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Approved For Release 2004/05/25 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300041-6 1711i0528 . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE tacked the election to elect delegates to the Constitutional Convention and then attacked the validity of the Constitution itself. I am certain that the thousands of American boys slugging their way through the treacherous jungles. and swamps of South Vietnam want to get this election over with as quickly as pos- sible and start seriously thinking about getting home instead of nit picking ev- ery single detail of the election ma- chinery. The American people want us to get out of Vietnam as quickly as possible and I am certain they will denounce these efforts by a small group of Ameri- cans to undermine the validity of the forthcoming election. The untold problems facing us at home require us to bring this war to a conclu- sion as quickly as possible. It is my firm conviction that those who would assail the validity of these elections will in fact prolong our involvement in Vietnam. PRESIDENT'S VETO AFFORDS SECOND CHANCE (Mr. PICKLE asked and was given per- mission to address the House for 1 min- ute and to revise and extend his re- marks. Mr. PICKLE. Mr. Speaker, I hope that President Johnson's veto of the Govern- ment Employees' Life Insurance bill will be the occasion for action on a fair and responsible bill, which both the House will pass, and the President will sign. This bill-H.R. 11089-would have added at least $60 million to the taxpay- er's already great burden. At the time the bill passed the House, the full import of our national financial situation was not realized by the Congress, or advanced by the administration. We had not been sub- mitted the prospect of a $29 billion defi- cit; we had not been given the proposed increase in social security; we had not been given the bill for a 10 percent sur- tax increase on private and corporate in- comes. With all these evident increases and costs, the President really had no choice, given the implications of this bill. Had the President signed this bill into law, we would have, in effect, added a substantial burden on the taxpayer for a measure which provided its maximum benefits to those members of the Federal Government who need them least. The average employee would have been given a one-third increase in his insurance coverage at the taxpayer's expense. A se- lected few, including the President and Vice President, the Cabinet and sub- Cabinet officials, and the members of Congress would have received a 100 per- cent increase in our coverage. I do not think that such an increase could pos- sibly be justified at a time when the ex- pense of Vietnam is steadily increasing our Federal deficit. I suggest that the Members return to the administration's original proposals for a $13 million program or something in this area, to improve the system and eliminate some of the obvious inequities of providing additional coverage, This is a bill we could pass, and I would be happy to vote for it. I recommend, further, that we accept the President's offer to, as he says, ex- plore ways to permit direct purchase by Federal employees from their private funds under current group plans. This is what is commonly done in industry, and I believe that it would be beneficial to Government employees who are quite capable of bearing the small additional cost themselves without asking the tax- payers to do so. The President has asked the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission and the Director of the Bureau of the Budget to begin working immediately with the ap- propriate committees of Congress toward finding an acceptable and fair insurance system. I would like to assure the mem- bers and the committee chairman of my own wholehearted support of their ef- forts. Mr. Speaker, it is tough not to vote for all the pay raises possible for Federal and civil service employees. No one wants to cut them back; indeed we all want them to get the best possible pay comparable to private industry. But this cannot al- ways be, particularly in times of a great national deficit. We must be cautious and careful. As much as it hurts to veto a pay measure, the President did what he thought was a sound fiscal approach. I am sure the majority of Congress would now agree-and that we can still find an equitable answer before this session of Congress expires. And, Mr. Speaker, I imagine the President will also be watch- ing other measures of this nature- among other major appropriations-to be certain that we stay within bounds of a reasonable budget, and mainly, at this critical hour, that we cut down on our AN OPENING IN THE MIDDLE EAST (Mr. STEIGER of Arizona asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and ex- tend his remarks and include extraneous matter.) Mr. STEIGER of Arizona. Mr. Speaker, while American Armed Forces are striv- ing to close a door against the Commu- nist onslaught on South Vietnam, it ap- pears that we have left another door wide open in the Middle East. In the confusion that has ensued from the recent Arab-Israel war, it is now ap- parent that the Russians have exploited the situation by establishing naval bases on a de facto premise of allegedly de- fending the Arabs. Soviet naval craft, including missile cruisers as well as sub- marines, are now based in the Egyptian ports of Alexandria and Port Said. Soviet military advisers and technicians ac- companied the recent massive resupply of Russian weapons to the armed forces of Egypt. Meanwhile, Mr. Speaker, we learn that the Soviet Union is seeking an air- base in-Yemen. This