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Document Release Date:
January 24, 2001
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Publication Date:
October 23, 1963
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NEWS ?Approved For Release 2001/03/02: CIA-RDP70-
228, 74
S. _250;585
Reds :Map Plan
b o` Win Latins
DEFECTORS from the Soviet side to our
side in the world conflict should be an im-
portant force. For many years, with the
Naval Intelligence and with State and U.S.
Senate committees, I
had the responsibility of
inducing wavering com-
munists and people in
the twilight of their com-
munist careers to come
over to the side of the
United States. I know
what a magnificent con-
tribution defectors have
T:,- (!ereNOr left communism because be`'
could ,.o longer stand the intrigue involved;
However, since his defection he had dome'
to realize he had joined "the losing side" be-
cause the leaders of the West, mostly In the
United States and Britain, refused to be-
lieve that Khrushchev is planning to con-
quer the world.
He told of a communist plan, blueprinted
and sealed during Castro's 37-day visit this
summer to the U.S.S.R., that called for the
success of what is called in the Kremlin-
the USRLA-the United Socialist Republics
of Latin America. By 1968 this Soviet unit is
to include Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, Bra-
zil, litish Guiana, Mexico, Chile and His-
paniola. (This was Wore the overthrow of
Juan Bosch.)
CASTRO, according to the defector, Is
to he the leading force. But let Constantine
tell the rest:
"According to my informant, Khrushchev
has instructed Castro to lay the ground-
work without haste. It is essential, he Is re-
ported to have said, that the chances of re-
election of the present Washington adminis-.
tration, sympathetic to socialism, and deli-
sated to a relaxation of tensions, should not
he endangered. It is also important that the
British Labor party, headed by Harold Wil
made to our understand- MORRIS
ing of the communist conspiracy. They
made valiant witnesses, and the whole free
world w better for their testimony.
In rec ^ years, however; the people
Running ot.r executive policy have not shown
the high resolve`" necessary to induce de-
fections. Many of us were shocked in 1958
when we learned that a Danish international
civil servant, Povl Bang-Jensen. had been
approached at the U.N. by a cluster of po-
tential Soviet defectors who asked that he
aid them to asylum in the United States.
The approach had been made at the time of
the crushing of the Hungarian uprising by
Soviet tanks in 1956.
These defectors told Bang-Jensen that
the 38th floor of the U.N. (the top adminis-
trative offices) was actually under Soviet
control and that the Soviet Secret Police
had penetrated our Foreign Intelligence.
This information was dispatched to the then
head of our CIA, who, instead of zealously
moving to acquire the vital secrets available
from this important source, let Bang-Jensen
and the defectors cool their heels for seven
anguished months, after wNch they were
no longer available.
I READ in the Congressional Record of
Sept. 24 another startling defector story. It
conies through an interview between the
competent foreign editor of the Washington
Star, Constantine Brown, and a former high
official of the communist Czechoslavak gov-
crrnment. The defector told Brown much
:Tout communist future plans which we
should know.
son--described by Khrushchev as it man of
great intelligence and insight toward world'
trends-should replace the wobbly, uncer-
tain and tired Conservatives.
"Hence, there mu,t be no hasty or rash
moves by Fidel and his associates through.
Latin America. Castro must accept with
,,ood grace any indications for reconcilia-
tion with the United States-even at the.
price of some concessions regarding the
confiscation of American properties.
" f he pot will be kept simmering until
the American elections. After November.
the xork of creating a USRLA will be
started in earnest."
The testimony of this defector, properly
checked. should be brought to the attention
of the world, not hidden in the Congressional
Record. Our official policy is working to
bring shout a merger with this country and
the nations of the world under the United
Nations. Under this, we would he a minori-
ty; but if the Latin-American bloc is to be
put into thr Soviet side of the aisle, we will
be almost a snhtarv voice in the consensus.
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000200070053-4