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washed, or could have imagined. Employee
election rights have also been adversely af-
fected. The Board has developed a combina-
tion of doctrines which de-emphasize sig-
nificance of elections, especially when the re-
sults of the election do not favor unioni-
These are just a few of the substantive
areas where the testimony indicates a devia-
tion by the Board from the intent of Con-
gress as expressed in the Taft-Hartley Act.
:1 have not mentioned the Board's curious
interpretations of "free speech"; the Im-
proper use of its judicial powers; its refusal
to give force and effect to the rulemaking
handedly when different parties seek i pro-
tection;: the political sensitivity of Board
as evidenced by the rapid changes its de
cisions in response to changing po itical cir-
cumstances; the power of the Gen rat Coun-
sel to bar or delay recourse to th Board; or
the other unfortunate tendenci s of the
agency which were disclosed durin the Sub-
Obviously more Is involved he than
merely mistaken or inadequate admi stra-
tion by the NLRB. For example,. Na nal
Small Business Association's strong sta -
case showing alleged disregard of Congres-
sional intent by the Board. If the NLRB or
other administrative agencies do display a
generous tendency to apply statutory law as
they sec fit, then this has serious Implica-
tions for our governmental' system. Instead
of public policy being established according
to the wishes of the people through the
,representatives they elect and send to Con-
gress, policy is being made by it small group
of government ofictals responsive not to the people but to other forces. It
means that labor law Is being devised to
serve the interests of unions or management,
or the Board itself, but not to serve those of
the American working man.
If this Is indeed true, then the fault ulti-
mately 11es with Congress, It Is Congress's
responsibility to take a greater Interest in
the work of the NLRB and other agencies,
and to impress upon them Congress's deter-
mination to see that Its legislative will Is
being obeyed.
The recent hearings on the NLRB are
part of a general study by Senator Ervin's
Subcommittee into the present-day mean-
ing and significance of the constitutional
principle of "separation of powers". The Na-F
tional Labor Relations Board, like its sister,
agencies, the Federal Trade Commission, Se-
curities Exchange Commission, and others,
represents a deviation from a. strict applica-
tion of the separation of powers principle.
The Board is, in theory at least, an organ
of government combining portions of execu-
tive, legislative, and judicial powers. While it
is independent of the direct control of the
traditional branches, it is a creature of legis-
lation and subject to a variety of controls
and limitations imposed by the Congress, the
courts, and the Executive. Controls imposed
by Congress are, potentially at least, the most
the Senate a letter from the Assistant
Secretary of the Interior, transmitting,
pursuant to law, a copy of an applica-
tion by the Valley Center Municipal
Water District of Valley Center, Calif.,
for a loan to assist in financing the con-
struction of emergency and operational
storage facilities and pipelines to connect
the storage facilities to its existing Irriga-
tion water distribution system, which,
with an accompanying paper, was re-
ferred to the Committee on Interior
and Insular Affairs.
Petitions, etc., were laid before the
Senate, or presented, and referred as in-
S .10289
Mr. MCINTYRE, Mr. President, from
the Committee on Armed Services I re-
port favorably the nominations of 32
Army Reserve commissioned 'officers for
promotion to the grade of major general
and brigadier general.
I ask that these names be placed on
the Executive Calendar.
objection, it Is so ordered.
praying for the enactment of legislation to
grant Incentive pay to the airborne units of
the Army Reserve; to the Committee On
Armed Services.
A resolution adopted by the Board of Su-
pervisors, county of Los Angeles, Calif., pray-
ing for the enactment of legislation to give
a chance for homeownership to those who
presently cannot achieve it; to the Commit-
tee on Banking and Currency.
A resolution adopted by the 82d Airborne
Division Association, Inc., Mansfield, Ohio,
commending the foreign policy of the United
States relating to Vietnam; to the Committee
on Foreign Relations.
to the Comlp
A resolution adop by the Ninth Quinn
Legislature, praying fo he enactment of
legislation to establish a S s Commission
for the Unincorporated Terri of Guam;
to the Committee on interior and-Insular
ington, D.C., praying for the enactment of
legislation relating to certain immigrants; to
the^Committee on the Judiciary.
AArution opted by the chamber of
Co erce of the ty of Porterville, Calif.,
Committee on Labor and Public Welfare.
A petition, signed by Orlando E. Hartman,
and sundry other citizens of the State of
Iowa, praying for the. enactment of legisla-
tion relating to extension of the National
Labor Relations Act to cover farmworkers;
to the Committee on Labor and Public
r, MONRONEY, from the Joint Com-
mit a on Disposition of Papers in the
Execu a Departments, to which were
referred fey examination and recom-
mendation alit of recorda transmitted
to the Senate by the Archivist of the
United States, dated August 2, 1968, that
appeared to have no permanent value or
historical interest, submitted a report
thereon, pursuant to law.
As in executive session,
The following favorable reports of
nominations were submitted:
By Mr. SPAIM. MAN, from the Committee
on Banking and Currency:
Raymond H. Lapin, of California, to be
President of the Federal National Mortgage
By ,lw-PRESTLSST OFFICER: n the Executive Calendar, are as fol-
5 hetion adopted by the 82d Airborne 10
Brig. yJohn L. Bores, and sundry other
U.S. Arm serve officers, for promotion as
Reserve commissioned officers of the Army;
Brig, Gen. Kenneth W. Brewer, and slmdry
other Army National Guard of the United
States officers, for promotion as Reserve com-
missioned officers of the Army; and
Col, Harry W,. Barnes, and Col. Robert F.
Wilson, Army National Guard of the United
States officers, for appointment as Reserve
commissioned officers of the Army.
Bills were introduced, read the first
time, and, by unanimous consent, the
second time, and referred as follows:
S. 2999. A bill for the relief of Vladko
Dimitrov I)enev; to the Committee on the
S. 4000. A bill for the relief of Tsui Yan
Wit; to the Committee on the judiciary.
S, 4001. A bill for the relief of Sangvtan
Uoonbangkcng, Wes, Lum Phian, Yau F'o,
Shu Wah Ip; to the Committee on the Judi-
4002. A bill to authorize the Secretary
oft Interior to study the feasibility and
desirab ty of establishing an Upper Mis-
sissippi Vh~eyNatlonal Recreation Area be-
tween Woo River, Ili? and Minneapolis,
Minn., and far ther purposes; to the Com-
mittee on erib( and Insular Affairs.
(see the mar" ~~~(([ of Mr. MILLER when he
introduced the abobill, which appear un-
der a separate heads g)
S. 4003. A bill forte relief of Theodore
Atsidakos, and his wife elen, and two chil-
dren, Mary and Erethili ; to the Committee
S. 4004. A bill to aipend the Internal Rev-
enue Code of 1954 tb eliminate certain In-
equities involved in the taxation of employee
stock options; t9-the committee on Finance.
S 4005. A bill for the relief of certain in-
dividuals; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. MILLER. Mr. President, I intro-
duce, for appropriate reference, a bill
which would authorize and direct the
Secretary of the Interior to study, in-
vestigate, and formulate recommenda-
tions concerning the feasibility and desir-
ability of establishing an Upper Missis-
sippi. Valley National Recreation Area.
This area would cover all or parts of the
segment of the Mississippi River and
adjacent lands between Wood River, Ill.,
and Minneapolis, Minn. The area to be
studied under the terms of my bill In-
eludes portions of my own State of Iowa,
and the States of Missouri, Illinois, Wis.-
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Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300190054-6
S :10290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE September 5, 1968
consn, and Minnesota. This area is read- walking. hiking, riding, bicycling, boating, Czechoslovakia after its long totalitarian
ily accessible to more than 20 million awhnming. picnicking, camping, forest man- night.
people of the Midwest and comprises a agement, fish and wildlife management, The myth of the detente also died with
scenic and historic site preservation, hunt-
wealth of American culture. leg oohing, and winter sports: it, as well as the false feeling of security
Although this area is already widely (b) the potential alternative beneficial which this myth had spawned.
used for outdoor recreation purposes, uses of the water and related land resources I have no doubt that, when the present
such use is heavily concentrated and involved, taking Into consideration appro- crisis has passed, this myth will burgeon
tends to disturb and destroy values prints uses of the land for residential. tom- again, just as it did in the period after
which most people wish to use and enjoy. martial. Industrial, agricultural, and trans- the suppression of the Hungarian revo-
BecauSe this area has so much to offer portadon purposes. and for public services; lution. But, for the moment at least, the
the Nation and millions of people living anI ) the type of Federal, State, and local eyes of the free world have been opened
nearby, I feel that a comprehensive program that is feasible and desirable In the to the harsh fact that there is no essen-
evaluation of its recreation potential public interest to preserve, develop, and make tial difference between the communism
should be concluded as Anon as possible. accessible for public use the values set forth of Brezhnev and Kosygin and the com-
Orte reason for such a survey is that In subsection (a), Including alternative munism of Joseph Stalin.
advirse activities might endanger the means of achieving these values, together it remains committed to the destruc-
prospects of future development of public with a comparison of the costs and effective- tion of freedom for the simple reason
of these alternative means.
outdoor recreation facilities. ness
Sec. s. Pending submission of the report of that that the -ontagion of freedcm con-
'The Corps of Engineers of the Depart- the secretary to the Congress. the heads of stitutes a deadly menace to the total
ment of the Army has conducted some Federal agencies having administrative Juris- tyranny of communism.
significant studies in this regard. These diction over the Federal lands within the This is something that I have been try-
studies should be more helpful in compil- area referred to in section 1 of this Act shall, ing to tell the American people for many
ing a meaningful evaluation and report consistent with the purposes for which the years now. Within the past 2 months
at the earliest possible time while also lands were acquired or set aside by the alone I have taken the floor of the Sen-
holding down the cost of the study called United States and to the extent authorized ate on three occasions to warn against op- for in my bill-such cost being estimated bportuuitlts for the types of recreation i"on use the myth of the detente and against the
at less than $100,000. of such lands referred to In section 2(a) of Possibility that the Soviet Union would
Mr. President, the House Committee this Act. Intervene by force to put down the free-
on Interior and insular Affairs has Sac. 4. There are authorized to be appro- dom movement in Czechoslovakia.
favorably reported a bill containing the printed such sums as may be necessary to I did so for the first time on July 15,
same provisions as I am Introducing. I carry out the provisions of this Act. not to in Ii roducing a resolution reaffirming
urge the Senate Committee on interior exceed 3100.000. our support for Captive Nations Week.
and Insular Affairs to consider this bill This resolution, in which I was honored
at the earliest opportunity. ADDITIONAL COSPONSOR OF BILL to be joined by 13 other Senators, ex-
Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- AND JOINT RESOLUTION pressed the hope that the captive peoples
sent that the bill be printed in the SPARKMAN. Mr. President, I ask would "in the years to come be permitted
RECORD and also printed and appro- Mr. Sthat, President, its next to determine their own future without
priately referred. unanimous .lSPA consent the threat of external intervention."
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill printing, the name of the Senator from On July 22, in speaking again about
will be received and appropriately re- Texas [Mr. YA1i3OROUCH] be added as a the crisis in Czechoslovakia, I submitted
ferred; and, without objection, the bill cosponsor of my bill (S. 3777) to establish a resolution calling for the pubiiration of
will be printed in the RECORD as re- the U.S. section of the United States- the U.N. report on Hungary as a Sen-
quested by the Senator from Iowa. Mexico Commission for Border Develop- ate document. I said that it was my hope
The bill (S. 4002) to authorize the meet and Friendship, and for other pur- that the republication of this report
Secretary of the Interior to study the pass. PRESIDING OFFICER. Without would serve the dual purpose of remind-
feasibility and desirability of establish- Is ordered. ing world opinion about what happened
lag an Upper Mississippi Valley National objection, it in Hungary and that, if the Soviet lead-
Recreation Area between Wood River, Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, I ask ers eontemp'ated intervention, it would
171., and Minneapolis, Minn., and for unanimous consent that, at its next cause them to pause and reconsider.
other purposes, introduced by Mr. printing, my name be aded as a cospon- Regrettably, this resolution was put
MinnER, was received, read twice by its sor of the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 179) over by the Rules Committee because of
title, referred to the Committee on In- proposing an amendment to the Constitu- the pressure of last-minute business.
tenor and Insular Affairs, and ordered tion of the United States relating to the In the same speech I cglied for a more
to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: nomination and election of the President vigorous State Department policy, and
S. 4oo2 and Vice President of the United States. said that the diplomacy of doing nothing
Be it enacted by the Senate and House The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without will accomplish exactly nothing.
of Representatives of the United States of Objection, It is so ordered. On this point, now that the deed has
America in Congress assembled, That the i
secretary of the Interior shall atudy, inveeti- t been done, I wish to read front an edi-
gate, and formulate recommendations on the RESOLUTIONS torial assessment which appeared in the
feasibility and desirability of establishing as New York Times for September 3:
an Upper Mississippi Valley National Recrea- SENATE RESOLUTION 387-RESOLU- As this melancholy political tat.gedy pro-
ton Area all or parts of the segment of the TION CALLING FOR EMERGENCY ceedi. Americans would do well to assess
Mississippi River and adjacent lands between MEKrING OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY soberly this nation's responsibility for last
Wood River, Illinois, and Minneapolis. Min- AND DECLARATION OF DAY OF month's rape of Czechoslovakia. From Mr.
sceota, in the States of Missouri, Iowa, Ill[- SOLIDARITY WITH CZECHOSLO- Llub?.ek'a triumph last January until the so-
n.ola. Wisconsin, and Minnesota. The Scare- VAK[A vlet Invasion, Washington did almcst nothing
Lary shall coeult with other interested Fed- to s-tow serious goodwill toward the liberal
oral agencies, and the State and local bodies sex MEANrNG 07 osZCHOSLOVAKIA regime. The excuse offered then was that
and officials Involved, and shall coordinate Mr. DODD. Mr. President, before the the State Department feared to provoke
Tans study with b and other planBnl g Kremlin staged its treacherous invasion of Moslow action the devastating) blow rSoviet l troops f ac-
activities relating to the region. of Czechoslovakia in the midnight hours tually did deliver, a more tenable view is
Sec. 2. The Secretary shall submit to the of August 21, there were many in the that. Washington's studied near-in-difference
Congress, within two years after the date Western World who believed that the to Prague developments was cor-ectly seen
of this Act, a report of his findings and Soviet leaders were reasonable men who In Moscow as assurance the Ere:nltn could
recommendations. The report of the Scare- were committed to the existence of the do as it pletsed in bringing Czechoslovakia
testy shall contain, but not be limited to, detente and who would therefore take to heel. It is not a pretty chapter of Ameri-
findingswttdireapectto- no rash actions in Czechoslovakia. can diplomacy.
(a) the scenic, scientific, historic, outdoor
recreation, and the natural valises of the Much more died in consequence of the On August 2, the finlcl day before re-
water and related land resources Involved. Soviet invasion than the brave new free- tees. I delivered a major speech on the
including their use for driving for pleasure, dom which had suddenly emerged In myth of the detente In which I warned
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Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300190054-6
September 5, 1968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE S10291
again that the Red army might invade the Soviets from further aggression. But, process
Czechoslovakia of liquidating the hard-won free-
. in my opinion, the first of these meas- doms of the Czechoslovak
And on August 21, on the heels of the ures is resolute action on the part of stallin a people of rein-and invasion, Iissued a statement calling for the free world to, condemn the Soviet oc- m and threatening g police etpa fort ght,p the Soviet
ands, Its a satellite armies emergency session of the U.N. Gen- cupation of Czechoslovakia, to bring the dung amaneuvers on ies have been cthe
eral Assembly to deal with the matter Kremlin to bar before the United Nations, frontier of Romania and, Yugoslavia, simi-
of Soviet intervention in Czechoslovakia. and to mete out punishment in the form liar to the maneuvers which preceded the
I still believe such a session should be of economic sanctions. Invasion of Czechoslovakia; and
convened, and this is a major purpose That is why I am submitting my res- Whereas the Soviet Government further
of the resolution which I am introducing olution. enlarged the crisis by submitting a list of
today. My resolution calls upon the adminis- outrageous demands to the Government of
Essentially my resolution is an action tration to designate September 30, the West Germany: therefore be it
resolution, because, in the situation that anniversary of the infamous Munich Resolved, That it is the sense of the Sen-
confronts us today, pious declarations agreement, as a day of solidarity with ate-
of sympathy are not enough. the Czechoslovak people. for lan emergency session rofi theshould
U.N. Gen 1
A member nation of the United Nations I think that it is altogether fitting that eral Assembly to deal with the Czechoslovak
has been invaded without warning and the enslavement of Czechoslovakia by crisis and with the wider crisis this has pro-
without cause of any kind by the military the Soviet tyranny be observed in con- duced throughout Central Europe;
forces of five other member nations. junction with the anniversary of the (2) that at this session the drain istra although, nominally, the Kremlin pact which paved the way to its enslave- should Iaskt fors imposition
other free nations,
is permitting the Czechoslovak Govern- ment by the Nazi tyranny, sanctions against the aggressor of countries, u es, Un-
ment to continue in office, in practice it On this day let us, by every proper til they abandon theirg ags e-
is enforcing a ruthless. dictatorship, means, tell the Czechoslovak aggression and and
It has compelled the Czechoslovak that, in their battle to win for tl em- m that, move their despite any from Czechoslovakia; one
ny protests that may come
Government, against its will, to reintro- selves the right to "life, liberty, and the from the now captive government of Czecho-also duce a rigid censorship over press and pursuit of happiness," they have the fer- for thea,the administratioa special n should U.N. Nsk
radio. vent support of the American people. mitt e, similarh oe the fU.N. Committeeo on
It has demanded the banning of Czech- Let us demonstrate. , to all information
oslovakia's most popular literary and po- Let us protest. and to or repo gatherrt to the General Assembly;
litical magazine Literarni Listy. Let the church bells ring out across _ n(3)that, in advance of such action, the
It has virtually forbidden Czechoslovak the country, administration should impose an immediate
trade with the West. And let us as a nation reinforce our embargo on the shipment of all industrial
And according to recent information condemnation by taking those essential and technological equipment to the Soviet
received by the American chapter of diplomatic, political, and economic ac- which par ci the Invasion, bloc countries
and hPEN, the world association of writers, tions spelled out in the resolution which it should invite the other free nations of
Soviet intelligence agents, disguished as I submit today.
ambulance drivers, have been apprehend the world join in not action;
- Mr. President, I submit a resolution (4) that, , in conjunction ion with the anni-
ing and beating up prominent Czech calling for an emergency meeting of the versary of the Munich agreement on Septem-
writers and removing them to undis- 'General Assembly and calling for the ad- her 30, the administration should proclaim a
closed destinations. ministration to declare September 30 as day of solidarity with the people of Czecho-
. Slovakia, to be In
aggression in Czechoslovakia, a day of solidarity with Czechoslovakia, observances across the f ec untry and that it
moreover, has raised the Spector of fur- because that is the date of the Munich should invite the appropriate
ther Soviet aggression in Europe. betrayal. participation of the free overn a to this
On the heels of their occupation of Mr. President, in submitting by res- day an intereat onalhdayiof so daitygw th
Czechoslovakia, the Red Army and its olution I ask unanimous consent to in- the Czechoslovak people in their heroic
satellite armies embarked on a series sert into the RECORD a number of articles struggle to retain their freedom; and, finally,
of threatening maneuvers on the fron- and be it
to the maneuvers which vU ~a preceded the
invasion of Czechoslovakia. And these
activities are all the more alarming be-
cause they have been synchronized with
a violent propaganda campaign against
the Rumanian and Yugoslav leaders
which resembles the propaganda cam-
paign against the Czech leaders prior to
the invasion.
Only yesterday the crisis in Europe was
dangerously enlarged when the Soviet
Ambassador to Bonn presented to the
West German Government a list of ar-
rogant demands which bore some of the
earmarks of a ultimatum. Among other
things, the Kremlin demanded that' the
.u wiau
the intellectual f suen measures as may be necessary tore-
erment ins the Soviet duce the threat of further Soviet aggression
Union which made the Soviet leaders so in Europe,
fearful of the contagion of freedom. The articles and editoria
I also ask unanimous consent to in- Is ordered to sert into the RECORD at the conclusion be printed in the RECORD, are as follows:
my remarks the full text Of my resolu- 1. THE SOVIET OCCUPATION OF C`LECHOS 968A
tion. [From the New York Times, Aug. 31, , 1 19681
olution will be received and approprl- PRAGUE-CZECHS SEE THEIR 8 MONTHS OF
ately referred; and, without objection, LIBERTY IS NEAR AN END-HELPLESSNESS IS
the resolution, articles, and editorials, VOICED
will be printed in the RECORD. (By Clyde H. Farnsworth)
The resolution (S. Res. 387) was re- PRAGUE, August 30.-A heavy sadness has
ferred to the Committee on Foreign Re- descended on this beautiful city, which
lations,as follows: the described as "a gem in the crown of
the 1 '
Bonn government call off its efforts to Whereas the Congress of the United States
establish normal cultural and trade rela- is on record as supporting the struggle of
tions with the Communist countries of the captive nations to recover their national
Eastern Europe ,.1, freedom and their basic human rights; and
Against the packground Of Soviet in- Whereas the Soviet Invasion of Czech-
tervention in Czechoslovakia no one can oslovakia on August 21, abetted by the armies
say for certain just how far the Soviets of four Communist satellite governments,
are prepared to go. Against this back- Nations Chara flagrant of the ter and of thetrue of lawiinithe
ground, too, it becomes clear that Soviet affairs of nations; and
promises and guarantees are utterly Whereas, as President Johnson has pointed
worthless. out, "The excuses offered by the Soviet
The coming period will be a period of Union are patently contrived. The Czech-
testing that will
an governmt di
re all theid
wsomend not request its
and all the resolution of which we are allies to intervene in its internal affairs. No
capable, external aggression threatened Czechoslo-
There are many measures that must YaWhereasthe Soviet secret police, under the
be taken to secure the peace and to deter protection of the Red Army, are now in the
You feel thd
.e saness when walk-
ing on the Charles Bridge across the Vitava
with a young blond law student who says re-
peatedly, "i am not afraid"-but you know
she is.
You pass several Russian soldiers munch-
ing bread at the entrance of a Soviet-occu-
pied building on the Opera Square. She looks
at them and then, almost with tears in her
eyes, says, "It is terrible what they have
There is an older Czech talking quietly
with an American in a coffee house near
Maxim Gorki Square. A third party, unknown
to either of them, sits down at their table.
The older man suddenly finds an excuse to
It is the fear that personal liberties, so
much enjoyed over the last eight months, are
suddenly being taken away-the fear that the
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S 10292
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Government can never resist the overwhelm-
ing Russian military pressures to end the
political reforms.
Now, Czechs are again afraid of being in-
formed on, afraid of the secret police.
The Russians have pulled most of their
troops out of the city. But the tanks are not
far away and, three miles southeast of the
city center In the suburb of Vrsovice, heavy
mortars have been emplaced. They could fire
their shells into Wenceslaus Square.
The informed Czech tells you that the
plight is tragic. To prevent bloodshed the
Government has to accept Russian demands
and curb political freedom. But in doing this
it loses the confidence of the people,
This reality, the feeling of helplessness be-
side the tremendous display of Russian pow-
er, explains the poignant sighs and pauses
when Czechoslovak leaders address the na-
It explains the bitter tone of the under-
ground poetry plastered on the storefronts;
"Welcome friends-
You have come as brothers,
And now our blood lies on the ground.
"Welcome friends-
Thank you for the roses
On the graves of our children.
"Welcome friends-
With salt in our eyes
slovak Communist Party. He is best known lug Prague a few minutes after 1 o'clock On
In the West for his novel "The Taste of the morning of Wednesday, Aug. 21,, As it
Power." a satire on the Communist party landed at Ruzyen International Airport, its
leadership that was published here earlier wing companion flew on a direct approach to
this year by Frederick A. Praeger. Inc. the airport.
The cablegram, signed by David Carver, There was silence for a few minutes, and
the international secretary of P.E.N, the then the first Antonov-12 four-c ngined
Initials stand for Poets, Essayists and turbo-prop tranr.port pierced the clear night
Novelists-Jolted American members of the sky ove' this city, its green and red running
association who had hoped conditions in lights blinking Against the darkness on its
Czechoslovakia' would ease following the descent to RuzylLe. AN-12
talks in Moscow last weekend, With''.n a minute another heavy
"This Is shocking news," said Arthur followed from Vie east. Then, the roar over
Miller. the playwright and president of the the capital was unabating as, at 50-second
international P.E.N. Club. intervals, transport planes to-ached down at
Reached at his home in Connecticut, Mr. Prague Airport, disgorging crimson-bereted
Miller said he would begin "right away" to Soviet airborne troopers.
gather signatures from American writers and Two hours earlier, a column of Soviet T-55
poets for an appeal to the Soviet Govern- tanks had crossed the Czechoslovak frontier
ment and the Union of Soviet Writers on from East Germany at Cinovec, a quiet vil-
behalf of their Czechoslovak colleagues. lage, 60 miles northwest of Prague, and now
PROTEST SENT TO PODGORNY Its forward elerierlts were nearing the resi-
dential suburb of Kobylisy. Young Soviet
Mr. Carver's communication arrived short- tankm,sn in black leather headgear peered
ly after Mr. Halsband and Mr. Miller had out of their turrets, their hands on their 50-
sent a routine protest to President Nikolai V. caliber machine guns.
Podgorny appealing for the release of Czecho- The Invasion of Czechoslovakia had begun.
slovak writers arrested during the Soviet oc- At 1:50 A.M., the city was told in F. Prague
cupation. They said the information about radio broadcast, delivered in quiet tones:
the arrests was based on newspaper reports "Last night, Aug. 21, about 11 F.M., the
and had not been independently confirmed, armies of the sovlet Union, the Polish Peo-
Several hours after receiving the report ple's Republic, the German Democratic Re-
of the new arrests, Mr. Halsband and Mr. public, the Hungarian People's Republic and
Miller sent two more protests, one to the the Bulgarian People's Republic crossed the
--- ,.. .~e a..ofpt Writpr'R Union and nAtinnRl frontiers of Czechoslovakia without
Underground writers quo
words to Napoleon: "You can do everything The message to President Podgorny was public, the National Assembly, the Govern-
with bayonets except sit on them." made public by Mr. Halsband early pester- ment, the First Secretary of the Communist
The writers also refer to an old Czech say- day afternoon. a few hours before he re- party or any of their bodies."
ing: "After three days a guest and a fish ceived Mr. Carver's cable. The message said: Then the radio station went off the air.
begin to smell." "P.E.N.'s American Center Joins with In- The airlift was the biggest eve,' carried
With most of the tanks removed. Prague ternational P.E.N. in urging release of Czech out by the Union oute;ide its 'rontiers.
looks normal again. During the day there is and Slovak writers reported held following Within the first seven hours, 250 airnraft put
business as usual and there are traffic Jams occupation of Czechoslovakia. We ask this in down here a full airborne division Complete
in the streets. a spirit or deep concern and hopefulness on with 3mail armored vehicle3, fuel and sup-
, I tt
[From the New York Times, Aug. 31, 19681
(By Henry Raymont)
The American chapter of REV.. the world
association of writers, said last night it bad
received word that Soviet Intelligence agents
in Czechoslovakia, disguised as ambulance
attendants, were secretly rounding up writ-
ers and journalists.
The report was received by Robert Hals-
band, president of the American center, in
a cablegram from the association's inter-
national headquarters in London. Mr. Hals-
band said the cablegram was based on In-
formation given by "a reliable source," a
writer who had just arrived from Prague.
