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September PARr9v*For ReltamiRM1/(3&:Abetp?6,91B00369R000200290058-0
uu.K.0 --HOUSE H 11939
$15,000. 'ather Sicking fights poverty
at it disadvantage, it would seem. He is
without adequate funds while in his
heart and mind is a very comprehensive
program that could be most construc-
tive if implemented: I came away from
Cincinnati convinced that the war on
Poverty will not be won between the
hours of 9 and 4 by paid program workers
but rather will be won by people like
Father Sicking who, when 4 p.m. arrives,
stay with, and live with the poor. The
_ Father Sickings have the confidence of
the people while there is considerabl
doubt whe,n it comes to paid poverty pr
gram employees.
I would recommend that more of he
war on poverty be channeled th s gh
groups, individuals and ,agencies wh ? are
waking in the field?the Salv. tion
Army, the missions, the comm nity
councils, the Father Sickings. I also
feel that the program will be much ore
successful if a higher emphasis is p aced
on training for job skills rathe the
make-work projects.
One of our most effective witnesse
Willard Dudley, the able director o
Ohio Bureau of Unemployment an
Employment Services, who indic
how full-time, comprehensive Prog
were being shortchanged while m
shift, short duration programs were
ceiving massive Federal grants to acc
plish limited objectives with, unfo
:lately, limited hopes for success, is
testimony alone was an indication of
how the glamor programs like pove ty
attract many unworkable or less advis
ble projects because "there is where t e
money is:"
Representative AYRES and myself no
-believe even more that the poverty pro
gram should be investigated thoroughl
before the Congress considers giving
a new lease on life. We should go in
the field and hear what the people are
thinking and not listen merely to those
bureaucrats who can come to Washing-
ton and applaud their own efforts. Many
other aspects of the poverty program
Could be discussed at this time but I offer
these brief remarks as an initial report
on our hearings. Again, I say that men
like Father William Sicking, full-time
poverty warriors, are what is needed to
help combat the blight which we all
know exists. They, far more than the
high paid, part-time poverty employees
Will bring us a solution to the problem.
I now yield to my colleague the gentle-
man from Ohio [Mr. CLANCY].
Mr. CLANCY. Mr. Speaker, I would
like to take this opportunity to thank
my colleagues Mr. WILLIAM AYRES and
Mr. JOIN ASHBROOK for coming to Cin-
cinnati to conduct public hearings on
the effectiveness and administration of
the poverty programs in our city and
for going out among the poor to hear
their views.,
I could not agree more with the ob-
servations just made by Mr. ASHEROoK,
and in particular his comments with re-
spect to the work being done by Father
Sicking. ,
The articulate testimony of the Rev.
William Sicking was most helpful and
enlightening. Father Sicking is director
of De Pares Center in the West End,
pastor of St. Paul Church on Pendleton
Street, and has been a trustee of Cin-
cinnati's antipoverty agency?the Com-
munity Action Commission?since the
CAC was founded in 1964.
I have known Father Sicking not only
as a great spiritual leader, but as a per-
sonal friend for 35 years. To know him
is to admire him. His dedicated work
with the poor and the underprivileged is
well known throughout the Greater Chi-
c' His many friends and I
plaud him fo 's dedication and his
interest in seeing 't that if there are
Federal programs to ?t the poor, the
poor themselves benefit ore and the
professional workers less.
Father Sicking is not a \ armchair
commentator on conditions in the
nce in
ghetto. He has a working resi
a poverty area and has been able
the reaction and thinking of poor p
He knows at first hand the hunger, 4n-
employment, disease and overcrowding
in substandard housing where crime anti
violence thrive.
Father Sicking told the members of
the congressional committee that "grass-
roots poor people laugh at the antipov-
erty program."
The following excerpt from his testi-
mony should also be of interest to my
"CAC? Never heard of it," they (the poor)
say. Those who have heard of it call them
"big shots" who are telling us to raise our-
selves by our own bootstraps, only we don't
have any boots.
And: "If it weren't for us poor people,
those guys (poverty program employees)
wouldn't have a job and be pulling down
those fancy salaries."
Father Sicking concluded his testi-
mony with five specific recommendations
which merit consideration. I am con-
vinced that as a result of our hearings
in Cincinnati and hearings that could
possibly be conducted in other communi-
ties, constructive legislation providing
for an improved poverty program, with
Increased emphasis on more jobs, will
be forthcoming.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
p evious order of the House, the gentle-
mtn from Maryland [Mr. LONG], is rec-
og ized for 15 minutes.
Mr. LONG of Maryland. Mr. Speaker,
legislation now pending before Congress
would authorize the -location of certain
toll projects in Maryland. H.R. 11627
would authorize a Balkimore Harbor
Tunnel and three bridges across the
Chesapeake Bay?one in the Baltimore
area, one in southern Maryland and one
parallel to, and duplicative of, the pres-
ent span.
My bill, H.R. 3135, would exclude au-
thorization for this parallel bridge,
which was rejected by the voters of
Maryland in a referendum last Novem-
ber. Despite this rejection by the voters,
the Maryland State Roads Commission
is pushing ahead with its plans to build
a second bridge alongside the existing
Cheseapeake Bay Bridge.
And closely associated with the State
Roads Commission in pressing for this
rejected bridge is the J. E. Greiner Co., a
consulting engineering firm of Balti-
more, Md., which for decades has been a
dominating factor in the location and
planning of roads and bridges in Mary-
land. As early as January 31, 1964, the
Greiner Co. recommended that?
First priority be given to the construction
of a second bridge adjacent to the existing
bridge at Sandy Point.
It is significant that this report was
issued over the signature of J. E. Don-
nelly, one of three partners in the
Greiner Co.' It is significant also that
the State roads commission has just rec-
omended to the Maryland Board of Pub-
lic Works that Greiner be awarded the
contract to supervise the design and con-
struction of a parallel bay bridge.
This contract is about to be awarded.
The parallel bridge will be so costly that
it will use up, possibly to the year 2000,
any money or borrowing capacity that
might have been available to build a
\ bay bridge in another location, such as
in Baltimore or in southern Maryland.
The contract to build this bridge would
thus determine the future population,
traffic, and economic patterns of Mary-
land for decades to come.
