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June 12, 1967 Approved FotB 2Mff4 f3Q P7g~?,PA3000300100041-9 S801 But the manner in which this election alone on the will of the majority, but hours of canvassing produced 15 job is held is of equal importance to its out- rather on the will of the "enlightened" placements. During a more extended pe- come. If the election is held in such man- majority. The right of the individual riod, in Providence, R.I., 464 man-hours ner that the people of South Vietnam citizen to know about the candidates and of effort by RIDES employees placed 306 are satisfied that it was fairly held, so the issues is, of course, balanced by his people and eased the labor shortage of that the will of the people has been ex- responsibility to be informed. But the manufacturers. pressed on an intelligent and informed responsibility cannot be carried out Especially significant to me, Mr. Pres- basis, the "other war" which must be without the right. ident, is the fact that out of these 306 won as well as the military war will be The eyes of all Asia and of many coun- placements, some 21.9 percent came from well on the road to victory. tries throughout the world will be fo- the 16 through 21 age group, wherein We recognize that there are special cused on South Vietnam to see how this unemployment is an extremely serious problems which obviously prevent an election is conducted. If it is conducted problem. This apparent responsiveness election being conducted there as if it in keepjrfg wither ight of the people of youth to the door-to-door canvassers were being conducted in the United to kn rw, the new Gove ent will stand should be noted. It indicates not only a States, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, or well:' not only with its o people, but desire to work, but also the possession of some other country which is not suffer- with other governments whi pay heed skills to fill available job openings. ing the torment of war within its borders. to ;the right of their citizens t know. This unique placement approach of Thus, for example, it is most understand- it might be helpful for the Asian acific the State employment service eliminates able that the ruling junta only yesterday Council to send observers to South iet- the unfortunate impersonality inherent ratified its decree barring pro-Com- nbm during the month preceding he in some bureaucratic agencies. People are munist or pro-neutralist candidates from election to make suggestions to the Go - responding because individual interper- running for President; although, as ernment regarding its censorship poli 1 sonal contact is achieved. They are made pointed out by Richard Critchfield in ties and to report to the Council regard- to feel needed and are therefore eager to today's Washington Evening Star: ing the freedom of speech and of the ontribute their services to the employer. Pro-neutralist is usually narrowly defined Press which prevail during the election \ This program, Mr. President, is a suc- in Vietnam as someone who advocates form- gampaigns. ce sful, continuing one which merits ing a coalition government with the Viet The Council is an informal association wi spread adoption. It will be most suc- Cong. of Pacific states, consisting of Korea, cess ul, however, as part of a series of After the violence and terror which J pan, Nationalist China, Malaysia, progms in an all-inclusive approach the Vietcong and North Vietnamese in- 4ustralia, New Zealand, the Philippines, which provides for training and retrain- vaders have deliberately brought to so hailand, and South Vietnam. Each of ing to Viake available the skills required many people in that country, the junta's t ese countries is deeply concerned over by our dyer-increasing technology. I must action would be expected, if not de- t e war in Vietnam, and most of them reiterate",, that such imaginative and ef- manded, by the great majority of the a e directly involved. Each must know fective p'ograms as I have mentioned tat an election in South Vietnam, rest- should b,6, examined and adopted if we people. Government censorship already exists i on a solid foundation of democratic are to fulfill our commitments to the in South Vietnam, and there is nothing p nciples, will mean a shorter war and American people and the aims .of the particularly new or unusual about this, a uicker return to peace in their area. Manpower }Development and Training taking into consideration the circum- A the same time, the Government of Acts, as am4nded. V tnam should welcome an opportunity f f i ht l t ree g o e r There is no abso u stances. speech, and the right can vary in its fo observers from its allies and other nations to certify that gen- CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE CON- ndl fr y e dimensions according to the circum-stances. However, people the world over ui ely free election campaigns were per- SIDERS BILL TO OUTLAW GENO- m tted. This would give the lie to Com- CIDE who live in a democracy have come to ex- contrar th t it has d t P id i RE t V o e en propagan a res n y Mr PROXI Mr . .. , s ~I pact that free speech will receive oits w ich is almost certain to come. recently been galled to my attention that maximum m recognition during politicaal campaigns. This, of course, does not Mr. President, I yield the floor, the Legislature! of the State of California mean that libel and slander are to be is presently considering a bill designed permitted. Nor would it seem proper to ORKER RECRUITMENT PROGRAM to outlaw the 4rime of genocide in that permit someone sympathetic with the OF RHODE ISLAND State. Assemblyman Lester A. McMillan, Communist cause to masquerade under of Los Angele, introduced AB 141 on some other cloak than a pro-Communist Mr. PELL. Mr. President, I again in- January 17 of 4 this year and hearings or pro-neutralist in order to abuse fre vite the attention of the Senate to an were held by the committee on criminal speech by taking the Communist or ne - imaginative and viable approach to the procedure on April 18, at which time it tralist line. But there should no v- problem of recruiting employees to fill was taken under submission to be con- ernment censorship of issues w are the present acute labor shortages in cer- sidered later with another bill on the vital to the future of the Government of tain areas of my State. I refer to the same subject, LAB 2535 by Assemblyman South Vietnam and which trouble a great worker recruitment program conducted Sieroty. many of its people-issues such as land by the Rhode Island State Employment Mr. President, this is a grave reflec- reform, education, the economy, corrup- Service. This effort is a neighborhood, tion on the Senate. That elected officials tion in the Government itself, and the door-to-door search by individual inter- of the State of California have taken like. These are matters which demand viewers seeking those who wish full or such action is, at the same time both free speech in election campaigns. They part-time employment. This service par- commendable and reprehensible. I com- are not matters which should be sub- ticularly affects those individuals who mend Assemblymen McMillan and Sier- jected to Government censorship. These wish to combat the pressure of rising oty for having taken the initiative in a are matters which candidates should be prices by supplementing their income praiseworthy effort to establish the com- permitted to discuss openly, without fear through employment. In this group we mission of. genocide as a crime in the of reprisal. Newspapers and other press find the housewife and the retiree, who State of California. At the same time, I media should be permitted to carry cam- have learned job skills which are not be- express Jny own regret that the Senate paign advertising and to report fairly ing fully utilized. which ?would have and should have out- and fully what the candidates say about I am happy now to report the progress laaed this crime by ratifying the Geno- them. Editorial comment should, of of this program, as indicated by the tide Convention has failed to do so. course, be permitted to confirm and sup- status report submitted to