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~~..,...~ . ,~,.,., ..,.,~.,.,.,., H 16927 December 13, 1967 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE on station, to outmaneuver weather and to make fast transits. A recent 'speech by Navy Secretary Paul R. Ignatius, saying that the Navy would ask the Defense Department for a mix of conven- tional and nuclear escol:ts, has led some Navy men to conclude that Defense Secretary Rob- ert S. McNamara is now more receptive. Their reasoning: McNamara would have censored It out of the speech if he didn't agree. The Defense Department, however is now deep in its pre-budget weighing of military systems. It could hop either way on the nu- clear slip issue. Mr.' CHARLES H. WILSON. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. RIVERS. I am. delighted to yield to the distinguished gentleman from California, a member of the committee. Mr. CHARLES H. WILSON. Mr. Speaker, I want to commend the chair- man of the Committee on Armed Services for the excellent report he has brought to us from the special committee which has traveled to Southeast Asia. I think that in addition to the impor- tance of the subcommittee interim re- port which he has made, the remarks that he has made in connection with the failure of the Department of Defense to proceed with the nuclear ships that have been requested by the Committee on Armed Services are most important. It is not necessary to receive briefings in connection with what Russia is doing In the Mediterranean in. their buildup of their navy. We can read in our weekly news magazines about the large nuclear navy that they are developing. This is a matter of concern to our Navy and to our military people and to those of us who serve on the Committee on Armed Serv- ices. I think it is a most important contribu- tion that the chairman of the committee has made this afternoon. I certainly agree that you are making a most mod- est request, Mr. Chairman, when you ask for only two nuclear frigates and that from here on out we proceed to give the Navy what they need and we demand that this be given to them. Mr. RIVERS. I thank the gentleman for his remarks. I want to say this-this Russian threat is not kidding. They are determined to take over the Middle East. Just today they flew missions in Yemen of Soviet pilots and Soviet planes, I am informed. We have long, long drawn-out lines in far away Asia and we need nuclear sur- face ships. I cannot, to save me, understand why- the Secretary of Defense is holding up construction of these two ships. It may be pride-I do not know what it is. But here the Congress has spoken. We have written this in the strongest language of which we are capable. But he continues to thwart the will of the Congress. What are you going to do next year? I am will- ing to go ahead with the future, but I cannot forget the past. Mr. HAGAN. Mr.\Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr, RIVERS. I yield to the gentleman from Georgia. Mr. (QAN. I appreciate very nidch the." remarks made by the distinguished chairmanof the Committee on Armed I think it is wonderful that he has brought this report from this excellent subcommittee which has toured Viet- nam and all of Southeast Asia. As was pointed out by my distin- guished colleague, the gentleman from California, and in the remarks made by our chairman this afternoon, it is great for the people of this country to hear the facts. I wish I knew why the orders of the people's Representatives have not been carried out. I thank you again, Mr. Chairman, for making this information available to the people of this country this afternoon. Mr. RIVERS. I appreciate what the gentleman has said. Mr. PIRNIE. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mi. RIVERS. I yield to the gentleman from New York. Mr. PIRNIE. I wish to join in this expression of appreciation for the gen- tleman's interim report. I know the seri- ous intent behind the naming of this committee, and I am convinced that their efforts have been most objective and that we will do well to heed their recom- mendations. With respect to the development of nu- clear propulsion in our fleet, I have been concerned for a long time that we were not sufficiently progressive with regard to the development of a nuclear task force so that they could proceed as a unit with respect to carrying out the many assignments of which they would be capable. I hope that the remarks which the gentleman made this afternoon will serve to bring into such clear perspective the will of Congress that immediate steps will be taken to assure us that the wishes of the people will be respected. I thank you for your efforts. Mr. RIVERS. I thank the chairman very much. I wish to say to the gentle- man that I recognize we should not have two reports, one on top of the other, but this is the only opportunity I shall have to speak before this session will have ad- journed. That is the reason I bring these reports. Mr. HARDY's report is timely and needed. Second, the nuclear propulsion matter is something I wanted to bring to you before we leave. FOREIGN AID APPROPRIATIONS CONFERENCE REPORT Mr. PASSMAN. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. RIVERS. I yield to the gentleman from Louisiana. Mr. PASSMAN. I thank the gentleman very much. In my candid opinion, every member of the conference on foreign aid of the other body and of this House should sign the report twice. This is the most mar- velous victory that the House conferees have ever won on foreign aid. After a somewhat disagreeable conference, you cannot satisfy all the people all the time. The Senate yielded on $424,754,000. Your House conferees yielded on only $119,- 080,000. It is the greatest victory for the House since the inception of foreign aid, percentagewise, on cuts. I thank the gentleman. Mr. RIVERS. So you have finished your report; we can adjourn this week. Mr. PASSMAN. So far as I am con- cerned, we shall. We have a marvelous report to bring in. Mr. RIVERS. Now that you have fin- ished, you can go home. Thank you very much. Mr. BOW. Mr. Speaker, will the gen- tleman yield? Mr. RIVERS. I yield to the gentleman from Ohio. Mr. BOW. In response to the distin- guished gentleman from Louisiana, three members of the conference did not sign the report because it is $119 million over the House figure. I thank the gen- tleman for yielding. Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, will the gen- tleman yield? Mr. RIVERS. I yield to the gentleman from Missouri, a member of the commit- tee. Mr. HALL. I appreciate the gentleman yielding, and in an attempt to get back into orbit, I would like to associate my- self with the remarks made in the well of the House by the gentleman from South Carolina and to compliment him for bringing this bivalent report not only to Members of the Congress but to the peo- ple of the Nation. It is most timely. Com- ing from him, after his distinguished leadership, it will mean much. Having often called for the resignation of the instant Secretary of Defense, I shall not comment more about his re- peated errors of judgment or his usurpa- tion of the executive privilege. But I do think it is important that we reempha- size what the distinguished chairman has brought back to the people today, namely, that we must eliminate sanctu- aries as his subcommittee has reported; and, second, the national scandal of al- lowing any aircraft flak to build up to the point at which it forces those who would interdict supplies to our men fight- ing against aggression in South Vietnam up to the place where the surface-to-air missiles can shoot them down. Insofar as the nuclear frigates are concerned, it has often been proved to every member of the Committee on Armed Services, as the distinguished gentleman from South Carolina has so well said, that a nuclear-powered task force can train as it deploys. This is all that needs to be said. Mr. RIVERS. It is so simple, people do not talk about it. They can train at full speed. Speed is no anchor, and energy is no anchor. Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, this has been demonstrated. But I want to point out that had it not been for this Congress and its Committee on Armed Services, under the leadership of the distinguished gentleman through the years even before he became chairman of the committee, we would not have the strategic military airlift that could do as was done yester- day, deploy a division in less than 21 days 12,000 miles halfway around the world. Mr. RIVERS. I take no credit for that. I will say the gentleman is entitled to as much credit for this as I am. This very exercise was discussed in our committee in 1960, the deployment in Southeast Asia should these 141's ever be built. The 141's are built. pproved For Release 2004/0 /05 CIA RQP69B00369ROQa100230001 9 * ?. H 16928 Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000100230001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE December 1.3, 1967 The last came off the line. I saw it roll off. We have over 160 of them, and they can deploy troops very fast. Mr. HALL. If the gentleman will yield further, I will make one further observa- tion. It is also true we would have neither an undersea nuclear-propelled Navy nor a surface nuclear capability if it were not for the Congress of the United States passing mandatory authorization law and mandatory usage of appropriations; and, had the Secretary of Defense ac- cepted the advice of the committee, un- der the distinguished chairman, we would not be defenseless against the FOBS-that is, the fractional orbital bombing system. Mr. RIVERS. I thank the gentleman. Mr. DON H. CLAUSEN. Mr. Scpeaker, will the gentleman. yield? Mr. RIVERS. I yield to the distin- guished gentleman from 'California. Mr. DON H. CLAUSEN, Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding and suggest to the House that the very dis- tinguished chairman of the Armed Serv- ices Committee, in my judgment, has performed a magnificent service, not only to the House of Representatives, but to the people of this country, of the United States. In many ways his com- ments here today are somewhat remi- niscent of comments of a very distin- guished American a few years ago, ,Billy Mitchell, when he tried to alert the Na- tion to the fact that airpower and the use of aircraft would serven the interest of the security of this Nation. As one of the pilots who served on air- craft carriers under operational circum- stances during World. War II, I want to testify to the accuracy of the comments made by the gentleman and compliment him for bringing this very important matter, relating to nuclear aircraft car- riers, to the Congress today. Mr. RIVERS. I thank the gentleman. Mr. PHILBIN. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. RIVERS. I yield to the distin- guished gentleman from Massachusetts. Mr. PHILBIN. Mr. Speaker, I have been deeply interested in the outstanding speech made by the distinguished leader of the Armed Services Committee today. He touched upon some very crucial mat- ters, both in presenting the report of the fine committee that has been sent to the Far East and also in pinpointing and emphasizing the importance of the nu- clear development of naval craft. It is a field to which the gentleman from South Carolina has given his con- stant attention, as he has given it to other fields connected with the armed services. The interpretations he has made not only in this area but in every other area related to this country have been preeminent and outstanding in every respect. I think that fact is rec- ognized not only by members of his com- mittee, but also by Members of the House, who are familiar with the constant at- tention and diligence and expertise, the gentleman from South Carolina has ex- ercised in all his close attention and work With respect to these matters. 1 think it is very important that the Members of the House should have? the benefit of the excellent report that has been forwarded here from the Far East in respect to the findings and recommen- dations of the subcommittee, that has been sent there by the chairman to make these very important evaluations. I also think that of the greatest im- portance perhaps to the defense and security of this country is that the Com- mittee on Armed Services, both in the House and, in the other body, and the Members of this Congress should become vitally aware, as the distinguished chair- man had urged they should become, con- cerning the paramount importance and paramount urgency of developing and pressing forward nuclear development of our Navy, so that the dreams that were experienced some years ago by those who first projected this important subject- including Admiral Rickover and the chairman himself as well as others who are affiliated and associated with this great work-shall be carried forward. As the gentleman has implied, con- sidering the dangers which surround us not only in the Middle East but elsewhere throughout the world, it is of utmost im- portance that we should have the best in this jet-powered age of speed, of speedy communication and of speedy movement, the day of the rocket and the day of the jet aircraft. It is to my mind very im- portant that we should not fall behind in the development of naval craft. In that respect, the modernization and the fullest possible implementation of a nu- clear navy certainly must be, as the chairman so appropriately recommend here today, one of the major objectives of this Congress. I commend the chairman for his ex- cellent speech, and I want to assure him of my continued support of his objectives and in regard to what he has spoken of this afternoon so thoughtfully and in such a timely manner, Again I commend the chairman for the splendid remarks he has made. I know the House will heed his warnings and will follow the prescriptions he has laid down for the nuclear development of a modern navy. Mr. RIVERS. I thank the gentleman. There will be those who will say, "RIVERS and his committee know more than the Department of Defense of what is good for the Navy." The recent Chief of Naval Operations testified to the need for this DLGN. The former Secretary of the Navy then asked his boss to give him these two DLGN's of the past. He is now Deputy Secretary of Defense. Every military man who is "in the know" has recommended it. We even brought one in from the faraway Pacific, from the Tonkin Gulf, to testify. The Committee on Appropriations rec- ommended it. The Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, through the gentleman from California [Mr. HOLIFIELD] has written one of the finest treatises I have ever read on nuclear surface propulsion for our Navy. - So we are in company with everybody, who is supposed to know. Everybody who is supposed to know has recommended it, and then one man stops it. Mr. R.ANDALL. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. RIVERS. I yield to a distinguished Member of the committee, the gentleman from Missouri [Mr. R NDALL]. Mr. RANDALL. I thank the gentleman. I happened on the floor not knowing of the gentleman's speech, but the more the gentleman talked the better it sounded. The gentleman has made a great contri- bution. Mr. RIVERS. I thank the gentleman very much. Mr. RANDALL. I am pleased that I had the chance to hear him. The chairman of our committee is to be commended I want to associate my- self with this iemarks. More than that. I want to say that when the committee meets, as a member of the committee. I am sure the gentleman is going to have most of the members of his committee back of him, perhaps the entire corn- m.ittee. Many of us feel like the chairman of our committee. There Is no excuse for some of the things that are going on about which the gentleman spoke. Executive privilege is all right. Ratl.er it is all right in As place. But the language the gentleman spoke about was mandatory language. The very plain facts are that the Depr:~rt- ment of Defense has made no com- pliance with our mandatory language and no effort to comply. Mr. RIVERS. There is no effort. There has been complete and total ignoring of the Congress, ignoring of the law, ignor- ing of the secu -ity of the United States. What can be more intolerable? I just, do not know. Mr. RANDALL. I want to take this one moment to say again the gentleman has performed a service to this country. Our distinguished chairman has performed a real service today in calling attention once more to scmething the Defense :De- partment has amitted, to do to some- thin; that has not been done, to some thing which somehow in some way must be done. Mr. RIVERS. We will find a way to force this issue and to force this decision. I thank the gentleman very much. Mr. Speaker, [ have no further require- ment for time. SEVENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF LOURDES ACADEMY IN CLEVELAND The SPEAKER pro tempore, Under a previous order of the House, the gentle- man from Ohio [Mr. F:IIGHax] is recogz-- nized for 30 minutes. M:,?. FEIGHAN. Mr. Speaker, Lourdes Academy has etood as a monument to education in mlr congressional district in Cleveland for '15 years. Its registration has increased yearly. The words of its alma mater "Light of Lourdes. be as a flame; make u; worths' of your name" symbolizes the spirit of those who have been fortunate enough to attend this ex- cellent school. In 1896 the first graduat- ing class consisted of three young wome:a; since that time more than 4,000 young ladies have graduated. from Lourdes Academy. Both of my sisters, Cecelia: and Ann, are alumnae of Lourdes; Cecelia re- turned as Sister Ann Cecile to join the faculty and has taught there for a num- ber of years. Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000100230001-9 i4 d F R 1 2004/05/05 CIA RDP69B 03698000100230001 9 a pprove or ease - December 13, 1967 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE H 16925 officers had seen the possibilities of using While in the Seventh Fleet, Long Beach We will want whatever freedom from base nuclear power for naval propulsion. was assigned to a task in support of air oper- or mobile logistical support that is attainable, Following a period of intensive debate ations against North Vietnam. This task re- and some proportion of our escorts should be within the Government as it not unusual quired Long Beach's maintaining an inde- capable of steaming at high speeds with our in the face of revolutionary change, the pendent station in a relatively small area. large attack carriers in all sorts of sea con- 4tomic Energy Commission, in April 1948, Since Long Beach did not have to withdraw ditions. authorized a Submarine Thermal Reactor from station to refuel periodically, and since The combat capabilities these ships will project proposed by the Navy. The first re- she could steam at higher speed than con- have are determined by the various kinds and search and conceptual design work on the ventional ships while in transit to station, levels enemy threats ready to defeat in the our reactor was done here' in Chicago, at the she was able to be on the line almost a 1970s. Wbe to the t enemy rea yr to d defend forces Argonne National Laboratory. month longer than a conventional ship. availa in to A naval officer from Chicago, Vice Admiral Thus, from such experience, we are estab- own offensive naval task forces. Much tech- sabeing made to design