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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 REPORT 1382 A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE PERFORMANCE OF LONG-RANGE HYPERVELOCITY VEHICLES By ALFRED J. EGGERS, Jr., H. JULIAN ALLEN, and STANFORD E. NEICE Ames Aeronautical Laboratory Moffett Field, Calif. , Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Headquarters, 1512 H Street 14., Washington 25, D. C. Created by Act of Congress approved March 3, 1915,,for the supervision and direction of the scientific study of the problems of flight (U. S. Code, title 50, sec. 151). Its membership was increased from 12 to 15 by act approved March 2, 1929, and to 17 by act approved May 25, 1948. The members are appointed by the President and serve as such without compensation. JAMES H. DOOLITTLE, Sc. D., Vice President, Shell Oil Company. Chairman LEONARD CARMICHAEL, Ph. 11, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution, Vice Chairman ALLEN V. AsTIN, Ph. D., Director, National Bureau of Standards. PRESTON R. BASSETT, D. Sc. 'DETLEV W. BRONK, Ph. D., President, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. ? FREDERICK C. CRAWFORD, Sc. D., Chairman of the Board, , Thompson Products, Inc. WILLIAM V. DAVIS, JR., Vice Admiral, United States Navy, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Air). PAUL D. FOOTE, Ph.])., Assistant Secretary of Defense, Re- search and Engineering. WELLINGTON T. HINES, Rear Admiral, United States Navy, Assistant Chief for Procurement, Bureau of Aeronautics. JEROME C. HUNSAKER, Sc. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. CHARLES J. MCCARTHY, S. B., Chairman of the Board, Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc. DONALD L. Pun. Lieutenant General, United States- Air Force, Deputy Chief of Staff, Development. JAMES T. PYLE, A. B., Administrator of Civil Aeronautics. FRANCIS W. REICHELDERFER, Sc. D., Chief, United States Weather Bureau. EDWARD V. RICKENBACKER, Sc. D., Chairman of the Board. Eastern Air Lines, Inc. Louis S. Roniscuan, Ph. B., Under Secretary of Commerce for Transportation. THOMAS D. WHITE, General, United States Air Force, Chief of Staff. HUGH L. DRYDEN, PH. D., Director JOHN F. VICTORY, LL. D., Executive Secretary jOHN W. CROWLEY, JR., B. S., Associate Director for 7?esearch EDWARD H. CHAMBERLIN, Executive Officer HENRY .1. E. Ritio, D. Eng., Director, Langley Aeronautical Laboratory, Langley Field, Va. SMITH J. DEFRANCE, D. Eng., Director, Ames Aeronautical Laboratory, Moffett Field, Calif, EDWARD It, SHARP, Sc. D., Director, Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory, Cleveland, Ohio WALTER C. WILLIAMS, B. S., Chief, High-Speed Flight Station, Edwards, Calif. II Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 REPORT 1382 A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE PERFORMANCE OF LONG-RANGE HYPERVELOCITY VEHICLES ' By ALFRED J. EGGERS, JR., H. JULIAN ALLEN, and STANFORD E. NE10E SUMMARY Long-range hypervelocity vehicles are studied in terms of their motion in powered flight, and their motion and aerodynamic heating in unpowered flight. Powered fight is analyzed for an idealized propulsion system which approximates rocket motors. Unpowered flight is characterized by a return to earth . along a ballistic, skip, or glide trajectory. Only those trajectories are treated which yield the inatimum? range for a given velocity at the end of powered flight. Aerodynamic heating is . treated in a manner similar to that employed previously by the senior authors in studying ballistic missiles (NA GA Rep. 1381), with the exception that radiant as well as conve.ctive heat transfer is considered in connection with glide and skip vehicles. The ballistic vehicle is found to be the least efficient of the several types studied in the sense that it generally requires the highest velocity at the end of powered flight in order to attain a given range. This disadvantage may be offset, however, by reducing convective heat transfer to the re-entry body through the artifice of increasing pressure drag in relation to friction drag?that is, by using a blunt body. Thus the kinetic energy required by the vehicle at the end of powered flight may be reduced by minimizing the mass of coolant material involved. The glide vehicle developing lift-drag ratios in the neighbor- hood of and greater than 4 is far superior to the ballistic vehicle in ability to convert velocity into range. It has the disadvantage of having far more heat convected to it; however, it has the compensating advantage that this heat can in the main be radiated back to the atmosphere. Consequently, the mass of coolant material may be kept relatively low. The skip vehicle developing lift-drag ratios from about 1 to 4 is found to be superior to comparable ballistic and glide vehicles in converting velocity into range. At lift-drag ratios below 1 it is found to be about equal to comparable ballistic vehicles while at lift, drag ratios above 4 it is about equal to comparable glide vehicles. The skip vehicle experiences extremely large