would he the first Russian airbase on territory not contigu- ous to the Soviet Union or its satellites. Yemen is the strategic land that Egypt's Nasser has sought to dominate in sev- eral years of Communist-backed war- fare against the Yemeni people. Russia already is known to have per- August 15, 1967 sonnel and equipment at Hudaydah, Yemen. Soviet submarines and torpedo boats are based in Yemen, in a position to control the narrow channel between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden-in other words, the passage between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. A Soviet base in Egyptian-controlled Yemen would control the sea route from Europe to Asia and east Africa even if the Suez Canal is reopened with access available to all nations. The Russians could control not only the sea route from the Mediterranean to the Far East but would be in a, position to dominate the Persian Gulf- and the oil-rich lands of the Arabian Peninsula. I regret, Mr. Speaker, that instead of telling Egypt's Nasser that he will not get another cent of American aid as long as Russian military personnel are on Egyptian soil or Egyptian-controlled portions of Yemen, American diplomats are currently beseeching Nasser to accept renewed American aid. All Nasser has to do, apparently, is resume diplomatic relations with us. Mr. Speaker, I have asked the Depart- ment of State for an immediate report on the secret talks now in progress in Cairo. If the American taxpayers are to pay for a new handout, they have a right to know what is being promised. I will certainly appose any aid to Egypt unless that country takes positive steps to oust the Russians and identify herself with policies consistent with free world in- terests. This includes a peace settlement with Israel and free access through inter- national waterways for all nations. Mr. Speaker, I am also asking for an- other explanation. This one is directed to the Department of Defense, It is even more serious than the first issue raised. Instead of opposing the takeover in Yemen by pro-Communist forces of Egypt, the administration granted diplo- matic recognition to the puppet regime in Sanaa, Yemen. Under our very eyes, the-Russians entered Yemen, their sub- marines docked there, and their aircraft flew in support of Egyptian forces. Nasserite forces, backed by Moscow, sought to expel the British from nearby Aden. The squeeze was aimed at taking over all the oil of the Arabian Peninsula, including the Aramco interests in Saudi Arabia. The closure of the Gulf of Aqaba to Israel shipping was a phase of the plan to take over the Arabian Peninsula. Even if the administration had sought to use force in the Straits of Tiran, we did not have the available force in that region. Mr. Speaker, I want to know why the United States today has no facet worthy of the name operating in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean. There is a vacuum in the Red Sea, the waters of the Persian Gulf, the wider reaches of the Indian Ocean. Why are we so naked in this vital area? Are the Russians to take over by default? The closure of the Suez Canal prevents reinforcement from the U.S. 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean. The war in Viet- nam prevents reinforcement from the naval elements engaged in that area. I want the Defense Department to frankly explain why we are so weak in Approved For Release 2004/05/25 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300041-6 H 10530 Approved For Relets_ 8WJ(gf fi AA1 003 R 200300041-6 g s . 15, 1967 sive action. Air pollution is hardly new. As dustries which do the most polluting, re- of Health, Education & Welfare, and would early as 61 A.D. Seneca complained of "the gional air quality and emission standards, include representatives of all the involved heavy air of Rome," caused by the smokey and strong enforcement provisions through states, and would be charged with setting chimneys "with their pestilent vapors and the use of court enforceable cease and de- up air quality standards for the region, as soot." sist orders. well as source emission standards In order As industry grew in the United States, en- We must have nation-wide maximum to achieve or preserve the requisite air vironmental pollution inexorably grew with emission standards so that major industries quality. It would consider the concentration it. As the population went West, environmen- are treated similarly and know just how of industry, other commercial establish- tal pollution went with it. As the number of much they must do in air pollution control. ments, population, and the technical and motor vehicles grew, environmental pollu- We must have inter-state regional ambi- economic feasibility of achieving the desired tion grew. The process is inevitable. ent air quality standards and controls-not air quality level. Where national standards Perhaps there was no major effort to halt state-wide standards-simply because air exist, a regional commission's standards it because the harmful effects of air pollution pollution' Is not confined to States. In New would have to be either identical or more were once unclear. One could see that the air York City, for instance,. much of the air stringent. was dirty; one could smell. the poisons in the pollution comes from New Jersey. Only a - A maze of state standards simply will not air. Today the evidence is crystal-clear, the regional commission can solve the regional meet the problem. nation now recognizes that air pollution kills. problem. What would happen under the Senate bill The hazard to human health is well-known. Finally, we must have real enforegnient when two neighboring