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App 0 gkiid aSTR I CT 0' CONFIDENTIAL 5EUKti p~`OV~" Ssi ~~i4~F~P4~~02~~~03003000 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP INITIALS DATE I 2 3 5 OM INITIAL -DATE FR 1 2 C=APPROVAL =afN--FORMATION [-I SIGNATURE ENACTION DIRECT REPLY Ek!! RETURN OMMENT ~-~ PREPARATION-OF REPLY DISPATCH OCONCURRENCE C~ RECOMMENDATION FILE REMARKS: ARMY review(s) completed. ?XPS~o c4r Rel~lpv 9M/15 :~~gE1 I$A~4??30Qt~e" SEPm1947 30-4 Approved For Release 2006/03/15: CIA-RDp Q amOm2FdN (IF nNy) PISPOSITION FORM FX NO* AGAOI 3$2 G1 } SUBJECT: TO: Secs Distribution FROMI TAG DATE: u A 51 CC C;NT N0? 1 1c4O1 T z1Qsod for your infos ation is & copy of letter, G Far East C de AG 3124 $ (21. I 51)DITM, 21 Match 195 1. ' eub t as abovo,, with one incloeure " thereto (noouttent Bogading Bulletin No? 4331,10 Fi 4X6 ME ADJUTANT GFIMRALI., 1 Tl0 As dosc 'ibod abc Offices Chief off' Staff Attn: SW f C==Micatiow Off'" Secretary, Joint Chiefs of Staff ectr,, Central Tntolligonco Agency Assistant, Chief of S ff, G-2 s,. GSUSA CoordinatorG DA Library Chios',, Oopar ontral Records Branch, '.AGO OTC, Ocoupiod Arcas Ropm-be Section, AGO c~ . T P, I I'E ..mAaruedmFcIa~~.,2A06/OSI CFA-~-1 ,..... RESTRICTED 975 linzradinm of Diu xtz Approved For Relea 2006/0 15 E,C RD 40-00211 R000300300032-9 GEMJ,rr IM&DQUARTOR FAR EAST C OTI . M) APO 500 AG 312.1 (21 Mer 51)DRB 21 March 1951 SUBJECT: Ro radii of Diaz utn TO: The Ad ju 't Gonoral Department of they Army Washir ton 25? D4 C, la Tr ansra; ttod ho-rovri th for appropriate action are eopien of Lint of Rogradcd Doet ants daDeribcd boloyra This publication inoludan doovzaoiiwn rogradod at this hoadquartor s and certain docu-- nonats rogradcd by other officoe of origin, 2, This publication is divided iixbo two ptw a Part I in? cludo -doctionts trhoso originator a aro not under who jurisdiction of this hcadquartora a Part 2 inaludc+n doci iionts origin a bcd by bhia hoadqua tors and cc..mcmdn i- ch are or tore under the juric-. diction of t:hia headquarters or any of its former :loci ',rmtions. 3a Distribution of this lint is being ado as i ad Gated on tho distribution list foll,c n cover shoetm A* Request documonto on file in your office he rogradod to nor, caocurity class Uication. c oia A'-S~S:r31`GTIM dnrE i FOR TIM /s/ Ala L. Hof for I Inc1 W. L. HOF List of. Ito radocl Docuaonts 0170 USA (10 copies) (DRf No. 43; Aest Ad j Gen 24 pages) X Approved For ReIe a P70- 11 R000300300032-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 :CIA-RDP70-00211 R&06~0 1-9 A0V;ctN03s GEI ERAL IIEADO UART i .PS SUFR ] ME CCT'2!tA DER FOR T1-11E ALLIED PG:"T ,S A1;D FAPR EAST CCi:I:iA.ND A0 500 LIST OF F EGRADED DCC Ir. E1 'S DC C 1EH'?U REGRLDI IG 113-7LLE IHT NO. 43 T1z ,y clocu}nent cons ai_is info al io?+. iffoctin the natiq al defence of .'she U ited. tbites ,;it1 in? 'tic r,ca rang of the es;.piona.Le 'laws, act 25 Jn 'ie 1948 (Public Law 772-80th Long, s . 18 U,,S.C. 793 and 794; 62 Scat. 633). The transmission or the rovelation of its contents in any ::canner to an unauthorized person is ;prohibitod by law. 1 c.s, e is ,Pr Approved For Release 200 1A=RI .70-00211 R000300300032-9 Approved For Release 2006103/15 CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 DRB -'3 DISTRIBUTIOIT LIST 21 MARCH 1951 10-TAG 2 - DA, Office, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3 2 - AG US';1,F 3 - CG Arnry Field Forces 2 - CG First Army 2 - CG Second Army 2 - CG Third Army 2 - CG Fourth Army 2 - GG Fifth Army 2 - CG Sixth Army 2 iational V ar College, Washington, D.C. ?2 - Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va. 2 - Con-nand & General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kan. 10 - CU, Records A?.uinistration Center, AGO, St. Louis, Mo. 2 - CO, Kansas City. Records Center, AGC, Kansas City, Mo. 2 - The Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 10 - CG, U.S. Army, Pacific 2 - The Air University, Maxwell Field, Ala. 2 - 1503D Air Transport Wing, PACD, PELTS 1 - Army Security Agency, Pacific 1 - Chief, III-MG 14 - CG Japan Lo~,~istical Command 10 - CG EigIhhth Ar y 40 - CG FELF 10 - CG PIIILCOI!I (AF) 5-CG MARB0 5 - CO RYCOTIM 2 - CG Hq & Sv Comd., GHQ FEC 5 - C CT la-'11,V FE 5-CG XCOPPS 5 .. CO 1st Cav Div 5-CG7thInfDiv 5 CG 24th Inf Div 5 CG 25th Inf Div 5 - CO Kobe Base Comd 5 - CO Far East Com-ma.nd Ovorsea Records Conter 2 - CO 304th Signal 0-1,erations Bn. 2 - CO Yokohama Signal Depot 2 - CG Yokohama Cond. 2 - CO Eta Jima School Comd. 2 - CO Sugamo Prison 2 - CO Tokyo Quart orr.aster Depot 2 - CO Yokohama Engineer Depot 2 - CO 3d T Tdilitary Railway Service 2 - CO 10th Chemical Base Dept 2 CO I-Oth 111 Brigade 2 CO 64th Engineer Topographic Bn. 2 - CC 72d Signal Service Bn. 2 - CO 229th Ordnance Base Depot 71 - All Staff Sections, GIIQ, SCAP & FEC CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 DRB +13 PIT-,T I 21 MARCH 1951 File iduuber and Symbol or Description of Document Headquarters ClassificatL Cite I. nber and/or Subject and Date of Origin y Old New The following listed documents have been regraded as indicated by authority down in parenthesis directly beneath the desorintion of each document: 1X-7374O YJX-74672 ',"1X-7 8311 FIX-78399 VdX-81029 VfX-82533 TCSE-OSII. 13 T GS EP -vS Ili 15 TCSEP-G IL. 17 TCSEP-OS Il. 22 TCSEP-OSIA 23 TOS EP-CS I!