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.ri ~~in CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -APPENDIX one past 65 years old with a monthly check 45,000 hours of volunteer service. About z/s that may not be big but that covers the of this time has been given to the Center in grocery bill and then some, a variety of ways that makes it passible to There's also our new Medicare plan that more fully serve alder adults. This is, in enables elders to escape the shattering costa reality, selvloe to the community, since their of lengthy hospitalization and medical case. efforts mean ie~wer paid staff are necessary At the local level in most cities one finds to operate Chia vital and important com- day centers and golden age clubs and special munity agency. Their giving of self, time, recreational facilities for elders. There are energy, and lave have made significant con- meals-on-wheels programs for elders who tributions to the happiness and well-being of are shut-in, and low oust housing develop- all senior citizens. menu. The other third of the 45,000 hours has been Yet it is very difficult to find any specific given to many community health and wel- projects which have been lqunched by older fare agencies. The- obvious importance od people themselves as a distinct contribution this contribution needs no elaboration. to their communities. And, our Center is only one of many Quite a few letters have come to this col- groups of old adults giving to and helging umn from organizations which have made their community in a wide rangtng volun- deflnite appeals for volunteer help to groups .Leer service. One could cite the many church of older people, only to be met with complete groups, cammufiity, centers, and park de- indifference. partment groups of alder One letter was from an officer of the famed people who give so St. Jude Children's Research Hos ital at much-and have already given so much to Indianapolis, Ind. This hospital is entirely their community. supported by funds raised privately by young It also seems important that our com- geople and adult groups 1n cities across the munity take a look at why more older nation. The officer writes: People aren't responding to the request and "In one city we were having difficulty get- need for volunteers. We have done some pre- ting volunteers to staff the office during the liminary exploration of this with our mem- daytime to answer the phone and sign up teen-agers being recruited for fund raising. Someone suggested that maybe senior cit- izens could help staff the office. There was no manual work involved and the chore con- sisted simply of answering the phone when It-rang and taking down necessary iniorma- tion. "We asked the local Senior Citizen's Club to publicize our plight to try to get us some volunteers. We also had the local radio sta- tions broadcast an appeal asking older folks to help us out. "What absolutely floored me is this: Not one-not even one older person in that com- munity responded to our appeal and vol- unteered to put in so much as a single hour. It seemed incredible considering all we hear about old folks wanting some way to pass the time in useful occupations. "The young folks running the campaign were a bit. embittered by this experience, for they had put on several parties for senior citizens in the community, and had rented buses to take them on short trips. "The indifference seemed particularly odd as most elders have grandchildren and it would seem they'd welcome a chance to per- form auseful service. for an institute as well known as ours which is dedicated to child health, It also seemed they'd welcome the chance to meet new people and pass some pleasant hours in a different atmosphere." Let's hope that was just an isolated case where the message somehow did not get across to older people in the community. Let's also hope that older people every- where will make a special effort to keep their ears and hearts open to opportunities for useful and humanitarian service. (From the Indianapolis Star, June 11, 1967] SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER DOES SIGNIFICANT WORK WITH ELDERLY To the EDTTOR: Robert Peterson^s column on June 1, 1967, left an unfortunate impression that the older adults of Indianapolis have .turned a deaf eas and a cold heart to the community's need for volunteer service. While I can not quarrel with ills premise that alder people have a vital role to play in serving their com- munity, and accepting the idea that perhaps not as many older adiLlbs are willing to share their skills, time, and interest to meet the many pressing needs for volunteer workers in Indianapolis, I feel it is an unfadr indicrt- ment of the Senior Citizens of our town to say they are "failing to help." At the Indianapolis Senior Citizens' Center, during the 57 months it has been in apeln- tlon, our members have contributed over ~~--- Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 The Great Debate EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. ABRAHAM J. MULTER OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, June 22, 1967 Mr. MULTER. Mr. Speaker, the United Nations debating society is in full swing again. _ An article appearing in the Washing- ton Evening Star and an editorial written for the Christian Science Monitor, indi- cate what we are to expect from these talks, and specifically from Soviet Pre- mier Kosygin. .I commend to the attention of our colleagues the following article written by Richard Wilson for the June 21, 1967, edition of the Washington Evening Star and the editorial which appeared in the June 21, 1967, edition of the Christian Science Monitor, The articles follow: lated that will require answers, ~ ~~~ For instance, have we explored how real- istic the expectation of performance require- ments might be; have we considered the expenses of being a volunteer; have we won- dered about the attitudes of younger staff and volunteers toward older people-and how this affects the desire to serve; have we recognized that far too many years the younger community has implied that older people should find a comfortable corner and stay out of the way? Surely, the answers to these questions present a better indication of why older citizens haven't been as responsive to requests to serve. It is important to remember, also, the many older people who have so genereously- and quietly-given of themselves to the com- munity, and who continue to do so. I feel there is a vast reservoir of skill, time and wisdom that our older citizens can give. Perhaps it Ss up to the community to work toward making volunteer service more attrac- tive and desirable. ALEBANDER MONRO, Executive Director, Indianapolis Senior Citizens' Center, Inc. INDIANAPOLIa. June ,2,2, Y 9 67 [From the Washington Evening Star, June 21, 19fi7 ] KOSYGIN, FAILING AT U.N., NEEDS JOHNSON TALKS (By Richard Wilson). UNFrED NATIONS, N.Y. AIexei N. Kosygin didn't defiantly walk out of the United Na- tions; he sort of ambled out absentmindedly in protest against the scathing attack of Abba Eban, the foreign minister of Israel. Eban had by far the better of the argu- ment and it was no wonder Kosygin didn't care to sit tluough to the end. This kind of Instant histrionics sets the tone of the Rus- sian-sponsored emergency meeting aE the U.N. General Assembly, a kind of diffident and desultory attempt to condemn Israel and push her back to her old borders. Kosygin knows his effort will fail and so does everyone else. What he needs now is a meeting with the President of the United States and a start of talks with about the whole range of problems that divide the super powers, from the Sinai Desert to the DMZ in Vietnam. Once Moscow's Arab clients have been pia- . toted by a repetition of the tired old cliches of Soviet diplomacy, and now that they have witnessed a poor imitation of Khrushchev- type behavior, it will be possible for Kosygin to get down to the real business at hand. This business, President Johnson has made crystal clear, cannot.-be conducted in the haphazard forum of the United Nations. It is too serious for that. Everything taken into consideration, Kosygin was quite reasonable, cram his point of view, in his attacks on the United States. Johnson, by the same token has adopted his blandest come-let-us-reason-together tone, not insisting on anything in the Middle East except the exercise of a little reasonableness. Sa there is as yet no barrier to their having a nice long talk, which everyone, except pos- sibly the Arabs, would welcome. Kosygin put everything in one package in his address to the United Nations-Ger- many, the Middle East, Vietnam. The fact that Ambassador Arthur Goldberg does not want to talk about anything in the United Nations except the Middle East does not change the fact that Johnson would' be glad to talk about other subjects outside the United Nations. As every day of the emergency session passes, it becomes clear that Kosygin, who really is not a politician but a technologist, feels compelled to establish himself as a world leader in the tradition of Stalin and Khrushchev, and he is not well equipped for it. This is all to the good. It will make it easier for Johnson to tralk with him when the time comes. Faced by a prospective defeat in the Vnited Nations, Kosygin cannot wisely go back to the council ai ministers 1n Moscow with nothing but press clippings of his early morning tours around Manhattan. He needs to see Johnson as much, if not more, than Johnson needs to see him. The odds are aabout X60-40 against the United Nations adapting any kind oP a resolution condemn- ing Israel, much less the censure, repara_ tions and withdrawal demanded by Kosygin on behalf of his confused and frantic Arab clients. Watching once again the charade on the floor of the General Assembly, one wanders ii it is good for anything except the enter- tainment of the world's TV watchers. The United Nations could not prevent the war from starting; it could not stop it before Israel had reached its objectives; and now it hoe no effective way to find a consensus on what to do about Israel and the Arabs, or enforce a consensus solution ii it could be devised. Then what good is the United Nations? it is good for just what is happening now, the Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 's. Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 A 3215 June ,22, 196' CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -? APPENDIX ~~ i f ? nee re ment of better performance, lower costs, easier insta:aation and serviceability, and smaller oven=all size to accommodate the needs of an i5ver-expanding market serving a more demax~ing public. Factory assembly of this type bf equipment is essential if we are to continue to meet the demands of the public for these lower costs and this better performance. This broadly based demand should not be stifled by th ~ preservation of the prerogatives oi' a few at the expense of the many by main- ta,ining outmoded work rules that are count carpentry work an the building. If any ma- chinery or labor-saving devices are used, the same'shali be furnished by the Employer and operated by the employees." Aside from d~eeasi:rating our District , ing directly about, but leaves ~o n ~. the question of whether the alleged ravings in cost to the employer will be passee?, on to the consumer. We know all too well !;,hat in the vast, majority of Instances soul ngs in costs of production are not passed on to the consumer for many years; they are, instead, used to inflate to their notoria i son ~ is and the corporate profits of already g g extremely profitable industrial enterp 'lees. It might be enlightening to inquire of trle Cor- poration whether, as an analogue ar.?~i com- panion to its proposed legislation, i? would favor your sponsoring and promoting 'legisla- tion requiring that the lion's share of any reduction in production costs must ba passed on to the consumers -and the work ors en- gaged in the production whoE+e cos I;s have been reduced. I hope that you will forgive my ir~nposing on your valuable howeversun t gonly las the It seems to me, official of a labor union but as a cftlzE n sensi- tive to the needs of the communi sy as a whole rather than to the needs of ?,ny par- ticular segment of the community, -.hat the very troublesome questions and problems ixn- derlying the Corporation's facile proposals for the solution of what itt deems 1 o be its particular problem should be given I rofound thought, both by our country"s citi Henry as well as by its enlightened and ;)atriotic shalhnot mE>an the unemploymE*nt and im- poverishment of a Large sector of the com- munity, namely, the men and women who perform the community's work. The sancti- monious concern of the Corporation's letter far giving the community the benefit of tech- nolagical progress is not coupled with even that kind of concern for affording the oppor- tunity to earn a livelihood to that vast ma- jority of the community who will not be able to enjoy the fruits of technological progress if they are tulemplayed or if their E>arnings are diminished. Until such time as some panacea can be found for the frequently injurious consequences of automation and technological progress, I believe that it is in the best tradition of our country to per- mit employers and their employees freely to negotiate and agree upon compromise meth_ The coun~:ry is urgently in need of legs a- non to assu[e continued Innovation an m- p:rovement :h'ee of artificial barriers to rog- rf;ss. We reslrectfuily request your sup rt for finis legislatEoii, which would result lower costs and more reliable equipmen in our buildings of the future. Verv'xIIlY Yours, UNIT 3D BROTHERHOOD OF AR- PENTI^.ftS AND JOINERS OF AM ICA, P~tladelphia, Pa., June 196T. IIOn. JOSHUA EILRERG, F~hiladelvhia. Pa. Iny very wi#rm thanks for your kindness in sending me "a copy of the May 19, 1967, letter to you frong the Environmental Products Di- idsion, International Telephone ahd Tele- ?;raph Corporation. The Corporation's letter is typical of the 1~houghtlesi attitude of so many of our c1t1- .;ens, which leads them, whenever they are irked by scmething, to bellow, "There ought i;a be a lal4/_ . The Corporation's letter apparently intends to request you to spon- r:or or support legislation prohibiting both employers and unions to enter into collective 'bargaining- agreements that contain provi- sions whose. purpose is to protect the oppor- tunity of workmen to earn a livelihood by :requiring ;hat the employer shall continue to use these workmen to perform any work that tradiflonally has been assigned to them. Since the U.S. Supreme Court only two months ado decided that such provisions do not violate `any presently existing statute, the Corporation joins the chorus of other carping critics of Ghat Court who would have Con- gress null!fy any progressive or humane de- cision of file Court in the fields of labor re- lations, ci ill liberties, political equality, etc. There f:E much reason for suspicion con- cerning tY.,e good judgment and thoughtful- neac Df ieersons or interests indulging in -- v.,,,~.,, ,,,,..,.,......., _- ------ - our;society by automation and tachn gical ROBERT Ii. GRP Y, advances. Tyre contractual provision o our Secretary-Treasurer. Supreme Gourt held to. be lawful and vas negotiation and agreement between emp~ legislation. The first of these modern tho ght Sa that retraining of the skilled wor force in new methods and train- ing of the nskilIed or semiskilled work forces far skill work is the economically and socially esirable procedure, rather than further estriction on employment oppor- tunities ar the wort, force by unbridled, thoughtl ss and precipitate introduction of ernment. Cn this instance, however, the uor- teChnolog 1 advances. poration's -letter gives reason for more than '1'he secon sldbsidiary reason in the Cor- a mere suspicion that its author is thought- poratfon's letter 3n 6upport of its proposed less and 'gas poor judgment; I believe you legislation to outlaw contractual provisions will agreEa'that the analysis of the Corpora- reserving to workers-on the job site the work lion's letter which follows demonstrates that they have traditio al~rfornned there is it is quite clear that-the proposals contained that the performanc h work away from ;? the rrrnoration's letter are the result of the job site would resu lower costs. iization is faPwfrom being '1 nC l/~lyua a,,.v.. ., ... live legislation o~n the ground that the can- strafed in the very Supreme Court I have referred tq above the Corporation takes exception. i which e con- ons _ ~. traotual lrovis are "out-moiled work rules" which are con- tractor in that case himself testifi use of stalled Ogy." we gnus have, xw ~ r?- ?