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Approved For Release 2006/10/10: CIA-RDP70B00338R000300080024-1 .11 Nov 1V 1E Yid.. s .._ Administration WI Probably Urge Poseidon Production, Pentagon Chief 3eports AIM IS SETTERi4FFENSE New U.S. Siiwmarine Missile Could Surpass Polaris in :'enetrating Defenses ,y ROBI.RT B. SIMPLE Jr. Spcctat to The New York Times JOHNSON CITY, Tea., Nov. 13---Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara said today there was "considerable evidence" that the Soviet Union was build- ing and Deploying an anti-ballis- ti;: missive system, probably re- quiring an increase in the United States' offensive capa- city. The Secretary said that the tldaninist:.tion would probably recommend to, Congress that the United States begin pro- duction and deployment of the Poseidon missile, a. large sub- marine-launched missile with greater power than the Polaris, missile to penetrate sophisti- cated dulease systems. In the past Mr. McNamara has told Congress that the Rus- sions were developing a missile defense system and were ex- pected to deploy it as soon as it was perfected. His statement today suggests that the John- son Administration believes such dcploynr at is now faking, place. roseidon funds Granted In the defense budget sub- 2nittcd ca Congress last Jan- uary, 4ir. McNamara asked, and got, funds to develop the Poseidon nnissile. He has now v2commended to the 2resident deployment of this n-:: site as a counter to the Russian de fense system. Mr. Mc\Tatnara reported today that no decision had yet been made to deploy-that is, pro- duce 1 locate at sites in the United State: -the: controver- sial 1-;il:e-X rr;L.n1 ;c missile, on which w w0-nl._.ta has al- ready sport t : research and c:cvelopment. Re; _ding the 2oseidon Mr.q said that develop- ment of the missile would rc .quire:.'1 i_ost ti t-billion in Fed oral ~:_o:nditures. He said its deployment would cost "several' additional billions." gel Co,.2erence in Weelt other things, deploy- met_ of the Poseidon would' mcra.. complete re-engineering of the ..., c;- tubes on this coun- try's fled. of Polaris subma rines from vrhich the missiles' would be launched if necessary. The Secretary said that this and other "refitting" changes would cost "somewhat in ex- cess" of 60 per cent of the initial cost of the Polaris submarines. Mr. McNamara :_:ew to the LBJ Ranch this morning to con- fer with President Johnson on defense and budgetary matters., This afternoon, he addressed; newsmen in the front yard of r the Johnson horde uefore to-If .turning to the capital. i Today martied ;.Ir. Mc-{ Namara's third extended con- ferenc(, wiLhY t,,.. iusident in` the '_ast week in lereparation forl the suppiemental military budg et requests for the present fiscal) Continued on page A, Column 1 Approved For Release 2006/10/10: CIA-RDP70B00338R000300080024-1 CIA RI' 70B00338R000300080024-1 flARK HINTS T DEFENSE PERIL Contlnned 'From Page L CoI '1 yeir'and requests for the, fiscal yei,r 1968 bn the subject,, of :United States, antimissile) missiles, Mr. Z*Namara -said he, has -dis= kissed .with"Mr.. Johnson'the }ossible. deployment oft such seems," 'but'' had ',concluded trot ' "it is r much too' early .to itake a decision'for deployment j'gainst the Chniese threat, and we have not, arrived at. a . deci lion on .any.other deployment." Ie_ did not, however,, rule ut the future deployment of. the )Nike; ,k system against;: Soviet offensve missiles, adding that "we t'ill' continue our discus- sions'.)n this subject-for some week$ to dome. , .On 'the relationship between fie Nike-X system and the Chi- ,aese threat, the Secretary said: "The length of time required to deploy, such a system is less (han?the length of time required for the Chinese Communists to develop nuclear, weapons that conceivably. could.. threaten this nation..' Therefore, it is ? not McNam' ara's Call. for Improved Offense May Se Designed to Forestall Pressure Special to The Nev York Times WASHINGTON,. Nov. 10- civilian; agree that the United Defense , Secretary, Robert. S. States must put' primary em- McNamara's disclosure. that the phasis, on assuring that even United States now believes Rus- after absorbing a surprise at- sia probably is'deploying a mis- tack, enough missiles will sur- sle defense around "the Soviet vive to wipe out the enemy. Union may be the opening, round . As long as the Soviet Union In. an ,Administration effort. to is convinced that the United stave off potentially overwhelm- States retains this capability, ing Congressional pressure for the argument goes, it cannot for the United rationally initiate a nuclear war States' to, follow and thereby risk' national sui- News suit with its own cide. Analysis advance systems Ih line with this reasoning, of missile; killers. the United States has spent tens, In making his an- of billions of dollars building! nouncement today at the LBJ Minuteman missiles that are Ranch in Texas, Mr. McNamara protected against attack in con-1 offered a san immediate answer Crete and steel silos buried deep' to the' new strategic threat x underground, and submarine- move to improve America's of- based Polaris missiles, which Tense rather than: its defense. are protected against surprise He recommended to the Pres- attack by the ocean. ident, he said, the rapid re- Looking toward the possibil- placement o fthe current breed ity of a Soviet'missile defense,; of submarine-launched 'Polaris the Administration has over missiles with a much larger the last