~ 2C TCSEP-GSII. 46 Radio, dated 6 October 1945 Dl. (l.uth; DA Radio DL.-85642 dated 13 March 1951) Radio, dated 10 October 1945 DIL (Muth: D!L Radio DA-85842 dated 13 l;iarch 1951) Radio, dated 24 October 1945. Dli (Luth: Dl. Radio D.-85642 dated 13 March 1951) Radio, dated 24 October 1945 DID (Muth: Dl. Radio D-85642 dated 13 14arch 1951) Radio, dated 3 ITovember 1945 DIL (l:ixth : D!L Radio DA-85642 dated 13 March 1951) Radio, dated 10 Movomber 1945 Dli (L.u5h: Dlr. Radio DL.-85642 dated 13 March 1951) SEPE 7TY SH Radio,dated 2 February 1951 SEPE IU.SH S C (Muth: SEPE Radio TCSEP G-Il. 190 dated 2S February 1951) Radio, dated 2 February 1951 SEPE ;"JL.SH S C (l.uth: SE:t'E Radio TCSEP OSIL 190 dated 28 February 1951). Radio, dated 3 February 1951 (Muth; SEPE Radio `TCSEP OSII, 190 dated 28 February 1951) Rad-i.o, dated 5 February 1951 (!. ath: SEPE Radio TCSEP OSIA 190 dated 28 February 1951) Radio, dated 5 February 1951 (livuth.; SEPE Radio TCSEP 'OS III 190 dated 28 February-1.951). Radio, dated 5 Febuary 1951 (LLuth; SEPE Radio TCSEP OS IA 190 dated 28 Fobruary..1951), Radio, dated 6 February 1951 (liatli.: SEPE Radio TCSEP OSIA 190 dated 28 February 1951) TS U TS R TS SEPE ':7i.SII S C SEPE ':i13 H S C S'EP VTL.S,II S C SEPE I' 11.SH S C Approved For Release 2006/03/1 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R0003003000.32-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 D D 3 File I:uraber 21 M!RCH 1951 and S~rlbol or Description of Documents Headquarters Classif.cati. Cite ITU:nber and/or , S ub j e ct and Date of Origin __ Old ITevr the "fo ovrl i listed doctnnents have been regraded as indicated by authority s',-own in parenthosi, directly beneath the description of each do cumont : TCSEP-OSI A 79 TCSEP-O10IL..80 TCSEP-OSII, 88 TCSEP-OSIL;. 93 TCSEP-OOSI1,' 128 TCSEP-USIA .130 TCSP-OSIA 144 TCSEP-CIA 145 TCSEP-0111, 152 TCSEP-USIA 153 Radio, ; dated 13 February 1951 SEPE MASH (Huth; SEPE Radio TCSEP OSIA 190 dated 28 February 1951) Radio,,da-bod 13 February 1951 SEPE WASH (Ruth: SEPE Radio TCSEP OSIA 190 dated 28 February 1951) Radio, dated 14 February 1951 SEPE WISH (A:uth: SEPE Radio TCSEP OSIA 190,dated 28 February 1951) Radio, dated 14 February 1951 SEPE WASH (Auth: SEI Radio TCSEP GSIA 190 dated 28 February 1951) y adio,' dated 21 February 1951 SEPE WASH (1'u& ,h; SEPE Radio TCSEP OSIA 190 dated 28 February 1951) Radio,' dated 22 February 1951 SEPE 7113H (Ruth : S E1'E Radio T CS Er' GS IA 190 dated 28 February 1951) R a d .o,'? dated 23 ' February 1951 SEPE?ASH (Muth: SEPE Radio TCSEP' USIA 190 dated 28 February 1951.) Radio, dated 23 February 1951 SEPE VIISII S (Ruth: SEPE Radio TCSEP OSIIL 190 dated 28 February 1951) Radio, . dated 24 February 1951 SEPE 7".10.11 (Ruth; SEPE Radio TCSEP USIA 190 dated 28 February 1951) Radio, dated 25 February 1951 SEPE WLSII (i;utl SEPE Radio i'C`8 0P GS IA 1-90 dated 28 February 1951) Radio, dated 11 January 1951 DL (Ruth DID Radig DLi-84293' dated 26 February 1951) Radio, dated 19 Janucry 1951 DA (Ruth; DI. Radio DLi-84298. dated 26 February 1951) Radio, dated 22 January 1951 DA (Muth; DA Radio DA-8429$ dated 26 February 19-51). 'A? rpved'For Release 200G1011 5; ..CI 4 DFO0 0021IR000300300032-9 Appro.ed For Release 2006/03115 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 ?.;umber Pilo and 31,n.ibol or Description of Document Iloadquarters Classsificati Cite Number ari.d/or S ubj o ct and Date of Origin Old Now The following listed documents have boon regraded as indicated by authority shown in parenthesis directly benoath the description of each documents AG /100-V Ltr, Subj : Construction Natori- SIXTH ARIA Y TS S als for Qporations H-1 and K-2, 31 August 194,1 w/supporting papers. (l,util: ? J - c& FEC Docurlont Rograding Board) AG 560 P-5 Ltr, Subj': Gasoline Barges for SIXTH AR Y TS S Olympic Operation, 20 May 19,15 w/2 Inds. (l.uth : GI;Q, 3 C1?.I' 1': P EC Document Regrading Board) 7.G 505 R-3 L-tr, Subj : Debarking and Un- SIXTH I,RI_'Y TS S loading Operations at Olympic, 24 June ' 19.15 w/2 Inds and supporting ;vapors. (l.uth: GHQ, SCAB F :CC Document Regrading Board) AG 4-00 P-7 Ltr, Subj: Stevedore Gear for SIXTH ART-7f TS S Port Compa~;.ies, 25 Juno 19,15 w/l Ind and 1 Inclosuro. (l:uth: GI:i.Q, SCAB t: FEC Documont Re- grading Board) !AG 400 R-11 Ltr, Subj : Engineer Rocj u.iremonts :SIXTH 11,1Y TS S for V Ariphibi eus 'Corps, 20 Juno 1915 w/2 Inds. (1,uth: GHQ, SOAF & FEC Documont Regrading Board) IAG 400 D-5 Ltr, Subj: Pontoon Structures SIXTH ARMY TS S for 01;nupic, 30 Juno 104.5 w/1 Ind and 1 Inclosure. (Atrth: GIIQ, SCAR & FEC Docuxaor:5 Regrading Board) 1.G 400.312 L-br, Subj: Signal St~p4,l.ies SIXTH ARMY TO 3 Required for O1'rupa C Operation., 11 July 1045 W/2 Inds and 1 Inclosuro. (I.uth: Gil ~!, SCAP c FEC Document Ilograding Board) Ltr, _Subj: l:dd7_tional Require- SIXTH ARI''Y TS wont s for LSV C orloaunica.t i. on SBip Attached to 6th Lrs , 12 July 1945 w,/1 Ind and 1 Inclosvro. (Ruth: G?