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February 9, 1967
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February 4ppfQg d For Relee8 OREESSIONAL RECORD 00 SENATE 00020083-1
S 1855
The important fact is that by this this legislation stands on its own, and stances of the late sixties, not those of
treaty we would be giving the Soviet should not have any 'effect upon the the past. They must respond to the
Union nothing that it does not already sovereign authority of the United States ideas which move men in the emerging
have. At the present time it is free to or Canada. The United States and Can- nations today. They must draw upon
staff its missions in the United States ada, respectively, have the sovereign right the lessons of experience. They must
and its Embassy in Washington just as to consider any standard each deems take account of the growing wealth of
we freely select our own staff members proper, and permitted by law-including other advanced countries.
of our Embassy in the Soviet Union. the grant of reciprocal privileges by other The proposals in this message reflect
Undoubtedly, some of these so-called nations-as an element of its national the experience of our aid activities over
diplomats are Russian intelligence policy in chartering new banks, and reg- two decades. They emphasize the six
agents, or to state the matter bluntly, ulating existing banks. My bill would guiding principles on which our programs
spies. I would be shocked to learn that allow a Federal regulator
y presence
we did not have a number of intelligence such activities.
agents among our diplomatic representa- The bill accordingly should be taken
tives in the Soviet Union. Unfortu- on its merits for it is intended to improve,
nately, this is a fact of life in the cold and assist international banking activi-
war and we can play the game as well ties in the United States as a matter of
as they. Of course, we do have CIA purely domestic concern-not to impede
agents on our Embassy staffs throughout these operations or to affect the consid-
the world. The danger of a few more eration by any sovereign government as
Russian agents posing as diplomats is to what should be its policy in this
be gainea by the ratification of this
treaty. 1
==+wr alone a smau Out significant ad- cated to the Senate
vance toward easing those tensions No his secretarie
doubt this war has greatly slowed down The PRESIDING 0
the quest forld
wor peace. Nevertheless, in the chair). The
there are small steps which can be taken the Senate a message
-Latuication of the limited nuclear test
ban treaty. I shall vote for ratification
of the Consular Treaty. I feel in doing
so I shall be on the side of those who
hope for and strive for coexistence with
nations behind the Iron Curtain, instead
of coannihilation,
the Ptesi-
ones, one of
will be printed in
eing read; and ap-
through their own efforts. our pro-
grams can only be supplements, not sub-
stitutes. This is the overriding principle.
2. Multilateralism-every advanced
nation has a duty to contribute its share
of the cost.
3. Regionalism-the future of many
countries depends upon sound develop-
ment of resources shared with their
4. Agriculture, health, and educa-
tion-these key sectors are the critical
elements of advancement everywhere in
the underdeveloped world.
5. Balance of payments-we cannot
help others grow unless the American
dollar is strong and stable.
6. Efficient administration-every
American citizen is entitled to know that
his tax dollar is spent wisely.
The message was referred to th .Lo carry out these principles, Ipro-
mittee o n Foreign Relations, as a lows pose:
A new Foreign Assistance Act, stating
To the Congress of the United States: in clear language our objectives, our
Twenty years ago, President Truman standards, and our program techniques,
set forth the basic proposition underlying A statutory National Advisory Com-
the foreign aid program when he told mittee on Self-Help, to advise the Con-
the Congress: grass, the President, the Secretary- of
I believe that we must assist free peoples State, and the AID Administrator on how
to work out their own destinies in their own effectively recipient nations are mobiliz-
way. I believe that our help should be pri- ing their own resources unde
e se
marily through economic and financial aid help criteria of the act.
is essential to economic stability and A statutory objective that at least 85
Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I wish to orderly political processes.
make a brief statement upon the great percent of our development loan funds
deal of newspaper speculation that has This judgment was shared by Presi- be spent in a regional or multilateral
been inherent in a measure which I am dents Eisenhower and Kennedy and by framework.
preparing for introduction, a revision of every Congress since the 79th in 1946. More than $1 billion in programs to
a proposgl which I introduced last year, It is my judgment today. I believe it is improve agriculture, education, and
and which involves our brothers end the judgment of most Americans. health, a 25-percent increase over last
friends i Canada. Our commitment to assist the eco- year.
Last yintroduced legislation to nomic growth and security of developing A shift in emphasis in our aid policy in
pr o year ar introduced for foreign
in of the postwar world. We know that ingly on regional and multinational
the Urged Stoa res. I doing intend to introduce want is the enemy of peace and hopeless- projects.
this month a similar proposal. I have, ness the mother of violence. Sympathetic consideration of a U.S.
however, decided la make certain rave We know that: contribution to a new special fund of the
si in bill to ow e the decided
ora e erta n the In the long run, the wealthy nations African Development Bank.
proper balance between the proposed cannot survive as islands of abundance A $200 million U.S. contribution to new
pr per control, and the ecognized proposed in a world of hunger, sickness, and special funds of the Asian Development
regulatory de l o trot, and to rc fielded
ie a AState lso, despair. Bank, in accord with the readed da-
whatever form my proposal does take at The threat to our security posed by tions of the Black mission, headed by by Mr. Eugene the time of introduction, it will, of course, internal subversion and insurgency can- on Asian my Special Representative
have to face the careful consideration of not be countered by withdrawal, isolation on Aeon Development. of Agency committee hearings. or indifference. oA rtionar Development, anethe to belt for Iry
This announcement also gives me the Men-acting together-have the power on the wto to pr carry
opportunity to deal with a spate of to shape their destiny. Around the private w en war on hunger and to promote
regarding this bill insofar as our world, from Mexico to Greece to Taiwan, pterpriseit and l the growlo of
good neighbor Canada is concerned. I we have seen the energy and deterniina- private enterprise in the less-developed
lti~isp, to matte it clear that this legisla- tion of the emerging peoples transform world.
