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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 II ? Performance System resolution has continued to show improvement (Table I) despite the fact that weather has continued to impair operations. At low altitude, as in ATF-16, the camera is not focussed and boundary layer seeing is relatively poor. At the present operating altitude of about 40000 feet (35000 feet over terrain) severe buffeting is now being experienced, causing excessively frequent caging and allowing the stabil--; ization system insufficient time to settle. It appears that as long as operations continue at the present altitude, maximum resolution will continue to remain in 'the 140 to 160 1/mm range limited by the system, and by atmospheric and boundary, layer turbulence. In ATP-17 with all subsystems except the heading reference functioning, median resolution exceeded 100 lines per mm as predicted. Retrofits During this period several retrofit packages have been installed. These include a new control package, a new knuckle with friction reducing tension rod, circuit changes in stabilization, V/h sensor and INC. Additional retrofit packages presently in work include the following: a scanner with better quality flats for the forward bench, new c-coil with more reliable connectors, new V/h interface package, improved V/h sensor head, new operational control panel with exposure programmer, magnetic recorder signal outputs. Our intention is to install these just prior to the first "hot" flights if these should be scheduled in the near future. However, if these should be scheduled two months or more in the future, we will install them when all are available, scheduling a general cleaning and overhaul for the same period. The camera must also be refocussed for higher altitude's. 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15 CIA-RDP70B00198R000700040001-5 Ckt? SYSTEM LA Field OPerations ' During this period we have continued flight testing4in the Area, but these have been limited in altitude-speed for reasons 'beyond our control. While the primary purpose has been to effect improvement in performance, a secondary objective at the beginning of this -aro Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15 : CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 ? period was to provide more practice for the field crew in more operational aspects of their jobs. Accordingly, a series of quick turn-around experi- ments were designed in which we were able to successive days. Besides I' mount three flights on three accomplishing our technical objectives, we .were thua'also able to demonstrate turn around capability comparable to that of the vehicle. 'retrofit, to design Later flights were deliberately spaced to provide time for . fine adjustment, all improvements be checked out in the . It and maintenance. So far, we,h:aire been able in such a way that substitute package! could fli,a ? . retrofitting-in the field. This in servicetwith minimum down-time ..? 4i laboratorysprioteo ? Ai ?. ty. practice has served to keep the equipment ? 'tt ":?)%jie vitae performance has been-ateadiliiimproved. have also been incorporated inl4tro.;1:2: and ? ? Systems. ? Reliability continues Improvements thus demonstrated) 40.Tflatitl ? 4.74,5%..;?; where applicable, inCo the IC ). ?????( n't i 4 The performance history is indicated in Figure 1. Reliability ? .3 ..e. `II high. Photographs have been obtained each time the systemehas ? . V 1, been turned on. Only once has it been advisable to postpone a flight due .?? 4 -) . --...."?-?-? ? 4. i to a metiA llction enCountered during preflight operations. A failure 'report suessary is-I-Included in the Appendix. . ? -4 te, . .1/ ..d.t.% ? (..r....? _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 4 a; 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 , ? Performance System resolution has continued to show improvement (Table I) despite the fact that weather has continued to impair operations. At low altitude, as in ATF-16, the camera is not focussed and boundary layer seeing is relatively poor. At the present operating altitude of about 40000 feet (35000 feet over terrain) severe buffeting is now being experienced, causing excessively frequent caging and allowing the stabil-! ization sync= insufficient time to settle. It appears that as long as operations continue at the present altitude, maximum resolution will continue to remain in the 140 to 160 1/mm range limited by the system, and by atmospheric and boundary layer turbulence. In ATF-17 with all subsystems except the heading reference functioning, median resolution exceeded 100 lines per mm as predicted. Retrofits During this period several retrofit packages have been installed. These include a new control package, a new knuckle with friction reducing tension rod, circuit changes in stabilization, V/h sensor and INC. Additional retrofit packages presently in work include the following: a scanner with better quality flats for the forward bench, new c-coil with more reliable connectors, new V/h interface package, improved V/h sensor head, new operational control panel with exposure programmer, magnetic recorder signal outputs. Our intention is to install these just prior to the first "hot" flights if these should be scheduled in the near future. However, if these should be scheduled two months or more in the future, we will install them when all are available, scheduling a general cleaning and overhaul for the same period. The camera must also be refocussed ' for *higher altitudes. . ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15 CIA-R0P70600198R000700040001-5 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 Although the direction we have received calls merely for making a lA camera system operate, and that this extensive program of improvement could justifiably be considered over the present scope, we ? have continued thid'activity wherever possible in the belief that the prime interest Still lies in ultimate performance, even in this prototype system. We have tried to do as much of this as possible without interfering excessiVely either in the progress of 1B or le, or. the operation of 1A. ? Heading Reference More attention Must be given to the Heading Reference sub-system. We have yet to run a teat in which this system was running properly and it. , ". . has generally been locked out. With short exposure times, this is not as serious as with long exposure times. Acceptance yThe present contract does not clearly specify an acceptance test. Accordingly we would, at 'this point, like to define what remaining services and operating subsystems should be provided under this present contract. First, we must deliver and test an operational control panel with data flash extinction and automatic under-tension (of film) cut-out. Second, we must get the steppers in the data chamber to operate, and must repair the data fladhso two images occur as required. Third, we must achieve "125 1/mm photography" on a long, hot flight. These three tasks should satisfy the commitments on 1A. However, the date of the long, hot flight is uncertain, and (1) we will therefore use the intervening time to further improve the V/h sensor. (2) We may shorten the time constant of that part of the V/h signal which gives INC. Also, (3) we should try to improve the heading 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 .t reference sub-system and (4) reboresight the platform sub-systems. These last four items, are probably necessary to meet IC objectives, but they do not seem necessary for IA and can be considered new scope. Similarily, we will complete the magnetic data recorder outputs and the photo- interpreters manual as new scope. If lA is to be operationally committed, it may be desirable to remove some test instrumentation leads but the field crew can do this part of their duties. Future Plans Since we believe we are rapidly reaching the performance 1Likits imposed by the present vehicle's operating conditions, and since we have demonstrated rapid turn around capability, we now have less of a fe4ing'of urgency to run frequent flight tects. Since other systems will . ? ' , alio require test time, we will schedule flights with decreasing frequency )1 .the immediate future, preferring to utilize the time for more detailed data analysis and for systematic fine tuning. /n approximately two weeks ? we expect to remove the equipment from service to install retrofit kits, and conduct a thorough cleaning and overhaul in preparation for "hot" 'V/1.1 Testing We have been cooperating with the Type II people in their Vill ' sensor test program, supplying them with a replacement fibre optics collector when theirs was broken and providing a new sensor head and pre- amplifier of current design for inclusion in the test program. This head . has a solid rather than fibre optic collector designed to improve the .signal to noise ratio. 6 'Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP701300198R000700040001-5 APPENDIX I A This appendix-summarizes failure reports received from the field only: Number of Failures Reported on Test Equipment 34 Number of Failures Due to Human Error Number of Failures Due to Other Component ? Failures ' ' Number of Prime Failure Reports . TOTAL .Sulmiry of Prime Failure Reports: ? -444. ,`_ ? -1 Edge.Sepsor 3 reports Air Pax Model 40 Chopper 2 Edge Sensor Modulator 1 10 3 The Air Fax Model 40 Chopper has m contact problem inherent in its design and has been replaced with a :solid state chopper. The Edge Sensor Modulator was received from the field and studied, but the failure symptoms could not be found in the unit. . . Stabilization 2 reports Pitch Weight Shifter - Cause Unknown Time Delay Relay - Design Problem Data Chamber 1 report Data Chamber Clock - Cleaning was required Shuttles 2 reports Voice Coil - Design Problem Slip Clutch - Weak-Readjustment required 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized CopyApproved iorRelease2013/08/15 CIA-RDP701300198R000700040001-5 ; SYSTEM 13 Status Assembly status of the more critical items is tabulated In the following section. -.Platform & Bridge - Figures 2 and 3 The 13 platform and electronics bridge have been assembled 1 :1 and operated. All subsystems operate and turn in the proper direction. Film has been passed through the system. Only minor realignment cit film path was necessary. Corrective work of this nature is scheduled for completion by the end of the month so that final testing and adjustment can commence on schedule April 1. The modification of the knuckle assembly to incorporate a torsion bar has been completed and installed in the system. Stabilization Changes in circuitry proved out on the breadboard and the lA system are being incorporated in this system also. The gyros in the gyro package have been replaced from stock since the units have had considerable prior use and were getting noisy. Attitude reference unit is assembled except for porro mirror).and is being wired. Frame Assembly Assembly is nearly complete. Since this assembly is not required until near the end of the process, it has not been rushed and La not behind schedule. 