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May 24, 1966
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Approved For Release 2005/07/25 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500250021-5 Facts Relating to the Central Intelligence Agency Records Administration Program for use in Submitting a Nomination to the Administrative Managemnt Society for the Second Annual Federal Paperwork Management Award Biographic Sketch of Nominee. To be developed by the Office of Personnel. 2. Descri. tion of Ace lishment The Central Intelligence Agency's responsibility under the National Security Act of 1947 and the Central Intelligence Act of 1949 requires the performance of functions which affect the National Defense and the Security of our country and the effectiveness of our overall Foreign Intelligence system. These responsibilities require the collection of large volumes of records from sources throughout the World covering a great diversity of subjects in science, technology, history, the art, politics, economics, Communications and administration. The management of CIA records under such extensive, complex, and varied circumstances requires unique, un- usual and sometimes unorthodox systems and procedures. In most instances, standards, guides and precedents applicable to normal government operat- ions cannot be used to manage CIA records. Despite these unique and unusual circumstances an effective program for the management of the CIA records has been developed and operated successfully for 15 years. This program consists of an active inter- grated system providing for paperwork management controls, It uses the recognized elements of Forms Management, Reports Management, Corre- spondence Management, Filing Equipment Management, Records Disposition Man Bement, Vital Records Management, Archives and Records Center Management, and Mail Management. In addition, special techniques have been developed to cope with the unusual operating requirements of the Agency to provide the bas. for data and information systems essential to the collection and development of intelligence information for the President. A particularly significant accomplishment is the development and use of a Vital. Records Program to guarantee the current selection, protection and availability of essential records in the event of loss from natural disaster or enemy action. This program provides for the availability of intelligence information to the President, the National Security Council and the entire intelligence community. Approved For Release 2005/07/25 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500250021-5 Approved For Release 2005/07/25 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500250021-5 Accoolishments The activities of CIA effect not only on the internal operations of the Agency but the entire intelligence community. The CIA paperwork management system, therefore, affects and has an impact on the Agencies of the USIB Comity. The CIA has taken the leadership in the USIB Community in the area of records retention and disposal. It developed standards for all agencies in the Community to prevent the accumulation of large volumes of intelligence collections. Prior to the development of this system, there were no standards and large volwnns of intelligence materials were piling up in all agencies of the USIB Community. 4. Results Tangible benefits derived from the CIA Records Administration Program during the past 15 years consist of monetary savings of 15 million, seven hundred thousand, seven hundred sixty-five dollars realized from the use of paperwork techniques such as Forms Management, Filing Systems and Equipment retirement and disposal of records and improvements in operating procedures and systems. Tangible and intangible savings derived from the development of standards applicable throughout the Intelligence Community consist of; a. $l+G8,i78 realized by CIA through disposal of intelligence publications collected from other members of the t3SIB Community. b. 3,040 cubic feet of reference library holdings and analysts files eliminated by DIA. c. Development of realistic records retention standards on material received from other USIB members by the Department of the Air Force. d. Substantial reduction by AEC in the accumulated volume of intelligence materials received by them from CIA. Intangible benefits consist of: a. The use of a standard Agency filing system which provides a uniform method of terminating, retiring and preserving records of permanent value. b. The general improvement of operating efficiency through procedural improvements c. A meaningful Vital Records Program geared to the specific needs of the Agency and the Intelligence Community. CIA plaza to continue its effective records administration program and based on the previous experience it is estimated that savings of $1/2 Million can be anticipated annually. Approved For Release 2005/07/25 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500250021-5 RAS Co DUPLICATE Iv ue dv iol: Rre 6e 8/0 00250021-5 UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 2 7D-10. Headquarters 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE X INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks Attache is factual material relative to the Agency Records Administration Program to be used in submitting a nomination to the Administrative Management Society for the Second Annual Federal Paperwork Management Award. This data was prepared at the request of the Executive Officer to the DDS and in accordance with the guide lines sent to me by of the Office of Personnel. I will be glad to provide any additional information you may need. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, D ESS AND PHONE NO. DATE I UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL S RE Use previous ed n ( 282 FORM NO. 237 2-61 MENT PRINTING OFFICE; 1961 0-587282 Approved For Release 2005/07/25 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500250021-5 STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT Approved For Release 2005/07/25 : ClA-RDP70-00211 R000500250021-5 Distribution: Orig & 2 - addressee Attachments?' 1 - Records Administration Program, 1965 (booklet) 1 - Cumulative Tangible Savings, FY 1955-1965 1 - USIB -CODIB-D-75 dtd 30 Jan 1961, Subj: Disposition of Inactive Intelligence Reference Collection. 1 - Memo to Chairman, Committee on Documentation, USIB, dtd 1 Nov '65; subject: Effectiveness of CODIB-D-75, dtd 30 Jan 165 Approved For Release 2005/07/25 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500250021-5