on is domestic legislation, and will not, our aid into the seeds of prosperity. the My proposals for programs t infiscal
and does not propose to influence the Abroad, as at home, the true national 19g8 will Foreign Assistance
appropriations Act inns of
consideration by an interest of the American people goes 19 slightly require
any government; of some
over $3.1 total
billion. O Of f this, pp so some
any law, or regulation regarding foreign hand in hand with their sense of free- $2.5 billion will be devoted to economic
banking branches or foreign ownership dom, justice, and compassion. . $600 million be for
of banks, Canadian or otherwise. Precisely because foreign assistance militaryAlmost
assistance. Funds fort the re-
The proposed revision of the bill gives programs are so vital to our national in- gional development banks would be au-
4e the opportunity to make clear that terest, they must, reflect the ciroum- thorized by separate legislation.
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Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP69B00369R00021
r~JE FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT OF .1967 years, as advanced nations have increas- These are the firs oal~?of ll societies._ must
s ot our aid.
the fi
F "Weign aid now rests on a legislative eingly latedawithttheir growingswealth. aThe T:[ propo ebth t 1 act s ablish agri-
ft sn enacted in s1961. erved This Nation h
ing statute has served the Natcombined value of our economic and food ctitture, health, and educa con as our'pri-
well But the experience we have of our national income, only slightly more t}rese are sebes uban( s fitraatly expanded .in
erey.'be over the past several years should than the average for all advanced coun- I propose th t eui'mvestment in agri-
novV be codified in a new law.
to culture
$668 millio in 68 leducationyrise
devote I Propose the Foreign Assistance Act eign assistance than asuch countries for-
$166 milli) n o!12~8kn lion; health
of 1 67. ~. om
But these figures do not tell the whole rase from $192 ill sfr td! 2O2 "--Million.
' act will contain a clear statement France and Belgium. sophy p Ore ph
'and the which underlies our
orld must find ia to be
f thi dmin s r tion 1 rTo provide the he teed thoOse of aefense ll other free nat o sacom- hunger. Toge her a h wage war on
continuity needed for sound manage- bined and serve their common interest. ways to bring f i lI du3rtion anti popu-
it will contain authorizations cov- This burden too must be counted in the l:r,tion growth into ' bal4mce? My pro-
erih posals make clear our determination to
prii' rCv 2 ide a years. Most framework for importanteach, it of the will the balance. Thus, we must redouble our efforts to help expand f sapplig%. We must be
_ ,a ., licy get other donors to enlarge their tom- equallly}read oil 9, 1 st t dountries
?j~lr-neip is Lne iue.uJuU v+ ----- Resources know no na,1u11A1 uvu==u
development. No sustained progress is aries. Rivers flow through many coup Our foreign assittancis programs rest
su po ' d1ible without it, Aid provided as a tries, transportation and communication on the basic ren;th of the dollar and
$titute is aid wasted. networks serve different peoples, sources our balance of ayioents,~ This adminis-
aste is a luxury none of us can afford. of electric power must be shared by t,ration will c tinjje to gee -that- our aid
Feast ble adverse
The only obligation tied to our aid is the neighbors. Economic advance in every programs have the -si
re~~pient's obligation to itself-to mo- part of the world has required joint en- t.:Nect on our ala ;pe of"ayixrents
W .*e its own resources a s efficiently as terprises to develop shared sources of Almos': 90 p rce t Of c0ir eeonornic as-
po;lsible. I will not ask any American wealth. nstance and over jp percent of our mill-
assistant is rtfjw sp-iii ie U
cit igen to contribute his tax
These facts underlie the growing move ;a
su;> ort any country which does not ment toward regional cooperation: states . Thes p 3,$rars Servezi to
mi t this test. The Alliance for Progress has trans- rand U.S. tra a a 3f`o'ad " They' help d6-
Accordingly, the act will make it clear formed the inter-American system of in- velop new tra ling! ypatteens 6
ble and
ment job
,,., _--?-- -_
-- --
- - stituLianS into I$ re
LI1 L he
thh,,a responsibility of the developing coun- engine of change. The Agency for zlterratonall5evelop
a so d dell nrr instrument o
will the
d the
t i
tr! es themselves. In no case
Asian initiatives have crea
Ul,4ted states undertake to do for any framework for cooperation of all kinds. Public policy. Eut, like all arms of gov-
co try what it should do for itself. Nor rp ?oved. it can
~ Such institutions as the Asian and Pacific ernment, Al cbr~ ?be itF ii
w~ we assist in any venture which we Council and the Asian Development Bank add further to i i ,S etcn6rfty record--a
b eve has received less than full sup- are clear evidence of the new will to press record which ncl fides $33 million in cost
pCrt from the recipient country. The forward. reduction lac Ye - ad---- - nd a 20-per-
U lied States will insist on the general I propose that the act state that the cent cut in pe son iel mart from south
trice seif-help standards. The results political realities in each region. An Office of tneiwar ern x?u1;gc, w t v==
ai evident in the fact that, on the aver- I propose three steps to carry out this :;olidate all PDracti'itfes relating to
popu atioei pro'51ems, and nutri-
ajor aid-
e m
each citizen in t
rsceiving countries is saving i of every First, in most African countries, we will tion.