-- -- isticof tk~e Corporation's letter, an emotional a small machine under a shed orx the job site, appeal ir,sed on the Corporation's ascription which enabled the job site carpen s to cut of progressiveness to itself and of devotion and finish the doors at a minimal ost to the to obsoleae notions to labor unions. I believe contractor. In other words, a use of the that one piece of evidence-aside from your same resourcefulness to pr rue employment own objFCtive analysis-will dissipate such opportunities for wor s as is used to de- an emotional appeal as the quoted phrases of prive them of su pportunities can readily the Corporation's letter may have. Ail of our solve the a yers' problems in connection District Council's collective bargaining with a anon and technological advances agreements have for many years contained witho . t either increasing costs or creating the following provision: tlhe equally undesirable, if not the greatly "'There shall not during the life of this more undesirable, consequences of unemploy- agreemerrt be any restriction on the use of ment. machinery or labor-saving devices used in :Finally, he Corporation's letter says noth- u- Elderly in Indianapolis Not Deaf to . e. Community's Needs EXTENSION OF RETUTAR}~:S of HON. ANDREW JAC[DBS, JR. OF INDIANA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRE.'~ENTA,,TINES Thursday, June 22, 196:' Mr. JACOBS. Mr. Speaker, recently an article appeared in an Indianapo:is news- seemr to expect to havey thingsyr ionef or them and take. little interest in their communities. The article by Robert Peterson, which appeared June 1 in the Ind anapolis Star, did not go unanswered for lang. On June 11, a letter to the editor from Alexander Monro, executi'~e di~ ector of the Indianapolis Senior Citizen Center,. Inc., was printed in the Starr. The letter from Mr. Monro c tee facts and figures to make ft clear that the elderly in Indianapolis have not turned a deaf ear on the needs of tY, zir com- munity. The accomplishments of the;e senior citizens in Indianapolis des;rue the widest possible recognition. Ace ordingly, i insert the text of Mr. Petersol is article as well as Mr. Monro's lette ~' in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. [From the Indianapolis Stag, Jun,: 1, 1967] LIFE BEGINS AT-FORTY: SENIOR GrrI BENS FAIL- ING TO HELP COMM~7'NITIF 13 (By Robert Peteraan) Maybe the time has come to rer~iind older people that they should take a '':eener in- terest in others and their aomml,nities, in- stead of sitting back and e:xpect:ng things to be done for them. Over the years many splendid programs have been created for older people. Social Security 1s a bonanza providing nearly every- Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 June ~,2, 1967' CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -APPENDIX uninhibited and bitter expression of national animosities in words rather than gunfire. IrI spite oP all Kosygin's stylized invective, he recognizes the use of the United Nations in a nuclear age when war between the super powers is impractical. Maybe now he has said something else of great importance. Local wars; he says, can- not be permitted because they may enflame the world in a general war. That sounds quite different than the old idea that wars of national liberation are OK, and will glue Peking added cause for widening the breach with Moscow. [From the Christian Science Monitor, June 21, 1967] THE GREAT DEBATE OPENS It will be a sad day for the United Na- tions, the Middle East and for world peace 1Y Soviet policy rather than American policy prevails in the General Assembly, The speech of Soviet Premier Alexei Kosy- gln was hard, unyielding and clearly de- signed to restore the tension, animosity, and uncertainty which has so long prevailed at the troubled eastern end of the Mediterran- ean. Its aim was patently to harden Arab intransigeance, however much. this might in- crease Arab suffering. In demanding that Israel be condemned by the United Nations, .immediately with- draw from its present positions and make financial and physical restitution for all Arab losses, Moscow was-and knew it was-ask- ing for what it is extremely unlikely to get. Note must, however, be taken of Premier Kosygin's reference to Israel's right to exist and to the need to avoid nuclear war and to find a common language for peace. These are interesting and hopeful hints. Although President Johnson's own state- ment on the Middle East can be criticized far generality and impreciseness at some points, it laid the basis for constructive cri- ticism and action by the General Assembly and the Security Council. The- assertions that each nation in the Middle East has the right to exist free from threats, and that the political and territorial integrity of each must be inviolate are policies upon which anq peace-seeking nation can agree. We equally applaud his demand that something constructive be done about the vast tragedy of the Arab refugees, about ending the fruit- less and impoverishing arms race, and about guaranteeing free waterway passage for. all "innocent" cargoes. Whether or not the American policies are adopted as guidelines far a Middle Eastern solution, they have the great merit of moving in the right direction. But perhaps the greatest -merit of the Johnson proposal, and the one which dis- tinguishes it most sharply from Premier Kosygin's, is Washington's realistic realiza- tion that there can be no partial or piecemeal moves towards peace. Israel, as Foreign Minister Abba Eban made clear, will not agree to a proposal such ~ Russia's which asks Israel to surrender all with no com- pensating guarantees. The Arabs on the other hand, and if they can be brought to any sort of an agreement, will certainly give none until Israel has surrendered the terri- torial fruits o`i its military victory and some- thing major and constructive is done for the refugees. Washington recognizes these con- flicting viewpoints and, we believe, seeks to harmonize them. There would be no greater tragedy for the Middle East, and first and foremost for the Arabs, then if the Soviet Union were again given free rein to play any deliberately and self-seekingiy disruptive role in the area. It has now became clear that such a role can only be a harmful and hurtful one. Now is a moment for a constructive and pacifying step forward. We deeply hope that the world will not let this opportunity slip, National Arts Endowment Grants to States Are an Example of High Statesmanship by the Congress EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. WILLIAM 3. MOORHEAD OF PENNSYLVANIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, June 22, 1967 Mr. MOORHEAD. Mr. Speaker, my distinguished colleagues in the House and the Senate should have been very pleased 'this past week by some obsrva- tions printed in the New York Times re- lated to the great success of the National Endowment for the Arts and 'its program of assistance to~the States. The calumli, written by an honored critic-a"t-large, Howard Taubman, con- tains an excellent review of the progress most of our States have been able to make in the field of the arts. When we remember that less than half a dozen States h"ad full-scale councils or commissions for the. encouragement of the arts when the Congress approved the National Foundation for the Arts and Humanities in 1965, it becomes clear that the seed money provided through the Arts Endowment has produced a re- markable harvest. Mr. Taubman's article presents the case far better than could hope to do and I hope that all ~ my colleagues will read it. Under leave to extend my remarks, I ask that it be inserted in the RECORD at this point. [From the New York Times, June 12, 1967] ARTS ENDOWMENT GAINS-MATCHING GRANTS PROVIDED 2 YEARS AGO HAVE SEEDED PRO- GRAMS IN MANY STATES (By Howard Taubman) When Congress acts out of political mo- tives, it is not necessarily narrow in its vision, Note the manner in which its imprint on the National Arts Endowment legislation has worked out. In 1965, when the endowment was enacted into law, Congress added a sec- tion authorizing matching grants of $50,000 each year to each state and to the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. If the inten- tion was the prudent one to take care of the home folks, the outcome nevertheless has been beneficial. An examination of the states' applications for matching funds for the fiscal year beginning July 1 reveals that many are moving forward, that they are tak- ing careful stock of their resources and needs, and that they are devising programs that not only answer urgent requirements but also have imagination and validity. A summary of 'applications, prepared by the Arts Endowment staff, has been circu- lated among state arts councils and commis- sions. It was not meant for publication, be- cause revisions and modiflcations are still being made. But the changes are not likely to be great, and the quality of many of the projects are so impressive that they deserve analysis and comment. FORTY-TWO STATES SEEKS GRANTS Forty-two states have put in for the en- tire $50,000, or nearly all of it. Only Alaska, Delaware, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, South Carolina and South Dakota have asked for substantially less, and Idaho's applica- tion had not arrived when the summary was sent out. Alaska's situation is instructive. The state formed its arts council last March, and there .A 3217 was hardly time to forge a full program. Other difficulties were the state's limited arts resources and problems of transportation. But the council was undaunted. Although it submitted a series of modest projects, re- quiring matching funds of $25,683, it in- tended to file a supplemental request. For the present its plans include tours of per- forming and visual arts, help for. several festivals, technical assistance and some work in arts education. The most sophisticated proposals, not surprisingly, come from the states that have had the most experience in the arts and their public support. New York expects to use its entire Federal grant to assist in the establishment of aboard program of resi- dencies at various campuses of the State University for Sndfviduals and arts organi- zations like A. P. A.-Phoenix, the Merce Cun- ningham Dance Company, the Dorian Quintet and Danny Nagrin, the choreog- rapher. The Federal contribution will cover only about 20 per cent of the program's total cost, but then New York has been notably forward looking in its allocation of funds to its arts council. Illinois, Misscurl and North Carolina have drawn up ambitious programs. The total cost ai the Illinois projects, which have been planned for a period of two years, fs $847,- 000. What is especially striking about the plan is its emphasis on technical assistance and artists in residence. The state has budgeted $110,000 to pay experts stipends plus travel costs, to provide local arts organizations, at their request, with guidance, evaluation and instruction in such areas as administration, commu- nity relations, organizational techniques and artistic and technical problems of produc- tion. Atotal of $187,000 will be used to send professionals in the various arts on stays of a year in a community, to live and work. Among the proposals that catch the eye are a plan in Georgia to establish slow-in- terest emergency loan fund for writers, composers and artists; a project for envi- ronmental design in Hawaii; the continua- tion of Missouri's program of bringing students from rural -areas into metropolitan centers for a wekend of exposure to the arts; North Carolina's seminars for art teach- ers, the Texas plan to conduct an intensive training program for string players and the blueprint to expand the availability of Vir- ginia's four artmobiles. TECHNICAL HELP POPIILAR Technical assistance recurs frequently in the state planning. Another commendable development is the readiness oY neighboring states to turn to one another for art and artiste. Thus Delaware counts partly on Pennsylvania, Vermont on New York, Kan- sas on Missouri, Montana on Utah. Maryland declares that it will cooperate with neigh- boring states, and the Virgin,Sslands is in- viting New York's Theater-in the Street to play in Spanish and English. It would be too much to expect all the states to be equally balanced and adven- turous in their planning. Some, indeed, have so few cultural resources that they must almost begin at the beginning. For them the stress on state initiative may be a handicap. For the temptation is always there to use matching funds for local projects, no matter how uninspired they may be. One assumes that the National Arts En- dowment's staff will insist on minimum cri- teria. The objective must be to raise stand- ards where they most need raising, not merely to give the appearance ai abundant activity. If the Federal matching funds con_ tinue to be applied with increasing creativ- ity, the Arts Endowment and the state's arts councils will make the original Congressional decision look like high statesmanship, Wouldn't that be nice far a change? Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 A 321:8 .~_ _.. ,~ Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APP$NDTX June ~a',2, 196' would now be appropriate for me to place in the RECORD a biography of Congress- woman SULLIVAN to round out the docu- mentation on the award of honorary de- grees by Lindenwood College on June 3. I have obtained such a biography, brought up to date from an official-pub- lication of the Women's Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor, "Women of the 89th Congress." The information contained in this biography makes it even more of a sur- prise to us that the degree which Mrs. S1LLIVAN reeelVed On June $ waS her fiTSt such honor. The gentlewoman from Mis- souri has been the chairman of the Sub- committee on the Panama Canal since 1957, and has done a truly outstanding job in that important responsibility; she also servies on the Subcommittee?on the Coast Guard and on the Subcommittee an the Merchant Marine. On the Banking and Currency Com- mittee, she is chairman of the Subcom- mittee on Gonsumer Affairs, the ranking member of the Subcommittee on Hous- ing, and a ranking member of the Sub- committee on Small Business. She has carried out all of her tasks and duties with conscientious care and great dill- -Bence, and we are all proud of her. Fur- thermore, she has taken an active role 'in the consideration and passage of every piece of legislation which is of vital in- terest to consumers, and has initiated action in a great many areas of national legislation. I .think every Member of the House joins Lindenwood College at St. Charles, Rlio., in applauding the achievements of this outstanding Representative from the city of St. Louis, who has played a great role in the transformation of her own -city as sponsor of the legislation which led to the construction of the Gateway Arch and the Jefferson National Expan- sion Memorial, and also through the changes for which she has been repson- sible in the laws dealing with housing and .urban development. And every poor person in the United States owes her a particular debt of grat- itude for her indefatigable work over 'the last 14 years in making a reality of Iher proposal for a food stamp program to assure adequate and .nutritious diets for our low-income families. She de- serves every honor which as been ac- corded her over the years, including her first honorary degree. Her biography is as follows BIOGRAPHY OF REPRESENTATIVE LEONOR K. SULLIVAN, DEMOCRAT, THIRD CONGF.ESSIONAL DLSTRICT, MISSOURI Mrs. Leonor K. Sullivan, now serving her eighth term, is the only woman to have served in Congress from the State of Missouri. She is the widow of Representative Jahn Berchmans Sullivan, who was serving his fourth term in the Congress at the time of his death in 1951. A native of St. Louis, Mrs. Sullivan repre- sents a district located wholly within the borders of that city. She resigned as training executive for a St. Louis business machines corporation when she married the Congress- man in 1941, and later served as his adminis- trative assistant. In 1952, after a special elec- tion had filled the vacancy in the 82d Con- gress caused by her husband's death, Mrs. Sullivan decided to run for his former seat and won election to the 83d Congress. She was subsequently reelected to the 84th, 86th, 86th, 87th, 88th, 89th and 90th Congress. Known throughout her career in Congress for her strong interest in consumer issues, Mrs. Sullivan is a senior member rf the House Committee on Banking a'nd C trrency and chairman of its Subcommittee cn ,Consumer Affairs, with primary legislative r~reponsibility for the "truth in lending" bil which she introduced, and for other cons Inver issues within the committee's jurlsdi rtion. As a member of the Subcommittee :on Housing, she has played a leading rcde in he prepara- tion of all housing bills passed l y the House since 1955-sponsoring, particuls.rly, housing . far the elderly and a new F:EIA la:~n insurance program for non-profit organizettons to re- habilitate inexpensive hoxries foc sale at 3% mortgage financing to low-income .families. She also helped draft a series of najor meas- ures to bolster national economi,, conditions, including the Area Redevelopm,rnt Act, the Small Business Investment Act. the Export Credit Insurance Act, the Mass 'Transit Act, and the Community Facilities Ac t. A ranking member also of the House Cc~nmittee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries Mrs. Sulli- van has served as chairman of Its Subcom- mit on the Panama Canal since '1957, direct- ing numerous studies into the operational problems and activities of 'the Px,nama-Canal Company. Besides her own committee responsibili- ties, Mrs. Sullivan has aei;ively participated on legislation of consumer interest before other committees, and was insi.rumental in the passage of the Poultry Prod acts Inspec- tion Act of 1957, establishing I'or the first time compulsory Federal inspect Ian of poul- try in interstate commerce; a , cries of an- nual Increases in the approprfa? tons far the Food and Drug Administrati ~n (Health, Education, and Welfare Departn i.ent) and of the Meat and Poultry Inspecti-sn Divisions {Agriculture Department); the Food Addi- tives Act of 1958, requiring px etesting for safety of all chemical additives used in or on foodstuffs; the anticancer pro vision-deal- ing with artificial coloring used 1n foods, drugs, and cosmetics-of the Ca or Additives Act of 1960; the Hazardous Su?