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Approved For Release 2006/04/13 :_ClAiRDP70-00211R000900180001-1 rnotiOti RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM SURVEY REPORT OF THE RECORDS INTEGRATION STAFF AND WESTERN HEMISPHERE DIVISION PREPARED BY: Records Management a Distribution Branch General Services Office Central Intelligence Agency Approved For Release 2006/044.:4A-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 Security information FC RFT Approved For Release 20,06t04.jS 4 AIRTR-00211R000900180001-1 TO : Chief, FI DATP: 21 July 1953 FROM : Chief, General Services Office SUBJ7CT: Records Survey of Records Integration Staff and Western Hemisphere Division 1. There is forwarded herewith ten (10) copies of the Records Survey conducted by a survey team consisting of \Chief, Records Management and Distribution Branch, and Thief, Records Services Division, General Services Office. 2. As you are aware, this survey was conducted with some restrictions as to the examination of certain types of communica- tions and review of actual file material. It is not believed, however, that these restrictions have in any way deterred the over-all concept of the survey with respect to an adequate records program for the DD/P. Our recommendations are sincere and objective. The savings are estimates only and may increase or decrease as exporience indicates in accomplishing each installa- tion, should the recommendations be adopted. Qualified representa- tives of the General Services Office will be available to discuss the findings and recommendations with you or your staff at your convenience. 30 To assist you in an evaluation of the findings and recommen- dations of the survey, it is recommended that you forward copies of the survey to each area division and staff activity under DPI? for review and comment. I believe that the results would be beneficial in connection with the-evaluation of the survey itself and also of valuable assistance in determining the future direc- tion of the records program and the requirements of the various DD/P activities. 4. I want to express my persr-nal gratitude for the splendid cooperation which you and the personnel of the Western Hemisphere Division gave in assisting us in the completion of this survey. SECRErt.., security informatIon 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 Security Information 70-00211R000900180001-1 RECORDS MANAGETENT SURVEY OF RECORDS INTEGRATION STAFF AND THE WESTERN FEHISPIERE DIVISIONs, FOREIGN INTELLIGEITE Prepared by Records Management and Distribution Branch General Services Office July 1953 Approved For Release 2006/041SECET RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 ? Security Information Approved For Release 2006/04 ?.3-rtIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 (27:1:Orm:.14 TABLE OF CONTENTS M1-2 SUMMARY ii SECTION I ? AUTHORITY FOR THE SURVEY AND THE OBJECTIVES OF THE SURVEY 1 SECTION II ? SECTION III SECTION FUNCTIONS, PROCEDURES, ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL 2 ?FINDINGS AND RECOHTEITMTIONS 28 Location of Records 28 Subject Classification of Reports 37 Consolidation Does Not fdequately meet Reference Requirements of Operations 41 Operational and Administrative Records Are Not Maintained Under Uniform riling System There is No Official File Station in The Western Hemisphere Division 46 Pouchgs of Field Documents Are Not Delivered Promptly 49 The Records of The Office of Strategic Services 51 Summary Memoranda Preparation 53 Mechanical Methods 1.,pedite File References 54 Application And Use of Punched Card Methods 55 44 Records Management Program For Deputy Director (Plans) 56 Use of Punched Card Methods by RI 61 Proposed Flow of Field Reports and Communi? cations From Field Stations to Headquarters Offices 62 Records Accumulations 63 IV ? IMP.I4412,17TATION OF RIrOMENDATIONS 66 ? .e. Approved For Release 2006/04/13(:-CIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 SECRET. Security I nforrnatio4 ,-;1111,111RY The common demoninator of a Records Management Prorrnm is the standardization of methods and nrocedur,'s. Basic to the success of a records prerrnm is the ora'anizational crncept required for the efficient manarement of r'c-rds. To he truly successful in carryinr out the prorram a "blueprint" for it mus'-, he nrPpared in advance in order to avoid dirressinr in the ratahliahment of useless and inefficient procedures and records. or many years, the trrrd has been toward the centralization of records because it was felt that the establishment and observance of standards and actual accomplishment of the disposition of inactive records could best He realized hy this means. Rowever, results have now proved that this concept had many shortcominra which ultimately defected rather than served an efficient prorrpm. These included duplication of central records by operatinr offices, incorrect and clasajffcation of file hy filinr nerspnrel forecastinr pro 'able reference use, incrnVenient location of files for daily 'is', serious delays in procesaing ncominr and outroinr material, delays in reapordirr to reou-s' for reference material, inability of the crnt:al facility to euickly locate and obtain reference material for users In other activities, failure of oneratinr office to return files within a reasonable time, the removal of Pertinent papers from the files, -,nd many other problems too numerous to mention. Because of these factors the theory of centralized files has deteriorated and now the trend is in the direction of decentralized processinr and filinr with centralized control on a staff basis. The staff standardizes the systems and procedures, and directs, supervises, and surveys compliance with the prescribed standards. Tn addition, rapid rrowth and increase in volume (lol increase from 1P50 to 10;.2 ir RT) will always lend to the Aecentmlized method of eparatIon. The facts found in this survey, and the careful consideration of the problem has led us to the same conclusion, and decentralized filPs with centralized control servos as the foundation of the recommendations nf this report. TT. VITDTp-IS The imoortance er,1 value of the Central Index has, apparently, over the past few years led to the expans'or of PT and the addition of functions to that Staff from time