Hyman G. Rickover, has played the central lishing firm evidence of just some of the nological sonars progress is sub- role. He was the leading advoate of nuclear operational advantages that can be derived new of high detect to permit early and to to warning of hostile advanced eradars capability early power for naval use and he has been in from nuclear-powered surface ships. marines and charge of the program responsible for the Throughout the Seventh Fleet deployment lay waringo mental efforts are leading to mod- We of nuclear power to naval ships. of these nuclear-powered ships, their opera- ern wee ons and countermeasures of mark- anti- foresight ale still reaping the benefits of the tions were characterized by high reliability of P foresight and energy of this great American. the engineering plants and an instant readi- edlyteincreased c ap biity nd meet etr the seas. In a moment, I will describe the extent to Hess to move from one assignment to an- cipated e not a simple n, under, and however, to re. which the IA. Navy has made the transition other without the time delay involved in matter, however, we must - nemy eftatw u the to nuclear propulsion. That background is dependence on fleet oilers, late capable the various requirement deterring, or threats or nuclear power the important because we face decisions that will In the sustained type of operations being capable a to a of determine the role of the nuclear-powered conducted in Southeast Asia, nuclear power t sqir in surface escort in the Navy. I refer to the ap- minimizes the periods these ships are off sta- our affords escort hiups, but The f other oratuclionel al advantage power decision both for against t nu- plication of nuclear power to ship types tion or in transit from one task assignment it is which are outgrowths of the World War II to another. In terms of utilization, experi- fluence the invo re- destroyer-the guided missile frigates and ence in that area shows that three nuclear I ke to ues question t the would like destroyers. It is this issue of nuclear power ships can do what four conventionally pow- view There with is you q some sf the costs were which I will address tonight. ered ships do in a similar six to seventh the same, a nuclear ship would be superior In January 1955, USS Nautilus, the first month deployment. This factor is particu- to a conventionally-powered ship besue of nuclear-powered submarine, put to sea. Other larly significant in extended combat situa- the conve tio?? 11 being f ship b the rof re- nuclear-powered attack submarines followed, tions, like Vietnam, where rotation of ships advantage . ng free, the costs equal. to r e A fuel. escort ship and will total 68 when those authorized com- on and off the line and from one task group quirement plete construction. The operational accom- to another is required to sustain the level of costs about twice as much a build o a c plishments of these ships are well known to pressure desired. ventionall owered shi you: hip The future course of Naval nuclear- Y-p p' The initial costs are greater for a number Voyages under the polar ice cap by Nautilus powered ship construction will be judged and of reasons. However, initial investment is Her and Skate., decided against this background of 12 years' a full indication r true cost. The costs of Surfacing at the North Pole by Skate. experience. operating force of nuclear-powered attack submarines, also be considered in order to determine its merged, by Triton. steaming on nuclear power for more than ballistic missile submarines, and attack car- lifetime or true cost. of costs gh m the more poonwer the plant t o of 60,000 miles, without refueling, by Nautilus. riers. Many of these ships are already at sea. For example, , though It was these early phenomenal successes Their operational experience, in diverse mis- the r r ex ex, it nuclear a cshtes without refueling for a with submarines that led to the strategic sions, has been beyond anything we could ding large A amount c connvenentioio fuelnally-oilpowerea erred concept of relatively invulnerable underwater have imagined 20 years ago. perioshid d of f years. conditions. platforms for ballistic missiles. The Navy is planning a construction pro- reuires s under normal operating of cost n the millions o r ff gconditions. Largely through the leadership of Vice Ad- gram for nuclear-powered attack carriers in few The day miral William F, Raborn, Jr., the Navy and alternate years. Construction of USS Nimitz Tehh used the ion of gallons, conventionally -powered private industry joined the capabilities of will commence soon and the Secretary of De- ohs rd by of would ll included nuclear-powered submarines to an under- fence has approved two additional nuclear- P over a period years water-launched ballistic missile system and powered carriers, programmed to start in fis- in its lifetime cost, but not in its initial cost. The cost of supplying this fuel also must be produced our country's most nearly r t cal year 1969 and 1971. charged to the operating cost of the conven- as able P deterrent system, commonly referred red to o how many and what issue kind of nuclear-powered tionally-powered In the. same vein, the In n Nov Igov, ember 1960, the first Polaris sub- escort ships we should build, such as Long cost of replacement of reactor cores must be marine, USS George Washington, deployed Beach, Bainbridge, and Truxtun, in order to charged to the operating costs of nuclear- cn patrol. Today, only 7 years later all 41 of escort and support our attack carriers, both powered ships. the authorized fleet ballistic missile sub- nuclear and conventionally-powered, and to These and other calculations indicate that marines have entered the Fleet. give added operational flexibility to all types the lifetime cost ratio of nuclear and con- At same time, work applying the of naval task forces. ventionallymatel two--to-one,powered as in ships the is case not of approxi- invest- advarltages of nuclear power r to the surface The question involves a complex analysis ment cost, but more like 1.5-to-one. Navy went ahead with the result that USS of whether the greater cost of nuclear-pow- Thus, even taking account of an the rele- Enterprise, the largest attack aircraft carrier ered surface escort ships is offset by their veTt lifetime costs, the nuclear ship costs ever built, and the guided missile cruiser, greater effectiveness. The best course of ac- more. We must, t, theore, a selective in USS Long Beach, were commissioned in 1961. lion is less clear than nuclear power for sub- USS Bainbridge, a nuclear-powered guided marines and attack carriers. Escort ships will determining the proper mix between nuclear missile frigate, was 'commissioned in 1962, have to perform multiple combat tasks, simi- and non-nuclear powered ships for our new and her sister ship, USS Truxtun, joined the lar in scope to the missions assigned to the construction and modernization programs. work-horse World War II destroyer with With amphibious and logistic 'forces, for Fleeter June Lf this year, example, the advantages of the nuclear- the which many you are familiar. propelled escort are not particularly great, E completed Long Beach, and Bainbridge have e corr~pleted recent deployments to the Our present-day surface escort fleet-the because of the slower speed and limited Seventh Fleet in the Western Pacific. With destroyers, destroyer escorts, frigates and nduranco of the other ships involved. these ships and Truxtun, the Navy is gaining cruisers that give protection to our carrier operational experience with nuclear-powered task forces, underway replenishment groups, On the other hand, nuclear-propelled es- and amphibious task forces-contains many corts would be most useful when accompany- sunterphi a and Long Beach have shown the ships that were built in World War II. These ing our high-speed carriers and when the nterprise E case with which nuclear-powered d ships can are rapidly approaching the point where the escorts are on independent missions that re- steam at speeds of more than 30 knots for combat capability they represent must be quire endurance and flexible response not indefinite periods, permitting the prompt de- supplemented and improved by new ships. limited by the necessity to refuel. ployme'nt of naval 'offensive power to any The Navy is embarked on an analysis to de- I referred earlier to the analytical studies point`of jibed. Last June, when it was possi- fine the type and number of escorts required we are con matters. tosgain Insights o include n these ble that, naval forces would be required in in the future. We are looking at all the tradi- the IZed ear Enterprise and Long Beach, then tional destroyer tasks-detection and killing tegic lid war the interaction aa between in the South China Sea, could have been of submarines; defense against aircraft and, many variations placed on station in the Suez Canal area in the modern combat environment against friendly and enemy forces, withiii a period of about one week. Conven- missiles; shore bombardment; and a capabil- Let me illustrate what I mean. We have tionally powered ships that were available, In. sty for self-defense when operating inde- looked in detail at combat situations which el. sup orting fleet oilers, would have pendently or at long distances from the task could be encountered both in the Western which the escort is assigned to support. Pacific and North Atlantic. In each of these en aln os twice ghat time. force t Approved For Release 2004/05/05 :'CIA-RDP69BO0369R000'1002300Q1,-9 Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000100230001-9 H 16926 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE December 13, 