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S 17962 Approved RECORDDP SENATE R000100 December 6, 1967 . S. 1843. A bill to establish rights for in- dividuals in their relations with Indian tribes, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 841). By Mr. TYDThIGS, from the Committee on the Judiciary, with an amendment: S. 989. A bill to provide improved judi- cial machinery for the selection of Federal juries, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 891). Mr. MORSE subsequently said: Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the report filed earlier today by the Sen- ator from Maryland [Mr. TYDINGS] on S. 989 be printed, together with the in- dividual views of Senators ERVIN and HRUSKA. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. By Mr. MONRONEY, from the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, with amendments: H.R. 1411. An act to amend title 39, United States Code, with respect to use of the mails to obtain money or property under false rep- resentations, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 886). By Mr. TYDINGS, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, with amendments: S. 1247. A bill to authorize the Commis- sioners of the District of Columbia to fix and collect rentsfor the occupancy of space in, on, under, or over the streets of the District of Columbia, to authorize the closing of unused or unsafe vaults under said streets and the correction of dangerous conditions of vaults in or vault openings on public space, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 887). By Mr. MORSE, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, with amendments: S. 1999. A bill to amend title II of the District of Columbia Public Education Act (Rept. No. 888). ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO STUDY MATTERS RELATING TO THE PROBLEMS CREATED BY THE FLOW OF REFUGEES AND ES- CAPEES-REPORT OF A COMMIT- TEE Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported the following original resolu- tion (S. Res. 193) ; which was referred to the Committee on Rules and Adminis- tration: S. RES. 193 Resolved, That S. Res. 38, Ninetieth Con- gress, agreed to February 17, 1967 (author- izing the Committee on the Judiciary to study any and all matters relating to the problems created by the flow of refugees and escapees), is hereby amended on page 2, line 19, by striking out "$90,000" and insert- ing in lieu thereof "$105,400". EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF . COMMITTEES As in executive session, The following favorable reports of nominations were submitted: By Mr. MONRONEY, from the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service: One hundred and sixty-eight postmaster nominations. By Mr. EASTLAND, from the Committee on the Judiciary: Francisco R. Santos, of Guam, to be U.S. marshal for the district of Guam; LaVern R. Dilweg, of Wisconsin, to be a member of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States; and Eugene G. Hulett, of Oregon, to be U.S. marshal for the District of Oregon. BILLS INTRODUCED Bills were introduced, read the first time, and, by unanimous consent, the second time, and referred as follows: By Mr. DIRKSEN: S. 2721. A bill to amend section 2 of the act of February 11, 1903, relating to appeals in certain antitrust actions, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- ary. (See the remarks of Mr. DmRxsEN when he introduced the above bill, which appear under a separate heading.) By Mr. HAYDEN: S. 2722. A bill to maintain farm income, to stabilize prices and assure adequate supplies of extra-long staple cotton for the 1968 and succeeding crops, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. By Mr. HART: S. 2723. A bill for the relief of Roger J. M. Beauchamp; S. 2724. A bill for the relief of Peter Rudolf Gross; and S. 2725. A bill for the relief of Pornthip Nutayothin McClenney; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. MAGNUSON (for himself and Mr. HAYDEN) : S. 2726. A bill to assist in the protection of the consumer by requiring full disclosure of the terms and conditions of guarantees; and by creating an Advisory Council on Gurantees, Warranties, and Servicing to con- duct further study of the problems arising in securing adequate performance under these guarantees and under customary service contracts; to the Committee on Commerce. (See the remarks of Mr. MAGNUSON when he Introduced the above bill, which appear under a separate heading.) By Mr. HAYDEN (for himself and Mr. _ MAGNUSON) : S. 2727. A bill to promote higher stand- ards of quality control in the manufacture of motor vehicles; to provide for the estab- lishment by the Secretary of Commerce of standards for new motor vehicle warranties and for motor vehicle dealer