loads, however, and it encounters most severe aerodynamic heating. As a final performance consideration, it is shown that on the basis of equal ratios of mass at take-off to mass at the end of ? powered flight, the hypervelocity vehicle compares favorably with the supersonic airplane for ranges in the neighborhood of and greater than one half the circumference of the earth. In the light of this and previous findings, it is concluded that the ballistic and glide vehicles have, in addition to the advantages usually ascribed to great speed, the attractive possibility of pro- viding relatively efficient long-range flight. Design aspects of manned hypervelocity vehicles are touched on briefly. It is indicated that if such, a vehicle is to develop relatively high lift-drag ratios, the wing and tail surfaces should have highly swept, rounded leading edges in order to alleviate the local heating problem with minimum drag penalty. The nose of the body should also be rounded somewhat to reduce local heating rates inithis region. If a manned vehicle is de- signed for global range flight, the large majority of lift is ob- tained from centrifugal force, and aerodynamic lift-drag ratio becomes of secondary importance while aerodynamic heating becomes of primary importance. In this case a glide vehicle which enters the atmosphere at high angles of attack, and hence high lift, becomes especially attractive with a more or less rounded bottom to minimize heating over the entire lower surface. The blunt ballistic vehicle is characterized by especially low heating, and it too may be a practical manned vehicle for ranges in UCCA's of semiglobal if great care is taken in supporting the occupant to withstand the order of 10 g's maximum deceleration encountered during atmospheric entry. INTRODUCTION , it is generally recognized that hypervelocity vehicles are especially suited for military application becauso of the great. difficulty of defending against them. It is also possible that for long-range operation, hypervelocity vehicles may not, be overly extravagant in cost,. A satellite vehicle, for example, can attain arbitrarily lonflange with a finite speed and hence finite energy input. E. Sanger was among the first to recognize this favorable connection between speed and range (ref. I) and was, with Bredt, perhaps the first to exploit the speed factor in designing a long-range bomber (ref. 2). This design envisioned a rocket-boost vehicle attaining hypervelocities at burnout and returning to earth along a combined skip-glide trajectory. Considerable at- tention was given to the propulsion and motion analysis; however, little attention was given to what is now con- sidered to be a principal problem associated with any type of hypersonic aircraft, namely that of aerodynamic heating. In addition, the category of expendable vehicles, perhaps best characterized by the ballistic missile, was not treated. Since the work of Sanger arid Bredt, there have been, of course, many treatments of long-range hypervelocity Supersedes NA CA Technical Note 4040 by Alfred J. Eggers, Jr., ii. Julian ARID, and Stanton' E. Melee, 1057. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 2 REPORT 1382?NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS des in which the propulsion, motion, and heating problems have been studied in considerable detail. However, these analyses have been devoted in the main to particular designs and are not intended to reveal, for example, the relative ad- vantages and disadvantages of ballistic-, skip, and glide- type vehicles. Furthermore, it appears that the extent to which these vehicles can compete on a simple efficiency basis with lower speed aircraft of either the expendable or non- expendable type has not been well established. It has therefore been undertaken in the present report to make a comparative analysis of the performance of hyper- velocity vehicles having ballistic, skip, and glide trajectories. An idealized propulsion system, whose performance approxi- mates that of rocket motors, is assumed. The motion analysis is simplified by treating, for the most part, only optimum trajectories yielding the maximum range for given initial kinetic energy per unit mass in the unpowered portion of flight. Aerodynamic heating is treated in a man- ner analogous to that employed by the senior authors in studying ballistic missiles (ref. 3) with the exception that radiant heat transfer, as well as convective heat transfer, is considered in the treatment of glide and skip vehicles. The efficiencies of these vehicles are compared with supersonic aircraft with typical air-breathing power plants. NOTATION reference area for lift and drag evaluation, sq ft specific heat of vehicle material, ft-lb/slug ?R drag coefficient lift coefficient skin-friction coefficient equivalent skin-friction coefficient (see eq. (40)) specific heat of air at constant pressure, ft-lb/slug oR specific heat of air at constant volume, ft-lb/slug ?R drag, lb Naperian logarithm base performance efficiency factor (see eq. (85)) general functional designation