It is significant, further, that the
Greiner Co. scarcely stands to lose money
from this contract to design the parallel
bay lil-idge. In 1965, Greiner Co. esti-
matechits fee for this work at $5.1 mil-
lion 2 alien though it had done the de-
sign foi the present bridge in the same
location a design which is presumably
still available to assist the Greiner Co.
in desig ing the parallel bay bridge.
This fee as based on 10 percent of con-
struction costs. Because construction
costs will ave risen since 1965, Greiner's
fee, on th 10-percent basis, could be $7
to $10 mill on.
In view f the importance of this con-
tract to b 'ld a parallel bay bridge, the
competenc and integrity of the consult-
ing engin ering company should be
beyond rep each.
A real ? estion now arises whether
this is tru of the J. E. Greiner Co. I
hereby pla e in the RECORD an account
of a crimi al trial in which J. E. Don-
nelly, part er in the Greiner Co., was a
defendant, nd of a civil suit against the
Greiner C itself. The record of these
trials cont ins vital information con-
cerning th practices of the Greiner Co.
in anoth State?information that
should ser e as a warning to the people
of Maryla d of how their money may be
wasted on a project which they have re-
jected a d which, I have repeatedly
argued, been undertaken par* for
the aggr ndizement of the Greiner Co.
The c t of characters in this criminal
trial inc udes:
The . E. Greiner Co., as a company,
an of its top officials;
'Location Studies, Chesapeake Bay Cross-
ings, State Roads Commission of Maryland,
January 1964.
Location Studies, Chesapeake Bay Cross-
ing, prepared for the State Roads Commis-
sion of Maryland. J. E. Greiner Company,
January, 1965.
Apprved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000200290058-0
Approved For Release 2001/11/01..? IA-RITM:1369R00
Th chairman, secretary-treasurer, ff-
nano director, and two other officials of
the ennsylvania Turnpike Commission,
to wldeh the Greiner Co. was consulting
engir eer;
Tb e president and general manager of
the 3 fanu-Mine Research & Development
Co. a vhose plans were endorsed by the
Greii ler Co.
TY is cast of characters is tied together
in a interesting web of business and
fami [sr relationships. Five of this nine-
mern ber cast eventually were sentenced
to pi ison. Another was involved in a civil
suit running into the millions of dollars.
Here is the sequence of events:
December 1953, the 3. E. Greiner Co.
was named consulting engineer of the
Peni isylvania Turnpike Commission for
the lortheastern extension of the Penn-
sylv.txda Turnpike.
In 1957, in connection with this project,
J. IL Donnelly, partner in the J. E.
Gre ner Co? was indicted on a "charge of
cone Piracy to cheat and defraud the
Pen ssylvania Turnpike Commission" of
"mi lions of dollars." 3 This is the same
J. Donnelly who signed the 1964
Grener Co. report recommending a par-
alle bay bridge.
G. Joseph Hudert, a Greiner Co. en-
gin( er, was indicted at the same time on
the same charge. Both men are still of -
ficii kis of the Greiner Co.
The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commis-
sion dismissed the J. E. Greiner Co. as
the Turnpike's consulting engineer and
brosght a $7.'7 million civil negligence
suit ;against the Greiner Co. in the U.S.
Dis-orict Court of Maryland.' Defendants
Do) melly and Hudert were not convicted
of he criminal charge, but the Greiner
Co, paid the Turnpike Commission in
order to settle the civil suit out of court.'
indicate further the seriousness of
thE case in which the Greiner Co. was in-
vol Ved, five of the nine defendants stand-
ing trial for criminal conspiracy and
thiee related charges were convicted.'
Three of the men were top officials of the
Pe msylvania Turnpike Commission:
Thomas J. Evans, chairman; James F.
Torrance, secretary and treasurer; and
Paul J. McNeill, finance director. Two
otliers convicted were: Charles W. Stick-
ler, president and principal stockholder
of the Manu-Mine Research 8.3 Develop-
= nt Co., and Clayton A. Landsidle,
MI mu-Mines general manager. Manu-
ne President Stickler was also a
ne Phew of Turnpike Chairman Evans,
while Chairman Evans' son, Richard H.
ans, was Manu-Mine's vice president
UT til his death several months before
the return of indictments in these cases.'
The criminal cases and the civil pro-
ceedings arose because of Manu-Mine's
es thriates for, and performance of, mine
illing and slushing work on the north-
etern extension of the Pennsylvania
-"Dauphin County Reports. -Vol. 72. 1958.
cielith. Judicial Circuit of Pennsylvania.
e 34.
*Dauphin County Reports. Vol. 72. Page
3d ;
4 Civil Action No. 10250,13.S. District Court
fc; the District of Maryland.
"Minutes of meeting of Pennsylvania
T iirnplice Commission, November 18, 1957.
'r Dauphin County Repcirts. Vol. '72. Page 34.
"Dauphin Munty Reports. Vol. 72. Pages
a and 36.
Turnpike, fa:. which Greiner /was the con-
sulting engineer.'
Manu-Mine had claimed that mine
drilling and slushing were needed be-
cause a portion of the northeastern ex-
tension was to be built in a region con-
taining inactive coal mines. The cavities
of these mines, claimed Mariu-Mine, had
to be found by blind drilliSg and then
slushed, that is, filled in w_th silt. This
would provide the necessary!firm subsur-
face support for the road. !
Defendant, Donnelly of ;the Greiner
Co. was present during a February 28,
1955, meeting at which the ''ennsylvania
Turnpike Commission awarded the mine
drilling and slushing contract to Manu-
Mine. Donnelly later admitted that he
knew of the family relationship between
Manu-Mine President Stickler and Turn-
pike Comm .ssion Chairman Evans." :
At the 1957 criminal trial, the Com- ;
monwealth of Pennsylvania's expert wit- ;
nesses testified that 95 percent of the :
drilling and slushing work was unneces-
sary becau3e nearly all the coal mines
had filled is naturally and presented no :
threat to the road's stability. The extent ;
to which the work was both unnecessary
and overpriced can be judged by the
testimony of Daniel H. Connelly, deputy:
secretary of the Pennsylvania Depart-
ment of Mines, that Mar-Mine had .
billed the turnpike commi ion 17.5 mil- ;
lion for one part of the drilling and
slushing work which shoUld only have,
cost $82.9 thousand at mast," or only 1;
percent. ,
Defendant Donnelly of the Greiner;
Co. testified at his trial that:
The Greiner Company did endorse the pro-
gram of slushing as developed by Menu*:
Mine?' '
Greiner Co. also issued 0, report chal-:
longing the Pennsylvania !State Depart-.
