minuteman force, as some opponents of
Safeguard have suggested, would not be pos-
sible by the mid-70's unless it were done on
a costly crash-program basis.
There would be an even longer lead time
for the deployment of other offensive sys-
tems such as Polaris. A former Secretary of
the Navy has testified that "the leadtime for
Polaris is more than 4 years; I would think
5 to 6 years, from the time you make a de-
cision to go forward, before you would have
additional boats in the water."
Those who contend that the leadtime for
deploying Minuteman would be as little as
two years have supported this contention by
quoting Secretary Laird's statement that "it
only takes 18 to 24 months from the start
of construction to the operational avail-
ability of an ICBM in a silo," Had they ex-
amined the context of this quote, they would
have known that Secretary Laird was re-
ferring to the problem of detecting Soviet
missile deployments. Eighteen to twenty-four
months is the interval between the start of
site construction, the first observable step
in missile deployment, to the time when the
missile is ready for use. It is an inadequate
measure of the time it would actually take
the U.S. to deploy more Minuteman, for it
does not include the time required to make
the decision, negotiate contracts, build the
missiles, and survey and purchase sites.
Thus, to be ready in the time period for
which Safeguard has been planned, addi-
tional deployments of offensive missiles would
have to begin very soon. In exchange for this
short postponement we would be surrender-
ing our option to deploy a defense of our
own existing missiles that in no way threat-
ens the Soviet deterrent, and committing
ourselves to the course of additional deploy-
ments. Such offensive deployments would
reduce the number of missiles the Soviet
Union could expect to have survive a U.S.
attack. Whereas the Soviets would not have
to respond to Safeguard unless they are de-
termined to have the ability to destroy our
Minuteman force in a first strike, they would
have to respond to additions to our offense
simply in order to insure the security of
their own deterrent. We would then have the
very sort of arms race which the opponents of
Safeguard are so concerned to avoid.
Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, I
speak today for the ratification of the
Human Rights Convention on the Politi-
cal Rights of Women. I fully realize that
the issue of women's rights is not "Page
1" news, but few would deny that our
failure for 15 years to join the many
other nations that have signed this con-
vention is significant and worthy of the
Senate's attention.
The long history of women's rights
in the United States goes back to 1691,
when the province of Massachusetts gave
women the right to vote for all elective
offices in its Old Province Charter. New
Jersey, Kentucky, and Kansas followed
with limited voting rights for women.
Full suffrage for women was first granted
by the territory of Wyoming in 1869. The
State constitution, subsequently adopted
by Wyoming voters, was approved by
Congress in 1890. Before 1920, 13 States
had given 18 million women full suffrage.
The first woman Member of Congress,
Jeannette Rankin, was sent to Washing-
ton in 1917 by the State of Montana.
For the remaining States, the cries of
such leaders as Susan B. Anthony led
91/2 million women to the streets to fight
for universal suffrage before the 19th
amendment was ratified in 1920. Today,
our children accept the political equality
of women as natural in a democraby.
They look on the history of the women's
marches with the same curiosity re-
served for only the strangest of events?
just the same way that children, 50 years
in the future, will look upon accounts of
the epic landing on the moon.
Throughout the history of the United
States, women have played active roles
in business, in science, in social reform,
and in Government. We recall the names
of Dolly Madison, Barbara Fritchie, Clara
Barton, Jane Addams, Amelia Ear-
hart, Eleanor Roosevelt, Margaret Mead,
and Helen Keller. In the Senate we have
outstanding examples in former Senator
Maurine Neuberger and Senator MAR-
GARET CHASE SMITH. These are just a few
of the women who, over our history, have
been admired by our Nation. But there
are many more who have quietly made
their contribution. Today, one-third of
our labor force is comprised of women,
some of whom hold the highest positions
in their fields. Throughout the country,
women serve on juries, the judicial
bend', boards of education, city councils,
and State legislatures. We continually
make progress in adding social and eco-
nomic equality to the political equality
our women enjoy.
For 50 years, we have recognized the
Political equality of women. But, for
the last 15 of these years, we have failed
to add our signature to that of other na-
tions which have ratified this convention.
It is not enough to tell the world that
our Nation's laws comply with this con-
vention. I submit that we can join other
signatories in encouraging adoption of
this important democratic concept in all
countries only by ratifying the Conven-
tion on the Political Rights of Women.
Mr. HATFIELD. Mr. president, on
Monday, April 14, of this year I entered
into the RECORD the results of a survey
conducted by the University of Mary-
land, European division. The survey
polled a cross section of Americans at
an Air Force base in Germany to deter-
mine their knowledge of the Declaration
of Independence, and their attitudes to-
ward the ideas expressed in the docu-
ment. The study consisted of presenting,
In the form of a petition, the preamble of
the Declaration to the people and ask-
ing them to sign it. Only 16 percent rec-
ognized the document as the Declaration
of Independence; 27 percent signed the
petition, leaving 73 percent who refused
to sign.
However, I am sure that Senators will
be interested to learn that this has not
been the only survey conducted concern-
ing attitudes toward the Declaration of
Independence. Recently I received a let-
ter from Mr. Robert Farrell, owner of
Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour Restaurants
International, Inc., in which he described
his restaurants' "Declaration of Inde-
pendence campaign." From July 1 to
July 6 of this year, each of Farrell's 21
restaurants displayed an enlarged copy
of the Declaration of Independence with
an attached sheet of white paper. The
restaurants' patrons were urged to "sign
the Declaration of Independence, it will
be something you can tell your grand-
children about." It was heartening to
learn that during the 6-day period well
over 5,000 people "signed the Declara-
tion." Mr. Farrell wrote:
If it has done one thing, It has shown a
lot of us that patriotism does run deep in
people, regardless of times and
Mr. GOODELL. Mr. President, since
the beginning of the cold war, the United
States has been the acknowledged leader
of the Western World. In this role, we
have had to seek ways to contain the
spread of communism on behalf of our-
selves and our allies. Considering the
magnitude of this commitment, we might
be very disturbed to learn that many of
our efforts have been counter-produc-
The United States has actively
solicited the friendship of all nations that
proclaim to be anti-Communist, and in
doing so, we are vulnerable to the charge
that we support any government that
supports us, regardless of how oppressive
It might be. Facts often bear out this con-
clusion and several of our allies have
governments that could never be defined
as democratic. Even more` distressing,
however, we are open to the allega-
tion that we have used our influence to
bring undemocratic governments to
power and maintain their authority. If
this were true, we would actually be
encouraging communism with a policy
that was designed to contain it.
By supporting foreign dictatorships,
we are frustrating liberal elements with-
lug these societies. In such situations,
Communist propaganda becomes believ-
able and freedom-loving people see the
United States as an oppressive force
rather than as a symbol of democracy
and individual liberty. If this discontent
should erupt into revolution, it is the
United States that is called upon to re-
store the status quo.
I know that many Senators are very
much concerned about the possibilities
I have mentioned, and I commend to
their attention a position paper by Elias
P. Demetracopoulos which deals with the
present military junta in Greece. Mr.
Demetracopoulos was a distinguished
political editor of international standing
In Greece before the junta seized power,
and he has been highly critical of the
present regime. His paper, published
by the Hudson Institute with a very in-
teresting introduction by the noted U.S.
strategic thinker, Herman Kahn, dis-
cusses recent events in Greece and spec-
ulates on the ramifications of current
U.S. policy toward that country. In ad-
dition, I commend to Senators an article
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by Mr. DeMetraCOPoulos published on guaranteed by any realistic alternative. In The usurpers, the officers who seized power
the eclitOrial page Of the Wall Street support of this hypothesis ex-Defense Secre- two years ago, are reliably reported to num-
Journal On April 21, 1969, WhiCl tary Clark M. Clifford, In testimony before bar no more than 300, with a good percent-
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last age of them having intelligence and se-
Ports the ideas in his important and re- May said, "I believe that the obligation upon curity training and background?
Vealing paper, us as a member of NATO is such that I The purging of the cream of the Greek
Mr. President, I ask Unanimous COn- place that as a more important considera- officer carps and a preoccupation with the
Sent that these items be Printed in the tion than I do the present government of internal security duties make the combat
RECORD. Greece. I believe that we deal with a highly effectiveness of the Greek armed forces in
There being nO objection, the items imperfect world, and if we were to confine time of full mobilization of the reserves an
Were ordered to be Printed in the REC-
our help to our Allies on the basis of our ap- agonizingly open question mark for NATO
proving completely the different types of planners. Thus the illegal seizure of power
ORD, as follows:
governments that existed then, I believe that by the Junta and its subsequent actions have
GREECE?A NEW VIETNAM? NATO would disintegrate, and / believe that not only seriously weakened the combat ca-
(By Elias P. Demetracopoulos) would be a calamity." pabilities of the Greek armed forces; they
If that were true?if indeed the regime have also undermined Greece's political and
offered the only reasonable hope of stability moral ability to fulfill its NATO commit-
A recent Hudson Institute study, which in Greece?it wou:el be possible for me to ments. For any crisis which required full mo-
attempted to identify various possible crisis understand Mr. Clifford's position, even bilization would in all probability lead to the
areas, pinpointed Greece as a real poseibility though both as a Greek and as a supporter speedy overthrow of the Junta. This really ex-
for future trouble. As part of our continuing of free democratic systems of government as plains why the Junta thought it wise to "de-
program to build up our awn internal COM- a matter or moral and political principle, I fuse" the Cyprus crisis in November 1967. The
patency on Greek issues and to contribute to 9,m strongly opposed to dictatorship in any armed farces have become mostly a police
internal and externerdiscussion of these im- form. In my opinion, however, the premise force which, under the new constitution, are
portant issues, we are requesting a nunaber of that the Junta has or can bring stability to also charged with preserving the "existing
people to write papers on various awe( ts of Greece is false. On the contrary, not only Social Order." The same reasoning applies to
the potential Greek crisis, has the Junta failed to provide stability ill the U.S., NATO bases and other American
This Hudson discussion paper, written by a spite of dictatorial and ruthlessly repreesive listening poets and propaganda machinery
Greek national, Elias P. Demetracopoulos? tactics; it has actually created instability, operating on Greek territory. These bases are
the distinguished political it ditor in exile and uncertainty and the very real risk of civil important. Yet in view of the climate in
4 leader in the United States of the Resist- war in Greece. which they exist today it is a real question
time Movement against the Athens Junta? First, let us begin with the premise that how much long-range strategy in the area
Who has consistently opposed the prasent the Junta has brought military stability, can be built around them,
military regime, is in some Ways unique. For Both the Pentagon and other senior U.S. The Soviet naval build-up in the Mediter-
While it does contain the kinds of arguments officials claim that the Greek armed forces ranean, the Middle East crisis, the events in
tsat one would expect from an author op- and terrain, as well as the U.S. and NATO Czechoslovakia and the outflanking of
ed to the existing government in his 1Lame bases in Greece, are neceseary to maintain Greece arid Turkey by the Soviet Union's
ountry, it argues very seriously that U.S. control of the Eastern Mediterranean, to rapid strategic deployment along North Afri-
policy regarding Greece should be changed deter direct communist aggression from the ca's coastline and the Middle East, were used
en the grounds of America's own national North, and to provide a vital link with Tur- by the Johnson Administration as reasons
Mterests. While I myself have some disa4ree- key which would otherwise not be a viable for supporting the Junta. This is indeed
irnents with the contents of the paper, it is military ally. In addition they cite increased tragic, since the Junta's potions have weak-
refreshing to see that instead of basing his Soviet naval strength in the Mediterranean enect the military capabilities and stability of
arguments for a change in U.S. Greek poli- to strengthen their argument. I agree with the Greek armed forces and consequently
Cies merely on the internal situation in their assessment as to the importance of a NATO's strength in the area.
Greece, the author has chosen another tack, strong and stable Greece as far as NATO is Let us now turn to the key question of
rMr. Demetraeopoulos points out that cur- concerned. The key question then is: have political stability which many supporters
ent developments in Greece are not only the Colonels indeed provided this stability? of the 1967 coup?incledine the Junta it-
crontrary to American national interests but The Greek armed forces today are far less self?cite as one of the prime benefits of the
also have seriously weakened NATO's south- effective than they were prior to the coup. current Greek dictatorship. Measuring politi-
ern flank. While I have not followed events They are mainly an internal security force cal stability is not easy when there is mar-
111 Greece very closely, several of the points in which the Junta-controlled elements tial law and press censorship, when no op-
rnade herein are worth serious study. This is watch not only potential civilian opponents position is permitted, and when violence,
especially true concerning the possibility of but also the very real latent opposition in although on the increase, is still speradic.
a renewal of a civil war and the weakening the armed forces themselves. To this effect The Junta alleges that, they stepped in to
of the effectiveness of the Greek military. In the continuing purges of the Greek rnili- save the country from the danger of corn-
any case, this paper deserves attention as it tary establishment two whole years after the munism?yet even Greek Conservative lead-
ts a coherent statement of the beliefs and April 31, 1987 coup are a key indicator, era emphasize the fact that the danger of
positions held by the more objective and The Junta has systematically removed from communism was nonexistent in Greece. They
anti-communist critics of the military Junta the armed forces an alarming number of the overthrew a conservative government.
in Greece. Thus, if only because so many officers they consider unreliable. These bun- Those who place too great an emphasis
Of the views expressed here are held by such dreds of officers WE re trained at enormous on the confused political situation in Greece
laxities, this paper is worthy of careful con- American expense in the U.S., other NATO as a justification for the Colonels' coup must
sideration by serious students of contempo- countries and Greece, since the Truman Doc- remember that Greece fought a hard and
rary Greek, NATO and U.S. foreign Policy trine of 1947. The officers purged were not dirty war against a foreign dominated and
issues, and could not possibly be communist, con- supported communist aggression at the peak
GREECE?A NEW VIETNAM? sidering the nature of the recruiting process of the "Gold War" in Europe. The victory,
(iI would like to discuss -the situation in and the close ties between the Greek Armed although assisted greatly by U.S. material
treece; a situation which / believe not only Forces and the U.S. military and intelligence help and advice, was finally wrested with
denies the Greek people basic democratic communities. Indeed many of these officers Greek, and only Greek, blood. If Greece were
rights but is also harmful to the national fought against the communists in the Greek
interests of the United States and contains guerilla war. In fact, the officers purged by 1Mr. John S. Rouritzounis, an American
the seeds of another "Vietnam." The element the Junta were generally considered by Wash- writer and journalist, has repeatedly charged
of time is terribly important in this con- ington, the NATO authorities and the Joint that the Junta's leader, George Papadopou-
emotion, as the dangers posed by the current U.S. Military Aid Group to Greece to repre- los, was "a recruiter of Gestapo informants"
Greek situation leave little time for con- sent the elite of the Greek officer corps. Their during the Nazi occupation (Washington
structive action by the United States. In only sin was to have opposed the illegal Post, November 8, 1868; Baltimore Sun, No-
other words, I believe the 'dock is ruining seizure of power by a relatively small group vember 18, 1968). More recently in the afore-
out in Greece, and unless some major of officers. It is inter eating to note that "the mentioned May, 1969 issue of the infiuen-
changes are forthcoming in American policy, hatchet fell with particular alacrity," ac- tial and well-informed Le Monde Dipto-
both the U.S. and NATO are apt to be faced cording to the May 1969 issue of Le Monde matigue, it is stated that: "The president of
with the reality rather than the potential of Diplomatigue, "on -hose officers who, dur- the Government, Papadopoulos, during the
explosive political, military, and economic Mg the German occupation . . . chose the occupation served under Major Koukoulacos
developments on NATO's Southern Flank, path of resistance, either inside Greece or (rewarded after the coup with the governor-
U.S, foreign policy in Greece, inherited by outside, especially those who served in the ship of Greece's Agricultural Bank), com-
the Nixon Administration, is based on the 'Sacred Battalion' w:aich distinguished itself mender of a battalion armed and equipped
hypothesis that the present dictatorial re- in. all Mediterranean campaigns alongside by the Germans?like all the other so-called
gime provides sufficient military, political the British forces. . . For any man who was Security Battalions (Tagmata Asphalias)?
and economic stability to satisfy America's capable of choosing to fight against an op- which conscientiously played its role as a
strategic interests in the area -the kind of pression (the Nazis) is perfectly capable of security unit. . . against the "Communist"
stability, supposedly, which could not be lighting a new oppreesion. . . ." resistance fighters!"
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able to win this victory under a. parliamen-
tary government with basic democratic in-
stitutions functioning it is inconceivable
that the current military dictatorship is nec-
essary to correct alleged political instability.
There are some who argue that there was
no political stability prior to the Junta and
that the present arrangement is at least an
Improvement. This argument is superficial.
Its evaluation needs a detailed recording of
the events and the over-all background that
preceded the coup.
The fact is that political stability was
damaged in the 1965-67 period by the inter-
vention of the Greek Monarchy and its mili-
tary establishment in the political process,
thus perverting the institution of parliament
and the mechanism of achieving poliical sta-
bility which had worked well until then.
This was done by repeatedly denying the use
of the best safety valve available to real
democracies?free elections.
In 1963 and early 1964, the eight years
of conservative (ERE) rule under Prime Min-
ister C. Caramanlis, ended at the polls with
the largest majority in modern times for the
Center Union Party led by the late George
Papandreou. The peaceful transfer of power
was accomplished in the middle of the Cyprus
crisis involving the threat of a shooting war
with Turkey, following years of impressive
aggregate growth and financial stability. It
was, to be sure, a growth in which many
did not share; few reforms in education had
been accomplished and not enough employ-
ment opportunities had been opened up, as
indicated by the thousands who had to seek
work abroad.
As Richard Westebbe of the World Bank,
formerly senior foreign economic adviser to
the Greek government, said in 1963 in a pene-
trating report, "Greece's long-run structural
problems concern deficiencies in the struc-
ture of production, in public administration,
in education, in financial institutions, and in
the distribution of income."
The victors (the Center Union) promised
a better distribution of income, a more rapid
modernization of Greece to enable it to enter
the Common Market, and a reform of
Greece's institutions which, among other
things, implied the paying of fair taxes by
certain privileged classes and a reduced role
of the Crown in controlling the Armed Forces
and the political processes. In short, a return
to the intent of the constitution which would
have the King "reign, not rule." In foreign
policy, Greece was to become a fully equal
member of the NATO Alliance, with a real
voice in determining its own destiny. In pur-
suing these goals there is no question that
the Papandreou Government committed a
number of mistakes and lost many oppor-
The Center Union Party was soon faced
with the violent and growing opposition of
the Crown, the Armed Forces leadership,
and the economic oligarchy?an opposition
Which was enjoying the support of a large
part of the official American establishment
in Athens. The story can be picked up with
the elections of 1961 in which the Army,
through the so-called "Pericles Plan," un-
necessarily rigged the result to ensure an
ERE (National Radical Union) victory, when
the real unadulterated result undoubtedly
would have given Oararnanlis a narrower vic-
tory or, at the very worst, would have forced
him into a coalition with the Center. The
election-rigging gave the liberal forces their
cause and they exploited it until their ulti-
mate victory at the next elections. When it
was decided to bring down the Papandreou
Government, a "treason plot" called "Aspida"
was concocted and ascribed to the Prime Min-
ister's son. The charge has never been proven
and even the Junta, four years later, has been
unable to produce any evidence.
The Papandreou Government retaliated by
resurrecting the Pericles charges and con-
ducting a formal investigation. The Generals
panicked and persuaded the King of an
imminent plot to seize power by unnamed
leftist groups tolerated or led by Prime Min-
ister Papandreou. The result was the over-
throw of the elected government and a series
of almost comic-opera attempts to make
parliamentary rump-governments from mid-
1965 through Christmas 1966. The agreement
of the Conservative and Center Union Parties
to hold elections in 1967 in order to restore
real parliamentary government, and thus
political stability, led directly to the Colonels'
coup, only a few weeks before the elections
were to be held under the conservative gov-
ernment of Mr. P. Canellopoulos?who, by
the way, has spent a good part of the last
two years under strict house arrest.
The Athens Colonels have since persecuted
the leaders of all of Greece's major political
groupings, i.e., the conservatives, the royal-
ists, the Center Union?among whom were
several of America's best friends?as well as
the left and the extreme left. They have re-
sorted to systematic torture of opponents, as
was shown at the recent Strasbourg hearings
of the European Human Rights Commission
and as has been publicly condemned by lead-
ers of the British, Danish, Swedish, Nor-
wegian, Dutch and Italian governments,
among others..
On March 27, 1969, Secretary of State Wil-
liam P. Rogers, in his first major presentation
to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
said he shared the "concern" of Senator
Claiborne Pell (D-R.I.), "not only for the
torture phase" of Greece's new military
regime, "but for other civil liberty" infringe-
ments. The Nixon Administration has made
an encouraging start on the explosive issue
of Greece's military dictatorship, through
this statement of Secretary Rogers, who went
well beyond any comments of his nredecessor.
Senator Pell, speaking in the Senate on
October 3, 1968, and January 31, 1969, said:
"Over the past months I have become in-
creasingly concerned with one of the more
heinous characteristics of the Greek dictator-
ship. I refer to the brutal behavior of this
regime in the treatment of its own citizens."
. . . "I said in a speech to this body in May
1967 that I deplored the illegal military
seizure and that I deplored, moreover, the
lack of any kind of strong public reaction or
expression of disapprval from the United
States." . . . "It seems to me that the in-
escapable conclusion can only be that the
revitalization of democracy in Greece is as
much in our own interest as it is in the in-
terests of the people of Greece. We should,
therefore, do everything we can to encour-
age its prompt evolution."
Many senior U.S. government officials, at
the time of the Colonels' coup, argued that
there was little the U.S. could have done be-
cause the coup took the U.S. by surprise and
once it was successfully carried out the U.S.
was faced with a fait accompli. This is un-
true as the threat of dictatorship in Greece
was spotted early and this threat greatly
disturbed politically prominent Americans
well before the actual coup took place:
As early as September 4, 1962, and again
on October 13, 1963, Senator Barry Gold-
water (R-Ariz.) in published interviews with
this writer stated: "I am particularly con-
cernd about the political developments in
that country (Greece) and I do believe that
careful investigation should be carried out
on those accusations against our U.S. Em-
bassy role in Athens in the last Greek elec-
tions." And in 1963 he said: "I am against the
establishment of a dictator any place. That
is why I strongly attacked the suggstion
made that the establishment of a dictator-
ship in Greece would be an effective solution
to Greece's problems. Oh, Lord, No. Greece is
the most sophisticated, civilized country in
the world. Our democratic way of government
came from Grece. It would be tragic if
Greece, Where democracy itself was first
founded, were to go back to a dictatorship.
I can't even imagine the Greeks thinking
about it."
And in the summer of 1966 a galaxy of
highly placed and influential U.S. personali-
ties, covering the spectrum of American po-
litical life, condemned publicly, very strongly
and in no uncertain terms, the possibility
of a military dictatorship of any kind in
Greece, under whatever pretext. They also
urged the Johnson Administration to take all
necessary steps to ensure that such a catas-
trophic development for American interests
will not occur.
Their names are: The Speaker of the
House of Representatives J. McCormack,
Senators V. Hartke, S. Thurmond, E. Mc-
Carthy, J. Javits, W. Morse and E. Kennedy;
the Chairman of the House Judiciary, Armed
Services and Agriculture Committees, Con-
gressmen E. Celler, M. Rivers and H. Cooley;
the former Chief of Naval Operations, Ad-
miral A. Burke and the former Supreme
NATO Commander in Europe, General L.
Norstad; and the then Governor of Cali-
fornia, E. Brown.
They spelled out their views to me in ques-
tion-answer format, taped, typed and in of-
ficially signed press interviews, which re-
ceived wide coverage both in Europe and
America., In short, there were numerous,
early and authoritative warnings given to
Washington, but to no avail.,
Since 1947, America has played a decisive
role in Greece, and, beginning in 1959 with
Ambassador Ellis Briggs?now a strong ad-
vocate of the Athens Colonels?America has
pursed disastrous, contradictory and vacil-
lating policies?policies largely influenced by
inter-service and personality rivalries. Should
these policies be continued the communists
will have an opportunity to organize and
lead a liberation movement in Greece, for the
first time since the late 1940's, with wide
support and backing from non-communist
elements in both Greece and Western Europe.
Such a movement, even if led by communists,
would ironically be formed under the ban-
ner of returning democracy to Greece. Thus,
the tragic makings of a new Vietnam in
Greece are all present.
'See article in Look Magazine, May 27,
1969, page 19: "Greece: Government by Tor-
ture," written by Look Senior Editor Chris-
topher S. Wren.
3 In Greece, these interviews were pub-
lished by the newspapers Ethnos and Athens
Daily Post during the month of August 1966.
Eliot Janeway, the well-known syndicated
columnist for the Chicago Tribune, reported
from Athens on September 28, 1966:
"Warning from Greece. The first cold-war
crisis erupted in Greece. A stop-over in
Athens, en route from Switzerland to Britain,
uncovered genuine concern that the smold-
ering constitutional crisis there may turn
Greece into our next hot spot. The source of
the exposure is not just Greece's vulnerabil-
ity to a one-two-three punch in the form
of a German slump, a dollar drought and a
British devaluation. It is that Russia may
decide that the time is ripe for her to re-
assert her primacy in the Communist world
by taking advantage of our involvement in
Vietnam to follow through on de Gaulle's
withdrawal from NATO to open a second
front in Europe. If so, Greece is her ripe and
ready target. We urge a close and literal
reading of Gromyko's warning that Europe
may be closer to trouble than in many a
And again on October 11, 1966:
"The big question now is whether Russia
will now take advantage of our involvement
in Asia, and our distraction from Europe, to
explode a bombshell against us on a second
front. The mere suggestion is a blood-chiller.
Nevertheless, we fear that this is now a clear
and present danger, and that It will be the
better part of prudence to prepare for the
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It is very important foe Americans to un-
derstand that there is widespread belief in
non-communist Europe that Washingten was
involved, either by co _ ion or DM:Won,
in the April 21, 1967 coil and is reepoesible
for keeping the Athens colonels in power.
While the substance of e more extreme
forms of these theories haj not been proven
yet, the U.S. should reaUze that these be-
liefs have done much more than the crLicism
of the Vietnam War or the, tie Gaulle policies
to undermine basic U.S. poeitions and inter-
eats in this vital area. This point, in many
ways the most telling, is supported by such
a personality as Mrs. _ Helen Vistehou-
Loundras, well-known publisher of the most
influential conservative Greek newspspers,
who was forced into exile in London -.vhen,
after the Junta seized power, she bravely re-
fused to publish under censorship. Mei hus-
band?wartime hero conseevative Navy Cap-
tain Costae leaundras?W-as sentenet :I to
eighteen months imprisonnacnt after he was
kept by the Junta in solitary confirsemeat for
fifty days.) Mrs. Vlachou-Loundras :poke
bout the Greek regime in London on Oc Lober
17, 1968:
"So the moment of truth is approsc king,
and the first brand new Kuropean dietater-
ship since the war is abotet to emerge, born
of The Pentagon by the CIA, reared by NATO,
surrounded by doting businessmen, It Is no
use criticizing the Americans, divided as
hey are between those vrho would Dee to
haze the junta but can not do it, and 'Mese
ho can and win not." In this connection,
, pis very significant that the Johnsoe Ad-
inistration in December 1967 let dolw a, in
shameful, unbelievable and humiliating
ay, even the ultra-conservative Greek isson-
hy which, since the Truman doctrine .of
47, has been a basic elehient of U.S. for-
gn policy towards Greece, This happened
hen King Constantine finally decided to
erthrow the Junta in his armed ble; Ill-
ted attempt.
That Is why I strongly believe tha': an
raereall and thorough congressional ins sati-
tion of the U.S. role vie-keels Greece e ould
scary possibility of a new Kussian-Anselican
confrontation this side of Asia. . . .
Watch Greece. Whereas Berlin and Iran are
potential danger-points atewhich a preys pee-
ve Russian initiative wotild be needed to
orce a confrontation, the Third of the three
Ossible storm centers is ori that no Rtuslan
'tiative could keep qniescent. Thi is
Greece. It is our best judgment that Greece
I e well on her way into a cePstitutional e risis
1ehich will precipitate a dornes tic confeo.ata-
ion, with inevitable and -obvious implicit-
OILS, between Right and Left. Lf this lees
velop, the question then, will be whether
lassie. could avoid being dravvn into it even
i she felt it to her interest to remain aloof.
ot least among our reasette for assuming
that she will find herself drawn Into any
internal Greek confrontation on the side of
t e Left is the fact that the U.S. is .certain
to be involved on the side Of the Right. . . .
We do not now mean to be taken as flatly
redicting an imminent U.S. confrontation
th Russia against the background Of re-
rrent guerrilla war in Greece. But We are
a ions to focus attention on the (tenger,
which is real. We do expect a Greek conetitu-
onal crisis to erupt. We clo take literally
t e King's threat to suspend the constitu- t
t on. We do not regard Greece as an 'sedated t
lkan trouble spot. We do not know, nor
d we know of anyone who trusts hi/neat
know, whether Russia could stay out of i
s eh a free-for-all if it once got started , . . f
We suggest that the above be taken as the d
rning it is meant to be: of exposure to a
s ock in Europe just when the next step-up u
the Vietnam escalation hi distracting us
e en further from Europe and, therefoee,
rtalections to possible shock in Europe." t
ing it more difficult for us to plan our P
not only be completely justified but also ur-
gently advisable if the blunders of the past
are not to be repeated by the Nixon Admin-
istration and a new "Vietnam" is to be
The European reaction to the Greek coup
Dan be gleaned in the following statements:
West German Socialist Deputy, Klaus
Schultz, said recently, "It was 36 years ago
that Hitler took power in my country. And
he did It under conditions far more demo-
cratic than those imposed by the Greek
colonels." British Laborite Bob Edwards, dur-
ing the debate whether to expel Greece from
the Council of Europe for violating the 18-
nation organization's statutes on human
rights, said: "I am amazed at some of these
speeches. We heard them between the wars?
Franco was going to hold elections. Hitler
was no dictator and Mussolini made the
trains run on time.'
In a futile attempt to improve their inter-
national image, to buy desperately needed
time and to overcome the stubborn refusal of
Greeks of prestige and ability to work for
the regime, the Junta announced a refer-
endum on a new constitution in September1968. This document, which received the pri-
vate blessing of acme American officials, in
fact makes the Armed Forces the sole final
source of power, the guardian of the status
quo and the dispenser of civil liberties in
Greece. Thus the constitution in effect gives
the wolves the responsibility for guarding the
lamb by giving the Athens Junta full power
to "protect" the liberties they had already
seized from the Greek people.
The subsequent referendum on the
Colonels' con.stitution, carried out under con-
ditions of martial law, resulted in a Soviet-
style vote of 92.2%. The really free senti-
ments of the Greeks became manifest a few
weeks later when over 300,000 people in
Athens spontaneously demonstrated against
the regime and for democracy on the occa-
sion of the funeral for George Papandreou,
the last elected Prime Minister, On March
29, 1969, the influential London Economistwrote: "Mr. Papaciopoulos (the head of the
Junta) has clearly reconsidered his views
about a regrouping of political forces, which
would eventually produce a satisfactoryalternative to the present regime. He now
argues that the constitution cannot be
brought fully into farce, and normal parlia-
mentary demcicracy allowed to function,
until the Greeks have acquired the necessary
political maturity."
"The slowness with which the authorities
are completing some of the legal formalities
needed to make the provisions of the con-
stitution operative, suggests that Mr. Papa-
dopoulos is trying to keep all his options
open. About a quarter of the constitution is
still not even theoretically in force, includ-
ing the provision for the creation of a con-
stitutional tribunal which the regime con-
siders essential for the proper functioning
of democracy. Nor has the prime minister
yet fulfilled his pledge to introduce a law to
allow the regime to ease or tighten martial
law as it thinks fit, so that the Greeks can
show how well they can behave under condi-
tions of relative, or disciplined, freedom. All
this deliberate slow motion is justified by
the argument that ithe Greeks need time to
acquire enough political maturity to decide
who should govern taem?although last Sep-
ember they were apparently sufficiently ma-
ure to decide in a plebiscite how they should
be governed."
On the eve of the NATO Ministerial meet-
ng in Washington, last April, the Junta
eeling the weakness of its position?both
omestically and intemationally?announced
series of supposed "liberalization" mess-
res, under the new constitution. These
measures, however, would be applied only
after appropriate legislation is drafted and
romulgated. According to Mr. Papadopoulos,
his will take at least six months. But he did
not explain how these two constitutional
freedoms of assembly and of association could
be reinstated under martial law, even if the
legislation required to make them operative
were to be enacted. Thus, the aim of his
move is quite transparent: a typical gesture
on his part to forestall several NATO coun-
tries' pressure for an early restoration of
democracy in Greece.
Last June's outrageous dismissal by the
Junta of lelichael Stasinopoulos as head of
Greece's highest court, after he defiantly re-
-fused to resign, in direct violation of their
own "constitution," is perhaps the best evi-
dence of the importance the Athens dicta-
torship attaclies to this much publicized and
used document of their own rriakinge This
was followed by the mass resignations of the
senior judges of the Council of State to pro-
test this diathissal of their Chief Justice and
the interference by the military regime with
the independence of the Judiciary, and was
followed by the predawn arrests and banish-
ment of one leading judge and the promi-
nent lawyers who had successfully defended
21 leading judges purged in 1968.
Finally, let us turn to the alleged economic
stability which the Junta pledged to bring
to Greece. I believe that as a result of the
coup, Greece is far more likely to be faced
with a serious economic _crisis, instead of
stable growth.
The rate of growth of the Greek economy
which averaged close to 8% a year in the
period 1960-86 was reduced to about half
this figure in 1987, when good crops; and an
Illusory increase in servites offset a sharp
fall in industrial investment leading to stag-
nation in manufacturing output. In 1968
manufacturing recovered somewhat but low
crops held the growth rate to about 4%. Ad-
mittedly, the building boom had already
leveled off by April 1967. However, the col-
lapse of confidence folloWIng the coup led
to a sharp fall in business investment and
consumer purchasing. Imports into Greece
stopped rising, and people hoarded money.
The reaction of the Government was to stim-
ulate demand and buy popularity. A massive
give-away took place when all farm debts
amounting to some $280 million to the U.S.
Agricultural Bank were written off.
This not only penalized farmers who had
paid their debts but probably convinced all
farmers, who constitute some 45% of the
total population, that there is no point in
paying future loans. What is perhaps worse
Is that the immense resources distributed
In this way have not been directed towards
raising farm productivity and bringing about
the long needed structural reform of Greek
Bank credit and Government spending
programs were greatly expanded. The money
supply increased at an annual rate of 20%
In 1967, and although the growth in money
has decelerated since, it has not been
matched by comparable increases in output.
The recovery of consumer demand in 1968
has already led to a renewed import growth
and some pressure on prices. Exports barely
rose in 1968 and tourist earnings declined
for the second year in a row, since the Junta
took over. Another mainstay, emigrants' re-
mittances, are stagnant. The result is a
worsening balance of payments position.
This has been partly shielded by drawings
on the secret gold sovereign reserve and
On this issue an editorial of The New
York Times of July 4, 1969, under the head-
ing "'Justice' In Greece...." had this to say:
"It was predictable that Greece's ruling col-
onels would lash out, sooner or later, at any
branch of the country's judiciary that re-
fused to come to heel. The abrupt and
clumsy attempt to purge the nation's high-
est administrative tribunal In flagrant viola-
tion of the junta's own Constitution of 1968
has, however, shocked even stout backers of
Colonel Papadopoulos...."
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partly by a number of short-term loans con- aritees the latter a handsome annual fee as logical response would have been to lay out
eluded with U.S. and European banks which well as a commission on all investments it the proposals in detail, argue thern and sup-
are reliably reported to be secured by the induces to come to Crete and the Western ply a complete explanation for its final
nation's gold and hard currency reserves. Peloponnesus. It is of interest to note that choice. Instead, after a few weeks of pulling
In the past, Greece's basic current trade Litton withdrew its proposals prior to the and hauling, the Junta clamped complete
imbalances were offset by rapidly growing coup, due to overwhelming parliamentary op- censorship over the whole matter. Nothing
tourist, emigrants' and shipping remit- position. To date Litton has produced some more may be printed about it in the Greek
tances. These were increasingly augmented studies and very small investments coming press. The consequence was obvious; what
by capital inflow, mainly on private account mainly from the Litton group companies. It was once a smoldering rumor is now a wild-
from abroad. The prospect of maintaining would seem that even their corporate name fire scandal."
balance of payments equilibrium at the has not been sufficient to overcome the It would appear in fact that the scandal of
present exchange rate, and with free im- doubts of those who might have put their which Mr. Friendly writes reached such di-
ports, lay in a hoped for rapid rise in indus- money in Greece. That is why, according to , mensions that even the Junta could not stick
trial and agricultural productivity. Unfor- reliable information, both the Junta and to its agreement with Onassis. As a result,
tunately, with low growth rates and a sharp Litton, at this very moment, are mutually on May 20, 1969, the Junta canceled its agree-
f all in private investments the outlook is for dissatisfied with each other's performance, meat with Onassis to build a large new oil
controls and/or devaluation, including re- and the contract is presently being renego- refinery in Greece and decided to invite in-
scheduling of all recently contracted short- tiated. In addition, Litton was unhappy when ternational bids for the rights.
term foreign debt, last year the U.S. Department of Justice dis- In summary, instead of bringing about
Further the mammoth spending programs closed that it had launched an inquiry to stable economic growth the Junta has
have created a large inflationary Potential determine whether Litton has engaged in presided over a tragic misuse and waste of
activities which require it to register as a national resources, in an attempt to buy
which could lead to crisis con o
short time, foreign agent.
A confidential 12-page report prepared in Although most foreign investors found
March 1968 on Greece's Economic and Fl- pre-Junta Greece a favorable spot for pri-
vate enterprise, a difficulty did arise in the
case of the Esso-Pappas refining, petro-
chemical and steel complex. This oontract
was strongly criticized by the Center Union
before it came to power and was renego-
tiated to Greece's advantage while they were
In power. Oddly enough, Pappas has since
then managed to avoid, with Junta approval,
most of the less profitable investments he
was supposed to undertake and he has
emerged as one of the most influential and
vocal backers of the Junta in the U.S.
Finally, much has been made of an agree-
ment of the Junta with Onassis last Novem-
ber to establish a new refinery, aluminum
plant and tourist investments totaling some
$400 million over fifteen years. Specific fea-
tures, according to reports from Athens, in-
clude his right to supply crude oil, in this
case Russian, shipped in his own tankers, as
well as guaranteed employment for part of
his tanker fleet. Further, the prospect of an-
nancial Developments by the Morgan Guar-
anty Trust Company of New York states
"The regime has, however, displayed an
increasing number of signs that it intends
pursuing a 1930-style authoritarian course.
On the one hand, it has been intensely na-
tionalistic, having called repeatedly for a
regeneration of Greek life. On the other, it
has taken a number of steps designed to ap-
peal to the lowest socio-economic groups:
freezing prices; raising some incomes; and
providing working girls with dowries. All this
has taken place against a background of
increasingly restrictive measures. Neverthe-
less, the combination has thus far been suc-
cessful. Some of the reforms introduced by
the Papad.opoulos government?especially
those relating to the bure,aucracy-4have been
to an extent necessary and desirable. The
constitution, Which the government was
supposed to introduce in response to pres- other aluminum plant is far from an un-
sures from Western Europe, has yet to be mixed blessing. There is no cheap power left
made public. However, any constitution in Greece. Onassis proposed to produce high-
which the drafters might develop would be cost power with his oil in his own thermal
meaningless because the regime does not in- plants. He would charge himself an artifi-
tend that there be any return to democracy. ?ally low power rate in order to produce
"Since the coup, Greek economic activity aluminum and would force all other Greek
has slowed down; GNP growth rate is of- consumers of power to pay a much higher
Delany estimated to have been 5% in 1967? rate for the excess power he would produce.
and privately put nearer to 3%?compared It is significant that the Onassis effort to
with 7.4% in 1966. Much of this has been due build the alumina-aluminum plant in part-
to a slowdown in investment, especially of nership with the U.S. Reynolds Metals Com-
the private sector. However, in 1967 the trend pany has fallen through and on March 17,
toward more rapid growth of industrial than 1969, the latter announced that it has ended
agricultural production was rever g talks with Onassis.
rioultural production grew faster than in- Alfred Friendly writes in the Washington
duatrial, largely due to the rapid growth of Post of April 5, 1969, from Athens: tration for the proposed loan. He even crib.-
the latter in 1966. Prices have been stable due ',The battle of the Greek tycoons, the cized some of the new so-called "non-
to a price freeze. Wages, on the other hand, former brothers-in-law, Aristotle Onassis and corrupt" leadership of Greece's economy
have been allowed to rise rather rapidly. The Stavros Niarchos, over which one will operate when he identified the new Deputy Governor
over-all government budget deficit for 1968 the proposed new $100 to $500 million in- of the Bank of Greece, a Mr. Constantine A.
will again be large?mostly due to the rising vestment program for a new oil refinery, Thanos, as having plagiarized his doctoral
government investment budget." aluminum plants and several tourist projects dissertation and other works and whose pro-
At the end of March 1969, in a series of raised for the first time the suspicion of cor- posed appointment to the faculty of the
speeches to merchants, industrialists and ruption with the Junta. University of Athens, in 1963, was vetoed be-
others, Mr. Papadopoulos tried to undo the "The government's off-again, on-again, cause of these affairs. Reuss also questioned
damage caused to the economy by the crip- handling of the intricate affair may have been whether Greece, governed by such people
piing uncertainly over the regime's inten- merely clumsy or shabby, testifying only to and under these conditions, could be con-
tions. He was not particularly successful. He its administrative incompetence. But on its sidered creditworthy for international public
insisted that the regime had achieved the face, the Niarchos proposal, which was ulti- lending.
political stability needed to expand economic mately rejected, seemed so much more advan- I believe that it is imperative for the Nixon
activity. But his claim that it was not a tageous to the country than that of Onassis Administration, which is in the advantageous
dictatorship, but only a "parenthesis ....that as to suggest bad faith by the regime. position of having no responsibility for the
was necessary to put things straight," was "One would have supposed that, once the events and policies of the last few years, to
contradicted by his further assertion that suspicion arose, the government would have conduct a basic and urgent review of U.S.
"whether you like it or not, the revolution taken elaborate pains to demonstrate clean policy towards Greece on the following
is a reality and you cannot get rid of us." hands. After all, one of the Junta's most grounds:
The Government made numerous appeals loudly proclaimed justifications for its coup A. The assumption that the current mili-
to attract foreign capital. Its most publicized two years ago was the promise that it would tary regime in Athens has or can bring
achievement for political, propaganda and end the notorious corruption of previous gov- stability is incorrect.
lobbying reasons, was the signing of a lucra- ernments. If it is subject to the same failing, B. The Junta has greatly weakened Greece's
tive contract with Litton Industries (a few it loses a principal excuse for its existence. military capability and political ability to
weeks after coming to power) which guar- "Suspected of sticky fingers, the regime's fulfill its NATO commitments.
acceptance and some semblance of legit-
imacy. The resulting "gold rush" to ex-
tract favorable concessions from the Athens
Colonels in return for supporting their
dictatorship has resulted in the sacrifice of
important Greek economic resources and in-
terests which no parliamentary government
could have undertaken and remain in office.
The political anomaly of a new post-war
dictatorship in present day non-communist
Europe has led to a suspension of some $55
million of European Investment Bank loans
to Greece under the Treaty of Association
with the Common Market. The long-run fu-
ture of Greece's association with the Com-
mon Market, the first of its kind, is in fact
in doubt. As Greece's chief Common Market
negotiator John Pezmatzoglu, then Deputy
Governor of the Central Bank, said in a 1966
Bank of Greece message, the economic union
of Greece with the EEC was based on the
mutually agreed, basic objective of an ulti-
mate political union of Greece with its Eu-
ropean partners.
Since then the Governor of the Central
Bank, Professor X. Zolotas, an international-
ly respected central banker, and the equally
prominent Professor J. Pezmatzoglu have re-
signed in protest over the Junta and its
policies. In fact, the great bulk of Greece's
trained professionals have refused to par-
ticipate in the Government, a phenomenon
which has seriously hindered efforts at ra-
tional economic policy formulation and im-
plementation. Last year, during a Congres-
sional investigation conducted by the House
Subcommittee on International Finance, on
the proposed first World Bank loan to Greece,
its influential Chairman, Congressman Henry
S. Reuss of Wisconsin, criticized strongly
the World Bank and the Johnson Adminis-
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C. The situation in Greece is petentially
elle East and Africa are two areas where the
With the U.S. presidential elections only
two weeks away, the Congress adjourned, and
three weeks after a rigged "referendum,"
conducted by the Greek Junta under martial
law, the Johnsen Administration felt that it
was safe and advisable to go ahead with a
decision that was strongly debated and
shelved repeate Sly by the same Administra-
tion in the past.
4. Take the initiative for joint NATO
action against the Junta by exercising maxi-
mum diplomatic, economic and military aid
pressure, on a well-coordinated basis, in be-
half of the Atlantic Alliance. Such an Ameri-
can initiative will take options away from
Moscow policy-makers and will build up
U.S. influence in NATO and among the
European liberals, intellectuals and youth.
Such a U.S. initiative would have worldwide
favorable repercussions and Washington will
be in a better position to exploit existing
turmoil among Moscow's Eastern European
communist satellites, non-satellites and the
communist parties in non-communist
5. Give full U.S. support to the efforts of
the Common Market and the Council of
Europe to isolate morally, politically and
economically the Athens Colonels.
6. Find other appropriate ways and means
to support actively and effectively all anti-
Junta, anti-communist elements who repre-
sent the vast majority of the Greek people.
7. Strong efforts should be made to dispel
dangerous. If present policies are continued,
a new Vietnam could result!' Greeks for centuries have maintained the
closest ties and interests. On the northern
D. the widespread belief in Eur_pe that
the U.S. is responsible for the coup and for borders of Greece is a kaleidoscope of three
keeping the Colonels in power IB seriously different kinds of communism: the Peking
style in Albania (where more than 2,000
damaging to America's position in Europe.
Chinese advisors are stationed in this first
E. The existence of a military die ,atorship
Chinese beachhead in Europe), the Moscow
in Greece is morally and politicall; repug-
nant especially to the extent that ii appears style in Bulgaria and the Tito style in Yugo
that the United States is supporting this slavia. This fact itself makes Greece a very
regime. good western "window," an ideal listening
ad influence post for the Southeastern
In considering U.S. policy towarcl3 Greece
European area. But it also makes Greece far
/ would like here to make several points
directed primarily tonkmerican conserve- more exposed to external communist and
tfves. It has been a tragedy that many Amer- Slavic-chauvinistic pressures now greatly
lean opinions and actions oo acerning complicated by the current Sine-Soviet con-
Greece have been viewed as a politinal issue
between conservatives and liberals. As a re- E. The U.S. record over the last decade
suit of the opposition to the Greek Junta clearly shows a very benign attitude toward
right-wing military coups while registering
by many prominent American liberals. all
too many American conservatives lave not great alarm over left-wing ones. The so..
realized the true nature and inten of the called Schwartz doctrine (former State De-
current Greek regime. While Greek political partment policy planner and, at present, top
liberals have suffered ass result of tae coup, Pentagon authority on international security
as many Greek conservatives with well- affairs) makes clear the U.S. will not interfere
with known anti-communists credentia I:3 have extra-constitutional, totalitarian rule
been suppressed, imprisoned, and dri ,en into by anti-communist governments. This double
standard justified
exile by the Junta. In fact, many of the fied accusations al/ over the
world and, naturally, Greece.
most severe critics of the coup and -.he cur-
rent regime could be described as conserve- We were all dismayed at the ruthless
tives. crushing with Soviet military power of the
In the light of the Athens Colo-l' past modest liberal reforms- which were taking
and continued repression of anti-comm place in Czechoslovakia. No satellite could
Greek conservatives and the often-forgotten
fact that the Colonels seized power from a
conservative government, I would es k some
American conservatives who have either
largely remained neutral or have supported
the current Greek regime to reconsidar their
positions. For the situation in Greene can-
not be described or understood alom, Amer-
ican political lines. In this case both Ameri-
can liberals and conservatives, perhaps for
different but compatible reasons, she aid op-
pose the authoritarian dictatorship I rnposed
on the people of Greece by a small gsoup of
colonels in Athens.
Thus, in reviewing 17.S. policy -nwards
Greece I would suggest that the ;c Flowing
specific changes in the policies inherited by
the Nixon Administration would be - both in
the interest of the United States a nd the
Greek people:
1. A olear-cut pubic condemnation of the
Greek Junta by the new administrati six and
real efforts of disassociation from the John-
son Administration policies, attitudes and
methods used in dealing with Greece.
2. Delay the appointment or appal It, but
do not dispatch, to Athens a new 17.3. Am-
bassador and make clear to the Junta end the
NATO Allies the real reasons for such a
3. Terminate immediately and con: pletely
all U.S. military aid to the Athens regime
and reverse the disastrous decision ta ten on
October 21, 1968, during the last days of
the previous Administration, to :esume
delivery of major U.S. military equipti exit to
the Athens Colonels. Such a decision, under
those circumstances, gave in effect official
public U.S. government approval to the
Athens military dictatorship.
' 6 In this connection three very interesting
' articles from Athens, by the well-informed
! and nationally syndicated columnists Row-
land Evans and Robert Novak, were pub-
lished in the Washington Post of June 19,
, 1969 ("Greece Facing Grim, Alternetives:
! Salazar-Type Rule or Bloody Revolt"), of
! June 23, 1969 ("U.S. Action Against Greek
Junta Is Prevented by Military Needs"),
and of June 26, 1969 ("Nature of Greek
, Junta Underscored by Arrest of Distinguished
General"?this article details the ordeal of
! two Greek officers with anti-communitt cre-
dentials, General George Kounianakoe and
! Admiral Athanaaios Spanides).
.wed to sway that far from orthodoxy
the belief of U.S. involvement and support of and control in the minds of Warsaw Pact
? the Greek Junta in Greece and the rest of hard liners. Moscow paid a. heavy price in
Europe, including the use of the Voice of terms of world condemnation and the dis-
America. Such efforts are essential to fore- crediting of hard-cors Czech communists.
stall violent anti-American backlash in To many, the parallel of the U.S. position
Greece, which otherwise is a virtual cer- in Greece is disquieting. And Moscow's dip-
ta inty. lomats and propagandists are counterattack.
8. As a last resort, taking up a line already ing criticism aimed at their Czechoslovaklan
gaining ground in NATO, particularly in action by pointing to the U.S. role in Greece
Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands and Italy, since April 1967. For the coup against the
and moving to expel Greece from the Alliance, prospect of a liberal but pro-NATO govern-
In evaluating the merits of the above eight ment was carried out by people closely con-
basic recommendations it is important to un- nested with the U.S. military, intelligence
derstand the following points: and financial complex, with U.S. weapons
A. All the above peaceful measures are and using a top-secret emergency NATO
sufficient if used .effectively, in my opinion, to plan. All in the name of anti-communism,
overthrow the Greek dictatorship without the preservation of the orthodoxy of Greece
bloodshed, and without risking American in the Western Alliance and protecting the
lives, as you do in Vietnam today, or you Monarchy?which the Junta forced into exile
did in Korea, Lebanon and in the Dominican eight months later. Moscow intervened with
Republic. The Nixon Administration must Soviet troops to crush what she Considered
have learned some very valuable lessons re- dangerous Czechoslovak liberalization tend-
cently with the events in Pakistan, the crisis encies.
In Peru and the negotiations over the Spanish While I do not believe that the use of
bases. These events proved the grave risks U.S. troops to protect the freedom of the
inherent in dealing with anti-communist Greek people was, or is, necessary, it is a
military dictatorships and should help dispel tragedy that the Johnson Administration
the myth that such regimes serve effectively played the role of Pontius Pilatus while
the U.S. interests. U.Sastipplied tarns were used to crush
B. If the Junta is overthrown by these Greek democracy even though ample warn-
peaceful measures proposed to the Nixon. Ad- ings about the impending coup existed. That
ministration, Washington will be in a much the Johnson Administration, on many coca-
better position to deal also with the Middle sions, has given the impression of support-
East crisis, having the full support and co- ing the dictatorship of the Athens Colonels,
operation of the liberated (with American is doubly disquieting, considering that the
support) Greek people, and the U.S. and -freedom of the Greek people was guaranteed
NATO bases presently in Greece will not any by NATO which Greece freely joined as a
longer be surrounded, as is the case today, free nation in 1952.
by an increasingly hostile population, which In the process the U.S.'s best friends were
makes their value presently, in the case of systematically destroyed. In the end the
emergency, at least doubtful. Greeks will force their oppressors out of
C. More than 103,000 hard-core Greek cora- power. The process could be bloody and
munists Live in various parts of the Eastern might well involve the U.S. in another Viet-
European communist world, including the nam-type situation. It Is, therefore, legal-
thousands of yonng children abducted by mate to ask why long-term 17.S. interests
the retreating Greek communist guerrilla are being sacrificed in Greece for the sake
forces in 1949_ These children are now cora- of an ephemeral appearance of security and
pletely trained militarily and indoctrinated. stability and whether it is wise to continue
Greece has very es tended and rugged moan- along this road to disaster much longer.
tam n frontiers with her northern communist
neighbors. These facts may represent, at a
(From the Wall Street Journal, Apr. 21, 1969]
given moment, an ace in the hands of Mos-
D. Greece's unique geographical position (By Elias P. Demetracopouhat)
places her athwart the crossroads of Europe, U.S. foreign poSiey in Greece has been
Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. The Mid- based on the hypothesis that the present
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dictatorial regime provides suffident sta-
bility?military, political and economic?to
satisfy America's strategic interests in the
area. In my opinion the premise that the
junta has brought stability to Greece is false.
The Greek armed forces today are far less
effective than they were before the coup.
They are mainly an internal security force
in which the junta-controlled elements watch
not only potential civilian opponents but
also the very real latent opposition in the
armed forces themselves. To this effect the
continuing purges of the best officers is a
very interesting indicator.
The junta has systematically removed from
the armed farces an alarming number of the
officers they consider unreliable. These hun-
dreds of officers are trained at enormous U.S.
expense. That is why the combat effective-
ness of the Greek armed forces in time of
full mobilization of the reserves should be
an agonizingly open question-mark for the
NATO planners. In fact, such mobilization
would lead to the speedy overthrow of the
junta. This also explains why really the
junta thought it wise to "defuse" the Cyprus
crisis in November 1967.
The U.S. and NATO bases plus the Amer-
icon listening posts and propaganda machin-
ery operating on Greek territory are impor-
tant. Yet in view of the climate in which
they exist today it is a real question how
much long-range strategy in the area can
be built around them. Measuring political
Stability is not easy when there is martial
law and press censorship, when no opposition
is permitted, and when violence, although
on the increase, is still sporadic. The junta
alleges that it stepped in to save the country
from the danger of communism?yet even
Greek conservative leaders emphasize the fact
that the danger of communism was non-
existent in Greece. The junta overthrew a
conservative government.
In this connection, it must always be re-
membered that Greece fought successfully
a Communist aggression at the peak of the
"Cold War" under a parliamentary govern-
ment. The junta has persecuted the leaders
of Greece's major political groupings, i.e.,
the conservatives, the royalists, the Center
Union, the left and the extreme left. It has
resorted to systematic torture of opponents
and has been publicly condemned by lead-
ers of the British, Danish, Swedish, Nor-
wegian, Dutch and Italian Governments,
among others.
Since 1947, America has played a decisive
role in Greece. In this respect, it is significant
to remember that in non-Communist Europe
the widespread belief that Washington was
involved, either by commission or omission,
In the April 21, 1967, coup and that she is
responsible for keeping the Athens colonels
In power two years later, has done much to
undermine basic U.S. positions and interests
in this vital area. This point is supported
by the publisher of the most influential con-
servation Ureek newspapers (until the junta
seized power and she bravely refused to pub-
lish them under censorship), Mrs. Helen
Vlachou-Loundras, now in exile in London.
Last Oct. 17 she said of the Greek regime:
"Bo the moment of truth is approaching, and
the first brand-new Europe.a,n dictatorship
since the war is about to emerge, born of the
Pentagon by the CIA, reared by NATO, sur-
rounded by doting businessmen. It is no use
criticizing the Americans, divided as they are
between those who would like to chase the
junta but cannot do it, and those who can,
and will not."
In a futile attempt to improve its interna-
tional image, to buy desperately needed time
and to overcome the stubborn refusal of
Greeks of prestige and ability to work for the
regime, the junta carried out a referendum
on a new constitution in September 1968,
which makes the armed forces the guardian
of the status quo in Greece. The referendum
gave a Soviet-style vote of 92.2% and was car-
ried out under conditions of martial law. The
really free sentiments of the Greeks became
manifest a few weeks later when more than
300,000 people in Athens spontaneously dem-
onstrated against the regime and for democ-
racy on the occasion of the funeral for George
Papandreou, the last elected prime minister.
On the eve o' the NATO ministerial meet-
ing in Washington earlier this month the
junta, feeling the weakness of its domestic
and international position, announced a
series of "liberalization" measures under the
new constitution. These measures, however,
would be applied only after appropriate leg-
islation is drafted and promulgated. The
aims of such a move are quite transparent:
To forestall several NATO countries' pressure
for an early restoration of democracy in
Political stability can be said to exist as
long as we recognize that It is achieved at the
point of U.S.-supplied guns and in the face of
the passive and growing opposition of the
vast majority of the Greeks. Nevertheless, it
is argued that the regime has been good for
business and that on the economic front
Greece can now move forward.
A privately circulated 12-page report pre-
pared a year ago by a New York bank states:
"Since the coup, Greek economic activity
has slowed down; GNP growth rate is offi-
cially estimated to have been 5% in 1967?
and privately put nearer to 3%?compared
with 7.4% in 1966. Much of this has been
due to a slowdown in investment, especially
of the private sector. However, in 1967 the
trend toward more rapid growth of industrial
than agricultural production was reversed?
agricultural production grew faster than in-
dustrial, largely due to the rapid growth of
the latter in 1966. Prices have been stable
due to a price freeze. Wages, on the other
hand, have been allowed to rise rather rapid-
ly. The overall government budget deficit for
1968 will again be large?mostly due to the
rising government investment budget."
At the end of last month, the junta tried
in a series of speeches tq undo the damage
caused to the economy by crippling un-
certainty over the regime's intentions. The
government made numerous appeals to at-
tract foreign capital.
The junta's most publicized achievement
for political, propaganda and lobbying rea-
sons was the signing of a lucrative contract
with Litton Industries, a few weeks after
coming to power. To date Litton has pro-
duced some studies and very small-sized in-
vestments coming exclusively from the Litton
group companies. That's why both the junta
and Litton, at this very moment, are mu-
tually dissatisfied with each other's perform-
The political anomaly of a banana republic
dictatorship in present day non-Communist
Europe has led to a suspension of some $55
million of European Bank loans to Greece
under the Treaty of Association with the
Common Market. The long run future of
Greece's association with the Common Mar-
ket is In doubt. The governor and deputy
governor of the Greek central bank have re-
signed in protest over the junta's policies.
My belief is that there are serious grounds
for being disturbed by U.S. policy toward
Greece?grounds that make mandatory a
basic and urgent review of the U.S. position
by the Nixon Administration, which is in
the advantageous position of having no re-
sponsibility for the events and policies of
the last few years. Time is running out on
the Greek issue faster than most officials in
Washington seem to realize.
In the present Greek process the U.S.'s best
friends are systematically destroyed. The
Johnson Administration, on many occasions,
gave rise to the belief it was supporting the
S 9175
junta. In the end the Greeks will force their
oppressors out of power. The process could be
bloody and might well involve the U.S. in
another Vietnam-type situation. It is, there-
fore, legitimate to ask why long-term U.S.
interests are being sacrificed in Greece for
the sake of an ephemeral security and sta-
bility and whether it is wise to continue
along this road much longer.
Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, recently
I released for publication a report to the
people of New Hampshire stating my
position on the ABM and my reasons.
My newsletters are limited to 11/2 pages.
Brevity results in some oversimplifica-
tion. Rather than take the time of the
Senate, after a long and repetitious de-
bate, to amplify my views, I ask unani-
mous consent that my report be printed
In the RECORD.
There being no objection, the report
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
Prolonged debate over the antiballistic
missile (ABM) has kept the Senate at a
standstill. Now that every detail of this sub-
ject has been discussed and rediscussed and
we are about to vote, I can review it with
My reasons for supporting ABM can be
simply stated:
Already we have expended over three bil-
lion in research to develop this defense
against nuclear attack. We can't know
whether the ABM will work until we actually
assemble it. At least two are required to
permit the interplay of radar and other de-
vices. It will take ilve?years to install them,
and it's time we started.
There may be no way to destroy every
nuclear missile in a massive attack. How-
ever, I refuse to believe that a nation that
can put two men on the moon can't devise
some system capable of saving many lives
and, by preserving our capacity to strike
back, make the enemy think twice before he
launches a nuclear offensive. Perhaps ABM
won't work, but the Soviets think it will and
have installed sixty, improving them as they
go along. It's time we put ours to the test.
A batch of blueprints is no defense.
Now for some of the doubts that are
agitating so many people.
Will the ABM provoke the Soviets and dim
the prospects for an arms agreement? *This
seems to worry everyone except the Soniets.
Kosygin at his London press conference ex-
plicity rejected the idea that the deploymeat
of a defensive missile system heats up the
arms race. The ABM is as purely defensive as
a bomb shelter. It is not pointed at, nor can
it hurt any other nation.
Are we launching a program that will sink
billions in a system that may not work or
may not be needed? It is proposed to devote
two billion over the next five years to re-
search and development. So far as I know,
not a single Senator opposes this. The only
question is whether we spend another two
billion over the same period to install two
ABMs. This means less than two dollars
apiece a year for each inhabitant of the
U.S.?a low price for insurance. And even
this amount can be stopped at any point
if ABM proves ineffective or if a nuclear
arms agreement makes It unnecessary. This
bill does not commit us to spend one addi-
tional cent toward the twelve ABMs contem-
plated for a complete Safeguard System.
Should the Senate adopt a compromise?
The answer to that is that the President's
proposal is emphatically a compromise. He
refrains from starting a Fractional Orbital
Bombardment System (FOBS), though the
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Soviets have one. He refrains from adding
new missiles, though the Soviets are produc-
ing the devastating 25-Megaton SS--9, He re-
frains from increasing our Polaris-Poseidon
submarine fleet, though the Soviets are add-
ing to theirs and may have already passed us.
He says, "I am recommending a nilohnum
program essential for security."
Personally, I vote for this minimal -orotec-
tion because I do not went at this tone, to
raise any roadblock against the President's
cherished hope for arinsTliinitation. I do so
with misgivings. It is doubtful that the
Soviets will limit their_ armaments while
threatened by a huge and. hostile China. We
want no race in missiles and megaton:'. but I
would build and deploy more Poseidon sub-
marines to make a first-strike knockof It more
After all, if a nuclear conflict is to be
averted, it will be because both sides rave all
the horrible weapons in their arsenal ;o that
neither dares resort to them. Even Hitler did
not resort to gas or germ warfare beca ase the
Allies were equipped to respond. Put we
needn't look at Hitler or the Soviets or the
Chinese to see why the hope of the vrc rid lies
in a checkmate. We dropped the aton bomb
on. Hiroshima and NagaSaki killing 1109.000
people, including wonnen and Children.
Though it shortened the war, I belies e moat
Americans now regret it But have you ever
stopped to think whether we would have
dropped those bombs if-the Japanese could
have retaliated? I think not!
To sum up, I am voting for the ABM be-
cause I agree with Dr. McMillan, UCLA Pro-
fessor of Chemistry, who said to the Senate
"I believe that the great majority of the
American people with their down-to-earth
common sense are having as great a difficulty
as I am in swallowing the sophisticated. argu-
ments that conclude it 1 somehow bad to
defend ourselves."
Mr. FANNIN. Mr. President, I have to-
day received a letter from the Conntrol-
ler General of the United States, Elmer
Staats, in which he responds to an in-
quiry I posed last month relative to the
legality of the so-called revised Phila-
delphia plan affecting Governmen t con-
Under the revised Wen, contracors in
order to qualify as bidders would have
had to agree in advance to hire a certain
specified "range" of minority employees.
Mr. President, I seriously questioned
the legality of this under the 1064 Civil
Rights Act. Section 703(j) spehfically
prohibits the setting up of any kind of
preferential treatment because DI race,
color, national origin, and so forth. I
have said all along that I am for equal
employment opportunity, but equal
treatment must be that?equal. Some
may not be treated "more equally than
others under the law.
I am happy to see that the Comptroller
General has ruled in favor of all workers'
rights in holding the plan illegal. He has
said, in his decision which I shall have
placed in the RECORD, that in the ab-
sence of specific court rulings to the con-
trary, or additional Statutes that the
1964 Civil Rights Act Is in conflict with
the OFCC regulations and the Ph ladel-
phia plan revised.
Undoubtedly there will be thOs.e who
misinterpret this matter?just as some
of my colleagues have said the law, the
1964 Civil Rights Act, does not apply?
to them I must issue the reminder that
If this is to be a nation of laws and not
of men, we mut abide by the law and
this law was supposedly passed to pro-
tect the rights of every man, not just
those of one color.
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
sent that the letter from the Comptroller
General, along with the full text of his
decision, be printed in the RECORD at this
There being no objection, the material
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
Washington, D.C., August 5, 1969.
U.S. Senate.
DEAR SENATOR PANNIN: With reference to
your letter of July 1, 1969, concerning an
order issued June 27, 1969, to the heads of
all agencies by the Assistant Secretary for
Wage and Labor Standards, Department of
Labor, announcing a Revised Philadelphia
Plan to implement the provisions of Execu-
tive Order 11246, there is enclosed a copy of
our decision of today, B-163026, to the Sec-
retary of Labor.
In the event the attached decision is not
considered dispositive of your interest in the
matter, we will be pleased to respond to any
further questiono you may have concerning
the subject.
Sincerely yours,
Comptroller General of the United States.
Washington, D.C., August 5,1969.
DEAR MR. SECRE:TARY : We refer to an order
issued June 27, 1969, to the heads of all
agencies by the Assistant Secretary for Wage
and Labor Standards, Department of Labor.
The order announced a revised Philadelphia
Plan (effective July 18, 1969) to implement
the provisions of Executive Order 11246 and
the rules and regulations issued pursuant
thereto which require a program of equal
employment opportunity by contractors and
suhcontrutors on both Federal and federally
assisted construction projects.
Questions have been submitted to our Of-
fice by members of Congress, both as to the
propriety of the revised Philadelphia Plan
and the legal validity of Executive Order
11246 and of various implementing regula-
tions issued thereunder both by your De-
partment and by other agencies. In view of
possible conflicts between the requirements
of the Plan and the provisions of Titles VI
and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Pub.
L. 88-352, discussions have been held betvaven
representatives of our Office, your Depart-
ment, and the Department of Justice, and
your Solicitor has furnished to us a legal
memorandum in support of the authority for
issuance of the Executive Order as well as
the revised Philadelphia Plan promulgated
The memorandum presents the following
points in support of the legal propriety of
the Plan:
1. The Executive has the authority and the
duty to require employers who do business
with the Government to provide equal em-
ployment opportunity.
II. The passage of the Civil Rights Act of
1964 did not deprive the President of the
authority to regulate, pursuant to Executive
Orders, the employment practices of Govern-
ment contractors.
III. The revised Philadelphia Plan is law-
ful under the Federal Government's procure-
ment policies, is authorized under Executive
Order 11246 and the im.plementing regula-
tions, and is lawful under Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Without conceding the validity of all of
the arguments advanced under points I and
II, we accept the authority of the President
to issue Executive Order 11246, and the con-
tention that the Congress in enacting the
Civil Rights Act did not intend to deprive
the President of all authority to regulate
employment practices of Government con-
The essential questions presented to this
Office by the revised Philadelphia Plan,
however, are (1) Whether the Plan is com-
patible with fundamentals of the competi-
tive bidding process as it applies to the
awarding of Federal and federally assisted
construction contracts, and (2) whether irn-
position of the specific requirements set out
therein can be regarded as a legally proper
implementation of the public policy to pre-
vent diScrimination in employment, which
is declared in the Civil Rights Act and is
inherent in the Constitution, or whether
those requirements so far transcend the
policy of nondiscrimination, by making race
or national origin a determinative factor in
employment, as to conflict with the limita-
tions expressly imposed by the act or with
the basic constitutional concept of equality.
Our interest and authority in the matter
exists by virtue of the duty imposed upon
our Office by the Congress to audit all ex-
penditures of appropriated funds, which.
necessarily involves the determination of the
legality of such expenditures, including the
legality of contracts obligating the Govern-
ment to payment of such funds. Authority
has been specifically conferred on this Office
to render decisions to the heads of depart-
ments and agencies of the Government, prior
to the incurring of any obligations, with
respect to the legality. of any action con-
templated by them involving expenditures
of appropriated funds, and this authority
has been exercised continuously by our Of-
fice since its creation whenever any ques-
tion as to the legality of a proposed action
has been raised, whether by submission by
an agency head, or by complaint of an in-
terested party, or by information coming to
our attention in the course of our other
The incorporation into the terms of solici-
tationa for Government contracts of condi-
tions or requirements concerning wages and
other employment conditions or practices
has been a frequent subject of decisions by
this Office, many of which will be found
enumerated in ounsiecision at 42 Comp. Gen.
1. The rule invariably applied in such cases
has been that any contract conditions or
stipulations which tend to restrict the full
and free competition required by the pro-
curement laws and regulations are unau-
thorized, unless they are reasonably requisite
to the accomplishment of the legislative
purposes of the appropriation involved or
other law. Furthermore, where the Congress
in enacting a statute covering the subject
matter of such conditions has specifically
prohibited certain actions, no administrative
authority can lawfully impose any require-
ments the effect of which would be to
contravene such prohibitions. It is within
the framework of these principles that we
consider the order promulgating the revised
Philadelphia Plan.
The Assistant Secretary's order states the
policy of the Office of Federal Contract Com-
pliance (OFCC) that no contracts or subcon-
tracts shall be awarded for Federal and fed-
erally assisted construction in the Philadel-
phia, Pennsylvania, area (including the coun-
ties of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgom-
ery, and Philadelphia) on projects whose cost
exceeds $500,000 unless the bidder submits
an acceptable affirmative action program
which shall include specific goals of minority
manpower utilization, meeting the standards
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July 31, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions o Remarks
The judge is Michael Stasinopoulos, presi-
dent of the Greek Council of State. His
illness is thought to be the result of the
ordeal he was subjected to after he ordered
the reinstatement of 11 Supreme Court
judges fired by the junta. His physician is
dependant on the government's favor for
keeping his job in the state medical care
The 67-year-old jurist, subjected to at-
tempted intimidation by a police officer who
accused him of faking illness, has so far
avoided the command to appear before the
junta's No. 2 personage, the deputy prime
minister. Another doctor, engaged only in
private practice and accordingly not subject
to official intimidation, was called in by
Stasinopoulos and has declared that he is
indeed seriously ill.
The history of the continuing ordeal of
the judge was disclosed in circumstantial
detail by a thoroughly informed source. The
story that emerges is of a timid, conserva-
tive, ultra-cautious man forced to become
a hero in spite of himself, when there was
no escape from putting his legal principles
on the line.
The chronicle begins more than a year
ago when the government purged some 60
judges, getting around the provision that
they had permanent status by suspending
the constitution, by official decree, for three
which manifests itself in the significances
and values without which there is no
reality?nothing but emptines that has to be
filled with drink, sex, eating, background
music, and . . . the papers and the telly."
Mr. Leavis, not the most optimistic of dons
on any occasion, believes that something
might be done to revive "the creative human
response that maintains cultural continuity"
and that gives human life a meaning. I, with
fewer qualifications to speak, would go much
further. I would say that a conscious and
determined effort to conteive a new human-
ism which would do for our darkness what
that earlier humanism did for the darkness
of the Middle Ages is not only a present
dream but a present possibility, and that it is
a present possibility not despite the genera-
tion of the young?the generation of the
Sixties?but because of it.
That generation is not perhaps as sophis-
ticated politically as it?or its activist
spokesmen?would have us think. Its moral
superiority to earlier generations may not, in
every instance, be as great as it apparently
believes. But one virtue it does possess to a
degree not equaled by any generation in this
century: It believes in man.
It is an angry generation, yes, but its re-
sentment is not the disgust of the genera-
tion for which Beckett speaks. Its resent-
ment is not a resentment of our human life
but a resentment on behalf of human life;
not an indignation that we exist on the
Barth but that we permit ourselves to exist
in a selfishness and wretchedness and
squalor which we have the means to abolish.
Resentment of this kind is founded, can only
be founded, on belief in man. And belief in
man?a return to a belief in man?is the real-
ity on which a new age can be built.
Thus far, that new belief has been used by
the young largely as a weapon?as a justi-
fication of an indictment of earlier genera-
tions for their exploitation and debasement
of human life and earth. When it is allowed
to become itself?when the belief in man be-
comes an affirmative effort to re-create the
life of man?the crisis in the university may
well become the triumph of the university.
For it is only the university in this tech-
nological age which can save us from our-
selves. And the university, as we now know,
can only function effectively when it func-
tions as a common labor of all its genera-
tions dedicated to the highest purpose of
them all.
Thursday, July 31, 1969
Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that there be printed
in the Extensions of Remarks an article
entitled "Timid Greek Judge Suffers for
Upholding Principles," written by Mr.
.Alfred Friendly, and published in the
Washington Post for Friday, July 25,
There being no objection, the article
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
(By Alfred Friendly)
ArnENs.?Harassment of Greece's highest
judge, who recently ruled against the gov-
ernment and refused its demands to resign,
has reached the point where his physician
was apparently pressured to declare him able
to face an inquisition when, in fact, he had
just suffered a heart attack.
Under the usual procedure, an open vote
was taken, with each member, beginning with
the most junior, announcing his vote and
the reasons for it. By the time the tally
reached the president, it was 10 to 10 (there
was one absentee). Stasinopoulos voted to
sustain the appeal.
He chose the narrowest possible of the six
grounde on which the appeal was based: due
process. He ruled that the judges could not
be dismissed without first having been
formally presented with reasons and charges,
and having the opportunity to answer them,
and being given a proper legal finding.
For the first time since it took power more
than two years ago, the hitherto cool regime
publicly lost its composure. It has been pro-
ceeding ever since from one flagrant action
to another.
Among those ousted were 11 judges of the
Supreme Court, the highest appeals tribunal
for all cases in which the state itself is not
a party. The principal grounds were that the
incumbent either had been identified with
a political party in a way that rendered him
unfit to serve, or was not of the requisite
"moral caliber." Those purged were also dis-
The jurists appealed to the Council of
State, the highest appeals court for matters
in which the state is directly involved. They
won their case on rescinding the disbarment,
only to have the government overrule it by
decree the next day. Thus they 'remain for-
bidden to practice.
In a different case, based on provisions of
the new constitution that the junta itself
prepared and had confirmed in a national
referendum last September, the judges ap-
pealed their ouster on the grounds that the
constitution provided them lifetime tenure.
Stasinopoulos realized the dilemma the
case would present him and his 22-judge
court. A small, fragile man, chosen for the
presidency of the council by the colonels
themselves, he had no stomach for a fight. A
deep-dyed conservative, he is distinguished,
if at all, as the author of rather mediocre
poetry and as someone who has tried
throughout his tenure to keep his court from
coming into conflict with the regime.
His thesis has been that the Council of
State, an institution created in 1930, does
not have the Marbury v. Madison tradition
of determining the constitutionality of gov-
ernment acts and will only get into trouble?
especially with the present dictatorship?if
it tries.
Premier Georges Papadopoulos immediately
summoned Stasinopoulos to his office and, in
a rage, demanded his resignation.
At 9 the next morning, the judge presented
a letter to the Ministry of Interior refusing,
on grounds of the self-respect of the judi-
ciary, to resign merely because the Premier
told him to. An hour later, the official gazette
published a governmental decree "accepting
the resignation of the President of the Coun-
cil of State" and naming his successor.
Whereupon, the 10 members of the coun-
cil who had voted with Stasinopoulos sub-
mitted their resignations, also as a matter
of self-respect. The chief judge's successor,
meanwhile, showed himself to be a good
lawyer too. He pointed out that he was not
the legal President of the council until the
incumbent had formally resigned, and that
until then a litigant could impeach any de-
cision on grounds that the court was illegally
The pressure on Stasinopoulos to submit
a pre-dated resignation was now immense.