-Q, S)'C1.1' B i'EC Doctn:zcnt Pograding Board) Lei', ,~ua~ lniti~_ai r~uppty ar 1.'T1j. :Cf~1YTO Fuses, VT T 152, 23 July 1915, w/5 Inds". (l.uth: GJIO, SCAB' L F5C Document Regrading Board) Approved For Release 2006/03/15: CIA-RDP70-00211 8000300300032-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/15: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 PL-'12 I 21 TV RCH 1951 Description of Document iioadquartors Classifi cati a d/ 3 n or ubjooc and Date of Origin Old New filie f`ollcrring listed docuincir's have been regraded as indicated by authority shown in parenthesis directly beneath the description of each docurlent : rr D--,B ~3 File Number and S;,xnbol or Ciao hsnbor AG 600.1 R-3 Ltr, Subj ; Bulk Petroleum SIXTH M1.7 T S 0. Storage ho:;1dling T'acil_ties J.uthorizod to XT 30 by 01 1, 26 July 1915 w/2 Inds. (Loth: GHQ, -?3CII-L (~ FEC Document' l Board) L-G,C.O--S-D_p;I 400 Ltr, Subj : Supplies and DID TS S (23 Oct 46) .Lq; plnent for the C:r_tral Intolligonce Group, 24 October 194E ( Loth; CRD i S AC Ltl ~ BY TLG P. t1 0Bn -6`5? ) Custodi?.ns of documents listed in paragraphs aoovo may refer to the appropri.ato ctltod authorities for tal-ing regrading action as prescribed in paragraph 18a and 18c, id'1 330-5, dated 15 lvovp,.lbor 1949 and Changes T thereto. In. ?connocti.on with ro?;rading of radios, attention is invited to pare. raph 18d, !JR 380-5 dated 15 November 1949 and Changes thereto which provides. that messages previously cryptographod may be clotirngradod to Confide,rtial, tivithout paraph.ra~ se, the subject matter permits. Dawngrading to Restricted or Unelassifyed rill neeossitace paraphrase of the text in accordance .-rith paragraph 41c(4 ), uin.lo;;s t11o original message is marked "Paraphrase not required". This au-''lics also to messages sent in other than Lr 177Y CryptOSysai:7RS. File I?umber and S,_abol or bescril5Lion of Doc ent II Cita c d7uartcrs Classificatic IIL,1ber and/or Subject avid Date of Origin Old Now The following listed dociu:ients are rogradocl c s indicated opposite listing of each document. Custod:i:ans of these documents may refer to this z as aut_].Cri't?r for paling regrading action as pr scribed in paragraShLL ,18a,cl~tlaon 300-5, dated 15 November 1949. and Changes thereto. C1r-65692 Radio, dated 1 October 1946 CINCF% TO ; CX-60728 o, dated .3 February 1927 CII??OFF TO C-5086: Radio, dated 1,1 lbxeh 1947 CIT?CFE TO 3 CX-5l136 radio, dated 24 11arch 1947 CII'MFE O 3 CX-51629 Radio, dated 9 Lpril 1947 F . C Ii.dCFE T S C-51859 Radio dated 16 ril 19 11 1 , .p 1 , C T S CX-q 2 12 Radio.,dated 29 Lpr;_l 1947 CIi?CFU TO - 3 CX-53715 Radio, doted 3 July 1947 CII?CZ TS S CX-544401 1Fadic, dated 29 July 1947 CIL N CFr;' O S Cli-55372 I'..di dated 9 September 19,17 ? CII'?CFI; n TO S Approved For Release 2 ii ~FP70-00211 R000300300032-9 - ? Approvved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300 300032='9 D',-, 'B 3 File Number and 1yrfool or Description of Document Headquarters Classificatic Ci_cc PlLUnber and/or Subject and Data of Origin 011 o-, The following listod documents are regradod as indicated opposite listing of each d.ocumorit. Custodians of those docunonts may refer to this publication as cu hority for taking re trading action as lroscr+_bed in past raph 18a, I. 380-5, dated 15 I J'ovembor 1949 and Changes thoroto. AD I05 Cry.-6 (34' 06 Radio, dated 20 Cctobor 1947 CINC 71 E TS S CX-56634 Radio, dated 12 lovember 19,17 CIPICFE TO S CX-57697 Radio, dated 2 lobruary 1948 IC-E TS S C-57713 Radio, dated 2 February 1948 CIITOND, IS S CX- 590. 6 radio, dated 5 :aarch 1948 CINCFE TS S 2,11 :.die, dated 16 I:aroh 19 "8 CIiTC1'D IS S OX-5J~57 Radio, dated 24 March 1940 CIAO TO S Cf.-60144. RadI.o, datcad 6 May 1948 CIlIC"ARE TO S C-61097 radio, dated 1 Juno 1948 CINC '1 TO S CX-61775 .dio, dated 24 Juno 1548 CIIICTRE TO S CX-62152 Radio, dated 8 July- 1948 CINCFE TO S C-63227 Radio, dated 24 August 1945 CIIICI'L IS S CX?-63721 Radio, dated 13 September 1948 Radio, dated 9 October 194-8 CINCFE CI':;C1'2 TO TS S S G,: ' -di o, dated 11 October 1948 CIITCFL TS S C-641678 Radio, dated 21 October 19,118 CINCF E TO S CX-6 ".876 adio, dated 27 October 19,18 CINC11-.1 E TO S C-6,1963 Radio, dated 30 October 1948 CINCFE TO S C-6 577 Radio, dated October 19'48 CINCFE TO S J,-65097 Radio, datod 1Tov:)mbcr 1948 CINCI'E TS S CX-6.5115 Radio, dated 5 November 1948 CINCFE C?-65157 Radio, dated 6 November 19,18 CIT?CFF'F, TS - S OX-65538 :radio, dated 19 November 19.18 CINCFE TS S CX-6 5591 iladio, dated 21 1Tovoribeii 19,.-8', CIP?C L T" S CX-6772xJ: ?adlo, datod 10 February 1049 CII_;TCFE TS S CX-68216 Rad-i o, dated 3 March 1949 CII?C E TO S C-68251 Radio, dated 4 2-'arch 1949 CINCFE TO S Approved For Release 4 DP70-00211 R000300300032-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 3 Dl,B -jj1~-v File Ntsubor and Oj;,bo1 or Cite iTumbor The following of each docur: ent. P1.RT I I 21 Ma RCH 1951, Description cf Doc,lent Headquarters Classificatic and/or ub je ct and Datlo of Origin. Old . New, listed docuronts are rograd.ed as indicated opposite listing Custodians of these documQnts m,~.y refer to tlii s publication as authority for taking regrading action as prescribed in paragraph 18 , l1~ 300-5, dated 151ovember 1949 and Changes thereto. RLDI OO CX-60336 radio, elated 7 March 1949 CIITCF E TS S CX-68695 Radio, dated 8 1,4arch 1949 CINCFE TO C-60460 Radio, dated 11 March 1940 CIITCFE TS C-51395 1 adio, dated 15 August 19,19 CINOFE TS C?L-52079 Radio, dated 22 August 1949 CI TCFE TS CA-5^090 Radio, dated 22 August 1949 CIITCFE TS C-51567: I.adio, dated 23 August 1040 CIRCFE TS C- K.;-57706 .Radio, dated 13 July 1950 CIHCF'E TS C CX-57893 Radio, dated 15 July 1950 CINC E TS C C1L-59269 :radio, dated 3 August 1950 CINCH E a C4-59295. Rad . o, dated 3 Aur ust 1950 CIFOF E TS C-59836 Radio, dated 11 August 1950 CIITCFE TO OX-60913 Radio, dated 22 .August 1950 CINC.PE TO 3 C>-612 4:3 Radio, dated 26 August 1950 CINCI'E TS C C-61277 Radio, dated 26 August 1950 CINTCFE TO C C?