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approved For Release 2000/04/13 TO $E R B00596R00010Q Q,44.8-0 X1 30AUG1966 OFFICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES DD/S&T CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A OSA began its life organizationally in early 1955 as a smal.. project group of about = people grafted onto the staff of R. M. Bissell, Jr., then Special Assistant for Policy Coordination, Office of the DCI (SAPC/DCI). The project, of course, was the covert development and operation of the U-2 aircraft in conjunction with the USAF, and was known as Project AQUATONE. A formal agreement with Air Force was signed by Mr. Dulles and General Twining in June of that year, delineating areas of responsibility for both parties to the pact. 2. The SAPC/DCI relationship continued as the Project grew, but as it emerged and gave signs of surviving beyond the 13 to 17 months operational life forecast for it as the beginning, and as field detachments were deployed with more than = people each, by mid-1957, SAPC/DCI strength topped _ people. Technically, this brought the on- board strength of the Director's Office to some = bodies, and when this was brought to Mr., Dulles' attention, he was horrified and directed that something be done to reduce the apparent swelling in his personal staff. The AQUATONE personnel were separated from Mr. Bissell's personal staff and renamed the Development Projects Staff, retaining their organizational affiliation with the Director only in the term DPS/DCI. Mr. Bissell wore two hats as SAPC/DCI and as Chief, DPS. The group which became later known as COMOR, was attached to SAPC/DCI as the ARC (Ad Hoc Requirements Committee), the first unified effort to codify strategic intelligence requirements and to differentiate them from tactical intelligence requirements. 3. This condition pertained until February 1959, when Mr. Bissell became DD/P. At that point, the group was renamed Development Projects Division and was headed for the first time by an Air Force Officer, and at the same time, the old Air-Maritime Division of DD/P (which was by then all air and no maritime, and in reality, functioned as a staff supervising clandestine air operations around the world) was absorbed into DPD. 4. By the time DPD was blended into DD/P, it was no longer single project-oriented, even leaving aside the inclusion of AMD assets. In 1958, preliminary work had begun on a successor system to AQUATONE (by then named CHALICE) under the cryptonym GUSTO. Active work was under way on development of Project CORONA, a satellite photo system which emerged from the ashes of the abortive Air Force System 117L (Pied Piper), cancelled as a cover ploy in March 1958, to permit covert development of CORONA ostensibly under ARPA. In September 1959, OXCART became a project 9 A ?ic Release 2000/04/13 tast3 Iticatien 25X1 A Handle via. 9B0 00M007dbft'{0 System Approved For Release 2000/04/13 :1"dRk B00596 R000100070018-0 succeeding GUSTO, so on 1 January 1960, DPD was on the verge of Launching with Air Force the first CORONA mission (it was unsuccessful), 25X6 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1A 25X1A it was operating two major. CHALICE detachments overseas (Turkey and and it was starting to work cutting titanium for the first OXCART Mach 3 aircraft. It was also conducting, in the Air Branch 6. On 28 February 1962, with the resignation of Mr. Bissell as DD/P, DPD was transferred to the newly formed DD/R, coincident with its move in March of 1962 to the new building. It was also renamed OSA at the same time. 7. Following establishment of the NRO by DOD/CIA agreement of 13 March 1963, it was not long before satellite operations responsibility moved to the SOC of NRO in the Pentagon (1964). OSP was formed shortly after establishment of DD/S&T in the fall of 1963. OSP then assumed all responsibility for satellite systems and OSA reverted to concern only with manned reconnaissance systems (IDEALIST, OXCART) and development of downstream state-of-the-art manned systems like ISINGLASS. The new version of the U-2 will also be lodged in OSA. 25X6 25X6 MILESTONE DATES 24 November 1954 U-2 Project approved by President. 10 June 1955 USAF/CIA Agreement on Project AQUATONE. June 1955 Project AQUATONE staff formed under SAPC/DCI. 6 August 1955 First flight of U-2, eight months after contract let. 7 May 1956 First U-2 detachment deployed to 20 June 1956 First U-2 overflight of Soviet Bloc countries. 4 July 1956 First U-2 flight over Russia. Approved For Release 2000/04/13 : CIA-RDP69B00596R000100070018-0 2 - lop SECRET Approved For Release 2000/04/13:. P00596ROO0100070018-0 25X6 25X6 25X6 25X6 25X6 25X1A 20 August 1956 11 September 1956 February 1957 20 June 1957 November 1957 March 1958 1 September 1958 21 January 1959 June 1959 4 September 1959 November 1959 November 1959 8 February 1960 1 May 1960 20 August 1960 25X1A September 1960 25X1A October 1960 26 October 1960 Second U-2 detachment deployed to Adana, Turkey. First U-2 overflight (of Middle East) from Turkey. Third U-2 detachment deployed to First U-2 overflight in Far East over Russia. First U-2 detachment disbanded at _ Assets divided between Turkey and units. Project CORONA started; 117L system (Pied Piper) cancelled by USAF. Land Panel approved GUSTO effort leading to OXCART; first GUSTO contract let. Presidential approval for OXCART advanced feasibility study. Letter of intent with Lockheed for OXCART. CORONA Presidential approval to proceed with OXCART. Production contract for OXCART let. Last U-2 overflight of Russia. First successful CORONA flight after 13 failures. U-2 detachment in Turkey returned to U. S. regrouped at First U-2 flight over Cuba from U. S. ., Approvedfor Release 2000/04/13 : tB00596R0001 00070018-0 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X6 25X6 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 C Approved For Release 2000/04/13 : Jul November 1960 14 December 1960 January 1961 15-19 April 1961 12 January 1962 26 April 1962 9 May 1962, 5 October 1962 29 February 1964 00596R000100070018-0 Air operations, Bay of Pigs. First- mission over China mainland. First flight of OXCART aircraft, First -flight of OXCART 'aircraft. Last CIA U-2 flight over Cuba (50 flown in all). A-11 surfaced by President. 20 May 1964 First carrier mission for U-2 over 23 November 1965 OXCART declared operationally ready. OSA ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Developed and operated U-2 program for ten years (1956-66). 2. Developed first operational satellite reconnaissance system in 3. Developed first operational aircraft in world. 4. Developed TALENT and TKH systems plus system. 5. Established CIA world-wide security courier system and first CIA. industrial security system. U. Furnished entire air support to Cuban operation. '!. Established and operated first effective b. Located first SA-2 site in Cuba during 1'962 missile crisis. Approved For Release 2000/04/13 : CIA-RDP B00596R000100070018-0 lop C' Approved For Release 2000/04/13 : CRW90596R000100070018-0 9. Established first combined world-wide communications and avionics capability in CIA. 10. Established first and only CIA-industry secure communications network. 25X1A 11. Handled over 25X1A SA/DD/S&T/JACunningham, Jr.:mep Distribution: Copy 1 - DD/S&T Copy 2 - DD/OSA 25X1 A Copy 3 - DD/OSA Copy 4 - DDS&T Copy 5 - DD/S&T Copy 6 - Exec. Officer, DD/S&T Copies 7 & 8 - DD/S&T Registry 25X1A Copies 9, 10, 11 & 12 - James A. Copy 13 - Copy 14 - -5- Approved For Release 2000/04' r MP69BOO596ROO0100070018-0