1967 areas, our own capabilities and those of all ships the Navy can usefully employ. One than ever before. And, as I have suggested, enemy vary in response to proximity of bases, such factor is personnel. The rate at which these options include deployment to the logistical requirements, local forces, the mo- the Navy would be able to train officers and area of threat without commitment until bility of main forces, and a host of other fac- men to operate and maintain a substantial the political decision is made. tors that are not fixed. By exhaustive exam- increase in nuclear power plants would be I appreciate this opportunity to review ination of combinations of these factors, it is limited, In view of the length and depth of with you a matter of great importance to possible to see more clearly the escort force the training involved. Moreover, retention in the Navy. The oTcers and men of the Navy level and capabilities that the Navy should the Navy of such highly skilled technicians appreciate the support they have always; re- have in the 1970s for a proper balance be- will always be a continuing problem. We have ceived from Chicago and the Middle West, tween offensive and defensive capabilities. already cut into the available cadre of highly and in their behalf I express thanks to all First, it becomes clear that we need more technical personnel in manning the 114 nu- of you. destroyers to.deal with, an enemy submarine clear submarines and ships now in the Fleet threat than to deal with the air threat, be- or authorized. To the extent this is done, the PIESS RELEASE cause submarines are harder to detect and calibre and skill of men left to man non- destroy than aircraft. This confirms the es- nuclear ships becomes progressively lower. (By Donald ii. May) sential wisdom of the present configuration A. second limitation is the industrial base WP.SHIxee new ucI Navy e prsurfacgi s- of our destroyer force. for making nuclear propulsion equipment. build. three new hough it doe n't s quite h es- our ships are equipped to deal with While this base has expanded as a result of Chet ships even nhoagh it doesn't quite have the submarine threat but only some are also the naval reactors program, much of it is the 8420 million cash in hand to pay for equipped to deal with the complete spec- currently committed to commercial and in- them. trum of the air threat. dustrial power programs and thus not read- authority Beyond to to this, uild the a lot Navy also more is nu9clear-p for a Second, our studies show that, in the event ily available for meeting Navy needs. Al- cried ships for use owt of a war involving our naval task forces though the industrial base can and undoubt- of fed them ethree guided the mid 1970s. First and enemy submarines, aircraft and mis- edly will be expanded, it will take time and similar are three gmissile Bainbridge, sties, we would need so many destroyers could add to the current costs for nuclear- cimmito the atom-powered Bainbridge, for such diverse tasks that it would not be powered ships. commissioned M .962, and the Truxton, cr.,m- corn- economical to have all of them nuclear We in the Navy have made a detailed re- missioned Shipbuilders ast May, powered. view of thew complex considerations, keeping Sas, similar Mols,tot e Navy coon nth Third, the analyses dhow that there is a in perspective the anticipated threat to ufor fortis, the Biro o to bids, to the Navy last month strong case to be made for having some forces in the 1970s. The calculations on force proposed a new the aa;vy These are al e conventionally-propelled destroyers exclu- requirements should leave no room for un- with se firm and the the be will negot;:ate sively equipped to sink submarines and addi- necessary risk. If we are to deter aggression, with the firm Making the best offer. tional conventionally-propelled destroyers the forces we develop must be capable of The Navy could wend up making contracts g equipped to counter aircraft, missiles, and defeating that aggression should conhis is the its l wt etting the money. submarines, and to provide g it neverthe- This is the re,; W f-a complex debatt gAnfire support. less occur. for !ton The studies, therefore, make it clear that But we should bear in mind that the Nav the waged Navy years in achinrDm over how fear the combination of these two categories of offers the decision-maker a unique choice of Navy should switch fsf oil sail xxclear conventionally-powered destroyers can escort options to control and limit conventional and coal. to change as hard as from sato coal most efficiently all of our naval forces and warfare once initiated. If we are to preserve and coal. o oil. convoys except our fast carriers. this flexibility and advantage of sea power, l' with major congressional atomic affairs have There are, however, substantial advant- we must maintain our ability to defend our ing e wmilitary and atogr s toward d a ages in having nuclear power in ships which offensive striking forces against a variety of generally urged speedy progress toward a must escort nuclear powered carriers. threats. It is through a strong defense that nuclear Navy. If the escorts must refuel or replenish more the options to commit various levels of naval The Navy itself has crusaders such as Viu- frequently than the nuclear-powered car- offensive power are preserved. clear Hyman n , and others who could ne riers they escort, then the operational ad- If the United States were challenged at clear submarines, and others who could be vantage of these carriers is diminished. The sea, it might be in our Interest to confine caTh Defense entire task force can take fuller advantage conflict to the areas of the sea. But to do The Navy's purse Department,, has been ce most of these benefits if the escorts are nuclear so, we would require a flexible and effective the Nant purse strings, has been the more powered. defense against enemy forces that operated reluctant. At the same time, the endurance of nuclear- from safe bases. Obviously, there would be Over the past three years Congress has t pe Powered escorts also provides a flexibility an equal premium on offensive task forces three nuclear Xr5 frigates, million for the first of the for stationing and. for independent tasks of our own that could engage and defeat the seconds and$20rr illionl to3buylf Ic grlead when in company with conventionally- enemy at sea, but these task forces must be time" equipment 'or the third. This total;; powered carriers. defended until victory is won. alpropriatiDns. While all the benefits of nuclear propul- The same sort of balance between the of- $3So.3 r,llthe in of mss Depart sion for surface ships are not easily quan- tense and the defensive forces that give our So fro, the Defense Department has re- readily a. Navy y $150.5 million >or the tifiable in the context of studies, they are task forces freedom of operation applies to first sl p. But th,~11Navy believes it for a pparent to tactical commanders. options available to the decision-maker to strong congressional mandate. First, there is the increased tactical flexi- counter a limited war initiated by an aggres- in. its last autho:'lzation bill, Congress de- bility made possible by unlimited endurance sor on land. at high speed? We can deploy a nuclear- In judging these many factors, the Navy ered guidedlm} ile ships, substituted nuclear powered ship from the West Coast to the believes it should go forward with a long- ships, and goaded the Pentagon to build South China Sea in nine days while a normal range program to construct both nuclear- them "as fast as practicable," unless the -transit for conventionally-powered ships is powered and conventionally-powered escorts. President found it would not be in the close to 15 days. It is clear that all escort ships should not tional interest." Second, nuclear power makes possible be nuclear powered because their additional There has been r o presidential veto. longer, round-about routes to avoid storms. costs are not offset by operational advan- The Navy now eas one nuclear aircraft Third, in wartime, high-speed endurance tages in some of the missions to be per- , Enrprise an is would enhance the ability of carrier task formed. It is equally clear to the Navy, have eth eeesnore built by 1174.sTheicurrent forces to attack enemy shores along a greater however, that some of its escort ships should debate is over how many nuclear-powered es- perimeter of coastline. It would also enhance be nuclear-powered. their ability to evade and outrun submarine tort ships those carriers should have. attack. . The Navy will propose to the Secretary of A Navy project called the Major Fleet Es- they could make high-speed tran- Defense, within the next few weeks, a con- cort study, conducted between January and sits for the aviation fuel and -speed tan- struction program for fleet escorts that will July, came to the conclusion that there nesdfo to continue in action, and ammunition were include both nuclear and conventionally should be three kinds of escorts-antisub- needed t actpostpone o, If this such werere powered ships. This program looks to an marine warfare destroyers, antiaircraft mis- nece ary. They expansion of the numbers of our nuclear sile ships, and a smaller number of nuclear. out plenishment s a given if the could in moment were dangers very carrying it f fy high. They ships over the next five years. With powered missile ships. Y the construction of these ships, and the The report said there would be strong ad- would not be concerned with a loss of fuel construction of additional conventionally- vantages to having e capability to assign one oil facilities or with the problems of a refuel- powered escorts, the surface escort forces will nuclear escort ship to each of the Navy's it ing rendez-sous exproute to destination. be modernized to meet the anticipated threat attack carriers or alternatively to assign all.