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Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300100058-1 Pastore Promises a Fight in Congress to Obtain a Defense System in the perfect weather of late summer in New England, the ancient and stirring cere- mony of ship launchings was repeated today. Mrs. Glynn R. Donaho, wife of Vice Admiral they are deploying one and probably two antiballistic By EVERT CLARK SO cial to The New York Mmes - GROTON, Conn., Sept. 9- t Senator John 0. Pastore served - notice on the Administration today that his powerful Joint Atomic Energy Committee would fight for an antiballistic missile system. Mr. Pastore said that the committee would pursue the is- sue "with the sante vigor" it displayed in successful fights for development of the hydro- gen bomb and the nuclear sub- marine. The Rhode' Island Democrat is the committee chairman. Clearly rating the potential threats of the Soviet Union and Communist China higher than the Administration has in its public statements, Mr. Pastore said it was time "to give seri- ous and urgent thought to a reappraisal of our defense posture." Mr. Pas, ore is not considered a mlltaa matters and get1 l~oesaon w Ad- ministral ositions on de- fense matters. But he said today that "we should move full speed ahea& on building an antiballistic mis- sile system." He added that the' committee's military applica- tions subcommittee would hold hearings soon on the question. Senator Henry M. Jackson, Washington Democrat, heads the subcommittee. Nuclear Sub Launched Mr. Pastore spoke at the launching of the nuclear-pow- ered attack submarine Narwhal, (SSN-671) at the General Dy-' namics Corporation's Electric Boat Division here. The 4,700-~ ton vessel is named for a' whale-like Arctic mammal. One hundred nuclear subma-I rines have been built since they ifirst, the Nautilus (SSN-571),! was completed here 13 yearsi ago. Donaho, retired, wished thel ing," he said. submarine's skipper "the fond memory of a good ship." The Old Concern of Panel commanding officer is Comdr. The committee has long been Willis A. Matson 2d. -more concerned about the in- Mr. Pastore was introduced crease in the Soviet's offensive by Vice Adm. Hyman G. Rick- mower than the Administration! over, who has directed the de velopment of nuclear subma- 1 has indicated it is. rines for the Navy and the Mr. Pastore also warned of Atomic Energy Commission. l.he possibility that the breach Admiral Rickover called the between the Soviet Union and, Senator a man "dedicated to ',hina "could he healed and peace but aware of the "awe- hereby greatly affect the bal-I some responsibilities our na- znce of nuclear power in the! tion bears in defense of free- 1 world." Idom throughout the world." The United States has "no of- Cost Called Too High ective antiballistic missile sys- The Administration has o ,em" despite a defense budget p- -f more than $70-billion, Mr. posed full-scale deployment of Pastore said. antiballistic missiles to protect, Although the cost of such a~ both military targets and cities- 1 system would be "staggering," would cost too much, escalate the arms race and be ineffec- tive. Instead it has been seeking , agreement with the Soviet! added. Union not to deploy antiballis-~ This remark left no doubt! tic missiles. But it has also set that Mr. Pastore was talking aside funds to begin buildings of a full-scale system. The Ad- a limited "screen" of missiles ministration has estimated the if these talks fail. This system cost of a limited defense at would protect for some time $4-billion to $5-billion and the against any Chinese attack and cost of a full-scale system at, to some degree against acci- something above $20-billion. dental attacks. Calling Polaris submarines The joint committee, after "our first line of defense" and tral Intelligence Agency and the Defense Department, warned recently that China might have intercontinental bal- listic missiles as early as 1970 missile systems to defend their country-which we are not do- ing-I repeat-we are not do- a nation that can spend $24-! billion a year in Vietnam "can certainly spend as much to in-1 sure the life and security of'~ " he i our American society "our most formidable deterrent to an all-out war," the Senator, said they would not have been' possible without "the persist- ent and aggressive support" oft the committee and Vice Adm. or i,ii. Hyman G. Rickover, who hash Today Mr. Pastore said that headed nuclear submarine de-: ' China s rise to a thermonuclear power in less than three years was "a dramatic and upsetting event. "Add to this new threat the fact that the Soviet union's offensive striking power is in- creasing in comparison to our own-while at the same time velopment for the Navy and the Atomic Energy Commis-~ sion. The Admiral was present at the launching today. Mr. Pastore then said that serious consideration must he given to expanding the Polaris program-now at the end of its authorization-and to replac- ing some 60 conventionally- powered subs with nuclear- powered ones. Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300100058-1