~stances La- beling Act of 1961; the :far-rel.>ching Drug Control Act of 1962, includnn6; the major provisions relating to Frescrii>tiaxi drugs first proposed by her 18 mont: is earlier as part of an omnibus bill to rewr: a the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 15138; and the Drag Abuses Control Act of 1'165, dealing with "pep" pills, barbiturates, L.'3D, etc., also .taken from her omnibus In.easur:. Other pro- visions of the omnibus bill, H :8,. 1235, not yet enacted, call for pretesting for safety of a.ll ingredients in cosmetics; l~remarketing clearance of all health device; , a ban on flavored aspirin; stronger factoay inspection standards for all products su=xject to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; s ;rioter label- ing requirements, and many other consumer protections. She has worked ciao-for auto- mobile safety and the regulaticix of hazard- ous materials in industry. Congresswoman Sullivana woe. the author of the food stamp law enactec in 1959 for the distribution of surplus; agrienltural com- modities to needy Amex?1eLns t}trough regu- lar grocery stores. A madifled food stamp plan was instituted by the late President Kennedy. This led to her introd.xction in the 88th Congress of an admihis hration food stamp bill which was enacted c l2 August 31, 1964, and now assures good ni. trition for 2 million needy Americans. In 1957 Mrs. Sullivan drafte, i and intro- duced for the first time the exceptional children educational assistancf bill to en- courage experienced teachers uo take ad- vanced training in the skills of teaching gifted children or those wii:h phi sical or emo- tional handicaps. In subsequernB Congresses, parts of this program were: enac ~:ed to estab- lish fellowship programs: for teachers of mentally retarded children anrl. those with speech and hearing defects. Coo gress finally broadened the program to tnclude teachers of all categories of handicapped children. Mrs. Well ~~eserved Honor for Congresswoman Leonor Sullivan P{XTENSION OF REMARKS OF ICON. EDWARD A. GARMATZ OF MARYLAND IN TAE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, June 22, i967 Mr. GARMATZ. Mr. Speaker, I read with i~reat interest in the Appendix of the C9NGRESSIONAL RECORD for Friday, June ::6, an insertion by our colleague, the g~:ntlewoman from Missouri [Mrs. S17LLIC AN7 which included the text of an address delivered at commencement ex- ercises . at Lindenwood College, St. Charles, Mo., an June 3, by the Honor- able Patricia Roberts Harris, U.S. Am- bassador to Luxembourg. According to the information placed in the RECORD by Co:zgresswaman SULLIVAN, Ambassa: dor H;1'rris received an honorary degree of do~:tor of laws at that commence- ment. Mrs. SULLIVAN stated in her re- marks in the RECORD that it was her privilege to hear Ambassador Harris make an excellent address an the sub- ject "'Che Duty of Dissent." With char- acteristic modesty, however, Mrs. SUL- LIVAN failed to indicate in her statement how s:ie happened to be at Lindenwood Colleg~ commencement exercises that morni:~g. I happen to known why she was there. Congresswoman LEONOR K. SULLIVAN, the ranking member of the House Com- mittee on Merchant Marine and Fish- eries, of which I am privileged to be chairman, and a ranking member of the Committee on Banking and Currency- one oi" the outstanding Members of the House of Representatives, and the fore- most 'Member in the field of consumer affair;-was present at Lindenwood Col- lege an June 3 in order to be honored, as wss Ambassador Harris, with the award of an honorary doctor of laws degree:. For this fine Member of Congress who is one of the hardest working Members in either body, the event was of .more than routine significance, for it marked the award of her very first honorary degree. This ~lndoubtedly will be something of surprise to most of our colleagues-that is, that after nearly 15 years in the House of Representatives, where she has served with :such distinction and effectiveness, this v ould be her first honorary degree. I rece;7tly noted in the press that Senator MARGE.RET CHASE SMITH Of Maine had re- eeived her 50th honorary degree. All I can say is that Lindenwood Col- lege, `which is not in Mrs. SuLLrvex's con- gressi~nai district, deserves the thanks of th~a entire House of Representatives for hs?ving the perspicacity and imagina- tion t~ single out the gentlewoman from Missouri for this honor which I know Mrs. I~uLLIVAN will always treasure. In noting the honor paid on that same day tcF Ambassador Patricia Roberts Har- ris, Mrs. iSULL.IVAN, in her remarks in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD on June 16, in- clude~i a biography of the Ambassador. as it F.ppeared in the program of Linden- wood College commencement exercises. It occurred to me, Mr. Speaker, that it Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 Approved For Release 2004/05/x,5 C~AR~DPf9~QLQ~f~9~00200300010-0 June 22, Y96T CONGRESSIONAL ~ AA assured, however, that anewly-constituted court would strike down a carefully drafted eavesdropping law. Congress, in any event, can hardly do less than give it atry-unless all of the fine speeches about stamping out crime are devoid of substance. Twentieth-Century Miracle EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. ABRAHAM J. MULTER OF NEW.YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, June 22, 1967 Mr. MULTER. Mr. Speaker, since the beginning of the Middle East crisis, American sympathy. and admiratKOn has been with Israel. It is not difficult to see why this brave, small state has won the hearts of so many of our citizens. Yvette Scharfman has expressed this very idea in an article written for a Brooklyn newspaper. I commend to the attention of our col- leagues her column which appeared in the June 17, 1967, edition of the Bay News & Kings Courier. The article follows: TWENTTETI3-CENTURY MIRJICLE (By Yvette Scharfman). At this writing one week ago we heard that war had broken out in the Middle East. We wrote our column with heart-sick outrage at man's inhumanity to man. We saw Israel, the only.bastion of democracy in the area, sur- rounded on all sides by those who openly threatened to annihilate her, the interna- tional tribunal notwithstanding. Enforcing the threats of the bully Nasser were hundreds of Russian communist "technicians and ad- visers" plus thousands of tanks, planes and other armaments .costing millions of dollars. We write that only a modern David-Goliath confrontation; a veritable miracle would be needed to save Israel; but that the little oaulitry has proven herself worthy of a miracle. Let us remind our readers that after the Hungarian revolt against Russia some ten years ago there were conferences at summit level by the western world as to the absorp- tion of some 80,000 refugees over-running Vienna. The civilized world looked to our country to lead the way in welcoming the brave group who escaped the communist hordes. The then President (American his- tory has shown that good generals make bad presidents) consented to the admittance of 35,000 Hungarian refugees-each of whom was submitted to a rigorous health examina- tion, besides requiring a bond posted by an individual or organization testifying that said immigrant would not become a public charge. Let us compare that with the new little coun- try, Israel, which could then comfortably fit into the state of Rhode Island. The Israelis, newly arrived, were themselves struggling for survival. But from the time they beat the Arab world in 1948 they declared an open- door policy for any Jew who wished to enter. Israel admitted one and ahalf-million people since she became a state I There are no health or medical qualifications here; no bonds re- qulred.'On the contrary, she has welcomed the sick, the lame, the blind, the ignorant, and- the penniless. She has sheltered them, fed them, healed them, clothed them, edu- cated them, and at great sacrifice has tried to absorb them into the economic and social fabric of'the country, In all the world there has never been a people so responsive to the needs of others! Is she not then worthy of the miracle which we in the sophisticated, skep- tical, cynical latter-half 20th century have been privileged to witness? For those of us who still believe in miracles, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not, no ex- planation is possible. Suffice St to say that the two million have conquered the whole Arab world (eighty million) and their communist henchmen who fed their vanity and their coffers. But the Israelis have also lost; besides too many young brave soldiers, close to ten mil- lion dollars in their grass national product. Their economy, at a complete stand-still, has been set bank ten years. Persecution of Jews in Arab countries a_nd in the communist satellites is expected to be accelerated. Jews will attempt to flee to Israel, although the escape is fraught with peril. We Americans must help to take over the task of caring for the anticipated immigration and for the in- digent refugees already in the country. Emergency meetings have been called for every night in the week since the war began! It is a great thrill to relate that some of the most successful of these meetings have been called by our Christian neighbors. Al Hesterberg, President of the Flatbush Democratic Club, called one on Monday night. President Lester Sachs presided, and did much of the spade work behind the scenes. Al Hesterberg is no stranger to the mid-east situation. He read a resolution which he, in the company of Congressmen Rooney snd Multer, presented to the State Department way back in 1956 when the situ- ation was much the same. Congresswoman Edna Kelly reminded the audience that the only reason she didn't accompany the mis- sion of mercy was because she was not our representative at the time. Her pithy x?emark that the Israelis were fighting the world's fight ago-inst communism was well taken; she-will so state ixx a resolution she plans to offer in Congress. We don't know how much money was raised at the club, but we under- stand it was quite substantial. Yes, it seems decent people of all faiths are indeed rallying to the side of Israel, who has exposed the evil forces in the world today. Let us support our President in his honest and sincere effort to stop the spreading of their tentacled EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. LESTER L. WOLFF OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, June 22, 1967 Mr. WOLFF. Mr. Speaker, the recent tragic events in the Middle East are only part of a long history of Russian sup- ported Arab aggression against Israel. In the June 20 issue of the Long Island Press an editorial on the cooperation needed for a permanent peace in the Middle East struck at the heart of the problem. This clew' and eloquent edi- torial displays the deft hand of editor David Starr. Under leave to extend my remarks I wish to include that editorial, which follows, in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD IP words and reason were bullets and bombs, Abba Eban did to th,e Soviet Union yesterday what "Israel's armies did to the Arabs the week of June 5. The eloquent Israeli foreign minister hurled battalions of logical arguments against the entrenched positions of Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygln in the opening A 3213 debate in the United Nations General Assembly. The Russian quit the field, outclassed. But before he left the Assembly Hall, he heard Mr. Eban-in rolling, Churcllillian oratory, never once lapsing into acliche--demolish the narrow, legalistic Russian attempt to pin the blame for the Mideast mess on Israel. Mr. Eban traced the "sad and shocking story" of 14 years of Soviet aid and encour- agement to the Arabs. He ticked off in over- whelming detail the numbers of tanks, fighter planes and bombers, mortars, field guns and rocket launchers-the entire $2 billion In Russian arms now either in Israeli hands or rotting in the desert. He exposed the fabric of Arab provocation that sparked the war Russia is trying now to pin an Israel. And he out- lined, too, a blueprint far the cooperation that will insure the road to a Mideast peace. The man from Moscow, true to the absolutist tradition of hLs country, could not get away from wards like "categorical," "ir- refutable," "without any condition," "resti- tute 1n full," "inadmissible," and so on. Israel was black, the Arabs, white. And back. in Moscow, television carried Premier Kosygin's speech in full and live, but cut the sound and ended the transmission as Mr. Eban took the rostrum. But beyond style and wards are facts. Israel stands at Suez, at Sharm el Sheikh and on both banks of the Jordan. The Arabs are ixx disarray-militarily, politically and eco- nomically. If the Russians are deficient in style and words, they're sharp about facing facts. They know today, as they knew two weeks ago, that to make their demands in the Mideast stick they would have first to cross nuclear swords with the U.S. This has not changed. There is a way out of this blind alley, if Russia wishes to take it. President Johnson made it abundantly clear that the U.S. stands ready to tackle substantive issues that lie at the roots of world turmoil. His speech was clearly designed to create an atmosphere in which constructive moves would be possible- for all sides and with honor. The opportunity for peace is here. It simply must be seized. Law Needed To Curtail Incitement to Violence EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. JOE L. EVINS OF TENNESSEE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, June 22, 1967 Mr. EVINS of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, the violence and anarchy in our streets are corroding our country-eating away at the basic principles of law and order that are the foundation of our great Na- tion. In this connection, Mr. David Law- rence, the nationally syndicated col- umnist, has written an article emphasiz- ing the need for legislation to make it a Federal offense to travel between States for the purpose of inciting violence and insurrection. I have joined other colleagues in spon- soring such a bill and because of the in- terest of my colleagues and the Nation generally in this matter of law and order, I ask unanimous consent that the article written by Mr. Lawrence be reprinted in the Appendix of the RECORD. The article follows; Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 Ati#21h Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -APPENDIX ~T2cnE, 22, ~~67 [Frerrll the Washington (D.C.) Evening Star, June 19, 1967] Iu4w i'QEEDED ON INCITING TO VIOLENCE (By David Lawrence) Tlae most pressing problem that faces the American people ie not the friction in the Middle East but the friction inside the UxiU:Hd States-the violence in the streets of marry cities involving personal injuxy, bomb- ings.and destruction of private property. MDre than 9Q bias have been introduced in Congress designed to make it a federal crime for ;persons to travel from state to state for the purpose of fomenting disorders. But up to sow .proposed legislation has not been acted upon, though within the last few days efforts have been made to get a bill before the House of Representatives for action. O:ze of the principal reasons for delay is the attitude of the administration and some of t;Ie Democratic leaders in Congress, Their feelijlg is that such legislation might be mis. uses; by local authorities to interfere with 1eg111mate protest. This excuse could be ap- plied as a barrier to almost any Iegislative prog~sal. The whole judicial system, however; was'.' established to differentiate between abui~ of the law and its groper enforcement. T](e issue is not as fuzzy as some of the procfastinators_ in_Congress would have the peo~~.e of the country believe. For the Su- prerXe Court of the United States has plainly statr~l again and again in many an oginion that` it is a crime to incite. to violencei IIx` a resent case Justice Black, speaking for the maj~~rity of the high court, rejected the -idea thaY'in propagandizing protests people "have a ocnstitutional xight to do so whenever and however and wherever they please." There are, of course, plenty of places-for orderly demonstrations, not only in auditori= ums'and stadiums but also through properly conducted parades or marches. The key to the current trouble is the tendency of the agit!