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Approved Nov, nber 1, 1967 For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300110019-3 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD HOUSE H 14375 offensive and defensive missile systems, but have refused to set a date. The conviction in official quarters is that they are deliberately leaving the door open. MACHINERY LACK SUSPECTED Experts believe that the Soviet hierarchy is neither politically nor technically equipped to make a quick decision. The military and Communist party leadership is to tightly fitted into separate compartments to take the broad sophisticated approach of the Mc- Namara "whiz kids" to arms control in the nuclear age. But the prediction here is that once the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Bol- shevik revolution are over in November, the Russians will make their move on the ABM's. And the McNamara strategy is to make it as easy as possible for them by avoiding initial and unnecessary embarrassments about de- mands for on-site inspection and a sweeping arms control pact with the United States. "It is an act of political courage these days for the Russians even to sit down and talk with us," said one American official, "given their formal attitude toward the Vietnam war and the charges their rebellious Chinese cousins hurl at them." The first public tip-off to the new Amer- ican approach came in a little-noted passage of a speech three weeks ago by Paul C. Warn- ke, assistant secretary of defense, head of the powerful office of International Security Af- fairs in the Pentagon. The bulk of the speech explained how Mc- Namara's decision to build the so-called "thin" ABM system was directed against the Chinese, not the Russians. . But at the end Warnke turned to the hope that "by parallel actions, or by formal agree- ment" the Soviet Union and the United States can limit their strategic offensive and defensive forces. "Moreover," he continued, should talks with the Russians occur, "we hope to avoid bogging down in the perennially difficult issue of international inspection. "In considering any possible agreement with the Soviet Union to level off or reduce strategic offensive and defensive systems, or even the possibility for parallel action on the part of the two countries, we may have to depend on our own unilateral capability for verification." POLICY SHIFT CONFIRMED American officials confirm that these pas- sages mark a departure from traditional pol- icy on the need for inspecting arms agree- ments. President HUBERT H. HUMPHREY'S calling our Nation's costly commitment to South Vietnam, and I quote him, "a great ad- venture." In today's edition of the Wash- ington Daily News, November 1, 1967, I would like to bring to the attention of all Members an editorial entitled "H. H. H.'s 'Great Adventure.'" The editorial reaction of this news- paper expresses generally the sentiments I hold for the Vice President's comments.. The editorial follows: H. H. H.'S "GREAT ADVENTURE" Without a doubt, Vice President Humphrey is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, cour- teous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. The trouble is he talks much too much, and too often he gives the impression his rapidly moving tongue is not connected to his most sensible awareness. Last year, in the midst of a long, hot summer, the Vice President declared he might "lead a mighty good revolt" if he lived in a slum-an expression of sympathy that also resembled a sanction for violence. He spent a lot of time explaining that one. Then the voluble VP told us about bring- ing the Great Society to all Asia-while we have our hands full in Vietnam and must cut back domestic programs as a result. Next, H.H.H. called for a "Marshall Plan" to rebuild American cities-a vision that evaporated in- stantly under the glare of a President who contemplated no such program, and had no money for it. Now, our Vice President, at his most ex- travagant, phrase-making, evangelic worst, has told us what Vietnam is all about, ac- cording to reports from Saigon, where he headed the U.S. inaugural delegation: "This is our great adventure," he told American Embassy staff members, "and a wonderful one it is." The Vice President is 100 per cent wrong. The war in Vietnam is a bloody, awful duty. It is costing greatly in lives and treasure. There is no glory in it at all. Doubtless a repair crew went to work on a "clarifying" statement correcting the "mis- interpretation" of Mr. Humphrey's remark, following the usual pattern. (Mr. GURNEY (at the request of Mr. BusH) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) CMr. GURNEY'S remarks will appear hereafter in the Appendix.] They explain that in the case of the ABMs it is quite possible for the United States- and presumably also the Soviet Union-to tell from aerial reconnaissance when a site has been bulldozed over. According to these sources, it is virtually impossible for either side to fool the other. These officials hastily add that relaxation of the demand for on-site policing of any ABM agreement does not carry over to other disarmament measures. Warnke himself said that "far-reaching agreements, particularly any involving substantial reductions" of of- fensive missiles, would require agreed inter- national inspection. But the overwhelming consensus here is that such agreements lie too far in the fu- ture to deserve detailed study. The more im- portant aim is to get talks going on the most limited steps possible. "GREAT ADVENTURE"-H. H. H. (Mr. HARVEY (at the request of Mr. BUSH) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) Mr. HARVEY. Mr. Speaker, I spoke yesterday of the news report on Vice (Mr. GURNEY (at the request of Mr. BUSH) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) [Mr.. GURNEY'S remarks will appear hereafter in the Appendix.] DEDICATION OF ASTRONOMY LAB- ORATORY IN CHILE (Mr. FULTON of Pennsylvania (at the request of Mr. BUSH) was granted per- mission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) Mr. FULTON of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, as