ment of Mines' pretrial; criticisms of
Manu-Mine. This report was signed by
defendant Donnelly," despite the fact
First. Admittedly neither Donnelly no
anyone else associated with the Greiner
iCnog.; had experience in mihing engineer
Second. The Greiner Co. had not
sought the advice of diSinterested iex-
perts in mining engineeri g ;14
Third. Donnelly admit ed he had not
consulted the State department of mines
before signing his report;' but had conr
suited with Manu-Mine;"
-Fourth. Donnelly test' ed he had not
visited any of the mines n question nor
observed Manu-Mine's operation before
preparing the report.' I fact, he testi-
fiei: "I have n vier a mae, 21
; Donnelly test fied t tj4iLrepoIt was
'prepared at th ricaest tE Franklin
:MtSorley, who s
man of the Tur p.ilteCtin -ton.-"---M-6-
Scirley was late .o v1?of_criminar
misbehavior in ubl rozi
The civil suit ii led try thi Perinsinti
Trrnpike Co ssiotiaggIsst the CTrein-
1 er Co. charged GrettlersInegligence hi -
; giving every ph o 5Manti:Mine's plalfs
its "complete a d ulVattaltied approval"
' ard in advisin the- C-011irhisSi6ii -that
' Manu-Mine's p opoSal vOtts -proper and "
? reasonable, wh n it.was icttfaIly wholly
? unnecessary an exc rbitalitl*-exPehgvel -
In sum, the .eop e -Of I, aryland have
? rejected the arali4 -b0 - 'bridge. The
Commonwealt of Ilehris-1 -Ala not Only
dsmissed this cotrultilig engineering
firm which no wants_tcianPervise eciti--
struction of th s paralleIldritige, but in-
stituted civil su t.agginst the Greiner Co.
and charged t o pi lits pip Olfficis,ls With
c7iminal consp
I call on Gov rno ? Agnihfillid the-State '
Roads Commi ion if Mat7l_and to aban-
don their pla to build iliparanet bridge,
and to turn d wri he altrefd of the en-
gineering cont et to tie Greiner Co.
Loth this proje t arid the _reiner CO. are
by now thoro ghl r ense (Med. I urge
Congress to,jo n t vot r
Li ra
rejecting th parallel )ay bridge.- - --
(es- Of mY State
(Mr. LONG if fslaylanti asked :and Was-
given permissi n tn-reviSe and extend his
_ _
rem li .)
=._-__ _
- '
Dauphin County Reports. Vol. 72. Pages
35 and 36.
00 Transcript of criminal trial in the Court
of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County,
Pennsylvania. Nos. 216, 218, 220 and 221,
January Sessions, 1957. Page 5678.
liDailphin County Repoiits. Vol. 72. Page
Trans3ript for Was. 216, 218, 220 and 221,
Dauphin County (see *Her reference).
Page 5074.
TrTrenseript. Pages 5846 nnd 5551.
'A Dauphin County Repots. Vol. 72. Pages
49 and 50.
Transcript. Page 5684.
1"Daupain County Reports. Vol. 72. Page
17Trara.cript. Page 5687.
- _
Jartsrosxr) .
lHEouse, the ge
Ptierwsial is
(Mr. PUC
;permission t
ema rks )
ER prol tempore (Mr.
nderprevlibus -order of the
tlentan ffbrn Illinois [Mr.
eeospizedrfOr I hour.
SICl'askeit and was given '
ref1seIsnd extend his
Mr. PUCIN EI, Mr. neaker,_ -earlier
this month it was My ptivilige to be-the
guest of the an Altadikn7ederation at
its oonventio heldin Athens, Greece.
Mr. Chris itch-di, president of the
Pan Arcadian Fediratiop, had invited me
to address h s gathertIg_and visit the
homeland of any of Air constitueas:-
I was mos grateful or this kind in-
vitation beca se it, did time an OPP
to -or-
tunity se Cirieee. ut equally im-
portant, it a orded mil an opportunity
to see what e ect the ritvolution of April
21 had on th peciple orGreece.
I was in At era for 1.(icla7s, and-during
this period I ad made ix very exhaustive
study of the resOlit sii4ation in Greece.
I had tal ? to moat of the 'Present
military lead rs Irho c(tnStitute the cur-
rent Gove ?nt of afeece. I talked at
great length with the new Prime Min-
ister, Consta tins -Nollgas, and with all
of the Minist rs inoludElog Gen. Stylianos
Patakos, wha is lifinister of the Interior.
I talked wi h ehumbler o civilians w o
_ - -
11 Transcrip Pa W 5631E
"" Transcrip PaCgi 5041
24 Dauphin ounty AA' Its. Vol. 72. Page
41 Civil Acti n No, 1025(C U.S. DistricCaolirt
of Maryland.
Approved For Release 2001/11/01 :
Approved For Reletsesnlalk&HARcp06B003M85200290058-0
September 14., 1967 H 11941
remain in the Government in key
I had extensive discussions with former
members of the Parliament who today
oppose the present regime and were very
frank and forthright to me in their crit-
I had a 2-hour conversation with
former Prime Minister, George Papan-
dreou, who is presently under house ar-
rest in his villa in Athens. Mr. Papan-
dreou, speaking in halting English, was
very frank in his conversations with me,
and said he found my visit most wel-
I spoke extensively with publishers of
Greek newspapers who are now operat-
ing under rigid rules of censorship, and
they were extremely frank in their con-
versations with me.
I talked at great length with the
American representative to the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization, stationed
in Athens.
I talked to a number of American ob-
servers and businessmen who were in
Greece at the time of the revolution and
who, since April 21, have had an oppor-
tunity to carefully review the actions of
the present Goveihment and the attitude
of the Greek people toward this Gov-
I spent countless hours in discussions
*ith Greek businessmen, labor leaders,
financiers, and just plain ordinary citi-
zens in the streets and villages.
I discussed the present situation with
our own American diplomatic represent-
Mr. Speaker, I took an extensive heli-
copter flight over northern Greece and
personally viewed the extensive damage
done to a large number of villages by
the recent earthquakes. I saw some 6,500
Greek families living in canvas tents and
badly damaged homes?many without
roofs?fearful of what will happen when
cold weather sets in very shortly.