to time as individual nrrhlema arose. Undoubtedly, the planninr of certain control and other centraliaed functions temporarily solved the problem when the orrarization was email, compact, and when to say the least it was difficult to conceive of the volume- and scone of DP/P oneratiens, and therefore difficult to anticinate, comprehend and foresee the complexity of the eventual records problem. Briefly, the findinrs of the survey team were: P, 7nreasonable delay in delivering incoming pouch material to area divisions. (Fee Pare )10.) ii Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : OSEGBET0-00211R000900180001-1 1 riforrnatiorr Approved For Release 2006?1411 3,f .p ) 791:(1211R000900180001-1 B. The processing of incoming and outgoing documents by RT is ignored by area divisions and the filing preclassification of documents is not followed by area divisions. (See Pape 37, paragraph a.) C. That the reference service of RI is inadequate and cannot be made adequate under the present system. (See Pages 38 and 39.) D. That there is a lack of uniformity within DD/P of procedures for indexing, filing, and maintaining of records, and therefore "prop" rc,cords of miscellaneous varieties have been established. (See Pape 37, paragraph a. and Pape 41.) E. That consolidation in RI of information on a given personality or subject matter is delayed for long periods thereby necessitating unreasonable delays in collectinp data for reference purposes. (See Ppge )4l.) F. That the records personnel and activity is centralized in RT, although a substantial portion of the records are in and the same is probably true in other area divisions and staffs. ?G. That there is no apparent effort to control the creation of records. N. That there is no standard nor procedure for the disposition of records. I. That reference material withdrawn from RI is frequently retained by the operating divisions for extended periods. J. That OSS records have been withdrawn from RI and no concerted effort is being made to recall or maintain them. K. That there are needless delays in preparing summary memoranda in reply to requests for name check information. L. Briefly it may be said that the present record keeping methods will eventually lead to an unmanageable problem with definite limitations on the use and therefore value of accumulated records. ITT. RECOIMENDATTONS In order to establish and operate a successful records management program within the DDIP area it is recommended that the following action be taken: A. Abolish the existing RI Staff. R. Establish a Records Services Staff (6 employees) under the CA/DD/P to prescribe and maintain uniform systems within DD/P in Washington and in the field, for.tbe..creation., maintenance and disposition of rocords; to study existinmk"prep" ??recoilds., and standardize on the most useful and effective types; to determine those records which can be better maintained by the use of electric accounting machine technique; to select, train and assign records personnel to area divisions and staffs under DD/P as well as field stations; and to conduct periodic records surveys; and to lii Approved For Release 2006/044ERESDP7p-00211R000900180001-1 becun n ormatiott Approved For Release 2006/04P1"3 So, 70-00211R000900180001-1 0 0 security informatioff supervise the following activities: 10 the employees) to maintain central index facility, consistlnr of: (a) An alphabetical index file of personalities and sub,iect matter on 5xP inch cerds, containing summaries of Field Re7)orts. (b) A file of all. Field -Reports main+-ined In numer'cal sequonce by field station. (c) A complete set of disseminated reports filed numerica7ly by dissemirntion number, and cross referenced to Field Reports. 25X1 20 -tribute 1. (Note: An administrative rerulation should he established files may not he removed from this facility, in order refrence material is cr'nstantly available.) that that employees) to to nick up 25X1 25X1 regulations and notices to TTP/P activities, employees) end 4ellver ma'l bet7sen 7taff rr d4vision r-ristries (file stat'on). L. employees) to perform 25X1 duties control of code in connection witn tne anmi_ristratTon arr. designations in CTA, inc7udinr pseudonyms, aliases, cryptcnyms, and special indicators. C. 'stablish regirtrirs (file stations) for each staff and area df vi sion under PTV?, Area division registries (approximately 25X1 for each of the other r area divisions) will: 1. Control and Process incoming and outgoing couches. 2. laintain the following files: (a) A signed copy of each pouch manifest. (h) A cony of operational reports nnd records. (c) 7ield R,=ports riled numerically by field station. (d) Viministrntive records. (e) Cable file (f) A cr file on 5xP cards containing information summarised from Field Reports. (g) Ton Secret and indicator documents file. I. Prepare duplicate conies of r' cards (See paragraph C-2-(f) above.) for the Central Index Section, iv Approved For Release0248 0 -RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 Informaff ?Approved For Release 200 A-RK70-00211 R000900180001-1 L Prepare repays to recuests fo'r1176Prinfermation. 5. '4aintain Trital Materials Program. Dispose of inactive matmrial to the CIA Records Center, 7. Internal distribution of Po That subject to survey of the,remilirement- staff reristries (file stations) SS and PDP/Adm3n. for PM, PT PriT T 9 9 9 mail. of staff activities, thrt he established 25X1 - total) 25X1 rnlo es each) .mployees to: 1. 7aintain such films as are required to be maintained to be later determined by survey and study. 2. To act as liaison to the 25X1 3. To mairtain the 7ital 'Thterials. 4. To '15stribute mail internally. 