functions of 44,J, (see eqs. (74) and (80)) ratio of maximum deceleration to gravity acceleration (32.2 ft/see) acceleration due to force of gravity, ft/see convective heat-transfer coefficient, ft-lb/ft? sec oR convective heat transferred per unit area (unless otherwise designated), ft-lb/ft' specific impulse, sec range parameter for glide vehicle (see eq. (68)) Stefan-Boltzmann constant for black body radiation (3.7X 10-40 ft-lb/ft, sec ?R4) constant in stagnation point heat-transfer equa- tion, slug in/ft (see eq. (44)) lift, lb mass, slugs Mach number convective heat transferred (unless otherwise designated), ft-lb Vs 7 A 7/ 0 A U distance from center of the earth, ft radius of curvature of flight path, ft radius of earth, ft range, ft distance along flight path, ft surface area, sq ft time, sec temperature (ambient air temperature unless otherwise specified), ?R velocity, ft/sec ratio of velocity to satellite velocity velocity of satellite at earth's surface (taken as 25,930 ft/sec) weight, lb vertical distance from surface of earth, ft angle of attack, radians unless otherwise speci- fied constant in density-altitude relation, (22,000 ft,-'; see eq. (15)) ratio of specific heats, Cp/C; semivertex angle of cones, radians unless other- wise specified increment lift-drag efficiency factor, (see eq. (B27)) angle of flight path to horizontal, radians unless otherwise specified leading edge sweep angle, deg air density, slugs/cu ft (p0=0.0034) nose or leading-edge radius of body or wing, ft partial range, radians total range, radians remaining range (43-9), radians Subscripts 0 conditions at zero angle of attack 1, 2, 3, .. . conditions at end of particular rocket stages a conditions at point of maximum average heat- transfer rate av average values conditions at point of maximum local beat- transfer rate convection effective values en conditions at entrance to earth's atmosphere ex conditions at exit from earth's atmosphere conditions at end of powered flight. initial conditions local conditions ballistic phases of skip vehicles total number of rocket stages pressure effects pay load I. recovery conditions radiation stagnation conditions 7' total values wall conditions Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71B00265R000200130002-3 PERFORMANCE OF LONG-RANGE HYPERVELOCITY VEHICLES ANALYSIS GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS In the following analysis of long-range hypervelocity vehicles, only flight in planes containing the great circle arc between take-off and landing is considered. The flight is thought of in two phases: (a) the powered phase in which sufficient kinetic energy, as well as control, is imparted to the vehicle to bring it to a prescribed velocity, orientation, and position in space; and (b) the unpowered phase, in which the vehicle travels to its destination under the influence of gravity and aerodynamic forces. The analyses of motion and aerodynamic heating during unpowered flight will, of necessity, differ widely for the several types of vehicles under consideration. On the other hand, motion in the powered phase is conveniently treated by a method common to all vehicles. The study of powered flight and its relation to range is therefore taken as a starting point in the analysis. POWERED FLIGHT AND THE FIREGUET RANGE EQUATION In this part of the study, the following simplifying as- sumptions are made: (a) aerodynamic heating can be neglected on the premise that high flight speeds are not attained until the vehicle is in the rarefied upper. atmosphere;8 (b) sufficient stability and control is available to provide proper orientation and positioning of the vehicle in space; (c) the distance traveled while under power is negligible by comparison to the overall range; and finally, (d) the thrust is very large compared to the retarding aerodynamic and gravity forces. In terms of present-day power plants, the last assumption is tantamount to assuming a rocket drive for the vehicle. The velocity at burnout of the.first stage of a multistage rocket (or the final velocity of a single-stage rocket) can then be expressed as (see, e. g., ref. 4): V fl -=ilVs ( 72-9 (1) /nil where the initial velocity is taken as zero. In this expression, nt, and in.,, represent the mass of the vehicle at the beginning arid ending of first-stage flight, and where Vs= VF.