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Publication Date: 
October 30, 1956
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Aid Aggression Vietin? U: -"to SAUDI ARABIA 41'EI Oentua 41?SUEZ CANAL a ~. EI 'Arish SPAS! ,TEL AVIV 1 1, JAFFAI EL KUNTIU4.s JERUSALEM JORDAN Ma a n=~ CPYRGHT ,1! 0 Chairman of th Joint Chle of Staff; Allen W. Dulles, direct ,4 tor of the Cent1*1 Intelligence Z. Agency; ShermanAdams , chief A\ assistant to the President;. Wil- ton B. Persons,deputy assist. ant, and Col. Andrew Goodpas- ter, white House staff secre- .{ ta- $ecretary of State William M-1 None was available to com-: ment Which Hagerty read be-' fore tense newsmen and, pho- tographer jammed in his office. Asked If the Israeli-Egy*ptlan crisis would alter the Presi dent's campaign plans, Hagerty; replied, "ti-e haven't even. thought. about It-I'll .et you L or Russia. i know tomorrow. ', By contrast, the Middle East ; Tn The Middla Eac.t_ manvl ews was very grim for Amen- an diplomats. It also posed a riFticai problem for polio inns, with the presidential elec- Ion.. ly na Week away and de- au 1s for aid to Israel a factor nit -fn many uurban areas. Secretary John Foster Dulles, n-between a rush round of ses- ions with foreign diplomats,. onferred by radio - telephone ith the President at Rich- ' ond, where the Chief Execu- ive was completing a one-day ying campaign trip into the outh. metgency Meeting Official Washington spun into 4ay over -th jolting news of the Israeli march into Egypt. ower's weekend warnings on e Israeli troop mobilization. The Israeli- Egyptian crisis used a quick shift of top for- ign policy focus away from e Polish-Hungarian, develop- ents which had been buoy- ntl , y watched as a major crisis a turned to the talks in the Chief Executive's second floor study. Ninety minutes after the ses-1 sion had begun, White House Press Secretary James C.. Ha- gerty . announced that the :United. States will back its pledge to aid any victim of ag- .gression in the Middle East.,.. Others at the emergency con- ference in addition} to Dulles and Hagerty were Undersecre- tary of State Herbert' Hoover Jr,,;;Adm.Arthur W. Radford, Americans 'heeding the Presi-1 dent's warning to evacuate the area unless their .presence is' absolutely necessary rushed out of the 'tension-ridden sector. Groups flown out of Amman, the Jordanian, pital, on ai . shuttle air mitt. by Embassy chartered planes, were 'arriv- ing at peJrut, . e'babon Extr~s'Aircraft "I left even the salve cwars on the table" t(p United Press) i quoted Mrs. Ernest Mlittlnson,, the wife of a Point Fo9r em ploye, who said, "We 'dad 20 minutes warning" to leave, In Cairo, tldted States Em- ,. bassy employes' visited all "non essential" el,merican personnel.,;' urging them Li to leave, and scheduled extra aircraft to transport the,m.. The Navy 'Department here last night said, rn response u;' inquiries, that the. United State , fleet is in this Eastern Media, R An emergency White House night meeting of top diplo- matic, military and intelligence chiefs was arranged. It began at 7:20 p. rid., as soon as the President got back to the White House after landing at National Airport. Ac 8:15, the President and his ranking officials came out briefly to pose on the Whitelranean. ready for any aveut* the scene. The group men rvj Randolph; two cruisers , _ abovt * incuding reinforced Marine b@ . the crisis area,, ;end Pi?u-I alert a t ot.' y _;rio *? Approved=For Release 2000!06 ( C Ir. "I 0-00058,RO9OI CPYRGHT P70-00058R000100140122-0