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CONFID6N I sit. FILED oved For Release 2005/11/21* : CIA-RDP70-0021 1Ffypp, 3O028O0123?4 ii.Y.w RECORD Report for month ending 31 January 195+ from REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE MANAGEMENT BRANCH I. PLANNED PROJECTS 1. does not acknowledge the role of reports and correspondence management in the Agency Records Management Program. To achieve recognition we propose to develop a regulation which will give in general terms the scope of these programs and the methods of accomplishing their objectives. This proposal will be presented in a staff study for the DD/A's approval. 2. Recognizing that there will be some delay in getting this regulation published, we further propose the issuance of a CIA Notice on correspondence management. Such a notice will inform our people of the time required to conduct a correspondence survey. That is, approximately sixty days are needed for an accurate sampling of an office's correspondence. Alerting them to this time factor will expedite program installation. TT. PROJECTS IN PROGRESS 1. CIA Correspondence Handbook - Although 19 January was the deadline for submission of comments on the handbook, some offices apparently have not completed their review. The latest inquiry on the handbook was received 26 January. 2. Office of the Comptroller Reports Management Program - Additional copies of the program guide were furnished the Comptroller's Office to expedite review. Conversation with n the 29th of January disclosed that the review should be completed. very shortly. He again expressed enthusiasm for the program and thanked us for our patience during this prolonged review period. 3. Writers' Guide - a. Developed and submitted the staff study, "Improving the Writing Ability of Agency Personnel Through Published Guides." b. Continued to develop additional sections and to improve others previously written. To date we have twenty sections ready for publication. As we progress and continue our research we are discover- ing the extensive role effective writing plays in many fields. We also anticipate discovering other areas as our correspondence management program accelerates. The need for a continuing program of providing our writers with guidance is being reaffirmed daily. 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300280012-4 CONfirFNTIAL %PFlb ,J b Approved For Release 20 /11/21: I P70-00211R000300280012-4 4+. Program Promotion a. Prepared a copy of the Comptroller's reports management program guide for photo-offset reproduction. We propose to provide each Area Records Officer with a copy of the guide as an introduction to reports management. b. Developed the flier, "Your Correspondence Management Program -- A Preview of Its Aims and Procedures." c. Completed the brochure "An introduction to Reports Management." Further work on this promotional meduim will be withheld pending the outcome of distributing copies of the Comptroller's reports management program guide. 5. Area Program Status Report - Determined the needs of each "Branch Chief for program status information. Developed a question- naire and a memorandum for 1 to area chiefs, and 25X1 submitted this material to TII. COMPLETED ASSIGNMENTS 1. Discussed space needs with each Branch Chief and developed a proposed office layout from their comments. Submitted this plan t 2. Reviewed the proposed CIA Glossary of Intelligence Terminology and submitted comments tol 3. Reviewed the proposed Disposition Handbook preparatory to 25X1 submitting comments to 25X1 25X1 Management Branch Approved For Release 2005 WkAMMU 02 11 R000300280012-4 CONHUN CAL Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300280012-4 _ieport for the month ending 31 January 195+ from the RECORDS SYSTEMS BRANCH A records volume and filing equipment inventory has been completed in FBID and inactive records from the central files of the Division have been transferred to the Records Center. Informal agreement has been reached with respect to the location of files and filing systems to be installed, and the analysts -are now proceeding with the installation of a filing system for the Office of the Chief and the Administrative officer. 25X1 I lof the Office of Communications has ?nato as .e Area Records Officer, and replaces 25X1 ho has been assigned other duties: 25X1 I records analyst, has reported for duty 25X1 with this office. as had considerable experience in the field of microphotography and has been assigned to con- cl,wct a, survey on microfilming operations for the Agency, similar to that conducted by GSA for all other Government agencies. The status of the Logistics Office's Records Management Program was reviewed with the Area Records Officer. As a result of this meeting. an understanding was reached with respect to action to be -taken to correct certain Program deficiencies which were brought out in the review. The Security Office has approved for use as a log, Form 35-1 (Routing and Control Slip) which is used as the mail control form in the mail control procedure being developed by this office. for issuance as a handbook. The present status and the principles of the proposed stand- ard Agency filing system were presented at a, session of the Clerical Institute, conducted for the DD/A component of the Agency. 