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A-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 1,Yre; L 05 A. Iteick r NA4444.4.1 40, 6X-47/r. Sc-zu44 A%4D coLa?fa.A.daste. 61AA.. 25X1 a-4"o J Caktm.+- .A.?1? cLIAL cAAAvii.4 1;4&110A.... 4 (9..t2tAi kol..."4-Lsat) 461(L'aSe` 144- 1u4er4 ktriARAA.v1 cricifu.e. . caA.Arxwi S-titk LeAt? AJ4 Approved For Release 2004/02/11: Cl 25X1 PART I Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 TARGET COVERAGE REPORT FOR MISSION BX6718, 30 August 1967 COMOR NO. 25X1 INSTALLATION NAME NORTH VIETNAM TARGETS (PRIORITY I TARGETS) 1. Dien Bien Phu Complex 2. Lai Chau Complex 3. Lao Cal Complex (OTHER COMOR TARGETS) 1. Hanoi/Lao Cal RR Segment 1 't PART II CHINA TARGETS _ 25X1 (PRIORITY I TARGETS) 1. 25X1 (SSM) PRO- INTERPRET- GRAMMED ABILITY FAIR GOOD - GOOD REMARKS/WEATHER SCATTERED CLOUDS CLEAR CLEAR . 1. NONE A Meng-Tzu Airfield West i,___ .?..-- POOR . HAZE, OBLIQUITY llo-Kou Army Barracks North 1 GOOD i CLEAR, OBLIQUITY ! (PRIORITY II TARGETS) Tsa-Ti-Pao Road (OTHER COMOR TARGETS) FAIR , HAZE, OBLIQUITY ^ T. Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 PART III NORTH VIETNAM 1 of 9 SSM targets covered 3 of 27 Priority I targets covered 1 of 21 Other N.Vietnam COMOR targets covered 0 of i. Programmed targets covered 4 of 48 N.Vietnam targets covered 0 Bonus targets (non-COMOR) 4 Total targets covered (2 SAM search areas covered) CHINA 2 Priority I targets covered 1 Priority II targets covered 0 Other COMOR targets covered 3 Total targets covered 4 North Vietnam Targets 3 China targets 7 Total targets covered INTERPRETABILITY COMOR TARGETS BONUS TARGETS 3 - GOOD 3 - 1st Priority 0 0 - 2nd Priority 0 - 3rd Priority (OTHER) 3 - FAIR 1 - 1st Priority 0 1 - 2nd Priority 1 - 3rd Priority (OTHER) 1 - POOR 1 - 1st Priority 0 0 - 2nd Priority 0 - 3rd Priority (OTHER) DATA BASE TARGETS COVERED: 25X1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . . . PROGRAMMEE, TARGETS (NOT COVERED): SSM SSM Haiphong/Cat Bi A/F Haiphong/Kien An A/F Hanoi/Bac Mai A/F -Phuc Yen A/F Kep A/F Bai Thuong A/F Cac Ba Coastal Defense Site Hon Gay Port Facilities 9. Ha Tou Naval Support Facility 10. Vinh/Ben Thuy Port Facilities 25X1 11, 12. Haiphong Port Complex SSM 13. Thal Nguyen Army Supply Depot, 14. Phu Lang Thuong Military Area 15. Hanoi-Ping Hsiang RR, Seg. 2 16. Hanoi-Ping Hsiang RR, Segment 3 17. Hanoi-Lao Cal RR, Segment 5 18. Kep to Than Nguyen RR 19. Phu Lang Thuong Complex 20. Kep Complex SSM 21. Haiphong RR Yards SSM 22. Yen Vien (Hanoi) RR Yards SSM Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP69B00041R000600040002-7 iVitM 12c1 USE envious EDIVONS 5-63. DATE Approved For Relea CLASSIFIED MESSAGE MFG-. 9:65 ROUTING IIA I TOP SECRET - II4.0. io 1 TO FROM : ACTION: INFO 2 14 99594 TO 12 4;0 TOPSECRET072322Z CITE 25)0 PRIORITY 25X1 25X1 25X4 25X11 ATTENTION: SUBJECT: VEHICLE TRACK ON BLACK SHIELD MISS/0 REFERENCE: 1. AS REQUESTED IN THE REF THE FOLLOWING COORDINATES ARE THE ADJUSTED VEHICLE NADIR POSITION BASED ON PHOTO PLOTS FOR MSN BX 6718. FRAME NO. SELECTED 91 7' CITE RP__ KB- _ DB AF_ DJ__ 126 176 LAT LONG 2. DETERMINATION OF VEHICLE TRACK FOR THIS MISSION WAS PRECLUDED BY HEAVY CLOUD COVER. T OPSECRETTOR: 072333Z SEP 67. NADIR POSITION ALONG MOST OF THE TOPSECRET GADD? t LtctUDED FROM Avio, mAUC PowrIanoiNo AND DICLASSitICATION Approved For Release-2404402144441A-Riala66184Q441R000600040002-7 REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE IS PROHIBITED. cm NO. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 ONC J-11 EDITION 6 LEGEND RELIEF PORTRAYAL Elevations are in feel. HIGHEST TERRAIN elevation is 10312 feet located at 22?18'N 103,17'E TERRAIN CHARACTERISTIC TINTS (areas of unreliable relief are devoid of tint) ORE.:altar mdteores Hai or relatively level term regardless CONTOUR INTERVAL 1000 feet Basic Deltoid contours Indicate OPP,OXiMelle relief SPOT ELEVATIONS Maximum vertical error 100 feet 0000 Maximum possible vertical error as noted in etogrom egogn SOD 500 250 300 BOO Critical elevation 0000 Lake and stream elevation 0006 MAXIMUM ELEVATION DATA Maximum elevation figures, centered in Me area bounded by ticked lines of longitude and latitude indicate the HIGHEST TERRAIN ELEVATION within Mat area, BUT DO NOT INCLUDE ELEVATIONS OF VERTICAL OBSTRUCTIONS. 3100 het 31 610g het 61- CULTURE Duol lane rood Other roads Track or Moil Multiple track DR Single track R R Power transmission line V? PICTORIAL SYMBOLIZATION L A block square indicates location AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION Motor nerodromes . . t.'reV Molar aerodromes, rent, pattern not avatloble 0 Minor eeroPromes 0 &NON, ooze "7 Ur!IIIh!i0Oi1L IrictIlL iigiI,0 P-I5 PROHIBITED AREAS - DANGER, RESTRICTED OR WARNING AREA Ode CAUTION AREAS NUMBERS INDICATE INTERNATtONALLY RECOGNIZED NUMERICAL IDENTIFICATION NOTES she representation of international boundaries 011 this ch.n is not necessarily authoritative. Division of Insular SovoreignNYLand areas onIN THE CONTOUR EVALUATION OVERPRINT The Contour Evaluation Overprint repre- sents a grass indication of "vertical accu- racy" based on a comparison of the con- tour information on this chart with the most reliable source material available. This "figure" shown on the overprint includes vertical error caused by horizontal dis- placement only when in excess of 3 nauti- cal miles. This overprint DOES NOT INCLUDE AN EVALUATION OF SPOT ELEVATIONS which are generally of a higher order of accuracy than contours. The accuracy of spot elevations is con- tained in the upper left margin. KEY TO VERTICAL ACCURACY ANNOTATIONS +ottit' This figure must be added to the heights as in diutted by the contour values shown on the chart to obtain the maximum pos- sible elevation for any selected point. Boxed figure indicates the highest possi- ble ground elevation within the delimited area. No contours are shovin in these areas. pI CAUTION ,Y INFORMATION CURRENT THPOUGH Al JANUARY IAA? C,unsull NOTAMS and Flight lutormatem PJ, lOr the latest v r -1,9yotion, tho DOD Aeronautical Chart Upoot no trtottuol or PAL- Cbort Amendment Documont 1cr otter r ort revtsion inlormotton FxGrK UN 24? lendunil Chantal 23? 22? 21 IRK DA s? ARCHIPEL DES F 20? 19? 18? 17? 16? 102?N PELIE DAtAt INCOMPLETE BE 0 02 107? too c/F 20?1 40 50 10 20 107? l9vinnnil ii '1? nil '1 ''1' ' "1' " ' CE1? VM/R-2 106? 