Finally, Mr. Speaker, I visited the
island of Yarros, which is about 1 hour's
helicopter flight from Athens and which
houses the prison of some 2,500 political
I believe that I am the only foreigner
to have ever visited this island, and I
took along with me my own State De-
partment translator. I personally heard
the prisoners addressed by General
Patakos, and I had an opportunity to see
firsthand the conditions which exist on.
the island and the attitude of the pris-
Mr. Speaker, I can assure my colleagues
in Congress that my search for the truth
in Greece was most exhaustive, and I am
grateful to the Pan Arcadian Federation
for making possible this personal observ-
ance of the present situation there.
From my extensive conversations and
personal observations, I have come to the
conclusion that:
First. It is in the interest of the United
States for our country to resume ship-
ment of important military aid to Greece
as part of our NATO defense structure.
Second. It is in our national interest
- for the United States to provide the
people of Greece with disaster relief of at
least $15 million to help the victims of
the earthquake avoid extreme hardships
when winter hits their canvas tents.
Third. It is in the interest of the
United States to press for restoration of
parliamentary government in Greece,
and this can be done by giving the pres-
ent Government of Greece technical as-
sistance to meet many of the civilian
poblems which the generals, by the very
nature of their military background,
will find difficulty in solving; we should
help this Government develop a demo-
cratic base for restoration of constitu-
tional government.
Fourth. It is important for the
United States to help King Constantine
press the present military regime to re-
store parliamentary government to
Greece as quickly as possible.
Mr. Speaker, I do not want my ob-
servations or my remarks ever to be con-
strued as condoning a government which
would deny its people basic civil rights.
But neither would I ever want to be
blinded by the realities of life, and one
of those realities is that the military re-
gime presently is in control of Greece.
Furthermore, this regime has stated
publicly and unequivocally that it sup-
ports America's position in the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization and will
keep Greece in NATO.
Our Nation cannot, and must not,
ignore the fact that the crisis in the
Middle East is not over. The Soviet Union
continues to have her evil designs for the
destruction of Israel. We may need
Greece as our most reliable base if the
situation in the Middle East should
worsten. During the recent crisis, Greece
stood with us and helped relocate Ameri-
cans from the Middle East.
Whether you like it or not, the present
Government of Greece is there; it is a
reality; and, on the basis of my most
honest and sincere studies, right now this
Government has the popular support of
the people of Greece.
There are those who would challenge
this statement and I respect their views.
But the fact remains that if an elec-
tion were to be held in Greece today,
responsible people in Greece?including
the most bitter critics of the present
regime?told me that the present mili-
tary government would be overwhelm-
ingly elected because it has restored order
out of chaos in this country.
I know there are those who will seri-
ously question this conclusion, but the
fact of the matter is that the people in
the streets of Athens and in the villages
told me that conditions had gotten so
intolerable in Greece prior to April 21,
that a revolution was inevitable.
Many people told me that when the
revolution finally occurred on the morn-
ing of April 21, and the military leaders
took over, the general reaction of the
people of Greece was: "What took them
so long in coming?"
As a matter of fact, Mr. Speaker, one
of the leaders of the revolution told me:
Congressman, we didn't even have to
stretch; we just yawned and 81/2 million
people rolled over into our lap.
? It is a matter of fact that not a single
shot was fired and not a person was killed
in this bloodless revolution. It is also a
matter of fact that the conservative press
had been predicting this revolution for
some time before April 21.
I can find no comfort in the fact that
NATO tanks were rolled into the streets
of Athens on the morning of the revolu-
tion, nor can we ignore the fact that the
present rulers of Greece have instituted
a whole series of repressive moves, from
severe censorship of the press to suppres-
sion of the constitution, and the Parlia-
ment to a literal substitution of judicial
process with a system of military courts.
Nor could anyone ever seriously defend
the limitations on assembly imposed by
this regime which require that whenever
more than five people meet, the names
and addresses of all those attending a
meeting?including even a family re-
union?must be supplied to the local po-
lice and permission must be obtained for
such a meeting. I have been assured this
limitation will be dropped very shortly,
and even now is not being enforced.
I am sure it is of deep concern to all
of us that the new slander law in Greece
imposed by the Government makes every
citizen subject to arrest and prosecution
if he speaks out in any manner and criti-
cizes to any degree the present Govern-
These are police tactics which we, as
Americans and free people everywhere,
find contemptible and repugnant to our
way of life.
But the military leaders hasten to
assure visitors to Greece that these
measures were necessary to restore
order, and will be removed just as quickly
as possible. A casual visitor to Greece
would not know the military rule the
country. There are no soldiers in the
streets or hotels, people walk freely in
the streets; the restaurants and night
clubs are operating as usual. Visitors are
treated with exceptional care and
The military rulers of Greece have
assured King Constantine that they will
have the Constitution rewritten as
quickly as possible and presented to a
plebiscite?perhaps even this year?and
that elections of delegates to the Parlia-
ment will be held as quickly as possible.
I am aware of those who argue that in
the last 4 months, during which this
military regime has governed Greece, it
has not shown any evidence that it in-
tends to keep its pledge to restore parlia-
mentary government.
In my judgment, Mr. Speaker, fair
play dictates a corollary observation, and
that is, that in these same 4 months, the
military has not shown any evidence
that it does not intend to keep its pledge.
It is easy enough for us Americans?
deeply set in traditions of democracy?
to insist that the Government institute
constitutional rule in Greece before any
further assistance is given. I would sub-
scribe to this doctrine, but I think it is
important to know that in a country
whose northern border has three nations
under Communist rule?the fear of its
leaders are justified.
Greece has Albania, Bulgaria, and Yu-
goslavia on her northern border. History
has shown us there is no "second chance"
with communism.
You do not have any time to be wrong
when you have three neighbors who
would like to plunge you into the Com-
munist orbit at the first opportunity.
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1-. - - Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : 01A-RDP69601)369R0002
I 1 I I
mr: Speaker, among the people I
cussed all these matters with, I found
that even the most bitter critics a this
Govt*rinient admit the Constitutional
Revi don Committee is made up of fair
pemite, and there is a confident feeling
thro,ighout Greece that this Constitu-
tional Revisidn Committee will present
a series of meaningful and helpful
recoi ndations for strengthening the
Cone "tution. of Greece ., for strengthen-
ing , in such a manner that another
coup like the one experienced on April 21
will x impossible, but, at the same time
a Constitution that will give Greece
vastly+ more protection against Commu-
nist encroachment.