-=--25,930 feet per second is the satellite velocity at the surface of the earth. The coefficient g is the acceleration due to gravity and is, along with the specific impulse I, con- sidered constant in this phase of the analysis. The final velocity of the vehicle at the end of the N stages of powered flight can be expressed as V ,= = in Ktn (!!S (2)(2) mfi nif2 onf where the initial mass of any given stage differs from the final mass of the previous stage by the amount of structure, etc., jettisoned. Now let us define an equivalent single-stage rocket having the same initial and final mass as the N-stage rocket and the $ This assumption Is In the main permissible. A possible exception occurs, however, with the glide vehicle for which heat-transfer rates near the end of powered night can be comparable to those experienced to unpowered gilding flight 3 same initial and final velocity. There is, then, an effective specific impulse defined by ( I rat. In k?nti) (17-71) = Mt)] 1..1 111EIM) Mf whereby equation (2) can be written as ?2L ln (-1"1 s (3) (4) The effective specific impulse ./. is always somewhat less than the actual specific impulse, but for an efficient design they are not too different. Throughout the remainder of the analysis the effective impulse It will be used. Equation (4) might be termed the "ideal power plant" equation for accelerated flight because, when considered in combination with the assumptions underlying its develop- ment, attention is naturally focused on the salient factors leading to maximum increase in velocity for given expendi- ture of propellant. Thus the thrust acts only in over- coming inertia forces, and the increase in vehicle velocity is directly proportional to the exhaust velocity (gl) of the propellant. Now we recognize that an essential feature of the hyper- velocity vehicles under study here is that they use their velocity (or kinetic energy per unit mass) to obtain range. For this reason, equation (4) also constitutes a basic per- formance equation for these vehicles because it provides a connecting link between range requirements and power- ? plant. requirements. In addition to comparing various types of hypervelocity vehicles, our attention will also be focused upon comparison of these vehicles with lower speed, more conventional types of aircraft. For this purpose it is useful to develop an alternate form of equation (4). We observe that the kinetic energy imparted to the vehicle is nIsTif2 This energy is equated to an effective work done, defined as the product of the range traveled and. a constant retarding force. (Note that the useful kinetic energy at the end of powered flight is zero.) This force is termed the "effective drag" D.. Thus D el? = mfif2 (5) where II is flight range measured along the surface of the earth. Similarly, we may define an "effective lift" L? equal to the final weight of the vehicle Le=W f=mig from which it follows that equation (5) may be written as where (LID), is Combining equations (4) and (6); we obtain 1?-,(1) V. ln (M) D R=(1) D e 2g (6) termed the "effective lift-drag ratio." (7) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71B00265R000200130002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 4 REPORT 1382?NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS where (8) and represents an "effective" flight velocity of the vehicle. Equation (7) will prove useful in comparing hypersonic vehicles with conventional aircraft because of its analogy to the Breguet range equation, R=P) IV In C.?) nif (9) It will also prove useful to have equation (7) in the dimen- sionless form obtained by dividing through with 7.0, the radius of the earth. In this case we have = ()D ("g1) 1 n (7 121) ro e Vs Mf (10) where (I, is the range in radians of arc traversed along the surface of the earth. MOTION IN UNPOWERED FLIGHT Ballistic trajectory.?In studying the motion of long-range vehicles in this trajectory, advantage is taken of the fact that the traverse through the earth's atmosphere generally form's only a small part .of the total trajectory. Therefore, the deflection and deceleration encountered in the re-entry phase (discussed in detail in ref. 3) are neglected in the computation of the total range and rotation of the earth is neglected in this and all other phases of the analysis. With the added simplification that the contribution to range of the powered phase of flight is negligible, the ballistic. tra- jectory becomes one of Kepler's planetary ellipses, the ? major axis of which bisects the total angle of arc 43 traveled around the earth. For the trajectories of interest here (V,.:c 1), the far focus of the ellipse is at the mass center of the earth. For purposes of range computation, then, the ballistic vehicle leaves and returns to the earth's surface at the same absolute magnitude of velocity and incidence (see sketch). .-Elliptical orbit ?-Earth's surface The expression for range follows easily from the equation of the ellipse (see, e. g., ref. 5) and can be written R, Lan , (r ?cos 'Ofsin f COS 0) (Pi="a?U. ? ro (11) V,' where the angle of incidence 0/. is considered positive. In order to determine the optimum trajectory giving maximum range for a given velocity V1, equation (11) is differentiated with respect to Of and equated to 0, yielding V' V 2? =1?tan201 f Vc2 (i) ? 