the ranking Republican on the Science and Astronautics Committee, I am pleased that a member of the com- mittee from this side of the aisle has been able to accept the invitation of the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy to participate in the dedi- cation program of a scientific complex associated with the University of Chile on November 6-7, 1967. The member from this side of the aisle is the Honorable JERRY L. PETTIS, a for- mer university vice president and pro- fessor who is uniquely qualified for this assignment of assessing and evaluating cooperative U.S. efforts in this South American country in the field of scientific investigation. It is my understanding that the chair- man of the committee, the Honorable GEORGE P. MILLER, together with the Honorable OLIN E. TEAGUE and Mr. PETTIS will form the congressional in- spection team and will leave for South America tomorrow. I am sure that the House wishes them well on this mission which will, additionally, be highly useful as one of good will to the entire Latin American complex. I am pleased to note that other Government and university officials will also accompany the group, including those representing the Na- tional Science Foundation which is re- sponsible for the development of this unique observatory. Mr. Speaker, we sometimes lose sight .of the tremendous value that is to be gained from a better and more complete understanding of the world in which we live, its origin, its structure, and its functioning. The astronomy laboratory being dedicated at Cerro Tololo, Chile, should be one of the most productive scientific laboratories of its kind in existence. Standing in a superb location from a standpoint of observation, it will permit us for the first time to acquire a highly accurate picture of the cosmos as it exists and can be observed only from the Southern Hemisphere. In addition, we should never underestimate the value of improving relations throughout the New World. I am sure that this occasion will contribute immeasurably to that end. Mr. Speaker, we will do well to recog- nize the many problems that exist in both North and South America and which might come nearer to a solution through a closer association of the academic communities of all countries. It is my strong belief that the mission on which members of the Science Com- mittee will be embarking will contribute to that end. FLOOD INSURANCE (Mr. MILLER of Ohio (at the request of Mr. BUSH) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter.) Mr. MILLER of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I stand to support the proposed flood in- surance bill. As a lifelong resident of an area of Ohio that is plagued with sea- sonal flooding from both big rivers and small streams, I have witnessed the suf- fering and economic loss to families to whom flood insurance protection was un- obtainable. The proposed bill will make flood in- surance available at reasonable Cost to those who wish to insure themselves against this natural hazard, and I Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300110019-3 Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300110019-3 Aft 14376 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE November, strongly urge its passage for the benefit of citizens throughout the United States. (Mr. NEDZI asked and was given per- mission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include ex- traneous matter.) [Mr. NEDZI'S remarks will appear hereafter in the Appendix.] OPERATION GRATITUDE The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentle- man from New York [Mr. HALPERN] is recognized for 10 minutes. Mr. HALPERN. Mr. Speaker, as our Nation becomes more divided over the purposes and methods of the war in Viet- nam, we must not allow ourselves to for- get that the young Americans in Vietnam are there in our behalf, performing a duty for all of us. Our gratitude to them is outside the realm of hawks and doves. They deserve the thanks of those who would escalate, those who would mark time, and those who would pull out altogether. That is why I was deeply gratified to learn that the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge has nominated the National Committee for Responsible Patriotism for the Thomas Jefferson Award for 1961. To quote the foundations' announcement, the Thomas Jefferson Award covers: Projects carried on by non-profit organiza- tions-religious, fraternal, patriotic, veterans or other formally-organized groups-which illustrate effectively the application of one or more facets of the Credo to current problems of our nation, and which have an impact on a large segment of the population other than their own membership. The National Committee for Respon- sible Patriotism is the group which had such astounding success in organizing the beginning of Operation Gratitude on the weekend of October 21 and 22. But, the headlights we saw on auto- mobiles, trucks, and buses and even on police cars that weekend, were part of only one facet of the project. It is a con- tinuing operation, and its purpose is out- lined in a flyer distributed early in Oc- tober by the committee. Its purpose was outlined in this way: OPERATION GRATITUDE Thousands of servicemen will return home from Vietnam, some to your area, just be- fore and during the weekend of October 21- 22. We are urging that every city organize a reception committee to greet at least one- as a symbolic gesture of gratitude to all of the men and women serving our nation so gallantly. All major organizations should be represented at the homecoming ceremony, along with public figures, etc. Operation Gratitude will help the morale of the men fighting in Vietnam both when they get the news from the mass communi- cations media and, later, through letters from their comrades who were personally involved. It will make it clear to them-and to the world-that we love and honor the men and women who wear the uniform of the United States. The National Committee For Responsible Patriotism was formed by those who orga- nized the Support Our Men in Vietnam Par- ade in New York