-01358 Radi o, dated 27 August; 1950 CINCH E TO C CX-616 63 Radio, dated _31 August 1950 CINCH E TO O CX-62 022 Radio, doted 3 Ooptombor 1950 CIiTCi E TO S CX-6 2 0 52 hod .?, d..tod 4 OepteYtb?r 1950 CINCFE iS CX-62053 1 ad o, dated 4 ael,l o.tber 1950 CINCFE TO S CX-62092 Radio, dated ^ Soptembor 1950 INC _712'. TS J. OX-C 2,116 dated 4! September 1950 CIIITCFE T3 C CX-02117 Radio, dated 4 Ocptembor 1950 CIITC'E TO S CX-62276 Radio, dated 6 Soptomber 1950 CINCFE TO C -Approved For Release 20 6/03/ : IA-RDP70-00211 R0003003,00032-,9 Approved For Release 2006/03115 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 DZB i:43 File timber and Sr' xnr3al or Doscri.pti.on.of Document Headquarters Clas,eificc~ti. Cite ITUmbor, ailcll~r Subjoct and Date of Origin Old New The following listed docur.'Lents are regraded as indicated opposite listing of cr.,.ch docur:iont. Custodians of those docurseits nay refer to this publication as authority for tall,.-in; rogradir g action as prescribed in parag' aph 18a, III 380-5, dated 15 T.ovomber 1949 and Chan es th.ereto. CX-62.278 Radio, dato.d- 6 Sorte3,lbor 1950 CINCFE TS S CX-62597 Radio, dated 9 September 1950 CINCFE TS S CX-62770 Radio, date' 11. Soptoraber 1950 CINCFE CX-62771 _taclio, dated 11 September 1950 CINCFE TS C-62999 . Raadi,o, dated 13 3optombor 1950 CINCIPE C-63137 Radio, dated 14- September 19,50 CIITCI E TS C C",i-63287 .Radio, dated 15 September 1950 C INCFE CX-52111 Radio, dated 26 Dccenbor 1950 C INCFE C-52!'453 Radio, dated 1 January 1951 CINCFE CX -53206 Radio, dated 10 January 1951 CIT`TCFE C-53503 Raad i,o, dated 16 January 1051 C INC F E '1-33264 Radio, datocl 13 January 1951 JLCOM S lZ CINC-61610-'] Radio, dated 16 I.ugllst 1950 P CO RLITD 36 :Radio, dated 21 February 1951 172D STL. 'HO! L? C ii S .w TDL.I JAMi-N 52600 :Radio, dated 18 March 19,19 ;1FI: IIi TS C-21442 Radio, datod 25 Juno 1945 TS S C-21580 l ,die, dated 27 .Juno 191-5 AFFAC TS S CX-25043 Radio, dated 27 Juno 1945 1.F 1. TS. S C-22400 Raacliio, elated 29 Juno 19:5 IAFPLC TS S' CX-23131 Radio, dated 30 Juno 1945 .1 F,)! C TS S R-23134- C-2i1060 Radio, dated 2 July 1945 Radio, dated 3 July 19.15 k PIX 7 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 DRi'.L' 77 13 Rile Number A and S_.bol or Description of Doou~iont Headquarters Qlas sifiRccatic -- __~ Cite idurber ndj or Su" ajoct and Dr-to of 0ri5- -n Old The folloainE listed documents are rogradod a s indicctod opposite listing of each docu_ai:,on:t , Custodians of those documuit ^ sicy refer to this publication L. P, proscribed in paragra ~. iCa as auk,~o.rity for ror?rct 'in.g action 1 tal:inr 380-5, dated 15 Rovo:-:ibcr 1949 and Changes -thoro-to. RiADIOS CX-2 3847 Radio, dated 6 July 1945 ILFFILC TS CX-24117 Racl.i..o, dated 7. July 1945 I:~71ia:C TS CX-2 01411- Radio, datod 17 July 1945 IZPAC TS C-27x93 Radio, dated 22 July 19 5 I1~FPILC TS CX -27 515 Radio, dated .22 July 19415 ILT1?".C : TS S C-29731 Radio, dated 23 July 1915 ILFPILC TC S C-602 52 Radio, da-tod 2,11 ILpr_Ll 1946 4"Fil."LC TS 8 ' C-60326 Radio, d.a od 26 I-pril 19`.6 717 R '' C TS S C-61133 :Ladio, dated 18 May 1946 I~F'PILC TS CX..-62063 dated 16 Juno 1916 ILFPLC TS S CR-62247 Radio, dated 21 Juno 1.916 I:.FPILC TS S 0-6 50,30 radio, dated 10 September 10,16 !LFP!,C TS CX-65269 Radio, daatod 18 September 1946 1L,V;, 'a.C TS S Cl? 5381 Radi o, dated 20 September 1946 ILI,?i'ILC C-65'_9 ad.i_o, dated 29 September 194-6 IL.PR.06 TS S 0.679841- Radio, dated 18. January 1947 APYILC TS S S-40089 GSD 1 "Id i o, dated 7 Juno 1945 ILIiII` t'IsC 9-40573 C;OT CP Radio, dated 9 Juno 1945 1iYr-IM3 AC TS S S1.-,10760 'J) l;.adi..o, elated 9 Juno 195 I~I"dt1I,C TS S SX-41028 G31ILO Radio, 'dated 10 Juno 194-5 AI'[`1ESRAC TS S S ~1~:66 GC:'L Radio, dated 12 Juno 1945 aii j t :C , To S SlL-411=67 C;'SC?Pr3 Rad.:i.o, dated 12 Juno 1945 IL1'!.F TS 3 SX.-x-1511 03 303 _tadi o, dated 12 Ju?.e 19.':5 1, C TS S S-y1767 GSC3 Radio, dated 12 Juno 1945 ILF"'WTDS., TS S ? Approved For Release 2006/03A 5 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032.9 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R00030030003-9 D n _"1 7 -;) Ij .-J File -u:?,bor j._-.faol or Cite, ]wtr;loor Description of Document a tdl or 3 tab j e c 1t -nd Dat c Iloadcutartors Classificati( of Crigin _ Old Tdow lictocl docu:ceots aro rcLrradod as ind.ica,t d o;upoc_ tc, listing Oi I1 d.OCLLl::nt. %uctOdians Cf those documonts saw refer to -'-!,is pi.i lica;tiOn as art'';.ority Or ta.',in;; rer i acl}nT, act" oil 2.L. -P" ,-sCr1bod in L14 '3',20_15, C 3:.--`_-5278 C-31110 R d-a_ o, dated 219 J u_ie lo. 15 7T.13 LC 3X..'-5508 GS(~!P'' lcvc io, clc:bod_ 2 July. 10:'.: 5 9 6114 cn R .c?io, do-t(,0. 3 July 1915 ia.C S--:6261 GaCu spa jai-L O, da:to(I 3 Jul"r"19`-5 jy ;~ .'46319 C I)DU, dated '1 July 19':.-5 The f ollo-, inr: Approved For Release 2006/03/15 9 CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 DI3 L:':3 Pilo I`,lttiber and 0; ~:io 01 or Ci-o Nurbor Description of Docu_*sont Hoadquarters Clay ificati and/or Subject and Data of Origin Old Now Tho following listed docuncnts arc regraded as indicatod opposite 1 of each docunont. Cu:atodic:.ns of those d.ocur.lonts iucwy refer to this publication as authority for tC'.iC.i 11 ro ra action as proscribed in paragra! 