5, T dispose of inactive files to the cTA Records Center. Fo Transfer the responsibility for maintaininr the OSS Archival material to the Records Manarement and Distribution Branch, Records Services ivision, Preneral Services Office, F. Investirate the possible use of a secure teleautorraph or teletype circuit for rardd and seoare transmission between the proposed rPristries and the Oo The above recommendations represent justifiable duplication as the utilization of records is on an area and a rlobal basis. To eliminate one .in favor of the other wculd rive rise to those conditions which exist today. Fowever, according to the concepts recommended all of the actual processing, except duplicate filinr,would be dne in the area division reristris. IV. I'ffPI'TATTP7 PF PI7CP""rImATIPrF. If the above recommendations are adopted, it is recommended that: A. A trial installation be made in 77T Division, Bo That after completion of (A) above, installation be made in a staff activity. Co That thereafter a schedule be established for installation in divisions and staffs. D. Personnel of P.SP will assist in each installation as renuired. tECREI Approved For Release 20960111*liaill0,8-00211R000900180001-1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 4: .3 Sprfirity V. r5TT)T!'TrD SAITTrnS 0-00211R000900180001-1 It is .estimated that the following personnel will he renrired to implement the recommendations made herein: VITT Division Other Preo Divisions - Total staff Activit4es Records Services Staff Total Present RT Ceiling Required. for this plan Difference The above represents a savinr of noritionsl or a total of c29,1(10. It must he emphasized that these savings are estimates only, and are subject to review and audit after the installation has been completed. Other savings will he realized threugh avoiding the purchase of equinment and :an hours saved under the proposed new system. T-Towever, all savings can he only accurately determined after the installation is complete. positions positions positiens vi Approved For Release 20864 AFEEZR-00211R000900180001-1 C T 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release,266?II SC I IA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 C(EL 'security information SECTION I- AUTHORITY FOR THE SURVEY AI D THE OBEGTIVES OF THE ss.avEy 1. Authority At a meetinfr on 0 September 1952 conducted lointl DD/P and Chiefs General Services Offices it was mutual_y a-re that a team of General Services personnel would examine present DD/P Registry procedures aild make recormendations as ap Topriate efficiency and service. A subse- Chiefs Foreign Intelligences gnment to include similar examination for the improvement 25X1 quent agreement with broadened the scope o in the activities of the 7ebtern Hemisphere Division. 2. Wectiveg. The Records Ilanagement survey team from the General Serv- ices Office VEB generally guided by the origins.) authority as stated above. However s with the addition of the 7festern Hemisphere Division to the surveys there was a broadening of objectives to include the evaluation of other records management techniques. This included an examination into the use and location of records and records facilities and to some extents a preliminary evsluation of records created and collected by the Pectern Hemisphere Division. As a consequence the primary objective was concerned with the oversl] records management program. 3. Adtivities. The activities of the survey team included the folluain7: a. Review of Records IntemratTon Staff procedures; b. Review of 7ED mail and records procedures; c. Review of selected documents maintained in the '?1 file room; d. Review of selected documents maintained in MID; e. The takinfr of an inventory of the records accumulation in 17TID (an inventory of TED records maintained 'An RI was furnished the survey team by the Chiefs RI); f. Conferences and discussions with Division and RI personnel ----- MOREY security information Approved For Release 209_6/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 1. Approved ForRelease200a,g c L-1-RDP70-00211fi000900180001-1 security Information SECTION II - FUNCTIONS, PROCEDURES; ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNR, l. Records Integration Staff Functions a. Provide facilities for the centralized processing, collation, integration, maintenance, and operational servicing of all reports, correspondence, communications and information pro- duced or received by the DD/P offices. b. Reeeive and dispatch all reports, correspondence, communications (except those transmitted electrically), and information, as well,as other types of materials for the offices under the DD/P. c. Receive and dispatch all incoming and outgoing pouch mail for entire CIA. d. Establish and operate required analytical and processin7 nro- cedures. e. Develop and maintain CIA cryptic reference system. f. Maintain the DD/P Top Secret accounting system. g. Maintain and operate a central registry. h. Prepare summary memorandum replies to name check requests re- ceived from other CIA office and government agencies. i. Administer the CIA vital documents and records management pro- grams vithin the Dp/P organization. J. Train headquarters and field personnel in RI records techniques and procedures. Organization and Personnel There follows on Page5 a chart shoving the organizational structure, the distribution of personnel by sectIons, and the classification grades. Procedures The general procedures for processing documents throughout the various organizational units of the Records and Integration Staff are shown on the flow charts on Pages - 6-11 ? == ? ? - ?? ,. ? ? .v tiET Approved For RelwaR96Wiria%RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 Approved For Release 2006/04113 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 fVp SEC HET _curi; ,ty informanon Procednres pertinent to oach or7anizationa1 vnit cy_r J_ are shoun uit% statement of the functIons of t7-3 respective or7anization to yhich they pertain, beginnin on Taee 4. Personnel umber of Positions, Office of Chief i; ;;:? ?3? ? Approved Fitr Release 6gaiNIA-RDP70-00211 R000900180001-1 rfty informstinn Approved ForRelease2006/04/,: RIT0-00211R000900180001-1 'Security Information 2. Cryptic Reference Functions a. Administer and control the initial issuance of all code desig- nations in CIA. b. Develop pseudonyms, aliases, cryptonyms? digraphs, and special indicators used by agents and staff personnel for the divisions and staff offices of CIA. c. Assign pseudonyms, aliases, non-sensitive cryptonyms and special indicators to CIA offices. d. Maintain central cryptic reference records. e. Coordinate non-sensitive cryptic reference files in other offices and?oreign divisions with those of RI. f. Coordinate all symbols used by DD/P staffs and divisions for correspondence numbering and recording systems. g. Enforce all CIA and DD/P cryptic reference regulations and report infractions to proper authorities. Procedures a. The cryptic reference file consists of approximately 35,000 cards and is maintained in the following manner: 1. Blue cards indicating real names of individuals, organiz- ations, and projects. 