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Approved For Release 2004/05/25 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300040-7 August 15, 1967 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 1745. It provided that all new roads should be built to the nearest boat landing. In a way, that is what the Department of Transportation is all about. We do not rec- ommend that all your roads be constructed in such a way as to connect with other sys- tems of transportation. But we are at least as aware today as North Carolina's colonial governors were in the 18th Century of the necessity for coordinating transportation systems from running off in all directions. International trade, especially, requires the coordination of transportation systems. I hope your interest in international trade indicates an interest also in the tasks of co- ordination and cooperation which the De- partment of Transportation has begun. (Mr. GONZALEZ (at the request of Mr. BEVILL) was granted permission to ex- tend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter.) [Mr. GONZALEZ' remarks will appear hereafter in the Appendix.] (Mr. GONZALEZ (at the request of Mr. BEVILL) was granted permission to ex- tend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter.) [Mr. GONZALEZ' remarks will appear hereafter in the Appendix.] (Mr. GONZALEZ (at the request of Mr. BEVILL) was granted permission to ex- tend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter.) [Mr. GONZALEZ' remarks will appear hereafter in the Appendix.] THE ANTIPOVERTY PROGRAM AND ITS VALUE AS AN ANTIRIOT WEAPON (Mr. ST GERMAIN (at the request of Mr. BEVILL) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter.) Mr. ST GERMAIN. Mr. Speaker, the recent controversy over the causes un- derlying the civil disorders which have erupted throughout our country is reason for grave concern on the part of Con- gress. Some have suggested that our na- tional antipoverty effort is at fault. To my mind, this charge is spurious at best and tends to weaken and discredit one of our most successful domestic programs. In my own State of Rhode Island in the city of Providence, the antipoverty agency, Progress for Providence, Inc., played an active and truly significant role in helping to squelch civil disorder and was publicly recognized for its ef- forts toward averting a major outbreak by the highly esteemed mayor of Provi- dence, Joseph A. Doorley, Jr. However, the work of the antipoverty agencies with respect to civil disorder is not restricted to a temporary policing action. Sargent Shriver, Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, has made it abundantly clear that the pur- pose of his agency is to prevent riots by eliminating their long-range causes and not to foment them by provocative ac- tions on the part of antipoverty workers. In that regard, I have recently come into possession of an instruction dated July 20, 1967, which Mr. Shriver sent to all OEO regional directors. I would like to place it in the RECORD for the informa- tion of my colleagues. I would also like to insert into the RECORD an excerpt from the Providence Journal containing a tribute to the staff of Progress for Provi- dence for their assistance in the restora- tion of law and order during recent dis- turbances. The material referred to above follows: MAYOR PAYS SPECIAL TRIBUTE Mayor Joseph A. Doorley Jr., at the request of a group of South Providence citizens, paid special tribute yesterday to a group of city employees and community leaders for their continuous work in South Providence and for assisting in the restoration of law and order after the disturbances in that area last week. In a prepared press release, the mayor said that he had a two-hour meeting yesterday with a group of South Providence citizens to discuss housing, employment and human re- lations. A representative group of the force which assisted the Providence Police Department during the disorders attended the meeting, Mayor Doorley said, and made a number of comments and suggestions "concerning the state of affairs in South Providence today." Those to whom the mayor paid special tribute are the detached workers and staff of Progress for Providence, Inc., Cleo Lachapelle, director of community service for Progress for Providence; the Rev. Herbert O. Edwards, executive director; Carl Smith and the en- tire staff of the Providence Human Relations Commission; the Rev. Henry Shelton, direc- tor of the Inner City Apostolate of the Dio- cese of Providence; the Rev. Alan Mason, John F. Cicilline, the mayor's administrative assistant, and the many other volunteers who assisted in restoring law and order In the city last week. TWX TO ALL REGIONAL DIRECTORS Please get this message out at once to all CAPS in your region and be sure that all CAP employees are made fully aware of its contents. Message follows: "Recent cases of violent protest and riots have led to unfounded and irresponsible charges