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The thrust of my amendment is to
make sure that specific programs in the
areas of prevention, treatment, and re-
habilitation of alcoholics in the poverty
sector be initiated and continued. The
purpose also is to direct the use of exist-
ing program and facilities of OEO in
helping impoverished families afflicted
by the existence of this disease among
its family members.
I submit to you, Mr. President, there
is no investment we make that will pay
richer dividends in human values and
economic resources than the modest in-
vestment called for in this amendment
to help America's poor families cope
with this pernicious disease and its dis-
astrous effect.
Mr. YARBOROUGH (for himself and
New Jersey, Mr. NELSON, Mr. MONDALE,
NEDY, Mr. HART, Mr. YOUNG of Ohio, Mr.
Mr. HOLLINGS, Mr. SPONG, Mr. Moss, Mr.
Mr. RANDOLPH and Mr. INouYE) sub-
mitted an amendment intended to be
proposed by them to the bill (H.R. 11400)
making supplemental appropriations for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, and
for other purposes, which was ordered to
lie on the table and be printed.
Mr. EASTLAND. Mr. President, the
following nomination has been referred
to and is now pending before the Com-
mittee on the Judiciary:
Robert B. Krupansky, of Ohio, to be U.S.
Attorney for the northern district of Ohio
for the term of 4 years, vice Merle M.
McCurdy, resigned.
On behalf of the Committee on the
Judiciary, notice is hereby given to all
persons interested in this nomination to
file with the committee, in writing, on or
before Tuesday, June 24, 1969, any repre-
sentations or objections they may wish
to present concerning the above nomi-
nation, with a further statement
whether it is their intention to appear
at any hearing which may be scheduled.
Mr. SPARKMAN. Mr. President, I
should like to announce that the Sub-
committee on Housing and Urban Af-
fairs of the Committee on Banking and
Currency will begin hearings on 1969
housing and urban development legisla-
tion on July 15, 1969.
Hearings will be held upon all bills
pending before the subcommittee at the
time the hearings commence.
All persons wishing to testify should
contact Miss Doris I. Thomas, room 5226,
New Senate Office Building; telephone
Mr. President, at a later date, and
prior to the hearings, I shall submit for
the RECORD a list of the bills to be
sidered during the hearings.
S 6539
welcome and well-justified attention to
the problem of overcoming hunger and
malnutrition in the United States. Con-
currently, there has arisen a new idea
that holds out great promise for helping
to overcome hunger throughout the
world. This is the food-for-work plan,
which was incorporated in the legisla-
tion enacted in the past session to ex-
tend the life of th
d f
MILITARY POLICIES AND PRO- for 2 more years.
GRAMS IN LATIN AMERICA The new food-for-work plan has a
most exceptional potentiality. It might
Mr. CHURCH. Mr. President, the sub- enable the United States to export in-
committee on Western Hemisphere Af- creased quantities of our farm. products
fairs of the SenatQ Foreign Relations for famine relief and economic develop-
Committee will hold a series of hearings ment purposes overseas, while actually
beginning June 23 on U.S. Military Pol- reducing our net budget expenditures
icies and Programs in Latin America. and improving our balance of payments
The first witnesses, to be heard June 23 over what they otherwise would be.
at 10 a.m. in room 4221, New Senate And by increasing total world demand
Office Building will be: for and consumption of food, it would
Ralph Dungan, former Ambassador to likewise strengthen farm prices both in
Chile, 1964-67. the United States and in other countries.
Prof. George C. Lodge of the Harvard Surely these are possibilities that de-
Business School, former Assistant Secre- serve the most constructive and consci-
tary of Labor for International Affairs, entious attention from our AID and De-
1953-62. partment of Agriculture officials.