2. White cards indicating aliases, pseudonyms or cryptonyms. 3. Salmon card when true identity is not known in IC only alias, cryptonym or pseudonym is known). b. Cards of identity are not maintained on highly sensitive or covert operations, agents and contacts. In such cases, the cards of iden- tity are maintained in the interested foreign division. For the purpose of controlling these exceptions, thel Staff assigns digraphs to the various operational segments. The digraphs must always become a prefix to the code word used by the division. ce This card file is also maintained by the Signal Center. It is under- stood that this file is complete in all detail. Personnel Approved For Rele Number of Positions, rw-,--WWW4W-41-!-CLA-9111:7 0211R000900180001-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R0 SECRET SECURI f Y INF ORM A f ION NEG DOCUMENTS RECORDS IT R I ON STAF F A FLOW CHART OF INCOMING -1 oo I. INDICATOR AND OTHER SENSITIVE OPERATIONAL PAPERS 2. HEADQUARTERS COMMUNICATIONS -SPECIFICALLY ADDRESSED ? MS Int fan MI In 111/ MMMMM In In an NM CHART 25X1 AI\CALYSIS CLASSOCAT \ ON 001.0111\s?,,, AND CODING SECRE7 ORMATION SECURIT INF or Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 Approved For Release 3. 2006/04/94ENE0-00211R000900180001-1 Seturity Information 25X1 Functions a. Keep a record of the distribution of all documents for circulation in the DD/P complex. b. Receive and initially route material. 25X1 c. Dispatch material. d. Provide messenger service. Procedures a. With few exceptions (Top Secret and specifically addressed communi- cations) this section opens, indicates initial routing, prepares cover sheets and assigns serial numbers to I Imaterisi for circulation and action in the DD/P complex. Logs are main- tained for the serialization of documents and reflect the source of the material, i.e. documents received from the Department of State are assigned serial numbers preceded by the symbol DST; those from the Federal Bureau of Investigation are assigned the symbol DFB, etc. 25X1 b. The record of the distribution of all material, pouch, 25X1 is exercised through the use of the seventh copy of Form 35-31, Abstract File Slip. The classification code and field symbol is placed on this form by instruction from the I In 25X1 addition, the initial designation is indicated on the body of the form and is filed alphabetically by field station or source symbol, numerically thereunder. If additional routing is determined neces- sary by the various geographical and functional divisions, it is so indicated and returned to the for con, 25X1 trol purposes and to be dispatched to the additional indicated re- cipients. BY consulting this file of control cards, it is possible to locate any document in circulation after its receipt in RI and prior to its delivery in the file room. When the material is re- turned for filings the control card is destroyed. c. Domestic material leaving the office is handled by this section. Courier receipts are prepared by the office originating the material; the Iis responsible for its safe delivery to the CIA courier for delivery to the appropriate agency. The material is checked for attachments, security considerations, etc. Personnel Numbers of Positions, SENO' Approved For Release 2006/0?F1ilribibi9AVAN1 I R000900180001-1 -12- 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/9/% TO-09211RD00900180001-1 Srturity InformatIon 14. Functions Thes responsible for the receipt and dis- patch of all pouch material between Ladquarters and the field. Procedures Receipt a, The pouch is opened upon receipt and its contents checked against an accompanying manifest. If all items listed are accounted for, a copy of the manifest is signed, dated and returned to the field station. A second copy is maintained in this section and the third copy is attached to the material covered and sent to the Section. 25X1 25X1 b. Top Secret documents, indicator material, Kapok and other material for special handling is removed from the pouch prior to trans- mittal to the L. ITon Secret documents are delivered unopened to thel Kapok and other specials 25X1 are delivered without normal processing to the addressee. Dispatch a. In carrying out this function, two logs are maintained: (1) con- secutively assigned serial numbers for identifying individual items in a pouch, and (2) consecutively assigned serial numbers for identifying pouches. Divisions are assigned serial numbers for iden- tifying specific documents as required and as needed. Control is exercised by this section. b. In addition to the mechanical preparation of material for dispatch, some editing is performed. This process generally involves the assurance that security requirements have been properly adhereil to and that the number of copies and attachments are as specified. c. The requirement that pouch manifests be signed and returned is strictly enforced. In the event that a signed manifest is not re- turned promptly, the interested division is notified of the apparent delay and follow-up action is taken. Personnel Number of Positions, Approved FOr-Release 2 /056 . .WIRDP70-00211R000900180001-1ornlation t0 a rn 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/134Etr1;0-09211W:100900180001A SRcurity InformatIon 5. Functions This section provides for centralized review and initial processing of all reports, correspondence, communications and information produced or received by the DD/P organization. Pkocedures a. Except for material that is labeled for special handling, docu- ments are completely processed prior to delivery to action desks, which action provides for the preclassification of incoming ma- terial. b. The classification plan is basically geographic-numerical in that all subject matter is segregated by geographic areas and that numbers are used to represent subject matter categories within the various areas. Also, names of individuals may be the subject of reports and other documents. In this event, a number is used to represent the subject rather than the direct use of the name. c. The case book furnished each analyst is divided in the following manner: 1. A list of world countries with their numerical repre- sentatives, which constitutes the primary category for coding documents. 