franchise agree- ments; to prescribe effective remedies for breach of such warranties and agreements; and for other purposes; and S. 2728. A bill to require manufacturers of new household appliances distributed in in- terstate commerce or affecting interstate commerce to provide, in compliance with standards prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce, warranties effective to protect consumers from deception and unfair trade practices; to provide means for the enforce- ment of such warranties; and for other pur- poses; to the Committee on Commerce. (See the remarks of Mr. HAYDEN when he introduced the above bills, which appear under a separate heading.) By Mr. NELSON: S. 2729. A bill for the relief of Hong Kam Pang and Fat Hing Hui; and S. 2730. A bill for the relief of Serafina Patti; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. DODD: S. 2731. A bill for the relief of Basin Rowland Duncan; to the Committee on the Judiciary. - - By Mr. PROXMIRE: S.2732. A bill for the relief of Vincenzo Vitale; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. SMATHERS: 5.2733. A bill for the relief of Dr. Angel Solar to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. FONG: S. 2734. A bill for the relief of Mariano A. Visitation; to the Committee on the Judi- ciary. By Mr. HARTKE: 5.2735. A bill for the relief of Domenico Di Leonardo; S. 2736. A bill for the relief of Antonino Gagliano; S.2737. A bill for the relief of Agostino Maggiore; S.2738. A bill for the relief of Mario Gir- ardi; and S.2739. A bill for the relief of Antonio Di Leonardo; to the Committee on the Judi- ciary. By Mr. KENNEDY of New York: S. 2740. A bill to amend chapter 313, title 18, United States Code, to provide for the commitment of certain individuals acquitted of offenses against the United States solely on the ground of insanity; to the Committee on the Judiciary. S. 2741. A bill to amend title 24, District of Columbia Code, to provide for the com- mitment of certain individuals acquitted of offenses in the District of Columbia solely on the ground of insanity; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. (See the remarks of Mr. KENNEDY of New York when he introduced the above bills, which appear under a separate heading.) RESOLUTION ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO STUDY MATTERS RELATING TO THE PROBLEMS CREATED BY THE FLOW OF REFUGEES AND ES- CAPEES Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported an original resolution (S. Res. 193) to provide additional funds to study any and all matters relating to the problems created by the flow of refugees and es- capees, which was referred to the Com- mittee on Rules and Administration. (See the above resolution printed in full when reported by Mr. KENNEDY of Massachusetts, which appears under the heading "Reports of Committee.") PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF ACT RELATING TO APPEALS IN CER- TAIN ANTITRUST ACTIONS Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I intro- duce, for appropriate reference, a bill dealing with the expedition of judicial matters. The Expediting Act (15 U.S.C. 29) pro- vides for direct- appeals from the district courts to the U.S. Supreme Court in civil antitrust cases brought by the Govern- ment. On numerous occasions in the last 2 or 3 years, the Supreme Court Justices, both in opinions and in out-of-court statements, have called for amendment of the law to provide that these appeals should go to the circuit courts of appeal as do other matters, principally because reviewing the voluminous records of those cases is unnecessarily time con- suming for the Supreme Court. The section on antitrust law of the American Bar Association has over a period of time been discussing with the Attorney General and the Assistant At- torney General in charge of the Anti- trust Division proposals to accelerate court action by means of amending the existing law and have made some excel- lent suggestions and have recommended a proposal substantially in the form of that which I now introduce. I believe this measure will be a useful tool in the constant effort to reduce the heavy caseload on our already overbur- dened Supreme Court. It would permit a more efficient utilization of already exist- Approved For Release 2004/05/25 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000100120128-1 Approved For Release 2004/05/25 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000100120128-1 December 6, 1967 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- SENATE port) ; to the Committee on Government Operations. WILLIAM LANGER JEWEL BEARING PLANT, .ROLLA, N. DAIS. A letter from the Administrator, General Services Administration, transmitting a draft of proposed legislation to provide for the operation of