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Records Management 1-4-3 Reports Approved For Release 22WYjT1fP70-00211 R000500100006-8 Two Vital Records Workshops were presented to: Deputy Divisions Chiefs and Staff Chiefs, office of Research and Reports. Records xagement Seminar at National Archives Service, OSA. Attended by 30 people representing goverr enl and industry. 1. C l ed 6 new and 10 revised forms. Two "Response Evaluations its" were revised for Co Guidance Staff, DDX. These forms will. provide participants in the Travel Folder Program with latest response to their require- and elicit evaluation, and will give guidance to collectors field. Revised the "Supply Action Request" for Supply Division, OL. Used by technical offices to establish new stock its and/or changes which affect the item. . Reactivated "Target Installation Data" form for DD/P. This AL RECORDS Kuv ACTP7ITIES YOR mom 1964 been a controversial form for the past 3 years. We had been printing ill supplies as needed but could not get any one office to assume the authority for the form until nay. ed 8 and 8 revised forms. used in all snail field stations. This is in the test stage now, igned an "Outgoing Message" form for Office of Commications to t meets all requirements 3 message forms now in the system will. Revised a form for Central Processing Branch, OP to include the financial arrangements for TDD personnel. Previously the form served only PCS personnel. Approved For Release 20Q U j 1. -RDP70-00211 R Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500100006-8 CONLIDENTIM., egging 4 form to get this infor realigning the information only Ili. SRI Dora ON stone on the OCR Schedule and Office of Fi /1 I to 3. car reference. It was pointed out these re- hle in OCR and in ate Department. revisions to their schedule withdrawn a request to retire certain State ;tart the OSA/ice" schedule and rest 5. Met with tr. L. R. Euston, General Counsel, to discuss taki ception to laws . o . records disposition in respect to Cover Staff ease files. Suggested we find disposal authority opinion - files not per anemt, but depending on He asreed Watitozaal Archives should be in on the ex- Then amt with representative of National Archives. stir of this activity exists it ad be for retaining saawles. existing disposal jobs or draft a request for taking ex- iewed and e edule. MANAGEMENZ $6,069. 21ADP70-002118000500100006-8 Approved For Release 20~lJkF1OENTIAL ;s for the key punching information for the 2$X1 Approved For Release 20 ffi LP70-00211 R000500100006-8 rde are now being studied with V. FOM woMHOP 11 consist primarily of those item that are 1 for a Records Officer to know in order ive Fors Progr in his component. Gathering has begun. 10 ?0/a approved a request for a secure area for Main Staff , and , branch$ ORB. This resulted in returning to stock two 4- and three 2-drawer safes. Substitution of non-safe type equipwnt will result in approximately ,500.00 savings ill permit 20% additional filing space with no increase in approval of a request for a secure area for Special gismo", OCR. Our inspection of this area revealed a filing e? quip nt savings of $72,F620.. a savings of mu-boors per day (elimination of time Involved opening and timing 155 safes),, and a savings of over 300 square feet of floor space. of surplus shelving for the Insurance Branch r new area in Ida building. This resulted in a ^vinga on equipment and at the same time provided the the mush needed filing space. Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500100006-8 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2005/'1 f: - L L-00211 R000500100006-8 25X1 en on 1,k39 cubic feet as opposed to only 1,212 cubic for the month of 227 cubic feet. This was due to disposition chives and Records Center had a decrease in the to site 971 reference its furnished to various requestors. ire significant requests filled were; is totaling 978 Intelligence documents were to the 1a-tia .l Security Agency. igence doc scents forwarded to the Agency. igenee reports forwarded to a foreign Foreign Doc ent Division reports fo War College. 3. There were 40 visitors fix= 13 headquarters offices. In addition 30 members of the ftvmg nt Training class were given a briefing and tour of the Center. 25X1 4. I lattended the arch neeti or the Interagency Records Administration Conference. Representative Arnold Olsen of Montana was the guest speaker. His subject was "The Federal Paperwork Jungle". IBC. MUM LII ! 25X1 A significant volume of Agency m%terials, v en transferred to trman Win, Assistant Archivist foi Psidential Libraries for inclusion in, the Kennedy YAmori&l Library. Included in the 1 terials were 626 Foreign feast Imo` tfssts Reports.. Copies of several WNS eches sade by W. Dull" lognetic tape recording of the remarks ident Kenner when visited the Agency criers on 1961. All of these materials vere selected. T ices and by the agency General Counsel, Mr. Houston. Additionl records have been identified for transfer but are not available nor; some must be microfilmed before transfer. Approved For Release 200 ffiffift P.70-00211 R000500100006-8 Approved For Release 2f/21fIP70-00211 R000500100006-8 XENUM MPARY (cow` recording of interviews with Mr. NeCone and General Carter . Houston, General Counsel, is asking arrangements for the his advised Attorney General Kennedy and Assistant Secretary 4. of State Fredrick G. Dutton about this. I n accordance w i t h the r e q u e s t f r o m Y x. Kahn I obtained cc pilations of Executive orders and Statutes pertaining to CIA fix= the General Counsel and sent them to the Truman and Eisezthover Libraries. bob training in Records Administration was given to Mrs. f the staff attended the off: to at6n Parke Hotel. Although the exhibit the new 1 }/ThItl, by mudbers of this staff. usr'ters at Catonsville, Maryland. tvieited the Social Security & bees of the staff and various Records Officers attended the monthly Inter Agency Records Administration Conference at National Archives. Representative Arnold Olsen of )nta spoke on "The Federal Paperwork dale r " size it did contain many items of interest to the Records field. Chief, Records Administration Staff 14 APR 1964 DDS/RAO/FMB is (10 April '64) Distribution: 0rig - addressee 1 - Circulated to Members of Records Administration Staff 1 Ap v9A or Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500100006-8 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500100006-8 TRANSMITTAL SLIP 1 DATE 1A April i9 TO Exec. Off. to the DD/B ROOM NO. BUILDING -2)+ I Headquarters REMARKS: Vernon: In accordance with your suggestion, o next report viii be- for the %xarter end 30 June 1964. This report contains several eignific items such as (a) Savings of approximately $2,000 . in filing equipment. (b) The records eliminated at the Recor Center exceeded those received by 227 . Significant Agency docents have (c) been transferred the Assistant Archi~r for Presidential. Libraries for inclusion in the Xenne4y Memorial Library. FRO Chief, Records a ration Staff RO Nk. 1016 16th St. . t FORM NO 24 I REPLACES FORM 36--8 GPO: 1957-0-439445 (47) WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000500100006-8