18a, 11. 380-5, ds;t ed 15 November. 19`'.:"9 and Changes thorot o. 2!.D i DOD 5; --06320 CISDU S SX-^_ 6515 &$Q1 Radio, dated 10 July 1945 Radio, dated 10 July 191.5 Rad:i.o, dated 11 July 19,15 radio, d.-ated. 11 July 1945 Radio, dated 12 July 19,15 lr c'.io, dat d 13 July 1955 1;FIrT C 1~I1'dE"%1C a . ) , 1s1i 21. I:PIL C 11~ 'iD1, ;i'1~C 5-48596 GSC aladio, dated 13 July 1945 i WE3T 'I;C ;L-48913 GCCE3 SX-~' C91d GSC R^clio, da: od 14 July 1DA-5, dated 1,1 July 19-15 1~ `'J I'lLC I.F`.`;ESILC SX "9112 GS1;P: adio, dat.od 15 July 19 5 17 'SiAC 3-50236 GSTC > Radio, dated 19 July 1945 1~ G i'1~C SX-50863 G3TCS Radio, dated 20 July 1945 1 i. 1,7;'-L OS 1'1 :C 5-50913 GSPII,> FiX-,51372 GSD;' Radio, dated 22 July 194.5 Nadi 0, datod 2L" July 1945 A17,,wx'ILC 1Ai fl 33 IBC SX-51609 G3QNS adio, dated 25 July 1945 A1''.';E''i~C Si-51632 G3QT SX-51913 CTJJCJ Ih di.o, dated 25 July 19,15 radio, datod 25 July 191 5 AY,'IM IC 1, IT .71 P.LC 5-52466 G`)3CS 1adio, dated 29. July 1945 P11i ~ :'C 5-52582 GSDL SX-52879 GSCET Radio, dated 28 July 1945 ila", dated 30 July 1945 1177I SDI C 1~1~?LSi'1~C T3 S Approved For Release 2006/0311$5 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032,9 V . Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 DR1 ; i-3 File ^Tur.!bor and ? -,:?.bol or Description of Document IIeadq,uai'tors Clascificati~ Cite ITw-1bor andjor Cubj:;ct and Date . of Origin Old Now Tho folla--ring listed documents are rogradod as indicated opposite listing of .; ach document. Custoclic.ns of thoso documents clay rofor to t::is eublication as ^_uthority for tc.':ing regrading action as proscribed in par,_gra?dh 18a, !mil 380--,5, dctod 15 Iloverabor 1941:9 .and Changes thereto. :.D103 3-5,3196 GSDU Radio, dated 31 July 19,15 11FTIiPl.C T3 a-53220 GSQn :Zadio, d4.tod 31 July l9~y5 5-53390 GocLL 3 Radio, dat od I August 1945. T3 5-53391 -Ti9CC Radio, dated 1 August 19,15 A !EC FAC T3 C-53,651 G`3o Radio, dated. 2 August 1945 Ah; I'hC TS 5-53652 GS= MT Radio, dated 2 August 19,15 311.6 TS 5-53719 G i'lrA :lc.dio, date 2 August 1945 AI"::'r';?uY?J.l1.C T 3X-53720 03C3? Radio, dated 2 August 1945 1,7 -. ,l?.C T 3X-53760 GSDU .Radio, doted 2 August 1945 l.F 7". O AC TS S-5 Radio, dated 16 August 1945 LI EOi'1~C. G 1 Ti TS S S>.-- 57 32 6 G'~ C aui Radio, datccl 16 August 1045 1 YL I 7.70 H S 5-57084- GCR.C Radio, dated 17 August 1945 Ii F",7 211)F L T 5-57715 GSQT3 R adio, datocl 17 August 1945 .L ES F'AC OX-577'76 6O Radio, datocl 17 August 1945 4:1YJ Eli -111, C T :a S11-58236 GSi,ILG X-59026 GSM Ra.o, datocl 18 ILugust 10'5 Radio, datod 18 August 1945 AF':-7E3 PILL AIP!ESL C T.3 TS S S-59598 GOC !'ad-! o, da-bod 24 August 1945 I; I'-7ES i LLC TS S S-60713 GSCOO Rac'.io, datod 27 August 1945 TO S 3,r_6109,., GSDU R a (lio, datocl 27 August 1945 IL1 rj+:1>t11 TS S S-61051 G3] 1D Radio, dated 28 August 194-5 .F:7ESLAC 3-1.-0690 GOT 11 .iadio, dated 25 I Aril 1946 A77,3FiIC Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-+9 DRi3 -;' , 3 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R0003003b0032r'9 File Number and Gymbol or Description of Do.curtont Headquarter? Claseif~.ccti Cite Number- an(I/or Gubject and Date of Origin Old Itle r The folloiring li. feel docunorres are rogradod as indicated o,,);) listing, of each C.oclimoxtt. Custodians of -ihoso documents may refer to tl-Lis publication as authority for taking rogg~rarli ng action .as proscribed in Para traph 18a, IJZ 380-5, dated 15 I;ovonbor 19,19 and Changes thorcrt;o. 1' !,D 103 SX-40C02 (K~T FK adi o, dated 10 May 1946 IT' iMI ,iC TS S-0973 GCTNK s dio, (J,c.tod 16 May 1946 TS S- 1"190 MTPK Ladio, dated 24 Juno 1946 Aili ), 11iC TJ 0-4-1503 GOT?K Radio, datocl 26 Juno 19116 I IT T ~C 'l G T G SX-4.2067 CGJ ZCB .adio, dated S Auggust 1946 1.1T.iFIO1 1Lc TO 3'-42385 Radio, dated 28 August 19/16 l1I+117Dji'iiC T O S-42575 GSZCB tac'd.o, dated 12 Soptonbor 1946 I117,7 U~PliC T5 03 2582 radio, dated 12 Oopter.bor 194.6 ^T7.1(11 L 1~r,:,~1~IC O T~ SX-4:2 597 GO P Radi o, dated 13 Sop tonbor 1946 117.Y.1:1'J' 1'110 T1 SX 2810 T) SX-42764 GOl' Radio, dacbocl 20 September 1946 adio, dated. 25 3cptor:bcr 19,16 !~I 1.11 C C'^- ^28^1? G'.1-' 'La di o, dated 1 October 1946 8-43016 `"i Radio, dated 14- October 19,16 . --r-..viii ..i'. C Sli--w3067 G011' Radio, dated 16 October 1946 1. ..r.IjI 1Ijlc 3-16,110 r. TO Radio, datod .1 July 1950 1. '. I 11LC "a O'S 2 GX. R aclio, dated 2 So-iirt;oubor 1947 JO,.G SX-4093 i` GIi Radio, dated 3 Gcptorlber 194.7 JNSL'1AG S;r -6054 Ji.LLG-3 Radio, elated 8 T pr i1 19-18 JUOLY.G SX-6120 I;a.c3i-o, dated 3 1dovo::,bor 19,16 JUST liG !,X-07522 '1,./5 I~ad o, dated 15 ,opte ber 19,16 1, CU`3I: i-X-97576 g/5 l aci .o, dated 23 September 1946 "PACUS1. 5-l"0203 00D3 ladio, dated 3 Jq-u tonbor 19-::8 ~'III.L"0M OX.-40225 0003 RLacb e, d ,,feel 3 Septer.bor 1948 TO 3 13 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 DIP 3 13 1...o L u ibor and or Ci'Ja I`Tts~thor 21 I'IL-RCH 1951 Doscription of Docuront IToadqua rters Cla.ssifi cati arnd/or Cubjo at mid Data of Origin Old Notivr The f ollo'ring listed docu:c_1ts aro rogradod ds indicated opposite listing of each c',ocw.iont. Custodians of those docizion-ts may refer to this publication as Uhority for taking regrading action as proscribed in paragraph 18a, 1~1 300-5, dated. 