He was chivvied and argued with. His phone
was cut off and police were placed in front
of his dwelling to challenge all visitors and
examine their papers.
The heart attack ensued. Shortly there-
after, about three weeks ago, Stylianos
Patakos, the deputy prime minister phoned
the judge?it turned out that the phone
could be put back into operation when it
suited the regime's convenience?and ord-
ered him to present himself at Patakos's
office. He replied that he was in no con-
dition to leave his bed.
Next day, Stasinopoulos' physician made
his morning call and without examining his
patient told him he looked fine. The sick
man protested that he felt terrible. At this
point, the commandant of the regional po-
lice station pushed his way into the sick
room and engaged in muttered conversation
with the doctor. It was clear that some
collusion was afoot. In a few moments, the
doctor turned back to the judge and declared
loudly: "You are now in good health."
For a year, Stasinopoulos tried to duck the
case, stalling it, urging the appellants to
withdraw, arguing that whatever the out-
come, both they and the court would lose. He
did not need the warnings, which he got any-
way, from his first cousin, Gen. Hadjipetros,
head of the Greek equivalent of the FBI, to
"be careful."
But in the end, the case was not to be
avoided. In June Stasinopoulos summoned
a public session of the full court. The case
had been thoroughly debated and the presi-
dent may or may not have known how the
vote would go. He made a short speech, bid-
ding his colleagues to take into account the
position of the state but also to reflect on the
requirements of their honor as judges.
"So," said the police officer to the judge,
"you've been faking illness. The doctor says
you are well and therefore at 9 next Mon-
day morning"?two days hence?"you will
be in Gen. Patakos' office."
The judge's wife called in a physician in
private practice. He has succeeded so far in
forestalling Patakos's demand for Stasino-
poulos' appearance.
Frustrated and all thumbs, the regime
went Andrew Jackson one better, declaring
that the court's ruling was not only unen-
forceable but unfounded because the sub?
ject matter was "excluded from its juris-
Also, it immediately disbarred and ordered
one year banishment to a small island and
to two remote hamlets for the three lawyers
who had argued the Supreme Court justices'
George Christopoulos, Greece's ambassador
to Paris, a former undersecretary of state
and the Junta's nominee, reported the na-
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'sure of European reaction. According tO those
Who have seen it, the gist of his Message
was that Greece could not expect to remain
in the Council of Europe, whibh is Coneld-
,ering ousting it, unless it Chooses to abide
by the conventional legal and moral stand-
ards of other member governments. other-
wise, it should resign from Use council before
it is kicked out.
The regime's response WM to tire Christo-
poulos and replace him in Paris with a
Thursday, July 31, 1969
Mr. SLACK. Mr. Speaker, last Sunday,
uly 27, it was My privilege to be in at-
tendance at the dedication of a neve air-
field near Pineville, W. Va., which will
Offer a new service to the residents of
nearby coal mining communities.
1 A great crowd was present, far ex-
ceeding expectations for a very warm
July day, and the new facility waS ap-
propriately named "Kee Field" in honor
of a family which has maintained a
record of continuous service in the Haim
44 Representatives since 1932.
From that year until his death in 1951
the late John Kee served with distinc-
tion and capped his career with the
chairmanship of the H01166 Foreign Af-
fairs Committee. During _ the following
six Congresses, his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth
Kee, served the same Fifth West Virginia
District with notable skill_Upon her re-
tirement in 1964, their son Jim viras
elected, and has been with, us as a valued
c Ileague and friend, identified always
w th well-founded proposals aimed at
i proving the prospects for the people
of southern West Virginia.
Unswerving dedication to the serVice
of the Fifth District's people has been a
Kee family tradition for almost four dec-
ades. That tradition is nut only recog-
nized, it has long been considered by the
people to be as rockbound and un-
changeable as the mountains of the Fifth
District itself. A reflection. of the firm
belief in that Kee tradition is found in
the following commentary by J. E. Paul-
caner in the July 28, Hinton, W. Va,.,
Daily News:
"Senator" Earl Hayes and the writer Were
annang several thousand grateful West yir-
ginians who gathered at the new airfield near
Pineville that was named in_ honor of the
Kee family who have served the Fifth dm.-
gre ional District so well for the last; 37
years. . . The late John Kee served the elle-
trio from 1932 until his death in 1951, find
his ire Elizabeth served until her retiremeht
in 4964, and was followed by son Jim whO
was elected for his first term in 1964 . . .
Retardless of what you may think of Jim Kee
it I doubtful if any congressman in the tin-
tire 'United States has accomplished more dr
his district, and this is especially true or
Summers County . . . It would be impossible
for us to mention an the many things Jim
has done for this county and individuals, but
to mention some of the r-e-a-l-ley big things
put down magnificent Pipestem Park . . It
belongs to the state, but it would never have
happened without his hard work on the red-
of Remarks July 31, 1969
eral level, and dont you forget it . . Then
there is the new hospital here, new post
office, National Gt ard Armory, fire station,
street improvements, and he even had a hand
in the People's Plant at Pence giprings.
Yours truly really received a fine reception
at the airport dedication that was marred
some by the traffic congestion that delayed
motorists from leasing for nearly two hours,
never-the-less it was a great affair and the
people of Wyoming are deserving of much
credit for completing the $610,000 faci-
lity . . . The first person we met was former
Secretary of State Bob Bailey who took us
to Jim and his wife . . . Then Senator Jen-
nings Randolph arrived by plane with offi-
cials from Washington that included Rep.
Ken Hechler, William Whittle, District Air-
port Engineer for the FAA, and others . .
Rep. John Slack was nearly two hours late,
and had to walk over a mile after his car was
blocked by the heavy traffic on the narrow
access road to the airport . . Three stu-
dents from West Virginia U put on a great
show as they parachuted to earth amid the
big airport crowd .
Louie Kaman was there with his Mullens
High School band, and most of you will re-
member that he was Hinton's first
rector . . . Following the d on there
was a big luncheon at well appointed
Cow Shed . . For kair Governor Hulett
Smith was the Ma T of Ceremonies and did
his usual excel ;eab, and Mr. Kee's hard
working Ad'? istrealve Assistant was also
on the - 'ne . . The beautiful bronze
placque at was unveiled read:
"K Field, Dedicated to West Virginia's
Kee amily; John Bee, Mrs. Elizabeth Kee;
J es Kee; Who served West Virginia and
e United States of America With Distinc-
ion, Dedication and zeal As members of
ongress from the Fifth W. Va. Congressional
Thursday, July 1969
Mr. FANNIN. Mr. Presi it has
been called to my attention t one of
the magazines whic:a regularly es use a
liberally "left" line has elected its to
"take apart" a speech by the Secret 'sr
of the Air Force Dr. Rebert C. Sea
mans, Jr.
This exercise, of course, is a preroga-
tive of the free press in our Nation. How-
ever, it should continually he borne in
mind that freedom bears responsibilities
and the freedom to disagree with a point
of view is not responsible when it i
taken as a license 1,o misrepresent a
distort. All too often, in the curren ?e-
bate over our national defense ategY,
members of the editorial fraternity be-
come rather too emotionally involved
with the issues and lose their perspective.
This generally renders their comment in-
valid, irrelevant, or just plain silly.
Mr. John F. Loosbrock, editor of Air
Force/Space Digest magazine, has under-
taken to call attention to the objective
shortcomings of one of his fellow edi-
tors, and by all accounts he has done a
goad jab of It. His editorial, entitled
"Truth Knows No Deadlines," in the
August issue, should be read by those
who are interested in a fair assessment
of some of the editorial comment which
has attended our debate. I ask unani-
mous consent that the editorial be
printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the editorial
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
(By John. F. Locislarock)
On June 17 the Secretary of the Air Force
made a dignified and thoughtful address in
Denver, Colo. The occasion was the Honors
Night banquet of the joint national meet-
ing of the American Astronautical Society
and the Operations Research Society of Amer-
ica. As one might logically expect the Sec-
retary of the Air Peirce to do, Dr. Seamans
chose to talk on a subject having to do with
his duties and responsibilities. He called his
talk "Planning for Strategic Deterrence in
the '70s."
In the July 12 issue of The Saturday Re-
view, the magazine's editor, Mr. Norman
Cousins, took public umbrage at the Secre-
tary's remarks. Or at least he purported to
do so. A close reading of both the speech
and the editorial reveals an almost flawless
lack of resemblance between what Dr. Sea-
mans actually said and what Mr. Cousins
lie said. There are several ways to ac-
count for this singular lack of verisimilitude.
Perhaps Mr. Cousins did not read the
speech, in which case his credentials for
commenting upon it could be questioned.
Perhaps he was merely told about the speech,
in which case he was victimized by his
source. Perhaps Mr. Cousins can't read, in
which case it is difficult to account for his
acknowledged success in publishing, a busi-
ness in which few editors have become mil-
lionaires, as has Mr. Cousins.
Or perhaps he deliberately chose to de-
ceive his readers in an effort to prove that
the Secretary of the Air Force and the De-
partment he heads represent a threat to the
forthcoming arms-control talks and to world
peace and stability generally.
In any case, Mr. Cousins chose to phrase
his editorial in what is, literally, reverse
English. He described the Secretary's speech
as if it were one delivered by the Soviet
Minister of Military Aviation before a Moscow
audience of seentists at which two American
physicists were present. (It turns out there
were two Russian physicists present at the
Denver meeting.) Only at the end does Mr.
Cousins reveal he actually is referring to the
Secretary of the US 4# Fprce. Bearing this
device in mind, let's see what Mr. Cousins
said Dr. Seamans said.
Mr. Cousins said Dr. Seamans "called for a
full program of antiballistic missile develop-
The Secretary actually said: "The ABM
program proposed by the President provides
an orderly, step-by-step plan that can be
halted at an early level of deployment if
further expansion is not required for our
Mr. Cousins said Dr. Seamans said the
USSR "was well advanced with a maximum
ABM missile program."
We can't find a statement in the Sea-
mans' speech that even comes close.
Mr. Cousins said Dr. Seamans said that
US planners "were going to seize and main-
tain superiority over the USSR?not juiit in
antiballistic missiles but in the use of space
stations and devices that could deliver a
succession of nuclear bombs on a string of
Soviet targets."
The closest we can find is a Seamans'
statement which says, "We are now working
on a satellite early-warning system that
would detect missiles as they are launched
from land or sea."
Mr. Cousins went on to assert that the
Secretary "ignored the forthcoming arms-
control talks between the USA and the
Let's quote a bit more at length from Dr.
Seamans: "Arms-control agreements are not
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July 29, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks E 6377
Date of
Name and grade casualty Home of record
Lang, James L., Sgt Nov. 17,1968 Neptune.
Melendez, Rafael, Pfc Feb. 6,1969 Hammonton.
Newman, Thomas McKnett, 1LT Mar. 21,1969 Saddle River,
Pierson, Robert Emmett, Plc do Chatham.
Russell, Wayne Howard, Sp4 Mar. 31,1969 Rutherford.
Tipton, John Edward, Sp4 Mar. 1,1969 Pennsauken.
Zicchino, Darrow Frederick, Sp4 Jan. 28,1969 Carlstadt.
Haver, Dale Harry, lLt Apr. 11,1969 Whitehouse.
Wemple, Earl Scott, SMaj Apr. 21,1969 Netcong.
Wilson, Elroy, SP4 Apr. 12,1969 Jersey City.
Name and grade
Date of
casualty Home of record
Cancelliere, Frank Anthony, Cpl Mar. 15,1969 Belleville.
Leary, John Dennis, LCp1 Apr. 27,1969 Collingswood.
Snyder, Thomas Wayne, Plc Apr. 16,1969 Millville.
Nichols, Daniel Clement, 1Lt May 13,1969 Westfield.
Franke, William Thomas, E03 Feb. 2,1969 Williamstown.
Tuesday, July 29, 1969
Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr.
Speaker, 50 Members of the U.S. Con-
gress have joined in writing Secretary of
State William Rogers a bipartisan letter
expressing their deep concern over the
situation in Greece.
These Members of Congress, including
three U.S. Senators and 47 Members of '
the House of Representatives, have joined
In calling for a "clearer signs of U.S.
moral and political disapproval of the
dictatorship?in Greece?be given and
Mr. Speaker, I will include the letter
in the RECORD.
In addition the situation in Greece has
been detailed in a series of newspaper
articles published in recent days. These
articles describe the concern of my fellow
Members of Congress and I, including the
rape of the Greek judiciary and the de-
struction of the educational system. I will
also include them in the RECORD.
The material follows:
Washington, D.C., July 30, 1969.
The Honorable WILLIAM P. ROGERS,
Secretary of State,
Department of State,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR MR. SECRETARY: We are writing to you
because of our deep concern over the situa-
tion in Greece, the only European nation in
the Western Alliance in the post World War
II period to fall to a military coup.
Authoritative reports indicate that in
junta-led Greece the economy is in decline,
fundamental civil liberties are suppressed,
and people continue to be arrested and jailed
without charge. What's more, anti-American-
ism is reportedly on the increase because our
long-time friends believe the United States
is the principal support of a military dic-
tatorship which has no popular base.
Our policy of occasional, tepid expressions
of "hope" that the junta will return to de-
mocracy stands in rather hollow contrast to
the repeated instances of high-ranking
American military figures being pictured and
quoted in the controlled Athens press lav-
ishing generous comments on the junta.
Thus we find ourselves in a situation where
at a time of moral and political crisis in
Greece, our traditional friends of liberal,
centrist, and conservative persuasion believe
With bitterness that the United States sup-
ports the dictatorship and the dictatorship,
on the other hand, boasts about it. In the
short term, and in the long term, we are in
danger of reaping the whirlwind of anti-
Americanism, especially when the junta falls,
as it inevitably must.
America's attitude is critical to the surviv-
ability of the junta. The sooner the junta
falls, the greater the prospect that a respon-
sible, democratic, western-oriented successor
government will emerge to bind the economic
and political wounds. The longer the junta
lasts, the grimmer the prospect of political.
polarization, turmoil, bloodshed, and unpre-
dictable consequences to Greece and ou, own
political, moral, and military interests.
Accordingly, we respectfully urge your con-
sideration of the following action:
1. Since the post of U.S. Ambassador to
Greece, presently vacant, has taken on a
growing symbolic and practical value, that it
be filled by an experienced, civilian-oriented
diplomat of superior credentials and not be
treated as a political reward or routine pro-
2. That a clearer sign of U.S. moral and
political disapproval of the dictatorship be
given and sustained.
3. That U.S. military aid to Greece should
not be increased, and indeed, should be cur-
Hon. Joseph P. Addabbo, Hon Glenn M.
Anderson, Hon. Jonathan B. Bingham,
Hon. John Brademas, Hon. George E.
Brown, Jr., Hon. Phillip Burton, Hon.,
Daniel E. Button, Hon. Shirley, Chis-
holm, Hon. Jeffery Cohelan, Hon. John
Conyers, Jr., Hon. James C. Corman,
Hon. R. Lawrence Coughlin, Hon.
Charles C. Diggs, Jr., Hon. Don Ed-
wards, lion. Joshua Eilberg, Hon. Don-
ald M. Fraser, Hon. Jacob H. Gilbert,
Hon. Seymour Halpern, Hon. Augustus
F. Hawkins, Hon. Henry Helstoski, Hon.
Floyd V. Hicks, Hon. Daniel K. Inouye,
Hon. Charles S. Joelson, Hon. Robert
W. Kastenmeier, Hon. Edward I. Koch,
Hon. Robert L. Leggett, Hon. Allard K.
Lowenstein, Hon. Abner J. Mikva, Hon.
Patsy T. Mink, Hon. William S. Moor-
head, Hon. John E. Moss, Hon. Lucien
N. Nedzi, Hon. Gaylord Nelson, Hon.
Robert N. C. Nix, Hon. Richard L. Ot-
tinger, Hon. Bertram L. Podell, Hon.
Adam C. Powell, Hon. Thomas M. Rees,
? Hon. Ogden R. Reid, Hon. Henry S.
Reuss, Hon. Peter W. Rodino, Jr., Hon.
Benjamin S. Rosenthal, Hon. Edward
R. Roybal, Hon. William F. Ryan, Hon.
William L. St. Onge, Hon. James H.
Scheuer, Hon. Louis Stokes, Hon.
Frank Thompson, Jr., Hon. Jerome R.
Waldie, and Hon. Stephen M. Young.
(By Clayton Fritchey)
The Council of Europe, which includes
most of the NATO countries, has warned
the Greek military dictatorship to restore
basic human rights by December or face
expulsion from the 18-nation body. But the
junta is not impressed.
There is only one nation (the 'U.S.) which
has decisive influence with the colonels; and
as long as the U.S. does not show any signs
of reacting like the Europeans, the junta
can afford to snub the council's threat.
Instead of organizing or even going along
with outside pressure on the colonels to re-
instate democratic government in Greece,
the U.S. has resumed much .of the military
aid it has been pouring into Greece for over
20 years. Our tanks were supposed to be used
by the Greek army to contain communism,
but mostly they have been used to contain
the Greek people.
Many European military observers have
doubts as to how much help the Greek army
would be in a showdown between the NATO
and Warsaw pact forces, for the junta has
been purging the armed forces of some of
its best officers, many trained at enormous
U.S. expense. The test of an officer is no
longer ability, but political reliability.
As a putative ally. Greece has also been
weakened by the obvious incompetence of
the colonels in managing the economy. Since
the military coup two years ago, the gross
national product has been slipping steadily.
Theoretically, Greece is NATO's southern
anchor, but in practice it is more like a soft
If the free democratic countries of Europe
can afford to cast off the junta, why does
the U.S. need to cling to this tyrannical gov-
ernment? The old anti-Communist justifica-
tion no longer has any validity. After all,
the junta overthrew not a leftist, but a con-
servative government.
It is a tragic conclusion of the brave
effort launched in 1947 by President Truman
to save democratic government in the cradle
of democracy. After being a virtual satellite
of the U.S. for two decades, the country
succumbed to military dictatorship without
a struggle. It was hardly a tribute to the
spirit of democracy that the U.S. was sup-
posedly fostering in Greece all those years.
Even the situation in nearby Czechoslo-
vakia is better than that. About the time the
U.S. moved into Greece, the Russians moved
into Czechoslovakia, but after 20 years of
Soviet domination the passion for freedom
was still so ardent that the Czechs openly
defied their masters. Not even the return
of Russian troops has altogether quelled it.
Leaders of the Greek resistance feel their
cause is hopeless as long as the U.S. cooper-
ates with the junta. Washington's response
is confined to vacuous assertions of interest
in the "full restoration of civil liberties" and
the "achievement of representative govern-
ment in Greece."
These pious statements do not trouble the
leaders of the junta. The Deputy Premier,
Stylianos Patakos, recently met with Presi-
dent Nixon while on a visit to Washington.
Upon returning to Athens he said no Amer-
ican officials had raised with him any ques-
tions about Greece's internal affairs.
More importantly, Patakos, since his Wash-
ington trip has openly dashed any hopes for
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E 6378 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ?Extensions of Remarks July 29, 1969
a return to constitutional government. The
junta had been encouraging hopes that the
dictatorship would be lifted in the near
future, but now Patakos says he and his fel-
low officers are going to stay in power in-
"There are serious grounds for being die-
turbed by U.S. policy toward Greece." says
Elias Demetracopolous, the exiled editor of
a conservative Athens newspaper now closed
down. He thinks the grounds require "a
basic and urgent review of the U.S. po-
sition by the Nixon administration, Which is
in the advantageous position of haying no
responsibility for the events and polities of
the last few years."
(By Alfred Friendly)
ATHENS, July 24.?Harassment of Greece's
highest judge, who recently ruled lagainst
the government and refused its demedids to
resign, has reached the point where Ids phy-
sician was apparently pressured to declare
him able to face an inquisition when, in
fact, he had just suffered a heart attack.
The judge is Michael Stasinopoulos, presi-
dent of the Greek Council of State. His ill-
ness is thought to be the result of the ordeal
he was subjected to after he ordered the re-
instatement of 11 Supreme Court judges fired
by the junta. His physician is dependant
on the governMent's favor for keeping his
Job in the state medical care system.
The 67-year-old jurist, subjected to at-
tempted intimidation by a police officer who
accused him of faking illness, has, so far
avoided the command to appear before the
junta's No. 2 persongage, the deputy' prime
minister. Another doctor, engaged Only in
private practice and accordingly not Subject
to official intimidation, was called in by Stasi-
nopoulos and has declared that he ie indeed
seriously ill.
The history of the continuing ordeal of the
judge was disclosed in circumstantial detail
by a thoroughly informed source. The story
that emerges is of a timid, camera ative,
ultra-cautious man forced to becomel a hero
in spite of himself, when there was, no es-
cape from putting his legal principles on
the line.
The chronicle begins more than a year ago
when the government purged some 60 judges,
getting around the provision that they had
permanent status by suspending the con-
stitution, by official decreL for three days,
Among those ousted were 11 judges cif the
Supreme Court, the highest appeals tribunal
for all cases in which the state itself is not
a party. The principal grounds were that the
incumbent either had been identified With a
political party in a way that rendered him
unfit to serve, or was ncit of the requisite
"moral caliber." Those purged were a4s0 dis-
The Jurists appealed to the Coundil of
State, the highest appeals court for rastters
in which the state is directly involve4. They
won their case on rescinding the dlsbarient,
only to have the government overrul it by
decree the next day. Thus they remain for-
bidden to practice.
In a different case, based on provisions of
the new constitution that the junt itself
prepared and had confirmed in a n tional
referendum last September, the Jud es ap-
pealed their ouster on grouncia that t e con-
Stitution provided them lifetime t,en
Stasinopoulos realized the dilemnia the
ease would present him and , his 22 fudge
court. A small, fragile man, chosen ot the
presidency of the council by the c lenels
themselves, he had no stomach for a
ht.. A
deep-dyed conservative, he is distingUished,
If at all, as the author of rather mediocre
poetry and as someone who has tried
throughout his tenure to keep his court from
Coming into conflict with the regime.
' His thesis has been that the Council of
State, an institution created in 1930, does
not have the Marbury V. Madison tradition
of determining the constitutionality of gov-
ernment ats and will only get into trouble--
especially with the present dictatorship?if
it tries.
For a year, Stas-inopoulos tried to duck the
case, stalling it, urging the appellants to
withdraw, arguing that whatever the out-
come, both they and the court would lose. He
did not need the Warnings, which he got any-
way, from his first cousin, Gen. Hadjipetros,
head of the Greek equivalent of the FBI, to
"be careful."
But in the enC., the case was not to be
avoided. In June latasinopoulos summoned a
public session of the full court. The case had
been thoroughly debated and the president
may or may not have known how the vote
would go. He made a short speech, bidding
his colleagues to take into account the posi-
tion of the state but also to reflect on the
requirements of their honor as judges.
Under the usual procedure, an open vote
was taken, with each member, beginning with
the most junior, announcing his vote and the
reasons for it. By the time the tally reached
the president, it was 10 to 10 (there was one
absentee) . Stasinopoulos voted to sustain the
He chose the narrowest possible of the six
grounds on which the appeal was based, due
process. He ruled that the judges could not
be dismissed without first having been form-
ally presented with reasons and charges, and
having the opportanity to answer them, and
being given a proper legal finding.
For the first time since it took power more
than two years ago, the hitherto cool regime
publicly lost its composure. It has been pro-
ceeding ever since from one flagrant action to
Premier George s Papadopoulos immedi-
ately summoned Stasinopoulos to his office
and, in a rage, demanded his resignation.
At 9 the next meriting, the judge presented
a letter to the Ministry of Interior refusing,
on grounds of the self-respect of the judici-
ary, to resign merely because the Premier
told him to, An hoar later, the official gazette
published a governmental decree "accepting
the resignation of the President of the Coun-
cil of State" and naming his successor.
Whereupon, the 10 members of the council
who had voted with Stasinopoulos submitted
their resignations, also as a matter of self-
respect. The chief judge's successor, mean-
while, showed himself to be a good lawyer too.
He pointed out that he was not the legal
President of the council until the incumbent
had formally resigned, and that until then a
litigant could impeach any decision on
grounds that the court was illegally con-
The pressure on Stasinopoulos to submit a
predated resignation was now immense. He
was chivvied and argued with. His phone was
cut off and police were placed in front of
his dwelling to challenge all visitors and ex-
amine their papers.
The heart attack ensued. Shortly there-
after, about three weeks ago, Stylianos Pata-
kos, the deputy prime minister phoned the
judge?it turned cut that the phone could
be put back into opertaion when It suited
the regime's convenience?and ordered him
to present himself at Patakos's office. He
replied that he wan in no condition to leave
his bed.
Next clay, Stasinopoulos' physician made
his morning call and without examining
his patient told hira he looked line. The sick
man protested that he felt terrible. At this
point, the commandant of the regional police
station pushed his way into the sick room
and engaged in muttered conversation with
the doctor. It was clear that some oollusion
was afoot. In a few moments, the doctor
turned back to the judge and declared loud-
ly: "You are now in good health."
"So," said the police officer to the judge,
"you've been faking illness. The doctor says
you are well and therefore at 9 next Monday
morning"?two days hence?"you will be in
Gen. Patakos' office."
The judge's wife called in a physician in
private practice. He has succeeded so far in
forestalling Patakos's demand for Stasinop-
oulos' appearance.
Frustrated and all thumbs, the regime
went Andrew Jackson one better, declaring
that the court's ruling was not only unen-
forceable but unfounded because the subject
matter was "excluded from its jurisdiction."
Also, it immediately disbarred and ordered
one year banishment to a small Wand and
to two remote hamlets for the three lawyers
who had argued the Supreme Court justice's'
George Christopoulos, Greece's ambassador
to Paris, a former undersecretary of state
and the Junta's nominee, reported the na-
ture of European reaction, According to those
who have seen it, the gist of his message
was that Greece could not expect to remain
in the Council of Europe, which is consider-
ing ousting it, unless it chooses to abide by
the conventional legal and moral standards
of other member governments, otherwise,
it should resign from the council before it
is kicked out.
The regime's response was to fire Chris-
topoulos and replace him in Paris with a
(By Alfred Friendly)
Aramars.?The young professor at the Uni-
versity of Athens teaching penal law was a
runaway favorite. After all, he wasn't 70 years
old and he spoke to the students OR their
own terms, lecturing as if he cared about
his subject and his listeners.
But he was the cousin of, and had the
same name as, the Athens lawyer George
Mangalds, who had defended many targets
of the regime and who is now disbarred and
banished for his pains. The young professor
also doubtless indulged in some extracurric-
ular political activity himself.
So in due course it was last March he was
dismissed. He chose to make something a
little special of his last class and spoke,
therefore, on his own conception of the role
of justice and the role of law in today's
world. And he disclosed, of course, that he
had been sacked by a process and for reasons
that mocked those principles.
When he finished, a student leaped to his
feet and called for getting up a petition urg-
ing the government to rescind the dismissal.
Another student?a boy from the island of
Crete, whose inhabitants, the novelists tell
us, wear their passions on their sleeves?
upped the ante, proposing that the students
take to the streets in a demonstration.
At that moment, three members of the
class got to their feet simultaneously, lunged
at the speaker, pinioned him, and, after a
scuffle, dragged him off to arrest, along with
the first student, the petition-urger. They
obviously had authority for their act.
"That's what bothers most of the stu-
dents: not knowing who is sitting next to
you, a student like yourself or a government
informer," said the young man, himself a
fourth-year law student, who told me the
story. "It's that, probably more than the
other interventions the government has
made into the?how shall I say?intellectual
life of the university."
Those other "interventions" have been,
The wholesale sacking of professors who
were known to look without favor on the
dictatorship that took power in Greece in
April, 1967.
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July 29, 1969
"It's worst in the political science and eco- tional Lakeshore, and the amendment I
nomics faculties," the young student ex- introduced to H.R. 12781, the 1970 ap-
plained. "You begin a semester thinking Proprlations for the Department of the
you'll have three good professors in the Interior and related agencies. I make
The recent installation in every institu- these comments in order to clarify a
course, ahd you find only one left."
tion of higher learning of a military officer, number of false statements and implica-
a governor or corrunissionar?commisar would tions which have been raised regarding
be the right word?from the regime. He sits my intention in introducing such an
in on faculty meetings, reviews every act, amendment.
and presumably has veto power over the The amendment I introduced would
officials of each school. He determines what
lectures shall be given, what courses shall have prohibited funds to be "used to en-
be taught and what the contents should be. ter into contracts to extend boundaries
But the class stoolies?the knowledge of of the Indiana Dunes National Lake-
their existence but not of their identity (ex- shore beyond the boundaries set forth in
cept, as in the story above, when they blow H.R. 11084 of the 91st Congress." This
their covers)?makes the sour taste in the bill which I introduced on May 8, 1969
students' mouths, a taste that grows steadily (H.R. 11084) specifically defines, in legal
more rancid. (In Greek Universities, it should terms, the boundaries of this national
be explained, middle-aged bona fide students
are commonplace, so that the appearance of Park in northwest Indiana. The bound-
an older person in a class is not an automatic aries of this park, a park created
revelation of an interloper.) by an act of Congress in 1966, were only
There is an ironic aspect to the regime's vaguely outlined on a map drawn by the
corrosion of its own educational institutions. National Park Service. The act creating
One of the colonels' announced aims was "to the park never defined the specific
create a new generation of Greeks"?by im- boundaries. It only gave the Secretary of
plication a generation that would be properly the Interior the authority to buy land
contemptuous of degenerate institutions like
democracy, free choice and open criticism, within a general outlined area. This area
But what the commissar in the classroom included more than 6,000 acres of land.
seems to be doing is injecting a political fire Within its borders lie more than 500
into the students and awareness and loathing private homes and businesses, bus and
of Big Brother at a considerably earlier age railroad lines, highways, and public
than in the past. utility lines and services.
Most students in Greek universities and The Park Service has been engaged in
other institutions of higher education are
from the villages, from middle-class or even buying land since 1966. As of this date
peasant families. (The upper crust, with they have spent $121/2 million and
money and a background of educational and bought 1,038 acres of land, in addition to
especially linguistic attainments, send their 383 acres presently under condemnation. Speaker, I would like to conclude
children to Europe for their education.) To
these young people of relatively humble
origins, the university degree is the passport
for escape from the primitiveness and poverty
that was their parents' lot. In Greece, one's
whole future depends on the university
degree. Accordingly, not since Byron's day
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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks E 6379
and confiscation. In this action I have
been supported by hundreds of residents
in this area, by resolutions from the
town boards of Ogden Dunes and Dune
Acres and by the full support of all the
county commissioners of Porter County,
in which the national lakeshore lies.
Second, there are a number of acres
of land which have already been pur-
chased by the Park Service which lie
outside the boundaries defined in my
bill. Mr. BRADEMAS says rightly that?
Never in the history of the National Park
Service have lands authorized for a national
park and purchased under such authoriza-
tion been subsequently removed from any
But I do not believe that we need to
be intimidated by such past policy. I
believe the situation is important enough
to warrant the action I have taken and,
therefore, if the Congress approves the
bill I have proposed, then we will pro-
vide the National Park Service with the
appropriate authorization to resell the
land at the purchase price. Mr. BRAD-
EMAS asserts in his statement that under
the present law the land would have to
be sold by the General Services Admin-
istration. This, in fact, is not the case,
as the Federal Property and Adminis-
trative Services Act does not permit
the disposal of park land by the GSA.
I, therefore, intend to make provision for
the disposal of this land by an amend-
- ment to my original bill.
Because the boundaries of this park are Mr.
indefinite, and more importantly, be- by saying that I completely support the
cause so my private homes and busi- Lakeshore and of the need and value of
idea of the Indiana Dunes National
nesses will be destroyed and residents
forced to move other areas. I intro- conservation as well as providing areas
duced this bill to specifically define the of recreation and esthetic enjoyment.
boundaries of this Federal park and to But I believe that the present plans of
have the students been the young firebrands the Park Service to condemn and pur-
b whom revolutions are made, and they still exclude the highly developed areas of the chase land which is highly developed
are not. region from acquisition by the Park
and in one of the fastest growing com-
Nevertheless, Greek undergraduates are not Service. The effect of my bill is to reduce
born devoid of a sense of outrage, and a the size of the approximate acreage which munities in our Nation is an unwar-
ranted and excessive intrusion of the
recognition of it when they see it. They are the Park Service has been authorized to
Federal Government into the private
not utterly quarantined from the viruses?
and the vitamins?affecting students else-
passed in my bill approximate 3 square lives of the residents of this area, par-
purchase. However, the areas encom-
where. The guess here is that in a year or two ticularly when many homes and busi-
in earnest for political action. The embryos Michigan shoreline. recreation. I can only support conserva-
nesses will be destroyed for the sake of
the Greek students will begin to organize miles, including almost 2 miles of Lake
of future groupings are beginning to be seen In this regard, the comments of my tion and recreation when it does not
and, as might be expected, the most de- colleague from Indiana, Mr. BRADEMAS, involve the destruction and disruption
veloped is one with heavy Communist in-
bear some revision and correction in a of vast areas and people.
The moment, the Communist Party is so number of instances. He states on page I realize full well, as I am sure my fluence.
badly battered, with a thousand or two of H6155 that? league does, the need for a recreational
its activists in. the junta's prison camps, that The bill would have affected, some persons area in this section of our Nation, a
the Greek students are, like their parents, ized for this park. rapidly growing area of people and eco-
It lies low. But extremes breed extremes. If advised me, up to 90% of the land author-
denied democratic organizations in which to nomic activity. I need not remind my
operate openly and effectively, and if theyOn the next page he states?
colleague of the existing 2,100-acre
remain subjected to the academic repression This legislation would not define the Dunes State Park in this area. My pro-
the junta has now decreed, it is not hard to boundaries of this national park, but would posal for the Indiana Dunes National
visualize what kind of a "new generation of properly reduce the size of the lakeshore by Lakeshore doubles the present area
Greeks" will be created, over three-fourths (or 75%) of its presently available for recreation; but I cannot
authorized size. support the plans of the Federal Gov-
As anyone can see, his own statements ernment to destroy homes and businesses
are in conflict and neither is factual. in order to replace them with a Federal
The bill I have ihtroduced, if the gentle- park. The idea is outrageous and un-
man would care to read it, does, in fact, reasonable and the costs are excessive.
define in legal terms the boundaries of This is the explanation of my posi-
the national lakeshore. Its effect is, as tion and the reasons that prompted my
I have said, to reduce the size of the
original authorization by a little more action, not only in introducing the
than 60 percent. As I have explained, amendment to the appropriation bill,
but also in introducing the original bill,
Tuesday, July 29, 1969
Mr. LANDGREBE. Mr. Speaker, I wish have taken this action in response to
to direct my remarks toward the state- urgent requests of the residents of this H.R. 11084, defining the boundaries. I
ments in the RECORD of July 22, by the area and I believe it to be necessary and urge my colleague from Indiana and all
gentleman from Indiana (Mr. BriADEmAs) imperative in order to protect the many Members of the House to give this mat-
on the subject of-the Indiana Dunes Na- homes and businesses from destruction ter their closest attention and support.
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Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
E 6380 CONGRESSIONAL REC:ORD ? Extensions of Remarks July 29, 1969
KENTUCKY'S LONG-LOST COM- The great-nephew was not able to cite of floor space and hundreds of miles of book
MELODY anything ever written about his great-uncle, shelves, he had an instant, conclusive Spil-
He did not know any dates. As research later man clue. He replied, "I am delighted that
proved, he knew very little about the song you have chosen J. E. Spilman as your next
writer, and much of it was inaccurate. Never- , hobby. He is so complete an enigma that I
HON. TIM LEE CARTER theless it bore the earmarks of a story so ex- would not be surprised if you could make
OP KENTUCKY citing that there was incentive to give it him into your life work." "Besides," he add-
IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ed, "were I to hand you all the answers on a
Back home in our great Cleveland Public silver salver, it would completely ruin your
Tuesday, July 29, 1969 Library, I thought I could immediately verify fun."
Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, the mys- the whole story that I heard in Harrodsburg Hill had already been on the Spilman
teries concerning the life of a noteworthy but for years stone walls stopped me?ency- hunt; and that "Philadelphia" red herring
clopedias, musical and biographical diction- had harassed him too, for he wrote me, "I
native son of Kentucky have beei the aries, treatises, histories, magazines. If the had a brief fling at trying to find a few
subject of the research of a distinguished Empire State Building were to disappear it answers to questions about him (Spilman).
Ohio jurist, who has written a very . . . The only intriguing lead is that family
would be no less baffling.
The great-nephew's erroneotts design f Spilman's in Philadelphia. The name is
fascinating account of his findings
of the steamer as the Magnolia he
de- spelled so many different ways in the differ-
Judge Earl R. Hoover, former judge of fleet me from the scent e I did findthe court of common pleas in Cleveland, a steamer Magnolia w boilers exploded accent?I would guess that the name is
ent entries that you can almost hear the
Ohio, and an authority on early Amen- near Cincinnati eeriVlarch 18, 1868, killing really Spielman?that the family arrived in
about eighty le, but no Mrs. Spilman was this country from Germany not long before
can music, went to great lengths to un-
fold the unknown details of the Ile of their first appearance in the Philadelphia
listed amo ? : the c ead.
I was . Tlearn that the identity of J. E. directories in 1837, and that some of the
the author of some of our best loved na-
tdve music. Spilm . had been puzzling, even fooling children were born abroad. This must have
lead .:. music historians. Putting a few facts been true of 'J. E. if my guesses are correct,
toge ? er this seemed impossible. Iii song since "Flow Gently" was first published in
boo I did find the name "J. E. Spilman" 1838. A good deal of hard digging, however,
prin d over the music to "Plow Gently is going to be needed to establish even this
Swe ? Al ton." This tied Spilman up with a much about the family?particularly since I
won. immortal because the words to that am by no means certain that 'J. E.' was one
song ere written by Scotland's Robert of the barber's sons or relatives."
Burns. on, It is obvious that -this same mel- In my hunt, two irksome things were those
ody of ?ilrnan's is also one of the most initials "J. R." For what did they stand? In
popular es set to another famous song, the original sheet music and in most song
"Away In A anger." The authorship of the books they were Just "J. E." To add to the
words to the hratmas carol, though dis- annoyance, I found one firing book giving it
puted, has been equently attributed to an- "James E." and another giving it "Jonathan
other world inn. tai, Martin Luther, and E." The forces that lost Spilman seemed
has often been c led "Luther's Cradle purposely to be throwing up confusion to
Hymn." How can yo lose a man tied up keep him last. I met another "err-itation"?
with Robert Burns and artin Luther! Spillman spelled with two l's. In my be-
J. E. SPILMAN, KENTUCKY'S LONG-LOST COIVI- J. E. Spilman married resident Zachary wilderment I had good company. Richard Hill
POSER Or A WORLD-FAMOUS MELODY PEWS- Taylor's niece, Ellze, Taylor, aughter of Han- wrote me, "I have a hunch that you Will
COVERED cock Taylor. That means tha Spilman's wife find that `Jonathan' and 'James' are nothing
(By Earl R. Hoover) was a cousin to Zachary Ta' - .r's daughter, better than surmises. I would be hard put to
Sarah, who married Jefferson Davis. That say why, but it would not surprise me in
Accidentally I found a lost world ( eleb-
k made Spiltnares lost identity ev ? more baf- the least if it turned out that J. E. stood
lty?a native Kentucky song writer,- J. E.
pitman. I did not set out to find him. E did fling. How could a man Just drop ? t of sight for Jane Eliza. At any rate, I am quite car-
,) ?a
who was tied up with four sue famous tam n that it would be thoroughly unwise to
ot even know he was lost. When Bud( lehlY people?a great poet?a great theegian
shut out one's mind to the poseibillty that
awakened to that fact, it took me years to president of the United States?and a e pres- J. E. was a lady." .
rove that the Spilman I discovered wa the
real Spilman for whom the authorities. were ident of the Confederacy? A man wh, , more When I wrote Hill that I believed Spilman
than a century before, had written a ? elody was a preacher, he cautioned me, "If you
Searching. The life I turned up turner: out
ianbelievably fantastic. still known the world over, even to chi ren? look over these titles (meaning Spilman's
A man who created something Mum ?a seven songs in the Library of Congress) . . .
I first bumped into Spilman about a half tune sung to two world famous lyrics? A man you will agree that the editor who added
century after he was dead, It was asatuad whose name appeared over his melody in 11- 'Rev.' to his name was making a . . . wild
ramin1943 in an antique shop in Harrocialiurg, lions of old favorite song books, a co of guess. . . . None of the songs refer to him
. R. Hanby, who wrote the his.ory- shall later be revealed, who was tied up with
entucky. Ohio's Civil War song writer Ben- which was in almost every home? A m , as as a 'Reverend'."
Making song, "Darling Nelly Gray" (a Mut other well known agures? With such noted music historians
stumped, I may have been up a tree if the
'the old Kentucy shore"), and the el, iId's On checking, I found that the late John Harrodsburg antique dealer had not placed
Christmas song, "Up On the House 'Bop,' had Tasker Howard, then head of the erican
ong enslaved me as a hobby, and I realh was Music Division of the New York blic Li- in my hands some leads that the historians
trig to find something pertaining to tem? brary, said nothing about Spi4an in his apparently did not have. He had said that
ld song books containing his songs, I had monumental, 841-page Our Am,effcan Music. the song writer was a Presbyterian minister
never heard of Spilman. at Maysville, Kentucky. Surely the Common-
Other treatise writers vrere?adso helplees in wealth of Kentucky and Presbyterianism had
The antique shop's proprietor was James penetrating the mystery,, a the answer.
P. Spilman. When he learned that I wet in- In his equally moat. Linen-tee 729-page A
wrote to the Kentucky Historical Society
terested in song writer Hanby, he had to hag History of Popular4trusic in America, the late I
out his own song writer. Be did not realize Sigmund Spaeth lavished Just two sentences whose headquarters in the Old State House
he was handing me double trouble (a hubby on Splimairrand used up two words to call at Frankfort. It replied, "We find very little
as just that) by volunteering that his gi eat- him "a Philadelphian" which later proved to tify him as "a Philadelphian." I wrote back
is about Spilman," but it did iden-
uncle had been a song writer, too? Rev. r. E. be entirely erroneous. I wrote the authorita-
and asked for its authority for this state-
Spilman?who had composed the must ? to tive Mr. Spaeth as for his authority f
or the old favorite, "Flow Gently Sweet Aft 3a e this. He replied, "I am not sure that I can merit, It replied, "A History of Popular Mu-
That fact alone would not have aroused give you the exact source of my informa- sic in America by Sigmund Spaeth." Appar-
me. It was the story he told, me that did He tion ... but I know that this has been print- mund Spaeth had borrowed from Richard
ently it had borrowed the mistake that Sig-
saki that Spilman had married a niece of ed several times in the peat and is generally Hill.
President Zachary Taylor; that he Was a accepted as the truth."
Prebysterian minister at Maysville, Hen- This was the most baffling of all. One can
I wrote to the late. Elliott Shapiro, of the
tacky;that his parsonage overlooked the
music publishing firm, Shapiro, Bernstein & a son, but not history-conscious Kentucky,
Ohio River; that his wife was drowned waen
Co., Inc., of New York City, who was co- imagine some states that might lose such
she was a passenger on an Ohio River author of the book Early American Sheet because as we shall see, Spilman was born in
Kentucky and lived there about fifty years.
steamer, the Magnodia, and its boiler biem uP Music. He suggested that I write to Richard Yet I found no leading Kentucky history that
anri it was destroyed as it sailed past pan xt- S. Hill, Music Division, Library of Congress,
age right in front of her family's eyes; and saying "Spilman seems to be a fairly un- credited him with his world-resounding
that shortly thereafter, in grief, the Rev- known proposition." achievement At Bardstown, the Common-
com.posed the music to "Flow Geattly I wrote the late Richard Hill, thinking that a native Pennsylvania song writer, Stephen
SWeet Afton." wealth of Kentucky has gone all out to honor
, surely in his great library, of thirty-six acres Foster, but it has done little, if anything, to
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP711300364R000300120003-9
Jonathan E. Spilman, born in Mays-
ville, KY., and the composer of th( me-
lody we know so well in association with
the words to "Flow Gently Sweet A rton"
and "Away in a Manger," was the sub-
ject of this interesting study by Aidge
As a contribution to the histo: y of
American music, and as an attribu te to
this talented son of Kentucky, I will
place in the RECORD this article by Judge
Hoover which appeared in the Reg ster,
a leading historical quarterly in my
E 6294
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71B00364R000300120003-9.
CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks July 28, 1969
"Yes," most lawyers will persuade the juve-
nile to acknowledge the offense and submit
to the jurisdiction of the juvenile court. If
any of the answers is negative, the attorney
should not "throw the juvenile upon the
mercy of the court." To protect his client's
interest, he should contest the court's juris-
Immediately there comes to mind the
juvenile who, in the eyes of the attorney
and any impartial observer, did commit the
offense but refuses to admit it. (This is much
more characteristic than the case of the
juvenile who admits his fault but whose at-
torney insists upon a trial.) In my opinion,
the provision of due process of law for such
a recalcitrant juvenile is most therapeutic.
He should (and will, if the police co-
operate) be proven guilty of the crime despite
his protestations of innocence. He will have
had his day in court and have learned that
law enforcement can and does arrive at the
truth by fair, effective procedures. He will
I believe, be several steps further down the
road to rehabilitation than if he had?for
the administrative convenience of the judi-
ciary?been persuaded against his wishes to
adr !t the offense and forgo his day in court.
To sum up in one sentence: I am firmly
convinced that the extension of due process of
law to juveniles?however burdensome or in-
convenient it may be to police, social workers,
judges and juvenile court personnel?ic an
unmitigated benefit to he juveniles con-
Monday, July 28, 1969
Mr. MIKVA. Mr. Speaker, on March
11, 1969 I placed in the RECORD an article
by George Anastaplo entitled, "Greece
Today and the Limits of American
Power." On April 2, 1969 I placed in the
RECORD an article by George Anastaplo
entitled, "The Passions of Greece To-
day," and "Retreat From Politics:
Greece, 1967." The former article dealt
with the contemporary political situation
in Greece and the dilemma we Americans
find ourselves in?the dilemma of sup-
porting and fostering the current un-
democratic regime. The latter two ar-
ticles presented a cogent analysis of how
Greece appeared to a knowledgeable
American observer who viewed its first-
hand throughout 1967.
Today I would like to place in the
RECORD selected portions of an article
entitled "A Guide to Contemporary
Greece, Especially for Greek-Americans."
I think the excerpts of this article will
be of special interest to anyone inter-
ested in current political developments
as well as to Greek Americans.
The article referred to follows:
(By George Anastaplo)
JOHN ANASTAPLO. Good evening, ladies and
gentlemen. We have as our guest this eve-
ning My brother Professor George Anastaplo,
Lecturer in the Liberal Arts at the University
of Chicago and Chairman of the Political
Science Department at Rosary College in
River Forest, Illinois. He also holds an ap-
pointment as Professor of Politics and Litera-
ture at the University of Dallas, Our guest is
knowledgeable in contemproary Greek affairs
and has published several articles on that
subject. This is what he is here to discuss
with those listeners in our radio audience
who telephone us this evening.
We have on the news wires this weekend
the following report from Salonika, Greece:
"A Greek military tribunal has handed out
sentences ranging from 13 months to life for
37 members of a Communist-led terrorist
"Three of the defendants were ordered
deported. Two persons out of the 39 on trial
were acquitted of charges of various con-
"The group was charged with plotting to
assassinate former premier Constantine Kol-
lias and with conspiracy to blow up the
American consulate in Salonika and the
NATO bases in the north of the country."
That is the report from Salonika. Perhaps
some of you listeners heard the report earlier
this week of the arrest of fifteen retired
Army generals in Greece. Rumors circulated
at that time that an attempt to oust the
army-backed regime and to restore self-
exiled King Constantine to power in Greece
had been crushed before it actually got under
way. All those arrested were known backers
of King Constantine who fled to Rome, you
will remember, after his unsuccessful at-
tempt to oust the junta in December 1967.
The "colonels", as they are called, have been
in power now a little over two years. They
seized power in April 1967.
Let's ask my brother George what he feels
is going on in Greece these days.
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. I think, John, that the
most significant development in Greece
today, and the one we Americans should be
most concerned about, is that American in-
stallations?the American consulate in the
news report you just read, for instance as
well as American automobiles, the property
of American personnel stationed in Greece?
are now beginning to be subject to attack.
This indicates that resentment is beginning
to be expressed violently at the role of the
United States in Greece, And it is that role?
the role of the United States in Greece
today?that I an most concerned about. I
am, of course, concerned also about the state
of affairs in their country for the Greeks
themselves?for, to put it simply, Greece
1 This article is a transcript of an unre-
hearsed interview, set out in its entirety,
conducted by John Anastaplo on his nightly
radio program,Asi:54/ed E5q1311a
WJOB' (East Chirmm
co. - aon , n ia a 1
Saturday, May 31, 1969 (between 7:30 and
10:00 p.m.).
(or, for that matter, in any population).
There are those who are somewhat independ-
ently informed and there are those who have
their opinions formed by propaganda. The
latter group will easily take their lead from
the government in power, no matter what
that government is, especially if there is no
opposition permitted. This group can be the
majority of a country. The former group?
which includes in Greece the leading mili-
tary officers, the intellectuals of the country,
the university people, the former politicians
and many of the most prominent business-
men?is most skeptical about this govern-
ment. Many of these people are even bitter
about it. But what can they do about it?
The difficulty, is that the informed Greeks
recognize themselves to be prisoners of a
ruthless military minority. They are not even
prisoners of the Army, but of a small num-
ber of officers within the Army, a handful of
officers who took power by deception one
night, who are holding it by the use of what-
ever means they can employ, and who claim
they have the support of the United States.
It is difficult and dangerous in such circum-
stances to express openly one's resentment,
but resentment and disaffection are there.
JOHN ANASTAPLO. Why is there SO much
support for the colonels' regime among
Greeks living in this country?
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. For many Greek-Amer-
icans, the military stands for that force
which after the Second World War saved
Greece from Communism. So it is natural
for Greek-Americans to say, "We don't want
Greece to go Communist. We don't want it to
go behind the Iron Curtain. The military
saved Greece during the bitter civil war of
1945-1949. The military made great sacrifices
to save Greece at that time. Now they are
doing it again." What the Greek-American
doesn't realize is that it is not the military
that is ruling Greece today. All one has to
do to realize this is to consider the wide-
spread purges that have taken place in the
Army at the hands of this particular clique
of officers. The colonels are retiring from ac-
tive duty virtually all officers senior to them
in order to be able to continue to hold their
power. This is not the military that is ruling
Greece: this is a minority of junior officers
who have broken their oaths to their king
and their country, who have seized power
with a well-executed conspiracy and who
mean to hold it indefinitely.
JOHN ANASTAPLO. I support the most open
display of disaffection toward the present
government was at the funeral last No-
vember of George Papandreou.
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. There have been two
significant displays of disaffection. That was
today is living under a tyranny. It is a
tyranny that is worse than some tyrannies the second one. The first great display was in
December 1967 when King Constantine made
in the world today and milder than some
others, but I think it does no good to over-
his attempt to overthrow the colonels' re-
look the fact that it is a tyranny with all the gime. His attempt was poorly executed: cer-
c^nsequences that that will have both for tai forces which he had counted on were
us as an ally of that tyranny and for the' not available. What the people who are now
Greeks as the victims of it. ruling Greece are good at is conspiracy, and
hence counterconspiracy. They were able to
stop the King's effort before it could really get
JOHN ANASTAPLO. You were in Greece last rolling. But the King, in the course of his
fall when the election was held. attempt, visited the city of Kavalla, which
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. That is right, in Sep- had been for years anti-royalist. When the
tember, when the constitutional referendum people of Kavalla heard the King was mak-
was held. ing an attempt to overthrow this govern-
JOHN ANASTAPLO. Could every one vote in ment and that he was in their city?and this
referendum who wanted to vote and could I have personally heard from people who were
they vote for whatever they wanted to vote? there that day?they filled the streets, picked
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. One could vote "Yes" or up the King and carried him through the
"No" on a constitution presented by the gov- city in a spontaneous demonstration. Thou-
ernment. One could vote "No," but in many
* sands upon thousands of people thus ex-
places outside the large cities the vote of pressed themselves in a way that the
"Yes" was the only vote that seemed safe, colonels' government never has been able to
? arrange?whereas the Kavalla demonstra-
JOHN ANASTAPLO. Is there much resent- tion was anything but prearranged. In fact,
ment in Greece toward the military junta? the current premier of Greece dares not per-
Is there much outspoken resentment and mit himself to be exposed in a crowd in this
Saisla ktittd rtialfh 15 Ott I add 5g4 Faidtafaideit
e utions are, I believe,
ek premier. The other
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. One has to distinguish great demonstration against the colonels
between two groups in the Greek population was, as you indicated, in Athens, in No-
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
July 28, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks
F. O'Leary, Director of the' U.S. Bureau
of Mines, said:
We are beginning to discern already 1 oe
outlines of a major shortagel:d natural el:eh
in response to questioning in the hear- DUE PROCESS roR JUVENILES BEATS FOLKSY
"J trs nee"
ing, he estimated - that by next wiritir
natural gas distributors will he unable (By Orman W. Ketcham)
to provide service to new customers hti.-
Many cries of havoc have emanated from
cause of supply shortage.
Judges, administrators and social workers in
- juvenile courts concerning the new and time- Before the advent of due process of law
Speaking from a more personal point consuming burdens that the provision of due in the juvenile court, the only limit which
of view, Mr. Speaker, practically every process of law for juveniles has occasioned, the law placed upon the "parens patriae"
single State in the Union-, and a vey But the substance of our law sh be power of the judge was the requirement that
large percentage of the congressional dependent upon the admaftive conv he act in "the best interests of the juve-
districts, would be adverkely affected ience of our court e ' e -
. In most till n nile"?a highly subjective 'and almost un-
economically if we were to alter the,te courts today, the ti evoted to a juvenile's challengeable maxim. Due process of law
case has become oriously short. New pro- now substitutes established legal procedures
long-proven, time-honored tax principles
cedures requir y the Gault decision will for unbridled judicial discretion.
on the same 100 extractivelndustries. In now assure th juvenile a larger segment of Informality and the "arm-round-the-
my own State of New Meitico, we have his "day Inc rt." shoulder" approach to juvenile justice are
substantial production in only seven of Those wh expound the "parens patriae" being replaced by an arm's-length due
these industries?copper, manganese ore, philosophy lieve that the introduction of process system of justice. Even adversary pro-
molybdenum, perlite, petroleum, potas:ti, due Process law will diminish the inform- ceedings are available upon demand. The
and uranium?but alteration of the per- ality which has been the juvenile court's results should be less folksy, but lots fairer.
centage depletion allowances would at. hallmark an circumscribe the discretion of The post-Gault system sharply diminishes
verely cripple our tax base from Whit Ii the juvenile Ourt judge. True. But those the paternalistic attitude of juvenile courts,
features have een tried and found wanting. which has been so hated by a majority of
we derive the income for the construu- The first res t of the advent of due proc- youth. Instead of a juvenile receiving jus-
tiOp of our roads, the finan:ng of our ess is to assure e juvenile a judicial hear- tice (or leniency) as a matter of grace or
schools and educational pheraMs, and ing the outcome of which is not foreor- adult "noblesse oblige," he is now entitled
other important services. dained. It used to e the boast of the most to the equal protection of the law just as
New Mexico is the sixth largest pi - jingoistic members oNie "father knows best" an adult would be. An alienated juvenile will
troleum-producing State with produt- philosophy that less than one-tenth of 1 be treated as a first-class citizen with a full
tion almost equal to that of_trazil, Chi.:., per cent of all juvenile charged ever denied measure of individnI rathts.
their- offenses. Such a udden candor and Instead of the ctOrriinant father and the
and West Germany combined. More than contrition from anti3oc 1 and alienated dependent child prototypes, the new philf-
13,000 New Mexicans are 'employed in youth are so unbelievable t at I submit that sophical approach stresses both equal oppor-
smile phase of the petroletum industr:r, juveniles accused of offence in such courts tunity and equal responsibility for each
Their payrolls amount to almost $73 mil- were never given any oppor, nity to deny juvenile. Since the stated goal of our sociali-
liou annually, or $73 for every man, the charges. The presumption f their guilt zation and maturation process is the crea-
woman, and child in the State. The ix -was well-nigh irrebuttable. tion of mutual respect between individuals,
troleum industry spends altifkast $274 mil- A THERAPEU`SIC PROCES this new principle of equality may well lay
lion annually for productiorisupplies and In our American system we tak pride in the groundwork for good citizenship which
equipment in New Mexico. Last year, oil operating a government of laws, no of men, will last long after the relationship between
an To set an example cff this princi e, due probation _ officer and juvenile offender is
gas operations paid $150,130,000 in
dir t revenues to the Statec?not count-
process of law should afford the juve le the forgotten.
opportunity to dispute the factual ass rtions Finally, the guarantee that a juvenile will
ing local taxes or apProxithately one - of policemen, school teachers, social rkers be counseled by a lawyer (which I believe
fourth of all New Mexico state tax rev- and even his parents. This is granted 1 ot be- should be mandatory and unwaiveable) is an
en es. cause all such adults are untrustwort y, but assurance of due process of law in itself. A
careful examination of our past ex - because some are, good lawyer protects the interests of his
per ences indicates that certainly We After a fair and impartial Judie 1 hear- juvenile client at every stage of the proceed-
mu t at least maintain the%e proven in- ing, if the allegations are not acc te, the ing, even unto the treatment- stage. For
juvenile has been vindicated th ? gh a SyS- example, if the juvenile offender has an ad-
centives and tax principle% not reduce
tem-of justice which rates high his esteem. diction to heroin, his lawyer can insist upon
them, if our Nation is to have sufficient,
reaSonably priced, reliable supplies of pe- If the ets of the charge correct, their for incapacitation or incarceration.
careful e ishme legal rules will
his "right to treatment" rather than settling
troleum essential to its future security usually convince the juvenile that truth and The advent of lawyers into the juvenile
of the court.
an economic strength.
Either way, I believe that providing a ill be indoctrinated in both the tech-
ms There
court also means that more of the organized
justice are immutable, rather than depend-
bar w
cut upon his cooperation or lack of it. niques and the problems
juvenile with his proper day in court is a is no more powerful advocate of a budgetary
JUVENILE COURT PROCEDIJRE?EX- very therapeutic proems which builds re- cause before a legislature than a convinced
lawyer. Hence, a lawyer may not only demand
CMPTS FROM ADDRESS BY AS . spect for law and justice,
treatment for his client; there is hope that he
lATE JUVENILE URT The lawyer who represents a juvenile is JUDGE in an unparalleled position to foster his will also obtain the funds necessary for the
ORMAN W. KETCHAM client's greater understanding of the legal long-lacking faalities to rehabilitate youth-
ful offenders and keep the protnise of the
July 20, 1969, be prtnted in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the excerpts
were ordered to be printed in the TP?
as follows:
A juvenile who is given effective assistance
by his attorney will have the entire legal
process explained and interpreted to him:
the preadjuclication process, the trial, the
judge's decision and the dispositional decree.
This should, and usually does, enhance the
understanding of the youth and his parents
of our judicial system and the raw of the
system which is the cement of our society.
H041. CHARLES McC. MATHIAS, JR. A boy charged with delinquency for the
juvenile court compact.
first time feels very much alone. Whether One of the canards most frequently stat .1
OF MARYLAND justiably or not, he sees police, school au- about the introduction of due process ef
IN THE- SENATE OF THE UNITED STATC thorities court officials and even sym- law into juvenile courts is that the juvenile
is prevented from: receiving the rehabilitative
pathetic social workers as demanding, judg-
Monday, July 28, 19.69 mental and, of ten hostile. In many instances, treatment he needs to save him from a
Mr. MATHIAS. Mr. President, the ad- even his parents appear to be critical and criminal career. This begs several questions.
justments in Juvenile Court procedure antagonistic. An attorney for such juvenile Must ask him
necessitated by the Gault deeision of the
But his attorney, if he properly follows self three vital subsidiary questions before
his ethical responsibilities, will be an adult answering the ultimate one:
Supi?eme Court have been the subject of. firmly pledged to understand and present 1. Has the javenile actually done th 3 of-
some controversy. In a recant speech 14) the best interests of the juvenile as the boy fense which is supposed to demonstrate his
the National Institute on Crhne and De- sees them. Court appointment of a lawyer need for rehabilitation?
lincinency, in Boston, Associate Judge carecreate a strong, new impression that the 2. If he has done the offensive, is there
Ornian W. Ketcham, of the Juvenile juvenile court law senses the boy, too, and a recognized behavioral science procedure
Couitt of the District of Columbia made is not just an agent of adult authority, or treatment that will correct his fault e,nd
worthwhile observations on the value Of Providing a juvenile with tangible forms save him from a criminal career?
thoge changes. of due _proems.. ofelaw, a.s _an_ 3. If qtiense and there is
&DpSfaxed eleasea
way of expressing sincere concern for Ma yolPh364RELQWW.P1rAtIcan the juvenile
r. President , I , ffM3Al2W2d,U1A?KOM
I court before which he will appear provide
sen that the excerpts from th no f 5 CO ?-? e speech, in trouble than offering him a cigarette on such treatment?
pub ished in the Washington Post of his trip to the detention home. If the answer to those three questiona is
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
July 28, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ?Extensions of Remarks
vember 1968, at the funeral of George Pap-
andreou. Evidently, the central part of
Athens was packed that day with people who
expressed in this way their opinion of the
colonels regime. American reporters spoke of
hundreds of thonsands as having been in-
volved in that demonstration?many more,
evidently, than had voted against the consti-
tutional referendum in that area six weeks
earlier. They were thus expressing themselves
in what they considered a genuine referen-
Jon a ANASTAPLO. Why has American aid to
Greece been restored? It was cut off for awhile
after the colonels took power in April 1967,
but I understand it has been restored. What
is the justification for this?
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. Aid was cut down in
early 1967?it was never cut off completely?
in the hope that the cut might publicly
indicate that Americans are somewhat reluc-
tant to ally themselves with this regime, per-
haps even in the hope that it might help
move this regime back toward constitutional
government. After the constitutional referen-
dum of September 1968 which we have re-
ferred to, the American government restored
its military aid, perhaps under the assump-
tion, "Well, they have had a referendum; now,
the country is somehow back under a consti-
tution." The first American mistake was not
to cut aid off completely; then, it was a mis-
take to take that constitutional referendum
as being anything other than a fixed elec-
tion, Thus, I think it was a mistake to restore
our aid; I think it is a mistake now to con-
tinue it. In fact, I believe that the American
government is partly responsible for the con-
tinuation of the colonels' regime and that it
will be held to be largely responsible by the
Greek people in due time. The sooner we dis-
associate ourselves from that crowd now in
Athens, the better off we will be in the long
run. It is not difficult to work out a program
of what the United States should do now?
and this I hacve done and have presented to
people in the State Department on several
occasions. The interesting question for me
tonight relates to something somewhat dif-
ferent, and that is the role of the Greek-
American community in all this. Inside
Greece the colonels' principal sources of sup-
port are the arms they have and the dread
In the Greek people of another civil war: the
colonels can use those arms against the
Greeks and they know the Greek people will
not resist as quickly as they might other-
wise resist if they had not had so terrible a
civil war only a generation ago. Outside
Greece there are two principal sources of
support for the colonels: first, the United
States, because of its acquiescence in and its
lukewarm support of the regime, and second,
the attitude of the Greek community abroad,
particularly the Greek-American community.
It is very unseemly that Greek-Americans,
living in a free country (most of them?the
ones I am thinking?having been born in
Greece, for it is primarily the older genera-
tion, I am referring to) , should allow them-
selves to become the spokesmen and the
supporters of a tyranny that is as bad for
Greece as, say, the Russian tyranny is for the
Czechs and the Slovaks.
Jones ANASTAPLO. I noticed Bill Mauldin's
cartoon in the Chicago Sun-Times last
Wednesday, showing the prisoner's ball-and-
chain on both the Greeks and the Czechs,
with "Imported Tyranny" written on the
Czech bail and "Domestic Tyranny" on the
Greek bail.
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. Yes, that does SUM it
up neatly. The curious thing about the
Greek-American support of the colonels is
that the alternative to this regime?the most
plausible, immediate alternative bo this re-
gime?is a government under a conservative,
experienced Greek. I am referring, of course,
to Constantine KaramanlAkawho is no Avingn.
in Paris. In fact, it is hmullEQMON creafifx
prominent politician in Greece who would
not be an improvement over the tyranny of
the colonels. But Constantine Karamanlis is
the most plausible alternative. Why the lead-
ers of the Greek-American community, in-
stead of throwing their support to a govern-
ment formed by Mr. Karamanlis?which is
what most Greeks today would support and
which is what the State Department would.
probably be relieved to go along with?why,
Instead of throwing their support to him, as
an alternative to the colonels, that com-
munity and its leaders continue to support
the band ? of usurpers which is ruining the
country of Greece is very difficult for me to
LISTENER No. 1. In the event of a civil war
in Greece, do you feel the United States
would step in immediately?
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. That would be a seri-
ous decision. If we allow the situation to de-
teriorate to such a condition that the decent,
informed and energetic people in that coun-
try begin to take up arms against their pres-
ent tyrants, what should then be our posi-
tion? It is hard to know what we would do.
The people who will eventually put up armed
resistance will have with them Greeks of the
Left, including Communists, as well as Greeks
of the Right and Center, The United States
might then argue, especially when it detects
In that armed resistance people who are
labelled "Communists," "Well, the colonels
we know. Tltie other people we don't know.
Therefore, we will support the colonels." We
will thus have made a bad situation even
worse. That is why I have been arguing that
now is the time to get rid of the colonels and
to allow the Greeks to replace them with a
conservative experienced leader such as Mr.
It is, as I said, very hard to lay down a
requirement for other people to follow, espe-
cially when it means risking their lives. But
that is not our problem. Our immediate prob-
lem is, What can we do, what should we
LISTENER NO. 2. As Americans--
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. AS Americans, in a
situation where conditions are deteriorating
and civil war is facing our ally? If we were
confronting a situation where we had no re-
sponsibility at all for what is there or where
we could do nothing at all once conditions
has deteriorated, then we could Justly say,
"That is a Greek internal affair. Let the
Greeks settle their own affairs." We could
properly stay out of it. If that were really
the situation, such a course of action on our
part would be defensible, perhaps even neces-
sary: we could sit back and watch. But that
Is not what is going to happen. We are going
to be involved?we are involved, we have
been involved?and I am wondering whether
it would not be more intelligent to move now
when we can help the Greeks replace the
colonels by a friend of ours who is popular in
Greece, who is experienced and reliable, and
thus help the Greeks avoid a civil war which
can lead to the destruction of all that we
value in that country. That is the risk we
are running by going along as we are with
the colonels.
LISTENER No. 2. It is not too late for Greece?
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. It is not too late for
Greece. In Czechoslovakia we simply don't
have the influence we have in Greece. In
Greece, we have great influence?and not
only the United States government, but the
Greek-American community as well, The
Greek-American community has allowed it-
self to be deluded about what is going on in
Greece today and about what is good for the
Americans. I cannot think of any people
who are as deluded about what is going on
in their homeland RS are Greek Americans,
and especially Greek-American leaders, at
this time.
* *
LISTENER No. 3. Does all this mean there
are no elections there?
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. No elections. In fact,
the government has systematically removed
from office, high and low alike, the officials
the Greeks had elected over the years. It
has replaced them by appointing, or reap-
pointing, men considered loyal to the present
government. The Greeks have had no elec-
tions for any office whatsoever since the
colonels took over. Nor are they about to
have any elections that mean anything. If
they have any elections under this govern-
ment, they will be like a Russian election.
They had a referendum on a constitution
last September, Russian-style. You know how
that is: you vote for the government slate
or you vote for nothing. There was no ques-
tion about the outcome last September. Any
parliamentary elections the colonels conduct
will be roughly the same: any election con-
ducted by them will be a fraud. Only the
uninformed or the cynical will approve of
them. One has only to consider how the ex-
tensively documented charges of deliberate
torture in Greece are being handled by the
Greek-American press and by the Greek
government. It is time to be blunt with such
people, for Greece's good.
LISTENER No. 4. Do you believe the Greeks
will have to go to war to regain their free-
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. I think it would be
better if it didn't come to that, because if
there is recourse to war, one cannot predict
how it will turn out, one cannot predict
how things will go. After all, we have our
experience in Viet Nam, of which the Greeks
are quite aware: things don't always work
out the way one expects. The Greeks are no
better equipped to set a limit to war than
we have been.
LISTENER No. 6. Historically, it seems to me,
we have been backing military juntas all over
the world since the Second World War, I
don't see why this should be any different.
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. We haven't been back-
ing only military regimes. It's too bad, and
even harmful, that our government has given
our citizens generally the impression you
have. In Europe, for instance, we have been
backing for the most part constitutional gov-
ernments, genuinely constitutional govern-
ments. Greece, we should remember, is part of
our NATO alliance in Europe. Virtually every
other country in the NATO alliance is a free
government, that is, a government freely
chosen by the citizens of its country. This
means that Greece has become for us a sad
exception in Europe. Furthermore, we are
backing in Greece a minority of officers who
are going to get us into serious trouble, mili-
tarily, politically and economically. That is
to say, we are going to end up picking up
the bill for the mess the colonels are making ?
of the Greek economy; we are going to have
trouble militarily, because if civil war does
begin, we are going to have the problem of
deciding whom we are going to back; and we
are going to have trouble politically, because
no matter how it all comes out, if we don't
hurry up and do something decisively public
about it, Greeks will for many years to come
look back and say, "America was respon-
sible for the years of tyranny we suffered."
Whether that will be true or not, that is
certainly what they are going to be saying.
country of their relatives. The Czechs and The sad part about it all, I want to repeat,
Slovaks in this country, on the other hand, is that the alternative, and the alternative
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E 6296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD? Extensions of Remarks July 28, 1969
who is a friend of the 'United States, who is
very experienced, who is very well regarded,
who Was for eight years prime minister, who
is available and who would have very little
trouble coming to power If American support
for him should develetla. That, of course, is
Mr. Karamanlis, who la the most, plausible
alternative at this mcsnent to the colonels.
It is hard, I want also to repeat, to think of
any prominent politician who would not be
an improvement over the tyrants who now
control Greece. Mr. Kassamanlis is not indis-
pensable. But he is, for several reascns, most
I convenient as an imniediate alternative to
, the colonels.
? s
LISTENER NO. 7. i am not tames. , "AIL I am
interested. What are tbA. other NATO coun-
tries doing about the ?situation In Greece?
Is there not a way for them to pu us pres-
sure, without the empluisis being just on
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. verel of the ea have
spoken out very strongly. For instassee, the
1 Scandinavian count/letter some who are in
NATO, some not) hall been quite strong
against the regime. Gre4 Britain has spoken
out as well. The PrimkeMinister of Greece
denounced on the floats of the Reuse of
1 Commons what he called the "best. alities"
of the Greek regime, referring to 1;:le tor-
1 tures. That was last year, long bites is such
things as the recent May, 27th issue of Look
magazine came out witkats detailed account
of what is going on in Greece. Publi opin-
ion is far clearer in Europe about what the
nature of that regime is Ilaan ours hese. The
same can be said about the Greek con inuni-
ties in Europe, outside cl; Greece, as yell as
about the Greek-Canadian communi
* - * *
LISTENER No, 7. Are Greek-Americans
I afraid to take sides becattse they are petting
1 two different points of view?
, GEORGE ANASTAPLO. The ones I am think-
ing of are not afraid of taking sides. If they
, would refuse to take tides, that would be far
, better than what they are doing nov They
are taking sides. I am talking about the
1 older Greek-Americans, Use "opinion lead-
ers," the ones who have influence in Wash-
ington, the ones who have money, tilt ones
iwho own the Greek-American press The
' Greek-American newspanare for inesance,
I have been terrible. This is EGOSt recent] y evi-
dent in the way they have responded ,u the
'Look revelations about Greek torture:, tor-
tures that informed and responsible an so all
over Europe have known_Oout for at least
a year now. If one follows Greek-American
newspapers, one sees week slier week that
most of the articles on Greek affairs came
from the Greek government. This seems to
be true of many If not all of the Greek-
American newspapers in this country: they
are simply taking the sttitx and printing it
as it comes from Greek goyernment sources.
This one can notice just by,looking through
Several of them, especially41 one know, , the
sources. One often sees, forApeetance, material
that is handed out by the Greek Embassy
In Washington publishedeas news by the
Greek-American press. '
L * * * * 4
I LISTENER No. 7. How is the press cot( rage
about Greece in this country?
GEORGE ANASTAPLO, If you read the New
York Times or the Christian Science Monitor
or any of the European papers, you fine that
his regime is a failure. If you rea4 the
find Greek-American press, you it is a greatccess. Whom should you believe and why?
Let me suggest something to you, You have
Oreek-American friends?
1 LISTENER No. 7. Yes..
I GEORGE ANASTAPLO. Let me suggest some
simple questions to ask them. Don't ask
t em what their peasant relatives say When
ey visit GreegoAterseetst
down to the peasanta what is happening to
their country. Ask them, if they have been
following Greek affairs for years, "Of the
man you once thought was the best man
in Greece?whoever he was, whether you
thought it was a man of the Left or of the
Center - ? of the Light, whether you thought
it was a general or the King?of the one or
two or three men you thought highly of be-
fore 1987, what does that man, or what do
those men, think of this regime now?" Now,
that is a very safe question for me to suggest
that you ask. I c.on't have to know who it was
they admired, who they looked up to. But
if they were following Greek affairs before
1967, they had somebody, some public figure,
whom they respected, somebody in Greek
polities or somebody in the Greek military
or somebody in the social or cultural life
of Greece. Who was he and what does that
man say now? In almost every case, everybody
who was once anybody is now against this
regime. You can then challenge your Greek-
American friend: "Look, you once admired
a certain man?X or Y or Z, whether he was
of the liberal party or of the conservative
party, whether be was a royalist or an anti-
royalist?you onse admired him. Why is he
also agesnst the colonels? in fact, why is
anybody against them? Why is virtually
everybody who aver knew anything about
Greek politics and the Greek government
against these people?" Is it just a coincidence
that this is so?
LISTENER No. 10. Is there any Communist
faction in the country at all?
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. This government is
said to be anti-Communist. There are people
who are resisting this government who are
Communists. There are others who are resist-
ing it who are non-Communists. This is evi-
dent in the two news dispatches my brother
referred to at the beginning of this program.
My impression is that, so far, more non-Com-
munists than Communists resisting the gov-
ernment have been tried and imprisoned in
Greece for opposing the present government.
LISTENER No. 10. Do you feel we are
now giving help to the dictators?
GEORGE ANASTAPI.O. Certainly, we are help-
ing the dictators of Greece. The American
government admits that we are supplying
arms to them. We are also supplying indirect
aid of certain kinds. I think we should stop it
completely. I also think that if we indicated
very strongly whae our position was?if we
made it clear thas we believe the colonels
to be bad for Greece?, the Greek army
would rise up and throw these people out.
LISTENER No. 10. Would there be leadership
of any kind for such an uprising?
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. Yes, the best officers are
still against this regime.
JOHN ANASTAPLO. Wouldn't you say that
leadership for a successful attempt to oust
the colonels would have to come from this
shore, from Greek-Americans, and that that
leadership has been slow in coming?
GEORGE ANASTAPLO. That, it seems to me,
Would be the safest way for both the United
States and Greece. It is only if the Greek-
American community and the United States
take a public position different from that
which it is well known in Greece they have
been taking up to now?only if that happens
may bloodshed be avoided. I have been de-
liberately directing my arguments on this
subject to those whom I can hope to reach,
my fellow-citizens in this country. I leave
it to others to tell the Greeks what they
should do or to tell Europeans what they
should do. It is important to emphasize at
this time what we Americans can do. If we
don't do what we should do, then the Greeks
Monday, July 28, 1969
Mr. GRIFP'IN. Mr. President, recently
Robert F. Weber of Detroit was elected
president of Kiwanis International at the
organization's 54th annual meeting in
Miami Beach, Fla.
As a Kiwanian in the Senate who rep-
resents Michigan. I am pleased and
proud that a distinguished Detroiter has
been chosen to head this outstanding
international service organization.