~tors to harangue crowds, flinging insults and' accusations, and too often this results in physical clashes and violence of all kinds, Dues "free speech" immunize from punish- ment a person who incites others to maim or kill or riot? While the laws of all states pro- hibit disorder,, can it be argued that incite- meDt to violence cannot be punished because "fre3 speech" is impaired? Lt~t year the House of Representatives, by a vote of 389 to 25, approved a measure, spon, sores by William C. Cramer, R-Fla., which would make it a federal crime to travel be- twe:il- states, or use interstate facilities, with the purpose of inciting riots, violence, arson, bolr,;bing, or any other felony under a state or f~3deral law. This was an amendment to a civil-rights bill which later died in the Sen- ate. Similar proposals have since been pigeonholed3n the House Judiciary Commit- tee, with the approval, of course, of the ad= ministration. 'When will Congress act?-The states have beelF struggling with the problem, and oc- casl3nally have to use their National Guard tb intervene and prevent further violence. But the issue is whether the states and cities should be obliged to wait until a riot breaks out or whether the federal government will step in to investigate the plots and con- spirlcies when groups meet to select "target" citil^s for "demonstrations" which inevitably lead `to outbursts of violence. Tie federal government, through its machinery of investigation, could quickly put its finger on the individuals who are re- spo~ISible #or "demonstrations" that lead to discrder. Many of those who are behind the big "demonstrations" openly predict violence and indicate in advance that they will do thilugs which are plainly provocative. This can'be dealt with by federal law but not a1- waye by the states and cities. The difriculty is that the states do not know what is being plotted outside their borders where the ar- rani;ements are usually made for the provoca- tier.: of disorders. Congress, therefore, is the starting point for corrective action. Once a federal law is en- acted making it possible to arrest and punish individuals who incite others to violence, it may be anticipated that those who wish to express themselves freely on controversial questions will find ways of doing it in an or- derly Cashion. EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. EDWARD J. DERWINSKI OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, June 22, 1967 Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, one of the obvious failures of the administration is its unimaginative operation of the U.S. Information Agency and more spe- cifically the Voice of America. The Voice of America is an operation of minimum effectiveness since policy decisions have rendered its messages meaningless. However, there is growing concern developing across the country over the ineffectiveness of the Voice of America and I insert in the RECORD at this point a copy of a resolution adopted by the Slovenian Women's Union of America, at their recent national con- vention in Washington, D.C., which is self-explanatory and recommends a course of action which would be a prac- tical step in the Voice of America's operations: RESOLUTION OF TAE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA Whereas, the Republic of Slovenia, in the northwestern part of Yugoslavia, 7s the only cultural and progressive nation of 2 million persons without the direct services of a United States Consulate or Information Serv- ice post; and, Whereas, Members of the Slovenian Wom- en's Union of America continue to receive complaints from their. relatives and friends in Slovenia, concerning the time of broad- cast and lack of medium wave lengths for the Slovenian broadcasts over the Voice of America; and, Whereas, Two evening programs in Slove- nian were replaced a year ago by two early morning programs of only 15 minute dura- tion; and, Whereas, For many listeners who have in- dicated their desire to listen to the broad- casts, this time is very inconvenient; and, Whereas, The two early morning programs are not transmitted on medium length waves; and, Whereas, Since the Voice of America pro- gram is the only direct American contact with the people of the Yugoslav Republic of Slovenia; now, therefore, Be it known, that the Delegates convened at the 14th National Convention of the Slo- venian Women's Union oP America make this appeal to the Director of the United States Information Agency to re-~tabiish the Voice of America programs in Slovenian Ianguage to the former, traditional broadcast time and to be transmitted over medium wave lengths. Approved by unanimous decision of the 14th National Convention of the Slovenian Women's Union of America. ANTONIA TUREK, Convention Chairman. MARIE A. FLORYAN, Resolution Chairman. ALHINEA NOYAK, Convention Secretary. Dated: May 26, 1967, in the City of Wash- ington, D.C. BOyCOtib EXTENSION OF RFIMARKS HON. JOSHUA EI LBERG OF PENNSaLVANs;A IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, June 2,?' 1967 Mr. EILBERG. Mr. Spee~ ker, the ques- tion of boycotts hays Pa ociuced some rather heated arguments i1 ,recent years. In my own district :it wa ~3 raised most directly and most recentl;J when I re- ceived aletter from a largli manufactur- ing plant in Philadelphia .risking my in- terest in legislation "1;o as: are continued innovation and improvelilent free of artificial barriers to progrE s". As is my habit wkien o e side of an obviously controversial i:sue is pre- sented, Iactively souight F .n opinion on the other side. The opin]i~n I received was, I felt, so learned al ~d interesting that I think it would be li,ppropriate to enter it in its entirety in he RECORD so that other members facec; with similar problems may gain some it sight into the matter. I would like to 1 gay tribute to Robert H. Gray-the ~~cretsiry Treasurer of the Metropolitan Council of the United Brotherhood ~f Carpenters and Joiners of Ameri:;a. Vii lien you learn of his arguments you. ma3 well want to join many in thanking hi: n. The replies follow: ENVIRONpQENTAL PROnuc,a DIVI- SION, INTERNATIOI7AL Tt.ILEPHONE ~ _. AND TELEGRAPH CORP., - Philadelphia, Pa., :'Say 19, 196?. Congressman JOSHUA EILHERG, Philadelphia, Pa. DEAR REPRESENTATIVE EILEIvRG: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled, on Apr is 17, 1967 that unions have a right to boycott products shipped into areas of their jurisdiction if the major purpose is to prote: t workers' jobs. This decision arose from th,: complaint of the National Woodworll Manufacturers As- sociation to the National I s,bor Relations Board concerning the refuse>, of the Metro- politan District Council of P1 aladelphia and Vicinity, United Brotherhooc of Carpenters and Joiners oP America 'to hang prefabricated doors at the Navy's Capehart Hausing_Proj- ect. The far-reading po kentia I effects of this decision were recognized by .the Court in "holding back progress;." however, they ad- vised the Manufacturer's A sociation that this argument was "addresse,i to the wrong branch of government," and indicated that legislative relief would be rer~uired. It is for this reason that I address th s letter to you. This Division operater> two ~olants in Phila- delphia and one in Mercer, Pe!msyIvania em- ploying atotal of 1300 people, with bargain- ing units at each plant represented by the United Steel Workers of Amrarica AFL-CIO. Our products are heating anc! air condition- ing equipment, featuring pre wired and pre- 1a sembled piping arra:ngem~ants iollawing the "packaged" concept of design. While we recognize the desire of th+a construction workers to preserve their hSj~toric areas of work, we also recognize that n today's labor market-there is limited avails aility of skilled "job site" assemblers fox the :types of quality equipment we manufacture. l~'urther, the di- rection of design is toward more sophisti- cated equipment in which iris availability will be more critical. In a broader sense, thc: publ,;c has proven to be best served by the lower costs and in- herently higher quality of fa,,tory-assembled equipment and components. ~'he trend of de- sign today in our industry a;ontinues, as it has been for some years, toward the develop- -Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 A 3208 Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD --- APPENDIX June ~~, 1967 Also, please note that the Con?zess, which represents the American people and would force the public by law to pay the excise tax, would have no control over the public tele- vision to be imposed on the nation. The con- trol would ultimately lie in the hands of the Executive Branch, for the report fur- ther proposes that the corporation be run by twelve directors--six of whom would be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate-not the House of Representa- tives-and the other six directors would be selected by the first six. Their terms of office would be for six years. Thus, the public television network, supported by the buyers of television sets, would be controlled by a select group of liberal-totalitarians whose lob it would be to conceive of TV programs to serve the "full needs of the American pub- lic," whatever that means. That some of the programs will be of some value to some people is beyond question, but the very means of financing the program-by taxa- tion, which is one of the govermnent's most obnoxious and irritating uses of force-sug- gests that the network will not serve any pertinent needs of the American public, for ii it did, it could easily find commercial spon- sors to back it. It is typical of the liberal-totalitarians that they should resort to force i;o impose their supposedly superior concept of tele- vision on the American people. Therefore they appeal to government to do for them with the stoke of a pen what three decades of private investment and development did far comx~erciai TV. What will "pixblie television"---or, more appropriately, the Parasitic Network-trans- mit to the American people? James Reston, an articulate spokesman for the totalitar- ians, wrote , in his column of January 26, 1967: "They [the Carnegie Commission] are say- ing that while Jackie Gleason. may be more amusing than Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, and the battle between the Kan- sas City Chiefs and the Green Bay Packers more popular than the struggle for China, nevertheless there may be a difference be- tween what is amusing and what fa impor- tant. "In short, the Carnegie Commission is suggesting that there is a difference between what -sells on television and what endures, what takes people's minds off the troubling issues for decision in a democracy, and what keeps their minds on those decisions:' In other words, the proponents of "public television"-overly interested in the minds of the viewers-are telling the American peo- ple that their values are all mixed up. What they are saying is that the American people should want to listen to J. William Fulbright more than to Jackie Gleason, that they should be more interested in the struggle for China than in a football game. What the educators are saying is that the Ameri- casi people are a bunch of children who have to be instructed in what to want, in what to value. I}ut please note that these arrogant, self-conceited instructors expect to be com- fortably .subsidized by the very consumers they despise and look down on but who are responsible and smart enough to earn the money to pay the .taxes to support the para- sitic educators, but not smart enough to know what they should want. Of course larceny on so grand a scale re- quires conmanship of an inordinatelq high caliber. The Commission's report itself is a good example of such conmanship. But an even better example is the editorial which appeared in Life magazine oY Februrary 17, 1967. After opening on the theme of the "vast wasteland" and giving the Carnegie Commission a puff, the Life editorialist wrote: "The commercial networks are both crea- tors and the victims of the pressure for uni- formity. Squeezed by ratings, they choose to appeal to the widest possible audience. De- spite the magnificent job. they can do, there is little room in their schedule Yor the new or the unique-for the item that has great appeal if its audience is limited: ' Life forgets that TV, like itself, is a mass medium, that it awes- its entire success to the fact that it serves a mass audience. No one has suggested that the federal govern- ment subsidize a magazine similar to Life free of commercial pressures "to serve the full needs of the American public." So why should the cultural elite require television as a means of expression? Also, since when is the new or unique excluded from commer- cial TV if it is any good3 But if the cultural elite want a TV network of their own, why don't they pay for it themselves? Why must they become parasites and demand that those whom they consider culturally inferior and despise subsidize them. They don't like what their supposed in- feriors like, but'they do like their money. Life writes without flinching an eyelash: "a massive financial transfusion from the fed- eral government for noncommercial televi- sion is the only way to give the viewer a real choice when he turns on his set." What is this "real choice" and why must the taxpayer be compelled to subsidize it? He doesn't have much of a free choice 1f he is forced to support it. The viewer now has as much Pree choice as he will ever have in the selection of programs. What guarantee does he have that Public TV will actually offer a real choice? None, of course, He will be offered whatever the educators think Ss good for him. Life states: "A basic concern, held by many, on any large-scale undertaking od' noncommercial television is the fear that it will develop into a "Big Brother" voice of the govern- ment or of some cultural Establishment. To avoid this possibility, the Carnegie plan would esbablish a nongovernmental non- profit corporation as' the core of Public TV. The corporation would set as a buffer be- tween the sources of funds--tax revenues, foundations ar private donors-and the cre- ative producers who should be shielded froze the influence that financial support often demands: ' In other wards, the "creative producers"- anew species of sacred cow-will be shielded fmm economic reality, which all of us plain folk must face in our daily lives. They will be insulated froze the harsh economic re- alities oR' the outer world. What kind of "creativity" will Dome out of such a group remains to be seen. Supposedly, this detach- ment will make these creators free agents, beholden to no power clique or Big Brother. Thus, according to Life, they will be a power unto themselves, in positions to mold tastes, influence millions, and push their favorite writers and actors. Why should any group be given such power on a silver platter with no strings attached? Why should such a privileged group exist at all in a free coun- try? Life, of course, would hardly be expected to ask su?eh legitimate and fundamental questions. );ts main concern is in seeing that the Parasitic Network gets an expanded tax base. It writes: "A tax on sets would- fall directly on the consumers-the audience. It would seem more logical to insist that those who are profiting most should share the burden. That could be arranged by imposing a fran- chise tax on commercial television channels, or a tax on the advertising billings that support them." .The parasite knows just where to put the bite. The commercial developers made tele- vision possible. They are profiting from something they themselves nurtured, in- vested in, and developed. Yet, the impres- sion Life gives is that they are profiting from something which is not reallq theirs. The editorials elaborates, and here has conman- ship reaches Sts epitome: "Commercial television stations have a priceless stock in trade-monopoly control of an air channel that belongs to the public. The public has never been paid for it, A tax on commercial operations to support Public TV would be a means of extracting revenues from the airwaves owned by all, to reach that part of the audience that is now sub- stantially ignored." It would take a book to disentangle the incredible