the William Langer Jewel Bear- ing Plant at Rolla, N. Dak., and for other purposes (with an accompanlying paper); to the Committee on Government Operations. Lowra Rio GRANDE VALLEY REHABILITATION PROJECT, TEXAS A letter from the Assistant Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant to law, de- terminations on deferments of 1968 construc- tion payments due the United States from the Cameron County Water Control and Im- provement District No. 1, the Donna Irriga- tion Distript, Hidalgo County No. 1 and the La Feria Water Control and Improvement District, Cameron County No. 3; to the Corn- mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs. REPORT OF THE PROCEEDING OF THE JUDICIAL CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED STATES A letter from the Chief Justice, Supreme Court of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of the proceed- ings of the annual meeting of the Judicial Conference of the United States, dated Sep- tember 21 and 22, 1967 (with an accompany- ingreport); to the Committee on the Judi- ciary. REPORT OF JUDICIAL CONFERENCE OF UNITED STATES A letter from the Chief Justice of the United States, Supreme Court of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Rules of Appellate Procedure, the amend- ments to the Rules of Civil Procedure for the U.S. District Courts, the Rules of Crim- inal Procedure for the U.S. District Courts which have been adopted by the Supreme Court, and the Report of the Judicial Con- ference of the United States (with accom- panying papers); to the Committee on the Judiciary. TEMPORARY ADMISSION INTO THE UNITED STATES OF CERTAIN ALIENS A letter from the Commissioner, Immigra- tion and Naturalization Service, Department of Justice, transmitting, pursuant to law, copies of orders entered granting temporary admission into the United States of certain aliens (with accompanying papers); to the Committee on the Judiciary. SUSPENSION OF DEPORTATION OF CERTAIN ALIENS Two letters from the Commissioner, Im- migration and Naturalization Service, De- partment of Justice, transmitting, pursuant to law, copies of orders suspending deporta- tion of certain aliens, together with a state- ment of the facts and pertinent provisions of law pertaining to each alien, and the rea- sons for ordering such suspension (with accompanying paper) ; to the Committee on the Judiciary. REPORT OF PREMIUM PAYMENTS FOR OVERTIME A letter from the Secretary of Labor, trans- mitting, pursuant to law, the report per- taining to premium payments for overtime (with an accompanying report) ; to the Com- mittee on Labor and Public Welfare. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS Petitions, etc., were laid before the Senate, or presented, and referred as indicated: By the VICE PRESIDENT: A resolution adopted by the Anaheim City Council, Anaheim, Calif., relating to Federal tax sharing; to the Committee on Finance. A resolution adopted by the city council of Carpinteria, Calif., relating to off-shore oil development; to the Committee on In- terior and Insular Affairs. The petition of John Yonely, of Joliet, Ill., praying for the enactment of legislation to make public highways available for the ex- clusive use of bus and truck companies; to the Committee on Public Works. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES The following reports of committees were submitted: By Mr. EASTLAND, from the Committee on the Judiciary, without amendment: S. 2018. A bill for the relief of Wong Wah Sin (Rcpt. No. 845) ; S. 2132. A bill for the relief of Dr. Robert L. Cespedes (Rept. No. 846) ; S. 2149. A bill for the relief of Dr. Jose J. Guijarro (Rept. No. 847); S. 2249. A bill for the relief of Dr. Mario G. Mendez (Rept. No. 848) ; S. 2380. A bill for the relief of Dr. Juan Jose Villa-Campos (Rept. No. 849); S. 2403. A bill for the relief of Dr. Teobaldo Curevo-Castillo (Rept. No. 850); S. 2404. A bill for the relief of Dr. Heri- berto Jose Hernandez-Suarez (Rept. No. 852); S.2477. A bill for the relief of Dr. Fang Luke Chiu (Rept. No. 853); S.2488. A bill for the relief of Dr. Raul Agustin Pereira-Valdes (Rept. No. 854); S. 2492. A bill for the relief of Leonardo E. Arteaga (Rept. No. 855) ; S. 2495. A bill for the relief of Dr. Jesus Ortiz Ricote (Kept. No. 856); H.R. 1592. An act for the relief of Dr. Rene Jose Triay (Rept. No. 857); H.R. 2138. An act to amend section 319 f the Immigration and Nationality Act to ermit naturalization for certain employees f U.S. nonprofit organizations engaged in isseminating information which signifi- cantly promotes U.S. interest, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 858); H.R. 3032. An act for the relief of Mrs. Karen Wood Davila (Rept. No. 859) ; H.R. 3516. An act for the relief of Andres Mauricio Candela, M.D. (Rept. No. 