In a recent letter to me, Mr. Weber
pointed out that Kiwanis International
is launching a major emphasis program
called "Operation Drug Alert." Under the
program, each of the 5,000 local Kiwanis
Clubs will tackle the growing problem
of drug abuse as a major concern in
Mr. President, I can attest to the fact
that Kiwanis has many other fine goals
as well. I ask unanimous consent that
resolutions adopted by the recent con-
vention, indicating the scope of the or-
ganization undertakings, be printed in
There being no objection, the resol-
lutions were ordered to be printed in the
RECORD, as follows:
Whereas our first Object charges Hi-
wanians "To give primacy to the human and
spiritual, rather than to the material values
of life,'' and
Whereas our nations were founded, are
presently sustained, and anitieipate the fu-
ture through the providence of God, and
Whereas His strength supports us in pro-
portion to our faith in Him,
Therefore be it resolved by the delegates
to the 54th Convention of .Kiwanis Interna-
tional that in response to our stewardship
of God's many gifts, we Kiwanians pledge to
place spiritual values first in all matters of
judgment, and
Be it further resolved that as we build
with God, we renew our determ,,ation to re-
main at al/ times humble and subservient to
His will.
Whereas enlightened leadership throughout
the world decries the illicit drug traffic which
exists at the expense of millions of people
and leads to their ruination, and
Whereas Kiwanis International has rec-
ognized the evils of drug abuse and its in-
creasing prevalence in our communities, sap-
ping our moral fibre and destroying the hu-
man being, and
Whereas drug addiction and dependence
in their inception and continuance have
spread from the areas of undesirable associa-
tion with a criminal environment to a grow-
ing segment of our society at all economic
levels, and
Whereas the lack of knowledge of the ef-
fects of drugs has combined with the per-
missiveness of our affluent society to stimu-
late an increasing trend toward drug abuse
among our youth
Therefore be it resolved that Kiwanis In-
, AblictlitratRaaindib
WC member clubs, coin-
gh the adoption of a
tames. It often takes a long time to get be the likely alternatives, major emphasis program wherein KiinaniR
know what they Me tfl
4.3/40 8
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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extenvons Keniarms duty 15, 1969
million people in over 25 countries be-
hind the Iron and Bamboo Curtains who
ar daily being denied their basic free-
Captive Nations Week was designed to
show those oppressed peoples the con-
tinuing support of the citizens of the
United States for any effort to regain in-
dependence from Communist-dominated
and dictatorial rule. It also acts as a re-
minder to the Communist aggressors of
our intention to combat any encroach-
ments upon the free world.
The "captive nations" are the Achilles
heel of the Red Empire. They comprise
an insecure bloc to the Communists, one
which, in time of crisis, could throw the
balance against totalitarianism. Realiz-
ing this, the Communist leaders have
traditionally made alarmed responses to
any advance news of the annual Captive
Nations Week. It is this response which
gives final proof of the worth of this
commemoration as a reminder of our re-
sponsibility as representatives of this
great Nation in extending hope to free-
dom loving people everywhere.
I urge that Americans take time this
week to remember those behind the Iron
and Bamboo Curtains who have lost their
freedoms, and to pledge support and ac-
tion in the continuing struggle to regain
peace and freedom in the world.
My bill also authorizes the Secretary of
the Interior to control predatory mam-
mals when it is necessary to preserve live-
stock. It establishes a predatory mammal
control agency to instruct farmers and
ranchers in preventing plundering by
predatory mammals, but it forbids the
agency to use, demonstrate or advocate
poisons as a control agent.
I feel this legislation is necessary to
preserve our natural resources of wild-
life and I urge full support from my
Tuesday, July 15, 1969
Mr. HORTON. Mr. Speaker, many of
my colleagues have read about an inci-
dent in Florida where ranchers tried to
trap coyote parents by driving coyote
pups into a burrow, and caging them for
over 24 hours in 90-degree heat without
food or water.
This senseless torture did not trap the
parents. I know that it is often necessary
to kill these predatory animals to protect
livestock. I have no quarrel with this.
But I advocate responsible, selective, and
humane methods, not barbaric torture.
Unwarranted killing of predators is
leading to the extinction of some species.
In some cases, valuable animals, such
as the mountain lion, are being hunted
professionally for bounty where they
cause no threat to livestock. Unnecessary
elimination of predators often causes
serious rodent problems, and in some
cases the deer population gets out of
control, and widespread starvation occurs
in winter.
I have introduced a bill to encourage
positive conservation policies toward
these animals. I am advocating the dis-
use of poisons, and the lifting of bounties
in various States for predatory mammals.
This bill would establish that the wolf,
coyotte, mountain lion, lynx, bobcat and
several species of bear and other large,
wild carnivores are among the wildlife
resources of the United States and of
special value.
Tuesday, July 15, 1969
Mr. WOLFF. Mr. Speaker, regardless
of one's particular political bent, each
one of us is aware, I think, of the crisis
in values which has been growing
throughout the decade. The Government
has exerted efforts to bridge some of the
gaps, ameliorate some of the existing
tensions and provide for essential ex-
pansions and changes which are always
necessary after an ideological flux. Yet,
in many instances the Government has
been unsuccessful in its efforts.
Urbanologist Daniel P. Moynihan,
speaking at the University of Notre
Dame commencement, offered a sensi-
tive summation of the situation. Since
he presented a side of the problem which
we tend to overlook, I include excerpts
of his speech in the RECORD:
spond to the fact that so ,many of our young
people do not believe what those before them
have believed, do not accept the authority of
institutions and customs whose authority
has heretofore been accepted, do not em-
brace or even very much like the culture
that they inherit.
The 20th Century is strewn with the
wreckage of societies that did not under-
stand or accept this fact of the human con-
dition. Ours is not the first culture to en-
counter such a crisis in values. Others have
done so, have given in to the seeming sensi-
ble solution of politicizing the wrisis, have
created the total state, and have destroyed
themselves in the process.
I surely do not argue for a quietistic gov-
ernment acquiescing in whatever the tides of
fortune or increments of miscalculation
bring about; and in our time they have
brought about hideous things. I do not pre-
scribe for social scientists or government
officials a future of contented apoplexy as
they observe the mounting disaffection of
the young. I certainly do not argue for iron
resistance, as other societies have success-
fully resisted somewhat similar movements
in the past.
I simply plead for the religious and ethical
sensibility in the culture to see more clearly
what is at issue, and to do its work.
Sympathy is not enough. Tout pardonner,
c'est tout comprendre is not a maxim that
would pass muster . . ? with any who have
helped us through the recent or distant past.
If politics in America is not to become the
art of the impossible, the limits of politics
must be perceived, and the province of moral_
philosophy greatly expanded.
I would offer * * * the thought that the
principal issues of the moment are not po-
litical. They are seen as such: that is the
essential clue to their nature. But the crisis
of the time is not political, it is in essence
religious. It is a religious crisis of large
numbers of intensely moral, even Godly,
people who no longer hope for God. Hence,
the quest for divinity assumes a secular
form, but with an intensity of conviction
that is genuinely new to our politics * *
Having through all my adult life worked
to make the American national government
larger, stronger, more active, I nonetheless
plead that there are limits to what it may
be asked to do. In the last weeks of his life,
President Kennedy journeyed to Amherst to
dedicate a library to Robert Frost and to
speak to this point. "The powers of the
Presidency," he remarked, "are often de-
scribed. Its limitations should occasionally
be remembered."
The matter comes to this. The stability of
a democracy depends very much on the peo-
ple making a careful distinction between
what government can do and what it cannot
do. To demand what can be done is alto-
gether in order: some may wish such things
accomplished, some may not, and the major-
ity may decide. But to seek that which can-
not be provided, especially to do so with the
passionate but misinformed conviction that
it can be, is to create the conditions of frus-
tration and ruin.
What is it government cannot provide? It
cannot provide values to persons who have
none, or who have lost those they had. It
cannot provide a meaning to life. It cannot
provide inner peace. It can provide outlets
for moral energies, but it cannot create
those energies. In particular, government
cannot cope with the crisis in values which
is sweeping the western world. It cannot re-
Tuesday, July 15, 1969
Mrs. MINK. Mr. Speaker, most of us
are familiar with the current military
government in Greece. Yet, it has been
more than 2 years since this Government
came to power, and it is easy to forget
the anomaly of such a situation in a
country that was the birthplace of the
democratic concept.
Dr. George Anastaplo, a lecturer in the ?
liberal arts at the University of Chicago
and chairman of the political science
department at Rosary College in River
Forest, Al., has commented extensively
on the political situation in Greece.
Among his statements were three tele-
vised interviews on contemporary Greek
Because of the interest of my col-
leagues in the Greek situation, under
unanimous consent I submit these inter-
views for inclusion in the CONGRESSIONAL
RECORD, together with an introduction by
Dr. Anastaplo.
, The material follows:
(By George Anastaplo)
My concern is that Greek affairs not be
permitted to drift beyond our ability as
;Americans to predict and to some extent in-
fluence them. The longer the present regime
continues in Greece, the more radical and
even desperate will become the dedicated
men and women who dare oppose the gov-
errunent established in Athens on April 21,
1967 by a handful of junior Army officers
exploiting American training and equipment.
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July 15, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ?Extensions
have such decisions made by the likes of
Pitchfork Ben rather than the likes of Wheel-
barroW John. Any effort to freeze the 200
leading American corporations into their
prese t shape, any effort to freeze the coin-
muni y structure of the U.S., can only result
in a4-mat un-Jeffersonian society where the
police power of the central government bei?
comes the concentrated site of economic and
social , decision making. We have here a conk
flict between two Jeffersons, the one who
believed in a free society not shaped by
government and the squire of Monticello
who believed in small-scale economic units
and who hated cities. Mitchell is backing the
wrong Jefferson.?M. W.
Tuesday, July 15, 1969
Mr. EILBERG. Mr. Speaker, today I
have introduced a resolution directing
the Secretary of the Department of
Healtk Education, and Welfare to re-
scind the action which he recently took
to eliminate the 2-percent allowance in
lieu of specific recognition of other costs
under the program of Federal health in-
surance for the aged. The resolution also
directs the Secretary to rescind any steps
which have been taken to implement his
action and further states that he should
take no further action to alter or modify
such 411owance until he has consulted
fully with the members or representatives
of the hospital industry and other inter-
ested persons and reviewed with them
the pr ram's reimbursement formula so
that a y action which might be taken on
the m4.tter will afford reimbursement to
provid rs under the program which rea-
sonably reflects the amount of costs it is
intendpd to
During the pest 45 days, I have re-
ceived at least 50 letters from hospital
admin strations in and around the city
of Pkladelphia and throughout the
State Of Pennsylvania protesting the ac-
tion a the Secretary of Health, Educa-
tion, apd Welfare in eliminating this re-
imburs4ment allowance as an economy
move. When the medicare program was
to becorne effective the principal area of
d1sput between the 'Prospective hospital
participants and the Social Security Ad-
minist ation of the Department of
Health Education, and Welfare was over
the m thod of apportioning cost to,
medioa e program beneficiaries. Hospi-
tal re resentatives advocated average
per di m?allowance costs divided by
total p tient-days?as the basis for de-
termin ng medicare patient costs. The c
Social ecurity Administration, on the
other and, argued that the elderly were '
not lik other patients because of a much '
longer length of stay for the elderly
which esultod in a much lower usage of
ancilla 'y facilities. The SSA argued for
the rat o of costs to charges as applied
to cos.t as the method for determining
meclica.e program costs.
In its discussions with the hospital in-
dustry representatives, the Social Se-
curity Administration was able to demon-
strate that average charges per day de-
creased as the length of stay of the
patient increased. Hospital representa-
tives, on the other hand, were able to
Cite several local studies which indicated
that the cost of routine care is much
higher for the elderly. The effect of the
two factors of lower use of ancillary
facilities versus higher costs of routine
care were compromised through the ac-
ceptance of the S,SA's apportionment
formula coupled with a 2-percent allow-
ance for nonprofit hcspitals--11/2 per-
cent for profit hospitals?particularly as
a recognition of the higher nursing costs
for the elderly. The legality of thi
promise has been evaluated b Comp-
troller General of the tpil States, and
the General Counsel the Department
of Health, Educa n, and Welfare.
An agreem was reached between
then Secret of Health, Education, and
Welfare J Gardner and representa-
tives of d hospital industry that they
would ? consulted and brought actively
into y discussions which were con-
duct* about plans to change the re-
imbu sement formula with respect to the
2-pe ent allowance. I believe that the
inco i g administratim should have
honore his pledge and not acted in the
orecipitou anner it did in discontinu-
ing the 2-per reimbursement allow-
ance. The appare ationale for this
action was solely for e-. .omy reasons.
There was no consideration he effect
of such a reduction in. the rei ?urse-
rnent on the provision of Institut ? al
health care and it was :announced wit
out any evaluation or discussions by
either the hospitals involved or others
connected with the action.
I believe that the Federal Government
was clearly committed tc discussions with
representatives of the hospital industry
with regard to any changes which might
be considered in the re:mbursement al-
lowance. I believe that many hospitals
will drop the medicare program because
of this lack of candor on the part of the
administration. Certainly any hospitals
which are not now in the program will
think twice about participating in a pro-
cram in which one day they are receiving
p. reimbursement and the next are not
without any prior notice. One thing is
iluite apparent and that is that the 2-
percent factor was a major consideration
in hospitals entering into contracts to
participate in the medicare program.
Even though the dollar amount that is
nvolved in discontinuance of the re-
imbursement is relatively small in terms
A' Government finance, it is most im-
iPortant that the administration realize
inat the 2-percent factor represents a
very substantial amount of the resources
-issential to hospital operations.
I do not believe that the Social Se-
turity Administration of the Department
id Health, Education, and Welfare could
possibly have had sufficient data avail-
able to determine the cost of caring for
elderly hospital patients. One hospital
administrator made the following com-
ment to me in a letter on the matter:
Secretary Finch has indicated that after
3 years of experience, they should know the
cost of caring for medicare patients. This is
not possible since the hospitals still do not
of Remarks E
know or have audited data on the final
settlements for the first 6 months of the
medicare program.
Under the circumstances, I believe that
this decision should not have been made
until the hospitals had been given the
privilege of submitting additional data
on their costs.
Mr. Speaker, what I object to most is
the manner in which the Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare an-
nounced theit decision. They announced
it without consulting with the most af-
fected persons, the hospitals of the Na-
tion. This is a flagrant disregard of an
ment which the hospital industry
had th the previous administration. I
believe in open covenants openly arrived
at. I believe that the Federal Govern-
ment cannot act in a vacuum. Its deci-
sions affect people and when these deci-
sions affect the health of the Nation and
the ability of the Nation's hospitals to
provide that care when I think it is in
the national interest that decisions be
reached through deliberation and con-
sultation with all affected parties before
the fact not after it. The text of the reso-
lution I have introduced today is as fol-
H. CON. RES. 302
Concurrent resolution expressing the sense
of the Congress with respect to the recent
elimination of the 2 per centum allow-
ance in lieu of certain provider costs un-
der the medicare program
Resolved by the House of Representative
(the Senate concurring), That it is the sense
of the Congress that the Secretary of Health,
Education, and Welfare should rescind the
recent action taken by the 0ozrimissioner
? Social Security (and approved by the See-
r ary) in amending subpart D of Social Se-
c ity Administration Regulations No. 5 (20
CF 405.428) to eliminate the 2 per centum
all ance in lieu of specific recognition of
0th r costs under the program of Federal
Hea th Insurance for the Aged as well as any
ste which may have been taken to imple-
me t such action, effective July 1, 1969, and
sh ld take no further action to alter or
m. .ify such allowance until he has con-
sulted fully with members or representatives
of the hospital industry and other interested
persons and reviewed with them the reim-
bursement formula under such program in
order to insure that any action taken in
connection with such allowance Will afford
reimbursement to providers under such pro-
gram reasonably reflecting the amount of the
costs it is intended to cover.
Tuesday, July 15, 1969
Mr. WYMAN. Mr. Speaker, I wish to
join those who today, in the Halls of this
national legislative Chamber, pause in
commemoration of Captive Nations
Week, 10 years after the passage of the
resolution by Congress in 1959, and the
subsequent signing of the bill into law by
President Eisenhower. This observance,
designated under the provisions of the
act as the third week in July, serves as a
solemn reminder of the more than 100
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ef'/&, 15 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECUKD ? Lxtensions Kemartes E5979
The greatest but not yet likely danger for who was for eight years the Prime Minister
Greece is that of civil war, which (if it should of Greece and probably the most important
begin and somehow continue more than a
few months) could even see one camp being Prime Minister in Greece since Venezelos.Mr. Karamanlis is a known conservative, a
supplied by a reluctant America, the other man of the right, a man of proven effective-
camp having the massive aid it would re- ness, and a man for whom everyone of the
quire smuggled to it acrcis one of the many right and of the left would settle if he could
frontiers of Greece. If civil war should be
permitted to settle down on Greece, the be put back into power.Now, what does this mean as far as Amer-
Twentieth century would not see that coun- ican policy is concerned? The risk is, of
try return again to that threshhold bo mod- course, that something could happen to Mr.
ernity at which (after great effort and con- Karamanlis. If something should happen
siderable American aid) she finally found to him?he is, after all, a man in his six-
herself in the early 1960's. It will, in any ties?if something should happen to him, the
event, take many years to repair the damage most plausible peaceful alternative to rule
already done their country by the present by the present military governors of Greece
governors of Greece?the damage done by would disappear, the man who could have
the colonels' regime to respect for law, to the brought the country together. The other
national economy and even to military
The United States has had to be deeply
Involved in the affairs of Greece ever since
the Second World War. It will continue to be
deeply involved for several more decades.
Even so, Greek experts in the State Depart-
ment are, it seems to me, hopelessly divided
about the best course for us to encourage the
Greeks to follow at this time. Indeed, the
State Department is now so divided on this
subject that it cannot be said to have a pol-
icy at all?and so opportunities are being
Ignored which cannot be depended upon to
return. Thus, the official American attitude
reinforces the temperamental reluctance of
Greek politicians to subordinate themselves
to a common cause.
I do not believe it either moral or expedi-
ent for the United States to continue to treat
the current Greek military dictatorship as
an honorable ally. Rather, our considerable
influence in Greece should be directed to
helping the Greeks secure the immediate re-
turn of King Constantine to Athens and the
replacement of the colonels by a coalition
government under the leadership of the con-
servative former prime minister, Constantine
The United States will not be able to
escape either the responsibility for or the
consequences of whatever happens in Greece.
It is prudent, then, to do what we can
to help Greece return to a truly stable
government before the costs for us as well
as for them becomes higher and the risks
larger than they already are. What we do
In the next few months may be decisive
for determining what life will be like in
that country for some years to come.
* * * *
Unfortunately this is not the only danger
that threatens.
We have all learned, we all know, that
in dictatorial regimes the beginning may
seem easy, yet tragedy waits at the end,
inescapably. It is this tragic ending that
consciously or unconsciously torments us,
as in the ancient choruses of Aeschylus.
"The longer the abnormal situation lasts,
the greater the evil.
"I am a man completely without politi-
cal ties and I speak without fear and with-
out passion. I see before us the precipice
towards which the oppression that covers
the land is leading us.
"This abnormality must come to an end.
It is the nation's command."
The three televised interviews that fol-
low are offered as an aid to Americans in- thing that could happen, of course, is that
terested in advising our government as to as time goes by, as people begin to despair
what it should now do about "the abnormal of a political settlement, such as Mr. Kara-
manlis would be, there is greater likelihood
of a settlement by arms.
Last Monday afternoon I gave a talk at
the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations,
in which I indicated that time was running
short?that the opportunity for a political
settlement was disappearing?and that the
time had come when one could expect to
hear more and more of violent reactions to
the regime. The following day?by chance, of
course?we heard of an attempted assassina-
tion of the Prime Minister of Greece. What
really happened in Athens on that occasion,
I do not yet know; but certainly, if this was
not really an attempt at assassination, it
cannot be long before serious attempts will
be made. Such are the things that can hap-
pen if the plausible alternative represented
by Mr. Karamanlis is not encouraged and
supported by the United States.
Q. You mentioned that you feel that Mr.
Karamanlis could unite the nation. Is this
opinion of yours shared by the Greek people,
by the Greek politicians? On what do you
base your statement?
A. My impression is, from my visit last
summer?and I have heard nothing since
then that would challenge this?that the
people on the right are certainly comfort-
able with Mr. Karamanlis; even the people on
the left, last summer, were anxious for his
return: they looked back to his Administra-
tion?although at the time they had opposed
him?they looked back upon that as a much
better alternative, and they realized his re-
turn to power was a plausible alternative,
especially since the colonels who now run
the government could themselves recognize
in Karamanlis a man whom they could trust
to some extent. This is a political settlement
I am talking .about. This is a settlement that
would permit all factions in the country to
The foregoing paragraphs, which continue'
(unfortunately) to be relevant, are taken
from two statements on current Greek af-
fairs published by me towards the end of
1968. We have now begun to hear in this
country ominous reports of the first out-
break of serious fighting in Greece since the
colonels' usurpation of April 1967. I do hope
situation" in Greece.
Q. Dr. George Anastaplo is a Lecturer in
the Liberal Arts at the University of Chicago
and a Professor of Political Science and of
Philosophy at Rosary College, in River Forest,
Illinois (where he is also chairman of the
Political Science Department). Dr. Anastaplo
has received both his Doctor of Jurisprudence
and his Doctor of Philosophy degrees from
the University of Chicago. He has travelled to
Greece every summer since the year 1962 and
has made an intensive study of that coun-
try's affairs. Last year, Dr. Anastaplo travelled
as a foreign correspondent to Greece and had
the opportunity to engage in conversations
there with many people in different walks of
life, including some officials of the present
Greek government. He is preparing a book on
Greece for publication.
Doctor, it is nice to have you with us on
"Grecian Panorama." I know from your
many visits to Greece that you have many
things of interest you :could tell us. But be-
cause we don't have much time, I suggest we
should concentrate on just a few things to-
night. I think that the most important sub-
ject currently may be the draft of the pro-
posed constitution that is to be voted on by
the Greek people next month. I think our
viewers would find it interesting if you
would review the events leading up to this
draft of the proposed Constitution.
A. The most important event leading up
to this draft constitution is, of course, the
revolution executed by a group of Army of-
ficers in April of 1967, the revolution which
came after two years of very excited political
controversy in Greece and which was thought
by some to be necessary to resolve that con-
troversy. Now, anything anyone says about be sure that a civilized decent regime would
Greece is going to be controversial and any- follow and that there would be no bloodlet-
thing anyone says in a short time is going to ting, no unnecessary punishment, no unpre-
be superficial. But we must take a chance dictable repercussions from a return to po-
" nt
that these reports are not true. I also hope on this occasion. .
that the Greeks will not be driven, by the The first thing that must be said in think- Yet someone might say to the Greeks, "You
oppression of their government and by the ing about Greece, in thinking about the con- don't need such a political settlement now;
paralysis of ours, to violent measures in stitution that is to be voted on next month, you are about to get a constitution, a con-
their gallant effort to restore their country is the fact that this is a unique situation as stitution which is scheduled to be voted on
to her rightful place among the civilized far as American foreign policy is concerned. the 29th of September." But there are some
nations of the world. That is to say, I believe this is the only place curious things about that situation. It is,
A few weeks ago, Greece's Noble Laureate, in the world where an unpopular and repres- first of all, a curiously written constitution
the poet George Seferis, issued to foreign sive government, which is somewhat depend- in the sense that there was first a draft writ-
correspondents in Athens a statement which ent upon our support, has as its most likely ten by a group of jurists and then, there-
included sentiments it is our duty as old popular alternative a government of the after, there was a draft proposed by the
friends of Greece both to notice and to do right. This, I think, cannot be found any- colonels, presumably upon considering the
something about: where else in the world and makes somewhat reactions, the responses, the opinions ex-
"It is almost two years since a regime strange the American position in Greece, a pressed about the jurists' draft. There are
was imposed upon us utterly contrary to position which is not necessarily that of other difficulties with this constitution, one
the ideals for which our world?and so strong support but certainly of acquiescence of which is the fact that it is being proposed
magnificently our people?fought in the last in and sometimes mild support of the gov- by people who came to power unconstitu-
World War. It is a state of enforced torpor ernment. tionally. That, of course, brings it in under
in which all the intellectual values that we I have said that it appears that the most a cloud.
have succeeded, with toil and effort, in keep- likely present alternative to the current gov- An even more serious difficulty is that 1
ing alive are being submerged in a swamp, ernment is a government of the right. I am do not see that it is going to make much dif-
in stagnant waters. I can well imagine that referring, of course, to a government that ference to the political situation in Greece.
for some people these losses do not matter. would be led by Constantine Karamanlis, That is to say, the people who are politically
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E 5980 CO GRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks Jztiy,,1,2;40,069
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minded do not regard this constltution. BB SeVeral questionable r visi
p o ons in the pro
something they have to, take seriously. Frac- posed constitution. One is the creation o
tically every prominent Greek pee tician 1 what is called the Constitutional Court
know of?practically every one: teere are which would h eve?which could liave--th
only two or three exceptions?ha,s come out effect not only of limiting the expression o
against it, including kr. Karamanlis in political opinion but, even more important
of severely restricting the number and kind
It is very hard to think of the referendum of political parties that axe_ established in
as something that people will really believe the country. This court will supervise such
to be a legitimate expeeseion of the public political activity. Even if the court does not
will. What I think it will be, rather than a act against any party, it will be known by
referendum on a constitution, is, in effect, an anyone who brings forward a party for certi-
attempt, by something approaching a plebi- fication that ps rties can be acted against
scite, to have the colonehe regime legitimated. When political parties realize that such a
That is going to be the effect of the voting. court can suppress them, they will conduct
It seems to me very unlikely that such a themselves accordingly: they will restrain
vote and such a constetu Lion would mean themselves much more than they should and
much more than such Votes and such con- thereby reduce even more the likelihood that
stitutions did in StalineeeFussia or than they they will speak freely on public issues and
do in, say, Franco's Spain. It is not nag diffie advance policies opposed to those of the
cult, when you control all the means of corn- government
munication, when you control all major
weapons and virtually all means of coercion
and when you have avalleble the resources
of government?it does not seem to me at all
unlikely that you can in Such circumstances
secure the kind of vote you want.
Q. Then you don't feel that the present
regime is about to relinquish its power?
A. No, Miss Vasils, I don't think it 1$ about
to. I think that once the Constitution is
ratified?as I think it is likely to be in the
circumstances; I will be surprised if it is
not?, the present government will then de-
cide under whet conditions it will implement
What parts of it. There is no announced
schedule as to how this coostitution is to be
Q. What provisions do you think are sig-
phrey-Kennedy policy] is something that
A. There are good and had features in the Americans can well take into account as they
proposed constitution. One at qie diettessing consider what their government should do,
things about it is that there are a Munber Q. Thank you :tor your remarks, Dr. Ana-
of good features in it which, because of the staplo. You prefaced an article on Greece you
fact that they will be hereafter aaseeiated wrote for the Massachusetts Review with
with this regime?because they have been words of Abraham Lincoln which I would
put forward and endorsed ey this retinae? like to quote for our viewers; "I am very
will come to be regarded in the Inture as little inclined on any occasion to say any-
suspect. That is to say, somebody who, for thing unless I hope to produce some good
bad reasons, should want to oppose Ole of by It."
these features in a future
Q. I know you were in Delphi the day of the
referendum and you did observe the voting
, there from dawn to dusk. Would you begin
with an account of what happened that day
and continue with your views on the situa-
A. The voting was in a school house there
in Delphi, in a school room, where some
700 people voted. It was one of the places
in Greece where the men and women both
voted in the same place. In many other poll-
lug places, men and women voted separately,
as is traditional. The voting I saw was very
orderly, very quiet, and in some ways quite
relaxed. Of the 684 ballots cast that day in
Delphi, only seven were cast against the pro-
posed constitution.
Q. Now, would you tell us the procedure.
A. The voter would come in. He would
walk over to the table where the election
officials were sitting. He would have his name
marked off the voting list and his identity
card punched to show he had voted (since
voting has long been compulsory in Greece).
Then he would take off the table an envelope
(which was not transparent), take the ballot
or ballots-- the YES and NO ballots?take
them, if he wanted to, into a curtained-off
polling booth and there put the ballot he
wanted into the envelope, discard the other
ballot or put in his pocket, come back to
the ballot box, place his sealed envelope into
the ballot box and leave. That was the proce-
dure. Or, rather, that is the pencedure one
could go through if one wanted to.
On this occasion, however, out of the 884
voters that day in Delphi, less than twenty
of em (as I tallied them that day) took
both ballots. That is to eay, all but twenty?
and I don't think there were even twenty?
took only the YRS ballot, took it from the
piles of ballots in front of the election judge
and his assistants and, in most cases, put it
in the envelope right there on the spot for
depositing in the ballot box.
Q. The voter picked up both ballots? They
were not handed to him?
A. The voter picked up what he "wanted."
to pick up. That is to say, he was "free" to
pick up either ballot. On this occasion, most
of the voters took on by the Yes ballot and
put that, right on the spat, into the envelope
and cast it. Very few voters in Delphi that
day took both ballots. Very few of them went
behind the curtain?there is not much point
going behind the curtain if one takes only
one ballot?with the result that only seven
voted No. Some of those who took both bal-
lots and voted yes were people who knew
one is "supposed" to take both ballots. This
is the way one votes if one is an educated
man, if one is a man of some prestige. (This
Is the way people voted In Athens that day,
I have been told.) Such people might still
vote yes, but at least they would take both
ballots and then vote yes.
It was so obvious shortly after the polls
opened in Delphi that almost everyone was
voting yes that I was soon able to send out
a report on the voting to a foreign corre-
spondent friend in Athens who relayed it to
London. This report, I am told, permitted
the B.B.C. to announce, long before the votes
were tabulated that night, that the ballot-
ing in Greece that day would be at least
90 per cent in favor of the proposed consti-
Now, the interesting question is. Why did
the people of Delphi vote this way?
Q. Yes, I was about to ask that.
A. One reason they voted that way is that
they were told they should vote that way.
This was the impression they had gathered
rose government officials, from government
propaganda, and from authorities in the
town. Everyone was saying, "You should vote
yes, and furthermore, you should do it open-
y." This was again and again said to peo-
ple?or, at least, people told me they had
been told this.
Q. Doctor, I em going to have to inter-
rupt you, because our time is running out.
Would you like to summarize or say some-
thing briefly, as a concluding remark?
A. The question I think we should keep
in mind is, What should be the role of the
United States with respect to Greece? I
think that, unless something different
emerges during our Presidential campaign, we
do know one thing: we do know, thus far,
that Mr. Nixon's policy has been, so far as I
understand it, friendly toward this Greek
regime or, at least, acquiescent to it, while,
so far as I understand it, Mr. McCarthy's
policy, just as Mr. Knnedy's was and as I
believe Mr. Humphrey's to be, is unfriendly
toward this regime. This juxtaposition [of
the Nixon policy and the McCarthy-Hum-
We thank you for your remarks and hope
(instead of having to rely en bad or selfish
re you will soon be back with -us on "Grecian
reasons) simply say, "This is the colonels' Panorama."
idea; you don't want that?
Q. That will be the natuial reaction? AN INTERV/EW BRC.ADCAST BY WCIU-TV, CHI-
A. Yes, that would be a natural Satiation ceno, ILL.. NOVEMBER 9, 1968
with an unfortunate effect. Now, there are
0BeC co
t n- Q. Professor George Anastaplo has recent-
several good features in the pT0pstitution. Let me just mention two of them. I returned from a three-week tour of Greece
he conducted for the Chicago Council
One of them is, of course, the propesed re- j
on Foreign Relations. Doctor, le is very nice
duction in the size of the Parliametnt and
the provision for a certain- regularity; in the e
to welcome you tack for your second visit
way it is elected. I think 1 hat is prObably with us on Grecian Panorama."
an improvement. The reduction of the powers A. Thank you, Miss Va,sils. It is good to be
of the Parliament, however, I believe has back.
gone too far. Q. We heard today that the Greek govern-
In addition, I think most observer, Would Meat has announced that the constitution
say that the proposed reduction be the which was voted cn September 29 [1968] is
powers of the King is good not only for the going to become effective next Friday, No-
country but also for the King himsel . 'That vember 15. I think you will agree that the
is to say, the King's great powers and, even 92 per cent vote in favor of the Constitution
more important, the King's hitherto] imee- has given the impression to many that the
fined powers have put him in a vulnerable Greek people are in favor of their military
situation. It is very difficult for a kin4?who government, that they believe it has saved
may be a young man, or who may e old; the country from a threat of Communism
it depends upon circumstances?to be able and from a breakdown of law and order.
to contend successfully with men whip have I know that our viewers would be in-
d for political stability?if his pow
ooere are Greece?
tten to where they are because they are terested in your opinion on these matters.
ery good politicians. If he has to put his I'd like to ask you about the implementa-
udgment and prestige on the line against tion of the constitution as well as about the
ch men, he is likely to be hurt. It Is a 92 per cent vote. Do you believe that this
avor to him, then, in a w- -andcertainly really indicates that now all is well in
tomewhat reduced and defined. I think, how-, A. No. I do believe it does indicate that
ver, that these, too, have been mit too all is under contree in Greece, which is not
severely, that his powers, as .I read the eion- the same as saying that all is well, although 1
titution, are even more restricted than those many Greeks who Ilse to think of their coun-
f the British monarchy. And that, I }think,
going a little too far. try as one that is prone to disorder may be-
lieve it is better to have strict control than
The provisions I have been talking about to run the risks that freedom brings. 1
are good, except perhaps where they' have No, I don't think all is well in Greece to-
gone too far. There are, on _the other hand, day, but all is predictable.
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July 15, 1969 Apprcezittif6gMeAriat-N126 _c_bmpgsMOW6k134M90120003-9
Q. You mentioned government propaganda.
What would this consist Of?
A. Government propaganda about the vet- '
ing was found all over. It was found in news-
papers, of course, in signs, in big placards,
on walls, in signs painted on buildings of
all kinds. You no doubt heard of the very
large sign on Mount Lycabettus in Athens the
large neon sign which overlooked the city
and could be seen from the most populated
sections of the city all night?I am not sure
all night. I don't know how long they kept
it on?but it was visible every night. Then,
there were the radio, the speeches, the cam-
It was a very intensive campaign on behalf
of the proposed constitution. There was no
one campaigning against the constitution, to
speak of?a few stray voices here and there?
but no organized campaign, no signs, no pol-
iticians permitted to go around the coun-
try speaking against the proposed constitu-
tion. Politicians were pretty much told to
stay at home, which they did. It was a sit-
uation in which virtually all the public ef-
forts being made were made to induce the
people to vote and to vote YES.
It should also be noticed that this consti-
tuition was voted on under martial law. It
was voted on, that is, where there was no
effective freedom. I personally know people
in Delphi who voted YES and openly?who
walked in very calmly, took the YES ballot,
voted it without even going into the booth,
cheerfully, quite content evidently with the
whole business?people who I knew from
conversations on other occasions simply de-
test the regime. Something made them act
the way the regime wanted them to act. It is
not very hard to figure out why this hap-
pened, if one knows anything about how
such votes are managed in Russia, how they
were managed in Germany during the times
of the Nazis. It does not take much imagina-
tion to recognize the forces that conspire to
get the vote a government wants: propa-
ganda, intimidation, bribery and hope, hope
that "if we get a constitution, things may
Q. Do you feel, now that the Greek gov-
ernment has announced that the constitu-
tion will be implemented next week, that
many people will say that the government is
showing good faith and that they should
A. People don't have much choice about
cooperating. I think very few people will run
the risk of opposing this government in any
serious way. There are still thousands of
people who are In island exile: a number of
them are labeled Communists, and they
may well be, for all I know; a number of
them are non-Communists. Some of the
island exiles are even senior Army officers,
loyal to the King, who have thus been put
out of the way. There is still tight control by
the government of all means of publicity
and of all systems of communications.
The Greeks don't know how much of the
new constitution is going to be effective im-
mediately. They have been told that some
of the articles will not be immediately ef-
fective, such as the article assuring free-
dom of the press. They were told that be-
fore they voted. In other words, there are
a number of articles that were suspended
even before the constitution came into being.
A number of other things would have to be
known before one can decide what the im-
plementation of the constitution will mean
in practice. Is, for instance, martial law go-
ing to be continued?
Thus, the Greeks don't know what kind
of a constitution they have gotten, and what
is even more important, they don't know?
they can't know?how various articles in
it will be interpreted and how they will be
Q. It would seem from the 92 percent vote
that the constitution was accepted passively.
Yet some days later there was quite an ex-
pression of sentiment at the Papandreou
funeral. What do you make of that?
A. In special circumstances, when there is a
certain kind of anonymity or when pas-
sions are very high because of a funeral or
for some other reason, one can get an idea of
what's happening, of what people really think
in Greece. That is to say, one does learn that
there are a substantial number of people?
we need not say how many there are?who
are very much against this regime, and from
whom nothing is heard ordinarily.
There have been two incidents, really, that
have been very revealing. One of them is the
incident of last December 13th [1967], in
KavaIla. KavaIla is traditionally a left-wing,
anti-royalist center. That was the occasion
when the King made his effort to overthrow
this regime. He landed in KavaIla; he was
there suddenly, spontaneously. He was greet-
ed in a way that he has never been greeted
in any other place in Greece. He was carried
through the streets. This was not organized;
this was not a staged production. There was
Jubilation at the prospect that finally the
colonels' regime was all over.
The second such manifestation was at the
Papandreou funeral. When the old man,
George Papandreou, died two weeks ago,
there was obviously great emotion on the
part of many who had been his followers
over the years. So there was on November
3rd 119681, in Athens, a massive demon-
stration. I've seen estimates in American
newspapers that speak in terms of hundreds
of thousands of participants in that funeral
demonstration. I just don't know and I am
reluctant to say how many there were until
I have had a chance to check with people
I consider reliable. But what is certainly
clear is that it was a very large demonstra-
tion. I would not be surprised -CO learn that
the numbers involved in it were far more
than the numbers in that area who voted
NO in the constitutional referendum five
weeks before. Now the problem is, Where
were these people on referendum day? Why
didn't they vote against the proposed consti-
The thing that comes through, as one
makes an effort to try to understand what
is going on now in Greece, is that it is very
difficult too learn what is going on because
of the massive effort on the part of the gov-
ernment to present its position, and to pre-
sent it in a way that has no regard for the
truth. The Greek .government will use any
means, and say anything, in order to ad-
vance its position. That means that anyone
studying this matter has great difficulty find-
ing out from normal sources?the kind of
sources one would use for an investigation
in any other country in Europe this side of
the Iron Curtain?very great difficulty find-
ing out just what is happening.
One thing that is certain is that things
are quite different in Greece from what the
government says they are. I think it im-
portant for Americans interested in Greek
affairs to keep that in mind. If we Amer-
icans are relying on the assumption that
the present Greek government really has the
support of its people, it is an assumption
that is going to bring us to grief insofar as
we are allies of the Greeks and want to re-
main allies of the Greeks in the years ahead.
Q. There are many people who say it is
really none of our business as Americans to
comment on what is happening in Greece.
A. That is sometimes said. But when Amer-
icans, and especially Greek-Americans, com-
ment favorably on the regime, the Greek
government plays it up, without restraint,
no matter where they are, no matter who
they are, no matter whom they are speaking
to. Any comment that is favorable to the
present regime will be played up in the Greek
newspapers, which means that they think
favorable comments are relevant. I should
think, by parity of reasoning, that unfavor-
able comments are also relevant, especially
when they are made by people who take the
E 5981
trouble to find out what is really happen-
ing in Greece today.
Q. Professor Ana,staplo, it is nice to have
you back on "Grecian Panorama" tonight.
A. Thank you, Miss Vasils.
Q. It is well known, Dr. Anastaplo, that
you are an advocate of the return to power
in Greece of the former premier, Constan-
tine Karamanlis, as the best solution to the
Greek problem today. Some other opponents
of the current Greek regime seem to think,
however, that this would, in reality, be im-
posing another form of dictatorship on the
Greek people. What are your comments on
A. I have heard the same kind of objec-
tion raised to the Karamanlis solution?
whch is not really my suggestion alone, but
the suggestion of many people in Greece as
well. I think it is an objection which does
not properly take into account what the sit-
uation really is in Greece today.
Now, the very fact that we are discussing
this sort of thing here, on the air in Chicago,
shows that something special is happening
in Greece. As you indicated in your instruc-
tion of me, I have been to Greece a number
of times, including times when Mr. Kara-
manlis was in power and other times when
Mr. Papandreou was in power?that is to
say, when there was in power a government
right of center as well as a government left
of center. Those situations did not compel
Americans to discuss Greek affairs as we have
been doing in this country the past eighteen
Even so, my own position has not been
one of trying to suggest what the Greeks
should do. It is rather an attempt to suggest
what we Americans should do, and particu-
larly what our State Department and our
government should do in a situation in
which the United States either has some re-
sponsibility or at least will have some duties
because of its special relation with Greece
as an ally. It is from this perspective that
I am speaking.
Q. How would you answer those Americans
who feel that the United States should not
get further involved with any other problems
in the world? How much further can we ex-
tend ourselves? Some say we are so involved
now in Viet Nam that we should not get
involved in the Greek situation.
A. That is a perfectly sensible caution,
that we should recognize the limits of Ameri-
can power. The "limits of American power"
means that we should recognize beyond
what mark American power does not extend.
But it also means that we should appreciate,
if we are to be realistic about what "limits"
means, within what limits American power
can be effective.
The fact is that Greece is an American
ally. It has been an ally of OUTS for twenty
years. It is very much dependent upon the
United States for several things?for arms,
for example. The United States, on the other
hand, wants certain things from Greece.
There has long been a connection between
the two countries, partly because of the
large number of Greeks in this country.
There is a traditional friendship between the
countries. There has been over the years an
affinity of institutions. There have been a
number of things that have brought us
together. That is to say, this Isn't an artifi-
cial, a temporary, alliance.
Besides, whatever damage is done in Greece
by any government is damage the United
States will have to help repair someday. It
isn't as if we can walk away from Greece
and forget about it. There are a number of
factors that require us to be interested in
Greece, aside from the question which some
people would insist upon, the question of
our responsibility for what has happened
there. We need not say that the United States
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Approved mNimmit
is responsible for what has happened in
Greece in recent years in order to be able
to say that the United States shou-d be
concerned about what is going to happ en or
about what is happening in that country.
I am not concerned simply to settle a
historical question about who is responsible
for what has happened in Greece. The prin-
cipal problem for me today is, what 1,3 the
best way of correcting the situation right
now, a situation which is so burdensome for
our friends there, so bUftlellsoine for the
people of our forebears. Even if one is liv-
ing in the United States, even if one has
been born here (as have I), one cannot help
but feel a concern for that people. One can-
not, as an American, simply abandon one's
friends and those to whorn one is close in
that country.
Q. Now, you are speaking of the interest
we should have, the concern we should have,
because of what has happened there since
April 1967. You would not have this concern
if Greece had an elected, a duly-elected. gov-
ernment. Is that correct?
A. If there was in Athens a government
that had been installed by the Greek people,
if it was a government Which clearly had
the support of the Greek people, which was
not a dictatorship, as this one clearly is,
and if it was not doing various things that
this government is clearly doing, such as
torture, such as intimidatiOn (even of Greek-
Americans) , it would be a quite different
matter. You can talk to Greek-Americans in
this country who will tell You that they
have been approached and threatened,
through their relatives back in Greece, for
criticizing the regime in -Greece. After all,
even so courageous a Greek a.; HelensVlachou
has had to close down her journal [Hellenic
!Review] in London. Why did she have to
Mose down so useful and so successful a
publication? Press reports published here
speak of pressure put on her by threats to
her family in Athens. This is not what she
Said, of course, but this is what press re-
Ports have said. When there is this kind of
overnment in Greece, it is a serious ques-
ion whether or not we Americans should sit
by and accept it as an ally; it is a serious
question whether we can sit by and, even if
only passively or by acquiescence, help it do
what it does. I am not concerned, primarily,
o tell Greeks what they Should do. I am
oncerned to say what the United States
Should and should not do. This I am obliged
and entitled to do.
i Now, let us consider the question of Con-
Stantine Karamanlis. Those who say that the
best thing for Greece would be immediate
4ree elections which would let the Greeks re-
turn whom they would return to power, have
Something to be said for them. There is, for
instance, something to be said for Andreas
Papandreou as an alternative to Mr. ICara-
Man]'s. Mr. Papandreou is a man who IS Well-
intentioned. I have not yet met him. I have
never talked to him, nor even correspentled,
with him. I know only what everybody
knows about him. But from what I do'ishew
cff him, I am prepared to believe that he
Means the best for Greece. He has cOnsid-
erable talent and, given the proper qppor-
tunity, he might some day do things for
Greece. I have no doubt about that. !
I have no doubt that there 41re many other
Greeks as well as who can make impOrtant
contributions to their country But my con-
cern is, What is the best way the United
totes can help Greece out cd the presentielr-
c mstances, which are in wome ways Very,
very dangerous? Anything can happen 'when
a people is compelled, as are the Greeks today,
to do something it does not want to do. What
may happen no one can predict. It is the 'un-
predictable, in a way, that is threatening
Greece and that is threatening the United
State's role in Greece.
Mr. Karamanlis seems to ine the best 'Way
out because it is a way that does appeal to
K1242ial lti947E112"33ACfiaP egi,2; July 15,1969
people to people of the left, right and center
In Greece. I know this from my own inter-
views in Greece. This solution appeals to peo-
ple in the American government. It appeals
even to people who are supporting the colo-
nels in Greece: they find Mr. Karamanlis least
threatening of all the alternatives to their
own rule.
Q. Least threatening in what way?
A. If Mr. Karamanlis should come to power,
I believe he would be reasonable about what
he would do in the way of calling the colo-
nels to account.
Q. What do you think he should do if he
came in?
A. I am in favor of amnesty, as much as
possible. I am in favor of closing accounts,
rather than settling them. I am not in favor
of a fighting old battles over and over again.
Greece has had too much of that. I am not
in favor of shedding blood to settle some-
thing. I hope Mr. Karamanlis would take
much the same position.
What would Mr. Karamanlis do if he re-
turned to power? Would it be a dictatorship?
There is no reason why it should be a dicta-
torship. I don't know what he would do; no
one knows what he would do. But there is no
reason why he should impose upon himself
the extra burden of maintaining a dictator-
ship. A dictatorship is really a very inefficient
form of government to maintain. It is very in-
efficient in many ways. For instance, informa-
tion is very hard to get. Reliable information
that people need to run their affairs intel-
ligently is often hard to get in a dictatorship
of this kind, whether it is in Russia or in Ger-
many of the old days or in the Greece of the
colonels today. There is no need for Mr.
Karamanlis to impose such burdens upon
himself. There is no reason for him to incur
the enmity of people left of center. He already
has the support of well over half of the
Greeks. When a leader has such support, he
does not have to impose upon his people the
kind of restrictions the colonels are imposing.
They impose the restrictions they are im-
ppsing, and thus run the risk of provoking a
ruinous civil war, because they have no other
way of maintaining themselves in power.
The Karamanlis solution 'is, I_believe, the
only prudent, political solution that can be
depended upon. There are other solutions
th4 might work. But this one is the most
reliable for getting Greece past the colonels
Without a catastropqe. It would put in power
a man who has some respect for the ordinary
political processes of his country. One thing
we should remember is that Mr. Karamanlis
was actually voted out of office in the elec-
tions of 1963-1964. The colonels will never be
voted out of office. That is to say, they will
never be voted out of office in a situation
where they are actually putting up candi-
dates that they are supporting. They might
some day use an election, if they feel them-
selves going, as a way of making a safe transi-
tion?but they will not be surprised by the
result of any elections they conduct.
Mr. Karamanlis, authoritarian as he some-
times was, strong-minded as he sometimes
was, was nevertheless enough of a constitu-
tionalist, enough of a democrat, to allow
himself to be defeated, to be defeated in an
election which no doubt had all kinds of ir-
regularities and even fraud on both sides.
He was enough of a politician conforming to
the rule of law and to normal democratic
processes to be willing to submit himself to
the electoral process and to be deprived of
power after having served eight rather suc-
cessful years in the highest office.
Q. Do you feel that something could be
worked out whereby the colonels themselves
could serve their country together with other
A. I think there are things the colonels
could be given to do that would take care of
If I were a leader of the Left of Center?in
Greek politics, I am nothing: I have no posi-
tion in Greek politics?but if I'Were some-
one left of center, if I were a member of the
Center Union, I would be inclined to work
out a coalition with Mr. Karamanlis, in which
some of our people?if I were left of center?
would take certain cabinet posts. If, however,
the Center Union should insist on free elec-
tions, and if they could somehow get them,
they would have nothing. It would be (in
my opinion) a landslide for Mr. Karamanlis
and his supporters, while the Center Union
would be left with nothing at all. I think it
is in the interest of the Center Union leaders,
if they want to retain some control over the
immediate political life of Greece, to join
now some kind of coalition under Mr.
Karamanlis's leadership.
It is in Mr. Karamanlis's interest, on the
other hand, to bring into his government
several leaders of the Center Union. After
all, everyone knows that if the elections of
1967 had been carried out, the Center Union
Party would probably have had a majority.
The Center Union has been deprived of what
it had, in a way, earned, and consequently,
there is a danger of bitterness, a danger of
recrimination, that comes from this kind of
deprivation. It would surely be prudent for
Mr. Karamanlis to head off such a develop-
ment by. recognizing what the Center Union
can contribute to Greece.
A political decision is needed in Greece
today, a recourse to what is possible in
present circumstances. The objection that
the return of Mr. Karamanlis to power is
likely to lead to a dictatorship is not some-
thing one hears as much in Greece as out.
In Greece, people do feel the present regime
as a real dictatorship, and they realize that
whatever they remember about Mr. Kara-
manlis's administration, whatever com-
plaints they had about it, his administra-
tion was nothing like this, and they appre-
ciate that.
I think that the most interesting thing
about the objections one hears against im-
posing a dictatorship through Mr. Kara-
manlis is that they reveal something about
the sometimes unrealistic character of Greek
political opinion. That is to say, it seems
to an outsider, such as I am, extremely un-
realistic for Greeks abroad to object, "We
don't want Mr. Karamanlis, we want free
elections, at cetera", as if free elections
would solve everything, as if they are likely
to get free elections as an alternative to
the colonels. One must, in political matters,
consider the practical alternatives and make
a judgment. The kind of objection we have
been discussing tonight, which can stand in
the way of forming an effective coalition in
opposition to the colonels, should give-Amer-
icans who are not familiar with Greek poli-
tics an idea of the idealistic shortsightedness
that has sometimes characterized Greek
politics and that has contributed to the
present troubles in Greece.
Certain obvious compromises during the
1965-1967 crisis?certain compromises of a
political character, certain prudential solu-
tions?would have prevented the troubles
the Greeks have now. I refer to the kind of
compromise that an ordinary American
politician would have easily been able to
make. This the Greeks were unable to do?
and this is partly why they have what they
have. They certainly don't deserve what they
have, but there is a reason why they have it.
Tuesday, July 15, 1969
Mr. BINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, while no
one can blame Gov. Nelson Rockefeller
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Foreign Relations Committee, Secretary
Laird, seated at the console of the Pentagon's
mighty organ, thumped out the regular notes
of fear, but the ritual response was lacking.
Vietnam, the Pueblo, the F-111, the Sentinel
and urban chaos combined to create a new,
questioning, mood.
No matter what the Senate vote on ABM, it
must face up to the acronym's alter ego,
MIRV. Mr. Laird's first-strike scare at least
served to focus attention on nuclear policy
and on the future of the arms race. It appears
that the Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee was better briefed on MIRV than Secre-
tary of State Rogers, who knew the meaning
of the letters but not the significance of the
weapons system. After his casual treatment
of MIRV in his June 4th press conference, Mr.
Rogers?to quote John W. Finney's report in
The New York Times (June 6th)?"was given
a quick course by the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee today on the intricacies of
nuclear disarmament." Emerging from Sen-
ator Fulbright's school of nuclear knowledge,
the Secretary of State told reporters: "It
might be that if MIRV tests are successful in
the next few months, this will present new
problems of inspection."
Students of decision-making might suggest
that the State Department needs some high-
level bridge across the Potomac to expedite
communication on the strategic implications
of arms developments. However, the mecha-
nism for such dialog has been in existence
for years in the form of the US Arms Con-
trol and Disarmament Agency. In fact, ACDA
actually held a conference of experts on
MIRV some years ago. Top men in the agency
are fully aware of MIRV's meaning for arms
control, but apparently they had not yet
managed to conduct a teach-in 'at the State
Meanwhile both nuclear giants proceed to
lob multiple warheads at targets in the Pa-
cific. It is as though the military on both
sides want to perfect MIRV before their
negotiators start talking. A little appreciated
aspect of MIRV technology is that a first-
strike system is more complex than a re-
taliatory system. In his analysis of a Soviet
first-strike threat, John S. Foster, Jr., postu-
lates a MIRV system capable of sensing if it
directs a warhead off-course. In this case,
the information is telemetered back to the
launch sites and a back-up SS-9, wiai. its 3
MIRV's targeted on silos left "uncoverecr" by
MIRV malfunctions, is launched. This ultra-
sophisticated MIRV system, self-sensing and
automatically capable of rectifying its error,
is one which the United States disavows.
Neither the number of MIRV's aboard an
SS-9 or S Minuteman or a Poseidon is ascer-
tainable in silo or underseas?nor is the
first-strike MIRV mechanism.
As in the case of underground nuclear
tests, inspection proved to be an impene-
trable barrier to agreement on a treaty, so
it appears that the MIRV inspection prob-
lem is without technical solution. Nations
of the wqrld were able to agree on a limited
or three-environment test ban, forbidding
nuclear explosions in air, sea and space. A
limited missile treaty does not appear to be
very meaningful. Moreover, technology gives
little hope of birthing a Hercules to slay the
missile-Hydra, We are belatedly beginning
to sense what Mr. McNamara had on his
mind when he spoke of the "mad momentum
intrinsic to the development of all new nu-
clear weaponry."
ThUrsday, July 10, 1969
Mr. REES. Mr. Speaker, I would like
at this point in the RECORD to insert
three memos concerning Middle East
problems and some suggestions as to fu-
ture U.S. foreign policy there. These
memos were developed by the Honorable
Leonard Horwin, attorney, former mayor
of Beverly Hills, and former U.S. diplo-
It is my belief that Mr. Horwin's
thoughts will be of interest to many of
us concerned with the rising tensions in
the Middle East.
The memos follow:
In the natural ardor of counsel to save the
life of their client by establishing a political
motive for assassination, the history of the
Mideast is currently being rewritten to suit
the purposes of a local courtroom.
Russia abetted by General de Gaulle has
attempted the same re-write to condition the
United States to accept Russia's "peace
plan" for the Middle East. Basically this
plan is to pressure Israel to return to the
indefensible armistice borders of 1948-1967,
without any prior negotfated agreement of
political settlement between Israel and Rus-
sia's Arab clients.
The theme of the re-write is that Israel
merits the hate of Russia's Arab clients. On
this basis, acts of assassination or of murder
and sabotage by Arab irregulars or of pres-
sure by Russia to force Israel's return to
indefensible borders, are justified as a means
of appeasing the haters.
But is this Arab hate justified? Or is it
instead ill founded, contrived and pressure
The principal charges of Russia and her
Arab clients, and the facts, are as follows:
(1) Does Israel constitute a threat to these
Arab states? No. Israel occupies about 8,000
square miles with 2,500,000 population con-
trasted with about 80,000,000 population and
1,200,000 square miles of territory including
vastly richer area, available to Russia's Arab
Israel offered and offers to cooperate with
its Arab neighbors to their enormous mutual
advantage including by the Eric Johnson
plan for a unified Jordan' waterway, the
Eisenhower plan for joint development of
water resources, the desalinated water pro-
gram, free port project for Jordan at Haifa,
and in numerous other ways. Thus far, Rus-
sia's Arab clients have rejected all overtures,
preferring instead to destroy Israel.
(2) Did Israel poach on Arab preserves?.
No, about 70% of Israel was crown land of
the Turkish sultangte and thereafter of the
British mandatory government until 1948.
Most of Palestine was wasteland until the
Israelis reclaimed it from desert swamp and
barren slope. Most of those Arabs who claim
present-day attachment to Palestine, came,
or their parents came there, since World War
I, attracted by the jobs, profits and oppor-
tunities created by Jewish reclamation.
(3) Has Israel displaced any existing Arab
state? No. None of the Arab claimants to
Israel territory including the frontiers as
made by the cease fire of June 11, 1967, have
any prior right. Israel has 3500 years of con-
nection with its domain and letters patent
written in holy writ which is the common
heritage of much of the civilized, including
Arab, world. On the other hand, Jordan was
created by Britain, Syria by France, both
after World War I, and Egypt has no entitle-
ment whatever to any part of Palestine in-
cluding the Gaza strip. No Arab state of
Palestine or Israel ever existed.
(4) Has Israel driven Arabs from their
homes in Israel? No. Those Arabs who left
Israel in the war of 1948, did so at the call
of fanatics, invited to return with the in-
vading Jordanian and Egyptian troops to
loot and kill the Israelis. That they thereby
became refugees instead of victorious looters,
does not entitle them to support in refugee
camps largely at the expense of the United
States while they continue to spurn offers
of negotiation for indemnification,, reset-
tlement, reemployment, and peace, and plot
instead for war, regular and irregular,
Nor did Israel drive Arabs from their homes
In Palestine in the war of June 5, 1967. Those
Who left, did so notwithstanding the offer
of the Israel Government that they remain.
(5) Has Israel mistreated its Arab citi-
zens and residents? No. Israeli Arabs vote,
are elected and appointed to office including
as teachers, lawyers, judges, administrators,
mayors and lawmakers (members of the
Israeli Parliament called Knesset) . They have
equal access to the -courts and social serv-
ices, enjoy civil liberties including religious
freedom, may and do employ Arabic as an
Official language, exercise the right of public
education, are members of the official union
(Histadrut), and generally enjoy a far
higher standing of living than Arabs in sur-
rounding countrids.
Contrast the foregoing with the position
of the many hundreds of thousands of Jews
in Arab countries who were forced to flee
their homes mostly to Israel since 1948,
leaving their confiscated possessions behind.
The lot of the remaining remnant in Arab
lands is exemplified by the recent hideous
executions in Iraq. This tragedy of Jews
in Arab countries, has been the subject of
numerous useless protests to the United
When asked by Russia or General de
Gaulle to acquiesce in Russian plans for
the Mideast out of sympathy for the sup-
posed Arab victims of Israel, Americans will
do well to consider the source and the facts,
and judge accordingly.
The American stake in the Mideast is
economic to assure access to the oil re-
sources; strategic to assure openness of the
land, sea and airways through this cross-
roads; political to deny control of the area to
The existence of a strong Israel in co-
existence with her Arab neighbors is crucial
to these objectives. Therefore, the United
States has reason to be concerned over the
security of Israel, for the sake of the United
States, as well as that of Israel.
Russia was friendly to Israel, from Israel's
war of independence in 1948 until Russia
found out contrary to its expectations that
despite Israel's labor sympathies, Israel is
pro-American in any contest between Rus-
sian and American power in the Mideast.
Thereupon, in 1955 Russia threw its lot in
with the Arab League and cynically espoused
their anti-Israel kick.
Russia sees correctly that the ignorance,
fanaticism, and instability of the Arab peo-
ples, economies and states, are suited to
Russian propaganda, influence and eventual
control, whereas Israel is knowledgeable,
democratic, independent, stable?all charac-
teristics unsuited to Russian exploitation.
A strong Israel in friendly co-existence
with the Arab states would mean the eventual
lifting of the aspirations, capacities, and
viability of the Arab states, leading away
from Russian control and to an independent
Since the purposes of the United States in
the Mideast coincide with such development
and independence, a strong Israel in friendly
co-existence with the Arab states is in the
American interest.
Conversely, destruction of Israel would
mean the triumph of ignorance, fanaticism
and instability in the Mideast, lead to Rus-
sian control, the denial of oil resources to
American exploitation, the threat of closure
of the Mideast crossroads to American traffic,
and the increasing dependence of Western
Europe on Russian decisions.
The American purpose of a strong Israel
in friendly co-existence with the Arab states,
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Jul,' 10, 1969 Apprott49AEN
any disparity in nuclear weapon leaver. Just
before- election Mr. Nixon rejected nuclear
parity- because?in his words, "1 his parity
concept means superiority for potential ene-
mies!' It's true that in his trot press con-
ference President Nixon referred to "nuclear
sufficiency" but this rhetoric seemed. to have
little influence on the thinking of his defense
secretary whose views an superiors ty are too
well known to require recitation.
When Mr. Nixon sat down at his White
House desk and took a look at the Penta-
gon's numbers on US vs, SU nut lear power
he must have been struck by the fact that
someltime before the deployment et Minute-
man III and Poseidon multiplies the US
striking power, the Soviets might equal er
forge ahead of the United statee in numbers
of IOBM's. Coming in 1970 durine the mid-
telelections, this lack of superority could
he a noying. But it would be posnively den-
gerons for this inequity to perairt until Mr.
Nixon's time of maximum political danger-
1972 His detractors could argue that he hae
alloWed the two decades of Ameriven nucleai
superiority to slide away. His counter argu-
ment that US nuclear firepower would again
top that of the Soviets in the future woulo
be Weak because it had been engineered by
the Democrats while in power.
Sighting along this trajectory, it is easy
to Understand why Mr. Nixon opted for
traneforming Lyndon Johnson't Sentinel
ABM program into a deterrent-protecting
Safeguard system. He could point to his
initietive in assuring the nation's security
while self-righteously averring that he had
not 0,cce1erated the arms race by being pro-
vocative. To be sure, Safeguard is a defensive
system?so is the Soviet Galosh ring around
Moscow, but this deployment of 67 missiles
of questionable interceptory Capability has
certainly provoked the United States. In his
June 3rd testimony before the Joint Edo-
n? ic Committee, former Budget Director
les L. Schultze estimates the Minutemen
III- oseidon deployment as cceting $10- to
$11-3billion. Incidentally, Schuttee's analysis
of E weapons systems is the most penetrat-
ing that I have come across. _
If the Soviets react to Safeguerd the way
we responded to Galosh, the arms race will
run at full throttle. Conceivably they have
alre y set in motion defense me sures based
on . McNamara's Sept. 18, 1967 announce
mes4t of the US decision to deploy a nation-
wid4 ABM system. This may aecount for the
196 speedup in Soviet ICBM production -.
alor4g the lines of Mr. McNamara's "action-
rea tion" dictum. Mr. Laird might argue tent t
Ph e I of Safeguard is confined to Minute-
man defense in Montana and Nerth Dakota
and that this limited deployne eit of mis-
sile a and radars should not provoke any
maasive Soviet response. However, Phase II
of 4afeguard probably appears to the Soviets
like a carbon copy Of the 1967 Sentinel Sys-
tell?and as the first step toward a thick
shield, i.e. a Nike-X defense to ward off the
lash of a Soviet second strike. Pentageo
ofals have now openly admitted that the
original Sentinel allowed such an interpreea-
As a matter of fact even the "action-lre-
action" concept is not really vend becanee
reaetion by deploying a weapon systeme is
impossible unless it is ready to be produced.
In other words, the research and eevelorgpent
has to be accomplished if reaction is to be
de onstrated. Mr. Faster, the (lefense Ftl&D
chi f? revealed his philosophy in this regnrci
wl4le testifying before Senator :tterinis' are-
parp.ness Investigating Subcorn t o i ttee :
"pow most of the action the Veited States
takes in the area of research aid develep-
me t have to do with one or ' No type e of
act Titles.
"Either we see from the flea; of science
and technology some new possibilities whieh
we think we ought te expeele or we see
thrleats on the horizon, possible threats, Usti-
ally not Something the enemy has done but
something we have thought ourrselies that
he might do, we must therefore be prepared
f or. These are the two forces that tend to
drive our research and development activi-
Again we face a tyrannical ogre, a remorse-
less technology, a dictator compelling both
us and the Soviets to bring forth whatever
weapons systems can be made. Once a na-
tion makes a multi-billion dollar investment
in a weapons system, than as Senator Ful-
bright has expressed it?the system may
"soon acquire its own powerful constitu-
ency." In the case of the ABM, R&D costs
mounted to $4 billion?enough to buy quite
a constituency.
Mr. Nixon cannot hElp but b aware of
the ABM constituents, especi the aero-
space contractors who will pfofit from the
$10-billion first eastallme of what may
mushroom into a 41 -billion program
stretching to the 198q(. Make no mistake
about it, the aerospa industry is the hard
core of the mili -industrial complex. It
accounts for well of er half of all prime mili-
tary contract awaltis. The care and feeding
of the aerospace mit stry has become a
federal responsibil
When President Eis ower warned of the
dangers of the "military- ? ustrial complex,"
aerospace sales amounted t billion per
year, of which $14 billion were cus-
tomer, the US Government. John F. Ke
campaigned for President on the basis of a
"missile gap" at a time when General Dy-
namics inched toward the brink of bank-
ruptcy. Kennedy's Apollo moon program gave
aerospace a $6 billion annual sales boost and
his arms policies sustained missile-aircraft
production?and such firms as General Dy-
namics and Lockheed. Federal contracts were
further boosted by the war in Vietnam so
that as of last year as rospace sales totaled
$30 billion. Needless to say the federal sales
accounted for a lion's se are.
Six companies?General Dynamics, Lock-
heed, North American-Rockwell, L-T-V, Mc-
Donnell Douglas and Boeing?racked up
close to $9 billion in space-defense sales.
Each $19,000 the government funds to this
industry represents one worker-year and
probably influences 4 or 5 votes. General
Dynamics and Lockhecd count on govern-
ment orders for 85 percent of their business.
Professor Galbraith has observed: "These
firms are private only in the imagination."
The geographic concentration of aero
plants produces a political leverage dis-
rupts the normal cheeks and ances of a
democracy. The geope of defense is a
triangulated process in which military, po-
litical and industrial components are tightly
interlocked. Plants are located in states and
districts of powerful congressional leaders,
usually chairmen of appropriations and
policy committees. Defense orders flow to
these favored States and districts. Political
leaders promote defense policy and programs
that unleash a flood of funds to these con-
tractors. It is not a conspiracy but it is
The significance of the great debate over
ABM and Safeguard is that democracy is
making a valiant attempt to bring the mili-
tary-industrial-political complex under ef-
fective control.
Consider, for example, the stake of the
aerospace Industries whose economic for-
tunes are tied to ABM, MIRV, AMSA and the
other acronyms. Theft $30-billion sales last
year were propped up ey Vietnam and partly
by Apollo. Slackening of military needs in
Southeast Asia, and a failure to fund a post-
Apollo program will cense aerospace sales to
dip. Aerospace companies are looking for
$100 billion, in, new business for the 1970-1980
period. And they are looking to the Pentagon
and Capitol Hill for the means to sell these
programs. AlVLSA, the advanced manned stra-
tegic aircraft, is promoted by Laird and his
associates as the essential follow-on to the
B-52. The Pentagon attaches a bargain-
basement price tag of ail billion to develop-
ing and producing 200 of these bombers.
While Mr. Laird professes to be scared stie
about the vulnerability Of 1,000 Minutemen
encased in concrete undergronnd silos, he
seems little concerned about 200 AMSA 's
each of which can be crumpled by a blast
one-sixtieth that required to knock out a
The layman may well ask?can't the aero-
space industry abandon its limpet adherence
to the federal government and seek business
elsewhere? A number of aerospace firms have
reduced their dependence on federal dollars;
or example, Boeing derives only a third of
its come from the government. But when
General Dynamics, for instance, attempts to
cut loose it has to compete with Boeing for
aircraft sales. Such comeaercial sales are not
big enough to go around in the aerospace
industry. When it comes to having these
specialized aircraft-missile builders invade
the non-aerospace commercial market, the
prospects are not very bright. General Dy-
namics won't get very far making refriger-
ators in today's marketplace. The pull-and-
tug of the free enterprise System could
thoroughly wreck the economic fortunes of
single-customer companies like General
Aerospace companies aspire to being classed
as a growth industry and they therefore
rive to get more federal business each year.
Dallae-based L-T-V (Ling-Temco-
Voug firm is a case in point. When LBJ
was Vic esident the Company ranked 61st
on the tagon's list of top contractors,
having on $47 million in orders. L-T-V
jumped to 8 ? place last year with $758 mil-
lion in defe se awards. Defense-based in-
dustry like I -T-V asplres to more of the
defense dolla, but when this shortchanges
its competito 5, as a tightened Pentagon
budget may ? ictate, the aerospace business
will be in tro ?le.
A defeat o the ABM front would blight
the fortune of some of the Pentagon's
largest con actors. Cutbacks in the F-111
program, t setback on the Cheyenne heli-
copter, criticism of Lockheed's C- 5A
Galaxy s ?er-cargo plane and an uncertain
future NASA are portentous. Accordingly,
Wall reet has assigned record low price-
to- rnings ratios for Lockheed and other
rospace stocks. The handwriting on the
wall in this case happens to be quotations
displayed on the board.
Defense industry, smarting, under accusa-
tions emanating from democracy's delayed
take on the "military-industrial complex,"
has looked to its military-political patrons for
help. Mr. Laird, the new man at the helm,
appears to have thrown overboard not a life-
preserver but an anchor. In the case of ABM,
the Laird-Packard team could not leave well
enough alone. Rather than doctor up the ail-
ing Sentinel System, already funded under
the previous Administration, they executed
another swerve in poliey on ballistic missile
defense and invented Safeguard?a means of
protecting the Minuteman silos. To backstop
this new system, the Pentagon had to replace
Mr. McleanaaFa's "ireaterethan-expected
threat" projections with whit one defense
critic called "greeter-than-believable"
threats. Stroke by stroke Mr. Laird painted
himself (and Mr. Packard and Mr. Foster)
Into a corner. To make a case for the vulner-
ability of Minuteman, the Pentagon has to
resort to stackbag "wOrst possible assump-
tion" on top of "maximum feasible threat."
The US COMeress, whieh had obligingly ap-
propriated over $80 billion for strategic forces
in the past decade, was-suddenly confronted
with the contention that these were suddenly
vulnerable to a first strike. Cold War scholars,
hard-line defense intellectuab and a chorus
of ex-generals and admirals_ chanted their
concurrences. But the incantations failed to
mesmerize the died ense-ikeptice on the Senate
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is disserved by any political settlement in
the Mideast, which forces Israel to retire to
insecure borders and depend upon an out-
side guarantee whether of the United Na-
tions or of four powers. For such an outside
guarantee, legalizes a Russian right of veto
in the Mideast, just as it now exists in the
Security Council of the United Nations.
On the other hand, the American purpose
is served by encouraging a political settle-
ment directly between Israel and her Arab
The reason that this has not occurred, is
because thus far the Arab states have counted
successfully on outside power to gain their
goals such as weak frontiers for Israel, acqui-
escence in the Arab boycott of Israel, etc.
These goals are not available in a direct
settlement between the Arab states and
If the Arab states become convinced that
the United States is On to the fact that
Russia will not intervene as long as the
United States does not, and that the United
States will not pressure Israel into a political
settlement but leave such settlement to the
parties who are Israel and the Arabs, the
way will be open to a political settlement
directly between Israel and the Arabs.
The current hate propaganda generated
by Russia and Arab capitals will not be able
to prevent that settlement. For it will then
be clear both to Russia and the Arabs that
hate-Israel propaganda is unproductive.
With political settlement directly between
Israel and the Arabs, will come peace, co-
operation, prosperity and independence for
the Mideast?all in the interest of the United
States, Israel and the Arabs.
Whatever the occasional mouthings of
Arab leaders for strictly foreign consump-
tion particularly from Egypt, their leaders
are compelled by the forces of fanaticism
which they have incited including among
the Arab irregulars, to demand concesSions
from Israel which are way stations to Israel's
destruction. Fundamentally, these conces-
sions are withdrawals from territory which
enable Israel to defend itself successfully.
The experience of the Vietnam negotia-
tions, is that Russia is not likely to compel
its clients to recede from demands for such
In the case of the Mideast, this means that
the vital accommodations must come from
those who are not Russia's clients, in this in-
stance, Israel. This means that Israel will
be pressed to give up territory vital to it in
a likely resumption of hostilities, for words
which Russia's clients can be pressed to
concede such as "non-belligerence" or con-
ceivably even "de jure" recognition of Israel,
or words of promise of eventual access to
waterways or eventual relief from boycott.
Since Israel may be expected to balk at
such an exchange which may well endanger
its existence, the question then arises, is
Russia likely to intervene with actual force
on behalf of its clients?
The key to the -Mideast problem, is that
neither Russia nor the United States is like-
ly to intervene with actual force, unless the
other does. For no vital interest of either
Russia Or the United States is threatened,
unless the other intervenes in a shooting
war on behalf of the actual parties, in this
instance, Israel on the one hand, and Rus-
sia's Arab clients on the other.
Neither czarist nor communist Russia has
ever undertaken a shooting war against a
major power except where Russia's frontiers
have been threatened. Russia's frontiers are
not even remotely threatened either by the
dispute or even a recurrence of shooting
war between the actual parties to the dis-
pute in the Mideast.
Russia can be expected to intervene in
a shooting war in the Mideast if at all, only
if the United States were to intervene. Con-
versely, Russia is unlikely to intervene as
long as it is clear that her doing so, would
require the United States to do so.
Since Russia's doing so would jeopardize
vital supplies of oil for the United States and
its European allies, Russia must continue
to assume, that the United States cannot
tolerate actual intervention by Russia.
It follows that the current rash of propa-
ganda about the danger of Russian inter-
vention is designed to condition the United
States to put pressure on Israel to return to
the vulnerable 1948 armistice lines which
invited two prior Arab threats to her exist-
This would be a rerun of the cheap victory
and enormous credit with her Arab clients
won by Russia in 1956, when President Eisen-
hower forced Israel, Britain and France to
retire from the Suez and the Sinai, while
concurrently Russia stayed put in Hungary.
If repeating its 1956 mistake, the United
States were to put pressure on Israel to with-
draw to the vulnerable armistice lines of
1948, the probability this time is that Israel
would not acquiesce. This would put the
United States in the intolerable posture of
pressing a friendly state to risk its own de-
struction, or even worse, inciting Russia to
armed intervention on behalf of its clients
out of belief that the United States would
not oppose.
If refusing to repeat its 1956 mistake, the
United States refuses to put pressure on
either of the disputants, the consequence is
that Israel and Russia's Arab clients must
settle their dispute between themselves.
If Russia's clients refuse to do so as is
likely for the moment to be the case, they
can either continue to shore up diseased
governments by this essentially false issue,
or resort to a shooting war with Israel in
which event they risk a re-run of three prior
debacles, or take the lesser risk of continuing
to encourage the Arab irregulars to cross
cease fire lines into Israel.
In the latter event, the United States can
serve international law and the peace by
an even-handed policy of refusal to join in
any condemnation of Israeli reprisals, as
long as Russia continues to veto any con-
demnation of violation of cease fire lines
by her clients.
Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I am truly
astonished at the inequities of our pres-
ent judicial system. Day after day, I read
in the newspaper of cases where a felon
receives a light sentence?whereas a con-
cerned youth protesting the injustices
of our country receives a severe penalty.
The priorities of our judicial system are
as askew as those of our Government.
Take these incidents of which I am
personally aware:
Can these crimes possibly be compared
to social, economic, or political protest?
Are they not more injurious to society
than peaceful protest or assembly? Law
and order takes a peculiar, turn when
protesting peacefully the unresponsive-
ness of university administrators, stag-
ing a sitdown strike in a discriminatory
restaurant, or reading the names of
Vietnam war dead?become grave crimes
against society.
Yet, Mr. Speaker, the punishment of
these acts speaks for itself. Today, I
bring to the attention of my colleagues
one specific case which concerns me
deeply. One young man, a junior at Har-
vard University, placed on the dean's
list all 3 years and a national merit
scholar?has received the maximum pen-
alty for destroying his draft card. This
student's protest was prompted by the
feeling of futility and frustration which
followed the Chicago Democratic Con-
vention last August.
This case has come to my attention
through a touching letter from Michael
B. Weissman's parents. They write, not
to request political string pulling?but,
as they put it:
If you have any advice, we would be grate-
ful for it, but we are not really asking any-
thing of you. We do think you should know
the sort of thing that is going on in St.
