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Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-R
)T., VIC'
13~" IP0100080024 2
2 8 JUL 19'.7 J
M :MORANNI)UM FOR: Deputy Director for Science and Technology
Executive Officer, DD/S&T
,s 1]ilk, i Comments on DCI Program Memoranda
(a)4811-G6/a., Intelligence Co-
Program Memorandum, dated 8 June 1966
(b) PPB-66-0338, Intelligence Production
Program Memorandum, dated 8 June 1966
(c) 809-66, Information Processing
ioita.tion Program Memorandum,
dated 8 June 1966
(d) 814-66, Series B, Research,
I~Wpment and Engineering Program
Memorandum, dated 24 June 1966
1.. We have reviewed the referenced program memoranda,
p~-, _ -a.K cad by OPPB and now approved by the DCI, which were sent
:.h(, Bureau of the Budget as Agency position papers in
ct,-;,)owio to BOB'S request for 5-year program plans. Comments
>r~ 4i}!,rfificant points are contained in the following paragraphs
u;kording to major programming categories:
a. Intelligence Collection
(1) In the OEL area, the program memorandum
(PM) will allow us the funds and positions we
requested throughout the 68-72 planning p
The fu A- and positions relate primarily to opera-
tion 0
cpy No.
Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP69B00596R000100080024-2
Approved For Release 2000/05/04: JOP - D 69B00596R000100080024-2
1W, 172-66
SUBJECT: ': Comments on DCI Program Memoranda
(2) in Manned Aircraft Reconnaissance, the cuts
are far-reachingzid Lile PM, coiiLazns several important
policy shifts which will have seriouffec s on72.
25X1A DD/S&T' s responsibilities over the period
i'fts arise particularly
The major policy and funding s1
in the treatment of Projects
The policy shifts, in part' ar are inconsistent
with NRO Budget projections for
and ISINGLASS. is a case by itself in that we
should perhaps recognize the probability of its becoming
an Air Force asset in the operational phase.
no Agency funds or positions are
(3) Ong
projected beyond le development work required in
FY-66 and FY-67. The intention is to hand it over to
the military for funding and operations beyond FY-67.
Agency' s pv71 u_.~&JL cram
if an NRO go--ahead decision is reached on the Program ,
these support levels could climb to the range that we
submitted. There is an added hedge, however, that
-these funds may be made available in that etality
by an offsetting reduction in the OXCART program
the FY-1969/FY-1970 period. The memorandum further
makes the very far-reaching recommendation that, while
the Agency should be given the R&D responsibility
ISINGLASS, the operational responsibility be handed
over to the Air Force.
(5) The NRO Budget projeons fora ISINGLASS
propose and plan for Agency operation
FY-72, Long before that, the supporting operations, communications, materiel, and ADP must
get aboard and grow along with the deveopment of the
vehicle. This will require money and pl
proposed in the PM. It is also unlikely -that a one
as complex as ISINGLASS lQ~~erbwithoutdeveloped
duplication of
agency and operated by
cost and effort. 25X1A
the PM has allowed an Agency
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r41 Wimuiibl.
vuu' 4. uuniments on DCI Program Memoranda 090172-66
(6) PPOJects OXCART and IDEALIST. The memorandum
provides Sul) slaiiLially tIie ltiiiJ(s and position support
levels for those programs as submitted by DD/S&T. Minor
cuts, which should not seriously impact on future plans,
were made in funds and positions for the period FY-70-72.
(7) The memorandum makes a recommendation con-
cerning the OXCART program which warrants our careful
consideration. This is the point on page 25 which
recommends that a study be made of possible savings
resulting from a merger of the OXCART and SR-71 assets.
(8) Project In view of DD/S&T's
possible acqu s ct, it should be
noted tha t the DCI's program memorandum recommends a
phase-out of this project in FY-69 because of such
(9) In Satellite Collection Operations conducted
by OSP, there are only rclaf ve-may minor 1vergencies
in funds from our submission. The personnel levels
approved by O/PPB for all programs reflect the revised
OSP estimate on needs for the five-year period.
b. Production of Intelligence
(1) The program memorandum reflects all the
budgetary and position increases we requested for the
period FY-68-72. It further used our program descrip-
tions in great part as we forwarded them in our DD/S&T
Narrative Summary.
c. Information Processing and Exploitation
(1) Our submission covered three areas of
activity, namely
(a) Signal Processing and Analysis,
(b) Other Information Processing, and
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ffi Q100080024-2
r -1ix?-s1i a1.
Approved For Release 20,00/05/04: CIA-R?106913996Rd00100080024-2
SUi3,;i CT : Comments on DCI Program Memoranda 0172-66
"age a 4
(c) ADP Systems.
(2) The program memorandum approved our submission
for Si}nal Processing substantially as we forwarded it.