25X1 was designated as the Area Records Offi- cer for the office of Training and spent several hours with repre- sentatives of this Division developing an adaption of the filing s >stem for use in the Off ice of Training. Vital Materials Microfilminr-r ; of the 0SI Chemistry Division Master Abstract Card File was started 21 January. This Tile, amounting to a.pproxi- 11ately 50,000 cards, will be filmed in its entirety. In the future, additions to this file will be deposited by direct method (IBM card). the quarterly filming of vital materials in the Personnel Office was completed. ?tarting with the first of the year, the Logistics Office will deposit copies of contracts for vital material purposes in- stead of requiring periodic filming of their contract file. Approved For Release 2005/tl 1 DC NRTDP7~0-00211R000300280012-4 CONI Approved For Release 2 f " 70-00211 R000300280012-4 i.cil Control `hIh.e Mail Control Section is experiencing some difficulty in cupplying special service between the Machine Records Branch and. the Finance Branch in connection with processing the payroll. A special vehicle assigned for this specific Job was recently with- .srawn by the Motor Pool. A reduction of 12.4% in overtime requirements in the Mail Control Section was found to be practicable after a further re- view of current needs made during the month. 25X1 (Thief, Records Systems Branch Approved For Release 206"M4 R000300280012-4 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300280012-4 CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION MONTH Y REPORT MAIL CONTROL SECTION January 19514 THIS MONTH TO DATE* (a) DeltveZ7 by Post Office 21,1485 1!47,1490 (b) Picked up from Post Office by courier 2,81. 15,802 (c) Picked up from City by courier 3034 28,060 (d,) Letters t 14,021 35,743 Reviewed Recorded (e) Undeliverable (held in Mail Room .75 281 (a) Picked up by Post Office 114,1137 10)4, 269 (b) Deposited in Post Office by courier . 7,7148 76,681 (c) City Deliveries 14,269 36,191 (d) Penalty Indicia Used (1) CIA 2,172 16,049 (2) FBIS 7,365 39,790 (3) ssT 0 16 (e) Postage Expended $3,231.37 $23,1438.18 COURRLI SERVICE'. (a) Scheduled Trips 1,226 7,376 (b) Special Trips - Within Agency 251 1,751 (1) Delivered by foot 85 577 (2) Delivered by vehic;1e 166 1,1714 (a) Other Agencies 83 755 (d) Trips outside area 14 143 (1) Total time 27 hrs. 40 min. 587 hrs . 3 rain. 4,, FI1Z ACTIVITY-' (a) (b) Checking courier receipts (1) Total time Requests for Administrative Files (1) Requests filled ('4) Requests unfilled 5,1 ate rultmen (a) Couriers (b) t:[ail Clerks ~cmessongers d) Truck Drivers 6 $i PAR.TION S (a) Couriers (b) Mail Clerks t c Messengers (d Truck Drivers The figures this coj ~rover adjusted fi u pproved orelease 2QQ; 20 7 hrs. 30 min. 2 159 57 hrs. 140 niin. 143 33 10 12 14 6 6 15 3 0 3 a 0 at the lie inzu'-ng of each fiscal year0 1431, t~'?Pc -RDP7D-00211 R000300280012-4 Approved For Release 2009`E *l O-00211 R000300280012-4 Report for Month Ending 31 January 1954 from ORNS M! NAGEE NT BRANCH I. Project Summary Projects initiated in 1953 Projects initiated in January 1954 Total Projects to date Projects completed in 1953 7 Projects completed in January 1954 2 Total Projects completed to date 9 Projects suspended indefinitely 2 Total Projects disposed of to date 11 Remaining active projects 12 II. Completed Projects 1, The phased master plan for an Agency-wide forms management pro- gram has been approved by the Chief., General Services with minor modifications and limitations as reported on 28 January 1954, 2. Review of thel Records 25X1 Disposition was completed. Suggested modifications were furnished the Chief, Records Services Division, III, Suspended Projects 1. The project to eliminate a duplicate set of functional files maintained by 0 & M has been indefinitely suspended in view of the forthcoming organizational changes. 2. Because of objections raised by the Chief of General Services the plan for renumbering Agency forms in a straight numerical sequence has been suspended pending development of additional data supporting such a change. IV. Current and Continuing Projects 1. Project #2 - Preparation of final type forms copy by Forms Man- agement Branch - Status - Awaiting report from Chief, Printing and Reproduction Division relative to man hours expended in production of copy, 2. Project #6 - Handling Classified Forms - Status - Awaiting review 25Xland authentication of y the Regulations Control Staff and the DD/A respectively, d Approved For Release 2005/cQL~0211 R000300280012-4 CONFIDEN 1 AL Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300280012-4 3. Project #7 - Initial publicity for Forms Management Program (Memo FM-i) and dissemination of Air Force -publicity handouts - Status - Memo Fl-1 is awaiting approval by Chief, General Services Office. Initial distribution of the DAF Management Summary Sheet and the OOAMA Management Bulletin has commenced. 