fallacies jammed into that para- graph. In the first place, no air channel was ever owned by anyone, let alone the public. TV stations are assigned air channels in much the same way that airplanes are as- signed aflight path. The problem is one of traffic, not ownership. The public, which is a loose term used to designate. "everybody," never expected to be paid for the use of the air. Such a concept is so incredible that only an intellectual Svengali would even want to make use of it. Using the same logic, one could argue that the public owns the Eng- lish language and that Life magazine, which has earned a huge fortune using it, ought to pay a special tax to the public just for using the language. But Life's twisted logic knows no limits. First, it puts forth the notion that the public owns the air channels. However, it doesn't then suggest that the commercial networks send dividend checks to every living person in the United States. It suggests that the commercial net- works subsidize a group of educators who will be using the same air channels-sup- posedly owned by the public-free of charge, IP the commercial operators owe something to the public, it is hard to fathom how they can square themselves with the public by paying for the upkeep of a parasitic noncom- mercial system. Just because the Carnegie Commission calls their system "Public TV" doesn't mean that the public will own it. Life magazine stressed the point that the corporation would be a power unto itself, answerable to no one, in- cluding the public. And so, the Life argument holds as much water as a sieve. As for "that part of the audience that is now substantially ignored," we have seen no polls or surveys to indicate where that audience is or what that audience wants which it is now not getting from TV. Everyone has his own pet interests, but no one expects a television network to put on TV specials for the benefit oY bird watchers, button collectors, and devotees of Sanskrit poetry. All of these arguments notwithstanding, the totalitarian juggernaut just keeps rolling along. According to the New York Times of March 1, 1967: "President Johnson asked Congress today to create a corporation for Public Television that could channel both public and private funds into noncommercial television and ra- dio facilities and programs ... . "Mr. Johnson said the board of directors would be appointed by him from the fields of education, communications and the creative arts, subject to confirmation from the Sen- ate. It is thought that these should be men and women of suf[icient stature to protect the corporation from interference by the Government, even though it may become de- pendent on sizable Federal subsidies." And so the Great Swindle goes on. EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. ABRAHAM J. MULTER OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, June 22, 1967 Mr. MULTER. Mr, Speaker; the Near East Report is an informative periodical which concentrates entirely upon the Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 -- Approved Far Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R00020030Q010-0 Ju~~ ~~2, Y96T G4NGRESSIONAL RECORD -APPENDIX Tax-Free Brainwashing. i.. FXTEIVSION OF .REMARKS ~ HON. JOHN R. RARICK OF LOULSIANA IIt`THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES : r Thursday, June 22, 196? Mr. RARTCK, Mr. speaker, the coming revolt against private ownership and oP- erat.;on of television and the airwaves ca11Ed nonprofit educational TV is the ultimate in fully nationalized thought cont.eol and education, In many deflni- tion~ `it is known as the symbol controlled Socisilist state. Na[lproflt, .advertisement-free news- pape~s .echoing the .party line of the political ideology in power may be next. Mr~ Speaker, I include the release, 8 Re and local HOn. LYNDON B. JOHNSON, President, United States of America, White House, Washington, D.C. DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: "These are the times which try men's souls:' I know that the af- fairs of State weigh heavily upon your shoulders. My prayers include you and mem- bers of your family. May the Giver of Life bless you with health, long life and strength. Map He endow you with the wisdom of a Solomon, the faith of Job and the strength of Samson to bear well the difficult affairs of the world which must weigh heavily upon your shoulders. I write to you at this time as a leader of American Jewry, as a Rabbi who has served this beloved country in War and Peace, and as one to whom the American way of life is dear and meaningful. I am respectfully asking that you review the whole attitude of our country towards the whole world and- more particularly as it relates to the State of Israel. No country in the world has shown its love and respect for the American way of life and has been as devoted to our country as has the little State of Israel-small in size but large in stature. The State of Israel has been stand- ing as a bastion of Democracy practicing the principles of life as enunciated by our Dec- laration of Independence, as taught by American History, and as set down by the Founding Fathers of our country. In observing the proceedings of the United Nations it is easy to see the difference in caliber between the representatives of the State of Israel and the Arab. The presence of the Arabs in this country is a disgrace; dangerous and insulting. Their treading on American soil desecrates the ground for which ,thousands of American men and women have given their lives on the far flung battlefields of the world. Mr. President I propose to you the follow- ing steps: 1. Recognition oP the fact that the Arabs are the aggressors. 2. Recognition of the right od Israel to exist and to retain whatever new lands they acquire. 3. Complete discontinuance oP any help to the Arabs as Lang as they maintain ties with the communists. 4. No help to the Arabs as long as 6% of the leaders are billionaires and 9b% poverty stricken. b. Internationalization of the Suez Canal and the Gulf of Aqaba. 6. Expulsion from this country at Fedo- renko and his communist cohorts, They have used the United Nations as a base far spy operations and as a platform for spread- ing venom. Thank God that the American people realize this and ignore them. How- ever, they are dangerous. 7. Trial of Nasser as a war criminal. 8. Help to rebuild the economy of Israel which has been practically destroyed by the ignorant Arabs. 9. Continued help to the people of the State of Israel. 10. Break of[ diplomatic relations with the Russians and Arab countries. With kindest personal regards to you and the family, Yours in the Service of God and Country, Rabbi Dr. KARL APPLRAUM, Chaplain (LTC) USAR. EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. PHILIP E. RUPPE OS MICHICu1N IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, June 2i, 1967 Mr. RUPPE. Mr. Speaker, the Part- ners of the Alliance, consisting of 32 U.S. States and 31 Latin American counter- parts, is an outstanding program of in- ternational understanding with concrete results. Michigan is fortunate to have developed under the leadership of Gov. George Romney and former Congress- man Alvin M. Bentley, a flourishing partnership with British Honduras. The following success story, written by Mr. Bentley, deserves the attention of every Member of Congress. Mr. Bentley's arti- cle appeared in Michigan Challenge, the official publication of the Michigan State Chamber of Commerce. The article follows: PARTNERa OF THE ALLIANCE Although the United States sends large sums of financial and technical assistance to the independent Latin American Republics each year through the Agency for Interna- tional Development, a new concept has been born under the Alliance for Progress of the U.S. Department of State-the concept of direct assistance or, put more succinctly, pri- vate foreign aid. Direct assistance, or private foreign aid, is the operating philosophy behind the part- ners oP the Alliance programs which are cur- rently functioning between 32 U.S. states and 31 Latin American counterparts. Rated as the foremost among these partnerships is the one between Michigan and British Hon- duras, soon to be the independent nation oP Belize. And, it might be added, it is the only Latin American partner that does not receive AID funds or Technical Assistance. The Michigan Partners of the Alliance was organized on February 24, 1966 at the in- vitation oP Governor George Romney and under my chairmanship. The governor had called the organizational meeting after re- ceiving aletter from Premier George Price of British Honduras expressing his country's interest in a partnership with Michigan. Although privately incol'porated in the State of Michigan, the organization operates in con unction with the Partners of the Al- liance Program under the auspices of the Alliance for Progress, Agency for Interna- tional Development, U.S. Department of State. British Honduras is located on the east coast ai Central America facing the Car- ribean Sea and bounded on the north and west by Mexico and on the south and west by Guatemala. The total land area is 8>866 square miles including a number of pic- turesque Cayes which lie oS the coast and are protected by the world's second largest barrier reef. With a population of slightly over 110,001 British Honduras boasts a 90 per cent lit- Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 June': ~.2, 1967 ._ CONGRESSiONAL RECORD -APPENDIX A 317 Tour:' 'Introduction to the Collection. Rotunda; Monday through Saturday, 11 and 3; Sundlq, 5. Sundtup lecture: Gilbert Stuart; Guest Speaker:. James Thomas Fiexner, author, .Lecture Ha114. MONDAYrt-JULY 3, THROUGH SUNDAY, JULY 9 Paint:,ng of the week: PuvLs de Chavannes. The Prctligal Son (Chester Dale Collection), Gallery 93; Wednesday through Saturday 12 and :3; Sunday, 3:30 and 6. Tour pf the week: The Exhibition ai Gil- bert St'aart, Portraitist of the Young Re- public. Central Lobby, Wednesday through Saturday, 1; Sunday 2:30. Tour:.. Introduction to the Collection. Rotundlu; Monday through Saturday 11 and 3; Tues~tay (Independence Day), 1; Sunday, b. Sunde.y film lecture: Thomas Jefferson and Early American Architecture. Speaker: John Brooks, Staff Lecturer, National Gallery of Art, Leclalre Hall 4. MONDAY? JULY 10, THROUGH SUNDAY, JULY 16 Paintf ag of the week: Master of F1Bmalle and Assistants:. Iliadonna and Child with Saints ii the Enclosed Garden (Samuel Ii. Kress Iollection), .Gallery 35; Tuesday through .Saturday, 12 and 2; Sunday, 3:30 and 8. Tour: Introduction to the Collection. Ro- tunda, Pdonday ll and 3; Tuesday through Saturday$ il, 1, and 3; Sunday, 2:30 and 5. Sunday film lecture: The Impressionists, Speaker:: Carleen Keating, Staff Lecturer, National:: Gallery of Art, Lecture Hail, 4. MONDAY, .JULY 17, THROUGH SUNDAY, JULY 23 Painti:lg of the week: Juan van der Hamen y Leon. Still Life (Samuel H. Kress Collec- tion), Gl~Ilery 49; Tuesday through Saturday, 12 and 2; ;Sunday 3:30 and 6. Tour: Introduction to the Collection. Ro- tunda, Alondap 11 and 3; Tuesday through Saturdaa~ 11, i and 3; Sunday, 2:30 and 5. Sunday film: The Art of the Conservator, Lecture ]3x11 4. Inquirtes concerning the Gallery's educa- tional services should be addressed to the Educational. Office or telephoned to 737-4215, Ext. 272. MONDAY, JULY 24, THROUGH SUNDAY, JULY 30 Painti~lg of the week: Marisot. The Mother and Sister of the Artist (Chester Dale Collec- tion), Gallery 89; Tuesday through Saturdap 12 and 2 Sunday,,3:30 and 6. Tour: introduction to the Collection. Ro- tunda,- I4londap 11 and 3; Tuesday through Saturdays 11, 1 and 3; Sunday, 2:30 and 5. Sunda;E film lecture;_ Art in Exhibition, Speaker: Ann Watson, Staff Lecturer, Nation- al Gallery of Art, Lecture Hall, 4. E~i:TENSION OF REMARKS OF H01V. JAMES H. SCHEUER ? OF NEW YORK IN THIa HOIISE OF REPRESENTATIVES kednesday, June 2i, 1967 Mr. S ~HEUER. Mr, Speaker, I would like to lut in the RECORD the following report from the Independent Observer, which is published and edited by Mr. and -Mrs. Ed ward W. McVitty. I believe this report f~ a significant analysis of the results c f the United Nations Secretary General's actions on the 18th of May: THE END OF UNEF At. nocu on the 18th of Map 1967, the United rations Secretary General was in- formed t:aat the Government of the United Arab Republic had "decided to terminate the presence of the United Nations Emergency Force in the territory of the United Arab Republic and Gaza Strip." On the evening of that same dap, U Thant cabled the UN CommandQr in the field to withdraw UNEF. The day before formal notice was received from the U.A.R., the Secretary General had held "an exchange oP views" with represent- atives of governments having contingents in the Emergency Force. U.A.R. armed forces had already sought to remove UN personnel from their posts along the Armistice Demar- cation Line. There seems to be little doubt that the usefulness oP UNEF, if not the ac- tual security of its rnen, was jeopardized by the advance of the United Arab RepubIic's Army. The views that may have been expressed in the informal consultation on Map 17th have not been disclosed, but U Thant did -not refer the matter to the IIN General As- sembly or to the Security Council. Instead, he took executive action to withdraw the Force as soon as the U.A.R. made its. demand. In his Reports to the General Assembly and Security Council the Secretary General stated that the reasons for the U.A.R. de- cision "have not been officially stated." U Thant explained his awn action by saying it seemed "fully cleax" to him that "since United Arab Republic consent was with- drawn it was incumbent on the Secretary General to give orders for the oithdrawal of the Force." "The consent of the host country is a basic principle which has applied to all United Nations peace-keeping operations," he said. The principle of consent is certainly one of the features that distinguish peacekeep- ing operations from UN military enforce- ment action. Host country consent is essen- tial to the deployment of a UN Peace Force. There is, however, a question as to what happens thereafter with respect to mainte:- ruance of the Force in the territory for the fulfillment of its agreed purpose. It does not seem to have been intended that "instant" withdrawal of consent would be matched bg "irLStant" withdrawal of UNEF. When the U.A.R, consented to the deploy- ment of UNEF, that Government and-the UN Secretary General signed "good-faith" declarations. The host Government pledged itself, "when exercising its sovereign rights on any matter concerning the presence and functioning of UNEF," to be "guided in good faith by its acceptance" of the General As- sembly resolution outlining the purposes and rote of the Force. The Secretary General, on behalf of the UN, declared "that the activi- ties of U~7Ek will be guided in good faith by the task established for the Force." Ixl 1958, Dag Hammarskjold, in a report on UN peace-keeping experience, discussed the meaning of these "good-faith" declarations to which he had been a party. According to Hammarsk fold, "The consequence of such a bilateral dec- laration is that, were either side to act uni- laterally in refusing continued presence or deciding on withdrawal, and were the other side to find that such action was contrary to a good-faith interpretation of the purposes of the operation, an exchange of views would be called for towards harmonizing the posi- tions." The niceties of such "good-faith" agree- ments -may have little relevance now that UNEF is out, and.the Arabs and Israelis are again at each others throats. The pity is that the Secretary General did not thus seek to gain a little time for "an exchange of views" in Cairo before, rather-than after, the with- drawal of UNEF. fine situation may have seemed hopeless, but the UN has saved other well-nigh hopeless situations by keeping its own foot in the door for a few days. The pity is that Israel has not seized the opportunity to invite UNEF onto its side of the Demarcation Line. A more constructive and popular move could hardly be conceived for that Government in prese at circum- stances. The pity is, that prece:ients set by the United Nations tend to be inv~ eked on all similar occasions. UN peace-keg--ping capa- bilities were weak enough before-the United Arab Republic demonstrated that the Or- ganization would not. challenge the breach of a good-faith agreement with :~espe;ct to a UN Force. Editorial Voices Conc~zrn o~ `Many EXTENSION O>i' F;EMA;RKS OF HON. LOUIS C. WYN[AN OF NEW HAMPS:EIIRE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESEN!['ATIVES Wednesday, June 2i, 1967 Mr. WYMAN. Mr. :ipeak er, many Members of Congress and thr.usands of interested citizens are increasingly con- cerned with the alarming; gro?,ath of the Federal Government and the resulting erosion of personal freedoms -with this advent of bureaucratic contr~,i. At this time, there are approxim ~tely 400 grants-in-aid programs admir_astered by no less than 21 different Federal agen- cies and 150 Federal bureau.. Perhaps this is the reason that Arnold Toynbee, noted British historian, said t'Ze United States now is encumbered wii'h a semi- socialistic form of goverlnnen is. Herein lies a very real Fend grave danger to the existence ol? this Nation as a democracy under a republics n form of government. I commend t?o oul member- ship an excellent editorial, writi:en by Mr. Philip Foster, pukllisher o:f Fos~er's Daily Democrat in Dover, N.H. Wh?;t he says makes good sense and the: following edi- torial entitled "Growth of Fey oral Gov- ernrnent" represents the com fictions of many of us: GROWTH OF FEDERAL GOVERIC.MENT The rapid growth of the fede~ 31 govern- ment in the past decade continue', at an ac- celerating pace and represents a c?;ndition o?f deep importance to every person x~laking the. United States his home, Many lieople fear that if the present trend continue.-historians of the future will record that the people of the United States and their elec led repre- sentatives gradually lost the power to control their government, and as she b:ax'eaucracy expanded, the people also lost the Y freedom. But, no one can predict what the :,eaction of some 200 million people wii be 1 ~5 develop- ments now taking shape. Up to .his point, . evidence suggests one of three thi~ags-either the people have not been paying-too much attention, they are confused by events, or they approve of the trend, Ten years ago, when President l;isenhower proposed his 1958 administrative budget of $71.8 billion, the public reaction w;.?s definite. Irate taxpayers demanded reducti :ins in the budget in a flood of letters to caaigressmen. The officials of government, including the President, the Democratic majorriq in Con- gress, and the Secretary of tY,e Treasury con- demned the upward trend of :Federz'1 spending and joined in calling for substa:'itial cuts. When Congress adjourned that ye ar, it had succeeded in cutting the proposed ',~udget_by almost $5 billion. Since 1960,. the I~opuIation of the United States has grown i)y 10 per cent, but the civilian bureaucracy of the fed- eral government has increased by ~:5 per cent and administration requests for $:44 billion of-new spending authority in fiscal-1968 have hardly caused a ripple of public ,;oncern. Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 June ~~, Y967 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE an opponent wide open, as iP inviting a liver massage. After getting what he wants, he switches to the Irish attack, better known as "the back of me fist to you!" next, he tries "The Shoemaker's Revenge,' or (giving it the heel.) " His previews of the annual St. Patrick's Day parade up Fifth Ave. are part of the literature of journalism. His poetry was spell-binding. He composed an ode to the first Jewish bronco buster ever employed by the Garden's rodeo, w11~ieh began: "I'm an old cowhand From the Concourse Grand:' What a wonderful talent Dan. FIF'T'Y CLERGYMEN SUPPORT ISRAEL (Mr. BARING (at the request of Mr. GONZALEZ) WaS granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous matter) Mr. BARING. Mr. Speaker, on the 8th of June 1967, 50 clergymen, repre- senting Protestant, Jewish, Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Mormon faiths, met and by unanimous agreement adopted a resolution on behalf of the State of Israel. This resolution was presented at two mass meetings in Las Vegas attended by over 1,500 Jews and Christians, and re- ceived astanding ovation. In an accompanying letter signed by Rabbi Aaron S. Gold, of Temple Beth Sholom, and three prominent Nevans, Mr. Hank Greenspan, Mr, Jack Entrat- ter, and Mr. Al Benedict, the fervent hope Was expressed that our Govern- ment will act with courage in support- ing freedom and justice for the State of Israel. Under unanimous consent, I insert this resolution in the RECORD at this point, and urge my colleagues here in the House to read it, and to bear in mind the cour- ageous efforts Israel made to survive as a nation, which deserves our support and gratitude. CLERGYMEN'S RESOLUTION ON BEHALF OF ISRAEL At a meeting held on Friday afternoon, June 9, 1967, at Temple Beth Sholom, and attended by over 50 clergyman representing Roman Catholic, Mormon, Jewish, Protestant and Greek Orthodox faiths, it was moved and unanimously agreed upon to offer the following resolution on behalf of the State of Israel, to be presented to the proper agen- cies of the United States Government and the United Nations: 1. We, as clergymen, cannot be neutral where an issue of freedom and justice is in- volved. We, therefore, raise our voices to state unequivocally that we believe the cause of Israel is just and right, 2. We favor direct peace negotiations and not an armistice between Israel and her Arab neighboring states, and that these negotia- tions are to be based on the fact that Israel is a sovereign state, meeting with Arab sov- ereign states, all participants having full rights and responsibilities in the interna- tional community. We further favor a perma- nent peace settlement as an outgrowth of these negotiations. 3. We favor that the old city of Jerusalem remain under the sovereign jurisdiction oY Israel, thus insuring free access to ail faiths, at all times, to the holy places located there. 4. We are in favor of Israel's borders be- coming viable and defensible. 5. We hold that the following water ways should be international waterways: The Med- iterranean Sea, The Suez Canal, The Gulf of Aqaba and the Straits of Tlran, and we favor free and unmolested passage through them to all nations, including Israel. Signed by the Resolution Committee: Father James Adams, St. John'a Greek Orthodox Church; Reverend Marion Bennett, Zion Methodist Church; Dr. Aaron S. Gold, Rabbi, Temple Beth Sholom; Reverend Douglas Harrell, First Methodist Church and President, Clark County Ministerial Associa- tion; Reverend Joseph Kohn, Cantor, Temple Beth Sholom; Father Tally H. Jarrett, Christ Episcopal Church; Father Patrick Toomey, St. Viator's Catholic Church; Mr. Reed Whipple, President, Stake of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In line with the views expressed in this resolution I had already on the 20th of June joined several of my colleagues in introducing a resolution urging the President to work for five objectives in achieving peace in the Middle East. This resolution calls upon the Presi- dent to oppose preconditions for negotia- tions that would require "the relinquish- ment of Israel of territories possessed" at the time of the cease-fire. The five objectives to which I urge the President to address himself, using all diplomatic resources and the United Nations are: First, Arab acknowledge of Israel's existence and sovereignty. Second, freedom of passage for all na- tions, including Israel, in the Suez Canal and the Gulf of Aqaba. Third, final settlement and acknowl- edgment of Israel's boundaries by the Arab States. Fourth, effective restrictions on the flow of arms into the Middle East. Fifth, resolution of the refugee prob- lem in the Middle East. I urge the President to oppose pre- condition's to negotiations requiring Israeli withdrawal from territory held to avoid repeating the mistakes of 1956 which led to a resumption of hostilities 11 years later. By United Nations declaration Israel legally deserves the status and rights of a sovereign nation and the territorial integrity which such status entails. (Mr. YOUNG (at the request of Mr. GONZALEZ) was granted permission t0 extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter.) [Mr. YOUNG'S remarks will appear hereafter in the Appendix. ] PARTNERS OF THE ALLIANCE PROGRAM (Mr. PURCELL (at the request of Mr. GONZALEZ) was granted permission to ex- tend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter. ) Mr. PURCELL. Mr. Speaker, one of the finest efforts of the Federal Govern- ment is the Partners of the Alliance pro- gram. This vital part of the Alliance for Progress depends primarily on the ef- forts of private citizens to build impor- tant links between citizens of the United States and citizens of countries in Latin America. Mr. James H. Boren, an outstanding H 7889 Texan and Director of the Partners of the Alliance program spoke on the sub- ject of the Partners program at a con- vention of the American Advertising Fed- eration in Houston, Tex., on June 12. I commend the attention of my colleagues to his remarks at that time: REMARKS OF JAMES H. BOREN, DIRECTOR OF THE PARTNERS OF THE ALLIANCE PROGRAMS, AGENCY FOR THE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOP- MENT, AT THE ANNUAL CONVENTION, EAST- ERN AND CENTRAL REGION OF THE AMERICAN ADVERTISING FEDERATION, SHAMROCK HILTON HOTEL, HOUSTON, TEX., JUNE 12, 1967 Last year, the Government of Brazil hon- ored the Partners oY the Alliance which is a private sector element of the Alliance for Progress by issuing a Partners of the Alliance postage stamp. This particular stamp gave recognition to citizen level participation in the Alliance for Progress and it was the stimulus for the establishment of the first philatelic museum in Brazil. Another signi- ficant first is attached to this Partners of the Alliance stamp because Astronauts Thomas P. Stafford and Eugene Cernan car- ried a block of the stamps with them in the historic fight of Gemini IX on June 3, 1966. Those stamps were the first to orbit the earth. On the occasion of the Second Inter- American Conference, held in Rio de Jan- eiro, Brazil, in which over 260 delegates from 15 nations participated, a letter bearing one of the orbited stamps and the signatures of Astronauts Stafford and Cernan was pre- sented to Ambassador Pio Correa, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in Brazil. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a bronze medallion which bore a replica of the stamp on one side and on the reverse bore the statement honoring the Partners of the Alliance. Two additional medallions were specially struck for presentation to Astron- auts Stafford and Cernan. At this time it is my honor to present to you the distinguished Consul General of Brazil, Minister Francisco Eulalio Nascimento a Silva, PRESENTATION OF MEDALLIONS DY THE CONSVL GENERAL TO ASTRONAUTS STAFFORD AND CERNAN Colonel Stafford serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the Texas Partners of the Alliance and as an advisor to the Okla- homa Partners of the Alliance. In recognition of the contribution which Astronauts Staf- ford and Cernan have made tG the Alliance for Progress through the Partners program, it is my pleasure, in behalf of the Agency for International Development, to present to them this Partners of the Alliance Certificate of Appreciation "in recognition of leadership and significant contribution toward the at- tainment of the goals of the Alliance for Progress: ' PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATE These gentlemen have done what men have dreamed about for centuries. They have flown through space as great explorers of the uni- verse. Few men have the great skill, the raw courage, the physical and mental stamina and the driving motivation which combine to give them the opportunity to playa pio- neering role Sn space exploration. But there are other opportunities and other pioneering roles which are open to every American and it is of this that I wish to think together with you for the next five minutes. My business is the business of selling op- portunity-opportunity for every organiza- tion and private citizen in the three Americas to play a constructive role 1n the great revo- lution of development that is called the Al- liance for Progress. The Alliance for Progress is often con- sidered to be a United States government pro- gram, but the U.S. government is only one Partner in the enterprise. The Alliance for Progress is an umbrella term for the total ef- fort in Latin America through which free Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 ttn economic and social develo meet ro ~ '" -'""'" '"6" " b""`Y "1 i~ wares cram gations and responsibilities are virtwally p p gram a Latin American country completed a 4-week limitless. Our commitr~ Cents stretch from which will move them into the sunlight of community development workshop sponsored genuine progress. by the Partners and the State League of the Nile to the Mekong.. from the Amazon A successful development program in Latin Women Voters. They shared their working to the Ganges. PTO COI'rier of the globe America require that governments work;with experiences in social action programs with escapes Our lnfluenCe and ri0 action is governments in providing the evironment, their United States partner. Collections of beyond Our notice and Concern. the incentives, and the means of building in- art and tours of performing artists have been In recent' mOnt;hs, t I1Cre has been ari frastructure and democratic institutions. made available to the United States Partners irncreaSirig murm'L1T of resentment over Government-to-government programs : are from Latin America. key elements in the building of roads,: air- The Partners of the Alliance is not an old our eXtensiVe interri:~;tiorial Commit- ports and seaports. clothes program nor is 1t one involving the meets. This nets-isolet,tiorialism SE)Ine- Governments are also important in: the collection of worn-out arithmetic books. It times expresses it.;elf ir. terms of the need building of savings and loan institutions, is a program through which the private com- ~ direct oUr energies and resources t0 private development banks, agricultural ex- munity of the United States can work directly the solution of dome, tic problems. At tension services,. industrial promotion with the private community of Latin America other times, and by o:',?her groups, it is boards, practical programs of manpower de- on projects of mutual interest and of mutual expressed as a desire Iq remain disen- pelopment, educational institutions;-in concern. Short, the building of Latin American: in- Specific projects are not developed in my gaged from people; WhG$e mores and in- stitutions to resolve Latin ..American. pi~ob- office in Washington but they are developed Stitutions art d.iffererit .From our Own. Ill lams. by representatives of the Partners commit- either Context the im;,)aC't of this ap- But governments alone cannot do thejob. tees, proach would be the ame. Its results ::f the Alliance is to be successful, it must Statewide Partners committees send pro- would be disaster,-COn';~itUting _a return Gave the major involvement of the private gram development teams to meet with coun- t0 medieval 1'elatlonsh!:pS between Ila.- t~ction not only in terms of invest- tergart Partners committees in Latin Amer- tiorLS Where We WaUld Sit in OUr Castle tnents, but also in terms of citizen involve- ice. The United States teams visit the schools, in xenophobic solitude, moats filled and leant in development at the community level. hospitals, farms, businesses and unions dui- drawbridges- raised'.. `^his is the task and the challenge of the ing their program visit to their Latin Amer- 1?artners of the Alliance, and, indeed, this is icon Partner area. During the last two days While I believe that. such a retreat the challenge which you have already ac- of the program development trip the par- from our present positon In the world cepted through the outstanding Amigo Pro- ticipants identify those areas of activity is unlikely, attempts to impose Wa,ilton Eram. Walter Guild and Charles Collier in through which they of the private sector will reductions in Otlr fareii;ri economic aid the best tradition of your .profession, de- be able to assist through the involvement of programs threaten. tha6E progrti,ms and v eloped the idea and then put it into opera- their fellow citizens at home. tton. The Partners activity focuses Upon the ale- Inhibit OUT ability $O tai'-e rieCeSSary for- . Today, the private citizens of 32 states meet of dignity and gives recognition to the ward steps. The need frtr such new ac- id the United States are working through principle that we, in the United States, can tiori is Skillfully itnd e'ompellingly ex- s:~tewide Partners of the. Alliance coiruYrit- learn as well as teach and receive as well as Pressed in a recent art cle by Harr-ice.,,, tses in a direct alliance with the peoples assist. oa urCtte rrt rY countnes of Lat1ri_ America. They are working in the fields of educa- tion, agriculture, public health, cultural af- f~cirs and business a.nd industry. Educational activities include scholarships, ttracher and student exchanges, teacher t~~ainirrg conferences. High school student b~xiies in the United States are providing t]re funds for the materials to put the roof, d~iors and. windows on a school built by the self-help efforts of villagers in the Andes atffl in thelowlands of the Amazon Basin. Agricultural activities include assistance w:.