2. A list of eight broad categories with their numerical representatives, which constitutes the second- ary category. 3. A listing of files in use that fall into any one of the eight categories listed in (2) and rules for opening new files in these breakdowns; their numerical representatives constitute the tertiary category and are referred to as case files. 4. Finally-, documents placed in a file are given a serial number, which number is used in servicing operations. d. Using the procedure described above a document processed in RI would be coded in the following manner: SECRET * . Security Information Approved For Release 2006/04/13-:00A-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 :Sit 70-00211R000900180001-1 Security Information e. In coding documents preparatory to their placement in the files, the analyst studies the document to determine its subject natter content and further determines the most appropriate case files in which the document should be placed. Codes are placed on the docu- ments in accordance with this determination. Following this pro- cess, the various finding aids are indicated through the use of colored pencils and generally constitute cross-references and in- dex cards that are filed in the Master Index. Pertinent descrip- tive detail of documents is also marked and is used in preparing the Abstract File Slips (Form 35-31). f. The placement of papers in the personality (201) files involves the assignment of a nomber for each such dossier prepared. For this purpose, the analyst maintains a list or log of numbers pre- viously used and each new dossier receives the next consecutive number. An index card is placed in the Master Index for reference purposes. g. Cover sheets are prepared in this section. On this paper is placed the routing, the title of the document and its code. h. In carrying out the classification function, the analysts are assigned to specific geographical divisions and process only ma- terial specific to that division. Analysts are constantly in con-. tact with their area desks and, without this guidance, the classi- fication and indexing of documents would be extremely difficet. Personnel Number of Positions, ?.4W SECRET Approved For Release 2efste4ita ildit-BIDOGID-00211R000900180001-1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 70-00211R000900180001-1 Security Information 6. Functions. Serialization completes the technical phase of preclassification and is performed in this section. This section receives in and out documents from thel and assigns symbols and serial numbers to docu- ments. Receives and processes copies of disseminations and keeps a numer- ical log of them. Procedures a. The file of Abstract File Slips, Form 35-31, is maintained here and is used to determine the number of items previously serial- ized. When a document is processed, the next unused number is assigned. b. Two files of Abstract File Slips are maintained. One is arranged alphabetically by source symbol and numerically thereunder; the other is arranged by RI code. Personnel Number of Positions, -16- Approved For Release 2006/04/43SEGRUP70-00211R000900180001-1 Security Information 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04y VAM70-00211R000900180001-1 SeeUrity information 7. Functions This section is responsible for preparing all finding aids indicated by- the analysts. Procedures a. Typists are or7anized on a geographical division basis for the performance of this task. b. The Abstract File Slip, Form 35-31, is prepared here and is dis- tributed as follows: 1. The first and second copies are sent to the Numbering Section. 2. Four copies are attached to the document when forwarded to the area divisions. 3. The seventh copy is sent to the c. Cross-references and name index cards are also prepared in this section. Cross-references are sent to the file room; name index cards are sent to the and the documents are sent to the appropriate division with Form 35-31 attached. Personnel Number of Positions, -17- Approved For Release 2006/096SEGRETP70-00211R000900180001-1 Searity Information 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13),C% V00211R000900180001-1 Security Information Functions ing 8. It is the function of this section to maintain and service the follow- types of documents physically located in RI: a. Subject Matter Files (Country) - This file generally consists of correspondence, field reports, CS reports spd related and support- ing documents. It is arranged in accordance with the basic geo- graphic-numeric-serialization plan it use in RI. b. International Files (200 Series) - This material is the same as the above except that it is international in scope and is used to maintain papers in this category that are not specific to any one country. c. 201 Files - This file consists of field reports, CSDB reports, re- lated and supporting documents which pertain to personalities in which the office has some particular interest, and retired agent files. The material is filed in individual dossiers which are consecutively numbered. d. General (100 Series) - This file consists of correspondence and re- lated papers dealing with, or originating in the United States. Procedures a. General Handling of Material - When record material is received in the file room, it is checked to assure that it is completely proc- essed. If further processing has been indicated by operations, the material is forwarded to the appropriate section in RI. Ma- terial ready for filing is placed in a pending file. This activity organizes the material in numerical order and facilitates placement. b. Servicing RI Documents - To request and obtain a document from RI files, it is necessary to know the file number of the document re- quested. It may be obtained by the following methods: 1. Searching the Abstract File Cards maintained in the Number- ing Section. 25X1 2. Searching the Master Index to obtain the key to person- 25X1 alities and subject files. 