Louis. It is perfectly clear that our son is
not a criminal.
I suggest that any Congressman who
had received a similar letter with a sim-
ilar outline of such a tragic situation?
would feel as strongly as I do that these
people have reaped more than their
share of injustice.
A $10,000 fine has been levied against
this student and a 5-year penitentiary
sentence. This, my friends, is how we
are protecting society and rehabilitating
criminal elements. If this were not
enough in itself?I am more angered
f his the
that upon the advice o s parents,
boy reapplied for a new draft card which
was issued?and he was still prosecuted
and subsequently convicted to the limit
of the law.
Somehow, the authorities granted no
consideration to this boy's previous rec-
ord?his intent and action to reinstate
himself under the draft?nor the obvious
Parental concern and guidance afforded
him. The only thing the authorities did
not do with this student?was name him
to the Nation's 10 most dangerous crim-
inals list.
There is no logic, no analysis, no com-
passion and no thought of individual or
society's welfare in such a verdict,. A boy
like this?who asked for a chance?was
totally ignored. Yet, time after time,
deadly crimes committed by confessed
criminals?are being rationalized and
abated through the channels and rheto-
First. Two robbery suspects, caught ric of law and order. It all depends upon
redhanded by the police, were dismissed the victim of crime.
on a technicality?the two men had If the crime is a threat to white society
strong political connections. or a threat to a system perpetrated by
Second. Two young men using Nazi- white society frightened by change?no
like tactics to terrorize, to damage, and judgment is too strict. But against black,
to harass businesses to the point that poor, Quakers, individual or group-pro-
one fine bookstore was forced out of testors?the limit of the law is sought
business?one of the men received a light and attained.
fine and a year's probation?charges There is little doubt in my mind that
against the other were dropped alto- the action taken against this student is
gether. the result of an attempt to stifle opposi-
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
E5850 Approved VEPitikraiiVAIMII21ECIIRACtRIDE7/15B04344ROQUAIMP003-9 July 10,4449
tion to the war. The Government cannot dent involving the youth whose case has
afford to make examples out of a con- prompted me to make this speech. I in-
scientious youth like this one who ti con- vite each of my colleagues to assess the
cerned with the future of this Nation. crime and the enalty?and to console
Senator Putaaranr has noted ia his himself that this is a just nation seeking
excellent book, "The Arrogance of Pow- to protect the ge aeral welfare of society.
er," that it is extremely, difficult for am- The summary f ollows:
cerned Americans in the minori-Y to CHRONOLOGY OF CASE AGAINST MICHAEL B.
protest the actions of the majority?even 'WEISSMAN
for a Senator?without having undue Michael B. Weissman was sentenced to 5
pressure brought to bear against them. years in the penitentiary and 0310
He is right. I would take it a step fur- U.S. District Court in St. Lo
ther at this point in time, and say that for mutilation of his draft
majority protest against a minority who ology of the case is as fol
hold the strings of power is equally as August 30, 1968,
difficult. Protest against the Vietnam war cla.ssifIcation and r
and handed the
is such a protest.
man durino? a
The student in question broke the pro
law?the law of this democracy which time when p ?ple all over the country, par-
supposedly provides for "mitigating cir- ticularly at dents, were in a highly emo-
cumstances." In this body's case, the tionai eta
temper of the Nation after the Chicago Septem 1. Michael wrote to his draft
Convention, which was very disturbing borax!. 1n? pp
in full what had laappened
to me, and the sincere efforts of the ac- prand kib a asbl otfor ill anneear cards. This letter was
Cused to mend his actions? should have was o recer 3 41 until the next day. It
i ..v ? by his board on September 4.
overwhelmingly constituted "mitigating se te
p mb 11. Di ichael was granted new
Circumstances." cards by the oard.
, Inequities in punislunait,s are not October So. The draft board declared Mi-
limited to Vietnam war protesters; they chael 1A delta. ent. There is some ambiguity
xtend to the civil rights field as well, over the facts , The prosecution brief
e St. Louis American reported on June
state that Michael declared. delinquent
6, 1969, that a black man allied with a on. October 11, but no n.hlack militant organizatiOn received from
1 n all-white jury an unprecedented 7-
ear prison sentence for bb ating another
lack man. The St. Louis American aptly
ailed this punishment the stiffest sen-
tence known in the history of black citi-
sens of this community. One man re-
Marked in a sadly humorous way that
'f They usually get only 30 days for kill-
ing each other." The black community
f this country is used tr) the double
standard of law and order- --but it used
to sit by and let such daceitons pass as
inevitable. Today, the black community
will not sit by. They will act for princi-
ples in which they believe. In Watts, De-
troit, Newark, and other cities, one can
see that blacks no longer let pass the
unjustice that has burdened them for so
Many years.
Black people want ecatal protection of
the law. They want crimes against black
People by black people given the same
onsideration as white against white,
lack against white, or white against
back. They are tired of murder ignored
th black ghettos?and tired of harass-
inent if their activities ,earch for a
change in the system. What they want,
then, is equality?the same thing *filch
has been recited to white people for 200
y rs.
Our country was founded in the Spirt
of protest. The Constitution preserves
that right. The most pressing probleMs of
Oar time?Vietnam and civil rights?will
be protested in spite of fear of unjust
plinishments and repression.
, Mr. Speaker?I am tired of repreSsion
Whereby the system makes an unfOitu-
te "example" of one or a group of
-pie?just to keep other wo be
f011owings inline. There nxust be c es
in the handling of these cases or the
present turmoil over Vietnam and Idyll
rights will explode into proportions of
w ich I am assuredly afraid.
Now?for the benefit of my col-
agues?I insert a summary of the inci-
on June 13
d. The chron-
S :
hael tore his draft
istratlon cards in two
o a plain clothes police-
onstration in St. Louis in
icE,go convention. This was a
I. ?
as sent to him
until October 30. It was este, at the
trial that an entry stating that he been
granted a 25 deferment was erased from
draft record in this period.
November 19. Michael was indicted for
mutilating his card. This was more than two
months after asking for and receiving new
February 19, 1969. He had a personal ap-
pearance before his board, asked for rein-
statement of his 2S deferment.
March 7. Trial in U.S. District Court. The
judge refused to allow the defense to present
character witnesses, saying that the defend-
ant was a fast offender and his good char-
acter was not in question.
March 31. Michael was again classified lA
by his local board, ay direction of the state
director of selective service, although the
local board had written to the state director
that Michael met ail requirements for a 25
deferment. Michael has appealed his draft
classification to the Massachusetts state
May 28. Verdict of guilty.
June 13. Maximum sentence imposed. No
reason was given. An appeal has been
Michael is now (iune, 1969) 19 years old
and has completed his junior year at Harvard
University. He is a National Merit Scholar
majorinr in matheraatics and has been on
the Deak.s, list all three years.
I also criaert this commentary carrie
in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch J 5,
From the standpoint of saving potentially
useful citizens for the future, what is the
best thing for a federal judge to do with draft
law offenders? Throw the book at them, by
way of maximum sentences and fines, or put
them on probation?
The question arises from United States
District Judge Regime imposition of the
maximum five-year rrison sentence and $10,-
000 fine on a 19-year-old University City
student, Michael B. Weissman, for mutilat-
ing his draft card. Young Weissman is a
junior at Harvard on a National Merit Schol-
arship. He told Judge Regan after his con-
viction that he would advise his friends not
to destroy their cards.
Judge Regan acted under provisions of a
federal law permitting him to commit the
defendant to a federal institution for a 90-
day' period of "evaluation," which is sup-
posed to provide him with detailed informa-
tion useful in determining the ultimate
sentence. After the 90-day period, the judge
with evaluation in hand can cut the sentence
or even order the defendant paroled. But to
obtain this useful flexibility of action under
the particular statute he must in the first
place set the tentative sentence at the maxi-
mum level.
This statute has its uses, but if a judge
believes an offender may qualify for proba-
tion after 90 days in prison the question is
why he does not grant probation at once on
the basis of investigation by federal proba-
tion and parole authorities. Most draft law
defendants are first-offenders. Are they not
more likely to be saved for useful citizenship
if they are given a chance to behave them-
selves under probation than if they are sent
to prison first? Throwing the book at them
may relieve a judge's feelings, and show
how tough he is, but the main question is
the future of the young man who violated
a law for reasons of conscience.
Judge Regan's colleagues, Judges Harper
and Meredith, generally do not go even as
far as he in considering this question. They
almost invariably hand out five-year sen-
tences to draft law defendants pleading con-
scientious objection to military service, dis-
daining both the option of probation or a
sentence based on use of the evaluation stat-
ute. Throw the book at them! That is a lot
easier than trying to understand. * * *
Thurs. y, July 10, 1969
Mr. GAYD Mr. Speaker, when the
House passed th 10-percent income sur-
tax extension, it xi effect told the Amer-
ican taxpayers t at no meaningful tax
reforms would e anate from the House.
The low- and mi die-class taxpayer, who
bears the brunt if the tax burden, does
not regard rep al of the 7-percent in-
vestment credi asanything but token-
ism, nor will omiSe of protest. Only by
plugging the notorious loopholes in our
tax structu and relieving some of the
pressure f m the little man can we ful-
fill our ? omises and obligations.
A r nt editorial by John Orr of the
Mc sport Daily News points up the
fa that the promises we make are not
rgotten. I submit the editorial for the
RECORD and the attention of my col-
During the current ConFessional proceed-
ings over extension of the 10 per cent surtax
the American citizen should keep in mind the
fact that President Nixon once promised to
allow the thing to die at its original term-
ination date last Monday midnight.
Indeed, the President, during the heat of
the 1968 campaign, was asked pointblank at
a press conference his intentions about the
Johnsonian levy and replied unequivocally
that he would oppose its continuation be-
yond June 30.
Once elected, the President changed posi-
tions. He found that the tax was needed, he
explained, to "fight" inflation. He then put
pressure on a reluctant Congress, tuned into
the tax revolt at home, and today seems to
be getting his way. The House has approved
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Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
July 10, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ?Extensions of Remarks
been made in using satellites for detailed
photographic reconnaissance.
First conceived of by the Air Force in the
early nineteen-sixties, the MOL project was
the consolation prize given the Air Force
after the civilian space agency was created
and given the primary responsibility for con-
ducting the nation's manned space flight
Initially, as its competitor to the space
agency's manned space flight programs, the
Air Force had the DynasSoar project to de-
velop a manned "space glider." When the
DynaSoar project was terminated in 1963
after an expenditure of $405-million, Defense
Secretary Robert S. McNamara gave the Air
Force permission to proceed with the MOL.
The cancellation came as the project, after
many delays, was approaching the flight test
stage of unmanned components.
[Prom the Nashville Tennessean, June 12,
WASHINGTON.?The Pentagon hardly had
time yesterday to concede that the cost of its
primary missile program had approximately
doubled before being slapped with another
charge?that a submarine rescue program is
running about 2,700% above original price
Barry J. Shillito, assistant secretary of
defense for installations and logistics, said
Air Force figures tend to support the esti-
mate that the Minuteman II intercontinental
missile program has grown from $3.27 billion
to about $7 billion.
Shillito testified before a House-Senate
economic subcommittee holding hearings on
the military budget and national priorities.
The subcommittee chairman, Sen. William
Proxmire, D-Wis., confronted Shillito with
evidence of new cost increases, this time in
the Navy's Deep Submergible Rescue Vehicle
(DSRV) program.
Proxmire said the cost estimate for each
submarine rescue vehicle had increased from
$3 million to $80 million.
He said the Navy originally planned to
buy 12 of the deep-diving craft for $36.5
million but has settled for 6 at $180 million.
Shillito conceded the figures' accuracy, but
said the program had been improved so much
it is "almost totally different from the one
we embarked on."
Earlier an Air Force efficiency expert said
Defense Department employes are sometimes
disciplined for trying to cut costs because
the Penthgon wants to keep its contractors
A. Ernest Fitzgerald told the subcommit-
tee that employes who try to economize axe
subjected to undesirable transfers and other
forms of retaliation.
He said in 20 or 30 of the biggest defense
plants, the government permits prices to be
higher than elsewhere.
"The government knowingly allows them
to charge higher prices to keep their plants
open," he said.
"This is done in the name of 'maintaining
capability' which means to keep the con-
tractor in business."
Later, talking to reporters, he said "sure"
when asked if politics was a factor in such
actions. Many defense plants are located in
the home states of powerful congressmen
who support big military budgets.
As a result of these policies, Pentagon em-
ployes learn not to question costs and "the
most successful government project man-
agers take a detached view of all financial
matters once they make sure they have
enough money to cover their contractors' re-
quirements," Fitzgerald said.
Be said contractors are permitted to keep
unneeded engineers on some vague project
just to have them on hand.
"It ought to be stopped," he said. "If
you're going to keep them there, you should
keep them doing something."
Fitzgerald's testimony was contradicted by
Shillito, who said "all" Defense Department
officers and employes are "dedicated to root-
ing out waste and inefficiency wherever and
whenever they appear."
Under questioning, however, Shillito con-
ceded that there was an "over-optimism
problem" in which the estimates given Con-
gress of the costs of new weapons often turn
out to be understated.
But he said he disagreed entirely with
Gordon W. Rule, the Navy's director of pro-
curement control, who told the subcommit-
tee Tuesday all three services "play games"
with Congress in estimating the cost of new
In another military cost dispute, the Gen-
eral Accounting Office reported that congres-
sional critics have been correct in saying the
C5A superjet transport program will cost
$5.2 billion, some $1.8 billion above original
estimates and $2 billion above contract target
The GAO, budgetary watchdog for Con-
gress, also said in its report to the House
Armed Services Committee that the Air Force
could have predicted the large increases as
early as December 1967.
Nevertheless the cost increases were not
reflected in routine Air Force management
reports six months later or revealed to Con-
gress until last November, the GAO said.
Proxmire added further fuel to the debate
over military expenditures, saying he has in-
formation that the Air Force's short range
attack missile program has increased in cost
during the past year from $300 million to
$600 million.
The first indication of the $3.7 billion in-
crease for Minuteman II came in testimony
Tuesday from a former Air Force consultant,
C. Merton Tyrrell.
SWIM? conceded there's been "roughly
that kind of growth." He blamed it on cost
"overoptimism that is most awkward in this
Thursday, July 10, 1969
Mr. LOWENSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, for
the past 10 years, the Honorable SEY-
MOUR HALPERN of New York has provided
one of those rare voices of conscience
that the Congress needs so badly. His
tenacious devotion to high principle and
to the public interest have brought him
the admiration and gratitude of col-
leagues in both parties.
Recently Congressman HALPERN spoke
about the crisis in the Middle East at
one of the biweekly forums that we hold
in the Fifth Congressional District of
New York. His remarks deserve special
attention in view of the deteriorating
situation in the Middle East.
It has never been more important than
it is now for Americans to insist that
their Government press for direct f ace-
to-face negotiations between Israel and
the Arab nations. There can be no peace
in the Middle East without direct nego-
tiations, and without peace there will be
no opportunity to resolve the problems
that have bedeviled the people of this
troubled area for so long.
Under unanimous consent I submit
the statement for inclusion in the CON-
HALPERN, JUNE 15, 1969
Mr. Chairman, let us look at the Israel-
Arab situation as liberals. Let us apply the
criteria we would use in judging a confronta-
tion within the United States.
If we're going to tell it like it is in the
Middle East, let's start with the relevant
The Arabs, it seems, represent the estab-
lishment. They speak and think in terms of
racism, religious chauvinism, militarism;
they oppose change; they reject the right of
a minority nation to exist.
Israel was born in the aftermath of World
War Il?a brutal conflict in which six mil-
lion Jews were murdered.
Israel's "thing" is not war, It is survival.
The state of Israel ie based on a messianic
concept of social justice and human redemp-
The Kibbutz philosophy, the idea of social
democracy and sharing, inspired the world.
Israel personified the striving of humanity.
Affluent Jews assisted the culturally and
emotionally deprived. The Arabs residing in
Israel were accorded political rights and hu-
man dignity although Jews were brutally
persecuted in the surrounding Arab states.
The underprivileged Jews of Morocco ar-
rived in Israel and were educated and as-
sisted with "Head Start" programs long be-
fore anyone conceived the United States'
"New Frontier." An Israeli peace corps oper-
ated in underdeveloped nations of Africa and
Asia in the 1950's when the brothers Ken-
nedy were yet to capture the popular imagi-
Before Martin Luther King called out for
justice, Ben Gurion, Chaim Weizmann, and
Theodore Herzl had their dream. They
dreamed of Jews and Arabs sharing the lands
of their origin and heritage. They dreamed
of cooperation. They dreamed of a region in
which Jew and Arab would co-exist in hu-
man dignity and brotherhood and where the
desert would be made to blossom. They
dreamed of social justice and self-determina-
tion. They would have rejected imperialism
and exploitation as a nightmare.
Today we find that all the idealistic dreams
of the Zionist visionaries have become night-
mares. We find that the Arabs have adopted
the "Jim Crow" discrimination of the Amer-
ican southern white racists. The Arabs seem-
ingly cannot accept the Jews as human
beings entitled to a place in the sun,
The Arab line today is as rigid as that of
the racists of Alabama or Mississippi of many
years ago. They simply will not accord to the
Israelis the right of existence as a free and
equal people.
Today the Arab line of anti-Jewish hatred
is spurred by Moscow. The communists have
discovered a gimmick. The name of the game
is "Anti-Imperialism." The Jews are branded
"Imperialists." The game is so contrived that
only the communists and Arabs can win. Ac-
cording to the game, Israel has to lose.
Moscow is using the Arabs, And the Arabs
are using Moscow. The governments involved
are not concerned about people. They are
after power and pressure.
The Israel issue is being exploited by both
Arab Imperialism and Soviet Imperialism.
That is why the massive Soviet arms ship-
ments were poured in. That is why the Arabs
formed a massive lynch mob against Israel in
May and June of 1967 to wipe out Israel and
to finish Hitler's job. That is why the Arabs
will not to this very day accept the idea of en-
tering into peace talks with Israel.
Yes, in the Middle East the Arabs are the
reactionaries. The Jews are the radicals?in
the best sense of the word. That is why Israel
has made one very reasonable and very non-
negotiable demand. It is the demand for a
face-to-face peace conference involving the
personal participation of the parties to the
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
E 5814 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks July 10, 1969
Israel cannot accept the impositian of a The Israelis are not ready to be liquidated Roth v. U.S. In 1957. The Supreme Court
settlement by the obviously self-interested because we are tired hearing about the shoot- then held that material is obscene if "to the
super-powers. All this eaounts to is a bid irigs and the bombings.
average person, applying contemporary cone-
by the big boys for Arab favor, one outbid- Jews have survived only against all the munity standards, the dominant theme of the
ding the other at Israel' expense. Israel will odds of history. The Jews of Europe paid a material taken as a whole appeals to prurient
no more accept an American-Soviet aecision terrible price. Israel is mindful, alert to the interest." In the Ginzburg decision, the Su-
on her fate than would American bankers ac- implications of racism and power politics. preme Court went a step further, bringing
cept a French-British decision on What the Israel is resolved not to become another into clear focus a principle long recognized
U.S. prime interest rate Should be Made the Warsaw ghetto. If the Israelis can take it, by fighters for decency: The material itself
United States. ,
her friends?if taey really care?can do no need not be the only consideration. How the
With Israel, peace is more vital that inter- less.
est rates or money or anfmaterial thing. The Israel remains a human cause of such to the public can be considered. If the ob-
material is advertised and promoted for sale
life of a nation is involved. Israel will live or merti that no true liberal can cop out. vious purpose of the publisher or seller is
perish as a result of her, own conception of George Washington spoke during the to appeal to lustful interest, he can be held
what nationhood involve.
American Revolt tion of the summer sol- accountable. In effect, the court said, motive
Israel has made a non-negotiable demand diers and peacetime patriots. The going was may determine legality.
in answer to the world's power structures, tough and the fainthearted abandoned the In the ruling, that confirmed Mishkin's
That demand is for peace and recognition cause. The cause of liberty, American or Is- conviction Justice William J. Brennan took
of just and defensible boundaries as the melt, is not yet out of date,
notice of the nature of the materials in this
pre-condition for withdrawal of troeps from I do not think that a true liberal aban- purveyor's magazines and books: fetishism,
territories occupied as a result of the Six dons a tough cause, at home or abroad. Jus- sex scenes between wonDay War.
ten, flagellation and
.. tice for Israel is inseparable from justice in other sadistic tortures to satisfy the perver-
The Six Day War has become a )966-Day our cities and ths universal guest for free- stone of sexually deviant groups. "The evi-
War. But Israel will not be intim'ted by dom.
bullies and bullets. dance fully establishes that these books were
The El Fatah Racists, a sort of el Klux specifically conceited and marketed for such
Klan or Minutemen of the Middle Et, can- groups," he declared.
not deprive the Jews of a homel d. The not PEDDLERS?PART III This decision clarified an important legal
victims of Arab terrorism are both Moslem point: a pornographer can no longer plead
and Jewish. I fail to see how anyerie can that his offensive output was issued for a
HON. THADDEUS J. DULSKI special group?such as artists, doctors or
renounce racism and terrorism in the United
States and espouse the Arab terror* cause Or NEW YORK psychiatrists?if he offers his material to
., the general public.
Soviet Foreign MinisteraGromyko has just The majority opinions in the Ginzburg and
visited President Nasser in Egypt. The same ' Thursday, July 10, 1969 - Mishkin caees were hailed by church leaders,
old story. Reports of -that fneeting pay the Mr. DULSKI, Mr. Speaker, the fight cis Cardinal Spellman, Dr. Norman Vincent
Arabs won't negotiate. Ironic isn't di?the
public officials and news media alike. Fran-
against smut peddlers has wide support, Peale and Rabbi Abraham B. Hecht, president
parties to the war won't be the parties to the but it is going to take even more vigorous of the Rabbinical Alliance of America, joined
effort on the local front. Public influence other religious spokesmen in a statement:
Israel is expected to make a unilateral
and unconditional withdrawal from ell ter- can be the greatest deterrent to the "It is a matter of profound gratification to
ritories. Then Israel will be set up like a spread of pornography. all God-loving people that the Court has
patsy for the further onslaughts of he ar- A former colleague in the House, the served notice that panderers of filth for profit
tillery and rockets, the bomb and the bullet HOl taminating our society."
lOrable 0. K. Armstrong, wrote an will no longer be given a free hand in con-
of the terrorists as well aa the regular Arab
interesting article on smut peddlers for
forces. The New York Times commented in an e-
forces, February 1.967 edition of Reader's
I am very pleased to observe that the Digest, as follows: tonal: "Mr. Justice Brennan and his majority
administration in Washington has not given A colleagues have shown wisdom and moral
In to pressures for a so-called Big Four Peace VICTORY OVER THE SE/117T PEDDLERS . courage in the subtle and arduous task of
settlement at Israel's expense_ Indeed, it now . (By 0. K. Armstrong) upholding the law against obscenity while
appears that our govertiment is standing Late 'in :Decernb er 1965, while gathering Court inescapably concluded that Ginzburg
still protecting liberty of expression. . . . The
firm. The Israelis are net underpressureinformation on obscene literature for a series
had no scholarly, literary, or scientific inter-
from the top levels in Washington alth of articles in The Reader's Digest, I inter-
the State Department policies often Waiver viewed publisher .Ralph Ginzburg. He had reesptsu;thaheltve absusstirhiecsstly who took his chances on
an entrepreneur in a dis-
from expediency to expediency. been convicted by a federal court in Phila- the borderline of the law and lost. He is no
It is my conviction that our administra- delphia on charges of selling Eros, a maga- different from Edward Mishkin . . . who was
tion has insisted to the Russians that peace zine which he desaribed as "devoted to the convicted for hiring hack writers to produce
must come only as a part of a package deal subjects of love and sex," and two other books deliberately aimed at an audience of
involving a real peace settlement between publications that were also declared obscene sexual deviates.... The public clearly has the
the Arabs and Jews?a settlement that Is- by the court. He had been fined and sen- right through the enforcement of laws to
rael can accept. tenced to five years in prison. He had ap- curb this "sordid business of pandering.'"
Meanwhile, we have just witnessed the pealed the conviction to the U.S. Supreme
Charles H. Keating, Jr., chairman of Citi-
beginning of the third year in which' Israel Court.
aontinues to occupy the cease-firenoes es- From across his lesk high in a New York zens for Decent Literature--a national orga-
tablished in June, 1967. This is not adIdeal office building, Ginzburg told me with em- "The Supreme Court decisions of last March
nization with more than 300 chapters?says,
arrangement. But, despite the bloodshed and phatic self-assurance: "The Supreme Court
Unrelenting Arab pressures, life goes; on. will reverse my conviction! No one can de- 21 make it a different ball game. . . . Any
Israel, if anything, is stronger. Isaael is fine obscenity." do so
area that decides to rid itself of obscenity can
y competent enforcement and vigorous
Making the best of a bad situation. iatit as Ginsburg proudly admitted that his pub- prosecution. There is no excuse for pornog-
fsf now there is no alternative, lications had proved very profitable. He told raphers to be in business after the Court's
iMitThe United States is keeping its Com- Me that he had sent out about nine million decision."
ments to supply Israel With the necessary pieces of advertising matter to promote Eros "The decisions provide a powerful weapon
aeli technicians and pilots have been reminded him that federal and state laws inspection of the Post Office Department.
antom jet fighter-bombers and clertain resulting in 150.00C subscriptions and three in our drive to ban pornography from the
ther implements of defense. Hundreds of million dollars in gross revenues. When I mans," says Henry B. Montague, chief of
trained in the United States and are Itrain- prohibit circulation of obscene materials,
Throughout the nation, evidence is clear
ing here. he exploded: "All such laws are unjust! The
For Israel there is no alternative to the First Amendment to the Constitution guar- that the new rulings are having a profound
effect on the legal war against filth. A survey
current state of affairs. Nat is there a. real- antees complete freedom of speech and press,
istic choice for her friends. The task will and that clovers everything. In 20 years all of recent trial-court decisions reveals that,
ppeasement and surrender. Some well-in-
ot be easy. A tendency already exists for
from the books!" and Mishkin judgments, 40 convictions in
laws against so-called obscenity will be wiped in the five months following the Ginsburg
entioned persons say that "if onlyTame In decisions announced last March 21, the country. During the same period, 11 appal-
ill cases were rendered across the
ill give in, if only Israel were less ri id, if Supreme Court replied. In a five-to-four rul- late-court decisions either affirmed lower-
nly Israel were less arrogant, less belli rent, ing, it affirmed einzburg's conviction and court convictions or reversed dismissals
nd so forth"?then, everything wo 4- be sentence. At the same time the conviction eacef ul.
Increasingly, judges have cited the new
of Edward Mishkin, one of the country's
simple. The "peace" that might emerge wouid was also upheld.
j that more notorious distributors of pornography, In considering one book, a New York judge
Supreme Court opinions in their decisions.
I am afraid, however, that it is net
be the "peace" one finds Ola a visit to the These two decisions greatly strengthen a new factor in deciding what is obscene. The
noted that the Ginsburg case had "introduced
tionremains of the Dachau or Baleen concentra- previous rulings. Heeetofore, the test for court will now examine the method of ad-
obscenity had beens.a.sed on the decision in am/al:sans,-
RDP711300364R000-3?001:21160119`g the h??k. If the
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on the home islands of Japan cannot be
used to support a military action else-
where in Asia without prior consulta-
tion with the Japanese Government.
Additionally, no nuclear weapons can
be stored on bases located in Japan. The
question is can the Japanese Govern-
ment politically afford to resume admin-
istrative control of Okinawa without sub-
jecting the American bases there to the
same type of restriction on free use and
nuclear storages as exists in Japan?
My conversations on Okinawa last
November with the American High
Commissioner, Lieutenant General Un-
ger, and members of General Unger's
staff lead me to believe that the Military
Establishment does not think we can
restrict our use of the Okinawan bases
to the same limitations as exist for the
Japanese bases and still have the ca-
pacity to live up to our defense commit-
ments in Asia.
A solution must be found to this ap-
parent impasse. It is going to require
creative and affirmative thinking by the
Nixon administration. A head in the sand
approach will resolve nothing and pro-
duce an even deeper division on the issue
between Japan and the United States.
In my opinion, a possible solution
which should be considered is the early
announcement that the United States
has been burdened with the administra-
tive control of Okinawa for over 20 years.
It is time that the Japanese assumed
their responsibilities for the overall wel-
fare of the Ryukyuans. We, therefore, are
forthwith going to divest ourselves of
such control. No mention would be made
of free use of the bases or nuclear stor-
age. These points would be left for fu-
ture negotiations with the recognitiori
that any modification of American
rights could well be conditioned upon
Japan doing more for itself in the area
of self-defense.
A second serious problem area in
which Japanese interests are often at
cross-purposes with those of the United
States is bilateral trade policy. It is not
my intent today to catalog the various
commodities which constitute the $7 bil-
lien commerce between our two coun-
tries. I want to point out however, that
protectionism is always a nemisis to the
health and expansion of trade and that
a protectionistic state of mind is gaining
strength in both Japan and the United
States. Frankly, neither nation can af-
ford it.
Following World War II the United
States gave $4 billion in loans and cred -
its to JaPan. For the first two decades
following the war the balance of trade
was heavily in our favor, providing in
1961 the remarkable surplus to the
United States of $654.8 million. In
1965, Japan was able for the first time
to achieve a parity in her trade with
us. In 1968, it was $1.1 billion in
Japan's favor. When you consider that
Japan is also selling $175 million
worth of goods to the South Vietnamese
Government, goods purchased with
American dollars, you can readily see the
extent of the deterioration that has oc-
curred in our overall balance of commer-
cial accounts with Japan in the past sev-
eral years.
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Japanese imports have had a particu-
larly large impact on the steel and textile
industries. By way of example, Japan
sold $490 million worth of steel and $216
million worth of textiles in the United
States in 1965. In 1968, the respective
figures are $809 million for steel and $272
million for textiles.
Strong protectionist lobbies are oper-
ating on Capitol Hill to restrict Japanese
imports. Congress must not succumb to-
such tempting false panaceas. It takes
435,000 workers to produce the commod-
ities we sell to Japan. A self-defeating
and self-sustaining spiral of restrictive
trade legislation on both sides of the
Pacific could endanger the jobs of one
or all of these American workers.
But trade is a two-way street. If the
United States is to use restraint in im-
posing new trade barriers, Japan must
reduce those barriers to the U.S. goods
which presently exist in violation of her
covenants under the GATT Treaty. At
the moment' she has 121 illegal quota're-
strictions on various commodities. Japan
almost totally excludes U.S. automobiles
and computers from her domestic mar-
ket. Japanese licensing procedures in-
hibit the importation of many other
commodities which are not officially sub-
ject to quota restrictions. Many Ameri-
can businessmen throw up their arms
in disgust and dismiss as impossible the
prospect of being able to cut through
redtape and acquire a Japanese import
Ongoing negotiations on the details
of trade policy between high-ranking
American and Japanese officials must be
given high priority. Our trade with
Japan is vastly more important to the
United States than trade with all the
rest of Asia combined. The underlying
philosophy of any agreements should be
to the end that a freer and more expan-
sive commerce is developed between our
two countries. This means, and I reiter-
ate, refusal by the United States to es-
tablish restrictive trade laws and will-
ingness by Japan to eliminate various
practices which unfairly and illegally
constrain the importation of goods
from the United States.
An American looking at Asia today
cannot help but stand in awe of the
enormity of the problems facing under-
developed countries in the region. Teem-
ing populations, inhibiting religious and
social customs, grinding poverty, low
levels of education, all contribute to in-
stitutional structures that produce
change at a slow and irregular pace.
Technological innovation and com-
munications are having a dramatic im-
pact on popular attitudes. Misery is no
longer accepted as inevitable. Progress
is a value of mystical dimensions. Fer-
ment and dissatisfaction have replaced
dull reignation to the unchangeable. Po-
litical unrest is an inescapable offshoot
of this new awakening.
The United States as a revolutionary
country should feel sympathetic to the
revolution of aspirations occurring in
Asia and other parts of the world. Jus-
tice, freedom, opportunity, progress are
not exclusively Western values. They
are human values of universal appeal.
The war In Vietnam has distorted our
vision. It has tended to polarize our
thought between monolithic communism
and noncommunism fighting for su-
premacy in the third world. In actuality
the fever of irresponsible change is multi-
faceted and is far too effervescent for the
United States or any other world power
to control. We cannot remake the world.
We can however in Asia, with the help of
Japan, share our technical skills and cap-
ital resources to assist in the develop-
mental process. We can relate to Japan
of the 1970's and abolish stereotypes con-
ceived during the late 1940's and early
We must recognize the bitterness of
Asia's colonial heritage and expect that
our own motives will at times be held sus-
pect. Our strategy should emphasize so-
cial and economic initiatives, not military
reaction. It has to be based on long-term
objectives not short-term crisis planning.
We should not try and shape the present
in the image of the irretrievable past.
Altered circumstances require fresh
We inust not attempt to defend our
past mistakes in Asian policy. But neither
do we want to make the greatest mistake
of all?that of waiting with arms folded
and doing nothing for fear of making a
mistake. History will judge us harshly if
we do.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House, the gentle-
man from Michigan (Mr. DIGGS) is rec-
ognized for 10 minutes.
Mr. DIGGS. Mr. Speaker, on the occa-
sion of the 50th anniversary of the inde-
pendence of, and the third anniversary
of the declaration of the Republic of Ma-
lawi, I should like to extend warm con-
gratulations and best wishes to Presi-
dent Kamuzu Banda, the Government,
and people of Malawi.
Under the leadership of Dr. Banda,
the Republic of Malawi is making prog-
ress in its economic development. Today,
Malawi does not only have diversified
agriculture to protect, as much as pos-
sible, its economy from the ruinous price
fluctuations in world agricultural mar-
kets, but it has also started building a
light industrial sector to complement its
agricultural economy. In this particular
regard, I would like to add that Malawi
welcomes foreign investors whose con-
tribution to the economic development of
Africa is very urgently needed.
In saluting Malawi on this day, I wish
to pay tribute to its people for the prog-
ress they have made so far and to wish
them great prosperity in the years that
lie ahead.
(Mr. PODELL asked and was given
permission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD and to include ex-
traneous matter.)
Mr. PODELL. Mr. Speaker, in light of
the developing situation in the Middle
East, I should like to present a capsule
picture of the situation there. Backed
by their Soviet allies, the Arabs grow
ever more frantically bold in their des-
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July 9, 1969
perate efforts to show they havie recov-
ered from the paralyzing blotv, Israel
dealt them not s-) long ago. ,
Shrilly their ra lbs blast forth mes-
sages of hatred and death. Th4re is no
mention of compronlise or direct ne-
gotiations. Nightly, Arab guerriLas probe
at the borders of Israel, again4t whose
defenses and awareness their th tists in-
creasingly fail.
Daily barrages thunder acrons Suez,
as Egyptians violate the so-calleid cease-
fire, using U.N. observers as t rgets in
the process. Constantly their planes take
to the air over the area, and jusI as con-
stantly are brought down to arth by
Israel's excellent air force. 1
I never cease to be amazed at the ar-
ray of forces Israel is confronted by,
sworn to end her national existence. Al-
most never before in history has such
a small state stood up Jo bravely, con-
sistently and successfully to such a mas-
sive, all-fronts assault upon her sov-
ereignty. For this is truly what it is.
In the United Nations, an Arab-Soviet
coalition aided and abetted by t Thant
utilizes instrumentalities of th t body
as a forum for anti-Israel propaganda.
With regularity, condemnations of Is-
rael issue forth from the Security-Coun-
cil. On lower U.N. levels, attacks are
made upon the rights and privileges of
Jewish or Israeli organizations to par-
ticipate in a full range of worldwide U.N.
Internationally, there is an Arab boy-
cott of Israel and her goods. Nations
who dare trade with her are subjected to
economic blackmail. Acts of terror are
perpetrated against Israeli agents or
agencies peacefully plying their legiti-
mate trades. Constantly, here commerce
is subjected to violence, sanction and
discrimination. Yet she is unbowed and
In spite of all this, Israel continues to
thrust outward in a thousand ways. Her
trade and industry expand. Her advisers
aid dozens of nations around the world.
I consider this tiny state a wonder.
Mr. Speaker, in spite of Anterica's
willingness to stand" aside quietly at the
U.N. and allow Israel to be condemned,
she survives and grows. In spite of an
unmatched array of enemies thirsting
for her blood, she is more vibrant daily.
In spite of U Thant and his pro-Arab,
pro-Soviet sycophants, she stands un-
Is it not incredible that we in this
country debate while 2172 million sur-
vivors and children of persecution stand
off the entire Arab world backed by Rus-
sia? Is it not a matter of true amaze-
ment to us to observe her courage, per-
formance, and daring in the midst of
strife; strength in the midst oil threat;
reality in a world of unreality.
America has stood by and let this situ-
ation deteriorate. We went along with
a severe anti-Israel vote in the and
make no excuses for it. We allnw our-
selves to be drawn into a moOkery of
four power talks over the Middle East.
But Israel in 1969 is not Czeehalovakia
in 1938. She has no desire to Wirl:a peace
prize at the expense of her natiOnal ex-
istence. Direct peace talks is her re-
iterated theme, and she is right. Mr.
Speaker, it is incredible to me to see Peo-
ple making grotesque efforts to find a
balance of fairness between Israel and
the forces arrayed against her. It is a
mockery of fairness to condemn her just
for the crime of desiring to survive as a
national state and live in peace. Surely
the world, led by the U.N., is setting
some future standard for hypocrisy by
Its actions.
(Mr. PODELL asked and was given
permission to extend his remarks at this
Point in the RECORD and to include
extraneous mater.)
Mr. PODELL, Mr. Speaker, every few
days in the past several months the Na-
tioh has been confronted with further
evidence that hard pesticides, particu-
larly DDT, are an ever-growing menace
to wildlife, eoclogy, and man.
I have introduced a bill to ban further
shipments of ibis pesticide. Individual
jurisdictions are banning it, domestically
and abroad. A time has arrived for our
Federal Government to impose a tem-
porary ban upon further _manufacture,
shipment, and use of this pesticide.
To-this end, I have sent a letter re-
questing such action to the Secretary of
Agriculture, Commissioner of the Food
and Drug Administration, and Chairman
of the Interstate Commerce Commission.
I am inserting the text of this letter
today in the hope that it will be of inter-
est to the membership of the House.
The text of the letter follows:
DEAR MR. SECR VTARY : I believe we share a
common interest in both prevention of pol-
lution and protection of our land's ecology.
Recently, cumulative evidence has delivered
a damning indictment of the continuing
use of some hard pesticides. Most specifically,
the accusing finger points to DDT.
Several species of wildlife face extinction
because of this long lasting poison, among
them the peregrine and American eagle.
Sweden has banned its use of a trial pe-
riod and Denmaik will follow Sweden's lead
and halt its use Ln agriculture, forestry, and
horticulture next fall. Michigan has banned
it. Arizona has done the same for two years.
The New York City Park Department has
banned it permanently. California is banning
it from homes, gardens and in dust form on
Both Great Britain and the Soviet Union
are considering its discontinuation. The case
of the Coho salmcn and Lake Michigan water-
shed DDT levels is already well known. Our
Department of Agriculture has banned DDT
use on lettuce and cabbage, once the heads
of vegetable forms.
Other short-life pesticide alternatives are
eatily and cheaply available. A ban on DDT
use would harm no one and aid many. Every
conservation group in the land, those lonely
courageous voices in our modern wilder-
ness, has been calling for such action for
months now. Will it take a major disaster
to make us move?
Several measures have been introduced
in both houses of Congress which would end
DDT's use. Banning its interstate shipment
would be an excellent start. I have already
Introduced a measure to this effect.
It is so terribly sad to see a society which
can act so swiftly on behalf of destructive
goals acting in SO dilatory a manner on a
threat which menaces its entire structure.
When wildlife is destroyed and ecosystems
unbalanced, can permanent and far-reach-
ing harm to man be far behind? Are we blind
to the threat? Do we not realize that what
kills animal and birdlife as well as vegeta-
tion, can and will also eventually kill people?
Do we not stir uneasily at the thought of
pesticide residues building up to such levels
that everyone on all sides of us bans or acts
against it? Still, we wait.
Man is not going to be satisfied until he
denudes his earth of everything in the way
of wildlife except parasites who prey upon
him alone. He will not be satisfied until his
every stream is polluted and all his air is
befouled. Until junk, garbage and solid
wastes tower in mountainous heaps on
every side. Until_ he has to stand with his
back to the wall and struggle for existence
with forces he has himself unthinkingly
Here is our own land we have despoiled so
much . . ruined so much . . killed off
so much. The buffalo and passenger pigeon
are gone. Our virgin forests are gone. Clean
water and fresh air shrink daily. We desper-
ately strive to save a wild river here . . . a
few redwoods there. our inheritance shrinks
daily. This good and fair land bleeds from
thousands of man-inflicted wounds. Then we
salt them with pesticides in the name of
progress. It is time that the word progress
was used with a little more care. Once it was
used to advance man. Today it has degen-
erated to the level of a camouflage term for
new despoliation or exploitation.
Such evidence is incontrovertible. It is time
the Federal government followed these leads.
Therefore, I hope you will seriously con-
sider a temporary national ban on further
production, shipment, and use of this pesti-
cide, until the inevitable conclusive evi-
dence is in, In the interests of public health
and national safety, I would hope you would
consider such action.
Thank you for your consideration.
Member of Congress.
(Mr. HAYS asked and was given per-
mission to extend his remarks at this
point in the RECORD.)
Mr. HAYS. Mr. Speaker, a few days
ago our distinguished colleague from
California (Mr. VAN IDEERLIN) Strongly
indicated his outrage at the treatment
one of his constituents received at the
hands of Overseas National Airways, a
supplemental air carrier.-.-perhaps bet-
ter known as a nonsked.
On the chance that you missed the
gentleman's words, let me repeat them
for you:
Mr. VAN DEERLIN. Mr. Speaker, apparently
it takes a will of iron and the stamina of a
fullback to travel these days on some air
This morning I received a telephone call
from a constituent, who reported she had
been waiting all night at Dulles Interna-
tional Airport, with 250 other passengers, to
depart on a vacation trip to Europe.
She was highly upset, not so much by the
delay as the fact that the carrier, Overseas
National Airways, had not bothered to tell
the passengers what was wrong or to make
any effort to ease their discomfort.
I checked with the airport manager, and
was told that for about 31/z hours, between
2:30 and 6 a.m., some 450 passengers from at
least two Overseas National flights were mill-
ing around Dulles. At that time of night, the
airport snack bar is manned by a single
employee. All other eating facilities are
closed, and I understand that frustrated
passengers were on the 'verge of rioting.
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So, Mr. President, let the Senate ex-
amine these basic questions. We can
argue all day and all week about the
technicalities, about the computers,
about the programing of computers,
about the geometry of the weapons, the
yield of weapons, projectile timing, and
so forth. These things will have a bear-
ing upon the issue. But the essential
facts are already available, not only to
the Senate, but, fortunately, to the
American people, to reach a decision on
the basic question.
Mr. HART. Mr. President, will the
Senator yield?
Mr. GORE. I yield.
Mr. HART. I merely wish to thank the
Senator for opening the debate in the
fashion he has?effective, restrained,
thoughtful, and, I think, magnificent. I
wish all Senators could have heard it.
Mr. GORE. I thank the Senator from
Michigan. "
Mr. FELL. Mr. President, will the Sen-
ator yield?
Mr. GORE. I yield.
Mr. FELL. I wish to a d d my own word
of accord and to add that I wish all Sen-
ators could read the thrust of the argu-
ment of the Senator from Tennessee
which, I think, is well digested from
many hours of testimony.
Mr. GORE. I thank the Senator.
Mr. President, I call attention to the
fact that the secret hearing with Secre-
tary Laird on the question of intelligence
estimates, after the making of certain
deletions, is going to the printer tonight.
It will be available to the public on
Wednesday or Thursday and then the
Senate and, fortunately, the American
people can determine for themselves
whether the Secretary now maintains
that the "Soviets are going for a first-
strike capability."
Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, will the
Senator yield?
Mr. GORE. I yield.
Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I wish
to join with Senators in commending the
distinguished Senator from Tennessee
on his most eloquent and well-reasoned
presentation this evening. I think this
Senator not only this evening but also
during the conduct of the hearings he
held, with the quality of the witnesses
and the thrust of his questions, per-
formed an extremely important service
to this body and to the people.
I wish to join him and commend him
this evening. I wish to say that I am
certainly hopeful that his voice will be
heard often during the course of dis-
cussion and debate because there are few
Members of the Senate who have his
understanding, background, and experi-
ence in this subject.
I thank the Senator for his comments
and my only regret is that more Sena-
tors did not hear him.
Mr. FELL. Mr. President, Rowland
Evans and Robert Novak have written
three excellent columns that appeared
in the Washington Post on the present
situation in Greece. The first of these
articles, entitled "Greece Facing Grim
Alternatives: Salazar-Type Rule or
Bloody Revolt," appeared in the Post on
June 19. The second, entitled "U.S. Ac-
tion Against Greek Junta Is Prevented
by Military Needs," appeared on June 23.
The third, entitled "Nature of Greek
Junta Underscored by Arrest of Distin-
guished General," appeared on June 26.
I ask unanimous consent that these
three articles be printed in the RECORD at
the conclusion of my remarks.
The PRESIDING 0.10.FICER. Without
objection, it is so ordered.
(See exhibit 1.)
Mr. PELL. Mr. President, Mr. Evans
and Mr. Novak make statements that
deserve close attention. They note that
if the colonels who seized power in 1967
ever intended any partial return to rep-
resentative government, that intention
is dead. They quote the Deputy Premier
as saying, when asked about popular
elections, "Nobody wants elections" and
theorize that this attitude may be due
to the fact that the military regime's
popular base is so low that calling elec-
tions "would be equivalent to surrender-
ing power." They characterize Greece as
a "huge political pressure cooker" which
they say may explode into insurrection
with Communists in leading roles.
Messrs, Evans and Novak argue that the
need for a tough U.S. stand against the
military dictatorship "is being under-
mined by the Pentagon's military re-
quirements in the eastern Mediterra-
nean." They report that the commander
of the U.S. Military Advisory Group and
his subordinate officers "have exercised
little discretion in telling their Greek
counterparts how they oppose the Em-
bassy's fastidiousness about democracy."
In their last column, they point to the
case of the imprisoned General Kou-
manakos against whom no formal charge
is pending, no trial is scheduled, and no
limit of imprisonment has been placed.
The implications of the sentiments
aroused by the Kournanakos case, ac-
cording to Messrs. Evans and Novak, in-
clude the possibility that many Greeks
who have viewed Communists as their
blood enemies now see the colonels rul-
ing Greece as their real foes.
The three columns by Messrs. Evans
and Novak do not paint a pretty picture
but they do portray the political situa-
tion in Greece today with its very real
dangers for Greece tomorrow.
This also brings to our minds the need
that there be appointed to Athens a
tough-minded, strong-willed, civilian-
oriented ambassador who will express
the wishes of the United States the best
he can and will nudge Greece a little
further along toward democracy.
ATHENS?The Greek military dictatorship,
after two years of bland assurances to Wash-
ington about restoring democracy, intends
to retain power indefinitely without free
elections?posing immense danger to long-
range stability in the strategic eastern Med-
If the colonels who seized power April 21,
1967, on the pretext of preventing com-
munism here ever intended any partial re-
turn to representative government, that in-
tention is dead. Even the few politicians who
have tried to cooperate with the colonels
now concede that Col. George Pappadopou-
los, the Premier, envisions an institutional-
ized tyranny modeled after Salazar's 37-year
dictatorship in Portugal.
Unlike our last visit there two years ago
when the freshly installed junta pledged an
early return to constitutional forms, the re-
gime now regards itself as permanent. Brig.
Gen. Stylianos Pattakos, Deputy Premier and
the junta's No. 2 man, bristled when we
asked about popular elections. "That is an
internal matter that you cannot inquire
about," he said. "Go ask the people on the
street. Nobody wants elections."
Indeed, all objective sources here agree
that the military regime would lose badly in
free elections. The colonels' "revolution," at-
tempting by edict to transform the Greeks
into work-oriented puritans, has depleted
what popularity the regime enjoyed in 1967.
Although past Greek governments have had
excellent success in rigging elections, the
military regime's popular base is so low?
perhaps 10 per cent?that calling elections
would be equivalent to surrendering power.
Unwilling to surrender power, the colonels
have turned Greece into a huge political
pressure-cooker with the true feeling of the
Greeks suppressed by the local gendarmerie's
watchful eye. An election today probably
would show a sharp leftward swing. More
ominously, after two or. three additional
years, the pressure-cooker may explode into
Insurrection with Communists in leading
These ominous prospects have their source
In perhaps the tightest police state this side
of Moscow. Violating the colonels' own new
constitution, non-Communist potential foes
of the regime?mainly army officers and in-
tellectuals?are imprisoned without indict-
ment or trials. Reports of torture are im-
possible to verify in detail, but maltreatment
and brutalization of law-level political
prisoners continue.
Former political leaders are watched con-
stantly. They cannot speak their view, are
denied passports to travel abroad, and have
their mail and telephone calls monitored.
One former Premier cannot move without a
oar full of police agents following him. All
former cabinet members are tailed when they
visit their old constituencies.
The regime's iron vise is even tighter on
the academic world. So many teachers have
been purged that the educational system is
crippled. Distinguished professors are sub-
ject to humiliating interrogation by Col. John
Lacias, hard-Dine secretary general of the In-
? terior Ministry. University students, solidly
against the regime, are intimidated by police
agents attending their very classes. A further
deterrent is formed by severe prison sentences
given six young teaching assistants (two of
whom later were tortured) for distributing
anti-junta propaganda.
The first armed resistance against this
?tyranny has come from the right: clandes-
tine supporters of exiled King Constantine.
Infrequently reported in the controlled Greek
press are daily bombing incidents in the
heart of Athens (forcing the government
court martial to change buildings) : There
have been unconfirmed reports that the roy-
alist resistance was responsible for the recent
deaths of three pro-junta officers.
Thus, 16 ?retired officers arrested recently
are all royalists with anti-Communist rec-
ords (two of them with service in the Kor-
ean war). The regime's contention that the
arrested officers participated in a left-wing
army plot is only a propaganda smokescreen.
Harassing though it may be, however, the
royalist resistance is incapable of overthrow-
ing a regime so vigilant against potential
opposition. Remembering the existence of
the anti-Nazi resistance in World War IT,
Greeks fear that the Communists?better
organized than ever?will dominate if and
when the resistance assumes major propor-
That day remains relatively distant. Greek
Communists, badly fragmented into rival
segments, are passive. The Soviet Ambassa-
dor here is circumspect, declining to discuss
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?pp* the deployment of an ABM weap-
on system.
en the question was before Con-
gres heretofore, my subconfmittee held
extesive secret hearings. So far as I
kno , no secrets were withheld from the
comiilttee. But much information essen-
tial or a public judgment upon the issue
was vithheld from the public and frori
the Senate generally, except that anY
Senator, of course, could go to the corn-
mit e rooms and obtain from the vaults
the secret testimony and there read it.
This year, upon my recommendation,
the srommittee concluded to have pub-
lic h arings. We felt that it was essential
to involve the American peOple in this
very important, very basic decision.
The hearings, as Senators know, have
been extended. Members of the intelli-
gence community and the universities,
scientists, engineers, and authorities
made themselves available by the hun-
dreds to testify.
It has been, I believe, truly an educa-
tional experience. At the beginning of
that hearing the opposition to the de-
ployment of ABM was very much in the
minerity. As information accumulated,
so did opposition.
So far as I know, no secret informa-
tioijg Therefore,
now been withheld from my
co ittee. we are fully pre-
pare to debate it in secret session. I
shall bring to the floor of the Senate
numf rous secret documents, including
the stimony of the CIA. Nothing will
be withheld from the Chamber. The more
Senators know about the ABM, the more
Senators will be opposed to it I intend
to afford them the opportunity to know
the full story.
I know what the secrets are. What are
they? They involve intelligence, intelli-
gence estimates, sources of intelligence.
They involve the yield of weapons, the
georretry of weapons, trajectory, time
elements, details of computers, radar,
and so forth.
IT secret information is largely tech-
nice .
Mr. President, there is ample infor-
mation available not only to the Senate
but also to the American people with
which to reach a decision upon the cen-
tral issue involved.
Wtiat is the central issue? It is wheth-
er o not it is necessary to deploy an
anti allistic defensive weapon system, tile
ABM, in order to preserve the integrity
of the U.S. deterrence against a nuclear
. This is the principal basis upon which
this deployment is advanced. In the
words of both the President and the Sec -
ret,aiy of Defense, ABM deployment is
necessary, "to preserve the integrity Of
our deterrence."
Is it? Is it? That is the central issu ,
and on that we have joined issue. It s
neitlier necessary nor advisable.
Wy is it not necessary? It is ndt
necestary because our country has maa-
sive Power of retaliation in a variety f
categories--Minutemen, the ICBM's
our Minute silos, intercontinental al -
plane bombers, our nuclear submarine
fleet missiles on foreign bases, planes
on fereign bases, tactical weapons under
our command in the NATO-forces, nu-
clea,i missile launches aboard surface
There are so many and so much that
our country has the power to lay 48
weapons?each one 50 times as power-
ful as the one thas destroyed Hiro-
shima?on each of Russia's 50 largest
cities. But Mr. Laird in public testi-
mony on television before the American
people, with millions of people listening
and watching, said the Soviets are go-
ing for a first strike capability. Then he
added, "There is no question about that."
Mr. President, there has been no in-
telligence estimate of the National Board
of Intelligence to support that conclu-
sion. And that information will be
brought here in detail before the Senate.
Throughout this fight, there has been
an attempt to spread an aura around
the ABM, an aura of secrecy and thus
win by secrecy what; cannot be won
in public debate in the light for all to
The Pentagon and the Pentagon proj-
ects thrive on secrecy. But Senators shall
I say the essential facts necessary to
reach a judgment upon the central issue
are publicly known, and I am proud to
have had a part in making them publicly
Oh, yes. Mr. Laird says that deploy-
ment of ABM is necessary to preserve the
integrity of our deterrence; therefore, he
says, we must deploy ABM.
Is it necessary? The answer is "No," be-
cause of the magnitude of this country's
retaliatory capacity. Deterrence has two
parts: First, the powEr to retaliate with
devastation upon an enemy who should
attack the United Sates; second, the
will to use that power There is no ques-
tion that the United States has the
power; and if this country should be
attacked with nuclear weapons, I have
no doubt that it has the will to use that
power. The important question is, What
is the estimate of the Soviets of these two
elements? What is their estimate of our
power to retaliate if they should launch
a nuclear war agains us? I think they
know what our power is.
What is their estimate of our will?
This I do not know. But I surely do not
wish to plant any questions in their
mind. They are not frightened with
ABM's. ABM's are not a deterrent.
Right in the beginning of this debate,
let it be known that she senior Senator
from Tennessee believes that we need to
preserve the integrity of our deterrents.
There will be no victory in a nuclear war.
We would lose; they would lose; civili-
zation would lose; everything would be
lost in a nuclear exchange between Rus-
sia and the United States.
The way to win this battle is to pre-
vent nuclear war; and to prevent it we
need to have a deterrent?an unques-
tioned deterrent?not only the power to
retaliate, but the will to retaliate. The
important place for that to be rested is
in the mind of anyone thinking to at-
tack the United States with nuclear
weapons. This is the central question.
Secretary Laird, in more recent testi-
mony, has not again repeated his view
that the Soviets were going for a first-
strike capability. A fin t-strike capability,
as the senior Senator from Missouri
knows, is a word or term of art to the
military. I placed in the RECORD an offi-
cial interpretation of the term. It means,
in laymen's language, the capability of
striking a country a first blow with such
devastation that that country will not
have the power to retaliate with unac-
ceptable risk.
I ask the Senator from Missouri if that
Is a correct statement.
Mr. SYMINGTON. Xwou1d say that it
is a correct interpretation.
If the Senator from Tennessee will
yield to me for a brief remark, I would
hope that every Member of the Senate
would realize that for many years the
distinguished senior Senator from Ten-
nessee has been a metriber of the Joint
Committee on Atomic rnergy.
Mr. GORE. I thank the Senator from
Missouri. I was a member of a small sub-
committee that handled the appropria-
tion for the Manhattan District when
Oak Ridge, Tenn., was still a wilderness.
I have been involved in nuclear energy
since its very beginning. So fEtr as I know,
no secrets have ever been withheld from
me. No secrets will be Withheld from the
Senate in this debate.
Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, will
the Senator further yield?
Mr. GORE. I yield.
Mr. SYMINGTON. I am glad that the
able Senator brought up that fact, be-
cause he was deeply interested in the
atomic picture when he was a Member
of the House of Representatives for
many years prior to his coming to the
Senate. Therefore, I say without fear of
contradiction that his position in this
matter is at least as experienced as that
of any other Member of the Senate.
Mr. GORE. I thank the Senator.
I wanted to say at this time, right in
the very beginning, that we need to keep
our minds on the central question: Is the
deployment of ABM necessary to pre-
serve the integrity of our deterrence? I
think the answer, unquestionably, is No.
Then the question is, If unnecessary, or
though unnecessary, is it advisable? This
leads to the involvement of our will and
the estimate of our will. But more impor-
tant perhaps, it leads to the third point,
which is that our deployment of ABM
will stimulate and aecelerate another
round in the nuclear armaments race,
out of which will come not more but less
security for our country; less opportu-
nity, not more, to avoid a nuclear war. So
let us start the debate on this level.
I know there are questions as to
whether it will work; questions about the
computers; questions about the radar;
questions about accidental detonations;
many questions and doubts. These are
mostly tangential and secondary issues.
The fundamental issue, let me repeat,
is this: Is the deployment of ABM neces-
sary for the Soviets to know that we have
the power to retaliate with devastation if
they should level an atomic attack
against us? And is it necessary or advisa-
ble to deploy ABM to convince them of
our will to do so if they start a war? Or
would ABM deployment affect their esti-
mate of our will to retaliate?
We have no intention of starting nu-
clear war. Our strategy has been postu-
lated on the thesis that the way to pre-
vent a nuclear war is to have the power
to retaliate. This is the deterrence. This
is what Winston Churchill called the
balance of terror.
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Greek internal affairs during a recent two- stantine was denied a meeting with the oppose the present tyrants. Thus, the junta
hour luncheon with an anti-junta politician. President while in Washington for the Eisen- took no chances with a potential rebel.
The Communists know the time is not ripe hower funeral (although Brig. Gen. Stylianos Koumanakos is one of many. The disting-
for insurrection. Pattakos, the Deputy Prime Minister, had a uished Adm. Athanasios Spanides, 66, is be-
But heavy government borrowing and stag- few minutes with Mr. Nixon). ginning his 14th consecutive month of de-
nant investment here the last two years are Moreover, the Greek colonels are expert at tention in a Greek village. A brigadier, one of
storm signals for the modest prosperity now disregarding signs of displeasure from Wash- the army's most daring officers, is in poor
enjoyed by Greece. If an economic recession ington. In an interview, Gen. Pattakos told health after suffering bead injuries (sup-
and rising discontent with dictatorship in- us that the portion of military aid which posedly in a diving accident) while in cap-
1 li remained suspended since the coup of tivity. A highly respected retired major gen-
tersect some years from now,
ternatives may be these: an institutionalized April 21 will be resumed soon. When we
police state along Salazar lines or a bloody asked the basis for this forecast, Pattakos
insurrection with Red overtones. Before that replied with a statement that simply is un-
happens, however, the colonels might yet be true: "President Nixon has promised it."
turned out by a strong stand against them In fact, Pattakos's triumphant account of
from Washington--a prospect, even though his Washington visit was so removed from
unlikely, worthy of discussion in a later reality that the State Department on April
24 issued a sharp statement indicating Patta-
kos had been urged to restore representa-
U.S. Aorrox AGAINST GREEK JUNTA IS tive government and civil liberties. When we
PREVENTED By MILITARY NEEDS asked about that statement, Pattakos told
ATHENS?The growing need by U.S. for- us it did not represent the U.S. Government's
eign policy for a tough stand against the position. Then who wrote it? "Some Corn-
Greek military dictatorship to avert ultimate munists," he snapped.
political tragedy here is being undermined Summoning up, a conservative Greek poli-
by the Pentagon's military requirements in tician says: "Everybody I know thinks the
the eastern Mediterranean. American Government participated in the
Indeed, Greece poses a critical dilemma coup." Old-line politicians such as former
in American foreign policy. A return to Prime Minister Panagiotis Canellopoulos
Greek democracy may well depend upon argue with friends that Washington can-
U.S. repudiation of the colonels and halting not be blamed. But among the younger gen-
all military aid. But such action conceivably eration and _particularly students, anti-
could deprive the U.S., in the short run at American feeling is rising steadily in a land
least, of naval bases and communications where once it was almost unknown. i
guidance for the 6th Fleet and Polaris sub- Nevertheless, the United States might yet
marines vital to the nuclear deterrent, put itself on the side of democracy. The
Those military considerations prevent three elements whose maneuvering degraded
sharp U.S. action against the junta. But the Greek political life before the coup?the
long-run cost could be immense. At worst, King and the two major politidal parties?
perpetuated dictatorship here could trigger are belatedly cooperating and ready to form
a popular insurrection led by the Cornmu- an interim unity government.
Tentatively, King ng would re-
eral who responded to his recent early morn-
ing arrest by slapping the face of the arrest-
ing officer was beaten bloody by security
But the case of Koumanakos is perhaps
closest to Kafka because of his valorous and
wholly nonpolitical career. As a youth in
World War II, Koumanakos won a battlefield
commission and later escaped the Nazi occu-
pation to join Free Greek bombing squad-
rons. He was in combat against the Com-
munists throughout the bloody Greek Civil
War of 1947-49, winning special commenda-
tion from Lt. Gen. James Van Fleet as the
conqueror of Mount Clef tis.
But Koumanakos's greatest fame as a sol-
dier came in the mountains of Korea in ex-
ploits that inspired his U.S. comrades in an
official report of March 25, 1953. Koumana-
kos's American superior officer, Col. R. E.
Akers, Jr., said:
"The Greeks are truly fierce soldiers . . .
Yet all their individual courage and resolu-
tion is best symbolized in their commander,
Lt. Col. Koumanakos. He has constructed for
himself an outlook . . . which is higher and
nearer the enemy than any other post of a
senior commander in Korea. Col. Koumana-
kos is my eagle. He goes to his battle position
high above his soldiers each evening . . .
Col. Koumanakos would welcome a Commu-
nist attack."
the military regime already is building in- turn as rallying point for all Greeks with the After winning the U.S. Silver Star and Le-
nists. At best, U.S. permissivenesstoward
tense anti-Ameriesn sentiment which will government headed by conservative Con- gion of Merit, Koumanakos commanded the
sta,ntine Karamanlis, who provided stabil- Greek military detachment on Cyprus in the
0 crisis, headed general staff operations in
surface in any regime that replaces the col-
onels without Washington's help. Thus, the
long-range U.S. military position in the
eastern Mediterranean is becoming depend-
ent on permanent tyranny in Athens.
Even though military needs inhibit Amer-
ican diplomats, relations between the Greek
government and the U.S. Embassy here?so
intimate for 20 years?are icy. The junta
deeply resents the absence of an American
ambassador since January. U.S. diplomats do
not hide their displeasure with the colonels'
aim of institutionalized dictatorship.
But whatever impact this official American
frigidity might have is counteracted by the
U.S. Military Advisory Group here whose
commander, Maj. Gen. Samuel Eaton and his
subordinate officers have exercised little dis-
cretion in telling their Greek counterparts
how they oppose the Embassy's fastidious-
ness about democracy.
Any psychological influence of the vacant
Ambassador's chair is obliterated by con-
stant shuttling in and out of Athens by
U.S. officers assigned to NATO. Their photo-
graphs in friendly poses with Col. George
Papadopoulos, the Prime Minister, almost
daily adorn the controlled Greek newspapers.
Most notorious was the reply to a Papa-
dopoulos toast by Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer, re-
tiring NATO commander, in which Lemnit-
zer conveniently omitted phrases about
democracy and the rule of law while quoting
from the NATO Treaty's preamble.
The same impression was given by Presi-
dent Nixon's shabby treatment of King Con-
stantine, self-exiled in Rome since his
bungled counter-coup in December, 1967. A
tentative visit with the King during Mr.
Nixon's visit to Rome early this year was
cancelled after pressure from the junta. Con-
ity during eight years as Prime
is now exiled in Paris. But neither the King, 1964-65, and then retired. So circumspect was
nor, more important, Karama.nlis will return he about keeping out of politics that he pur-
to Athens without Washington's repudiation posely went abroad in the spring of 1967 to
of the junta. avoid the national election campaign that
Few realistic Greeks, however, believe the was canceled by the colonels' coup of April 27,
Nixon Administration will move decisively 1967.
against the colonels. That accounts for skep- Assuming that he had nothing to fear
ticism among gloomy Greek democrats that from anti-Communist fellow officers, Kou-
the dictatorship can be terminated peace- ma,nakos returned to Greece May 17. Seven
fully. Worse yet, they feel preoccupation days later he was arrested at his home with-
with naval bases is wedding the United out charge. The General was held for five
States to the fate of the colonels, be it a months at the police station, then trans-
generation of tyranny or their violent over- f erred to a small, damp prison cell for corn-
throw and the dangerous days that would mon criminals where he suffered a heart at-
tack three days later. After a week in the
prison hospital, Koumanakos was released in
a Christmas amnesty. The charge, made five
months after his arrest and never substan-
tiated, was a misdemeanor: "calumniating
another officer in 1963."
Koumanakos lived quietly after his release,
still refraining from politics. Nevertheless, he
was pulled from his bed last Aug. 13 and
rearrested following the assassination at-
tempt against Col. George Papadopoulos, the
Prime Minister. Charged only with being
"dangerous for the country's security," Kou-
manakos has spent nine months in closely-
guarded exile in three villages.
He is now at Deskatl in northern Thessaly,
sometimes confined for days to his room in a
peasant house. He is forbidden to talk to offi-
cers or foreigners and the local gendarmerie
warns the villagers not to talk to the General.
He is given a private soldier's pay of 17
drachmae (about 60 cents) a day for food
and shelter.
Col. Nicholas Makarezos, a key member of-
the junta who served under Koumanakos
lie beyond.
ATHENS.?The true nature of the Greek
military dictatorship is revealed in the fate
of Maj. Gen. George E. Koumanakos, who
gained international renown fighting Com-
munists on the field of battle and is now
completing his 17th month of imprisonment
by the colonels who claim they have saved
Greece from communism.
The Koumanakos case is another example,
dismally frequent in this generation, of
Kafka come to life. No formal charge is pend-
ing, no trial is scheduled, no fixed limit has
been put on his captivity. Underlining the
Kafkaesque touch, Koumanakos had kept
scrupulously free of political connections--
unlike many fellow Greek officers.
Why then is he imprisoned? For precau-
tionary reasons. Koumanakos, a living legend
in the Korean War as the fearless com-
mander of the Hellenic Expeditionary Forces,
is a patriot who some day conceivably might
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against the Communist guerrillas, has pri-
Vately expressed shock at. is imprisonnent
but has done nothing about it. When 'lion-
Mariakos,s-wife appealed to the U.S. ErW:assy,
She was informed by a high-ranking d iplo-
inat that this was not an American concern.
Koumartakos has refused to write his old
Americazi co/Tirades-in-ems because he does
not want to criticize Greek officers to for-
Those sentiments reveal an officer of the
old school, which may be why the colonels
have imprisoned him. But the precautionary
detention is producing one side effect. Gen.
Koumane,kos's friends and family for a gen-
eration have viewed the Communists as their
blood enemies, but now see their real foes
as the colonels reigning in Athens. The pro-
found implications of that change in outlook
are yet to be felt.
July 7, iL 969
Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. President, I move,
in accordance with the previous order,
that the Senate stand In adjournment
until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow.
The motion was agreed to; and (at 6
o'clock and 14 minutes p.m.) the Senate
adjourned until tomorrow, Tuesday,
July 8, 1969, at 12 o'clock noon.
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Approved ForRel.cmggain ilyeefirlIWNi4fp00300120003-9jujy 2,
CONutc. 1969
participation in the political life of South
Vietnam for all political elements that are
prepared to do so without the use of force
or intimidation."
Religious and political suppression is wide-
spread. Speaking for peace or in any other
way opposing the Government easily brings
the charge of cOmmunist sympathy and sub-
sequent arrest. Long detention without trial
is frequently the result.
The number of political prisoners contin-
ues to increase.
There must be no illusion that this climate
of political and religious suppression is com-
patible with either a representative or stable
We respectfully request that you consider
this in weighing any commitments to the
Thieu Government.
On behalf of the Study Team on Religious
and Political Freedom in Vietnam,
Member of Congress.
James Armstrong, Bishop, United Method-
ist Church.
Anne M. Bennett (Mrs. John C.)
Allen Brick, Director of National Program,
Fellowship of Reconciliation.
John Conyers, Jr., Member of Congress.
Robert Drinaii, S.J., Dean, Boston College
Law School.
Peter W. Jenkins, Pastor, Congregational
Church, Wimbledon, England.
John de J. Pemberton, Executive Director,
American Civil Liberties Union.
Seymour Siegel, Rabbi, Professor of Theol-
oky, Jewish Theological Seminary.
Arnold E. True, Rear Admiral, U.S.N. (Ret.)
the significance of General de Gaulle's
departure from the Presidency.
In addition to my meeting with a num-
ber of distinguished citizens and parlia-
mentarians of France, I met with Am-
bassador Shriver and his senior staff. I
also had a fine discussion with Ambas-
sador Henry Cabot Lodge?the chief
U.S. negotiator at the Paris Vietnam
negotiations?and his principal aide.
An additional major reason for my visit
to Paris was to fulfill a longstanding
commitment to address the American
Club in Paris. My speech, entitled "The
Atlantic Community: Return to the
Mainstream," was prominently reported
in the European press. I shall ask unani-
mous consent that its text be printed in
the RECORD at the conclusion of my re-
From Paris I traveled to Bonn, where
I had an extensive conversation with
Chancellor of the Federal Republic, Dr.
Kurt Kiesinger. I also had a most in-
teresting and useful luncheon conversa-
tion with Mr. von Hase and Mr. Duck-
witz, the Under Secretaries of the Ger-
man Defense and Foreign Ministries, re-
spectively. This took place at the resi-
dence of our able Charge d'Affairs, the
honorable Russell Fessenden.
The following day, I chaired a 3-hour
meeting at the Deutsche Bank in Frank-
furt concerning the work of the Eastern
Mediterranean Development Institute?
EMDI. The meeting was attended bY
leading German bankers, university fig-
ures, foundation officials, industrialists,
and airline officials who have partici-
pated in the work of EMDI. EMDI is a
project which began under the auspices
of the Economic Committee of the North
Atlantic Assembly in 1965, when I was
Chairman of that Committee.
EMDI, initially known as "the Greek-
Turkish project," was inaugurated at the
request of the Greek and Turkish Gov- is recognized also on both sides of t e
ernments with the purpose of promoting Atlantic that the United States cannot
economic development and cooperation be the leader. For varying reasons, Ger-
in the two eastern Mediterranean mem- many, Britain, Italy and France all feel
bers of NATO. This project has now been momentarily inhibited from playing a
converted into alt institute which has no determined leadership role in the revival
formal connection with the North At- of the historic postwar movement toward
lantic Assembly. I am chairman of the European unity. I am satisfied that with
board of directors. I ask unanimous con- the United Kingdom in the EEC, the ob-
sent that a copy of the latest EMDI jective of present decisionmaking will
status report be printed at the conclusion have been realized and collective leader-
of my remarks. ship will be adequately effective.
In Rome, I had an extrememly useful The priority which President Nixon
meeting with Dr. Guido Carli, the distin- has restored to Europe in U.S. foreign
guished Governor of the Bank of Italy, policy, his emphasis on a meaningful
covering the entire range of issues con- allied consultative process, his Western
cerning international monetary prob- European trip and the initiatives he pro-
lems and prospects for reform. I also met posed at the 20th anniversary celebration
the Vice Prime Minister, Mr. de Martino. of NATO?all have struck deeply respon-
who provided me with a most interesting sive cords in Europe and have helped re-
assessment of Italian, European, and verse the erosion of confidence and es-
world issue as seen from his own political teem for U.S. policy notable in recent
perspective as a left Socialist. In Rome I Years in the eyes of our European allies,
also had helpful briefings and conversa- and largely attributable to Vietnam.
tions with key members of the U.S. em- Second. U.S. moves to bring the Viet-
bassy staff, and with informed and high- nam war to an early conclusion have re-
ly placed private citizens. newed the disposition of our traditional
In London I had a wide range of meet- European allies to accept U.S. leadership
ings and discussions with senior govern- and to participate again in multilateral
ment and opposition leaders, distin- efforts to deal with the pressing issues
guished private citizens and the Amen- of war and peace.
can Ambassador and his senior staff. It Third. On the vital question of inter-
was my privilege to call upon Prime national monetary problems, I found
Minister Harold Wilson at 10 Downing broad awareness of the need for major
Street and to call upon Chancellor of reforms. But there was also a curious
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I wish to
report to the Senate on my trip to Israel
and to five major capitals of Europe un-
dertaken during the period of May 24
to June 9. My trip had dual, and inter-
related, purposes. As Chairman of the
Political Committee of the North Atlan-
tic Assembly?the NATO Parliamen-
tarians' Assembly?it was my duty to
chair the Political Committee's spring
meeting at NATO headquarters in Brus-
sels on June 9. Preceding the Political
Committee meeting, I made short visits
to the major European capitals, as is my
practice, to meet with government lead-
ers and to confer with our own American
Also, I used the occasion of my trip to
Europe to visit Israel for several days en
route. In Israel I had intensive discus-
sions with the U.S. Ambassador and his
staff and with Israel's Government lead-
ers dealing with the hopes for peace be-
tween Israel and the Arab States which
is of direct concern to the United States
and to NATO.
I summarize my findings herewith and
report my conclusions and offer rec-
In Europe, I visited, in order, Paris,
Bonn, Frankfurt, Rome, London, and
Brussels. My visit to Paris immediately
preceded the first round of France's pres-
idential election. I met with a number of
highly placed private persons who were
able to acquaint me with the full spec-
trum of French opinion with regard to
Organizational associations listed for pur-
poses of identification only.
the Exchequer Roy Jenkins at 11 Down-
ing Street. The leader of the opposition, -
the Honorable Edward Heath, was out of
town, but I was able to learn the thinking
of the Conservative Party on key issues
from conservationists with the chairman
of the party, Mr. Anthony Barber, and
other senior associates of Mr. Heath.
The Political Committee meeting in
Brussels was attended by a distinguished
group of parliamentarians from all the
NATO countries excepting Greece?
where democratic institutions have been
overthrown by the military regime?and
Italy?which has not yet reconstituted
its NATO parliamentary delegation fol-
lowing the last elections. In addition to
intensive day long discussions with my
parliamentary colleagues in Brussels, it
was also my privilege to have a most
interesting meeting with the Honorable
Manlio Brosio, the distinguished Secre-
tary General of the North Atlantic
My principal findings and conclusions
regarding the policy situation in Europe
may be summarized as follows:
First. I found widespread alertness to
the new possibilities for European unity
resulting from the change of leadership
in France. Immediate attention is
focused specifically on the issue of ex-
panding the European Common Market,
or EEC, to include Britain and other ap-
plicants of the EFTA. I consider this to
be free Europe's No. 1 priority for the
near term.
But, while there is a strong general
disposition to move ahead, both with
the expansion of the EEC and on the
longer range problem of European polit-
ical unification, the question of leader-
ship for these moves remains to be de-
cided. While it is recognized that the
United States has an important role, it
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Committee for Massachusetts to the United
ti ? ?
v Rights.
John de J. Pemberton, Jr., Executive DT-
rector of the American Civil Liberties Union.