The cablegram said that at least 11 Czech
writers, including Ladislav Mnacko, the
and Prof. Adolf Hoffineister, presi-
dent of the Czech center of P.E.N., had been
beaten unconscious by Soviet secret "agents
disguised as ambulance attendants" before
. p
y o e
behalf of the world communi
Mr. Halsband, a professor of English liter- Along with the Soviet, East German, Po-
ature at Columbia University. acknowledged lash, Hungarian and Bulgarian coliunns en-
that the association bad been asked by sev- tering Czechoslovakia through 18 crossing
eral Czech writers to delay their protest, con- points from the north, northwest, south and
tending that It might further harden the east, this airlift formed the vanguard of
Soviet attitude. what in days to come was a massive invading
"We waited for almost a week, until we be- army reported to number 650,'')00 men
came convinced that the situation was not equipped with the most modern and Sophia-
improving," he said, ticated weapons In the Sovicty military cata-
The appeal to the Soviet writers said: Prague alone was filled and ringed with
"As fellow writers, the American Center lOO,0')0 troops and 2,000 tanks, while, at the
of P.E.N. urges you to exert your influence to Kremlin in the evening of Tuesday, Aug. 27,
protect writers in Prague from reported ar- Czechoslovak leaders were being forced into
signing an agreement giving Moscow total
rests. We make this appeal in the name of control over the destiny of this republic of
the world community of letters. . . Ia million neDnle,
to President Podgorny was based on rumors. ranged from the drama of the elalp street
"we now have concrete information just out battles in Prai;ue and other Czechoslovak cit-
of Czechoslovakia of a real wave of repres- lea between Soviet tanks and yowls armed
Sion." with sticks and Molotov cocktails to the
The author, who returned yesterday morn- poignant tragedy of the secret Moscow nego-
wConanh as a attended dollee- tiations with the Czechoslovak leaders fresh-
inDLln g from Chicago,
gate from m Connecticut, said d tta he would 1y released from Soviet captivity.
a n
gaff: f. -ew s read v er the RECONSTRUCTION OF 7 DAYS
etition ready over the
probably a
NOVEL SATIRIZED LEADERS weekend. This article is a reconstruction of the
t k da a based on the accounts of the
The cablegram asserted that ambulances
were used for the arrests to "divert attention
of Czechoslovak citizens and police." The
following writers and newspapermen were
listed as having been seized:
Professor Hoffineister, Mr. Mnacko, Ba-
os o
Mr. Miller predicted that the Czec
crisis would become a central issue at the an- Czechoslovak clandestine radio network
nual meeting of P.E.N.'s executive commit- formed after the invasion, the testimony of
tee, which opens in Geneva Oct. S. The meet- participants, information supplied by Com-
ing is?scheduled to be attended by at least murdst sources and direct observations by
a dozen from Eastern Europe. correspondents of The New York Times.
humil, Hrabal, Karel Kosk, Alexander Kti- [From the New York Times, Sept. 2, 19881
meat, Vaclav Have, Ludvik Vaculik, Milan SEVEN DAYS or INTERVENTION IN CzzcRO-
Uhde, Jiri Kolar, A. J. Liehm and Vladimir sLOVAIITA-ENTRY BY SOVIET-LED ARMIES
The report was the first indication of Mg. NOTE.-The following reconstruction of
Mnacko's fate following the invasion Aug. (21. The stocky, 49-year-old former journa- events in the first seven days of the occu-
list fled Czechoslovakia last year to a pro- pation of Czechoslovakia was prepared by
test against Prague's pro-Arab policies, but Tad Szulc and Cly
They were the 11 full members of the rul-
he returned some months ago to participate York Times correspondents in Prague.) ealdlum of the Central a
in the liberaation of Alex- PsAGux, nder Dubcek, First Secreotary of the Czecho- Jet fighter screeched ? over the roofs of asleep- the Czechoslovak Communist par`.y~, Its three
Ass the Soviet columns rolled through
Prague's darkened streets at dawn on Aug.
21 and as dozens of cars careened throughout
the city with honking horns to summon the
ettissens to a protest meeting at the Old Town
Square, 20 men were gathered in a. four-story
denied and marble-pillared building on the
right bank of the Vltava River, which flows
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September . 5, 1968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE S 10293
alternates and the party secretaries, and they trict of Prague, which was to be the command grabbed Mr. Dubcek, Mr. Kriegel and Mr.
had been meeting continuously since 2 post for the invasion. Smrkovsky and led them to one of the
o'clock in the afternoon to try to deal with The first Aeroflot plane, as Mr. Cernik and armored cars. Mr. Clear was taken out sepa-
the situation. his friends discovered later, was a mobile air- rately. Somehow Mr. Slavik escaped deten-
The meeting had been called by Alexander. traffic control post brought to Ruzyne' to tion.
Dubcek, the First Secretary of the party, the direct the airlift. The armored car with Mr. Cisar went to
man who personified Czechoslovakia's de- PRESIDIUM GETS NEWS central police headquarters at Bartolomejeka
mocratizaticn effort begun last January and returned to the meeting Street in midtown and he was placed in a
defiance of Moscow's orthodoxy. When Mr. Cernik cell. The vehicle carrying Mr. Dubcek, Mr.
at 11:40 P.M. having spoken again with De- Smrko?vsky and Mr. Kriegel drove to the
DECEPTIVE MILDNESS fense Minister Dzur, he was pale. He whis- airport. Premier Cernik was already there
Mr. Dubcek, a deceptively mild-looking pered a few words to Mr. Dubcek. Visibly under guard.
but tough man of 47, had called the session shaken, Mr. Dubcek rose and announced to The four men were led to a Soviet transport
to debate a letter he had received the day the group: plane, pushed with rifle butts. The plane
before from Leonid I. Brezhnev, the General "The armies of five countries have crossed took off immediately, and one hour later it
Secretary of the Soviet Communist party the frontiers of our republic and are occupy- landed at Try Duby military airport in Slo-
berating him for allegedly failing to honor ing us." vakia. The four men were driven to a barn
agreements made at the confrontations in commotion broke out in the room, and Mr. outside the nearby spa of Sliac and kept
early August between the Czechoslovaks and Dubcek tried to restore order, there under guard. They were treated harsh-
their Soviet-led critics at Cierna and "It is a tragedy," he said, his voice crack- ly and insulted. As Premier Cernik was to
Bratislava. ing. "I did not expect this to happen. I had tell the Cabinet later, "I feared for my life
These confrontations left the public im- no suspicion, not even the slightest hint and that of my comrades."
pression that the Warsaw Pact nations had that such a step could be taken against us." As the news of the. invasion spread in
grudgingly accepted Czechoslovakia's democ- The men were excited, talking, shouting, Prague by the clanking of the tanks, the
ratization with some minimal restraints. gesticulating. Some of them left the room to roar of the troop transports and telephone
At the Presidium meeting, held in a small make telephone calls, then returned. calls from neighbors and friends, young
conference room with modern decor and Tears were streaming down Mr. Dubcek's workers and students rushed to the Prague
heavy armchairs, the Dubcek liberals clashed face. He said: "I have devoted my entire life radio building on Vinohradska Street to erect
with the pro-Moscow conservative members. to cooperation with the Soviet Union, a~nd barricades.
The principal battle was over a 13-page they have done this to me. It is my pertonal Se-long as the radio continued broadcast-
report on the internal situation in Czecho- tragedy." ing, the young people felt, the world would
slovakia, prepared by Drahomir Kolder, a CONSERVATIVES NOT UPSET know what was happening. It was a race
Presidium member, and Alois Indra, a party An official who attended the meeting said against 'time. The Russians had already
secretary. These two conservatives sought later that the conservatives--Mr. Indra, Mr. achieved their first objectives by neutralizing
approval for their report, which in effect con- Kolder, Mr. Bilak and Oldrich Svestka, a the centers of the government. Later in the
stituted acceptance of Soviet demands for presidium member and editor of the party morning, they would surround Hradcany
eradication of the democratizing experiment. newspaper Rude Pravo-"did not seem terri- Castle and place the President under virtual
Mr. Kolder and Mr. Indra suggested, in bly upset or even surprised." They soon left house arrest.
fact, that the Presidium lay aside the Bra- the building. Buses, trucks and the street oars were
tislava agreement and reconsider instead Mr. Dubcek telephoned President Ludvik commandeered by the youths to try to block
the so-called Warsaw Letter Sent by the Svoboda at Hradcany Castle, and the two men the progress of the tanks from the nearby
Soviet Union and its four allies in mid-July discussed the situation. Then Mr. Dubcek National Museum toward the radio building.
and -calling for a virtual political surrender, and Premier Cernik drafted a proclamation As dawn broke, thousands of youngsters
EVENLY DIVIDED to the nation that the Prague radio began poured into Wenceslas Square just below the
The Czechoslovak party leadership was to broadcast at 1:50 A.M. National Museum and moved toward Vino-
fairly evenly split between liberals and con- After having stated that the invasion had hradska to man the barricades. They hurled
servatives, but the moderates complicated taken place without the knowledge of the rocks at the tanks and waved the Czechoslo-
the situation by their uncertainty. At one Czechoslovak authorities, the proclamation vak flag while screaming defiance at the
point, for example, Frantisek Barbirek, a Slo- urged Czechoslovaks to remain calm and not Russians, who were nervously manning their
vak member of the Presidium, deliberately to resist. The armed forces were given the machine guns.
absented himself for a prolonged period to same order. SHOOTING BREAKS OUT
avoid participating in several inconclusive The first elements of the Soviet airborne Most of the Russians were puzzled by the
votes, division had already secured the airport and reaction. They had been told that they had
Premier Oldrieh Cernik, one of Mr. Dub- were moving into the city. been invited to help crush a counterrevolu-
cek's closest associates, called the Kolder- Premier Cernik left for the one-story tion and they expected to be welcomed.
Indra proposal- a "betrayal" of the Batislava building housing the Straca Military Acad- Tanks slipped through the barricades and
accords. Frantisek Kriegel, another liberal emy across the Vltava River from the Central fires ranged in the twisted wreckage of over-
member of the Presidium, said the pro- Committee to preside over an emergency ses- turned buses and trams. By 7:25 A.M. the
posal should be withdrawn because it lion of his Cabinet. Mr. Duboek and his radio building was surrounded by infantry
"negates Cierna and Bratislava." liberal colleagues remained in the Central soldiers, and tanks were rampaging trying
Vasil Bilak, then the Slovak party leader Committee building to await developments, to scatter the crowds.
and a member of the national Presidium, LEADERS ARE SEIZED The first blood was spilled shortly after
took the side of Mr. Kolder and Mr. Indra.
These developments came quickly. At 3 7 A.M., when a tense Bulgarian tankman
Antonin Kopek, an alternate Presidium mom- A.M., as the capital was wide awake and fired his machine-gun, first, above and, then,
ber and head of the large C.K.D. machinery stunned, Soviet armored personnel carriers directly into people on the sidewalks. Two
plant in Prague, also lined up with the and armored scout cars drew up at the Mili- unarmed Czechoslovak soldiers and a woman
conservatives. tary Academy. Airborne troopers, their sub- were killed.
The atmosphere in the room was reaching machine guns at the ready, surrounded the The radio station went off the air at 7:21
an explosive point when Premier Cernik went building. A.M. after a woman had announced in an
out to an adjoining office to make one of his A detachment burst into the academy and emotion-choked voice: "This is the end."
periodic phone calls to Col. Gen. Martin Dzur, arrested Mr. Cernik and the ministers with There were a few bars of Smetana's "Vltava
the Defense Minister. him. Soldiers tore up the, telephone switch- Suite," and then the Czechoslovak national
SOVIET AIRLINERS LAND board. At gunpoint, one witness said, they anthem, and finally silence. But an hour
Reports had been reaching the Presidium forced some of the ministers to give up their later, the radio came surprisingly back On the
all day of Soviet troop movements along wristwatches. Mr. Cernik was led to an air, demanding the departure of the invaders
Czechoslovak frontiers. A Moscow report in armored car and driven away. and calling for a national protest strike and
mid-afternoon spoke of an urgent session of Shortly after 4 A.M., airborne units and for blood donors for the wounded-
the Soviet party's Central Committee. Mr. some of the tanks that had advanced from "DO YOU WORK HERE?"
Cernik knew that at 10 P.M. an unscheduled the East German border surrounded the The Soviet forces seemed to lack instruc-
Soviet Aeroflot airliner had landed at Central Committee building. A few minutes tions on how to proceed.
Ruzyne Airport. later, three armored cars led by a black So- At the television station on Maxim Gorky
This was the first thing to alarm him. The viet made Volga automobile arrived. Square, a Russian army captain named Orlov
plane, he had been told, did not unload pas- Mr. Dubcek, Mr. Kriegel, Josef Smrkov- jumped down from his armored squad car
sengers but simply sat in the darkness on a sky, the President of the National Assem- and pounded on the door. After several min-
taxiway. At 11 P.M., Mr. Cernik was informed bly; Cestmir Cisar, it party secretary, and utes the. nightwatchman appeared. Captain
that another unscheduled Aeroflot flight had Vaclav Slavik, a member of the secretariat, Orlo,v told him:
arrived from Lvov in the Soviet Ukraine. were around a table discussing their next "Step out of the way, we are going to oc-
A group of unidentified civilians left the moves. They were the hard core of the party cupy the television station."
airport and rushed to the city. Later it de- liberals. "Do you work here?" asked the elderly
veloped that they had gone to the Soviet A squad of Soviet soldiers and several watchman.
Embassy, in the tree-shaded Bubenec dis- civilians rushed into the meeting. They "No," the stunned captain replied.
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"Then you can't come in," said the watch-
man, slamming the door In the captain's face.
The nonplused captain had to radio 'his com-
mand headquarters for further Instructions.
The troops outside the radio building also
did not seem quite sure what their mission
Tanks raced up and down the streets like
charging bulls, while young men rushed out
from the sidewalks with flaming gasoline-
soaked rags trying to ignite the tanks' fuel
stores. Five were set afire and one had to be
abandoned. While the attacks went on, other
tanks stood idle on the streets, their engines
off, with crews quietly watching the show.
At 11 A.M. the troops surrounding the radio
building finally got their orders to move
inside and stop the broadcasting. The station
went off the air, only to be replaced within a
half hour by the first underground transmit-
ter of the clandestine network.
The network, coordinating 15 stations
around the country, not only provided news
about the occupation, but became the chief
rallying point for the developing passive re-
The planning behind it was the work of
Jlrt Pelikan, the articulate, bushy-haired,
42-year-old director of the state televisttm.
Weeks earlier he and his associates had de-
vised a contingency plan. This advance plan-
ning and the services of professionals who
went underground accounted for the high
standards of the clandestine network.
The Russians tried to locate the stations
but were slow in getting direction-finding
gear to Prague. The radio itsekf was Instru-
mental in delaying a train carrying the
needed detection equipment. At Ceska
Prevova, a rail junction 80 miles east of the
captial, Czechoslovak railroad workers re-
fused to man a train after having been
alerted by the radio. For hours the train was
left to sit in the yard.
The clandestine network was a major ele-
ment of the psychological warfare that was
developing between the resistance leaders
and the occupiers. Unable to stop the trans-
missions, the Russians began to seize port-
able radios from listeners In public places.
One of the memorable posters pasted up
after the invasion portrayed Russian tank
men as Arab merchants with displays of
transistors on carpets laid out In the streets.
The Russians, in attempt to make them-
selves heard by the population, set up their
own station, Radio Vltava, but hardly any-
one listened to its announcements, delivered
with a foreign accent.
The clandestine radio urged citizens to
engage the Russian soldiers in discussion to
try to convince them that there was no
counterrevolution in the country. Hundreds
of people sought out the tank crews, in-
fantrymen and paratroopers and asked the
basic question: "Why have you come here?"
Most Czechoslovaks speak Russian, which
has been a compulsory foreign language in
school since the Communist take-over in
Most of the discussions were friendly
enough. However, the Czechs found that
many of the young Russian soldiers knew
little about the outside world. The reply to
the basic question was usually "we follow
Some of the Russians held up what they
said were unfired weapons to show that they
had not been among those who had taken
blood or scarred buildings.
One sensitive noncommissioned officer said
he wished he could doff his uniform and
merge with the crowd.
On the second day of the occupation, the
radio advised the people to ignore the Rus-
sians. Though discussions continued, the
groups were smaller.
But on Friday a general strike emptiedthe
streets, leaving Soviet troops isolated, sur-
rounded by almost total silence, for an hour,
Not knowing what to expect, many fired
Indiscriminately Into the air.
The clandestine radio also promoted what
was perhaps the cleverest of the passive re-
sistence measures-the obscuring of street
signs and house numbers to confuse the
occupying troops,
People put lip spurious detour signs to
delay additional tank columns coming from
Poland. In the streets of Prague, signs went
up showing Soviet troops the shortest way
home, "Moscow-i.500 kilometers."
The radio campaign was supplemented by
underground newspapers, printed on flatbed
presses in secret basement plants and dis-
tributed by factory workers. The papers bore
the names of many of the newspapers closed
by the occupying troops.
Young men in cars and trucks drove
swiftly through the city center, dropping off
bundles of newspapers and leaflets. Crowds
surged on the sidewalks to gather them up.
The Russians countered by dropping some
of their own leaflets from helicopters and
having the troops distribute the Moscow
newspaper Pravda- A Czechoslovak who ac-
cepted these publications often found them
snatched from his hands and was accused of
Like the clandestine radio network, the
equestrian monument to St. Wenceslas in
Wencaslas Square-became a symbol of resist-
Youths gathered there to make speeches
denouncing the occupation. Despite a curfew,
youths manned the monument 24 hours a
day and defined Russians who tried to dis-
perse them by shooting over their heads.
On Thursday, Aug. 23, as the defiance
mounted In the streets and gunfire echoed
through the city, the Soviet Union turned
to the political aspects of the occupation.
Moscow had evidently expected to form a
government under President Svoboda-to
assure constitutional continuity-and to re-
organize party leadership with trusted men,
Two steps were promptly taken by am-
bassador Stepan V. Chervonenko, the politcal
chief of the invasion, and by Gen. Ivan Cl.
Pavlovsky, a Soviet Defense Minister and
commander of the invasion forces.
After reported consultations with the Rus-
sians, Jan Puler, a conservative Presidium
member, called on President Svoboda at
Hradcany Castle to present him with a list
of a "worker and peasant" government with
the request that he remain as chief of state,
President Svoboda, an army general, a con-
vinced Communist and a Hero of the Soviet
Union, refused, He said he would discuss
nothing until the Czechoslovak leaders had
been released. A message from Ambassador
Chervonenko also failed to budge the Presi-
Overnight Wednesday the Czechoslovak
conservatives had met with Mr. Chervonenko
and other Soviet officials at the Praha Hotel,
which Is used by the Central Committee. The
Soviet group was disappointed by the small
turnout and by the reluctance of the Czecho-
slovaks to join the leadership that the Rus-
sians proposed to establish,
After hours of deliberation it developed
that only Mr. Bilak, Mr. Koldar and Mr. Indra
were prepared to go on the new Presidium.
To complicate matters, these three party
officials apparently were unable to agree
among themselves as to who would serve as
First Secretary, The decision was made for
the three to serve jointly as party leaders.
The announcement of the troika was
greeted with public derision, and It vanished
from sight almost as soon as It had been in-
vented. The Soviet political maneuver had
In a countermove by the Czechoslovak
liberals, hundreds of delegates began steam-
ing secretly during the night to the huge
C.S.D. plant in Prague to hold the extraor-
dinary 14th congress of the party.
The congress had been originally sched-
uled for Sept. 9, and the delegates were
elected during the summer. Most of them
were pre-Dubcek and It was taken for
granted that the new Central Committee
and Presidium to be elected by the congress
would be overwhelmingly liberal.
The delegates were informed by the clan-
destine radio that the congress would be held
Thursday morning at the C%.D. plant. The
organizer.; assumed correctly that inasmuch
as the radio was publicly announcing that
the plant would be the site of the congress,
the Russans would conclude it was being
held elsewhere. This tactic worked.
The delegates were introduced into the
plant disguised as workers. The plant's armed
people's militia, traditionally supporters of
the conservatives, stood guard.
The underground congress elected a liberal
160-man Central Committee, which in turn
chose its 27-man Presidium. Mr. Dubcel was
reelected First Secretary, but in his absence
Venek Stlhan, an economics professor, was
chosen to act in Us place.
At this stage. Mr. Dubcek end his col-
leagues were being moved from iliac to Lvov,
In the Soviet Ukraine, with a stop at Trans-
Carpathian town of Mukachevo. They had
not been permitted to' change clothes; they
were Inadequately fed, and wer: exposed to
insults and maltreatment.
On Friday, Aug. 23, President Svcboda
suddenly flew to Moscow follow-ng a 7 A.M.
meeting In Hradcany Castle with Ambassador
Cherveneriko. Mr. Svoboda said in a brief
statement that he was going to the Kremlin
to seek a resolution of the crit:is and that
he would return the same evening.
Flying on the same plane were Mr. Indra
and Mr. B lak. but Czechoslovak Gfovernmeut
spokesmen made it clear that they were not
members of the Svoboda delegation. Among
these actually accompanying the President
were Deputy Premier Gustav Hueak, a Slovak
and a friend of Mr. Dubcek, and Defense
Minister Daur.
Presidert Svoboda was received in Moscow
with honors usually accorded a chief of state,
but his Soviet hosts soon realized that he
was in no mood for compromise. He mate it
clear from the outset that he would not un-
dertake tc? negotiate until Mr. Dubcek and
his colleagues were freed and muted to par-
ticipate In the talks.
On Saturday Mr. Dubcek and the three
other Imprisoned liberal leaders were Lown
from Lvov to Moscow and driven to the
They were a haggard, mentally and
physically exhausted group, but It was a
victory for the Czechoslovaks to have won
their freedom. President Svoboda sent a
message to the nation that, In view of the
arrival of the four men, he was remaining
at least another dr.y for additional talks.
In Prague, this news evoked the first
moment or optimism since the invasion. But
the Russians countered by sending addi-
tional forces to the capital. Soviet strength
there rose from 35,000 men on Wednesday to
50,000 on Friday and 90,000 on Sunday as
the talks dragged on.
Mr. Smrkovsky, the President of the Na-
tional Asst-mbly, wt,e not exaggerating when
he said later that the Czechoslovaks had
negotiated "In the shadow of tanks and
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The pressure was so immense that on
Mon-clay, Aug. 26, Mr. Svoboda, Mr. Dubcek
and the others agreed to sign the agreement.
A communique gave no real indications of
the substance of the accord.
At 5:20 A.M. Tuesday, President Svoboda
and the others landed at Ruzyne Airport. By
that time many of the tanks had disap-
peared from large parts of the city center
and were assembled in parks and side streets.
Trolleys and buses were running on normal
People seemed to be breathing a little easier
and everyone seemed to be returning to work.
At Hradcany castle, a Czechoslovak honor
guard once again took up its post and the
presidential flag flew from the castle staff.
Under the Moscow accord, the Russians
agreed to a gradual troop withdrawal in re-
turn for a renewal of press censorship, the
disbanding of non-Communist political
groups, the gradual removal of liberals from
office and increasing Soviet control over ad-
ministration. In addition, two Soviet divisions
are to be permanently stationed along the
border with West Germany.
It was a high price to pay to get the tanks
out of Prague but the Czechoslovaks had
evidently little choice but to pay it. Mr.
Svoboda, Mr. Dubcek, Mr. Smrkovsky and
the others made this clear in radio speeches
last week.
The invasion, said Mr. Smrkovsky, was "a
tragedy of small nations placed in the center
of our continent."
BERLIN, September 1.-Rightists and left-
ists demonstrated- today at the annual "Day
of the Germans" sponsored by refugee groups
in West Berlin. The police kept the opposing
groups apart and there were no serious in-
About 30 rightist youths showed up to
cheer the appearance or representatives of the
right-wing National Democratic party who
attended under a general invitation to all
West German state legislatures.
The presence of the controversial rightists,
plus rain, kept attendance to about 5,000 in
an outdoor stadium seating 25,000.
Speakers emphasized German solidarity
with the beleagured Czechoslovak people.
Mayor Klaus Schutz attacked East Germany,
which joined the Soviet-led invasion of
Czechoslovakia, saying the East Germans had
forfeited every right to talk about the rights
of peoples.
(By Henry Kamm)
Moscow, September 1. Pravda, the news-
paper of the Communist party, complained
today that the Czechoslovak press was slow
to adapt itself to renewed censorship.
Pravda centered its attack on one of the
most liberal of Czechoslovak publications,
Literarni Listy, the weekly of the writers'
union. Literarni Listy has been published
clandestinely since the occupation and has
not lost the sarcastic sting that made it a
favorite of the intellectuals and youth.
The Soviet party organ characterized the
underground weekly as a "wasps' nest" that
"continues to exist somewhere in a backyard
and continues to play its abject role as one
of the main ideological centers of counter-
"Every sensible person understands, how-
ever, that such a game cannot continue,"
Pravda declared, "The counterrevolutionary
forces must be and will be bridled."
Jan Prochazka, a member of the weekly's
editorial board, was singled out in Pravda for
having "concocted an article containing re-
volting and mean slander of the Soviet Union
and the international Communist movement"
in last Wednesday's issue.
Literarni Listy has a history of suppres-
sion. Its current editors were responsible for
the former weekly of the writers' union, Lit-
erarni Noviny, which was banned last sum-
mer by the regime of Antonin Novotny. Some
of its editors, including A. J. Liehm and Lud-
vik Vaculik, were punished by or suspended
from the party and not restored until after
the start of the liberalization earlier this
Literarni Listy rose to a circulation of
300,000 in a country of 14.5 million and be-
came a forum of liberal ideas. It maintained
its political position in ironic language and
savage cartoons. Its success was so great that
before the invasion there were plans for Eng-
lish and German-language editions.
(By Jonathan Randal)
WARSAW, September 1.-The state-control-
led Polish television stepped up a resurgent
"anti-Zionist" campaign today, charging
"Zionists" with responsibility for the "coun-
terrevolution." Czechoslovakia.
Branding some of the Czechoslovak liberal
writers as Zionists, the Prague correspondent
of Polish television linked them with Czecho-
slovak criticism this spring of what has been
.officially admitted was an anti-Semitic witch-
hunt in Poland.
The television man denounced Eduard
Goldstuecker, the president of the Czecho-
slovak writers union; Ladislav Mnacko and
Pavel Kohout, novelists, and Arnold Lustig
and Jan Prochazka of the weekly literary
Linty. [Mr. Lustig arrived in Israel on Sunday
as an immigrant, the Associated Press re-
ported from Haifa.]
"The Zionist forces were the most active
of those who attacked Poland in March and
allowed themselves in an atmosphere of in-
tolerance and anti-Communism to designate
the future Communist leaders of Czecho-
slovakia," the Polish correspondent Czeslaw
Berenda said.
He said that many of these writers "do not
share these difficult days with the citizens of
Prague" and had fled to the West.
Defense Minister Wojciech Jaruzelski
praised Polish occupation troops, believed to
number 45,000 men, for fulfilling their "patri-
otic and internationalist duties"
Polish correspondents accused "counter-
revolutionaries" of seeking to pit one occup-
ing army against another by praising Polish
troops as "cultured and chivalrous" and de-
picting the Soviet troops as "brutal and
Zygmunt Broniarek, writing in the party
newspaper, Trybuna Ludu, said a Czecho-
slovak Army officer had denied that his coun-
try was heading toward counterrevolution or
was about to leave the Warsaw Pact. These
were amonk avowed reasons for the Soviet-led
Another correspondent denied rumors that
Polish troops were going hungry and that an
epidemic was raging in their ranks.
[From the New York Times, Sept. 3, 1968]
(By Raymond H. Anderson)
Moscow, September 2.-Pravda declared
today that only a "pitiful handful of politi-
cal Ignoramuses" in Prague were interested
in reorienting Czechoslovakia's trade toward
the West and soliciting hard-currency
A long article in the Soviet Communist
party paper stressed that it was advanta-
geous for Czechoslovakia to trade primarily
with the Soviet Union and other Communist
Shortly after Prague's reform program was
undertaken last winter, leading economic
S 10295
officials began to speak of the urgency of
obtaining up to $500-million in credits to
modernize the Czechoslovak industry.
The possibility of the Soviet Government's
supplying the hard-currency credit was
raised during visits here by Czechoslovak
leaders, but Moscow held back, apparently
hoping to use the prospect of a loan to in-
fluence the Czechoslovaks to restrain their
reforms. -
Damage to Czechoslovakia's economy from
the turmoil in the wake of invasion by troops
of the Soviet Union and four Communist
allies seems to have made foreign credit
more urgent than ever. The Czechoslovaks
have said that they expect to discuss the
question of reparations with the Soviet
Pravda emphasized that all Communist,
countries had an obligation to strengthen
their bonds of political and economic co-
operation "for the sake of the victory of our
common goal."
The paper complained that some Czecho-
slovaks had joined a critical chorus against
Comecon, the Soviet bloc's economy com-
munity, and it rejected protests that trade
within the group was "one-sided, to the ad-
vantage of the Soviet Union."
Raw-material imports by Czechoslovakia
from the Soviet Union, Pravda declared, have
been at prices favorable to Czechoslovaks.