me by the Indeed it is the Senate of the United port or to ridicule and rebut statements Rhode Island Department of Employ- States and not the Assembly of the State by candidates. But the general voting ment Security. One of the most inter- of California nor the legislatures of any public must have an opportunity to hear esting facts found in the report is the of our States which should proscribe the and read about the issues if it is going ratio of total man-hours spent canvass- commitment of a crime so atrocious as to be an informed electorate. ing to the total number of job placements. genocide. It is up to us, Mr. President, Thomas Jefferson once wrote that the From March 1 to March 31, in the city to ratify the Convention on the Preven- success of a democracy depends, not of Pawtucket, R.I., it was found that 66 tion and Punishment of the Crime of Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300100041-9 3 8002 s002 Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300100041-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ---SENATE June 12, 1967 Genocide, a treaty which was presented to us 18 years ago by President Truman, a treaty upon which we have not yet acted. [n the hearings before the California Legislative Committee on. Criminal Pro- fcedure, an old and thoroughly discred- ited refrain was sounded once again by a handful of opposition witnesses: "My God was murdered by a minority group- the Jews." Several scriptural references were cited to emphasize divine distrust and contempt for all Jewish people. It is this sort of distorted ranting Which, unfortunately, the Senate has failed to refute. By stepping forward and atoning for our inactivity of 18 years, we shall also bemoving in the direction of peace and human dignity. We are being asked today by the citizens of California, indeed by the citizens of the world, to act favorably upon the Genocide Convention. Let us not disappoint them any longer. 1s T'?r !J SYSTEMS OF NUCLEAR DEFENSE Mr. TOWER. Mr. President, this month's issue of Fortune magazine con- tains a perceptive article written by Richard J. Whalen, concerning systems of nuclear defense and the effect of the present Soviet buildup upon U.S. policy in this critical area. Mr. Whalen-formerly a member of the Fortune board of editors-is pres- ently with the Georgetown University Center for Strategic Studies. I ask unanimous consent that the ar- ticle be printed in the RECORD. There being no objection, the article was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: [From Fortune magazine. June T, 19671 THE SHIFTING EQUATION OF NUCLEAR DEFENSE (By Richard J. W:aalen) (NOTE.-The author, a former member of Fortune's board of editors, is currently writer-in-residence at the Georgetown Uni- versity Center for Strategic Studies.) On his desk in the Kremlin, Nikita Khrushchev used to keep a laser-scarred piece of steel, a reminder to himself and visitors of the potential for Soviet superiority in advanced military technology. He often dreamed aloud of the terrible wonders of the future, as when he said in 1960: "The armament which is being created and which is to be found in the folders of the scientists and designers is truly unbelievable." In his bold Cuban missile adventure, Khrushchev impatiently ran ahead of his strategic weap- onry, and the retreat from the brink led to his overthrow. But the oronise symbolized by the prized piece of steel also fascinates his dour, methodical successors. Under their more efficient management, Soviet scientists, engineers, and technicians are turning ideas into hardware at an accelerating rate. The current swift buildup of Soviet strategic offensive and defensive systems reflects Mos- cow's evident determination to forge ahead in a new technological arms race. The U.S., preoccupied with Vietnam and anxious to preserve the hope of detente, has made a studied effort so far not to over- react. Addressing the Russians early this year, President Johnson spoke of the com- mon "duty" to slow down the race and warned that a renewed arms spiral "would impose on our peoples, and on all mankind, an additional waste of resources with no gain in security to either side." He proposed negotiations to halt the Soviet deployment of antiballistic-missile (ABM) defenses, re- ceiving in return Soviet Premier Aleksei Ko- sygin's unenthusiastic consent "to discuss the problem of averting a new arras race, both in offensive and defensive weap>ns." While negotiations have not even begun, So- viet ICBM ar..d antiballistic-missile deploy- ments are continuing. The one-sidedness of concern is increasingly apparent and puts U.S. leaders under rising pressure. Secretary of Defense Robert Mc- Namara, overriding for the second time the unanimous recommendation of the joint Chiefs of Staff, has further deferred the crucial decision on whether to begin pro- duction of the U.S.'s own Nike-Y :anti- ballistic-missile system. McNamara argued his position at length before Cong ess last January, and later circulated a confidential memorandum among his staff, the military, and defense contractors, urging the widest possible dissemination of the message con- tained in his Congressional Posture State- ment. "The foundation of our security," Mc- Namara declared in his statement, "is the deterrence of Soviet nuclear attack. We be- lieve such an attack can be prevented if it is understood by the Soviets that we possess strategic nuclear forces so powerful as to be capable of absorbing a Soviet first strike and surviving with sufficient strength to im- pose unacceptable damage on them." Mc- Namara conceded that the kind and amount of damage the United States would have to be able to inflict to provide this deterrent "can- not be answered precisely," but :he ventured the "reasonable" assumption that the destruction of one-fifth to one-fourth of the Soviet Union's population and one-half to two-thirds of its industrial capacity "would certainly represent intolerable punishment." The U.S. ability to inflict such punishment, regardless of Soviet defensive counter-measures, is the key to the deter- rence philosophy of "Assured Destruction." But McNamara went further in his re- markable document, which may deserve a place among the most important state papers of our time. The Secretary gave the Russians cost-effectiveness advice on their own best; defense interests. "If our as- sumption that; the Soviets are also striving to achieve an Assured Destruction capability is correct, and I am convinced that it is," said McNamara, "then in all probability all we would accomplish by deploying ABlvl systems against one another would be to increase greatly our respective defense ex- penditures, without any gain in real security for either side." This line of reasoning was clearly intended to reinforce the President's plea to the Soviet leaders for negotiations on arms limitation. But it fell on some ears in Washington, particularly those of weli- informed members of Congress, as disturb- ing evidence of the amount of faith that U.S. defense policy was putting into a hypo- thetical equation under rapidly shifting circumstances. THE UNEASY ENVIRONMENT OF SURPRCSE The experts who read the intelligence re- ports on Soviet activity are aware, as the public is not, that the enormous U.S. advan- tage in weaponry and technology of the 1950's and early 1960's is steadily being nar- rowed. Not only has the Soviet Union run harder; the U.S., wishing to avoid leading an arms race, has also deliberately limited ,Iro- duction and deferred deployment of major new offensive and defensive weapon s;'stems. The Russians, in effect, have been told: "We won't build it if you won't." The appealing notion has prevailed that weapon technology stands on a "plateau." As former White House scientific adviser Jerome B. Wiesner declared in 1963, the "scientific military re- volution" has "stabilized." The limited nuclear test-ban treaty, which ushered in the present period of search for a detente, has been widely interpreted as a joint U.S.