4. Project #8 - Vu-Graph and 35mm slides for training use - Status - Production by Printing and Reproduction Plant scheduled for completion 17 February 1954. Project #12 - Contact and Liaison with Area Records Officer - Status - This is a continuing project. Area Records Officers of OSI2 FBID/00, and TSS/Registry were contacted for the first time during the past month. AFM9-1 Forms-Management has been distributed to all Area Records Officers. Intensification of contact activity i anticipated in February. 6. Project #13 - FI Information Reports - Status - Awaiting press proof copy of proposed consolidated form and sample State Department masters for additional testing by_the OPI. 7. Project #11!.. Study of Stocked Forms Supply System - Status Numerous fruitful discussions have been held with Logistics personnel during the month., Considerable progress has been made in developing simplified procedures. Working relationships have been improved. A successful conference with all building supply officers, warehouse men and other Logistics personnel was concluded 29 January 1951 which should lead to renewed and more vigorous attempts to edit requisitions, conserve stocks, prevent inflated requisitions, etc. Additional discussions pointed at perfecting a system for initial distribution of stocked forms are scheduled. A proposed notice No. 25X1 II has been developed and forwarded through channels for approval an au entication. This notice which is scheduled for distribution to all employees is intended to promote cost consciousness in everyone and assist in conservation of supplies of blank forms. 25X1 8. Project #16 - - Status - Awaiting approval of General Counsel and such additional coordination throughout the Agency as may be required. o, Prolect #17 - Forms Index - Status - Suspended pending completion fo f term of jury duty. Discussions with Area Records 25X Officers and Logistics personnel indicate the need for this item is very acute. 25X1 10. Project #20 - Recruitment of Status - Having been approved by papers are 2 5X1 being processed for security c eara ces and rou ine investigation. Approved For Release 200 /11/ 1 _: Q 0-00211 R000300280012-4 CONFIDEN i UAL Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300280012-4 11, Project #21 - Employee Suggestion #690 - Status - Suggestion had been improperly routed; it was rerouted to OCD. After study by that office has been completed return to this office for final recommenda- tion is anticipated. 12. Project #22 - Clearance for Civilian Contractors - Status - A list of individuals and firms cleared for discussion and/or contract purposes has been obtained and placed on file. Action is being taken to clear additional firms and individuals. V. Summary of Individual Actions 11 Requisitions processed. No, of requisitions Copies New 14 38.9900 Revisions 21 231,700 Reprints 4o 311,000 Totals 75 81, 600 *Includes one reactivation. 2. Forms obsoleted -- 3 3. Average requisition for month - 7,715 copies Li. Net increase in agency forms - 11 5. Total number of controlled forms in use as of 31 January 25X1 19154 - 96L Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300280012-4 CONFIDENT SAL GONE I-T1 Approved For RqQ5a.1/2.1 : &A-RDP70-002118000300280012-4 Report of the RECORDS CENTER BRANCH for the month of January l951. The workload in accessioning and reference service activities remained about the same as last month. How- ever, initial distribution of administrative issuances more than doubled. (Fiore than 52,000 items were distributed as compared with the 23,000 of the previous month. Reproduction of information reports totaled l2,715 pages in contrast to the 851 pages of last month. All NIS material being returned by the Air Force has been received and processed. Approximately 500 cubic feet of material was received. A memorandum has been received fro, 25X1 ,'BID,, listing several types of publications that wi_ be forwarded to the Records Center in the near future. These publications will be held and issued on supplemental distribution upon request of that office. Methods of regrading documents presently held for supple- mental distribution and classified "Restricted" have been discussed and approved by the 0SO Classification Control Officer. The Classification Control Officer of OCD has advised that the Records Center will be placed on the mailing list for the "Regrading Bulletin" that will be published from time to time. These Bulletins will be cited as the authority for any classification changes. 25XJ Chief , Records en er )rant ILLEGIB C Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300280012-4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300280012-4 R" ` .t1a c: llf-at, BRt rC1i Statistical Report Part I,. ' cord. Holding (92, ft, } A. -decoz'd s Accessioned Information Reports 3212 Adrrjnistratxye Issuances. 