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Publication Date: 
September 5, 1956
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PDF icon CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130059-2.pdf95.52 KB
BUTTE MONTANA S E p 1956 FOIAb3b STANDARD Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R0001001 Circ.: m. ~~,285 S. 25,079 Front Edit .' Other Page Pa Page Date: P I m's Strategy of tbry Conquest As we have pointed ou 00 Nten that doubtless it has become boring, the Communists have made nearly all of their considerable gains since World War II by trickery, not by force. They obtained control over Czecho- slovakia in this manner. The threat of force was used in the conquest of nearby states, including Hungary, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. In all, the Soviet Union has brought into its domain 22 free states. Now the CentraLinteHigrtca Ag- ency and other lesser agencies have taken official note of the Commun- ist's use of infiltration, trickery and other devious means to get free peo- ples within their.:grasp. Italy, France and Indonesia are listed as the principal targets of the Kremlin's new strategy of "parliamen- tary" conquest. We might wonder, parenthetically, why the Midle. apd.Z1a,.ast are omitted from consideration. Itr,may be that,ir. Dulles regards these areas as having fallen already into the clutches, Of t Commies. Mr. Dulles says that when the Com- munists obtain an effective minority position in any parliamentary body, it is a sign of danger. They have such positions in both France and Italy. In Indonesia they have penetrated to cabinet rank. Mr. Dulles gives the United States credit for blunting the element of force in the Com'lunist program. But he admits that this has, only channeled Soviet activities into the struggle for power by other means. Hence opera- tion "take-over," or "parliamentary/9 conquest. Mr. Dulles points out how we have been warned of the Iremlin's inten- tions in the series of,;eches which characterized the 20th Soviet Con- Alien W. _Dulles, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and oth- er prominent Americans have taken official notice of Communist means of accomplishing their objectives in statements made in a symposium com- piled by the House committee on un- American activities. Mr. Duller; statement in particular is a valuable contribution to the al- ready large volume of material on Communist methods. Mr. Dulles chides Americans for failing to take notice of what the Communists have been doing and what they aim to, do. He points out that the late Adolf Hitler enjoyed a similar complacency. Hitler had it all written out in his book, Main Kampf, what he was going to do. The American people didn't pay any attention to the book until after World War II had started. It was too late. Mr. Dulles Is afraid we are going to similarly let the present day Com- munist leaders' mouthings go un- noticed. It will be to our own peril. He says very plainly that the Com- munists mean to infiltrate our free legislative systems, to take over our parliamentary governments, and to use the freedom which our system of government gives to destroy all vestiges of that system. gress. . Says Mr. Dulles: "We cannot say;. we have not been warned. The free world is confronted with the plain fact that a great foreign power with vast resources to back a program of subversion and cajolery, proposes to do everything it can to see to it tiat free governments shall perish and that dictatorships of the proletariat, allied with Moscow, shall be estab- lished throughout the length and breadth of the lands. "It Is well to recognize the danger." Our own experiences with Commu- nist Infiltration of our government should now stand us in good stead, if we will only use them. 0100130059-2