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May 9, 1965
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efe rr~
WHEN THE' Nazi High Command 'surrendered Hit-
ler's Germany to the "U.S. and Soviet High Commands in
Berlin on May. 8, 1945, the hopes of the world were high t~at
a peace could be forged that- woi1 d last, one that would in-.
sure that humanity could work out its destiny in harmony
.. and happiness.
Certainly the conditions Were f: whose keystone was cooperation
propitious for such a future. The and friendship between the
power of the Nazis and the Ital- United States and the Soviet
ian Fascists had been smashed. Union.
Japanese militarism was on its The cooperation of the U.S.
last lc s. Unity, of the peoples
and the USSR for victory in the
of t
ld h
he wor
een cemented
xvit.ii the blood 'and s,..deat of
World War II: And it was a
unity, almost everyone realized,
viet troops, told ti ~e American.. ;'.
"These armies 1iEave, come to,
you from the ruins of Stalin-
grad and Sevastapcrt across
the 'scorched cities : of the It
Ukraine. ;
"In two years they have Sirla,;h`
ed 1,400 miles through German
armies to drive the enemy tx:um?_'T
Russia and pursue him to theme`
"These' achievements and
war against- nazism, fascismI` _tiiey have given immortality to
. a people tthat would notbe con-
and militarism had been dramat-
ically symbolized less than two, quered - are made more mean-
weeks -before the unconditional ?'?ingful by your own deeds. .11 .
.... A .,..a nr
Soviet armies met in comrade scored the centx'al fact of World,
ship at organ, on the rivet. Iar II that it wal the Soviet
rube, ra mixes south ux ~serlin. peoples and'Sovict armed forces,
Here is how an American car- in the \ery. proceed of 'saving
respondent of -the United Press their own homeland, who saved
cm,0 that joining together: the world. -from enslavement by
came a Russian youth wearing ;
blue shorts and a gray cap With Its not the fashii>n today to
but it Ail] remains
a red hamimer and sickle on it. recall . tbis,
he had swum the Elbe river to tra1' Europe, were overrun in-
. the early months of, the war
1' without resistance, by the Nazis,
after betrayal by their , own....
"leaders and by', the govern-_,r?
? # i %'..gnetits,_=gi', Britain, and the U.S.
greet us."
And Gen. Omar $radley, tn' an
order of the day to his troops,
Approved For Release 2001/07/26: CIA-RDP70-00058ROO0300020050-1
Approved For Release 2001/07/26,: CIA-RDP70-00058R000300020050-1 .
Mlay 8, designated two days of press. and public life, For them
celebration in his. country in ? r
And 'Great' Britain,. cooped up to be done because postwar co- The way had already been
on its little island, was helpless ;operation between the U.S. and cleared for a policy of anti-So-
and even unwilling to mov( ' , the USSR was a roadblock to , vietism, anti-democracy during
fronl a "phony" war to a real the enemies of peace. and before World War II. It was
one. When Nazi Germany surrend- to be based on a foundation of
Just try to imagine what '-eyed unconditionally on May 8 collaboration with the German-
Would have happened to our own the San Francisco conference to monopolies and their Nazi
,country and the entire . world, set tip the United Nations was in henchmen. The director of this
if the Soviet leaders had ca-pitu- session. The core of that parley 'plot against the American peo-"
lated and if the Nazis had been was cooperation between the ple and peace was the agent of
.able to overrun the USSR with- Tr?S.' and the USSR. Walter Lipp- ' Wall Street bankers, Allen W.