-Soviet admission that further arms competition was pointless. A "stalemate psy- chology" has spread, which takes for granted and even discounts the military superiority the U.S. has enjoyed throughout the trials of the cold war. Reductions have been made in "'soft" firs;-strike weapons such as bombers, and the U.S, missile deterrent force, after rising rapidly throughout the early Sixties, is now leveling off. It consists of 1,000 Min- utemen, 54 Titan II's (to be phased out in 1970), 656 missiles aboard 41 Polaris subma- rines (about half of which are on station at any given enomer.,t), and 680 strategic bomb- ers, which will be cat back to 465 in 1972. From a peak of $11.2 billion in fiscal 1962, U.S. outlays for strategic forces declined to a low of $6.8 billion in fiscal 1966 and stood at $7.1 billion in. fiscal 1967. The relatively stable level of R. and D. spending ever this period conceals a signifi- cant shift in emphasis, away from innovation and toward refinement of existing weapon systems. The U.S. has chosen not to main- tain the initiative, while the U.S.S.R.. has visibly bent every effort toward seizing it. Now a new era is opening in which the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. can be expected to pos- sess increasingly coraparable military tech- nology. Far from being an omen of "stabil- ity," that elusive nirvana of the thermonu- clear age, the environment of near parity promises to be extremely unpredictable and therefore marked by much apprehension. The U.S., to be sure, has carefully hedged against foreseeable Soviet capabilities; over the past few years, for example, more than $1 billion has been spent to prepare advanced warheads and sophisticated penetration aids to defeat the newly installed Soviet ABM defenses. However, this kind oi' hedging leaves the U.S. vulnerable to surprise in the form of an unforeseen or successfully concealed weapon advance on the Soviet side. In a congressional hearing more than a year ago, General John P. McDonnell, Air Force Chie:' of Staff, warned: "We know ... the Soviet? today are engaged in a massive program of research and development in military weapons systems of all types. In a program of such great scope, the possibility of technological surprises or dramatic break- throughs cannot be overlooked, particularly when such surprises could erase the margin of strategic superiority which we currently enjoy." In spite of improved U.S. satellite surveillance, the Russians have simultane- ously improved 'their skill in the arts of concealment, and they are now capable of deploying weapons that the West has never seen tested. Close observers of the unfolding Soviet R. and D. enterprise wcrry because the adver- sary has a dynamic view of military capability and strategy, as contrasted with the static conception of technology and strategy im- plicit in the 'U.S. posture. Deterrence depends not only on existing forces; it also depends on the adversary's state of mind. The very rationality of Soviet leaders, which the U.S. relies upon to restrain attack, could find in advancing technology the incentive to con- sider the gamble of a first strike. A veteran analyst of the nuclear balance observes: "Never has fundamental strategy been so sensitive to a. few-a very few-technical parameters." The intentions of the uncommunicative Soviet leaders are a mystery, perhaps even to themselves, but; it requires a minimum of theorizing to grasp the point of what they are currently doing. They are altering the exist- ing balance of strategic forces that favors the U.S., and they are doing it ata pace that startles the most knowledgeable American students of Soviet military capability. Just two years ago McNamssa said the Soviet lead- ers "have decided that they have lost the quantitative race, and they are not seeking to engage us in that contest." Now Pentagon authorities are no longer sure. In contrast Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300100041-9 Jain f2, 1967Approved For ua 3q OR ~i~- P70 QNATE 000300100041-9 S 8003 to the earlier false alarms of the bomber scheduled to replace the Minuteman I, and tion," however Soviet planners may define it, and missile "gaps," based on projections of the submarine-launched Poseidon, the suc- through the use of multiple warheads on potential that went unfulfilled, the present cessor of the Polaris A-3, will he equipped their growing missile force. rate of confirmed Soviet hardware deploy- with MIRV, decoys, and penetration aids. Until last year MIRV was considered so ment is forcing upward revisions of Russia's When they are in place within the next three potential. years, McNamara declares that these formid- i sonal that defense even members ittees had of the oo heard com NOW WE SEE THE THREAT able missiles will surely be capable of pene- about onal it in executive . not heard trating the Soviet anti-missile defenses cur- multiple a -warhead cutive tive contracts session. were Reports of Soviet production of intercontinental mis- published siles has surged ahead, from an annual rate rently being deployed. And so they doubt- in the technical press late last year, and of 30 to 40 in 1962 to 110 to 120 last year, less will-if they are ever fired in anger, discussion began in earnest last November and this rate appears to be accelerating. By preparing to meet a changing offensive when McNamara announced the accelerated Since Khrushchev backed down in the mis- threat and defensive capability with an im- program to produce and deploy the Poseidon sile confrontation of the fall of 1962-and proved offense only, however, McNamara dis- in ? the Polaris fleet. Oddly enough, within the date is relevant because of the long lead plays the weak side of his strategic philos- four months after MIRV came into public times involved-the operational Soviet ICBM ophy. The development of MIRV in mis- view, it was abruptly covered up again by force based on land and sea has grown from siles means that a new way of calculating the Secretary's order. No longer a secret, it fewer than 75 to an officially estimated 470 striking power is needed, and therefore a new has become an un-word scarcely ever uttered (as of October, 1966) and a likely current way of appraising the U.S. deterrent. The in the Pentagon. "It's ridiculous, this trying figure of close to 600. By mid-1968, according long-vaunted U.S. lead in ICBM boosters, to stuff the genie back in the bottle," com- to informed estimates, land- and sea-based currently estimated at three to one, no longer ments a dissenting official. "Apparently we're Soviet ICBM's could leap to between 800 and provides the reassurance It once did, and concerned that the Soviets might be alerted 900, or more than half the U.S. force. And Pentagon officials now quietly downgrade to their own capability. It's part of trying there is no reason to assume the Soviets such rough numerical comparisons. As Mc- not to be provocative." will halt there. Namara himself said in his Posture State- The rapid growth in numbers, however, is ment, "It is not the number of missiles THE MOVE TO ABM less significant than the qualitative improve- which is important, but rather the charac- The mounting uncertainties facing deci- ments, apparent and suspected, between the ter of the payloads they carry; the missile sion makers in the White House and the first and second generation of Soviet ICBM's, is simply the delivery vehicle." Pentagon center on the Soviet construc- Two new missiles-the SS-9 and the SS-11- He did not add that, with all the addi- tion of extensive new ABM defenses. Recon- have been identified as entering the opera- tional payload weight resulting from multi- naissance satellites and monitoring radars tional inventory in dispersed and hardened pie warheads and penetration aids, the thrust alerted the Joint Chiefs of Staff to this silos. The SS-9 is a large three-stage missile of the delivery vehicle also becomes a critical activity in 1965. In January, 1966, McNamara propelled by storable liquid fuel, which is factor-and in the case of the U.S. at the secretly briefed the members of the con- not necessarily a sign of inferiority when present, a sharply limiting factor. Except for gressional defense committees, and last No- compared to solid-fueled U.S. missiles. Stor- the relative handful of Titan II's, which umber he publicly disclosed