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February 23, 1968
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Approved Fo"r ReI a 02/08/01 CIA-RDP71-BOO364RO 1600-8-0089-2--- JQE L. EVINS FOURTH DISTRICT TENNESSEE I(Congress.q of the &niteb, tat 4 COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS 2 oufse of 3&epre entotibm COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS CHAIRMAN: 23 February 1968 F E B 2 41968 APPNS. CMTE. With very best wishes, 3: am Sincerely your friend, Honorable George H. Mahon, Chairman' Committee on Appropriations U. S.. House of Representatives Washington, D. C. My dear Mr. Chairman: Sometime ago you suggested that I not criti- cize the Central Intelligence Agency, and in deference to you I am not placing the enclosed column from the Nashville Banner of February 19 last in the Record. However, I think this column is worthy of thoughtful and careful consideration. Approved For Release 2002/08/01 : CIA-RDP71 B00364R000100080089-2 Approved For; Relga 2'02/08/01 CIA-RDP7'rg00364RM6"b080089=2 February ,U.S. Intelligence Agency Needs 1 o Overhauled ,Be NEW'YORK-North Korea's hijack- 711g of our intelligence Ship Puelllo, like the Israel] bombing of our similar: ship, the Liberty, during the' Egyptian Henry J. rV 4% Ill for 'war, raised the question at to why, with all we do in the intelligence field, we're so constantly the victim of surprise,' surprise, surprise.. The function of intelligence is to keep us from being surprised. Incredibly, Washington is spending at least 44 billion a year for in-: -telligenca. What's wrong! Castro surprised Washington at the Bay: of Pigs, the Soviet's Cuban missile installa-i tions were a surprise, the Berlin Wall was, a Red attack on the Dominican Republic and the Zanzibar take-over were surprises, and the whole Vietnam war has been one endiess'snr prise after another. Why? On November 29, 1965, while we were being told that all was well, Defense Secretary lloh crt S. McNamara stated: "I must say I was r surprised by the intensity and scale of these: Viet. Cong attacks." Now, more than two years later, Washington is admittedly still surprised by the same uncxpcctcd Intensity and capability in the attacks on Saigon and 20. additional cities. The Central Intelligence Agency's currant budget (secret) is certainly around $13z bil- lion a year, according to the official findings. of the House Aimed Services Committee. The' CIA alone is larger than the State Depart- ment and spends sore than twice as much money. Its Langley, Va., headquarters cost 518 million. About 10,000 people wails there in intelligence. At least another 5,000 are scat. toned throitilboll the world, burrowing cvcry- vlier' for inlellig;enco. And this should make Ih,' taxpayers wonder we'ar's haf,ps'nnd to the CIA's official contentin is. Ci.i. DEP5 Y DIREMIt L. K. White'. testificu to the House Appropriations Commit- tee in 1.3:16 that its $46 million building head- quart.rs would "put things under one roof and rave $600,000 a year. Well, now still an- other CIA building ("No. 213") has arisen. 'chin] be scones at the Naval Gun Factory'; in so;llheast Washington at the cost of an- 'nnthr:: $10 million. And surprise, surprise, the CIA row has branch offices in Denver, Detroit, Houston, Miami, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, I'itisburgh, St. Louis, San Fran- cisco, Seattle, etc., although the. CIA is sup- posed to concern il;ielf with foreign intelligence wherc?a,s'the U.S.A. Is the domain of the Fill.. The only blessing is that CIA Director Richard Ileum, is a very able tnau, but, as Tiny '3'im. said, "Thera-'s never bccn such a squish." In addition, the. ceurpct ng :agaeacles are, too it any and enormous for me to expect you to believe the facts. Actually, there were re centiv in Berlin alone. at bast 40 known U.S.: InicHigence agencies and their, branches' -- competing. 't'he'CIA'vas founded to eliminate the dam>. germis compartment.alizaLion and duplication. But tine Pueblo, for example, wasn't operated ,by ilia CIA entirely.-It was controlled by the .hush-hush` National Security: Agency, a sep- arate, immense group that grows and grows inside still another gigantic building In.WWash inglot's suburbs.. * * *. THIS IS A SPRAWLING, secret adjunct of the (1.5. Army and Navy and both the NSA and CIA spend much tune,, wondering what each other is doing. Beyond this MTr. McNa~.. mara somehow built an additional large in-: tellig nee .stn ucture within his own office that' reported only to him and competed behind the scenes in Vietnam and elsewhere with the NSA and CIA alike. This, of course, is' one of Ll' e first things incoming Defenso . Secre- lary Clark Clifford should abandon. ' Wa simply e mwt afford, nor should we ]nit up with the surprises, surprises, surprises that result:. It Is absolutely imperative Oct con- dense the fog in Washington's cockoo-hand in telligence cloud, Into an efficient rain. The. overl;ippiag and mutually jealous agencies arc loaded with empire builders. In the field where the country's unsung heroes daily risk', their lives in espionage they are terribly suafr,cd by the tremendous bureaucracy here at home. And many whorit I know well are likewise disgusted by the special MCNamura ;agenIs who materialize majestically like Slier- loCk Il(dairs "1341W Stlent irregulars" when- ever mid drones het-kin and Ni1r. McNamara t.tl. u,: hl. Itu?re seas to job to he dune. '1'lu? hmwr it.. hula. 11n11 Ibi? Il;uq;cr t;rr:11. WA-.l ii-: lou "nr,al raulla? ?:ip I.,I-.llhm.,, ill'. rlrr: Lip;iinr! ruin ;,'h11111a1q: of II ,' '.irk ittl'II, Approved For Release 2002/08/01 : CIA FtC P7''I L b6$" R 061,60 `0. '