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Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800300024-3 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800300024-3 X1 , ' Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA 2 -RDP70-00211R0 SdentVying Parsoraiiti 13 4 establishmet of a 49 2 rcig- 1,,..trsonalitlev. of cone.,:.'n of' Security, .saa the Gevrt.;;;".", thizt the problels to the isdopt coplpierl az we nay becti(7;., proponv.Z. fr8mew6r7e., :aach office rezul;Is in. contr,J1 2. The( .,!2.4,-(!reT. 1-;;;;.:,':;!. reAl in tenwnL ir(AfGAI4t1012 of urolert. t p(pcp.:36ei, and 7;ayFN .reducinc tilt:. amount of (7-17a-rtT,6Yezt..:..1.g all lavtis to :n a. ances3 ta geiv tr.(FAOT,o. nd investl- gtioa(3. to thg.ts- .Advaatagms but a ccmgcA nolgter" s'p.?tegi. :::XX*OrAWnryT'IrtL 4. 1 rrse?ycur constructim: oT this *Lan or the 1;,,,nplio,(el.a. altorays solutions. 3. I-Ja (?-,,tae...0 to 72ove uould appreciate your attendance at. _mmetiq,', or? 6 Abvaid1. 1962 ...9-.O'C.; ia roam 3C-24. gurpcse of thiG meetir.4 mill be to &lever ventions cua assure cagmon taderstsndin6 of the many itrotacmg Ticitter, caftnsnts or CurranCes wauld. be appropriate AtteAchlamV; Staff Stulj Distribttion. 4 CS - ADPS RID Ci S't,Cf vpr ,vs-TQW? ( GROUP 1 frog awi,cit Ke t; 1 t:%, t , , e ,.1,,Epii 3 V .-. =t iCM i Approved-For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211R0001300300024=3----------- - ' Approved For Release 2&)5/11/211?,!_ytetRi)P70-00211R000800300024-3 22 October 1962 STAFF STWY SUBJECT; Coon Numbering Systeol for Meet j.;!- ying iersonallties 1. P7,0BLEM: Ois develop a common numbering system for identifying personalities of interest to varioua CIA components. The objective of such a plan being to lessen the time and work involved in the processing and interchange of information on individuals on -whom records may be maintained by more than one office, 2, ASSUMPTIONS: Any such plan must be sufficiently flexible to permit the respective components to solve their internal procedural problems without inter- fering with or compliOating the procedures of other offices using tbe same nuMber in connection with the same individual- ! -2 FACTS BEARING ON TO PROBLEM- ..., . a. The personality nuri3bering system of the ('if ice of Personnel, the Office of Security rio DDP, calo ,wI and .71/D were re,o;ewed in this study. Attac nt A shows the approximate size and general characteristics of the principle records series in which the five different number series are used for ieentification and control. b. There is considerable overlap in the esEignment of the various number- ing series on new cases ranging from four numbers always assigned in OA and POA cases to a'miniimum of too numbers always assigned staff employees. (See Attachment B.) All file offices have :used a six &zit number beginui with 000001 and running to a high of 370,000 for the 201 series of RID (See item 5 of Attachment A). f.3.43-0 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800300024-3 Approved For Release 2,05/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800300024-3 S-.151-C-ReEeT d. In the Offiee of Sec4rity, a eix qigit number has been used on approximately 2800000 secerilerfoldera with an additional 30,000 folders assigned au4xers in special series identified. by two or three letter erefleee? e,e., NB and EZ eerie 0I/CA has all folder's in one series and Rt ha e all 201 folders in one series. Each of these three offieee elle their foldera by number. The Office of Personnel and Division D uee their ember for central only, that is, the case folders are filed alphabetically rather than numer1calay. e. There are a nutber a? otter Agency files on personalitiee Which uze numbers for control or :i.dentification, but which have not yet been considered in this review e.g., Medical Office, OTR, COI, OCR/BR files, etc. The relevancy of the approach proporeed hereto their collections will tt--%4e to'TJ',,T! explored in due course. 