40 f (12) Equations (11) and. (12) have. been employed to determine velocity as a function of incidence for various values of range and the results are presented in figure 1. The "mini- limn velocity line" of figure 1 corresponds to the optimum trajectories (eqs. (12)). The effective lift-drag ratios can easily be calculated for optimum ballistic vehicles using equation (6) in combination with the information of figure 1. The required values of (LID), as a function of range are presented in figure 2. Skip trajectory.?This trajectory can be thought of as a succession of ballistic trajectories, each connected to the next by a "skipping phase" during which the vehicle enters the atmosphere, negotiates a turn, and is then ejected from the atmosphere. The motion analysis for the ballistic missile can, of course, be applied to the ballistic phases of the skip trajectory. It remains, then, to analyze the skipping. phases and to combine this analysis with the bal- listic analysis to determine over-all range. To this end, consider a vehicle in the process of executing .a skip from the atmosphere (see Sketch). von vex --- ?-Outer reach of atmosphere V //Earth's surface The parametric equations of motion in directions perpen- dicular and parallel to the flight path s are, respectively, ?Co si dV n o= (T. ------- pV2 mV2 re ? 2 pV2 Amg cosCOS 0 (13) where r, is the local radius of curvature of the flight path, 61is the local inclination to the horizontal (positive downward), p is the localiair..density, and (7,. and CD are the lift and drag Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 PERFORMANCE OP LONG-RANGE RYPERVELOCITY 'VEHICLES 20 1.6 1.4 1.2 .4 .2 -Minimum velocity line 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 incidence angle, Of , degrees FIGURE 1.? Variation of velocity with incidence angle for various values of range of ballistic vehicle. 70 80 90 'coefficients, respectively, based on the reference area, A, of the aircraft. In the turning process, aerodynamic lift must obviously predominate over the gravity component, mg cos O. By anal- ogy to the- atmospheric re-entry of ballistic missiles (see ref. 3), aerodynamic drag generally predominates GVer the gravity component, mg sin 0. Moreover, the integrated contribution to velocity of this gravity component during descent in a skip is largely balanced by an opposite contribution during ascent. 16 12 0 2 4 6 Range parameter, FIGURE 2.?Variation of effective lift-drag ratio with range for optimum ballistic vehicle. 8 16 4 Ven.18,670 ft/sec I 14,:12,480 14.,I2,,350 ft/sec - ft/sec Maximum lift :28 ' acceleration 5g Neglecting gravity gravity I I- I Including 0 20 . 40 60 BO Distance along eorth'S surface, feet x10-4 FIGURE 3.?Trajectory of the first skipping phase for a skip vehicle with a lift-diag ratio of 2 and a total range of 3440 nautical miles (0=1). 5 IOC For these redsOnst we will idealize the analysis by neglecting gravity entirely. This approach is analogous to the classical treatment of impact probleina in which all forces exclusive of impact forces (aerodynamic forces in this ease) are neglected as being of secondary importance. Gravity is shown to be of secondary importance in figure 3 where the trajectory It- Bulls obtainable from equations (13) and (14) are presented for the first skipping phase of an LID =2, 4=1 skip missile. With gravity terms neglected, equations (13) reduce to CDPIrA=In 0,,p1/121. V! it, dV (10 where &yds= ?1- to the aecuracy of this analysis. re Now we assume an isothermal atmosphere, in which case P=portw (15) where pc, and ft are constants, and y= (r ?7.0) is the altitude from sea level (see ref. 3 for discussion of accuracy of this as- sumption). Noting that dy/ds= ?sip 0, we combine the first of equations (14) with equation (15) to yield CIL" enb= sin 0d0 (14) 2m 'This expression can be integrated to give CiroA 25wc---=cos 0?Cos oen (16) where D is taken as zero at the altitude corresponding to effective "outer recta" cif the atniosphere. Equation (17) points out an important feature of the skip path; namely, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 6 REPORT 1382?NATIONAL ADVISORY cos 0 is a single-valued function of altitude. Since 0 proceeds from positive to negative values, it is evident that fienn- 17.= ?9an (18) where the subscripts en and ex refer to atmospheric entrance and exit conditions, respectively, and the numbers n-1 and n refer to successive ballistic phases of the trajectory. Now since dV _vdV _1 dV2 dt? ds2 cis equations (14) may be combined to obtain 1 dV2_ V2 dO 2 ds LID (Ts which, for constant LID, can be integrated to yield eareast_i 'Vein =e LID - (20) "1/4- I With the aid of equation (18), this expression may be written (19) Vet LID e (21) which relates the velocities at the beginning and end of a skip to the lift-drag ratio and the entrance angle of the vehicle to the earth's atmosphere. From equation (18) it follows further that the entrance angle for each skip in the trajectory is the same, so that t 3 ena=0 enn_,I= ? ? ? =0, and hence equation (21) becomes 201 Vern LD Vass-7e (22) We now combine this result of the skip analysis with that of the ballistic analysis to obtain the total flight range. From equation (11) the range of the nth ballistic segment of the trajectory is sin Of COS 0, n= 2 tan-'(23) ( Vex V 8 ?COS2 0 11 Consistent with the idealization of the skipping process as an impact problem, we neglect the contribution to range of each skipping phase so that the total range is simply the sum of the ballistic contributions. From equations (22) and (23) this range is then R tan-'sin 0 cos 0 (24) 4 (n-1)61 ro 111. 