3. Searching the cards maintained in the Sectien if the material is still in circulation. c. Charge-Out System - This system involves the use of the legal size - SECRET Security Information Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CMRDP70-00211R000900180001-1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 -00211R000900180001-1 SPcurity Information card of pasteboard stock equipped with a small pocket. In this pocket is inserted a duplicate copy of a charge-out form. This combination replaces the document removed from the files. The original copy of the charge-out form is filed at the charge desk. Both are cleared upon the return of a document. Personnel Number of Positions, -19- Approved For Release 2006/093 SECIE170-00211R000900180001-1 Sefurity Information 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/1yME T0-00211R000900180001-1 SOarity Information 9. Functions It is the function of this section to reprocess documents, and in such a manner that more adequately meets the needs of operating officials, i.e. change the classification from a subject category to a personality (201) category. Requests for such actions are generally initiated by the foreign divisions and is performed after action has been taken on documents and are ready for filing or have been filed. Procedures a. Any change or alteration in classification involves the re-doing or modifying of the tasks performed by the 1 25X1 Specifically, a change in the classification of a document involves the following: 25X1 1. Actually changing the code of each page of the document on which it was placed in the first instance. 2. Replace or modify the two Abstract File Slips held in the land prepare a new Abstract File Slip (201). 3. Change all name index cards placed in the Master Index. 4. Change all cross-references and other finding aids. b. Reprocessing involves two specific categories: 1. Retired Agent Files - This material was originally classi- fied as "operational" and appropriately coded in this category. The entire category is processed on a restricted basis in RI because of its sensitive nature. As sensitive projects and/or agents become inactive or less sensitive, the documents are forwarded to RI by the foreign division for complete processing. 2. Consolidation of Material and References on Personalities that are of Particular Interest to the Office - This action involves searching the Master Index to determine all refer- ences, withdraw the referenced documents and reprocess them. In some oases, entire documents are placed in the newly prepared dossier. In other cases, duplicate copies are made. In still other cases, the pertinent information is extracted or simple reference made to a document. Personnel Number of Positions, Approved For Release 2006/04413 ? T0-00211R000900180001-1 zectro n (=anon 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13),CIROREIF00211R000900180001-1 Set urity Information 10. Functiong It is the function of this section to maintain and service ti-!e Master Name Index. It is also responsible for preparing replies to requests for name check information. Procedures 25X1 a. The Master Index consists of 3 x 5 cards arranged alphabetically by subject, individual, and organization. This index provides reference to record material processed by RI. Cards are /12:11y , 25X1 25X1 prepared by the instructions from the upon Section or by the typists in the struction from those ipan - analysts. b. The preparation of correspondence is an auxiliary operation to the primary function of RI. Requests for information an personalities originate in the Inspection and Security Office/CIA, Department of State, Department of the Army, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of the Navy, and other Federal departments. The oper- ation involves searching the Master Index for references, the re- moval of the referenced documents from the files, and the prepar- ation of memoranda giving the pertinent information contained in the documents. Generally, only derogatory information is requested and furnished; the Office of Inspection and Security, however, re- quests and is furnished complete biographical information. Memor- anda prepared are reviewed by foreign divisions which involves minor editing and to guard against the inclusion of sensitive in- formation and sources. Personnel Number of Positions, .''SECRET geeurity Informatio-n Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/9A 0:8W0-00211R000900180001-1 Security Information 11. Functions This section is responsible for processing and maintaining Top Secret documents for the DD/P. Procedures a. Material is logged and handled in conformance with CIA security regulations. b. The analysis, numbering, and filing of documents is performed in essentially the same manner as they are performed in those respec- tive sections. c. Name index cards are prepared and filed in the Master Index. d. Abstract File Slips are prepared and filed in the and cross-reference forms are prepared and placed in the appropri- ate file indicating that the material is held by the Section. Personnel Number of Positions, SECRET .picurity information . , -22- Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13)'-00211RD00900180001-1 Security Information 12. ftnetions It is the responsibility of this section to maintain and service record material in its custody. Generally, this material was created or collected by the Office of Strategic Services and consists of some of the records of the business offices of that predecessor agency, some field station files and, to a lesser extent, some substantive records. Procedures a. The material is catalogued, serialized and name index cards pre? pared upon receipt. The principle user of this material is the lof RI in the performance of the name cheek function. b. There is an estimated 5,000 Cu. ft. (16,500 Archives boxes) of records currently maintained by the section. Personnel Number of Positions, SECRET Seturity Information Approved For Release 2006/04/13'%A-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13_A T-00211R000900180001-1 Security Information 15. Functions It is the responsibility of this section to reduce to film all paper records which come under the criteria of the CIA Vital Documents and Records Management Program. Procedures It is the responsibility of the various segments of the Clandestine Services to determine records and materials that are vital t thpir nnArRti the actual