that anti-poverty programs and of- ficials have caused such violence. You and I know that the over-all anti-poverty program has turned out to be probably the best anti- riot weapon ever devised. Through all OEO programs we have provided the disadvan- taged and previously inarticulate citizens of many communities an opportunity for self- help and for self-expression. We have started to eliminate the basic causes for unrest and impatience. In numerous cases, local anti- poverty officials have been particularly help- ful in stopping or minimizing violence in situations where tempers had almost reached the breaking point. Over and over again, we have stressed the firm policy of the Office of Economic Opportunity not to permit the use of Federal funds for any activities that are contrary to law or are partisan in nature- policy has been violated, we have acted forth- thus making possible the Israeli air victory rightly in correcting the situation and in over Nasser's hosts. The wire ended with a reprimanding or punishing the offender. Soon demand that the President "extricate the after the enactment of the 1966 amendments United States Middle East policy from the to the Economic Opportunity Act, you were tentacles of the Zionist political octopus," sent an explanation of the new "anti-riot" A similar telegram was sent to Senate For- provision adopted by the Congress. On June eign Relations Chairman "William J. Full- 8, 1967, CAP Director Theodore Berry issued bright" (his name was misspelled in the CAP Memorandum No. 65 as a reminder of press release) and a number of other Sen- this anti-riot amendment. You were remind- ators and Congressmen. "You joined the ed that "the initial and primary responsibil- politicians captive of the Zionist political ity for enforcement of Section 1201 (anti- octopus," this Insolent wire declared. riot amendment) rests with the local grantee - "United States politicans consistently be- agencies responsible for those projects." That trayed the good name and best interest of the H 10551 remains true and I. must look to you for full implementation of this OEO policy. "Lest there be any misunderstanding about what OEO policy has been and continues to be, let me make it unmistakably clear once again. There will be absolute insistence that every OEO employee and every employee of an OEO grantee scrupulously avoid and re- sist participation by OEO-funded resources in any activities which threaten public order in any community. I shall insist upon im- mediate and full penalties for any indi- viduals, found guilty of wrong behavior in this connection. Furthermore, I shall insist upon the withholding of OEO funds from any grantee or delegate agency which is shown to be encouraging or tolerating such behavior. "We must not, and will not, permit the reckless behavior of any individual or group to jeopardize the continued existence of the OEO programs which have started to bring hope and escape from poverty for millions of Americans. Your personal assistance in see- ing to it that this policy is fully understood and scrupulously followed is deeply appre- ciated. 1 / "SARGENT SHRIVER, jV G "Director." ARAB AGITATORS MEDDLE IN U.S. POLITICS (Mr. MULTER (at the request of Mr. BEVILL) was granted permission to ex- tend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter.) Mr. MULTER. Mr. Speaker, it appears that most Arab organizations are at- tempting to influence U.S. foreign policy with lies and false propaganda. The Palestine Arab Delegation's arti- cles appear in such anti-semitic publi- cations as Common Sense and Gerald L. K. Smith's, The Cross and the Flag. The Palestine Arab Delegation also main- tains relations with the Neo-Nazi Na- tional Renaissance Party. I commend to the attention of our col- leagues an article written by James H. Sheldon for the August 10, 1967, edition of the American Examiner. The article follows: ARAB AGITATORS MEDDLE IN U.S. POLITICS (By James R. Sheldon) On June 21, the Palestine Arab Delegation (N.Y., N.Y.) wired President Lyndon B. Johnson: "We were greatly disapointed by your state- ment today ... the peace you seek is a Zion- ist imposed peace permitting the treacherous aggressors retain fruit of their criminal war . . . this dangerous US policy will . liquidate United States interests in the Mid- dle East." This telegram was released to the press and sent to a fairly extensive mailing list which the Palestine Arab Delegation maintains. The Arab delegation further charged, untruth- fully, that President Johnson had employed Approved For Release 2004/05/25 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300040-7 H 10552 Approved For Release 2004/05/25 CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300040-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE August 15, 1967 United States for the Jewish vote and other The activities of the New York office of the marily the product of extremely rapid considerations," the message