states submit different The functioning of the respiratory system is by the Federal government because-like air quality standards? dependent on clean air. As the exposure to taxes, nobody is going to pay to, end their Air and the poisons in it do not respect contaminated air increases, the individual own profitable pollution unless they have to. state lines. The poisons which enter it in breathing capacity is impaired; the amount States have long ago shown they will not New Jersey drift easily into New York. There- of oxygen readily available to the blood set up effective air pollution standards or fore, standards are best set regionally by the stream is gradually reduced; and the total controls. use of air flow charts. health of the individual declines. Then, when The present Federal three-step approach, Of course, air quality standards will be other stresses appear-such as the common with conferences and,hearings and injunc- ineffective unless they are translated into cold, diseases, heart trouble or aging-the tions, too, has been pfoven effective. enforceable emission standards. As I noted respiratory system has less capability to To begin to end,air pollution, the Secre- before, the Senate Public Works Committee maintain its function. Health declines fur- tary of HEW musk have the power to issue has recognized this basic truth. But it stops ther from the strain of trying to make use of cease-and-desist , orders to anyone who right there. Although there is a Federal veto dirty air with a physiological system de- violates air quaLfity standards. over states' proposed air quality standards, signed only for clean air. Finally, in a great These are mi)iimum requirements for effec- the Senate provisions give no opportunity many instances, death is hastened. The cer- tive anti-poll tion action. for the Federal government to approve or tificate may ascribe the cause'to any one of Under my ill, H.R. 8467, the Secretary of disapprove the emission standards upon a number of specific failures. However, a Health, Edu ation and Welfare would set which the achievement of ambient air quality growing list of competent medical studies national em ssion standards, which would standards is contingent. This is a grievous show that polluted air is often a significant be reviewed ~ach year, for those industries error. We must assure that emission stand- contributing factor. Many of the gains of now contrib ing the greatest amount of ards are suitable to the air quality level medical science are offset by the continued pollution to oair. Individual state stand- they are designed to produce-and this degredation of the air we breathe. ards would supe ede the national standards should not be left to the states. In- The nation also now recognizes the great if they were eq alent or more stringent dividual states are faced by pressures which economic loss due to air pollution. It has and accompanied b an adequate enforce- are both natural and yet beyond their been estimated that, without even counting ment plan. The Secretary would review state ability to resist. Faced with ordinary eco- possible damage to crops, the total loss equals standards every six morii,hs to determine if nomic considerations such as the fear of $11 to $12 billion per year or about $65.00 the standards and their 'enforcement were losing business and industry to neighboring for each man, woman and child in America. adequate. states, a state is less likely to set the strict In the New York Metropolitan area the loss' In addition, H.R. 8467 wouha set up Re- emission standards required by a serious air from pollution is probably $200 per capital gional Air Quality Commissions.,to promul- pollution problem. and in Manhattan it may be as high as -gate regional air quality and pollutant emis- Also, experience with the present Clean Air $350 per capita. Increased laundering and sion standards which would haveto be at Act shows that state action generally tends lighting alone costs $20 per capita nationally. least as strict as national standards, al- to be slow and weak. Only fourteen states Moreover, some experts consider even these though in many areas they would obably have acted on their own to adopt air quality figures too low, as all the possible damage be stronger. ' and emission standards. Fewer than 100 local that air pollution causes is not yet known. For violations of either national or region- governments have air pollution control pro- Above all, the nation overwhelmingly re- al emission standards, the Secretary would grams in operation. In the field of air pot- jects the specter, raised by Secretary of be empowered to issue cease and lesist lution the states have already had their test- Health, Education, and Welfare, Gardner, of orders. and they have flunked dismally. individual gas masks to be worn in urban In my judgment the Senate bill falls to H.R. 8467 recommends a two-part ap- areas or "clean air shelters" where those, who meet the air pollution problem becgrtse it proach. First, regional air quality standards are allergic, ill with respiratory diseases or - does not adopt a true regional appro?h. In- and regional source emission standards. Sec- simpply very young or very old, could huddle stead, it is a hybrid, the product nder- and, in areas where Regional Air Quality during a pollution alert, breathing specially standable compromises, but one w iuch will Commissions are not set up, national emis- treated air supplies. be Inefficient and unduly difficult o enforce. sion standards would prevail for certain in- The pending legislation should be examined instead of cutting across state jurisdictions, dustries, which immediately would force