The Soviet Union, the paper continued,
supplies 99.5 per cent of Czechoslovakia's
needs in crude oil at a price of 273 crowns
(about $40) a ton delivered to refineries. It
quoted Rude Pravo, the Czechoslovak party
paper, as having estimated that oil imported
from Iran, for example, would cost the
Czechoslovaks 408 crowns ($60) a ton.
The paper said that the Soviet Union sup-
plied the bulk of Czechoslovakia's other raw-
material imports, including 83.6 per cent of
the iron ore and 63.3 per cent of other metals,
53.8 per cent of the cotton imports and most
of the country's wheat imports.
Many of the Soviet Union's exports to
Czechoslovakia, the article declared pointed-
ly, are scarce materials that Moscow could
sell in hard-currency markets.
In the other direction, the paper con-
tinued, Czechoslovakia's industry benefits
greatly from the large market afforded by the
Soviet Union for industrial products.
"True patriots" in Czechoslovakia under-
stand the importance of maintaining and
expanding economic ties with the Soviet
Union, Pravda emphasized. It added:
"Only a pitiful handful of political ignora-
muses dream about 'broadening the scope'
for flirtation with imperialist monopolies,
which seduce simpletons with their big
moneybags, 'fat' credits, 'advantageous deals,'
and similar lavish promises that lead di-
rectly to the yoke of dependence on foreign
capital." -
(By Joseph Alsop)
WASHINGTON.-Freedom has died in Czech-
oslovakia, not drowned in brave and youthful
blood as it was in Hungary, but brutally
strangled with cold, inhuman power and
calculation, only a few weeks after the
wretched Czechs began rejoicing over their
new birth of freedom.
The best evidence now is that this shock-
ing deed began to be planned from the mo-
ment the members of the Soviet Presidium
discovered, at the Cierna meeting, that they
could not break the will and unity of their
Czech colleagues. If that Is true, the soothing
Cierna communique was mere dust thrown
in the eyes of the Czechs and the rest of
the world, to give the Soviet leaders time to
decide on their next move.
- Certainly, the Soviet armies never ceased to
be concentrated along theCzech frontiers,
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but were instead augmented and also went
through exercises obviously preparatory to
Invasion. Perhaps the men In the Kremlin
hoped, for a while, that Dubeek and the
others would draw the correct inference and
would move preventively to destroy their
country's new-won freedom with their own
At any rate, the thing has happened. A
civilized and ancient country, in the very
center of Europe, is now to be held down by a
foreign occupying army and to be ruled by
open hirelings of its foreign masters.
What, one wonders, will be the reaction of
those men of the left whose indignation
waxes so hot when it is a question of Western
or even American "imperialism"? What
difference will these people find, between the
occupation of Czechoslovakia by Adolf Hitler
and the occupation of Czechoslovakia by
Leonid Brezhnev and his jolly crew?
One can already hear the self-deluding ex-
planations, that the Soviets have made a
"great mistake" (such a splendid silver lining
for the Czechs!) because of "the effect on
world opinion" of this piece of calculated
ruthlessness. The same damn fools said the
same things about Hungary.
But by their own grim standards, the
Soviets have made no mistake at all. They
do not parrot twaddle about the "discredited
domino theory" (which always makes one
wonder just who discredited It). They knew
that sooner or later the dominoes would
begin tumbling in Eastern Europe if free-
dom was permitted to be reborn there. And
they therefore moved against the Czechs as
they had moved against the Hungarians.
Such are the cruel realities. The prime
question is whether the smallest notice will
be taken of these cruel realities in the left-
wing academic and intellectual circles In this
country. The left-wing academics and intel-
lectuals have more and more wallowed in
self-deception throughout the last seven
years; and by their Wailowings they have
managed to deceive millions of other rather
more sensible people.
Seven years Is the time-frame, because that
Is the period that has elapsed since the
Cuban missile crisis. President John Kennedy
did not refer scornfully to the "discredited
domino theory." He believed in it, as he once
publicly testified; and for that very reason
he risked a thermonuclear confrontation to
get the Soviet missiles out of Cuba
This great achievement led directly to the
liquidation of the second Berlin crisis-that
domino theory at work again I And these
events produced what can only be called a
widespread Dr. Pangloss-fIusion. All was now
supposed to be "for the best In this best of
all possible worlds," as the good doctor kept
telling poor Candide.
More specifically, the remorseless fangs of
history were supposed to have been drawn.
The cold war was supposed to be over. The
Soviet Union was supposed to be rapidly
evolving into the kind of peaceable, unmili-
tary, genially free society in which the left-
wing academics and their chums, the liberal
editorial writers, could give their egos runs
in the yard with perfect impunity.
Well, who can believe this now? Brezhnev
has demonstrated once again what everyone
should have known all along-that the Sovi-
ets never hesitate to use military force if
they think they do so with Impunity: that
they care not a snap of their fingers for
"International morality" or "world opinion":
and that they will do anything they believe
it is safe to do to serve their own hard inter-
What can doubt, then, that they may one
day support Arab genocide in Israel, which
will give them the riches of the Middle Eaat,
If they begin to suspect that no one will in-
terfere? And what can more rapidly nourish
such Soviet suspicions than the kind of col-
lapse of American resolve that senators
Eugene McCarthy, Ted Kennedy and others
are now seeking to promote?
Sovlrr UNION'S Coup DzsPELs Lmxaar. MYTH
(By David Lawrence)
WASHINGTON.-The "Communist myth," so
often brushed aside by "liberals" as imagi-
nary. has all of a sudden become a reality.
The argument of the "doves" that the Soviet
Union and most of the Communist-bloc
states In Eastern Europe constitute no threat
to world peace and that they should be given
trade benefits and other Lsoncessions by the
United States has evaporated overnight.
The world Is back again to where it was
more than a decade ago when the Soviet
armies crushed an uprising of the people of
Hungary. Then, after having connived to
weaken the NATO alliance In Europe, the
Soviets proceeded to build up North Viet-
nam and finally to provoke Hanoi's aggres-
sion against South Vietnam as a means of
diverting American attention from Europe.
In virtually all tree nations today a unani-
mous condemnation is being expressed
against the Soviet Union for Its Invasion of
Czechoslovakia and Its attempts to suppress
the few freedoms that have been allowed
the people there. The hopes of the Czechs
for a degree of independence from Soviet
domination were abruptly shattered as the
Soviet armies, aided by military forces of
East Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria and Po-
land-puppets of Moscow-crossed the Czech
border. In the capital at Prague the leaders
who had dared to institute reforms In the
Communist system have been imprisoned.
President Johnson stated the case clearly
when he said that "a defenseless country"
has been Invaded In order to "stamp out a
resurgence of ordinary human freedom." He
"Tile excuses offered by the Soviet Union
are patently contrived. The Czechoslovakian
government did not request Its allies to in-
tervene In Its internal affairs. No external
aggression threatened Czechoslovakia. The
action of the Warsaw Pact allies is in flat vio-
iation of the United Nations Charter."
There are, of course. in the United States
a few politically minded critics who immedi-
ately cried out that Russia is merely doing
what the United States did in Vietnam. No
parallel, however, exists because the South
Vietnamese government formally requested
the help of the United States after trying in
vain to repel by itself the Infiltration by
the Communists from North Vietnam. The
Moscow government makes no secret of the
fact that within the last three years it has
provided billions of dollars worth of mu-
nitions and supplies to the North Vietnamese
to carry on the aggression against South
The case for American assistance to South
Vietnam now will be strengthened before
world opinion. It is clear that the Soviet gov-
ernment does not extend military or eco-
nomic aid and then let go of its control over
the smaller countries. but insists instead on
dominating their governments and denying
them a right to rule themselves. The United
States has explicitly stated that its objec-
tive In South Vietnam is to assure the people
there the right of self-determination and
that, once this is accomplished, our troops
will be withdrawn.
Since the Soviet Union has a veto in the
Security Council of the United Nations, this
leaves the question to be handled by the
General Assembly of the U.N., which can
adopt a reso utloa as it did in 1956 condemn-
Ing the-SovietUnion for "depriving Hungary
of its liberty and independence" But it is
doubtful that such a resolution will make
any more impression today on Moscow than
It did 12 years ago.
Meanwhile, the world has been awakened
to the amber Pact that military power ex-
erted by the Soviets In defiance of the pro-
visionsof the United Nations Charter can at
any moment break the peace on every conti-
nent. A stronger alliance of nations than
the U.N. will have to be formed in order to
be able to mobilize a military force of such
strength as to command the respect of would-
be aggressors.
The Soviet Union has not only made a big
error in Czechoslovakia, but It has assumed
that the United States is powerless to draw
together the other nations of the world to
thwart any further extension of Soviet im-
perialism. 'World opinion, however, can quick-
ly be mobilized. For it now is evidant that the
policies of the present Moscow regime are no
different from those which prevailed under
Khrushchev or Stalin. Me Communist drive
for world domination still threatens the peace
of mankind and makes a "detente" with the
present leaders in the Kremlin a dangerous
policy of acquiescence in Communist im-
(From the New York Times, Aug. 25, 19681
HUNGARY Accuses RUMANIA or Foes,ewrNG
BucHAaisr Crowns OBsaavE NATIONAL IIoL-
(By Israel Shenker)
BuDAPEST, August 24.-The Hungarian press
sharply assailed President Nicola Ceausescu
of Rumania today f .3r his stand In the Czech-
oslovak crisis.
Having withheld attack yesterday in def-
erence to the Ruriania National Day, the .
controlled press here accused Mr. Ceausescu
of parroting the imperialist line on Czich-
Magyar Memzet found it "very strange"
that on the part of high-ranking leaders of
Rumania, "incomprehension in the highest
degree and even wilful misinterpretation can
be experienced."
The newspaper added: "There is a strrenge
similarity between the tone and the con-
tent of Ceausescu's speech and the phrase-3 re-
posted a hundred times a day by Western
radio stations."
On Wednesday, Mr. Ceausescu called the
Soviet-led Intervention In Czechoslovakia "a
big mistake and a severe danger for peace
in Europe and socialism In the world." He
said that ,here was no justification for the
occupation of Cze-,boslovakia and warned
that "Intervention Into the internal afr.irs"
of other Communist parties must end,
For several years Rumania hag shown. an
Increasing desire for Independence from So-
viet direction. but Mr. Ceausescu' views this
week were unprecedentedly plainspoken.
There was considerable speculation about
how the Soviet Union would react to the
Rumanian leader's utterances.
By degrees, Rumfnla has in fact managed
a partial withdrawal from the hegemony of
her powerful neighbor. The clearest and
latest evidence was the failure of Bucharest
to participate in the Invasion of Czecho-
Until now, the Hungarian Communist
party-along with fraternal parties elsewhere
in Eastern Europe--has refrained from at-
tacking Rumania.
With the wraps now off, the Budapest
newspaper Esti Hirlap, organ of ti e Budapest
Communist Party Committee, joined the
fray. It, too, attacked Mr. Ceausescu by
name-and said Rumania should remember
that the S~vlet Union liberated it from the
Germans in World War II.
Moscow, August 24.-The Soviet Govern-
ment newspaper Izvestia denounced Presi-
dent Ceausescu today for aiding the Czecho-
slovak "counter-revolution" through his
As an example of Mr. Ceausescu's alleged
help to counter-revolutionaries, Izvestia cited
his statement that "no one can act as an ad-
visor or mentor on how and In what way
socialism should be built,"
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f between Rumania
Izvestia, in an article by Vladimir
Kudryavtsev, said that the thesis that each
country chooses its own path to socialism
was correct, but was being. abused.
"Certain people so ignore the principles
that are common to all socialist countries
that they contribute to the Czechoslovak
counter-revolution in its desire to break
Czechoslovakia away from the socialist com-
monwealth, Izvestia said.
(By John M. Lee)
BUCHAREST, August 24.-Despite continu-
ing anxiety over Czechoslovakia and possible
repercussions for Rumania, Bucharest settled
back today to enjoy a warm, sunny holiday
Seemingly carefree crowds in sports clothes
swarmed through the lush Cismigiu Gar-
dens in the downtown area, packed the side-
walk cafes and outdoor restaurants and
strolled down the broad tree-lined Margheru
Boulevard, the Champs-Elysees of Bucharest.
There were long lines for Italian movies
and for a Tarzan picture so old that it
starred Johnny Weismuller. The only uni-
forms in evidence were on traffic policemen
and guards at Government buildings.
Yet, transistor radios brought, newscasts
to restaurant tables, and small crowds
gathered to heir the latest bulletins. Al-
most every other person seemed to have a
morning newspaper, turned to Czechoslovak
Rumanians talked readily to visitors and
condemned the Soviet invasion of Czecho-
slovakia. "It is an impossible situation," said
a young woman student. "How do the Rus-
sians think they can do this?"
How did she think Rumania had escaped
a similar repression?
"Perhaps we are better diplomats," she
[From the New xorK Auu-,
ug. ' , tamed nominal membership in the Warsaw
TITO SEES AIDES AS CONCERN OVER' ..?...,SOVIET Pact. However, Rumania has not partici- finery for Rumania-which again snubbed
pated in maneuvers under the treaty since VISITING THE UNITED STATES
SURGE IN NEO-STALINISM-BUT APPREHEN- 1962, and is generally inactive in Warsaw
SION O[JER PERIL OF INVASION SEEMS EASED Pact affairs. Talks with trade officials here clearly indi-
(By Paul Hofmann) The-new line of "continuing counterrevo- cate that Rumania would like even closer
BELGRADE, YUGOSLAVIA, August 28-Presi- lution" Is apparently designed to justify a economic relations ndra the Birladeanu U.S. Recently
dent Tito reviewed the Czechoslovak situa- lengthy stay of the Warsaw Pact occupa- Deputy Premier Alexa tion with aides today amid apparently deep- lion troops to "protect socialism" in several weeks in the U.S. investigating ways
ening concern within the Yugoslav regime Czechoslovakia. But for the young party Rumania might acquire more technical
over what it fears is a surge of Neo-Stalinism member it only caused confusion, equipment for developing industries.
in the Soviet Union. There is also an emotional aspect to Ru-
Rumania with likes the Sovie
An official announcement said today that [From. the Wall Street Journal, Aug. 29, mania's `Nobrent in dispute
Marshal Tito had conferred with Trpe 19681 Union. N student Rut at Bucharethe st ue-
Javoklevski, the Yugoslav Ambassador in RUMANIAN LEADERS BAR CZECH-TYPE LIRER- sians," says a s that after Russian was
Prague, on the northern Adriatic Island of ALISM BUT Vow INDEPENDENCE-CITIZENS dversity ry e. say
ae a compulsory second language
Brioni. The announcement conveyed to the SAY THEY WOULD FIGHT RUSSIANS; NATION pp
public the information that the President IS SEEKING CLOSE ECONOMIC TIES To WEST a few years ago, "nobody would take it-
was back in his summer residence after five (By Ray Vicker) English and French are the languages we
days in and near Belgrade, and that he was study."
BUCHAREST,-Unlike Czechoslovakia, Ru- To be sure, a -visitor from the West is
still concerned about Czechoslovakia. mania poses few threats to the Soviet Union quickly reminded that this Communist
Many Yugoslavs saw Marshal Tito's return on purely ideological grounds. country still maintains tight central con-
to Brioni as a sign that a crisis that they Indeed, the leaders in this East European trols and all the trappings of a police state.
felt had menaced their country as well as capital are about as eager to stray from or- When a foreigner began snapping photo-
Czechoslovakia had passed. thodox Communist doctrine by eliminating graphs not long ago of a barefoot woman
The President came to Belgrade from press censorship and police powers as are in a marketplace in the city of Cralova, a
Brioni last week and warned in a speech Fri- the men in the Kremlin. policeman briefly placed him under arrest.
day that Yugoslavia would fight against any yet Rumania exercises it own brand of Later, when he dropped in on friends in
threat no her at Soviet po. The clear im- national independence, free of Soviet domi- Tirgu Jiu, a police car pulled up at, the
plicatio was t present such threat. nation. It was this strain of independence- door within minutes to investigate.
pressure might pr such a t. with_ the determination to maintain it- The press "is not free in a Western or
REGIME SILENT ON ACCORD that led President Nicolae Ceausescu to sup- even Czechoslovakian sense. But during the
Though many Yugoslav Army specialists port the Czech regime so vigorously that current crisis the Ceausescu government has
who were recalled to active service over the he placed Rumania's army on alert "to de- permitted newspapers the exceptional free-
weekend are still with their units, the feel- fend our Socialist homeland" against a sim- dom of reporting all Czech developments.
ing today was that if there ever had been a ilar invasion. . Radio Bucharest similarly has transmitted
Soviet threat to attack Yugoslavia it had re- Last week thousands of students, workers, all available statements by Czech leaders
ceded. soldiers. and farmers marched in patriotic and all cladestine radio broadcasts.
Government spokesmen would not com- parades and staged political rallies in a show Unlike the Czechs, the Rumanians have'
ment on the agreement reached in Moscow of unity behind President Ceausescu's gov= almost no concept of democracy and practi-
to settle the dispute between Czechoslovakia ernment. Their fervor can't be misinterpret- tally none of the thirst for personal liberty
and the Soviet Union. "There isn't even a ed.. "If the Russians come," says a mechanic that was demonstrated in Czechoslovakia.
Czechoslovak reaction yet,"' one official said. "we should fight them-everywhere." Rumania has never experienced a Western-
Newspapers were cautious and skeptical on That a clash arm
whether the Moscow agreement would work, and Russia will yet take place seems less
Borba, a Belgrade newspaper close to the likely than it did a few days ago. The up-
Communist party apparatus, said that "time roar that greeted the Soviet-led invasion-
and practice" alone would tell the value of and its limited success in de-liberalizing the
the accord. Czech regime-makes this an increasingly
Vecernie Novosti, the afternoon edition of unpopular form of political persuasion.
Borba, said that socialism had in the past Moreover, in recent days, Rumanian lead-
paid much too high a price to agree to re- ers have considerably. played down their
turn Into Stalin's "pen of obedient sheep." criticism of the Soviets, possibly in response
Anxiety here over a possible resurgence of to Russian countercharges that any Ru-
Sta?linism in the Soviet Communist party is manian fears of invasion are completely un-
caused by concern that Moscow may again warranted.
tend to regard Yugoslavia as a part of the AN END TO INTERFERENCE
Soviet sphere of influence. This is a concept But the more moderate Rumanian tone
Marshal lead to the break between Stalin and doesn't reflect any basic change in the senti-
The gos in 1948. ments of the government or the 19 million
The Yugoslav Communist party engaged citizens. "An end must be put for good and
in a nationwide campaign to remind the its all to interference in the affairs of other
members and the d people ple at largem tht t tos states and of other parties," declares Mr.
Yuget-bloc C Co syste ommmisunissmm, , not fro only in that Its Ceausescu, who is Communist Party leader
rejection of the Czechoslovak invasion but as well architect, Rumani Theodor a's preside dza, simpy asks:
at also home. its social and economic institutions "Who can trust the Russians after the inva-
In the hundreds of local meetings that sion
Not that Russians iwere winning popularity
days, Communist party y is organizing these
expressions of sympathy for Czecho- contests here even before their misadventure
Slovakia are coupled with the praise for Yu- in Czechoslovakia. Rumania's independent
goslavia's own "road toward socialism." position began taking shape in 1961, in fact,
Self-management-the participation of as a reaction to a Soviet master plan calling
Yugoslav workers in the managerial deck- on her to concentrate on agricultural and raw -
- materials production for trade with other
sions affecting their plant or enterpr
is being hailed as the cornerstone of the Communist bloc countries. Instead, Rumania
Yugoslav system and as an example that adopted its own economic program, empha-
the Czechoslovak reformers intend to follow. sizing industry and closer trade relations
with the West.
RUMANIANS HEAR OF DEMAND By 1967, Rumania had asserted itself to the
(Special. to the New York Times) point that only 47% of its trade was with
BUCHAREST, August 28.-Rumors circulated Socialist' countries. The first of six British-
in Bucharest today that the Soviet Union made jets have been delievered to Rumania's
had commanded Rumania to allow Warsaw airline-with Yugoslavia the only other East
Pact military maneuvers on Rumanian ter- European nation to utilize Western aircraft.
Rather than purchase oil from Russia,
ri. had But Finatio Office officials midandthey Rumania recently concluded a substantial
had no information on such a demand. contract to buy from Iran. And an American
Despite Rumania's strained relations with concern, Universal Oil Products Co. of Des
the Government has main- Plaines
has built a $22 million oil re-
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style democracy, and there are few demands
for political change.
[From the Now York Times, Aug. 30, 19881
(By John M. Lee)
BUCHAREST, August 29 -Rumanian Com-
munist leaders declared today that they at-
tached the "utmost importance" to the com-
plete withdrawal of Warsaw Pact forces from
Czechoslovakia "in the shortest time."
The officials also appeared to warn the
Soviet Union against further Incursions that
might. exacerbate relations between Com-
munist countries. They asserted:
"It is imperative that absolutely nothing
should be undertaken that might worsen
these relations or deepen the divergencies
and breed fresh sources of tension."
The firm declarations were contained in a
statement by the Executive Commltee of the
party's Central Committee, published in the
party newspaper. Scintela and other papers.
It wasp the first Rumanian comment on the
Soviet-Czechoslovak agreement reached in
Moscow on Tuesday.
The agreement called for the gradual with-
drawal) of forces as soon as conditions In
Czechoslovakia are "normalized." Two dtvi-
siona are to remain behind to help guard the
West German border,
Western diplomats were impressed by the
resolute tone of the Rumanian comment. In
their view, Rumania is continuing to insist
that each national Communist party should
be able to determine its own development, as
the Rumanian party has done, free from out-
side. Interference,
The statement did nothing to yield to criti-
cism by the Soviet Union, Hungary and Po-
land of Rumania's breakaway stance.
"The Executive Committee expresses to the
Communists of Czechoslovakia, to the Czech
and Slovak people, its feelings of warm sym-
pathy? of support and full internationalist
solidarity," the statement said.
It recalled that Rumania had expressed
"anxiety and disapproval" over the invasion
of Czechoslovakia Aug. 20, and it noted that
the return to office of Czechoslovak leaders
and the resumption of activity by party and
government bodies "create conditions for
undertaking the complex tanks facing them,"
..At the same time," the statement went
on, "the Executive Committee considers of
utmost importance the carrying into effect of
the complete withdrawal, In the shortest
time, of the armed forces of the five socialist
countries from Czechoslovakia."
(By Jonathan Randal)
WARSAW, August 29.-Poland assailed Ru-
mania today for having placed "sovereignty
and Independence" Above allegiance to So-
vlet-led Communism. The criticism came in
an article observers Interpreted as a possible
prelude to further pressures on the Bucha-
rest regime by the Orthodox Communist
An unsigned 2,600-word article In the party
newspaper, Trybuna Ludu, reflecting the
views of the Polish leadership, castigated
Rumania for having denounced the Invasion
of Czechoslovakia in disregard of the "su-
preme dictate of the moment.'
In language that recalled the strong words
employed in the state-controlled Polish press
against Czechoslovakia in past months, the
article, also attacked President Nicolas
Ceausescu of Rumania by name for the first
time mince the invasion last week.
Observers said that this was A practice
normally reserved for the most serious Inter-
party polemics.
Also for the first time since the invasion,
Wladyslaw Oomulka, the Polish party leader,
consulted with members of the ruling 12-
man Politburo. The omclal Polish press
agency limited Its report to noting that he
bad discussed "present problems of the In-
ternational situation."
Also present were five other Politburo
members, regional party lenders, Central
Committee department directors and others
who were described as certain ministers.
Trybuna Lubu also criticized Rumania for
having established diplomatic relations with
West Germany last year and for having failed
to break diplomatic ties with Israel after the
war in the. Middle East in June 1987.
Rumania is the only Eastern European
country that has established relations with
Bonn and the only one that did not follow
Moscow's lead in breaking with Israel last
The newspaper said that Rumanian sup-
port for Czechoslovakia "Indicates that the
objective was not 'defense of democracy and
sovereignty' but disintegration of the so..
cialist commonwealth."
[From the Baltimore Sun, Aug. 31, 19681
(]By Stuart S. Smith)
PRAGUE, August 30.-A Czechoslovak radio
station transmitting from somewhere in Bo-
hemia said today that the Warsaw powers
are massing troops along their borders with
According to the broadcast, the Soviet
Union has moved nine military .divisions into
Bucovina alone. Bulgaria, it said, has trans-
ferred two divisions of troops to its frontier
with Romania and Hungary has deployed
three divisions along Its eastern boundary.
In London, Joseph Luna, the Dutch For-
eign Minister, said the situation in the
Balkans is a serious cause for concern and
called for improved Atlantic alliance co-
In New York, Cornellu Manescu, the Ito-
martian Foreign Minister and current United
Nations General Assembly president, held
talks with United Nations officlala to sound
out their attitude toward a possible Invasion
of his country. Mr. Manescu also spoke with
George W. Ball. the United States Ambas-
sador to the United Nations.
Bucovina and Moldavia are former Ro-
manian provinces which the Soviet Union
took from Romania at the close of World
War H.
Two weeks ego, President Nicolas Ceau-
sescu indicated that the Romanian military
forces had been withdrawn from the War-
saw Pact command and simultaneously or-
dered the immediate arming of the country's
Workers' Militia.
(BY a Sun staff correspondent)
PRAGUt. August 30.-The Soviet military
commander here warned today that Russia
will keep its tanks In the Czechoslovak capi-
tal until the citizens remove the anti-Soviet
slogans from the city's wall. -
The Czechoslovak National Front Organl-
zation later appealed to the people to remove
the offending placards.
Radio Prague quoted the commander, Gen.
Ivan Vellebkp, as saying all posters, signs
and banners would have to be taken down
or painted over before be would transfer his
The announcement conflicts with Alex-
ander Dubeek'n speech Tuesday which said
the invading military units were to be re-
moved forthwith.
Shortly after ]its return from his Moscow
negotiations with the Kremlin'a top officlals,
Mr. Dubcek, the Czechoslovak Communist
party leader, said "we agreed" that the oc-
cupation forces 'in the towns and villages
will immediately depart to dsI;ignated areas.
This is naturally connected with the extent
to which our own Czechoslovak authorities
will themselves be capable in individual
towns of Insuring order and norma.? life."
Except for the first few days Immediately
following the Wrrsaw powers' attack, there
has been no public disorder in Czechoslo-
vakia, and some major cities, Pilsen Ior ex-
ample. have had no sizable occupat1 r- units
since the middle of last week.
Prague, however, is still jammed with
Soviet military equipment, including at least
200 battle tanks, more than that many ar-
mored cars, numerous howitzers, one or more
heavy molar batteries, machine gun em-
placements and other heavy arms.
Although the soldiers and their weapons
are no longer occupying the Government and
party headquarters. they still hold mist of
the capital's newspaper offices, radio and tele-
vision stations, printing plants and other key
communications points, Including the Prague
Many large flelds within easy firing range
of the city's heart are full of Soviet troops,
helicopters, military communications equip-
ment and other paraphernalia.
The Czechoslovak National Front's central
committee also rebuked the Warsaw powers,
declaring that their invasion violated the
"xasic nolens of International law."
The committee a_so called upon the occupa-
tion authorlttea to release the political pris-
oners they have arrested during the last ten
days and to refrain from interfering any
longer in the nation's affairs.
Soviet officials have demanded that what
they call the "illegal" newspapers here stop
publishing and that the free Czechoslovak
radio stations be silenced.
[Freon the New York Times, Sept. 20, :.0671
(By Richard Eder)
PRAGUE, September l9-"The social revolu-
tion has tfiumphecl in our country, but the
problem of power Is still with us. We have
taken the bull by the horns and we are
holding on, and yet something keeps butting
us in the seat of the pants."
With these words Ludvik Vaculik, a 41-
year-old Prague writer, began a speech, de-
livered two and a half months ago, whose re-
percuasiona are still agitating party and in-
tellectual circles in. Czechoslovakia. Spoken
at the writers' congress at the end of June,
the words of Mr. Vaculik and four or five
other writers transformed what had been
expected to be a stormy session into Some-
thing ver?f eg on a revolution.
