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f-% 1 1 _r Approved For Release 20008/-~9A-RDP70-00058R000300010065-6 Dulles Det qR ret 1945 Peace Talks_ With Nazis m Pr wou e able a'4vas also ? resent. Colonel Doll- Col. Gen. Heinrich von Vieting- By M. S. HANDLER, -divide the_ Allies d, :finally P Allen Dulles, former the power off t sonal oa,th!mann impressed Mr. Blum as a hoff., a stiff Balt who was not .rector iof Central Intellig nc taken to serv bey Hitler ? slippery customer" who knew likely to join in the negotiations, more than he was telling. At this point, Field Marshal' who was United Stag: in ll' Some S liaised To test the Germizans, Mr. Dui- Alexander's envoys, an Amen- gene;e chief in Switzerland,, a The probes started coming lea rcgriested through his rep- mng World War lI has pub .,from the SS by" the end of r esentative that they sur- can, Lyman L. Lemnitzer, then, the first of two amticies' on February, 194h partisan leader and an a major general, and Maj. Gen. Dulles encl.^.r a i ,,tea S. Aire twining het Ptofoi e tiPCreL de ail wrote. intelligence worker to the Terence y, a Briton, ar- ~of his negotiations with . a American pr S,,Tl eeted to Americans. Your days later the rived. generals' that led (o the surCr ,the Wehrmacbt proved fruitless two nicii were put across the On March 17 a message was der of almost .a million Cer is he said, and, tb,k,?.eiiy feelerscryins border, followed shortly received that General Wolff 'fighting men_ in Italy on a from the SS m e , him suspi- a f t erwArrl by General Wolff, would arrive at the Swiss bor- 2, 194,17 ci?ous. Finally, 'so tithing hap Colonel Dollmann and Captain der on the morning of the 19th. Mr. Dulles, as station c lie ,pened on Feb. 2$, 45, at a meet- Zbnmer. The meeting wag planned for of the Office of Strategic S rv ing between Mr. Qaevernitz and General Wolff, who had been Ancona, on Lake Maggiore. The ices, took the responsibility n Maj. Max Waibel of Swiss Midi- Himraller.'s liaison officer to Hit- general appeared without Col- the initiative to respond to in. tary Intelligence. ler before coming ti, Italy, one] Doilnian, who remained direct probes from Gen I a Major Waibel had been reached waas said to have been one of behind to intercept any mes- Frederick Wulff, commando o ,by an Italian businessman, Hitler's favorites and was a sages from Himm.ier or Kalten- SS (Elite Guard) forces in I 1 Baron Luigi Parilli, a name that loan of ,consiclci:ahle,_ influence brunner. Secrecy had to_he nialnta meant lit#lie. to Mr. Dulles, and a'id power. General Wolff.. told Mr, Dul- to permit the Allied Gov rn b,,y a Swiss; Prof. Max Husmann, The .Dulles-Wolff" meeting leg in a preliminary talk that gents to disavow him if th Who rain a private school not took place in the American's 1i- it would be difficult to win over negotiations backfired. bee, s far from Lucerne. One of haroo'brary, General Wolff. said that General von Vietinghoff. the lazes were laying a tea t garilli's relati ves had attencleci While he commanded all the SS General Wolff dismissed Mus- divde the Soviet T.inion an it forces in Italy, it would be nec- solini as a negligible factor in allies, the school aaPd this provided the the situation, ,confnia to nders. tw.inHe over the promised army to . In the afternoon, Mr. Dulles head Mr. Dullce the retired in 196 a -mink Mrbetweenrthe two men. essar of the 'so; ' e . Dupes as ked Mr. Gaev-,do his best - introduced Generals Lemnitzer organization to the O.S.S. n ernitz to meet the Italian and Marshal Kessep to lrin or his dep and Airey. It was the first en !of his great wartime achi a tale Swiss Mr. Gaeverniti ut arrange erland. . have counter of Allied officers with Dulles es Switzerland. h y Mr. come s_ res ed the Italian hard and he xas to negotiate informed Washing- enemY officers on neutral soil Germ ns obt of the 1,w r i na.lly asserted that the SS in to discuss a German surrender. a 1 ton and Allied headquarters