with the foregoing basic considerations in it Insists upon dealing with a /multiplicity them to reduce their pollution to a maximum mind. of state jurisdictions in an aJt empt to link level. All of the major bills proposed this year them together through the/designation of T would like to point out an important involve some type of national, regional, or air quality control regions /nd interstate air difference in my bill from the Administra- state standards-source emission standards, quality planning agencie tion's bill in the last two sof Sec- provides sentences ee for frequent air quality standards, or a combination of In addition, the pro edure for adopting tion 107(a). th last both-in recognition of the fact that pollut- state standards is lpfig, drawn out, and review and evaluation ro the Secretary t by - err will not regulate themselves. The im- complicated, permitting the states fifteen least once each year-of all national indus- position of standards would destroy the months to adopt,4tandards after receiving trial emission standards to determine argument often espoused by industries that criteria and recommended control tech- uld be changed. standards s shohoing of national large sums of money for pollution abate- niques from the Secretary. In all probability, whether I envision a those gradual stiffen ment equipment should not be invested- this process would take several years. standards as technaloimproves until in- without assurances that they will be ade- Since the next air pollution disaster, standar s asutech has been reduced until Let us make clear what is adequate, which is bound to come, obviously will not and let us do it promptly. be contained by state lines, I disagree with levels As arour, d hopefully, ed elimiinated. nated from Michi- tion combating air pollution, the key ques- the Senate bill over the question of who A levels ist said Last December at hition is what type of standards, who sets shall set ambient air quality. standards and gan (Mr. Dingele11l s on tr Pollution: the . them and how they are to be enforced. If how they shall be enforced. need air qcriteria, national .. am- we are to stop the polluters, we must do The Regional Air Quality Commission un- Na we n n air Bair quality ua yn appropriate emission it firmly by setting a clear level and requir- der section 108 of H.R. 8467 would be set bientairs. nd mus dthese the ing them to meet it. Let me address myself up by the Secretary of Health, Education and We establish at ., +~.. .. +hc hssis of his own sur- national level. Without such guidelines we I believe that both my own bill, M.P.. tseo'r, Vey* - uF -+-~ - ,> air pollution." and the Administration's original proposal of two or more contiguous states. take the only adequate approach-nation- A Regional Air Quality Commission would Let me stress the importance of enforce- wide maximum emission standards for in- be chaired by an official of the Department ment, for without adequate enforcement, Approved For Release 2004/05/25 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300041-6 August 15;_ 196'" ApprovedLF&a ? M0g/J2E6ibA-RDP8 369R000200300041-6110529 the vital regions mentioned. The Rus- sians are consolidating bases there, build- ing up power. We are aparently doing nothing. What will the sacrifices of the Viet- nam conflict avail us if communism takes over in the Middle East? The Commu- nists will then dominate the strategic gateway linking Africa and Asia with Europe, the former lifeline of the Brit- ish Empire. Oil resources required by NATO countries will be controlled by Moscow. The implications of Russian power will be felt from Morocco to India. Every Mos- lem land will see Russian strength and American weakness. Therefore, Mr. Speaker, I have asked the Department of Defense to explain why we have no real strength in the Red Sea or Indian Ocean while the Russians are moving in. NEED FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF METHODS IN EDUCATION AND INSTRUCTION (Mr. JACOBS asked and was given permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include ex- traneous matter.) Mr. JACOBS. Mr. Speaker, I received recently an interesting letter from a pre- sumably shadowy and anonymous person at Indiana University in Bloomington. DEAR MR. JACOBS: I'm mad! At this mo- ment, I'm sitting among 50 students not listening to a Professor stumble around a chapter on inferential statistics. There are about 5 math majors in the class. It's greek to the rest of us. I surmise that most of these persons are elementary teach- ers, but even those who teach on a secondary level could never in a billion years help any youngster with the information in this course. As a matter of fact, further education would be a good thing for all of us-but would it be too much to ask them to teach us something relevant to what we are sup- posed to teach?? These courses, you understand, are re- quired by Indiana State Law. Concurrently, the Indianapolis Public School System is searching for 150 more teachers for the Fall semester. Presumably those whoare here have jobs, but they have no time to prepare for their teaching assignments because they must memorize inferential statistics. - There are teachers In Indianapolis who are not here, but they are not- eligible for teach- ing positions because: 1. They can't afford (money) to study in- ferential statistics. 2. Or they can't learn inferential statistics. 3. Or they think the stupidityof it all is not worth the job they seek. And everybody who knows what the real scoop is keeps still because he doesn't want to lose the degree he needs to get a job. Neither do I. Don't quote me. Indignantly yours, P.S.