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Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130150-0 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130150-0 1, KANSAS CITY (Mo.) JUN 1 1 130b STAR I Circ.: Apr* Sor Release 2000/08/24 : CIA-RDPftAt8F 0 S. 61,5O3 Front Page Mita! Edit Page Other Page TIu 1956 l'eV61qt10 e 'vhichrti:6Ai A.:1N years ag reI?.i(cn \4 i elsewhere.", ,partcvuta iii' lAsSla pace. 1'here, for' exarnpfr'.\lcior high energy:!,'OSeafth.;:'.....?? English sinnt'isi.',SairCV;.-OCild' world lead ia that field. . the, child is scientifically inclined theite is b.,refuestion of his tfuture., State itipends'.nd general deferment from the'lditi4l.":rare ., 'tincicaire hetteit, grades. .are'...-11'?at,.e.'0-11.-n14-8n.. In fields.other ? The grad te urt :?tist ,but lacking in a hackgrotiiiritliCiheAli;'..trLe nni:.' pajterr) in ...ties. Emphais is, placiid;' hoWe'c.,er, On foreign ess ne languages, particularly English. lheoi Students report. Russian science is weak only 'leriPsts in biology .Nyhet?e, it has ?been::,titarnpered, until ha\'' kept-recently by 'Marxism. Tjw,r great: em- On srtientific..teachinl"lth Almost 50 1,1,14?101."titn",for,', Per cent of teChnictal:.studerdshlanneleN.: into intAw,q0.i. J)) classrooms.' : Only .35 per,' cent:12,f,i our:scientists *iv ciSsia are engaged in teaelth,-ig,;' edu- cational .instilutions. ? .; lotion ' for I .. So scienite.':!hiVOn'eS:ii'ptriir . --tx 7 HERE .does this 'leave the 1.'. S.7 At the 11 world struggle. key 'tO' . ' ''. '---r1 - . . ,... ,., .. survival find .keV to V!' moment our is..sition ?is ..!'ot, enc'ouraging I peace. To.pfilitli atom to Pri;i:eic:a-i''..4e,- ' - ..... ,;- . , the energy of :.the sun,'"nto d'I'l ;!:'-'" tic 'i a P ; pals ..,,,,a,,_.,:...,_,,s,i)..1,..?tsa.,,...1,,iffil._ VeViie i arei:;?:-.01._ .pro_ducing', enMikk- i.i.terit isr,s , and 1 . ? ,. z- - -. ..? _asatr:::ghtliaNe.tirlitit.t,,1;:_;ti.:,:4 -,,,10:1::::::l,.r,-.. r7a:,..,'. !..11.pee.e..1!. , r..1'.1,-I.S. h' - - ' thlw-.of 1.11.114)11 ' ,these.,are.4W,Ilich in .jlie'ilQX(Z.;";(ii?..3.'' ' - i,,;:,,liii6-',..,;,,f . -,..-peers' .:and rt-itty,In :..- h'r.:1,,-g;-.1rOi.jhait'et,C1'::firri.rngj. Jeillig'1.. t.'41-1-!..:,(1-fill'AfT.-n(ition.;-?,."' l ' l'r '41' :ifeinand'. --'0, HE ?, 0. t ),c, 1:07-tin. i ,/,--ei,e1,: .t.s,.11 . ? Rusild'rekii;es/i1S-4 and :11-i-li IS.),?.-lifi-e?rilmn- . the ' .ntirn hetl?.1:0'at:: sPl".:4?.....*Iel'irii?;:sli-1.4hr::s''':"?:lifillealtsdi:'Qdseso. 'dolls strides in rtrnd,ilciion Of scientlsts,.,and.,en? creaser). Theri;, nocc, i?-.aa; ,upicti.n in response gineers. By Contrast NVe.? hal'f, ,51.1.ppd ?a, k- to .the ,new demand,. -hut ? itot,'enough . to meet ward. Dean'-.19'hin'Ril.biirininiijfaihe-,Coluinhia long-term' needs, - :.. ,.,,.:. _ . -:.. - university. Sch;01 .of .engineering? ,s.:).s. .?.,4 A, ? ? ' , On another % level itye.,haN't-, ttited.,,.. to ,make we .h\-e,-.,,iosf,;', the'Sba,itie, ofngitlee. rillg,...1..n...-n". ! teaching sufficiently t4trttetie:to,?iu;re'ihe.. set. power--at -,l.ea?1. til ..,10 l:..4.t,11her,s.- ,,. , ,,. ... '.. ' Sntitiertily:ntindod .,ti-cim"..,tlie....rewitifi,? ot Indus. , ----, , , - of 9 Cen Allen W. -pulles i ;a,1 - ?,,ellue .try. The number ot agency cites 'these - nUmhers.-. n its -0-Cllie ' .l "linclit, , .. ,...... requirements to teach 'high' school fsciene de- . graduates Who 'aiikliiited t Russia Will graduate' 1.200, ) in the sciens-es t creased from 9,100 in' 1960 to 9,800 list year. . _ _ . while the-.1.1.' 8.1'will_graduate '900-000. . 1 Thus others must.. step out ? of their /folds and . , To Dr; Alan T. Waterman. of, the. National ! instruct in mathematics yr Science.., 4 Prince- , . Science J. Poundattniti,_ this - Means. one ,,t lung ? , A , ton surVey shows that `fonr,Eifthi: QC tit . 