15 Idc'vorThor 19,19 and Changes thereto. ILDICC ,.0383 Radio, dated G October 19~y--8 -EILCOU TS S S-41i369 CTJI",. Radio, dated 7 October 19, 1.8 OHILCOiI TS S S-OOdL01 0000 Radio, dated 10 October' 1913 PITILC07;I TO S S -4- &_--13 GCS"- Ra 'i o, dated 13 October 1948 PI=ILCOLI T S J--0'^_' 141 G .i Rr.c io, dated 13 October 1948 PI'ILOOM TO C O;1C radio, dated 11: October 19468 !T11 LCO::I TO S 6-00539 GSDS Radio, dated ilovorlbor 1048 PIIILCOI. TO 3 S- 0600. Radio, dated 19 Hovombor 1948 PHILCO1:I TS S-11122 G,313 wc.d._.o, dated 11 March 1949 ill LC 011 fl T:,) ry a 6-1060-GSr3 dio, d,-,- b Larch. 1949 IILCOI:I Ta S-`11661 GOCG tadio, dated 5 Rugust 1949 PIIILC0 .1 TS S 311-0.1723 GCC ad.i0, dated. 1 )optostbor 1949 a1ilLC011 T OO) S ' SI-0 `%211 CCICD Radio, dated 3 October 1947 HILRYCCM TS S Sf-1-17828 CbJDID Radio, dated 15 Docorlbor 1947 'IIIZi~I.CO ; IA S S-,x.7851 GC 3ID, dated 17 Docosiber 1947 PITILL,_ YC CLI TS S ,,";-47881 003ID Radio, dated 19 Doco~-ioor 1947 IIILiiYCO!1 ^13 S 3-K -0-7042 GC3ID Radio, dated 29 Doccnbcr 1997 H I. LILYC S-48643 G3160W t dio, dated. 16 ilarch 1048 ~'IIIL'YCOi TO S S-48678 GCCC Radio, dated 17 iLarch 1948 'IIIL~~YCCLI TS 1 S-4.911,011 GCL :Ra(lio, dated 4 Juno 1948 'III LItYC Ci I TO "' 803 G' ...O I adi o, dated 19 July 1948 PIIIL~.~YC011 TC I ?Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032:9 DRD Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-0Q211 R000300300032V-9 21 111'.iCH 1951 rile i uabor a.1cl 3,,-.11501 or Description of Docu.ont Headquarters Classificatic nd/orpSubject and Date of Origin Old iTe:T Cite 1'su-lber a T11.o folloo,sitn,_, listed doeur,onto are regraded as Indicated onppo ~ito listing of cc"-ch dorurant. Custodians of those doe acnts flay refer to this pu'.:;lico.t'ion as authority Per taking regrading action as prescribed in laara ra7lt 18c, 380-5, cla.t oci 15 T1ovcnbor 1949 and Changes thereto. OO U-22682 GCDL Radio, rated 26 Y:pril 1945 Ur -26893 C7vCt~,J Radio, elated 16 May 1945 194-5 28 Ma d U3 'D rr--~ U,~..l ! D TS T U:-2 8264 y . Rad~ o, l ate U-28365 G OL tac?i o, dated 26 %.Iay 19,15 TI" f. Ti L TO TO UT~-2 9097 ,Zc.clio, dated 31 1--W 19,15 USl.''u TS S U-4 0610 Radio, dated 12 July 1945 U"ILFlo, E TS S U-1.0730 B.clio, dated 12 July 19"x-5 TS S 95.10 MC Radio, do-'ccd 10 January 194 W IsGG TS S 2 883 GSTC-TR L.d.lo, dated 26 July 19""1 1 _ T];.?.,011, ) TS S .365 GSCT :La.dio, datuocl 14 Septerzbor 194" UOL303 TO 366 GOD o, da tcd 14 Oop~r, :bar 1944 TORSOS TO 3 410 GOD R da.ted. 15 Septenbor 1044- 1L wc. ~.o, USR303 TO M n [+ 414 O C3 Radio, dated 15 Septoribor 1 US1~S0S TO S 471 GOD Radio, dated 1-5 Ooptonber 1.944 U" 'SC' O T S S 432 GSCG Radio, clatcd 16 Soptortbor 1911 -UB 05 T3 S bor 194`1 t S TORSOS TO T; S D10 7828 cri op Radio, dated 16 543 GSD :tad:i-o, dated 17 Soptorabor 1944 US:.3CS TS S 597 GS DI 836 G3Di' 11'^.dio, dated 1.7 50 ?rt0 l:ibor 194-4- c'.?o, doted 19 :iCptomber 1944 USh"C U R3 0S TO S 976 G-) d .o, dated 21 Sopt.aribar 1914 TTY." 303 TO n rv 1 T3 fy 994- G",D. Radio, dated 21 Septcrlbar 194-1.1 ). ,0, UFO R a 1212 GSCG ;^.dio, elated 23 3o touber 194,1 Ul"-305-- - --- TS S 1235 GSi. i.acli.o, dated 23 .So-{ptar,,bar 1N--r M110403 TO S Approved For Release 200 /03/15 :CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 DRB ;13 Pilo i'Tun'oor and 6 -, T.)01 or Cat c i?uaThor Description of Docunont Fior.aci uartors and/or ;ubjoct and Data of Origin The following l.I.stod docur.oirts are regraded as indict:ted oppos ito listing of o aach docuraont. Custodians of those docut:~.onts nay refer to this publication a a~ -thority for -baling rogradinm action as prosc_,ibod in paragraph 18a, !ML 380-5, d:tcd 15 71ovol2,bor 194-9 and Changos thoroto. 1610 GOD 2063 GOSC1 25O?z G1C: 3 2950 COD 1253 G5D1' 1773 GO Dn 3377 G3CDS 3n v73 u G'3 C - 3 989 CO C ,1 ?^.-153 CPSC 4685 G3D1C 5225 GOD0 3 509 CS :1C~ 562:.1 CO DO 6296 GSDR G565 GOC 6786 GSC23 7616 G3CZ3 672 GOD 9647 G'S C 525 GODO 524 GOD Radio, clatod 27 Ooptor.ibor 1944 U331~30S TS l R dio, datod 1 Cctobor 1944- UCLI 60S TO S x:adio, clatod 5 October 19,1:4. U'j1SOS TO 3 had; o, drbed 8 October 194.1 U 1.OOa T3 ~aclio, ,_.:: tad 25 i,ovo?~zbor 19 s ~ U"3.:>.,5 Q3 io, Cs:tod 28 i ovo'i:'bor 1944- U-AOV.) T Radio, clatod 8 Docorabor 1914 US=';103 T,. Radio, dated 8 Doooiabor 1944 U_>.,SGS TO S i?.ac"._i-o, clLit- od 9 Docoi:abor 194-4- U11L30 n a..dio; datod 10 Dcccr.zbor 1944 Uali1C!O Radio, dated. 1.3 Decoribor 194-1- uoRooS Radio, dated 16 Docorabor 19,14 U>LLO03 adio,. dated 16 Docorabor 1944 US.SOS ,adio, da:tod 18 Docorabor 191-4 L R30S Radio, dated 21 Docoiabor 1;944 3R-3 03 ii,adio, d.atod 23 Dccoabcr 191--= Ur:31:O09 R:~ad-io, dated 24 Dcco-_foor 19,1--" -T) aadio, d.a:tod 29 Docorabor 1941- U.31. 03 :[', datod 6 January 1945 US,- 1CS i bdio, datcC. 11 January 1945 U3~" 3OS 2adio, clatod 18 January 1945 'JS11OO 13 Radio, d.atod. 21 1:1arch 1945 U"3JLS03 Cla soificatic 01 d TTovr T4 S TO S Ta TO 3 TS S Approved For Release 2b06/03/95 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R00030030003229 -Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R0003003'00032-t DM]3 3 1 RT II Filc iLUabcr and 5-,;-.1bol or Description of Docuriont Hoadquartors ClaseifiCati C;-~c i'u:ibcr a:,.zd/or Subjoct and Date of Origin Old Now The follo:-ring lister; docurionts arc rogradcd as indicated opposite listing of each docunont. Custodians of those c:ocu::c ,.ts may refer to this publication as authority for taping ro radin; action as prescribed in paragraph 18a, i1:1. 