that the U.S. able liquid and semi-liquid fuels provide are scheduled to be phased out, the lift cap- had "considerable evidence" of the Soviet greater thrust than solids. The SS-9 is acity of U.S. missiles averages about one ABM deployments without being specific roughly comparable in size to the U.S. solid- megaton for each booster. Soviet boosters, about their nature and location. However, fuel Titan II, but it carries a warhead twice in contrast, can carry an average warhead he declared: "I think it is important that as heavy, estimated at over twenty megatons. load of more than seven megatons. If these we assume [the Soviet ABM system] is effec- The SS-11 is a small single-stage missile, missiles are, in addition, capable of being tive, and, of course, that will be the assump- propelled by either solid or storable liquid fitted with multiple warheads, the U.S. boost- tion on which we base the development and fuel. It resembles the early Minuteman in er advantage of three to one over the Rus- deployment of our own ICBM's." This pru- range and ability to carry a similar one- sians could quickly become a fiction. The dent assumption leaves unanswered to the megaton warhead. new SS-9 could be fitted, at least in theory, urgent question: how effective are the Soviet The Russians, well ahead of the buildup with ten or more individually guided war- defenses? schedule assumed until recently by American heads. In one fashion or another, MIRV in- The U.S. possesses a good deal of intelli- defense planners, are fast approaching a troduces a new kind of missile math-a rela- gence data, but it does not support defini- critical point in the development of their tively inexpensive means for the U.S.S.R. tive judgments. If experience counts for any- ICBM force. If their missiles are equipped swiftly to achieve parity or better with the thing, as it surely does in this esoteric resins with the advanced warheads and the more U.S. In terms of deliverable megatonnage. of weaponry, the U.S.S.R.'s capabilities accurate guidance systems known to be They are known to have tested the compo- should be taken very seriously. It is known within their technical ability, their force nents of a multiple-warhead system. There- that the Russians, heeding their doctrinal could quickly become a real threat to the fore, U.S. watchers on the outside, peering imperative of balance between offensive and hardened Minuteman missiles that are the through the cracks in a closed society, are defensive military forces, began concurrent backbone of the U.S. deterrent. In designing anxiously anticipating an operational cap a- development of missiles and anti-missiles as the U.S. deterrent forces, Pentagon planners bility because of the short lead time involved. early as 1948. By the early 1960's they had have weighed the alternatives open to an As little as eighteen months could separate built what was apparently the prototype of aggressor: a strike against our cities; a our discovery of a MIRV development pro- a defense system aimed against medium- "counterforce" strike against our retaliatory gram and the operational deployment of So- and intermediate-range missiles, and they missile sites; or a combination strike aimed viet missiles carrying multiple warheads. deployed it at Leningrad. U.S. intelligence at some key population centers and some Those who would know whether such a de- rated this system capable of handling as portion of the land-based ICBM's. The U.S. velopment program has been detected are many as five targets simultaneously, but it has sought to deny an aggressor the "counter- quite properly silent. was regarded as ineffective against ICBM's. force" option by building and deploying a In a rare secret session of the Senate in THE IMPLICIT AND EXPLICIT THREAT ,,.,?,. ,. The memory of the nonexistent ICBM Carolina, a member of the Armed Services enough number of targets to be safely be- yond productive and economic capacity gap" debated during the 1960 presidential Committee, warned that Russia had an op-the of the Russians. This estimate on their ca- campaign may prompt a certain skepticism erational ABM system, and he urged that pabilities has new been rudely shaken. toward the potential new danger implicit in the U.S. proceed at once with the Nike-Zeus, "As recently as a year ago," says a high- a Soviet resort to multiple warheads. This then ready to go into production. Soon after- ranking officer in the Pentagon, "we didn't time, however, the Soviet missiles that might ward, the U.S. turned to the improved Nike- think the Soviets could get a "We counterforce be fitted with such warheads already exist; X system (see "Countdown for Nike-X," capability, Now we see the threat." It could the numbers are growing rapidly; and the FORTUNE, November, 1965). materialize by the mid-1970's. new missile math suggests the advantages of The Zeus ABM system, which grew out of their going the route of MIRV if they can, the Nike-Hercules anti-aircraft defenses de- THE "NEW MATH" OF MIRV The kind of targeting problem that the U.S. ployed in 1958, had a limited range and The U.S. itself has discovered how to use poses for Soviet war planners provides the "kill radius," and its effectiveness against a single ICBM launcher to carry several in- logic for traveling that route. The major a large-scale attack was doubtful. The suc- dividually propelled warheads, which can be U.S. cities, In which population and industry cessor Nike-X (the X stood for "unknown") guided accurately to different targets hun- are concentrated, have long been the pre- exploited major breakthroughs in radar dreds of miles apart. The multiple individ- sumed targets of a relatively few Soviet technology, which greatly increased the num- ually guided reentry vehicle, known as MIRV, ICBM's fitted with high-yield warheads. So ber of targets the system could handle; and could revolutionize nuclear strategy if the long as an ICBM could deliver only one war- it also supplemented the Zeus missile with Soviet capability should match our own, head to one target, the small Soviet missile a new high-acceleration interceptor, Sprint, The strong side of Secretary McNamara's force was believed to be checkmated by the which was designed to provide last-ditch philosophy of deterrence is apparent in the sheer number of U.S. Minuteman and Titan defense against ICBM's that,got past Zeus. improvement of U.S. striking power. The missiles in their dispersed and hardened Even with the improvements, however, the entire front end of new missiles is being re- silos. But the problem of multiple targets Nike-X remained a "point" defense intended designed. The land-based Minuteman III, could be brought temptingly near "solu- to protect a single target by engaging in- Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300100041-9 S 8004 Approved FoCO Release 2006/01/3 I R CORD P7gEP R00030010004~1u~t,e 12, 1.~T'~ coming ICBM's in a 'bullet-to-bullet" duel in the atmosphere. An area defense," which would protect several targets at once, would be much more effective, but this kind of ABM requires a long-range missile equipped with a large warhead that can intercept ICBM's above the atmosphere. In 1965 the U.S. began development of such a missile, named the Spartan, which will replace Zeus in the Nike-X system. But by this time the Russians had abandoned the Leningrad ABM and were well along in the development of more advanced concepts. Incomplete and often contradictory infor- mation currently available on the Soviet antiballistic-missile defenses has caused some divergence of opinion within the U.S. intelligence community. There is no ques- tion that an "area defense" system has been deployed in the vicinity of Moscow. The com- mand center, containing radar scanners and computers, is a multi-level structure built entirely underground. A large phased-array radar is located northwest of the city, and It is integrated with small tracking radars at several points. THE TALLINN ABM S'CSTEM A quite different type of :Lnstallation has appeared in an are extending several hundred miles along the northwestern border of the country, and this is the focus of disagree- ment within the U.S. Known