-No kidding-can't you investigate? And don't go by the Professors. Its their bread and butter. - Mr. Speaker, over a half a century ago Maria Montessori wrote: Today we hold the pupils in school, re- stricted by those instruments so degrading to the body and spirit, the desk-and, mate- rial prizes and punishments. Our aim in all this is to reduce them to the discipline of immobility and science,-to lead them,- where? Far too often toward no definite end. Often the education of children consists in pouring nto their intelligence the Intel- lectual contents of school programmes. And often these programmes have been compiled in the offlcied Department of Education, and their use Is :imposed by law upon the teacher and the child. Ah, before such dense and willful dis- regard of the life which is growing within these children, we should hide our heads in shame and cover our guilty faces with our hands Sergi sayE truly: "today an urgent need imposes itself upon society: the reconstruc- tion of methods in education and instruc- tion, and he who fights for this cause, fights for human regeneration." Mr. Speaker, the today that Sergi spoke about was more than a half century ago. Is it p )ssible, Mr. Speaker, that the more things change the more they re- main the same? - AIR POLLUTION (Mr. RYAN asked and was given per- mission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extra- neous mattes.) Mr. RYP.N. Mr. Speaker, today the distinguished Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce opened hearings on proposed legislation to deal with the air pollution menace which threatens all of us. After what I know will be careful consideration of all the testimony, I hope the committee will report out a strong and effectiv ~ bill. The problem of air pollution is well known; the Federal Government and the Congress rr ust take all necessary steps to eliminate it. I include at this point in the RECORD the statement which I made this morn- ing before the Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee: STATEMENT )F CONGRESSMAN WILLIAM F. RYAN BEDJRE COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND FOREIG s COMMEP CE IN SUPPORT OF H.R. 8467. THE 2.IR QUALITY Aar OF 1967, AUGUST 15, 1967 Mr. Chairman, I appreciate the opportu- nity to appear before you as the great Com- mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce begins consiieration of the proposed Air Quality Act o' 1967. The problems of environmental pollution have long been of great concern to me. I strongly supported passage of the Clean Air Act of 1963 (YL 88-206 j and the strengthen- ing amendments contained In the 1965 and 1966 bills (PI 89--272 and PL 89-675). In this Congress I have introduced H.R. 8467 to amend the Clean Air Act and H.R. 9477 to amend the :solid Waste Disposal Act. My testimony to lay will deal with the former although I he pe that, before this session con- cludes, the Committee will hold hearings on H.R. 9477. areas of persistent air pollution. In Florida, Since ce the E Ouse last considered legislation Connecticut, and other areas, agricultural S t in this area, :cew York City experienced the products have been seriously damaged by the Thanksgiving Day inversion of November 24, poisons in the air. The problem is now criti- natio areas-urban and rural-i;hrough- 1966. In the midst of that emergency I called out cal in all upon the Sew etary of Health, Education and o our nn. Welfare to Schedule an abatement confer- Recognizing the danger, our constituents ence for the hew York-New Jersey Metro ol- are asking for immediate and meaningful Stan region. p federal action to deal with air pollution. When the I ew York- New Jersey Air Pollu- Thus, a Harris Poll has found that there is more public support tion Abateme; Conference convened on Jan- lution control l than than for for expanded s pole uary 3, 1967, [Warned: any other her single ? domestic program. Every housewife who must "Immediate steps must be taken to pre- clean and wash clothes more frequently, vent the pollution disaster which may come every homeowner who must paint more fre- tomorrow or the day after to kill thousands quently, every citizen who sees his area en- of New Yorkers." shrouded in a black mass of poisons cries out I went on to say, "In New York City, our for action. citizens suffer what may be the most polluted To the thoughtful citizen, it must be sur- air in America." prising that we have not already taken mas- Last Friday, August 4, 1967, Dr. John T. Middleton, Director of the Public Health Services' National Center for Air Pollution Control released a study confirming my charge and showing that New York indeed has the most polluted air. In a comparison of the air pollution problem among the sixty- five largest metropolitan areas in the coun- try, the New York Metropolitan Area ranked first, followed by Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Cleveland. The report stated, "But in all the large urban areas covered in our report the pub- lic health and welfare are threatened by air pollution." Air pollution Is a national problem made up of many regional problems. For instance, in the New York-New Jersey area many local jurisdictions pollute each other. The problem is interstate in nature. The need for effective federal action is clear. State and :local gov- ernments have failed- to cope with it. Last December 30th I observed at first hand from a helicopter the major sources of pollution in the New York metropolitan area. As I said in reporting-with words and photographs-to the January 3rd Abatement Conference. "You could see the pollutants pouring out of smoke-stacks, incinerators, powerplants, petrochemical plants, open