380-5, dated 15 November 19,119 and Changos thoroto. PLDIOa 1430 GSDL R o.clio,. dated. 26 T.1c.rch 1945 UOL'SOS T S 6863 O3DL Radio, dated 28 lLpril 194-5 USL803 TS 3 935 M)(617a' %Radio, 'dated 16 May 1945 USALSOS TS S 1959 GSDL' Radio, dated 20 May 19`15 USAS03 TS S 2100 GSDU Radio, dated 20 May 1045 USl~SOS TS S 2201. G'STC Rc.dio, dated. 21 May 1945 us 13 OS TS S 2324 GSDU Radio, da-toC 21 May 1945 USY.SOS TS S 2463 C3TCr cli,o, dated 22 T:ay 194.5 M!1-111) CS TS 3016 GSTCX 'Ladio, d -tod 24- Ly 1945 US1iSOS IS S 4313 CTSDI Radio, dated 30 May 1945 USASOS TS S 91:4 C-:3'fG' Radio, dated. 1 Juno 1945 TS S 4965 GSTC9 h:adio, dated 1 Juno 1945 USA309 TS S 6184. 03D0 Radio, dated 6 Juno 1945 U, C,., TS S 302344 Z Radio, Edatod 30 Soptc-.iucr 19`16 COT.L.1,CUOA TS S 140415 Z e, dated 141- ITovc::jbcr 1947 COTCTAV::IIIL TO S (ilotc: In connection with rograding of radios, attention is invited to para- graph 18r.1, lug 380-5, dated 1.5 Nove_:zbor and Changes thereto, which _urovii.dos that no sa` os previously Cry_rto~ rapllod be downgraded to Co-nfid,ontial, wit'lout paraphrase, vrhon tli.e subject .1attor permits. Dcr.rnrrading to Restricted or Unclassifiod will n.oeossit ate pares-~hraso of the -bo cb in accordance with paragraph -le(4), unless the original message is 3:;cr1cod "Paraphrase not required" . This apul9_es also to messages scat in other than Army Cryptosystens. Approved For Release L06/01 5 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 D1B 1-3 File Tur_ibor and 3 bol or Description of Docu:ient Hoadquartors ass Cite T urlbor and or Subject and Date of Origin__ 01d 1"1"0 7" The following listoc' c'_oeunonts are ro radod as indicated on-posito listing of each document. Custodians of these doeu:.ic_.ts may refer to this- publication as authority for ro,radin action as proscribed in paragraphY 18a, Jul 380-5, dated, *15 Hovoubor 1949 and Changes thoroto. AG 4,?00 (6 Jun !5)D Ltr, Oub j : I'ailitary Logistic GHQ FLC 11oasuros for Olyxp?c -- ~000i:;:1Gi.lda't ions by dated 6 Juno 194--5 -VT/1 Ind AAG 352 (1. I:1ar 51) Ltr, Subj: Spocialist Training, GHQ F --'C GC-T'iTG : d^ cocl 3. Larch 1951 Ltr, -:,ubj : Transr.Iittal Of CAI) L,,i:ngaur Hining Agrooiuorit, Cor_ ,.tints Thereon and Additional Background Infor:_.:,:tion on 01-oration of the Pro joct, dated 18 February 1950 Ltr, Cu?bj i Ln gaur 1hosp]iato GIl? GCAF' rojoct, elated 28 Fobruary 1950 Ltr, rlubj: lm, our 'hosphato 1'rojotit, dated 21 Ezell 1950 AG 661.6 Ltr, Cu:', j: And our Phosphato GI10, CC AP y c 50 1 GIFB 37 0 5 .rojCCD, CLai,OCL 16 ~ey~t lbcr Ltr, sub j ; i ovoriont Ordor `.-,,117f EIGHT U -IIU`iO,:,-N F. - - ITo. 8,1, dated i August 1,950 AG' ?--00.3 (30 Aug 50) Ltr, Cu!:,j ; Operational n CQ Li'i Clothing and Equipiuont dated 30 August 1950 AG 600.1 (10 Aug 65) Ltr, Cubj; Curtaili:?ont of 1.Fl ~C C L-GD Con=struction x'rogran in the lhilip inns, dated 16 Lugu?t 19^-5 .-r/3 Inds and 1-1/1-11. Ltr, CcconcL InLor L1 7.I3a"C1Y. C i'rogross I'.o-?crt on E::-noro_;cy CurrI~ 220.3 G.J 3] GSX 3 01 GS1'3 33,1 Ltr, Sub j "Agrool lent for the hs tu:? Lio y of 12osponsibilitios, r'.atod 30 optc.ribcr 1949 w/ /I and 3 Inclosuros. Ltr, Subj : I1c sponsibllity of -the CG, II:LRYCCH in the 1"hilippincs, doted 22 ?.Iarch 19`4=8 q/G I_nclcouros. Ltr, Bubj: i'olicy on i'hilippine. Scout Person el, elated 27 Sclrtor._bor 19 40. Ltr, Bubj: Destruction of C1ass~fied. Docurient, dated 26 Aril 1949. Ltr, Bubj: General 1i.;;or oncy Plans, dated 25 T`'ay 1949. Ltr, 3ubj: Joint Facilities ' o~.'.rddS .~.!..1i,-',,i.eioS-iyi.u Lis, d ted. 12 !August 1947 n/i Inolosuro. Ltr, Bubj Overall For' Statsordoor3 --- Clark Air For co Rase .roa, dated 1 Juno 1943 - r/ict I.}d and 1 Inclosure Ltr, 3ubj Release of i'roporty, ILustra lia, dated 3 lloveeibor 1944 w/2 Indor'sonor.:ts. a'`-.ILCO1I TS S l'IILCON TS S 1'HILCO ;i T> S d IL LXC011 TS 3 PIII72 YCOI:I 1J J.- TS S 20 f pprovp,d For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 Di B -, 13 ,Approved For Release 2006/03/15 CIA-RQP70-Q0211 R000300300032'-"9 File Huribor and Sylbol or Cite Tuber The follaring listed dccunonts arc rc~radocl as inc icctcd olpposit~ listing; of each docL'1.1ent. Custodians of thoso docunonts nay refer to?t',-Iis publication as authority for taking regrading action a' proscribed in paragraph 18a, All 380-5, dated 1.5 November 1949 and.Chan;es thereto. LETS FEGD 602.1 Ltr, Subj; R.oturn of I'roporty USAF--!'E TS S to the Conncn-,-ealth Governu..ient, dated 29 I,!,-,y 1915 ti?./1 Inclorsoraont and Supu?ortinG Papers. AG X100-S Ltr, Subj: Engincor Sparc II COl PS TS 3 Parts, dated 1.9 July 19115 w/ 3 Indor cemaent s . J 1, .;.d PINT I I 21 I.IAN CH 1951 Description of Document a;:n.d/or Subject and Date Ltr, Subj : Chan ,os in Brovm 86TH IITF TS flan, dated 3 Gctobor 194-6. DIV Ltr, Subj: Plan, dated 86TII IITF 10 July 1946. DIV. Ltr, Subj: Operational 718TH Iu1F TS S i cq~:.iroric iLs Blacklist, BASE TilT clc ted 21. Au4;u st 1945 w/2 Indor sornclrt s . 