Mr. Pemberton, received his B.A. at Swath-
more in 1940, an LL.B. cum laude at Harvard
in 1947. As a student at Harvard Law School,
Mr. Pemberton served on the board of editors
of the Harvard Law Review; after graduation,
taught commercial and bankruptcy law at
Duke University until_ 1950. From 1950 to
1962, he practiced law in Rochester, Minne-
sota, as a member of the firm of Pemberton,
as_alichaels, Bishop and Seoger, In Rochester,
he served on the Minnesota Advisory Com-
mittee to the United States Civil Rights Com-
mission and the Minnesota Fair Employment
Practices Commission. An active member of
the ACLU since 1950, Mr. Pemberton was
appointed its Executive Director in 1962,
Seymour Siegel, Professor of Theology in
Tire Jewish Theological Seminary of Amer-
ica and Assistant Dean of its Herman H. Leh-
man Institute of Ethics. Dr. Siegel graduated
from the University of Chicago. In 1951 he
was ordained by the Jewish Theological Sem-
inary and in 1958 received the Seminary's
degree of Doctor of Hebrew Literature. As
representative of the World Council of Syn-
agogues, Dr. Siegel leas traveled widely to
Jewish communities abroad; in 1962, he be-
came the first Visiting Professor from the
Seminary to serve at the Seminario Rabbinico
Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires. He is a
member of the editorial boards of Conserva-
tive Judaism, Jewish Heritage, and editorial
consultant to Benziger Brothers Publishing
Company. Now completing work on his sec-
ond book, Jewish Theology Today, he has also
contributed many articles and reviews to both
scholarly and popular journals, among them
the Saturday Review and Commentary.
Arnold E. True,..Rear Admiral, United States
Navy, Retired; Professor Emeritus of Meteor-
ology, San Jose College. Admiral True re-
ceived a B.S. at the U.S. Naval Academy in
920, and M.S. from M.T.T. and grad-
ed from the U.S. Naval War College in
He served in the United States Asiatic
the Far East, commanded the USS
and two destroyers in World War
on the staff of the Commander-
the United States Atlantic Fledi
and 1946. During the Battle of
ceived injuries which necessi-
ement. From 1947 to 1967 he
of meteorology at San Jose
al True recently presented
e Senate Armed Services Corn-
nag budget requests of the De-
? fense.
d Peter Jenkins, of Congre-
? ch, Wimbledon, England and
irene International Christian
ce Organization, met the team
ccompanied them to Saigon.
June 5. 1979
No. 10/68 of November 5,1_868, which we sity, said D.D. from -,Plorida Southern and
e earlier described. This lii:w amends ai.d DePassw University. Elected to the episcopacy
talizes a pre-constitution decree issued In 1968, James Armstrong is the youngest
, 1965. By its legitimation of the United Methodist Bishop in the United
Mil tary Field Courts, this law, in effect, States. He taught for eight year at the
am nded the Constitution although none of Christian Theological Seminary (Disciples of
the Articles of the Constitution related to Christ) in Indianapolis, served for ten years
amending the document (Nos. 103-107) Were as minister of the Broadway United Methodist
co plied with. Church in Indianapol s. Known for his in-
he November 5, 1968 law, in addition to terset in public affairs, he was a board mem-
authorlzing the invasions of individual right ber of the Community Service Council, the
previously recited authorizes Ocal proclaina- Urban League and the Indianapolis Progre
tions of martial law and in its Article 2 de- Committee, and was singled out 'tee of
cla es that: ' y Time-Life
"411 violations of the law related to nos . He himself is the
tio e Journey That Men
Abingdon Press.
. Bennet, (Anne McGrew Ben-
nnett received a B.Sc. in Edu-
m the University of Nebraska and
from Auburn 'Theological Seminary.
taught for several years in country
? ls in Nebraska, was married in 1931 to
ohn C. Bennett, now I'resident of the Union
heological Seminary in New York City. Mrs.
ennett has been active in denominational
and interdeominationas affairs for may years.
She is a member of the 'U.S. Inter-Religious
ommittee on Peace, a former board member
f the Council for Christian Social Action of
United Church of Christ, and served from
to 1964 on the General Board of the
Council of Churches.
rick, Associate Secretary for Na-
m, Fellowship of Reconciliation.
d an A.B. from Haverford
a Ph.D. in English from
rmer professor of
Goucher Col-
e Education
al security fall within the _Military Fled
rts which will try them in aceordanT
emergency procedures."
e creation of these "Military Fie.d
rts" is nowhere authorized In Article "6
ugh Article 87 of the Constitution, whir h
ide hi detail for the structure of Viet-
's jurisdiction. Nor is the lililitary Fled
rts" related to military tribunals which
exist in the armed forces of &uth Vietnam
for the prosecution of offenses committed by
military personnel. The "Military Field
Cou s" are not really courts at all.
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
All of these carefully spelled-out guars'. is Armstrong received 1Is A.B. fnom. Florida
tee were nullified for political offenders by Southern College a B 33 from Em T,.
the leaders who builds eiti
in its book The Heartl.
author of the boo
Make, publish
Mrs. John
nett). Mr
M.R. Sh
e Study Team is convineed that the
ber of arrests and imprisoninents ocin-
es to grow larger under the law of No-
ber 5, 1968, Moreover, it is Akar that the
law, unlike the 1965 decree, abrogates
amends the 1967 Constitution of Sotitli
naria In an illegal Way. Indeed, the 1968
eviscerates that Constitution and sUg-
that the President and the National
bly disregarded the Constitution in
seve al respects and, relying on "a state c-f
war",, undertook to legitimize the Military
Field Courts which imprison persons in pro-
ceedings having few if any of the features
of a real trial. No matter how favorably they
are Viewed, these courts serve ae the instru-
ment by which the Thieu government iiins
prisOns and thereby silences its critics.
The inadequacies of the Military Field
Courts are many. Among their More glaring
defects are the following:
(1) These courts violate Articles 77 of the
Con$titution -which stipulates that every
court should be composed of "an element
that judges and an element that prosecutes,
both of which are professionally qualified."'
In the Military Field Court, the judge is a
military official not necessarily trained in law.
(2) The offenses triable lass, the military
Fiel Courts are non-appealabie, The denial
of these basic rights violates the Vietnam
Contitution as well as the practices which
have become customary in moat of the judi-
rocesses in the civilized world.
The Military Eield Courts also violate
le 9 of the Universal Declaration 0
n Rights which states that, "No one
be subjected to arbitrary arrest or des
on." This statement is now Incorporated
in t1e draft Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights and is broadened to read as follows:
"Everyone has the right to liberty and se-
curity of person. No one shall be subjete d
to arbitrary arrest and detention. No ole
shall be deprived of his liberty except dii
such grounds and in accordance with suclh
ures as are established by law."
we provisions are being violated
Vietnam. Their violation is thus
Ion of the Constitution of South Vie
which states in Article 5 that "
lic of Vietnam will comy with
of international law which are
y to its national sovereignty and
! ,
tional Pro
Dr. Brick rec
College, an MA. a
Yale University. A
English at DartmoutS
leges, Dr. Brick served as
Director for the American Fade
Committee, Middle Atlantic Regio sofrom
1966 to 1968. He has published articles`
English and American literature, as well a
articles on student and protest movements
and is co-author of The Draft, a report by
the American Friends Service Committee,
published by Hill and Wang, New York.
John Conyers, Jr.. Representative in Con-
gress of the First Congressional District,
Detroit, Michigan. Congressman Conyers re-
ceived his BA. and his law degree from
Wayne State University. Currently serving
his third term both as a Representative and
a member of the Judiciary Committee, he
has been an active supporter of civil rights
legislation in Congress. In this capacity he
has made trips to Selma, Charleston, Missis-
sippi and other places to investigate eases
of civil rights violations. Prior to election to
Congress, Mr. Conyers was a labor and civil
rights lawyer, also serving as _Director of
Education for Local 900 of the United Auto
Workers, an executive board member of the
Detroit NAACP and an advisory council
member of the Michigan Civil Liberties
Union. During the Korean conflict, he served
as a Second Lieutenant ,n the Corps of Engi-
Robert F. Drinan, S.J., Dean, Boston Col-
lege Law School, and Professor of Family
Law and Church-State Relations. ? Father
Drinan received his A.B. and M.A. from
Boston College, his LL B. and LL.M. from
Georgetown University Law Center, an S.T.L.
(Licentiate in Sacree Theology) from
Gregorian University in Rome. He is auth
of several books, the latest of which is
Democracy and Disorder, published DD 1969
by the Seabury Press, and is a contributor to
many publications, including Commonweal
and the Harvard Law Review. Father Drinan
princ ple of equality between nations." ? has served widely in legal, civic and educe-
A. U;. study team on religious and political former vice-president oi' the Massachusetts
freedom in Vietnam Bar Association, is currently chairman of the
IV. APPENDIX tion organizations and ,mmmittees. He is a
James Armstrong, Bishop of the United M.B.A.'s Committee on the Administration
Methodist Church, Dakotas Area. Bishop of Justice and chairms,n of the Advisory
II, and
In-Chief o
between 19
Midway he
tated his ret
was professor
College. Adm
testimony to t
mittee concer
partment of D
The Revere
grational Ch
Treasurer of
Service for P
in Paris and
Presiden IXON,
Washin, on, D.C.:
The dependent Study Team on Religious
and P litical Freedom in Vietnam has corn-
plet its study here and is preparing a Se-
d report. The team met with South Viet-
ese and United States officials, various
uddhist and Roman Catholic leaders rep-
resentatives of other principal sects, members
of the National Assembly, attorneys and other
specialists in jurisprudence as well as numer-
ous private individuals, including some
The team inspected prisons in Saigon, Thu
Due and Con Son. Our final report will be
related to the following firm impressions:
The Government of South Vietnam does
not presently exemplify at least one of the
goals set forth in your May 14th statement.
"There should be an opportunity for full
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preoccupation with the tactical and polit- The International Monetary Fund tent with the legitimate security needs
.ical problems and difficulties?at the should be given new authority to permit of the nations of the area, including Is-
expense of the substantial and vital long- it to function more as a world central rael's requirements for deterrent strength
term benefits to be gained from corn- bank, empowered to create new reserves in the supersonic aircraft field and the
prehensive, multilateral measures. Inter- as needed?through special drawing supply of the supersonic jets agreed to be
national monetary reform is the No. 2 rights and possible revaluation of mone- delivered by the U.S.
priority of the Atlantic developed tary gold?and related central-bank Fourth. A new look should be taken at
nations. functions including the provisions of the Arab-refugee situation, and the in-
Fourth. The U.S. preoccupation with large-scale credits for the developing na- ternational support so long given to keep
Vietnam, and the concurrent Gaullist- tions of the southern zone. them in a refugee status.
led opposition to European and Atlantic Third. The United States should take Fifth. The possibilities of an economic
Community unification, have left a resi- the leadership in creating new patterns self-help organization in the Middle
due to parochialism and protectionism and institutions to expand trade through East, with United States and free
in trade and cther policies of Western a large new grouping of industrial na- Europe's support, should again be ex-
Europe. Boldness, and breadth of vision tions including the United States, Can- plored.
have been eroded, while the habits of ada, Japan, the EEC, and other advanced Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
? ddition the United States sent that there be printed at this point
traditional nationalism have been
strengthened. The No. 3 priority must be
further trade liberalization and reduc-
tion of nontariff barriers to trade. .
Fifth. Considerable interest has been
evoked by President Nixon's proposal re-
garding the undertaking of joint efforts
in the Atlantic community with respect
to the environmental problems of mod-
ern industrial societies?questions of the
quality of life in the context of such
factors as air pollution, high-density liv-
ing, mass housing and transport prob-
lems. This is the No. 4 priority for the
Atlantic developed nations.
Sixth. I found less awareness in Eu-
rope than I had expected of the signifi-
cance of internal U.S. debates with
respect to the nuclear arms race, the
Vietnam war and national priorities, and
United States-U.S.S.R. negotiations with
respect to strategic arms limitations, the
Middle East and other subjects. It
seemed to be taken for granted that
ultimately the Federal Republic of Ger-
many too would adhere to the Nuclear
Nonproliferation Treaty.
My four principal policy recommenda-
tions are as follows:
First. The United States should adopt be a party to armistices or cease-fire the eve of an historic Presidential e ec on
an active, supportive policy with respect lines. This entails a willingness to sweat in Prance even the best-intentioned Ameri-
to the expansion of the EEC, by includ- it out in the months ahead until a mean- can must take special pains to avoid in his
ing Britain and the other EFTA ap- ingful peace is attainable through ne_ comments any reference to the election. But
plicants, within a coordinated policy gotiations principally between the par-
I do feel that it is proper for a 'U.S. Senator
framework directed toward eliminating ties concerned?Israel and its Arab to express his views as to what he sees as
the best future for U.S.-Western European
nontariff barriers to trade. neighbors. The United States must re- relations and the peace of the world.
Second. The United States should take sist attempts to achieve an imposed Also, it is appropriate to state, as I see
the leadership in convening a new Bret- peace forged under the pressure of Arab it, what Western Europe can expect from the
ton Woods-type of conference to effect and Soviet propaganda efforts to per- United States under the Nixon Administra-
major reforms in the international tray the Mideast as being on the verge tion; and what the United States hopes it
monetary system. In my judgment, of explosion into another war endanger- can expect from Western Europe.
major reforms are needed urgently and ing world peace. ably clear that he regards our Atlantic President Nixon has made it unmistak-
can only be achieved by an international Second. In the absence of a change of Com-
munity ties as the fulcrum of his entire con-
Conference of this nature. These are heart by the United Arab Republic GOV- cept of America's role in the world. In my
some of the prime considerations: ernment with respect to acceptance of judgment, it is of great significance that
The industrial nations can no longer the fact of Israel as a nation, and of the President Nixon has chosen?of all the pos-
afford to lurch from one weekend cur- need for a meaningful peace agreement, sible roles open to him?to conduct the
rency crisis to the next?with disaster there may be little prospect of reopening vital, upcoming negotiations with the USSR
narrowly averted by ad hoc rescue the Suez Canal. The United States and on strategic nuclear arms limitation in his
parties. its European allies should proceed with capacity as a leader of NATO.
President Nixon has been quite specific in
The political problems of unilateral long-term plans on the basis that the this regard. Here are his words addressed to
adjustments of currency parities are Suez Canal may not be reopened in the the North Atlantic Council:
too great to be handled effectively on immediate future, but efforts should con- "I pledge to you today that in any negotia-
a case-by-case basis; but multilateral tinue to be made to reopen the canal as tions affecting the interests of the NATO na-
adjustments can help overcome the as international waterway available to tions, there will be full and genuine consul-
political problems of all, all and not the exclusive property of the tation before and during those negotiations."
The present and anticipated future United Arab Republic. I On a subsequent occasion he stated:
'. . . the forthcoming arms talks will be a
supply of monetary gold is just too small Third. Efforts should continue to test of the ability of the Western nations to
as h base for expanding international achieve an international agreement on shape a common strategy."
trade and meeting the problems of the limitation of arms shipments into The significance of President Nixon's ap-
liquidity on a long-term rather than the Mideast from outside sources. Such proach to nuclear arms limitation talks with
short-term basis. agreement should, of course, be consis- the Soviet Union?the premium placed on
Lii should pursue a policy of greater Atlan- in tli RECORD a speech entitled, e
. .
tic community economic consultation Atlantic Community: Return to the
and unity, and harmonization of policy Mainstream," delivered by me before
on East-West trade. the American Club in Paris and a status
Fourth. Specific programs should be report to the board of directors of the
adopted to implement President Nixon's Eastern Mediterranean Development In-
proposals for joint planning and con- stitute, of which I am chairman, and re-
sultations within the Atlantic commu- marks by me in the CONGRESSIONAL REC-
nity with respect to the environmental ORD of January 28, 1960.
problems of life in advanced industrial There being no objection, the material
societies. We must seize this imaginative was ordered to be printed in the RECORD. ,
new approach to improving the quality as follows:
of life for all our citizens through a THE ATLANTIC COMMUNITY: RETURN TO THE
sharing of experience, knowledge, and MAINSTREAM
research on the problems of air and (speech by Senator JACOB K. JAVITS, before
water polution, public health problems the American Club, Paris, May 29, 1969)
in a changing environment with chang- We are about to witness the dawn of a
ing population patterns, and problems new era of Atlantic community cooperation
related to high-density living such as and purpose and therefore of hopes for
mass housing and transport systems. world peace. Conditions are propitious for
a renewal of Western unity and a return to
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION common action in the mainstream from
CONCERNING MIDEAST which both Western Europe and the United
I wish to report the following con- States were diverted so tragically in the
elusions and recommendations with re- mid-1960's.
spect to Mideast policy. In the United States, our preoccupation
First. It is essential the United States with Vietnam is drawing to an end. In West-
ern Europe, the disengagement of Prance
strive for a permanent peace in the Mid-
from the forces striving for European unity
east with the terms mutually supportive, is coming to an end.
and that the United States not once again At this particularly sensitive moment on
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NATO interests and consul tations-at not yet
adequately appreciated in Europe, in my
judgment, to understand its signifier nee one
must also have a familiarity with the current
political situation in the United States.
The forthcoming Strategic Arms Limita-
tion (SALT) negotiations with the USSR,
and related questions concerning ABM and
MIRV, have been the subject of the n ost im-
portant public debate in the United States
since the NATO debate of the late 194-/s. This
public debate in the United States I- as been
concerned with the very fundamentals of our
American society and aspirations. I have been
an active participant instills debate.
For the fundamental theme of the debate
concerning the nuclear -arms race h4s been
the question of U.S. national prioril les and
the allocation of U.S. resources between
civilian and military requirements. But, in
the U.S. domestic debate, virtually M. atten-
tion has been given to the NATO a pect of
the American approach to, and neg itiating
posture in, the strategic arms limitation
negotiations. This is uniquely Preside.nt Nix-
on's contribution?and he runs the risk of
encountering later misunderstanding and
criticism at home for placing the Si aphasis
he does upon NATO interests and se allied
consultative approach. Those who b. i ve op-
posed his timing on the Safeguard ABM have
been concerned mainly With highly urgent,
but essentially domestic civilian fleets. The
crisis in our great cities, the tensions between
whites and blacks, the seething unrest at
some of our major universities?these are the
burning issues which compel immediate
political attention and which set the frame-
work for the debate over U.S. national priori-
Yet the U.S. President has not been di-
verted by this issue but has taken account of
Europe's dual fear about future U.S. policy--
that the U.S. would strike a deal with the
USSR over the heads of our allies, and that
the U.S. would retreat into some farm of
neoisolationisrn. These fears ought now to be
allayed by the strongly expressed views of
President Nixon as to consultations with our
allies and following a NATO-oriented ap-
proach. struggled for centuries to win them and in
That portion of responsibility which rests our own lifetimes we have had to fight to
on the U.S. for the deterioration and devital- defend them,"
ization of the Atlantic Community in the It would be a mistake, in my judgment, for
mid-1960's is related most directly to the Europe to discount the President's words as
Vietnam war. Here too I believe the Moment the rhetoric of a ceremonial occasion. They
is auspicious for countering the factors which sheuld rather be understood as an authori-
worked against the interests of the U.S.- tative expression of what the United States
Western Europe alliance._ is prepared to do within an Atlantic coznmu-
There can be no mistaltin,e the defsermina- nity, and the almost limitless aspirations we
tion of the American people to end the Viet- hold in that regaed.
nam war eserapidly as possible. Nor, can there An air of cynicesm and ennui has grown
be any doubt now that President Nixon ac- up on both sides of the Atlantic over the
cords priority on the nation's agenda to that past decade in an accompaniment to the un-
task. Ile was speaking With every under- precedented material prosperity in Europe
standing of the situation when he recently and the United States. And the present gen-
told the nation in a televised address: eration of students on both sides of the
"In my campaign for the Presidency, I Atlantic has been profoundly alienated by
pledged to end this war . , . I am determined this apparent lack of meaning and idealism
to keep that . If I feil.
, I ex- in life.
pect the American people to hold me ac- The Western peoples are very ripe in my
countable for that failure." judgment for new ideals and bold, exciting
In my judgment, it is clear from thU factors designs which transcend mundane preoccu-
4t i
I have just cited that the United States is pations with force levels, .nuclear megaton-
reordering its affairs to enable us play nage, Gross National Product. They yearn
our full role in a revitalized Atlantib .Corn- for adventures of She spirit?for vision?and
munity which is now again within oui? grasp. I believe that undertaking again construe-
And it is a most fortunate coincidence of tion of an Atlantic Community in its fullest
timing that Western Europe, too, norwehas a and highest sense can provide the spirit
comparable opportunity to reorder its poli- which is needed.
cies and redirect its energies in wars that Idealism does not have to be impractical,
can make possible the achievement of Eu- There are a number of very specific steps
ropean unity within a revitalized Atlantic which can and ought to be taken to give
Community. effect to the objectives and potentiality of
For the Atlantic Alliance has stuffered the AtlanticCommunity. These steps are in
grievous strains militarily, politically Or eco- the mainstream of a return to the continued
nomically whch have induced many to be- construction of the Atlantic Community
lieve that our Atlantic Communityl Is no which was abandoned so precipitously in the
longer a realistic possibility. But I disagree mid 1960's.
and believe that even the removal of HAPE In the field of trade, the trend toward
from France, the exclusion of the U. s. 'from protectionism and exclusion?even in the
the E.E.C., the arresting of progress toward
the political unity of Western Europe and
the recurring monetary crises can be over-
ciente and the Atlantic Community revital-
In saying this I want to make it clear
that I am not trying to exonerate other
members of the alliance for their acts of
omission and commission?least of all my
own United States which allowed itself to
become entrapped in a costly military stale-
mate in Vietnam which appeared increasing-
ly irrelevant to the nation's true interests,
eVen in the eyes of its own people.
I have spoken and written personally on
a number of occasions concerning the objec-
tives and the potentialities of a fully de-
veloped Atlantic Community. Now I find hope
that many of my views may well be shared
by President Nixon. And, I wiah now to quote
his words, instead of my own because he
speaks with an authority unrivalled, by vir-
tue of his office. In pondering his words, it
should be borne in mind that President Nix-
on is not a man given to tittering lofty
words lightly.
Speaking to the NATO Council of Ministers
on the Twentieth Anniversary of the sign-
ing of the NATO Treaty he said:
"Now the Alliance of the West needs a
third dimension . . . a social dimension to
deal with our co:aeern for the quality of life
in this last third of' the 20th century.
"The industrial nations share no challenge
more urgent than that of bringing 20th Cen-
tury man and his environment to terms with
one another?of making the world fit for
man, and helping man to learn how to re-
main in harrnone with the rapidly changing
*To discover what this Western Alliance
means today, we have to reach back, not
across two decades, but through the cen-
turies to the very roots of the Western ex-
perience. When we do, we find that we touch
a set of element).1 ideals, eloquent in their
simplicity, majestic in their humanity, ideals
of decency and ;testae and liberty and re-
spect for the righes of our fellow men. Simple,
yes; and to us obvious. But our forebears
ATE Jurfarad1,69
European Economic Community, erected as
the very model of liberal trade?needs to be
reversed. The division of Western Europe into
rival trade blocs--EEC and EFTA?should be
undone through the expansion of the EEC
to include the U.K. and other EFTA appli-
cants, Non-tariff barriers to trade should be
dismantled on a reciprocal basis, and the
issues of trade expansion not addressed by
the hestoric Kennedy Round especially in
agriculture now should be tackled. The
United States must, for its part, move away
from restrictions on overseas capital invest-
ments and efforts to secure "voluntary" ex-
port quotas to pretect selected domestic in-
dustries. Other forms of government assist-
ance to embattled domestic industries are
feasible and more appropriate.
New measures of cooperation in technology
and education are already widely forecast for
the Atlantic Community. These include an
Atlantic Technology Pool and a University
of the Atlantic including professional schools
in law, medicine and other disciplines for the
Atlantic Community.
Reforms are needed urgently in the inter-
national monetary system, so that the in-
dustrial nations do not have to lurch inse-
curely from one-week-end balance-of-pay-
ments crisis to the next, while currency spec-
ulators circle like sharks around the weak-
ened currencies of that particular crisis.
Surely it is not beyond the wit of man to
devise orderly and rational mechanisms to
adjust fluctuations in currency exchange
values and to rationalize the position of so
relatively slim a gold stock in the total
The ancient and irrational tyrany of gold
must be overthrown so that the nations can
provide, based on their own productivity for
the expansion of reserves needed to finance
the constant expansion of trade and the ac-
celerated development of the crucial develop-
ing Southern zone of the world.
A harmonization of trade policy within
the Alliance with respect to Eastern Europe
and the Soviet Union should be an element
of the expanded political consultatians and
harmonization of policy on East-West issues
in general. Each can reinforce the other and
give added leverage to common policies.
A revitalized and purposef ul Atlantic
Community would certainly accelerate the
movement toward closer understandings and
agreements with the Soviet Union?as for
example in space exploration and research in
medicine and biology and physics?and its
Eastern European allies?making possible the
relief of tensions in Europe and preparing
for a way the handling of a potentially
disruptive new superpower?mainland
Collective consideration of the problems of
the Middle East and the entire Mediterranean
basin will be essential, ha my judgment, if
peace and economic development in the Mid-
east is to be secured over the long run.
Soviet hegemony over the land, sea and air
links between Europe, Asia and Africa, and
Soviet control over the supply of Mideast
petroleum which currently supplies 50sS of
the energy resources for Western Europe, pose
potential, completely unacceptable, long-run
threats to Western security. Something more
than a defensive "policy of denial" will be
required and nothing less than a positive
"concert" of Western action to achieve af-
firmative goals must be evolved.
With the conclusion of the Vietnam war,
Asia presents enormous opportunities for At-
lantic Community collaboration, in a part-
nership with Pacific and Asian nations,
heavily concentrated in the economic and
cultural fields. A dynamic Japan and growing
Australia and New Zealand offers us unparal-
leled agencies for communicating industrial
technology and techniques to this vast and
heavily populated tegion.
Europe has a major role to play ih the de-
velopment and evolution of Latin America?
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the success of my own ADELA experiment
points the way. Latin America provides an
excellent opportunity for the United States
to demonstrate, by inviting Europe "in",
that we do not seek a position of domination
or exclusiveness of American interests within
a broader Atlantic Community. If our in-
stincts were imperial, we would seek to ex-
clude, rather than enlist, European invest-
ment and influence in Latin America.
The whole world awaits the golden touch
of Atlantic Community cooperation. We
should not forfeit the hopes and aspirations
of all mankind by failing to grasp the oppor-
tunity now available to us for the second
time following World War II.
To: Board of Directors.
I am addressing this status report on the
Eastern Mediterranean Development Institute
to the Board of Directors. Copies are also
being sent to the Ford Foundation, the Thys-
sen and Volkswagen Foundations, and other
supporters of the project for Greek-Turkish
economic cooperation. I first take this oppor-
tunity to express, in behalf of Senator Javits,
Chairman of the EMDI Board, and for myself
a strong-felt appreciation of the support of
the individuals and institutions who con-
tribute in time and money, 'interest and
counsel, to the work of assisting economic
cooperation and well-being in Greece and
A brief resume follows:
On November 14-15, 1968, the first meeting
of the Board of Directors of the Institute was
held at the Hotel Amigo, in Brussels. It Was
attended by the Chairman, the Deputy Chair-
men, Mr. Kasim Gfilek and Mr. C. C. Ar-
liotia, nine nominee-Directors (whose names
are included on the attached list), the Execu-
tive Director, the Special Consultant from
Turkey Mr. Ramazanoglu, and guests. Ob-
servers at the general session on November 15
included: Messrs. Andresen and Missir of the
EEC, Messrs. Domergue and Parsons of the
OECD, Mr. de Lacombe of NATO, Mr. Akbil
representing the Government of Turkey, Mr.
Mameletzis representing the Government of
Greece, Mr. Van Dyke, the U.S. Representa-
tive to the DAC, Mr. Drouhin of the UNDP,
Mr. Broumia (Athens Technological Insti-
tute) and Mr. Jenson of the US. Department
of the Interior (the last three having a spe-
cial concern with the Meric/Evros project).
The meeting formed a Board of Directors
of 17 members: five from Greece, five from
Turkey, three from the United States, two
representing Canada, one each from Italy and
the Federal Republic of Germany; and four
Alternative Directors, two from England and
two from the 'U.S. An Executive Committee
was elected consisting of: Mr. George Jamet
(Chairman), Mr. Resat Akaan, Mr. H. A. R.
Powell, and Mr. Alexandre Zullas. A complete
list of the Board of Directors is attached.
The Board of Directors agreed to put spe-
cial emphasis on its continuing plans for
cooperative activities in tourism develop-
ment and for advancing the Meric/Evros
project; and to continue to investigate the
feasibility of developing complementary in-
vestment policies in Greece and Turkey. Work
in the areas of fisheries and agriculture will
also continue as time and circumstance per-
a. Tourism
The Board agreed that the most promising
field for early returns in cooperative devel-
opment is tourism. In line with decisions
taken at the meeting, discussions have been
held looking toward a tourism meeting be-
tween high-level administrative officials of
Greece and Turkey. On the consequent in-
vitation of the Turkish Ministry of Informa-
tion and Tourism, a meeting will be held in
Istanbul on March 7 through 9, 1969. It is
anticipated that, in addition to a useful ex-
change of views, plans may be there discussed
for an expanded, international tourism con-
ference, centered on the Aegean regions of
Greece and Turkey, in which representatives
of transport, accommodation and travel
agencies and organizations would be repre-
b. Meric/Evros
(i) The preliminary study of the area, con-
ducted and reported by the study teams un-
der the direction of Professor Hans Wilbrandt
assisted by Dr. Korkilt ozal and Mr. John
Broumis (and financed as a special project
by the Thyssen and Volkswagen Founda-
tions) was completed in 1968. The United
Nations agencies, the World Bank, the Eu-
ropean Investment Bank, the OECD and
other organizations have been kept fully in-
formed about the project since it began. The
United Nations Development Programme has
indicated its willingness to assist in carrying
the project forward if Greece and Turkey
request such assistance.
In October of 1968 the UNDP sent an unof-
ficial exploratory mission to Bulgaria, where
the Meric/Evros rises, to ascertain the Bul-
garian attitude toward cooperative develop-
ment on the River. Further discussions were
then held in Ankara and Athens between
the TJNDP and the respective Governments.
EMDI assisted in preparing those meetings,
and has been closely in touch with the UNDP,
both at its European headquarters in Geneva
and in New York.
Mr. Georgs Drouhin, Senior Water Om-
sultant of the UNDP, reported at the Novem-
ber meeting of the EMDI Board of Directors
that the Bulgarians had shown themselves
willing to cooperate unofficially without par-
ticipating in the joint venture. A receptive
attitude had been shown both in Athens and
Ankara. The UNDP plans next to send a small
mission to the Meric/Evros area in Thrace,
and to Athens and Ankara, as soon as an
official request is received from the Govern-
ments of Greece and Turkey. The mission
would assist in the preparation of a request
for a full feasibility study. The UNDP and
EMDI have both initiated discussions on the
basis of which it is hoped that prompt prog-
ress will be made along these lines.
(ii) It has been suggested that the Water-
for-Peace program being conducted by the
United Nations (and member countries) and
the Meric/Evros project might be able to
benefit mutually by exchanges of informa-
tion on research techniques and modern
technology in the field of data storage and
retrieval. A series of meetings has been held
in Washington with officials of the Water-
for-Peace Office of the U.S. State Depart-
ment, and the Office of the Science Adviser to
the President, the most recent on November
26, 1968. EMDI has put forward two pro-
posals, both of which have received consider-
able encouragement: (1) a proposal to hold
a seminar dealing with development of inter-
national waterways, at which the Meric/
Evros teonhiques and those of other projects
for developing international waterways will
be studied, and (2) investigation into the
possibility of establishing a computerized
research center on water resources in the
Eastern Mediterranean. It was with respect
to the latter possibility that the Director of
the U.S. Water-for-Peace Office proposed that
Mr. Raymond Jenson, of the Water Resources
Office of the Department of the Interior, par-
ticipate in the November meeting of the
EMDI Board. Mr. Jenson did so and gave an
informative and interesting talk on com-
puterization techniques and results in water
resources data.
(c) Proposed study of complementary invest-
ment policies
This proposals was discussed with officials
of the National Industrial Development
Bank of Greece, the Hellenic Industrial De-
S 7503
-velopment Bank and the Turkish Industrial
Development Bank at meetings in Washing-
ton in October of 1968. It was agreed to ex-
plore the possibilities of cooperating on proj-
ects of mutual or complementary interest to
the economies of Greece and Turkey and to
consider the feasibility of mixed Greek-
Turkish companies in which the Develop-
ment Banks and possibly outside companies
might participate. As a start, there was to
be an exchange of information on invest-
ment laws and regulations in the two coun-
tries. At the November Board meeting there
was further discussion, in which representa-
tives of outside companies participated. Mr.
Kenneth Mueller, Chairman of AGRIDCO,
an agri-business consortium, attended the
Brussels meeting at the invitation of EMDI,
for these discussions. Other organizations
have also shown interest in these possibili-
ties. Exchanges and contracts are being con-
tinued. It is hoped that special-project funds
can be obtained to fund the proposed study.
(d) Arrangements for a delegation of Greek
industrialists to visit Istanbul, returning a
similar visit to Turkish industrialists to
Athens some three years ago, are being dis-
cussed. The visit has been agreed in princi-
ple on both sides, the only remaining ques-
tion being a convenient date. In this con-
nection, it has been noted that the World
Congress of International Chambers of Com-
merce is scheduled to be held in June of
1969 in Istanbul.
In June of 1968 the Ford Foundation made
a grant of $150,000 on a matching-fund basis,
for support of the Eastern Mediterranean
Development Institute through 1969.
The Governments of Greece and Turkey
have each guaranteed the sum of $50,000 to
the Institute. In addition, in 1968 and to
date, a total of $30,750 has been contributed
by private organizations. These sums, plus
the contribution of services and facilities by
Mobil Oil, Pechiney and the Bank of Greece,
more than fulfill the matching-funds
The financial contributors in 1968 to date
are: American Standard, American Tobacco
Company, Bank of America, IBM World Trade
Corporation, Manufacturers Hanover Trust
Company, Massey-Ferguson, Mobil Oil Cor-
poration, Morgan Guaranty Trust Company,
Morrison-Knudsen Company, Prudential
Lines, Arthur and Gloria F. Ross Foundation,
Binger Company, and Standard Oil Company
Other contributors prior to 1968 have been
listed in previous reports.
As agreed at the Board of Directors' meet-
ing, the Deputy Chairmen, Mr. Kasim Giilek
and Mr. C. C. Arliotts, are to submit plans on
the organization of the Greek and the Turk-
ish bureaux of the MIDI. Organizational de-
cisions in Greece and Turkey are, of course,
to be left to looal decision, it being under-
stood that it would be desirable to have a
general similarity in organization, but that
legal and other requirements may dictate
some differences in the institutional arrange-
The Governments of Greece and Turkey
have been kept fully advised of the Institute's
activities and have unfailingly given their
The international organizations have,
ever since the inception of the Greek-Turk-
ish Economic Cooperation Project shown the
liveliest interest. At the Noveniber 'Meeting
of the Board, representatives of these or-
ganizations contributed Valuable counsel
and indicated their willingness to cooperate
In future, and the Institute will continue to
work closely with them.
As noted, the EMDI and its predecessor
organization have bene funded by founda-
tion grants and a relatively small number of
substantial corporate (or individual) con-
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July 27-1-9 6 9
tributions. It is hoped to transform the
EMDI, during 1969, into a broadly-based per-
manent institution devoted to the letter-
ment of Greco-Turkish economic and cul-
tural relations, mainly in the private sector.
Discussions looking toward this objective are
under way, and will hopefully be discussed
at a mid-year meeting of the Board of Di-
rectors, when it is hoped that specie c pro-
posals can be presented for considers-ton.
Respectfully submitted.
Eye, Ittive Din, 'tor.
Euro.pean Dire, 'tor.
The Hon. Jacob K. Javits. Chairman; Sen-
ator, United States.
The Hon. Kasim Gtilek, Deputy Chairman;
Member, Grand National Assembly of Tur-
Mr. C. C. Arliotis, Depagy C,hairmala Gov-
ernor, National MortgagrBank of Greece.
Mr. George F. James, Chairman, Executive
Committee; Senior Vice President, Mobil Oil
Mr. Resat Aksan (Exec-Waive ComMittee);
General Manager, Banque Ottornane
Mr. C. Apostolidis; Chairman of Board.
Federation of Greek Tourist and Traveling
Dr. Nejat F. Eczacibasi; President, Eczaci-
baei Ilaclari Ltd.
Mr. Resid Eget': General Manager, Iltirkiye
Sinai Kalkinma Bankasi A.S.
Mr. George Gondicas; General Manager,
National Investment Bank for Ind. Develop-
ment of Greece.
Dr. Hilseyin Gelek; Director, Matas Trad-
ing Corporation.
Mr. M. Haralambis; Member of Board, Fed-
eration of Greek Tourist and Traveling
Mr. Rahmi Koe; Director, Kog Holding
* Mr. Evangelos Kouritkos (Special Con-
sultant, Greece); Economic Research Special-
ist, Bank of Greece.
Mr. H. A. R. Powell (Executive ComMittee) ;
Managing Director, Massey -Ferguson Hold-
ings Ltd. (London).
* Mr. Ahmet Ramazanoglu (Specie] Con-
sultant, Turkey); Public Relations Manager,
Mobil Oil, Turkey.
Mr. Arthur Ross; Exec. Vice Peesident,
Central National Corporation.
* Mr. Seymour J. Rubin (Executive Direc-
tor) ; Attorney?Surrey, Karasik, Gated SS
Dr. Celestino Segni; Director, Italeonsult.
Mr. G. Siniosoglou; Member of Board, Fed-
eration of Greek Industries.
Mr. Spyros Skouras; Chairman, Tsfentieth
Mr. Samuel P. Smith; President Smith
Transport Ltd.
Professor Hans Wilbranda Director, Insti-
tute fair Auslandische Land wirtschaft, Univ.
of Gottingen.
Mr. Alexandre Zullas (Executive Commit-
tee): Member of Board, Federation cit Greek
* Mr. Albert Zumbiehl (Europear! Direc-
tor); Financial Counselor, Pochiney.'
Mr. George Bridge; Manager, Franit Fehr
Mr. R. C. Coleman; Consultant, Ottoman
Mr. Rodney B. Wagner; Vice Pres. Morgan
Guaranty Trust Co.
Mr. S. H. Willner; Vice Pres., Hilton Hotels
* Ex officio member.
? 1969]
Mr. Jams. Mr. President, I have on sev-
eral previous occasions brought to the at-
tention of the Senate the work of the proj-
ect for Greek-Turkish economic cooperation.
Reports on this matter were presented on
June 3, 1965, on October 20, 1965, on Jan-
uary 19, 1967, and on December 15, 1967.
I now present It report on this important
eiroject through the calendar year 1968.
Mr. President, first I should like to sub-
mit for the RECOID the substantive text of
a report which :I presented to the North
Atlantic Assembly_ on Noveraber 20, 1968.
That report was presentecT to The NorthAt-
lantic Assembly in my capacity as trustee
of the Special Committee on Developing
NATO Countries, of which I was chairman,
and which has now been dissolved, its prin-
cipal functions having been successfully dis-
charged. I have been requested by the North
Atlantic Assembly to act as the custodian
of the responsibilities of that committee and
it is in this capacity that I have presented
my report to the North Atlantic Assembly
Several developments, falling outside of
the scope of the report presented to the
North Atlantic Assembly, should be reported.
Chief among thee is the fact of a highly
successful meeting of the Eastern Mediter-
radean Developmant Institute which took
place lb Brussels on November 14 and 15,
1968. The meetins was attended by a rep-
resentative group of industrialists, bankers,
and businessmen from Greeceaand Turkey,
and also from the other countries of the
North Atlantic Alliance. A broadly repre-
sentative board of directors of the Eastern
Mediterranean Development Institute was
elected, and that institute wan launched on
what promises to be an extremely successful
Second, in December 1968, the work which
hag been `cleae on the development of the
basin of the Mer .c-Evros River was carried
a further- step forward, in the course of
meetings between myself, Mr. Rubin, execu-
tive director of EMDI, and Mr. Paul Hoff-
man, director, and Mr. Paul-Marc Henry,
deputy director of the United Nations De-
velopment Program. It is anticipated that
a UNDP project team will be visiting Greece
and Turkey shortly, and that further steps
in the development of mutually desirable
relationships between Greece and Turkey will
thus have been ta,sen.
Mr. -President, I ask unanimous consent
that the report be printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the report was
ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as
"It may be said at the outset that initiative
taken by the Assembly (then the NATO Par-
liamentarians' Conference) has been demon-
strated to have been a valuable contribution
to development and to amelioration of rela-
tions between two important countries of
NATO. The work of the Project and of the
Institute have been founded on the convic-
tion that an enterprise which is essentially
private in its nature, and which has relied
on the mutuality of interest in the private
sector 011 both sides, can carry on important
functions even during a period marked by a
variety of goverrmental difflculities. That
this is so is, of cot rse, attributable largely to
the fact that bott. of the directly interested
nations have continued to give their interest
and their support to the protect. It is also
due to the willingness of businessmen, in-
dustrialists and bankers, not only of Greece
and Turkey, but BISO of North America and
Western Europe, to make a strenuous effort
toward cooperative and mutually beneficial
results. In Feat measure, the benefits of this
project go beyond its own, limits, and demon-
strate the &asibilily of friobilizing the great
resources of private enterprise toward a
broadly statesmanlike end.
"The technique here used may therefore
suggest possibilities for Much useful work,
beyond the parameters of the Greek-Turkish
enterprise itself. I should therefore mention
at the outset the important role played by
my former colleagues on the Special Com-
mittee, particularly the Deputy Chairmen of
that Committee, - Messes. Spanorrigas of
Greece and Gelek of Turkey, and its Rap-
porteur, Mr. Westerterp of the Netherlands.
In the WO?k of ttie Institute, of which (as
was the case with the Special Committee), I
have the honor to be Chairman, Messrs.
Gelek and Governor Karol Arliotis of Greece,
and Mr. George James of the United States,
have given time, energy, and skilled guidance.
Much credit is due to them, and to the de-
voted service of former Ambassador Seymour
Rubin, the Executive Director of the project,
and Mr. Albert Zumbiehl, his European
"Finally, the Honorable Seymour J. Rubin
of the United States and M. Albert Zum-
biehl of France have eonsented to continue
with the Institute as Executive and European
Directors, respectively. Much is owed to them
fur the success of the project so far.
"I may dome new to the organizational
framework as it presently exists.
"As was reported in November 1967 to be
the intention, the Eastern Mediterranean
Development Institute was in fact organized
as a non-p-rofit odrporation under the laws
of the District of Columbia of the United
States. A meting of the nucleus of its Board
of Directors was held in Athens, in May,
1968. At that meeting a number of important
organizational decisions Were taken.
"It was dicided,_first Of all, that branches
or sister organizatigna, depending on the
legal and Other relevant considerations in
the two countries, should be established in
Greece and Turkey. Informally, steps have
already been taken in this direction, con-
tinuing and expanding upon the systems of
liaison wheel" has proved its merit. In both
Greece and Turkey, assurances of financial
support for these natioresi operations have
been given, with a special fund already cre-
ated in Greece and partially contributed in
"Secondly, it was decided to expand the
Board of Wee-bort so to include impor-
tant and representative business and finan-
cial interests in North America and Western
Europe. I glacrto be able to report that
invitations extended by me to a number of
such persons have been accepted, and that
the first Cider of business of the current
meeting of the Institute (in Brussels on
Nov. 15, 1968) will be to fill out the Board.
Those who have been offered and have ac-
cepted membership on the Board have shown
past interest in the project, have expressed
willingness to help in the future, and are
indeed a dirdinguished group.
"Thirdly, it was emphasized at the Ath-
ens meeting that important decisions of the
Institute must reflect also de agreement
of the Turkish and Greek members. This is
an obvious requirement, but one which none-
theless deserves mention specifically. It re-
flects my strong personal conviction, shared
by my colleagues, that useful work in this--
as in many other areas of international
activity?must reest on the interest, and
involvement, indeed, the commitment of
those directly affected, and with most at
stake. The Institute must not, and will not,
be an organization which seeks to tell our
Greek and Turkish friends what is good for
them. Its work must arise out of their con-
viction that they wish done What the Insti-
tute can do, and out at their full partici-
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JulY z, 1969
pation in Its work, at all stages from plan-
ning to implementation. In such circum-
stances, the Institute can perform a valuable
catalytic function, can help to mobilize
outside resources, can act as a liaison with
various international and national organiza-
tions. But a basic responsibility for decision
must be recognized to rest with the Greek
and Turkish paricipants.
"Brief mention may be made of the finan-
cial arrangements for the Institute, and of
plans for the future.
"A generous grant has again been made by
the Ford Foundation to help in the estab-
lishment of the Institute. I have already men-
tioned the financial support given OT com-
mitted on the Greek and Turkish sides. Mr.
George Tames of the Mobil Corporation of
the United States has carried to other Ameri-
can and Canadian companies his own con-
viction in the worth of this work, and has
mobilized substantial financial assistance.
As a result, the matching requirement of the
Ford Foundation grant has already been met.
It is hoped that interest in Western Europe,
where connections with Greece and Turkey
are strong and traditional, will be reflected
in additional support.
"Since the Institute plans to have no sub-
stantial staff of its own, but to rely heavily
on the expertise available to its membership,
these arrangements should carry the Insti-
tute through calendar year 1969. During 1969,
it is hoped to transform the Institute into a
broadly based organization, with a substan-
tial membership in the business and financial
communities, as well as in professional cir-
cles. Hopefully, the Institute would then be
supported by numerous but relatively smaller
- contributions with individual projects being
the beneficiaries of collateral financing by
foundations or others?as was, for example,
the case with the generous financing of the
studies of the Meric/Evros River by the
Thyssen and Volkswagen Foundations. Ad-
ministrative costs will thus be kept to a
minimum, with available resources being
used for directly productive projects.
"As will be recalled, at the meetings of No-
vember, 1967, both of the Assembly and of
the International Advisory Commission of
the Project for Greek-Turkish Economic Co-
operation, a Work Program was approved.
This document suggested that the work of
the Institute might be divided into two main
categories; in the general category was the
continuation of efforts to encourage fruitful
contacts and discussions, in the context of
the international organizations of which
Greece and Turkey are both members, and
with emphasis on the private sector; in the
specific category was work on the various
projects already or to be undertaken?the
Meric/Evros work, tourism, agriculture, cul-
tural exchange, and so forth.
"I am pleased to be able to report that
much has been done, in both categories.
"New contacts have been established and procedural rather than substantive.- research center has been preliminarily existing ones strengthened. During the meet- "On other fronts, work is progressing, with cussed, with it having been suggested that
ings in Athens of May, 1968, for example, organizations such as the FAO and the
special sessions, both formal and informal, OECD participating. The most important and a start might be made in a seminar on thesubject of international river basins, which
were arranged between members of the Greek indeed dramatic results, however, have been could be sponsored jointly by the Water for
and Turkish investment banking communi- achieved in connection with the Meric/Evros Peace office and the Institute. As a measure
ties, and between institutions financing eco- project. of the interest in this matter, a representa-
more specific followup of meetings which it
Frankfurt Germany the report was finalized tive of the Water for Peace Programme will
address the November 15, 1968 meeting of
nomic development. These meetings were a ?
In October, 1967 at a conference in
has been my practice to arrange in Washing-
of the tripartite (German, Greek, Turkish) the Institute.
nors of the World Bank and the Interne- All of this represents much useful and
ton during the meetings there of the Gayer-
expert commission set up to make a recon- ,,
tional Monetary Fund. Thus, the May meet-
basin. The economic?and political?signifi- tangible work. But I feel that most important,
naissa,nce survey of the Meric/Evros River
ings in Athens, with a few but deeply inter- basin.
of this cooperative work on this border among the achievements to which the Spe-
ested participants, were followed by a useful
between Greece and Turkey is evident. Al- cial Committee, the Project for Greek-Turk-
breakfast meeting held at my invitation in ish Economic Cooperation and the Institute
the Capitol in Washington, where participa- can lay claim to a greater or lesser degree, is
though the work on the study was done by
tion included not only the official representa- the greater measure of confidence in Greek-
private experts, under private auspices, it
tives of Greece and Turkey, members of the Turkish relations, both in the private and
received the full support of governmental
investment banking communities in both the governmental sector. Mr. Rubin has re-
authorities on both sides. The report, when
countries, and in the united States, but also completed, was forwarded to several inter- cently been able to inform the Greek busi-
representatives of the World Bank and the national institutions, notably the World ness and industrial community that an
International Finance Corporation. Bank and the United Nations Development invitation to come to Turkey for friendly
Approved For ReCONGREss S 7505
"Nor have these sessions been merely die- Programme, which had taken a strong inter-
cussions, useful though discussions of this est in this project from the outset.
sort is. Specific proposals have been elab- "As I have previously indicated, I received
orated for a study of complementary invest- some months ago the visit of the Bulgarian
ment opportunities and policies. Here a mem- Ambassador in Washington, who expressed
?rand= was prepared by Mr. Rubin, but the interest of his government in the mat-
only after consultation with and strong en- ter?an interest which is both natural and
couragement from the financiers of industrial useful, since the river originates and flows
development in Greece and Turkey. The for almost 60% of its length in Bulgaria. As
memorandum was subsequently circulated has been indicated in the report made by our
to and discussed with the World Bank and own tripartite expert commission, Bulgarian
the IFC. The breakfast meeting to which I cooperation would substantially improve the
have alluded, of October 3, 1968, was thus cost-benefit ratios of work to be done on the
held on the basis of much preparatory work, Greek-Turkish segment of the river. The
and has resulted in specific proposals being Bulgarian authorities having further indi-
elaborated in consultation with the Turkish cated their interest, and after this interest
and Greek sides. An informal agreement has having been made known both to the United
been reached to exchange information re- Nations Development Programme and the
lating to laws and practices which might Greek and Turkish authorities, a further
affect complementary or evenloint financing meeting took place between myself and the
of projects. As a further step toward imple- Bulgarian Permanent Representatives to the
mentation of these proposals, and again with United Nations in Geneva, under the aus-
the full participation of the Greek and picas of the UNDP. In early October of tis
Turkish investment bankers, a survey is year, Mr. Rubin was informed by the UNDP
being discussed with the Agro-Industrial De- that the Bulgarians would be pleased to re-
velopment Company, an American-based or- ceive a UNDP exploratory mission.
ganization which combines the resources of "During the week of October 30-November
several companies in the agricultural-indus- 6, thus, a small UNDP mission has visited
trial field, and which has also the participa- Sofia, Athens and Ankara. It should be un-
tion of Adela?a highly successful enterprise derscored that this is an exploratory mission,
in whose initiation I and the NATO Parlia- Particularly Insofar as any plans beyond the
mentarians' Conference played a vital role. boundaries of Greece and 'Turkey are con-
"I go into this matter in some detail for cerned. It is nevertheless an important fact
several reasons. The proposal to bring to- that the UNDP is discussing with Greece and
gether the investment and banking interests Turkey the possibility of further steps look-
concerned with economic development is im.- ing toward a full scale feasibility study of the
portant in itself, since it cuts across all fields Meric/Evros region, that Bulgaria, as one of
of economic development, and not merely a the riparian states, has been informed, and
single industry, however important. But this that this important regional and multina-
project also illustrates the progress of a proj- tional project continues to progress, with
ect, from a general discussion arranged by United Nations participation.
the Institute to the elaboration in close con- "It may be further pointed out that dis-
sultation with all concerned of a proposal, cussions in Washington growing out of the
the revision of that proposal after consults- interest in the United States in a Water for
tion with the competent international or- Peace programme have centered on the Merle/
ganizations, subsequent discussion of meth- Evros and the work of the Institute. After
ods of implementation, and then placing the the international Water for Peace Confer-
proposal before capable private organizations. enc,e in Washington, in the summer of 1967,
It is of course too early to say what will be much attention has been focused on multi-
national projects. In this context, the work
the outcome. It is not too early to say that
the working out of a project in this manner of the Institute has attracted attention, and
it has been suggested that this work might
is, in and of itself, important. provide the starting point for two fields of
"With respect to specific projects, I am inyestigation. One such field would be the
unfortunately not able to report much ad- utilisation of the technique of the Merle/
vance in our projected work on tourism, a
field which is by all objective appraisals Evros study?that is, the use of private scien-
tists, tists, privately sponsored, but with full gov-
extremely desirable one for cooperation, Num support and approval. Here it may
much mutual benefit to be derived. Despite be that in certain cases more can be achieved,
much work, and many assurances of willing- to the greater satisfaction of all, than would
ness to meet, it has been difficult to follow be the case if rigorous channelization through
up on the useful meeting of November, 1966, governmental departments were the rule. The
and the subsequent informal talks in the second such field is the possibility of ex-
ported that this was one of the subjects
year. Nonetheless, it may be re- perimenting with computerization, in order
ts dis- to keep data both current and immediately
cussed during the May visit of the Greek available. Here work done by the FAO is
Minister of Commerce to Ankara, and it relevant, and the establishment of a data
may be said that the difficulties appear to be storage, information retrieval and possibly a
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discussions on matters of common :nterest
will shortly be extended.. Contacts in the
cultural sphere, which would have bon out
of the question not long aro, are now under
discussion. This is substantial and meaning-
ful progress, on the basis of which a solid
and continuing relationship between Greece
and Turkey may be built."
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, in its most
recent report, the National Advisory
Council on Extension and Continuing
Education emphasized the need for ma-
jor community service and continuing
education programs to aid universities
to conduct research, planning, and pro-
gram operations?including national or
regional demonstration projects?to help
our cities solve their complex problems.
These are multiple problems associated
with rapid Urbanization and technologi-
cal and social change.
I introduce, for myself and Mr. SCOTT,
and Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey, a bill
to accomplish this objective by provid-
ing a 15-percent set-aside, with 90-per-
cent matching funds, of title I?commu-
nity service and continuing education
programs?of the Higher Education
Act. Presently, programs under tile I
qualify for only 66%-percent Federal
funds. By allowing a special set-aside at
90-percent matching, colleges and uni-
versities will be greatly assisted within
their financial means toward making a
sustained commitment to urban prob-
The university in our society can be-
come more creative?strengthening eco-
nomic and social links between the uni-
Versity complex and the environment
in which it is situated. The old days of
Separation between town and gown are
One. Last year at Columbia University
tve observed the tragic results of the
failure to recognize in this respeet the
difference between yesterday and today,
and the seeds of student discontent with
the limited involvement of universities
in the urban problems surrounding them
have taken root in several of our Ma-
jor campuses. Faculty, administration,
and student body must be encouraged
to develop programs that produce solu-
tions to complex urban problems IP the
dommunity and the country at large.
This bill would involve no additional
cost to the Federal Government, since
funds would be drawn from title I cf the
Higher Education Act. Authorize, ions
for title I stand at $50,000.000 for the
Current fiscal year and $60,000,000 for
the next fiscal year, which begins July I,
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con-
sent that the bill be printed in the Itec-
Will be received and appropriately re-
ferred; and, without objection, the bill
will be printed in the RECOeD.
The bill (S. 2545), to amend title I of
the Higher Education Act of 1966 in
order to authorize the Commissioner of
Education to arrange for community
service programs seeking solutions to na-
tional and regic nal problems, introduced
by Mr. JAVITS (for himself and other
Senators) , was received, read twice by
its title, referred to the Committee on
Labor and Public Welfare, and ordered to
be printed in the RECORD, as follows:
S. 2545
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That title I
of the Higher Education Act of 1965 is
amended by inserting at the end thereof a
new section as follows:
"SEC. 112, Fifteen per centum of the amount
appropriated pursuant to section 101 for each
fiscal year shall be available to the Commis-
sioner for paying 90 per centuni of the cost
of community service programs which are
carried out by institutions of higher educa-
tion and which are for the purpose of seek-
ing solutions to problems resulting from rapid
urbanization and technological and social
changes in the nation, including national or
regional demonstration projects."
Sc. 2. Section 103 (a) of the Higher Educ-
tion Act of 1965 is amended by inserting after
"Of" the following: "85 per centtun of".
SEC. 3. The amendment made by this Act
shall be effective for fiscal years beginning
after June 30, 1909.
A message from the House of Repre-
sentatives, by Mr. Bartlett, one of its
reading clerks, announced that the
Speaker had affixed his signature to the
following enrolled bills, and they were
signed by the President pro tempore:
S.1010. An act for the relief of Mrs. Alli
S. 1011. An act to authorize appropriations
for the saline watEr conversion program for
fiscal year 1970, and for other purposes; and
KR. 12167. An act to authorize appropria-
tions to the Atomic Energy Commission in
accordance with sEction 261 of the Atomic
Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and for
Other purposes.
Mr. CHURCH. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that the Senate pro-
ceed to. the consideration of Calendar
No. 250, S. 853.
The PRESIDING OlaraCER. The bill
will be stated by title.
bill S. 853) to establish the Sawtooth
National Recreation Area in the State of
Idaho, and for other purposes.
The PRESIDING. 010.H.CER. Is there
objection to the request of the Senator
from Idaho?
There being no objection, the Senate
proceeded to consider the bill, which had
been reported from the Committee on
Interior and Insuls,r Affairs with amend-
ments, on page 2, line 12, after the word
"Area" insert "in accordance with the
laws, rules and regulations applicable to
the National Fores -.a"; on page 3, line 25,
after the_ word "Act." insert "Lands ac-
quired by the Secretary or transferred to
his administrative jurisdiction within
the recreation area shall become parts
of the recreation area and of the na-
July 2 7.1179
tional forest within or adjacent to which
they are located."; in. line 10, after the
word "owner" strike out "fails" and in-
sert "is unwilling"; in line 14, after the
word "property" insert "and land for
recreation and other administrative fa-
cilities"; on page 5, line 7, after the word
"this" strike out "Act" and insert "sec-
tion"; and on page 8, at the beginning
of line 23, strike out "There is hereby au-
thorized to be appropriated not more
than $27,380,000 to carry out the provi-
sions of this Act," and insert "There is
hereby authorized to be appropriated
$30,000,000 for the development of recre-
ation and related facilities and for the ac-
quisition of land and interest in land pur-
suant to this Act,"; so as to make the bill
S. 853
A bill to establish the Sawtooth National
Recreation Area in the-State of Idaho, and
for other purposes
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That, in
order to assure the preservation of, and to
Protect the scenic, historic, pastoral, fish and
Wildlife, and other recreational values of the
Sawtooth Mountains and adjacent valley
lands, there is hereby established, subject to
valid existing rights, the Sawtooth National
Recreation Area. .
SEC. 2. The boundaries of the recreation
area shall be those Shown on the map en-
titled "Proposed sawtooth National Recrea-
tion Area", dated April 1, 1966, which is on
file and available for public inspection in the
office of the Chief, Forest Service, Depart-
ment of Agriculture. The Secretary of Agri-
culture (hereinafter called the "Secretary")
shall, as soon as practicable after the date
this Act takes effect, publish in the Federal
Register a notice of the establishment of the
Sawtooth National Recreation Area, together
With a detailed description and map showing
the boundaries thereof.
SEC. 3. The Secretary shall administer the
Sawtooth National Recreation ..Area in ac-
cordance with the laws, rules, and regula-
tions applicable to the National Forests in
such manner as will best provide for (1) the
protection and conservation of the salmon
and other fisheries; (2) the conservation and
development of scenic, historic, pastoral,
wildlife, and_ other values contributing to
and available for public enjoyment, includ-
ing the preservation of sites associated with
and typifying the economic and social his-
tory of the American West; and (3) on fed-
erally owned lands, the management, utiliza-
tion, and disposal of natural resources, such
as lumbering, grazing, and mining, that will
not substantially impair the purposes for
which the recreation area is established.
SEC. 4. Subject to the limitations herein-
after set forth, the Secretary may acquire by
purchase with donated or appropriated
funds, by gift, exchange, bequest, or other-
, such lands or interests therein within
the boundaries of the recreation area as he
determines to be needed for the purposes of
this Act. But any property or interest within
the recreation area owned by the State of
Idaho or any politleal subdivision thereof
may be acquired under the authority of this
Act only with the concurrence of the owner.
In exercising his authority to acquire
property by exchange, the Secretary may ac-
cept title to any non-Federal property or
interests therein located within the boun-
daries of the recreation area and convey to
the grantor of such property any federally
owned property or interests therein within
the State of Idaho under the jurisdiction of
the Secretary, notwithstanding any other
provision of law. The properties so exchanged
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June 26, Approved For EextympliyAT kiwIffzigit(9.A.4ffloo3ooi 20003-9
Government-created corporations which
derive their funds from the Federal Gov-
ernment, earning salaries in excess of a
certain figure, possibly $42,500, the same
as congressional salaries, should be sub-
mitted to Congress for approval.
Mr. President, on April 3Q, 1969, in the
Committee on Armed Services, I put some
questions to Mr. Grant Hansen, Assistant
Secretary of the Air Force for Research
and Development, and also to Lieuten-
ant General McNickle, Deputy Chief of
Staff of Research and Development for
the Department of Air Force, and I ask
unanimous consent that the questions
and the answers I received from Mr.
Hansen and General McNickle be printed
in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the excerpt
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
as follows:
Senator BYRD of Virginia. I was interested
in the response by the General that the
salaries had to be commensurate with pri-
vate busines. I am just wondering whether
that is a philosophy we need to follow.
We certainly don't follow that philosophy
in regard to the Secretary of Defense and
the Assistant or Deputy Secretary of Defense,
and many of these Cabinet officials, and
many of the Air Force generals and many
other people could go out into private busi-
ness and get larger salaries than they make
In Government.
I see here the president of Aerospace is
paid $90,000, the senior vice president is
paid $66,006, and the vice president of the
corporate planning is paid $40,000, another
vice president $39,600, another vice president
at $60,000, another vice president at $53,000,
another vice president at $54,000, another
vice president at $48,000, another vice pres-
ident at $45,000, another vice president at
$60,000, another vice president at $53,000,
another vice president at $50,000, and that
Is all I guess on this Aerospace. It seems to
me this is getting out of line. Who sets
salaries for Aerospace executives?
Mr. HANSEN. The board of trustees of Aero-
space Corp.
enator BYRD of Virginia. How are they
Mr. HANSEN. I don't know the answer to
that question. Do you, General?
Senator BYRD of Virginia. I think what you
will find out is when you get back to it they
are set by the Defense Department.
General McNIcKLE. They are approved.
Senator BYRD of Virginia. They are ap-
proved, that is the final authority. They are
set then.
General McNicIcLE. And a number of them
were not recognized for the full recommend-
ed salary.
Senator BYRD of Virginia. I am not wor-
ried about recommended salaries. I want to
know what they are paid.
General 1V1cNicKLE. Yes, sir.
Senator BYRD of Virginia. Now the Defense
Department has approved these figures, I as-
sume. If I am wrong about it, I want to be
General McNicKLE. That is correct.
Senator BYRD of Virginia. So the final deci-
sion is with the Defense Department. It is
not with some board. It is not with the board
of trustees. It is with the Defense Depart-
Mr. HANSEN. Yes, sir.
Senator BYRD of Virginia. There is no doubt
about that.
Mr. HANSEN. That is correct.
Senator BYRD of Virginia. I want to get
that clear.
Mr. HANSEN. Yes, sir.
Mr. BYRD of Virginia. Mr. President,
since that discussion in committee, I
have verified that the trustees of the
Aerospace Corporation were appointed
by the Department of the Air Force and
are a self-perpetuating group.
Mr. GORE. Mr. President, the Defense
Department has today released new
totals of killed and wounded American
soldiers in the Vietnamese war.
There have now been more than 44,-
000 casualties since the inauguration of
President Nixon.
The Defense Department reports that
such casualties, as between January 18
through June 21 of this year, have
reached the alarming total of 44,922.
Mr. President, this war must be ended.
Mr. ALLEN. Mr. President, I suggest
the absence of a quorum.
will call the roll.
The bill clerk proceeded to call the
Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask
unanimous consent that the order for
the quorum call be rescinded.
objection, it is so ordered.
S 7283
the Greek Embassy dated June 9, 1969,
a letter from Look magazine to the Greek
Embassy dated June 16, 1969, and a press
release of Look magazine dated June 19,
There being no objection, the press
releases and letter were ordered to be
printed in the RECORD, as follows:
Mr. FELL. Mr. President, on May 12,
1969, I drew to the attention of my col-
leagues and had inserted in the CON-
GRESSIONAL RECORD the article by Chris-
topher Wren that appeared in the then
current issue of Look magazine.
The thrust of the article is that tor-
ture continues to be used in Greece as a
means of both intimidating the popula-
tion from unrest and extracting infor-
mation from political prisoners.
I am very glad indeed that the Greek
Embassy responded by issuing a press
release in which Look magazine was in-
vited to send a representative over to
Greece to investigate the truth of the
I am glad to say, too, that just on June
19 Look magazine has accepted the in-
vitation of the Greek Government and
has designated their senior editor, Chris-
topher Wren, who originally wrote the
article, to make the trip. He will be ac-
companied by Thomas R. Koeniger, a
photographer; Congressman Dox ED-
WARDS, and James Becket, an American
attorney and investigator for Amnesty
I look forward with very real interest
to reading the report of Mr. Wren on
his return from Greece.
I trust, too, that, since the Greek Gov-
ernment has invited him, every effort
will be made by Greek officials to let Mr.
Wren travel and visit where he wishes.
I ask unanimous consent to have
printed in the RECORD the press release of
Washington, D.C., June 9, 1969.
With regard to an article published in the
issue of May 27th of Look magazine under
the title: "Greece: Government by Torture",
the Greek Embassy wishes to put into record
a statement made by the Prime Minister of
Greece at a press conference held in Athens
on June 7th, 1969 for Greek and foreign cor-
The official position of the Prime Minister
of Greece gives a clear answer to all those
who seek the truth, bare from any political
"I would like to make some comments on
an article published recently by Look maga-
zine. People should know that only through
the respect for truth we can survive in peace
and freedom. How could we consider our-
selves part of a civilized society when we ac-
cept the most imaginary and malignant ac-
cusations produced by a mentally deranged
person, who has been an inmate to asylum
for disturbed persons; and how could we re-
produce those accusations for the use of tens
of million of readers throughout the World?
I have an obligation toward the history of
the Greek people as well as the respect for a
truth. I believe that neither the publishers
nor any other person in charge of the Look
can be held responsible for the fact that such
an article was published in their magazine. 1
invite them to send over to Greece a duly
authorized representative with, the purpose
of investigating the truth. He could be ac-
companied by the person who supplied the
writer with the false accusations and
whose freedom, safe conduct and expenses
will be fully covered by the Greek Govern-
I further declare that should the truth of
the acts mentioned in the article be estab-
lished, I will not hesitate to order the execu-
tion of those found responsible right here in
Constitution Square, and I shall assume full
responsibility for it".
JUNE 16, 1969.
Charge d'Affairs Office, Royal Greek Embassy,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR MR. MAZARAKIS : The Royal Greek Em-
bassy Press and Information Service has is-
sued a press release dated June 9, 1969, which
states that the Prime Minister of Greece has
invited an authorized representative of Look
to Greece to establish whether torture of po-
litical prisoners has taken place as reported
in the article, "Greece: Government by Tor-
ture" in the May 27, 1969, issue of Look. This
Invitation has never been conveyed directly
to us. If the press release is accurate, Look
welcomes the Prime Minister's stated "obli-
gation toward the history of the Greek peo-
ple as well as the respect for truth," and ac-
cepts the invitation as long as safe and pro-
ductive conditions can be fully guaranteed
by the Prime Minister.
I have designated as Look's representative
Senior Editor Christopher S. Wren, who wrote
the May 27th article. Staff photographer
Thomas Koeniges will accompany him since
Look feels that the Prime Minister will wel-
come photographic documentation of what
Mr. Wren discloses. I also designate Mr. Wren
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Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP711300364R000300120003-9
and Mr. Koeniges to interview the Prime Loox MAGAZINE ACCEPTS GREEN GOVERN-.
afternoon. I expected to make a fairly
Minister during their stay in Greece, accept- BLEST'S CHALLENGS To INVESTIGATE Tott-
ing your government's specific offer in a let- =az CHARGES Manz IN ARTICLE short s h, and perhaps it will be short.
ter dated May 29, 1969, from the Consul NEW YORK.?Look magazine announced to- Mr. LONG. Mr. President, will the
General of Greece in New York. day that it has accepted the Greek govern- Senator yield?
In the press release, the Prime Minister ment's challenge to send representatives to Mr. PROXMIRE Yes, indeed.
also invited the person who supplied the Greece in a dispute over Look's published Mr. LONG. If my friend the Senator
writer with false accusations." Look States charges that political prisoners in Greece from Wisconsin can tell me something
again that it reported the facts, but is
pleased that the Prime Minister is anxious have been brutally tortured. I do not know about oil, I am very anxi-
The announcement came in answer to a ous to hear it.
statement made by Prime Minister George Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr, President, I
Papadopoulos of Greece, inviting an "author- doubt whether anybody can tell the Sen-
ized representative" of Look to visit Greece
ator from Louisiana anything he does
"with the purpose of investigating the truth"
concerning reports of torture published in an not know about oil, he is very expert in
article, "Greece: Government By Torture," this area, as he has demonstrated time
in the magazine's May 27 issue.
The Greek Prime Minister's offer, while
never conveyed directly to Look, was made at
a press conference held in Athens on June 7.
At this conference Papadopoulos denied
Look's charges.
Look's acceptance of the Greek govern-
ment's invitation was made by William B.
Arthur, Editor of Look, in a letter dated June
16 to the Greek Embassy in Washington.
In the letter, Arth designated Look sen-
ior editor Christopher S. Wren, who wrote the
May 27 article, and photographer Thomas R.
Koeniges to make the trip. He stipulated
that they be accompanied by James Becket,
an American attorney and an investigator
for Amnesty International, and Congressman
Donald Edwards (D-San Jose, Calif.), mem-
ber of the Judiciary Committee of the U.S.
House of Representatives.
Arthur also stipulated that Look's investi-
gative team be granted full freedom in pro-
viding further support for the claims made
in Wren's article.
Arthur said that he conditioned his ac-
ceptance upon the Prime Minister's, pledge
of freedom and safe conduct for the Look
party, including a guarantee of immunity
from harassment and criminal or civil
prosecution under Greek law. He asked that
they be allowed inside government detention
facilities without interference or harassment.
Furthermore, Arthur called for a written
guarantee that anyone interviewed by the
Look team would no be subject to retalia-
In his press confelence, the Greek Prime
Minister stated that if Look proved to him
that torture had tali en place and supplied
names, those responsible would be publicly
executed in Athens' Constitution Square.
to examine them. The itneXnattion for the
article came not from one person, but from
many people, most of whom live in Greece.
Inasmuch as Look has reason to fear re-
prisals against them, we cannot of course re-
veal their identities.
Instead, Look is sure that the Prime Mitils-
te will welcome the inclusion of two other
iniividuals in the party as representative of
t ose who are concerned about the problem.
James Becket, Esq., an American atterney
ar d investigator for Amnesty International,
has followed developments in Greece eInce
th- military coup of April, 1967, and will; be
of valuable assistance in bringing docuMen-
tation to the Prime Minister's attention.
COngressmen Don Edwards, Member oi the
Committee of the U.S. HouSe of
Representatives, has expressed an intereet in
the matter and will join the group ae an
t decline the Prime Minister's kind killer
to, underwrite expenses; I feel it proper for
Lok to assume that responsibility. We will
also be happy to provide our own interpreter.
I assume that the Prime Minister's pledge
of freedom and safe conduct in the press tie-
lease of June 9, 1969, offers Immunity from
criminal or civil prosecution under Greek
la* for Messrs. Wren, Koeniges, Becket and
Lobk's interpreter and would appreciate ac-
knbwledgment of this so that I know this
grOup will be accepted in Greece and en-
abled to carry out its work in freedom.
I ask assurance that the above group; win
not be subjected to any prepared itinerary,
and that it will be able to move and i ter-
view freely anywhere in Greece, lnel4iing
in ide government detention facilities, 'th-
ou interference or harassment. Suchwork-
in conditions are essential to produce' the
do mente,tion that the Prime Minister is
anidous to have. I further ask assurance
that the group will be free to investigate on
its own, unencumbered by either officials or
other press. I also ask that they have; the
right to talk to anyone, including tabse
in government custody, without the pres-
enee and out of the hearing of any ()Metal.
tt would be essential to have a written
guarantee that anyone with Whom the Look
party talks will not be subjected to any
t expect that any written and photographic
doeumentation gathered by the group win
no be liable to either scrutiny or confiSaa-
tio and that the group will be free to leave
with such documentation.
If it is proven to the Prime Minister -,hat
some of his subordinates have condoned or
engaged in torture, Look prefers that the
Pritne Minister not carry out his promise in
the press release of June 9 to order Uleir
public execution in Constitution Square, but
instead publicly try such offenders in ac-
cortlance with traditional Greek jtiris'-
I assume in this reply that the Prime Min-
ist r's invitation, conveyed in the press ie-
lease, was accurate and in good faith.' As
Lock's representatives prepare for their Intilt
to Greece, I await the Prime Minister's di-
rect response to each of my requests, in the
knowledge that the Prime Minister will Mid
the investigation a mutually fruitful
enlightening One.
In his reply, Arthur suggested that those
responsible should instead be tried in ac-
cordance with ,"traditional Greek juris-
Mr. LONG. Mr. PI esident, I suggest the
absence of a quorum.
will can the roll.
The bill clerk proceeded to call the
Mr. LONG. Mr. President, I ask unan-
imous consent that the order for the
quorum call be rescinded.
objection, it is so ordered.
Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, I am
very grateful, to the distinguished Sen-
ator from Louisiana for lifting the quo-
rum call. It is most appropriate that he
should be the mar. who should do it,
because I ant going to speak on oil this
and again on this floor, especially whe
he enlightens this Senator.
Mr. President, the time has come fo
Congress to take dead aim at the notori
ous depletion allowance, which too lon
has served as an obstacle to tax reform
The Senator from Louisiana (Mr. LONG
has invited any interested Senator to
submit amendments to his committee
and when the tax bill comes to the Sen
ate, I intend to take him up on his offe
when the matter is before his committee
Mr. LONG. Mr. President, will the Sen
ator yield?
Mr. PROXMIRE. Yes, indeed.
Mr. LONG. The Senator is going to ge
a better chance than that. He is going t
get a chance to vote against every busi
nessman in America. We will give th
Senator a broad opportunity.
Mr. PROXIVIIRE. I am sure the Sen
ator from Louisiana will give me ever
opportunity that I desire to vote on tax
legislation, and I certainly do not intend
to vote against every businessman in
America. I intend to vote against the
surtax when it comes up.
Mr. LONG. Will the Senator yield
Mr. PROXMIRE. Yes, indeed.
Mr. LONG. Does the Senator know
what the biggest loophoie is in the tax
law? What is the biggest tax loophole?
Mr. PROXMIRE. I would like to know
the opinion of the Senator from Louisi-
Mr. LONG. Capital gains. What is the
Senator's opinion on that one?
Mr. PROXMIRE. I think the capital
gains law, as presently dratted, could be
construed, perhaps, as a loophole. How-
ever, I would not want to, although I am
sure some Senators would, repeal it out-
right, because I think there is some merit
to it.
Mr. LONG. Will the Senator yield
Mr. PROXMIRE. I yield.
Mr. LONG. The Democratic policy
committee invited Mr. Stanley Surrey,
whom they regarded, I assume, as the
best tax reformer there is in America,
to come down and explain his views on
taxes for them, and he did not even men-
tion depletion among the major items.
He said capital gains is the biggest loop-
hole there is. Is the Senator prepared to
vote to do something aboutcapital gains?
Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, the
difficulty with discussing this whole sub-
ject is that it is a matter of value judg-
ments. I am shocked and surprised that
Mr. Surrey did not mention oil deple-
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-..."'""*E 5156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks June 23, 1069
ticipant a more intimate knowledge of the
others and made working together much
more meaningful.
For the most part, the study program as
originally initiated was continued, procedures
being discontinued only when they appeared
to serve no useful purpose. This was done
only after open discussion at monthly meet-
ings or by notification from one of the par-
What has this study accomplished?
It resulted in mutual trust and respect for
each other, thus providing a goad climate
fcr further cooperation.
It revealed to each partcipant what the
other was attempting to accomplish.
Certain procedures were found to have
little or no value and a need for others be-
came apparent.
Each participant saw his ideas and pro-
gram evaluated by the others and for the
State at least this will guide us in up-
dating our cannery program.
