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Document Release Date: 
August 3, 2000
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Publication Date: 
July 19, 1956
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PDF icon CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130079-0.pdf98.95 KB
SAN DIEGO (Calif.) JUL 19 185t UNIOtApproved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-000589 4 9 3 Circ.: m. 70,205 S. ,,149,536 Front Edis/ Other CPYRGHT IRENE XQUAU4-46UHN SAYS: i The writer is a veteran news- paper reporter and foreign cor- respondent. LITTLE BUBBLES are ris- ing in the red sea of propa- ganda which indicate under- surface pressure for admis- sion of Communist China to the United Nations. Before the mess boils up and blinds us with a cloud of scalding steam, let's look with a cool, clear eye on what's gone before. FIVE YEARS ago, Edward Hunter, a veteran American correspondednt in the Far East, introduced a new word and a new book. It was "Brainwashing in Red China" and he described for the first time the frightening new techniques and effects of or- ganized mind perversion of individuals by Communist governments. It was almost too horrible to be believed. However, about this time, a few peo- ple began to escape from the now- all-Red China, conquered, utterly in 1949, and with them came confirmation of the sinister practices which .the Chinese Reds had copied from their Russian mentors and were using to capture the minds of men and enslave them by repetitive indocrin- Still, there was "little? com- prehension or real under- standing by the West of this wholly foreign and complete- ly horrible thing. The Ko- rean War wa,s claiming the agonized attention of Ame`i- cans. The conflict moved through its early stages to, a series of brilliant vietorles looking, to the defeat of the Reds by the United Nations forces under Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Then came dls- aster because MacArthj,tr' was not permitted to purS' ie the military advantage he had won, and continue his logical course to final, de- cisive victory. This was the first war the United States lost because, ?~s we have since learned from the tes- - own generals a n d fighting men, the de- feat was or- dered by the U.N. who were giving the battle orders safety of their luxurious New York headquarters. IT WAS NOT until April 1953, however, that Allen W. Dulle?. .tor of-the Cen- tral I e e Agency, re- ygg1pd; th,at the cp munists were appayin.g the-bKainwash- ing techniques to Amer'ica.n prisoners of vgar in Korea. Dulles waned the country iderable numbers of our own oys there might be so indoc- pounce country and family." The possibility was tested at the exchange of prisoners of war in Korea soon after; wards, with what tragic j o , fir .ation of Dulles' word4 as 'we now know. American; soldiers did go over to the Reds. When we came to the en of the fighting in earli wars, there was always as examination of tactics . i military experts to see whe we went wrong, and whe strategy was misapplied. Thus was physical warfare, and could be charted and studi and measured in easily and -- stggd terms. Unfortunately, there a too many top men in o country today who are sti thinking only in terms physical warfare, and n enough who understand th tactics of brainwashing an how a delicate instrumen like the mind can 4e mad a malleable tool to be use against us in the hands o sinister men. W '~ HUNTER DEFINES bras washing as "a system of b fogging the brain so a pe son can be seduced into a ceptance of what otherwi would be abhorrent to him. He describes the meaz}s th are employed to achieve t desired complete submissi and "confession." The mea are "hunger, fatigue, threat violence and often drugs.a hypnotism ; and always, t endless,' dreary lessons political indoctrination. Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130079-0