City, last May-the longest parade in 20 years. Our efforts are non-parti- san and non-political. We take no stand on Administration policies, and do not dispute the right to.responsible dissent; Peace is -not the issue-all sane men are for. peace. Our Committee is only acting in an ad- visory and coordinating role. We cannot spon- sor-we can only help, when asked. Local committees are completely autonomous, led by representatives from well-established, non-controversial organizations-veterans, fraternal, labor, etc. (Mrs. MINK (at the request of Mr. HALEY) was granted permission to ex- tend her remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter.) [Mrs. MINK'S remarks will appear hereafter in the Appendix.] MISSILE ELECTRONIC WARFARE TECHNICAL MEETING (Mr. MORRIS of New Mexico (at the request of Mr. HALEY) was granted per- mission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include ex- treanous matter.) Mr. MORRIS of New Mexico. Mr. Speaker, I wish to commend the Hon- orable JOSEPH M. MONTOYA, U.S. Senator from New Mexico, for his fine presenta- tion today to the missile electronic war- fare technical meeting at the White Sands Missile -Range. In his remarks, Senator MONTOYA brought forth the im- portance of missile electronic warfare to the national security and pointed to the vulnerability of our defense system be- cause of the sporadic development of electronic warfare in this country. Elec- tronic warfare has become a sophisti- cated science that is incorporated in the design and tactical deployment of every weapon system that must penetrate a complex enemy electronic defense en- vironment. The Senator stated, and I quote: The technological ability to penetrate suc- cessfully, and to deliver undamaged strategic weapons of even limited force is now far more important than a mere head count oi' available delivery vehicles, warheads, throw- weight or comparisons of megaton yields. The technological ability to totally deter a mis- sile force from weapons delivery during a few crucial hours may no longer be depend- ent upon the size or potential yield of that force. This country may have so many hun- dreds of overkill potential in our missile systems, but unless we can effectively use this potential we are and will remain vulnerable. I join Senator MONTOYA in urging you and the Members of the Senate to sup- port a comprehensive, long-range elec- tronic warfare research and develop- ment program and to recognize the great value of the work done by the Army's Electronics Command at Fort Mon- mouth, N.J., and at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. MEDICAL CONSULTATION SERV- ICE-PROJECT E.[EADSTART (Mr. ANNUNZIO (at the request of Mr. HALEY) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneousmat- ter.) Mr. ANNUNZIO. Mr. Speaker, the 67 Headstart program has demonstrated that good health is a vitally important factor in setting children of the poor off on the road to opportunity. The crucial role which health plays in assuring a "headstart" for these children was re- cently symbolized by the formation of a "new alliance between the 10,000-mem- ber American Academy of Pediatrics and the Office of Economic Opportunity." This important "new alliance" is de- scribed in an article by Betsy Bliss, en- titled "Pediatricians Join Effort To Aid Poor," which appeared in the Miss Daily News on October 25. As Miss Bliss says, this "is the largest cooperative ef- fort ever undertaken by the Federal Gov- ernment and a voluntary professional organization." Mr. Speaker, this joint effort will be known as Medical Consultation Service, Project Headstart. It "will enlist pri- vate physicians on a part-time basis to improve effectiveness of existing Head- start medical programs and to bring in the physicians' knowledge of additional financial and medical resources." This seems to me to be exactly the type of innovative and imaginative co- operation in the fight against poverty which makes the Office of Economic Op- portunity so indispensable, and certainly serves to emphasize the comprehensive nature of Headstart, which some people unfortunately and inaccurately tend to identify as an educational program only. Mr. Speaker, I want to take this op- portunity to commend Sargent Shriver, Director of the Office of Economic Op- portunity, for his very able and dedi- cated leadership of OEO programs. Miss Bliss' Informative article fol- lows: PEDIATRICIANS JOIN EFFORT To AID POOR (By Betsy Bliss) WASHINGTON.-Add 300 outstanding pedia- tricians to 700,000 Head Start youngsters-at 50 cents per child-and get better health care for the nation's poor children. That's the goal of Dr. Robert S. Mendel- sohn, one of Chicago's best-known pedia- tricians. Dr. Mendelsohn Tuesday was named medi- cal director of a new alliance between the 10,000-member American Academy of Pediat- rics and the Office of Economic Opportunity. It is the largest co-operative effort ever un- dertaken by the federal government and a voluntary professional organization. The partnership and Dr. Mendelsohn's ap- pointment were announced during the an- nual meeting of the AAP at the Washington Hilton Hotel. Called medical Consultation Service Proj- ect Head Start, the program will enlist pri- vate physicians on a part-time basis to im- prove effectiveness of existing Head Start medical programs and to bring in the physi- cians' knowledge of additional financial and medical resources. The project involves a $361,000 contract between the OEO and AAP-or about 50 cents per child. "Considering the consultants' many outside contacts, we expect to be getting a lot of our money," an OEO spokes- man said. The consultants will be paid $100 a day, the standard government consulting fee. But they will work only about 21/2 days a year per project. Each will be assigned to assist three or four Head Start programs. The outside pediatricians will have no au- thority over present Head Start medical di- rectors. Instead, "we'll be a kind of medical ombudsman, advocating the child's best in- terests," Dr. Mendelsohn said. Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300110019-3