The format of the agreement had to be
simplified and the language of the specifica-
tions had to be given in layman's terms (the
layman often being the regulatory official).
As more experience was gained in the pilot
study, it became apparent that not every
?canner can take part in Self-Certification
to the same degree as others who have greater
quality control resources. Consequently,
some means must be developed to supply
such canners, as well as other food proces-
sors having limited control resources, with
Services from qualified agencies, so they can
Install adequate Self-Certification Programs.
From our experience, we feel that every
food processor needs his own Self-Certifica-
tion Program so he can give assurance from
day to day that his products will retain
their position in the market. Nothing short
of resident inspection would accomplish this
end if it were to be supplied by Govern-
ment. Therefore, a processor must perform
quality and sanitation control of his own
products if he is to assure the best possible
products for the consumer.
Th,e ,Self-Certification Frogram appears to
be the most desirable and efficient way to
meet this need.
(Ey Horace A. Allen and James A. Davis)
Minneapolis District became involved in a
self-certification program after Green Giant
made preliminary inquiries of FDA in Wash-
ington early in 1968.
Most of the groundwork in setting up the
agreement was handled by FDA in Washing-
ton, and in April the District made a pre-
certification evaluation of the plant and fa-
cilities at Blue Earth, Minn. At about this
time It became apparent that any agreement
entered into by Green Giant and FDA should
include the Minnesota Department of Agri-
culture, since this department is required by
-State law to cover the State's canneries, The
self-certification concept was discussed with
the Minnesota Department of Agriculture,
and a three-way agreement was signed on
June 26, 1968. This agreement covered a pilot
study of self-certification at Green Giant's
Blue Earth plant involving the production
of canned peas and whole kernel corn.
The general requirements by FDA to pro-
tact the consumer by insisting on approved
processing steps are, of course, public Mf or-
mation. But the specific action taken by in-
dustry to put these general requirements
Into effect may constitute or involve trade
secrets. Also available to the public is infor-
mation about products recalled by industry
after they leave the processor's warehouses
and enter the normal distribution system to
wholesalers and other distributors.
Initially the pilot study required more
FDA manpower than would be given to any
one plant during a normal canning season.
However, we felt this was necessry to become
thoroughly familiar with the plant and its
operatiorf and to be in a position to evaluate
reports and information the firm would be
expected to furnish when the pilot study was
extended into an operational program.
As the program progressed, all parties to
the agreement developed greater respect for
each other's problems and abilities, and a
freedom of communication evolved that has
not historically characterized industry-Gov-
ernment relations. During some of our early
meetings, occasional reservations developed,
but these were quickly allayed by the frank-
flees of our discussions. We learned that in-
dustry, because of its familiarity with a
plant, was in a position to give us knowledge
and information that could never be ob-
tained through our unilateral inspections.
Our experience during this pilot study has
shown us that as a regulatory agency, we
can have a greater degree of confidence in
the quality of the firm's product by evaluat-
ing its in-plant controls than by routine
regulatory inspections and collection of
Monday, June 23, 1969
Mr. FRASER. Mr. Speaker, last Sep-
tember 29 the Greek people voted, by a
92-percent majority, in favor of a new
constitution proposed by the military
junta that has ruled Greece since a coup
in April 1967. Contrary to what the junta
would have us believe, the election was
not conducted in an atmosphere of free-
dom. Opposition to the constitution was
ruthlessly stifled, and dissenters faced
the prospect of a jail sentence.
Nine days before the referendum an
American professor, George Anastaplo,
spoke directly to the point of this repres-
sion at a banquet in Athens attended by
about 30 Greeks. Dr. Anastaplo is lecturer
in the liberal arts at the University of
Chicago and chairman of the Political
Science Department at Rosary College in
Illinois. The dinner at which he spoke
was given for 26 members of a group from
the Chicago Council on Foreign Rela-
tions, who were visiting Greece under his
direction. The banquet host was the For-
eign Press Division of the Office of the
Greek Prime Minister.
Following is a reconstruction of Dr.
Anastaplo's extemporaneous remarks at
the dinner as they were printed in the
May issue of the Chicago Council's pub-
lication, "Notes on World Events":
It may seem ungracious of me, after we
Americans have just been treated to a meal
which it is impossible to consider in any way
blameworthy, to dissent as I am now obliged
to do from what has been said to us tonight
in defense of the way the present Greek gov-
ernment conducts itself.
It should be evident to all of you by now
that I would have preferred on this occasion
only to listen, and thus to learn. But I can-
not completely ignore the challenge we have
just heard from our official host in his deter-
mined effort to induce me to say something
to this gathering. An American, he com-
plains, should not wait to say in Washington
what he dare not say in Athens. I therefore
consent to comment on various of the things
said to us this evening, as they now occur
to me.
We have been reminded that Greece and
the United States have long been allies in
defense of the free world. I need not dispute
our host's observation that one form of free-
dom is that in which discussion appears.
There is no doubt that we had an oppor-
tunity tonight to exchange opinions, to ask
questions, and for our host and his colleagues
to give the answers of their government. But
I must challenge his suggestion that this is
proof that there is freedom of discussion in
Greece today. For the fact of the matter is
that such a discussion as ours tonight is not
now generally permitted in Greece. The only
people who dare speak as freely in public as
we have here are some members of the pres-
ent government, a few other men with the
famous names of old families, and visitors
who hold foreign passports. Most Greeks dare
not speak as we have, except in the privacy
of their homes and even there only with
relatives and friends whom they can trust.
All of you Greeks here tonight must know
this. It cannot be forgotten that thousands
of "enemies of the regime"?men and women
of the Left, Center and Right?are still held
in Greek prisons without trial and without
any prospect of trial.
We have been reminded that the American
Constitution also followed upon a revolution.
This is certainly true. But I hardly think
that justifies the manner in which the con-
stitution to be voted on in Greece next week
has been brought forth. The Constitution of
the United States was written by fifty-five
men freely selected by the American people
to represent them. Who these men were,
why they were selected and by whom was
known to everyone. This is not the case here.
What those men produced in 1787 was dis-
cussed publicly and freely for a year and
more in circumstances where no man was
afraid of being officially penalized for the
position he took in public. That is not the
case here. Rather, we know that the most
distinguished opponents of your proposed
constitution?the politicians who we know
have had large popular followings for years?
have been for some time under house arrest
and will not be released before next Monday,
and only then in order to be able to vote the
following Sunday on the proposed consti-
tution. It has been made clear to them that
they are not to speak publicly against the
constitution. How can it be said in such cir-
cumstances that a genuinely free referendum
is being held, irrespective of how the ballot-
ing itself is conducted or comes out? How
can an ordinary citizen be sure that he will
not be regarded an "enemy of the regime"
if he should be detected voting against the
constitution proposed by his insistent gov-
Yet, we have been told several times this
evening that we are about to witness free
balloting, that this is confirmed by the fact
that some newspaper criticism of specific
articles in the proposed constitution has been
permitted. But we Americans know what a
free election is. We know this from our own
experience. We know what a free election
feels like. We know what it sounds like. We
know what it looks like. And we know this is
not it.
Several of my fellow-citizens have this
evening remarked on the fact that there are
only NAI (YES) signs on display in Greece
these days. Nowhere can one see OXI (NO)
signs. In fact, I have the past week seen only
one OXf chalked on a wall?and even this
had been almost rubbed out. It has been
suggested to us tonight that such signs are
not significant, that Greeks will freely vote
for what they "believe in." But does the gov-
ernment really believe that its monopoly of
propaganda is inconsequential? Considerable
money has been spent by the government on
these signs, as well as on the press, radio and
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,124,n,e 23, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions
aitid its members are saying that it now puts
tijem on a level of acceptance with the Re-
piiblicafl and Democratic parties.
Residents of the community should let
the college administration know What they
Mink of this affront, this shine of contempt
for decent American opinion._
Resentment fetiould be shown, first of an,
bY the alumnae, either by voice or?What
is More expressive?by holding back on gifts.
Alumnae tell us that when they are so-
licited for gifts and when they mention with
dismay the pink hue the aollege has ac-
quired, they are told: "Oh, yes, but this can
be , changed by continued loyalty." Oh, yes?
The appointment of Dr. Aptheker preves
thtt the administration values what trail-
sie t black commies want above what the
pu lic thinks of the college.
']'hey may go in for "inteleectualism' at
Brn Mawr, but they don't show much in-
tell gence.
Monday, June 23, 1969
WO. NELSEN. Mr. Speaker, a moat
inte esting experiment involving Federal,
, and food processing industry lii-
ts been in progress' in my con-
ional district, This experiment, is
study in self-certification conducted
e Green Giant Co.'s plant in Bine
Minn., is designed to assure quai-
ntrol and indicates, perhaps, the
ion that will prove least costly yet
effective for consumers, producera,
ardians of the public interest. The
1 findings are reported in an article,
t's Happening at Blue Earth?" ap4
peari g in the April issue of FDA Papera,
I include the article at this point in mY "
rema ks for the particular benefit of
colle es in the House Interstate and
Forei n Commerce Committee, who also
have 'esponslbilities in this area
at t
(NOI.E.?Will self-certification Work in the
food processing industry? Will it work as a
practic?al matter in all food processing
.plants What do working level PTIA officials
think Of the concept in these early stages?
How r eptive are State officials fesponsible
in the pertinent areas? What reservations
does in ustry have or may it be expected to
have a out self-certification as a way of
life? at room is there for improvement in
self -cer ideation for quality assurance as it
has de loped so far?
(Earl in 1968 the Green Giant Co. de-
cided t at it couldn't afford to Ignore the
implica ions in a concept that had been
under s udy by the FDA for some time and
was alre dy undergoing limited pilot testing
in an a rangement between FDA and an-
other 1 rge food processing firm, eleneral
Foods. treen Giant's next step was to see
how sel -certification might work in its
own bac yard. Whereupon the company, de-
spite res rvations about some features and
a little u easiness about the whole new con-
cept of an industry-Government partner-
ship in ? uality assurance, let FDA know it
was willi g to give self-certification a fair
try for a limited number of products at its
plant in Blue Earth, Minn.
(The a cement that resulted included the
Minnesot Department of Agriculture as an
active p ticipant, since MDA under State
law is poristble for covering canning
of Remarks E.5155 -
plants. The three-way pilot plan, agreed about products covered by the agreement.
upon in June 1968, has been under way ever It also says that FDA and AMA will give to
since, and the participants?Green Giant, Green Giant copies of their full inspection
MDA, and FDA's Minneapolis District?have reports and complaints they receive from
gained some definite impressions and any source on the products covered by the
reached some tentative conclusions from agreement.
their separate points of view Meant self- The specifications which go with the agree-
certification as a working tool and how it ment are not public information. What they
has affected their interests or responsibil- do is establish preventative courses of action
ities sofar. These remarks, passed on in in- to be taken in such areas as fill of container,
formal narrative to Nathaniel L. Geary, Spe- pesticide residue, foreign objects, etc. They
dal Assistant for Quality Assurance in also sefeari courses of action to be taken when
FDA's Bureau of Compliance, are recounted a, eatiriateen occurs or is suspected. These
on the following pages.) e--Courses of action are all part of the company
rem INDIJSTLY VIEWPOIN'T standard operating practices, and no changes
were made as a result of this program. It
should be noted that the program concerns
Itself only with product safety, not product
A very important part of the agreement
is that a deviation from the agreed-on speci-
fications does not necessarily constitute a
violation of the law.
One of the things we pressed for, and which
we still feel is important in selling this pro-
gram to the food industry, is the complete
absence of publicity, if it is ever found neces-
sary to recall a product from the market.
Normally seizures, detentions, and the like
are a matter of public record. Our theory
was that we were giving FDA and MDA other-
wise confidential information which they
would not normally have and therefore we
ought to be able to recall a product from
he market, if neceereary, without it being
a atter of public record. At this writing,
no ic laws have been changed, but a
chane . along these lines is under consider-
Some r ulte of the self-certification trial
program e been that there is an open
channel of unications between MDA.
FDA, and Cl Giant; there has been no
increase in qua ty costa to the company;
inspection costs ? the taxpayer will ulti-
mately be reduce concentration of regula-
tory agencies' res roes can be placed in
areas where seriou health hazards exist;
and an air of mutual uat and respect among
the participating gro ps has developed.
(By C. B. Way)
When we first heard about
fication Program, many o
about -any such cooperati
agency. The food ind
sisted FDA attempts to
Ke Self-Certi-
s had doubts
with a regulatory
y had always re-
et at its records. The
attitudes prevailing b tween inspectors and
inspected have been gtancloffish, to put it
mildly, The Self-Cer cation Program goes
against all this; thus, ost of the food in-
dustry looked askance a such a program.
However, we cannot rea be for or against
something with which we unacquainted.
Since one company teeth a oven quality
assurance program had, at leas ntatively,
accepted a Self-Certlfication Pro m, it
made sense to us to ineestigate it. Th was
all we had in mind when we visited FDA
January 1968. Just to find out what it wa
all about.
Soon after, we tried setting up a model
program for a peas and corn plant just to see
how it might look. There were no definite
plans by either party to Implement it at that
time. However, one thing led to another, and
by June of 1068 we had 8.:2 agreement, all duly
signed, to proceed with Ei pilot program.
One of the philosophies we developed dur-
ing this "investigation" of the program was
that we thought FDA ought to know more
about our business insofar as its operation
affected the consumers' health. The old busi-
ness Of "let them do it the hard way" changed
to "let us show you." It was not necessary
to disclose any classified information, or to
give away the keys to the vault, so to speak.
We felt that if FDA were to know more about
our business, it could write more realistic
laws and regulations, and, more importantly,
be in a better position to 'letermine the need
for various laws and regulations: or so we
reasoned. To put it another way, voluntary
compliance is one way to keep from being
legislated or regulated out of business. Thus,
- while we Were quite reserved about giving
out information at first, these, reservations
soon disappeared.
During the course of this investigation,
some differences had to be overcome. One
was a "language barrier" or divergence of
terminology. To a canner, "raw product" is
the green produce as it is harvested. To an
FDA'er, it is any product fed into the system,
such as tin cans, salt, water, etc. Other dif-
ferences of opinion as to which areas were
'critical" or potentially haeardous had to be
I settled.
i Early in the planning it was suggested that
the Minnesota Department of Agriculture
(MDA) be a part of this program and, there-
after, the planning meetings became three-
way sessions The agreement was signed in
'June 1968 by Dr. Goddard of FDA, Mr.
leichwandt of MDA, and Mr. Cosgrove of Green
iCliant. It covered one plant, canning only
peas and whole kernel corn.
-Basically, the agreement provides that
OMeri Giant will (1) make certain pertinent
qbality control records available to MDA and
013A, (2) submit monthly reports listing
tiny deviations from the agreed-on specifica-
tiens, (3) give to FDA and MDA a copy of
ill corporate quality assurance inspection re-
and (4) submit to FDA and MDA copies
Of any complaints received from any source
(By Cl. H Steele)
Minnesota Departme ? t of Agriculture has
been working with Mi. - ".ta canners in both
a regulatory and serv manner since 1921
when our cannery li rise law was first en-
Services render include quality grading,
incubation for aping quality, bacteriologi-
cal and eh: 0 .al analyses of ingredients and
finish- ? ? "acts, and periodic inspections
ants for sanitation compliance.
When we first learned of FDA's intention
to inaugurate a pilot study for Self-Dertin-
cation in Minnesota, we speculated as to what
effect this might have on our cannery pro-
gram and whether or not this might be Fed-
eral intervention or creative federalism.
We were invited to patricipate in the study
by contributing to the limit of our resources
and capabilities. As a result, we performed
in our usual manner, leaving to FDA whatever
laboratory and inspection work we were not
able to perform.
Our philosophy always has been that every
processor must carry out quality and sanita-
tion control to the utmost of his ability to as-
sure the best possible product for the con-
sumer. To this end, the Minnesota Depart-
ment of Agriculture should interfere only to
assist and advise the processor or to take regu-
latory action when necessary.
The Self-Certification pilot study supplied
for the first time the opportunity for FDA,
MDA, and Green Giant Co. each to examine
his capabilities and to evaluate procedures
and methodology in use to determine if they
should be continued or discarded.
At the same time, open discussion of our
philosophies and programs gave each par-
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-408117 23, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions oj- Kemarks
film. They are intended to shape the opin-
ions of many who can be moved by such
things, and they constantly remind everyone
of who is in control here and of what is ex-
pected of them. We Americans do know what
to think when we see government resources
and government personnel marshaled as they
have been here in a massive (and no doubt
successful) campaign to produce the desired
result. This is no more a free referendum
than similar exercises are free either in Spain
or in Russia.
And yet our host and his government have
tried hard to persuade us that we are wit-
nessing a genuinely free expression of the will
of the Greek people. It seems important to
them that Americans believe this. We Amer-
icans may not be informed enough about or
familiar enough with Greek history and
Greek affairs to be able to judge other claims
Of this government. But, as I have said, we
do have the experience and the ability' and
the information to judge whether an election
is truly free. And when we can see that this
government claim about a free referendum,
of which we have heard so much, is simply
without foundation, what are we to think
of all the other claims that we hear from the
same government about what it has done for
Greece, about what its motives are, about its
innocence of deliberate torture of political
prisoners, and about the imminent Commu-
nist danger from which it saved Greece by
seizing power last year? Are we not entitled
to judge what we may not know by what we
can and do know?
We have been told several times this eve-
ning that Greek affairs of recent years re-
quired drastic medicine, that a doctor must
sometimes prescribe harsh measures in order
to save the life of the patient. But do we
not all believe that an adult is entitled to
select his own doctor, and to discharge him
when he chooses? By what authority does
the presiding doctor prescribe what is neces-
sary for Greece? How can the Greeks be said
to have selected him, when they did not
even know who he was? What diploma does
he have as a doctor? What proof of his quali-
fications is there .aside from his self-serving
testimony about himself? Certainly, we can-
not accept as indicative of public approval
of his regimen the fact that an unarmed peo-
ple does not resist a determined government
which is heavily armed.
The republican precedent of the Rornan
dictatorship has been cited to us in justifi-
cation of what has happened here since
April 1967. But it should be remembered that
the Roman dictator (usually a citizen. of
recognized merit) was given his authority
pursuant to the constitutional processes of
the Roman Republic?and this was done only
after debate and deliberation. It should also
be remembered that the Roman dictator held
his power for a fixed term, a term clearly
steted in advance Of his appointment. We
have also been cited, in justification of the
suspension of civil liberties in times of emer-
gency, the experiences of Great Britain and
the United States during the Second World
War. But it should be remembered that Mr.
Churchill was repeatedly obliged during that
war to submit himself to the will of an
elected parliament. The Americans present
tonight remember the difficulties President
Roosevelt had with the American Congress,
even in time of war. And in both cases, these
wartime leaders were chosen pursuant to
the constitutional processes of free people,
despite the existence then of emergencies far
more threatening than anything confronting
Greece today.
I feel honor-bound to address myself, be-
fore I close, to the remarks made by our host
about Eleni Vlachou, a lady whom he knows,
from our conversation during dinner, that I
respect. Every Greek here tonight knows
that before the coup of April 1967 Mrs.
Vlachou published the most respected news-
paper in Greece. You Greeks know that hers
was a newspaper of the Right, that she was
strongly anti-Communist (indeed, to my
mind, too much so) , and that she has
repudiated the claims of the army officers
who made the coup about the danger of
Communism from which they saved Greece.
You know that hers was the newspaper that
most of you, and most of the supporters of
the present government, once looked up to
as the best in Greece. You know that your
government made serious efforts for six
months after the April 1967 coup to induce
Mrs. Vlachou to resume publication of the
newspaper she had immediately suspended
upon being confronted by your press cen-
sorship, censorship which continues to this
day. To disparage her as has been done to-
night is simply unrealistic and even unbe-
coming. To honor her for the stand she has
taken and the sacrifices she has made is to
honor and to nourish and perhaps even to
help revive the best in the Greek spirit. We
will know that a significant measure of lib-
erty has indeed returned to Greece when Mrs.
Vlachou again publishes her newspaper
freely, a newspaper in which I am sure there
will be things with which I would be obliged
to disagree. In any event, Mrs. Viachou's
exile, like that of your King, serves as a con-
stant reminder that things are not right in
Greece at this time.
I have directed my remarks this evening
to the question of liberty, to the question
of whether liberty exists in Greece today.
This is not the occasion to examine the ad-
vantages and the excesses of liberty, to
examine its conditions and its preservation?
all matters about which much needs to be
said in Greece as well as in the United States.
I must also reserve for another occasion my
discussion of what has been happening un-
der the present government to the Greek
economy, of what has already happened to
the effectiveness of the army that a handful
of Junior officers has usurped, of what Greece
is supposed to have been saved from and
saved for by this unconstitutional usurpa-
tion, of what has happened to Greek relations
with its friends and allies in the West since
April 1967, and of what has been happening
the past seventeen months to the civil serv-
ices, to the functioning of government and
to the quality of life in this country.
We have been speaking tonight of liberty.
Liberty is what we Americans do know some-
thing about. And when an American visitor,
Who respects both the truth and Greece, is
confronted as we have been at such length,
not only tonight but ever since our arrival in
Athens, by the insistence that liberty is to be
found in Greece today, he is obliged to dis-
sent, if he presumes to speak at all.
If what Greek citizens have now is what
you mean by "liberty", then we should all
reconsider what we mean by "the free
Monday, June 23,1969
Mr. TEAGUE of Texas. Mr. Speaker,
an editorial of Tuesday, May 20, 1969,
in the Kansas City Times catches the
significance and the exhilaration felt by
all Americans and people throughout the
world in the successful flight of Apollo
10. As the editorial points out the Apollo
program is truly a journey of man into
a new and unknown environment. Yet
this undertaking has been done with the
skill and initiative inherent in the Amer-
ican heritage. This editorial is an articu-
late statement of the importance of
continued support of our Nation's quest
for new knowledge and capability. I
commend it to your reading, and include
it herewith:
Early in their journey to the moon, one
of the astronauts--during the first TV color
spectacular from space?said somewhat
"We're looking for earth right now. We'd
like to show it to you but we can't find it."
The problem, of course, was one of the
spacecraft's orientation. In time?after tele-
vising the docking with the lunar lander,
which appeared much easier than parking
on most city streets?the astronauts found
the earth. And presented the show of shows
as they sped moonward. But for a moment,
the words of the astronaut seemed to cap-
ture the mixed feelings that the earthbound
themselves have, in this mixed-up age we
live in.
But the earth was found, and the astro-
nauts will?if all goes according to sched-
ule?find the moon. There is, we suppose, a
bit of philosophy to be derived from this, but
the philosophers and poets have not yet ar-
rived in space. They will, in due time, the
trail having been blazed for them by brave
technicians and pilots, by the daring who
prove that even a moment of human con-
fusion means nothing.
For now, however, the course belongs to the
astronauts, and no man could question the
magnificence of their performance. The tele-
vision cameras recorded the sheer beauty of
the takeoff, of the maneuver in space and of
the earth itself receding in the background.
The astronauts routinely went about their
business, apparently with that flawlessness
which is the essence of their life. Men below
watched in awe at this thing which their
fellow men had wrought.
They?the earthbound?had been found by
the space-borne camera, and there they were
on camera. It was reassuring. Then the astro-
nauts sped onward, toward the moon, lone-
some, yet not alone. Earth, gorgeous and
mysterious, had been displayed to its resi-
dents as it had never been displayed before.
What a fantastic start on another of man's
Incredible journeys into the unknown! Sun-
day, the earth. Tomorrow, the moon. In time
the poets and philosophers will have much
to say about that.
Monday, June 23, 1969
Mr. ROONEY of Pennsylvania. Mr.
Speaker, I would like to commend a
speech entitled "Footsteps for Freedom"
which was delivered at West Park in Al-
lentown, Pa., by Dr. John M. McHugh,
who is principal of the Roosevelt Ele-
mentary School in Allentown, on Me-
morial Day 1969 to the reading of those
This speech was recently called to my
attention, and I believe there are points
of considerable merit contained within it.
I invite particular attention to the defi-
nitions of "freedom" in Dr. McHugh's re-
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E 5158 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ?Extensions of Remarks Jane 23,
The text, Of hiS StatOnlent Of May 30,
1969, follows:
(By Dr. John P. McHugh)
Memorial Day, for me, has always been a
special day. Perhaps it has been special be-
cause during my childhood I loved to watch
the two parades in Allentown on each May
30th. I remember getting up early and trot-
ting to Center Square to see the Soadiers, to
listen to the taps, and to gaze in wonder at
the volley of shots fired and heard in center
city. Then, I would sit-bn the curb and wait
for the big parade to move up Hamilton
Street toward West Park. I alwaysi loved a
parade . . . and on Memorial Day, I had a
double joy of excitement because after the
ceremonies in the park were completed, the
parade formed again?on Turner street and
proceeded back to the Square for the con-
cluding ceremonies. On several , Memorial
Days I marched in these parades?always
carrying the flag.
As I think back over these thirty years, I
can still hear the footsteps of the units of
soldiers, sailors, and marines as they marched
proudly to the cadence of Ameribit's tradi-
tional marching sons. Perhaps it was these
first footsteps that I heard which gave me
some idea of what freedom was all about.
I may have been too young to know the
meaning of freedom, but I was taught in
Allentown about the greatness of my coun-
try and a respect for her brave Men.
What I did not know as a young child was
that footsteps for freedom were ' heard all
around the world in the name of our coun-
try. What I did not comprehend a$ a child
was that some of these footsteps Were now
silenced because men gave the lives on
battlefields to protect the land they loved
and where I, an American, had ttbe grand
opportunity to live and to enjoy 1 fe.
I emphasize the memories of a Ming per-
son to render a suggestion that th young of
today listen to the footsteps for fr om.
And so today, I want to have heart-to-
heart talk with the young people o our com-
munity, and through them, with the young
people of our nation.
Young Americans and Young Allentoni-
ans: Memorial Day is a day of reverence, re-
membrance, and respect. It is a day of rever-
ence to Almighty God; a remenlbrance of
the dead; a respect for the bravl. But, my
young friends, Memorial Day is a ay for the
living as well. It is a day for yon and for
me, for all of us, to look inside oirselves to
find out personally how we feel about our
God, our Country, and our respect for free-
Being the educator that I am, I want to
ask you some questions; and while I wait
and listen for your answers, I want to share
some feelings that might help bridge the
so-called generation gap which sorne people
say exists in our coMmunity and nation
Young Americans and Young Allentoni-
ans: How do you feel about the American
flag? Do you know its history? Do you know
what it stands for? Does your 1Tart swell
with pride when you see it pass b ? Do you
give it the respect it rightfully deserves?
Do you realize the symbolism of our flag,
carried into battle, rallied the forties of men
toward victories because men lOved their
flag because it represented for them the
greatness of their country and their love for
their nation? Do you realize that ter millions
of enslaved people around the globe, your
flag has become the symbol of hope? The
flag of America is a symbol of freedom be-
cause men died so that freedom might pre-
vail. The footsteps for freedom have been
led by the Stars and Stripes!
Young Americans and Young Allentoni-
ans: How do you feel about the Liberty Bell?
Do you know its history? Do you realize that
men and women were rallied by the tone of
its peal during the dark days of a revolu-
tion?that the bell represents for us our in-
dependence. Have you been to Independence
Hall or our own Liberty Bell Shrine to catch
the feeling of what America is about?what
her struggles have been, her promise kept,
her greatness maintained? The Liberty Bell
Is a symbol and her tolling has guided the
footsteps to freedom.
Young Americans and Young Allentoni-
ans: Have you met Abraham Lincoln? Do
you know the story of his life? Have you
learned from tie lessons he taught? Are we
truly brothers? Do you have malice for none
and charity for all? Do you know he said
that our nation was dedicated to the propo-
sition that all men are created equal . .
that this naticn shall have a new b of
freedom .. . that we are a governme of the
people, by the people, for the . -ople . . .
and that this nation shall n erish from
the Earth! Did :Tou know that ncoln prayed,
had faith in God, and w moved by the
spirit of the Almighty dur the dark days
of civil strife in our na on when brother
fought brothel on Am lean soil? In the
parade of American H oes, Lincoln's foot-
steps were for freedom!
Young Americans an Young Allentonians:
Do you know our na on has been called a
melting pot? Do you derstand and appreci-
ate that the greatne s of our nation came
Into being because al races, men of all colors,
and faiths in man religions contributed
their worth, their c tare, their traditions,
and their individual ignity? Together they
had a common ptirpo : to build a united
states, and to set the urse of history with
America as a giant a ng nations. They
came from different cou les but they be-
came Americans. A poem --ys it better:
"Just today we chanced ? meet?
Down upon the crowded eet,
And I wondered whence he ame,
What was once his nation's me?
So I asked. Itim, 'Tell roe true
Are you Pole or Russian Jew,
English, Lesh, German, Prussian,
Belgian, Spanish, Swiss, Maravian,
Dutch, Greek or Scandinavian?'
Then he raised his head on high
as he gave me this reply:
"'What I was is naughty to me
In this laad of liberty.
In my soul as man to man
I am just American!'"
The footsteps to freedom have been trod by
men from many nations?now united as free-
loving Americans.
Young Americans an Young Allentonians:
Do you want to help yEur community? Your
Nation? Yes, let your voices be heard. But,
my young Americans, let your deeds be re-
spected! Don't tear down that which took
many years, hard work, and dedicated liv
to build. And, don't build something i
stead for which so eday you will b ame-
f ul. Dedicate your liv gthening
America?do not destroy her; for in destroy-
ing her, you will only destroy yourselves.
Now, my young Americans, I believe there
is something which some of us, who are a
generation or two older and perhaps a little
more formally educated and experienced can
share with you. It is this. You and all of us
are living through a series of crises. Your age
is different because you have known only
the curse of crisis and never the fullest pur-
suits of peace. But we are in these crises to-
gether and I am afraid they will be with us
for generations to come.. What we need to do
is adjust to crises, weather the storms, and
hope that the lessons of greatness from our
past history will endure our determinations
to build greatnesses for the future.
Young Americans and Young Allentonians:
Let's hope that our passions and our angers?
grown out of our frustrations will turn into
compassions and understandings?grown out
of mutual respects one for the other. You
need to understand that we are living in an
interregnum period. One foot's in a world
that's going, one's in a world that's coming.
What we are going through is the price we
have to pay for a new freedom. And the kind
of foosteps you make will determine the kind
of freedom we will have in the future.
Finally, remember that every right you
have has a corresponding responsibility.
Learn the history of your country well, re-
member the words of her heroes, and try to
catch the feeling of pride exemplified by her
many symbols.
Remember, too, of what America is about.
She has problems to solve and she has prog-
e to make. In. trying to solve her problems,
do not create problems, but determine the
progress to be gained.
Young Americans and Young Allentonians:
Your turn will come to lead us on. May your
footsteps guide us toward that new free-
dom?a greater America, rich in traditions,
and God grant, maybe you can bring us to
an era of peace among men. In saluting you,
we also challenge you. God Bless You in your
Monday, June 23, 1989
Mr. SCHETTER. Mr. Speaker, during
his tenure as Chief Justice of the United
States, Earl Warren has consistently
stood as a force for fairness and as a
champion of equal justice under the law.
A former district attorney, attorney gen-
eral, and three-time Governor of Cali-
fornia, Earl Warren brought to the Court
a knowledge, not only of law, but also of
public administration, which enabled
him to understand the basic cross-cur-
rents and moral conscience of this Na-
tion. Thus, the Court promoted true
quality, while discarding hollow rhetoric
nd legal technicalities as contrary to
t e original Meaning of the Constitu-
t n.
Under Justice Warren's leadership, the
S preme Court has vitalized the con-
tutional law of human rights. In the
st 10 years, the Court has extended
ost of the important sections of the
ill of Rights to cover the States, thus
protecting for all people those basic
liberties which our Founding Fathers
meant to be safeguarded from govern-
mental interference. Specifically, the
Court has strengthened the constitu-
tional right to a fair trial by ruling that
every man, rich or poor, has the right to
counsel in a felony prosecution. The in-
tegrity of the electoral process has been
strengthened by the Court's "one-man,
one-vote" ruling, which declared that
legislators represent people, "not trees
or acres."
Warren demanded that true oppor-
tunity be provided for all Americans,
when he wrote for the Court, in Brown
against Board of Education, possibly his
most famous decision, that segregation
in the schools was unconstitutional, be-
cause a separate education imposed psy-
chological burdens upon the Negro child
which denied him an education equal to
the one of his white counterpart. This
decision made possible Supreme Court
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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD?Extensions of Remarks June 23, 1969
Monday, June 23, 1969
Mr. RARICK. Mr. Speaker, this week
the House will be asked to consider a new
tax bill relating to extension of the 10-
percent surtax?a discriminatory tax,
double taxing people who already have a
duty to pay a tax?and to repeal the in-
vestment credit.
It becomes more and more difficult to
explain our Government's fiscal policy
and it is impossible to justify the con-
tinued theft of dollars out of the pay-
checks of hard-working Americans.
How, for example, can a Congressman
explain a $120,000 grant by HEW to a
Communist University at Ljubljana,
Yugoslavia?not only a Communist coun-
try but one that hastened to recognize the
Vietcong-sponsored provisional revolu-
tionary government in South Vietnam
Which is killing the sons of our taxpay-
Or how can any Member explain 81/2-
percent interest to our banks, business
people, contractors and homebuilders
when we just last week announced a U.S.
Export-Import Bank loan of $14,688,000
to the Irish Government to buy Boeing
jet planes. The interest rate on this lqan
was 6 percent.
Or, how can anyone defend a $480,600,-
000 to the World Bank for 30-year loans
at no interest?or the overall foreign aid
slush funds at the discretion of diplo-
matic bureaucrats, estimated to be $10,-
428,000,000? Interest? We will be lucky
even to get part of the principal back.
How can we defend the gift to the TAN.
and its specialized propaganda agencies
of $83,886,000 with no benefit to our peo-
ple but rather deterioration of our na-
tional sovereignty and constitutionally
secured individual protections?
Mr. Speaker, the overwhelming ma-
jority of the people who settled and built
this land fled Europe to escape exces-
sive taxation.
The United States of America de-
clared its independence from the unre-
lenting domination of a king because of
taxation without representation.
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette lost
their thrones for less than the tyranny
of the taxes being piled again on the
backs of our American people.
'Taxes have become the curse of the
Our people are being taxed federally,
by the States, municipally, locally?
directly and indirectly?whether they
want the purported reforms or not.
Rather than a continued barrage of
taxes against the people, I feel it is time
that we who are charged with represent-
ing our people start earning our pay by
reducing their taxes. Hard-working
Americans can be the best deterrent to
inflation by handling their own dollars?
by enjoying the benefits of the income
earned from their own initiative and
Regardless of all the flowery oratory,
no one is fooling the man back home
who knows that his savings have been
wiped out and whose wife knows that
groceries, clothing, and rent continue to
soar. And he is getting more incensed at
those who would say inflation is caused
by his spending rather than by the Fed-
eral giveaways of what they first have
to take away from him. He just can not
understand taking away from him the
money he needed to have his daughter's
teeth straightened?then sending it to
Yugoslavia, or bribing rioters not to riot
I include a recent news clipping:
NEW YORK. (AP)?Major banks today raised
the prime rate?the interest charged their
biggest and best customers for loans?to a
historic high of 81/2 per cent from 71/2 per
cent, effective Immediately.
An increase had been expected for some
time. But the amount of the hike?a full
one per cent?was surprising.
The first bank to increase the rate was
Bankers Trust Co. of New York and it did
so without making any comment on its rea-
sons. Other New York banks, and then
Chicago, Philadelphia and Boston banks
quickly made the same move. Among the
banks was Chase Manhattan and First Na-
tional City of New York.
Reacting to the move, the Dow Jones in-
dustrial average dropped about 7 points
shortly after the New York Stock Exchange
When one bank increases the prime rate,
others usually follow.
The prime rate is used in determining the
interest rate charged most large corporations.
Other rates, such as interest rates to con-
sumers, are scaled upward from the prime
The old rate of 71/2 per cent was a record
high when it was set on March 17. As re-
cently as last Dec. 2 the rate was 61/4. A
series of rate increases, usually one-fourth or
one-half of a per cent at a time, had occurred
between December and March.
The Federal Reserve Board has taken a
number of steps to make it more expensive
and more difficult for banks to borrow
money. But the demand on banks for money
to borrow has continued strong.
By raising the prime rate banks can afford
to pay more for the money they borrow.
Monday, June 23, 1969
Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia. Mr.
Speaker, a constituent of mine, Mr. Ed-
ward Hunter, who publishes a monthly
newsletter entitled "Tactics," called my
attention recently to an article he wrote
in 1965 concerning the lack of interest on
the part of many Americans in displaying
our American flag on July 4, Independ-
ence Day.
As I believe Mr. Hunter's article con-
tains a message for all Americans, I
welcome the opportunity to reprint it in
full at this point in the RECORD.
The article follows:
Last year, as July 4 approached, this writer
found he was without a suitable American
flag. He found none on sale in the neighbor-
hood. On Independence Day, not a flag was
flying on any house in the area, and he had
to go blacks before seeing the Stars and
Stripes. Startled, he made a tour of the Dis-
trict of Columbia. One could tell where gov-
ernment employes lived; there seemed to be
some unwritten rule among them not to dis-
play the flag of the country which even was
paying their salary. Flying the flag just did
not fit in their so-called "sophistication."
This editor went home and ransacked closet
and drawers until he found an old souvenir
flag with 48 stars, 8 by 51/2 inches, which he
tacked at the top of a downstairs, outside
window. At least it was a flag, our flag!
The fact of the matter is that the Ameri-
can flag has joined the word "patriotism" as
"controversial." Schools don't teach patrio-
tism any more; it's chauvinistic and appar-
ently a symbol of extremism. It's intolerant
to fly the U.S. flag unless you fly the U.N.
flag alongside, so as to show you are in the
mainstream, and consider all countries the
same, the same as all religions, and all the
people of the world. After all, to display pref-
erence for your own country is a value judg-
ment, and as almost any social scientist will
tell you, a value judgment is "unscientific."
Nobody wants to be unscientific.
Bunk and buncombe! The failure to fly the
American flag, and avoidance of such words
as "patriotic," are evidences of the extent to
which our people are being softened up by
enemy propaganda tactics, and how subtly
it spreads.
This writer is going to call this situation
to the attention of some leaders heteabouts.
Maybe some readers will do the same, for
their home areas and the national capital.
Maybe the White House and our legislators
might suggest American flags be available for
purchase conveniently, and they be flown on
July 4. Maybe fed) ozwloyes can set the
Monday, June 23, 1969
Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr.
Speaker, for 4 years a Greek political
tragedy has unfolded in Athens step by
inexorable step, with the final chapter
looming more tragic than all that has
come before.
America's role in this political tragedy
has been an inglorious one. From the
time the Papandreou government fell in
1965 until the colonel's coup in 1967, the
American mission in Athens was a party
to the maneuvers which forestalled elec-
tions. By forestalling elections the vic-
tory of the Democratic and Liberal Cen-
ter Union Party was averted, a very ques-
tionable political judgment. The politi-
cal pot was allowed to boil and an at-
mosphere was created which encouraged
a military coup.
When the colonel's coup came an
April 21, 1967, it came from an unex-
pected source; namely, antiestablish-
ment middle-ranking officers in the
Greek Intelligence Service, a service
trained and financed but not directed
by the United States.
From the beginning in April 1967 sev-
eral of us in Congress have spoken of the
short-term and long-term political and
moral consequences of America's sup-
port of the junta which has been im-
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luxe 23, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks
tutions, manufacturers and distributors Of
agricultural supplies, fertilizer, equipment,
etc. in other areas, as well ae72.11e total eco-
no c structure of the county, Will &MUT
un1ss Congress takes positive action *or-
resting this archaic policy s6 family f&IIIIS
cac continue to operate on an efficient, mo-
no cally sound basis.
Monday, June 23, 1969
Mr. FRASER. Mr. Speaker, I hope this
Co gress and the new adnunistra 'On
wi I make great strides in moderni4ng
th U.S. foreign aid program. However,
Pr P. John Schott warns that some new
approaches would be harmful rather
than helpful. He cautions against mtlti'
lateralizing and he warns against the
fr grnentation of the program. If these
roiites are followed, the outlook is dis-
m l, he feels. He wrote these reMalts
earlier this year before the administra-
tion's proposal was made public.
e concluding section to his very
th ughtful paper follows:
Given these three conditions as prereeni-
sites of a successful attempt to impleinent
title IX, the outlook seems pretty dismal. It
is generally assumed that the Nixon AdMin-
istration will recommend organivational and
perhaps substantiVe changes In the foreign
aid program. To date, the& has been no offi-
cial indication as to what these may be.cpu-
niers, fortified by several unofficial prop sals
and continuing Congressional criticiSms,
suggest that multilateralizing signifiCant
aspects of the foreign aid program andlor
distributing several of its existing facets
aniong a number of private and semipublic
agencies will be given serious consideratien.
If either of these general proposals beeorrie
goVernment policy, Title IX should suffer.
"I'he multilateral approach is a noble one
and has much in its favor. Further suppert
of existing multilateral orgainvations is Un-
donlatedly in the long-term interest of this
country. Many large capital projects ca be
effectively designed and efficiently ad in-
istered by a world oragnization; so, too, gen
certain humanitarian and politically itn-
mime technical assistance activities. We
1X, however, involves undertakings of po-
tentially sensitive and Mtn Lidimens hal
character. To seek to increase a cou ry's
GNP or to care for its sick and hungry I One
m tter; to promote increased popular p rti-
ci ation in the benefits of developmen ,' in
e implementiton of development activ ties,
a d in the decision-making processes gov-
erning a country's development, is (Otte
bn three grounds it appears unlikely ,that
a multilateral agency can be optimally effec-
ti e in directly influencing these latte de-
velopments: (1) by representing sove eign
states with greatly differing social, poli ical,
cultural, and ecenOmic value systems, a
genuinely multilateral agen eeking to re-
al e Title IX goals could not expect from
lt backers the degree of single-minded,
d rable support required; (2) denied the
of leverage possessed by a povverful
t15. government, a multilateral agency Would
ore easily be victimized in delicate 'Title
IX areas by established regimes and prevail-
ing socio-ecolletnic elites fearful of increased
popular participation in their country; and
(3) lacking the varlet:7 of assistance instru-
ments potentially at the disposal of the U.S.
Government, multilateral agencies would
find it more difficult to provide multi-faceted,
fully coordinated programs so essential when
dealing directly with the social and politi-
cal framework of a country.
At the other end of the spectrum, pro-
posals to splinter the responsibilities no
under the general aegis of AID., wo r-
ther complicate the p:ecess of nation,
reduce leverage, disintegrate country pro-
gramming approach, and oat important-
ly_probably make Tile implementation
the responsibility of b one of the resulting
agencies, most likely that concerned with
residual technical Istance activities. Title
IX would thereby b ome narrowly construed
and be rendered largely ineffectual. What,
on the contrary, is required for Title IX
implementation ia recognition of the fact
that this mandale relates to all facets of
U.S.-sponsored development efforts in the
LDCs. As A.I.D.'s administrator recently said:
We want Titl IX considerations to be
weighed when we ecide on the overall com-
position of a couny program. When we pre-
scribe the negotia g instructions for a
program or an agricul re sector loan, when
we decide on a par-tic r capital assistance
project, when we uncle Ice and evaluate
technical assistance a'rtivit when we sup-
port the development efforts private in-
Title IX relates not only to whet 1 ? one,
but how it is done. It's implementation
quires not only an expansion of the spectrum
of "allowable" undertakings by A.I.D. and
a reorientation of priorities along that spec-
trum, but conscious Title EX attention to
the ways in which particular projects are
undertaken and to the conditions attached
to various sorts of loa;as and grants. It means
that a feeder road can be built in the most
efficient or quickest way possible primarily
to increase agricultm al productivity; it can
also be constructed by inefficint labor-in-
tensive methods in "uneconomic" areas pri-
marily to arlieliorate unemployment, teach
laborers new skills, or promote national in-
tegration. It means that a family planning
program can give first consideration to the
most efficient and broadest dissemination o
propaganda and devices, or it can seek m ? e
slowly to establish or strengthen indi ous
groups or nascent organizationt-te erform
this work, thereby encouraging small group
activity and cooperative local undertakings
at the possible sacrifice of a more greatly
quickened decline in the birth rate. A sec-
tor loan can be granted only on condition
that the moneys are channelled to local or
intermediate governmental institutions
which willl have larg sly autonomous control
over their use, thereby seeking to get a par-
ticular developmental job done while
strengthening the interest and capacity of
local decision-making units to perform such
jobs without awaiting the sluggish admin-
istrative hand of the central government to
do it for them.
Military assistance programs can begin to
recognize in their training programs the un-
comfortable fact that the military in many
LDCs will not remain an "a-political" force.
Acceptance of this would suggest that officers
should be trained as much in the develop-
mental problems and prospects of their
country as in the use of sophisticated mili-
tary hardware, the methods of counter-in-
E 5169
surgency warfare, and the irrelevancies of
the American way of life. The Peace Corps,
without too great sacrifice of its myopic at-
titude towards the U.S. Government estab-
lishment, can intensify its halting and frag-
mentary efforts of the past to dovetail its
program with that of AID. And to demon-
strate greater appreciation of the role of its
volunteers as promoters and auxiliaries of a
host country's development in contrast with
the value of the overseas experience to its
nteers, (however residually important
for recruiting purposes that may be).
U.S.I.A. can begin to utilize its expertise in
the field of communication and public di-
plomacy to provide needed technical assist-
ance in these areas; they can also begin to
fashion overseas programs which in fact?
not just in name?give priority to the trans-
mission or dissemination of information and
skills relevant to the developmental needs,
desires and capacities of the people in par-
ticular countries, as opposed to explaining
away our public and private foibles and
proclaiming the virtues of American-style
democracy and life in suburbia.
There Is good reason to despair of this
more systematic, integrated and long-term
approach to the foreign aid process ever be-
coming the reality which it should. Yet
many would not be in this business if they
did not foresee significant reforms taking
place in the near future. It is hoped by a
few of these that Title IX will constitute a
catalyst for these reforms, if not their prin-
cipal synthesizing element.
Perhaps these reforms may not replace old
myths with new realities, but only substi-
tute new myths for old?ethnocentric myths
of the universal applicability of pluralism,
pular participation and certain types of
de ocratic institutions; egocentric myths
of t ? e infallibility of our predictive power as
regar s the resources of?and prospects for?
polit al development in the new states.
Hop ully, however, if Title IX becomes an
imp tant energizing force within our for-
eig aid establishment, greater modesty will
be isplayed than has been the case among
m y economists and technicians, and
ater appreciation of the necessarily new-
el impact U.S. assistance has on LDC de-
v lopment will prevail among the American
blic and their Congressional repreeenta-
Ives., It may be too much to hope that Title
IX will at once broaden our horizons and
limit our aspirations. There probably are not
many precedents for this; but then, again,
there really are no precedents to Title IX.
-I It may be suggested that Title IX arrives
at a particularly inauspicious time in the
history of this country. When democratic
principles are being so violently abused and
when institutions based upon these prin-
ciples appear so incapable of coping with
the domestic problems confronting this
country, who are we to suggest the possible
applicability of these principles and institu-
tions to the lesser developed countries of the
world? Without attempting to argue here a
case for seeking to uphold the dignity of the
individual in varying contexts and the au-
thor's particular faith in the general valid-
ity of democratic principles, it will only be
suggested that: (a) the validity of these prin-
ciples is further strengthened?not brought
into question?by the institutional changes
now being sought so strenuously in the
United States, and (b) it is to be hoped that
the United States may soon recognize that
we may have as much to learn from the
LDCs as we may have values and skills to Un-
to th De 1 ment should be?but
part em. ve op
has been inadequately seen as?a two-way
1 Statement of WiLiam S. Gaud before the street. Title IX and Its broader conception
House Foreign Affairs Committee, March 20, of the development process may help us to
1968. recognize this simple verity.
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June 23, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ?Extensions of Remarks
posed on the Greek people. The State
Department at the beginning explained
that the junta was merely interested in
constitutional reform?an- explanation
which we did not accept and which has
proved to be an utter illusion.
Furthermore, the State Department
' had been and is tepid in asserting the
,. political consequences involved, yielding
always to a highly questionable "mili-
tary" argument based upon the junta's
support of NATO. One of the jokers in
this argument is no matter what the re-
gime in Greece?conservative or liberal?
it has and it will support the Western
Three outstanding articles on the
Greek situation have appeared in the last
few days in newspapers of national
prominence. They deserve the most
thoughtful attention of every Member
concerned with American foreign policy
and the sometimes inadvertent damage
done by short-term military considera-
Two of the articles are by Rowland
Evans and Robert Novak in the June 19
and June 23 issues of the Washington
Post. The third, in the June 19 Chris-
tian Science Monitor analyzes the de-
moralization of Greece's officer corps,
civil service, and diplomatic service as a
result of the dictatorship.
The articles follow:
[Prom the Washington (D.C.) Post,
June 19, 1969]
(By Rowland Evans and Robert Novak)
Amy/vs.?The Greek military dictator-
ship, after two years of bland assurances to
Washington about restoring democracy, in-
tends to retain power indefinitely without
free elections?posing immense danger to
long-range stability in the strategic eastern
If the colonels who seized power April 21,
1967, on the pretext of preventing commu-
nism here ever intended any partial return to
representative government, that intention is
dead. Even the few politicians who have tried
to cooperate with the colonels now concede
that Col. George Papadopoulos, the Premier,
envisions an institutionalized tyranny mod-
eled after Salazar's 37-year dictatorship in
Unlike our last visit there two years ago
when the freshly installed junta pledged an
early return to constitutional forms, the re-
gime now regards itself as permanent. Brig.
Gen. Stylianos Pattakos, Deputy Premier and
the junta's No. 2 man, bristled when we
asked about popular elections. "That is an
internal matter that you cannot inquire
about," he said. "Go ask the people on the
street. Nobody wants elections."
Indeed, all objective sources here agree
that the military regime would lose badly in
free elections. The colonels' "revolution," at-
tempting by edict to transform the Greeks in-
to work-oriented puritans, has depleted what
popularity the regime enjoyed in 1967. Al-
though past Greek governments have had ex-
cellent success in rigging elections, the mili-
tary regime's popular base is so low?per-
haps 10 per cent?that calling elections
would be equivalent to surrendering power.
Unwilling to surrender power, the colonels
have turned Greece into a huge political
pressure-cooker with the true feeling of the
Greeks suppressed by the local gendarmerie's
watchful eye. An election today probably
Would show a sharp leftward swing. More
ominously, after two or three additional
years, the pressure-Maker may explode into
insurrection with Communists in leading
These ominous prospects have their source
in perhaps the tightest police state this side
of Moscow. Violating the colonels' own new
constitution, non-Communist potential foes
of the regime?mainly army officers and in-
tellectuals?are imprisoned without indict-
ment or trials. Reports of torture are impos-
sible to verify in detail, but maltreatment
and brutalization of low-level political pris-
oners continue.
Former political leaders are watched con-
stantly. They cannot speak their view, are de-
nied passports to travel abroad, and have
their mall and telephone calls monitored.
One former Premier cannot move without a
car full of police agents folowing him. All
former cabinet members are tailed when they
visit their old constituencies.
The regime's iron vise is even tighter on
the academie world. So many teachers have
been purged that the educational system is
crippled. Distinguished professors are sub-
ject to humiliating interrogation by Col.
John Lades, hard-line secretary general of
the Interior Ministry. University students,
solidly against the regime, are intimidated
by police agents attending their very classes.
A further deterrent is formed by severe pris-
on sentences given six young teaching as-
sistants (two of whom later were tortured)
for distributing anti-junta propaganda.
The first armed resistance against this
tyranny has come from the right: clandes-
tine supporters of exiled King Constantine.
Infrequently reported in the controlled
Greek press are daily bombing incidents in
the heart of Athens (forcing the government
court martial to change buildings). There
have been unconfirmed reports that the roy-
alist resistance was responsible for the recent
deaths of three pro-junta officers.
Thus, 16 retired officers arrested recently
are all royalists with anti-Communist rec-
ords (two of them with service in the Ko-
rean war). The regime's contention that the
arrested officers participated in a left-wing
army plot is only a propaganda smokescreen.
Harassing though it may be, however, the
royalist resistance is incapable of overthrow-
ing a regime so vigilant against potential
opposition. Remembering 'the existence of
the anti-Nazi resistance in World War If.
Greeks fear that the Communists?better
organized than ever?will dominate if and
when the resistance RSSIIMes major propor-
That day remains relatively distant. Greek
Communists, badly fragmented into rival
segments, are passive. The Soviet Ambas-
sador here is circumspect, declining to dis-
cuss Greek internal affairs during a recent
two-hour luncheon with an anti-junta poli-
tician. The Communists know the time Is
not rope for insurrection.
But heavy government borrowing and
stagnant investment here the last two years
are storm signals for the modest prosperity
now enjoyed by Greece. If an economic re-
cession and rising discontent with dictator-
ship intersect some years from now, the dis-
mal alternatives may be these: an institu-
tionalized police state along Salazar lines or
a bloody insurrection with Red overtones.
Before that happens, however, the colonels
might yet be turned out by a strong stand
against them from Washington?a prospect,
even though unlikely, worthy of discussion
in a later column.
[From the Washington (D.C.) Poet, June 23,
(By Rowland Evans and Robert Novak)
ATHENS?The growing need by U.S. foreign
policy for a tough stand against the Greek
millitary dictatorship to avert ultimate po-
litical tragedy here is being undermined by
the Pentagon's military requirements In the
eastern Mediterranean.
Indeed, Greece poses a critical dilemma in
American foreign policy. A return to Greek
democracy may well depend upon U.S. repu-
diation of the eolonelt and halting all mili-
tary aid. But such action conceivably could
deprive the U.S., in the short run at least, of
naval bases and communications guidance
for the 6th Fleet and Polaris submarines
vital to the nuclear deterrent,
Those military considerations prevent
sharp U.S. action against the junta. But the
long-run cost could be immense. At worst,
perpetuated dictatorship here could trigger
a popular insurrection led by the Commu-
nistt. At best, U.S. permissiveness toward the
military regime already is building intense
anti-American sentiment which will surface
in any regime that replaces the colonels
without Washington's help. Thus, the long-
range U.S. military position in the eastern
Mediterranean is becoming dependent on
permanent tyranny in Athens,
Even though military needs inhibit Amer-
ican diplomats, relations between the Greek
government and the U.S. Embassy here?so
In-ti-mate for 20 yeart?are icy. The junta
deeply resents the absence of an American
ambassador since January, U.S. diplomats do
not hide their displeasure with the colonels'
aim of institutionalized dictatorship.
But whatever impact this official American
frigidity might have is counteracted by the
U.S. Military Advisory Group here whose
commander, Maj. Gen. Samuel Eaton and his
subordinate officers have exercised little dis-
cretion in telling their Greek counterparts
how they, oppose the Embassy's fastidious-
ness about democracy.
Any phychological influence of the vacant
Ambassador's chair is obliterated by constant
shuttling in and out of Athens by U.S. offi-
cers assigned to NATO. Their photographs in
friendly poses with Col. George Papa-
dopoulos, the Prime Minister, almost daily
adorn the controlled Greek newspapers. Most
notorious was the reply to a Papadopoulos
toast by Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer, retiring
NATO commander, in which Lemnitzer con-
veniently omitted phrases about democracy
and the rule of law while quoting from the
NATO Treaty's preamble.
The same impression was given by Presi-
dent Nixon's shabby treatment of King Con-
stantine, self-exiled in Rome since his bun-
gled counter-soup in December, 1967. A ten-
tative visit with the King during Mr. Nixon's
visit to Rome early this year was cancelled
after pressure from the junta. Constantine
was denied a meeting with the President
while in Washington for the Eisenhower fu-
neral (although Brig. (len. Stylianos Patta-
kos, the Deputy Prime Minister, had a few
minutes with Mr. Nixon).
Moreover, the Greek colonels are expert at
disregarding signs of displeasure from Wash-
ington. In an interview, Gen. Pattakos told
us that the portion of military aid which
has remained suspended since the coup of
April 21 will be resumed soon. When we asked
the basis for this forecast, Pattakos replied
with a statement that simply is untrue:
"President Nixon has promised it."
In fact, Pattakos's triumphant account of
his Washington visit was so removed from
reality that the State Department on April 21
issued a sharp statement indicating Patta-
kos had been urged to restore representative
government and civil liberties. When we
asked sib-out that statement, Pattakos told us
it did not represent the U.S. Government's
position. Then who wrote it? "Some Commu-
nist," he snapped.
Summing up, a conservative Greek poli-
ticians says: "Everybody I know thinks the
American Government participated in the
coup." Old-line politicians such as former
Prime Minister Panagiotis Caneliopoulos
argue with friends that Washington cannot
be blamed. But among the younger genera-
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E 5172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD? Extensions of Remarks June 23, 1969
tion and paaticiulaiely students, anti-Ameri-
can feeling is rising steadily in a land where
once it was almost unknown..
Nevertheless, the Vented States might yet
put itself on the side of democracy. The three
elements Whose maneuvering degraded Greek
political life before the coup?the King and
the two major political parties-ea ei belatedly
cooperating and re,ade to form an interim
unity government.
Tentatively, King Ponstantioe would re-
turn as rallying point for all Greeks with the
government headed by conservative Con-
stantine Karamanlis, who provided stability
during eight years as prime Minister and is
now exiled in Paris. But aeither the King nor
more important, Karesnanlis win return to
Athens without Washington's repudiation of
the junta.
Few realtetic Greeks, however, believe the
Nixon Administration will move decisively
against the colonels. That accounts for skep-
ticism among gloomy Greek dembarats that
the dictatorship can be terminated peace-
fully. Worse yet, they feel preoecupation
with naval bases is wedding the United States
to the fate of the colonels, be it a generation
of tyranny or their Violent overthrow and
the dangerous days that would lie beyond.
}From the Christian Science Monitor,
June 19, 1969}
NICOSIA, Creams?The demoralization of
Greece's officer corps and civil servieS by the
authoritarian rule of Prime Minister George
Papadopoulos has seriously affected Greece's
role in the North Atlantic Treaty Organize-
, tion.
It also has made it more difficult fOr West-
emn European governments to supply Preece
with defense equipment which NATO leaders
believe Athens needs to fulfill its N*TO ob-
ligations in the Mediterranean.
These are conclusions of authdritative,
, non-Communist and pro-Western Geek op-
ponents of the Papadopoulos regint. They
, have managed to supply detailed evi ence to
'newsmen of other countries inside and out-
side Greece.
The resulting picture is bleak: the Greek
military establishment, government loneeauc-
, racy, and diplomatic service are reported
'thoroughly terrorized and weakened by the
former colonels now ruling in Athena.
Mr. Papadopoulos and his associates' aeized
Power April 21, 1967. They ueed a secret NATO
plan reserved for the emergency of a Com-
munist uprising. They said they were saving
Greece from communism and strengthening
its ties with NATO. They also pledged they
Would end favoritism, nepotism, and certup-
Instead, their pro-NATO opponents charge,
they have ruined Greece's reputation ib the
West and its effectiveness in NATO. Coireup-
tion, nepotism, and the other abuses they
vowed to abolish now flourlsh. these. Oripo-
nents say, in their own power group. I
On May 5, antigovernment tracts reached
eign correspondents in Athens. Theyl,Were
si ed, "General Akritas, chief of the lea-
tienal resistance movement." Akritas 11.4 a
legendary pseudonym of the sort politibelly
minded Greeks love.
The tract called on Greek offieers to "sCpa,
rate yourselves from power-hungry16E4-
lealues," It added, "the Greek people filajas
beo n to feel hate for the Greek uniform, be-
cause of the same ambitious, small-lathe
Meanwhile, during May courts-rnalifel
tnid scores of persons for subversive 'a?
her this month Mr. Papadopoulos told a
mxewi conference that 15 retired officers had
been arrested, in connection with an abortive
plot to overthrow his regime.
Greek opponents of the Papadopoulos re-
gime say that it is completely false to call
the regime, as Western, news media fre-
quently do, "Army backed." They say that
it Belied power in April, 1967, through a ruse
whiet deceived King Constantine and the
Army's highest staff officers.
They were led to believe that a Commu-
nist take-over attempt was imminent. But
the junta never produced a scrap of real evi-
dence to support this. The King and the
armed forces were tricked into opening and
activating staled orders for "Operation
Prometheus," a NATO plan designed to
counter such an emergency.
Purges have eliminated all but two of
about 40 senior officers who functioned be-
fore the coup of 1967. These two are the
regent, Gen. George Zoitakis, who was as-
signed the King's ceremonial functions after
the King's flight, and Gen. Odysseus Anghe-
lis, chief of the defense general staff.
A number of high-ranking officers out of
favor were sent to remote frontier garrisons
or obscure posts. In each of these, as in every
Greek embassy or mission abroad, there is
an officer of ETP, the Greek Central In-
telligence Agency.
Following the Soviet model, he often holds
junior rank but is always the most power-
ful. Those of higher, equal, and lower rank
flatter him and go to him for favors. "This
completely disrupts the Army's traditional
hierarchy and destroys morale," says one
Greek close to the Army. "Greeks cannot bear
to take orders from lower-rank people."
By contrast, those who cooperate with the
junta are richly rewarded.
Fifteen officers last year followed the ex-
ample of Mr. Papadopoulos, Deputy Prime
Minister Stylianos Patakos, and Coordination
Minister Nicholas Makarezos. They ostenta-
tiously resigned from the Army. Two of these
were Mr. Papadopoulos brothers, Constantine
anti Hararnbcrulos.
These 15 and hundreds of others who have
served the junta have become general secre-
taries of ministries; heads of government
committees; chairmen of the broad of public
companies; the directors of athletic teams,
theaters, and the opera.
Both their Income and their balluence have
increased far beyond what they were as
officers. Constantine Papadopoulos was
named general secretary of the Prime Min-
istry. His brother Hararribaulos became gen-
eral director of the Prime Minister's political
Their salaries and fringe benefits are many
times their former military pay.
Politics always have existed in the Greek
Army, a well-known Greek historian points
out. But they always were factional. They
never concentrated around one leader or
center of power. Poets were not distributed
for nonmilitary reasons or as political plums.
Monday, June 23, 1969
Mr. COR1VIAN. Mr. Speaker, Joe Mc-
Caffrey this month ;s observing his 25th
year as a Washington news commen-
tator, and I am proud to associate myself
with his many friends in congratulating
him on his important, honest and dedica-
tory service in the public interest.
There is no other newsman in Wash-
ington, to my knowledge, who reports
news more accurately, precisely and
factually than does Joe McCaffrey. We
In the Congress are particularly fortu-
nate that Joe has made the daily activi-
ties of the Congress his broadcasting.
specialty. His daily reports have been
called the "Congressional Record of the
Air." Joe himself has been called "the
Voice of the Congress." Both titles are
truly justified.
It is not easy for the public to always
understand the intricacies of complex
congressional action, and unless a
knowledgeable, objective commentator
undertakes to interpret Congress to the
listening public, a great deal of mis-
information is sent along the air waves.
Joe McCaffrey is. an eminently respon-
sible and enormously able reporter and
commentator. His broadcasts reflect
the highest standards of excellence and
he is listened to with confidence.
I have known Joe personally for many
years and value his friendship. He is a
warm, kindly, sincere person, and his
friends on the Hill are legion. Yet,
friendships never stand in the way of
his first duty?to report the news fairly
and accurately.
His record IS a worthy example of the
best in broadcasting to all the members
of his profession, and I hope that Joe
will continue to be the "Voice of the
Congress" for many, many years to
Monday, June 23, 1969
Mr. STEIGER of Wisconsin. Mr.
Speaker, Prof. E. White Bakke, Sterling
professor of economics at Yale Univer-
sity, has a long and distinguished career
as a labor economist and analyst of labor
market problems. In a recent publication
of the Upjohn Institute entitled "The
Mission of Manpower Policy," Professor
Bakke demonstrates the breadth of his
perspective in addressing the question of
what elements must be included in a
truly comprehensive manpower policy.
Because Dr. Bakke takes an unusually
cosmopolitan view of what such a na-
tional manpower policy should include,
and because this Upjohn Institute Bulle-
tin raises a number of problems in rela-
tion to such a manpower policy which
other critics have too often neglected, I
rise today to call his remarks to your
attention. The excerpts I am introducing
here include Professor Bakke's definition
of the mission of a positive manpower
policy and his summary of what the dis-
tribution of responsibilities and tasks in
such a national manpower policy should
Government manpower policymakers and
administrators need to have a clear concept
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June 12, 1969 APPTCNCFROTitilisggq@dc3tit kisrnsa713(193 64R00.3 0 0 120003-9 E4881
rather than lessons. In most departments of "Of all the adroit handling of student pro--
the university, few if any regular classes were tests and rebellion, the State University of
held. Buffalo has been, perhaps, the most astute
During the course of four days, there was and successful ...
an average of 30 to 40 teach-ins a day. Some "President Meyerson for three years has
were led by students; others had faculty or withstood all efforts to intrude politics or
administration speakers; and a few featured rash police action onto the campus. At the
same time he pacified disruptive elements
"Above all, he displayed creative ap-
proaches, which brought reform without
capitulating to violence or to punitive pres-
sures from outside . .
''To relieve the provocation of giantism,
he has -created seven faculties, each with a
provost, gathering related departments into
separate and manageable units. He has in-
sisted upon every member of the faculty
teaching, including himself."
William Austin?the new Student Associa-
tion president who formerly headed U13's
Black Student Association?has said "Black
students don't have to get their heads bashed
in at UB . . They're not in the mood for
taking buildings . ? . Right now the campus
is pretty good for black people . . . Now, if
you can just keep that aura of goodness . . ."
speakers from the community.
The radicals were not pleased with the re-
sults, but most everyone else was. With few
exceptions, the discussions were good ses-
sions?positive in tone, democratic in manner.
By the end of the week, a great deal of in-
formation had been shared and a great deal
of insight had been gained.
The whole matter is now in the hands of
committees, set up within the existing struc-
ture of university government.
Many of the concerns that have been caus-
ing tension on the campus over the past
couple of years may soon be answered by
reforms and restructurings.
The most dramatic event of the spring was
still to come. It necurred on March 19, the
date of Bruce Beyer's sentencing.
His friends, protesting the prison term,
caused a ruckus downtown and several were
arrested. The remainder trickled back to the
campus, and soon things were popping there.
A mob went to the site of Project Themis?
a research job for the Pentagon on undersea
environment. Two construction sheds were
Then, in mid-afternoon, several hundred
students advanced on Hayes Hall, where Pres-
ident Meyerson and most of the other admin-
istrators have their offices.
The students took over most of the build-
ing and held it through the night, roaming
through the offices at will.
President Meyerson returned from an out-
of-town trip during the evening and imme-
diately plunged into the task of restoring
He did so in an atmosphere of high ten-
Mon,-'for scores of police had lined up along
Main St. and were ready to move onto the
campus and clear the hall. ?
Meyerson spent two hours in direct con-
frontation with about 200 of the occupiers?
and failed to budge them.
By morning he had asked for?and been
granted?a court order for the students to
leave the building. In the face of imminent
police enforcement, the students withdrew.
Feelings remained high for some days, but
eventually abated.
The Student Polity?a town-meeting type
of student government that speaks for the
undergraduate student-body?met and voted
for an endorsement of the radicals' under-
graduate actions.
But the losers in that vote claimed it was
not a true indication of student opinion. They
petitioned for and received a campus-wide
referendum. And in that referendum the
students decisively voted against the radicals
on nearly every issue.
Except one: The matter of black participa-
tion in the work force that will build the new
The students made it very clear that they
want their school built by an integrated work
The faculty and administration took
vigorous stands along the same lines.
And for a time, all work on the Amherst
site was stopped.
Dr. Mac Hammond, secretary of the Faculty
senate, points out:
"This past year, the Faculty Senate, re-
structured so that every full-time faculty
member is a senator, has made inroads in
long-overdue educational reforms, a fact, I'm
sure, that has helped spare the university
from the tormented experiences at other
universities across the country.
"When students have the feeling that their
new visions of what education shonld be are
in some ways being accommodated, they are
less likely to adopt patters of disruption and
destruction. For six years, the university has
been preparing for the future. campus at
Amherst; but only in The past year has real-
istic planning begun to take place?and this
has been partly under the supervision of the
Faculty Senate."
If the integration agreement holds . . .
And the state can come up with the money.
And Martin Meyerson keeps his masterful
touch . . . .
And the faculty keeps its head . . .
And the students follow their own aspira-
tions, rather than emotional calls to rule or
ruin . . .
Things are really looking up.
If things come off at their hopeful best,
Buffalo can have one of the great schools in
the land, in the finest new plant in the world.
The value to our students will be immense.
And the potential value to the community
will be profound.
There will still be beards. And long hair.
And scraggly clothes. And dirty words. And
lefties. And sheer meanness. And pot.
And greatness.
Just keep your cool, ed.
Later, after organized labor indicated its
wish to co-operate, work was resumed. And
a formal agreement has been worked out to
carry out integration under the auspices of
the State University Construction Fund.
President Meyerson has been receiving in-
creasing attention for his leadership. A May
6 editorial in the Modesto (Calif.) Bee is an
supplied all the Arab countries with
huge quantities of Communist-made
arms and weapons of war with the result
that in all Arab capitals from Algiers to
Adu Dhabi, hatred against the State of
Israel and the free world has deepened.
Notwithstanding the efforts of the So-
viets to rearm the Egyptians and the
other Arab countries, the latter nations
are still outclassed by Israel's defense
and therefore, the likelihood of another
general war breaking out in the Middle
East has been reduced. All this under-
scores the fact that the interest of the
United States and of the free world must
coincide with that of the State of Israel
and her desire to live in peace with her
. Because of the importance of recent
events in that part of the world, the
Evening Sun of Baltimore, printed an
excerpt from an address by Moshe
Dayan, the Israel Defense Minister con-
cerning the Arab actions along the Suez
Canal. I know that my colleagues as
well as my constituents share my con-
cern about the present threat to peace
in the Middle East and I insert this arti-
cle at this point in the RECORD for their
I should like to comment upon the situa-
tion along the front lines, and particularly
along the Suez Canal, the line facing Egypt.
Lately this line has been "heated up." The
question to be asked is what is happening
there, what do they want, what are they
driving at?
The Egyptians do not have the powef to
beat Israel, not in the autumn, not in the
summer and not during this spring. And they
know it.
At the moment we are witnessing a diplo-
matic offensive. This is the maximum that
the Arabs could aspire to since the War, and
finally they have succeeded in getting the
Four Power meeting, with France as the
initiator. The basic premises of these Four
Powers, although they may not be acceptable
to the Arabs, certainly accord them some sort
of hope of achieving their aims?much more
than they could by the use of force.
Accordingly, I do not think that the Arabs
would like to disrupt this Four-Power meet-
ing, to foil its purpose, especially when they
have no chance of achieving their aims by
use of their armies. Thus the United States,
the Soviet Union, France and England--
whether they decide to impose or not to im-
pose any kind of solution?talk on the basis
of premises that are in themselves an achieve-
ment for the Arabs.
So if the Arabs realize that they cannot
defeat us by force, and if they are de-
pendent?and they should be?on the Four
Powers insofar as their requirements are con-
cerned, why then should they "heat up" the
border? Why do they open up fire along
MIDDLE EAST I assume that what is now happening along
the lines, and it may well get worse as the
summer progresses, is the desire to provide
evidence for President Nixon's assumption
OF MARYLAND that the Middle East is powder keg, that the
IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES situation may deteriorate even further and
this keg full of powder may explode. Be as-
Thursday, June .12, 1969 sumes that it must be solved, the matter
Mr. FRIEDEL. Mr. Speaker, a little must be settled and that war may spread
over 2 years ago, the so-called 6-day war otherwise.
between the State of Israel and the The Middle East is not on fire and the
Arabs, which the Egyptians and their Arabs lack the power to set it ablaze. There
exists no danger of American-Soviet con-
Arab allies started, ended with a crush- frontation, because there is no danger of re-
ing defeat of the Arab aggressors. newal of the war, because the Arabs are un-
According to press reports Russia and able to start one. It is true that they say
the Communists have for the past 2 years they can land on the east bank of the canal
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C enstons 0,, emarks June 12, 1969
but they cannot win a war. It is agreed that
they cannot win. At this stage no one seri-
ously evaluating the political-military sit-
uation can say truthfully that the Arabs
have any chance of launching a war with
prospects of victory.
The eastern front, that of Iraq, Syr a and
Jordan, is no longer an operative fro] t. On
1 the western, the Egyptian front, we het, e seen
In the latest shooting incidents that they
do not have the strength to push us back
from the canal.
What is happening on the western front
shows that it is not the Middle East that is
burning, but that Suez Is burning. That's
quite a difference. If we say that the Middle
(East is afire, it means the possibility of total
war between us and the Arabs that might
deteriorate into a confrontation between the
United States and the Soviet Union. If we
say Suez is burning, it means that Egypt-
ian oil tanks are aflame, because of a local
Their reason for shooting without regard
Ilfor their losses and the great damage caused
eto them is to create evidence for saying that
'the Middle East is blazing, that a deteriora-
tion is possible. We do not have to extend
them a helping hand In this scheme?
neither in information nor in our conduct
Ion the military and the political ievas. We
have an interest in localizing things. We
have no interest in creating a distorted pic-
ture, in forming the impression that indeed
we are on the verge of renewed war.
Thursday, June 12, 1969
Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, Since
he entourage of the senior Senator from
Massachusetts is extremely public rela-
ions conscious, I feel that an editorial
In the Wednesday, JUne 11 Chicago
tribune merits their review:
, In April Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Mas-
Sachusetts led a Senate subcommittee on a
Safari to Alaska to discover evidence of
poverty and oppression. He was equipped
With a script from his stait members which
note that he could dramatize "colonialism"
end "economic exploitation" of native mi-
norities of Eskimos and Indians before the
TV cameras.
The memorandum advised the senator to
Contrast the affluence of government com-
pounds and installations with native tillage
Now the current U.S. News & World eport
publishes a compilation on where the 50
States rank in per capita income?and guess
What? Alaska, with a per capita inconee of
$4,124 in 1968, is no worse than fourth on
the list, two places ahead of Illinois and six
head of Sen. Kennedy's home state of
Alaska, where the federal hand s4tters
much largess, does not come off as wuil
true, as the District of Columbia, home
grounds of the federal establiehment, vhIch
14 No. 1 in the nation, with a per capita in-
cOme of $4,516. The bureaucrats in reel ence,
with their regular advances in payrol and
allowances, may account for most o the
affluence, but the level of general poverty
cannot be considered high.
Perhaps Sen. Kennedy should look aioinid
him in the national capital, and perhaps
a return trip to Alaska would be advisable.
Thursday, June 12,1969
Mr. SCHERLE. Mr. Speaker, I would
urge every Member of Congress, and
every other concerned Amedcan, to take
the opportunity to read Eric_Hoffer's ar-
ticle, "The Meek Majority," in the
Washingten Daity News today, June 12.
For their convenience, I include Mr.
Hoffer's article in the RECORD at the con-
clusion of my remarks.
Mr. Hoffer has expressed far better
than could I the thinking of many in
Congress and throughout America as to
the attitudes that should be taken re
garcling the techniques of violence dis-
rupting so many institutions_in America
this year.
In this column, Eric Hoffer draws very
relevant histori cal parallels between
present-day tolerance of violence and
startlingly similar toleration of the vio-
lent tactics of tie Nazis, Fascists, and
Communis,ts in the 1920's and 1930's.
This toleration without effective control
and punishment of those who sought
their objectives ty any means?no mat-
ter how illegal r violent--encouraged
the perpetrators f tactics of violence as
they esealated vandalism to increasingly
destructive activities?bringing the hor-
rors of tyranny, murder of millions,
genocide, and finally world war.
Undoubtedly there were those also in
the 1920's and 19:30's among the German
intelligentsia and elsewhere, including
well-meaning and intellectually superior
liberals, who said of the growing violence
of the Nazis in their early militant ef-
forts "Let us tolerate or ignore this Nazi
nonsense and it will come to nothing?
if we attempt to repress it, the move-
ment may become worse."