as the "Tallinn line" after the Estonian city where one of the defensive sites has been detected, this deploy- ment has been. subject to various interpre- t Itions - as an advanced anti-aircraft system, p y and ap- clearly had been planned years in advance. Among their seventy-One shots were proof tests, weapon-system tests, effects tests, and tests with missiles and radar. The Russians, obviously extending their ABM technology, on two occasions during the tests launched an ICBM, intercepted it with a nuclear blast, and then fired a second missile, presumably to determine whether its warhead was af- fected by the radiation resulting from the prior explosion. They also studied the black- out effects of the blasts on their radar. another type of ABM, or perhaps a combina- An experienced defense scientist cautions TIro DDaTS ABOUT AN UMBRELLA tion of both. Existing Soviet SAM-2's and against overdrawing Soviet capabilities from Such sophisticated Soviet tests could not SAM-3's would r pr ample de- scant information ("generalizing from the have been matched at the time by the U.S. fen to against air craft, craft, , earticul a cularly in view heel of the dinosaur"), but he adds: "If In the summer of 19511 the U.S. had detonated Moreover, the U tth he pr principal cipal you're honest, you can't say flatly that the M, the line sits athwart its first hig'.n-altitude explosions, code-named Soviets can't no what some people say they "Teak" and "Orange." These megaton-range launch over cover the North Pole land-based from the U.S. are doing. We just don't know." explosions produced astonishing results that nt WEAPONRY IN THE VOID clearly heralded the dawn of a new era in It is the It is the unanimous s judgment of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that the Tallinn line is an Easily the most important area of uncer- weapo:cr effects. Communication links in the anti-missile system, but McNamara so far re- tain knowledge, and one where secrets and Central aPacis fewere blacked out for sever Aral mains publicly unpersuaded. doubts are kept most carefully guarded, con- In addition to the Moscow and Tallinn de- cerns the effects of high-yield nuclear ex- titles trapped in the earth's magnetic field. ployments, informed sources report a great plosions in the thin upper atmosphere and In the Argus series that quickly followed, the deal of activity elsewhere in the Soviet Union above. This is the environment in which our U.S. exploded three kiloton bursts, which dis-again at existing anti-aircraft installations and new own and Soviet ABM missiles would f unc- rupted d shortwave made radio and radar am d par- sites as well. Some of these sites are in the tion. Questions about the precise "kill mech- produc rilan- belts of South and may represent the early stages of anism" of an 2.BM have aroused intense spec- titles. The creation of these belts suggested, defenses directed against Polaris missiles ulation and prompted official reassurance, at least in theory, the possibility of a trans- launched from U.S. submarines on station in with the result that the known fads often ient "i " lmb ella" AA BMs defe in the Mediterranean. Other sites spotted east get lost in a welter of alarming or com- provided the parties could of the Ural Mountains face Red China. The forting words. Much of the confusion is sufficient density. However, U.S. scientists small tracking radars along the Tallinn line penetrated by a scholarly, relentlessly fac- concluded that the belts formed by the Argus apparently are tied together with the phased- tual new book, The Test Ban Treaty: Mill- shots were too weak at injure a per head he the. at five d it s seed that array radar at Moscow. As evidence of such tarp, Technological, and Political Implice- pp ad. Ev through accumulates, the likely scope of Soviet tions, by James H. McBride (Regnery), ABM plans expands, confirming McNamara's which draws together the highlights of eight- the obvious ABM problems of early warning, statement to Congress last January: ". . . we can months of hearings conducted by two discrimination, and precision tracking could must, for the time being, plan our forces on Senate committees on the treaty that at- be greatly compounded by the mysterious ef-explos the assumption that they will have deployed tempted to curb the fearful competition in f e is of hniggh-altitute Soviet nucltestsear the U.S. ions. some sort of an ABM system around their nuclear-weapon technology. major cities by the early 1970's." Not only "All witnesses agreed," McBride writes, a hastily prepared and politically restricted the cities, of course, would be defended, but "that at the current state of the art in nu- series in 1962-63, which provided valuable also military installations, particularly hard- clear technology the greatest need for nu- data but also disclosed great gaps in our ened offensive missile silos within a vast ter- clear testing is in the area of weapons scientific knowledge. Dr. Edward Teller, ritory. effects.. " Again and again in the quoted testifying on the test-ban treaty, revealed ILEETINC MIRV IN 5IID-COURSE testimony, the word "void" crops up, as when that the U.S. had not even completed Debate continues inside the Pentagon con- Dr. John S. Foster Jr., then directs-r of the theoretical studies of some of the high-yield cerning the characteristics of the antiballis- Lawrence Radiation Laboratory and now di- effects the Russians had actually tested. Im- tic missile (or missiles) that the Russians are rector of Defense Research and Engineering, pressed by recurrent descriptions of the told the Foreign Relations Committee: "The "void" in U.S. nuclear technology, the Sen- shown in. In November, Lde3, a missile the most serious void has to do with the effect ate Preparedness Subcommittee concluded shown a Moscow ABM c for which the that nuclear explosions have on the opera- that the treaty "wil.l affect adversely the West- ru nc claimed an ABM capability. missile tion of the system, whether it is an offensive future quality of this Nation's arms, and ... Russia ern officials, who code-named the toward or defensive explosion or an offensive or will result in serious,, and perhaps formidable, Griffon, were skeptical, and inclined toward defense system." This point is absolutely military and technical disadvantages." the belief that was pri t and ende their eir interception of supersonic ac aircraft rcritical because the U.S. has adopted a With the signing of the treaty banning air-to-surface missiles; but they did not rule second-strike posture, which means its weap- atmospheric testing, the U.S. put its sn- out the possibility that it had been developed ons must survive the effects of a fist strike genuity to work underground and discovered originally to counter the medium-range Thor, and then penetrate enemy defenses to de- that more could be learned there than its Jupiter, and. Polaris A-1. Griffon was not stroy their assigned targets. experts had believed. Under a top-priority credited with an exoatmospheric (above the The effects of nuclear weapons vary prin- program, the Atomic Energy Commission has staging reflecting atmosphere) now a oil the though of subsequent altitu at which they are exploded. (Other sons in deep, inst: ument-crainm dl tunnels pace some Soviet advances, believe it should have been. factors, including, the Urne of day a weapon An advanced model of Griffon, in fact, may is exploded, also play a significant role.) be deployed on the Tallinn line; or the ABM The predominant effects of weapons designed missile there may be one the West has never to be detonated in the atmosphere are blast seen. and heat; weapons for use above the atmos- The missile used in the Moscow ABM sys- pher are designed to maximize the release of tern was first shown a year later than Griffon, energy in the form of radiation, the most in 1964, when 'tractors dragged it through useful effect in this environment. Witnesses Red Square coyly concealed in its protective who testified during the test-ban hearings canister. Given the unglamorous code name generally assumed that the U.S. held a Galosh, it is believed to be a solid-fueled, marked lead in the technology