I spent 2 hours with former Prime
Mini ste, r Papandreou. It is very clear
that Papandreou has nothing but con-
teme t for the present Government, and
this 'IS certainly understandable. George
Papandreou believes that the ills of
Greeee could have been solved in the low in corruption and in personal dis-
election of May 28, but he himself ad- honesty.
mits be does not think he would have won The man on the street, th cabdrivers,
a majority, and admits he would have the truckdrivers, the people n the hotels
had ,0 rely on help from splinter parties and the villages, told me at prior to
in Gt ce in order to forrn a government. April 21, the obtaining of a sirnple cer-
The . mnmunists, it is generally agreed, tificate, a b:rth certificate, ja license, or
woul have emerg-ed as one of the biggest other official dociunent required the pay-
splin ter parties in the May 28 elections. ment of substantial sums of money by the
Tile senior Papandreou defends his people to public officials. Graft and cor-
son, Andreas Papandreou, who is now ruption was the order of th,e daY.
awai dng trial for treason. It will be re- These were the conditions that created
callei that the King had der)osed George the situatics I which led to the revolution
Papandreou as Prime Minister in 1965 on April 21. These were the conditions
wher 'he tried to make his son Andreas which permitted the military to take
Mini rter of Defense. It is a known fact over without firing a shot.
that Andreas Papandreou recommended I must say that from all the evidence I
pulling Greece out of NATO. This was saw, this whole mess has been cleaned
one c t the main subjects of dispute with-- up and the people approve pf the strict
in the Government and the reason King measures.
Constantine deposed his Prime Minister. Mr. Speaker, in my ju gment, the
Ge)rge Papandreou admits both he and great danger to Greece to ay is if the
his sari were critical of NATO because present Government fails, e will be in
the J4TO command told them NATO a very dangerous situation. t is entirely
wouli [not help Greece if she was attacked possible that, this Governm t may fail.
by Eturkey+ for trying to recapture In my discussions with th se military
Cypr is. NATO insisted it could help only people I found a serious un wareness of
wher a nonmember nation attacked the practical problems of go ernment.
Gree :e. Both Papandreous insisted they These are military men w o have dealt
did rnt need NATO under those condi- with military problems and have resolved
tion.s ;and threatened to pull Greece out them in a military way. Ve frequently
of NE,TO, the Prime Minister said. they do riot understand e complex
, PtiOtanelrepu says he would never have nature of dealing with peo e and their
agree, d to work with. the Communists, problems.
that he would never have agreed to a There is a fear in Greece that if this
coalition governrnent ff the coalition was Government should fail, ciyil war may
with 'the Communists, but those within very well ensue in Greece. t may well
the Cbvernment insist that after 2 years force Greece out of NATO a d throw the
of b:ing deposed as Prime Minister, nation to the Communists.
Papa adreou would have been willing to I can think of nothing more disastrous
agree to form a, coalition government to the interests of America than to see
with ' the help of the Communists, and Greece forced out of NATO Or for NATO
the p eice of such a coalition would have to lose this very important bastion on the
been the withdrawal of Greece from 3,1editerranean. It would give the Soviet
NAT( Y. Union access to the Mediterranean and
I talked with responsible newspaper probably force our 6th Flee out of the
publiehers in Greece; men who today Mediterranean. It would giv the Soviet
must' Submit page proofs before publica- Union control over the Mid le East and
tion 1,0 a censor, men who find this sys- ultimately ti-e gateway to ica. This is
tem c ntemptible, and men who find the a prize that the Communists have cov-
Gove rnent very despotic, but men who eted for the last two decades.
have dmitted that prior to April 21 the So, Mr. Speaker, I say while my heart
Greekv press was intolerable and com- es heavy and I certainly sympathize with
plete:V irresponsible. all those who pannot accept the present
On: of the leading publishers of Greece military rule of Greece, I Say that we
, .
told are if I had asked him on April 19 view this problem o a broader
whether it was true about the low state basis. Aboye all we must vie the prob-
of affairs of the Greek press he would Ian of Greece
have had, to tell me, "Congressman, I , terms of what
am ashamed to admit I am a member of , States and wh
the Greek journalistic profession." , bility of Miran
This publisher, who yearns for the wild.
day when he can again see, a free press I believe th
in Greece, said that the ,Government , exert every pr
had asked him and all other publishers , critic rule to G
to submit be September 10 ,a memoran- j this we should
dum on hcw the censorship could be ;structure. I sh
lifted from the press of Greece and still the concern t
retain some sense of responsibility. 'should go to a
among the publishers of newspapers in be used against
This publisher said that th
would subm t such a list.
I talked to people on th
told me prior to April 21
in Grece was completely in Io
unbearable in terms of corr
Papandreou himself said
the very end, before the revo
bers of the Parliament re
, to, me we ought
e publishers ,firest time Ame
tare governmen
street who time that we h
he situation ; nient that was
lerable and 'liking. This is n
tion. ree,ognized and
that toward that did not fit i
ution, mem- Jean mold of
ched a new of life require
fact that we n
needs us.
:[bis my hope,
, we view the gre
Gr eece and all
, Aro erica, ought
our policy of
to Greece as ou
While I was
NATO nations,
maneuvers in
Reams her borde
;ber of the W
.similar maneuv
one kid you?t
Approved For Release 2001111/01-:
1_9_6 7
ar. er ,
he ftran United
ssure to
eceiNnifie we are doing
net !weaken our NATO
e ah tAr NATO allies
at tirittarY _eQuiprnent
t t,ry gWeffiliient and
her people, but it seems
to reeall this is not the
ca /93?se dAialt with mill-
s. ii t not the first
ye diAlt oyith a govern-
riot comlletely to our
t firse time we have
dealt wit ii governments
tc c patticular 4mer,-
Inoiracy., The realities
hat ..we face up to the
el Greece and Greece
Mr. Speater, that when
t eap.qualte damage in
of lter_ Maier problems,
to farefaly reconsider
ithhading military aid
areeqta .A.Ye Of. eter
_ . held
Orthern_egreece. Just
s, tite_Cm5.1111111istmein-
saw .Pact'were holding
rs lii Bu aria. Let no
en: are glowerful Corn-
nnuaist forces a play in this area', and
Me'TO needs all theXelp 4_cara get.