Today, a generation and millions of
lives too late, Russian intellectuals and
leaders decry the excesses of the Stalin
regime. But these same intellectuals and
leaders a generation or so ago through
their tolerance, if not actual advocacy,
of the Stalin group allowed it to come to
power and engage in these bloody prac-
Despite allegat:ons to the contrary,
the American people has traditionally
rejected violence in the American politi-
cal scene. They have never long toler-
ated violent cause&or permitted violent
men to assume national power. The
United States is now the world's oldest
Republic operating under a written con-
stitution. Our institutions and society
are founded upon respect, perhaps even
reverence, for the law, and the law has
eventually triumphed in America despite
adverse circumstances.
Why then are so many of our leaders
especially in the academic world, seem-
ingly paralyzed in the face of violent
tactics by student militants on our cam-
puses? It would seem that liberal intel-
lectual leaders disregard the lessons of
history and attempt to apologize for,
excuse, or even justify?If not actually
encourage?acts of violence committed
by black militants because of their sym-
Pathy for victims of past racism, and
that many of these members of faculties
-or administrators of institutions of
higher education similarly refuse or fail
to act to control and punish destructive
and disruptive acts by militant radicals
of the new left because of a liberal sym-
pathy for radical thought.
It is questionable?indeed, improbable
that these same liberals would be simi-
larly tolerant were students who be-
longed to more conservative organiza-
tions to use similar means to obtain their
objectives--I can well Imagine the speed
with which the same college administra-
tors would call in the police and act to
expel any white conservative student
who used any violence or infringed on
any university rules, or who even reacted
against those New Left or black militants
who prevented him from attending
classes or obtaining full, value for his tui-
tion. Application of the double standard
and of Orwellian "double-think" would
immediately become the practice, I am
afraid, with far too many of these ad-
minstrators and faculty members, and
with far too many in other American
leadership circles.
Many Americans, including myself?
probably the vast majority of Ameri-
cans?are tired of this nonsense. The
double standard should be dropped. All
who participate in illegal or violent acts,
disrupting institutions of higher educa-
tion, should be equally punished in ac-
cordance with the rules of the institution
and the applicable laws--including im-
mediate expulsion where appropriate. If
an act is illegal when committed by a
white student or a conservative, it is just
as illegal when committed by a black mil-
itant or a member of the New Left or
SDS, and justice requires equal treat-
ment under the law including equal pun-
ishment. I can be sympathetic to the
need for reform and improvement of
American institutions, but I can have ab-
solutely no sympathy for any person no
matter what his color, creed, philosophy,
or age, who in the name of reform in en-
gages in illegal acts including acts of
violence aimed at destroying rather than
reforming those institutions.
Unless current trends of increasing
disregard for law and order are reversed
and those who engage in illegal activities
including acts of violence are appre-
hended and punished, on campus and off,
there is considerable danger in store for
I believe the overwhelming majority
of Americans in both major parties, and
of those termed independents or even
old-fashioned Socialists, would agree
with Mr. Hoffer's remarks and conclu-
sions. We may indeed have been the
meek majority, but no longer. Most
Americans would agree that students and
faculty members who disrupt campuses
with illegal or violent acts should be ex-
pelled from the institutions and punished
for their acts. The meek majority does
not wish tax funds to be used to finance
students and faculty members who en-
gage in such activities, and they do not
want any Federal assistance to flow to
institutions whose administrators fail to
comply with the law. They want Con-
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for ascertaining that you are in the hands of
proper and competent medical authorities.
The most important consnmer mission on
the part of the Federal government is in the
field of consumer safety and accident pre-
vention. In 1968 Congress established the
National Commission on Product Safety
which is undertaking a study on hazardous
household products and ways to implement
programs to overcome the dangers they
present to the consumer.
Aside from the problem of who is legally
responsible when a consumer is injured
when using an appliance or tool?there are
many items of equipment that are not prop-
erly designed nor provide the necessary safe-
guards to reduce avoidable accidents. There
are many kinds of product hazards. There
are several that are of particular importance
to our senior citizens. The power mower is
one. This convenient household gadget can
be a killer. The rotary blade on a power
mower may travel at the rate of 21,000 feet
per minute at its qutermost tip or 240
miles per hour and exert a pressure of 10,000
pounds per minute. Children and pets have
been killed instantly while following the
older folks while cutting a lawn.
Manufcaturers of these panels have re-
cently established safety standards for glass
door panels and room dividers. Children as
well as adults have been especially vulner-
able to accidents by running into them. In
this connection, I should like to point out
that most of these accidents occur at home.
. In 1968, a major manufacturer called back
several thousand gas fired furnaces because
of defective workmanship and, because of
several fatalities.
All of you have heard of a certain well
known company calling back its color tele-
vision sets because of the emission of radia-
tion to its watchers. It should be noted that
the effects of such radiation take place in
the front, the back and the sides of the set.
While only one company has had the respon-
sibility to recall its equipment, it is generally
known that this condition pretty much
exists in all color TV appliances.
The Department of Health, Education and
Welfare plays a significant role in the whole
area of safety and consumer services as they
,affect the senior citizens and the health of
this nation. In addition, the Medicare and
Medicaid programs and Social Security pro-
grams are administered by the Food and
Drug Administration, which is constantly
on the vigil to improve the efficacy and
safety of our foods and drugs.
The Department of Health, Education and
Welfare has been in the process of making
its consumer programs more effective in sev-
eral ways:
(1) It is seeking to strengthen the Office
of Consumer Services, which plays an in-
novative role in stimulating consumer activ-
ities in various agencies of the department.
We are seeking to have each agency of the
department improve not only the quality
of its services but the information programs
that relate to it.
(2) HEW has undertaken a newsletter
called HEW Consumer Newsletter, which is
being published by the Office of Consumer
Services, The first issue was released in
April. It is a monthly publication and will
include current information on a variety of
consumer educational items that should
have a wide range of interest to organiza-
tions such as yours.
(3) The Food and Drug Administration is
accelerating its program to evaluate the
many drugs and medicines that are now on
the market as to their efficacy.
CEPHS is accelerating its program relating
to environmental health. The HEW Office of
Consumer Services is also seeking to have all
of the Model Cities programs that are being
established in the inner cities of our urban
areas to include consumer components as
part of the activities.
I need not remind those of you who have
worked so hard for consumer programs for
the elderly that the job is not an easy one,
nor that it is to be expected that the Federal
government can do this job alone. It requires
the full cooperation and partnership of all
the 50 States and local governments. More
Importantly, it needs the help of the private
sector and the courageous leadership of vol-
untary organizations such as yours.
The companion organizations that you
represent have accepted the challenge that
is involved in making this a better environ-
ment and a better life, not only for the
elderly, but for all the consumers. I have
seen and appreciate the excellent publica-
tions and consumer materials that are pub-
lished by your associations such as Modern
It is my hope that this month and this
year will continue to be a memorable dedica-
tion to our senior citizens. May this be a
year when each citizen in each community
will seek to provide the benefits and oppor-
tunities in the community programs which
will add satisfaction, dignity and security to
the lives of aging Americans. It is my hope
that the federal, state and local govern-
ments, in partnership with private and vol-
untary organizations, will join hands in
bringing a better day for all older Americans.
Wednesday, June 11, 1969
Mr. GILBERT. Mr. Speaker, I have
reintroduced a bill to amend the Fair
Labor Standards Act of 1938 to increase
the minimum wage to $2 an hour.
Over the years, the minimum-wage
law has proven one of the bulwarks of
stability in our society. Since its begin-
nings, it has risen step by step and Con-
gress made improvements in 1961 and
again in 1966. I supported those in-
creases, but we still are lagging behind.
Those workers who were brought under
coverage in the 1961 amendments are
now receiving $1.60 an hour. Those la-
borers covered for the first time under
the 1966 amendments are now receiving
$1.30 an hour, and will be increased to
$1.45 in February 1970, and to $1.60 in
February 1971.
Mr. Speaker, long ago we Americans
came to recognize that our prosperity
depends not only on the thriving of our
businesses, but on the buying power of
our workers.
When the minimum wage was en-
acted, and each time it was increased,
shortsighted spokesmen of business bit-
terly complained that it would drive
them to ruin. Of course, that was non-
sense. The minimum wage is an essen-
tial element to their salvation, because
we know that the greatest market for
our products is right here at home. The
minimum wage helps to keep that mar-
ket active and healthy.
But more than that, it provides dig-
nity and security to the American work-
er. We know that a man who receives
too little to provide for himself and his
family cannot be a good worker or a
good citizen. He will be hungry, embit-
tered and ashamed. The minimum wage
has brought an element of equilibrium
to American life.
We have heard the complaint, also,
that a minimum wage violates basic eco-
nomic doctrine, because it interferes
with the play of supply and demand.
But, in reality, what it does is raise the
entire level of the economy?for poverty
serves no one's end.
Mr. Speaker, it is time now for a new
increase in the minimum wage. It is
essential to meet the pressures of infla-
tion. It is the next step in the general
Improvement of life for Americans.
You know that substandard wages hit
the disadvantaged hardest. The chief
victims are Negroes, as well as Puerto
Ricans and Mexican-Americans. This
bill will not only set $2 as the new mini-
mum hourly wage, but will abolish the
painful exemptions that left so many
people unprotected by the law. But the
union worker making substantially more
than the minimum wage has no cause
for concern, for experience shows that
when minimum wage goes up, so do the
wages of skilled and unionized workers.
Mr. Speaker, this legislation should
have been approved last year, perhaps
even earlier. It is right, economically
sound, and necessary. I hope the Con-
gress will delay ace on this measure
no longer.
Wednesday, June 11, 1969
Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr.
Speaker, the problem of U.S. relations
with the military junta government of
Greece continues after more than 2 years
of broken promises from that junta. Al-
most everyday we read of more arrests
in that troubled country and of more
acts of oppression.
It is clear that the present dictatorial
government of Greece does not have
popular support and that its days are
numbered. But it is also clear that the
people of Greece, and of the nations of
Europe, believe that the United States
is supporting that government and its
excesses. Whether the U.S. Department
of State and the Department of Defense
truly support the military junta is open
to question. However, the public impres-
sion remains.
Decisions yet to be made by the United
States are vital to whether the people of
Greece regain their liberties. Military
aid to the junta has been renewed on a
limited basis; economic aid is being re-
quested. The new administration is re-
viewing the entire Greek situation.
Under unanimous consent I submit the
text of the most recent statement of the
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? Extensions of Kemaries E 4819
selflmedication rather than professional help.
False and misleading advertising is twisting
the art of healing into the art of steall g.
Fels and deceptive advertising conta ne
ille lly promoted therapeutic and pseudo-
thelifipeutic devices, food supplements and
so-c lled health foods. In its' most blatant
for , this involves deliberately falsified seien-
tific studies and false promotional claims for
potent drugs.
I a recent action which received national
publicity, Secretary Finch of the Department
of Iealth, Education and Welfare eliminated
a well known and popularly m,ed drug by
call ng it off the market. It was deemed to
misrepresent its efficacy and its ability to
Drugs have changed even more than fo
during the past 20 years. While more of Tar
eld ly citizens are taking advantage of the
ne medical care programs, Many are still
unaware of the need for their intelligent
cho ce of medicines and medical services.
The rapid technological advances that have
bee1 made in the food industry, the autonio-
tive industry and the applianee industry,
spe ifically in radio, television and automatic
hon1e appliances in the develcpment of their
proiuct lines have brought about a sophieti-
cati n of many of these constinner items. In
fact, there are very few Americaes that ha,Ve
the i expertise or the tools or the time to re-
pair an automatic washing machine or a
tele," ision set. Some of these products have
collie into being since the senior citizen Ia
already in retirement. He has only the faint.est notion of how it is to be repaired nd
often only an elementary knowledge of low
it should be maintained. Coupled with
vast array of new products, our senior c ti-
zens must learn to live with sales contra ts,
warranty agreements and maintenance ag ee-
merits that are often part of the sales and
service programs of such products. More often
than not the senior citizen must rely on he
neighborhood serviceman to handle his
maintenance problems. To many it has be-
come a complex and betvilderin,c.,, as well as
exp6nsive world even for the more affiu rit.
As a result of all this, several state legi lec-
tures, including New York and Illinois, 4rld
sone others I cannot specifically recall hve
recognized the problems of the consumer and
are seeking to attack them through a masaiVe
program of consumer education in the lecal
school systems.
Many of these projects are financed un-
der programs administered by the Depart-
ment of Health, Education and Welfare.
These programs, together with (hose of vol-
untary organizations such as yours, are seek-
ing to address themselves to Such basic Ion-
sinner problems as:
Oretting the most for one's food dcillar
is to easy task. Those on limited or fixed in-
conaes cannot afford to waste their rescaeres
on foods where packaging costs are IkOre
than the commodity. For many, this shop-
ping skill must be taught. There are several
food schemes that prey on those with lilted
incOmes. One is the food freeaer plan hat
abOunds in most cities. In the long run the
consumer ends up paying market prices for
the food and very expensively for the freter.
He would be better off to borrow the mey
for the freezer if he actually needed1 It.
Di ia,etary food fads have also attracted ny
of 1 our elderly through the pseudo-he lth
alisers. The American Medical Associalion
ha this to say about the problem: "U less
yo r doctor recommends tonics, supplem nts,
vit rnins or minerals in concentrated f4brm,
no one need take them if he follows a f irly
well balanced daily diet." Yet pseudo-he lth
ad isers and salesmen may suggest hat
standard foods are inadequate becaus of
"o'er-processing," "worn out soil," "poiscn-
ou combinations" and other Mich nutritienal
nonsense. They pretend that their eptotic
pr4ducts made from sea kelp, yogurt, yeast,
iodine, blackstrap mol ssses and herbs have
an infinite variety of cures, will fortify your
diet, steady your nerves, strengthen your
bones, aud enliven your blood.
For most Americans, there are supermar-
kets that provide competitive prices on foods.
This is not completely accurate in tha,,v? -c---
er class areas of our major cities.,of?rnany
ave moved
ent areas leav-
served by small,
inefficient food store
n found it
lower in quality and higher
lower class, rundoWn neigh-
e tragedy is that people in these
districts who are oftentimes M-
ing on social security
co and on fixed
s, must pay higher prices. They are
locked in these areas because of lack
adequate transportstion and the incon-
nience of shopping at a distant store.
The price of food, however, is everyone's
conceri. because it is the basic cost of living
item. There are no easy answers to the prob-
lem of inflation, except through greater effi-
ciency, increased productivity and through
honest and healthy competition in the mar-
plaints could be avoided if rnanufacterers
of major appliances would:
(1) Express their warranties in clear and
simple language which is easy 'to understand
and which makes the nature' and extent of
the obligations and benefits described therein
(2) Recognize that the purchaser of their
pritradncts is entitled to receive a product
whiclli is reasonably suitable for the purposes
for Which it is intended and Which will con-
form to any representations by the maker
with respect to its fitness for particular pur-
poses. This requires that the implied war-
ranties of merchantability and fitness not
be disclaimed.
(3) Not include in their warranties un-
necessary exclusions and disclaimers.
(4) Not include in their warranties pro-
visions which purport to obligate third
parties to perform any of the obligations
stated therein.
(5) Not attempt to pass ors to the con-
sumer or to the retailer a part or all of the
financial burden of replacing defective parts
or of correcting defects in design or manu-
(6) If retailers or servicing agencies are
responsible for performing any obligations
stated in the guarantee, insure that such
parties are provided with sufficient incentive
and resources to encourage them to fulfill
those obligations promptly and conscien-
tiously, and if they fail to do so take effec-
tive remedial action.
(7) Avoid any temptation to use a war-
ranty as a sales gimmick by making it ap-
pear to be unusually attractive, while at the
same time incorporating disclaimers, excep-
tions, and exclusions which eliminate these
purported benefits.
(8) Make greater efforts to inform con-
sumers concerning the provisions of their
warranties by:
(a) Including explanatory Material in ad-
ertising and operating manuals. and
(b) Providing retailers with appropriate
'nt of sale material.
(9) Establish effective procedures for hau-
ling oonstuner complaints of inability to
btain warranty service, and provide ade-
quate follow-up to insure that action is
taken on those complaints.
Another area that is of considerable con-
cern to those of us at the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare has been false
and deceptive advertising arid claims, not
only in drugs and medicines, but also in
foods and house and automobile accessories.
The most common trick that is used and
that has been used by reputable business
firms is the technique of "bait." The first-
line product may be , advertised at a low
price. When the prospective consumer trav-
els half the distance across the city to pur-
chase the commodity, he finds` upon reaching
the store that they only had a limited supply
and the article was all sold out. The salesman
then puts the pressure on to sell other qual-
ity products at slightly higher prices.
The advertisements that claim that a drug
or medication will cure a specific ailment,
but in reality has no therapeutic effect is de-
ception of the highest magnitude. While this
is a complex problem, we are approaching an
era when we must have accuracy arid truth-
fulness in advertising as well as proven effi-
cacy in drugs and medicinal products before
they are placed on the market. Older people
are easy prey for health kuacksters. Many
senior citizens suffer from chronic diseases
and are swindled by those who offer quack
treatment. Recent studies show that over
$200 million a year is spent on worthless
remedies for arthritis alone. The American
Medical Association has issued warnings to
the general public and has suggested that
those of you who are interested write to the
national organization to secure their criteria
reasons, the large food chain
out and serve the more a
ing the inner city to
independent and of
operators. It has
that food is oft
in price in t
Use of credit
Ours has beconredit-oriented society.
Credit can be a blea helping to bring
into every home the wc nder the American
production, rich and poor alike. ut credit
can also become a Millstone aroun e neck
of the unwary consumer who has not 1 med
to use Ft prudently and wisely. The el rly
find that credit is useful and they need e
facility. New concepts are required to me
the credit needs of the low income and to
elderly. Financial counseling services are pro-
vided for those who overextend themselves
with credit and whose job may be threatened
with wage garnishments.
Avoidance of quackery and fraudulent
products art! practices
It is hard to believe :'rom the best available
estimates that American consumers in many
of the older citizens are relieved of over
$500,000,000 annually by dishonest contrac-
tors in the building, roofing, siding and relat-
ed trades. A favorite approach utilized by
these types of contractors is the scare a
proach. "Lady, your oil burner is in d
shape. It might blow up on you any day." ene
unethical specialist finished the j in 25
minutes and charged 4.105. The sasiTe day the
burner broke down again and- ad to be re-
placed at an increased expenditure.
It has been estimated that over 800 differ-
ent fraud and quackery and deception
schemes are operating' in the market place.
No one in any strata of our society is im-
mune regardless of his station in life, level
of education or environment. American con-
sumers, especially the elderly, are suscepti-
ble to being fleeced by unscrupulous oper-
ators who employ a wide assortment of tricks,
devices, schemes and campaigns.
Health quackery alone is responsible for
the sta,ggering figure of $1 billion yearly
swindle. These activities are conducted under
the guise of nutritional science. Doesn't al-
most everyone feel tired, pepless, or tense at
one time or another? One of the most fertile
fields of operation for the sharp dealer with
a rich larceny in his blood is that of health
Another of the major problems on house-
hold appliances, motor vehicles, etc. has been
the matter of warranties and guaranties. A
Federal Task Force composed of personnel
from the Departments of Labor, Commerce,
and Federal Trade Commission, in coopera-
tion with members of industry undertook to
study warranties and guaranties. The study
concluded that many of the consumer corn-
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June 11, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD?Extensions of Remarks
Committee for Democracy in Greece for
inclusion in the CONGREsSIONAL RECORD,
as follows:
It is now more than two years since a
small clique of officers seized power in
Greece. Their pledges to restore democratic
government on a "purified and perfected"
basis have been regularly repeated and as
regularly broken. Instead, a constitution
making only the most minimal concessions
to popular government and human rights
has been foisted on the country by that
shopworn tool of dictatorships, a rigged
plebiscite. And even the meager provisions
which distinguish the constitution's "new
order" from unchecked tyranny remain sus-
Instead of the promised restoration of lib-
erty, each day brings news of further mass
arrests, lengthy prison sentences, and savage
tortures. The civil service and the educa-
tional system have been gutted; ignoramuses
and hacks, qualified only by their family or
other connections with the ruling clique,
have been installed in key posts throughout
the government.
In the armed forces the ablest, best
trained, and most experienced officers have
been dismissed and often imprisoned or
exiled, to be replaced by men whose only ex-
pertise is in conspiracy. Yet the United
States has restored full military aid to the
regime, which has thus demonstrated its un-
fitness to receive or to use it?Lexcept against
its own people. Indeed, Greece is one of four
countries which account for the bulk of all
our military aid.
Soon we may expect to be asked for eco-
nomic aid as well. For the Incompetence
of the junta, as well as the horror excited
abroad by its severe repression of its oppo-
nents, have brought about a steady deterio-
ration in the country's financial and eco-
nomic position. Its balance of payments has
been increasingly adverse, its reserves of for-
eign exchange and gold have been dissipated,
and its short-term debts have skyrocketed. At
the same time the rate of economic growth
has fallen sharply. A significant flight of
capital is already taking place; its pace may
be expected to accelerate in the coming
We urge our government to intensify its
pressures for a return to democratic norms,
and to give its moral support to the country's
legitimate political leaders in their consist-
ent refusal to compromise with tyranny.
And above all, we believe it is essential that
the United States not Only refuse any pleas
for economic aid, but make it clear that no
more weapons will be supplied to the junta.
And we further urge that the United States
fully associate itself with the international:
condemnation visited on Greece by such
bodies as the Council of Europe, and take
effective action in the United Nations and
other international bodies to bring pres-
sure for the enforcement of those commit-
ments to human rights which the present
Greek regime has so scandalously violated.
Wednesday, June 11, 1969
Mr. PUCINSKI. Mr. Speaker, the Na-
tional Transportation Safety Board an-
nounced Sunday that a jet airliner
which crashed at Los Angeles last Janu-
ary 18, killing all 38 persons aboard, lost
all electrical power 2 minutes before its
The National Transportation Safety
Board came to this conclusion, according
to an Associated Press article which ap-
peared in the Chicago Sun-Times on
the basis of information recovered from
the cockpit voice recorder which sur-
vived the crash.
The voice recorder showed that it
stopped recording during the most cru-
cial moments of the flight before the
crash. This interruption occurred be-
cause of a power failure in the aircraft,
but fortunately, pretakeoff conversations
in the cockpit and recorded on the voice
recorder show that the crew was aware
of a generator being inoperative in en-
gine No. 3. The tape recorder showed
that discussion centered around reducing
the electrical load, prior to takeoff, in
the event another generator was lost
after takeoff.
The tape recorder also recorded the
engine fire warning horn when it went
on in the cockpit shortly after takeoff
and recorded the crew instituting fire
shutdown procedures.
No further cockpit sounds were re-
corded after the electrical power to the
recorder was lost, but a short time later
when power was again restored for a
few seconds, the voice recorder did re-
cord cockpit conversations during 9
seconds which showed urgent conversa-
tion concerned with maintaining control
of the aircraft.
These invaluable messages recorded by
the crew seconds before the disaster
clearly demonstrate to investigating
teams that a power failure caused the
Perhaps even more important is the
undeniable evidence on that tape re-
corder that the aircraft took off even
though one of its generators was
Federal Aviation Administration reg-
ulations permit takeoff under such con-
ditions and in my judgment these regula-
tions ought to be now reconsidered for
the unexpected fire and the engine pro-
pelling the remaining generator cre-
ated a situation which led to the tragedy.
We probably would not know these
facts if the Pucinski voice recorder had
not been operating in that cockpit.
I remember well the intensive struggle
I have watched in this Congress for al-
most 7 years to get voice recorders into
the cockpits of commercial aircraft. I re-
member well how all the special interests
fought me on this issue and placed road-
block after roadblock to thwart this
Mr. Speaker, nothing will bring back
the 38 victims of this crash but it is my
hope that this telltale recording will
bring about urgently needed reforms in
operational procedures.
There are those who would like to
blame the pilots who flew this aircraft, or
the mechanics who maintained it. This
would be an injustice to their memory.
The blame lies squarely with those
who permit an aircraft to depart when
the crew and the maintenance personnel
and the tower are fully apprised that
there is a breakdown in one of the com-
ponent parts?one of the generators.
It is quite obvious that expediency and
E 4821
meeting connecting schedules are more
important to the airlines than the delay
which would be necessary to replace the
faulty generator.
I believe the fault for this tragedy does
not lie with the pilots or the mainte-
nance personnel. The Pucinski voice re-
corder clearly fixes the fault, and that is
with those who approve regulations per-
mitting departure under the conditions
which I have cited above.
We are now beginning to build a sub-
stantial catalog of evidence on what
causes air disasters, thanks to the effi-
ciency of the Pucinski voice recorder,
and I say, Mr. Speaker, that if I never
did anything else as a Member of Con-
gress, the wealth of satisfaction I receive
in knowing that we are finally able to
take much of the agonizing speculation
out of the causes of air disasters with the
use of these Pucinski voice recorders,
makes my service in Congress a source of
great satisfaction to me.
Our experience with these voice re-
corders shows the need for continued
determination. It would have been easy
to be deterred by all the special interests
who tried to tell us during the long battle
to get voice recorders installed that they
would not work, but time is now proving
The AP story follows:
WASHINGTON.?A jet airliner that crashed
at Los Angeles last Jan. 18, killing all 38 per-
sons aboard, lost all electrical power two min-
utes before its plunge, the National Trans-
portation Safety Board announced Sunday.
Since an airliner requires electricity for
operation of its flight controls, hydraulic sys-
tem, instrument panels and cockpit lighting,
a complete power loss at night would have
left the crew in utter darkness, unable to ob-
serve instruments, unable to check the hori-
zon, unable to exert the required controls.
The United Air Lines Boeing 727 had been
inoperative for three days before the acci-
dent. During that inoperative period, the
plane had been flown 41 hours with only
two functioning generators, the NTSB said.
Two minutes after an apparently normal
6:21 p.m. takeoff from Los Angeles Interna- airport on a planned flight to Denver Milwaukee, the crew reported to the
airport departure control station:
"We've had a fire warning on No. 1 en-
gine. We shut down. We'd like to come back."
That was the last radio contact with the
flight. Shortly after it, the plane's secondary
radar target disappeared from the ground
traffic controller's scope. That meant that the
transponder, or radar identification beacon,
on the plane had stopped operating.
A minute later the primary radar target--
reflections of radio energy from the aircraft's
surfaces?disappeared just after the plane
was observed starting a left turn. It later
was determined that the plane crashed into
the Pacific Ocean in water 1,000 feet deep,
11 miles west of the airport, four minutes
after takeoff.
With the left engine shut down because
of the fire warning, and the generator for
the right engine inoperative, the plane
would have had to rely on the middle en-
As required on airliners, the plane car-
ried two tape-record devices, one to record
operational data such as speed, direction
and altitude, and the other providing a con-
stant voice record of cockpit comment by
the crew.
Both were recovered from the wreckage
in fair condition. But because of the power
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lssa they were not recording during the most
c tiCial moments of the flight.
'Pre-takeoff conversation indicates that
the crew was aware of the No. 3 generator's
being inoperative," the board said. The Ms-
cu4sion centered around redticing the area-
tribal load, prior to takeoff, in the event an-
other generator was lost after takeoff.
"Normal cockpit conversation was evident
on the tape from takeoff until . the No. 1
engine fire warning sounded. At that time,
the fire shutdown procedures were initiated.
k'No further cockpit sounds were recorded
after . . the electrical power to the recar-
deir was last, until later When power was
again available to the voice recorder for
about nine seconds. The ceickpit conversa-
tiOn during that latter period was urgent in
nature and concerned maintaining control
cff the aircraft.
I No radio transmissions or crash sounds
Were recorded during this period," the NTI3B
The three engines and 60 to 70 per cent of
the aircraft wreckage were recovered from
Santa Monica Bay. The safety board said
there was no evidence of an overheated
condition on either the interior or eaterior
if the No. 1 engine.
Wednesday, June 11, 1969
? Mr- COHELAN. Mr. Speaker, last
; week President Nixon focused public at-
tention upon the need for coordinated
consideration of environmental ? prob-
lems by creating the Environinental
Quality Council. The urgent need tor this
focus had been agreed upon in formal
policy statements by both legislative and
executive leaders. Several bills propos-
ing coordinated action to conserve and
improve the quality of our environment
presently are pending in the Congress.
One of the most significant contribu-
tions toward clarifying public policy in
this area was a joint Senate-House col-
loquium, convened last summer by Sen-
ator HENRY JACKSON, chairman of the
Senate Committee on Interior and In-
sular Affairs, and my California col-
league, Representative GEORGE P. MILLER.
chairman of the House Committee on
Science and Astronautics. The agreed-
upon statement of "A National Policy
for the Environment" was announced
to the Congress by our colleague from
Connecticut, Representative 1 EMILIO
DADDaRro, chairman of the House Sci-
ence and Astronautics Subcormnittee on
Science, Research and Development. As
reported in the CoiterEssrowar, RECORD
on May 20, at page 113854, this state-
ment of policy was endorsed by the Com-
mittee on Environmental Quality of the
Federal Council for Science and Tech-
nology, predecessor of the newly an-
nounced Environmental Quality Coun-
Agreement on this general statement
policy is important, for it represents a
major step toward improving and ex-
panding our traditional resources plan-
ning programs.
There still remains, however, the all-
important problem of how best to imple-
ment this policy, and on that score there
still is considerable diversity of opinion.
The size and composition of the respon-
sible agency, the tenure of its member-
ship, its location within the Government,
the scope of its activities and responsi-
bilities?all these are vitally important
to the successful implimentation of an
announced national policy.
President Nixon's appointment of the
Environmental Quslity Council testifies
to his awareness of the pro ,--"Etit an
interdepartmental advi council is not
a substitute for an ency with statu-
tory authority an responsibility for re-
porting regularl to the Congress and to
the public an erview of environmental
conditions an needs.
The Cong ss, in hearings on a number
of bills, is ving its careful attention to
finding the /most effective methods of au-
thorizing $ ch an agency and of protect-
ing the enilirohinent which all men share.
A very alusible analysis of this entire
subject wa given recently by Mr. Michael
McCloskey now thief of staff of the
Sierra CIul, in testimony before the Sen-
ate Commi tee on Interior and Insular
Affairs on A,, 1075, introduced by Sena-
tors JACKSON d SrEvErqs,
Mr. Speaker, insert Mr. McCloskey's
statement in th ECORD at the conclu-
sion of my remark, and I call special
attention to his ver ogent suggestions
for the actual organizat , responsibility,
and operation of what ft&calls an in-
stitutional focus for draw together
environmental information.
I think that Mr. McCloskey's st ment
will be most helpful as we prepa to
legislate in this titally important area.
The statement follows:
Mr. Chairman, I am Michael McCloskey.
I serve as Consery stion Director of the Sierra
Club and am spes.king for it here today. We
are pleased to ofler our strong support for
S. 1075 which would establish a Council of
Environmental Advisors and provide for eco-
logical surveys.
The Sierra Club, which is a national con-
servation organization of 75,000 members,
traditionally has been preoccupied with sav-
ing especially unique and scenic wildlands.
We still are working at this task. However,
this work is being outflanked by the gen-
eral deterioration in man's habitat and the
outright destruction of the habitat for so
much other life on this planet. Recently we
expressed our a'arm over these facts in a
full page advertisement that we ran in a
national newspaper. We thought the time
had come to communicate our anguish to a
broad audience, and did so in these words:
"Any moment now, Man will find himself
hurtling around in an Outer Space so enor-
mous that de seriptions of its size only bog-
gle the mind. (One attempt has put
way: The size of the Earth is to the size of
the known Universe as a germ is to our
entire solar system.)
"Yet, we already hear excited talk of lo-
cating, out there, a planet that duplicates
the natural environment on Earth, i.e., trees,
flowers, water, air, people; you get our
"The fact is that if we do find such a
duplicate Earth out there, it may be some
thousands of years from today. Until then,
the only place in the Universe that will feel
like home in Earth, unless your idea of home
life could include setting up house an space
platforms, or the Moon, or taking your
evening walk with oxygen helmet and space
"We haven't got used to thinking about
it this way yet, but, as Astronaut Borman
pointed out?for us people, Earth is a kind
of inhabitable oasis in an unimaginably
vast desert.
"Also, Earth is a strange sort of oasis, in
that quite apart from providing us what we
need to live?water, air, sustenance, com-
panionship?this oasis actually grew us and
every other life form, We are all related.
"Darwin, during his famous Galapagos
journey, found all life on Earth?from
plankton to people?to be part of an in-
credibly complex interwoven and interde-
pendent blanket spread around the globe.
There is no loosening one thread in the
blanket without changing the stresses on
every other thread, or worse, unraveling it.
"So then, if it is life on Earth that most
of us are stuck with for the next little while,
we had better consider the consequences of
what has recently been going on here.
"There was not always enough oxygen to
support the existence of Man. It wasn't until
green plants and certain ocean plankton had
evolved that the/natural process was begun
by which oxygen is maintained in the atmos-
phere: photosynthesis.
"Man, one would think, has a stake in as-
suring that this process continues. Consider
them, these bits of news:
"In the U.S. alone, oxygen-producing
greenery is being paved over at a rate of one
million acres per year and the rate is increas-
ing. Also, paving is contagious. Other coun-
tries are following suit.
"The oceans have become the dumping
ground for as many as a half million sub-
stances, few of which are tested to see if the
plankton we need can survive them.
ss "New factories, autos, homes, and jet air-
p nes have incredibly increased the rate at
whf combustion takes place?i,e., at which
oxyge is used and replaced in Our atmos-
phere la carbon dioxide and carbon monox-
"The result is a kind of Ruasiati roulette
with the oxyg'I supply. Dr. Lamont C. Cole,
ecologist, Corn4 University, New York, has
said this:
"'When and if e reach the point where
the rate of combu on exceeds the rate of
photosynthesis, the xygen content of the at-
mosphere will deC2'eise. Indeed there is evi-
dence that it may heady have begun to
decline around our la eat cities.'
"There is a bright
tinue what we're do
cease to be a mashie
1de: If we should con-
rig, overpopulation will
"In only 25 year traces of DDT have found
their way into t e average American to the
extent of eleve parts per million. They are
also found i animals, birds, fish and re-
cently, in otable quantity, in the fatty
tissues of nte,rctic penguins. (If you wonder
about e consequences, similar pesticides
hav lready made sterile a species of hawk
d owl in England. Here is the way it works:
Insects eat sprayed plants, small birds eat
them, ahd then big birds eat them. By that
time, the insecticide has been concentrated
many-fold and the big birds are in big trou-
ble. Now, if we humans were in the habit of
eating owls and hawks . . .)
"Aside from the toxic effects on Man and
other animals, pesticides like DDT and newer
more voguish chemicals eliminate whole pop-
ulations of certain bacteria and pest orga-
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postal service for the needs of all
Responsibility for the management of
the postal service will be in a board of
directors, seven members to be appointed
by the President, subject to Senate con-
firmation, and two, the top full-time
managers of the service, to be selected
by the remainder of the board. The board
will have the authority to go with its re-
sponsibility for providing efficient postal
service at reasonable rates. The postal
service will be able to hire and promote
employees solely on the basis of merit.
It will be able to borrow on the open mar-
ket for necessary capital investments. It
will be able to bargain collectively with
employee representatives on wages and
working conditions. And the board will
be responsible to the Congress and to the
American people for the exercise of this
In the discharge of its duties the postal
service will at all times be bound by poli-
cies established by the Congress. In addi-
tion, in the important area of maintain-
ing the best possible rate structure, postal
rates will be subject to examination by a
panel of expert rate commissioners acting
on a public record to insure compliance
with the policies which the Congress has
established by statute. And before any
change in rates becomes final it must be
reported to the Congress, which may dis-
approve the change by concurrent resolu-
tion. At every step the public interest will
be protected
The bill that I introduce represents
major change; but major change is
needed?and needed now?if the Post
Office is to give the American people the
postal service they deserve. The postal
service bill has been designed to keep
what is best in the Post Office: The hon-
est, devoted work of thousands of loyal
men and women at all levels of postal
operations, men and women whose lot
will be improved as efficiencies and mod-
ernization bring the service into line with
other enterprises; the historic tradition
of integrity of the mails; and the uni-
versality of service which makes the
mails the most important of our com-
munications networks.
The bill has also been designed to im-
prove the Post Office where improvement
Is needed: There will be continuity of
professional management: badly needed
capital resources will be available; postal
rates and postal services will be respon-
sive to the needs and demands of postal
users; and postal employees will have a
real voiceln determining their wages and
conditions of employment.
Mr. Speaker, I endorse the President's
recommendations that this legislation be
promptly considered and promptly en-
ac e .
My friend from Arizona (Mr. UDALL)
spoke a moment ago about the introduc-
tion of a bill to reform the Post Office
Department. We have been working on
this legislation for a long time. The Post
Office Department is in one big mess, and
It is not due to any particular adminis-
tration, and it is not due to any particu-
lar Postmaster General. I have served
under six of the Postmasters General,
and one goes off in one direction and one
goes off in another, and there are all
kinds of new people who come in every
time a new Postmaster General is se-
Something has to be done about re-
forming the Post Office Department or
we are going to have a complete break-
down?as a matter of fact, it is almost
broken down now.
Mr. Speaker, I am introducing today
two bills identical?but because we can
only have a certain number of Members
gathered together on one bill, and we
have so much interest in this legisla-
tion?the bills will be the same, but the
names will be different.
Mr. Speaker, I believe that the Ameri-
can people are very much concerned
about the postal system and the mess
that it is in. I again repeat that this is
not due to any one administration, it has
just not been taken care of by continuity
of management. It has been political,
but it should be operated like any other
private business, and that is all we hope
to accomplish with the bill that I am
Introducing today.
Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker,
will the gentleman from Nebraska yield?
Mr. CUNNINGHAM. I yield to the gen-
tleman from Michigan.
Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker,
I thank the gentleman from Nebraska for
I believe that the gentleman from Ne-
braska has succinctly laid on the table
the critical problem we face with the
present situation in the Post Office De-
partment. I am glad to have joined with
the gentleman in sponsoring the legisla-
tion the gentleman is introducing today.
Mr. CUNNINGHAM. I thank the mi-
nority leader.
/4,1 C..
The SPEAKER. Under a previous order
of the House, the gentleman from New
York (Mr. FARBSTEIN) is recognized for
30 minutes.
Mr. FARBSTEIN. Mr. Speaker, on
April 28 the names of 226 Members of
Congress appeared on the "Declaration
for Peace in the Middle East on the Oc-
casion of Israel's 21st Birthday."
That document expressed the sincere
desire of the signers that a peaceful
settlement of the Middle East conflict
could take place. It urged Israel and the
Arab States to meet face to face to dis-
cuss their differences with the hope of
ending the conflict which has led to suf-
fering by Israelis and Arabs alike.
The declaration said in part:
We believe that the issues which divide
Israel and the Arab states can be resolved in
the spirit and service of peace, if the leaders
of the Arab states would agree to meet with
Israelis in face-to-face negotiations. There
is no effective substitute for the procedure.
The parties to the conflict must be parties
to the settlement. We oppose any attempts
by outside powers to impose halfway meas-
ures not conducive to a permanent peace.
Achieving peace, Israel and the Arab states
will be in a position to settle the problems
which confront them.
I regret that this appeal by many of
the most distinguished Members of the
House and Senate of the United States
has fallen on deaf ears. It has unfortu-
nately evoked from the Arab States
neither reason nor an attempt at under-
standing of the issues that divide them
from Israel. It has only evoked antago-
nism and dogma.
The following exchange of correspond-
ence between Mr. Roshad Mourad, per-
manent observer of the League of Arab
States to the United Nations, and myself,
documents this:
MAY 27, 1969.
Permanent Observer of the League of Arab
States to the United Nations, Arab States
Delegations Office, New York, N.Y.
DEAR MR. MOETRAD: I regret that you have
rejected the call to peace embodied in our
Congressional Declaration, just as the Arab
states have rejected all calls to peace for
the past 21 years.
I regret that, as Israel celebrates her 21st
anniversary, the Arabs are marking the 21st
anniversary of their war against Israel.
Twenty-one years ago, in defiance of the UN
partition resolution and the UN Charter, the
armies of the Arab states invaded Palestine/
and seized East Jerusalem and what was to
have been the Palestinian Arab state. The
world community, through the United Na-
tions, had offered self-determination to bath
the Arabs and the Jews in the area. It was
the Arab states which deprived the Pales-
tinian Arabs of their right to self-determi-
nation then, and it is the Arab states which
still refuse to recognize the right of Israel?
a member state of the United Nations?to
self -determination.
I regret the plight of the Arab refugees,
who left their homes at the behest of the
Arab states with the understanding that
their departure would be temporary and in-
tended only to facilities the onslaught of the
Arab armies against Israel. I regret, too, that
the Arab states, after falling to make good
their promise, have refused to take the ref-
ugees into their own homes and permit them
to lead productive lives, but have instead
used their Arab brothers as just one more
weapon in their war against Israel.
I regret, finally, that you imply that I, the
Congress of the United States, and the Amer-
ican people are shirking our responsibility
regarding the achievement of an Arab-Israel
We believe, however, that an Arab-Israel
peace should be just that?an Arab-Israel
peace. I feel that by trying to bring about
Arab-Israel peace negotiations, we are liv-
ing up to our responsibilities. I look forward
to the day when the Arab states will do the
Sincerely yours,
Member of Congress.
New York, N.Y., May 15, 1969.
House Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
DEAR SIR: The declaration bearing your
signature and published in the form of an
advertisement in the New York Times on
Sunday, May 11, has prompted me to write
you in an effort to present the under pub-
licized version of the tragic Arab-Israeli dis-
pute which is daily assuming alarming pro-
Sir, while Israel is celebrating her 21st an-
niversary, allow me to draw your attention
to part of the cost resulting from the estab-
lishment of this state: the creation of over
1,350,000 Arab refugees; the deprivation of
the Arab people of their property rights in
Palestine; the reduction to a state of poverty
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and misery of the indigenous population;
the eradication from the -area of Arab culture
and civilization and the substitution of a
garrison state ruthlessly bent on eXploiting
her friends and foes alike.
On this 21st anniversary marking the evic-
tion of the Palestinian Arabs, we express our
concern at the fact that the Arabs of Pales-
tine are still being denied -their fundamental
right of self-determination enshrined in the
Charter of the United Nations and the Uni-
versal Declaration of Human Rights. Likewise,
we regret that after waging three futile and
costly wars, the Israelis have not realized that
the only path to peace lies in the restOration
of Arab rights.
We sincerely believe that the isstte which
divides Jews and Arabs can be resolved if
the Israeli leaders are willing to forgo their
annexationist and expansionist designs.
There is no substitute for a just anti lasting
peace other than Israel withdrawal from
occupied Arab territories.Peace, dear sir, can-
not be achieved by the imposition of the will
of the conqueror on that of the colnquered.
The condemnation by the United Nations
peace-keeping bodies of Israeli acts df aggres-
sion is a contribution by the United Nations
to the establishment of an intetnational
order based on the rule of law in the area;
Israel has not abided by any United Nations
Finally, I would like to emphasize that Is-
rael, which presently occupies territories
three times its original size, owes whatever
progress she has achieved to the billions of
tax-free American dollars which coralnue to
pour into this state. We appeal to yOu in the
name of justice and peace to approach the
Arab-Israeli dispute in an even-handed
manner bearing in mind the true interests
of the American people.
Respectfully yours,
Permanent Observer of the lietigue of
Arab States to the United Nations.
The SPEAKER. Under a previous order
of the House, the gentleman from Illi-
nois (Mr. Puenstsxr) is recognized for
30 minutes.
Mr. PUCINSKI. Mr. Speaker, a very
long time ago, a wise man observed:
We cannot stand pointing our finger to
the heights we want our children to scale.
We must start climbing and they will follow.
I recall that advice as I stand here
urging passage of legislation Which I
have introduced to help miliions of
American children with learning dis-
Less than 100 years ago, children were
considered of little value.
Youngsters without parents were al-
lowed to wander homeless in the streets.
Nine and 10-year-olds could be ex-
ecuted for crimes as minor as stealing
Children of 7 and 8 were sent to work
in mills, mines, and factorieS?places
which stunted their growth, destroyed
their health, and killed them, off anony-
mously, in tens of thousands.
To poor families, a child's birth was
often a calamity. He became merely an-
other mouth to feed,. Unless that child
could find means to support himlself from
a very early age, he was often cast out or
allowed to die.
In this brutalized world, sheer survival
consumed the energy, the health, and the
lives of millions.
*Late in the 19th century and in the
early decades of the 20th century, this
horror and cruelty began to end.
Through the efforts of writers,
hnmanists, and missionaries from all
walks of life the conscience of the
western world was moved to change the
old order of things.
Gradually, the individual child became
the focal:point of man's hoes for a bet-
ter future. The terror and-disease that
had blunted the lives of so many began
to recede through legislation and
through medicine, and, perhaps most im-
portant?through education.
Now we approach the end of the 20th
century. Increasingly, man is concerned
with unlocking the secrets of his unique-
ness and hi humanity.
The study of man as a special being?
and the development of his potential for
Intellectual growth?are engaging the
Interest of pee ple in dozens of inter-
related professions?from economics to
We know, all of us, that a large meas-
ure of cognitive human development
takes place in the classroom.
Children are taught to learn and,
through learning, are impelled to carve a
unique place for themselves in our com-
plex and competitive society.
Significantly, in the sheer weight of
numbers of students added to our class-
rooms each fall, we have encountered a
phenomenon that multiplies more rapid-
ly than we ha ve thus far been able to
prevent it?the phenomenon of the
learning-disabled child.
There was a time when children who
had difficulty learning were swept aside
or described as 'incorrigible" by teachers
and parents.
Teachers devoted their time to good
students. Anyone not classified as
"good"?which usually meant submissive
and capable of rote memorization?was
dismissed as mentally defective or a dis-
cipline problem. We will never know the
devastation these ignorant judgments
made on the lives of children who were
unable to defend themselves.
Nowadays, with our evolving sensi-
tivity to the countless factors which
determine human growth, the child who
is having difficulty learning is no longer
often written off as lazy, stupid, or merely
We now know that his inability to
learn may be related to a variety of
Perplexing maladies.
His brain may have been slightly in-
jured at birth, causing real?but often
minimal?interference with his ability to
perceive letters, colors, and figures as
other children do.
He may have impediments to speech
and to sight?impediments so slight they
may go undetected for years, but which
nevertheless prevent his participating to
the full extent or his actual intellectual
These handicapping disabilities have
a variety of names. Names like dyslexia,
a term used to describe any or all forms
of reading disc rders. Names like aphasia,
which describes the impairment of the
power to use or understand speech.
Names like minimal brain dysfunction
or MBD, as it is commonly used, which
May 28, 1,969
means a slight irregularity of the brain's
ability to function.
These, and other terms, describe the
plight of the children affected, but tech-
niques and solutions to combat the dis-
abilities successfully have not yet been
put into nation-wide use.
More and more, however, educators,
physicians, psychologists, therapists,
social workers?and parents?are be-
coming involved in discovering ways of
helping the learning-disabled child.
And it is because legislators are also
now involved in bringing this national
problem into the light of public discus-
sion and providing funds to help solve it
that I am privileged to speak to you to-
The Federal Government, to state the
obvious, exists for the people of the
United States. All of them.
In recent years it has not been fash-
ionable to hear the Government re-
ferred to as either relevant or responsive,
but it can be?and usually is?both of
When I was first elected to Congress
In 1958, the annual education budget of
the United States?covering all forms of
education?was $1,081,000,000.
In 1969, the figure was $7,165,000,-
000?an increase of more than 600 per-
Money for elementary and secondary
education has increased from $259 mil-
lion in 1959 to $2,182,000,000 this year.
This assistance has provided increased
funds for construction, for special ma-
terials, for teacher training, for library
books and technical facilities, for grants
and projects, and demonstrations and
programs; all of them designed in coop-
eration with the individual States to
reach as many children as possible with
as much talent and technology as could
be made available.
I believe most of us are familiar with
title VI of the Elementary and Second-
ary Education Act. This title provides
special assistance to the 50 States for the
education of handicapped and excep-
tional children.
These are children who may be men-
tally retarded; children who are deaf or
hard of hearing; those with speech im-
pairments and visual handicaps; those
who are seriously emotionally disturbed,
crippled, or afflicted with health prob-
lems that require exceptional facilities.
When we were writing this title into
the Elementary and Secondary Educa-
tion Act, we had hoped to reach most
students with special problems and to
assist their teachers, not only to recog-
nize the unique needs of their pupils,
but to help the children to develop and
to learn.
Recent studies now being published
and evaluated indicate there is an even
greater need today?the need to reach
children with learning disabilities.
Their needs are not being met to any
significant extent. Not on a national
level, and surely not on a local level.
Learning disabilities may be slight or
overwhelming, but they can no longer
be merely consigned to the skill, tem-
perament, or the time of the individual
teacher in a classroom.
The statistics on the extent of the
problem, although incomplete, are none-
theless startling.
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E 4406
ments of the university community. Once it
does the community, almost by definition,
ceases to be a university."
Our government cannot force the univer-
sities to be free, but from the universities
has started the eradication of freedom in our
country. Academic self-government can sus-
tain the inner and outer life of an academic
community: In a microcosmic way each en-
tity moves according to its own laws as part
of a finite system that is exposed to ex-
tinction. The system and each of its compo-
nents have a margin of freedom but, as has
happened in a number of academic commu-
nities, when freedom is extinguished then
the resulting condition is one of national
"The Federal Government," the President
said, "cannot, should not?must not?en-
force" the principle of intellectual freedom,
which, he had already stated, "is in danger
in America. ... . Violence?physical violence,
physical intimidation?is seemingly on its
way to becoming an accepted, or at all events
a normal and not to be avoided element in
the clash of opinion within university con-
fines. . . . Anyone with the least understand-
ing of the history of freedom will know that
this has invariably meant not only political
disaster to those nations that have submitted
to such forces of obfuscation and repression,
but cultural calamity as well. It is not too
strong a statement to declare that this is the
way civilizations begin to die." But the Fed-
eral Government, according to the President,
can do nothing. Yet he knows that he is not
the Federal Government but only its Chief
, Executive.
Congress is not patient and is constantly
exposed to the dangers of hasty or wrong
legislation. For the right conduct of govern-
ment, the President cannot disassociate him-
self from Congress. Indeed, one should hope
that he is exerting a wise, harmonizing in-
fluence on the several Senate or House com-
mittees engaged in preparing legislation on the Nixon Administration, is based on
campus or racial disorders, hypothesis that the present dictatorial regime
He or his office can also urge the local or provides sufficient military, political and
state authorities to act. We all remember the economic stability to satisfy America's stra-
picture of James A. Perkins, president of Cor- tegic interests in the area?the kind of
nell, beaming with the leaders of the SDS stability, supposedly, which could not be
and the Afro-American Soicety, after the guaranteed by any realistic alternative. In
faculty voted to support black students' de- support of this hypothesis ex-Defense Secre-
mands, as if all were saying, "cheese, cheese." tary Clark M. Clifford, in testimony before
The Harvard students who threw the nine the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last
deans out of University Hall have not been May said, "I believe that the obligation upon
suspended or expelled. Can Cornell and Har- us as a member of NATO is such that I place
yard be called free institutions? Of the that as a more important consideration than
faculties the least said the better for the I do the present government of Greece. I
time being. When a community ceases to be believe that we deal with a highly imperfect
a university, then the Attorney General world, and if we were to confine our help
should find a way to put it into receivership, to our Allies on the basis of our approving
Let's not forget that, whether Governor completely the different types of governments
Faubus liked it or not, Dwight Eisenhower that existed then, I believe that NATO would
sent detachments of the 101st Airborne Divi- disintegrate, and I believe that would be a
sion to Little Rock. calamity."
MR. TRUMAN'S MOTTO If that were true?if indeed the regime
Harry Truman kept a motto on his desk: offered the only reasonable hope of stability
THE BUCK STOPS HERE. Even the buck of in Greece?it would be possible for me to
a university headed by a weak man may end understand Mr. Clifford's position, even
on that desk in the Oval Room, though both as a Greek and as a supporter
The New York Times, the most authorita- of free democratic systems of government as
tive organ of woolly thinking in our coun- a matter of moral and political principle. I
try, has adopted the position that to appease am strongly opposed to dictatorship in any
the students and the other riotous groups form. In my opinion, however, the premise
we need to settle the war in Vietnam. that the Junta has or can bring stability to
Yet the President can be sure that the do- Greece is false. On the contrary, not only has
mestic Viet Cong will never make peace, even the current junta failed to provide stability
after Ho Chi Minh enters Saigon, and every in spite of dictatorial and ruthlessly repres-
single GI is back from Vietnam. President sive tactics; It has actually created instabil-
Abraham ity, uncertainty and the very real risk- of
AP P RiRelifS?F891Wei.29WeRig -LCARDRAsBop3iii4R060.600120 Ottigg 27, 1969
control of the Eastern Mediterranean, to
deter direct communist aggression from the
North, and to provide a vital link with Tur-
key which would otherwise not be a viable
military ally. In addition they cite increased
Soviet Naval strength in the Mediterranean
to strengthen their argument. I agree with
their assessment as to the importance of a
strong and stable Greece as far as NATO is
concerned. The key question then is: Have
the colonels indeed provided this stability?
The Greek armed forces today are far less
effective than they were prior to the coup.
They are mainly an internal security
force in which the Junta-controlled ele-
ments watch not only potential civilian op-
ponents but also the very real latent oppo-
sition in the armed forces themselves. To
this effect the continuing purges of the
Greek military establishment two whole
years after the April 21, 1967 coup are a key
The Junta has systematically removed
from the armed forces an alarming number
of the officers they consider unreliable. These
hundreds of officers were trained at enormous
American expense in the U.S., other NATO
countries and Greece, since the Truman
Doctrine of 1917. The officers purged were
not and could not possibly be Communist,
considering the nature of the recruiting
process and the close ties between the Greek
Armed Forces and the U.S. military and in-
telligence apparatuses. Indeed many of these
officers fought against the communists in the
Greek guerrilla war. On the contrary, the
officers purged by the junta were generally
and unless some major changes are forth- considered by Washington, e
NATO au-
coming in American policy, both the U.S. thorities and the Joint 11.S. Military Aid
and NATO are apt to be faced with the Group to Greece to represent the elite of the
reality rather than the potential of explosive Greet officer corps. Their only sin was to have
political, military, and economic develop- opposed the illegal seizure of power by a
ments on NATO's Southern Flank. relatively small group of officers. These usurp-
U.S. foreign policy in Greece, inherited by ers who seized power two years ago are re-
liably reported to number no more than 300,
with a good percentage of them having in-
telligence and security training and baCk-
The purging of the cream of the Greek
officer corps and a preoccupation with the
internal security duties make the combat
effectiveness of the Greek armed forces in
time of full mobilization of the reserves an
agonizingly open question mark for NATO
planners. Thus the illegal seizure of power
by the Junta and its subsequent actions
have not only seriously weakened the combat
capabilities of Greek armed forces; they have
also undermined Greece's political and moral
ability to fulfill its NATO commitments. For
any crisis which required full mobilization
would in all probability lead to the speedy
overthrow of the Junta. This really explains
why the Junta thought it wise to "defuse"
the Cyprus crisis in November 1967. The
armed forces have become mostly a police
force which, under the new constitution, are
also charged with preserving the "existing
Social Order." The same reasoning applies
to the U.S., NATO bases and other American
listening posts and propaganda machinery
operating on Greek territory. These bases
are important. Yet in view of the climate in
which they exist today it is a real question
how much long-range strategy in the area
can be built around them.
In view of the Soviet naval build-up in the
Mediterranean, the Middle East crisis, the
events in Czechoslovakia and the outflanking
of Grece and Turkay by the Soviet Union's
Tuesday, May 27, 1969
Mr. FRASER. Mr. Speaker, now living
in Washington is an exiled Greek political
editor, Elias P. Demetracopoulos. Mr.
Demetracopoulos has access to con-
siderable information about what is hap-
pening in his native country. A few days
after the second anniversary of the April
21, 1967, military. coup in Greece, Mr.
Demetracopoulos sounded a pertinent
warning and offered some sound advice
to the United States in a speech at the
George Washington University. The text
of his remarks follows:
Tonight I would like to discuss the situa-
tion in Greece; a situation which I believe
not only denies the Greek people basic
democratic rights but is also harmful to the
national interests of the United States and
contains the seeds of another "Vietnam." The
element of time is terribly important in this
connection. An attempt will be made to show
that the dangers posed by the current Greek
situation leave little time for constructive
action by the United States. In other words,
I believe the clock is running out in Greece,
Lincoln constantly in mind. No one of Mr, civil war in Greece. rapid strategic deployment along
Nixon should keep the example
Nixon's predecessors ever took such liberties First, let us begin with the premise that Africa's coastline and the Middle East, It is
with the laws of the land as did Abe Lincoln, the junta has brought military stability, indeed tragic that the Johnson administra-
but he saved the Union. President Nixon Both the Pentagon and other senior U.S. tion should have used these events as reasons
faces an even harder task, for he must save officials claim that' the Greek armed forces for supporting the Junta whose action has
the Union not from a civil but a guerrilla and terrain, as well as the 'U.S. and NATO weakened the military capabilities and sta-
War. bases in Greece, are necessary to maintain bility of the Greek armed forces.
Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
May 27, fficproved KOMMI2C9IRPEC.81w1A:R_DpoteBn?2i6s4 Ro r tir2kOs 0 0 3 - 9
All groups, right and left, angered Or satis-
fied, must remember that one of the great
attributes of the democratic system is the
implicit commitment not to push other peo-
ple around. Any svould-be reformer who
seriously believes that he can gather public
support in this country for human rights,
academic freedom, an attack upon poverty
and hunger, a more inteiliecnt foreign pol-
icy, and even for campus Worm by throwing
bricks or carrying guns on campus Is en-
gaging in a tragic misreading of both history
and the American character, and we may all
pay the consequences for at error. And any
person who seriously believes he can elimi-
nate violent dissent by ignoring its root
causes or by attributing it solely to "com-
munist conspirators" is committing an error
just as tragic.
It is terribly important for Congress, state
legislators and the American people to avoid
a massive, thoughtless repression of legiti-
mate, honorable and peateful dissent, but
disregard of the traditions of fair play and
tolerance on the part of extremists on either
side of the political or social spectrum are, I
am afraid, making that repression more
nearly an inevitability.
If this repression is to be avoided and if
the public clamor for it is to be diminished
and if we are to successfully preserve the
principles of freedom of thottaht, speech and
dissent which have made this country some-
thing special, we must avoid the emotional
and psychological polarization of our people.
And that can be accomplished only if we can,
to a much greater degree than has been the
ease up until now, involved constructive
liberals in the struggle not only to reform
our campuses, but also to reform public
habits which have allowed the poor to go
ungry, the ill untreated, and the deprived
Liberals must re-dedicate themsell7ea to
the opposition of violence wherever they find
lt?whether it be the violence practiced by
the campus revolutionary or the more subtle
violence practiced by socieV against the de-
prived and the under-privileged.
Each is equally corrosive of the values
hIch unite a democratic and humane pea-
Unless constructive liberals re-dedicate
their time and re-double their efforts to
achieve the reforms needed in our society
i ;self we will condemn the liberal movement
to the stagnation of pious comfort and we
will abandon reform to the embittered few.
And the resulting polarization of our people
Will paralyze the nation with tragic conse-
qUences for Bill of Rights freedoms as we
k ow them.
Tuesday, May 27, 1969
Mr. BRAY. Mr. Speaker, when the
Reporter magazine ceased publishing, I
was most disturbed by the thought that
Mr. Max Ascoli's views and observatidns
would no longer appear in_ ;hint. Mr. As-
coli, in his role of editor and publisher of
the Reporter, gave it stature and au-
thority fax beyond many of those which
still survive today.
I was very pleased to see bbn ahpeas in
print, again, in the Wall Street Journal
for May 27, 1969, writing on a topic that
concerns us all. Mr. Ascoll, in his usual
solid reasoning and impecOable style, has
done a superb job. The article follows:
[From the-W 11 -
(By Max Ascoli)
Why could it happen, and why did it hap-
pen here? n number of eminent people, the
President first of all, have asked. The key
word is it :A succession of conflagrations and
racial disruptions centered or converging on
the campuses of the nation that only too re-
cently had found itself playing the role of
example to the world. There is little sense in a
comparing our turbulent lour and a half
years from Berkeley on to the uprising at 0
the Sorbonne.
Among the whys it could happen here, one a
is this nation's inexperience with revolution. h
The revolution to which the United States
owes its birth is seenethin e again, for
fr of the
e Founding thers w
the needs of the'new-
ce and England have re- t
hrough chaos, and then
t. In the Old World?Russia,
?they have had their troubles
ic uprisings. America had to deal r
vidual anarchists either Of the
oreau type or with showy Mimics
aStreetJournaleMay 27, 1969]
E 1445
zatiom he wrote: "In and against the deadly
efficient organization of the affluent society,
not only radical protest, but even the attempt
to formulate, to articulate, to give word to
protest, assume a childlike, ridiculous imma-
turity. Thus it is ridiculous and perhaps
'logical' that the Free Speech Movement at
Berkeley terminated in the row caused by the
appearance of a sign with the four-letter
Unbridled, massive loquacity having been
uthoritatively hailed as identical to free-
dom of speech, it could be turned against
ther targets. And so it was: In 1965, the
each-ins started. There on the campuses,
nttwar students were joined and supported
y many a youngster emeritus from the facul-
ies. Even those who held qualified opinions
galnst e Vietnam war had an exceedingly
ard time trying to argue against the mobs
ho wanted the war stopped?right now.
his unreflective quality is characteristic of
he movements a la Berkeley. Just as "free
peech" came to mean four-letter speech, so
he peace advocated at the teach-ins was not
elated to our times and to our opponent: It
eant just peace at any price?now. Yet it
s remarkable how many people, worthy of
heir high repute, for quite some time have
ot been able to mention the war in Viet-
am without calling it immoral or criminal?
war that, for our own good, should end
n our defeat.
The exaltation of youth for its own sake,
the disdain for anybody over 30, is discon-
certing for a man like this writer who had
to leave his native country at the time of
"Giovinezza, Giovinezza." The Negroes, too,
follow the same self-seeking trend: Superior
education or at least a diploma must be
provided for all the young black just because
they are black. The place in society black
power wants must be granted, and this de-
mend is not negotiable. All these extreme
aims have one thing in common: Each is to
be reached for the hell of it.
it secured the cen;uries
Mother Country tha
codified according
born nation. Fr
peatedly gone
emerged f ro
Italy or S
with an r
with i
of ova eas nihilism.
e principle became ingrained here that a
and complexity had immunized our i
from the sweep of ideological revolu-
talitarian dictatorship. In the uni-
? e social sciences and allied disci-
eir best to maintain this im-
munity by neglecting ideologies and practic-
ing birth control, of ideas. Only facts counted,
as if they had allebeen born free and equal,
and the dusty lefthxers of happenings called
facts were assiduomPyspiled up by scholars
No wonder many lege students were
bored and enterprising ofessors who hadts
obtained tenure went after unerative gov-
ernment or foundaon assign ents. No won-
der also that in a large numb of academic
institutions there was a lack o ontact be-
tween students and teachers. B and large,
there was a superabundance of at ants and
only infrequently could the leaven g influ-
ence of teachers be effective. The s bstance
of culture prepared for mass consu ? tion in
the multiversities and universities turned
thinner and thinner, and ideas, or e en their
ersatz, were carefully pasteurized.
In 1964, on the largest campus of he larg-
est multiversity, a substitute for deas was
accidentally discover ed: Loquor o sum (I
talk, therefore I exist). It is str ge that it
had not happened before or on /some other -
campuses. At Berkeley, there a group of
students who during the summ r had trained
themselves to take chances by going South.
The new chance they took prpved immensely
rewarding. They practiced participatory de-
mocracy before redissoverlylg the old notion.
The loquor ego sum pringfple took the name
of Free Speech Movement. The meaning was
that the more one talks, the more of a man
he is; the more people yell in unison without
letting anyone uttea a single antagonistic
Word, the more power they get. The Berkeley
rebels celebrated in their own way their free-
dom from thinking, and gained notoriety in
intellectual gommurntles all over the world.
Thinking is not easy, while anybody can talk
and yell. From those 1964 days on, the exalta-
tion of dissent started. Dissent you must. It's
no longer a right, it's a duty.
Mario Savio, leader of the Berkeley move-
ment delivered at Sproul Hall an address that
later was used in an article entitled "An End
to History." He did not appear to find much
satisfaction In his success. "This free speech
fight points up a fascinating aspect of con-
temporary campus life. Students are permit-
ted to talk all they want so long as their
speech has no consequences." This statement
Is echoed by Professor Herbert Marcuse, of
the University of Calr!ornia at San Diego. In
his Political Preface, 1966, to Eros and Civili-
tion or
plinee did
In the universities the drives for student
power, youth power, black power, meet and,
as far as one can see, do not collide. Rather
they pretend to have separate but equal sta-
tus, and only occasionally do they give a hand
to each other as, for instance the SDS and
the Negroes in favor of negritude.
American culture, like America itself, is
part of the western world and, until now, a
fantastically successful outgrowth of it. One
of the characteristics of we.steria culture has
been the ease with which it has given cul-
tural citizenship to men from every part
of the world, while becoming enriched in the
process. The universities in this country can-
not become centers of cultural fragmentation
on a racial basis without becoming respon-
sible for the ultimate fragmentation of the
country. They do not belong to the trustees
or to the faculties or to the students. They
belong to history--a history that this coun-
try has in largest part inherited--and are
entrusted in varioua degrees to different
groups of pro tern curators and beneficiaries.
Each fragment of this historical heritage can
be irretrievably wasted away.
The answer, it has been said, is academie
self-government. Within limits this Is true,
provided we are clear that academic self-gov-
ernment does not mean sovereignty or, as
Attorney General Mitchell once put it, extra
territoriality. The inner strength of a uni-
versity and the position it establishes for
itself in the cultural community are a large-
scale reproduction of man's destiny: A bal-
ance between inner and outer world reflect-
ing the role man plays in the various col-
lective entites he comes to belong to. Man's
freedom does not exempt him from spiritual
or economic bankruptcy. And of course not
from death. The same is true for the uni-
versities. President Nixon said it: ". . . vio-
lence or the threat of violence may never
be permitted to influence the actions or pidg-
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Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP71600364R000300120003-9
_May ,2 7, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks E 4407
Let us now turn to the key question of
political stability which many supporters of
the 1967 coup?including the Junta itself?
cite as one of the prime benefits of the cur-
rent Greek dictatorship. Measuring political
stability is not easy when there is martial
law and press censorship, when no opposi-
tion is permitted, and when violence, al-
though on the increase, is still sporadic. The
Junta alleges that they stepped in to save
the country from the danger of Commu-
nism?yet even Greek Conservative leaders
emphasize the fact that the danger of Com-
munism was non-existent in Greece. They
overthrew a Conservative Government.
Those who place too great an emphasis on
the confused political situation in Greece
as a justification for the Colonel's coup must
remember that Greece fought a hard and
dirty war against a foreign dominated and
supported Communist aggression at the peak
of the "Cold War" in Europe. The victory, al-
though assisted greatly by U.S. material help
and advice, was finally wrested with Greek,
and only Greek, blood. If Greece was able to
win this victory under a parliamentary gov-
ernment with basic democratic institutions
functioning it is inconceivable that the cur-
rent military dictatorship is necessary to
correct alleged political instability.
There are some who argue that there was
no political stability prior to the Junta and
that the present arrangement is at least an
Improvement. This argument is superficial
and needs a detailed recording of the events
and the overall background that preceded
the coup.
The fact is that political stability wat
damaged in the 1965-67 period by the inter-
vention of the Greek Monarchy and its mili-
tary establishment in the political process,
thus perverting the institution of parliament
and the mechanism of achieving political sta-
bility which had worked well until then.
This was done by repeatedly denying the use
of the best safety valve available to real
democracies?Free elections.
In 1963 and early 1964, the eight years of
conservative (ERE) rule under Prime Min-
ister C. Caramanlis, ended at the polls with
the largest majority in modern times for the
Center Union Party led by the late George
Papandreou. The peaceful transfer of power
was accomplished in the middle of the Cyprus
crisis involving the threat of a shooting war
with Turkey, following years of impressive
aggressive aggregate growth and financial
stability. It was, to be sure, a growth in which
many did not share; few reforms in education
had been accomplished and not enough em-
ployment opportunities had been opened up,
as indicated by the thousands who had to
seek work abroad.
As Richard Westebbe of the World Bank,
formerly senior foreign economic adviser to
the Greek government said in 1963 in a pene-
trating report, "Greece's long-run structural
problems concern deficiencies in the struc-
ture of production, in public administration,
in education, in financial institutions, and in
the distribution of income."
The victors promised a better distribution
of income, a more rapid modernization of
Greece to enable it to enter the Common
Market, and a reform of Greece's institutions
Which, amongst other things, implied the
paying of fair taxes by certain privileged
classes and a reduced role of the Crown in
controlling the Armed Forces and the polit-
ical processes. In short, a return to the intent
of the constitution which would have the
King "reign, not rule." In foreign policy,
Greece was to become a fully equal member
of the NATO Alliance, with a real voice in
determining its own destiny. In pursuing
these goals there is no question that the
Papandreou Government committed a num-
ber of mistakes and lost many opportunities.
The Center Union Party was soon faced
with the violent and growing opposition of
the Crown, the Armed Forces leadership, and
the economic oligarchy?an opposition
which was enjoying the support of a large
part of the official American establishment
In Athens. The story can be picked up With
the elections of 1961 in which the Army,
through the so-called "Pericles Plan," un-
necessarily rigged the result to ensure a
Caramanlis victory, when the -real unadul-
terated result would have given his party a
narrower victory or, at the very worst, would
have forced it into a coalition with the Cen-
ter. The election-rigging gave the liberal
forces their cause and they exploited it un-
til their ultimate victory at the next elec-
tions. When it was decided to bring down the
Papandreou Government, a "treason plot"
called "Aspida" was concocted and ascribed
to the Prime Minister's son. The charge has
never been proven and even the junta, four
years later, has been unable to produce any
evidence. The Papandreou Government re-
taliated by resurrecting the Pericles charges
and conducting a formal investigation. The
Generals panicked and persuaded the King
of an immient plot to seize power by un-
named leftist groups tolerated or led by
Prime Minister Papandreou. The result was
the overthrow of the elected government and
a series of almost comic opera attempts to
make parliamentary rump-governments from
mid-1965 through Christmas 1966.
The agreement of the conservative and
Center Union Parties to hold elections in
1967 in order to restore real parliamentary
government, and thus political stability led
directly to the Colonels' coup, only a few'
weeks before the elections were to be held
under the Conservative Government of Mr.
P. Canellopoulos. By the way he has spent
a good part of the last two years under
strict house arrest. The Athens colonels have
since persecuted the leaders of all of Greece's
major political groupings, i.e., the conserva-
tives, the royalists, the Center Union?
among whom were seVeral of America's best
friends?as well as the left and the extreme
left. They have resorted to systematic tor-
ture of opponents, as was shown at the
recent Strasbourg hearings of the European
Human Rights Commission and as has been
publicly condemned by leaders of the Brit-
ish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch and
Italian governments, among others.
On March 27, 1969, Secretary of State Wil-
liam P. Rogers, in his first major presenta-
tion to the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee, said he shared the "concern" of Sen-
ator Claiborne Pell ID-RI.), "not only for
the torture phase" of Greece's new military
regime, "but for other civil liberty" infringe-
ments. The Nixon Administration has made
an encouraging start on the explosive issue
of Greece's military dictatorship, through
this statement of Secretary Rogers, who
went well beyond any comments of his pred-
Senator Pell, speaking in the Senate on
October 3, 1968, and January 31, 1969, said:
"Over the past months I have become in-
creasingly concerned with one of the more
heinous characteristics of the Greek dicta-
torship. I refer to the brutal behavior of this
regime in the treatment of its own citizens."
. . . "I said in a speech to this body in May
1967 that I deplored the illegal military
seizure and that I deplored, moreover, the lack
of any kind of strong, public reaction or ex-
pression of disapproval from the United
States." . . . "It seems to me that the ines-
capable conclusion can only be that the re-
vitalization of democracy in Greece is as
much in our own interest as it is in the in-
terests of the people of Greece. We should,
therefore, do everything we can to encourage
its prompt evolution."
Many senior U.S. government officials, at
the time of the colonels' coup, argued that
there was little the U.S. could have done be-
cause the coup took the U.S. by surprise and
once it was successfully carried out the -U.S.
was faced with a fait accompli. This is untrue
as the threat of dictatorship in Greece was
spotted early and this threat greatly dis-
turbed politically prominent Americans well
before the actual coup took place.
As early as September 4, 1962, and again
on October 13, 1963, Senator Barry Goldwater
(R-Ariz.) in published interviews with this
speaker stated: "I am particularly concerned
about the political developments in that
country (Greece) and I do believe that care-
ful investigation should be carried out on
those accusations against our U.S. Embassy
role in Athens in the last Greek elections."
And in 1963 he said: "I am against the es-
tablishment of a dictator any place. That is
why I strongly attacked the suggestion made
that the establishment of dictatorship in
Greece would be an effective solution to
Greece's problems. Oh, Lord, No. Greece is
the most sophisticated: civilized country in
the world. Our democratic way of government
came from Greece. It would be tragic if
Greece, where democracy itself was first
founded, were to go back to a dictatorship.
I can't even imagine the Greeks thinking
about it."
And in the summer of 1966 a galaxy of
highly placed and influential U.S. personali-
ties, covering the spectrum of the American
political life, condemned publicly, very
strongly and in no uncertain terms, the pos-
sibility of a military dictatorship of any kind
in Greece, under whatever pretext. They also
urged the Johnson Administration to take
all necessary steps to ensure that such a cat-
astrophic development for the American in-
terests will not occur.
Their names are: The Speaker of the
House of Representatives 3. McCormack,
- Senators V. Hartke, S. Thurmond, E. Mc-
Carthy, J. Javits, W. Morse and E. Kennedy.
The Chairmen of the House Judiciary,
Armed Services and Agriculture Committees,
Congressmen E. Celler, M. Rivers and H.
Cooley. The former Chief of Naval Opera-
tions, Admiral A. Burke and the folmer
Supreme NATO Commander in Europe, Gen-
eral L. Norstad, And the then Governor of
California E. Brown.
They spelled out their views to me in ques-
tion-answer format, taped, typed and un-
officially signed press interviews, which re-
ceived wide coverage both in Europe and
America. In short, there were numerous,
early and authoritative warnings given to
Washington, but to no avail.
Since 1947, America has played a decisive
role in Greece, and, beginning in 1959 with
Ambassador Ellis Briggs?now a strong advo-
cate of the Athens' colonels?America has
pursued disastrous, contradictory and vacil-
lating policies?policies largely influenced by
inter-service and personality rivalries.
Should these policies be continued the com-
munists will have an opportunity to organ-
ize and lead a liberation movement in
Greece, for the first time since the late
1940's, with wide support and backing from
non-communist elements in both Greece and
Western Europe, Such a movement, even if
led by communists, would ironically be
formed under the banner of returning de-
mocracy to Greece. Thus, the tragic makings
of a new Vietnam in Greece are all there.
It is very important for Americans to un-
derstand that there is widespread belief in
non-communist Europe that Washington
was involved, either by? commission or omis-
sion, in the irpril 21, 1967 coup and is re-
sponsible for keeping the Athens colonels in
power. While the substance of the more ex-
treme forms of these theories has not been
proven yet, the U.S. should realize that thesd
beliefs have clone much more than the criti-
cism of the Vietnam War or the DeGaulle
policies to undermine basic U.S. positions
and interests in this vital area. This point,
in many ways the most telling, is supported
by such a personality as Mrs. Helen Vlachou-
Loundra.s, well known publisher of the most
influential conservative Greek newspapers,
who was forced into exile in London,
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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extensions of Remarks May 27, 1966t,
when, after the Junta seized power, she
bravely refused to publish ander censorship.
(Her husband?wartime hero contervative
Navy Captain Costes Loundras?Was sen-
tenced to eighteen months irn.prieemment
after he was kept by the Junta in solitary
confinement for fifty days). Mrs. Irlisehou-
Loundra,s spoke about the Greek regime in
London on October 17, 19138:
"So the moment of truth is approaching,
and the first brand new European dictator-
ship since the war is about to emerge, born
of The Pentagon by the CIA, reared by NATO,
surrounded by doting inestaessmen. It is no
use criticizing the Amerli ans, divided as
they are between those who would like to
chase the junta but can not do it, and those
who can, and will not."
