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0 Approved For Release M Jw1Y American pressures, fanatic anti-Communism, and an authoritarian . nonarchy set the stag for coup d'etat in Greece. Then a .liberal premier triggered the a'ction' ? ' An insider s report on 6: CIA-RDP69B00369R000200290032-8 7 A WEEK BEFORE the army overturned democratic government in my country, a friend wrote to tell me the coup was coming. It was no secret; everyone knew the army's position and no one knew better than I how active the ence A encyl had been behind the scenes in l po itics. By PHILIP DEANE In 196., vregory Lambrakis, a member of the i'irceic parliament - a gadfly, an exhibitionist," a ?roi;:isional protester and close to being Communist was beaten to death by a goon squad in full .v of police officers who did not intervene. A -eme Court investigation established these fac ts cou >, but I watched them help create the conditions ai.d even implicated the Greek police, stunning in- I p , formed world opinion. that brought it about when I served as secretary The stern-looking civilian premier a of general to the King of Greece and later as minister ;.recent junta, g p pp anted pi the of culture,. appointed by Premier Ps~t,andreou. Constantine Kolias, was chief $fse- The plotters were already talking about cutor of publicly Greek duties, talking the in resisted, ublicl and insistently, against investigating 1964. Three before,, the Greek Army and prosecuting the police officers implicated in the years had killing of Lambrakis. rigged the 1961 parliamentary elections in an opera- Such episodes had given the army tion bearing the code name "Pericles." I have read tactics in Greece too much adverse publicity by olicethe the plan of this operation; it was produced by Greektime elections were called again in 1963, and no graduates of CIA political-warfare courses. -rigging was attempted. The victor was George A very senior official, who would be thrown in Papandreou whose party, the Centre Union, is the jail if I gave his name, described to me what he Greek equivalent of Canada's Liberals. He is a tall, had seen: "... In my village, the army gave weapons theatrical man, nearly 80, who blossoms at the sight to right-wing goons. Known opponents of the right of pretty women and Miks with an oratorical elegance wing, not leftist mind you, just moderates, were called 'anmatched since Demosthenes. He 'also is pro- in by the local army commander and told that if Western, in favor of free enterprise and, in 1944, the right. wing did not win, they would be held she crushed the first Communist attempt to take over, ' responsible and the army would not be able to Greece. protect them. The goon squad was standing at the Papandreou believed that as prime minister it was ` .I ready, to. illustrate against whom the protection he who should rule the country with the consent of would be needed. In another village, the right wing parliament and that the king, like other modern got more votes than there were voters and this was 'constitutional . monarchs, should be? a ceremonial a place where the moderates usually won . . ." ? figurehead. But no king of Greece has accepted such ,.i A small pleasant man who looks nicely rumpled constitutional restraints; like his forebears, the hand- and talks as if he doesn't think you heard him, Soule and charrrting young King Constantine be, Lieutenant General Dovas was responsible for this rigging, as caretaker prime minister, and he was the man I heard most praised by American officials. Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDPOB00369R000200290032-8 licvcd he, as king, should rule and of e BO(196~JRAt+:200290037-8 Q In conversations wit fir jqr[4f Vj( 01 MI e o a mgut converted my brain- take part in last April's coup, I heard their version washer, who later defected to the West of what an elected prime minister's proper place and reported on my resistance under should be: "We should have a system like the pressure. The late John Foster Dulles Americans. The people will elect a congress which used to talk about the problem I had will have the right to approve or disapprove the been for the Communists. Obviously, budget. The cabinet will be appointed by the king the CIA man in Athens had heard and will be responsible to him. The president, after none of this., all, appoints his cabinet in the United States . . to "Collaborated how?" 1 asked him. The colonels thought that their version of the "You broadcast Communist propa- American system, with a hereditary king instead of ganda." an elected president, was an improvement because "Who says?" no politician would reach supreme office,"... and ('One of our best Greek sources. He you know what politicians are.' To convince says he has tapes." Papandreou the politician that he shoul* n6t chal- "He can't have because I did not lenge the king's supremacy, the army began threat- broadcast anything from Korea," I ening a coup. "The army belongs to the king like said. "Besidc7,,,Washington has a list the king says," a U.S. naval officer serving in Athens of all those&hp did broadcast for the remarked approvingly. Communists in Korea. I'm not on the The next step was to dub Papandreou and his son