,out resistance from the Sol, o mann, the noted political anal- Dulles, who worked during World
peoples! ', yst, stressed this in his New War 11 under the cover of tin-, .,
l'sut the socialist Soviet Union 'York Herald Tribune column of derg-round activity for the U.S.
and its leaders did Griot surrender, April 26, 1945, in discussing the government. On Feb. 14, 1953,
They fought' and blunted the San Francisco parley: the leading West Germitn news-
paper, the Frankfurter Allge-
Nazi rdesc 'heeandl{' i~ti to ' 'th threir the Hit doom. . "It is true ,that the future de meine gave high )raise to his
ter hoordes ponds upon the relations be- role in the plot:
.We Americans were lucky in tween the Soviet Union and the "Mr. Dulles' name is connect-
World Wai IL We sacritl:ced other countries. But these re- ed with a venture which cannot
many of our youth on the battle- lations will become hopeless if we easily be forgotten. It constitutes
fields. Much of our treasure wias yield at all to those who, to say 'j the unique case of a political in-
given to achieve the victory. , it flatly, are thinking of the in- itia:tive in which, Irrespective of
But we did not lose 20 mil- ternational organization as a battlefronts, friend and foe,
lion dead, as did the Soviet peo- . means of policing th.e Soviet worked together in order to
.-'Union. . , , overcome the Casablanca ?or
ploy. And our land was not laid "It is only. in collaboration in . mula of unconditional surren-
tic.iiill bye bcut.alized invaders, this central business of ?tbb post- der."
as clid the So', iet peoples, war years that 'we can Establish The Frankfurter Allgemeine
Orr that Ma,' 8, twenty years the good relations whicji' are so gave Dulles credit for having
a. o, when the ; Ititlci$es finally essential to all mar kind, For made possible, during World
acknowledged dcaeat,'resident if we thiiilc this very rep' war Weir II, "the first great political
i'rurnan 'rave public recognition is finished, and start. off think- decision .. , to stop the advance.
to the role tine Soviet Union ing about another ' hypothetical of Bolshevism" by disregarding
played in the message he " sent , v'at', v. a shall almost Certainly "the order conning from Wash-
,'to Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin. ,get the other 'war because we , ing-ton."
"You have demonstrated in all 1 have not actually ' finished this . Even more damning of the
your camnpaigns what it is pos- oiie? enemies of peace in our coup
sible to accomplish, when a free Butt, sadly tonough 'rfor our try, who- sought for unity with
people' under superlative, lead- country and for the world, the 'the Nazis, is th.e, report in the
ership and with unfailing' cour- warnings of Walter Lippman' Deutsche Soldaten Zeitung,
age _rise against the forces of went uhheeded, and the hopes of April. 1, 1955, by Konrad Mackey,
barbarism." humanity for , a time of peace `. ? who served as Vatican liaison
)were shattered by the greedy ` man. during World War II .4
Eritish Prime Minister Win- !men of Wall Street and their Miackey'wrote.,
ston C+hure~hill, on that same agents in government, in the "We know today that many
military commanders, but also
these terms: racy in the countries of the and business within tile West"Today perhaps we shall think world a specter to be. feared, and ern Powers were eager to reach
a , mostly of ourselves. Tomorrow tlae socialist Soviet- Union a an accord with Germany and ,
we shall pay particular tribute dangerous example that might be seek the collaboration of the .
to our Russian comrades, whose taken trp in the rest of the Weh-emacht American officers';
+prowess in the field has been 'world wiho served under General Pat.
rii ;,ens d1'Lll:lc I-funo.eni,, ueLdii,c d Wi1111,9 CK;_ eral Patton was the most enthu
role of the Soviet Union in complice and.' front man for,
(Harry S. Truman; who, by an ton, and who are now with the
issian in
n Militar
accident of history, had become
&Twirid. have told Tn:e that Gen-
? World. War II, because it. has these enemnies, of the national in- In talks wi h German command- .
been the obliteration of that Merest. After all, the Truman,
part of world -history that was who had been forced to praise
)undertaken in the U.S. as part the Soviet Union during the
of the conspiracy to ? drive a war, was the same Truman, who,
wedge between ,the peoples 'of in June, 1941, when the Nazis .
the U.S. and the USSR. This hadlIinvaded the USSR wished . fer-
the Nazis and . the .