8 dollars he earns. These savings gradually shift to cooperative projects An Office Frlvate l,Lesoure es- to con-
blipome investments. For every dollar which involve more than one donor or centrate on ar thalin, private Invest-
menu and th ex3'ansizin of private sec
i United States and other donors pr
more than one recipien
tk v' i e, these local sources invest $10. Second, we will seek an appropriate tors in the less-deveoped world-the
Still, there is an urgent need for a means of responding to the recent re- best long-tern route t rapid growth.
p iznanent, nonpartisan, public body to quest of the African Development Bank Both of tliese step6 are consolida
et iitb ao n2w"apps
er luate self-help performance.. for U.S. participation in a special fund tions-they will
riations or rs niieh They will focus
jects which are be-
y pro
hus, the act I propose will authorize to finance wor
h ~ establish a National yond the means of the Bank's ordinary the attention and eneiVy of-the Agency
t e Presi docommittee it es directly upon two priority areas. They
Coilimmmitt ee will consist onsisstt on of f members This from Third, cawe will respond favorably to the are significant steps foirward.
xorJac Asiils'sAxcE
17gth parties, from the business com- request for special funds for the Asian Ec
thpnity, from labor, from universities Development Bank. Preliminary explo- ! Lire' Ar,IiitlcA-
a Cad from other walks of life. It will re- rations suggest a U.S. share of $200 mil- For Latin Asn rlca, ~I i?ecomniOnd an
view and evaluate our aid programs in as lion, to be contributed over a number of economic aid prc~ Mtfl Sf $624 million.
ars with matching arrangements and This amo nt i .'clea1ly justified by our
rrrany countries as it sees fit. It w
ailine our program to see whether the balance-of-payments safeguards. own interes s a d this recent perform-
ing from a philoso- once of ou Ia'n Airi partners.
s spr
s These proposa
ii$eipients are extending their best effor
d whether yve are making the best phy of pragmatic regionalism. They re- The progra I repose is lean and con-
ssible use of our aid. Its findings will fleet the facts of economic life. centrated. eialy 70 1percent of it will
cornmitt d i i ;foul countries-Brazil,
r b
available to the Congress. political unity is neither requ
MULTILATERALISM AND BURDEN SHARING expected. But the resources available Colombia, eruI t Ac . ,~. -the
scatter casP._ we 11 rialto ..
s ??-----must
gle country has all of the resources among many cou
clear rrired. Equity demands that no single promise lies in joint f th benefittseof co- help ci tors t acgls e strict se
I propose that the act set as an oolec- g.n=~~~?~?.~, -- ??-___, .___
1 e that 85 percent of our development The fundamentals of a decent life are Brazil sh w freatE econbhiio dYna-
1 Ins be undertaken in a regional or sufficient food, freedom from disease, and mism 'than t a + time in her recent his
1 s~txitilateral framework. an opportunity to absorb fi c Hermit knowl- from the 1464 i gh -l 141 petiont-down
to 40
Approved Foy--Release-24004/45/05-:- FA-F DP6960r 3fi-9R000-21
percent-still far too high, but an enor-
mous improvement.- Her balance-of-
payment situation is well under control.
Agricultural production has been in-
creased. Per capita income is up. In
general, the economic situation is more
hopeful than the most favorable predic-
tions of 3 years ago.
Peru continues its steady economic
climb. Per capita income last year was
$378, compared $325 5 years before.
The critical job now is to bring more
people into the economic mainstream,
while further stimulating the developed
coastal areas. U.S. contributions will be
heavy in the. areas of agriculture and
In Chile, the favorable copper market
will make possible a reduction in our aid.
We will concentrate our help in the cru-
cial rural area to increase agricultural
production and exports.
In Colombia, economic trends are also
encouraging. Our contributions will be
made through a group of donors led by
the World Bank. We will concentrate
on agriculture and education.
Our program for Central America-
Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Costa Rica, and Honduras-Is tailored
to support the Central American Com-
mon Market. This market is one of the
most promising innovations in the devel-
oping world. The spirit it reflects has
already increased trade within the Cen-
tral American region by 400 percent over
the past 5 years. We will make modest
contributions to the Central American
Integration Fund to continue and accel-
erate this pace.
The balance of my request is largely
for the Dominican Republic and Pan-
ama. It is essential that we maintain
strong programs in these countries, al-
though they will cost slightly less than
in the past.
The vision and hard work of 450 mil-
lion people in this hemisphere have, made
the Alliance for Progress into one of the
great tools for human betterment. Its
success is by no means assured, There
will be disappointments as well as
achievements along the way. But it is a
vehicle for the hopes and energies of a
continent. The program I propose will
carry it forward.
Meetings among the governments of
the Western Hemisphere during the year
may produce further proposals, such as
replenishment of the resources of the
Inter-American Development Bank.
Where these proposals merit our consid-
eration and support and require action
by the Congress, I will submit my rec-
ommendations to you at the appropriate
For the Near East-south Asia, I rec-
ommend a program of $758 million.
This region provides the harshest test
of free institutions:
Nowhere else in the free world are
there so,many people; as many as the
combined populations of North and
South America and Western Europe.
Nowhere else do so many people live in
such dire poverty; per capita income for
nine out of every 10 persons is under $100
per year.
Nowhere else are di*ive forces so
poised to take advantage of any misstep.
Several advanced nations have banded
together, under the leadership of the
World Bank, to form an aid consortia
for India and Pakistan. A similar group
has been formed for Turkey, chaired by
the Organization for Economic Coopera-
tion 'and Development. These groups
determine the share each member will
contribute and provide a forum for con-
tinuing discussions with recipient coun-
tries. They have served the interests of
all parties.
In my message on food for India, I
proposed that food and related aid be
added to the agenda of the consortium
for India ,as an additional area of assist-
ance in which all donors should join.