- These factors, and others like them, are of the 1970s. groips important to the tactical commander, but, nuclear reach Of the (traditionally four difficult to quantify in economic terms. We The pay-off le r o a Navy properly- , All f the ships (to each of the four planned nucle? believe they are of sufficient weight, however, with nuclear power is high. All of the era- carriers. to b e toy increased costs of nuclear ewer ditional characteristics of naval power are The 14 months the Enterprise and Bain- An offensive striking force may bridge have spent in water; off Vietnam, and to justify a force of both nuclear and be placed quickly anywhere In the world along with eight months for the nuclear conventionally powered escorts, where the oceans and seas allow. The naval cruiser Long Beach, have provided Navy men. Apart from cost, there are other factors options available to the nation in time of with new arguments for nuclear power. They that tend to limit the number of nuclear crisis will be more responsive to demand cite the ability of the ships to stay longer Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000100230001-9 'December 13, 1b67 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 1116923 One of the most encouraging aspects of In his speech the Secretary of the I hope the Department of Defense is the war, to date, is the increasing confidence Navy tabulated a number of the major not confusing the DXGN's of the future and admiration expressed by American com- advantages of nuclear surface warships. with the DLGN's of the present. The mangers for the AR'cZN forces. However, more ARVN troops are required, for eventually However, most of the rest of the speech Committee on Armed Services and the these forces must achieve and maintain the is devoted to discussing the fact that the Congress want two more nuclear-pow- security of their own nation. Navy is carrying on a "complex analysis ered frigates started this year. Mr. Speaker, this subcommittee is still -of whether the greater cost of nuclear- Further, the conference report of the at work in the Far subcommittee I have powered escort ships is offset by their Senate-House Armed Services Commit- hard har very much impressed with the have greater effectiveness." tees of May 22, 1967, on the fiscal year in- . terim report which they have submitted This "complex analysis" apparently 1968 defense authorization stated Cate- to me From my own knowledge, I am does not consider many of the major ad- gorically that the money authorized for le e. cin their obser- vantages of nuclear propulsion since in contract definition of new destroyer -able to say that for me his speech the Secretary said these ad- types-called the DX/DXG-shall not be able o ions, I t a hope it I it Will concur ill be possible for this House vantages are "not easily quantifiable in used to study or design new guided mis- to the not-to-distant future. the context of studies." ' sile ships (DXG) not powered with a I recently wrote a letter to Mr. Ignatius naval nuclear propulsion plant. Frankly, NUCLEAR-r'tiwERED NkVY in which I said: I do not know how Congress can make Mr. Speaker, 'I would like to discuss Now that the Defense Appropriations for its position on this matter any more another vital matter and that is the very fiscal year 1968 have been signed into law clear. We are bound and determined that important issue of providing nuclear by the President, it is appropriate to inquire we shall provide our Navy with nuclear propulsion for the new major fleet es- when the Department of the Navy is going powered surface warships. We must build corts the Navy must guild for our naval to contract for building the two nuclear a modern nuclear Navy without delay. striking forces. propelled frigates for which funds have been The Secretary's speech says that some authorized and appropriated this year? Some of you may have seen the recent missions for destroyer types do not re- press releases which reported on a speech I trust that the answer will not be to point quire the advantages of nuclear propul- to by the new Secretary of the Navy, to studies being made for there have been sion and that we therefore need both the Honorable Paul R. Ignatius, in which authorization too many statute already. carries mandatory This why the Ian- nuclear and conventional escort ships. m he announced that the Navy will propose gauge. But he does not point out that we al- to the Secretary of Defense, within the ready have a lot of conventional escorts next few weeks, a construction program I received an answer on October 24 and only three nuclear escorts in op- for fleet escorts that will include both stating: eration. Clearly the urgent need now is nuclear and conventionally powered The overall escort shipbuilding program is to get on with building more nuclear es- currently under intensive discussion within ships. In his speech, Mr. Ignatius cites torts for the striking forces-these must the many Department of Defense. As a result, the take y important advantages of nu- funds for the nuclear-powered frigates have priority over any increases in con- clear propulsion in surface warships and not yet been released by the Secretary of ventional escorts that may also be re- the superior performance of the nuclear Defense. quired for the less severe requirements of carrier Enterprise, the nuclear cruiser the nonstriking forces. I infer from the Secretary of the I B been nuclear Long Beach, and the nuclear ainbridge during deployment with gthe Navy's letter that the DLGN program that have three authorized by already authorized is now being con- 7th Fleet off Vietnam. He points out Congress in the last 3 years must be that- fused by the DX/DXGN program being contracted for now. That is the law. If The Nav is p rennin a construction ction studied by the DOD for the future. I am the Department of Defense and the gram for uclear-pninge attack rsro- not so naive as to fail to realize that the Navy think that the Congress will re- alternate years. Construction of USS Nimitz overall escort shipbuilding program," treat from its insistence on the steady will commence soon and the Secretary of which includes the Navy's current studies and progressive conversion of our naval Defense has approved two additional nu- of future major fleet escort require- striking forces to nuclearpower they clear-powered carriers, programmed to start ments involving DX's, DXG's, and simply are not facing reality. in fiscal year 1969 and 1971. DXGN's could be used as an excuse to Endless "studies" have been used as The unresolved issue before the Navy is delay for several years the construction an excuse to procrastinate on this issue how many and what kind of nuclear-powered of the two nuclear-powered frigates au- escort ships we should build, such as Long far too long. It is time that everybody Beach, Bainbridge, and Truxtun, in order thorized this year. recognize that phase is over. I assure you to escort and support our attach, car- What we need is to build more nuclear I speak for the entire Armed Services riers, both nuclear and conventionally-pow- powered surface warships now, and not Committee on this matter. The use of ered, and to give added operational flexibil- waste time making some more useless "studies" to delay the utilization of nu- tty to all types of naval task forces. studies. The Congress has made its posi- clear power in warships has been so ob- Nuclear-propelled escorts would be most tion on this matter crystal clear. For vious and so flagrant an abuse that I useful when accompanying our high-speed carriers and when the escorts are on the last 2 years the Congress has refused think we must look more carefully at inde- pendent missions that require endurance and to appropriate funds for the non-nuclear how the Department of Defense is in- flexible response not limited by the necessity guided missile ships requested by the creasing its expenditures for studies of to refuel. Department of Defense and has sub- all types. If we are'not getting more for Secretary Ignatius says that there are stituted nuclear-powered guided missile our money out of other Defense studies "substantial for the non-nuclear guided missile than we have in the case of nuclear tial advantages in having nu- h s ips. The authorization acts for the last power, we should stop allowing money to clear power in ships which must escort 2 years have contained mandatory ran- be spent on them. nuclear powered carriers. He continues: guage that the contracts for the con- Congress will meet its constitutional If the escorts must refuel or replenish more frequently struction of the nuclear powered guided responsibility to "provide and maintain than the nuclear-powered car- ri missile ships authorized by the Congress a Navy." ers they escort, then the operational ad In these days of rapidly in- vantage of these carriers is diminished. The "shall be entered into as soon as practica- creasing Soviet naval strength includ- entire task force can, Sake full advantage of ble unless the President fully advises the ing both missile launching and attack these benefits If the escorts are nuclear- Congress that their construction is not nuclear submarines, rapidly declining ac- powered. in the hational,interest." cess to overseas bases, and the increas- At the same time the endurance of nu- Despite this language the Department ing importance of flexibility in the de- clear powered escorts also provide a flexibil- of Defense is apparently still "studying" ployment of our naval striking forces, ity for stationing and for independent tasks whether or not to build these nuclear nuclear when In company with conventionally pow- powered warships are a vital ered carriers, powered escorts when they should be requirement for our, national security. While all the beneatp of nuclear propulsion for, urfaee.s}.