David Bronheim, former Deputy U.S. At present, I understand that the De-
Coordinator of the Alliance for Prog- partment of Agriculture is exploring how
ress, 1965-67. to devise operating procedures and to
On July 8, the subcommittee will hear negotiate agreements with importing
from G. Warren Nutter, Assistant Secre- countries to put the food-for-work pro-
tary of Defense for International Secu- vision into effect. A food-for-work as-
rity Affairs, and Charles A. Meyer, Assist- sociation is being organized by our farm
ant Secretary of State for Inter-Ameri- organizations and other interested
can Affairs. groups, under the leadership of the Na-
The purpose of the hearings is to ex- tional Association of Wheat Growers, to
plore the full range and scope of U.S. encourage and assist in this effort. As I
military activities in Latin America, noted several times last year when the
their political impact in Latin America, Food for Peace Act extension bill was
and their implications for U.S. foreign before the Committee on Agriculture and
policy. The activities in question include later as it was being acted upon in the
not only the military assistance and sales Senate, I consider this a most promising
program but also U.S. military missions advance and I earnestly hope the admin-
and service attaches, mobile training istration will put it into effect as expe-
teams, other training programs both in ditiously as possible.
the Canal Zone and the United States, Recently the Farmers Union Herald
military bases and other facilities, ship published an article pointing to the tre-
loans, joint United States-Latin Ameri- mendous potentials in India for the new
can military exercises, orientation tours food-for-work plan. The Herald is one
of the United States for Latin American of the outstanding farmers' cooperative
military officers, military decorations re- publications in the northern Midwest,
ceived by U.S. officers and bestowed on and indeed in the entire country. The
Latin American officers, and, finally, the article was one of a four-part series
role of the United States in inter-Ameri- written by Robert Handschin, director of
can military activities, such as regional research for the Farmers Union Grain
conferences and meetings, the Inter- Terminal Association, who with eight
American Defense Board, and the Inter- other American newsmen recently re-
American Defense college. turned from a 3-week tour of India's
The breadth of these activities raises agricultural areas.
a number of questions- Mr. Handschin's article quickly comes
What are the coordination and control to grips with the central problem in the
procedures of the executive branch? developing countries-the need to create
What is the role of Congress in author- jobs and purchasing power for the huge
izing and approving? numbers of people who are being added
What is the impact on the image of to the labor force both by the swift
the United States in Latin America? growth of population and by the dis-
What is the relationship, if any, to the placement of farm laborers out of agri-
increasing number of increasingly au- culture by mechanization and advanced
thoritarian military governments in technology. He perceives that the food-
Latin America? for-work amendment might resolve
What basic U.S. national interest is this problem, and in the process lead to
served by these activities, and what is the day when, as Handschin writes:
their cost-benefit ratio? There will no longer be hungry, jobless
people while our acres stand idle and farm
surpluses depress prices here and in many
other countries.
Mr. President, the series of articles by
Handschin was
d i
e CoN-
Mr. McGOVERN. Mr. President, dur- GRESSIONAL RECORD of May 8, 1969. I now
ing recent months the Nation has given ask unanimous consent that the an-
Approved For Release 2001/11/15 : CIA-RDP71B00364R000200010015-9
Approved For Release 2001/11/15 CIA-RDP71B00364R000200010015-9
nouncement by the National Association this amendment will be one of the major ports have ceased to expand in the past few
of goals of the campaign, Hatcher said. years, and efforts toward self-sufficiency
The amendment provide!; that when threaten further inroads upon U.S. farmers'
Wheat Growers of its campaign to
promote expanded exports of U.S U.S. farm farm commodities * are sold under the Food ood foreign markets in many of the prosperous
commodities through implementation of for Peace law to developing countries, the countries as well as in the poor countries.
the food-for-work amendment and other local currencies received in payment by the This adds up to a most serious outlook. In
means, and a memorandum by its presi- U.S. Government may in turn be sold at a the case of wheat, for example, exports have Buye
m estic
far more
es been
of the
dent, Mr. E. L. Hatcher, describing mustu them to payrwages in worksiof market..IIngrecent years what exports have
, bpbeing spend ranged from 141 percent to 168 percent of
f Food od Ofl for r Work Association
formed for that t purpose, ose, be printed in public improvement.