impudently Palestine Liberation Organization likewise and unexpected shifts in population and continued. require an airing. The Palestine Liberation unforeseen local economic changes. It is difficult to realize that a "delegation" Organization, as most of our readers know, The survey of critical hospitals re- representing an important official Arab is the official agency of the Arab League leased last year by the Department agency would dare mix into American do- states which has been engaged in organizing mestic affairs in this way-but that is pre- guerrilla bands in the Middle East. it is Health, Education, and Welfare shows cisely what the Palestine Arab Delegation headed by Ahmad Shukairy, who some that 69, or about 40 percent of what was, has done and it is evidently proud of its months ago said: "It is our purpose to destroy at that time, 143 critical hospitals in the work, for it distributed news releases to all Tel Aviv." This outfit also disgorges great Nation, were located in the South. who could be persuaded to read. quantities of printed propaganda, helps line An analysis shows that the smallest The Palestine Arab Delegation is in fact up the support of Arab students in the critical hos- had a community population with a under critical the the local agency of the Arab Higher Commit- United States behind Nasser's projects, and southern tee for Palestine, an international Arab orga- addresses itself to the people of our country pital nization formed at Cairo in 1946, under the on the radio and through television, and by largest had a population of over 100,000 chairmanship of the ineffable Grand Mufti a campaign of letters to the editors of our but the median population for all the Mohammad Amin el Husseini-the same newspapers. communities involved was just under noisome personage who had earlier served as We wonder what would happen if the 5,700. Clearly, this is a problem that cuts Hitler's advisor on "the liquidation of the Zionists attempted to set up an office in Cairo across the entire spectrum of American Jewish question." The Mufti's committee to advise Nasser on the shortcomings of his social, economic, geographic, and pOliti- maintains offices in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon foreign policy, as the Palestine Arab Dele- and Iraq besides its overseas representatives gation has seen fit to do with respect to our cal life and, for that reason, the "hos- In the United States and elsewhere, statesmen? We wonder what would happen pital emergency assistance" program The Palestine Arab Delegation is regis- if an organization devoted to setting up has been tailored to cut across that spec- tered with the Department of Justice as a guerrilla bands for the purpose of fighting trum, too, and reach into every situa- foreign agent, and in its official statement it against Nasser were to try to set up an office tion where its help is needed. It is neither declares that one of its purposes is "to win in Damascus? Obviously, such speculation a big city program, nor a rural program. sympathy and understanding of the Ameri- is ridiculous in the extreme. Is it not equally It is a national program to meet a na- can government and people." If propaganda obvious that the time has come for our coun- such as the above is a way of "winning sym- try to give a second look at some of the tional problem. pathy," then we think it is long since time strange propagandists who represent official The distinguished Senator from Ala- for the Grand Mufti to be permanently re- Arab causes here? bama, the Honorable LISTER HILL, has tired to the ranks of other criminals of proposed legislation strengthening and World War II. expanding the existing Hill-Burton pro- Ostensibly, of course, the primary purpose THE CRITICAL HOSPITALS SPEAK gram, which comes up for renewal next of this "delegation" is to represent the Mufti's committee before the various organs (Mr. OTTINGER (at the request of year. Over the past 20 years, Hill-Burton of the United Nations. Actually, most of its Mr. BEVILL) was granted permission to has been one of the most successful Fed- work seems to have consisted of issuing in- extend his remarks at this point in the eral aid programs of all time and I am discriminate attacks upon any Americans RECORD and to include extraneous mat- proud to have sponsored Senator HILL's who happen to be friends of Israel (includ- ter.) new legislation in the House. If this con- ing myself). Mr. OTTINGER. Mr. Speaker, the In- cept of Senator HILL'S is adopted next As I have pointed out in earlier editions terstate and Foreign Commerce Com- year, I believe that we will have the tools of this column, this "delegation" maintains relations with some of the most undesirable mittee has reported one of the most im- to prevent the development of "critical elements on the American political scene. portant pieces of legislation to come hospitals" in the future. In fact, if the Not long ago, its postage