The European reaction to the Greek coup
can be gleaned in the following statements:
West German Socialist Deputy, Maus
Schultz, said recently, "It was 36 years ago
,that Hitler took power in my country. And
he did it under conditions far more demo-
cratic than those impoaed by the Greek
colonels." British Laborite Bob Edwards,
during the debate whether to expel Greece
trorp. the Council of Europe for violating the
'18-nation organization's statutes on human
rights, said: "I am amazed. at some of these
Speeches. We heard them between the wars?
Franco was going to hold elections. Hitler
was no dictator and Mu,sselini made the
trains run on time."
In a futile attempt to Improve their in-
ternational image, to buy desperately needed
time and to overcome the stubborn refusal
cif Greeks of prestige and ability to veerk for
the regime, the junta annatieced a referen-
dum on a new constitution in September
1968. Thie document, which received the pri-
vate blessing of some American officials, in
fact, makes the Armed Forces the sole lanai
source of power, the guardian of the Status
rro and the dispenser of civil liberties in
eeee. Thus the constitution in effect gives
the wolves the responsibility for guarding
t e lamb gy biving the Athens Junta full
wer to "protect" the liberties they had
a reedy seized from the Greek people. The
stfiesequent referendum on the colonel's con-
stitution resulted in a Soviet style vofe of
9e.2% and was carried out under conditions
o martial law. The really free sentinients
o thhe Greeks became manifest a few Weeks
later when over 300,000 people in Athens
spontaneously demonstrated against the
re me and for democracy on the occasion
of the funeral for George Papandreou, the
1 t elected Prime Minister. Or,, March 29,
1969, the influential London Econoinist
weote: "Mr, Papadopoulos (the head of the
junta) has clearly reconsidered his views
about a regrouping of political forces, whech
weuld eventually produce a ea lisfactoryi al-
ternative to the present regime, He how
argues that the constitution cannot be
brought fully into force, and normal parlia-
mentary democracy allowed to iunction,
[the Greeks have acquired the necesearY
political maturity."
"The slowness with which the authoriltias
are completing some of the legal formalities
needed to make the provisions of the cpa-
stitution operative, suggests the t Mr. Pa a-
do oulos is trying to keep all his opti las
ope . About a quarter of the coiistltutlo4 Is
stil not even theoretically in face, inclu ng
tha provision for the creationeof a constitu-
tional tribunal, which the regime considers
essential for the proper functioning of de-
mocracy. Nor has the prime minister yet
fulfilled his pledge to introduce a law ; to
allow the regime to ease or tighten martial
law as it thinks fit, so that the Greeks clan
shoW how well they can behave under condi-
tions of relative, or disciplined, freedem? All
this deliberate slow motion is justified by the
argument that the Greeks need Lime to ac-
quire enough political maturity to decide who
shoifid govern them?although last Septeib-
ber they were apparently sufficiently mature
to decide in a plebiscite how they should be
On the eve of the NATO Ministerial meet-
ing in Washington, earlier this month, the
Junta feeling the weakness of its position?
both domestically and internationally?an-
nounced a series of supposed "liberalization"
measures, under the new constitution. These
measures, however, would he applied only
after appropriate legislation is drafted and
promulgated. According to Mr. Papadopoulos,
this will take at least six months. But he did
not explain how these two constitutional
freedoms of assembly and of association could
be reinstated under martial law, even if the
legislation required to make them operative
were to be enacted. What a mockery! Thus,
the aim of his move is quite transparent; a
typically flatfooted gesture on his part to
forestall several NATO countries pressure for
an early restoration of democracy in Greece.
Finally, let us turn to the alleged economic
stability which the Junta pledged to bring
to Greece. I believe that as a result of the
coup, Greece is fa.' more likely to be faced
with a serious economic crisis, instead of
stable growth.
The rate of growth of the Greek economy
which averaged close to 8% a year in the
period of 1960-66 was reduced to about half
this figure in 1967, when good crops and an
Illusory increase in services offset a sharp
fall in industrial Investment leading to stag-
nation in manufacturing output. In 1968
manufacturing reccvered somewhat but low
crops held the growth rate to about 4%. Ad-
mittedly, the building boom had already
leveled off by April 1967. However, the col-
lapse of confidence following the coup led
to a sharp fall in business investment and
consumer purchasing. Imports into Greece
stopped rising, and people hoarded money.
The reaction of the Government was to stim-
ulate demand and buy popularity. A massive
give-away took place when all farm debts
amounting to some 8280 million to the U.S.
financed Agricultural Bank were written off.
This not only penalized farmers who had
paid their debts but probably convinced all
farmers, who constitute some 45% of the
total population, that there is no point in
paying future loans, What is perhaps worse
is that the immense resources distributed
in this way have no:; been directed towards
raising farm productivity and bringing about
the long needed structural reform of Greek
Bank credit and Government spending pro-
grams were greatly expanded. The money
supply increased at an annual rate of 20%
in 1967, and although the growth in money
has decelerated since, It has not. been
matched by comparable increases in output.
The recovery of consumer demand in 1968
has already led to a renewed import growth
and some pressure on prices. Exports barely
rose in 1968 and tot rist earnings declined
for the second year in a row, since the Junta
took over. Another mainstay, emigrants' re-
mittances, are stagnant. The result is a
worsening balance of payments position. This
has been partly shielded by drawings on the
secret gold sovereign reserve and partly by
a number of short term loans concluded with
U.S. and European banks which are reliably
reported to be secures by the nation's gold
end hard currency reserves.
In the past, Greece s basic current trade
imbalances were offset by rapidly growing
tourist, emigrants and shipping remittances.
These were increasingly augmented by capi-
tal inflow, mainly on private account from
abroad. The prospect of maintaining balance
of payments equilibrium at the present ex-
change rate and with free imports lay in a
hoped for rapid rise in industrial and agri-
cultural productivity. Unfortunately, with
low growth rates and a sharp fall in private
investments the outlook is for controls and/
or devaluation, including rescheduling of all
recently contracted short term foreign debt.
Further the mammoth spending programs
have created a large inflationary potential
which could lead to crisis conditions in a
short time.
A confidential 12-page report prepared in
March 1968 on Greece's Sconomic and Finan-
cial Developments by the Morgan Guaranty
Trust Company of New York, states that:
"The regime has, however, displayed an
Increasing number of signs that it intends
pursuing a 130-style authoritarian course.
On the one hand, it has been intensely, na-
tionalistic, having called repeatedly for a
regeneration of Greek life. On the other, it
has taken a number of steps designed to
appeal to the lowest socio-economic groups:
freezing prices; raising some incomes; and
providing working girls with dowries. All
this has taken place against a background of
increasingly restrictive measures. Neverthe-
less, the combination has thus far been. suc-
cessful. Some of the reform introduced by
the Papadopoulos government, especially
those relating to the bureaucracy?have been
to an extent necessary and desirable. The
constitution, which the government was sup-
posed to introduce in response to pressures
from Western Europe, and has to be made
public. However, any constitution which the
drafters might develop would be meaningless
because the regime does not intend that
there be any return to democracy.
"Since the coup, Greek economic activity
has slowed down; GNP growth rate is offi-
cially estimated to have been 5% in 1967?
and privately put nearer to 3%?compared
with 7.4% in 1966. Much of this has been
due to a slowdown in investment, especially
of the private sector. However, in 1967 the
trend toward more rapid growth of indus-
trial than agricultural production was re-
versed?agricultural production grew faster
than industrial, largely due to the rapid
growth of the latter in 1966. Prices have
been stable due to a price freeze. Wages, on
the other hand, have been allowed to rise
rather rapidly. The overall government
budget deficit for 1968 will again be large?.
mostly due to the rising government invest-
ment budget."
At the end of March 1969, in a series of
speeches to merchants, industrialists and
others, Mr. Papadopoulos tried to undo the
damage caused to the economy by the crip-
pling uncertainty over the regime's inten-
tions. He was not particularly successful.
He insisted that the regime had achieved the
political, stability needed to expand eco-
nomic activity. But his claim that it was not
a dictatorship, but only a "parenthesis .
that was necessary to put things straight,"
was contradicted by his further assertion
that "whether you like it or not, the revolu-
tion is a reality and you cannot get rid
Of us."
The Government made numerous appeals
to attract foreign capital. Its most pub-
licized achievement for political, propaganda
and lobbying reasons, was the signing of a
lucrative contract with Litton Industries
(a few weeks after coming to power) which
guarantees the latter a handsome annual
fee as well as a commission on all invest-
ments it induces to come to Crete and the
Western Peleponnesus. It is of interest to
note that Litton withdrew its proposals
prior to the coup, due to overwhelming
parliamentary opposition. To date Litton has
produced some studies and very small-sized
investments coming mainly from the Litton
group companies. It would seem that even
their corporate name has not been sufficient
to overcome the doubts of those who might
have put their money in Greece. That's why,
according to reliable information, both the
Junta and Litton, at this very moment, are
mutually dissatisfied with each other's
performance, In addition, Litton was un-
happy when last year the U.S. Department of
Justice disclosed that it had launched an
Inquiry to determine whether Litton has en-
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gaged in activities which require it to regis-
ter as a foreign agent. Although most for-
eign investors found pre-Junta Greece a
favorable spot for private enterprise, a
ficulty did arise in the case of the Esso-
Pappas refining, petrochemical and steel com-
plex. This contract was strongly criticized
by the Center Union before it came to power
and was renegotiated to Greece's advantage
while they were in power. Oddly enough,
Pappas has since then managed to avoid,
with Junta approval most of the less profit-
able investments he was supposed to under-
take and he has emerged as one of the most
influential and vocal backers of the Junta in
the U.S.
Finally, much has been made of a recent
agreement of the Junta with Onatsis to
establish a new refinery, aluminum plant
and tourist investments totaling some $400
million over fifteen years. Specific features,
according to reports from Athens, include
his right to supply crude oil, in this case
Russian, shipped in his own tankers, as well
as guaranteed employment for part of hit
tanker fleet. Further, the prospect of an-
other aluminum plant is far from an Un-
mixed blessing. There is no cheap power left
in Greece. Onassis proposed to produce high
cost power with his oil in his own thermal
plants. He would charge himself an artifi-
cially low power rate in order to produce
aluminum and would force all other Greek
consumers of power to pay a much higher
rate for the excess power he would produce.
, It is significant that the OnaSsis effort to
build the alumina-aluminum plant in part-
nership with the U.S. Reynolds Metals Com-
pany has fallen through and on March 17,
1969, the latter announced that it had ended
talks with Onassis,
In summary, instead of bringing about
stable economic growth the Junta has pre-
sided over a tragic misuse and waste of na-
tional resources, in an attempt to buy ac-
ceptance and some Semblance of legitimacy.
The resulting "gold rush" to extract favor-
able concessions from the Athens Colonels
in return for supporting their dictatorship
has resulted in the sacrifice of important
Greek economic resources and interests
which no parliamentary government could
have undertaken and remain in office,
Alfred Friendly writes in the Washington
Post of April 5, 1969, from Athens:
"The battle of the Greek tycoont, the for-
mer brothers-in-law, Aristotle , Onassis and
Stavros Niarchos, over which one will operate
the proposed new $400 to $500 million in-
vestment program for a new oil refinery,
aluminum plants and several tourist proj-
ects raised for the first time the suspicion
of corruption with the junta.
"The government's off-again, on-again,
handling of the intricate affair may have
been merely clumsy or shabby, testifying
only to its administrative incompetence. But
on its face, the Niarchos proposal, which was
ultimately rejected, seemed so much more
advantageous to the country than that of
Onassis as to suggest bad faith by the re-
"One would have supposed that, once the
suspicion arose, the government would have
taken elaborate pains to demonstrate clean
hands. After all, one of the Junta's most
loudly proclaimed justifications for its coup
two years ago was the promise that it would
end the notorious corruption of previous
governments. If it is subject to the same
failing, it loses a principal excuse for its
"Suspected of sticky fingers, the regime's
logical response would have been to lay out
the proposals in detail, argue them and sup-
ply a complete explanation of its final
choice. Instead, after a few weeks of pulling
and hauling, the junta clamped complete
censorship over the whole matter. Nothing
more may be printed about it in the Greek
press. The consequence was obvious; what
was once a smoldering rumor is now a wild-
fire scandal."
The political anomaly of a banana repub-
lic dictatorship in present day non-Commu-
nist Europe has led to a suspension of some
$55 million of European Bank loans to
Greece under the Treaty of Association with
the Common Market. The long run future
of Greece's association with the Common
Market, the first of its kind, is in fact in
doubt. As Greece's chief Common Market
negotiator John Pezmatzoglu, then Deputy
Governor of the Central Bank, said in a 1966
Bank of Greece message, the economic un-
ion of Greece with the EEC was based, on the
mutually agreed, basic objective of an ulti-
mate political union of Greece with its Eu-
ropean partners.
Since then the Governor of the Central
Bank, Professor X. Zolotas, an internationally
respected central banker, and the equally
prominent Professor J. Pezmatzoglu have re-
signed in protest over the Junta and its pol-
icies. In fact, the great bulk of Greece's
trained professionals have refused to par-
ticipate in the Government, a phenomenon
which has seriously hindered efforts at ra-
tional economic policy formulation and im-
plementation. Last year, during a Congres-
sional investigation conducted by the House
Subcommittee on International Finance, on
the proposed first World Bank loan to
Greece, its influential Chairman, Congress-
man Henry S. Reuss of Wisconsin, criticized
strongly the World Bank and the Johnson
Administration for the proposed loan. He
even criticized some of the new so-called
"non-corrupt" leadership of Greece's econ-
omy when he identified the new Deputy Gov-
ernor of the Bank of Greece, a Mr. Constan-
tine A. Thanos, as having plagiarized his
doctoral dissertation and other works and
whose proposed appointment to the faculty
of the University of Athens, in 1963, was
vetoed because of these affairs. Reuss also
questioned whether Greece, governed by
such people and under these conditions,
could be considered creditworthy for inter-
national public lending.
In conclusion I believe that it is impera-
tive for the Nixon Administration, which is
in, the advantageous position of having no
responsibility for the events and policies of
the last few years, to conduct a basic and
urgent review of US policy towards Greece on
the following grounds:
A. The assumption that the current mili-
tary regime in Athens has or can bring sta-
bility is incorrect.
B. The Junta has greatly weakened
Greece's military capability and political
ability to fulfill its NATO commitments.
C. The situation in Greece is potentially
If present policies are continued, a new
Vietnam could result.
D. The widespread belief in Europe that
the U.S. is responsible for the coup and for
keeping the colonels in power is seriously
damaging to America's position In Europe.
E. The existence of a military dictator-
ship in Greece is morally and politically re-
pugnant especially to the extent that it ap-
pears that the United States is supporting
this regime.
In considering U.S. policy towards Greece
I would like to here make several points
directed primarily to American conserva-
tives. It has been a tragedy that many Amer-
ican opinions and actions concerning Greece
have been viewed as a political issue between
conservatives and liberals. As a result of
the opposition to the Greek junta by many
prominent American liberals, all too many
American conservatives have not realized the
true nature and intent of the current Greek
regime. While Greek political liberals have
suffered as a result of the coup, as many
Greek conservatives with well-known anti-
communist credentials have been sup-
pressed, imprisoned, and driven into exile by
the junta. In fact, many of the most severe
critics of the coup and the current regime
could be, described as conservatives. In the
light of the Athens colonels' past and con-
tinued repression of anti-communist Greek
conservatives and the often-forgotten fact
that the colonels seized power from a con-
servative government, I would ask some
American conservatives who have either
largely remained neutral or have supported
the current Greek regime to reconsider their
positions. For the situation in Greece cannot
be described or understood along American
political lines. In this case both American
liberals and conservatives, perhaps for dif-
ferent but cornpatiable reasons, should op-
pose the authoritarian dictatorship imposed
on the people of Greece by a small group of
colonels in Athens.
Thus, in reviewing U.S. policy towards
Greece I would suggest that the following
specific changes in the policies inherited by
the Nixon Administration would be both in
the interest of the United States and the
Greek people.
1. A Clear-cut public condemnation of the
Greek Junta by the new administration and
real efforts of disassociation from the John-
son Administration policies, attitudes and
methods used in dealing with Greece.
2. Delay the appointment or appoint, but
do not dispatch, to Athens a new U.S. Am-
bassador and make clear to the junta and
the NATO 'Allies the real reasons for such a
3. Terminate immediately and completely
all U.S. military aid to the Athens regime
and reverse the disastrous decision taken on
October 21, 1968, during the dying gasps of
the previous Administration, to resume de-
livery of major U.S. military equipment to
the Athens Colonels. Such a decision, under
those circumstances, gave in effect official
public U.S. government approval to the
Athens military dictatorship.
With the U.S. presidential elections only
two weeks away, the Congress adjourned,
and three weeks after a rigged "referendum,"
conducted by the Greek Junta under martial
law, the Johnson Administration felt that
it was safe and advisable to go ahead with
a decision that was strongly debated and
shelved repeatedly by the same Administra-
tion in the past.
4. Take the initiative for joint NATO action
against the Junta by exercising maximum
diplomatic, economic and military aid pres-
sure, on a well coordinated basis, in behalf of
the Atlantic Alliance. Such an American in-
itiative will take options away from Moscow
policy-makers and will build up U.S. in-
fluence in NATO and among the European
liberals, intellectuals and youth. Such a U.S.
initiative would have worldwide favorable
repercussions and Washington will be in a
better position to exploit existing turmoil
among Moscow's Eastern European Commu-
nist satellites, non-satellites and the Com-
munist parties in non-COmmunist Europe.
5. Give full U.S. support to the efforts of
the Common Market and the Council of
Europe to isolate morally, politically and
economically the Athens Colonels.
6. Find other appropriate ways and means
to support actively and effectively all anti-
junta, anti-communist elements who repre-
sent the vast majority of the Greek people.
7. Strong efforts should be made to dispel
the belief of U.S. involvement and support
of the Greek Junta in Greece and the rest
of Europe, including the use of the Voice of
America. Such efforts are essential to fore-
stall violent anti-American backlash in
Greece, which otherwise is a virtual certainty.
8. As a last resort, taking up a line already
gaining ground in NATO, particularly in
Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands and
Italy, and moving to expel Greece from the
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May 27, 1969
A. All the above peaceful measures are suf-
ficient if used effectively, in my opinic n, to
Overthrow the Greek dictatorship vel-,hout
bloodshed, and without risking American
lives, as you do in Vietnam today, or ymi did
in.Korea, Lebanon and in the Dominictni Re-
public. The Nixon Administration mutt have
learned some very valuable lessons recently
With the events in Pakistan, the crisis in
Peru and the negotiations over the Spanish
bases. These events proved the grave risks
inherent in dealing with anti-Comm mist
Military dictatorships and should help cispel
the myth that such regimes serve effete ively
the U.S. interests.
B. If the Junta is overthrown by nese
peaceful measures proposed to the Nixot . Ad-
Ministration, Washington will be in a much
better position to deal also with the Middle
-East crisis, having the full support and co-
operation of the liberated (with Arrieman
Support) Greek people, and the U.S. and
NATO bases presently in Greece will ree- any
longer be surrounded, as is the case today, by
an increasingly hostile population, which'
makes their value presently, in case of ? raer-
Oncy, at least doubtful.
C. More than 100,000 hard-core Greek (7am-
Munists live in various parts of the Eh tern
uropean communist world, including the
thousands of young children abducted b r the
retreating Greek Communist guerilla !Drees
in 1949. These children are POW completely
-trained militarily and indoctrinated. Greece
has very extended and rugged mountain
frontiers with her northern Comm-mist
neighbors. These facts may represent, at a
given moment, an ace in the hands of Mc scow
and Peking.
D. Greece's unique geographical pessitIon
places her athwart the crossroads of Europe,
Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. The Mid-
dle East and Africa are twO areas wher the
Greeks for centuries have maintained the
Closest ties and interests. On the nor( hern
borders of Greece is a kaleidoscope of three
different kinds of communism,: The Pe king
style in Albania (where more than 2,000 Chi-
nese advisors are stationed in this first Chi-
nese beachhead in Europe), the Mc scow
style in Bulgaria, and the Tito style in '2 ago-
alavia. This fact itself makes Greece a very
good western "window", arid ideal hate ning
and influence post for the Southeastern Eur-
opean area. But it also makes Glee& far
more exposed to external communist, and
Slavic chauvinistic pressures now greatly
complicated by the current Sino-Soviet con-
E. The U.S. record over the last de cade
elearly shows a very benign attitude toward
right-wing military coups While regiatering
great alarm over left-wing ones The so-called
Schwartz doctrine (former State Depart] sent
policy planner and top Pentagon auth n'ity
on international security affairs) makes :leas
the U.S. will not interfere with extra-,,:nn-
atitutional, totalitarian rule by anti-Com-
Munist governments. This double sten :lard
justified accusations all over the world and
naturally Greece.
We were all dismayed at the rut iless
crushing with Soviet military power of the
Modest liberal reforms which were taking
place in Czechoslovakia. No satellite could
be allowed to sway that far from orthodoxy
and control in the minds of Warsaw Pact
hard liners. Moscow paid a heavy price in
terms of world condemnation and the dis-
crediting of hard core Czech CommunistsTo
many, the parallel of the 'U.S. positions
6reece is disquieting. And Moscow's dpio-
Mats and propagandists are counter-attack-
ing criticism aimed at their Czechoslova klan
slction by pointing to the MS role in G. eece
nce April 1967. For the coup against the
prospect of a liberal, but pro-NATO go; ern-
ent was carried out by psople closely con-
nected with the U.S. militaiy, intelligence
and financial complex, with U.S. weapons and
using a top-secret emergency NATO plan. All
in the name of anti-Communism, the pres-
ervation of the orthodoxy of Greece in the
Western Alliance and protecting the Mon-
archy, which the Junta forced into exile
eight months later. Moscow intervened with
Soviet troops to crush what she considered
dangerous Czechoslovak liberation tenden-
cies. While I do not believe that the use of
U.S. troops to prctect the freedom of the
Greek people was or is necessary, it is a trag-
edy that the Johnson Administration played
the role of Pontius Pilatus while U.S,sup-
plied -tanks were used to crush Greek de-
mocracy even though ample warnings about
the impending coup existed. That the John-
son Administration, on many occasions, has
given the impression of supporting the dic-
tatorship of the Athens Colonels, is doubly
disquieting, considering that the freedom of
the Greek people was guaranteed by NATO
which Greece freely joined as a free na-
tion in 1952.
In the process the U.S.'s best friends were
systematically deszoyed. In the end the
Greeks will force their oppressors out of
power. The process could be bloody and
might well involve the U.S. in another Viet-
nam type situation. It is, therefore, legiti-
mate to ask why long-term U.S. interests
are being sacrificed in Greece for the sake
of a emphemeral appearance of security and
stability and whether it is wise to continue
along this road to disaster much longer.
Tuesday, May 27, 1969
Mr. McDONALD of Michigan. Mr.
Speaker, on Monday I was privileged to
join with highway officials and repre-
sentatives of industries deeply involved
in highway safety in previewing a film,
"Anatomy of a Road."
This is a 27-minute, 16-millimeter color
film produced by CBS Productions in
Detroit. It will he distributed through
General Motors film libraries and Modern
Its aim is to foster public appreciation
of the value of good roads by helping the
layman to unden tend what is involved
in roadbuilding.
As "Anatomy of a Road- makes
abundantly clear, roadbuilding is a com-
plex, difficult process requiring substan-
tial capital investment, legislative action,
legal due process, engineering skill and
hard work. It is easy to see why road-
building takes time.
Many people today are appalled at
the cost of modern highways and many
have even wondered whether they are
worth that cost. 'Anatomy of a Road"
endeavors to set that record straight by
showing the public where its tax dollars
The film also covers such controversial
areas as funding, land acquisition and
"Anatomy of a Road" explains and
illustrates each of the major steps in
highway construction from preliminary
planning through completion and
Mr. Speaker, this is a most informative
and important inn. I am hopeful every
Member of this body will have the op-
portunity of viewing it. I am also hopeful
each Member will advise schools, service
clubs, and television stations in his dis-
trict of its availability.
Tuesday, May 27, 1969
Mrs. MINK. Mr. Speaker, one of so-
ciety's greatest concerns is the crime
rate, which has been increasing in recent
years to an unprecedented level. All of
us are looking for solutions, and among
many aspects worthy of attention is im-
provement in the judicial system.
I have long felt that we should provide
a Defender General to rank equally with
the Attorney General in our judicial sys-
tems. At the various judicial levels, the
Defender General would help insure that
each defendant received his full legal
rights. ?
Such a system was acted on by the
Hawaii Legislature this year, with pros-
pects that it could become a model for
public defender systems in other States.
Significantly, Gen. Charles L. Decker, di-
rector of the National Defender Project,
predicted that Hawaii's plan could "re-
duce the crime rate 15 percent in the
first year."
General Decker's remarks, "A Look
Ahead," were made before the National
Legal Aid and Defender Association in
Washington, D.C., on May 16, 1969. Be-
cause of their tiraely application to to-
day's crime problem, I insert them at this
point in the RECORD:
A Liam Anresn
(Remarks of Charles L. Decker, director,
National Defender Project)
After over five years of lending assistance
throughout the country to States, counties
and cities in striving to provide equal jus-
tice in criminal trisels we can take stock of
the lessons learned from the National De-
fender Project. Then we can look ahead.
When this project started, we kept an open
mind as to the best kind of organization to
provide defender services in the communities
througholit the country, one conclusion was
definite before we had been in operation a
year?providing defense to those who cannot
afford a lawyer is not a job to be accom-
plished at the last minute by the random
assignment of counsel. In every State there
should be an organization worked out so
that coun,sel are provided efficiently, so that
court calendars are not delayed, so that de-
fense counsel is competent in representation.
We suggest to you that the proceedings
at this conference have made it clear that
every State should have an organization at
the State level?and the Nation at the na-
tional level as well---which would be headed
by a man whose title would be that of de-
fender general or director of defense. The
old statement that a rose would smell as
sweet by any other name may be true. How-
ever, in governmental organization, names
and titles do have significance. The title
given to the man who is responsible for the
representation of defendants should be
equivalent to the title given to the man
who is responsible for prosecutions. The
title public defender is associated with de-
fense of the poor individual cases. The
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I had thought that the group was of suf-
ficient importance and prominence to merit
at least a courtesy call from the American
embassies. They were ignored.
In Rio de Janiero, I talked with an em-
bassy aide, a career man in the service. He
was a pleasant person, but entirely cold to
the idea that any group of visitors from
home should be given any attention by the
Americant go through every day, he ex-
plained. Also, he added, the embassy doesn't
have the staff to contact visitors.
The Ohio group traveled by Trans Inter-
national Airways charter.
On leaving Quito, Ecuador, the group was
told by the tour leader that the plane
could not land in Buenos Aires. It seems
that the Argentine government has with-
drawn landing privileges from certain Amer-
ican lines.
Such companies land their planes in Mon-
tevideo, Uruguay. Passengers then are trans-
ferred to smaller Argentine airlines planes
for the 40-minute flight to Buenos Aires.
Leaving Buenos Aires, the same procedure is
The result is tremendous inconvenience
to the tourists. Because of a hitch or a
breakdown in communictions as well as
unavailability of the needed three Argentine
planes, the group, of which I wat part,
didn't reach Buenos Aires until 3 am.
Incidentally, the plane, after leaving
Quito, had to stop at Lima, Peru, to refuel.
But during the two-hour layover, no one
was allowed to leave the airport. Everyone
had to remain in an isolated area.
There were there, however, plenty of
stands selling things to attract American
dollars. They did a thriving business. One
didn't need Peruvian money. American dol-
lars and travelers checks were glady taken,
even for stamps.
The Buenos Aires matter was purely a
diplomatic caper. It was, an embassy aide
told me, a matter between the airline and
the Argentine government. It would, he said,
be quickly adjusted when the transporta-
tion minister got back to his desk after an
The embassy attitude was that this was
none of their concern, although every day
American planes were not allowed to land
in the Argentine capital,
There was a bit more to it than this, I
found. Involved was a request by the Argen-
tine government to land a couple more of
its planes weekly at Los Angeles. This had
been refused by American officials on the
grounds that the air above California was
too crowded.
It seemed to me that the embassy regarded
this as one of those problems that, if ig-
nored long enough, it would eventually go
'Mr. ROONEY of New York. Mr.
Speaker on rollcall No. 60 I am recorded
as not voting. I was present and voted
"yea." I ask uanimous consent that the
permanent RECORD and Journal be cor-
rected accordingly.
The SPEAKER. Is there objection to
the request of the gentleman from New
There was no olNij2,tion.
? (Mr. PUCINSKI asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute, to revise and extend his remarks,
and to include extraneous matter.)
Mr. PUCINSKI. Mr. Speaker, in its
May 2'7 issue, Look magazine carries an
article titled: "Greece: Government by
Torture" which I believe does an injus-
tice to the people of Greece and more
seriously, presents a grave threat to re-
lations between the United States and
Greece at a time when America needs all
of her NATO allies to deal with the
growing menace of Soviet influence in
the Mediterranean and the Middle East.
The Look magazine article about al-
leged tortures in Greece approximates
similar charges made by Amnesty In-
ternational 2 years ago and subsequently
totally demolished as untrue after on-
site inspections by the International Red
Cross and a British Inter-Party Com-
mittee conducted at the request of the
caretaker government of Greece.
Shortly after the April 21, 1967, coup
by the Greek military, Amnesty Inter-
national made serious charges of tortures
and brutality in Greece. The subsequent
investigations conducted by the Interna-
tional Red Cross and by the British In-
ter-Party Committee concluded there was
no basis for the accusations. I am today
calling to the attention of my colleagues
a report issued by the Greek caretaker
government which summarizes the find-
ings and conclusions of the two separate
I have recently visited Greece myself
and have spoken to some of the most
respected leaders of that country who
are in no way affiliated with the care-
taker government nor do they owe any
particular allegiance to the present gov-
ernment. In not a single instance did
these impartial observers report any such
tortures and brutalities as reported in
Look's article.
Furthermore, we have in Chicago
thousands of American citizens of Greek
ancestry who visit their native Greece
frequently. Some visit the big cities while
others visit the small villages widely
scattered throughout Greece. I have
talked to many of these people upon their
return from Greece to see if any of their
relatives have mentioned the alleged tor-
tures or brutalities. In not a single in-
stance have we received any evidence
that would substantiate the Look maga-
zine charges.
Finally, Mr. Speaker, 6 months after
the April 21 takeover, I personally vis-
ited the Island of Yaros?off the coast
of Greece?where several thousand
Greek political prisoners allegedly were
suffering great tortures. Amnesty Inter-
national?like the Look article?charged
that political prisoners on this island
were undergoing great tortures.
Mr. Speaker, I emphasize, I person-
ally visited Yaros and I took along my
own Greek interpreter so there would be
no chance for misinterpreting what the
prisoners were telling me. After inter-
viewing several hundred prisoners, it was
my conclusion that charges of torture
and brutality were totally untrue and a
complete fabrication. Many of the pris-
oners frankly told me they were Com-
munists and would refuse stubbornly to
issue any assurance they would not con-
spire against the government in their ef-
forts to overthrow the new regime.
I believe I am the only American ever
permitted to visit Yaros. I insisted on
visiting the prison island because I
wanted to see for myself if the charges
of tortures were true.
A few weeks ago I spoke here about
progress made in Greece by the care-
taker government and I said at that time
that the United States must continue to
apply pressure for restoration of com-
plete parliamentary government?se-
lected freely by the Greek people. I said
then that the Greek regime cannot post-
pone indefinitely return of complete con-
stitutional rule to Greece. I shall con-
tinue to press for these reforms but
believe we do a disservice to the cause
of freedom when we permit misleading
articles about tortures in Greece to go
Mr. Speaker, I have the highest regard
for Look magazine. It is one of the Na-
tion's most respected publications. That
is why I consider the Look article most
Look magazine could have performed
a noble service by showing the progress
that has been made in Greece during the
past 2 years; by showing how Greece has
been saved from a takeover by the Com-
munists, and then join the rest of us in
continuing to insist that the caretaker
government's mission cannot be com-
pleted Until parliamentary government
is restored to Greece and her people have
restored to them their historic right of
Mr. Speaker, the pamphlet prepared
be the Greek Government summarizing
the two investigations conducted into
charges of tortures and brutality
[A publication of the Press and Information
Department of the Ministry to the Prime
(Reports of the International Red Cross
Committee and a statement of the Inter-
Party Committee of British M.Ps.)
(Num.?This statement has no other
aim than to present Truth about Greece, as
witnessed by authoritative, honest and ob-
jective investigators,
(It deals with organized slander about
horrible tortures allegedly inflicted by the
Greek government on arrested communists.
(The reply to this slander is not given by
the Greek government, but the official re-
ports of the International Red Cross and
the statements of the British five-member,
Inter-party Parliamentary Committee.
(The reader of this pamphlet may draw his
own conclusions objectively.)
International communism launched on
the morrow of the Revolution of April 21,
1967 an unprecedented vile attack about al-
leged torturing of political prisoners and
their inhuman living conditions. These com-
munist charges were comprised in a report of
Amnesty International whose two represent-
atives, Messrs. Anthony Mareko and James
Becket, visited Greece from December 30,
1967 to January 26, 1968, following permis-
sion of the Greek government.
Messrs. Mareko and Becket came into con-
tact, freely, only with detained communists
or their families. Their report contained two
kinds of charges: (a) Torturing of prisoners
and, (b) their inhuman living conditions.
Having adopted the communist views with-
out any investigation of the charges, Am-
nesty International drafted a report stressing
the following inter alio.:
"Use of tortures has been made deliber-
ately and officially. The places where the
most serious ones were reported were Gen-
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May 22, 1969
Recently the establishment of INA MEND
Institute was announced by Mr. Viscandi and
Bradford Smith, Jr., chairman of InsUrance
Company of North America. The institute is
S. research and education venter for istudies
in the field of rehabilitation and los pre-
vention. It will conduct research, seMinars
and vocational evaluation and will /*avid?
library services in the areas of rehabilitation
accident prevention and the problems Of the
disabled worker.
1 The research of the INA MEND Institute
at Human Resources Center can mate a
major contribution through its studies and
cen influence new developMeats in the re-
habilitation of disabled persoes.
In tribute to extraordinary courage and
in gratitude for the abundant energies ex-
pended on behalf of others, UVETS presents
its Rehabilitation Award to Henry Vie-
cerdi, Jr.
, (Mr. DORN asked and was given per-
mission to address the House for 1 mihnte
arid to revise and extend his remarks.)
DORN. Mr. Speaker, I repeat here
excerpts of my remarks last night to a
stadent assembly at Virginia Tech Uni-
versity, Blacksburg, Va.
The moon orbit tonight of Apollo 10
is a result of the university-industrial-
peace complex?a complex of the Amer-
ican academic community, industry, and
Gavernment cooperating in the cause of
peace and human progress. This complex
is 'pledged to making America first in
space. Should the United States lead in
the exploration of space, it will be for
Peace and the security of free peoplet of
the world. This complex is devoted to the
future of mankind, it is dedicated to to-
morrow. They hold the key that unloOks
the door to a billion secrets. They will
add '7 million miles of space to the free
world's new frontier. It is a frontier with-
out horizons and without limitations.
o hundred American universities
and colleges are today engaged in re-
search for our space program. Thousands
of Men and women with Ph. D's are
working on this project. Four hundred
thonsand skilled technicians are ern-
ploYed. From knowledge gained in space
research have come computers, infiarn-
ma le materials, electronies, and bat-
ter' s which open up an entirely new era
in tie progress of mankind.
T remain first in space for peace will
challenge the imagination, areative abil-
ity, 4nd positive thinking of the univer-
sity icommunity as never before. A sue-
cessful effort to eliminate poverty and
disease will largely depend upon oar
success in space. The American people
will not permit this fantastic achieve-
men of the university industrial compleix
to be destroyed by a few who seek
anarehy and chaos.
T ose who resort to force and violence
are ipviting the military onto the earn-
pus. is is their objective. They want
airborne troops, the National Guard, and
law nforcement to occupy and patrca
the c mpus. This militant minority, dedi-
cated to anarchy, is seeking to destroy
higher education. They seek to prevent
the Majority from a higher education hi
a highly competitive age. They know a
resort to force will invite a counterforee,
They ' are trained for this sinister job.
This is the greatest stumbling block in
America today, to peace, understanding,
and brotherhood. The American people
are anxiously hoping that this crisis can
be solved by administrators and respon-
sible student leaders. The Congress, and
States legislative assemblies throughout
the Nation, much prefer to see the aca-
demic community led by administrators,
students, and academicians, trained and
devoted and dedicated toigi'rer 'educa-
tion. But I must a arn.-th?at the Congress
and State assemliiits, as a last resort,
will not permit allose who resort to force
to destroy the 'academic community and
jeopardize national security and that of
the free nations of the world.
Every young American is entitled to a
fair chance at education. That educa-
tion cannot be maintained with book-
burnirigs, rifles and clubs in the hands
of those trained in the art of anarchy.
As night follows the day, dictatorship
will fpllow anarchy.
014 Bill of Rights should include an
ameninent guaranteeing not only free-
dom o the press and freedom of as-
sembly, ut the right to an education
free of u?p.wful, iLlegal, and violent in-
(Mr. MILLER of ,California asked and
was given permission to address the
House for 1 minute and to revise and
extend his remarks.)
Mr. MILLER of Califon*a. Mr.
Speaker, in this morning's Whington
Post there appeared a very short story
on the remarks of Pape Paul VI, yester-
day on the Apollo 10 space flight. His
words are worth repeating here in this
RECORD because they underscore the un-
limited opportunity Apollo 10 has given
to people of this country and to the free
world to demonstrate the soaring spirit,
courage, and intuitive sense of destiny of
mankind. This could be, in our times of
cynicism toward almost every moral
value, the most important benefit of the
future that we can derive from the na-
tional space program. His Holiness' re-
marks are as follows:
VAT/CAN CITY, May 21?Pope Paul VI
praised the Apollo 10 space flight today andi
expressed his wonder haw man, "so
and vulnerable," could accomplish such
The Pope, who spoke to thenaandereuring
his Weekly general audience at St. Peter's
Basilica, said: "More it an the moon's face,
man's face shines before us. No other being
whom we know, no other animal, even
stronger and most perfect in its vital in-
stincts, can be compared with the prodigious
being which we, men, al-E. There is something
in man that surpasses man . . ."
(Mr. FEIGHAN asked and was given
permission to address the House for 1
minute, to revise and extend his remarks
and to include extraneous matter.)
Mr. FEIGHAN. Mr. Speaker, Richard
L. Maher, political editor of the Cleve-
H 4031
land Press, is considered the most astute
political analyst in the State of Ohio.
Mr. Maher recently completed a
2-week visit to four countries in South
America; namely, Ecuador, Argentina,
Uruguay, and Brazil.
Mr. Maher has written four articles
which appeared in the Cleveland Press,
and under unanimous consent I am in-
cluding the first article in my remarks.
Later I will insert the other three ar-
ticles. I comniend most highly the read-
ing of these articles by my colleagues
and members of the Department of
[From the Cleveland Press, Apr. 7, 19691
(By Richard L. Maher)
The United States is losing South America..
The American image is at its lowest point
of recent years in our neighboring countries
to the south. American prestige and. influ-
ence, heightened under the late President
John P. Kennedy, sank to a deep low under
President Johnson.
President Nixon faces an immediate and
difficult job in re-establishing friendly rela-
tions with South American republics.
The United States is in trouble in Peru,
Argentina, Venezuela and other Latin Ameri-
can nations.
That trouble is on a high diplomatic level.
Despite billions of dollars in aid, despite the
efforts of the Alliance for Progress, we have
made few friends.
We have paid far less attention to South
America than to Europe, given much less
aid. But the result has been the same: You
don't buy friendship with money, with hand-
That antipathy to the United States exists
only at the top level; not among the people,
the average citizen. Generally speaking, the
people in the streets, the shopkeepers, are
friendly. They like the United States. They
also like the American dollars that tourists
A Kennedy half-dollar still is pretty good
for smoothing the way. In most countries
south of the border, Kennedy is well remem-
bered, fondly revered. Streets have been
named for him. Stamps have been issued in
his honor.
These observations are the results of a two-
'week visit to South America during which I
-visited four countries?Ecuador, Argentina,
Uruguay and Brazil. (A year ago I visited
Mexico and earlier had been M Colombia and
In Panama just before the 1984 trouble.)
If one can put a finger on the cause of de-
clining U.S. influence in South America, it
would be touch the State Department and,
particularly, our embassies in the individual
I found a certain aloof, chilly attitude in
most of them. I gathered there is little re-
spect for American diplomats?among South
Americans or among American visitors.
I found a sort of "don't bother us and we
won't bother you" attitude surrounding our
diplomatic people. Only in Mexico City and
in Ecuador did I find what I consider an un-
derstanding atmosphere.
I went to South, America with a group that
included 166 Northern Ohio residents and
numbering some of this city's most promi-
nent physicians. Among them was Dr. John
Grady, president of the Academy of Medicine;
Dr. Gary Bassett, health commissioner of
Lakewood; and Dr. John J. McCarthy, one of
the best known West Side physicians and an
Inventor as well as a doctor.
In each country (excepting Uruguay), the
doctors in the group held meetings with the
nation's medical men, exchanging ideas,
littening to papers on medical problems,
then visiting local hospitals.
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eral Security on Bouboulinas street, Military
Hospital 401 and the Camp at Dionyssos.
The usual initial torture is the so-called
'phalanga'. The prisoner is tied to a bench
and the soles of his feet are beaten with a
stick or pipe. Numerous incidents of sex-
ually-oriented torture were reported. Very
often cases of gagging were reported, as well
as beating on the head with sandbags and
beating the naked flesh with a whip.
"Pulling-out nails and use of electric
"The prisoners were hung for long periods.
Rubbing sensitive parts of the body, with
pepper. Jumping'on the stomach."
In the face of these unprecedented and
unfounded slanders of international com-
munism and the fellow-travelers as well as
of Amnesty International, the Greek govern-
ment has accepted -that successive missions
of distinguished International Red Cross rep-
resentatives visit Greece and ascertain
whether the charges were founded or not.
? fact, from May 1967 to March 1968 four
visits of representatives of the International
Committee of Red Cross were made, These
representatives proceeded to a long and free
investigation of the alleged torturing and
living conditions of political prisoners at
Yaros, Leros, the prisons, as well as the dif-
ferent hospitals where they were treated.
In parallel, on April 15, a British five-
member inter-party committee composed of
Messrs. Gordon Ba,gler (Labour Party), Rus-
sell Johnston (Liberal Party), Anthony Beck
and David Webster (Conservative Party) and
Ted Garret (Labour Party) visited Greece
in order to ascertain the living conditions of
political prisoners. On the other hand an-
other objective investigator, Mr. Francis
Noel Baker, Labour M.P., has not hesitated
to stigmatise in the British Parliament the
lying and slandering campaign against the
Greek government as regards the question of
political prisoners.
The reply to the vile falsehoods of Am-
nesty International which is influenced by
communism, has been really smashing. The
slander was of two kinds: (a) Tortures of
satanic inspiration at the General Security
in Bouboulinas street, at Military Hospital
401 and at Dionyssos, and (b) inhuman liv-
ing conditions of persons under administra-
tive deportation.
1. Torturing
OS the first score of the slanders, that is
to say on torturing, there are three authori-
tative and serious investigators who reject
the charges after a careful and completely
free investigation. These are: (a) The Com-
mittee of the International Red Cross
(b) the report of the inter-party British
Parliamentary Committee and
(c) the distinguished British politician
of international prestige, the Labour M.P.,
Mr. Francis Noel Baker.
The reports of the International Commit-
tee of Red Cross, in substance, rejected the
charges about torturing prisoners. They re-
fused to take a stand, but they also denied
the testimonies about alleged torturing in
the building of the General Security. The
International Red Cross Committee composed
of distinguished personalities, in order to
reach their conclusions, reported only narra-
tives of political prisoners, all communists,
in the prison of Aegina. Those displaced in
the islands made no charges about tortures.
The prisoners claimed that the greatest part
of the alleged tortures were inflicted on them
on the terrace of the central police building
In Bouboulinas street. This view Is rejected
by the International Red Cross in its report
which says verbatim: "The roof and the en-
tire building correspond with the descrip-
tion of the prisoners who, however, do not
mention that it is surrounded on three sides
by inhabited buildings which are higher by
two or three storeys". All the prisoners, how-
ever, according to the International Red
Cross report, have assured that they have
heard no cry coming from the roof and that
they ignored that torturing was being in-
flicted. Also the fact that the slander about
tortures and the myths about inquisition
with the hair-raising descriptions of the
famous Amnesty Committee are confined in
some charges, made by some prisoners, to the
torture of the "phalanga", even which is not
proved, constitutes the most eloquent proof
of truth.
The findings of the inter-party Committee
of British MPs.
The repOrt of British MPs on the subject
of tortures is equally smashing for the slan-
derers of Greece. On April 22, 1968 the five
British IVIPs Messrs. Antony Beck and David
Webster (Conservative Party), Ted Garret
and Gordon Bagier (Labour Party) and Rus-
sell Johnston (Liberal Party) made an an-
nouncement to the Greek and foreign jaur-
nalists at the Grande Bretagne Hotel, stress-
ing: "The claims of the foreign press that
tortures were inflicted on political prisoners
at the police headquarters are ridiculous. No
political detainees could be tortured in the
police headquarters in Athens in full view of
the people. Maybe there have been isolated
cases but even here it is difficult to distin-
guish between facts and propaganda. At all
events, we believe that no instructions from
above have been given about brutality and
torturing and we have assurances that any
case of excessive zeal on the part subaltern
police members shall be punished severely."
Similarly, two of the British MPs in question
(Gordon Gagier and R. Johnston) in an-
other interview with Greek and foreign
journalists on April 26, 1968 stressed:
"No claim whatever about ill-treatment of
prisoners on Leros has been made. Glezos is
in excellent health and did not complain of
brutality. It is true that one of the deportees,
Mr. Abatiellos, had a scar on his foot but,
we are not in a position to say categorically
whether it was cussed by ill-treatment. In no
circle did we find anyone, even in the camp,
who was ready to accuse the rulers of Greece
of conducting any brutality or cruelty to de-
portees. Citizens accept the government posi-
tively and say that it is a good government,
Part of the foreign press is not objective. We
believe that presentation of things by the
Western press has been biased in one direc-
Mr. Francis Noel Baker.
Finally, the slanderers of Greece have re-
ceived a heavy blow from the Labour M.P.,
Mr. Francis Noel Baker, as regards the al-
leged tortures.
In the course of a debate on Greece in the
House of Commons on April 11, 1968, Mr.
Francis Noel Baker gave the assurance that
a friend of his, a former EDA deputy, had
confided to him that the treatment he had
while he was detained was exemplary. He
said that the laws on the strength of which
individuals are detained in Greece, had been
voted by previous governments. Those who
applied the law were the same persons as be-
fore. Everybody hates tortures. But it is in-
dispensable to check facts so that there
should be no doubt. The last report of Am-
nesty International does not fulfill these pre-
requisites. It appears that Mr. Mareko has
strong political views and so restricted con-
tacts in Greece that it is impossible for him
to make an objective appreciation of things.
He does not speak Greek and does not know
the country. Finally, Mr. Baker in a state-
ment to the press on April 6, 1968, stressed
that reports about torturing of political
prisoners in Greece had been inflated to a
superlative degree. Also, in another state-
ment, when he returned from Greece, Mr.
Baker said characteristically: "In view of the
conclusions reached by a really responsible
organization, like the International Red
Cross, I consider that the charges about
brutal actions on the part of Greek police
officers are being magnified in advance."
H 4033
2. Living conditions in camps, hospitals,
On the second score of the slanders, that is
to say on the alleged inhuman living con-
ditions of deportees on the islands of Leros
and Yaros as well as of political prisoners
in hospitals, there are four reports from
an equal number of visits made by repre-
sentatives of the International Red Cross
in Greece from May 1967 to March 1968.
In all four reports and particularly in the
third and fourth, the common finding is that
political prisoners live under satisfactory
conditions. In particular:
The first report refers to the findings of
M. J. Collandon, who visited the islands of
Yaros and Leros, the gendarmerie station
of N. Heraklion and different hospitals in
July 1967.
The second report refers to the findings of
Messrs. de Chastonay and Chatillon, who, as
representatives of the International Red
Cross, visited the places where political pris-
oners were held, between October 16 and 31,
The third report refers to the findings of
Mr. Charles Amman, Assistant director and
Mr. Laurent Marti, representative of the In-
ternational Committee of Red Cross, who
visited the island of Yaros and several oth-
er places of detention in January and Pebu-
ary 1968.
The fourth report, which is characterised
as a general report on the visits of Interna-
tional Red Cross representatives, refers to
the findings of all the missions of the In-
ternational Committee of Red Cross.
An identity of findings in connection with
the living conditions of the so-called politi-
cal prisoner results, from the reports.
In particular, the following points are re-
Third report?Tent camps have been abol-
ished completely. Kerosine stoves have been
installed in women's quarters.
Fourth report?The arrangements in the
building suggested by the International Red
Cross representatives at an earlier visit are
already being made, a special credit having
been approved for this purpose.
It is stressed in the report that the prison-
ers have numerous indoor and outdoor games.
Bathing in the sea is allowed in the sum-
mer. A space of some 1500 square metres
surrounded by barbed wire is at the disposal
of prisoners at certain hours.
Latrines, shower baths, and wash basins
are suitably arranged. Living conditions have
improved since last summer.
Fourth report?The daily portion of food
corresponds to 2800-3000 calories with suffi-
cient proteins and vitamins. The Interna-
tional Red Cross Committee reports that none
of the prisoners seemed undernourished, On
the contrary, those suffering from diabetic
were entitled to a special diet. An additional
expenditure of 8 drachmas for those suffering
from this disease is added to the usual 17
drachmas allotted daily per capita. Drink-
ing water is no longer the object of com-
In addition, the report states that the pris-
oners may obtain cigarettes or various per-
sonal toilet articles at the canteen.
The money sent by their families amounts
to drachmas 500 per month.
Medical care-hygiene
Third report?The medical personnel is
composed of four doctors, three nurses
(male), one Samaritan of the Greek Red
Cross and three military nurses. A dispensary
of thirty beds has been arranged in an in-
dependent building. The installations include
1 kitchen, 1 room for small operations, 1 room
for X-rays and 1 small laboratory.
The laundry functions smoothly, soap is
not scarce, the beds are generally comfortable.
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Fourth report?Every evening, between 18
and 1920 hours, a doctor vielts the bedrooms.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday are medi-
cal visit days. On Tueixt-iy, Thursday and
I Saturday medical visits in the dormitories are
made. In case a patient is in a serious con-
dition the military doctor may order his
transport to Athens. According to the Inter-
national Red Cross doctors, the sick enjoy
good care in most of the available installa-
Their nourishment and compleXidn are
satisfactory in general. No patient seems se-
riously affected. The prisoners live In many
large halls which have electric light land the
sanitary installations have been colindered
as acceptable. The prisoners cook alcirie and,
I as in the other camps, receive an alioWa.nce
' of 17 drachmas per capita. Both Medical
equipment and medicinee are sumc2ent. No
epidemic has been marked among the pris-
oners at Yaros and Leros.
Third report?Referring to the living con-
ditions of prisoners in the various hospitals,
I the report makes the following remairirti:
(a) Luminous and well aired spaces: Pris-
oners under treatment receive the saline food
as the other patients.
(b) The doctors make no distinetioti be-
tween ordinary patients and prisonera. The
latter express but praise.
(c) Convalescents may take small] Ivalks.
1 (d) International Red Cross representa-
tives gathered the best inemessions friern the
hospitals of Syros, the General Hospital of
Athens and "Sotiria" Sanatorium. I
I Fourth report?Sick prisoners are treated
in the following hospitals of Athena Gen-
leral Hospital, Aghios Pavlo.$ Hospital (Averoff
prison), "Sotiria" Sanatorium, Aghios tSevvas
1 On visiting the hospitals in question, the
International Red Cross representatives have
4scertained that residence, hygiene, fbod as
*ell as medical care were satisfactery and
, ed
icl not differ from what is offer te non-
prisoner patients. In particular, the member
f the International Red Cross Committee,
r. Jacques Chatillon, says: "The general
ondition Of all prisoners is satisfactory. The
atients admitted that medical care was ex-
ellent. Recreation the same as for other
Treatmen .
1 ,
Third report?The camp commander did
Tot complain about the attitude of prison-
ers. No disciplinary penalty has been im-
posed. The detention room has renialned
Fourth report?No complaint on the part
of the authorities of the camp or of the pris-
oners has been formulated to the Interne-
t onal Red Cross Committee. The report
states that during their last visit on Mareli 10,
168, they talked in private and wiehout
itnesses with 95 prisoners, having devoted
s x minutes to each one of them on an aver-
age. The presence of an interpreter hasIbeen
necessary. At all events it is stated that 13
prisoners speaking English or French ihave
been heard on that day without witnesees.
L colectersioNe
t There has been slander on two sco :- A)
Inquisition-like tortures of political p son-
e and B) Inhuman living conditio of
d portees on Yaros-Leros.
The charges had two sources: 1) Co u-
ni t and fellow-travelling whispering p opa-
g nda and 2) The report of 'Amnesty Inter-
national] attempting to confirm comrinneist
slander. 1
On the other hand, there have bee. a)
reeponsible statements by representatives of
the Greek government at various times deny-
retorts of the International Red Cros '. C,
il the slanders with concrete data. b) The
4 1,
th statements of the British inter- atty
C ittee of MPs who visited the pia s' of
detention of deportees, and d) the statement
of the British Labour M.P., Mr. Francis Noel
Baker, president of the British-Hellenic
The texts of the reports both of the British
/VIPs and the International Red Cross Com-
mittee and particularly of the latter?owing
to unquesticinable prestige and well-known
objectivity?refuted the slanders one by one
and proved:
(1) That no toetures have been inflicted.
(2) That living conditions of deportees are
Of course, during the first weeks of the
Revolution, living conditions _on Yaros were
in no way comfortable. No one has main-
tained the contrary. The Revolution had to
face urgent problems at that time. At all
events, from the reports of the International
Red Cross Committee, the clear conclusion
may be drawn that the living conditions of
deportees have never been as described by
communist propaganda.
As regards tortures, it has been ascertained
by objective investigators, but also by those
who made the charges themselves that, in
substance, there have been no tortures in any
of the places where it has been denounced
that these had been inflicted. In addition, It
has been proved that, instead of the revolting
details mentioned in the report of Amnesty
International, the tortures were confined by
the allegedly tortueed, only to the torment of
"phalange," which Inas been proved in no case.
Moreover, by curious coincidence, the few
who have denounced to the International
Red Cross that they have been tortured were
all active commumsts with a heavy criminal
(Mr. BROWN of California asked and
was given permission to extend his re-
marks at this point in the RECORD and to
include extraneous matter.)
Mr. BROWN of California. Mr.
Speaker, fortunately the confrontations
have begun to ease between demonstra-
tors and authorities in Berkeley, Calif.
Over the past week, this tragic episode
has resulted in one death, injuring and
gassing of many 3ther persons. Martial
law grips the city, and activities there
and on the Unversity of California
campus are disrupted.
I am shocked that the predominant re-
sponse by authorities in Berkeley?at
both the State and local level?has been
one of condoning extreme violence in
attempting to halt demonstrations.
I do not condone the irresponsible acts
undertaken by some demonstrators, but
nevertheless I am appalled by the ap-
parent lack of concern shown by authori-
ties as evidenced by the means utilized to
quell the turmoil.
As I understand the situation, I'ques-
tion any need to resort to firearms; yet,
the initial move by authorities was to
allow police to use shotguns to disperse
the crowd. Indeed, police did more than
just break up the gathering; one news
story?which I shall place below in the
REcoao?tells of police chasing one per-
son and taking careful aim before firing.
Tuesday's indiscriminate tear-gassing
of the university's central plaza by a
National Guard helicopter commanded
by the county sheriff also appears to be
gross over-reaction as the gas later
drifted over parts of the campus not in-
volved in the disturbance and then into
the city itself.
These type responses?shootings, gas-
sings?do not seem to be effective in pre-
venting further trouble and further
alienation. Instead, force was being met
with force, and some demonstrators,
egged on by a very small contingent,
began to assume guerrilla tactics against
the authorities, the campus, and the city.
I can only foresee a bloody final battle
in the streets if both sides continue ram-
paging along these clashing paths,
Such a battle must be prevented, and
progressive steps to strengthen the de-
escalation undertaken at once. Only a
relatively minor incident may trigger off
mass killing and destruction, and the
longer the situation festers and disin-
tegrates, the more chances grow that
such an incident might occur.
At present, actions initiated to cool the
Berkeley violence are being done at the
State and local level?end have not re-
quired Federal intervention.
But, I see no more than an uneasy
truce at best, and I urge further sensible
actions by both demonstrators and au-
thorities. As one starter, I would recom-
mend that Governor Reagan might
temper the tone of his criticisms of
demonstrators?as were reported in
Wednesday's Los Angeles Times, and
which I also insert below into the REC-
ORD?and instead look for some effec-
tive way to ease the crisis. Up to now,
Mr. Reagan appears more interested in
reaping political hay by blaming only
demonstrators for all the problems that
have arisen this past week?a tactic not
new for the Governor since it was his
overtly slanted attacks on students and
campus disorders which helped him get
elected in 1966.
Again, I deplore the unjust and often
silly moves by demonstrators who resort
to equally authoritarian tactics against
the city of Berkeley and the University
of California. But these tactics are
fanned on by statements such as those
made this week by Governor Reagan.
And while the extremists on both sides
fight, those caught in the middle?Berke-
ley residents, the university community?
I am joining my colleague from the
Berkeley area, Mr. COHELeer, in taking
the following steps to help avert further
disruption. I am asking the Attorney
General to use his powers in title X of
the 1964 Civil Rights Act to assist con-
ciliation through the Community Rela-
tions Service, and I am requesting study
of the Berkeley situation by the Presi-
dent's National Commission on the
Causes and Prevention of Violence.
Mr. Speaker, I include the following
articles describing the Berkeley dis-
orders in the RECORD at this point:
[From the New York Times, May 16, 19691
(By Lawrence E. Davies)
BERKELEY, CALIF., May 15.?Polieemen with
Shotguns and National Guardsmen with tear
gas opened fire on rioters along Telegraph
Avenue near the University of California
here this afternoon, incapacitating dozens of
persons. The rioting began in protest against
the university's taking over "People's Park,"
a tract of land, owned by the institution but
improved in recent weeks by hippies, yippies,
nonstudents and others as a playground and
gathering place. The seriousness of most of
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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Extensions of Remarks May 21, 1969
"Left unchecked, the trend toward the
combining of banking and business could
lead to the formation of a relatively small
number of power centers dominating the
American economy. This must not be per-
mitted to happen; it would be bad for bank-
ing, bad for business, and bad for borrowers
and consumers."
William McChesney Martin, Chairman of
the Federal Reserve Board has expressed sim-
ilar concern. He is of the view that the rapid
increase in one-bank holding companies, if
unchecked "could affect the whole economic
system of the United States."1
Secretary of the Treasury Kennedy also
sees pervasive changes. Unless the merging
of banking and commerce are stopped, he
"Our economy could shift from one where
commercial and financial power is now sep-
arated and dispersed into a structure domi-
nated by huge centers of economic and
financial power. Each would consist of a
corporate conglomerate controlling a large
bank, or a multi-billion dollar bank con-
trolling a large nonfinancial conglomerate."
There is another side to this story. Spokes-
men for the banking industry point out that
the move to one-bank holding companies is
in response to a squeeze play against banks
by well organized commercial and financial
groups. Henry Barfield, an eminent authority
on banking law and a partner in the law firm
of Shearman and Sterling, told the Bank
Counsel Seminar on April 26, 1968: z
"The banking industry is in a squeeze
today. The pressure is applied at many points
and in many ways . . .
"The right of a national bank to sell insur-
ance has been judicially denied in a Federal
court in Georgia. The right of a national
bank to provide travel services is under
judicial attack in a Federal court in Massa-
chusetts. The ability of national banks to
underwrite revenue bonds has been judicially
denied by a Federal court in the District of
Columbia. The right of a national bank to
perform fiduciary services for its customers
through a commingled investment account
has been challenged, so far successfully, in
the Federal court in the District of Columbia.
The right of national banks to perform com-
puter services for their customers Is under
attack in Federal courts in Minnesota and in
Rhode Island. This is the squeeze on the
business of banking.
"The common denominator is the effort
of organized commercial and financial groups
to protect their profitable areas by compress-
ing the permissible area of banking."
These statements make it clear that the
Government officials with banking responsi-
bilities have a wide area of agreement that
prompt action is needed to regulate and con-
trol this threat. This change in industry
conditon has been so swift and so basic that
it will not permit much delay in corrective
legislation. As usual, in anything that di-
rectly affects both political and financial
interests, there is wide divergence in view-
point on the appropriate method to protect
the public interest.
These differences, particularly differences
about selection of the regulatory body to be
responsible for supervision of bank holding
companies, and differences about the extent
and type of new nonbank financial services
to be permitted bank holding companies, are
fundamental. The decisions that must soon
be made on these questions will shape the
course of the banking industry, industrial
growth, and Government effectiveness for
years to come. The magnitude of the changes
now underway is a measure of the impor-
tance of these differences.
1 Statement, April 18, 1969, House Banking
and Currency Committee, Hearings on MR.
Why Banks Leave Home, Bank Stock
Quarterly, Sept. 1968.
This Country has had its full share of
bitter experience with abuses that flow from
efforts by bankers to pursue business ven-
tures that are not closely related to bank-
ing. No man can serve two masters. Bank
regulation since the Civil War basically has
been an attempt to keep bankers and bank-
ing (the suppliers of money) separate from
commerce and industry (the users of money) .
We have had the Pujo investigation in
1913. We have had the Pecora investigation
in 1934. These investigations produced
mountains of evidence on the evils, both
business and political, that flow when bank
managers dilute their interests and become
oriented toward different objectives In other
businesses. As a people, we know from ex-
perience that when banking institutions are
permitted to take on nonfinancial interests
some bankers become infected with a specu-
lative fever and undertake practices and
transactions that have the direct conse-
quences for the public.
It is no matter that the great majority
of banks and bankers throughout these pe-
riods have comported themselves with honor
and with dignity in dealing with nonfinanc-
ing interests. Nearly all regulatory laws, in
any field, is forced not by the conduct of the
majority but from the misbehavior of the
The record of corporate holding companies
In the United States is full of examples of
unlawful securities manipulation, corruption
of public officials and abuse of economic
power. For years after the 1920's the term
"holding company" was synonymous with
scandal. We have but to recall the excesses
in utilities empire building and the securi-
ties manipulation of some investment bank-
ers to recognize the necessity to keep finan-
cial management interests separate from
industrial management interests.
The record shows there is a constant
threat that the management of the holding
company may become more interested in
securing additional funds for expansion
than in the efficient operation of his subsid-
iaries. The lure of short term savings in
current stock prices all too often lead to
operations that injure or destroy long run
It is to the credit of the Federal Reserve
Board that the holding companies It regu-
lates under the Bank Holding Company
Act have not been permitted to engage in
these misleading practices. There has been
no pyramiding or watering of stock to weak-
en financial stability. For this reason it is
argued that the Federal Reserve Board's sur-
veillance should be extended to the one-
bank holding company, and that its record
is good. On the other hand, as is provided in
the Administration amendment to the Bank
Holding Company Act, regulation lies with a
troika, namely the Federal Reserve Board,
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
and the Comptroller of the Currency. All
regulatory orders must be with the unani-
mous consent of all three agencies. That
means any agency would have the right of
veto. Personally I believe if all three agencies
are to be involved unanimity of all three is
The Nixon Administration has recom-
mended amendments that would permit all
bank holding companies?not just one-bank
holding companies?to undertake activities
that would not meet the test of being "closely
related to the business of banking."
At the present time, the Bank Holding
Company Act permits registered bank hold-
ing companies to acquire "shares of any com-
pany, all the activities of which are financial,
fiduciary, or insurance nature and which the
[Federal Reserve] Board . . , has determined
to be so closely related to the business of
banking . . , as to be proper incident there-
to . . ."
The Administration would amend section
4(0)8 to permit registered bank holding coin-
panies?both one-bank and multi-bank?to
acquire shares in any company engaged ex-
clusively in activities which have been deter-
mined by unanimous agreement of the Comp-
troller of the'Currency, the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, and the Board "(1)
to be financial or related to finance in nature
of a fiduciary or insurance nature, and (2)
to be in the public interest when offered by
a bank holding company or its subsidiaries."
This language is somewhat vague and
should be clarified by amendment or the re-
port on the bill by the Committee or the
legislative history of the bill as revealed an
debate must make crystal clear the Congres-
sional intent of the words used. This is cer-
tain, purely business operations must be
What is needed, if the test "closely related
to the business of banking" is not used, is
for Congress to define with a fair degree of
precision the list of nonbanking activities
that affiliates of holding companies will not
be permitted to undertake. Congress cannot
take the chance that banks will be permitted
to expand into all manner of services that
are not directly related to the banking busi-
If an amendment is needed for permissible
areas of holding company activity, Congress
should define a list of permissible nonbank-
ing businesses. Congress should not assign
this task to the limbo of a regulatory com-
mittee. We have had all too much experience
with symbiosis between the regulators and
the regulated.
Both of the bills now being considered by
the Banking and Currency Committee con-
tain a number of additional changes in bank
holding company regulation. Although such
questions as the "grandfather clause," addi-
tional prohibitions against interlocking di-
rectorates, application of a "size" test in
acquisitions, to mention only a few, are im-
portant, they are overshadowed by the
pressing need to close the one-bank loophole
Itself, and to provide a way to delimit per-
missible nonbanking activities of holding
companies. The hearings and report of the
Banking and Currency Committee will fur-
nish a much more substantial basis for final
decision on these ancillary matters.
Wednesday, May 21, 1969
Mr. HALPERN. Mr. Speaker, an out-
standing and pertinent analysis of the
developing crisis in the Middle East has
been made by Congressman HAMILTON
Pim, Jr, I believe that Congressman
Fisn's observations are of such merit that
they should me studied by all Members
of the Congress. Accordingly, I am in-
serting them in the CONGRESSIONAL REC-
In- view of the dangerous situation in
the Middle East, I feel we would be well
advised to heed the timely and important
questions raised by Congressman Pisn.
These questions reflect both wisdom and
propriety with respect to the develop-
ment of American policy.
We have every right to be concerned
about the unwillingness of the Arabs to
make a real peace with Israel, the Arab
resolution of the pattern of violence and
the pressures exerted on behalf of the
Arabs by the Soviet Union and the other
Communist states. I commend Congress-
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ay 21, 1969
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CONdRESSIONAL RECORD Extensions of Remarks
b king industry and the role of Federal
banking regulation.
Banking in the United States has devel-
oped differently from other lnalustrial coon-
tries. The concept of ?units_banking" Las
been our keystone. Locally oriented, inde-
pendent, banks have been ?gelled upon to
previde facilities and services_ to people of
particular areas. Other induattrial eountrits,
Great Britain, Germany, and_Rrance, for E x-
arrhYle, have centralized banking systems
that reduce to a minimum 10041 and regieral
The unit banking system he played a key
role in our economic development. It assures
the fullest application of competitive forces.
It provides opportunity to realhe local con a
munity objectives, and in so sloing provides
stability to the political base.
Because of its unique relationship -0
nearly all other business activity, and be-
cause it is an essential part of the Nation's
fiscal and monetary system, tire banking
business long has had special attention from
the Federal Government, Special laws and
regr1ations over banking have existed almos L
fron the beginning of the Country.
Diring this century, Government regula -
tiont has been preoccupied with the effort t
finciJmethods to arrest or contrin the steady
increase in bank concentratigla With very
few ,exceptions, since the Depression, when
4,000 banks suspended operations in 1939,
the number of banks in the Vnited States
has steadily declined. This loss of independ
cut banks, from 15,940 in December 1935 to
13,693 in March 1969, in large, part has re-
sulted from mergers and con.solidations. The
House Antitrust Subcommittee in 1955 re-
ported that bank mergers heals:resulted in a
net loss of 850 banks in the period 1950 ra
1.955. The 1965 report on "Interlocks In Cor-
porate Management," notes that in the period
1950-1959, 1,503 banks were absorbed by
merger, against 887 new bank clunters.
Not only has the number of banks de-
creased, at the same time the vohnne of busi-
ness has increased, and in most of the metro-
politan areas a few large banks have most of
the added business. In 1952, the 11,046 com-
mercial banks in the United States had de-
posits of $172.9 billion and keno of $64.1
billion. By March 1969, the number of com-
mercial banks had declined 473,4to 13,673),
while 'deposits had increased 82 percent (to
$402.4, billion), and loans had_ more than
tripled (to $264.4 billion).
Now, in the United States, the typical met-
ropolitan area is one in whicka, assets are
heavily concentrated in a few Wrge banks,
with a small remaining share died among
a substantial number of small units. A 1962
study Shows that the 4 largest banks had
more than 90 percent of the assets in 5 of our
principal financial cities (Province, Pitts-
burgh, Boston, Atlanta and Richmond), and
in 6 other centers the .4 lazgest_banks had
more than 80 percent (Minneanislis, Cleve-
land, Detroit, Dallas, Baltimore and Wash-
The persistentand powerful trend toward
incre d concentration has overshadowed
Government regulation of banking through-
out the post World War II period. Govern-
ment antitrust office/1g and bank supervisory '
officials' alike sought legislation to stem or
to direet the bank merger tide. After the
enactment of the Celler-Herauver Act in
1950, I Proposed an amendment to the anti- '
trust laws that would reach bank mergers
that were accomplished through asset acqui-
sitions. In 1960, this effort was suspended ,
when enactment of the Bank Merger Act re-
quired the banking agencies to take into
considetation antitrust standards when '
they passed on bank mergers.
Addional legislative controls over bank
concentration were obtained in 1966 on en-
actment of the comprehensive regulations in
the Bank Holding Company Act. That Act
vested power in the Federal Reserve Beard
to control the growth of bank holding com-
panies and to restrict their activities to those
that were closely related to banking so that
the abuses and the anticompetitive results
of concentrated economic power could be
During the 1950's and early 1960's, the
Government's attitude about bank mergers
and banking concentration was one of con-
cern. In 1968, startling changes occurred that
changed this attitude to one of alarm. The
rapidity and extent of these changes threat-
en to overwhelm the customary, process of
continuing adjustment and aceommodation
between industry's prlyate motivations and
the Government's p,Clic responsibilities.
Statistics on teone-bank 10?phi:de in the
Bank Holdin atompany Act illustrate the
problem. IA,4956, Congress exempted from
regulatiox holding company that controlled
only on ank. At the-; time, there were 117
one-b k holding co:amanies which con-
trolled deposits of 811.8 billions.
Tile one-bank exception was granted to
prtect and foster local ownership of small
ui t banks in communities that otherwise
might not be able to support a bank. Some
were old operations where a commercial en-
terprise acquired or opened and operated a
bank. Coca Cola Co., for example, acquired
Atlanta Trust. The overwhelming majority
of one-bank holding companies owned small
banks, hoWever, which were combined with
even smaller Interests in nonbanking activi-
ties. Although the one-bank exemption was
a minor exception to a general rule,
throughout this period, for uniformity and
equality aof treatment the Federal Reserve
Board sought to close thisi loophole. All one-
hank holding companies would have been
required to register and wouid be limited to
fields closely related to banking,
For a decade the one-bank loophole did
not create much concern. With bout 40
new one-bank holding c,ompanies formed
each year, in most cases by small b ks, by
1965, there were 550 with deposits o
billion. Even as late as September 198, 85
percent of the existing one-bank holing
companies had deposits of less than $30evil-
In 1965, the Boston Safe Deposit and Tr st
Company pioneered the use of the one-b4lk
holding company exemption to diversify into
nonbanking fields. From one subsidiary iin
1965 it has grown to 15. Together they fir-
nish a wide variety of financial servic
from the management of pension func?o
consultation on oil ventures.
In the Fall of 1967, Union Bank eif Los
Angeles organized as a one-bank ;folding
company, Union Bancorp, to acquire 4 mort-
gage brokerage concern. :Et has sinle moved
into insurance brokerage, and thseugh sub-
sidiaries has become a property and casual-
ty insurer.
Union Bancorp's move started the stampede
to financial congenerics. Some banks have
turned to the loophole to go into nonbank-
ing business. By December 1968, 34 of the
largest commercial banks, with deposits over
$100 billion had announced expansions into
fields oft times unrelated to banking.
The assets of one-bank :aolding companies
that have been formed or proposed now ex-
ceed those of the banks covered by the Act.
In June 1968, there were 136 registered bank
holding companies under the Act, and they
had deposits of $48.9 billion. On September
1, 1968, there were 884 unregistered one-bank
holding companies, and they had total de-
posits of $17.8 billion. By December 31, 1968,
the one-bank holding companies exempted
by the loophole had grown to 783 existing or
announced companies, and their deposits
amounted to $108.2 billion. In summary, the
one-bank loophole etempts 7 times the
gitunber of banks subject to holding com-
pany regulation, and these exempt banks
control more than double the deposits of the
'holding companies that are subject to Fed-
eral Reserve Board regulation. Nearly one-
third of the deposits of the Nation's bank-
ing system are in institutions that are free
to diversify into nonbanking activities that
are beyond the scope of banking supervision.
The nonbanking business of one-bank hold-
ing companies is substantial and extensive.
In September 1966, one-bank holding com-
panies engaged in as many as 99 different
types of nonfinancial businesses. These ac-
tivities ranged from farming to electronics
-manufacture, from radio and television
broadcasting to motion picture production.
They include transportation services, retail
sales and real estate builders.
This sudden surge in the rate of concen-
tration in 1968 is not limited to the explo-
sion in bank holding companies, Although in
the last half of 1968, 34 of the 100 largest
commercial banks became occupied with one-
bank holding company organization prob-
lems, the normal type of bank mergers con-
tinued at a high level. There were 67 bank
mergers in 1968, 84 in 1967, 75 in 1966, and
76 in 1965.
In the industrial sector of the economy, a
similar acceleration occurred. In 1967, there
were 169 acquisitions of companies with as-
sets of $10 million or more, with total assets
of $8.2 billion. This was more than double
the $4,1 billion of acquired assets in such
acquisitions in 1266. The rate quickened to
$12.6 billion acquired assets in 1968, and the
Federal Trade Commission reports first quar-
ter 1969 figures indicate an annual rate of
$18 billion for 1969.
In 1968 there were 4,462 merger announce-
ments, and this was a BO percent increase
from the 2,975 announcements in 1967. There
were 2,442 manufacturing and raining merg-
ers consummated in 1968, which was 11/2
times the 1967 level and 3 times the 1960
level. According to the Federal Trade Com-
mission, 82 percent of the mergers in 1968
fell into their conglomerate categories.
What is the cause of this dramatic surge
Into higher concentration in 1987-1968? Why
should some bankers feel the need to expand
into nonbank businesses? What has occurred
that focuses so much effort on acquisitions
in a multitude of seemingly unrelated
The answers are not clear. The House Anti-
trust Subcommittee now is collecting infor-
mation in an effort to evaluate the indus-
trial conglomerate merger movement. More
will be known when this information is
One thing does Weill to be present. There
has been a revolution in busineis fact-han-
dling techniques. The computer and auto-
matic data processing permits retrieval and
application of mountains of facts. This has
brought new dimensions to business man-
agement. Ready access to facts and the abil-
ity to retrieve and to use vast areas of expe-
rience heretofore unavailable because of lack
of time has expanded our ability to control
the business environment. In financial areas,
these new tools have facilitated the drive into
broader fields than those traditional for
Whatever the cause, the results are clear.
Government officials on all sides are con-
cerned that these changes threaten the basic
structure of the American industrial system.
The one-bank loophole could be a vehicle to
link together major financial and industrial
interests in an alliance beyond the power of
effective regulation. On all sides there is a
conviction that something must be done
quickly. The House Banking and Currency
Comrolttee held hearings on this problem as
early as September 1968, and on February 11,
1969 published a detailed staff report on the
"Growth of Unregistered Bank Holding Com-
panies." Representative Patman Introduced
his bill to close the one-bank loophole on
February 17, 1969.
President Nixon on March 24, 1969, re-
quested legislation to deal with one-bank
holding companies. He stated:
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