As far as eco omitk-assiganee Is con-
ceined, I flew ver Yillage_after evillage
;in northern Gr eee bid stew these peo-
ple living in ca vas tents,eThease people
are concerned b caute th ity have severe
winters in the ounWns_ltriare head-
ing toward the c lderinoonlis. They have
very serious pr blenfte Of liousing their
.families and c dor no eat _I am sure
there will be gr at s Wer this winter.
Mr, Speaker, e lea Iles along Ira=
,dition of exten ing tramtriftarian help
to mankind. ought to help these
Greek people an we 'Ought to help them
?Even George
severe critic of
in, Greece, said t
to the victims o
'cerned, the Un
ought to do its
suffering for the
our best friends.
fit), Mr. Speak
seriously conside
di:Lionel role as
particularly sin
dittonlly been ou
I might add t
I saw the resul
saw the results
ance, I saw the g
paved roads and
and I saw the va
saw fertile fie
was barren Ian
survived 13 di
Greece since Wo
say when we
the ham"
Papandre?m, the most
he tetesent. Government
at ihSefat aS assistance
theeetatikliake Is con-
ted StateC of. America
share to Illeviate t4cjt:.
GreaPeOple are among
r, I hope that we would
restapnelitii to our trae.
lititta,nitarian nation,
th a _Gegeks have t
t aiiifeit over Greece,
or our toreign aid. I
f our elle/Pic assist-
eat Wet s _powerlines;
farra,to-,Market roads;
iousarrigi Oleos prej ects,
ds wher-efore there
. Traese -:britikets_ have
ereet- gelerrainerits of
Id itar
invia 1T people of
1A-RDP691$00369R0002 rn 0290054-0--
- - _
IsP Approved For/Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP641300369R0002007290058-0
,-,54teiliber 14, 1967 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- HOUSE
? investment will conie back to us inaiiy- these People are the victims of a revolu-
f4d, Governments op' me and go, and tficY- tion in which the military believes with
have come and gone in the past in Greece ; the same fervor that they were saving
over the last 13 years. it the progress Greece from communism.
that we have built in Greece with Ameri-
can help today stands as an indestruct-
able bond between the people of Greece
and the people of the United States of
America, a bond of friendship and loyalty
that I am sure will transcend all time.
Finally, Mr. Speaker, I flew Co the
*Island of 'arros, and I visited the prison
there. It is an hour's helicopter flight
from Athens. There had been about 6,500
political prisoners on this island since
April 21. Most of them were charged with
some form of Communist activity since
the civil war in 19417, and many of them
had already previously served sentences
for this activity. Some 4,000 have been re-
leased and have been sent back to their
home. Qf the 2,500 remaining, 227 were
women of various ages.
I saw the general talking to these peo-
ple, telling them, "Look, you do not be-
long on this island' we do not want you
here; what we want you to do is to make
an oral declaration, or sign a statement
that you will not conspire with the Com-
munists to overthrow this government
and then you are free to go home."
Mr. Speaker, I recall one incident in
particular. 'there was a young mother
in a room with three other women. She
was a mother of three children. She her-
self was about 28 years old. The picture
of her three children was over her cot
on the wall.
The general said:
You do not belong here; your children
need you; why do you not go home and be
a good mother to them; leave the politics to
others; you be a good mother. All you-have to
do is to Make an oral statement that you are
nOt going to conspire with the Communists
to overthrow this- Governmept, and we will
have you home tonight. I cannot tell you
what to think. It you want to think Com-
munist, this is your privilege. No one can
look into the depths of your mind, but we
can ask you not to conspire with the Com-
mimists to overthrow this Governmep.t.
Mr. Speaker, the young woman put her
feet up on the bed and she looked the
general in the eye and said:
I was born a. leftist; I think leftist; and I
will die a leftist; thank you but I am going to
stay here.
After talking to about a thousand of
these people, it is difficult not to believe
that this particular group are hard-core
Communists who consider their ,impris-
onrnent a. acrifice to their cause.
Mr. Speaker, I do not want _American
foreign policy to be dictated by the 2,500
people who are on that island at the
present time. I saw the personal efforts
which we. being made to Urge these peo-
ple to leave the island; more than 4,000
have responded and have been releaged.
I had my own interpreter there so that
?there would be no mistake about what
was being said. I am convinced that
every effort is being made to let these
people go home. However, these people
obviously believe in their cause with a
fervor. They are entitled to their beliefs,
and I believe the Government has made
a serious blunder in arresting them in
.the first place. I could not defend their
arrests, but the fact of the Matter is that
Sp, Mr. Speaker, when we hear about
2,500 prisoners on the Island of Yarros,
they are living under conditions similar
to many prisons in our own country.
They sleep on canvas cots. The food is
reasonable. The dormitories are clean.
These people 'feel they are making a
great contribution and great sacrifice
to their cause, and they made no secret
in proclaiming this to the general when
he visited them.
One of the interesting aspects of this
visit was the firrnness with which these
prisoners talked to the general. They
denly argued that they should be re-
leased but not a single person offered to
make the declaration not to conspire
against the Government.
I am the only foreigner who has visited
the island. It is my belief that most of
these people will accede to the pledge
not to conspire against the Government
and will be released.
'So, Mr: Speaker, it would seem to me
that we have an obligation to review the
situation in Greece. I believe that cer-
tainly we ought to study all the aspects
of the situation. I believe that we should
help King Constantine, who was here just
the other day.
King Constantine is holding these
leaders to their promise that they will
restore constitutional government as
qUickly as possible. King Constantine said
"All I want from you is time, understand-
ing and patience."
It seems to me that the alternative to
working with these people is to isolate
them; to isolate these military leaders,
and let them compound their errors and
with each error tighten the noose around
the people.
History shows that every revolution be-
gets another revolution. Every revolution
provokes another revolution. This was a
bloodless revolution. No one can predict
what its successor may be like.
In my judgment it would be a mistake
to isolate these people. I feel perhaps the
better policy would be to try to work with
them and continue to apply American
pressure to make sure that they keep
their pledge of restoring parliamentary
government to this country.
