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Approved For Release 2 9 5 / 1 / 2 A- 2- AGENCY REGULATIONS RECORDS "ldm ACaEM JT AND DISTRIBUTI01 BRAN GENERAL POLICIES FUNCTIONS & RESPONSIBILITIES PROCEDURES Page 00330039 1. GENERAL This regulation prescribes policies and procedures for the economical and efficient management of Agency records. It provides criteria for operating the Agency Records Manage- ment Program in accordance with the Federal Records Act of 1950 (Public Law 754) and applicable Federal Statutes and regulations, and general policies of the Agency. 2. POLICIES a. There is established in the Agency a comprehensive Records Management Program embodying tested policies and procedures pertaining to: z 4 su plies? o n3 sure ~Tia records are maintained economi-) callyl an efficiently d. Records of continuing value shall be preserved. Records which are no longer of current use shall be promptly transferred to the Agency Records Center, microfilmed,sor destroyed. e. Inventories shall be made and maintained currently of all files and filing equipment. Approved For Release 2005/11/3970-00211 R000300330039-9 indexing s stems an he use of filing ecuibnent and-_---_. ii handling and routing records classification and The creation of records; The maintenance and use of records; The vital materials of the Agency; and The preservation and disposition of selected records. b. Records management controls over the are ation of Agency records shall be instituted to insure that important policies and decisions are adequately recorded; that routine operational paper work is kept to a minimum and that the accumulating of unnecessary files is prevented. e. ,purveys and analyses shall be made of such matters as 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/1 / : CIA- 2DP70-00211 R000300330039-9 f. No records shall he alienated or destroyed except in accordance with the Records Disposal Act (Stat. 380-383; 59 Stat. 434) and these regulations. The United States Criminal Code attaches severe penalties to the will ful and unlawful destruction, damage or alien- ation of any Federal records. Sections 234 and 235 of title 18 of the United States Code which relate to this read as follows: 234. Destroying public records. "Whoever shall willfully and unlawfully conceal, remove, mutilate, obliterate, or destroy, or attempt to conceal, remove, mutilate, obliter- ate, or destroy, or, with intent to conceal, remove, muti- late, obliterate, destroy, or steal, shall take and carry away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined not more than $2,000, or imprisoned not more than three years or both." 235. Destroying records by officer in charge. "1hoever, having the custody of any record, proceeding, map, book, ddcument, paper, or other thing specified in section 234 of this title, shall wiif~fully and unlawfully conceal, remove, mutilate, obliterate, falsify, or destroy any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, parer, or thing, shall be fined not more than $2,000, or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall moreover forfeit his office and be forever afterward disqualified from holding any office under the Government of the United States," g. Vital materials shall be identified and moved to a reposit- ory for safe keeping. h. Disposal lists of all file series shall be developed to pro- vide for thdir systematic retirement. i. Standardized filing systems, filing equipment, filing supplies and filing procedures shall be provided. Int -&ffice instructions or regulations may be developed in more deta 1 to meet specific situations but must conform to the systems and olicies outlined in. this regulation and related j6ndbool{~. Approved For Release 2005/11/21-CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300330039-9 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R00000330039-9 r ` I // i n ,1 tor? S 3. DEFINITIONS rot, vrPo5eS pf phis lei viatfoh -f ii'i' oIPO-Ul~ d a~~~ a. Records include all books, papers, maps, photographs, films, recordings or other documentary material, regardless of physical form or characteristic, made or received by any pottion of the Agency in pursuance of Federal law or in connect- ion with the transaction of public business and preserved or appropriated for preservation by the Agency or its legitimate successor as eividence of the organization, functions, policies, personnel, decisions, procedures, financial or legal trans- actions, operations, or other activities, or because of the informational value of data contained therein. b. Non-record material=includes'library and museum material made or acquired and preserved solely for reference or exhibition purposes,=extra copies of documents preserved only for on- venience of reference, and stocks of publications and processed documents3a dafinita.on of c. Vital materials are those specific items in the possession of the Agency which are essential to the Agency on a continuing basis and which, in the event of destruction, would constitute a serious or irreplaceable loss. d. Forms are printed or reproduced documents with blank spaces provided for inserting specific information. Form letters are printed or reproduced letters to furnish information for repeated mailings or one mailing to numerous destinations. Form letters with or without blank spaces, except for actual intelligence information produced therein, are considered forms . ice* 'I n f+ --x?`"1. e. Reports/ are all requirements for written reports, one time or recurring, established to .provide administrative or management. control of operations. /f5 PArc j u di n 9 o par,? f, on a l rep o mern otarrda., /e/~er s, can d drspa fGles & f. Correspondence includes all icati~n.sent to or received by a person in the Agency in the execution of his official duties,, wt+b mimed by -vapid-metims-{-d:;e: , to , FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES a. Chief. Gener?