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May 14, 1961
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why Latins HoldBack on Acting Against Castro
has been adopted: But every-
body knows , that, at the mere
mention of Cubs the agenda
will go.out thew dow.
2. The 1947 Rio ct could be
invoked. This provides that, if
there Is an extra-temiaphete
threat, a PoreiatC Ministers'
meeting could adopt stern
measures by a two-thirds vote.
These measures could include a
break-off in diplomatic, com-
munications and trade -rela-
tions, and even, In e>ttrerpe cir-
cumstanres, military sanction,
3. Article 6 of -,the 1948
O. A. S. charter. Ii: provides for
a Foreign Ministers meeting, in
the event of a threat to the
peace, to determine 'how to
meet It. Joint police action,
such as that- whfeh protected
Panama during its. 1959 in-
vasion jitters, could be -ordered
aA a'larger scale.
Agreed, to consult closely_on'
foreign policy-which Is, almost
to say, to co-ordinate it, Vene-
ruelu probably would follow
their lead. Mexico is utterly
opposed to joint action against
The United States would like
to have a Foreign Ministers'
meeting on Cuba before the
Inter-American Economlc Con-
ference;' scheduled for July
15, probably at Montevideo,
Uruguay, This is an effort to
keep the two queations.sep-i
Shakedown Seen
But Chile, %peaking in a way
for nlahy, if not all, of the
other 'Latin' governments. has
suggested holding the economic
meeting first. This could be
interpreted as a diplomatic
shakedown: that some nations
first want to see the color of
Favor Third Approach
Uncle Sam's money before de-
The Kennedy administration aiding how to vote on the Cuba
favors, the third. approach, issue,
primatinly because the O. A.- S. It would not be good for the
charts;: is less restrictive than United ,_'States government to
the RIO Pact as to what steps accept Chile's proposal NO
can be taken. Nine American matter what happened, Wash-'
nations already ` have broken ington could be accused, of
relations with Cuba. Only five buying votes by proferringI
more are needed, therefore, and economic aid to. those countries
they should not be hard to, get. willing to go along with` its
But it is important that these isolate-Cuba move, There is'no
include sorgp of the bigger, slim yet that the Latin 96v
more independent countrlei ernments are heeding Presi-
like Argentina, Brasil . and dent Kennedy's Warning that
Veneauela. That is why Bratll Castroism is a greeter throat
Is.being wooed so strenuously, to them iJsaal.'. to rise United
Argentina and ..11radl ha" &atei:
roved For Release 2000/04/13 :'CIA-RDP70-00058R000200140110-2
Some Nations Fear. U. S. Aid" Would 'Dwindled if Red Threat. Eased Off-"
By Warren Rogers Jr. (does not like Dr. Castro. But,
Governments, like people, are
only human, That is one big
reason why the United t;tates
is taking its lumps In trying to
rally the other American re-
publics against Fidel Castro.
Latin America is basking In
'.he warm. glow of almost un-
precedented attention from
Washington these days. For
Years, while the United States'
attention and foreign aid dol-
lars flowed elsewhere, our good
neighbors to the south cried out
in vain for adequate help.
Now, shat with the $600,-
he has a strong Leftist element
to contend with and potentially
explosive poverty in northeast-
ern Brazil. Castroism has made
strong inroads among these
starving fanners, whose average
income is something like $110
a year, and collectivist peasant
leagues are reported wielding
considerable power.
President Quadros therefore
stolidly holds himself neutral
in the Cuban situation. He is a
shrewd, volatile politician who
must keep his country behind
him while doing what he be-
liever to be the right thing.
000.000 being voted by CongressAmer?ican'otttcials hope that, no
and other steps. they feel their matter how he talks, he will do
pleas are being heeded. And the right thing when the chips
they thir k they know why:. the are down.
frightening spectacle of a He and other hemispheric
Moscow-controlled government leaders must make their -debt.
in Cuba. alons in the few months ahead.
Fear Own Leftists' The United States is cautiously
What would happen, the moving toward a denouement
Latin leaders are asking them- in its effort to Isolate Cuba, as
selves. If the threat of Castroism It Castrotsm were a disease
were erased? Would we plunge shunned by all. The United
back Into the doldrums? Fair or States probably has enough
not, this Assessment -is creating votes to do this through the
laggards among these leaders Organization of American
who, though as opposed to States. But' it ',wants greater
Castroism as C. I. A. chief Allen solidarity before forcing things
W. Dulles, would mourn Its to a head.
passing as. a bemispheric "bete S Avenues, Open
noire." They f0$r the Congres- There are three avenue4 of
sional cash rsl1ster might quit action;
Jingling. Bus Ahey also fear 1. The Inter-American Con-
malcontents id their own Coup- torenoe.: originally .scheduled
tries. for may 24'at Quito, #ouador,
President o Quadros of and now indefinitely postponed,
Brazil to a t~ fit polnf. fie An agenda of fda'~1-two points