We will exert the full extent of our influ-
ence to insure that this consortium be-
comes the primary vehicle for all as-
pects of development aid to. India-
from grants of funds to evaluation of
Despite the shadow of famine and the
ever-present danger of renewed frictions,
the situation in the three countries-In-
dia, Pakistan, and Turkey-which will
receive 91 percent of our aid to the Near
East-south Asia gives reason for hope:
India is trying to regain the lead in the
race between her expanding population
and her food supply. She plans to dou-
ble her outlays for agriculture in the next
5 years and to quadruple her voluntary
population program. India has in-
creased fertilizer purchases by 85 percent
and has started crash programs in farm-
land development. She has begun cam-
paigns to increase supplies of better
seeds and pesticides. But Indian per-
formance is not confined to agriculture.
In early 1966 she liberalized her system
of import controls and- devalued her cur-
rency. All advanced nations must come
to her aid if these hard-won oppor-
tunities are to be realized.
Pakistan has an outstanding economic
record. Her future is brighter still.
From 1960 to 1965, her gross national
product grew at an average annual rate
of 5.8 percent compared to 2.5 percent
previously; agricultural production grew
at an average annual rate of 3.5 percent
compared to 1.6 percent previously; local
private inyestment grew by 54 percent;
and total private investment was 63 per-
cent over planned targets.
Turkey also has a remarkable record.
We and other Western nations are deter-
mined to help Turkey meet its goal of
self-sustaining economic growth by 1973.
She is already well on her way. In 1966,
her gross national product grew by 8.3
percent, industry by 9.5 percent, agricul-
tural production by 11 percent, and the
use of fertilizer by 40 percent. The per-
centage of children of school age en-
rolled in primary schools increased to
almost 80 percent.
If it cannot be demonstrated that hard
work, coupled with relatively modest
amounts of our aid, will produce better
lives for the countless millions of this
region, our cause will surely fail. , The
programs I propose will enable us to con-
tinue meeting this challenge.
For Africa, I recommend a program of
$195 million.
Africa, is undergoing the historic grow-
ying pains of attaining stable independ-
ence. Thirty-five of her thirty-nine na-
tions have gained, their freedom since
World War II, many in the past 5
years. The inevitable strains are evident
in the headlines of the world's news-
The most hopeful sign of growing Af-
rican maturity is the increased support
for cooperative economic enterprises.
With 14 countries of less than 5 million
people each, this attitude is essential for
Our AID policy toward Africa will en-
courage the African activities of the
World Bank and its affiliates, direct a
greater part of our resources into proj-
ects and programs which involve more
than one African country; seek new
breakthroughs in private investment in
Africa, particularly the current efforts by
private American banks and other fi-
nancial institutions.
For east Asia, I recommend a program
of $812 million.
Nearly 85 percent of our assistance to
this region is directly or indirectly re-
lated to our effort to block Communist
My recent visit to Asia confirmed my
deep conviction that foreign assistance
funds for Vietnam and surrounding
countries are just as important as mili-
tary appropriations. They are vital to
a successful war effort. They permit us
to build for the future.
Most of these funds-about $650 mil-
lion-will be used in Vietnam, Laos, and
Thailand. The $550 million planned for
Vietnam is indispensable to military suc-
cess, economic stability, and continued
political progress. It will stimulate and
support measures to bind the people and
Government of South Vietnam together
in a common cause. It will help to begin
the task of reconstruction and develop-
ment. It will relieve wartime suffering
for millions of Vietnamese.
In Laos and Thailand, these funds will
finance economic development and se-
curity which will assure that armed con-
flict will not engulf all of southeast Asia.
Our assistance to Thailand will be
channeled through a new consultative
group of 13 donors, chaired by the World
Bank. In Laos, five other countries will
join the United States with significant
Elsewhere in free Asia, the tide of his-
tory clearly favors progress:
In Korea, the economy is now growing
at the rapid annual rate of 8 percent.
Industrial production is rising at a 14-
percent rate annually, agricultural pro-
duction at a 6-percent rate. In the few
short years since the Korean war, the
Republic of South Korea has become
strong enough not only to maintain its
internal advance, but to help in the de-
fense of freedom in Vietnam.
In Indonesia, the new Government has
committed itself to a program of eco-
nomic rehabilitation and recovery. We
are joining with other European and
Asian nations to provide urgently needed
help to the stricken Indonesian economy.
We are also participating in arrange-
ments with other nations to reschedule
Indonesian debts.
The road ahead in east Asia is long
and dangerous. But these accomplish-
Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000200020083-1
S ,V8
Approved For Release 20041,05/05 PIA-RDP69BOp369ROO02
meats' are hopeful signs. We will en-
coijrage the vital and progressive spirit
the t has stimulated them.
I'or military assistance, I recommend
appropriations of $596 million.
I This is the smallest request since the
program began in 1950. In part, this
fact reflects transfer of appropriations
foil ;military assistance for Laos, Thai-
la 0, NATO infrastructure, and interna-
tiol ial military headquarters to the
buSlget of the Department of Defense.
hthi requestl represt a sub-
i ts asoensstacitial reduction. Military assistance
ouiAde southeast Asia is now only 45
percent of what it was in 1960.
1 or the Near East-South Asia, I rec-
omthend $234 million, down 50 percent
frdtn 1963. Virtually all this will be used
In Greece, Turkey, and Iran, three coun-
tril s which have shared the burden of
mu tual security for 20 years.
11or east Asia, I recommend $282 mil-
lioii, almost entirely for Korea and Tai-
waa. We will use these funds to
str:ngthen these outposts against further
Co a lmunist expansion in Asia.
Por Latin America, I recommend $45.5
mi.lion, largely for internal security and
tra lining.
ir"pr Africa, I recommend $31 million,
heftily concentrated in countries where
wea have major interests and where there
arl ;problems of internal security.
It is not the policy of the United States
to provide sophisticated arms to coun-
tril as which could better use their re-
sources for more productive purposes.
i`fj is the policy of the United States to
hei p- where we are asked, where the
threat of invasion or subversion is real,
wlitre the proposal is militarily and eco-
no.aellcally sound, where it is consistent
wi1,h our interests and our limited means.