five years spent more Poseidon missile. Poseidon than $1-billion on a variety of, would-be able to' carry roughly hush-hush -devices aimed atl twice the payload .of - Polaris penetrating such defenses. Such' and thus culd be jam-packed devices may be installed on bothl land-based and sea-based mis-~ sires; the larger the missile, the more penetration aids it can timely at this make a UCYLIieJ u=Lgiceu LU LUUI Lilt; 00- . viet decision to deploy such a system to its and slip through to defend 'against 'the, Chinese to ts target. I Role of Nike-X Commuinst threat." Mr. McNamara, coatless and ' While the Defense, Secretary relaxed in the warm Texas sun, did; not. foreclose a decision to also. assured his listeners that development of and anti-ballistic missile system by the Soviet Union had not removed, the United States' capacity to pene- trate that country. He declared: "'There is absolutely` no ? ques- tion about our capability of penetrating. the Soviet defenses with both our-missiles and our aircraft He said "there had been no question -about that"'during the last 15 years 'and "there is no question about it now when they are similarly trying . to defend against intercontinental ballistic missiles." In his opening. remarks, the Secretary had indicated that the Soviet' Union' was building, anew antimissile system. News- men then asked Mr," McNamara whether the Russians ' were in carry. Some Would Go Further Many Strategists, including? the five members of the JointI~ deploy, 'as well, an AmericanI Chiefs ,of Staff,. would go still missile defense, called Nike-Xfurther. They would deploy the): his remarks suggested another postponement of that, 'decision. In the past, he repeatedly has taken the position that even a widespread .Nike-X system,, costing upward of $20-billion, would not prevent the Soviet Union, in an all-out attack, from killing tens of millions of American ' citizens, and that such a defense against that threat therefore did not seem attractive. A much cheaper, thinner Nike-X. system has been pro- posed to protect the United States against a smaller, less sophisticated threat that the Chinese may one day pose. Mr. McNamara has said, how- ever, that since the Chinese C ommunists are not expected to fact doing-so. "Yes," he replied. "I believe) have a large number of inter- thcre is considerable evidence continental ballistic missiles tin- that they are,". Itil about 1975;, and, since the -"Is it an effective system?."Nike-X system would take only asked one questioner.:. `We Must, Assume' "I think you would have to, aSk them, he ;replied, But he added,;,"We must assume it is effective." Asked when, the Russians started deploying the ' system; he said he would.' "rather not try - to. approximate the date," but added unequivocally: "They have. started such de- vclopment. " ' As a result, Mr.: McNamara reported, "we recommended; and I believe will,. present' to the Congress, a proposal to produce and, deploy" the Poseidon offen sive' system: He '.described the -Poseidon as "a, new missile for' deployment at sea.." Initial development work;,on the missile w asbegun under the budget for .the ;cur rent, fiscal year, 10.,. Greatly expanded funds, however; Would be required to produce:.` the mis-. bile and refit the Polaris sub- marines to accommodate it.,,, about six or seven years to deploy, a decision may also be deferred in terms of the Chi- Position Restated Mr. McNamara repeated the essence of his position vis-h-vis the Chinese today. This sug- gests no change in the Admin- istration's estimate of China's missile deployment timetable as a result of her recent testing of a medium range, atomic tipped missile. ? Top Defense Department strategists are of mixed opinion about the necessary combina- tion'of offensive and.defensive systems ` necessary . to insure America's ability to deter it nu- clear war or, IC deterrence fails, to contend with it and survive. All -planners, military suid Nike-X missile. defense system to reduce damage in the United States should the unthinkablei?, happen and nuclear war erupt, whether by design or accident.' ,More than $2-billion has been spent over the years devolopingi the Nike-X system. It Is sup-! posed to work this way: ? l Its long-range radars would pick up enemy missiles many hundreds of miles distant and would guide Nike. Zeus missiles to intercept thm anywhere from 50 to 400 miles from the United States. If some missiles should slip through this net, . they 'would be attacked by . superfast Sprint missiles, which are designed to intercept at lower altitudes. In preparing his new defense budget, for submission to Con- gress. in' January, Mr. McNa-1 mara is faced once again; with the Nike-X problem. Some of- ficials believe he still feels the time is not right for deploy- ment. But Congress showed' its im-; patience this year when it ap propriated nearly $168-million); more' for Nike-X developments, than the Administration. asked. If Mr. McNamara. lied waited! until ,,:'u.Congress :tumid out,i through its own sources, that1 the Russians were likely putting) in a comprehensive missile de-1 fense, a tremendous clamor might have developed for they United States to do likewise. But, by taking toe offensive,! by announcing Soviet activity and demonstrating Administra-! tion resolve to do i.1 with it with better offensive ri:is: !1es, thel_ steam might be Lahr, out of them drive for m ^iitce decease with' a better dc. ca.'e. Approved For Release 2006/10/10: CIA-RDP70B00338R000300080024-1