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January 25, 1956
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JAN 25 1956 V yO. ,1, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP70-00058R0001 OOK REVIEW By JOHN K.HUTCHENS s 3-1 050084-3 CPYRGHT i ther, future tyrant o the top. In fail- ng, it certainly de- troyed an a n t i - azi German elite hose post-war ervice to their ountry would have e e n incalculable. ust as certainly, r. FitzGibbon be- ieves, here was one of the great moral acts of our time- 'and, even now, one f the most under- alued and least nderstood. 0 UV Aiv A.., FitzQibbpn grants, against the attempt that as made on Adolf Hitler's life at 12:42 p. in my 20, 1944. If successful, it might have spawnec nother. stab-in-the-back legend to carry an 20 JU&. By Constantine FitzGibbon. Norton, tau en erg, ie x oca , 285 pages. $3.75. was denouncing Hitler in remarkably unguarded ouices, an rom Constantine FitzGibbon is own r.e4eargh as n inteJJigence officer in the United States Arm r. FitzGibbon's is the most comprehensiv ccount yet to appear in English of the da tself, the years that went into preparing for i nd its ghastly aftermath. There is little her hat will be new to the expert, the chronicle etfcently observes. But how many experts ca here be who know their way around this in redible maze of personality, motive and event The fact is, Mr. FitzGibbon declares th he whole Story Drawn chiefly rom German d f terms and rounding up persons interested in killing him. Henning von Tresckow, one of his chief assistants, the son of a World War I Ger- man Chief of Staff, was a determined anti-Nazi by" 1938. In that same year Gen. Ludwig Beck was prepared to lead a coup d'etat in the event Hitler declared war. The West obligingly pre- sented Hitler with the Munich Pact instead. By how much did the conspiracy fail? Four persons in the room with. Hitler. at his East Prussian headquarters were killed. A. stout table. shielded him just enough. If it had not, the, war might have ended in Europe ten months before it did. Even as it was, the plot had a, chance until it was lost in.bad luck and bun-, gling-or so this version seems to suggest. Time Ran Out For reasons riot yet entirely clear, the con- spirators in Berlin did not goo into action until 3:45 p. m:, when Stauffenberg, still certain he had killed Hitler, arrived by plane from East. Prussia. Through some fatal carelessness the Berlin radio stations were not seized and Joseph Goebbels was not taken in hand. In Paris Field Marshal.von Kluge, who might have saved the day by turning the. Army of the West against. the regime, hesitated until it was too late. By midnight the revolt had ground to a halt, and the first of some 5,000 executions were under way - a terrible toll-taking among a mere "clique." Mr. FitzGibbon speculates with some bitter, ness on how much better the 'German anti-Nall opposition might have fared had it received help and recognition from the Western Allies. If the unconditional surrender. policy was wrong, he is right. Allen Welsh Dulles, head of the , on at, ',if it ever arrives at one, we have here a finely organized and written story of, brave men who acted out of conscience, died- for prin- ciple, and deserve to be remembered with utmost nlisted ministers, wealthy landowners, righ wing politicians, socialists. Nor did they 014 heir desperate move only when and beta German defeat seemed certain. As early as 1940 Col. Count Claus Schenk vo ----- .. W - itler's original propaganda line endures to th Office of Strategic Services m SwtzerlancT at thei ay-i. e:, that this was the work of "a sma Mme, and atltlicr c ,"GezmanY's Underground" lique of ambitious officers." ItRis clear enoug : o lli ll. 1yI . FitzGibbon draws extensively), ow, or should be, that the truth was elsewher beved that the unconditional- surrender slogan mistake: 'ending history's verdict esides the :professional sokdies, the conspirac was indeed a 310 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP70-00058R000100050084-3