1 LID e ?cos2 f LV? From this expression we see that for any given velocity at the end of powered flight there is a definite skipping angle COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS which maximizes the range of an aircraft developing a particular lift-drag ratio. These skipping angles have been obtained with the aid of an IBM CPC, and the corresponding values of V., as a function of range for various LID are presented in figure 4. Corresponding values of (LID), have been obtained using equation (6) and the results are shown in figure 5. 1.0 .8 2.6 .2 0 L/Dt.5 1.0 . ? 8.0 /Pr , Range parameter, tip FIGURE 4.?Variation of velocity with range for various values of lift-drag ratio for skip vehicle. Glide trajectory,--The trajectory of the glide vehicle is illustrated in the accompanying sketch. As in the previous analyses, the distance covered in the powered phase will be neglected in the determination of total range. --Earth's surface The parametric equations of motion normal and parallel to the direction of flight are the relations of equations (13) rewritten in the form mV21 L?mg dV ?DH-mg sin 0= Declassified and and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 (25) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 lii 20 16 12 4 PERFORMANCE OF LONG-RANGE HYPERVELOCITY VEHICLES 80 S / 6.0 .6 / i P/r / / 2, f 2.1 2 r .3 / / / / / 4 ., , , / in , , 4.0 / 0 ..5 / 4.0 // / / 1114# // 0 2 4 6 Range ea (meter, ' FintniE 5.?Variation of effective lift-drag ratio with range for various values of aerodynamic lift-drag ratio of skip vehicle. Under the assumption of small inclination angle 0 to the horizontal (thus cos 0 Az 1 , sin 0 0) , eons,. ankgravity aecelerti 8 lion e., 1> and noting the r? (IV dIT ?=- following 1 d relations dt ds 2 ds r, (26) ds (10 cos? 1 ds r r, equations (25) can be written in the fo tris L=-7711,8 do -1-mg-mV2 ds (27) I din . D=-2- in ?ds+ mg 0 Dividing the first of equations (27) by the second yields the following differential equation n 6 LL 1/2_172(1qt V2=0 \ D \2 D s dsj (28) But, as is demonstrated in Appendix A, the terms -go and D 488428?MI-2 de V' - may be neglected so that equation (28) reduces to (1172 2 . r0(LID) LID V92= gr. Since (29) equation (29) can be integrated for constant .25 to give the velocity in nondimensional form as ? 2o T72= _ _ 17,2)4b/D This expression gives velocity as a function of range for what Sanger (ref. 2) has termed the equilibrium trajectoi3-that is, the trajectory for which the gravity force is essentially balanced by the aerodynamic lift and centrifugal force, or (30) (31) II follows from equation (3)) that velocity can be expressed in the form 72_ LAVs2p 2mg (32) Now it is intuitively obvious that as. the maximum range is approached, L/147-)1 and hence V' becomes small compared to one (see eq. (31)). In this event it follows from equation (30) that the maximum range for the glide vehicle is given by 4)._ R=1 (I, \ \ r? 2 \D) 1-17,2) The relation between velocity and range has been deter- mined with equation (33) for various values of LID and the results are presented in figure 6. Corresponding values of (LID), have been obtained using equation (6) and are presented in figure 7. ? These considerations complete the motion analysis and attention is now turned to the aerodynamic heating of the several types of vehicles under consideration. (33) is- 0 ? 9 /Dip i.0 2.0 8.0 Tr r 2 '; 4 Range parameter, 40 FIGURE G.?Variation of velocity with range for various values of lift-drag ratio of glide vehicle. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 8 2 16 4 REPORT 1382?NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS IP 70.0 / .3 plej A 8.0 /.9 7?2.0 /2.0 Parpir Let/#1.0 /0?, 0 2 4 Range parameter, rt) FICURE 7.?Variation of effective lift-drag ratio with range for various values of aerodynamic lift-drag ratio of glide vehicle. 6 8 HEATING IN UNPOWERED FLIGHT General considerations.?Three aspects of the aerodynamic heating of hypervelocity vehicles will be treated here; namely, I. The total heat input 2. The maximum time rate of average heat input per unit area 3. The maximum time rate of local heat input per unit area Total heat input is, of course, an important factor in deter- mining over-all coolant weight, whether the coolant be solid (e. g., the structure), liquid, or gas, or a combination thereof. The maximum time rate of average heat input per unit area can determine peak average flow rates in the case of fluid coolants and may dictate over-all structural strength in the event that thermal stresses predominate. Excessive local heating is, of course, a serious problem with hypervelocity vehicles. This problem may vary depending upon the type of the vehicle. Thus, for the ballistic vehicle, an important local "hot spot" is the stagnation region of the nose, while for the skip or glide vehicle attention may also be focused on the leading edges of planar surfaces used for de- veloping lift and obtaining stable and controlled flight. In this