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Publication Date: 
March 18, 1961
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t` N"WPbV64i" r Release 2000/04113: CIA-R iTAR Circ.: e. 2871425 Other Page NED 1'S G1 TEAM By !'ap, mt Of the Kennedy administration represent ti e dull; politkal flifh W owerng o teorld War II veteran's ge'nc ration, 14t one man, America's top intelligent agent, acw 111111ULC erore miantgnt-Ali 23,'" 1< en Y`^' "wwwVwi~ v4 G,, NRfvL1G1P i! ~ friend andcolleq,gue, Gerald M. May^er,' in Bern, Switzerlar.1. awes, police, for he' was head Of - the % American, Office of 4ra9;egic"Services (OSS) in if if"and thus the top Yan- ket,;*Oy in'-this city of war- ,rri ; spie9. SW ies of both the Axis .,nd the western democracies re ,- 1etbted_ in ne{ltrsl iwitzeri'and,"but this night lInlies rtooki'speciat precau- I ions to make sure he -would clot be tailed.- A few hours hc,fore he had been" ,electrified by an unexpected ,offer of r,c ct ' ",documents_ from a :,rra lger,.,rt cppld be a trap o! i i; could be the, greatest intelli,er4a treasu e of the, war. Oi, the face.,of it, the n'oposido*t ',had been incred- ible, ev0for.a man accus- tomed tSAxleeaItng in, the bi- z~arre and lthe shadowy. The Un.;ted States, in brief, had beeh"offered con- densations, an in some cases exact texts, of top-secret dispatches flowing in code between the German foreign ministry in Berlin and some 50 Nazi embassies and legations scattered over the world. There were also promises that the transfer of these docu- ments could continue indefinitely, opening up the thrilling p ssibility that the Allies could know every major Axis Move before it was made. IeReaped1 1 j razz k4 eeet D tic es' "" " ": , 'res were, aamost`too simple to be cred- 1 i at mrr a tall, dignified Prussian, who said fie, hdt et tl;e regime and was now a citizen of a Latin ~m cwt' "ceun cad walked into the office of Mayer, },ci wa3s head o 'e United States office of war 1nforma or: n Bern. ; The strap, e aid d friend of his had access in Berlin to jl rto slt: y' ei-n' ninistry dispatches and wished to ?i ke t1 e a let i e Allies becau's he hated Adolf' ti er athe ther N Nevertheless of G any. Ma rar,"all skeptic, Nevertheless cal Dulla -dWhen the!S r agent awed, the two Amerce s quizzed the s leng h. The 'former Germa ew from his is envelo and took out three d ` tches in Ger- m p rp d to 'be messages froazi ambassa- d n. cg+'T . Bey an* ""Czechoslovakia German For- ~.ald the" strange>andidly that he'; suspected he nt provocateui h *ho would either, (1) let the' ington and there' monitor the broadcast ttaking the United S# tes code. a u in Berlin who got the documents. 'r" nSVho wcro 'b ck leather jacket and, was nervous and' Mayers passedd around highballs, but 'though all drank, :atmosphere"W&s` heavy with suspicion.'After preliminary t ng, thai? slit, stock German beckoned Dulles and e03n envelope hnd poured out the contents. `T iere were;j `fewer than 186 documents, some mere ,;tirnuld have `nothing more to do. with me." The foAr me talked until almost dawn of Aug. 24. bat Dulles wa`itted particularly were references outside 'zany, and 'the little man from Berlin supplied them in ond. wife, `both living in South Africa. He gave. names of people In America and England who knew him, ,,He also went over.- his on life in detail. He said he was an assistant to Dr. Karl Ritter, the German army's liaison chief in the foreign office. Over Ritter's desk passed a duplicate, not of every embassy dispatch, but' of every one which concerned the army-in wartime a high per- Approved For Release 2000/04/13 : CIA. RDP70-00058R000200150122-8 110 sai rr is t% eaersafieeh P %OtfleP : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200150122-8 Switzerland to make contact with the Allies, but his ry effort v`as thwarted. Finally a courier took sick and was permitted to carry the diplomatic pouch to Bern as placement courier. How could-;he take the papers, without being appre- lded? It wit's liis job, he said, to bNef the dispatches for, .. L er since they wez:e. too volumnjou s ~#Qr the head man to wly, in detail: Ritter's aid said he had his own office, =ltd both,make, notes and copy important messages in.full. The little main's ex;planation;ftl Eer ng to spy for the MPs: had the ringlet sincerity. , Me ;xaid be did not consider tro.,v5 ?ft against Germany, that" Hitler was the traitor -1?+ile he was the patriot, desiring to see, )his -homeland re- ra.,,,n t to neaee and sanity. ',. ^, ilex 'and the ,t. o Germans left A e apart rnent sep- +"1 , lttf r hour s"'Ora The crier i tom Seri n returned ' his hotel, and pot to l ter l5ullcs learn' that :,,ending to know t ?ffy 1 ' 1 en ;ihsen frcl a us !hero . Within the small :mmand circle in Washington privy '1 1M [,~!3 LEI r C S#' to the espionage o6tip, the "Kappa papers" were' 7h tremend- "'" hit Cl Wll1 (Wild Bill) Dnovta h d'ol ous.o.i moa, The little matt,: p eadetl a date with Swiss lad ' tfle Is night and believed the Germs oreign office, documents svt5tth the Ve to ' conVinG b bill d d s rn oc t a a ex! pence of costly OSS organization. for administering n the lY3m ziet e Wing ~ dent Roo It; elated and intrigued by'the secret Of Aug. 24. w 1 `' p p a: h and often' reead Dulles did t, laid- Washington tr su as brief n each n , floz the seer ra ;! ern for an eaten them, f. Ma tli a e .; Ied him to keep a f ~ head of i far ally Sir 1 pt3ston Churchill, who a~ check pf,evey name, place an re alive supplied by ence 4 Is d brz11ia3it $ritisfi intelli th t fe y g e ve 8 an an a r. ';ii courier.`; Ai-t' en spent ours and hours over the docu- i servce vents. Many of them-were week?'old.'anci 441is, Aber the w r,. Iles *as decorated twice, for secret a-r.4 ut, they chronicled exactly r a~ly major s the fir- , :~ the pGerman surrender iij* i#Qgotiartions lead! Mlle in Italy. in late rl.ans had made since. : 1pril and for h pinpoint .the German bum jaomb cal due time, back ,'OSS ieport from Washing- j unt hi& . rtes A erman coast. Pte.. i. # C~ tor . Every fact check then did Dulles place the Because l? postwar intelligence ramificatiof the dispatches theih