561 E Ltr, Subj: 1,oquost for To- 23D %G TS S placement LCVNA, dated STEC ILL B=RIGADE August 1945 :r/3 Inds. 380-5, dated 15 November 19,19 and Changes thereto. File Number and Synbol or Description of Docunort IIoarlctuarters Clascificatic Cite i;ur,bor and/or ~ubjoct and Date of Origin Olc7, Now Tho following listed d.ocu. eats arc rogradocl as Indic :ted opposite listing of each document. Custodians of those documents any refer to this publication as authority for taking rc r-%Cing action as prescribed in paragraph 18a, I L If G 322 (24 Jan 18) 11sgfera:1, GC- - 'ro bra , !'AG 240 (13 June 4-2)GIB 7lsgforr.i, T.'I.iE6SA IF0 I: " Subj : 111_hiilippine S ccut CIITCFE dated 30 January 194--8. Subj: Philip Inc Scout CTIN?CFE dated 13 Juno ,1948. 21 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 Headquarters Ciassificoti( of Origin Old Now Approved For Release 2006/03/15 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 `-'1' 1.LO 1'.lL.1JVi - c and C ool or Do., s cr`i ion o=acurio it FTcCc?gtzorters Clale, 1 ati Old ITow 1 1 Tno 10llovrl..1L) 1s cc cocU.~ ---of e ch docuae-lt. Custodians of these dOCUnOl s may refer to this publication ---Of as m hority for taking rogracling action as proscribed in paragraph 18a, !R 380-5, cl.atod 15 Io-,reribor 1949 and Ghangos thereto. P,2L'~~SLGF O?:P: Cite 1Tur bor or Su bjoct and Date of r, g1n r?ndicated oosite listing rcradod cti ipp ~t 1 .t its n" IAG-400.12 (28 Jan 51) I:Isgforn, Subj: Policy Con=. GiIG? FEC S U corning 'rccurcric zt of ''food C3 oa d 17ood Products fro;., Ja?an so Dconorr , dated 2 8 Janu.,.ry 19 51. (_::ET."0 'P0it EC C'3D SUBJECT I:JS '.L.GE NOT I,~G 322 (24 Jan 48)0-i' lIsgfor~.1: Su"ej : Transition PIIILLL YCCI.I T3 S to 'ost.Occu;,a.t,ion Troop -Basis; cla-tod 2 I-larch 1948. TO BE DO':'IITG.2.DE;D) File ITtn.fbor and Symbol or Description of Docu.teist IIoadcluartcrs Classificatio Cite T ur..bcr an_d/or Subject and Data of in old Iio r The follouring listed decui:lcr._ts are rc~radoc'. as indicated opposite listing of oa 11 docurlelrb. Custodians of those docune~:_t s nay refer to this publication as authority for takin rcgrodin ; 'action as proscribed in paragraph 18a, 12 380-5, dated 15 Hovorlber ' 1949 and_ Cha.n~,os thereto. --r e V! iiLI y of Inforriati -n for the Ch io'f of Staff, U.C. ILr?ny dated 4 :iay 1946. gal :2SP1i.C TS Sunuary of 11u,',1 Estate Re- I~x.:_s3iLC T 3) c,uirorior~ts Post Liar Base Dov-c.lopl:noni -c'rogran, dated 27 1.lay 1943. Sui:.Iliiary of U..-_C' .. -tiOauirCL1e-1t s ail .J~11~C for PIilitary 8t:sos -:in tho hilip:>in? Isl,a_xds clatod 12 Juno 1846. - S~ u ary of Information for Aii:-JE3 IBC TS the hssistant S-ocrotary of - 7 iar dated 10._i~lt~;l?st 1946. .P. TS Suru.kary of Inforl~ic.tion for 7: 13 the Dop)ut-y Chief of Staff U.S. P.r i r. Sub-title : Status of negotiations oriPhilippine Base Agree.r_ncnt', undated. PART II -Approved, For Release 2006/03/1 qb4-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 Approved For Release'2006103115 : CIA-RDP70-00211 ROOO300300032*- D ,B 3 Filo iTix bcr and 5,;~:1bo1 or Description of Docvrient IIo adquartors Classificatii Cite l L abor and/or Subject co--id Dato of Ori gin_ Old ITotir The listed clocui:-'ents arc rogradod as indicated opposite listing of each docunont. Custodians of tho o c'ocune nts nay rcfor to. this publication as authority for taking rorading action: as proscribed in paragraph 1Cc, lu'?. 330-5, dated 15 I'Tovonbcr 19,19 and Cha:ngcs thereto. DOC TT.yl'T S DocLL':?ont : Subj : Orange Ilan PIIILCO1.1 TO 3 dc.tod 25 l:ia.y 19110. File iTtt:fbar and S~"-nbol or Cite ITL-Aber Docu ncnt : Subj: Staff Study of CIITCFD Supplies for Use by -L'hili,.pino rational Defense Forcos, dated 25 Cctob or 19`40'. Description of Docui: n't' Headquarters Classificatic anc'/or Subject _ and n,-to of Origin Old Now The following listod docunon1t s are regraded as inc.icatod opposi to listing of 0C.Ci'1 docuY:1C17t? Custodies s Of lh:i?C docu'1e'_1ts i1,.y refer to this publication as authority fo takinJ rograc i_nC - -,- i.on as proscribed in paragraph 18a, LL 380-5, dated 15 ~ov.._1'aer 1940 and Chanros thereto. l.ITSC;FLLL.I'F,CTJ ) Lio::10 CC. du :l: Jubj : Transfor of TS !.C TS S Control of U. mold -'-roar and i.rny 1701-COP. in yulcrus Islands, dated 30 July 1045. Directivo: 3ubj : Post a . r B^.so 1 ;D3; !.C T3 3 Dovclopno_rt Plan for Philippines and Okinawa dated 3 Doceslbor 1945. Conforonce on Post-~'ar Plans for .i.FZ S1LC TS S U.r). Basco in the Philippinos & 2yuicius hold at iha.aila, dated 31 January 19'4 6. I' for Di. sctissi-on -rith the CL-LC L FPi,C dated 20 I iay 19,16. Ito--is for Discussion with the .gar Dopartac?t da;,tod 5. July 19.16. a a] a o, o Fort ?cl:i_zle r ollo 1 , old, dated 25 September 1946. Approved For Release 2006/03/1 3CIA-RDP70-00211 R0003'00300032-9 Approved For Release 2006/03/15 CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300300032-9 Old TM,v The following .listed d.ocuacnts are ro ;roJdod a6- indicated W-POsibc liutiz2G of each dcour:.lont. Custodians of those doou`ao is may refer 'Lo 't'his publication as ^.i1t1 ~lGri"~ for -ta 1 iin; rc rink action as -:fir Cci"i bocl in par^ Craw i 18a, J t~y i~;rr. .l ~ 380-15$ daatod ?15 irovo bor 1949 and Chan -ces thereto. 11109 ,LLl:r?ECUs liI':i ~~1lLC TS S Study, Cub j : Sumv.iary Analv, ,is of Utilization of the L1cXir_1cy- I1'ichtls Area, dated 30 Soptoa:zbor 104 6 . n Post Tiar Brae Developi:e t Plans AF:r aal.C TO r,+~, or the P and PLyul. us ,it11 ,,l3-noxos thereto, elated 1046 All Correspondence, Fadios and deports of Board of 'Offi ccrs i_nvclvin ; compliance with LO 170. 1123 GOXP', Jcct: i :1Gr C uY'r c'' C"" A