analysis attention is, for the purpose of simplicity, re- stricted to the "hot spot" at the nose. In particular, we consider the maximum time rate of local heat input per unit area because of its bearing on local coolant flow rates and local structural strength. It is undertaken to treat Only convective heat transfer at this stage of the study. As will be demonstrated, radiant heat transfer from the surface should not- appreciably in- fluence convective heat transfer to a vehicle. Therefore, alleviating effects of radiation are reserved for attention in tile discussion of particular vehicles later in the paper. This analysis is further simplified by making the assumptions that 1. Effects of gaseous imperfections may be neglected 2. Shock-wave boundary-layer interaction may be neg- lected 3. Pr and ti number is unity 4. Reynolds analogy is applicable These assumptions are obviously not permissible for an accu- rate quantitative study of a specific vehicle. Nevertheless they should not invalidate this comparative analysis which is only intended to yield information of a general nature regard- ing the relative merits and problems of .different types of vehicle (see ref. 3 for a more complete discussion of these assumptions in connection with ballistic vehicles). In calculating convective heat transfer to hypervelocity vehicles, the theoretical approach taken in reference 3 for ballistic vehicles is, up to a point, quite general and can be employed here. Thus, on the basis of the foregoing assump- tions, it follows that for large Mach numbers, the difference between the local recovery temperature and wall temperature can be expressed as 172 ? T.)1= 2C, (34) It is clear, however, that the walls of a vehicle should be maintained sufficiently cool to insure structural integrity. It follows in this case that the recovery temperature at hypervelocities will be large 11)y comparison to the wall tem- perature and equation (34) may be simplified to read 7'? 11-2C? (35) To the accuracy of this analysis, then, the convective heat transfer is independent, of wall temperature. Therefore, as previously asserted, radiant, heat transfer should not appre- ciably influence convective heat transfer and the one can be studied independently of the other. Now, according to Reynolds analogy, the local heat- transfer coefficient kg is, for a Prand tl number of unity, given by the expression h1=1C.,C,,p1171 (36) where CFI is the local skin-friction coefficient based on con- ditions just outside the boundary layer. With the aid of equations (35) and (36) the time rate of local heat transfer per unit area, can be written as dif dH V' (0 V dt =40? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 (37) (38) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 PERFORMANCE OF LONG-RANGE HYPERVELOCITY VEHICLES 9 Equation (38) can be integrated over the surface of a body For the "relatively light missile," which is of principal interest to yield the time rate of total heat input as follows here, dQ dH 711 pv8c," s dt= s 48.= (39) wherein (.1?, is set equal to C? and C/4 L Ce, dS (40) The parameter Cp' is termed the "equivalent skin-friction coefficient" and will be assumed constant at a mean value for a particular vehicle. From equation (39) we can obtain two alternate forms which will prove useful; namely, the altitude rate of total heat input defined by. (note that dy is negative for dt positive) dQ 1 dQ pine, S dy ? V sin dt 4 sine and the range rate of total heat input defined as dQ 1 dQ pV2Cp'S (l(roio) V cos 8 di? 4 cos (41) (42) The total heat input may be obtained by integration of equations (39), (41) or (42), depending upon the particular variable used. The time rate of average heat input per unit area may be obtained from equation (39) as. dna, dQ Inc , =-di S- di=i (43) Consider next the local convective heat transfer in the region of the nose. The time rate of local heat input per unit area was determined in reference 3 under the assump- tions that viscosity coefficient varies as the square root of the absolute temperature, and that flow between the bow shock wave and the stagnation point is incompressible. In this case it was found t hat dH, -re=K V' (44) where K=6.8X10-6. A more detailed study of stagnation region flow, including effects of compressibility and dissoci- ation of air molecules (ref. 6), shows that the constant, K, should have a value more like twice the above value at the hypervelocities of interest here. With these relations we are now in a position to study the heating of the several types of vehicles of interest. , Ballistic vehicle.?The heating for this case has already been analyzed in reference 3. Only the results will be given here. The ratio of the total heat input to the initial kinetic energy was found to be Q 1 Ca ( C0p0A 4m122 CDA \.1?e Dm sin Of (45) CD00A e sin f 1/2/3. For cases where 17, DIL as V2-40), and so with any significant lift-drag ratio it is far superior to the ballistic vehicle in this respect. In addition, the glider has the important advantage of maneuverability during atmospheric entry. These