8 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP701300198R000700040001-5 1 4 . Helium Tank The helium tanks loaned to the vehicle manufacturer had to be . recalled because the additional tanks that were on order failed to meet specification and the lot was rejected. Schedule The schedule'Oreviously supplied showed a three week extension of 4alivery to May 20 reflecting a slippage of the Budd platform, a critical .- ? ? path item. We are attempting to reCover a portion of this time by operating I ? ? ? ? ? , rt: 4.4 - ? ? on'a double 'shift basis. ? . ? ? 3. I. I?n - CIF ' , ? ? ?zi; " ? ??...if; 1, ' t?-? 3.1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP701300198R000700040001-5 General. SYSTEM 1C Almost all releases have been made for System IC components. In fact many of the smaller assemblies (aver 125) have already been completed. Particular attention is being given to critical path items. Most vendor delivery slippages to date have not affected schedule. However, ' those. that lie on or near the critical path are discussed in detail later. A revised GPM chart is included in,tha envelope attached to this ??. - report. e , ? 441 ? tik? , ? Platform ? Plafform delivery continues to slip according to the vendor. Our schedule was designed, based on prior experience with this vendor, to allow a three week slippage on this item. A short time ago we were advised of a 5 working day slippage and, more recently, a 9 working day slippage which would essentially lose this buffer. We are currently negotiating means to try to recover 4 or 5 of these lost days. Progress otherwise is reasonably satisfactory according to the engineer and. quality control representative who make periodic inspection tr.ips. Budd is doing the honeycomb laminating in house this time. .They are experiencing some difficulties although not appreciably different than those encountered previously on 1B when they had sub- contracted this work. ? Electronic Bridge The electronic bridge is recognized to be the next most critical item. To reduce drafting effort, and to save time we are using 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP701300198R000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 ? ? 15.1;111''''l ?v ? :4 ? tzft: ? , simplified techniques in the design of the modules. Each module, during the initial design stages, is represented only by a single schematic . diagram and a parts list. Finally, when the design is essentially complete, photographs of each side at unit magnification will be made and appropriate call-outs will be added by the drafteman. Several boards have already been constructed in this manner with considerable saving in time and effort., - ? Shuttles_ % EAD' ; ^ 14 , . The -complex shuttle assembIy.cOuld,alio fallon"the critical?: ? i ?-?,? ? ? ? -- r - - 4 ". t?-? Wr'n It" mn"ei-T q -at; .1 ? 7fl ?- ? t?path?if too much $ ? 41, .44' tun ,- .1i.p.Page,is.permitteditoloCcur. %These-ashiMblies'j _ . -;lirtiArttUL released),are:alreadyebeing aerie:1;1Kit in the clean ? eye*. ? (nearly last to 'be room. We Elie experiencing only minor trouble in piOdurring some ecif the subcomponents on a satisfactory time schedule. Some delay has been experienced in manufacturing the special drag cup motors for the capstans. (Reference Figure 15, Document 482). The manufacturer had experienced some difficulty at one stage of manufacture but by applying considerable overtime effort he has succeeded in solving that problem. Optics Flats sufficient for one scanner have been received and are being assembled. Aspherizing of the second corrector is continuing; however, the image quality is not yet within specification. In work of this nature it is extremely difficult to predict precisely when satisfactory performance will be obtained. Since all the mechanical parts for the benches are on band and are assembled, the Optical Group is concentrating on this problem. 13 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15 : CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP701300198R000700040001-5 Synchronization A magnetic track of sufficient accuracy for scanner synchronization has been generated. It can be improved so that only one pickup head re- quired, but this can be done later. Completed Assemblies Approximately 125 subassemblies for type 1C have been completed. . Photographs of some of the major subassemblies are.includeckin the envelope ? at the end of the report. . . 14 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 SYSTEM 11) The only items being worked on for 1D are the set of three refracting optical elements authorized previously. Work on these elements has stopped until the elements for System IC are complete. ? .......i We have prepared a schedule fram which we can determine the - + :;-- k'"" . *. ? ? . .