of smaller- long-range interceptor carrying a high-yield yield (one megaton and below) weapons warhead. Estimates of Galosh's range cluster while the Russians were well ahead in the around a few hundred miles, comparable to very-high-yield (twenty megaton and above) the Spartan missile the U.S. is now develop- range. ing. But a minority opinion maintains it The advantage in the intermediate range could have a much longer range, perhaps as (one to twenty megatons) was open to de- much as 2,000 miles. bate, but there was no arguing the fact This minority view begins with the fact that the Russians, during their massive that the best antiballistic-missile system the 1961-62 'test series thit broke the de facto U.S. has been able to devise uses two missiles moratorium, had exploded many more weap- and several types of radar. It is suggested ons than the U.S. in this intermediate range that Galosh, true only missile deployed at both in the atmosphere and above, providing Moscow, may combine the long range of Them with the opportunity to learn more 1 their knowldge The Soviet tests the companion short-range interceptor of the Nike-X system. If this is the case, or if the missile used in the Tallinn line has such a performance capability, the Soviet Union could engage incoming ICBM's far away from their territory and above the atmosphere where fallout would not be a problem--in mid-course of the missiles' trajectory, before multiple warheads and penetration aids could separate. An effective mid-course ABM would provide a formidable defense Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300100041-9 J.Jn 1 , 1967 Approved Fot.. I a tffi Ai3CR,L:?KII P7(fi ARR000300100041-9 from which the air has been pumped to simulate as nearly as possible the vacuum of space. But the apprehensions brought to light almost four years ago in the test-ban hearings have scarcely been buried. At bot- tom, the present controversy over the Soviet ABM capability revolves around whether these half-forgotten fears of technological surprise are now being realized. Recent uninformed speculation has sug- gested the possibility that the Russians, by exploding very-high-yield weapons above the atmosphere at the proper altitude and lati- tude, might be able to create dense belts of charged particles and so establish a "shield" type of ABM defense. U.S. scientists, extrap- olating from data provided by tests of much-smaller-yield explosions, are reported to have erred by a factor of 1,000 in estimat- ing the number of such particles that would be caused by a 100-megaton blast. The AEC isn't saying what its latest calculations have disclosed, but a high-ranking AEC official emphatically declares: "Right now, we don't see how the effects of any radiation belt could be made to persist." An impressive body of scientific opinion, within and out- side the government, says there is no techni- cal foundation for theorizing about what a Pentagon R. and D. official calls the "ping," or residual umbrella defense. Before the man- made radiation belts could achieve a parti- cle density lethal to warheads the earth's magnetic field would prove too weak to sup- port them, and the umbrella would "leak." THE ANTIMISSILE THAT GOES "ZAPP" The improbability of a "shield" form of defense does not rule out other possible de- fenses using radiation effects. Quite the contrary; the U.S. intends to use such ef- fects in the improved Nike-X system now under development. The Spartan missile carrying a warhead of more than one mega- ton will rely upon what is believed to be the most efficient anti-missile defense above the atmosphere-the so-called "zapp effect," that is, the tremendous surge of thermal or "hot" x-rays produced by a high-yield ex- plosion. As Dr. Foster has explained to the Senate Armed Services Committee: "Nuclear explosives have a very small surface area to them ... When they release [their] energy, they get very, very hot. A small surface that has to release enormous energies in a very short time cannot do so without getting so hot that it radiates its energy away. This radiation [is] ... of such a temperature that it is in the x-ray region." As much as 75 percent of the total en- ergy of the detonated ABM warhead would escape in the form of such x-rays and flash over thousands of miles in the near-vacuum of space. Within the much smaller "kill ra- dius," which would vary with the yield and design of the warhead and the altitude at which it was exploded, the thermal x-rays would deposit -their immense energy within any unshielded object, such as a missile war- head, causing its components to explode in- ternally. An ABM system using the x-ray effect can provide an "area defense" cover- ing thousands of square miles with relative- ly few installations. Moreover, the require- ments for guidance accuracy are greatly reduced, a factor worth bearing in mind when the Soviet radars are described as somewhat "crude." The U.S. takes the x-ray threat from So- viet ABM defenses seriously enough to be engaged in costly modification of missiles whose components are vulnerable. For exam- ple, the fine gold wires (which readily ab- sorb x-rays) are being replaced in the guid- ance computer circuitry of the Minuteman II, and the change is being incorporated into the design of Poseidon and Minute- man III. Because reflective coatings used to protect a missile nose cone from the heat of re-enry are ineffective against thermal x-rays, new hardening techniques and shielding ma- terials are being sought. The test ban makes it impossible to expose such materials to actual thermal x-rays and underground ex- plosions are no substitute, so experimenters are using newly created electron beams of comparable energy-beams capable of de- positing energies inside a test material a thousand times greater than the pulse from the most powerful production laser. U.S. missiles have been modified more than once to counteract any unforeseen or newly arising hazard. During the test-ban hear- ings, many military officers, nuclear scien- tists, and informed Senators dared not give publicly a major reason for their opposition to the treaty. They feared that the Russians, through their high-yield testing, had dis- covered a kind of "ultimate ABM," and might be able to use nuclear-weapon effects to turn much of the U.S. missile force into a Maginot Line. An offensive first strike would simultaneously achieve a defensive objective, not only destroying American cities with blast and heat, but also creating electro- magnetic pulse (EMP) effects extending well beyond the radius of destruction that might deactivate the electronic systems of missiles in their silos. The U.S. has since revised the electrical circuits in the Minuteman silos, and has modified and shielded missiles, war- heads, computers, and guidance systems to protect them against electromagnetic pulse. These countermeasures, of course, can be only as effective as our grasp of such phe- nomena. GROWING DOUBTS, BRAVE CERTAINTIES Last fall, an extraordinary study known as "Strat-X" (for "Strategic Exercise") was launched by Secretary McNamara's order to lay out the full range of alternatives for im- proving the posture of U.S. offensive forces through the mid-1970's Strat-X will evaluate offensive missile and warhead designs in terms of different sea and land basing op- tions, and it will weigh the resulting force "mixes" against various levels of threat from the Soviet Union and Red China. In this study the Nike-X is being considered only for the defense of U.S. offensive missile forces- not cities. This shift of emphasis is striking because up to this point the whole debate about Nike-X has concentrated on its use in city defense. This new turn in the thinking of key officials is a clear indication of the changing Soviet threat. A preliminary report will go to the Secretary in a few weeks and a final report is due in September. Little has been said about this highly secret study, and an official in the Office of Defense Research and Engineering tersely summarizes the ob- jective of Strat-X: "more survivable pay- load." Another high defense official, con- cerned about appearances, confides: "From the outside, it