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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
January 12, 2006
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Publication Date: 
September 18, 1967
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PDF icon CIA-RDP70B00338R000300100104-9.pdf51.55 KB
S, pa, if CA* (..7 Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300100104-9 A Survival?- otter Despite Senator Fulbright's char- acteristic misgivings, there is ample justification for President Johnson's reported decision to go ahead with the building and deployment of a so-called thin or limited antiballistic missile system. In terms of economic cost and de- fensive effectiveness, there is a large body of argument against the value of such a system. But our country cannot afford to gamble on the matter; It can- not afford to rely solely on the deter- rent force of its considerably superior power, as of today, in the field of In- tercontinental ballistic missiles. The Red Chinese now are building up a nuclear arsenal of sorts, and in the early 1970s-especially if the Red Guard mentality still obtains-they may have enough missiles and madness to try to heap atomic devastation on the continental United Staj That is one of the factors that p. i w n Chairman Russell of the Senate Armed Services Committee and many other knowledgeable Americans have been quick to hail the move to create a national ABM line whose initial "thin- ness" could be fattened rather quickly, if necessary. This move, of course, might have been averted if the Russians had shown any interest in our government's efforts to put a freeze on ABM development. The Kremlin, however, has turned a deaf ear to American proposals for such a freeze. It has proceeded, instead, not merely to narrow the gap between its ICBM arsenal and ours (including mis- siles with multiple warheads) but per- haps also to establish an expanding system of defense against such missiles. In the circumstances, it seems a simple act of sanity-if anything may le regarded as sane in an arms race -for America not to let itself be left bend in l ,is deadly field. Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300100104-9