L vently that
Soviet Union would destroy each
'other.' It was this latter view
that more accurately 'character- ,,,;?
)zed Truman.
anedialte German-American a1-
lianee. "
Even earlier, In World War II,
according to captured documents,
the American enemies of peace
were busy cementing 'relations
with the lyazls. On.c. 3, 1942,
MAY 81965
Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000300020050-1
Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000300020050-1
-the German ambassador in Lindberg"n who declared,
Berne, Switzerland, wrote his; "In the future, we may have
Foreign oflice1?. - -to deal with a Europe dominated
A member of the Ameri- by Gerttpany.. An agreement,
can legation declared a. few.' between us. (U.S. and the Nazis
days ago that it is absolutely. `-.DM) could maintain peace
tmnecessary to make shipments and civilization throughout the
to the Soviet Union. . . . The world as far into the future as
U.S.A. is not interested. in hav we can see."
ing Germany defeated by Rus- But the kind of 'tipeace and
sia." . . civilization" the Johnson admin-
It is clear from the evidence Istration and its predecessors are
uncovered since World War II trying to impose on the world
that it should have been these , are being sucked with ever-in-
hl.yttors ni;ainst the national in- creasing speed Into a nuclear,
terest who Lhould have been holocaust that could destroy all
investigated by Congress and the humanity to save the interests of
Department of Justice. As a
the imperialist monopolists in
. fact, it a wfe j ab b, because cthese etbe e Vietnam, the Dominican repub-
worthwhile or .'lic'and wherever else the people
conspirators and their heirs are
still making U.S. policy.. seek their freedom.
Instead, however, every advo- "Planners" But the , mad and reckless
cate of peace and cooperation in Washington, - in
with the Soviet Union was their cunning calculations, have
hounded into obscurity. . i failed to reckon with the change
Now, twenty years have passed in the world that has taken place
since that glorious May $ when since May 8, 1045--the growth"
all humanity looked forward to - of the power of the socialist
a new era of fraternity and, world, the creation of an inde=
,,peace. But the record of U.S. pendent Africa, .the bringing of
foreign policy ,in these two- dec- socialism to the Americas, in
? cedes is a grim and melancholy. 1?. Cuba, the ferment for peace and
recital of hopes deferred and freedom in Latin America and
fear promoted, of :the national. all Asia.
interest betrayed and world .,: 'And in dur Country there has
peace maimed. come a mass revulsion t? war and
In Greece and Korea,' in West aIS its horrible manifestations,
Germany and Southeast Asia, in . and a mass revolt against -the fet-
Latin America and - Africa--"' tee that have bound freedom,
everywhere that Washington.'.'- . for 350 years.
could, it destroyed democracy .? The wartntikers In Washington'
and Wall Street can be beaten
ski backed repression;' p - back. In World War II, the evil
P sign a exploitation of the peo- forces Of fascism and war Wets':
ple in the interest of the im-
perialist peoples of
monopolists of Wall smashed by the orld and of. our country, united
Street, all in the ._ovietism world
'purpose and action. Now, in
anti-c orc
nu is ndsnm, anti-Sovietism, 1965, peace- can be *on if the
anti-, rltinaisnri. ' American people show the same
has become isolated
y o
ion as
from the rest
of the world. It 4,t1od dice in I oeh
ternational codimunity, hated by."
freedom-loving people every
-wh.ere for its brutality, cruelty,-,
and violation of morality.
Washington has. lost all its
friends, even among those. gov
ertuments that It brought to'
power or kept In power by brilb-
cry, armaments or outright force.,;
The only "true" friend the John-
son administration now has in'
international affairs is the West':
German regime of monopolists
and neo-Nazism and they could,
also doubieoross.
So now we have the situation"
that the ultra-rightists and the.
MAY 91965 racists were' so subversively
working for in the early days of
World War It. Their objective
'was then put, bluntly In., 1940 by
their, ''front man : OhMrle
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