One thing is certain, Mr. Speaker, for
better or worse, this Government in
Greece is dh record as standing with us
against communism. Who can say what
any other government born out of civil
war may do as regards its relation to us.
We have the pledge of King Constan-
tine, an honorable man, who says he will
continue Pressuring his Government for
restoration of parliamentary govern-
We have something much deeper, Mr.
Speaker. We have a tradition among the
Greek people themselves. The most col-
losal mistake this Government could
make would be to try to renege on its
pledge to restore parliamentary govern-
ment to the people of Greece.
The Greeks originated democracy.
The Greeks have a long and stubborn
history of struggle for freedom and
The Greeks were the first ones in 1947
who, against great odds, stood up to the
Communists, and suffered great losses
to protect their country for freedom.
Mr. Speaker, I will stake my hopes
and my confidence on the people of
Greece. I am confident the people of
Greece will force this Government to
keep its pledge to restore parliamentary
But the problem today before us as
Americans is not to let our NATO de-
fense be,,come so weak that this Govern-
ment will have to either drop out of
NATO or we will be an open target for
Communist aggression.
It is my hope that we will help King
Constantine return Greece to its tradi-
tional role as the cradle of democracy.
It is my hope also that we Americans
are going to look soberly at this problem
of helping the economy of Greece and
helping Greece militarily. By giving
Greece NATO help, we are not condon-
ing denial of constitutional government
to that country. The indisputable fact
of the day is that in this troubled world,
with great trouble in the Middle East,
'with great trouble in Europe, with great
trouble in Asia, I submit, Mr. Speaker,
America needs Greece today great deal
more than Greece needs us.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a
previous order of the House, the gentle-
man from New Jersey [Mr. Mirnsill is
recognized for 15 minutes.
(Mr. MINISH asked and was given
permission to revise and extend his re-
marks, and include extraneous mate-
rial) .
Mr. MINISH. Mr. Speaker, it is my sad
duty to inform the membership of the
passing of the Honorable Peter A. Ca-
vicchia who served with distinction in
the 72d, 73d, and 74th Congresses as the
Member from the present 11th District
of New Jersey which it is now my honor
to represent.
Mr. Cavicchia, who died September 11
at the age of 88, was a man of great
ability and integrity with a deep dedi-
cation to the democratic principles of
his adopted land of America. He was the
only Member of Congress born in Italy,
and his life and works are eloquent tes-
timony to the contribution that immi-
grants have made to our Nation.
Coming to the United States as a child
with his parents, Mr. Cavicchia gradu-
ated from American International Col-
lege with a B.A. degree in 1906 and
received his LL.B. from New York Uni-
versity in 1908. The degree of doctor of
laws was conferred by the American
International College in 1929. His pro-
found interest in education was reflected
in Mr. Cavicchia's long service as a mem-
ber and president of the Newark Board
of Education, as professor of law and
trustee of the University of Newark?
now Rutgers University?and as trustee
of American International College.
Mr. C_avicchia's warm and compas-
sionate spirit caused him to give gen-
erously of his time and talents to many
humanitarian activities. He was a
, Approved For Release,200f/11/01 : CIA.RDP69p003,69R0002002900?8-0
Approved For Releast.. 2001/11/01 : 1A-RDP;69p01)369
founder arid trustee of dolumbus Hes- the balIhnts a candidate for he Nealc City
His political becamle the
of the Italian Welfare League. Mr. Ca--
next year when he was elected to Congress,
vi c ahla was also ex-grand venerable, ran on a platform whi h, among other
Or 4er of Sons of Italy of New Jersey: tilt ngs, urged an end to pr hibition.
knglat officer of the Crown of Italy; During 1 is first term in ongress' he waS
m?Mber of F. & A.M. Tri-Umilar Lddge voted by Washington correspondents n
s as e
111, He was a life member of the East of the most cultured men in the 73rd Crooni
career successfill
PRO in Newark and served as president Cornmissio-a.
Side Presbyterian Church, Newark, of gress.
witch his mother had been one of the -r. Cavicchia served on the War Claim*
foi Lnders.
.rinong Mr. Cavicchia's legislative
acikievements in the House of Repre-
seittatives was sponsorship of the land-
mthk Federal Deposit Insurance Cor-
pc 'ation Act. As in all his endeavors, Mr.
Ca vicchia devoted himself wholeheart-
ecU to his duties as Member of Congress
an I. was held in high esteem and respect
by his colleagues on both sides of the
aisle and by his constituency whom he
sei ved so well and faithfully.
Mr. Cavicchia had a full and rich life,
aril his community, state and Nation
beiieflted immeasurably from his dedi-
cal ecl service. We mourn the passing of
thiS wise and good man, and take in-
six ration from his memory. I extend-
' rm deepest sympathy to his devoted wife,
to Cis daughter Priscilla, his sons Eugene
an Paul, an his grandson Peter A. II,
no?? in military service, who-Were a
501 irce of pride and joy to him.
:4shOuld like to insert at this point in
the REcolto the article from the Newark
Evening News of September 12, 1967, and
thd, article from the Washington Post
of September 14, 1967, about this great
[F,:ern the Newark Evening News, Sept. 12,
= 1967]
I $ter A. Cavicchia, who served as Republi-
can= congressman from Newark for six years
diving the 19308, died yesterday in Clara
Ma ass Hospital. He was 88 years old and lived
at 140 Roseville Ave..
3/1.r. Cavicchia was elected representative
from the old 9th Congressional District hi
19',1 and re-elected in 1032 and 1934.
Et 1936, he was again nominated by the
He rubTfcan party for his congressional seat,
bu ; was defeated in the landslide in which
Prl *dent Roosevelt carried every state ex-
cel t Maine and Vermont,
4.r. Cavicchia, who was proud that he was
tin :first Italian-born congressman, settled in
Ne ;lark in 1888. After attending Newark pub-
lic Schools, he worked as a messenger boy and
far tory hand.
.4 it the age of 21, Mr. Cavicchia enrolled in
th4 trnerican International College in Spring-
fiel , Mass., where he received a bachelor of
arts degree in 1906. .Two years later, he was
gr6duated from the New York University Law
Cavicchia served his law clerkship in
th(L[offlee of former Gov. Franklin Fort. He
wad admitted to the New Jersey bar as an
att Orney in 1909.
ife was one of the founders of the Mercer
Be isley Law School and was a professor there
for ',several years before the school became
part of the University of Newark, now Rut-
ger 5 University.
