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Publication Date: 
January 5, 1964
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Sanitized - Approved For Reeb361 MUNCIE, INDIANA STAR M. S. 3p,452 2,672 Age ,. ,?. P+g~ 934 JAN 5 1964 Date: CPYRGHT Why the Delay? We are inclined to agree with the New York Daily News' suggestion that Congress get rid of the Warren Commission to investigate President Iccn- nedy's murder and set up a joint House-Senate in-. vestigation of its own. The Warren Commission was hastily set up by. President Johnson to investigate all aspects of the, murder. Almost immediately Chief Justice Earl. Warren let it be known that the investigation would probably take at least a year. An elaborate office has.been set up in Washington. An attorney has: been hired. The report of the Federal -Bureau of Investigation which is five volumes and presumably covers every known aspect of the case has been submitted to the Commission-and buried. Meanwhile rumors and stories and articles on the murder are proliferating, clouding up the truth,.; casting doubt on the identity of the murderer and We have a right to know'the tacts. we nave a confusing the people. It has been reported that the. right to have them presented to us in an unbiased FBI report did nail Lee Harvey Oswald as the mur-;and bipartisan manner. There are serious suspicions derer on his own initiative. But that is only a re-'that the Warren commission will present a biased port. Is it true? What other facts have been brought report partly because of Earl Warren's own pro- to light? Why the delay in bringing the truth to the clivity for ideological rather than judicial opinions. American people? Is it because. the truth may be; In addition it is doubtful that it is proper for unpalatable to some people in high places, including the Chief Justice to head such a commission when Justice Warren? he may be sitting in judgment himself on Oswald's It is legitimate to ask this question because the assassin, Lloyd Ruby who is still to be tried. Commission has seemed ready to just stall and delay The members of the commission are mostly men and bury the whole thing. It is ridiculous to claim of integrity and ability. Rep. Hale Boggs, Sen. John that it will take a year to bring the facts to the 'Cooper, former CIA chief Allen Dulles, Rep. Gerald American people. It is also dangerous to allow Ford, John J. Mcl'oy and Sen. Richard Russell are rumor and propaganda to obscure the truth. by no means a stacked group likely to seek tto rnis- We read an article in Reporter magazine that lead the public. We simply believe that this commis- concludes that maybe Oswald was not the murderer, sion is the wrong kind of body to do inc job, and maybe somebody else in the building did it while its actions so far-or lack of them-seem to prove he was just wandering around. Maybe so. The this. ,Communist newspaper the Worker has spread the The FBI report on the President's assassination view' that Oswald might have been a U.S. agent should be made. public as quickly as possible. A while in the Soviet Union and implies that the FBI joint Senate-House committee should be set up to itself might even be involved. hold hearings and 'talce evidence and prepare a re- The only way to lay these rumors to rest, to port as similar committees have done in the past. put an end to useless and vain speculation and propa- The Warren Commission should be dissolved. Then Banda is to get the true facts before the American the people of the.'United States can get the facts people as soon as possible. they deserve to have and ought to have. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP70-00058R000300040134-6