For the lost three years or so, Czecho-
slovak cultural activity has been the freest
and most Inventive in Eastern Europe, In
striking contrast to the conservative attitude
of most party leaders. Films, plays, novels
and literary essays have, with varying de-
grees of directness, voiced demands for per-
sonal freedom and the supremacy of private
At the writers' congress those themes were
distilled in.* a far more direct ohallengo to
the regime.. In essence Mr. Vaculik and
others insisted that freedom as a ooncese;ion
was not enough, and that the regime must
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recognize freedom as a right, surrendering After the writers' Congress there was an [From the Baltimore Sun, July 11, 1968].
part of its power through such a recognition. Immediate effort by the panty to condemn RED TROOPS MOVING IN, CZECHS HEAR-RADIO
Mr. Vaculik's speech, as well as the other Mr, Vaculik and three other speakers, Pavel
speeches at the congress, have not been pub- Kohout, Ivan Kline and A. J. Liehm all PRAGUE QUOTES NEWS REPORTS FROM WEST
lished in Czechoslovakia, but word of them were replaced as candidates for the Central GERMANY
has spread. Reports of the speech have ap- Committee of the Writers Union. (By Stuart S. Smith)
peared in West German and Swiss papers. The literary magazines and the newspapers BONN, July 10.-Quoting West German
Mr. Vaculik, who has been denounced by came out with editorials attacking the news reports, Radio Prague said tonight that
President Antonin Novotny and other high speakers, following the lead of President more foreign Warsaw Pact troops are march-
party officials, and who faces party discipli- Novotny and of'the party's cultural overseer, ing into Czechoslovakia.
nary action, told the congress that the Jiri Hendrych. We can only hope there is no reason to
party monopoly of power made Its Iiberaliz- Nevertheless, it was noted that the edi- worry," Radio Prague commented.
Ing gestures suspect. torials were not so strong as they might Earlier this evening the Czechoslovak De
FIRM GUARANTEES DEMANDED have been. There is, in fact, a tendency fense Ministry admitted the Soviet Union is
"I can see a continual attempt, with all among a number of more conservative. writ- balking over the withdrawal of its soldiers.
the dangers it implies, to bring back the bad ers who have good party connections to Soviet, Polish and Hungarian units entered
times," he said, "What use is it that we have defend the right of Mr. Vaculik and the Czechoslovakia in May and June for the War-
been given the literary fund, the publishing others to speak as they did while disagreeing saw Pact "staff exercises."
houses, the journals Behind all this is the with what they said.
threat that they will take it back if we are - The party Central Committee is expected "A new situation has arisen," a ministry
unruly." to announce its verdict at ti,- -'
"We are told that the old abuses are not
being committed," he continued. "Am I sup-
posed to feel grateful? I don't, I see no real
"Why can't we live where we want? Why
can't tailors spend three years in Vienna, and
painters 30 years in Paris, and come back to
live here without ,being regarded as crimi-
He went on to speak of the effect that the
party monopoly of power had on the country.
"Power is a specific human condition," he
said. "It overwhelms the rulers and the ruled
and threatens the health of both."
He suggested that the instability of a
democracy was preferable to the rigidity of
the present system.
"There the government falls, but the citi-
zen is renewed," he said. "On the contrary,
where the government remains continually
in power, the citizen falls.
"He does not fall at the execution post.
That happens perhaps to a few dozen or a
few hundred only, but this is enough. For
this is followed by the whole nation's falling
into fear, into political apathy, into trivial
concgrns and into a growing dependence
on smaller and smaller masters,"
Speaking "as a citizen of a state that I
will not renounce, but in which I cannot live
happily," he assailed the mediocrity to which
life had been reduced.
"I believe that the citizen is extinct in
our country," he said. "We are joined by the
most despicable of ties: a common frustra-
He said the system elevated "the most
pedestrian types" and submerged "the com-
plex personalities, individuals with personal
attractiveness, and most of all those whose
character and deeds had become an un-
spoken standard of decency."
Mr. Vaculik, who played an active role in
the party when younger, said that the party
did not hesitate to use threats of torture or
blackmail as well as temptation to hold its
followers. It appeals to the ambitious and
the greedy, as well as to "the selfless but
poorly informed enthusiasts of whom I am
He told the Congress that he was criti-
cizing not Socialism but power, even though
the organs of power tried to confuse the two.
As to whether they could be disentangled at
this late date, in order, as he put it, to
"translate the dream into reality," he said
the only answer he could give was, "I don't
Though his views are widely echoed, Czech
writers and intellectuals have disavowed as
a fraud a purported protest manifesto attrib
sited to more than 400 Intellectuals and
printed in the West. The document accused
the party of a "witch hunt."
month, both on the individual writers and oyvncaruu expiamea curing an interview on the broader with Radio Prague. "The whole matter is
question of whether there is being negotiated anew," he said.
to be a formal curtailing of intellectual free- On July 2 Major General Josef Cepicky,
dom. Despite the anger of the party leaders, the Czechoslovak spokesman for last month's
there are widespread reports that the efforts Warsaw Pact maneuvers, said during a tele-
of the more influential members of the intel- vision program "all foreign armies will be
lectual community to prevent a crackdown out of our territory within three days."
will succeed, at least partly, and that the Asked about this statement during to-
party decision will be some form of com- night's broadcast, the Defense Ministry
promise. official commented: "Since it [the Soviet
PREPARED FOR WHAT COMES withdrawal] has not yet achieved, it means
Mr. Vaculik, a pale, casually dressed man a new situation has arisen. The whole matter
who speaks modestly of his work-he has is being discussed anew. I cannot makea
published two novels, the most recent of comment at this time. Perhaps tomorrow.
which won wide praise--says he is prepared SOME 27,000 SOVIET TROOPS
for whatever comes. Sitting in the writers'
club over ja lemonade, and pausing to talk there Prague were sou27,000 rces Soviet as In l Oze oslot
with fellow writers who came up to greet vaki but added that troops In troops, par-
him affectionately, he spoke briefly of him- ticualarly from ticularly fro ed that additional trly March-
self. titum Hungary, are currently march-
The son of a carpenter in a Moravian vii- ing into the country.
lage, he worked as an apprentice in a shoe Reliable Communist officials said Monday
factory and, when World War II ended, came that Czechoslovak leaders had capitulated to
to Prague to study. Kremlin demands that foreign Warsaw Pact
"I joined the party in 1946-back when troops remain is Czechoslovak territory sin
there were a number of choices," he said. til ovet she.
"I thought it had the most courageous Warsaw Soviet Maa Alliance nce Ivan I. Yakmander,, has
program, the most logical one. As time went military commander,,
by and things didn't work, I thought it was reportedly refused the roan his that men from
because certain figures were no good. Czechoslovakia on the grounds that Antonin
"Later I began to suspect that the system Novotny, the discredited former president
Itself was * * * and party chief, agreed that the maneuvers
"I would start over again from the begin- could continue through August.
ning," he said with a smile, "from where I BEGAN JUNE 20
was in 1946. I would try to work, to write, The maneuvers began June 20: On June 30
to see what I could do, I would be free." the Polish, Czechoslovak and Soviet news
Expulsion from the party would jeopardize agencies announced that the maneuvers had
his job. on the editorial board of Literarni ended. Soon thereafter, however, Tass, the
Noviny, the principal literary magazine. 'official . Soviet agency, withdrew the story,
Other members of the board, including the even though it had already been printed in
editor, Dusan Hamsik, said, however, that Pravda, the Soviet party newspaper, and
they saw no reason why he should be re- stated the maneuvers would continue. Czech-
moved. oslovak officials immediately said the maneu-
Asked why, in view of his opinion of the vers were over, all reports to the contrary
party structure, he did not resign, Mr. Vacu- notwithstanding.
lik answered: Yesterday Col. Gen. Martin Dzur, the
"If the people who think as I do, and Czechoslovak Defense Minister, said that 35.
there are very many, would stay in the party per cent of the foreign troops had left the
and work, perhaps we could make the party country and that discussions with the War-
what it ought to be. saw Pact command were taking place about
He said this tentatively, as if not espe- sending the rest home.
dally convinced, and added: "But I wouldn't
advise young people to join it. Three years WRrrERS' UNION OBJECTS
ago, perhaps I would have. Now I think it is Today, though, Prague officials close to the
too difficult." Czechoslovak Communist party leadership,
What should young people do if the
do said the fo
gn troops will remain and will
not join the party? be reinforced. General Dzur, It was added, has
"I have no answer," he said. "Perhaps that threatened to resign,
is why they are so apathetic, so selfish, be- The Czechoslovak Writers' Union has sent
cause they have no answer either. They do a letter to the Soviet Embassy in Prague
not have the illusion about the party that warning that the continued presence of Rus-
we did, and they don't believe in anything sian soldiers in the country might cause "in-
else." dignation" among the Czechoslovak citizens.
He paused, and then said with the mix- This, however, may well be what the Kremlin
ture of puzzlement and regret that Czecho. is waiting for as an excuse to stamp out the
slovaks of his generation use when they democratization movement,
speak of the people in their twenties: "They This morning Prague newspapers de-
are so poor. And so free." manded that their Government announce a
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Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP70B00338R00030 90054-6 5, 1968
definite date for the departure of the last Meanwhile, Soviet, East German, Polish, REMOVE YORFIGN SOLDIERS
foreign soldiers. There have been no foreign Bulgarian and Hungarian Communist party "We want to build Socialism. but on the
garrisons in Czechoslovakia since the end of and Government leaders met in WarsaW to- basis of the high"St freedom for mar and
World War U. The limited number of Soviet day to discuss once again the Czechoslovak on humanist values. We demand that every-
officers who advised the Czechoslovak Army liberalization movement. one take our liberalization process for what
left the country some years ago and there is Czechoslovak officials boycotted the meet- it Is. Leave us our Sovereignty and remove
no plan to ask them to return, Czechoslovak ing. Romania was apparently not even In- all foreign soldiers from our territory."
officials say. vited. A Pratt: reporter talked with some :soviet
Several offices have been flooded with let- LETTERS WERE SENT Army officers yesterday, reporting that they
ters. Their telephone switchboards have been Radio Prague noted that the five countries had packed and expected to be gone within
swamped with calls asking when the foreign hgd earlier sent letters to the Czechoslovak two days. "This 13 your affair and we wish
soldiers are to leave. party Presidium expressing fears about the you much luck." the Prace reporter said the
"If everything is all right what is pre- fate of Czechoslovak socialism. Soviet otlcer told him.
venting the officials of our Army from giving "Negoilattona were to be held on the sub- ANTI-aONN POSITION
the choslo ak Youth unio Mla Fr"Un- ject of these fears," a Radio Prague political Trybur..a Luda said It was e.:pecially con-
only y ihne - commentator said, adding, "We have not ac- cerned by the efforts of certain Czechoslovak
ear a Czechoslovak Youth Information Daily.
cleas and contradictory iforma the ted this invitation." officials to revise the Warsaw Pact's common
hands those the uncho spyread and alarrning plays into reports." s." Today's meeting in Warsaw was the fourth stand against the Federal Republic of West
ha nga
from GermanShortly after Romania recognized West
Polish, , Hungarian, Bul Communist summit conference since,
The he East t German, who spread,
garian and Soviet Communist parties have andes? Dubcek ousted Antonin Novotny from r Eastern European alli-
written notes to the Czechoslovak Commis- his position as Czechoslovak party secretary Ge Germ armanny, es the met an other Eastern. a secret agee-
differ he January 5, ROSTER OF HIGH REDS ment that none of them would exchange
l za expressing their about
llbt party
tone. . The Ulbricht The Ul movement. The letters dinin ambassadors with Bonn unless the Federal
toregime's is said to be the Among those attending the Warsaw talks Republic:
toughest, allegedly accusing the Czechoslovak were Leonid I. Brezhnev, Soviet party chief; 1. Formally recognized the East German
leadership of being revisionists. Nikolai V. Podgorny, Soviet President; Alexel Government.
SUMMIT REJECTED N. Kosygin, Soviet Premier; Walter t lbricht. 2. Recognized the Oder-Neisse line as
Late Monday the Czechoslovak party Cen- East German party boss; Willi $tciph, East Germany's zed the frontier with Poland.
tral Committee Presidium reportedly rejected German Premier; Janos Kadar. Hungarian a. Renounced all access to nuclear weapons.
demands to attend a Communist summit con- party leader, Todor Zhivkov, Bulgarian party 4. Declared the 1938 Munich treaty in-
ference this week. chief and Premier; Wladisiaw Gomulka, Pol- valid from Its inception.
The Prague newspaper Zemedelske Noviny ash party leader, and numerous other top wncept ATTACK
commented: It o to hardly f any use DfficiaThels. presence of so many high-ranking In Warsaw this morning an unsigned but RSAW
twe role were of to .. heretics." the ereticsc.o" conference e The table newspaper r persons Indicates the seriousness with plainly official article in Trybuna Luta, the
the Polish Communist party newspaper, sharply
said Czechoslovakia is ready to have bilateral which some at Czechcelovakla'a Warsaw Pact
talks with any interested party provided the allies take Mr. Dubcek's demands that the attacked Czechoslovakia, warning that no
Communist movement permit his country to country can be permitted to break out of the
country's sovereignty is res Lit pected. common front.
In Moscow this and lice newspaper, without outside Interference, democratic socialism "If in a Socialist country the forces of
Gazeta, a political and literary reaction threaten the basis of socialism it
charged that t counter-revolutionary ry forces forces NEVER BEEN SO UNITED Is at the same time an assault on the inter-
have developed in. Czechoslovakia. The term This morning Peace, the Czechoslovak trade ests of the other Socialist countries," Try-
is reserved only for the Kremlin's worst union newspaper, carried a report from the buns Luda asserted.
enemies. It was applied once to describe the polish capital reporting, "In Warsaw they The paper clearly showed that the five
Hungarian uprising which the U.S.S.R. will negotiate about us without us." orthodox Communist nations are deeply con-
crushed with its tanks in 1966. An accompanying editorial asserted that cerned about the very existence of the War-
MANIFESTO ASSAILED "our nation has never before in its history saw Pact. commenting: "Its strength and
Literaturlaya Gazeta asserted that the re- been so united and of the same opinion as it ability toe tat a ea pe ember the bi ernal
cent -Czechoslovak "Two Thousand Words" is today."
manifesto signed by the country's leading The nation, Prace declared, stands firmly TseassrENS SECURITY
intellectuals and sportsmen was a quota behind Mr. Dubeek, Premier Oldrleh Cernik; "He who would break the backbone of
"Provocative, inflammatory, anti-Commis- Josef Snlrkovsky, the National Assembly the Socialist States threatens the basis of
nist, counter-revolutionary action program." president, "and the progressive represents- our alliance, our unity and the security of
The manifesto has found wide support Lives of the Communist party and Govern- our fraternal counties," the newspaper de-
among the Czechoslovak citizens even though went" clared, adding:
the party Presidium said It went too far. It These forward-looking leaders, the paper "'It Is NOT so much the fact that the anti-
called for strikes in the event the new leader- said, quite clearly showed our friends, as well Communist reaction is rising against social-
ship is unable to purge the Czechoslovak as those who criticized our liberalization ism, for this it does all the time everywhere,
party of the Footdraging conservatives. process, that they represent a sovereign but above all that its activity and its appeals
Thus far, however, Prague has been excep- people and a sovereign state. are tolerated "in Czechoslovakia" within the
tionally quiet. The citizens there are well prate and other newspapers were again full framework of `democratization' and are not
aware of what is at stake and are not going of resolutions from the public declaring that met w th determined resistance."
to be groat m into appeSoviet the conserva- Czechoslovakia will go its Way come what Trybuna Luau complained that the anti-
- Communist reaction to finding a "favorable
tiver s. deliberately Wh might happen If the Soelahnn in- may,
cadent as a an n excuse excuse for staged bringing t a The Czechoslovak Academy of Science, for tribune" In the "columns of the Czechoslovak wrote
the Soviet t
, on
and troops into the city is another question. Science. one of whose members rec ntlry Sc- asp Q in thethrankse of theeparttele y itself. ' well
[From the Baltimore Sun, July 15. 1988] cused Czechoslovakia of betraying the Com-
BLOC TROOPS REMAIN ON CZECH Sorr SOVIET, munist cause. "The friendship with your (Froir. the Washington Evening Star, July 18,
country," the Czechoslovak scientists pointed 19681
POLISH DELAY PULLOUT; REDS MEET out, "is still the basis" of the policy. How-
ever, the letter added "we insist that you
(By Stuart S. Smith) try to better understand wiiAt is going on of Pres-
and July 14.-The withdrawal of Soviet in our country." PRAevE.-Bolstered by the suppor'-
and Polish troops from Czechoslovakia has The Czechoslovak academicians invited ident Tito and Western Europe's two biggest
been postponed because of heavy weekend their Soviet colleagues to send a delegation Communist parties, Czecho3lOVaki?'s liberal
traffic, CTK, the Czechoslovak news agency,' "to visit us" so that the Soviet scientists Communist leadership defied the gremlin
announced tonight, would "not only get the information about and 'ts orthodox allies in Eastern Europe
Prague television said the Warsaw Pact our country that is being greatly distorted again today.
The Czechoslovak party's presidium re-
"until the military command evening and ardent the ours. put off In your press." lied to the tough demands: from the Soviet
single soldier nd night horsv Note A letter from the Pall the concern- staff ead plied and four other Red govera'nents for
territory foreign soldleft Czechoslovak state in part: leading eject all the slander conreversal of Prague's liberal course by declar-
errtoday," the station reported. log our leadrepresentatives. The letter mg there is nothing "counter-revolutionary"
TUESDAY TIME SET rebuked the Soviet for accusing Czechoslovak about it.
Yesterday Vecerni Praha, a Prague eve- officials of revisionism and counter-revolu- "We don't see any realistic reasons permit-
would newspaper, said the last foreign units tioniam, asserting, "we are also a cultured to be
coun would cross the Czechoslovak frontier at 9 nation with a tradition of many centuries Wi=g our present situati n pamy presidium said
A.M. Tuesday. and with a high average intelligence."
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Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300190054-6
September 5, 1968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE S 10301
in a statement published by the Czechoslo-
vak news agency CTK.
The statement replied to a letter from the
Warsaw conference Sunday and Monday of
Communist leaders from the Soviet Union,
East Germany, Poland, Hungary and Bul-
garia, The Russians, Germans and Poles par-
ticularly fear the liberal ferment in Czech-
oslovaki?a will spread to their own poten-
tially restive people.
The Czechoslovak reformist regime of
Alexander Dubcek already had pledged to
continue liberalization, saying it had full
support of the people.
The Warsaw letter and a further declara-
tion by the Soviet Communist party's cen-
tral commitee were published in the Soviet
press today. They amounted to the strongest
and most extraordinary public demands
made on a Soviet ally in recent years.
The Czechoslovak presidium called the
party central committee to meet tomorrow
to approve the reply to the Warsaw letter.
The reply rejected claims by the fearful
orthodox that the Communist system in
Czechoslovakia was in danger, that the coun-
try was preparing to change its foreign policy
and "that there is concrete danger of sep-
arating our country from the Socialist
It expressed surprise at the criticism and
said the Czechoslovak Communists consist-
ently base their actions on the principles of
Socialist internationalism, the Warsaw Pact
alliance and the development of friendly
relations with the Soviet Union and other
Socialist states.
The demands by the Soviet Union and
hard-line allies called for Dubcek to restore
dictatorial party control, reimpose press cen-
sorship and purge liberals from the party.
The Warsaw letter accused the Czechoslovak
leaders of failing to correct an "absolutely
unacceptable" situation.
It also vowed support for the remaining
conservatives whom the liberals hoped to
oust from the party central committee at
a party congress in September.
Neither the letter nor the resolution of
the Soviet party, urging "a decisive strug-
gle," said what action would be taken if the
Dubcek regime did not give in to the
Meanwhile, the Italian Communist party
reaffirmed its solidarity with the Czecho-
slovak liberalization drive today and called
for independence for every Communist party
in the world.
The Italian Communist leadership said it
"Is convinced that the understanding and
fraternal and faithful support by the other
Communist parties can make a valid con-
tribution to the Czechoslovak Communist
party to fight the dangers present in this
process of renewal."
An Italian delegation and French Com-
munist party chief Waldeck Rochet were in
Moscow earlier this week to urge that the
Czechoslovaks be left alone to develop their
own policies.
The Prague government announced that
Rochet will arrive tomorrow.
Sources in Belgrade disclosed plans to
visit Prague by both Tito, who has taken
his country 'along an independent course
since he broke with Stalin in 1948,. and
Romanian Communist leader Nicolae Ceau-
sescu, who has been increasily defiant of
Kremlin control.
A public opinion poll published in Prague
yesterday showed the people are overwhelm-
ingly behind Dubcek;, and 91 percent of
those queried asked that Russian troops
withdraw as soon as possible.
The Czechoslovak army said Soviet troops
who stayed after the end of Warsaw Pact
maneuvers last month were moving out "ac-
cording to schedule." It said "all Soviet
troops" would leave the country but gave
no date.
[From the Washington Evening Star,
July 30, 1968]
(By David Lawrence)
Paradoxes are numerous these days, but
none is more conspicuous than the absolute
silence about Czechoslovakia which is being
maintanied by virtually all the groups, or-
ganizations, college professors, liberals and
others in America who zealously expound the
doctrine that people have a right to deter-
mine their own form of government.
No such silence prevailed when Rhodesia,
for example, tried to solve its internal prob-
lems with respect to racial relations. In fact,
the United States has joined with other
members of the United Nations In imposing
almost total sanctions on trade with
But here is Czechoslovakia threatened by
military intervention by the Soviet govern-
ment if something in Me with Moscow-style
communism is not adopted. Yet no voices are
raised anywhere in Europe or in this coun-
try even to express sympathy with the demo-
cratic elements in Czechoslovakia which are
trying to modify their form of government.
Meanwhile, the Soviets are making military
threats and have actually mobilized troops on
the border of Czechoslovakia to coerce the
latter into acceptance of Moscow's dictatorial
The Czech leaders are not trying to abolish
communism, but seeking to modify it so that
it will be more democratic. They already are
permitting considerable freedom of speech,
freedom of assembly, and freedom of the
press. The Soviet government, however, ap-
parently feels it has the right to dictate to
the leaders in Prague what they may or may
not do in domestic policies.
Members of the 11-man Communist body
ruling Czechoslovakia are conferring with
top Soviet leaders who have come from Mos-
cow to a meeting on Czech territory near the
Soviet border. Upon thq outcome of this con-
ference depends whether the Soviet Union
will intervene militarily to force the present
government to come to terms or will establish
a new regime that will adhere to the kind of
communism which the Soviets apply
throughout the areas they control'. Moscow
is being supoprted by Poland, East Germany
and Bulgaria-over which it maintains an
iron hand-and to a lesser extent by Hun-
gary, which Is still occupied by Soviet troops.
The Kremlin leaders are demanding of
Czech officials that they turn back toward
the Soviet kind of communism-including a
resumption of press censorship and the sup-
pression of all non-Communist political ac-
tivities. Even more, the Czechs are being
coerced into maintaining their alliance with
the Communist-bloc nations and are being
warned about getting too friendly with West
Germany or other non-Communist countries.
The threat of Soviet military intervention
is constant.
The crisis is bound to affect the future of
the satellite states in Eastern Europe. Yugo-
slavia under Tito long ago broke away from
Soviet domination, but does have friendly
relations with Moscow. Rumania, too, has
in recent years asserted more and more in-
It is understandable that the American
government would, for diplomatic reasons,
choose to be silent. Washington has kept a
hands-off policy in the Czechoslovak con-
troversy because of a belief that nothing
should be done that would give Moscow a
chance to blame Western governments for
what is happening in Czechoslovakia.
When the United States goes to the as-
sistance of a country which is trying to de-
termine its own form of government-such
as South Vietnam-"liberals" denounce this
as "aggression." Yet they remain silent as the
Soviets seek to deny even to "liberal" Com-
munists the right to set up their own system
of government within Czechoslovakia. The
mobilization of Soviet military forces is
plainly a threat of aggression against Czecho-
slovakia, but none of the Communist par-
ties-in France, Italy or this country-is
willing to recognize it.
Certainly there is nothing to prevent pri-
vate organizations and some of the articulate
professors and scholars in America and West-
ern Europe from condemning publicly In
most vehement terms the Soviet intervention
in the internal affairs of Czechoslovakia. But
silence seems to be the rule.
[From the New Leader, Aug. 26, 19681
(By Victor A. Velen)
The New Course in Czechoslovakia is one
of the most important political and social
phenomena of the postwar period. Should
it be repressed by Soviet intimidation or
armed intervention, the repercussions could
cause a serious regression in international
relations, Should it succeed, this union of
democracy and socialism could become a po-
litical model for other countries to follow, in
the West as well as in the East.
In the effort to explain their position to the
Russians, the present Czech leaders have
portrayed the New Course as a revival rather
than a betrayal of socialism-a revolution
aimed at transforming an authoritarian,
pseudo-socialist society into a humanitarian
"socialist democracy." That the Russians have
been incapable of grasping its real nature
is understandable, since recent events in
Czechoslovakia represent the antithesis of
the evolution of Soviet society. Their fear is
also understandable, since these events call
into question the very viability of the So-
viet political system. For they offer proof once
again that freedom is a basic motive in his-
tory, that the more a society advances, the
more imperative the need for freedom be-
Throughout their 20-year history, a chronic
ailment of the so-called "peoples' democra-
cies" has been a steadily diminishing national
consensus. Immediately after World War II,
power in these countries was held by a rel-
atively large number of disciplined, idealistic
Communists backed by the mass of the work-
ing class and the intellectuals. The period of
Stalinist terror, and the years of uninspiring
collective rule, narrowed down this base of
power to an ossified governmental bureauc-
racy and a sterile Party apparatus. The aver-
age citizen became alienated from public life,
concerned only with his personal economic
,and political survival.
In the past decade, however, a new po-
litical consciousness has been awakening
among the younger generations, who have
begun to reject the system that raised and
indoctrinated them. They have come to rec-
ognize that "man does not live by bread
alone": A comparatively secure job and an
advanced social security system has not been
able to replace their yearning for certain
fundamental political ideals.
The revolutionary rumbling in Hungary
and Poland following Stalin's death were
efforts to broaden the bases of these regimes
by eliminating Stalinist methods and prac-
tices. But in both cases the primary motivat-
ing factor was nationalist sentiment in de-
fiance of Russian domination. The common
denominator of the Hungarian Freedom
Fighters and the Polish reformists was that
they were anti-Russian, and to the extent
that they identified the Russians with so-
cialism, also anti-socialist.
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The historical and social premises of the
Czech revolution are entirely different, as
have been its results. Except for Fast Ger-
many, Czechoslovakia Is the only country
in Eastern Europe with an old artisan and
Industrial-as opposed to a rural-tradition.
It shared in the general Western European
Enlightenment, and has had experience in
the formation of democratic Ideas and Insti-
tutions. That Is why, incidentally, Czecho-
slovakia was one of the few countries in
Eastern Europe to have a prewar Commu-
nist party-the third strongest in the coun-
try-represented in Parliament. Thus the
search for a new social pattern has not
sprung from national aspirations or hatred
of the Russians, but from a desire to com-
bine socialism with the older Czechoslovak
humanitarian, democratic heritage.
This combination is basically nothing more
than a return to pre-Marxian socialism, usu-
ally regarded by Communists as petit bour-
geois and utopian. It is predicated on the be-
lief that modern socialism can move forward
only on the basis of the freedoms (the bour-
geois freedoms, as Marx called them) wrung
from the ruling classes in the course of cen-
turies of struggle-out of which emerged the
great principles of modern democracy that
invest sovereignty in the people.
These principles have surfaced spontane-
ously in Czechoslovakia since last January,
but naturally they will not suffice in them-
selves. They must be anchored in Institutions
so that no change in line can sweep them
away administratively, as has happened In
Poland, for example. The road traveled from
the "Polish October" of 1956, with its af-
firmation of free speech, to the anti-Semitic,
fascistic campaign waged by the Polish re-
gime in repressing the students during the
Warsaw riots of 1968, is ample proof that to
survive principles must be transformed Into
The Czechs fully recognize this. That is
why their first concern, after they eliminated
the most powerful Stalinist elements in the
highest echelons, was to establish the free-
doms of speech and assembly as law. In place
of Lenin's simplistic equation, "socialism
plus electrification equals communism." the
Czechs have devised a more advanced and
at the same time more ancient equation,
which could be rendered: "Human rights
guaranteed In a democratic state, plus sci-
entific progress, plus socialism might at some
future date become communism"
The Czechs are probably the first modern
society to transform a totalitarian state Into
one where the citizens actively and effectively
participate in the res publics. Translated into
terms of East European politics, totalt-
tarianlam has meant the uncontested rule
of an oligarchy-neither elected nor revoca-
ble-which claims not only to rule in the
name of the proletariat but also to be Its
supreme expression. In fact, this oligarchy
has no connection with the proletariat and
maintains its power monopoly for the sake
of power alone. The elevation of Marxist
theory into a state religion-an empty con-
glomerate of hollow phrases and formulae
has precluded the objective analysts of real
problems and consequently any attempt to
solve them.
