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Aristocrat of Mystery Writers
Ian Fleming, Creato, of James Bond, Is a Knowledgeable, Sophisticated Briton
Who Counts President Kennedy Among His Five Million Fans
{ c LEVEN years ago, in a World War I l i and usually
L? beach house In Jamaica, :? stimulate?c the reader "all the)
42 year old Englishman named; way through, oven to his tastei
Ian Fleming sat down at a huds."
portable typewriter and began lean, handsome and scarred;
tapping the keys. of face, Fleming's hero is hoth'
"The scent and smoke and r1 first rate thug and an end-
sweat of h casino are nauscat-lessly ' no ledgeable connois
ing at three in the morning,"seur. With his Beretta .25 (in a
he wrote. "Then the soul ero-;chamois shoulder holster), his
sion produced by high gam-(throwing knives (they're in hi
bling-a compost of greed and $hoe sc)lca and his karate, he,
fear and nervous tension-be- gI, i htcrs enemies with rh} tn-
c o m e s unbearable, and the mic dispatch. At the same)
senses awake and revolt time he an compare the fine l,
f from it. pu:nts of his vintage Beritlev
".lames Bond suddenly kncwisports car (the Amherst-Vil-r
that he was tired... hers supcr_harper is well hid-I
Today, 10 mystery shockers den' wi!h those of a l.ancia'
later, Fleming's more than five Fiaruioia Zagato Spyder wih~
million fans (who include Pres. Dun' )p r:lily stud.;
ident Kennedy) know that IIt' call select for his skis the
.lames Bond, alias British s2-.At1enb-,)ugh Fox forward re-
cret service agent 007, must be lease or t!,e Market lateral re-
tired indeed. For seldom in the lease, and give reasons for his
history of mystery writing has choice- He bathes in Floris
there been a busier? more vio- Lin(' bath essence, and rc.cog-
lent, more luxuriously disci- nines e v e r y t h i n g expeiisive
pated hero than F' 1 e m i n g's about a girl, from her Balmain
complex creation. negligee to her diamond ear-
rings from Tiffany's.
Not Much He Fleming fans know there's J
need to fret when Bond has to,
Doesn't Know wade through mud to line his)
In his first book, "Casi i:,r 38 caliber Smith & Wesson i
Royale," Fleming hurled Bond Centennial Airweight (for long,
at Smersh, the "execution arm range work) on a Smersh kill-I
of the Soviet secret service." ei. That night he will showers
Since then Bond has defeated up in some posh spa, put on a'
Fleming: "I am not in the Shakespeare stakes"
H-bomb piracy, frustrated a clean Sea Island shirt and treat gold rings). Then there w 11
sneaky rocket attack on Bu. ' himself to a iuh of vodka mar- 11,)sl assuredly be something,
ingham palace, stopped a 9-: 1 tin,is, served very cold with, with that steamy Bardot;
robbery at Fort Knox and slires of lemon peel. Then will ' ! ,. I,r who tossed him a curs
made love everywhere from t come a hreat platter of hot but-I(wht(: silk; Dior) in the bar.;
compartment on the Orient Ex tired crabs, to be washed down }sand is obviously cultivated.]
press to a double sleeping bags with a quart of icy rose cham-
in Jamaica. He has thwart PC} tits)), Fleming never lets hi r,'I
i `t&ne. "1;' sere will be a contem- get, too uppity. Sports, gain- I
?'uch i11ains as the Na plativi smoke on the twilit vc '
r a x, gang
randa (Bond smokes nothing
Big, the sadistic Goldfirigei it special strong Macedon- are Bond's only recreations. I1
(who plated his women in gold] im,. e,paret' m;irked with three he ever thinks of art, music ~
and Dr. No, the arch scnundn" , rihoc's or good reading, hoI
.now starring with Bond in 1:. pit, ru,g li.iinanit.. I think it's)) .; },s it under his Lock's of
first movie. an :eh,nfut e mire le that an l , ?ndon bowler. One writer'
Such exploits are, of iou;:r citin'g', person like me can go.rotos that Bond's pleasures)
the grist of most mvs!ety v,r,, it ur'l'.nt; tit !ht'se books with~ai.e those which the common
er?l i hce diffe-ence is 1 t.:1' Ii nest. Is.'s r,?atly it terrible,,.'. at his commonest car:
Fl~'rr~ing is a