may look as though we're not sure of the deterrent. That's not so. We are sure." The determined air of confidence in the upper reaches of the Pentagon does credit to earnest men performing difficult tasks. What worries informed observers on the out- side is the apparent assumption that the U.S. can safely confine itself to reacting within 'familiar parameters to a changing threat. The perils of losing the initiative are coming plainly into view. In a recent speech Dr. Harold Agnew, the forty-six-year- old head of the weapon division at the AEC's Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, said the "apparent drift in national policy on the concept of balance of power and stability is resulting in a stifling of innovation." Be- cause U.S. scientists are authorized to build or consider only those systems that respond to a clearly defined threat, "We are contin- ually in danger of coming up with answers to threats which have changed." The prevail- ing official attitude of certainty may not take account of a steadily widening range of un- certainty. THE ULTIMATE UNBALANCING FACTOR It Is Secretary McNamara's firmly held conviction that the possession of secure "see- S 8005 ond-strike" (retaliatory) missile forces by both the U.S. and the Soviet Union creates a stable condition of mutual deterrence. As he told a British television interviewer earlier this year." , . technically it's a rela- tionship thats very difficult for either of us to move out of unless the other simply fails to act in a rational fashion." By deploying an- tiballistic-missile defenses, the Russians, according to McNamara's logic, are behaving irrationally. The U.S. has reacted by making preparations to upgrade its offensive missile forces to the point where the effect of the Soviet defenses will be negated and the prospect of "Assured Destruction" by a U.S. second strike will be maintained. However, the hoped-for maintenance of stability de- pends not only on the U.S.'s estimate of the situation, but also on the Soviet Union's, and - the Russians are clearly moved by their own judgments and not McNamara's. Their belief that they have upset the U.S. deterrent would be, as McNamara himself has declared, "The ultimate unbalancing factor." In the radically altered strategic circum- stances that may lie just ahead, the Russians could begin to doubt the U.S.'s capacity and willingness to inflict unacceptable damage upon them. As General Earle G. Wheeler, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testi- fied earlier this year: "Should the Soviets come to believe that their ballistic-missile defense, coupled with a nuclear attack on the United States, would limit damage to the Soviet Union to a level acceptable to them, whatever that level is [italics FOR- TUNE'S], our forces would no longer deter, and the first principle of our security policy is gone." It should always be remembered that the vast U.S. deterrent force exists solely to in- fluence Soviet behavior. If it ever must be used, deterrence has failed and catastrophe looms. The threat of its use was a rational instrument of national policy during the days of overwhelming U.S. preponderance under Eisenhower and Dulles, and even as recently as the Kennedy Administration's eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation with Khru- schev. Now, however, such a, U.S. threat made in the face of the Soviet offensive buildup would amount to an irrational summons to mutual suicide. The Russians soon may be able to use their deterrent to inhibit the U.S. and gain for themselves greater freedom of maneuver. Short of an all-out Soviet at- tack, it is difficult to imagine a provocation sufficiently extreme to warrant U.S. resort to the means of assured self-destruction. Though the emerging second-strike capa- bility on both sides may satisfy the definition of "stability" favored by McNamara and the Pentagon's defense intellectuals, this sym- metry of opposing offensive forces is upset by the Soviet commitment to ABM defenses. Add to this the possible first-strike, counter- force use of the proliferating Soviet ICBM's and "stability" vanishes. Though offensive capabilities may match up neatly, intentions and therefore uncertainties do not. The de- terrent equation is in danger of becoming unbalanced by the one-sided shift of uncer- tainty to the U.S. side. U.S. behavior is already being influenced by the Soviet deterrent. The likely failure of the diplomatic attempt to talk the Rus- sians out of their "worthless" ABM defenses has forced the U.S. into offsetting offensive steps involving major spending--e.g., the $3.3-billion accelerated development and de- ployment of Poseidon. And the anticipated Soviet counterforce capability is shifting all serious discussion of deploying Nike-X-at least within McNamara's sphere--from de- fense of cities to defense of "super-hardened" Minuteman silos. WOULD THE PRESIDENT PUSH THE BUTTON? If present trends are allowed to continue and U.S.-Soviet forces grow more asymmetri- cal, the situation by the mid-1970's could become menacing. An ARM defense lends Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300100041-9 S 8006 Approved For Re a (Al 10 k f WI P70 0~3 A3fX000300100041f#ne 12, 1967 itself superbly to bluffing and blackmail. The mere existence of Soviet defenses would exert psychological influence on both sides. It is easy to imagine a suddenly belligerent So- viet attitude toward Western. Europe. Would the undefended U.S. react strongly if the defended U.S.S.R. appeared willing to risk war? It is possible to imagine a threat aimed directly at the U.S. itself, perhaps even the execution of the threat by the obliteration of a selected city. Would the President choose automatically to avenge the limited number of dead Americans by ordering a response certain to end civilized life .n this country? Soviet planners, as they "war game" with the forces of the 1970's surely ask them- selves such questions. The U.S. must soon recognize that a grad- ual but almost certainly irreversible change is occurring in the nature of deterrence. The Assured Destruction concept, founded on the superiority of the offense in modern war- fare, has been challenged by technology and Its application to defense. The technology of missile defense is now advancing more rapid- ly than the technology of offense. The rela- tive costs and effectiveness of ballistic-mis- sile defense are measured within the Penta- gon through the "cost-exchange ratio." A few years ago, the high costs and ineffective- ness of defense were officially expressed in a cost-exchange ratio of between 10:1 and 100:1-that is, every $100 spent on defense could be offset by spending from $1 to $10 on increased offense. Now, however, by Secretary McNamara's own reckoning, the ratio is be- tween 4:1 and 1:1, or parity. Of course, such numerical comparisons take no account of the relative burdens imposed on the U.S. and Soviet economies by higher arms spend- ing. If the technological trend continues over the next decade, defense could gain a margin of superiority. The improving prospects for defense are welcomed by the Russians, as their respected military commentator, Major General Niko- lai Talensky, has written: "The creation of an effective anti-missile missile system en- ables the state to make its defenses depend- ent chiefly on its own capabilities, not only on mutual deterrence, that is, on the good will of the other side." More is involved here than a Soviet state of mind that Secretary McNamara dismisses as "an absolute religious fanaticism on the subject of defense." An- other Soviet military strategist has em- phasized the balanced nature of the emerg- ing Soviet offensive-defensive deterrent: "It must be remembered that victory in war is determined not merely by the character of weapons but by the relationships of forces of the combatant sides." In future psycho-political conflict, which uses wepons as manipulative symbols, the decisive advantage could lie with the side that possesses defenses. Even though these may be ineffective, the undefended side can- not determine this without exposing itself to mortal risk. A. situation in which both sides had defenses would balance uncertainties and might well produce greater stability than the previous state of anxious nakedness. The case for a prompt U.S. commitment to a limited deployment of Nike-X is com- pelling. Though Secretary McNamara argues that an antiballistic-missile defense would not reduce American casualties "in any meaningful sense," a Nike.