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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
October 20, 2005
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Publication Date: 
February 9, 1966
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PDF icon CIA-RDP70-00211R000500200064-3.pdf159.74 KB
Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500200064-3 CIA ARCHIVES & RECORDS CENTER 9 February 1966 dub, t rvized gyrating o and - - -- _ . r F T _r ._ 7 x f PFO Vy 1968 - FT 1972," dtd. 1 Feb. 1966 Th& Archives and Records Canter receives., protects, and miies available the inactive records from all Agency tents and other 't IB Agencies. At the end of n 1965 ore were 82.,859 cubic feat of records in the Center. This volume is equivalent to 10,358 four-drawer legal size safes, with a replacement value of more than tour million dollars. To put the cost at the unit level, it costs $1.78 to store and service one cubic foot of records (2003 pieces of paper) in the Center. To store and service the same volume of t t l Operating Budg*t PT 1967 and Preliminary Estimates for 1968 - 1972 1 years 19b and 1965 the Archives and I3ecorda Gen- e coo in Agency office space costs #59.1.5 per cab hival Service and Arrangements. A try-prouuct of tha c3 th x arratngtlt r t of the Agency's permanent records is the identification and elimination or In addition to the regular Archives and nta;r operation described above, the A&RC is the - tort' for the Vital Operating Records of CIA and other FiFYVFiW1 Nlq~'ir lw,-- - - as the volume of recor has grown, the Archives and Records tenter, through continuing work simplifications work measure- and - ment Improvement programs, has been able to without an increase in T/O. 2. Attached is a detailed operating budget for the Archives and Records Center for fT 1967. In addition to the items on the attached, three work orders (copies attach- ad were submitted to the Engineers Division for esti- meting and exclusion in the PY 1967 Budget . Two of these Itsiss (the ventilation for rest rooms and "dumb waiter") have quested in past years and are still needed not only operational standpoint, but also for health and moral ve that the third item (temperature and Humidity I 25X1 ?5X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500200064-3 Approved For Release 2005/11/214IA-RDP70-00211 R000500200064-3 On is very uuaat. records of the 2 Center does not l through fl 1972 at this t.$.= a taking pla that will r+ a d and thereby free s 1 a to air areas. it in ould 044 in- Year 4 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500200064-3