34 April 1917, Mr. Cavicchia was appointed
ini.eritance tax supervisor for Essex County,
a post he held for many years.
lletween 1916 and 1920 and 1922 and 1931,
Mr Cavicchia served on the Newark Board of
Ed ication. He was a president of the board
!rola 1924 to 1926.
Id 1929, Mr. Cavicchia was defeated in his
tint bid for public office, trailing seventh on
and Banking and Currency Committees in
the House. As Republicans continued to lose
seats during the Roosevelt era, Mr. Cavicchia
quickly became minority leader of the War
Claims Corarnittee. ,
He was one of the original sponsors of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Act,
which insured at the time Savings accounts
up to $10,000.
Mr. Cavicchia was asked by the Republican
party to run for Congress again in 1938, but
he refused. ,
From 1943 to 1954, Mr. Oa icchia served aa
a member of the Newark lanning Board.
His later years were devoted to his private
law practice.
-Mr. Caviachia was an ex-grand venerable
of the New Jersey Order of the Sons of Italy
and last June received a 50-Year membership
pin from the Tircuminar Lodge of Masons.
In March 1965, Mr. CavicChia traveled to
Washington to take part in the dedication
of a tahlet in the -Italian Embassy, which
bears the names of prominent Italian-Ameri-
cans. A dinner was held that evening with
President Johnson present.
Mr. 0a,vi3chia was a trustee of Columbus
Hospital in Newark and the American Inter,
national_ College. :
He leaves_ his wife, Mrs. plsie Del , Negro
Cavicchia, principal of the Alexander Street
School in Newark; two sons Eugene of
Orange rine Paul of Newark; a daughter, Miss
PrIscille J. Cavicchia of Sonth Orange, and
a grandson.
. Services will be Thursday at 8 p.m. at the
Charles J. Rotondo & Sons Blame for Fueralsi
279 Rosevilte Ave
iFrom ths Washington:Postp Sept. 14, 19671 '
BELLEVILLE, N.J., Sept. 13.--Peter A. Cavic,
chia, a na-tve of Italy who: became a New
Jersey Representative in Congress, died Mon-
day at Cla'a Maass Memorial Hospital here.
He was 88.
Mr. Cavicchia was the first Italian-born
Representative from New Jersey. He served
in the 72d, 73d, and 74th COngress, but waS
replaced by a Democrat in the Roosevelt
landslide o: 1936.
Born in Thoccomandolfi, Campobasso, Italy,
he came tc Newark in 1888, and lived there
most of his life.
He graduated from the American Internal
tional College in 1906, and Obtained his lati
degree at New York UniversitY. -
He was elected to CongreSs in 1930 after
a primary battle. He also sat on the House
Banking ar d Currency Comnaittee in his sec-L
ond term, and became one of the sponsori
of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act.
Mr. Cavicchia married Annabel Auger in
1910. She d ted iii 1936, and na, 1938 he married
Elsie Del Negro, with Mayor Fiorello H. La
Guardia of New York officiating.
SuirrivOn; are his wife,.. Principal of the
Alexander Street school in Newark; and two
sons, Paul of Newark and Eugene of East
Mr. RODIN?. Mr. Speaker, I want to
join my distinguished Colleague [Mr.
Mnsasial in paying tribute to our former
colleague, the Honorable Peter A. Cavic-
Former Congressman Cavicchia serve4
In Congress with-distincti and courage4
and it was_m
count him as ?y
:71e served on he
committee w lie
One of the 1 ade'
,3ioneering le slit
Federal Deno it I
Following his mei
Armed to be act e
N'ewark, N.J., erv tirl
Central Plan ing as
more than 10 ears
I have kno n ?Lae
:amily for ye rs,
goes out to hi dea ;wit
,er Priscilla, nd Ilss
- U:
ev sympAthy
ene in theirs d loss;
IlIouse, the g
of the New Je seY.Pines00-1?.W14.,
tl,t, merieWs :rraculinnggt?callrdCi c arld pulbiOnary
Deborah Hos tal.,Mr. Ebeaker, Ueborah
:s indeed a oderti daerniracle, repre-
senting as it oes 1 working_ partnership
The expansio
of medical ience
and development of this
outstanding stitittion:kittwa yenance,
,on any type o finanela::Aa-except that
..-eceived from coniributtons_ and enclow7
in and of its If .. lirid yet, Mr. Speaker,
ments, is, in t
Mat is the fa t. -
,:nto that of hitt:lags:1M :IU tUs-
Awe co 1958, when
- -
pearly 5
and trea d a De
with 6
Yreated durin the44 ?Ti:4-rd
women, and c
Y smt4
Ep_rO pore (Mr.
nd e fprec usi or_l.
tie nan I _NeW 5reisel
isi ric nized for 30
. /1peiaer, in the heart:
,Ibnortahh etpe
De r
__; atients
11 being
year r96-6. All of these
patients and 11
:7eceived thei hosPitalit
who prebetdi9 edtalineciratba
medical expe tisa :thronai thne generous
contributions and r--endolinerits of : Char-
or,._ ,;-.} table citizens F Id _ r. 4 e49.ker, Deborah
of thousand oil- Vol rah
:.s financed p ma;ffy through the ell7;prt
''omen, ethnro, inugmhoo et tteli lig Deborahi_e,___rsa incratp177-
19M22nbSyPMearkse. ' ?orrIrMra-11-LTVS--1191111esd:-Q4 ni
her husband, soldaibp911it-41-i*Q and
Looking for scark?clraile-w:tr clitheal
;through whic laity" --hivrit siip*Ieethuir
wealth with o 'hers Thc ' .-:r ' Q .
time that no ausi we,SttagCjclPulg-e"fir or
:worthy than he lireatn &it eof I-, lie n
?nsis. In acco :- -U.:I.-Ye--
an1,1 rr-r? -
.-.SIew Jersey Pi ebalt,_eIfaid-irtottte1.9se4rk4e
and dust of t e e_ rio_S-Pitif
site. And thu , Aelri-SAik-
orah, named after thet_tOl_erf Te-sitinneel5filt:
prophetess, fo ricled, _
rY flitoirtriw olng----tWo -car-d-ina.-1
From the v
be no discrim nation 1)C 14ere woura-
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