4. DISCUSSION; a. All requests for name checks preceeding a clearance reqpeet go to either the Office of Security Index or the RID Main Index In every ease 0/S assigns a number, but RID easigns a number only if the criteria for opening a 201 are mt. It vould anpear that undee a, common numbering syetem, a nutter could be azeigned by either of these two offices (41 simply picked up and used by the ether offices as the ease comes tO their attention. Aminor exception are area division name check cases on which 201's are not opened but which arc., sent to Division D for cheek; a seprArnte control nuMher series would be needed for these b. The Office of Perao4nel does not assign the permanent employee meeker .until the employee CDs. At this point a n4mber has been aeeived by Office of Security and could be picked up for use as the personnel number. Similarly, OTR and Medical Office could use this number. e. Office of Security is assigning numbers at the rate of ,7,0 oer month, and. RID at the rate of 2,250 per month. Approximately 600 per mane, of the RID assigmsents are duplicated. by the Office of Security at the time of initial proeessieg. If we eliminate the duplication and combinc the two for a total of 3,350 per month, the total assignsents for the next ten years will require only 402,000 number's. This would, permit Approved For Release 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP70-00211R000800300024-3 1 Approved For Release 2005/11/21-PCYARDPV0-00211R000800300024-3 both offices to continue to use a six digit nutber but from e different block in the series, i.e. assign 330,000 to 699,999 to RID and 700,000 to 899,999 to Office of Security, (fourteen and fifteen years supply respectively). The use of prefixes would be a matter of internal procednral requirements. For example, the number 709065 on an RID index card would indicate Security hae a file on the subject. ,If a 201 file is also necessary, the prefix 201 could be added to reflect that both offices have a file. 5. CONCLUSIONS: a. A common numbering system is feasible for the five offices reviewed, b. A six digit series woOld take care, of ell assignments anticipated for the next ten years but tens ion to seven digit offers no particular prdbleme in the event that assignment activity is greatly accelerated by unforseen circumsteuces. a. A meal' block of numbers must be reserved for FT/D cases on which no security or 201 number is assigned. No mass re-numbering is necessary in any of the offices of concern but some re-numbering and cross referencing to old withers will be necessary as new interest occurs on old eaaee esteUiehed by 0/5, Cl/OL, and Flip, 6. RECOMMENDAMOV6: I a. Adopt a common numbering system using a sin digit series and assigning blocks of numbers frma the series as shown below: DDP/RID (for 201's) 330,000 - 699,999, Office of Security 700,000 - 899,999' DDP/FI/D : 900,000 - 999,999 IMF/Cl/F-1 : . None Office of I0,0rsonael Noae Attachment C outlines the manner in which the above five offices would handle the processing problems which cross office lines. 3 Approved For Release 2005/117M-6176R1W70-00211 R000800300024-3 r. Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800300024-3 CHARACTERISTICS AND VOLUME OF NUMMED RECORDS 0 PER O'SEC CI 0& RID DIV D , Folders - maintained alphabetically 16000 20,000 -.maintained numerically 310,000 69,250 260,000 Alphabetical Indices none i,600000 192.4000 7,50000Q0* 300,000 Numerical Indices none none 101,450.,, v. 110,000 Numberof digits in BUmber Series 06 06 06 06 06 Highest number Assigned 090;000 280,000 101,450 333,000 110,000 hine Listings none none 4* none in addition to the Main Index, RID/201 maintains the following indices in which the 201 number is a factor; a. Alphabetical In 450,000 U. Alphabetical Index by Crypt 30,000 c. Numerical Indez by Crypt 30,000 d. Numerical Index by True Name 30,000 '74The Office of Personnel runs both alphabetical and numerical listings occasionally RID runs 201 listings by area of interest and a registry or log from' which new numbers are ,,signed. ATPACFP5E1T A 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800300024-3 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800300024-3 Approved For Release 2d)05/11,41e4lAapP70-00211R000800300024-3 Int* Office rrecesS.Tis rroblea: If the prefixes to numbers uecd by the verieus offieeu aee eegerded, the numbers in all five officee eueliaate each other to the higheet number assigaed by each. It Ile not conteeplated that ale office meD, renuMber their reeord series but thee aeresa referenecesystee will be used Outlined below is, the sugeeoted hnealeg of numherinee tsrobley,L3e ehlch cross Office lines of responelblity, OTFIOE OF PERSONNEL: 1. AsellemeLeLeeze nr emhrs - Discontinue the preeeat series ead es:35,ga the nunber used by Off ie of Seaueity in emcver to the requeet for clearance. (The permanent yeezonnel neefoer is assigned at EOD and therefore after the Security nuebsr le eaeilished.) 