Minor c;dis were imposed in funds, viz., $100K each in
1969 and 1970. Also, position cuts were made as follows:
three in FY-1968, l;wo each in FY's 1969 and 1970, and
one each in FY's 19'71 and 1972.
(3) The other elements of our DD/S&T submission
in this category were concerned with Other Information
Processing and ADP Systems. These were umj (T toge Tier
as A' Systems in lie DCl~s, memorandum as it went to
I0B, 6
lid fact, this covers all of OCS'
impact on OCS's plans for the 68-72 time frame.
Director, OCS, points out, for example, that there are
for increased support to DDIS&T groups such as OSA
current efforts to obtaii
and OEL, and to the DD/S management information system.
The PM cuts will seriously degrade their capability to
accomplish these planned -tasks. The level contained in
positions to be requested.
positions presently approved for FY-67 and the 80
d. Research, Development and Engineering.
(1) To get any kind of handle on cuts in the
R,D,&E area, it was necessary to go to O/PPB and
solicit their assistance in identifying the cuts.
Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CI&PQ56R000100080024-2
Approved For Release 2000/00494': jA E3F 69B00596R000100080024-2
SUBJECT: Comments on DCI Program Memoranda
This was necessary, as you know, because we submitted
our five-year plan using detailed DD/S&T planning
sub-categories and elements and the DCIQs program
memorandum has presented them in substantially dif-
ferent terms. Moreover, cuts were generally made in
fairly broad areas of activities so that detailed
identification is usually not possible.
(2) Based on an analysis of O/PPBts spread sheets
for FY-68, the PM cuts in Research and Development
will have an impact in the following programs, which
are listed by Office:
OSA: no funding -- 1968 and beyond,
(See explanation above in Intelligence Collection.)
R&D: For ISINGLASS -- the cuts range from 0 in
B uses language in their discussion to tir- e:i'fec
Lhat a go-ahead decision on ISINGLASS would make it
necessary to reinstate sufficient funding and position
support levels to run the program.
per year; the result is a slight decrease from FY-1969
onward below the approved 1967 budget for this area of
cut across the whole sub-category, not further identifi-
able. Similar cuts apply through the planning period.
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Approved For'Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP69'860Nth6d0400080024-2
Conuno Data. Link disallowed in Coto. 25X1A
Looking at the whole R&D picture, for. Ff-68, DD/S&T
This in fact allows us an
ncy-wide basis, the
25X1A FY-68 A& allowing an increase
SUBJECT: Comments on DCI Program Memoranda
Page 6
O1:her: Cuts in this area cover Security, Human Factors,
atal Connno Data Link, Security (Audio Countermeasures)
2. To focus on FY-68 and summarize, the largest project
and R&D cuts were as follows:
- - no funding after FY-67.
ORD Special Technical
Human Factors - from $
4. In terms of the total budgets and positions proposed
by the Agency program memoranda, DD/S&T looks as follows for
the FY-68/72 period:
While this would allow for a very significant build-up in person-
nel and budget support, it will fall short of meeting the planning
Approved For Release 2000/05/04: CIA-RDP69B00596R000100080024-2
Approved Ior Release 2000/05/04 : G1A, f ? 9 4596R000100080024-2
SUBJECT: Comments on DCI Program Memoranda 0172-66 7
irargots we had established. However, if we consider the diffi-
ct;t,ies we are experiencing in obtaining qualified personnel, the
Ol ild-up authorized by the Agency memoranda may not be a serious
handic.i;po Also, the budgetary levels may better reflect our
.~ ~a i.l i ty to commit R&D funds in an orderly and effective way than
tie very high levels we submitted.
5. According to O/PPB, the seventh floor has made no pro-
vif7ion for Directorate reclamas on the Agency program memoranda
wi . ch now have been approved by the DCI as firm Agency position
im1 'rs. We are further advised that some of the planning levels
covering the entire Agency may be trimmed by the DCI as the latter
apparently believes our over-all Agency budget planning levels are
still too high. Bureau of the Budget cereainly will feel this
way. PPB believes, on the other hand, that the present R,D,&E
levels may possibly hold as they now exist.
Directorate o
Science and Technology
A i; i. l citment :
,w;mmary of Combined
r'eog'ram Call
Cy I - Addressee, w/Att
2 - Addressee, w/Att
25X1A 3 - D/Recce CIA w t
4 - Col. w/Att
5 - i)/O, ,
G - D/OSP, w/Att
7 - D/OEL, w/Att
8 - D/OCS, w/Att
9 - D/OSI, w/Att
10 - D/ORD, w/Att
Li - D/IF'iMSAC, w/Att
12 - Comptroller, DD/S&T, w/Att
13 - DD/.S&T Registry, w/Att
14 - DD/S&T Registry, w/Att
O/DD/S&l -ill (28 July 66)
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