processing of the material is accomplished by the lns; Vital materials are generally received from division riles, promptly processed, and then returned to the appropriate division. Personnel Number of Positions, ,-- WET Security. Information Approved ForRelease 2006/04/13 : GIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 40?11 41. ?24r 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13:74-EDRE100211R000900180001-1 Seturity Information 16. Functions This section is responsible for the initial and supplemental distri? bution of all DD/P and CIA regulations, notices and other issuances within Clandestine Services. The Publications Control Officer, DD/P?Admin. furnishes a check list to this section for the distribution of all published material. Personnel Number of Positions,' .; IBEEF searity Information Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 ?25? Approved For Release 2006/04/13 e1 T0211R000900180001-1 Security Information 17. Western Hemisphere Division Functions a. This division is responsible for administering the foreign intelli- gence function in the Western Hemisphere of the world. Placed at strategic points in the area are field stations continuously ex- ploiting covert sources for information of an economic, political, military and scientific nature andiersonalities associated with these subjects. This information is transmitted to headquarters in field reports, These reports are rewritten at the division level and disseminated to other segments of the CIA and to other agencies of the Federal Government. b. The information contained in these reports that pertains to person- alities is of extreme value to the division and other segments of Clandestine Services in carrying out their functional activities. It is used extensively for evaluating personnel that have potential or real value in the collection effort; it is used extensively in planning and mounting operations; and it is used in counter-espionage activities. In addition, it is used to prepare summary memoranda in reply to requests for name checks from other segments of CIA and other Federal krencies. c. Because it is necessary to employ people to collect this information, to put it in the hands of appropriate users and to safeguard it; because it is necessary to furnish these people with facilities, supplies and working space and because these people have to be com- pensated for their services, there is created as a result of this collection effort, different types of papers. These papers gener- ally may be classified as administrative in character. They are specific to the Western Hemisphere Division and are of little or no value to other segments of Clandestine Services. d. Another type of paper record is created as a result of this collect- ion effort that is generally referred to as being operational in character. The line of demarcation between these papers and adminis- trative papers isnot clear out. They do, however, reflect the plans, actions and results of the collection effort and CE and PP activities in addition to documenting the activities of individual agents and/Or projects. Their use in carrying out current oper- ations is almost totally confined to the Western Hemisphere Divis- ion; there is only a minor degree of use of some of these papers by other divisions and staff offices. -26- Approved For Release 2000048ECKAFDP70-00211R000900180001-1 Senrity Information Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : C 'Security Information -00211R000900180001-1 at ion The organization of the division consists of four operating branches which correspond to various geogr2phical areas in the Western Hemisphere, and an administration and logistics staff. Procedures a. Aside from the mail room, there is no organized records facility in the division. The mail operation consiTts of two people with facilities for handlinc "in and out" communications. The Ibstract File Slips constitute a log of incoming pouch documents. The pouch manifest is used as a loc of outgoing documents. In addition, there are maintained locs of "in and out" cables, Top Secret and other classified material. b. In the absence of formal instructions and guidance, record keeping practices do not folio:- a completely uniform pattern in the various branches of the division. The general procedures are shown in charts on Pages 6-11 . Operational case files (Pr, FT, agents and/or projects), Field Reports files and Pisseminated Reports files are maintained at the appropriate area desk. Oper- ational subjects files (policy matters, project reviews, country plans, etc.) are usually maintained by the Branch Chief's secre- tary. Support records are maintained in the Administrative Office. c. Records keeping and index preparation is an incidental function in the division. It is jointly performed by the case officers, secretaries and clerical personnel as time permits. Personnel The total authorized strength is field) SECRET Security bit EnntjA Approved For Release 2006/04/13: LAA?-Kuviun-00211R000900180001-1 -27- 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 'MET security Information SECTIOE UI- FEDIMS AIDMOYEIMATIOM FIDDIOG wo. 1 - LOCATIOM OF RECOEDS The centra1i.5ation of all records., regardless of the practical needs of offices that use thea4, has led to duplicate records keepiliv and incom= plete files. a? Duplicate Record Eeepimg - The suL.vey teen established an esti- mated records holding in the NM of 26 linear feet of adminia- trativa9 operational, and reports files ? The Chief, 11,1? r4or"c,e1 that there ues in his custody 153?82 linear feet of the sarde types of MBID records. b. Incomplete Files -nen copies of the same papers are maintained at more than one location, there is created a competitive force that demands exclusiTa possessioao These demands may be legiti- mate or manufactured? natever the reasons it results in inccm plots fileso Thera is submitted on Pages 31thz-zog 35 the descrip- tive content of an administrative case file that uas handed to the survey team by an emluffee in the RI file room as being typical of such files maintained in RI. This file contains 99 letters of transmittal and 52 cover sheets ubich constitutes over 50 of the papers in the foldol.. The rex,sx1n1.71 material appa2rs to possess only ephemeral value? It is so