factors and its potential for relatively high performance efficiency make the glider generally attractive as a man-carrying machine. It will be assumed that if the glider is to develop reasonably high lift-drag ratios it should be slender in shape. But the nose of the body and the leading edges of the wing (and tail surfaces) should be blunt to alleviate the local heating prob- lem. Blunting the nose of the body may not, if properly done, increase the drag of the vehicle (see refs. 10 and 11). Blunting the leading edge of the wing will, however, incur a drag penalty and thereby reduce the lift-drag ratio. This difficulty may be largely circumvented by sweeping the lead- ing edge of the wing. The contribution to total drag of the drag at the leading edge is, according to Newtonian theory, reduced in this manner by the square of the cosine of the angle of sweep for constant span. The question which arises is how does sweep influence heat-transfer rate. The nature of this influence (ref. 6) is shown in figure 12 and it is ob- served that sweep decreases heat-transfer rate very substan- tially, although not to the extent that it decreases drag. We are led then to the conclusion that the wing on a hyper- velocity glide vehicle which develops reasonably high lif t- drag ratio should have highly swept leading edges. This observation coupled with the fact that wing weight should be minimized suggests for our consideration the low-aspect- ratio delta wing. In addition to the wing it is anticipated that a vertical tail will be needed to provide directional stability and control, and so we are led to imagine as one possibility a hypervelocity glider of the type shown in figure 13. The potential of the glider to have relatively high per- formance efficiency hinges strongly on the finding that the large majority of the heat convected to it may be radiated Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 PERFORMANCE OF LONG-RANGE HYPERVELOCITY VEHICLES 1.0 ",---Heat transfer Drag I1 i I i 0 10 20 30 40 50 Angle of sweep. A, deg - FIGURE 12,?'Effect of sweep on drag and heat transfer to circular cylinders. 60 70 0 Ar2a532. FIGURE 13.?Example high lift-drag ratio glider. away at reasonably low surface temperatures. But it is never possible to build a perfect radiation shield. There is always a certain amount of heat which leaks through the shield, to the internal structure. As 4,he duration of flight increases this heat leakage problem may assume major pro- portions if substantially more structure (or coolant) is re- quired to absorb the heat. If, at the same time, the action of aerodynamic forces has, at best, a minor influence on range then the high lift-drag-ratio glider may cease to be an attractive machine. For flights approaching global range these two factors tend to come into play. That is, flight time becomes relatively long (of the order of an hour and a half or more) with the attendant increase in seriousness of the heat leakage problem, while lift-drag ratio assumes a 15 FIGURE 14.?Example high lift glider. relatively minor role in terms of performance efficiency (see fig. 10). Accordingly, it may be attractive to launch a global glider into a low altitude satellite orbit which itifollows over the large majority of its range and from which it enters the atmosphere in the terminal phase of flight to glide the short remaining distance to its landing point. Under these cir- cumstances, the vehicle may be designed to minimize aero- dynamic heating during atmospheric entry and for this pur- pose we are attracted to the use of high lift 5 as well as low wing loading (see eqs. (76) and (77)) to reduce heating rates and surface temperatures. Accordingly, the vehicle may glide into the atmosphere at a high angle of attack for high lift coefficient, maintaining this attitude until speed has been reduced to a supersonic value where heating has become a relatively minor problem. The angle of attack may then be reduced to increase LID, thereby extending the glide and increasing maneuverability to achieve the desired landing point. For this type of application the vehicle might Wave more of the appearance shown in figure 14, again being of the delta-wing plan form but having a more or less rounded bottom and sides to minimize heating rates over the leading edge as well as the entire lower surface during re-entry. Such a configuration bears a resemblance to a motorboat and it may in fact be suited for landing on water as shown. AmEs AERONAUTICAL LABORATORY NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS MOFFETT FIELD, CALIF., Dec. 10, 1954 6 High lift tends, of course, to mean Increased decelerations because of reduced LID during atmospheric entry:however , even for LID's of the order of unity these decelerations remain modest and they should not, therefore, constitute a serious piloting problem. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/11/21 : CIA-RDP71600265R000200130002-3 APPENRIX1. A ,41M'1111.,!f: rNG, A,RNplysTIONE \ANA1lyEl?,.011. /TIRE GLIDE TRAJECTORY .The assumption of small, Inflection angle (0