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DA X WORKER NOV 2 9 1953 Approved For Release R OW : CIA-RDP70-00 CPYRGHT PYRGHT a The Germans Dulles Wantsc4Js To Trust By JOHN PITTMAN (Second of Two Articles) stand on their own record incorrigible enemies of pea and democracy. Most of the tors. True. justice would ha placed them safely behind priso bars along with other war cri inals. retary of State Dulles commen to the bosom of the America people, other of Dulles' proteg and pals are even worse-if that possible. They are the prime i the militarists who drenched E rope in blood. and trust as reliable bulwarks of peace through negotiations: Alfried Krupp von Bohlen a subsidized Hitler and reaped but profits from arms production, tl confiscation of "Aryanized" pro lerties, and the exploitation l again. Released prematurely fro in Turkey, Brazil, Egypt and th Belgian Congo. Dr. Heinrich Kost, former d trical trust, 'is general director Adenauer's coal minim boar Was a Nazi party member sine 1934. -Wilhelm Roelen, representativ start of the Nazi Party. Guenter Henle, Christian De war. Friedrich FliAk11RriQV@CJgEr was Hitler's chief economic exper "Aryanization" of the properties o Jews and other peoples, and eco nomic looting of territories oe copied by the Nazis. He was als released prematurely and hi property was restored. And-jus to show liow we help our friends Flick's stock in his biggest holding nark for 3.7 new ones, a rate 3 obtained by German workers! Iijalmar Schacht, yes, our ver old "reliable" friend, Nazi par member since 1932, personal -ad visor of Hitler, is at it again. Hav ing also had his property restored 1 donesia, Spain, Portugal, Italy an .other countries. Ludger Westrick, a top man ?i Adenauer's Ministry of Economy was appointed by Hitler director helped arm the Nazis, and a mem her of the Nazi Council of the Air craft Armament industry whic ur pleaan ~ ~ustriiees 'in' ~o "fhe f4 a~ GUDERIAN ipally because his brother, Cerl- omy minister under Hitler, was of ecently published book by Cj. Westrick brothers and the Dull brothers fully expose them as th- chief agents of the American-Ce man financial oligarchy, which Hermann Joseph Werhahn, so - in-law of Adenauer and relate also to Cardinal Fringe, boss the Catholic Employers' Feder - tion, is chairman of the supervise council of the big Rheinisc - Westfailsche Elektrizitatetswer , and is associated here with t banker Zinseer, a relative of Morgan partner and a Rockefell representative. :Fritz Berg, head of the Feder. - tion of German Industry and me - her of Adenauer's Products i Council, lived for many years a the U. S., from which he cops the Taft-Hartley pattern of t anti-strike legislation he recent pushed through the Bonn Bund - stag. Rudolf Brinckmann, the Hat - burg, banker, directs 20 of the hi - gest Industrial and financial co - Robert Pferdmenges, Cologne hanger, directed munition concern under Hitler, sitting- on their boards side by side- with war criminals Flick and Schroeder. 1 Today be is one of Adenauer's pil- lars of the Christian Democratic Union, plays a big role in the Ger- man steel trust and other industrial concerns. Hermann Abs, another banker, vas former financial advisor to litler and director of the Deutsche Bank which represents rupp, Mannesmann, the Steel rust, Thyseen and other monop- ly interests; was a director or ad- isor of 40 trusts, including I. G. arbexs. ,Today he is one of the air figures through which Wall treet is seizing ownership and ontrol of the main German rusts, These are but a few of the fi- ancial and industrial oligarchs. in denauor Germany who today are )ccuping the same position and laying the same role they played a Hitler Germany. While trade rnion militants and anti-Nazis are jailed, beaten, thrown out of em- ployment and otherwise persecut- ed, these war criminals hold the reins of power, and are driving West Germany to war. But war against whom? Dulles. tells us Americans it will be war against the Russians. Dulles was saying the same thing in 1939, as the rec- ord shows. But it turned out dif- ferently. Are the German generals any more reliable? Is there anything to the myth that they were all Gentle- men and scholars who did what they did because as "soldiers," they had to obey the Fuehrer? "Theirs not to question why, Theirs but to do and die!" Isere are some of the braves whom Dulles wants us to accept as defenders of the "free world"r Maj. Gen. Wilhelm Speidel participated in the shooting of hostages in the Soviet Union, re- leased from prison to help rebuild the Wehrmaelrt. Collabora`s.d while in prison with his brother, Lieut. Gen. Hans Speidel, mem- her of Adenauer's committee on German remilitarization. Col. Gen. Franz Haider, Hitler's former Chief of the General Staff, employed by U. S. occupation forces to write history claiming Hitler attacked the Soviet Union to anticipate a Soviet attack on Germany! Col. Gen. Heinz Guderian, Hit ler'v so-called "tank expert" an r rpi~ib aaM I Y 00 the Rockefellers, Harrimans, Mor- gans, Firestones and Kuhn-Loeb Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100080017-4 CPYRGHT General Staff Chief suceeedin llalder, also cornmissioned to writ a book justifying Hitler attacks o the Soviet Union, reported to b reorganizer of Nazi secret servi under guidance of Alan Dulle .John Foster Dulles' brot er an director of the Central Intelligent Agency. Lieut. Gen. Hasso von Manteca fel, former commander of the Di- vision "Greater Germany," leader and spokesman of the Nazi "Broth- erhood," in May, 1950 approached the. British, French and U. S. of- ficials with a memo on how to speed remilitarization. Gen. Count von Schwerin, for- mer commander of Hitler's 116th Tank Division, who in 1950 visited London to discuss establishment of the Wehrmacht. Gen. Adolf Heusinger and Col. Count von Kielmannsegg, advisors to Adenauer on military matters, especially chosen for their "spe- cial knowledge of Russian war methods." It is well to remember these names. If the Eisenhower-Dulles program. for rearming West Ger- many and rebuilding the Nazi Welirmacht is carried to fruition, many an American boy at work or on campus today may at some time in his life, before he has- really had a chance to live it, find himself the target of bombs and bullets directed by these very mil.i- tarists. For the Eisenhower-Dulles policy on Germany is a policy of disaster for our nation and each of its individual Americans. Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100080017-4