in Italy. Details of the com.plic e 3 was somewhat different Caserta, Ital General Lemnitzer said the Al- and what must have been a from what might be expected Field Marshall Earl Alexan- lies were interested only in un- times heartbreaking moves n lnd that it was the SS and not der, Allied. commander, replied conditional surrender and sug- couXitermoves have never b e 01P. regular army that might be that he' would dispatch senior gested a meeting of high offi- rdivulged. capable of independent th, nglit cers of both sides. The German staff officers to Switzerland. ~ '"he first of a two-part se ie And action. Thus the intrigue ISecurity prepgra.tions were, suggested that his side send entitled This Secret Sur:ren r' netually began, made for the meeting, but some-'two officers, one representing was published in the July is u Baron P,ixilli mentioned a.1thing went icrewg. the SS and the other the Wehr- of Harper's magazine. These ie close relationship uritlm a yap ngI niacht. iconsists of excerpts from rr. ^ ~S captain, Guido Zimmer, Who! A Meet3i}g at Ancona, Ten days later Captain Zim- Duiles's book, also entitled " li had been chief of SS c~'unter-, On his r eturn to Italy General mer came over the border and Secret Surrender,`' to be lp b- Psprari,a.re in Genoa. Valff reocivedsa.. message fromlreported that General Wolff had dished by Harper & Row in Captain Zimmer, a dc.vrnmti cri, Ernst' K.altenbrunncr tolseen Marshal Kesselring and October. Roman Catholic, wa ritec] the meet iz l }n Innsbrurli, A ostria.1 that the field 'marshal had Tracing the Origins war endficl, according to Aaron! l~altcnbrunner, Himmler's as-,agreed I.o support the Wolff Farilli, calla told the Americaps sistant,e had learned of General plan. Marshal Kesselring 'told Mr. Dulles acknowledged in that time ca?ptaiti ,had broached Wolff's visit to :Switzerland. General Wolff to inform Gen- the first article, which be ms the subject Colonel Eugen,Generai ,Wolff resorted to a' oral von Vietinghoff. General the subtitle "Opening Intri ue Dollmann, a high SS officer.Iruse to avoid the trip, ^ Wolff reported that if all went with Hitler's Generals," the c d- He in turn, brought into play Meanwhile, Marshal Icessel-1 went he hoped to bring the new laboration of Gero v. S. Gael r- is chief,, -General Wolff, the; ring was transferred to the1 comnmander or one of his staff nitz,in the writing. Mr. Gae r- all-powerful SS commander. Western Front and replaced byloffivers over on Anril 2. nitz, amaturahzed American of. ness lntert5ts1 ,in. ~5,w zlerl ba d, cnt'a ark with Go onalBDoll- i where he became Mr. Dull s's iann or General Wolff, or pre personal collaborator and frie d. crably with Field Marshal Al- Tracing the beginnings of he crt Kesselring, the Wehrmacht from the nd of February, 1 5, 'ommmnrler in Italy, might be, emissaries' and messages w re nr'th while, passinug secretly between he ? To the surprise of Mr. Dulles, mission in Switzerland and r? . call from Mayor Waibel a,few man generals in Italy, but, at aye later informed him that early hopes of knocking he ,a ion Parilli had returned to Nazis out of the war in It ly a'itzcrland with Colonel D"l1- did not materialize because of loan and Captain Zimmer. The' the stuborn and insane policy of meriean decided to remain an one `rgaan,,'Adolf Hitler." he sidelines and designated the `Wehmacht goner l: aul Blum, of his Bern staff, Mr. Dulles related, ? were r u? meet the Geiialans? MMr..Rhim tant to pull their armies out of 'aS an excellent judge of meri,~ the conflict for..the follow , Ir. Dulles wrote, and it was inm- Tea ns, the Allied policy oil ort.ant'. to find out whether the tl1m 'Ligm1.,V trrende , tin d. ermans were serious or were ity after the failure of the J hl Ping a trap. 20, 1944, plot to assassin b Mr- Blum met the Germans Hitler, ., Hitler's .promise o, nd Baron Parilli in Logs no onj miracle weapons that, wo l( arch 3. Professor Husmann save Germany, lie myth t at