5637 B. riecords Disposed, of at Center 0 21 C. Records Holdings 4936 D. Distribution Material, Holdings 6618 Total loldings 11554 Part II "teferen ce Service on Records in Storaw A. i1equeeta 220 1129 B, Its Furnished 566 3194 Part III Int reaaaference Serve A. Requests 4 Part IV Shelvi ace Utilization (c;u. ft. A. Total. Ca)acity 18948 B. For Present Holdings 115,54 C.Avail.,able 7394 Part V Supplemental Distribution A. Item Received for Distribution 1, Intelligence Reports a. Initial Receipt 4767 b, Returns 13004 2. ILLEGIB Reporting Period. Fiscal Year January 1951j To Date 266 1583 TOTAL, . 26620 Approved For Release 200LW(MFIb1AQ-00211 R000300280012-4 ` MMa t ical Report Approved' For Release- 2005/11/21: CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300280012-4 R 'Porting Pg iod Fiscal Year January 194 To Date Ira Request 1. D,eilige 2, 'dformati nce Reports on Reports 153 330 Adm. Issuances 3 50 , TOTAL 580 *;ems Fu r rzisk ed i. Intellig eme Reports 21)4. 2. Informat ion Reports 1657 3, Adm4 Iss uances 1608 TOTAL 509 Reproduction services (no. of pages) 1. Ozalid P rocess 12161 2, Photo Co 3, Ditto -er py Process ocess 554 TOTAL 12715 .tart VI Initial Distribution A. Items Furnished 1. Regulations 2. Notices 3. Other 5283 36192 11212 TOTAL 52687 ILLEGIB Approved Flo r Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300280012-4 CONFIDENTIAL IIOSST,YN SHELVING SPACE IT IGATION Approved For Release F4 ENTi 70-00211 R000300280012-4 1;000' Total ,Capes ity (7-8948) (Tn Cubic Feet) 15000 11000 Total Utilized (19993) 25X1 7000 apacity Supplemental Distri- bution Ut 114 6000 ized (6)23) 5 000 Records Utilized. (4670) 40x4 Jan Feb C?NFIENTIALIpr Approved For Relea"i h'f44i':;CIA-?RDP70-00211 R000300280012-4 Report for month of January 1954 from MACHINE RECORDS BRANCH The turnover in Machine Records Branch has been greater period. Three resignations and one transfer, were effe of January. In contrast only one employee, entered on duty. Because of this shortage of personnel, there has been a great increase in the number of overtime hours worked. In December, 362 hours were worked; in January, 553 hours were worked. A reassignment program is being put into effect to try to relieve this personnel shortage in certain sections. A number of unfavorable conditions in this area of Curie hall has been brought to the attention of the proper authorities and steps are being taken to correct them. Among these are the high voltage condition that is being handled by GSA and PEPCO. The lack of sufficient heat during cold weather is being checked by PBA engineers. The barriers in the halls that greatly hinder the moving of machines and carts have also been reported. A training program for Machine Records Branch personnel is being studied. Its purpose is to furnish qualification data on personnel for promotion and reassignment. If properly carried out, this program should prove beneficial to the Branch. Operational: Special Projects Since 4 January 1954, Machine Records Branch is being fur- nished daily employee production reports from Printing and Repro- duction Division. These reports are the source of inforiiation that is being transferred to punch cards, and from the punch cards, recurring monthly reports and statistics will be furnished Printing and Reproduction Division on a weekly basis. The Position Control Listings were furnished to Personnel Office about 20 January. Their reaction and comments on the appearance of the report and the information it contained were very favorable. The completion date for the T/: operation for the DD/P group was extended to 2 February because of the changes received by this Branch after the 27th of January. C N7 ^V ENIt AiL 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/11/21 : CIA-RDP70-00211 R000300280012-4 Appproved For Rele sle 005E1GVi 7$&00211 R000300280012-4 at ~,epor't for Jan. lcon d ) Fiscal The W-2's were completed and distributed about January 20. Due to difficulties in balancing control totals of employee earnings and deductions, it was decided that in the future the balancing operation would be done on a pay period basis rather than quarterly. Jo5'istics The physical inventory of Family Group 5 (Com unication and Photographic Equipment) is in progress and inventory data is being furnished Aachine Records Branch on a daily basis. This data is being processed as received. The completion date for inventory processing and reports has been established as 1 parch 1954. Personnel Section The status file for use by insurance actuaries was completed. For details of this project, see the weekly report for January 13. Preliminary concurrence has been reached with Planning, Re- search, and Development Staff, Personnel Office, to include as a regular portion of the monthly recurring security reports, a con- solidated report-which can be better utilized, in lieu of the three separate reports now disseminated. This project gives a clearer picture of security in process "gains" and/or "losses" for each month. 25X1 Chief, Machine Records Branch Approved For Release 2N12b*0-00211 R000300280012-4