burning. A pall of smoke was hanging everywhere, and parti- cularly enveloped Manhattan. - "in New York City we saw the pollution pouring out of the city's own incinerators overloaded and unregulated. We saw it com- ing out of Con Ed's eleven huge plants-the major sulfur dioxide polluters. We saw smoke coming up-strange as it - may seen-from open burning in the harbor by the Army Corps of Engineers. "We saw the pollutants pouring out of Jersey, and beginning their usual drift to- ward New York." It was this cesspool in the sky that made last Thankgiving's weather situation so dangerous. Because of an air inversion poi- sons in the air were trapped, and the lives of 15 million people caught in this perilous air mass were endangered. Only the fact that it was a holiday weekend-with busi- nesses shut down and less commuter traffic pouring into the City-prevented a major catastrophe. - Of course, these episodes are not peculiar to New York. During the London smog of 1952, 4,000 more deaths occurred in that city - than would normally have happened dur- . ing a similar period of time. In Donora, Pennsylvania, a comparatively small indus- trial town which in 1948 normally recorded about one death every three days, seventeen people died in a single 24-hour period during a four day smog. We will never know- of all the grievous effects of last Thanksgiving Day's inversion. Although it is now confirmed that air pol- lution is most severe in the New York area, the problem is not New York's alone. nor is it even an urban problem alone. The Depart- ment of Health, Education and Welfare has estimated that 60% of all Americans live in Approved For Release 2004/05/25 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300041-6 Approved For Release 2004/05/25 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300041-6 House of Representatives TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1967 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Rev. James D. Foy, Asbury Methodist Church, Washington, D.C., offered the following prayer: Our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for our national heritage of freedom, justice, and equality. May we, of this gen- eration and day, so live, and serve that the high ideals and noble principles upon which our Nation was founded shall be- come a living reality for all who live in this land of liberty. Touch and raise up, 0 Lord, in the Legislative Halls of our homeland, a glorious company of apos- tles of truth, justice, and equity. Give Thy servants the prophet's scorn of tyranny, and a Christlike tenderness for the downtrodden and heavy laden. Grant us the vision, the integrity of soul, and the strength of will which enable men to place the welfare of others and the security of their country above selfish ambition. Amen. THE JOURNAL The Journal of the proceedings of yes- terday was read and approved. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE A message from the Senate by Mr. Ar- rington, one of its clerks, announced that the Senate agrees to the amendment of the House to a bill of the Senate of the following title: S. 95. An act for the relief of Capt. Rey D. Baldwin. PERMISSION FOR SUBCOMMITTEE ON IRRIGATION AND RECLAMA- TION, COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS, TO SIT DURING GENERAL DEBATE TODAY Mr. ASPINALL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the Subcom- mittee on Irrigation and Reclamation of the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs may be permitted to sit during general debate this afternoon, and in making that request may I state, Mr. Speaker, that this has been cleared with the minority side. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Colorado? There was no objection. COMMITTEE ON STANDARDS OF OFFICIAL CONDUCT (Mr. PRICE of Illinois asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to, revise and extend his remarks and include extraneous matter.) Mr. PRICE of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, more than 100 years ago Henry David Thoreau wrote, and I quote: Let every man make known what kind of government would command his respect, and that will be one step toward obtaining it. In recent weeks, your Committee on Standards of Official Conduct has been making every effort to get representatives of nationally known professional and civic organizations to come forward with their ideas for a code of standards for the conduct of Members of the House and House employees. The response has been disappointing. Fortunately, the response has not been all negative. A few such organizations have accepted our invitations to offer testimony, and. the committee believes it has some meritorious witnesses sched- uled for open hearings August 16 and 17. The committee invites all Members of Congress to hear them. My real purpose in addressing you, however, is to alert the membership to hearings which the committee has sched- uled for August 23 and 24 to receive testimony and statements from Members of the House. A letter of invitation has gone out to each Member. I respectfully ask Members to let me or the committee staff know of their desires in this connection. Further, I should like to assure this body that the committee is moving with all reasonable speed. It has met at least once a week since it was constituted, with the exception of the week of the Fourth of July recess, and is determined to have its recommendations ready for the House later this session. PERMISSION FOR SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 5, COMMITTEE ON THE DIS- TRICT OF COLUMBIA, TO SIT DUR- ING GENERAL DEBATE TODAY Mr. SISK. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- mous consent that Subcommittee No. 5 of the Committee on the District of Co- lumbia may be permitted to sit during general debate this afternoon, The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from California? Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object, and I hope I shall not have to object, I presume that this has been cleared with the minority side? Mr. SISK. I have cleared this with the gentleman from New York [Mr. Hox- TON], who is the ranking minority mem- ber of the subcommittee. Mr. HALL. And he is the ranking minority member? Mr. SISK. That is right. Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, I withdraw my reservation of objection. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Cali- fornia [Mr. SISK] ? There was no objection. PERMISSION FOR COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COM- MERCE TO SIT DURING GENERAL DEBATE TODAY Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce may be permitted to sit during general debate today. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Okla- homa? There was no objection. PERMISSION FOR SUBCOMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS OF COMMITTEE ON HOUSE ADMINISTRATION TO SIT DURING GENERAL DEBATE TO- DAY Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the Subcommit- tee on Elections of the Committee on House Administration may be permitted to sit during general debate today. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Oklahoma? There was no objection. PERMISSION FOR SUBCOMMITTEE ON BANK SUPERVISION AND IN- SURANCE, COMMITTEE ON BANK- ING AND CURRENCY, TO SIT DUR- ING GENERAL DEBATE TODAY Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the Subcom- mittee on Bank Supervision and Insur- ance of the Committee on Banking and Currency may be permitted to sit dur- ing general debate today, August 15, and also August 16. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Oklahoma? Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object, would the gentleman amend his unanimous-consent request so that we do not yield, depending the calendar on this, iA advance of today? I have no objection, because I know the distinguished majority leader- Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I with- draw my request for permission to sit after today. I limit the request to today only. Mr. HALL. I thank the gentleman, and withdraw my reservation of objection. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Okla- homa? There was no ' objection: ALLEGED ATROCITIES BY ISRAEL (Mrs. KELLY asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 Approved For Release 2004/05/25 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300041-6 H 10500 Approved For Release. 2004/05/25 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300041-6 CONGRESHONAL RECORD - HOUSE August 15, 19 minute and to revise and extend her re- marks.) Mrs. KELLY. Mr. Speaker, it has been reported that the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in its newslet- ter accused Jews of committing atroci- ties against the Arabs. The attack re- portedly utilizes a blurred photograph and alleges that the photograph repre- sents Arabs lined up by Zionists and shot in cold blood. A cartoon in the newsletter reportedly depicts Defense Minister Dayan with dollar signs on his shoulders. Other vi- cious anti-Semitic cartoons were also re- portedly published. The newsletter reportedly, charged that Israel segregates Arabs within Is- rael; that dark-skinned Jews! from the Middle East are discriminated against in Israel and that Israel is an illegal state. Our State Department has indicated that there have been no massacres; that, on the contrary, there have been attacks against peaceful Israel citizens by Arab infiltrators; that Israel actions during the recent hostilities resulted in the loss of few Arab civilian lives; that the Arab population of Israel has freedom of movement; that Arabs may join pri- marily Jewish organizations, such as the Histadrut Labor Federation; ! and that the SNCC statement is not focused on recent events but drags its misrepresent- ations back to the period before Israel attained independence. It is clear that SNCC has adopted the pro-Arab Soviet lines in making this anti-Semitic attack. Soviet anti-Semitism needs; no docu- mentation. Reports of its recent resur- gence are overwhelming. In this connec- tion, it is noteworthy to point up the co- incidence of the presence of Stokely Car- michael, the past chairman of SNCC, in Communist Cuba just prior to the publi- cation of this anti-Semitic tome by for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.: - Mr. R ?UDEBUSH. Mr. Speaker, in time of war the paramount aim of our Government should be total, unmistak- able, and demonstrative support for the American fighting man in the field. I regret to report to the Congress to- day that I have tragic proof that our soldiers, sailors, and airmen are not re- ceiving this support. And, furthermore, the war policy of this Government is concerned with the political considerations rather than un- qualified concern for the morale of our men in the field. I have obtained a copy of a Navy order to all naval distract commanders order- ing them to refuse participation in patri- otic demonstrations in support of our troops in Vietnam. This is an incredible document and I wish the Members of Congress to hear the pertinent section of this order, which follows: The regent anti-Vietnam policy demon- strations :onductee, throughout the country have pro-iuced reactions by veterans and patriotic groups in several areas. Rallies and parades are being- staged by these organiza- tions