Czech philosophers have worked for the
past eight years to break through this totali-
tarian vise, and the Prague spring owes much
to their conclusions. Writing In the Italian
Communist weekly Rinascita last June, Karel
Kosik went to the heart of the matter: "The
Czechoslovak events do not constitute one
of the usual political crises, one of the usual
economic crises, but rather a crisis In the
underlying premises of contemporary ideas lam had been established. He also envisaged
on reality as a system of general manipula- restrictions on freedom of the press as tempo-
tion, Humanistic socialism, for whose exist- rary. Both of Lenin's views are now major
ence or non-existence the struggle is taking heresies in Soviet thinking. The distance
place now In Czechoslovakia, is a revolution- that separates the first government dquipc
ary and liberating alternative. . . If the of the Soviet Union, composed of such bril-
Czechoslovak experiment should succeed- ilant Intellectuals as Bukharin, Zinoviev and
Lunacharski from the Brezhnev-Kcsygln
team is a measure of the extent to which
the Sovie, ruling class has been transformed
Into a mediocre and self-perpetuating
bureaucracy, imp:isoned In its own rigid
Ideological armor.
Despite the short period of reform and
thaw under Khrushchev, the present Rr.ssian
leadership not only identifies increasingly
with the Stalinist past but is also reverting
to Stalinist practices. The repression of dis-
sent, started with the sentencing of writers.
Andrei Sinyavaky and Yuli Daniel, has con-
tinued in a succession of other trials and
condemnations designed to bring recalcitrant
intellectuals into line. In contrast to Czecho-
slovakia, the protests of a few intellectuals
and students have been lost among the be-
lieving mass. The sociological, conditions
needed to foster a widespread demani for
democratization of the Soviet system are not
as yet present.
Formalized, primitive Marxism continues
to be accepted unquestioningly, as well as
credited with the great technological ad-
vances made by the Russians. Lenins'
mummy is still the most revered ikon of
the Russian cathedral. And the fumes of
self adulation have not begun to clear' the
altars. Polemicizing against the Czech phi-
losopher Vaclav Hencl, who affirmed that
socialism can be divided Into authoritarian
and democratic models, Pravda stated flatly:
"There can be only one kind of socialism
and that Is Soviet; socialism, which is the
supreme form of democracy."
So long as the present Soviet leadership
Is in power. Russian opposition to the New
Course In Czechoslovakia Is not likely to
soften. Ncr is there much chance of a simi-
lar evolution taking place In the Soviet
Union In the near future, for it would be
contrary to the almost exclusively autocratic
Russian 'aistorical tradition. Nevertheless,
while the Czechoslovak experiment may not
guarantee the jobs of the party bosses, if
allowed to survive, It may well guarantee the
future of rocialism.
"What is happening here is not a move-
ment whore aim is the restoration of the old
order, but a movement which is mear.t to
carry the socialist revolution to a higher,
more perfect stage of development, closer to
its aims... "
EDUARD Gol.nsvj?cxxs,
President of the Writers Unicm.
"One of the basic Interests, and hence one
of the necessities of a country he%ing the cul-
tural and industrial level of Czechoslovakia
should be to open its borders to the entire
world. I believe that to enclose oneself within
a Chinese wall Is an expression of weak-
"Today the matter of democratization is
no longer only an affair of the [myth call
seven courageous raen. I would say that It
is a concern of all of us, of the hundreds of
thousands. I would even say, millions of peo-
ple in our country.... I would like to ex-
press my conviction that either we will live
in this country In freedom, or we will not
live at all.... In a revolution of the type
which we ere now experiencing-tea revolution
of the word, a revolution of Ideas and not of
barbaric, violent acts--the solution cannot
be simply that the old caste system give way
to new prtvilges, In order solely that new
groups take over the power positions and
others again appropriate the monopoly of
Ideas, the implementation of justice, and the
education of our children. The solution Is
that today and tomorrow the entire nation
should partake in taese duties and respcnsl-
bilit tes... ,
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and its success depends on whether It will be
realized without compromise and half-solu-
tions-we shall be confronted with practical
proof that the system of general manipula-
tion may be overcome in Its own main con-
temporary forms: bureaucratic Stalinism
and capitalist democracy...."
From January 1968 on, the Czechoslovak
public has become aware of the beginnings of
"participatory democracy'". Political and
special interest groups have mushroomed, the
organizational and ideological activities of
the Communist party have Included a greater
percentage of its membership. At no time
since the Russian Revolution (with the ex-
ception of the resistance movements In World
War II) . has a European Communist party
known such an abrupt increase in popular
support. According to a public opinion survey
published In Rude Pravo on July 13, in Janu-
ary only 17 percent of the population had
confidence in the ability of the Party to lead
the state; by July this figure had Increased
to 51 percent. with 89 percent supporting
the policies of the government.
If widespread participation and support
continues, the Czechoslovak experiment may
provide a solution to crises that have plagued
the social systems of both East and West.
Since World War I, for example, It has be-
come Increasingly evident that Western
parliamentry rule is an Inadequate instru-
ment of modern government. Indeed, the
more a society relies on scientific solutions.
the more "partitocracy" (to use the Italian
expression for party rule) comes to resemble
authoritarian rule, though still retaining its
democratic Image In the minds of the people.
Conceivably, the replacement of parties
by autonomous political and economic inter-
est groups, intellectual clubs, youth circles,
trade unions, agricultural cooperatives, etc.,
would constitute a permanent forum for
national policy and planning much more
responsive to the will of the people than the
congresses and parliaments of the west. The
kind of political stagnation that took place
In Prance under the party rule of the Fourth
Republic might no longer be possible. This
remodeling of the political organs of, state,
based on the direct participation of all strata
of the population, is a modernized version of
the principles set forth by the early humani-
tarian socialists and anarchists: Saint-
Simon. Fourier, Proudhon and Kropotkin.
All speculation is idle, of course, so long
as Czechoslovakia remains In an almost im-
possible political situation. It Is virtually
surrounded by hostile governments which,
in the name of socialism, fear any form of
revitalization based on popular expression
and assent. The Soviet Union is far less con-
cerned about the Independent course taken
by Rumania, for Instance, because the au-
thoritarian, bureaucratic structure of the
state has so far not been challenged there.
The possibility of direct Soviet intervention
in Czechoslovakia now appears to depend
largely on Russia's judgment of its feasi-
bility. Every likely protest for intervention-
including clumsy and obvious attempts at
provocation-has certainly been sought. As
the war of nerves continues, the world is
witnessing new and unequivocal proof of
the fundamental differences between liber-
tarian socialism and the authoritarianism of
the Soviet stamp.
Although Lenin can in no sense be con-
sidered a democrat (when Spanish Socialist
leader Urrutia de lce Rios asked him about
freedom In the Soviet state, he answered, "La
Iiberte? Pour quoi faire?"), he conceived of
the dictatorship of the proletariat Be a tem-
porary Institution
lasting only until social-
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"S"ocialism, if it wants to succeed, if it
wants to be an attraction center for the
world, cannot be built on hatred, suspicion,
lies and violence, but, on the contrary, should
offer man more freedom than any other sys-
tem, because otherwise its creation would
have been useless...
"They are asking us whom we side with In
this world. We are with those who, as we,
have not renounced the struggle, have not
given up the hope that our life could be bet-
ter. We are on the side of the enslaved, ofthe
suffering, of the unhappy. We are with those
who reject the curse of racism, the humili-
ation of anti-Semitism, persecution and
chauvinism, and the conceit of narrow na-
tionalism. We are with those who, gathered
around the declaration of human rights,
want our time to be friendlier than Hell."
[From the New York Times Magazine]
(By Patricia Blake)
Moscow has just experienced an unusually
fierce winter, many smaller towns were snow-
bound, and grave concern is being expressed
In the press about air pollution-all of which
is very convenient for Russian intellectuals,
who commonly characterize their conditions
in meteorological images.
For example, Vladimir Bukovsky, who .was
sentenced last September to three years in
prison for having organized a demonstration
protesting the arrest of writers, has offered
a comment on the miasma of intellectual
life. In a sketch called "A Stupid Question,"
which appeared before his arrest in the
underground magazine Phoenix, Bukovsky
complained to a physician: "I just can't
stand It any longer. I tried at first to ignore
it but I couldn't.. . I can't, you see, take
a really deep breath. . The doctors can't
help me. . But I do so want to take a
deep breath sometimes,. you know, with all
my lungs-especially in the spring....
There seems to be some obstruction to
breathing. Qr isn't there enough air?"
Recently, Yevgeni Yevtushenko complained
of the same trouble. In "Smog," a poem
datelined Moscow-New York, published in the
Soviet magazine Znamya in January of this
year, he writes that he is gasping for air.
The locale is purportedly New York, but the
weather conditions are Russian and clearly
recognizable as such by the Soviet reader.
Notices have been posted in bars, the poet
says, which read: "You can breathe easily
only through vodka."
Yevtushenko uses the device of putting
words in the mouths of American writers.
Allen Ginsberg is made to say: "Darkness is
descending,/ darkness!/ This is the smell of
outer hell./ There is no excuse for those/
who can breathe in this stench! In a world
of moral vacuum,/, in a world of fog and
chaos/ the only halfway decent person/ is
he who suffocates." In the same poem, Arthur
Miller (who has publicly spoken out against
the trials of writers in Russia) Is described
as "stern in his terrible prophecy." Miller
supposedly says: "There will be still more
burnings at the stake/ by Inquisitions./
Smog/ is the smoke of these stakes to come."
The atmosphere Is indeed heavy with men-
ace. Not since 1963, when Khrushchev car-
ried on a ferocious campaign against the
liberal intelligentsia, has creative life in Rus-
sia seemed in such jeopardy. The two recent
trials of writers in Moscow represent only the
most visible surface of what is actually tak-
ing place. The arrests of hundreds of intel-
lectuals, for offenses ranging from the dis-
tribution of anti-Soviet propaganda to armed
conspiracy, and other sinister signals sug-
gest that a policy decision has been made,
at the highest level, to reintroduce terroristic
methods to stifle dissent.
These attempts at coercion have produced,
not submission, but defiance more open and
more widespread than at any time in the
Soviet Union's entire history of persecution
of intellectuals. The Communist leadership
in Russia, and in parts of Eastern Europe as
well, is being confronted with such spec-
tacles as street demonstrations in Moscow,
student riots in Warsaw and, in Prague, a
resistance among intellectuals so massive
that, in Czechoslovakia's newly favorable
political climate, it appears to have suc-
ceeded in obtaining a reversal of cultural
The pattern of repression, as it has evolved
under Brezhnev and Kosygin, is not so
easily charted as It was under Khrushchev.
For one thing, the style of new leadership
in dealing with the unruly intelligentsia is
more subdued. No longer Is the chief of state
heard denouncing abstract painters as homo-
sexuals who (in Khrushchev's words) use hu-
man excrement instead of paint. There are
no more mass meetings with writers and
artists In the Kremlin, no more vast cam-
paigns in the press against internationally
known literary figures like Voznesensky and
Aims and methods have changed as well.
Khrushchev believed for a time that he
could turn the aspirations of the liberal in-
tellectuals to his own political purposes; he
attempted to gain their support by offering
them a measure of freedom, but when they
responded, not with gratitude but with ever
greater demands, he turned on them with the
full range of his celebrated invective. These
repeated attempts to woo, then subdue, the
intelligentsia produced the seasonal "thaws"
and "freezes" that characterized cultural life
under Khrushchev.
In contrast, the new leaders have always
shown a determination not to allow the in-
telligentsia to play any sort of political role.
Plagued with other problems inherited from
Khrushchev, they at first seemed merely to
be trying (with little success) to contain the
most vociferous libertarians among the in-
tellectuals. Now, however, they have been
compelled to take notice of three problems
that have strikingly intensified in the post-
Khrushchev era: (1) the spread of dissent;
(2) the breakdown of controls over the in-
telligentsia; (3) the publication abroad of
suppressed works by Russian writers, much
of which is damaging to the prestige of the
Soviet leadership, the system and the ide-
Thus, while Khrushchev relied largely, on
bombast and threats against dissidents
(which he was unwilling or unable to carry
out) the present leaders have introduced the
technique of staging political trials of in-
tellectuals, while at the same time giving
the K.G.B. (Committee for State Security-
the secret police) far greater powers in deal-
ing with the intelligentsia than at any
time since Stalin's death.
The fact that this policy of selective terror
was applied with increasing intensity in
1967, the year of the 50th anniversary of the
Bolshevik Revolution, is a measure of the
leadership's alarm over large-scale and un-
restrained expressions of dissent. The crack-
down hat, in fact, come as a surprise to
Western observers, and to many people in
Russian literary circles who believed that
the Soviet leadership would make no move
to repress the intellectuals until after the
anniversary celebrations last November. The
existence of dissent would be played down,
they said; an appearance of national unity
had to be maintained, as well as a semblance
of solidarity mong the foreign Communist
parties still more or less loyal to Moscow.
The trial of the 'writers Andrei Sinyavsky and
Yuli Daniel in 1966 had provoked such
vehement opposition among foreign Com-
S 10303
munist leaders that it seemed unlikely the
Soviet authorities would invite further em-
barrassment along these lines.
A number of officially inspired attempts
were made before the anniversary to still
the continued reverberations of that trial.
Many newsmen in Moscow, and visitors from
abroad, were systematically informed that
Sinyavsky and Daniel would be released on
the occasion of the general amnesty in No-
vember, provided the Western press would
stop reporting the- plight of the two writers
and left-wing intellectuals would stop agi-
tating about the case. "Dr. Zhivago," The
recent writings of Alexander Solzhenitsyn
and other suppressed works would soon be
published, they were told. It was even sug-
gested that censorship was about to be abol-
ished, the only impediment to complete
cultural freedom in the Soviet Union being
the meddlesomeness of foreigners.
Nothing of the sort, of course, took place.
Instead, the dawn of the anniversary year
1967 was marked by the arrest of a large
group of intellectuals in Leningrad whose
number has been estimated at from. 150 to
300 persons. Precautions were taken by the
authorities to prevent this action from caus-
ing an international sensation. The arrests
were made among obscure persons, in a city
where foreign journalists are not stationed.
No mention of the arrests was made in the
Soviet press. It is only recently, therefore,
that some details of the Leningrad case
have become known.
The roundup took place in late February
or early March, 1967. Among those arrested
were a number of Leningrad University pro-
fessors, law and philosophy students at the
university, poets, literary critics and maga-
zine editors. At least one closed trial of four
persons is known to have been held, and
another is said to be in preparation now.
Among those already tried, one is a Professor
Ogurtsov, a specialist on Tibet at the uni-
versity, who was condemned to 15 years at
hard labor-the maximum sentence, short of
death. A second, Yevgeni Vagin, an editor
of a multivolume edition of Dostoyevsky,
was sentenced to 13 years.
Those arrested were charged with conspir-
acy to armed rebellion. It was alleged that
they were members of a terrorist- network,
with contacts abroad, which operated under
the guise of various philosophical societies,
including a "Berdyayev Circle," named after
Nikolai Berdyayev, the Christian philosopher
who was an opponent of the Soviet regime
because of its suppression of freedom. Mem-
bers of similar groups, said to be linked with
the Leningrad organizations, have reportedly
been arrested in Sverdlovsk and in several
towns in the Ukraine.
The Leningrad arrests are clearly the most
menacing of the coercive actions against in-
tellectuals that have been undertaken in the
post-Khruschev period. This is the first time
in Soviet history that intellectuals are known
to have been arrested and tried for posses-
sion of arms for the purpose of rebellion
against the state. The charge is indeed so
grave that it irresistibly raises the question
of whether the arms case was not fabricated
by the K.G.B, The purpose of such a provo-
cation would be to smear the whole liberal
intelligentsia, which, it might now be al-
leged, is so disaffected as to be capable of
armed rebellion-thus opening the way to
arrests on a much larger scale. The attempt
'by the K.G.B. to connect the Leningrad or-
ganizations with groups in other parts of
the country suggests that something along
these lines Is in progress. Moreover, the pos-
session of small arms, of which the Lenin-
grad intellectuals are accused (in Sverdlovsk,
they allegedly acquired machine guns)-, ap-
pears preposterous. Under peacetime condi-
tions it would be extremely difficult to smug-
gle arms into the Soviet Union, and the rigid
system of arms control in the police and
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style democracy, and there
for political change.
[From the New York Times, Aug. 30, 10081
. RusANIANa F18M; WARN Rusarans-AGArN
(By John M. Lee)
BUCHAREST, August 29-Rumanian Com-
munist leaders declared today that they at-
tached the "utmost importance" to the com-
plete withdrawal of Warsaw Pact forces from
Czechoslovakia "in the shortest time."
The officials also appeared to warn the
Soviet Union against further Incursions that
might: exacerbate relations between Com-
munlat countries. They asserted:
"It is Imperative that absolutely nothing
should be undertaken that might worsen
those relations or deepen the divergencies
and breed fresh sources of tension."
The firm declarations were contained In a
statement by the Executive Commitee of the
party's Central Committee, published in the
party newspaper. Scintela and other papers.
It was the first Rumanian comment on the
Soviet-Czechoslovak agreement reached In
Moscow on Tuesday.
The agreement called for the gradual with-
drawal of forces as soon as conditions In
Czechoslovakia are "normalized." Two dtvi-
slone are to remain behind to help guard the
West Berman border.
Western diplomats were impressed by the
resolute tone of the Rumanian comment. In
their view, Rumania Is continuing to insist
that each national Communist party should
be able. to determine its own development, as
the Rumanian party has done, free from out-
side interference.
The statement did nothing to yield to criti-
ciam by the Soviet Union, Hungary and Po-
land of Rumania's breakaway stance.
Che Executive Committee expresses to the
Communists of Czechoslovakia, to the Czech
and Slovak people, its feelings of warm sym-
pathy, of support and full Internationalist
solidarity," the statement said.
It recalled that Rumania had expressed
"anxiety and disapproval" over the Invasion
of Czechoslovakia Aug. 20. and It noted that
the return to office of Czechoslovak lenders
and the resumption of activity by party and
government bodies "create conditions for
undertaking the complex tasks facing them."
"At the same time," the statement went
on, "the Executive Committee considers of
utmost importance the carrying Into effect of
the complete withdrawal, in the shortest
time, of the armed forces of the Ave socialist
countries from Czechoslovakia."
(By Jonathan Randal)
WARSAW, August 20.-Poland assailed Ru-
mania -today for having placed "sovereignty
and independence" above allegiance to So-
viet-led Communism. The criticism came in
an article observers interpreted Be a possible
prelude to further pressures on the Bucha-
rest regime by the orthodox Communist
An unsigned 2,500-word article in the party
newspaper, Trybuna Ludu, reflecting the
views of the Polish leadership, castigated
Rumania for having denounced the invasion
of Czechoslovakia in disregard of the "su-
preme dictate of the moment."
In language that recalled the strong words
employed in the state-controlled Polish press
against Czechoslovakia in past months, the
article, also attacked President Nicolas
Ceausescu of Rumania by name for the first
time since the invasion last week.
Observers said that this was a practice
normally reserved for the most serious inter-
party polemics.
Also for the first time since the invasion,
Wladyslaw t3omuika, the Polish party leader,
consulted With members of the ruling 12-
man Politburo. The official polish press
agency limited its report to noting that Ike
had discussed "present problems of the In-
ternational situation."
Also present were Ave other Politburo
members, regional party lenders, Central
Committee department directors and others
who were described as certain ministers.
Trybuna Lubu also criticized Rumania for
having established diplomatic relations with
West Germany last year and for having failed
to break diplomatic ties with Israel after the
war in the Middle East in June 1687.
Rumania Is the only Eastern European
country that has established relations with
Bonn and the only one that did not follow
Moscow's lead in breaking with Israel last
The newspaper said that Rumanian sup-
port for Czechoslovakia "indicates that the
objective was not 'defense of democracy and
sovereignty' but disintegration of the so-.
clallat commonwealth."
[From the Baltimore Sun, Aug. 31. 1068)
(By Stuart S. Smith)
PRAGUE. August 30.-A Czoehoelovak radio
station transmitting from soma where in Bo-
hemia said today that the Warsaw powers
are massing troops along their borders with
According to the broadcast, the Soviet
Union has moved nine military divisions into
Bucovina alone. Bulgaria, It said, has trans-
ferred two divisions of troops-to Its frontier
with Romania and Hungary has deployed
three division along Its eastern boundary.
In London, Joseph Luns, the Dutch For-
eign Minister, said the situation In the
Balkans 15 a serious cause for concern and
called for Improved Atlantic alliance co-
In New 'York, Cornellu Manencu, the Ro-
manian Foreign Minister and current United
Nations General Assembly president, held
talks with United Nations officials to sound
out their attitude toward a possible Invasion
of his country. Mr. Manescu also spoke with
George W. Ball, the United States Ambas-
sador to the United Nations.
BUCOVIna and Moldavia are former Ito-
manlen provinces which the Soviet Union
took from Romania at the close of World
War II.
Two weeks ago, President Nicolas Ceau-
sescu Indicated that the Romanian military
forces had been Withdrawn from the War-
saw Fact command and simultaneously or-
dered the Immediate arming of the country's
Workers' Militia.
(By a Sun staff correspondent)
Pancrre. August 30.-The Soviet military
commander here warned today that Russia
will keep Its tanks in the Czechoslovak capi-
tal until the citizens remove the ant(-Soviet
slogans from the city's wall.
The Czechoslovak National Front Organi-
zation later appealed to the people to remove
the offending p]Rcards.
Radio Prague quoted the commander, Gen.
Ivan Vellcbkp. as saying all posters, signs
and banners would have to be taken down
or painted over before he would transfer his
The announcement conflicts with Alex-
ander Dubeek's speech Tuesday which said
the invading military units were to be re-
moved forthwith.
Shorty after his return from his Moscow
negotiations with the Kremlin's top otlctals,
Mr. Dubeek, the Czechoslovak communist
party leader, said "we agreed" that the oc-
cupation forces 'in the towns and villages
will Immediately depart to designated areas.
This is naturally connected with the extent
to which our own Czechoslovak authorities
will themselves be capable in individual
towns of Insuring order and norma, life."
Except for the first few days Immediately
following the Wrrsaw powers' attack, there
has been no public disorder in Czeclioslo-
vakia, and some major cities, Pilsen for ex-
ample, have had no sizable occupatlor units
since the middle of last week.
Prague, however, is still jammed with
Soviet military equipment, including at least
200 battle tanks, more than that many ar-
mored cars, numerous howitzers, one or more
heavy molar batteries, machine gun em-
placements and other heavy arms.
Although the soldiers and their weapons
are no longer occupying the Government and
party headquarters. they still hold mist of
the capitol's newspaper offices, radio and tele-
vision stations, printing plants and Oth3r key
communications points, Including the Prague
Many large fields within easy firing range
of the city's heart are full of Soviet troops,
helicopters, military communications equip-
ment and other paraphernllia.
The Czochoslovak National Front's central
commlttes also rebuked the Warsaw powers,
declaring that their invasion violated the
"xasic no-,ma of International law."
The conunittee S SO called upon the occupa-
tion authorities to release the political pris-
oners they have arrested during the last ten
days and to refrain from Interfering any
longer in ':he nation's affairs.
Soviet officials have demanded that what
they call the "illegal" newspapers here stop
pubilshing and that the free Czechoslovak
radio stations be silenced.
[Prom the New York Times, Sept. 20, -0871
(By Richard Eder)
PaACux, September 10.-"The social revolu-
tion has t:lumphed In out country, but, the
problem of power is still with its. We have
taken the bull by the horns and we are
holding on, and yet something keeps butting
us in the scat of the pants."
With theme words Ludvik Vaculik, a 41-
year-03d Prague writer, began a speech, de-
livered two and a half months ago, whose re-
percussion:, are still agitating party and In-
tellectual circles In Czechoslovakia. Spoken
at the writers' congress at the end of June,
the words of Mr. 'Tacullk and four or live
other writers transdcrmed what had been
expected to be a stormy session into some-
thing verging on a revolution.
For the last three years or no, Czecho-
slovak cultural activity has been the freest
and most Inventive in Eastern Europe, in
striking contrast to the conservative attitude
of most party leaders. Films, plays, novels
and literary essays have, with varying de-
grees of directness, Voiced demands for per-
sonal freedom and the supremacy of prirate
At the writers' oongress those themes were
distilled In-,o a far more direct olrallengo to
the regime, in essence Mr. Vacullk and
others insisted that freedom as a oancess:ion
was not enough, and that the regime must
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September 5, 1968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE S10305
other people of conscience and vested author-
ity. It served to mobilize the intelligentsia
already united by the onslaughts of 1963,
into expressing its indignation almost with a
single voice. It made many older intellec-
tuals, silent until then with their fearful
memories of Stalinism, openly commit them-
selves to the liberal camp. And it raised the
issue, in the most compelling public fashion,
of the contradiction between "Socialist jus-
tice" and brutal reality.
The significant fact about the trial is that
the two writers, charged with circulating
"anti-Soviet" writings, readily admitted that
they were the pseudonymous authors of the
works in question, but denied that they were
guilty of a crime. Their testimony and final
pleas constitute a defense less of themselves
than of literature itself, and a condemna-
tion, in overwhelmingly eloquent terms, of
the grossly simplistic and Philistine criteria
applied to literature by the Soviet authorities
for the past 30 years. Had they pleaded guilty,
as the court evidently expected, they would
have got off with lighter sentences. (Sinyav-
sky was condemned to seven years of hard
labor and Daniel to five.)
It was clear that they wished to make ex-
amples of themselves, so that others might
carry on after them. This hope was com-
pletely realized. The trial utterly failed in its
purpose of terrorizing intellectuals. On the
contrary, the behavior of the defendants in-
fused the liberal intellectuals community
with a new sense of pride and honor. Sinyav-
sky and Daniel had established a standard
of conduct which henceforth others would
strive to meet. In sum, the moral quality of
intellectual life in Russia was immeasurably
raised by their action.
Not one prominent writer in Russia, ex-
cept Mikhail Sholokhov, could be found to
endorse the trial, while protests signed by
hundreds of famous writers, scholars and
scientists poured into Government agencies
and newspapers. Opposition to the trial by
European Communists became so strident
that foreign Communist newspapers were
banned for a time from Soviet newsstands.
But, substituting for a free press, the for-
eign short-wave radio stations, the Voice of
America, Radio Liberty, the B.B.C. and
Deutsche Welle repeatedly beamed the trial
transcript (which had been smuggled
abroad) and the text of all the protests to
their millions of listeners in Russia.
Thus the Sinyavsky-Daniel trial boomer-
anged by causing a national and interna-
tional scandal, as well as by stiffening the in-
telligentsia's resistance. In May, the Congress
of the Stalinist-dominated Soviet Writers
Union was boycotted by leading liberals, and
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Russia's finest living
prose writer, addressed his now-famous letter
to the congress demanding the abolition of
censorship. He charged that the K.G.B. had
confiscated his manuscripts and that the
leadership of the Writers Union, far from de-
fending authors from such outrages, had a
long history of being "always first among the
persecutors" of writers who were slandered,
exiled, imprisoned and executed. The reaction
of the authorities was simply to hit harder-
in Moscow, at the heart of resistance.
The first of the Moscow trials, in Septem-
ber, 1967, involved three young men charged
with organizing a demonstration on Pushkin
Square against the arrest of some literary fig-
ures a few days earlier. In the second trial,
at the beginning of January, 1968, four young
people, including two underground writers,
Alexander Ginzburg and Yuri Galanskov,
were accused of circulating an underground
magazine, Phoenix '66.
Galanskov was said to have privately
drafted a new constitution for the Soviet
Union and distributed it among his friends.
Ginzburg was also charged with editing and
circulating a "White Book" on the Sinyavsky-
Daniel case, consisting of the trial transcript,
protests by Soviet intellectuals and a letter
of his own to Kosygin in which he said: "I
love my country and I do not- wish to see its
reputation damaged by the latest uncon-
trolled activities of the K.G.B. I love Russian
literature and I do not wish to see two more
of its representatives sent off to fell trees
under police guard."