860) ; H.R. 3525. An act for the relief of Israel Mizrahy, M.D. (Rept. No. 861); H.R. 3528. An act for the relief of Isaac Chervony, M.D. (Rept. No. 862); H.R. 3866. An act for the relief of Dr. Ed- wardo Enrique Ramos (Rept. No. 863); H.R. 4974. An act for the relief of Dr. Manuel A. Turbat (Rept. No. 864); H.R. 5186. An act for the relief of Dr. Armando Cobelo (Rept. No. 865); H.R. 5187. An act for the relief of Dr. Hector Alfredo E. Planas-Pina (Rept. No. 866); H.R.6088. An act for the relief of Dr. Manuel Jose Coto (Rept. No. 867); H.R. 6096. An act for the relief of Mrs. Inge Hemmersbach Hilton (Rcpt. No. 868); H.R. 6670. An act for the relief of Dr. Vir- gilio A. Ganganelli Valle (Rept. No. 869); H.R. 6766. An act for the relief of Dr. Raul Gustavo Fors Docal (Rept. No. 870); H.R. 7890. An act for the relief of Dr. Jose- fins, Quintos Marcelo (Rept. No. 871); H.R.7896. An act for the relief of Dr. Jose A. Rico Fernandez (Rept. No. 872) ? H.R. 7898. An act for the relief of Dr. Nemesto Vazquez Fernandez (Rept. No. 873); H.R.8256. An act for the relief of Dr. Hermes Q. Cuervo (Rept. No. 874); H.R.8258. An act for the relief of Jorge Gabriel Lazcano, M.D. (Rept. No. 875) ; H.R.8407. An act for the relief of Dr. Ra- quel Maria Cruz-Flores (Rept. No. 876) ; H.R.8738. An act for the relief of Guil- lermo Ramon Palacio Sela (Rept. No. 877); and H.R. 9081. An act for the relief of Dr. Jose- fina Esther Kouri-Barreto de Pelleya (Rept. No. 878). 179 11 By Mr. EASTLAND, from the Committee on the Judiciary, with an amendment: 5.2318. A bill for the relief of Kelley Mi- chelle Auerbach (Rept. No. 851) ; S. 2489. A bill for the relief of Dr. Jesus Jose Eduardo Garcia (Rept. No. 879); H.R. 3031. An act for the relief of Mr. and Mrs. Christos Photinos-Svoronos (Rept. No. 880); H.R.5575. An act for the relief of Pana- giotis Paulus (Rept. No. 881) ; H.R.6326. An act for the relief of Chri- santhe Savas Karatapanis (Rept. No. 882); and H.R.8476. An act to confer U.S. citizen- ship posthumously upon Pfc. Alfred Sevenski (Rept. No. 883). By Mr. EASTLAND, from the Committee on the Judiciary, with amendments: S. 265. A bill for the relief of Manuel de Benito Supnet (Rept. No. 884); and S. 2118. A bill for the relief of Dr. Joseph E. Stapleton (Rept. No. 885). By Mr. BURDICK, from the Committee on the Judiciary, without amendment: S. 1052. A bill for the relief of Nicholas S. Cvetan, U.S. Air Force (retired) (Rcpt. No. 840); S. 2104. A bill for the relief of Irva G. Franger (Rept. No. 842) ; H.R. 1537. An act for the relief of Thomas M. Scanlon (Rept. No. 892); H.R. 1894. An act for the relief of Our Lady of Pillar Catholic Church in. Santa Ana, Calif. (Rcpt. No. 893); H.R. 3889. An act for the relief of Stand- ard Meat Co. (Rept. No. 843); H.R. 5853. An act for the relief of Ray- mond E. Grail (Kept. No. 844); H.R. 6004. An act for the relief of Swiff- Train Co. (Rept. No. 894); H.R. 9574. An act for the relief of Joseph J. Wojcik (Rept. No. 904); H.R. 10449. An act for the relief of Camille Anita Dobson (Rcpt. No. 903); and H.R. 12912. An act to give the consent of Congress to the State of Ohio to become a party to the agreement relating to bus taxa- tion proration and reciprocity as set forth in title II of the act of April 14, 1965 (79 Stat. 60), and consented to by Congress in that act and in the acts of November 1, 1965 (79 Stat. 1157), and November 2, 1966 (80 Stat. 1156) (Rcpt. No. 902). By Mr. BURDICK, from the Committee on the Judiciary, with an amendment: S. 1212. A bill for the relief of John L. Dean (Rept. No. 901), H.R. 2454. An act for the relief of the chil- dren of Mrs. Doris E. Warren (Rept. No. 896) ; and H.R. 8338. An act to create a new division for the Western District of Texas, and for other purposes (Rept, No. 895). By Mr. BURDICK, from the Committee on the Judiciary, with amendments: S. 172. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Daisy G. Merritt (Rept. No. 899); S.909. A bill for the relief of Paul L. Mar- garet, and Josephine Kirsteatter (Rept. No. 900); and S. 2287. A bill for the relief of the town of Bremen, Ind. (Rept. No. 897). By Mr. DIRKSEN, from the Committee on the Judiciary, without amendment. H.R. 1670. An act for the relief of Dr. George H. Edler (Rept. No. 889) ; and H.R. 2152. An act to amend the act in- corporating the Disabled American Veterans so as to provide for an annual audit of their accounts (Rcpt. No. 898). By Mr. DIRKSEN, from the Committee on the Judiciary, without amendment: S. Con. Res. 43. A concurrent resolution to officially recognize the 150th anniversary of the admission of the State of Illinois to the Union (Rept. No. 890). By Mr. ERVIN, from the Committee on the Judiciary, with amendments: Approved For Release 2004/05/25 : CIA-RDP69B00369R000100120128-1