(his will continue to be our policy.
The programs I propose represent the
mi:ximum contribution to mutual se-
cu -sty and international development
which we can safely make.
' ['here are some who say that even this
rec nest should be forgone in view of
nei ads at home and the costs of the strug-
g1c in Vietnam.
I thing could be more shortsighted
an]l self-defeating. This country-the
wo althiest in human history-can well
afford to devote less than seven-tenths
of :t percent of its national income to re-
du,e the chances of future Vietnams.
Dome would have us renege on our
col dmitments to the developing countries
on the ground that "charity begins at
ho fie."
I o them, let me emphasize that I have
re(ommended no charity, nor have I sug-
ge;ted that we stray from home. The
inescapable lesson of our century, in-
scblbed in blood on a hundred beaches
from Normandy to Vietnam, is that our
ho fie is this planet and our neighbors
3 141lion strong.
still others have grown weary of the
long, hard struggle to bring the majority
of ;he world's population out of the shad-
owsof poverty and ignorance.
Co them, let me say that we are dealing
in 'decades with the residue of centuries.
There is no shortcut. There is no easy
waV around. The only effective tools are
to succeed.
All of us sometimes find Ourselves sym-
pathizing with these complaints. All of
us 'are subject to the frustrations,disap-
pointments, and shattered hopes which
accompany a supporting
which must fundamentally role in a be performed task
orme ed
by others. But, in the cold light of rea-
son, our responsibility to ourselves and
our children reasserts itself and we re-
turn to the task with renewed vigor.
I am confident that the American peo-
ple have not lost the will and the dedica-
tion which have made them the most
powerful and responsible nation on
I am confident that they will go for- i
ward into the new era of world progress
for which their past efforts have prepared
the way.
I am confident that their vision will,
transcend the narrow horizons of those
who yearn for a simpler age.
The proposals I offer today are the
practical requirements of that vision.
To do less would endanger all we have
accomplished in the past two decades.
I know that this test shall not findus
THE WHITE HOUSE, February 9, 1967.
Mr. McGEE. Mr. President, the Pres-
ident's special message on foreign aid
which was transmitted tq the Congress
today points out a number of signifi-;
cant changes which have been forged in
the foreign aid program since it was ini-
tiated nearly 20 years ago.
It calls, for instance, for a global war
on mankind's ancient enemies-hunger
and disease and ignorance . and directs
the Agency for International Develop-
ment to give top priority to projects in
the fields of agriculture, health, and edu-,
These are closely linked. They are
directly translatable into basic human
Education provides the skilled man-
power which, in turn, produces more and
better food, resulting in healthier peo-
ple. Thus, the attainment of our ob-
jectives in agriculture, health, and edu-
cation is a touchstone of the effectiveness
of our foreign aid policy,
The new emphasis on agricultural as-
sistance is a direct response to the chal-
lenge represented by the' growing food
crisis in the less-developed world. That
crisis is shown by the g>iim statistics:
The less-developed countries are running
every year about 16 million tons behind
in food production. Unless food output
is rapidly increased, the deficit will rise
to 88 million tons by 1985. That means
famine on a world scale-a disaster that
must not be allowed to happen.
To help forestall that disaster, AID is
spending about a half billion dollars this
year on programs to speed agricultural
growth in countries which for a variety
of reasons are unable to raise enough
food for their people. This money is
being spent on programs to expand ir-
rigation and water resources, financing
of farrrl credit systems, the improvement
of agricultural transport and warehouse
facilities, and the equipment of farm-
related industries such as plants to man-
ufacture pesticides and farm machinery.
FIB Zr t4r 9, 1967'
~. large part o that half billion dollars
i:; being spent n flirtillzer_bothon ex
torts from th IJ iited States and for
the expansion f ftiliqc production in
the less-clevelo ed y unties themselves.
Of Particular j, ~(porteance, AID Is fi-
r ancing assign ens ove seas for Ameri-
can technician w hose silare,primar-
i y responsible for;-tfflas polity ry's_ over-
rlcuural,#en3CJTIS are
th n%ssions I
tr:iel, helj;g to improve
tens on :acid reware en-..
rcie~ Mott of thesetech-
rac with to export
In add;'ition ID'tras, p eovided funds To
bring about 500 fore3$n" agricutural
technicians to thiscolln ~ythis year for
further advan ed txspe;Iial raining
io. American c 11egPs and u iversit.iei .In striving indT sdrood Supplies inLL
the poorer nat ons!iID has made funds
Enid technical e1 navailable for the de-
tveaopment of m lcial;fisheries so t at
t pother value les~?l a )f protein might
be exploited. Lua: , Fiikistan, Korea,
load Nigeria a e juitt
tries which are I anaewin.g o tie croun-
their fish
tantcli with A ID's h,j,p tiv. assisted. ex rt
tension servic ar also ,slowing farmers
in Laos, Thai and VICtgami, and other
countries how hchvest fish from village
As to health ma or pra's in
Odious damag to 5t?uiig, es and sinew,
AID is financ nE: irngic e supplements
for thediets of pr Achooi childieli_in the
less-developed) co titrle,46 By 1971 AID
plans to reach abo at l~anilan.chlldl aria
pith frog anv'.t In foift
ified supple-LL _
mental diets In sc lipol f ro rams
AID is also elp g the developing na
lions to cond ct their town alth pro-
1,rams by pro idint funs axed technical
assistance fo th t trafii g of z
r health
manpower -d to g nut s sai`litarians,
hospital admi is,r4tors, 11aM7W rmedics.,
Approved For Release `2004/05/05 eIA-RDP69B00369R0002000
Approved For Release 2004/05/05 :. CIA-RDP69B00369R000200020083-1
Finally, AID has mobilized the vast in-
tellectual resources of American colleges
and universities to attack the problem of
the shortage of educated manpower
which is one of the biggest obstacles to
progress in the developing world. Teams
from 71 American universities are at
work overseas on AID-financed technical
assistance missions in 38 countries ; many
other of our colleges and universities play
host to foreign scholars and technicians
whose visits to this country for advanced
and specialized training have been
financed by AID. More than 210,000 stu-
dents are enrolled in normal schools and
teachers colleges established with AID's
help in 37 Asian, African, and Latin
American countries.