devoid of information that DO reasonable action could be taken by consulting it? Page36 shLT:s the contents of an operational case filo (agent or projcst) main- tained inITED0 It also shoos the incompleteness of the same file in PI. These papers uere not actually observed in RI., but the ab- sence of their code is indication that the papers uere net processed by RI rd therefore not Fvirtained in the central facilitgo These tuo cases, cleary shot,- the incompleteness of same PI files. TG take action based upon complete background material, it uould be necessary to consult division files. On the other hand, there uas no evidence of incompleteness in the reports files. The TJED maintains a complete sat of their field _ reports and disseminated reports? Current methods and procedures Tmuld preclude the uithholding of this information from 21 files? Comment a. The follouing quotation uas taken froa the textbook " cook& Km= agement and Filing Operations 2 by Margaret Z. Odell, Research Analyst? indexing and Frnng ilethods ystems Division of Remington Pand9 Inc? and arl Po Strcmg, Professor of Ilanagement and Director9 Business Nagement Service of the College of CORTAZYCe and Business Administration of the University of Illinoisg uTo allay ooze of Approved For For Release? ' 11,1 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000900180001-1 i$Vority 41fonwflop Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : - -00211R000900180001-1 urity Information the confusion that generally accompanies an explanation and description of centralised and decentralised files v it should bo noted that origiailly decentralized-kilider departmental control uera generally used. Later, centralized files become the accepted P1 an. At present the tread is to decentralise files but to central- ize the control under a records administrator and not under depart- ment managers because of - 1. The increased operating costs caused by miting for delivery of records from a central file location. 2. The maintenance in the departments of the most active records or duplicate copies of records sent to tk, records department. 30 The inability of inexperienced records administrators and records department personnel to keep records in= dexed and filed to meet the users needs and the chang- ing operating conditions. Alert organizstions are rapidly recognising the advantages of cen, tralised control over decentralized files and are placing all rec- ords under a records administrator. This plan promises much for the future.' b. Operational Records - These papers are created in carrying out operational activities g the creating division is the primary user of the information contained in themg and the divisionv either by physical possession or proceduxal instructions controls any ad= ditional use of the papers. Operational records are maintained in RI in sealed envelopes and cannot be used uithout the permission of the creating division. Limiting the handling of this sensitive category of records to the Rd/111AM lumber of people most adequately meets security requirements. co Administrative Records - These papers are also specific to the Division creating them. They have little or no value to other foreign divisions by staff offices0 d. rield and Disseminated Reports - The information contained in these reports is used most extensively by the collecting division. &re- everv it is also used extensively by other divisions and senior staff offices in4landestine Services. Recommendations leelv3 and 4. 1. That operational records be maintained only in the division file station as proposed ireiTtecomsnentleetion..Vo. 10 Page -90 Approved For Release 2006/0411 ,7940211R000900180001-1 SeckriVinformation Approved For Release 200610. or -Tap0-00211R000900180001-1 %aunty n m 2. That administrative records be maintained only in the divisicm file station as proposed in Recommendation Bo. 109 page 3. That copies of field and disseidmation reports from all divisions be maintained in the central MVP file station? 40 That copies of field and dissemimatiam reports for the creating division be main ' (-d in the division file statiom as proposed in Recommendation Bo? lO, page 470 To accept the above recculyiendations is simple acceptance of a princi- ple of administrative efficiency that provides for the maintenance of rec- ords at a location that will provide maximum utilizati and seoarity9 end a minimum of duplication. From the viezpoint of the userz of inforrstiom contained in Fl dccuments9 such a situation already exists. To be absolately certain of complete information on operational and administrative activities, division files must be consulted? Complete infomation contained in field and disseminated reports is available from RI files? The above recolwaendations9 then9 merely recognize that which already exists. They eliminate duplication that is of questionable value? Approved For For Release 20 /04/ DP70-00211R000900180001-1 eon y uiiomation LF' Approved For Release 2006/04/13 : CIA-RDP -utreiR000900180001-1 The cont t9in malibered sequence of cocumente maintainea in an admisO.strativo file e2mmq2340d by gaDvay tezmo 1 - CYOSS refeynce 2 - 2 0 3 - ? 4 - FV 5c 0 6= " 0 7 - Transmittal 8 - Cover Sheet cz) 9 - T2antimitta 10 - Tranmittal 11 - Cover Sheet 12 - Transmittal 13 - Second Copy of 12 14 -Maw) - Station to Station 15 - Am ompty 8 10i manila envelope 16 Covor Sheet 17 - Request for a handbook 18 - Second copy of 17 19 - COVOF Sheet 20 - Transmittal 21 - Transmittal 22 - TTansmittel 23 - Transmittal 24 - Transmittal 25 - COVOY Sheet 26 - Copy of Memo - Station to Station 27 - COVOT Sheet 28 - Cover Sheet uith 8 10fr manila folder containing newspaper clippings 29 - Cover Sheet 30 - Transmittal 31 - Second copy of 30 32 - Copy of two line memo - Station to Station 36 - Copy of six line memo - Station to Stc,tiom 37 - Transmittal 38 - Transmittel 39 = Tranemittel 40 - maiAy 8 x 20i manila folder 41 - Transmittal 42 - Tranmittal 43 - Trangittal CoVlOT Sheet 45 -Tzolaaittal. 46 - Cover Peet' 47 - Cover ShBo 48 - Transmittal 49 - Covor sheet ML7 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 RA-RDP70-00211R000900 60001-1 Approved For Release 2006/04/13 ? CIA-RDP70-00211 00000Cr1?0001-1 -2- 50 - Transmittal 51 - Second copy of 50 52 - Transmittal 53 - Transmittal 54