According to Lewis' study the U.S. Gov- domestic food use. Exports under Food for
the RECORD. ernment would need to realize only a small Peace programs alone have amounted to
There being no objection, the an- percentage-return on the market value of more than the total demand for domestic
nouncement and memorandum were or- commodities sold in this manner in order to food use in some years.
dered to be printed in the RECORD, as _ reduce its net, w.. a alternative of Exports represent a 'major market also for
output many other crops. Moreover, any loss of mar-
follows: paying farfners to rede U. in
an e uivalent amount. kets for wheat will result in immediate diffl-
WPROWERS SEEK BOOSTER BUYING by d culties for most other crops and for livestock
OF WORLD - BUILDING SALES OPPORTUNITIES FOR U.S. AGRI- products, if acreage that is now devoted
The National Association of Wheat Grow- CULTURE IN THE HUNGRY COUNTRIES to wheat should become available for
ers has launched a drive to reverse "the (Memorandum from E. L. Hatcher, president, production of feed grains.
This outlook is serious also for or the sup-
present gloomy outlook for farm exports." National Association of Wheat Growers) plThi of farm prodperous also f t for tp-
E. L. Hatcher, wheat arn r from Lamar, APRIL 1969. businesses that sell farm commodities and
Colo., and president of the ational associa- American farmers and agribusiness indus- manufacture and export food products, and
tion, announced he is wri ing to leaders of tries face a drastic cut-back in their export all other industries that serve agriculture
other farm organizations, rm supply bus,- markets. and the food business.
nesses, and processors and a orters of farm We all know of the drop in U.S. agricul- The worst thing about this is that it does
commodities this week to as or their co- torel exports that has occurred this year. To not mean the end of-nor even any signifi-
operation and support. some extent this reflects temporary condi- cant decline in-human hunger in the world.
We aim to hitch American food-p to tions of world supply and demand. Our own experience in-human the UStates
even huge
the needs of hungry people by promote -But there is also a long-range factor of shows that peience in United
not necessarily insure tha
direct action to raise their earning power verb sezlous proportions. This is the decline shows that "self
and their buying power," Hatcher explains. in the Food for Peace program that has set food will get to thos who need in
A memorandum accompanying Hatcher's in during the pact few years. For example, The National Association of Wheat Grow-
letter analyzes the slump in farm exports P.L. 480 wheat exports alone may decline ers is asking you to join in a concerted and
and outlines plans for "a concerted and con- this year by more than 100 million bushels constructive effort to turn the current trend
structive effort to turn the current trend below last year. This is an outgrowth of the of U.S. farm exports around, and onto a
around." present United States Government policy of sustained, and speedy upward cHatcher said the "decline in the Food for promoting the expansion of agriculture in steady, bs suste that the present policy course.
Peace program that has set in during the importing countries to make them "self- mWe liel-thaiciency in food policy of pro-oting past few years" is "a factor of very serious sufficient in food production". in the developing countries must be modified
proportions." Recent official U.S. Government forecasts give to American agriculture the
sorger role a the world economy that its
"This is an outgrowth of the present United signify that a major share of the usual "Food so as to giv
States Government policy of promoting the for Peace" outlet for American farm prod- ts.
expansion of agriculture in importing coun- ucts may disappear within the next few comTheparative princiepaffil mciency ecys waarranwntsh we propose
tries to make them `self-sufficient in food years. In March 1968, the Administrator of advance pa el is by promote we pro
od aid policies on the part of the United
production'," Hatcher stated. AID summed up for the first time some of foto to trade
Hatcher asserted that the "self-sufficiency" the specific implications for American farm States which will lto massive expansion
policy "must be modified so as to give to exports of the "self-sufficiency" policy, of demand for will lead
consumption of food in and American agriculture the larger role in the declaring: the world. Our specific abject is to pro
purchasing power amsng the low-
world economy that its comparative efficiency . Pakistan has an excellent chance of increased
warrants." He added: achieving self-sufficiency in food grains in income people in the developing countries
"The principal means by which we pro- another year. India ... hopes to achieve self- who will spend large share of any increase a pose to advance this goal is to promote trade sufficiency in food grains in another three or who incomes for food. I human need can
and food aid policies on the part of the four years. She has the capability to do so. be transformed into effective demand, all the
United States which will lead to massive Turkey ... total production this year may food that all the world's farmers can pro-
expansion of demand for and consumption be nearly one-third higher than in 1965. The duce could be sold-and at remunerative
of food in the world. Philippines are clearly about to achieve self- prices.