list." Andreas "leftists" because they relaxed some of the Some dliys later, I met the CIA draconian security procedures that existed in Greece, chief at a party and asked him if his such as the need to produce a loyalty certificate be- "Greek source" had produced the fore sitting for a university exam or to get employ- tapes. of my alleged broadcasts. The ment, even as a charlady. The Papandreous also answer was no. Even so, a whole refused to. let the police use clubs against peace year later, one Nikos Farmakis on a marchers protesting the Vietnam war, for so long visit to the U.S. paid for by the U.S. as they marched peaceably. . government was telling all who would "The march must not be allowed to take place. listen that I had broadcast for the It must be broken up," an American Embassy . Communists in Korea, claiming be ?fflcial told me, having tracked me down at a had tapes to prove it. But he never restaurant, late, at night, /'continued on page 36 was able to produce these tapes. When v h h e en t oug I had told no one where 1 the colonels seized power in Greece. I would be. i last April, Nikos Farmakis emerged "How do you propose they break as their spokesman. up the march?" "I don't care how they do it. Your To Washington: warnings policemen know how to do these things - hoses, clubs. How do you Farmakis's calumnies were no doubt think photos of peaceniks in Athens designed to diminish my effectiveness will look in the, Washington papers at ; .in Washington where I was working a time when American aid to Greece ? for the government of George is being debated?" Papandreou. Reports from American Shortly thereafter I was appointed officials in Athens were pouring in, minister of culture and left on a spe- alleging that Prime Minister Papan- cial mission to Washington. My last dreoul was disrupting the army, conversation was with a friend in Greece's bulwark against Communist Greek Intelligence, who warned me agitation or worse. There also were that his peopleinight compile a dossier ? reports of what would be done to on me, "proving" I was a man of Papandreou in retaliation. Washington zeal in serving Papandreou. "You wouldn't let your staff do this," I protested. "I couldn't stop them. They get' more money from the Americans than I pay them." I told myself that my record w as yarnu? a careful plan fora coup to clean and that I had nothing to fear. But then I remembered that the CIA overturn democracy if Papandreou chief in Athens had asked me whether continued his disruption'.' of the I had ever collaborated with the Com- : army. monists in Korea. The Communists Proof of this disruption, the public was told, was ASPIDA, which means had made me prisoner one day when , shield, a "Communist" conspiracy I was wounded at the front six times,.' within the officer corps. Papandreou's reporting for the London Observer on son, Andreas, was supposed to be the the initial retreat in the first month of. leader of this conspiracy. ASPIDA, in the Korean war. fact, was no more than a band of They tried to brainwash me, once-" officers who felt they had bee den' ~i Approved For Release 2001/11101 -CIA=ROP69B803ti9R~00200290032-8 learned what was afoot and on two . occasions in the spring of 1965 1 flew to Athens to give the prime minister details of what was being plotted against him. I told him that Colonels Papadopoulos and Pattakos (the JUL?S7 . . ' `' CaaLivtted deservedA mooed W iRel%a, n2001/i4OtiflictCl,~ayrP69yOr0vn 000200cck 29 po32 $ life cannot have much meat that had preceded Papandreou's F 0. thanris to his parliamentary immunity. American as well as Greek.- what , er ess, since they operate under the Naturally, this travesty of justice guaranteed that they could go on Many qnntant lif i4, of an army coup. increased the popularity of the Papan- crusading forever, in their way, was andsta ou~~of t Greeks feel this way life. dreous, father and son. In parliament the right of the king to rule rather enter stay find themselves, Those who they managed to manoeuvre so no than reign - rule by being able to than no finves, more often , palace-appo;nted government could call on the army which belongs to the pronmisess, rced into a compromises, ?e__1. promises. And to these compro stand. Papandreou, after all. had won monarchy. not tr the. court-martralcd for treason in a trial not prepared to have their careful ew even went so far as to e reminiscent of Fidel Castro's juridical plans disturbed by meddling, elected _lea try me discreet di veritable bribery, by mansions s offering e m for r the extravaganzas. The pluckier defend- politicians. What the cold warriors price of an efficiency apartment. ants protested in court that they had wanted was a guarantee that they Conversely, one of the Greeks best been made to sign untrue statements would be allowed to suppress Com- quplified for high office says he sees under duress. No proof was adduced munism - forever, of course, since : no purpose in entering politics when of any complicity by Papandreou's it threatens forever, in their view. Greek politicians are effectively pow- son, who was not himself in the dock In Greece, for the cold warriors - 1 ulbnght, is a great leveler. The dignity when the prime minister