`th farm equipment, volunteer teams of ag- r1~.ultural specialists to assist iu the develop- m3nt of cooperative programs c)irected toward increasing the production of food. 4-H Club st idents in the United States work directly _wlth 4-H students in Latin America on a wide batiety of projects. Assistance is provided to rural campesino federations in self-help proj- ecs. 'Teams of doctors have responded to re- quP,sts from Latin American medical authori- ties to assist in training-activities. Drugs and au;plies have .been provided to the mobile rural health program in Central America and_ vo' irnteers have assisted in the drilling and equipping of wells for village mater supplies. ] h the business and industry field, busi- ne,~men of the Americas have been brought to~?ether to explore, not the general environ- ment for investments, but specific joint ven- ture investments which not only make sense from the standpoint of financial return, but _ _ which make a contrib ti u on to the develop- are working in the development spirit of the meat effort and create sources of employ- Alliance for Progress is the gentlemen I am meat. privileged to present to you at this time, Mr. Ilut the Partners of the Alliance, as in any Harding Lawrence, President of Braniff Inter- type of partnership, is not cone-way pro- national. gram. The people of Latin America have much to contribute to the United States from their great wealth of art, music, litera- tur9, and philosophy. Two weeks ago two yor ng teachers of Spanish from Santa Cruz, Bo]Evia, returned to Bolivia alter working wits. the school ysstem in Little Rock, Arkarc- sas, in a language improvement program. Next year 8 Bolivian teachers have been re- quested to assist Arkansas schools in elevat- ing their Spanish instruction. vvi ~ vi\L' Ja71 V1V tiL n~l.ux1J -HOUSE J'~ne ,2.2, Y ~ 67 uv .xi.awan as an example :if- a country in which our efforts have been so successful that it is no longer necessar~~ for us to con- tinue them. Yet when we la!ok at the- plight of the poorer countries tod, ;y we find that from certain points of view t; fey are worse off today than they were twen,:y years ago. In particular during the lsist teti, years the situ- ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE anon has been deteriorating at an alarming rate. (Mr. REFS (at the request of Mr. GONZALEZ) was granted PermiS5ion tra ex- tend his remarks at this point in the REC- oltn and to include extraneous matter) Mr. REFS. Mr. Speaker, at times it would seem that our international obli- Although the economies of both the richer and poorer countries have r:rown at about the same rate during th.e pas:( decade-about 4 per cent per year, the aeon tmic well-being of the average individual in the poorer countries has not improved ?cry much. The reason for this is the relativr,rates of popu- Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 The 32 state Partners organizations have erature fof 4June 29;r 19B`t~ent ledf "The formed the National Association of the Part- Combustibility of F[uma:ls." An honored Hers of the Alliance which is receiving out- and able scholar, :Mr. 1 grown warns us standing leadership from its president, Ed- ward Marcus of Dallas, anew that we face world famine and We are proud of the roll call oP men and and population crises if present programs women of the three Americas who are an- are riot inlproVed. Wag; ng war against swering the challenge oP the Alliance for Pro- povel'ty, disease, a:nd il;noranee is riot grass through the Partners program. This in- Only less expensive th:'tri its mllitary dudes such men as Edward Marcus, Astro- COUnterpart, but if SUCCi?SSfully aCCOm- liams Char d nnof th llinos partnershoi plished, eliminates the major breeding the Alliance and Vice President & Treasurer ground for such milita_r3'' action. We are of Sears, Roebuck Company, Frank Prins, a forewarned that th,e C06'~t of such pra- manufacturer in Tennessee, who as Chair- grams will be great, but I~hat -our failure man of the Tennessee Partners arrives this to take such aCtiort will result iri even morning in Manaus on the Amazon River greater costs. as the head of a program development team. The roll call includes Robert Hansburger, I Commend Mr. B;rOWn's article to my President of Boise Cascade, and Sandy Mor- CollE*&glles &rid include it in the RECOan gan, a student leader. Dr. John Hannah, at this point and Ur3;e its Careful inspeC- President of Michigan State University; Ed tion and Consideration: Smith, a California businessman ar,A t,r mum. n .................._____ _ __ tam of California; Edwin Brennan, a high ~BY Harrison Brown) school teacher in Wyoming; Marilyn Stafford, The United States Gove.nment has now a teacher in Herndon, Virgittia; Alvin Ben- been in the business ?of providing technical ley, business leader and philanthropist, of and economic assistance to a number of the Michigan; Pearl Raupe, wise of a hog farm poorer nations of the world i'or about twenty operator; Bill Sutle, President of the U.S. years. It seems likely that ha+i we not become Jaycees; Al Acken, President of the Council involved with assistance programs, certain of State Chambers of Commerce and Jimmy countries would be worse .'>ff economically Jones of the U.S. Steelworkers in Pennsyl- than they actually are:. And- the Agency for Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 June ~~, 1967 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE H 7873 itself "The Voice of Truth" is broadcasting daily propaganda tirades into Greece. "It is an indisputable fact," he repeated, "that Communists in Greece were receiving dixect orders daily from the Communist par- ties in eastern Europe." Sharing borders with three Communist states and harboring centuries-old Balkan suspicions, Greece has been slow to join the Western teend toward coexistence and rap- prochement with eastern Europe. Athens' governments had taken small steps in the last two years under prodding from Washing- ton, but this movement has now been halted bq the new government. Does Kollias expect Greek Communists at home and in the neighboring satellite coun- tries to turn now to guerrilla. tactics and terrorismP "It is completely out of the question," he said. "The army revolution has asserted itself so effectively throughout the country that any Communist uprising would be crushed. "The revolution has gained the highest Confidence Prom an overwhelming majority of the people. They know that it has saved them from political chaos and that it is dedi- cated to restoring stability so that alt can prosper." Kollias appeared at an armed forces dis- play at Salonika and was greeted by more than 100,000 persons, Tt was in Salonika that George Papandreou was to speak on April 23. Word that Communists planned major street disorders and a possible grab for local power touched off the revolution of the colonels-a startling swift, efficient maneu- ver based on a NATO contingency plan to deal with internal subversion. After more than an hour in the huge, high-ceilinged office of the old royal palace, Kollias rose from behind his desk to end the interview. "Do not take my word for all this," he said. "I could be giving you propaganda. Go out into Athens and into the country, Talk to the people. They will tell you that this revolution has saved Greece. "We have no illusions about the Commu- nist countries. They attack ua every day. But it is important, very important, that our friends and allies understand that we are still dedicated to NATO, freedom and democ- racy." Mr. Speaker, Members should be re- minded of the fact that the State De- parment and the administration do not approve of the new Government in Greece but are merely maintaining for- mal but "cool relations," an interesting contrast to the frantic policy of building bridges to accommodate the Soviet STATEMENT ON MIDDLE EAST BY POLISH GOVERNMENT-IN-EXILE (Mr. DERWINSKI (at the request of Mr. BIESTER) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, the .president of the Polish Government-in- exile, August Zeleski, has expressed the concern of his Cabinet over the Soviet involvement in the Middle East crisis. I deem it especially significant that the Polish Government-in-exile adopted a very practical statement at the height of the armed conflict in the Middle East. I insert the statement in the RECORD at this point: STATEMENT OF THE POLISH GOVERNMENT [IN-EXILE] OF JUNE 6, 1967, ON THE POLISH NATiON'B ATTITUDE TOWARD THE WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST LONDON.-At a Cabinet meeting on 6th June 1967 presided over by Prime Minister Aleksander Zawisza, the Polish Government [in-exile] drew up the following statement in respect of the Polish nation's attitude to- wards the war in the Middle East: "The Government of the Republic of Po- land [in-exile] declare that the attitude to- wards the present armed conflicts in the Middle East by the so-called "Government of the Polish People's Republic"-actually an agenoy of imperialistic Communist Rus- sia's occupation oP Poland-is contrary to the sentiments of the Polish nation. The representatives of the Warsaw re- gime, in their invariable parrotting of Rus- sia must also on this occasion support her attacks on the Israeli nation as also the imperialistic aim of Egypt--merely one ai the elements in the totality of Russia's sub- versive plans. But the Polish nation, with its keen realization of the wrongs inflicted upon the weaker nations by the powers that be in this world, is particularly moved by this fresh attack on the Israeli nation and state, an attack song prepared and supported by Russia. The Israeli people have during the last few decades recovered their age-old heritage neg- lected for the whole centuries past by in- truders with an alien culture. They have transformed the land by the effort of mind and hands, in the sweat of their brow, into a built-up, developed and prosperous coun- try which arouses the envy of their neigh- bours and evokes their chauvinism so skil- fully directed and exploited by the destroyers of peace in the world-with Russia as the ringleader. We observe and admire the courage of the Israeli people in the determined and devoted defence of their country. It inevitably re- minds us of our own, still so recent fights, often shoulder to shoulder with representa- tives of this geople, in the defence of our own native country-then our common mother- land. This brings on the thought and the desire to reciprocate towards the Israeli nation, to come to its aid in these difficult times. But we Poles in exile are at present powerless in the military sense whilst the Communist re- gime's authorities of occupation in Poland stifle every noble reaction of the Palish na- tion, now deprived of their liberty behind the Iron Curtain. May our heartfelt thoughts and moral sup- port be with you in the heroic efforts of your patriotic nation and may our voice calling for justice, also for the Israeli nation and state, reach the Bowers of this world still plunged ih their egoism and blind to the future as they passively regard the organiza- tion of international crimes. Just as the Ribbentrop-Molotov conspiracy was aimed against Poland, so now the Kosygin-Nasser conspiracy is directed against Israel. The western powers should remember that, whilst handing over Poland to imperialistic Communist Russia was the beginning of their difficulties with Russia and of groving inter- national complications, the handing aver of Israel to the Russo-Egyptian combine could mark the beginning of their decline and the undermining of our civilization. It is sincerely to be hoped that those who s]umber during the coming storm will awaken in time." "SEND ME A BORE ROD AND A PAINT BRUSH" (Mr. McCLURE (at the request of Mr. BIESTER) was granted permission to ex- tend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter. ) Mr. M6CLURE. Mr. Speaker, two wor- ried parents in my district have sent me a letter they recaived from their son, a marine in Vietnam. lie wrote them as follows Our M-16s aren't worth much. IY there's dust in them, they wlll jam. Bali of us don't have cleaning tads to unjam them. Out of 40 rounds I've fired, my rifle jammed about to times. I pack as many grenades as I can plus bayonet and K bar (jungle knife) so I'll brave somebhing to fight with.... If you can, please send me a bore rod and a 11/4 -inoh ar so paint brush. I need it for my rifle. These rifles are getting a lot of guys killed because they jam so easily. The parents now ask me: "What can I do, more than send a bore rod and a paint brush?" The Pentagon assures us that the M- 16 is a superior weapon to the M-14 because of its sui$ability to jungle war- fare. They say that malfunctions are due to improper cleaning and lack of maintenance, Evidently those using the rifles in Vietnam feel differently. It is indeed a strange war. We are not being told the full story. I think we have a right to know how effective these weapons really are. I think we have a right to know if there is a shortage of cleaning rods. I think we have a right to know what effect this is having on morale. I think we have a right to know if a significant number of casualties are at- tributable to faulty equipment, And then I wish someone would tell me how I can relieve the minds of the families of our fighting men when I har- bor the same doubts as they do. CONCESSIONS AND OUR POWER BALANCE (Mr, McCLURE (at the request of Mr. BIESTER) was granted permission to ex- tend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat-- ter. ) Mr. McCLURE. Mr. Speaker, I am very alarmed at the regularity with which the Johnson administration allows our military and scientific superiority over the Russians to decline. In a world in which we are totally committed to out- producing, outmaneuvering, outarming, and, hopefully, outliving the Soviet sys- tem, we consistently betray ourselves. In past weeks, Congress has given. a good deal of attention to two of the methods we are using to defeat our- selves. Many Members of Congress have noted the economic concessions we offer the enemy in Vietnam by proposing to trade with the Communist bloc countries. We have also heard recently that the balance of power may indeed be thrown out of balance by the Soviet anti- ballistic-missile system. The Secretary of Defense finds that the only defense is an adequate offense. But now I understand, Mr. Speaker, that this administration intends to offer still another concession to the enemy, Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 H 7874 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE Incredibly, I find that the Atomic Energy Commission intends to invite the Soviet Union to use the 200-billion-electron- voit nuclear accelerator that will be built at Weston, Ill, Are we to understand that the Soviet Union's ever-increasing fund of scientific knowledge will be supple- mented by the Atomic Energy Commis- sion?. Mr. Speaker, the Soviets are pulling ahead of us in this field. Although the largest nuclear accelerator in existence today is the 33-billion-volt machine at Brookhaven, the Russians will open ex- perimentation on their own 70 billion- electran-volt equipment at Serpukhov next year. This will give them more than double our present ability to conduct sophis- ticated experiments in high energy fields and matter constitution. Since we would prefer not to have the Soviets move ahead of us in this field, we will build a still larger and more complex .machine at Weston. With this in mind, I find it difficult to believe that we now plan to Invite the Soviet scientists to take ad- vantage of these facilities. Although I am assured that our scien- tists at present cannot foresee any mili- tary applications which could be devel- oped from the accelerator, I feel that our folly is obvious. If we are to continue to subscribe to prinoiples which are opposed to those of the Soviet Union, and if these principles are to be defended by superiority of knowledge and balance of power, then we must immediately stop granting aid to our enemies. MORE MEDICAL SCHOOLS NEEDED (Mr. CARTEL (at the. request of Mr. BIESTER) was granted permission- to ex- tend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous ` matter) Mr. GAHILT,. Mr. Speaker, on June 1 of this year I called the attention of the House to the large number of foreign medical doctors practicing in the United States and pointed out the need for new medical schools so that the richest na- tion in the world could adequately supply ibs people with needed and qu~2ifled medical assistance. I am reminded today as we are asked to authorize an expendi- tune of $4 billion for the space program how woefully short we are in appropri- ating and planning for the future health of our country. While I realize that dol- Lars alone cannot build, staff and main- tain medical schools, I am convinced that this Congress through its appro- priate committee must begin immedi- ately to require necessary planning and to appropriate necessary funds to pro- tect future generations of Americans. Aside