~ips are not easily quantifiable in, 'tle CopteXt of st}ldies, they are readily ,Iv- -lot wnrplylug with bile raw enactea oy von- I;ungress nas mace it clear that it can, gress and signed by the President that must, and will provide them, _ _ _ . requires that they be built as soon as Mr. Speaker, unless contract awards H 16924 Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000100230001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE DecembE:r 13, 1967 frigates, to which I have referred, by January of 1968, I am contemplating asking the Committee on Armed Services that no authorization of any major iterps be approved by the Congress next year, unless the President makes a find- ing as is required by law, I am sick and tired of having the Com- mittee on Armed Services and the Con- gress of the United States treated like little children. We represent the people of the United States, Not a single member of the Depart- ment of Defense has been elected by the people. The people I represent, the peo- ple the members of the Committee on Armed Services represent, and the people the House represent want two more nu- clear powered frigates in our fleet. They want them started now. I will not tolerate any further delay by the arrogance of one man who seeks to thwart the will of Congress and There- with and hereby serve notice, Mr. Speaker, if there is no objection I will insert in the RECORD at this point the press statements, the speech by the Secretary of the Navy, and my recent exchange of correspondence on this sub- ject with the Secretary, to which I referred: COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES, Washington; D.C., October 5, 1967.. Hon. PAUL R. IGNATIUS, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C. DEAR MR. SECRETARY: Now that the De- fense Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1968 have been signed into law by the President, it is appropriate to inquire when the De- partment of the Navy is going to contract for building the two nuclear propelled frig- ates for which funds have been authorized and appropriated this year? I trust that the answer will not be to point to studies being made for there have been too many studies already. This is why the authorization statute carries mandatory language. Sincerely, L. MENDEL RIVERS, Chairman. THE-.SECRETARY OF THE NAVY, Washington, D.C., October 24, 1967. Hot. L. MENDEL RIVERS, Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: This letter is in reply to your 5 October query concerning building nuclear-powered frigates. The overall escort ship building program Is currently under intensive discussion within the Department of Defense. As a result, the funds for the nuclear-powered frigates have not yet been released by the Secretary of Defense. The current fiscal un- certainty is a complicating factor. The De- partment of the Navy is therefore not in a position-to negotiate with interested con- tractors for the construction of the ships. I expect a decision on this subject in the near future. Please be assured that I will keep you advised of decisions in this regard as soon as they are made. Sincerely, PAUL. R. IGNATIVS. tions informed the Congress that the Navy was conducting a Major Fleet Escort Study and It DX/DXG Concept Formulation which "will have a 'significant impact on future Navy proposals concerning a long range build- ing program for Major Fleet Escorts, includ- ing the question of nuclear power." A recent United Press release indicates that at least some of these studies have been com- pleted. The f'elease said: "A Navy project called the Major Fleet Escort Study conducted between January and July, came to the conclusion that there should be three kinds of escorts--antisub- marine warfare destroyers, antiaircraft mis- sile ships, and as mailer number of nuclear- powered missile ships. "The report said there would be strong advantages to having a capability to assign one nuclear escort ship to each of the Navy's 15 attack carriers or alternatively to assign all-nuclear escort ships (traditionally four ships) to each of the four planned nuclear carriers." In view of my repeated requests for all Department of Defense and Navy studies on this subject, it seems to me that our Com- mittee should be able to expect to receive copies of such studies as soon as they are completed, and certainly before they are available for comment in the press. Would you please forward to the Commit- tee as soon as possible the studies or parts of studies of the major fleet escort Issue that are complete. Please also inform the Com- mittee of the ,statue of any studies of this subject still being pursued. Sincerely, L. MENDEL RIVERS, Chairman. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, Washington, D.C., December 8, 1967. Hon. L. MENDEL RIVERS, Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: I have received your letter of November 28, 1967 and am forward- ing herewith Volumes 1 and 2 of the Navy's Major Fleet Escort Force Level (MFE) Study and the Supplement on Endurance (and Addendum Analysis thereto), together with my 16 November 1967 forwarding endorse- ment to the Secretary of Defense. Volume 3 of the Study is still in printing but it will be forwarded as soon as possible upon com- pletion. I wish to reassure you, Mr. Chairman, that your interest in these studies is understood and appreciated. The Navy was reluctant, however, to forward to you portions of the study prior to the completion of the entire study. As to the status of any studies on escorts still being pursued, an additional major study effort is now underway. This is the recently initiated ASW Force Level Study which addresses the overall ASW efforts to- ward providing additional Insights as to our force structure in 1975. The study is expected to be completed next August and it will be forwarded to you as soon as possible there- after. If you desire, I shall be happy to arrange a briefing for you at your convenience on the studies forwarded herewith and the status of the Navy's study efforts with respect to Major Fleet Escorts. Your continuing interest and understand- Ing of the Navy's concerns in this area are most appreciated. Sincerely yours, PAUL R. IGNATIUS. [From the Washington Post, Oct. 28, 1967] NAVY To REQUEST NUCLEAR ESCORTS CHICAGO, October 27.-Navy Secretary Paul R. Ignatius announced plans tonight to bol- ster the Navy's escort fleet with new ships, some nuclear and some conventionally powered. In a speech prepared for delivery at a Navy League banquet, Ignatius struck a compro- mise between arguments for nuclear versus conventional power in escort ships. He said that in the next few weeks the Navy will propose to Defense Secretary Rob- ert S. McNamara a five-year shipbuilding program to provide; both types of vessels for the 1970s. McNamara has questioned the need for nuclear vessels when conventionally powered ones will do. Ignatius said nuclear-:powered escorts would be best able to keep up in speed and endurance with the four nuclear-powered aircraft carriers the Navy expects to have by that time. But he also cited factors of cost, limita- tions in training nuclear ship personnel and limits on nuclear shipbuilding facilities. which he said weighed in favor of some con- ventional escort ships. He did riot say how many or what per- centage of each t:rpe the Navy proposed to build or what size escort -:nips should have nuclear or conventional power. The Hou.se Armed Services Committee has long been urging :'aster development of nu- clear surface ships. [In Long Beach, Calif., Associated Press reported, Committee Chairman L. Mendel Rivers (D.S.C.) said in a :Navy--Day speech that "I serve notice on tl:ie Department of Defense here and now that Congress is riot going to retreat from Its insistence on the steady and. progressive conversion to nuclear power." By progressive, he said, he meant it greater number o:' nuclear ships each year and development of small. nuclear engines "as fast as possible."] REMARKS BY THE HONORABLE PAUL R. I.GNATTUS, SECRETARY OF THE NAVY, NAVY LEAGUE NAVY DAY BANQUET, CHICAGO, ILL., OCTOBER 27, 1967 Ladies and gentlemen: I can think of no more appropriate place for the Secretry of the Navy to be on Navy Day. Chicago's people are hospitable to our personnel, and your industry and technology r-ontribute to our effectiveness. Your city has always been known as it good Navy town, We are grateful for this., particularly at a time when. Naval and Marine Corps personnel are engaged in combat, as they are so coura- geously today in Vietnam. These fine men are demonstrating each day, by their valor and dedication, that the Naval Service is indeed the Mark of a Man. Your Navy Day theme was well chosen. Tonight I want ;o review with you a matter of current and continuing 'Importance to the Navy--the use of nuclear power to propel our ships. We look on Chicago as the place of birth of this greatest advance in naval tech- nology of this cen:ury. Nuclear power was harnessed in Chicago on a cold, windy day in December 1942, when the first chain reaction was achieved on the University of Chicago carnpus. Enrico Fermi, the Italian scientist who guided the experiment, proposed to :Dr. Arthur H. Compton that the test should take place without delay in the now famous squash court under the west stands of the Stagg