~l Serviced Office. It is the responsibility of the Chief General Services Office to develop, install, and coordinate the Agency-_"'wide Records Management Program, and tot exercise Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300330039-9 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300330039-9 (7) 2'tL Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300330039-9 /7 Approve-d-For _Release2005/i1121_: CIA-RDR7D--00214R000300330D39-9 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300330039-9 technical cognizance for its continued operation, including: (1) L- Provide , handbooks, regulations and other forms of written guides pertaining to the grogram. (2) Conduct training programs for Agency personnel and provide ,forms of personal technical assistance and guidance. j (3)' Administer records management functions in those offices not required to designate Area Records Officers. (4)v Designate an Agency Records Officer to serve as the Agency Archivist. (5)1, Act as Agency liaison to the National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, on all matters pertaining to records. (6)t Prepare reports and statistics on Agency records activities. (7) Act as Agency liaison to Federal Agencies with respect to the transfer of records. (8)~ Exercise technical cognizance over Forms Management and Standardization, Correspondence Management, and Reports Management, to insure that only essential records are created and that such records are of the type which will enable the Agency to carry out efficiently its assigned mission. (9)'- Conduct periodic records management surveys. (10) Assume ultimate responsibility for designating material as nor( -record. (1l)--Effect standardization of filing equipment and filing supplies. (12)sStandardize filing systems and develop an,. Agency file manual. ('13)-Advise and assist Area Records Officers on matters per- tainin to vit l g a materials, and coordinate the Vital Materials Program ,,# on an operating basis by preparing and furnishing schedules, and completing arrangements for the transfer of vital materials to the Repository. r (14)--Develop standards pertaining to the microfilming of Agency records and evaluate and approve microfilming projects. (15)~Coordinate and exercise technical cognizance over the dis- position of records througput the Agency, including the Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300330039-9 4 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300330039-9 development and issuance of guides for preparation of records control schedules, and instructions for the disposition of records. I' (16) Authorize the ultimate disposition of records. (17)t-Operate an Agency Records Center to provide: storage for nonce current, semi~~active and archival material; and the storage and supplemental distribution of extra copies of Agency publications and issuances. b. Assistant Directors and Office Chiefs. It is the responsibility of these officials to establish within their areas a Records Management Program as defined in this regulation, and to appoint Area Records Officers for the program's administration. A full- time Area Records Officer will not be required for the follow- ing offices in which the responsibilities of an Area Records Officer will be performed by k Records Analysfr the staff of the General Services Office: c. Area Records Officers. Under the administrative direction of a senior officer of a major organizational area/ of the Agency, and the technical direction of the General Services Office) Area Records Officers are responsible for the installation and administration of a Records Management Program for assigned organizational areas, and will: (1) Devise and install detailed work methods and systems con= forming with established agency guides and standards)to provide an efficient Records Management Program within the area to which assigned. (2) Schedule, plan, and conduct periodic records surveys in order to establish appropriate retention, retirement, and disposal schedules. (3) (4) Expedite the retirement of inactive or semiactie records to the CIA Records Center. Plan and conduct studies designed to determine the feasi- bility of microfilming permanent records. (5) Maintain master inventories of accumulated records reflect- ing their type, location, volume, and arrangement. (6) In collaboration with the responsible division chiefs, designate records considered to be vital materials and arrange for processing and transfer to the Repository. d For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300330039-9 S- Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300330039-9 (7) Submit specified reports on the status of the Records Management Program to the Records Management and Distri- bution Branch. (8) Act as area liaison to the Records Management and Dist- rebution Branch on all matters pertaining to records. (9) Train area clerical personnel in the methods, techniques and practices associated with records management. 5. PROCEDURES: -Detailed procedures for accomplishing various Records Management Program phases are issued as handbooks covering the following subjects: PS a. Correspondence (use existing Agency manual until super0eded by a handbook) b. Forms (Reg. handbook). is applicable until superteded by a c. Reports " d. Establishment of file stations # e. Classification and Filing f. Mail Control * g. Standardization of Filing Supplies and Equipment h. Vital Materials i. Microphotography y J. Disposition * * To be issued later. Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300330039-9 - 6-