'math ' . . . Ctrs'ir ir'"i'Ve"i171-7*V-TrAtreft".?6' ':. Olhers have ? teachers are. not coni etent in the. silb ect. ' joined hin-C,in .'examining ?,!hf",' .stic,ess of the Math enters vie pteture in another ?vay. Woe- Soviet Progritri,inrci ;111.e. reasons ours has fat- ft111- it appears to lle a vani.shing American. tered. Their first condo's-ion Is' 10 dispem:e with Invariably it is %.oted the mos; unpopular of the false' corrifort, of Considering- Russian sec. school subjects -Too:hard" or -I no doll." Stu? entists 'inferior to ours. ." That IS', mere wlsh- ilents ac flirt it. partly due to an impression of . . , ful mythology.. , ' some parents That math Is situ iii for the ? Russia has 'organized, a huge c(Ineation ma- heads. Only half the nation's li11 schools offer chine to turn' Out ieehriiciansi,',..Tlfis' year the " physics or chemistry, 23 per cent neither. Less ,flit. 'S. -,gr,uduate:d 23.00n-,vilgliiffc4riits`17:i.titit..1,t. S a quarter of our high school -?tticletits stud "f- egrees tISS a -.gave i.'oniparahleceiliffe.ates- v , een element aj.. 0 4 ,:e bra, : tii-83,000-!L:?(171,tii 0-opOlittinii,ii,'5,rig' larger :5, nil I) ,q;i.plar!,.211 4,114,t HESE are the (ac-Is that worry our educa- indtvid9s1s,tisluiej,,the,., SoyietL, tors anri government. alike, For thp short- lriiie.;,e'liik.k141,1j?,.:e;:i1U,Cji'..ii-'041b5itf,i,?tr?.1$S7i'',-_,.l-:.C',1 'range problem - finding scientists and engineers .The-Russia -;setcifi'pongists-ot.,,a-.10;:gitade"coml-7! for immediate needs.. the law of supply and de- 11allsory-generalLediieal#,,scliopi..rOziparable Marta is on our side. Active recruiting by ib- i ? . fonur' eand f by fie (busily s netpmg. Some cornpanies has e en . Iti;:.0.?Ars-.,1"),mtgho dueaunn eashmentsstieh:1 placed -Help Wanted: :Scientists" ads in Br if-:) tte-littkparirt76ritr'of )sh newspapers. ' Approved For Release 2000/08/24 : CIA-RDP70-00058R00010 (0?q 130150-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/24 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130150-0 CPYRGHT 1--rt ocZ-V4grams's'hould have a hig'effech Bur g 'SoUtheaSt high school tills :\ ear ex- posed more !"'students to the SrlOtIlifir. un hi ihrough?outside speakers. The kVyandotie High School Scieneeyield 'club has been a pioneer. ,knd nation--..wide Science fairs at-e important. On a nationattlevel, ;government can:but point 't the direetion.1' 'It would he conceivable for it to Jake oi er. the educational system and produce' ? technologists coMmilsory basis. But that Wo uld destroY the of local control. Only with caution can there be mitt-iglu aid. The National Science t'oundation in 1./.?-)3 in- augurated , a series of summer institutes Si high school and college science teachers, (dIer- ing an opportunity of contact with first-i ate minds. Tractel,ing -high sch,a4 science libraries bring technigal'Oflumes to scattered areas. , Some helieil'ethe fedet al government should go further. A hill in the Senate \\ oulci im-rens.? lu $25,000,Qqi_the scholarship program of ft,- National Science Foundation. Most edtu ators hope, howeyer, that extensive scholarship ef- forts will be Carried on by prik me interests. Jo attacking' the problem, industrialists, edu. rotors and govcrnment officials agree we ninst never forgi?t other fields of learning. Samuel I. Brownell, Tti:.S. commissioner of education, has pointed mit that it is unwise to rob the, potential of diplitmitey, law or economics, for example, to produce more scientists. And at Ili e same time lye must never lose sight of tha ideal that Scientific training in a free land neeessitates.a ficm grounding in the humanities'. At mid-centttrY; then, this is a challeng0 America must:Meet in answering the onslaught of communism.: Russia has embt aced tte Baconian edict that ''Knowledge is power.- '4o the Soviet that means scientific knowlerige. Our answer is brainpower. With the prope't. .1 education, it will be sufficient. 3 _ Approved For Release 2000/08/24 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130150-0