Athletic Pied. Dr. Compton ha a written of the doubts that surrounded that event: "The experiment would be performed in the midst of a great city. We did not see how a true nuclear explosion, such as that of an atomic bomb, could possibly occur. [But] the outcome of the experiment might . . . greatly affect the city." The experiment was a success and, for the first time, the power of the atom was liber- ated and controlled. Even before the first test: of a fission bomb in the Summer Af 1945, far-sighted naval COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES, Washington, D.C., November 28, 1967. Hon. PAUL R. IGNATIUS, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C. DEAR MR. SECRETARY: Earlier this year, your predecessor and the Chief of Naval Opera- Approved For Release 2004105/05 CIA-RDP69B00369R000100230001-9 December j .y, 1,67 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE 'violators with positive approaches to bring them into tlie neighborhood com- munity. He said because the churches have a broad outryach they have an im- portant responsibility in seeking solu- _tions toproblems. Among the programs .Reverend Frey outlined as undertaken by his church and others in Columbus are: a detached ministry, one minister who is supported by three di?Terent cljurohes and who works in a particular neighborhood as a trained, accredited 'friend-at-large; a "coffee house ministry, a place where young people of student age can go to discuss the problems of the world and of their souls, away from the sometimes inhibiting atmosphere of the church. L. DUMAREE C. L. Dumaree, assistant superintend- ent of the Columbus city schools, dis- cussed, the role of education in juvenile delinquency. He noted that such virtues as ionesty, integrity, truth, respect, and loyalty must be ingrained into youth and that responsibility is largely in the home, for from birth to age 18 the schools have supervision over the child only 9 per- cent of the time. ,A series of slides were presented showing how disadvantaged youth were given, special attention by WILLIAM; D. CLARKE William D. Clarke, president of Hil- scher-Clark Electric Co., of Canton, dis- cussed the businessman's role in the fight against crime: We can't eliminate crime by eliminating the people. We must do something to allevi- ate the, pressures that cause people to.com- nlit crimes. He described operation Positive which seeks to solve the root causes of crime. Three things are needed, he said, com- munication, recreation, and employ- ment: - This.. program seeks to communicate with. the people by meeting with them in their neighborhoods, establishes recreation pro- grams for juveniles, helps children in need with educational problems, has job place- ment programs, and does many other things to help people and thus combat crime. ED MASON The concluding speaker was Ed Mason, former FBI official and now public rela- tions director of the Columbus, Ohio, Dispatch. Mr. Mason stated: The "Let George do it" theme went out in X776 when Washington turned over the reigns of government to the people. Each in- dividual must get involved and set a good ex- ample in law enforcement and effective gov- ernment. You will have the ,kind of govern- ment you choose-the kind you deserve. . Pride in oneself, one's community, and in the nation is the attitude of ~a free society. Freedom is the highest form of personal dis- cipline and unless one exercises it, freedom is lost. Mr. Mason said he was pleased with the. god intentions indicated by many present and the large attendance but warned- The real test is in the actions you take. Crime boils down to being anti-social or im- moral activity which offends the sensitivities v"~4pproved For Release 2004/05/05 CIA-RDP69B00369ROO010023O00.1-9 Mason stated- 1. Our fellow Americans will spend huge sums for roads and recreation but cast con- victs into facilities where there is no hope of rehabilitation. 2. Some garbage collectors are paid more than some police officials. 3. We are willing to call police officers trained with a few hours of instructions and no testing of their learned knowledge. 4. Hypocrites preach good deeds then speed like demons on the highways. 5. Adults purchase pornographic litera- ture/and then criticize children for reading it. / X . Citizens do not exercise their right and sponsibility to vote. / CONCLUSION lJ The Eighth District Conference on Crime and Law Enforcement was an ex- periment, to see if the people of my area would join in a frank distrietwide meet- ing on the problems of combating crime find what the citizen can do about it. I ail pleased to report to my colleagues in thb House that it was a most successful and' inspiring event. I believe that taken from` this program were many ideas which will be implemented by the church groups, city councils, civic organizations, and individUXals themselves. I heartily en- courage other Members of Congress to help provide a forum where citizens may gather to plan positive action against our No. 1 internal menace-crime. LEGISLATION TO PROVIDE CRIM- INAL PENALTIES FOR TRAVEL IN VIOLATION OF PASSPORT, RE- STRICTIONS (Mr. GURNEY (at the request of fl,,, (Statement by Republican Coordinating ZWACH) was granted permission to ex- Committee, Washington, D.C., December tend his remarks at this point in the " "%11, 1967) RECORD and to include extraneous matter.) Mr. GURNEY. Mr. Speaker, I am today introducing legislation making it a crim- inal offense to travel in violation of pass- port restrictions. The bill would provide for imprisonment of up to 2 years and fines of up to $10,000. fifty years, f r government, for business, for The time has long passed for giving the home bui der and the home buyer. some bite to toothless travel bans. The In short, th powerful United States econ- orny has been and by State Department is, now given authority an Administr ionewhose weakened policies are citizens in fiscal polici re to prohibittravel of U S c . . er- marked by id extravagance on the one tain "restricted" areas. Yet, in the case hand and h., ela? ex edienc and p y direct breach of this Government's laws. 0111'-Of our country in the wake of the His purpose was to attend a World 14.3 percent devaluation of the pound and Po- Communist rally. As a featured speaker the subsequent challenge to the dollar. Po- tential foreign claims against our remaining at that affair, he spent his allotted time gold supply have risen to over $30 billion. in a tirade of hate against the United And these claims will continue to increase States, its President, and its leaders. as our balance of payments deficit this year He then toured European nations to will soar more than 50 percent higher than give them the benefit of his show. in 1966. We deplore that the Johnson Ad- His actions can be called nothing less ministration may soon find it necessary to than traitorous. request removal of the remaining gold back- ing behind our currency, now 25 percent, Yet, when Carmichael returned yester- thus turning it wholly into "paper money." day, the State Department people met In spite of the Administration's boast of him to pick up his passport and to give unrivaled prosperity, employment among hi a receipt for it. ? America's workers is increasing. From a low He should have been handed a warrant of 3.6 percent in March, the unemployment for his arrest. And my bill would do just rate climbed to 4.3 percent in October. that. Inflation is rampant and will get worse. Due to the failures of the Administration's When we say Cuba is off limits to the policies, the cost of living is escalating. CaxixlicklaelS aid OtlWrS, or that trips to Prices went up 3.3 percent in 1966, are now H 16921 chit-chat with Ho Chi Minh may not be made, we should mean just that. My bill would enforce these bans. Faced with 2 years in jail and a $10,000 fine, these pals of Communists will think twice before undertaking a junket of hate mongering against their own coun- try. ~Mr. GURNEY (at the request of Mr. ZWACH) was granted permission to ex- tend his remarks at this point in the REc- ORD and to include extraneous matter.) [Mr. GURNEY'S remarks will appear hereafter in the Appendix.] LET US STOP CREATING FINANCIAL CITAOS (Mr. GERALD R. FORD (at the re- quest of Mr. ZWACH) was granted per- mission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD and to include ex- traneous matter.) Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker, the National Republican Coordinating Committee, representing a broad, cross section of my party's leadership, met earlier this week in Washington for its final session of 1967. I believe Members on both sides of the aisle who are con- cerned and even alarmed over the course of fiscal policy in this country will be in- terested in the full text of a statement which was unanimously approved by the National Republican Coordinating Com- mittee on December 11, 1967. The text of e United States is at the brink of a fiscal crisf the full dimensions of which are not yet c far. International confidence in the dollar Obeing severely tested. Our dwindling gold sup y continues to flow out of the coun- try. Infian is a grim reality. Interest rates are higher than during last year's serious supply of $12.4 billion is the 1937-down from $19.4 billion at H16922 Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000100230001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD HOUSE December 13, 1967 rising at about a 4 percent annual rate, and some observers predict a b percent increase in 1968. The purchasing power of the Na- tion's wage earners has declined and those who must live on a fixed income are having more and more trouble making ends meet. Repeatedly the Republican Coordinating Committee has warnd that the reckless fiscal policies of the Johnson-Humphrey Adminis- tration have been leading the Nation toward fiscal and economic chaos. Repeatedly, our specific remedies have been rejected. On April 30, 1965, we recommended a nine- point program to prevent the serious econo- mic problems that were then fast approach- ing. Our proposals were ignored by the Johnson-Humphrey Administration. On March 28, 1966, we warned of increas- Ing inflation and recommended a thirteen- point program to stabilize the value of the dollar. Our pleas fell up deaf Administration ears. For the fiscal year 1967, the President esti- mated a budget deficit of $1.8 billion: the actual deficit was $9.9 billion even after much fiscal hocus pocus by the Administra- tion to improve its appearance. .. For the fiscal year 1968, the Administration proposed a budget deficit of $8.1 billion. We challenged that figure on April 3, 1967, and predicted "an actual deficit in 1968 of from $25 to $30 billion or more." We repeated our recommendation to avoid a deficit of that magnitude. On July 24, 1167, we reiterated our pro- gram to restore fiscal responsibility to gov- ernment. Again no action was taken by the Administration. On November 17, 1367, the President created near panic in the world financial markets by mentioning that the deficit might go as high as $35 billion. The Democrats have consistently spon- sored and encouraged vast rises in Federal spending-which has gone up 97 percent for non-defense purposes since they took office in 1961. By July 1, 1968, the cumulative Democratic deficits for its eight years of office will total over $60 billion. Eight years of deficits and irresponsible spending have brought the Nation to the brink of financial crisis. Irresponsibility always exacts its price. Democratic irresponsibility is now taxing Americans heavily through inflation and the Administration's solution is to add to that burden a ten percent surtax and to raise the possibility of wage and price controls. We call for new fiscal policies for the government of the United States-policies that will put an end to chronic budget deficits and inflation by eliminating waste in public spending and by establishing a rational order of priorities among Federal programs. Credibility and confidence must be re- stored to this Nation's economic affairs. , CORRECTION' OF VOTE Korea. They will next visit Tokyo and be carried out. Not only would such missions Mr. WYDLER. Mr. Speaker, on roll- Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa. help to reduce our losses of aircraft and call No. 347 I am recorded as not voting. I have been in communication with the pilots but they would raise pilot morale even more_ I was present and voted "nay. I ask subcommittee, and am sure that you As to the port of Haiphong, it is perfe::tiy unanimous consent that the permanent would like to hear about some of their obvious that North Vietnam and the Viet RECORD and Journal be corrected .ac- impressions and observations during this Cong could not carry on this war without cordingly. extensive trip. Let me say that their final getting their we ),pons and other war ma- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there report on the still uncompleted study terials from external sources. On the basis will not be made probably for some of careful study of intelligence reports and military to the request of the gentle- ilitary estimates, the Subcommittee is con- man from New York? - months. But I would like to share with vinced that the principal point of entril is There was ro objection. OUR NATIONAL DEFENSE POSTURE : NUCLEAR PROPULSION FOR NEW MAJOR FLEET ESCORTS The SPEAKER pro tempo re (Mr. TuN- NEY). Under previous order of the House, the gentleman from South Carolina [Mr. RIVERS] is recognized for 60 minutes. Mr. RIVERS. Mr. Speaker, in August I appointed a Special Subcommittee on National Defense Posture under the chairmanship of the gentleman from Virginia, PORTER HARDY. Its other members are the gentleman from Indi- ana, CHARLES HALLECK; the gentleman from Louisiana, F. EDWARD HEBERT; the gentleman from New York, SAMUEL STRATTON; and the gentleman from Alabama, WILLIAM DICKINSON. The gen- tleman from Massachusetts [Mr. BATES] and I serve as ex officio'members. This has been a hard-working sub- committee and has been meeting con- stantly since the time it was appointed. Its mission is a challenging and difficult one. I have asked that it determine whether or not there are military plans and objectives now in existence to win the war in Vietnam and whether there is a time schedule for doing so. What is our military ability to meet concurrent emergencies that may` arise in other parts of the world which we are com- mitted to meet? What is the state of readiness of our military forces? If you have not heard about the sub- committee's activities it is because it has purposely carried out its assignment in a manner which would avoid publicity. All of its hearings have been in executive session and the testimony will not be released. This latter decision was made to encourage the witnesses to express themselves freely and fully. It is a grinding, factfinding task- but also a vital one for the Armed Services Committee and for the Congress. Since November 24, the subcommittee has been traveling throughout the Pacific and Southeast Asian area. From the day of their departure, they have had in- fessional performance and profound dedica- tion of all our men in uniform to what is an incredibly difficult task. We believe that In these circumstances the American people owe these brave men complete and unflag- ging suppc.n. At the same time the Subcommittee feels very strongly that the attention of the Con- gress and the American people should be called to several specific matters which in our judgment need prompt, action if we are to speed the day of victory in Vietnam. It is the overwhelming judgment; of our military Commanders throughout the Pacific area that any pause in the bombing of North Vietnam will serve only to prolong the war and increase American and Allied casualties. The Subcommittee fully shares this viraw that any temporal y cessation of the bomb- ing campaign can be only to our disadvan.. tage. There is no qr estion that Cambodia being used by the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong as a sanctuary and for re- grouping and staging area:: in carrying out offensive actions. Not only are enemy supplies being de- livered overland from the North, but there is convincing evidence that supplies are corn- ing into South Vietnam through Cambodia via two major waterborne sources: The Sea- port c?f Sihanouk cilia and. up the Mekong River the lower reaches of which are coin- pletely within South Vietnam. This must be known to Prince Eihanouk who refuses pub- licly to recognize i:. It is the firm view of the Subcommittee that adequate search and surveillance measures are not being carried out. Immediate step, should be taken to cor- rect these intolerable situations. With respect to the air war in North Viet- nam it is the Subcommittee's judgment that this campaign is and has been a tremen- dous factor in h gilding down our military casualties in the South. But to carry it out, our pilots are encountering the heaviest and most effective air defenses in history. These consist of numne ous highly sopb.isticat;ed anti-aircraft batteries and Soviet supplied surface-to-air missiles, both of which are depth briefings and discussions with taking a costly toll of our pilots and aircnif,;. CINCPAC in Honolulu; in the Philip- In addition the enemy has deliberately posi- pines they met with the commanders of tioned these air defenses in heavily populated the 7th Fleet and the 13th Air Force; areas being convinced that they will tin. s they had a full session with General escape attack. Westmoreland and his staff at tiaigon This is an unacceptable condition. The military should be permitted to designate and then traveled throughout Vietnam the defenses as primary targets. The present for on-the-spot meetings with field com- procedure makes flak and SAM (su.rface-tc:- manders of the Army, Navy, Air Force, air) suppression a very limited pare, of most and Marine Corps, which included the attack missions and the Subcommittee scene of the recent 3 weeks' battle at Dak learned that no strikes are specifically flown To. From Vietnam they went to Thai- for the primary purpose of destroying tick land and made trips to our bases at and SAM installations. The Subcommittee also learned that because of the growing ir- Takhli, Udorn, Ubon, Sattahip and U- tensity of the SAM missiles and flak, pilo-.s Tapao. Then they moved to Kuala operating over Ncrth Vietnam strongly favor Lumpur in Malaysia, Singapore, the scheduling of such suppression missions Hong Kong, and the CMZ in and we emphatic ally urge that their views Djakarta you some key portions of the interim, in- Haiphong. formal report which I have just received This port muse not be permitted to con- from the subcommittee. I am quoting tinue to be a source of their war supp;y. now from that report: Finally, the Subcommittee wishes to em The Members of the Subcommittee are phasize a highly significant requirement that convinced that our military effort in Viet- must be met if we are to successfully con- nam Is iziaking progress, but we believe that elude this war. Additional ARVN fcrces that progress is much too slow.Especially (South Vietnamese troops) must be expecli- have we been impressed with the superb pro- tiously trained and equipped. Approved For Release 2004105/05 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000100230001-9