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WIMMmm PMT A D TIMES K Approve? or Release 2000/08&k=: OaA16P70-00058R FOIAb3b 3'wining Due for New Questioniiig By John G. Norris - 0144!! aieertsr CPYRGHT Senate air power Investiga- tors said yesterday that. Gen. Nathan F. Twining would be recalled next week for addl- ttonal questioning in light of ."new confusion" raised by the Air Force chief d press confer- ence statements In Gettysbur . Sen. Henry M. Jackson Wash.) told told newsmen Twining's comments to newsmen yester- day raised new questions re- garding the "area of conflict" between him and Defense Sec-1 rrtary Charles E. Wilsop dis- closed In their earlier testi- mony. A dispute has arisen within t he Senate Armed Services Sub- committee investigating wheth- er Russia is outstripping the, United States In air power. Extension Opposed ~AA &..v 7AV I "We must have den. Tw~iln j - ""de ', , the ingtt7!y, Rive us an . up-to-date evalua- (1)-Mo.) told Wilson - Tuesday that his testimony was "incon- sistent" with that of Twining, which was supposed to end with tion as to how we stand, quali- 'Wilson's testimony, be extend- latively and quantitavely, with ed so that the "contradictory Russia," said Jackson. No one statements" can be explained disputes that we are ahead; and the subootnmittee can qupiitatlvely today. The dispute' reach a conclusion. Is o-ber what we need to do now Sen. Leverett Saltonstall 'R- to stay head i,y 1958 to 1900. Mass.) yesterday opposed Sym- Dt( .lo Tertify Tuesday ington's plait to hold further hearings, declaring that the "dl- I- According to the press re-1 reef conflicts" in testimony the ports, Twining said at Gettys.; latter cited, largely are matters bur that we can stay ahead U Of opinion, not fact. - u g, chow the programs 'recom ? Supporting Symington's Po- mende4 by theA I r Force: I'd sttion yesterday, Jackson said life to know what he means. Is he felt Twining, .Gen. Curtis E. It - his recommendations for 4Msy, 'Strategic Air Com- 19ST, which were cut $2.5 bll- tts(nder..LL Gen. Donald L. lions or his recommendations P}ltt, ht r~i.n C. S..Jrvine, and for 1958, which are nearly halt "Lttel l i,de n c e officials," who gain as much as allowed this testified -earlier, should be re-I par." called to help Senators straight- Twining is expected to testi- en out the "inconai&tencles." , fy before the full Senate Armed, The subcommittee staff, Jack- Services Committee Tuesday son said, Is preparing a com- morning behind closed doors. i parison of the conflicting state- Suhconmittee members plan ink mrnts. , Some may involve y;;estiun him then in i ;ard .c.j opinion, he said, but others the conflicts - Wher:>>r t',c deal with the relative future subcorimittc' will have the Atr strength of the United States Force chief hack for arir1utior,,I visa-vis Russia in light of questioning ant whell,w, the known An rican programs and others mentioned -il.n .'.ill N. "agreed upon national inteUi- r'etlled will tM decided Renee estimates of what the poitry :neetj;;g ?r thr >t?n:; Reds are doing." t;r.{t ~~r,?k. Apprnvp-d Far RP-IP-acP- 2000/OR/94 - (I -RDP70-00058R000100130090-7