from the $4 billion the committee recommends we authorize today for the space program, it is estimated that we are spending 10 times that sum to put a man on the moan and directing more billions to explore extraterrestrial space. Since World War II we have poured un- ;old billions into foreign aid and are to- ~ay spending an estimated $2 billion' per ifionth to fight a war in Southeast Asia i~q protect the peoples of that area from Communist aggression. If we can do all of this, I find it impossible to believe that we cannot spend whatever money is necessary to build and staff necessary medical schools to produce the additional physicians required to preserve the American standards of health. I have heard it said that the mast difficult thing today for a young man to do is to gain admission into a medical school. How many times have. Iheard-and you, my colleagues, heard-qualified, ab]e, moti- vated young men anxious to serve their fellow man irl medicine complain that in spite of high grades in college and ability to pay the cost of medical school train- ing, they are denied admission because of lack of space in our medical colleges. The time is now. Our responsibility is now, and we must act now. I urge the appropriate committees of this Congress to immediately take whatever actfon_is required in order to commence construc- tion and staffing of the necessary num- ber of new medical schools so that the needs of the 1970's can be anticipated and the funds started in the 1960's. This is a vital and necessary need of the country and demands immediate attention. JUNE 24, 1915, THE DAY OF CHI- CAGO'S WORST DISASTER tMr. O'HARA of Illinois asked and was given permission to revise and ex- tend his remarks at this point in the RECORD.) Mr. O'HARA of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, June 24 of this Year falls on a Saturday. June 24, 1915, also was a Saturday. It was one of the darkest Saturdays in the history of Chicago-that June 24 of 52 years ago, It wa.s on that day that 812 persons died in the Chicago River at Clark Street when the steamer Eastland turned on its port side in 20 feet of water. It was the city's worst disaster. On that day of tragical disaster Gov. Edward F. Dunne was absent from the State and I was the acting Governor of Illinois. ItSy memory is vivid of the hours I spent helping to carry to conveyances the lifeless bodies of the victims of that texrible accident as they were lifted from the lake, I have never known such a day of anguish. Later I served on a board of inquiry appointed by Mr. Secretary Redfield and aided in framing recommendations that were enacted into law by the Congress and have prevented similar disasters on the Great Lakes for the more than half a century intervening. Mr. Speaker, I am extending by re- marks to include the following article from the Chicago 'T'ribune of 3une 19, 1967: The 2,000 to board the veaset were pick- nickers, the employes of Western Electric company, their families and friends, bound for Michigan City. Those lost were drowned or suffocated below decks of the excursion ship, which had a length of 300 feet and a 38-foot beam. On that morning, the tanks had been emptied to make the vessel ride higher in the water with the gangplanks level with the dock. Rassengers streamed aboard, and the Eastland began to list, first to port, then to June ~~, 1967 starboard. :Che cr.~ew began pumping water into the tanks. However, before: they were full, passengers began to gather on the port side and the water in they untc;~ped tanks sloshed to port also and this cau:.:ed the ship to turn on its side. Tugboats and other small craft in the vi- cinity raced to trio rescue, picking swimmers from the river whiQe other persons scrambled aboard the :Eiastla ixd and cut hales in her exposed side and p ixlled survivors thru them. Rescue work co:tinued all thru the day and night. But the s was not the end of the Eastland. The vessel was righted and refloated by salvage crews s;nd towed to a northern Indiana port until a group of Chicago busi- ness men, headed i;q the late utilities mag- nate, San7ue] Instill, purchased her, 'The group believed the United States might be- come involved in ';Vorld War I and would have use for the shins: When the .United States did enter the war, the Eastland was s.,Fld to the navy for lust what Insuil aaid'hi: `colleagues had paid for her. She was renarr~.ed the U,S.S. Wilmette and the intention to send her to the east coast. A section of hi+r bow had to be removed because she was too ong for the locks then in use in the St. Lawrex:ice river. Once in eastern waters, the bow sect.. an would be replaced. The war ended, hc. wever, before this could be done so the ves:.el was reunited in the Great Lakes. It was. ixsed as a navy training ship in the pertod b~,tween wars and during World War II. At the close of the :,econd war, there was no further naval use for the Eastland-Wilmette. She was old-built in -1903-and was destined for the scrap heap, That was her end in 1946. CRIME IN TH.I~ STREE'T'S OF AME .ELICA Mr. SPEAKI~R, under previous order of the House, the @entieman from New York CMr. HaI.eERx~ is recognized for 10 minutes. Mr, HALP'ERN. M> ~. Speaker, fear rules the streets of Amerk -an cities, as assault, robbery, rape, and >lunder continue to run rampant. Nien, v; omen, and children are not safe from t~augs and hoodlums in the. streets, in thi ~ parks, in the sub- ways, even in their o wn homes. It is an incautious girl or woman who dares to walk home alone late at night, or even to drive a ca r in dark, deserted streets. Men look of i;r their shoulders and avoid the shad:''~ws. Almost every door bears both a and a lock, and is rarely opened witl.out trepidation. I cannot accept this as a way of life in the cities of our Nahton. There must be a way to stop the proavling hood, and to make our cities safe for their people again. I am convincedt. that such a way can be found by the Congress, and we must waste na m.ore time in setting out to find it. A ioint resolution ialtroduced fn this House by the disting,lished gentleman from Florida CMr. Pl PPERI proposes a broad, deep, and deteA mined investiga- tion which can lead thi9 way toward the solution of this, one of ,;fur most pressing and depressing urban l,~roblems. In offering this proh~osal, the gentle- man from Florida CMr, :PEPPERI has once more demonstrated his s egislative leader- ship and his dedication to the welfare of all the people oi' AmE,rica. I feel privi- ledged today to in trodu~~,e a similar res- olution for the san.~e pus pose. H 7$72 (Mr. KUPFER;MAN tat the request of Mr. BIESTER) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter. ) CMr. KUP1i ERMAN'S remarks will ap- pear hereafter in the Appendix.] SENATE RESOLUTION, STATE OF ILLINOIS tMr: DERWINSKI (at the request of Mr. BIESTER) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter.) Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, the diabolical foreign policy maneuvers of the Kremlin are visible in the Middle East, With the administration pursuing its plans to subsidize Eastern European Communist governments through trade agreements, i~t was with great pleasure that I noted the Senate of the State of Illinois adopted a forceful resolution urging a halt to this policy of the admin- istration which truly represents a na- tional disaster in foreign affairs. I insert this resolution, sponsored by Senators Robert W. Mitchier and James C. Soper, at this point in the RECORD STATE OS ILLINOIS, 75TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY, SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 56, OL`SERED BY SENATORS MITCHLER AND SOPER - Whereas, Our nation is involved in a struggle for human freedom against the forces of communism in Viet Nam; and Whereas, Thousands of our service men have already paid the supreme sacrifice and thousands more risk their lives daily; and Whereas, Some within our country find pleasure in lawless demonstrations, draft card burnings and other forms of opposition to the cause for which sa many have given their lives; and Whereas, Some nations with which we trade continue to supply our enemy with goods, thus supporting the forces of com- munist aggression; therefore, be it Resolved, by the Senate of the Seventy- flfth General Assembly of the State of Illi- nois, the House of Representatives con- curring herein, that for the reasons men- tioned in the preamble, we declare our sup- port for our fighting men in Viet Nam, and strongly urge the President-and the Con- gress to stop all trade with countries sup- plying goods to the enemy and refrain from establishing anq new trade "bridges" with the Soviet Union and satellite nations; and be it further Resolved, that a copy oY this resolution be forwarded by the Secretary of State to the President of the United States, and each Congressman from Illinois. Adopted by the Senate, April 12, 1967. SAMUEL H. SHAPIRO, , President of the. Senate. EDWARD E. FERNANDES, Secretary of the Senate. Concurred in by the House of Representa- tives, June 15, 1967. Speaker of House of Representatives. FREDRIC B. SELCKr, Clerk o/ House o} Representatives. SITUATION IN GREECE (Mr. DERWINSKI tat the request of Mr. BIESTER) was granted permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include extraneous mat- ter.) Approved For Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 CONGRESSIONAL .RECORD-HOUSE June ~2~2, Y967 Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, com- pletely obscured by the developments in the Middle East is the situation Sn Greece where necessary changes were made in the government to prevent anarchy and a possible Communist take- over. As a continuation of my remarks T ask leave to insert at this point an in- terview reported by Mr. Ray McHugh, Washington manager of the Copley News Service, based on his recent conference with the new Prime Minister of Greece, Constantine Kollias. ATHENS.-"This Government has no ambi- tion to carry on the burdens of office. Since the day it took office its fundamental aim has been to return Greece to parliamentary government as soon as possible." Prime Minister Constantine Kollias spoke slowly with emphasis, obviously anxious that the interpreter relay the full meaning. A short man with a little moustache and dark-rimmed spectacles, he seemed uncom- fortable, almost out of place behind the huge desk in the red-carpeted room. A pudgy figure in a dark blue suit and a thickly knotted gray and black tie, Kollias looked like a man who would rather be doing other things than running the Greek Government. But Kollias also looks like a man who is determined to see a job through. "I have already told the American ambas- sador that even if Greece is left to Stand alone in its struggle for freedom and democ- racy, it will continue that struggle," he said in an exciusiveinterview, Nettled by foreign press criticism of the military regime he heads and ooncerned about the "review" of .American aid pro- grams to Greece, Kollias said Greece needs no reminders or lectures about the basic values of democratic government, "The history of this land is soaked with the blood of its citizens," he said. "We do not have to prove that Greeks know haw to fight for freedom and de- mocracy." His voice had a tart quality. "The government has set as its aim the reconstruction of the political and economic ruins left by the corrupt policies of political parties who ignored the national interest for strictly partisan goals and spent the national treasure in a selfish bid for votes." Once this reconstruction job is finished, Kollias said, his regime, placed in -power April 21 in a bloodless coup by army colo- nels, will step from the scene. He said a committee of 20 specialists has been drawn from a cross section of the Greek society to revise the national constitution. It has been instructed to report within six The plot, said the Prime Minister, was or- ganized in conjunction with Greek Commu- nist exiles and the Communist governments of Eastern Europe, principally Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Romania. "It is an indisputable fact, that the Union of the Democratic Left (EDA) leftist party in Greece was headed by five exiled Greek Communists who are in an eastern country," said the Premier. "The EDA took direct or- ders daily from the Communist Parties in Eastern Europe." The Prime Minister mentioned no names, but he said same Greek political leaders in re- cent months openly adopted extremist EDA slogans and accepted Communist support in a bid for victory in elections that had been scheduled Yor May 28. This was an obvious reference to George Papandreou, former Premier and head of the Center Union Party, and his son, Andreas, former University of California professor and the most controversial Rgure in Greek politics. Greece has moved from one political crisis to another since 1964 when the elder Papand- reou was named Premier, then resigned in a clash with King Constantine over efforts to establish political controls in the military. Kollias declined to comment on the activi- ties of the younger Papandreou. He pointed out that the man has been indicted on charges of high treason and he said it would not be proper for him to discuss the case in view of his jurist background. He did say, however, that the "Aspida" group in the Greek army-with which the younger Papandreou .was allegedly allied--sought to overthrow the monarchy, seize power and take Greece out ai NATO into a neutralist phase that could easily have been a prelude to communism. Other Greek officials dismiss fears voiced in the United States that young Papandreou mtght be executed. Greek law does not pro- vide the death penalty on the charges he Yaces, said one high official. "Besides," he added, "We have no intention of creating any martyrs. This has been a bloodless revolution and we have given our pledge to King Constantine that it will con- tinue to be bloodless." Kollias indicated that he does not beleive that most Greek political figures who ac- cepted Communist help were themselves Communists. "Thep thought they would use the Com- munists and their methods and slogans to gain power," he said. "Then they thought they could deal with the Communists. But the Communists had other plans." In the early days of April, the prime min- ister said, there was increased infiltration of Communist guerrillas iota Greece from "When the draft is completed," he said, "the government will review it and then sub- mit it to the people far approval at a ref- erendum. "If approved, the government will then select the proper time for election of a new parliament," Kollias declined to set a time limit for h!s army-installed regime, but the head of the Greek Supreme Court emphasized several times during the interview that "The gov- ernment has decided this should come as soon as possible:' From the United States, he said, Greece "Expects not only material but moral sup- port." Though disappointed by Washington's re- view of military aid to Greece-an implied disapproval of the power grab-the prime minister said Greece will proceed to ask more help from the United States. Washington, he indicated, has not yet re- alized that the colonels saved Greece from political chaos and Swell-organized Com- munist plot to seize control of the country and take it out Of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. this was accompanied by the reactivation of Greek Communists who had been released from prisott by previous governments, or had been allowed to return from exile. "We also have evidence that large num- bers of Communist guerrilla fighters were brought to the Greek-Bulgarian and Greek- Yugoslav borders in early April:' said Kollias. "They were concentrated particularly in the Skopjie region of Yugoslavia." These forces, he said, were made up largely of Greek Communists who fled to eastern Europe after defeat in the 1947-49 civil war. They also were believed to include some in- doctrinated Greek-born youths who had been kidnaped by the Reds during the civil war and raised in Communist countries. "We do not know the exact size of these forces; ' Kollias said. "We know there were several thousand. Same estimates speak of tens of thousands." The headquarters of the Greek Commu- nists in exile has been in Poland, Czeehoslo- vakia, Yugoslavia and Romania at various times, he said. It is now believed to be in Bucharest where a radio station that calls Approved .For .Release 2004/05/25 :CIA-RDP69B00369R000200300010-0 June 22, Y967 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE xberg fn a dramatic gesture, took off his ~3reaching gown aad stood before hie cohgre- ~ation clad in a uniform of a colonel in the American Revolutionaxp Army. Using the text which I have used this morning, he said, "There is a time far peace; a time for War," 4nd walked out of that church that day, re- cruited some .300 persons to go and even- iually join Washington's army at Srandy- '~1ne-there tg _save the day ior the Ameri- ~i