Ginzburg was sentenced to five years and
Galanskov to seven. The third defendant,
who turned state's evidence, was let off with
two years, while the fourth, who was ac-
cused merely of typing manuscripts for the
others, received a one-year suspended sen-
In these trials, the authorities made de-
termined efforts to seal off the proceed-
ings so that any resistance on the part of
the defendants would not become public.
Except for a handful of relatives of the ac-
cused, the courtrooms were packed with pre-
selected persons; who, according to one wit-
ness, read magazines or dozed during the
trials, rousing themselves from time to time
to utter "animal-like hoots and cries for
severe penalties." The September trial re-
ceived a brief mention in a Moscow- newspa-
per, which stated that the accused had con-
fessed their crime.
Thereupon, a 30-year-old physicist, Pavel
Litvinov, the.. grandson of the late Foreign
Minister Maxim Litvinov, saw to it that the
actual testimony of one defendant was com-
municated to the foreign press.
It showed that the defendant, the 25-
year-old writer Vladimir Bukovsky, not only
had pleaded not guilty but had defended
his right to demonstrate publicly under the,
Soviet Constitution. He protested that the
investigation of his case had been conducted,
not by the prosecutor's office, but by the
K.G.B., in violation of the law. Bukovsky,
who was sentenced to three years, ended his
plea as follows: "I absolutely do not repent
for organizing the demonstration. I find that
it accomplished what it had to accomplish,
and when I am free again, I shall again or-
ganize demonstrations-of course, in com-
plete observance of the law, as before."
Litvinov further made public the record
of his interrogation by a K,G.B. officer in
which he defied a threat to arrest him if he
circulated the Bukovsky transcript. After it
was sent abroad; Litvinov told an American
newsman that he had not been bothered
since by the K.G.B. "When the K.G.B. sees
that a man is not afraid of them, they do
not call him in any more for more conversa-
tion. When they call him again, it's for good."
Litvinov was immediately fired from his
teaching job.
Ginzburg and Galanskov pleaded not guilty
at the five-day trial in January. Said Ginz-
burg of the contents of his White Book. "Any
patriot is obliged to give up his life for his
country but not to lie for it."
News of- the defendants' resistance quickly
leaked out to the crowd of some 200 sympa-
thizers who gathered on the street, in freez-
ing weather, outside the courtroom. What
took place was tantamount to a five-day press
conference by friends of the accused with
foreign journalists. K.G.B. men continuously
mingled in the crowd, taking pictures of the
protesters. Shouted a former major general,
Pyotr Grlgoreniro: "You can't intimidate me.
I bled for this country!" As the defense law-
yers filed out 9f the courtroom, they were
given red carnations. by persons in the crowd.
Among those who kept a vigil outside the
courtroom were Alexander Yesenin-Volpin,
the son of the famous poet Sergei Yesenin,
who committed suicide in - 1926 and Pyotr
Yakir, the son of Maj. Gen. Sooa Yakir, who
was executed during the purges of the Red
Army in 1937, then "posthumously rehabili-
tated" after Stalin's death. Yakir distrib-
uted an appeal saying that the trial "has gone
beyond all bounds in suppressing human
rights. Even Andrei Vyshinsky would have
envied the organization of this trial "
Shortly before the court sentenced the de
fendants, Pavel Litvinov and Mrs. Yuli Dan-
iel issued a statement to foreign journalists,
asking that it be published and broadcast as
soon as possible. "We are not sending this
request to Soviet newspapers because that is
hopeless," they said. They called the trial "a
wild mockery of justice . . . no better than
the celebrated trials of the nineteen-thirties,
which involved us in so much blood that we
still have not recovered from them." The
judge, they said, allowed only evidence
"which fits in the program already prepared
by the K.G.B."
Following this, 12 intellectuals, including
Litvinov, Yesenin-Volpin, Yakir and Grigo-
renko addressed a similar statement about
the trial to the Presidium of the conference
of 66 Communist parties that opened at the
end of February in Budapest for the purpose
of strengthening their unity. One can imagine
the reaction of the Soviet authorities on
learning that the first news to reach the
world of this parley consisted in front-page
stories in The New York Times and other
Western papers of an appeal by 12, Russian
intellectuals to the conference's partici-
pants "to consider fully the -perils caused
by the trampling of man in our country."
One consequence of the Moscow trials was
that the convicted writers gathered support
from persons completely outside Moscow lit-
erary and intellectual circles, and for entirely
extra-literary reasons. For example, among
the signers of the appeal to the Budapest
Conference were a former major general, the
son of a general and the son of a Foreign
Minister, a. leader of the Crimean Tartar
minority and a Russian Orthodox priest.
From as far away as Latvia came a letter
to Mikhail Suslov, the Politburo member and
party ideologist, from the - chairman of a
model collective farm who, in 1964, had been
highly praised in the Soviet press. This let-
ter, which was published, not in Russia but
in The New York Times, called on the party
to reach an understanding with the young
rebels, rather than put them on trial. "Such
dissenters will," the writer predicted, "in-
evitably create a new party. Ideas cannot be
murdered with bullets, prison or exile." After
describing the remoteness of the countryside
where he lives, he said, addressing- the Cen-
tral Committee of the party, "If information
has reached us on the broadest scale, you
can well imagine what kind of seeds you have
sown throughout the country. Have the cour-
age to correct the mistakes that you have
made, before the workers and peasants take
a hand in this affair."
Protest against the trial also brought to-
gether two formerly distinct and antithetical
groups within the intelligentsia itself. Until
now, only one group ?the "loyal opposition"-
well-known published writers and respected
scholars and scientists-had publicly ex-
pressed resistance, in relatively moderate
terms, against attempts at coercion by the
authorities. Now another group, "the under-
ground"-dissidents who despair of effecting
change through established channels-was
making itself heard with unprecedented
boldness in response to the persecution of
Ginzburg and others among their members.
These two groups were first seen to join
forces when 31 leading writers, scholars and
scientists (including three members of the
Academy - of Sciences) addressed a protest
against the Ginzburg trial to the Moscow
City Court. - Later appeals by loyal opposi-
tionists included one signed by 80 more
prominent intellectuals, and another signed
by 220 top scientists and artists, from Mos-
cow, Leningrad, Kharkov, Magadan and
Dubna, the Soviet atomic center. In mid-
Marah, 99 mathematicians, including seven
Lenin Prize winners, rallied around Yese-
nin-Volpin (who is- both an underground
poet and a mathematician) in, a protest
aginst his forcible confinement in a lunatic
asylum after he had participated in the
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demonstration outside the courtroom at the
Ginzburg trial.
The central issue raised by all thew pro-
tests (none of which was even mentioned in
the Soviet press) was perhaps most elo-
quently defined by Pyotr Yakir In an appeal
which is now being widely circulated in Mos-
cow. "The Inhuman punishment of mem-
bers of the Intelligentsia is a logical exten-
sion of the atmosphere of public life In re-
cent year," he wrote. "The process of the res-
toration of Stalinism Is going on-slowly but
remorselessly." "The naive hopes" encour-
aged by de-Stalinization In 1958 and 1961
have not been realized. On the contrary, "the
name of Stalin is being pronounced from
the highest platforms In an entirely positive
Yakir, who spent 17 years in a Stalinist
camp, deplores the fact that 10th-rate books
praising Stalin are being published, while
those that describe his crimes are being sup-
pressed. His statement ends with an appeal
to creative people in Russia to "raise your
voices against the impending danger of new
Stalin and Yezhovs. . We remind you
that people who dared to think are now lan-
guishing in harsh forcer-labor camps. Every
time you are silent, another stepping-stone
is added, leading to new trial of a Daniel or a
Ginzburg. Little by little, with your ac-
quiescence, a new 1937 may tome upon us."
Does the future hold a return to terror on
the scale of the great purges of 1937-38?
Clearly, the Soviet leadership finds itself in
an impossible dilemma. On the one hand, it
must now be clear that much larger doses of
terror must be administered if the tntelll-
gentala Is to be silenced, and its influence on
public opinion curbed. One sinister omen
was contained in an article In Pravda last
March 3. in which the recent Moscow trials
were said to be as justified as the purge trials
of the thirties-trials that have scarcely been
mentioned favorably in the Soviet press since
Khrushchev's de-Stalinization speech in 1958.
On the other hand, the cost of a return to
mass police terror would be incalculably high.
It would reverse the effect of all Soviet poli-
cies designed to bring Russia Into competi-
tion with the modern world, including those
that offer individual incentives for Industrial
production and technological and scientific
creativity. Moreover, the internal dynamic of
the Stalinist police state, once provided by
the myth of Stalin and by ideology, could not
be restored in a society now rent by skep-
ticism and dissent. Finally, a powerful secret
police apparatus on the Stalinist model might
well devour the political leaders who had
revived It.
How Brezhnev and Kosygin will deal with
this critical situation is still unclear. On the
surface it would seem that a brutal showdown
Is at hand. Yet the Soviet leaders may be
borne by the force of Inertia and indecision
that has determined their handling of other
crises, both domestic and foreign. If so, we
may be certain that the aspirations of the
liberal intelligentsia, rising now for more
than a decade, will continue to confront the
leadership In irreversible and Irremediable
[From the New York Times, July 22, 1968]
(NoTE.-Following Is the text of an essay.
titled "Thoughts on Progress, Peaceful Co-
existence and Intellectual Freedom," by
Academician Andrei D. Sakharov, Soviet
physicist, as translated by The New York
Times from the Russian manuscript.)
The views of the author were formed in
the milieu of the scientific and scientific-
technological Intelligentsia, which manifests
much anxiety over the principles and specific
aspects of foreign and domestic policy and
over the future of mankind. This anxiety is
nourished, In particular, by a realization
that the scientific method of directing pol-
icy, the economy, arts, education and military
affairs still has not become a reality.
We regard as "scientific" a method based
on deep analysis of facts, theories and views,
presupposing unprejudiced, unfearing open
discussion and conclusions. The complexity
and diversity of all the phenomena of mod-
ern life, the great possibilities and dangers
linked with the scientific-technical revolu-
tion and with a number of social tendencies
demand precisely such an approach, as has
been acknowledged in a number of official
In this pamphlet, advanced for discussion
by its readers, the author has set himself the
goal to present, with the greatest conviction
and frankness, two theses that are supported
by many people in the world. The theses are:
The division of mankind threatens it with
destruction. Civilization Is imperiled by: a
universal thermonuclear war, catastrophic
hunger for most of mankind, stupefaction
from the narcotic of "mass culture" and bu-
reaucratized dogmatism, a spreading of mass
myths that put entire peoples and continents
under the power of cruel and treacherous
demagogues, and destruction or degeneration
from the unforeseeable consequences of
swift changes in the conditions of life on our
In the face of these perils, any action in-
creasing the division of mankind, any
preaching of the incompatibility of world
Ideologies and nations Is madness and a
crime. Only universal cooperation under con-
ditions of Intellectual freedom and the lofty
moral Ideals of socialism and labor, accom-
panied by the elimination of dogmatism and
pressures of the concealed interests of ruling
classes, will preserve civilization.
The reader will understand that ideologi-
cal collaboration cannot apply to those fa-
natical, sectarian and extremist Ideologies
that reject all possibility of rapprochement,
discussion and compromise, for example, the
Ideologies of Fascist, racist, militaristic and
Maoist demagogy.
Millions of people throughout the world are
striving to put an end to poverty. They de-
spise oppression, dogmatism and demagogy
(and their more extreme manifestations-
racism, Fascism. Stalinism and Maoism).
They believe in progress based on the use,
under conditions of social justice and Intel-
lectual freedom, of all the positive experience
accumulated by mankind.
The second basic thesis is that Intellec-
tual freedom is essential to human society-
freedom to obtain and distribute Informa-
tion, freedom for open-minded and unfearing
debate and freedom from pressure by ofH-
claldoni and prejudices. Such a trinIty of
freedom of thought is the only guarantee
against an infection of people by mass myths,
which, in the hands of treacherous hypo-
crites and demagogues, can be transformed
Into bloody dictatorship. Freedom of thought
is the only guarantee of the feasibility of a
scientific democratic approach to politics,
economy and culture.
But freedom of thought is under a triple
threat in modern society-from the opium of
mass culture, from cowardly, egotistic and
narrow-minded Ideologies and from the ossi-
fied dogmatism of a bureaucratic oligarchy
and its favorite weapon, ideological censor-
ship. Therefore, freedom of thought requires
the defense of all thinking and honest people.
This is a mission not only for the intelllgen-
tale, but for all strata of society, particularly
its most active and organized stratum, the
working class. The worldwide dangers of war,
famine, cults of personality and bureau-
cracy-these are perils for all of mankind.
Recognition by the -working class and the
Intelligentsia of their common Interests has
been a striking phenomenon of the present
day. The most progressive, Internationalist
and dedicated element of the intelligentsia
is, In essence, part of the working class, and
the most, advanced, educated, International-
ist, and broad-minded part of the working
class is part of the Intelligentsia.
This position cf the intelligentsia in so-
ciety renders senseless any loud demands
that the intelligentsia subordinate its striv-
ings to the will and interests of the working
class (in the Soviet Union, Polandand other
socialist countries). What these demands
really mean is subordination to the will of
the party or, even more specifically, to the
party's central apparatus and its officials.
Who will guarantee that thes-, officials al-
ways express the genuine - interests of the
working rlass as a whole and the genuine in-
terests of progress rather than their own
caste Interests?
We will divide this pamphlet into two
parts. Tie first we will title "Dangers," and
the second, "The Basis of Hope."
The threat of nuclear mar
Three technical aspects of thermonuclear
weapons have made thermonuclear war a
peril to the very existence of humanity.
These aspects are: the enormous destructive
power of a thermonuclear explosion, the rela-
tive cheapness of rocket-thermonuclear
weapons and the practical impossibility of
an effective defense against a massive rocket-
nuclear attack.
[11 -
Today one can consider a three-megaton
nuclear Warhead as "typical" (this is some-
where between the warhead of a Minureman
and of a Titan II). The area of fires from the
explosion of such a warhead Is 150 times
greater than from the Hiroshiua bomb and
the area of destruction is 30 times greater.
The detonation of such a warhead over a
city would create a 100-square-kilometer [40
square-mile] area of total destruction and
Tens of millions of square meters of living
space would be destroyed. No fewer than a
million people would perish under the ruins
of buildings, from fire and radiation, suffo-
cate in the dust and smoke or ale in shelters
buried under debris. In the event of a ground-
level explosion, tho fallout of radioactive dust
would create a danger of fatal exposure in an
area of ;ens of thousands of square kilo-
A few words about the cost and the possible
number of explosion.
After the stage of research and develop-
ment has been pissed, mass production of
thermonuclear weapons and carrier rockets
Is no more complex and expensive than, for
example, the production of military aircraft,
which were produced by the tens of thou-
sands during the war.
The annual production of plutonium In
the world now is in the tens of thousands of
ton. If one assumes that half this output
goes for military purposes-and that an aver-
age of serveal kilograms of plutonium goes
into One warhead, then enough warheads
have already been accumulated to destroy
mankind many times over.
The third aspect of thermonuclear peril
(along with the power and cheapness of
warheads) is what we term the practical im-
possibllitr of preventing a massive rocket
attack. This situation Is well known tc. spe-
cialists. In the popular scientific literature,
for example, one inn read this In an article
by Richard L. Garwin and Hans A. Bathe in
the Scientific American of March, 1968.
The technology and tactics of attack have
now far surpassed the technology of defense
despite the development of highly maneu-
verable and powerful antimisslles with nu-
clear warheads and despite other technical
ideas, such as the use of laser rays and so
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September 5, 1968 CONGRESSIONAL. RE
Improvements in the resistance of war- Every rational creature, finding itself on the a Way that its immediate and long-range
heads to shock waves and to the radiation - brink of a disaster, first tries to get away effects will in no way sharpen international
effects of neutron and x-ray exposure, the from the brink and only then does it think tensions and will not create difficulties for
possibility of mass use of relatively light and about the satisfaction of its other needs. If either side that would strengthen the forces
inexpensive decoys that are virtually indis- mankind is to get away from the brink, it of reaction, militarism, nationalism, Fascism
tinguishable from warheads and exhaust the must overcome its divisions. and revanchism.
capabilities of an antimissile defense system, A vital step would be a review of the tra- International affairs must be completely
a perfection of tactics of massed and con- ditional method of international affairs, permeated with scientific methodology and
centrated attacks, in time and space, that which may be termed "empirical-competi- a democratic spirit, with a fearless weighing
overstrain the defense detection centers, the tive." In the simplest definition, this is a of all facts, views and theories, with maxi-
use of orbital and fractional-orbital attacks, method aiming at maximum improvement of mum publicity of ultimate and intermediate
the use of active and -passive jamming and one's position everywhere possible and, si- goals and with a consistency of principles.
other methods not disclosed in the press- multaneously, a method of causing maxi- New Principles Proposed
all this has created technical and economic mum unpleasantness to opposing forces The international policies of the world's
obstacles to an effective missile defense that, without consideration of con mon welfare two leading superpowers policies (es United States
at the present time, are virtually insur- and common interests. two the Soviet Union) must be based on a
mountable. If politics were a game of two gamblers, universal, acceptance unified and de on ral
The experience of past wars shows that then this would be the only possible method. principles, which we initially would for-
ch a method lead in the
oes su
mutate as follows:
the first use of a new technical or tactical But where
method of attack is usually highly effective present unprecedented situation? Ill
even if a simple antidote can soon be de- The War in Vietnam All peoples have the right to decide their
veloped. But in a thermonuclear war the first In Vietnam, the forces of reaction lacking own fate with a free expression of will. This
null and void years of work and billions their favor, are using the force of military over observance by all governments of the
spent on creation of an antimissile, system. pressure. They,, are violating all -legal and "Declaration of the Rights of Man." Inter-
An exception to this would be the case moral norms and are carrying out flagrant national control presupposes the use of eco-
of a great technical and economic difference crimes against humanity. An entire people nomic sanctions as well as the use of military
in the potentials of two enemies. In such a is being sacrificed to the proclaimed goal of forces of the United Nations in defense of
case, the stronger side, creating an anti- stopping the "communist tide." "the rights of man."
missile defense system with a multiple re- They strive to conceal from the American (2]
serve, would face the temptation of ending people considerations of personal and party All military and military-economic forms
the dangerous and unstable balance once prestige, the cynicism and cruelty, the
and for all by embarking on a pre-emptive hopelessness and ineffectiveness of the anti- of export of revolution and counterrevolu-
adventure, expending part of its attack po- tion are illegal and are tantamount to ag
Communist tasks of American policy in Viet- gression.
tential on destruction of most of the enemy's nam, as well as the harm this war is doing I31
launching bases and counting on impunity to the true goals of the American people,
for the last stage of escalation, i.e., the- de- which coincide with the universal tasks of All countries strive toward mutual help
struction of the cities and industry of the bolstering peaceful coexistence. in economic, cultural and general organiza-
enemy.- - To end the war in Vietnam would first of tional problems with the aim of eliminating
Fortunately for the stability of the world, all save the people perishing there. But it painlessly all domestic and international
the difference between the technical-eco- also is a matter of saving peace in all the difficulties and preventing a sharpening of
nomic potentials of the Soviet Union and the world. Nothing undermines the possibilities international tensions and a strengthening
United States is not so great that one of the of peaceful coexistence more than a contin- of the forces of reaction.
sides could undertake a "preventive aggres- uation of the war in Vietnam. [4] -
sion" without an alihost inevitable risk of
a destructive retaliatory blow. This situation The Middle East International policy does not aim at ex-
conditions to widen
would not be changed by a broadening of Another tragic example is the Middle East. plotting zones of local, , specific polific and create conditions aim
the arms - race through the development of If direct responsibility on Vietnam rests with another Influence The goal create inteunaes for
antimissile defenses. the United States, in the.Middle East direct ano ano h -to insure universal fulfillment al
In the opinion of many people, an opinion responsibility rests not with the United policy is
the "Declaration Insure the Rights " and
f Man Man d
shared by the author, a diplomatic formula- States but with the Soviet Union (and with to prevent Decl sharpening of international
tion of this mutually comprehended situa- Britain in 1948 and 1956). ton rand a a str ning ol
tion for example, in the form of a mora- On one hand, there was an irresponsible and nationalist ten.
torium on the construction of antimisile encouragement of so-called Arab unity of a would in no way
systems, would be a useful demonstration (which in no way had a socialist character- Such a set t of principles ouldry aa-
of a desire of the Soviet Union and the look at Jordan-but was purely nationalist be be a h a betrayal of revolutionary
States to preserve the status quo and anti-Israel). It was said that the struggle tional liberation struggle, , the struggle and d na-
United t
and not to widen the arms race for sense- of the Arabs had an essentially anti-imperial- reaction ntminvolut of On all doubtful
the coa cbnlessly expensive antimissile systems. It would 1st character. On the other hand, there was trary, y, with and
be a demonstration of a desire to cooperate an equally irresponsible encouragement of cases, It would be easier to take decisive
not to fight. Israeli extremists. action in those extreme cases of reaction,
Two Doctrines Decried We cannot here analyze the entire con- racism and militarism that allow no course
tradictory and tragic history of the events other than armed struggle. A strengthening
A thermonuclear war cannot be considered of the last 20 years, in the course of which of peaceful coexistence would create an op-
a continua of politics (according ttothe formula by C ausewit ). the Arabs and Israel, along with historically phrte nit G avert such tragic events as
It,would be a means of universal suicide. justified actions, carried out reprehensible
deeds, often brought about by the actions of Such a set of principles would present the
Two kther onuc attempts
ar ware a being made to external forces. - Soviet armed forces with a precisely defined s an politic l act i the eyes war ordinon defensive mission, a mission of defending
Os ne isa the ct conthe f o". public opinion. Thus in 1195, Lsel waged a defensive our country and our allies from aggression.
One the of the "paper r tiger," the war. But in 1956, the actions of Israel ap- As history has shown, our people and their
concept of the irresponsible Maoist adven- geared reprehensible. The preventive six-day armed forces are unconquerable when they
turists. The other is the strategic doctrine war in the face of threats of destruction by are defending their homeland and its great
of escalation, worked out by scientific and merciless, numerically vastly superior forces social and cultural achievements.
militarist circles in the United States. With- of the Arab coalition could have been justi-
out minimizing the seriousness of the chal- fiable. But the cruelty to refugees and pris- Hunger and overpopulation
lenge inherent in that doctrine, we will just oners of war and the striving to settle terri- Specialists are paying attention to a grow-
note that the political strategy of peaceful torial questions by military means must be ing threat of hunger in the poorer half of the
coexistence is an effective counterweight to condemned. Despite this condemnation, the world. Although the b0 per cent increase of
the doctrine. breaking of relations with Israel appears a the- world's population in the last 30 years
A complete destruction of cities, industry, mistake, complicating a peaceful settlement has been accompanied by a 70 per cent in-
transport and systems of education,' a poi- in this region and complicating a necessary crease in food production, the balance in
soning of fields, water and air by radioac diplomatic recognition of Israel by the Arab the poorer half of the world has been un-
tivity, a physical destruction of the large part governments. favorable. The situation in India, Indonesia,
of mankind, poverty, barbarism, a return to In our opinion, certain changes must be in a number of countries of Latin America
savagery and a genetic degeneracy of the made in the conduct of international affairs, and in a large number of other underde-
survivors under the impact of radiation, a systematically subordinating all concrete veloped countries-the absence of technical-
destruction of the material and information aims and local tasks to the basic task of economic reserves, competent officials and
basis of civilization-this is a measure of actively preventing an aggravation of the cultural skills, social backwardness, a high
the peril that threatens the world as a re- international situation, of actively pursuing birth rate-all this systematically worsens
sult of the estrangement of the world's two and expanding peaceful coexistence to the the food balance and without doubt will
superpowers. level of cooperation, of making policy in such, continue to worsen It in the coming years.
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S 10308
Approved For p 5 $/03RECORRD -. SENATE September 5, 1968
The answer would be a wide application
of fertilizers, an improvement of irrigation
systems, better farm technology, wider use of
the resources of the oceans and a gradual
perfection of the production, already techni-
cally feasible, of synthetic foods, primarily
amino acids. However, this is all fine for the
rich nations. In the more backward coun-
tries, it is apparent from an analysis of the
situation and existing trends that an Im-
provement cannot be achieved in the near
future, before the expected date of tragedy,
What Is Involved is a prognosticated de-
terioration of the average food balance in
which localized food crises merge into a sea
of hunger, Intolerable suffering and despera-
tion, the grief and fury of millions of people.
This is a tragic threat to all mankind. A
catastrophe of such dimensions cannot but
have profound consequences for the entire
world and for every human being. It will pro-
voke a wave of wars and hatred, a decline of
standards of living throughout the world
and will leave a tragic, cynical and anti-
Communist mark on the life of future
The first reaction of a Philistine in hear-
ing about the problem is that "they" are
responsible for their plight because "they"
reproduce so rapidly. Unquestionably, con-
trol of the birth rate is important and the
people, In India for example, are taking
steps In this direction. But these steps re-
main largely ineffective under social and
economic backwardness, surviving traditions
of large families, an absence of old-age bene-
fits, a high Infant mortality rate until,
quite recently, and a continuing threat of
death from starvation.
It is apparently futile only to insist that
the more backward countries restrict their
birth rates. What is needed most of all in
economic and technical assistance to these
countries. This assistance must be of such
scale and generosity that it Is absolutely
Impossible before the estrangement in the
world and the egotistical, narrow-minded
approach to relations between nations and
races is eliminated. It is impossible as long
as the United States and the Soviet Union,
the world's two great superpowers, look upon
each other as rivals and opponents.
Social factors play an Important role in
the tragic present situation and the still
more tragic future of the poor regions. It
must be clearly understood that if a threat
of hunger Is, along with a striving toward
national Independence, the main cause of
"agrarian" revolution, the "agrarian" revo-
lution in itself will not eliminate the threat
of hunger, at least not in the Immediate
future. The threat of hunger cannot be eli-
minated without the assistance of the de-
veloped countries, and this requires signifi-
cant changes in their foreign and domestic
Inequality of American Negroes
At this time, the white citizens of the
'United States are unwilling to accept even
minimum sacrifices to eliminate the un-
equal economic and cultural position of the
country's black citizens, who make up 10
per cent of the population,
It is necessary to change the psychology
of the American citizens so that they will
voluntarily and generously support their
government and worldwide efforts to change
the economy, technology and level of living
of billions of people. This, of course, would
entail a serious decline in the United States
rate of economic growth, The Americans
should be willing to do this solely for the
sake of lofty and distant goals, for the sake
of preserving civilization and mankind on
our planet.
Similar changes In the psychology of peo-
ple and practical activities of governments
must be achieved in the Soviet Union and
other developed countries.
In the opinion of the author, a 15-year
tax equal to 20 per cent of national incomes
must be imposed on developed nations. The
imposition of such a tax would automati-
cally lead to a significant reduction In ex-
penciltures for weapons. Such common as-
sistance would have an Important effect of
stabilizing and improving the situation In
the most under-developed countries, re-
stricting the Influence of extremists of all
Changes in the economic situation of un-
derdeveloped countries would solve the prob-
lem of high birth rates with relative ease, as
has been shown by the experience of devel-
oped countries, without the barbaric method
of sterilization.
Certuln changes in the policies, viewpoints
and trsuittions on this delicate question are
inescapable In the advanced countries as
well. Mankind can develop smoothly only if
it looks upon itself in a demographic sense
as a unit, a single family without divisions
into nations other than in matters of history
and traditions.
Therefore, government policy, legislation
on the family and marriage and propaganda
should not encourage an increase in the
birth rates of advanced countries while de-
manding that it be curtailed In under-
developed countries that are receiving as-
sistance. Such a two-faced game would pro-
duce, nothing but bitterness and national-
In conclusion on that point. I want to em-
phasize that the question of regulating
birth rates Is highly complex and that any
standardized, dogmatic solution "for all time
and all peoples" would be wrong. All the fore-
go'ng, Incidentally, should be accepted with
the reservation that It is somewhat of a
simplification. -
Pollution of Environment
We live in a swiftly changing world. In-
dustrial and water-engineering projects, cut-
ting of forests, plowing up of virgin lands,
the use of poisonous chemicals-all this is
changing the face of the earth, our "habitat."
Scientific study of all the interrelation-
ships in nature and the consequences of our
interference clearly lag behind the changes.
Large amounts of harmful wastes of Industry
and transport are being dumped Into the air
and water, including cancer-inducing sub-
stances. Will the safe limit be passed every-
where, as has already happened in a number
of places?
