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8 1957, CPYRGATnitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP70-00058R000100010091-9 CPYRGHT 0- Page 4 Daily Worker, N. York; yiFrtdayti N ember 28, 1952' lere It Is of Secr t f State in the Eisehl AND IT IS DULLEST above bower ca et, has asked all others, who is responsible cans who have followed his cl- Commission for Korea, uni- reer. But the F.B.I. is har laterally, in 1948, proclaimed y 11~f" the agency to give it to him. South Korea a Republic;`, with leading agent of the big tru s the outright fascist Syn=man in America,' and specifically )f g Rhee as its head. Neith f the the gigantic Rockefeller financ American people nor the,' ther and industrial monopoly, Dullsi members of the UN K3rean American people to Nazi GE r- I 1111 %1~j The Canadian Goverment many in. e 1930s, and has b protested strongly, and w ed trayec since in German ZyY that this move-Dulles' s cific Japan, ea and throughout t e .. `,., 4 handiwork-would lead to var world. rn Knrr.n IN THE 192 (1 AND 193 , Dulles was an executive co - inittee member and general cou - sel for the International Nic 1 Co. AV such he negotiated n 1937 a ?cartel agreement with . G. Farben, the German tr t which backed Hitler's rise o power. This agreement perm - ted the Nazis to stockpile nick I and hence. to build its hu e armaments. In an anti-trust s t filed in 1946 against this nick I combine, the U. S. Governme t complained this agreement "pe - mitted I.G. to stockpile state amounts of nickel and nick - bearing materials," and require ulles' firm "to cooperate wi the German authorities (the Hi - er Government)." ? ?. Dulles' law firm -of Sulliv & Cromwell, of which hew s senior partner, served as couns 1 or the J. Henry Schroder bank, n which the Rockefeller Cha National Bank has held exte - dive interest. This bank was t financial angel of the Nazi mov - ent in Germany. In J933, Dulles, as financi 1 gent of the Chase and-0th najor New York banks, went elmany and neggotiate greetnent highly fava>able he Nazis. When U. S. Ambassador t ,ermany William E. Dod Sanmtm7a wrote in his Diary that Ameri- can financial interests, and par- ticularly the Rockefellers, had a hand in Hitler's rise to power, he was undoubtedly referring to the activities of John Foster Dulles. In 1939, when FDR's collec- tive security policy was enunci- ated, Dulles fought it, incor- porated the pro-fascist America First Committee, publicly praised the fascist regimes of Nazi Ger- many, Italy and Japan, and de- manded that the U. S. not inter- fere with their conquests. minded the present policy of re- Governmed arming and rebuilding the econ-What is omy of western Germany at the adventures expense of the rest of the people East answer is f of Europe. His close associate pansion of and friend, Gen. Lucius Clay, and t who served as military head of Bank, the U. S. Occupation in West ciated with Germany, executed the Dulles investments policy. China. Assailing this program of re-The Chas building Nazism in Germany, opened tw "The Witness," Episcopal Church Japan and h paper, demanded in 1947 that sentatives i Dulles resign as head of the feller oil co Commission on a just and Dura- close lose in C WAR II ble Peace of the Federal Coun- India. The Du11ej' firm acted as counsel for cil of Churches. & Refining Franco Spain and for the Vichy "What pagan logic of geopoli-subsidiary, i collaborationist regime in France. tics is it that wants to `find a holdings in Dulles himself came to the de- form of joint control which will fense of a Nazi agent who, in make it possible to develop the THESE -1940, , was caught negotiating in industrial potential of western pling of the 1_ -7 - r 11- - -. _ sl.., TT O f or nca Dulles has continued his close It was- Du es w b was the Foster l . association with the monopoly architect of the "peace-treatymuch of out foreign policy un- gangs that that powered the rise of with Japan which placed back der the Truman. Administration fascism in Germany and Japan. in power the very banking an Z1 and who is closely identified It was Dulles who master- in s ri I i Il financial in- Od~fu Abe R 9 i Approved-For-Release-: `I -RD ~'-~`~'~`~ RO 001 line trenches of the South'"Io- they would "unify" the cgttry ound 'in. the v e x- L the. investmes. of he corporation w so- it, gnd loss o&eir o new branc ~ in as establishe re- n India. A ke- mpany was ford to hina. It open in American Smting r East. th s loyalty of John Sanitized Approved For Release : CIA-RDP70-00058R000100010091-9 - CPYRGHT terests, is not loyal to-the Amerl- caz jople, but to Big Business. We are not the first to de- mand 9, real investigation of John Foster Dulles. Sen. Claude Pepper, in demanding a Senate investigation' of this sinister fig- ure, said in 1947: "I declare ... that Mr. Dulles, by proposing to rearm Germany for any reason, threatens war 4o his own country.. . He is open- ing gain the shameless doors of another Munich to what will be the world's worst war," Earlier, Sen. Pepper had said that "one of the Mr. Dulles finan- cial connections which I believe the Ameries ~,1e are entitled to know is hisrelal_ionship to the banking circles that ' rescued Adolf f-lillpr from the financial depths and set up his Nazi Party as a going concern... " Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP70-00058R000100010091-9