and These disgruntled officers formed a longer it goes on, the more undiscrim- his aides kt~6w that winning elections sort of guild to plead for the redress inating people become in their choice is not enough and that to survive in of their grievances, of weapons; the more they find it office they must curry favor with the ' Papandreou tried to block the coup necessary to set aside principle for the army, the U.S. Embassy and royal that had been prepared against him sake of principle; the more, therefore, courtiers. by personally assuming the Defense antagonists conic to resemble each When I was the king's secretary portfolio. The king refused to allow other," general, prominent political this and forced Papandreou to resign.. Fighting the Communists side by sought poe the The kings of Greece actually say the side, Greek loyalists and their Amer- kthey ey out, urgings to side. te me army belongs to them. Constantine ica?n advisers were shaped by this king n were ec his S Some protected his officers from the wrath fight. They came to distrust dissent would be more specific and name the portf of a prime minister Who did not like or debate. Ends, not means, mattered. Papandreou they hoped to get when being threatened with army o ups. That this is an extremist philosophy, mention Papait u to the kin. e perhaps I could Others still So Papandreou was out, replaced Left or Right, was the sort of remark g' by, a series of the sensing which way the wind was a blow- puppet governments Greco-American cold warriors did ing; simply talked to me at length gth apj ointcd by the palace. But how was not care n o hear. They were not in- about Papandreou's defects, hoping I he to be kept out? . Army officers alleg- terested philosophies but in the hard would report their views to my royal edly connected with ASPIDA were facts of war, they said, and they were master A f i r ue, years. ? Y+ y of its unquestioning anti-Communism This was a formative struggle, the and its dependence on U.S. military first exercise in containment, and it aid, is always pro-NATO, pro-contain- established patterns that can be de- meet. ; The U.S.. Embassy need not - tected in all subsequent efforts to halt fear having to tell Washington of Communism. Communism threatens any unpleasant surprises in Greece. not only the body but also the soul And if only Greek politicians would" of a nation. The main threat is sub- play along, they could be primp min- - - version by men who feel no doubt isters with all the trappings of office. about the. rightness of their Com- . A familiar saying is that power s freedom, is, in fact, a result of Com- makeup. This relationship was born of may a countres, i they are Informed, munism. After World War II Corn- the cold war and has continued de- ? ill better agree than with me Russia that America wa i munist guerrillas, helped by Stalin's . spite the thaw. It suits everyone con- s or China, which h its faint praise and damning too, for satellites, tried to %ke over Greece cerned, especially American officials the land of Jefferson and Lincoln. 7k in a savage confliortc that lasted five in Greece because the arm b v' t p s e ing American republics. The citizens of countries are moving slowly toward right to protect the army's ideological the ?f Y IranSouth Vietnam, Thailand, Pakistan, That Greece could so move away of $80 million a year; the arm b yenforce th k' , Turkey and a slew of Latin- from from freedom when even Communist threatening a cou g u e up o t e army, slue American aid: South Korea, would win, the colonels struck. America finances the army to the tune' ine coionels who cause them can point a majority of the votes at the polls Thus, during their fight against - a s justification for seizing power; the and he h demanded that he either be Communism, the Greek armed forces, vicious circle is complete. given premiership again or that, their local American advisers, and the The Greek case is not unique. new elections be held. Elections were -monarchy developed an interlocking There are many others in less de- eventually set for May 28, 1967; and relationship: the king protects the veloped countries which receive mas- since it was apparent that Pa andreo ideolo ical mak f h demands, above all, loyalty, also free of doubt. That is why we have seen the rise of such aberrations as Mc- Carthyism, or the John Birch Society and their less vocal varieties which are so widespread among military and intelligence personnel. `Philip Deane knows Greek affairs from inside. He was horn in that country, son of a general who is the nation's most decorated soldier. -Deane graduated front England's Royal Naval College, served in the Royal Navy (where +-'he himself collected 11 decorations). As a London Ob- server correspondent from 1948 to 1961 his experiences 1 n included being. taken prisoner In the Korean war. 1964 he returned to Greece and was appoinled ndn11trr of culture and secretary general to King i onrtantf"r'? his wile Approved For Release 2001/11/01: CIA-RDRj6i*l 1 1 0de fi. ;&VnP'r1.c-e r 179 of Denmark In that ye, Deane now liver In where he serves as farce ?a//airs analys! /or the r4"'*, ' n ,t l,.Nrs' ". ! son newsna *-_ Cofurrurist J..r Ta Pretty / JUL is?- 7