Carbon dioxide from the burning of coal
is altering the heat-reflecting qualities of
the atmosphere. Sooner or later, this will
reach a dangerous level. But we do not know
when. Poisonous chemicals used in agricul-
ture are penetrating Into the body of man
and animals directly and In more dangerous
modified compounds, causing serious damage
to the brain, the nervous system, blood-
forming organs, the liver and other organs.
Here, too, the sate limit can be easily crossed,
but the question has not been fully studied
and it is difficult to control all these
The use of antibiotics in poultry raising
has led to the development of new disease-
causing microbes that are resistant to anti-
I could also mention the problems of
dumping detergents and radioactive wastes,
erosion and salinization of soils, the flooding
(f meadows, the cutting of forests on moun-
tain slopes and in watersheds, the destruc-
tion of birds and other useful wildlife like
toads and frogs and many other examples of
aerseless despoliation caused by local, tem-
porary, bureaucratic and egotistical interest
and sometimes simply by questions of
bureaucratic prestige, as In the sad fate of
Lake Baikal.
The problem of geohyglene (earth hygiene)
Is highly complex and closely tied to economic
and social problems. This problem can there-
fore not be soled on a national and espe-
cially rot on a local basis. The salvation of
our environment requires that we overcome
our divisions and the pressure of temporary,
local Interests. Otherwise, the Soviet Union
will poison the United States with it-. wastes
and vice versa. At present, this is a hyper-
bole. But with a 10 per cent annual Increase
of wastes, the increase over 100 years will be
20,000 times.
Police dictatorships
An extreme reflection of the dangers con-
fronting modern social development is the
growth of racism, nationalism and milita-
rism and, in particular, the rise of demagogic,
hypocritical and monstrously cruel dictato-
rial poEce regimes. Foremost are the regimes
of Stalin. Hitler and Mao Tee-tong, and a
number of extremely reactionary regimes in
smaller countries, Spain, Portugal, South
Africa, Greece, A=bania. Haiti and other Latin
American countries.
These tragic developments have always de-
rived from the struggle of egotistical and
group interests, the struggle for unlimited
power, Suppression of intellectual freedom, a
spread of intellectually simplified, rarrow-
minded mass m_rtbs (the myth of race, of
land and blood, the myth about the Jewish
danger, anti-intellectualism, the concept of
lebensraum In Germany, the myth about
the sharpening of the class struggle and
proletarian Infallibility bolstered by Vie cult
of Stalin and by exaggeration of the contra-
dictions with capitalism in the Soviet Union,
the myth about Mao Tse-tung, extreme Chi-
nese nationalism and the resurrection of the
lebensraum concept, of anti-intellectualism,
extreme antihumanism and certain preju-
dices of ;peasant socialism In China).
The usual practice is the use of demagogy,
storm troopers and Red Guards In the first
stage and terrorl&t bureaucracy with reliable
cadres cf the type of Eichmenn, Himmler,
Yezhov and Berta at the summit of the
deification of unlimited power.
The Rule of Hitler
The world will never forget the burning of
books In the squares of German cities, the
hysterical cannibalistic speeches of the Fas-
cist "fuebrers" and their even more canni-
balistic plans for the destruction of entire
peoples, Including the Russians. Fascism be-
gan a partial realization of these plans dur-
ing the war it unleashed, annihilating pris-
oners of war and hostages, burning villages,
carrying out a criminal policy of genocide
(during the war, the main blow of genocide
was aimed at the Jews, a policy that appar-
ently was also meant to be provocative espe-
cially in the Ukraine and Poland).
We shall never forget the kilometer-long
trenches filled wlbh bodies, the gas cham-
bers, the SS dogs, the fanatical doctors, the
piles of women's hair, suitcases with gold
teeth and fertilizer from the factories of
Analyz,ng the causes of Hitler's coming to
power, we will never forget the role of Ger-
man and international monopolist capital.
We also will not forget the criminally see-
tartan and dogmatically narrow policies of
Stalin and his associates, setting Socialists
and Communists against one another (this
has been well related in the famous let-
ter to Ilya Ehrenturg by Ernst Henri).
The Stalinist Period
Fascism lasted 12 years in Germany. Stal-
inism lasted twice as long in the Solve. Un-
ion. There are many common features but
also certain differences. Stalinism exhibited
a much more subtle kind of hypocrisy and
demagogy, with reliance not on an ooenly
cannibalistic program like Hitler's but on a
progressive, scientific and popular socialist
This served as a convenient screen for de-
ceiving the working class, for weakening the
vigilance of the Intellectuals and other rivals
in the straggle for power, with the treacher-
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Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300190054-6
September 5, 1968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE S 10309
ous and sudden use of the machinery of views. Well, there is nothing like contro- this article, which focuses on another aspect
torture, execution and Informants, intimi- versy! Actually the views of the present au- of the problem.
dating and making fools of millions of peo- thor are profoundly socialist and he hopes It is imperative that we restrict in every
ple, the majority of whom were neither that the attentive reader will understand possible way the Influence of neo-Stalinists
cowards nor fools. As a consequence of this this, in our political life. Here we are compolled
"specific feature" of Stalinism, it was the So- The author is quite aware of the son. to mention a specific person. One of the
viet people, its most active, talented and strous relations in human and international most influential representatives of neo-
honest representatives, who suffered the affairs brought forth by the egotistical prin- Stalinism at the present time is the director
most terrible blow. ciple of capital when it is not under pros- of the Science Department of the Commu-
At least 10 to 16 million people perished sure from socialist and progressive forces. He nist party's Central Committee, Sergei P.
in the torture chambers of the N.K.V.D. also thinks however, that progressives in the Trapeznikov. The leadership of our country
[secret police] from torture and execution, West understand this better than lie does and our people should know that the views
in camps for exiled kulaks [rich peasants] and are waging a struggle against these of this unquestionably intelligent, shrewd
and so-called seml-kulaks and members of manifestations. The author is concentrating and highly consistent man are basically
their families and in camps "without the his attention on what is before his eyes and Stalinist (from our point of view, they re-
right of correspondence" (which were In on what is obstructing, from his point of flect the interests of the bureaucratic elite).
fact the prototypes of the Fascist death view, a worldwide overcoming of estrange- His views differ fundamentally from the
camps where, for example, thousands of ment, obstructing the struggle for demos- dreams and aspirations of the majority and
prisoners were machine-gunned because of racy, social progress and intellectual freedom, most active section of the intelligentsia,
overcrowding" or as a result of "special Our country path in our opinion, reflect the true in-
orders"), has started on the ath of
Peo le cleansing away the forted foulness of Stalinism. terests of all our people and progressive
p perished. in the mines of Norilsk "We are squeezing the slave out of ourselves mankind. The lea]ership of our country
and Vorkuta from freezing, starvation and drop by drop" p should understand that as long exhausting labor, at countless construction ho v). (an oxce to Anton Chen- man (If I correctly understand the nature
projects,. In timber cutting, building of ca- ions, ? th are e taking the taking th to express our oases of his views) exercises influence, it is 1m-
nals or simply during transportation in d without , without lead from the bosses
prison trains, in the overcrowded holds of an fearing for our lives. possible party's g soscientific a of the
An hope
"death ships" in the Sea of Okhotsk and dur- Khrushchov Is Credited intts tu to intellectuals. position
Indication among tnn this and was artistic
last wgiven
lug the resettlement of entire peoples, the The beginning of this arduous and far at the he last elections In fn the Academy of Sci-
Crimean Tatars, the Volga Germans, the from straight path evidently dates from the ences when S.P. Trapeznikov was rejected
Kalmyks and other Caucasus peoples, Read- report of Nikita S. Khrushchov to the 20th by a substantial majority of votes, but this
.ors of the literary journal Novy Mir recently congress of the Soviet Communist party. This hint was not "understood" by the leader-
could read for themselves a description of bold speech, which came as a surprise to ship.
the "road of death" between Norilsk and Stalin's accomplices in crime, and a number The Issue does not involve the professional
Igarka [in northern Siberia], of associated measures-the release of him- or personal qualities of Trapeznikov, about
Molotov,Yezhov, sZhclnov, Malenkov Berra), their rehabilitation, steps political
toward prisoners a revival of po itical views. I have based Issue
the foregoing on
but the antipeoplc's regime of Stalin re- the principles of peaceful coexistence and word-of-mouth evidence, Therefore, r can-
main equally cruel and at the same time toward a, revival of democracy-oblige us to not in principle exclude the possibility (al-
dogmatically narrow and blind in its cruelty, value highly the historic role of Khrushchov though It is unlikely) that In reality every-
The killing of military and engineering offl- despite his rogrotable mistakes of a volun- thing is quite the opposite. In that pleasant
dais before the war, the blind faith in the tarist character in subsequent years and de- event, I would beg forgiveness and retract
"reasonableness" of the colleague In crime, spite the fact that Khrushchov, while Stalin what I have written.
Hitler, and the other reasons for the na- was alive, was one of his collaborators In
tiemal tragedy of 1941 have been Well de- crime, occupying a number of influential CULT OF
scribed in trio book by Nekrich, in the notes posts. In recent t years, demagogy, violence,
of Maj. Gen. Grigorenko and other publi- The exposure of Stalirilenl In our countr cruelty and vileness have seized a, great
cations-these are far from the only exam- still has a long way to y socialist that had embarked on the path to
plea of the combination of crime, narrow- g y o, It u imperative, socialist development. I refer, of course, to
of course, that we publish all athantin ""_
mindedness and sh
Stalinist dogmatism and isolation from
real life was demonstrated particularly in
the countryside, In the policy of unlimited
exploitation and the predatory forced de-
liveries at "symbolic" prices, In the almost
serf-like enslavement of the peasantry, the
depriving of peasants of the most simple
means of mechanization and the appoint-
ment of collective-farm chairmen on the
basis of their cunning and obsequiousness.
The results are evident. pr,,.r..und and
uments, including the archives of the -11- - Le IuLpusszoie witnout horror and
N.K,V,D., and conduct nationwide invests a- to read about the Mass contagion of antillumanism g being spread ss spread by "the t "he great
tions. It would be highly useful for the in- helmsman" aand his s accomplices, about the
ternational authority of the Soviet Cominu- Red Guards who, according to the Chinese
nest party and the ideals of socialism if, -as radio, "jumped with joy" during public ex-
was planned in 1964 but never carried out, ecutions of "Ideological enemies" of Chair-
the party were to announce the "symbolic" man Mao,
expulsion of Stalin, murderer of millions of The idiocy of the cult of personality has
party members, and at the same time the assumed In China monstrous, grotesquely
political rehabilitation of the victims of tragicomic forms, carrying to the point of
Stalinism, absurdit
.--.._ r.._?_.____
of th
party members, half of the total member- effective in making fools of tens of millions
and. way of life in the countryside, which, ship, were arrested. Only 50,000 regained free- of people and. in destroying and humiliating
by the law of interconnected vessels, dam- dom; the others were tortured during inter- millions of more honest and more intelli-
aged industry as well. rogation or were shot (600,000) or died in gent people.
The inhuman character of Stalinism was carrLps Only in isolated cases were the re-
demonstrated by the repressions of prisoners habilitated allowed to assume responsible is The full picture any the tragedy in China
of War who survived Fascist camps and then posts; even fewer permitted to But in say case, it it the internal
were thrown into Stalinist camps, the anti- the investigation were to take part o look c it in isolation
of oC from tthe col-
worker "decrees," the criminal exile of en- had been witnesses of crimes of which they economic difficulties or China after the col-
tire potpies condemned to slow death, the had or victims. lapse of the adventure of "the great leap
unenlightened zoological kind of anti-sem- We are often told lately not to "rub salt forward," In isolation from the struggle by
itism that was characteristic of Stalinist bu- into wounds," This is usually being said by various groups for power, or in isolation from
reaucracy and the N.K.V.D. (and Stalin per- people who suffered no wounds. Actually only the foreign political situation-the war in
tonally), the the
Ukrainophobia, characteristic the most meticulous analysis of the past and Vietnam, the estrangement in the world and
of Stalin and the draconian laws for the pro- of Its consequences will now enable us to the inadequate' and lagging struggle against
section of socialist property (five years' im- wash off the blood and dirt that befouled our Stalinism in the Soviet Union,
prisoninent for stealing some grain from the banner. The greatest damage from Maoism is often
fields and so .forth) that served mainly as It is sometimes suggested in the liters- seen in the split of the world Communist
a means of fulfilling the demands of the turo that the political manifestations of movement. That is, of course, not so. The
"slave market." Stalinism represented a sort of superstruc- split is the result of a disease and to some
An Unpublished History Lture eninist over the economic basis of an anti- extent represents the way to treat that dis-
A?profound analys% is of the origin and de- formation In the Soviet Union of e, distinct unity lw uld have beenf a the disease, a
dangerous, unprmin-
velopment of Stalinism is contained in the class-a bureaucratic elite from which all ofpled compromise that would have led the
1,000-pa.go monograph of R. Medvedev. This key positions are filled and which is rewarded world Communist movement, into a blind
was written from a socialist, Marxist point for its work through open and concealed alley once and for all.
of view and is a successful work, but un- privileges. I cannot deny that there is some Actually the crimes of the Maoists against
fortunately it has not yet been published. (but not the whole) truth In such aninter- human rights have gone much too far, and
The present author is not likely to receive pretation, which would help explain the the Chinese people are now in much greater
such a compliment from Comrade Medvedev, vitality of neo-Stalinism, but a full analysis need of help from the world's demoratio
who finds elements of "Westernism" in his of this Issue would go beyond the scope of forces to defend their rights than in need
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of the unity of the world's Communist forces,
in the Maoist sense, for the purpose of com-
batting the so-called imperialist peril some-
where in Africa or in Latin America. or In
the Middle East.
The threat to intellectual freedom
This is a threat to the independence and
worth of the human personality, a threat to
the meaning of human life.
Nothing threatens freedom of the personal-
ity and the meaning of life like war, poverty,
terror. But there are also Indirect and only
slightly more remote dangers.
One of these is the stupefaction of man
(the "gray mass", to use the cynical term
of bourgeois prognosticators) by mass cul-
ture with its intentional or commercially
motivated lowering of Intellectual level and
content, with Its stress on entertainment or
utilitarianism, and with Its carefully protec-
tive centorship.
Another example is related to the question
of education. A system of education under
government control, separation of school
and church, universal free education--all
these are great achievements of social prog-
ress. But everything has a reverse side. In
this case it Is excessive standardization, ex-
tending to the teaching process itself, to the
curriculum, especially In literature, history,
civics, geography, and to the system of
One cannot but see a danger in excessive
reference to authority and in the limitation
of discussion and Intellectual boldness at an
age when personal convictions are beginning
to be formed. In the old China, the system of
examinations for official positions led to
mental stagnation and to the canonizing of
the reactionary aspects of Confucianism.
It is highly undesirable to have anything
like that In a modern society.
Modern technology and mass psychology
constantly suggest new possibilities of man-
aging the norms of behavior, the strivings
and convictions of masses of people. This
involves not only management through in-
formation based on the theory of advertising
and mass psychology, but also more technical
methods that are widely discussed in the
press abroad. Examples are biochemical con-
trol of the birth rate, biochemical control of
psychic processes and electronic control of
such processes.
Warns on Experiments
It seems to me that we cannot completely
ignore these new methods or prohibit the
progress of science and technology, but we
must be clearly aware of the awesome dangers
to basic human values and to the meaning
of life that may be concealed in the misuse
of technical and biochemical methods and
the methods of mass psychology.
Man must not be turned into a chicken or
a rat as in the well known experiments In
which elation is induced electrically through
electrodes inserted Into the brain. Related to
this is the question of the ever Increasing
use of tranquillizers and antidepressants,
legal and illegal narcotics, and so forth.
We also must not forget the very real dan-
ger mentioned by Norbert Wiener In his book
"Cybernetics," namely the absence In
cybernetic machines of stable human norms
of behavior. The tempting, unprecedented
power that mankind, or, even worse, a par-
ticular group in a divided mankind, may
derive from the wise counsels of its future
intellectual aides, the artificial "thinking"
automata, may be, as Wiener warned, become
a fatal trap; the counsels may turn out to be
incredibly insidious and, instead of pursuing
Let us now return to the dangers of today,
to the need for Intellectual freedom, which
will enable the public at large and the in-
telligentsia to control and asses all acts,
designs and decisions of the ruling group.
Marx and Lenin Quoted
Marx once wrote that the Illusion that the
"bosses know everything best" and "only the
higher circles familiar with the official nature
of things can pass judgment" was held by
officials who equate the public weal with
governmental authority.
Both Marx and Lenin always stressed the
viciousness of a bureaucratic system as the
opposite of a democratic system. Lenin used
to say that every cook should learn how to
govern. Now the diversity and complexity of
social phenomena and the dangers facing
mankind have become Immeasurably greater;
and It is therefore all the more important
that mankind be protected against the dan-
ger of dogmatic and voluntaristic errors,
which are inevitable when decisions are
reached In a closed circle of secret advisers
or shadow cabinets.
it is no wonder that the problem of cen-
sorship (in the broadest sense of the word)
has been one of the central issues in the
ideological struggle of the last few years.
Here is what a progressive American sociolo-
gist, Lewis A. Coser, has to say on this point:
"It would be absurd to attribute the alien-
ation of many avant-garde authors solely to
the battle with the censors, yet one may well
maintain that those battles contributed In
no mean measure to such alienation. To these
authors. the censor came to be the very sym-
bol of the Pblilistinism, hypocrisy and mean-
ness of bourgeois society.
"Many an author who was Initially apo-
litical was drawn to the political left in the
United States because the left was in the
forefront of the battle against censorship.
The close alliance of avant-garde art with
avant-garde political and social radicalism
can be accounted for, at least In part, by the
fact that they came to be merged in the
mind of many as a single battle for freedom
against all repression" (I quote from an
article by Igor Son, published In Novy Mir
In January, 1968).
We are all familiar with the passionate
and closely argued appeal against censorship
by the outstanding Soviet writer A. Solz-
henitsyn. He as well as G. Vladimov, G. Svtr-
sky and other writers who have spoken out
on the subject have clearly shown how in-
competent censorship destroys the living
soul of Soviet literature; but the same ap-
plies. of course, to all other manifestations
of social thought, causing stagnation and
dullness and preventing fresh and deep
Such Ideas, after all, can arise only In
discussion, In the face of objections, only If
there Is a potential possibility of expressing
not only true, but also dubious ideas. This
was clear to the philosophers of anclen:
Greece and hardly anyone nowadays would
have any doubts on that score. But after 50
years of complete domination over the minds
of an entire nation, our leaders seem to fear
even allusions to such a discussion.
At this point we must touch on some dis-
graceful tendencies that have become evi-
dent In the last few years. We will cite only
a few Isolated examples without trying to
create a whole picture. The crippling censor-
ship of Soviet artistic and political literature
has again been Intensified. Dozens of bril-
liant writings cannot see the light of day.
They include some of the best of Solzhenit-
syn's works, executed with great artistic and
objectives, may
human y pursue completely moral force and containing profound artistic
abstract problems that had been transformed and philosophical generalizations. Is this not
in an unforeseen manner in the artificial a disgrace?
brain. Wide indignation has been aroused by the
Such a. danger will become quite real In a recent decree adopted by the Supreme Soviet
few decades if human values, particularly of the Russian Republic, amending the Crim-
freedom of thought, will not be strengthened, final Code In direct contravention of the civil
if alienation will not be eliminated. rights proclaimed by our Constitution. [The
decree included literary protests among acts
punishable under Article 190. which deals
with fai'ure to report crimes.]
Literary 'T'rials Assailed
The Daniel-Sinyavsky trial; which has
been condemned by the progressive public
in the Soviet Union and abroad (from Louis
Aragon to Graham Greene) and has com-
promised the Communist system, has still not
been reviewed. The two writers languish in
a camp with a i tract regime and are being
subjected (especially Daniel) to harsh humi-
liations and ordeals.
Most political prisoners are now kepi In a
group o' camps in the Mordvinian Republic,
where the total number of prisoners, includ-
ing criminals, is about 50,000. According to
available information, the regime has become
increasingly severe In these camps, with per-
sonnel left over from Stalinist times playing
an increasing _role. It should be said in all
fairness that' a certain Improvement has
been noted very recently; it is to be hoped
that this turn of events will continue.
The restoration of Leninist principles of
public control over places of Imprisonment
would undoubtedly be a healthy develop-
ment. Equally important would be a com-
plete amnesty of political prisoners, and not
just the recent limited amnesty, which was
proclaimed on the 50th anniversary of the
October Revolution as a result of a tempo-
rary victory of rightist tendencies In our
leadership. There should also be a review of
all political trial; that are still raising doubts
among the progressive public.
Was it not disgraceful to allow the arrest.
12-month detention without trial ar.d then
the conviction and sentencing to terms of
five to seven years of Ginzburg, Galanskov
and others for activities that actually
amounted to a defense of civil liberties and
(partly as an example) of Daniel and Sinyav-
sky personally. 7'he author of these lines sent
an appeal to the party's Central Committee
on Feb 11, 1967, asking that the Ginzburg-
Galanskov case be closed. He received no
reply and no explanations on the substance
of the case. It was only later that he heard
that there had been an attempt (apparently
Inspired by Semichastny, the former chair-
man of the K.G.B.) to slander the present
writer and several other persons on the basis
of inspired false testimony by one of the
accused In the' Galanskov-Ginzburg case.
Subsequently the testimony of that person-
Dobrovolsky-was used at the trial as evi-
dence to show that Ginsburg and Galanskov
had ties with a foreign anti-Soviet organiza-
tion, which one cannot help but doubt.
[The reference here Is to evidence given by
Dobrovolsky In the pretrial investigation of
the case of Vlad,mir Bukovsky, Vadin. Delone
and Yevgeny Kushev in early 1967. Dobrovol-
sky said there allegedly existed "a single
anti-D)rnmunlst front ranging from Acade-
mician; Sakharov and Leontovich to SMOG,"
an iile[;al group of young writers and artists.]
Persecution Is Charged
Was it not disgraceful to permit the con-
viction and sentencing (to three years in
camps) of Kha-istov and Bukovsky for par-
ticipation in a meeting in defense of their
comrac_es? Was it not disgraceful to allow
persecution, In the best witchhunt tradition,
of dozens of members of the Soviet Intelli-
gentsia who spoke out against the arbitrari-
ness of judicial and psychiatric agencies, to
attempt to form honorable people to sign
false. bypoeriti:al "retractions," to dismiss
and blacklist people, to deprive young
writers, editors and other members of the
intelligentsia of all means of existence?
Here Is a typical example of this kind of
Comrade B., a woman editor of books on
motion pictures, was summoned to the
party's district committee. The Srxt ques-
tion was, Who gave you the letter in defense
of Ginzburg to sign? Allow me not to reply
to the, question, she answered. All right, you
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can go, we want to talk this over, she was The basis for hope
told. The decision was to expel the woman The prospects of socialism now depend on
from the party and to recommend that she whether socialism can be made attractive,
be dismissed from her job and barred from whether the moral attractiveness of the ideas
working anywhere else in the field of culture. of socialism and the glorification of labor,
With such methods of persuasion and in- compared with the egotistical ideas of pri-
doctrination the party can hardly expect to vate ownership and the glorification of capi-
claim the role of spiritual leaders of man. tal, will be the decisive factors that people
Was it not disgraceful to have the speech
at the Moscow party conference by the pres-
ident of the Academy of Sciences (Mstislav
V. Keldysh), who is evidently either too in-
timidated or too dogmatic in his views? Is it
not disgraceful to allow another backsliding
into anti-Semitism in our appointments
policy (incidentally, in the highest bureau-
cratic elite of our government, the spirit of
anti-Semitism was never fully dispelled after
the nineteen thirties).
Was it not disgraceful to continue to re-
strict the civil rights of the Crimean Tatars,
who lost about 46 per cent of their numbers
(mainly children and old people) in the
Stalinist repressions? Nationality problems
will continue to be a reason for unrest and
dissatisfaction unless all departures from
Leninist principles are acknowledged and
analyzed and firm steps are taken to correct
Is it not highly disgraceful and dangerous
to make increasingly frequent attempts,
either directly or indirectly (through
silence), to publicly rehabilitate Stalin, his
associates and his policy, his pseudosocialism
of terroristic bureaucracy, a socialism of hy-
procrisy and ostentatious growth that was at
best a quantitative and one-sided growth in-
volving the loss of many qualitative features?
(This is a reference to the 1l`asic tendencies
and consequences of Stalin's policy, or
Stalinism, rather than a comprehensive as-
sessment of the entire diversified situation in
a huge country with 200 million people.)
Although all these disgraceful phenomena
are still far from the monstrous scale of the
crimes of Stalinism and rather resemble in
scope the sadly famous McCarthyism of the
cold war era, the Soviet public cannot-but be
highly disturbed and indignant and display
vigilance even in the face of insignificant
manifestations of neo-Stalinism in our
We are convinced that the world's Com-
munists will also view negatively any
attempts to revive Stalinism in our country,
which would, after all, be an awful blow to
the attractive force of Communist ideas
throughout the world.
Today the key to a progressive restructur-
ing of the system of government in the in-
terests of mankind lies in intellectual free-
dom. This has been understood, in particular,
by the Czechaslovaks and there can be no
doubt that we should support their bold
initiative, which is so valuable for the future
of socialism and all mankind. That support
should be political and, in the early stages,
include increased economic aid.
The situation involving censorship
(Glavlit) in our country is such that it can
Hardly be corrected for any length of time
simply by "liberalized" directives. Major or-
ganizational and legislative measures are re-
quired, for example, adoption of a special law
on press and information that would clearly
and convincingly define what can and what
cannot be printed and would place the re-
sponsibility on competent people who would
be under public control. It is essential that
the exchange of information on an interna-
tional scale (press, tourism and so forth) be
expanded in every way, that we get to know
ourselves better, that we not try to save on
sociological, political and economic research
and surveys, which should be conducted not
only according to government-controlled pro-
grams (otherwise we might be tempted to
avoid "unpleasant" subjects and questions).
will bear in mind when comparing socialism
and capitalism, or whether people will re-
member mainly the limitations of intellectu-
al freedom under socialism or, even worse,
the fascistic regime of the cult [of. person-
I am placing the accent on the moral as-
pect because, when it comes to achieving a
high- productivity of social labor or devel-
oping all productive forces or insuring a high
standard of living for most of the popula-
tion, capitalism and socialism seem to have
"played to a tie." Let us examine this ques-
tion in detail.
The United States-Soviet Ski Race
Imagine two skiers racing through deep
snow. At the start of the race, one of them,
in striped jacket, was many kilometers ahead,
but now the skier in the red jacket is catch-
ing up to the leader. What can we say about
their relative strength? Not very much, since
each skier is racing under different condi-
tions. The striped one broke the snow, and
the red one did not have to. (The reader will
understand that this ski race symbolizes the
burden of research and development costs
that the country leading in technology has
to bear.) All one can say about the race is
that there is not much difference in strength
between the two skiers.
The parable does not, of course, reflect the
whole complexity of comparing economic and
technological progress in the United States
and the Soviet Union, the relative vitality of
RRS and AME (Russian Revolutionary Sweep
and American Efficiency.)
We cannot forget that during much of the
period in question the Soviet Union waged
a hard war and then healed its wounds; we
cannot forget that some absurdities in our
development were not an inherent aspect of
the socialist course of development, but a
tragic accident, a serious, though not in-
evitable, disease.
On the other hand, any comparison must
take account of the fact that we are now
catching up with the United States only in
some of the old, traditional industries, which
are no longer as important as they used to be
for the United States (for example, coal and
steel). In some of the newer fields, for ex-
ample, automation, computers, petrochemi-
cals and especially in industrial research and
development, we are not only lagging behind
but are also growing more slowly, so that a
complete victory of our economy in the next
few decades is unlikely.