"Our specific object is to promote increased sufficiency in rice ..." We believe the new "Food for Work"
purchasing power among the low-income AID's magazine War on Hunger reported to P.L. 480 that was enacted by
people in the developing countries who will later that "The Government of India is pre- a}l amendm last year can be particularly effec-
spend a large share of any increase in their dicting that the country will be self-suffi- fiCongress vn, bit provides for pticive measures
incomes for food. If human need can be cient in food grains by the early 1970's." t expand , because eta demand it p for food o the ,measures
transformed into effective demand, all the Undersecretary of State Katzenbach saic countries to be linked directly to the
that all the world's farmers can pro- self-sufficiency might be achieved in Ind)4 countries of added food directly too. e im-
duce could be sold-and at remunerative "as early as 1971." s works projects carried out under this aPubli-
prices." Some countries that formerly imprted monk can result in elid-
Hatcher announced that the Wheat Grow- grain under Food for Peace progT s are creases c can total sul in immediate m large-scale
food, while Association has retained Robert G. Lewis, now becoming exporters of grain PX'a result ed consumption of food, w le
labor-intensive policies concerning the United ip of
a consulting economist in Washington, to of the self-sufficiency campaigi."For exam- liberalized
plan and direct the campaign. ple, the Foreign Agriculturpl" Service of the li l b make s possible for these nStates
aped markets for bls ffor t farm products l
Lewis was a Vice President of the Com- U.S. Department of Agriculture reported in will
e ommer-
modity Credit Corporation and Administra- Foreign Agriculture-on February 3, 1969: op t markets for onto a permanent products
until in the U.S. Department of Agriculture "For the past two years Iran has switched boal basismed
until 1967, and has been a consultant to sides at the world wheat trading counter-
the Agency for International Development becoming a seller rather than a buyer. Ex- The National Association of Wheat Growers
on food and development policies. He ports during 1967 totaled 100 thousand has retained Robert G. Lewis to plan and
authored a study last year which made the metric tons; during 1968, about 250 ddirect a uration a advancen f thesleast purpoonseesyearMr's.
first major criticism of the policy adopted thousand."
in 1966 of urging self -Sufficiency in food pro- Other former-importers of grain also are Lewis is an economic consultant who has
duction upon developing nations. Lewis entering the world export market, many as extensive experience in government agri-
originated the "Food for Work amendment" a result of U.S. encouragement and aid. cultural programs and trade policy. He
to the Food for Peace law which was enacted Meanwhile, the surplus of grain-producing originated the Food for Work amendment
by Congress last year with the support of capability in the U.S. and other advanced last year, and with the support of our
the Wheat Growers and other farm groups. countries already exceeds the total volume organization, persuaded Congress to enact it. developed Hatcher's memorandum termed the Food of food grains moving in world trade, and is HeistFoo fore Dora proposal twas he Food for
for Work amendment "particularly effective growing.
because it provides for positive measures to The recent and apparently continuing de- Peace program which Mr. Lewis conducted
expand demand for food in the importing cline in P.L. 480 exports is not being replaced under the sponsorship of several of the
countries." Encouraging implementation of by commercial exports. Total U.S. farm ex- Nation's leading farm and commodity or-
Approved For Release 2001/11/15 : CIA-RDP71B00364R000200010015-9