meter was used to before this House this session, the Part- administration, which has repeatedly distribute a mailing of James H. Madole's nership for Health Amendments of promised to come forward with recom- National Renaissance Party Bulletin-a pub- 1967 (H.R. 6418). This is the adminis- mendations in this area, had pressed Mr. lication of a group described in a staff report tration's major health proposal for this HILL'S formula 3 years ago, the emer- of the House Un-American Activities Com- session as amended to include the ur- gency program in the "Partnership for mittee as avowedly neo-nazi in character. gently needed "hospital emergency as- Health Amendments" would not have (An earlier issue of the same publication had carried the headline: "Adolf Hitler: The sistance" program. been necessary. It is necessary, however, George Washington of Europe"). Of all the features of this excellent and we must help these critical hospitals In its December 26, 1965, report to the bill, none is more important than this now. Foreign Agents Section of the Justice De- provision which will help critically over- But let the hospitals speak for them- partment, the delegation lists amongst its burdened hospitals in the Nation over- selves: activities a "lecture by Benjamin H. Freed- come grave deficiencies in their facilities JASPER COMMUNrrY HOSPITAL, mangy evaluation of the appointment by and services-deficiencies that deprive Jasper, Ala., July 6, 1967. President Lyndon Baines Johnson of the Hon. RICHARD L. OTTINGER, Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg as the communities they serve of needed Member of Congress, the ambassador from the United States to health care and thus jeopardize the pub- Washington, D.C. the United Nations," Freedman, although lie health, safety, and welfare. DEAR CONGRESSMAN: I am very much in- born a Jew, has long been an ardent advo- The committee's report-House Re- terested in your position entitled "Many Hos- cate of anti-Israel causes, and the financier port No. 538, pages 26-28-sets forth pitals Worse Off Than Patients" as per article of full-page advertisements attacking Israel persuasively not only the need for the in the Birmingham Post Herald today. and Zionism. program but an explanation of the way We have a non-profit Hospital of 54 beds, Long articles issued by this "delegation" 46 of which are located in a three story build- ing been reprinted in Common Sense, the that its modest $58 million authorization ing erected in 1923, which while fire con- vicious anti-Jewish hate sheet printed in will deal with these critical hospital sit- trolled, is classified as a non-fireproof build- New Jefsey, and in Gerald L. K. Smith's anti- uations. ing and which inspite of the fact that we Semitic monthly, The Cross and the Flag. But the most persuasive and compel- have spent about one hundred thousand dol- In short, it is time to ask the question ling arguments of all are in the letters lars in a renovation program the State Board whether the United States has any obligation that I have received from the officials of Health wants us to replace at a cost of to longer tolerate this kind of hate propa- of the hospitals themselves-the dedi- one million dollars of which we have been ganda and this kind of attack upon our cated men and women who are daily offered grants totaling 80% of the cost. elected statesmen, at the hands of a foreign Since this is a depressed area we must agency financed by the Grand Mufti's com- wrestling with the frustration of trying accept many indigent patients and since any mittee. to provide adequate health care with monies for indigent care come through the This country welcomes representatives of inadequate tools. County Board of Revenue they funnel all of all- responsible nations and political agen- Before reading a selection of these let- it to the County owned Hospital, and we cies-but they must function within reason- ters into the RECORD, I want to point out must absorb our loss which is pretty hard to able limits. There is serious reason to believe that the most striking characteristic of do. We have a $200,000.00 mortgage on our that this kind of intervention in our domestic these problem hospitals is that the are new wing and part of renovation cost of the affairs goes fax beyond the purposes for which found in all types of communities, large old building, we have tried to get the holder the Palestine Arab Delegation is registered, of this mortgage to advance us the $200,000.00 and it is time that the appropriate law en- and small, in all sections of our Nation. we will- need to match offered grants, and forcement agencies gave the subject a thor- They are not the result of any failure in since our Hospital is located on a full block ough investigation, the existing aid program. They are pri- in a desirable location, we would when our Approved For Release 2004/05/25 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300040-7