It must also be borne in mind that our
nation' is endowed with vast natural re-
sources, from fertile black earth to coal and
forest, from oil to manganese and diamonds.
d th
t d
n m
It must be borne
riod under review our people worked to the country and thus activate extreme leftist and
limit of its capacity, which resulted in a cer- especially extreme rightist parties. It seems
tain depletion of resources. to me that we in the socialist camp should be
We must also bear in mind the ski-track interested in letting the ruling group in the
effect, in which the Soviet Union adopted United States settle the Negro problem with-
principles of industrial organization and out aggravating the situation in the country.
technological and development previously At the other extreme, the presence of mil-
tested in the United States. Examples are the lionaires in the United States is not a seri-
method of calculating the national fuel ous economic burden in view of their small
budget, assembly-line techniques, anti- number. The total consumption of the rich
biotics, nuclear power, oxygen converters in is less than 20 percent, that is, less than the
steelmaking, hybrid tarn, self-propelled har- total rise of national consumption over a
vester combines, strip mining of coal, rotary five-year period. From this point of view, a
excavators, semiconductors in electronics, revolution, which would be likely to halt
the shift from steam to diesel locomotives, economic'progress for more than five years,
and much more. does not appear to be an economically ad-
There is only one justifiable conclusion vantageous move for the working people. And
and it can be formulated cautiously as I am not even talking of the blood-letting
follows: that is inevitable in a revolution. And I am
1. We have demonstrated the vitality of not talking of the danger of the `Irony of
S 10311
the socialist course, which has done a great
deal for the people materially, culturally and
socially and, like no other system, has glori-
fied the moral significance of labor.
2. There are no grounds for asserting, as
is often done in the dogmatic vein, that the
capitalist mode of production leads the econ-
omy into a blind alley or that it is obviously
inferior to the socialist mode in labor pro-
ductivity, and there are certainly no grounds
for. asserting that capitalism always leads to
absolute impoverishment of the working
Progress by Capitalism
The continuing economic progress being
achieved under capitalism should be a fact
of great theoretical significance for any non-
dogmatic Marxist. It is precisely this fact
that lies at the basis of peaceful coexistence
and it suggests, in principle, that if capital-
ism ever runs into an economic blind alley
it- will not necessarily have to leap into a
desperate military adventure. Both capital-
ism and socialism are capable of long-term
development, borrowing positive elements
from each other and actually coming closer
to each other in a number of essential
I can just hear the outcries about revision-
ism and blunting of the class approach to
this issue; I can just see the smirks about
political naivete and immaturity. But the
facts suggest that there is real economic
progress in the United States and other capi-
talist countries, that the capitalists are ac-
tually using the social principles of socialism,
and that there has been real improvement of
the position of the working people. More
important, the facts suggest that on any
other course except ever-increasing coexist-
ence and collaboration between the two sys-
tems and the two superpowers, with a
smoothing of contradictions and with mu-
tual assistance, on any other course annihila-
tion awaits mankind. There is no other way
Two Systems Compared
We will now compare the distribution of
personal income and consumption for vari-
ous social groups in the United States and
the Soviet Union. Our propaganda materials
usually assert that there is crying inequality
in the United States, while the Soviet Union
has something entirely just, entirely in the
interests of the working people. Actually
both statements contain halftruths and a
fair amount of hypocritical evasion.
I have no intention of minimizing the
tragic aspects of the poverty, lack of rights
and humiliation of the 22 million American
Negroes. But we must clearly understand
that this problem is not primarily a class
problem, but a racial problem, involving the
racism and egotism of white workers, and
that the ruling group in the United States
is interested in solving this problem. To be
sure the government has not been as active
as it should be; this may be related to fears
of an electoral character and to fears of
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history," about which Friedrich Engels wrote
so well in his famous letter to V. Zasulich,
the "irony" that took the form of Stalinism
in our country.
There are, of course, situations where rev-
olution is the only way out. This applies
especially to national uprisings. But that is
not the case in the United States and other
developed capitalist countries, as suggested,
incidentally, in the programs of the Com-
munist parties of these countries.
As far as our country is concerned, here,
too, we should avoid painting an idyllic pic-
ture. There Is still great inequality in prop-
erty between the city and the countryside,
especially in rural areas that lack a trans-
port outlet to the private market or do not
produce any goods In demand In private
trade. There are great differences between
cities with some of the new, privileged In-
dustries and those with older, antiquated In-
dustries. As a result 40 percent of the Soviet
population is in difficult economic circum-
stances. In the United States about 25 per-
cent of the population is on the verge of
poverty. On the other hand the 5 percent
of the Soviet population that belong to the
managerial group Is as privileged as its coun-
terpart in the United States.
The Managerial Group
The development of modern society in both
the Soviet Union and the United States is
now following the same course of increasing
complexity of structure and of industrial
management, giving rise In both countries to
managerial groups that are similar in social
We must therefore acknowledge that there
is no qualitative difference in the structure
of society of the two countries in terms of
distribution of consumption. Unfortunately,
the effectiveness of the managerial group in
the Soviet Union (and, to a lesser extent, in
the United States) is measured not only in
purely economic or productive terms. This
group also performs a concealed protective
function that is rewarded in the sphere of
consumption by concealed privileges.
Few people are aware of the practice under
Stalin of paying salaries in sealed envelopes,
of the constantly recurring concealed distri-
bution of scarce foods and goods for various
services, privileges in vacation resorts, and
so forth.
I want to emphasize that I am not opposed
to the socialist principle of payment based
on the amount and quality of labor. Rela-
tively higher wages for better administrators,
for highly skilled workers, teachers and phy-
sicians, for workers in dangerous or harmful
occupations, for workers in science, culture
and the arts, all of whom account for a
relatively small part of the total wage bill,
do not threaten society if they are not ac-
companied by concealed privileges. more-
over, higher wages benefit society if they are
The point is that every wasted minute of
a leading administrator represents a major
material loss for the economy and every
wasted minute of a leading figure in the arts
means a loss in the emotional, philosophical
and artistic wealth of society. But when
something is done in secret, the suspicion
inevitably arises that things are not clean,
that loyal servants of the-existing system are
being bribed.
It seems to me that the rational way of
solving this touchy problem would be not
the setting of income ceilings for party mem-
ber sor some such measure, but simply the
prohibition of all privileges and the estab-
lishment of unified wage rates based on the
social value of labor and an economic market
approach to the wage problem.
I consider that further advances in our
economic reform and a greater role for eco-
nomic and market factors accompanied by
increased public control over the managerial
group (which, incidentally, is also essential
in capitalist countries) will help eliminate
all the roughness in our present distribution
An even more important aspect of the
economic reform for the regulation and stim-
ulation of production Is the establish-
ment of a correct system of market prices.
proper allocation and rapid utilization of
investment funds and proper use of natural
and human resources based on appropriate
rents In the Interest of our society.
A number of socialist countries, Including
the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and Czecho-
slovakia are now experimenting with basic
economic problems of the role of planning
and of the market, government and coopera-
tive ownership, and so forth. These experi-
ments are of great significance.
Rapprochement Advocated
Summing up we now come to our basic
conclusion about the moral and ethical char-
acter of the advantages of the socialist course
of development of human society. In our
view. this does not in any way minimize the
significance of socialism. Without socialism
bourgeois practiclsm and the egotistical prin-
ciple of private ownership gave rise to the
"people of the abyss" described by Jack Lon-
don and earlier by Engels.
Only the competition with socialism and
the pressure of the working class made pos-
sible the social progress of the 20th century
and, all the-more, will insure the now inevita-
bls process of rapproachement of the two sys-
tems. It took socialism to raise the meaning
of labor to the heights of a moral feat. Before
the advent of socialism, national egotism
gave rise to colonial oppression, nationalism
and racism. By now it has become clear that
victory Is on the side of the humanistic, in-
ternational approach,
The capitalist world could not help giving
birth to the socialist, but now the socialist
world should not seek to destroy by force the
ground from which It grew. Under the pres-
ent conditions this would be tantamount to
suicide of mankind. Socialism should ennoble
that ground by Its example and other indi-
rect forms of pressure and than merge With
The rapproachement with the capitalist
world should not be an unprincipled anti-
popular plot between ruling groups, as hap-
pened in the extreme case of the Soviet-Nazi
rapprochement] of 1988-40. Such a rap-
prochement must rest not only on a social-
ist, but on a popular democratic foundation,
under the control of public opinion, as ex-
pressed through publicity, elections and so
Such a rapprochement implies not only
wide social reforms in the capitalist coun-
tries, but also substantial changes In the
structure of ownership, with a greater role
played by government and cooperative own-
ership, and the preservation of the basic pres-
ent features of ownership of the means of
production in the socialist countries.
Our allies along this road are not only the
working class and the progressive inteliigen-
sia, which are Interested in peaceful coexist-
ence and social progres and in a democratic
peaceful transition to socialism (as reflected
In the programs of the Communist parties
of the developed countries), but also the re-
formist part of the bourgeoisie, which sup-
ports such a program of "convergence." AI-
though I am using this term, taken from the
Western literature, it Is clear from the fore-
going that I have given It a socialist and
democratic meaning.
Typical representatives of the reformist
bourgeoisie are Cyrus Eaton. President
Franklin D. Roosevelt, and, especially, Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy. Without wishing to
cast a stone in the direction of Comrade
N. S. Khrushchev (our high esteem of his
services was expressed earlier), I cannot help
recalling one of We statements, which may
have been more typical of his entourage than
of him personally.
On Jvly 10, 1931, in speaking at a reception
of specialists about his meeting with Ken-
nedy In Vienne., Comrade Khrushchev re-
called Kennedy's request that the Soviet
Union, in conducting policy and making de-
mands, consider the actual possibilities and
the diffculties o the new Kennedy Adminis-
tration and refrain from demanding more
than It could grant without courting the
danger of being defeated in elections and
being replaced by rightist forces. At that
time, Khrushchev did not give Kennedy's
unprecedented request the proper attention,
to put It mildly, and began to rail. And now,
after the shots in Dallas. who can se.y what
auspicious oppcrtunities in world history
have been. If no-; destroyed, but, at any rate,
set back because of a lack of understanding.
Bertrand Russell once told a pea-:e con-
gress in Moscow that "the world will to saved
from thermonuclear annihilation if the lead-
ers of each of the two systems prefer com-
plete victory of the other system to a ther-
monuclear war I am quoting from memory."
It seems to me that such a solution would
be acceptable to the majority of people in
any country, WLether capitalist or socialist.
I consider that the leaders of the capitalist
and -socialist systems by the very nature of
things will gradually be forced to adopt the
point of view of the majority of mankind.
Intellectual freedom of society will facili-
tate and smooth the way for this trend
toward patience, flexibility and a security
from dogmatism, fear and adventuri3m. All
mankind, Inducing its beat organized and
active forces, the working class and the Intel-
ligentsLs, is interested in freedom and
Four-stage plan for cooperation
Having examined in the first part of this
essay the development of mankind according
to the worse alternative, leading to annihila-
tion, we must now attempt, even schemati-
cally, to suggest the better alternative. (The
author concedes the primitiveness of his
attempts at prognostication, which requires
the joint efforts of many specialists, and
here, even more than elsewhere, invites posi-
tive crticism.)
In the first stage, a growing ideological
struggle In the socialist countries between
Stalinist and Maoist forces, on the one hand,
and the realistic forces of leftist Leninist
Communists (and leftist Westerners), on the
other, will lead to a deep ideological split
on an International, national and intraparty
In the Soviet Union and other socialist
countries, this process Will load first to a
multiparty system (here and there) and to
acute ideological struggle and discussions,
and then to the ideological victory of the
realists, affirming the policy of increasing
peaceful existence, strengthening democ-
racy and expanding economic reforms (1960-
80). The dates -efleet the most optimistic
unrolling of events.
The author, incidentally, is not one of
those who consider the multiparty system to
be an essential stage in the development of
the socialist system or, even less, a panacea
for all his, but he assumes that in some cases
a multiparty system may be an Inevitable
consequence of the course of events when
a ruling Communist party refuses for one
reason or another to rule by the scientific
democratic method required by history.
In the second stage, persistent demands
for socis4i progress and peaceful coex'stence
In the United States and other capitalist
countries, and pressure exerted by the ex-
ample of the socialist countries and by
internal progressive forces (the working
class ar.d the intelligentsia) will lm vi to
the victory of the leftist reformist wing
of the tourgeoisie, which will begin to im-
plement a progrem of rapprochement (con-
vergence) with socialism, i.e.. social prog-
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ress, peaceful coexistence and collaboration
with socialism on a world scale and changes
in the structure of ownership. This phase
includes an expanded role for the intelli-
gentsia and an attack on the forces of racism
and militarism (1972-85). (The various
stages overlaps.)
In the third stage, the Soviet Union and
the United States, having overcome their
alienation, solve the problem of saving the
poorer half of/ the world. The above-men-
tioned 20 per cent tax on the national
income of developed countries is applied.
Gigantic fertilizer factories and irrigations
systems using atomic power will be built
[in the developing countries], the resources
of the sea will be used to a vastly greater
extent, indigenous personnel will be trained,
and industrialization will be carried out.
Gigantic factories will produce synthetic
amino acids, and synthesize proteins, fats
and carbohydrates. At the same time dis-
armament will proceed (1972-90).
In the fourth stage, the socialist conver-
gence will reduce differences in social
structure, promote intellectual freedom,
science and economic progress and lead to
creation of a world government and the
smoothing of national contradictions (1980-
2000). During this period decisive progress
can be expected in the field of nuclear power,
both on the basis of uranium and thorium
and, probably, deuterium and lithium.
Some authors consider it likely that ex-
plosive breeding (the reproduction of active
materials such as plutonium, uranium 233
and tritium) may be used in subterranean
or other enclosed explosions.
During this period the expansion of space
exploration will require thousands of people
to work and live continuously on other
planets and on the moon, on artificial satel-
lites and on asteroids whose orbits will have
been changed by nuclear explosions.
The synthesis of materials that are super-
conductors at room temperature may com-
pletely revolutionize electrical technology,
cybernetics, transportation and communica-
tions. Progress in biology (in this and subse-
quent periods) will make possible effective
control and direction of all life processes
at the levels of the cell, organism, ecology
and society, from fertility and aging to
psychic processes and heredity.
If such an all-encompassing scientific and
technological revolution, promising un-
counted benefits for mankind, is to be possi-
ble and safe, it will require the greatest pos-
sible scientific foresight and care and con-
cern for human values of a moral, ethical
and personal character. (I touched briefly on
the danger of a thoughtless bureaucratic use
of the scientific and technological revolution
in a divided world in the section on "Dan-
gers," but could add a great deal more.)
Such a revolution will be possible and safe
only under highly intelligent worldwide
The foregoing program presumes:
(a) worldwide interest in overcoming the
present divisions;
(b) the expectation that modifications in
both the socialist and capitalist countries
will tend to reduce contradictions and dif-
(c) worldwide interest of the intelligentsia,
the working class and other progressive forces
in a scientific democratic approach to poli-
tics, economics and culture;
(d) the absence of unsurmountable obsta-
cles to economic development in both world
economic systems that might otherwise lead
inevitably into a blind alley, despair and
Every honorable and thinking person who
has not been poisoned by narrow-minded in-
difference will seek to insure that future
development will be along the lines of the
better alternative. However only broad, open
discussion, without the pressure of fear and
prejudice, will help the majority to adopt
the correct: and best course of action.
Proposals summarized
In conclusion, I will sum up some of the
concrete proposals of varying degrees of im-
portance that have been- discussed in the
text. These proposals, addressed to the lead-
ership of the country, do not exhaust the
content of the article. -
'[1] -
The strategy of peaceful coexistence and
collaboration must be deepened in every way.
Scientific methods and principles of inter-
national policy will have to be worked out,
based on scientific prediction of the imme-
diate and more distant consequences.
The initiative must be seized in working
out a broad program of struggle against
A law on press and information must be
drafted, widely discussed and adopted, with
the aim not only of ending irresponsible
and irrational censorship, but of encourag-
ing self-study in our society, fearless discus-
sion and the search for truth. The law must
provide for the material resources of freedom
of thought.
All anticonstitutional laws and decrees vio-
lating human rights must be abrogated.
Political prisoners must be amnestied and
some of the recent political trials must be
reviewed (for example, the Daniel-Sinyav-
sky and Galanskov-Ginzburg cases) . The
camp regime of political prisoners must be
promptly relaxed.
The exposure of Stalin must be carried
through to the end, to the complete truth,
and not just to the carefully weighted half-
truth dictated by case considerations. The in-
fluence of neo-Stalinists in our political life
must be restricted in every way (the text
mentioned, as an example, the case of S.
Trapeznikow, who enjoys too much influ-
The economic reform must be deepened
in every way and the area of experimenta-
tion expanded, with conclusions based on
the results.
A law on geohygiene must be adopted after
broad discussion, and ultimately become part
of world efforts in this area.
With this article the author addresses the
leadership of our country and all its citi-
zens as well as all people of goodwill through-
but the world. The author is aware of the
controversial character of many of his state-
ments. His purpose is open, frank discussion
under conditions of publicity.
In conclusion a textological comment. In
the process of discussion of previous drafts
of this article, some incomplete and in some
respects one-sided texts have been circulated.
Some- of them contained certain passages
that were inept in form and tact and were
included through oversight. The author asks
readers to bear this in, mind. The author is
deeply grateful to readers of preliminary
drafts who communicated their friendly
comments and thus helped improve the ar-
ticle and refine a number of basic state-
ments.-A. Sakharov -
Aragon, Louis (born 1895) : French Com-
munist writer, who protested Soviet literary
Beria, Lavrentl P. (1899-1953) : Stalin's
chief of secret police; executed by Stalin's
Bukovsky, Vladimir: young Soviet writer;
sentenced in September, 19?7 to three years'
imprisonment for participation in an un-
authorized demonstration.
S 10313
Clausewitz, Karl Von (1780-1831) : -Prus-
sian general and military writer.
Crimean Tatars: Soviet ethnic minority,
exiled in World War II for alleged collabora-
tion with the Germans; fully cleared of ac-
cusation in July, 1967.
Daniel, Yuli M.: Soviet writer, sentenced
in February, 1966, to five years' imprisonment
on charges of having slandered the -Soviet
Union in books published abroad under the
pen name Nikolai Arzhak. -
Delone, Vadim: young Soviet poet; sen-
tenced with Bukovsky to one year's
Dobrovolsky, Aleksei: contributor to So-
viet underground magazine Phoenix 1966;
arrested January, 1967 with Ginzburg and
Galanskov; turned state's evidence; sen-
tenced in January, 1968, to two years.
Ehrenburg, Ilya: the Soviet novelist who
died last August at the age of 76. -
Eichmann, Adolf: SS colonel who headed
Gestapo's Jewish section; arrested by Israel
in May, 1960; tried and executed in May, 1962.
Galanskov, Yuri: editor of Soviet under-
ground magazine Phoenix 1966; sentenced
in January, 1968 to seven years' imprison-
ment for anti-Soviet activity.
Ginzburg, Aleksandr: author of a book on
the Sinyavsky-Daniel case that was pub-
lished abroad; sentenced in January, 1968,
to five years' imprisonment for anti-Soviet
Glavlit: the Soviet censorship agency.
Greene, Graham: the British novelist, who
protested Soviet literary trials.
Grigorenko, Pyotr G.: former major gen-
eral in World War II; cashiered in 1964 on
charges of anti-Soviet activity.
Henri, Ernst: pseudonym for a Soviet com-
mentator; Semyon Rostovsky, who contrib-
utes frequently to the weekly Literaturnaya
Himmler, Heinrich: Hitler's secret police
chief; suicide in 1945. -
Khaustov, Viktor: sentenced in February,
1967, to three years' imprisonment for orga-
nizing demonstration on behalf of arrested
Kushev, Yevgeny: young Soviet poet; sen-
tenced in September, 1967, to one year's im-
prisonment for participation of protest dem-
Leontovich, Mikhail A. (born 1903): Soviet
nuclear physicist; an associate of Andrei D.
Sakharov. -
Malenkov, Georgi M. (born 1902) : a close
associate of Stalin; expelled from the Soviet
leadership by Nikita S. Khrushchev in 1957.
Molotov, Vyaoheslav M. (born 1890) :,a close
associate of Stalin; expelled from the Soviet
leadership by Nikita S. Khrushchev in 1957.
Nekrich, Aleksandr M.: Soviet historian,
author of book on the German attack on
the Soviet Union in 1941; reported criticized
and ousted from Communist party in 1967.
Semichastny, Vladimir Y.: chairman of the
K.G.B., Soviet secret police from 1961 until
relieved of his post in May, 1967.
Sinyavsky, Andrei D.: Soviet writer, sen-
tenced in February, 1968, to seven years' im-
prisonment on charges of having slandered
the Soviet Union in books published abroad
under the pen name of Abram Tertza.
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I.: Soviet writer;
author of "One Day in the Life of Ivan
Denisovich"; in official disfavor and unpub-
lished in recent years,
Wiener, Norbert (1894-1964) : American
mathematician; founder of the science of
cybernetics, which laid the basis for computer
Yagoda, Genrikh G.: Stalin's chief of secret
police from 1934 to 1936; supervised early
phase of great purges; was himself purged
and executed in 1938.
Yezhov, Nikolai I.: Stalin's chief of secret
police from 1936 to 1938; supervised the main
phase of great purges; disappeared in 1939.
Zasulich, Vera I. (1851-1919): early Rus-
sian Marxist who had correspondence with
Marx and Engels; she opposed terrorism as
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a revolutionary tactic and joined Menshevik
rac.tion against Lenin.
Zhdanov, Andrei A. (1896-1949) : a dose
associate of Stalin, in charge of artistic and
scientific policies at height of his career from
1945 to 1948.
In the fall of 1968, the Soviet Communist
party newspaper, Pravda, opened its authori-
tative pages to the views of two prominent
nuclear physicists In a nationwide debate
on educational reform. -
Academician Andrei D. Sakhnrov, then 37
years old, and a fellow academician, Yakov
B. Zeldovich, urged separate schools for spe-
cially gifted children to train the future gen-
eration or scientists at an early age.
The authors contended that it was india-
putable that mathematicians and physicists,
at least, were most productive In the early
stages of their careers and that many of'tbe
great discoveries In those fields had been
made by scientists aged 22 to 26.
Dr. Sakharov, for one, was reasoning from
personal experience, He earned his doctorate
in physics at the age of 28, joined In making
it major physical discovery at the age of 29
and, at 32, was elected a member of the Acad-
emy of Sciences, the most prestigious posi-
tion for a Soviet scientist, having skipped the
usual intermediate Stage of corresponding
III recent years Dr. Sakharov (pronounced
SAH-khah-roff) has continued to voice his
views on public affairs. But instead of being
ommclally sanctioned by publication in Prav-
da. his opinions, often critical of domestic
apd :roreign policy, were circulating In menu-
script among friends and associates.
His latest essay, written last month and
now available here, outlines a plan for So-
viet-.American cooperation and ultimate rap-
prochement that he views as the only way
to save mankind from thermonuclear war,
overpopulation and famine, and pollution of
the environment.
As a member of the scientific and techno-
logical elite of Soviet society, and as a man
with broad intellectual horizons and range
of Interests, Dr. Sakharov has not been
afraid to speak out, even If his views are in
conflict with omcinl policy.
In the spring of 1968, as the new Soviet
leadership was preparing to convoke the 23d
congress of the Communist party, the coun-
try was abuzz with rumors that Mr. Khru-
sh4hev's successors were planning to rectify
his unqualified 1968 condemnation of Sta-
lin's rule.
Academician Sakharov then joined fellow
nuclear physicists and other Intellectuals in
a petition sent to Leonid I. Brezhnev, the new
party chief, opposing any planned restoration
of Stalin's status. The petitioners said the
Soviet people "will never understand or ac-
cept" a rehabilitation of Stalin and they
warned of a now split In Communist ranks,
between the Soviet party and the Commu-
nist parties of the West, if such a step were
It is unclear whether the high prestige of
the signers and their argument proved per-
suasive, but no dramatic steps to change
Stalin's status were taken at the congress in
Later that year, Dr. Sakharov again joined
a group of petitioners, this time to object
to a newly adopted decree that made unau-
thorized protest demonstrations a crime.
Entirely the product of the Soviet period,
Andrei Dmitriyevich Sakharov was born May
21, 1021, and was graduated from Moscow
University during the war year of 1942. Scams
published biographical data contain no In-
formation about his personal life or family
He joined the Lebedev Institute of Physics
In Moscow, where he earned his doctorate in
1947 while working with Dr. Igor Y. Tatum,
a specialist in quantum mechanics who, in
1968, became one of three Russians to share
the Nobel Prize In Physics.
Research by Dr. Tatum and his students led
In 1830 to a proposal that provided the theo-
retical basis for controlled thermonuclear
fusion-the harnessing of the power of the
hydrogen bomb for the generation of elec-
tricity for peaceful purposes.
The principle, Involving the use or an
electrical discharge in plasma (ionized gas)
and heat containment by a magnetic field,
furnished the basis for much subsequent con-
trolled-fusion research. In which a break-
through to commercial application is yet to
be achieved.
For their work, both Dr. Sakharov and his
teacher were elected full members of the
Soviet Academy of Sciences In 1963. While
Dr. Tamm had held the- probationary cor-
responding membership for 20 years, his
young associate moved directly Into the high-
est level of the Soviet scientific elite.
Since 1969, Dr. Sakharov has been associ-
ated with Academician Mikhail A. Leontovich
in research on the theoretical aspects of con-
trolled fusion.
Dr. Sakharov', work has been publicized In
the popular literature. A book for the gen-
eral reader by V. P. Kartsev, entitled "Stories
About Physics." scheduled for publicatl
in Moscow later this year, describes his d
Ign for an "explosive-magnetic generator," a
device that would produce electricity from
an explosion contained by a magnetic field.
Dr. Sakharov was probably Influenced In
his outlook by Dr. Tamm, himself it candi-
date and courageous scholar who has at-
tended some of the Pugwaeh conferences on
science and International affairs. The meet-
ings, which brought together eciontlets of
East and West" were named for l'ugwash,
N.S_ a Canadian village where the first con-
ference was sponsored by Cyrus S. Eaton, the
Cleveland Industrialist.
Mr. BYRD of West Virginia (for Mr.
CLARK and Mr.. ScoTT) submitted a re-
solution (B. Res. 388) relative to the
death of Representative Elmer J. Holland
of Pennsylvania, which was considered
and agreed to.
(See the above resolution printed in
full when submitted by Mr. BYRD of West
Virginia, which appears under a separate
Mr. PASTORE (for himself and Mr.
JAViTS) submitted an amendment, In-
tended to be proposed by them, jointly, to
the bill (H.R. 18037) making appropria-
tions for the Departments of Labor, and
Health, Education, and Welfare, and
related agencies, for the fiscal year end-
ing June 30, 1969, and for other purposes,
which was ordered to He on the table and
to be printed.
(See reference to the above amend-
ment when submitted by Mr. PAsTosa,
which appears under a separate head-
ing.) a
Mr. MUNDT (for himself, Mr. MURPHY,
and Mr. Yomia of North Dakotii) pro-
posed an amendment to House bill 18037,
supra, which was ordered to be printed.
Mr. MILLER. Mr. President, I submit
an amendment to H.R. 2767, to amend
the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to
allow a farms;- an amortized deduction
from gross Income for assessments for
depreciable property levied by soil or
water conservation or drainage districts,
a bill which is pending on the Senate
My amendment is designed to remove
a present Inequity in our Federal ?ncome
tax law with respect to the tax treatment
of insurance p_oeeeds received by farm-
ers resulting from the destruction and
damage of crotre by hail.
Mr. President, the technical problem
arises when a farmer produces crops and,
quite often, does not sell those crops
until the following year. When those
crops are destroyed in the same year In
which he sells the previous year's crop,
under the present tax law, he is required
to repcrt and pay tax on the insurance
proceeds, which are a substitute for the
income from Vie crops, and the income
from the prea.ent year's crops to the
same year.
If the farmer had not been subject
to the vicissitudes of hail, his crops would
have been raised and he would have sold
them In the following year. There would
then have been no doubling up of in-
All my amendment does Is to give the
farmer the opportunity, where lie has
consistently followed the practice of sell-
ing crops produced in one year in the fol-
lowing year, of avoiding this doubling up
I trust that the Members of the Sen-
ate will recognize this Inequity and see
fit to agree to my amendment. I propose
to call it up at the appropriate time.
amendment will be received and printed,
and will lie on the table.
Mr. EASTLAND. Mr. President, on be-
half of the Committee on the Judiciary,
I desire to give notice that public hear-
ings have been scheduled for Thursday,
September 12, 1968, at 10:30 a.m., in room
2228, New Senate Office Building on the
following nominations:
William J. Holloway, Jr., of Oklahoma,
to be U B. circuit judge, 10th circuit, vice
a new position created under Public Law
90-347 approved June 18, 1968.
Lawrence Gubow, of Michigan, to be
U.S. district judge, eastern district of
Michigan, vice Wade H. McCree. Jr.,
David G. Bress, of the District of
Columbia, to be' U.B. district judge, Dis-
trict of Columbia, vice Josegh C.
Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300190054-6