for the specific purpose of off-setting the peace rallies. Navy participation, such as speakers, (ands and marching units, has been requested in a number of instances and can be expected to be requested in any future counter-demonstrations organized by these well-meaning groups. In view of the political implications of this particular category of demonstrations, Navy support would be inappropilate. I hope very much that immediate con- sideration be taken to rescind this order. I think twat refusal of naval groups from participating in parades held by the Vet- erans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion, laid other veterans groups is not in the best interest of this Nation. WOEZDWIDE FACILITIES FOR SPREAD OF ANARCHY? (Mr. BALL asked and was given per- mission ;o address the House for 1 min- ute and - to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. H.U.L. Mr. Speaker, yesterday, the President submitted to the Congress a world communications message placing upon the Great Society the responsi- bility to provide, not a chicken in every pot, or a car in every garage, but rather a television set in every home from the darkest regions of the Congo to the bar- ren wastes of the Antarctic. This latest message seems incongruous in view of the President's request for a tax incroase. I recall he asked Congress not to sr end more money while the exec- utive branch is trying so hard to cut ex- penses. I cannot help but wonder what kind of programing will go out over the new global i Ammunications system-Intel- sat-refolrred to in the President's mes- sage. The Rap Browns and the Stokely Carmichaels have been exposed to mil- lions of TV viewers in our own country with their message of hate and insurrec- tion. Does the President believe it would be a put lie service to provide them with worldwide facilities to preach their brand of anarchy? PRESS ATTACKS UPON THE CON- GRESS OF THE UNITED STATES (Mr. CAHILL asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. CAHILL. Mr. Speaker, I have al- ways hesitated to criticize the press of this country, recognizing that if one is in politics, one usually Cannot win. But I see each year more irresponsibility evi- denced in the press of our country. I think that when there is an attack made upon the Congress of the United States, it is up to us to refute it and to have something to say about it. I have asked for this time to comment upon a statement in an editorial in the Washington Post this morning in rela- tion to the anticrime bill. Ii recognize that the Post has differing views than I do as far as the bill, and that is per- fectly proper. I recognize their right to disagree with what -I think is right and what the House thinks is right. I recog- nize they have a right to comment as vigorously as possible, but when they make irresponsible statements I think it is about time for Members of the House to take issue with the Washington Post and any other newspaper that might make similar statements. The statement is this: Underlying the action of the House was a feeling that its Members 'are afraid of Attor- ney General Clark, afraid that if he has con- trol of the funds, he will force local police forces to obey the Constitution in fighting crime. I believe inherent in that statement are two grave misconceptions. One is that local police forces are, in fact, violating the Constitution; and, second, that the Congress of the United States not only approves the violation of - the Constitu- tion by local police forces but refused to pass the crime bill as it was put before the House by the administration because we do not want the Constitution en- forced. I can only say that whoever wrote this editorial wrote it as a result of a com- plete lack of knowledge of what was- in the crime bill and what was in the amendment, or with a direct intent to - harm the prestige and image and char- acter of the Congress of the United States. An overwhelming majority of the House of both parties supported the legislation. The Post has done a disservice to the House in suggesting such base and un- founded motivations. Mr. Speaker, this article is nothing more than an attempt to apply the blame for the problems facing the Negro to the shoulders of the Jewish people. Thus, the civil rights movement is coinpromised and the Jewish people are blamed for the conditions that so many of them have sought to alleviate. CORRECTION OF THE RECORD Mr. RYAN. Mr. Speaker, there were two typographical errors in my speech on my proposed amendment to the Immi- gration and Nationality Act. of 1965, found in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, daily edition, August 10, 1967, on page H10356. In line 14 from the top of! the third column of page H10356, "section 203(d)" should read "section 203 (c) ". - In line 32 from the top of the third column of page H10356, "8 U.S.C. 1115 (b)" should read "8 U.S.C. 1151(b)". I ask unanimous consent that the per- manent RECORD be corrected accord- ingly. PATRIOTIC DEMONSTRATIONS IN SUPPORT OF OUR WAR EFFORT (Mr. ROUDEBUSH asked: and was given permission to address the House (Mr. BROWN of Ohio asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute, to revise and extend his re- marks, and to include extraneous mat- ter.) Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr.. Speaker, I have received, and would like to share with the House, a poignant letter from a young constituent who presents an un- usual personal problem for my consid- eration. I should like to ask: the advice and assistance of A he House in dealing with this matter. Approved For Release 2004/05/25 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300041-6