Almost as serious as the shortage of
teachers is the shortage of textbooks in
many countries. AID funds have pro-
vided more than 8 million textbooks for
the schoolchildren of Central America
and 2 million textbooks for elementary
school pupils in Ecuador.
The statistics are impressive but the
needs are staggering. We must continue
to lend our support to the task of meet-
ing these fundamental -needs.
A message from the House of Repre-
sentatives, by Mr. Hackney, one of its
reading clerks, announced that the
House had passed a bill (H.R. 4573) to
provide, for the period ending on June 30,
L967, a temporary increase in the public
debt limit set forth in section 21 of the
Second Liberty Bond .Act, in which it
requested the concurrence of the Senate.
The bill (H.R. 4573) to provide, for
the period ending on June 30, 1967, a
temporary increase in the public debt
limit set forth in section 21 of the Second
Liberty Bond Act, was read twice by its
title and referred to the Committee on
Mr. CANNON. Mr. {'resident, a report
of progress is in order at this time for
a unique program and for a distinguished
gentleman who is well known and highly,
esteemed by a majority of my colleagues.
I refer to the annual Armed Forces Chess
Championship Tournament and to the
Honorable George E. Reedy who presided
at the Chess Awards Dinner in the
Sheraton-Carlton Hotel, Washington,
D.C., November 18, 1966.
This annual opportunity for chess
players in the services is a project spon-
sored by the American Chess Foundation
of which Gen. David M. Shoup, retired
Commandant of the Marine Corps, is
honorary president. The foundation has
the cooperation of the U.S.O., U.S. Chess
Federation,, and the American Legion,
the endorsement of the Secretary of De-
fense and the military and naval services.
I ask unanimous consent to have
printed in the RECORD the text of Mr.
Reedy's speech as given at that occasion.
There being no objection, the speech
was ordered to be. printed in the RECORD,
as follows;
It is with a feeling of mild surprise-per-
haps even bafflement-that I find myself pre-
siding over the awards dinner of the Armed
Forces Chess Championship Tournament.
A word or two is probably necessary to
explain this remark.
As a boy, and later as a college student, I
became an addict. But the great period of
chess in my life came within a few weeks of
VJ Day-which found me on Guam as a very
junior Air Force officer.
I believe that there are many people at
the head table and in the audience tonight
who will recall the predicament in which the
Air Force found itself in the Pacific during
the period of readjustment that followed the
ceremonies aboard the battleship Missouri.
The demobilization program had been worked
out with the infantry and with conventional
Air Force organizations in mind. I presume
that for such TOs the System worked quite
well-at least I hope someone got some ben-
efit out of it. But the B29 Wings of the 20th
Air Force were not organized conventionally
and instead of a gradual diminution of
strength, we very quickly found ourselves
totally unable to put air craft into the air.
The demobilization process was a "selec-
tive" process and, with what appeared to be
diabolical ingenuity, the process selected out
and sent home virtually all of the key main-
tenance men leaving behind air crews with
unfiyable planes.
This meant several thousand men sitting
around a quite modern Air base hacked out
of the jungle of Northwest Guam with
time-and nothing but time-on our hands.
As red-blooded American boys, we set out to
fill that time. And since the boy-girl coeffi-
cient on Guam was somewhat lop-sided (and
art galleries were few and far between) we
turned to contests of skill and chance.
We started out with the highly touted game
of poker-theoretically the supreme source
of bliss for the American male. We grad-
uated from straight stud to deuces wild; then
to seven-card, low hole card wild and ultima-
tely to an incredible version called "night
baseball." (On this one, you bet the cards
and then dealt them.) The stakes became
higher and the hours at the gaming tables
became longer. Gradually, the heretical
thought crept into our consciousness that the
game was a crashing bore.
We switched to bridge. We played every
form of bridge that was conceivable. We
devised new systems of bidding. We orga-
nized duplicate tournaments. At one point,
we reverted to whist in our frenzied search
for an analgesic to boredom. Finally, bridge
ran out and we found ourselves playing grand
slams, no trump, doubled and redoubled
with all the enthusiasm of Tom Sawyer at
a dancing class.
It might surprise you to learn that the next
step in our progression was the fine old
game of checkers. We rediscovered the de-
lights of what most of us had considered
just a small-town sport played by "old
timers" next to a cracker barrel in the gen-
eral store. To this day I am grateful to the
game and refuse to allow it to be dero-
gated in my presence.
Eventually even checkers failed. And then
was launched the most intensive period of
chess in my life. The Officers' Club, which
we had built ourselves after the cessation of
hostilities, became the scene of virtually con-
tinuous chess games. The Ruy Lopez evoked
more avid discussion than the charms of
Rita Hayworth. The Scotch gambit was
debated with greater heat than the quality
of the Suntory Scotch whiskey which we
had found stashed away in caves. The
Giuoco piano was the basis for wilder argu-
ments than the fairness of a point system
which had awarded a bronze star for sani-
tary engineering to a corporal who had dis-
tinguished himself during the war by spray-
ing latrines with a flit gun.