- ? l'.' 7!.. 1.4. C. order.? in which' releases must' beimride _to , assure shortest ? possible i:it'si?!,2 :;i.- J.- ii,........? ? ;.i.i t.,i .:-.7w,v?:?.?.,,t`ek .;t.t..i,Z.LA...r.1/1rpc., 1 ill'ci? ...i t,w? r0.' fr ? ...,4 . ??? ??? ? tg . ?. : 4.? ; f L' . ? ?7, ?? ? ? ., ? . ? ' ?? ?? ? t al .1. 4;0.4 ?? M4k 4 C,.?447?ta . 44?04.? I i .1 ?;" kr( 741e tit. t :14.2 i ' ? ? t4 ? ??? t ? 4 delivery of ?a fourth camera: sy- stem:4:A.Since critical glass 1 b Janke 'are ? C1.1 7.-'?3--A.:-. -.,::W-,,.........? --1,-4'..VirltrIV,ttr'PtIttlr,9#11?.;47- - grlt-=:!7-,7-72.74 . 4r1 on hand -and ? the,correctors:are well....alongyinimanufaeturitigfin..-eight ..i. , . - - ? y,?..,-rscr.....m.,.... . e.t..t. . ,..-.... i --,,.., ? :Xi,. . .. ' - :4;i4 Os. sily 4 ? e? ? ???:1. . .; 114- ' 't 4: ? 424t," .-'1?11, ? ;fr.: ''??? ? 4':-fr,?....-t? ? ?? ^was" .t1 ?;??, g te. ? . . e ? ; c?,, , I Lind a .half Month Cycle is indicated. This means that the, tittle has - ? just passed passed for an early December delivery. An order must be given by mid-April for delivery in this calendar year. 15 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15 : CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 1 a quartz were made and one was annealed at 6500F after every third cycle while WINDOW STATUS REPORT Three 14 x 20 vacuum window assemblies constructed during this period. Of these, the fiist two were plate glass units built for the purpose of check- ing Mount fit, assembly procedures, etc. The first of these units, complete with mount is shown in Figure 4. The third unit built is a non-optical window I using coated quartz and plate glass. It appears to be leak tight, although resealing of the tube to block and bellows to foil joints was required. This window will be used for outgassing tests at resent and possible thermal tests ? ? . in the future. .*TwO tight 7 x 10 windows were recently built as indicated in the last progress report. After cycling the first of these successfully 12 times, thermal cycling was initiated on the second. After cycling the second unit 14 times, cracks began to develop in the aluminum which was jointed to the quartz. It was felt that this might be a fatigue phenomena associated with strain hardening of the aluminum upon extended thermal cycling. and that periodic annealing might A eliminate this effect. Small test samples of aluminum ultrasonically welded to the other was not. After 35 cycles the sample which had been periodically an- nealed showed no cracking of the aluminum, while the other exhibited both actual and incipient cracking. Consultation with 'was initiated on this .subject. cycle, low stress fatigue, the' life of the metal part varies inversely as the .square of the strain amplitude arid calculated that for the strain to which Our pointed out that in the case of high ? 16 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 WINDOW STATUS REPORT (Cont'd) aluminum is subjected the life should be of the order of several thousand cycles before this type of fatigue could be expected. Further investigations were undertaken and indicated that the cracking, rather than being of a fatigue nature, or due to progressive plastic deformation (high strain, low cycle fatigue) and .characterized by necking, is due to high temperature creep. This is demonstrated-, in the photomicrographs showing metallurgical cross-sections of the aluminum. (Fig. 5). Consultation with creep of. high purity aluminum alloys has been initiated. ? who has done extensive work in ?-? ? - ? .4 STAT . r* An improved design for a non-vacuum window, based on eliminating helium from the gap, has been reported previously. Further analytical investigations and redeSign indicate that it is feasible to convert a vacuum window configura- tion. into such a non-vacuum unit by substitution of a pressure regulation system An place of the vac-ion pump and valve, and some spacer changes. This gives the possibility of converting a leaky vacuum window into such a configuration. A model of this concept has been made and is now being prepared for environmental tests. ??? 18 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5 GENERAL 1. Manpower The number of personnel employed on the project has remained essen- tially constant. The notable changes are that the drafting effort has reduced sufficiently to release two people. One field engineer was terminated. \ t - There has been an improvement in recruiting personnel for the field. .47,-.-41:4\ ';4.? . . Three persons are in training for field activities byworxing on the assembly ? - 4. . ? ? t? 4, - of System 1.8. Two of these are,Perkin-Elmer employees, one of whom has been .- ? , ? . . - tett, , . working ?.( on project for some time. - ? :'41 ? .4 ? ! ., ? '.,f&01,OPP r N".:4-- ? ', t1V, A report covering the composition offield staging and recovery crews is in preparation and will be submitted shortly. Also included in this report ar:e.-"lists of materials required for "Fly Away Kits". 2. Project Control In an effort to control costs better, the entire project is being reestimated on the modified PERT cost basis. This rather considerable activity will be completed in approximately three weeks. 20 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/15: CIA-RDP70600198R000700040001-5