2. Prasent-y assigned austers - Contleue to uss Any fuether numerical of employees would thee ercomeass the full rease of aumbere frau 000001 to 899,999 but eoeld heve many empe. In the Office of Personnel, only the nuMeers above 100,000 would be the same as tbe Office of Security's nUaber. OFFICE OF SECURITY In proceeping a new reteuest, there. exe mine (9) posaibilitiee with respect to the cheice of nuebere for ereeeealne, The handling of the possibilities would be a.s ranee's: 1 No previously ass number; assige a new Security nester. 2. New Security number in elle; we the erletleg Security' member for n11 procesping. 3, Old Security number in Mee ese the enisting Security number foe ell processing. e Old 201 nmMber; use the: 201 nuebee ineludine the 201 prefix. nee all nine (9) digits on the folder and laden card. pile the folder under the full nine (9) digits (or azelga new- Security number 3W5 eross reference the old 201 nu-hor 5. New 201 number; we thie nember for oll eeocessIng. ATTACBEENT O Approved For Release 2005/1Mb9ALR9P70-00211R000800300024-3 Approved For Release 2 05/1Mc9NR9P70-00211 R000800300024-3 6. New Security nuober end old 201 member; we the SeeUrity emmLer for processing but crOss reference the 201, nupieer on the iudex card and in the folder. 7. Nee Security number and new 201 eu:neer; ese the Security numbee fer processing but crops reference the 201 unWeer on the index mrd. and in the folder 8. Old Security number and old 201 runbere; use the Security number for proceseing but cross reference the 201 number on the index, card end in the folder. . Olt Security nueber iJ new 201 aever; use the Security nuMber for processing but cre*s reference tke 201 euaber on the index card. and in the folder. Cl/OA: 1. Discontinue the "C" nuMber system and. use 201 nunber as previously proposed. Wire In proeessing no requeets, the heudlimg of the various numbering poesibilities is es follows: I. No number previouelereesigned; mezign a rev cumber, 2. New 201 nunber in filel; use the e:zieting 201 number for all process 3. Old 201 number in, file; use the eelotieg 201 nember for all peoceeeire. 4. New Security number iU file; use this uumber for further provezeine. 5. Old. Securityenunber in file; mesien a new 201 nember for further processing. Cross reference the Security neater in the foldee cud forward a notice of crees reference to Office of Seuerity. 6. Old Security and neg 201 number in file; use the 201 number for farther processing. Cross referocee the index card the folder; notify Office of Security of the cross reference. Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211R000800300024-3 Approved For Release 205/11/v4%13pFiffo-oo211 R000800300024-3 7. Old Security and old 001 nuMber f.n file; further processing. Cross reference the folder; notify Office of Security of the 8. New Security and new 201 num'eer in file; further processing, Cross reference the folder; notify Office of Security of the 9. New Security and old 001 number in file; further processing. Cross reference the folder; notify Office: of Security of the DIVISION D: In processing new r* este for green list possibilities with respectte nreber eesienmen follows: use the 201 number for index card and the cross referenc use the 201 number 4 index card and the cross referencing. use the 201 number for index card and the cross referenc sae checks, the vzri woulit be handled ea 1. 201 or Security nubs r on evest - Use this number for further processing including the use of the number in the numerical index. 2. 201 or Security number o a number and cross r' uest and Lt. betieal Index revesLs - Process 'leder greenlist all euMbers on the alphabetical index cards. 3. No 201 or Securitnuser on Assign a numbe 900,000 to 999,999 series and process. frogs the 3 Approved For Release 2005/11132,E14M-REN070-00211R000800300024-3