,It was about that ,time.,that someone in
S 1859
Wing Headquarters going through the 201
files discovered a carefully kept secret-that
in civilian life I was a newspaper man. Be-
fore I knew what was afoot, Captain Reedy
of a bomb group became Captain Reedy
the Public Relations Officer of a bomb wing.
I had an office, a corporal as an assistant and
a geographical separation between myself and
my chess-playing friends. There was no
more to do and I cast about desperately for
some form of activity. One day, I made
a find-a book called the "Golden Treasury of
Chess" which had been donated by some
thoughtful citizen to the Armed Forces and
had made its way clear across the Pacific
to a library on Guam which contained little
else except some well-thumbed detective
novels and unbelievable quantities of the
National Geographic.
I set up a chess board in the Public Rela-
tions Headquarters of the Wing and started
to play through'every game in the book, be-
ginning with a 16th century classic of Ruy
Lopez. I played as ostentatiously as I could,
hoping and praying that a General-or at
least a Colonel-would walk through Wing
Headquarters some day and ask me what I
was doing. I intended to tell him.
Unfortunately, no one with any greater
rank that a Major came my way and he ex-
pressed only the most perfunctory interest.
It was quite obvious that the Stars and the
Eagles were sharing the predicament of the
man with the two silver bars. Inspections
of Wing Headquarters were few and far be-
tween, and nobody really cared.
My demobilization number came up about
the time that I had reached a game between
Lasker and Capablanca in 1921 and I went
home. The book did not help to speed up my
departure from the Marianas. But it did
help to preserve my sanity-I hope. I left
the chess board on the 28th move where
Lasker had just executed a brilliant "check"
(which involved a wisely rejected offer to
sacrifice his queen) and I am not sure even
now as to the outcome.
Some day I will return to Guam and pro-
ceed to Northwest Field which, I understand,
has been given back to the jungle) and, if
the board is still in place, which it probably
is, play out the rest of that game.
I do not believe that this experience would
qualify me as a chess master. However, it
did teach me something about the funda-
mental quality of chess itself.
It is always a matter of great amusement
to me to hear the game described as sed-
entary. So many of my friends have re-
marked, "How can you possibly have the
patience? How can you sit for so many
hours without making a move?"
The truth is that chess is far from a sed-
entary game except to the observer. Further-
more, it is far from a gentle game. It is, in
fact, the most savage form of contest that
has ever been devised by mankind and I
suspect that it is this quality which has
made it so popular throughout the centuries.
The objective of the game is to kill a mon-
arch (some philologists trace the phrase
"check mate" to a Persian expression mean-
ing "the King is dead".) The slaying is ac-
complished by mounting a coordinated at-
tack which involves an array of extremely
deadly people beginning with a murderous
Queen and ranging down through most mili-
tant Eccelesiastical authorities; viperous
Knights; Juggernaut castles; and relentless
foot soldiers.
It is a mental savagery, of course, and
involves bloodshed only on the rare occa-
sions where a loser becomes so outraged at
the discovery of the duplicity in the
Scholar's Mate that he draws a derringer
from his hip pocket and shoots his oppo-
nent on the spot. Incidentally, I would ad-
vise all of you who undertake to teach the
game to a tyro to frisk him carefully be-
fore the match. No one likes to be fooled
under any circumstances. But to be fooled
at chess involves an extra degree of ex-
cruciating agony and outrage. You will no-
Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000200020083-1
Approved For Release 2004/05/05 -C1A-RDP69BOO369ROOa2
tice Slat I myself guarded against the pos
sibiilty of reopening old wounds by referring
to tit combination as a "Scholar's Mate"
rathlr than by the more descriptive title of
"The Fool's Mate."
TbH fact that the savagery is entirely upon
an iiliellectual level most of the time accen-
tuatl4 rather than diminishes the effect upon
the players. It means that the pent-up
ange^1Which is aroused by a successful gambit
canilgt find the release which comes from the
physical exuberance of football, lacrosse or
the Ine old Gaelic sport of hurling. It is
quitir possible at the conclusion of such
milc1'' games as these for sweating, blood-
stair, ed youths to shake hands amicably and
wall4 away in the firm realization that their
wounds can be healed with bandages and
oil ~..t wintergreen. But when your losing
oppC vent shakes hands with you at the con-
clusion of a chess match, it is well to keep
a ce eful eye on his left hand to be certain
that f.t does not reach for a concealed stiletto.
You must remember that he has none of the
alibi Inherent in contact sports to salve his
wou, dled pride. He cannot claim that the
sun'*as in his eyes, that the grounder took
a tin ?ky hop, or that the wind was against
him He must frankly face the fact that
his ling has been killed and it was his own
faul t, There Is no conceivable compensation
for I is ego other than retaliation and revenge
at s~ane future date.
It is rather appropriate that I appear here
tonight surrounded by some of the Generals
whd would have been so welcome at the
Heaiiquarters on Guam in the fall of 1945.
I he that we can get together after this so I can give them my long deferred
explifation of what a chess board was doing
on that table at Northwest Field. I also
hop1p that they will agree with me that this
ganif which we are honoring tonight is one
that should be continued and pressed with
all 1iossible dispatch.
F~ Ankly, I feel that the great value of
Chess to humanity is its savagery. I still
consent to insert in the RECORD following should be urged Iby the Ci!l1 Aeronautics
my remarks an editorial published In to- Bcard and by th P4isident of tree-United
day's Washington Post, captioned "Dulles States to give Bette service- to the Na-
Airport." ti[ai's Capital tl
There being no objection, the editorial Practically al
It is to be hoped that Tuesday's great
storm may have brought to the attention of
the aviation industry a phenomena of which
it evidently has not been aware previously:
that there is a great international airport
outside of Washington which has a fine op-
erating record. Dulles Airport continued to
receive and dispatch flights during hours
when both Kennedy International Airport
in New York and Washington National Air-
port were closed.