-X system might save thirty to fifty million :fives and as Gen- eral Wheeler testified, this would be "mean- ingful, we believe, in every sense." There is little time to act if the President in the mid- 1970's, whoever he may be, is to have avail- able a full range of policy alternatives. Clear- ly the effect of the present policy is to fore- close options for the future President. From the moment of a decision to proceed, five to seven. years would be required to deploy Nike-X around twenty-five major cities and key defense installations. Lieuten- ant General Austin Betts, Chief of R. and D. for the Army, who has overseen the de- velopment of Nike-X, be:ieves the "opti- mum" moment has arrived for a decision to begin production. Further delay could mean the breakup of contractor teams and the onset of obsolescence in important com- ponents. THE SYSTEM THAT'S READY An argument can be made that it is better to postpone deployment of Nike-X if fur- ther R. and D. could produce a more ad- vanced ABM-and it probably can. But Nike- X is the only defense system that can be deployed by t:oe mid-1970'x. Secretary Mc- Namara's projected cost of $40 billion for a full-scale depaoyment of Nike-X includes such "damage limiting" measures as inter- ceptor aircraft and shelters. However, this forbidding figure would be spent over ten years. Senator Russell describes it as "a sort of Congressional deterrent." Beyond the question of how many billions of dollars are involved lies the uncertainty about the per- formance of Nike-X systems in a nuclear environment. These questions cannot be re- solved entirely in the laboratory. A decision to go ahead might stir demands for a re- sumption of :nuclear testing, which would surely arouse a world outcry. But every objection to the limited de- ployment of Nike-X can be met with soundly based apprehensions about the grave risks of not having at least a measure of defense in the next decade. A light attack ("thin") defense has been estimated to cost perhaps $4 billion and. could be modified or super- seded by new technology. Such a defense would serve several purposes: it would at once restore strategic balance and reassure the Russians that the U.S. is not obsessed with the offense and tempted to strike first; it would cope with the accidental firing of a missile; it would counter the threat ex- pected from Red China until well into the late 1970's; and it could help check the re- cent estrangement from our European and Asian allies by enhancing the credibility of our promise to defend them. Should the Soviet threat become more extreme, NATO might be rebuilt around a sharing of defen- sive nuclear weapons. Perhaps most significant of all, the de- ployment of a limited Nike-X defense sys- tem, combined with the vigorous pursuit of an improved ABM, would signal the Soviet Union that the U.S. has not, after all, mis- understood the dynamic force of technology. The American. will to lead the technological race and to maintain superiority is the most enduring deterrent. FEDERAL RESEARCH PROGRAMS IN FIELDS OF THE DISADVANTAGED AND HANDICAPPED Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, the Office of Education recently put forth a report listing the principal research programs in the field:; of the disadvantaged and the handicapped. Because the report contains, in short compass, the essential facts which would be helpful to researchers seeking fund- ing for programs, I feel that it can be of great interest to my colleagues and for that reason I ask unanimous consent that the report to which I have alluded be printed at this point in my remarks. There being no objection, the report was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: FEDERAL RESEARCH PROGRAMS IN FIELDS OF THE DISADVANTAGED AND HANDICAPPED (Prepared by the Information Center Office of Programs for the Disadvantaged U.S. Office of Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Feb. 10, 1967) PREFACE The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, the Office of Economic Opportunity, andthe Department of Labor support a wide range of research anad demonstration pro- grams in fields of the disadvantaged and handicapped. State agencies, private and public Institutions of higher education, other organizations, and interested individuals may be eligible to receive grants or contracts. Because of the variety of research and dis- semination projects in fields of the disad- vantaged and handicapped and similarity in program objectives, the Office of Programs for the Disadvantaged believed that it would be useful to program administrators and interested applicants to compile a list of these research programs describing purpose, program focus, fiscal year 1967 priorities, as well as other information. The listing is intended to inform program administrators of the existence of other on-going research programs with similar interests. The com- pilation serves several purposes It may be used as a guide for ;program administrators to refer research proposals which they may not be able to fund, to another program. It may indicate to program officials of certain identities or focal points among research programs such as growing interest in juve- nile delinquency. It may be used to help in- form applicants of the different kinds of research programs that exist in fields of the disadvantaged and handicapped and aid them in applying to a program suited to their goals and Interests. The research programs listed have been selected because of their special relationship to the disadvantaged and handicapped. This list will be modified, revised or supplemented as additional Information on research pro- grams in these fields becomes available. REGINA GOFF, Assistant Commissioner. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE-OFFICE OF EDUCATION Research program., of the Office of Educa- tion are administered by the Bureau of Re- search. The Bureau receives proposals from colleges, universities, private profit and non- profit organizations, State educational agen- cies, and individuals for research and research-related projects and programs. Pro- posals are evaluated by Bureau staff and by field readers and consultants outside the Office of Education. After approval by the Commissioner, a grant or contract is nego- tiated and. awarded. Projects are monitored by the Bureau of Research. The following programs administered by the Bureau of Research are particularly per- tinent to the disadvantaged and handi- capped: Research, surveys, and demonstration Purpose.--To support research into the process and content of education and to devise new applications of this research. Who May Apply.-Universities and colleges, other public or private agencies (profit or nonprofit), institutions, organizations, and individuals. Project Deadlines.-No deadlines. Matching of Federal Funds.-Some match- ing of Federal funds may be required. Program. Focus.--The program supports basic educational research, research in cur- riculum development for all levels Of educa- tion from pre-school through adult educa- tion and for all subject areas and main- tains research and development centers at different universities. Fiscal Year 1967 Priorities.-Educational research projects are grouped under several inter-related headings, basic research, cur- riculum iraprovement, and developmental ac- tivities. Basic research projects are concerned with the development and strengthening of educational theory and obtaining a greater understanding of the fundamental processes of education. Items in need of extensive basic research include learning theory, guidance and counseling, measurement and evaluation, administration, teacher education, curricu- lum development, originality, and analysis of Approved For Release 2006/01/30 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300100041-9