Sooner or later this great facility-with
good claim to being the best airport in the
world-will be used to its capacity. That it
is currently used chiefly as a standby facility
for airports less fortunately located is no re-
flection on the airport. But it is a reflection
on an industry that seems unable or unwill-
ing to make good use of the, best facilities
on the Eastern Seaboard-beet in terms of
safety, convenience for passengers and effi-
ciency for aviation.
Mr. RANDOLPH, Mr. President, will
the Senator yield?
Mr. BYRD of Virginia. I yield.
Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr.' President, I
wish to associate myself with the com-
ments just made by the Senator from
Virginia in reference to the use of Dulles
International Airport. I feel that his
observations are timely. He set forth
the splendid services at that airport
among the three airports in the so-called
metropolitan area, which includes
Friendship Airport, given to scheduled
airline operations during the recent
storms in the East, those storms closing
airports in several areas, including New
York City.
Dulles International Airport is truly
an airport of the future. It was built
for the future, but we want it to be used
now, because it is also an airport of the.
present. I hope that the request which
was made from the floor by the Senator
from Virginia, will in greater sense, be
heeded by the trunk lines of this country
and those carriers which engage in over-
seas operations.
Dulles International Airport is truly
international in character, It was con-
structed originally on a sound base, be-
cause the Congress, frankly, brought it
into being. It is not an airport in any
sense regional, State, or city; it is an in-
ternational airport.
E ertheoretical savagery to the other kind
It may well be that the day will come
r}.disputes between nations will be set-
tled bloodlessly at the chess table which, I
asst Ye any non-chess players who happen
to be in the audience, is intellectually as gory
as ,iry battlefield but physically less dam-
agi4 to the participants and observers.
I1 fr. BYRD of Virginia. Mr. President,
I rl. se to invite the attention of the Sen-
ate and in particular the attention of
the commercial airlines inthe aviation
industry, to the desirability-of Dulles Air-
poi t.
1, tan prompted to speak on this subject
as is; result of the phenomenon which oc-
cuired this past Tuesday during the
het, y snowstorm which hit the eastern
sea ard.
While Kennedy International Airport
In N-ew York was closed, and Washing-
ton National Airport was also closed, all Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. 'resident, will
dui ng that time flights were being dis- Senator yield briefly?
paIohed from Dulles Airport and aircraft the e S S THURMOND. I am glad to yield
we; being received and landed there. Mr.
to the Senator
", s is_one_of the_great airports of the
and I predict that as the years go Mr. MONROIVEY. I compliment the
by, twill become one of the most used distinguished Senator from Virginia.,
airports of our Nation. This airport, as has been said, is the
I Ffeel that the progress that has been finest airport in the world. I think it is
mode in developing Dulles International a disgrace to the Nation's Capital, how-
Ailport has been slow, although roughly ever, that so few international flights
a million passengers utilized that facility originate or use this great airport, which
the past year. I think the aviation in- is international in nature. du;try needs to direct greater attention It would seem to me that as the var-
to the great possibilities that exist at ious domestic and foreign airlines ex-
D4es International Airport. tending service beyond the borders of
]A that connection, I ask unanimous this country apply for new rights, they
fl ig ,ts a e oriented to-
Ci II seems `to me
Diitles Internationa y,Air .brt should be
utilized as a cote illau,l or extension
of the New York ter pinal, so that people
v4trting the United S tep ttotrld not have
to transfer, in' Ne mot Styr as so
many have to Ida C laY to reach
Washington, D
We must use li great tv estment that
we have establis ed,' ith lie great safety
it offers, g:reate th I the of any other
airport in the oil 1. I hink those of
ui. who are con ern~Yabclat:,airports are
very anxious to seeWasl; ngton become
t1:e Nation's ai
Nation's Capita
thank the dis
Ok:lahoms, and
from West Vir
terest in the d
ternational Air
have made will
to the approprii
International _m
appreciation to,
ca] ital s well as the
o:[ Wal v rflYnOnt. `
ingl>jle ,-ator~, from
velopmen of`ISUlles ra
bota.-of them
-Mr. MILLED Mr. President, in his
lftters and co ers tions`2d Lt. I.obert'
J. Hibbs of Cedar gij%, ,own,-felt Dia-f-
As his lathe W tex_. r bs Irut
"E[e thought t w to atj g u neces-
Last March , I tendit Z ihbs sacri
flced his life f Or wji T7revii to be
On January 226 of this ear, his father
stood at atte tron;, in t eTorh Area
C4wmnasium at Forj Mye s cCep e
ration's highe t as c corriibat valor,
tie Medal of o:nd[r, wlilc1ieutenant
I[ibbs was post ul nusly, awarded for his
heroic actions in I _ It was the
ninth such medal vgar ed durlnz thee'
Vietnam War 4note filt1 ail Iowan.ffi
Lieutenant ibb aril. fought in,
tae best tradit ons tzf th6sgreat Nation..
He did not di in'yafn If or his actions
will live an as tes~ lxion .l_to those who
V721 follow hi ins ietr m and in the
military servic -
In his deat L0Tdten ant Hibbs pave
vMr. President aVery" heart warming
and moving store~ii i~7ut Lleutenanty
Hibbs was wrl ten by Nck-XotZ of the
Des Moines R gis'S { afllxlgtori bu
tcau on January air I ask unani-
raous consent that+ls *jrtcie be placed
There being no ,objet Jon the article
HON pa F $1 Ds
(By XkZ
WASHINGTON ( _A da ~riana er"rom
Cedar Falls, Ia stcb ! at al e l olli hTIreaa
Approved for Release 2004105/051 (;IA-RDP69B00369R0002
I congratulate the Senator from Vir-
ginia. I join fully in the sentiments he