25- .358 TO 107? Mare Island) ' 40 E' UH 20 ONC J-11 CHINA, HONG KONG AND THE NEW TERRITORIES, LAOS, MACAO, THAILAND, VIETNAM SCALE 1:1,000,000 COMPILED FROM MAPS AND INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION AVAILABLE AS OF DECEMBER 196S REVISED PROM MAPS AND INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION AVAILABLE AS OF DECEMBER 1966 Lithographed by ACIC 2.67 EDITI9N 6 EDITION 5 of ONC Ill a obsolete 40 50 3?, 70 40 INDEX TO ADJOINING SHEETS World Aeronautical Charts ore shown on the above index as a reference aid. This sheetline relationship Is also carried in the body of Mis chart by corner ticks end sheet numbers. 124?0 / 40 105?A 10 UH VH 20 ELEVATIONS IN FEET osso 30 3 " " 40 50 Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 1,608 !''''! boil ' 20 NAuTIFAL 40 50 7?C tO 20 BiLOMPIERSJ STATUTE eel' OPERATIONAL \ 1:1,01 NO4, H 5.DSU RED. \ DATA/ 206,/ 7 ElPirl.ok FO CH 0,1E11 112? 111? 17 ......... . 40 ULF OF 21?I SOUTH _ 2?: WARNING Flying is PROHIBITED over the Chinese Islands in the South China Sea and the territorial waters adjacent to Hong Kong 40 30 20 114? ?770 1210I 11111 11111111111111111111 JF ,HF11 i11111c.... 11,1111111111111111111 illillitipii111111111111111I 2001 40 50 10 20 40 10 20 II !lp1,1140 50 4 Ts 70 20 50 _:-40 30 ?20 ?70 13 11-2? 111? CHINA NKIN 1? 801 112? SEA 113? JD 05 50 113? --750 114? ?40 ?20 -750 7 40 ?20 40 30 ?50 ?40 114? 108? 20 1I2? 20 70 7 JC L MILITARY J LINE PAR ACEL ? Amp.. Gr ? Hay) litstscly k)slond ?,../ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 fie, ?? ? ? Un'n ISLAND 100'-- kl ? ? ? ?Cre.-.72 113? 50 40 30 20 00_ TO ------------ sw. co If'-' ? ? ? 16 20 0 40 50 40 50 20 NAUTICAL MILES 125 j ,KILOMET75 VIGATION CHART 0,000 :25 ,12050 9?o 10 ELEVATIONS IN FEET " 1 1 0 ?F Users can cImst In He improvement of His chart by marking hereon co, sections and additions which come to their attention and by moiling directly to COMMANDER, AERONAUTICAL CHART AND INFORMATION CENTER, SECOND AND ARSENAL ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63118. ATTN: ACDB 10 20 40 6 GB 50 111" HB 20 40 50 WORLD 4EogRAPHIC DEPERENcE SYSTEM SEM, 491.13 MINI VILLAGE PYRE REFERENCE, lall12011 Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Stondord Parallels 17.20' and 22.40l Convergence factor .3?21S 1 13?J 20 50 17? -I KB s 16?' 114?0 VH t."?9? PUBLISHED BY THE AERONAUTICAL CHART AND INFORMATION CENTER UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ST. LOUIS, MG. 63118 ONC J-11 Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 25X1 FT6441 ' ApproNied For kefease 2004/02/11 CIA-RDP69B00041R0006000400021-7 1 1 0A2E P 07 Pic vA , 4.021,40 I CR F , OIT1$ , PcOPIC Sittrtli4f.0 1X MSOI 4067Itt tIliA066714 RNOTO? CAMERA ON 41356i7 OFF 041440E0 CAPERA TYPE 415 4 VIETWAPI CPF't 100D 01 4Up $7, t4ric ILL ..M1 A ito CO 'V 11114 OP 'MISSION SUMMAR' REPORT :Oa 'Ermis! 'piss/ oN. OF LAND MASS IS 6/8 ct.oup rovrRtD. n-us 1$ A SLACK SHIFLD NO EVIDENOF OF OFFENSIVE SLIFACE-TO-sur!FAcr rirtitr Entli?rtifT FACILITIES OBSEPVtDo PAPT I I 0 N PIPPMNI1 FiettMetOarEIVOit/Ogir A T p/MRDP69B00041R000600040002-7 TS AND SIONIFIIA CANTS Approved For Release 2004102/11: CIA-RDP691300041R000600040002-7 ILA() tAI SAM SEARCH ONE, NuNOOFt PERCENT 1IF S 6012RM CTYtNN 222,00,9 AREA COVERED, NO $ AsSocztED EQUIPMENT OSS4RVED IN EARCR AREA. PHU SAM SEARCH R$APPROXIMATELY TW TY FVCWT OF SEARCH AREA MISER S. NO SAM ACTIVITY OD YAM. 25X1 25X1 R'UCTION, CI1AI3FS F.Ac tiNRPORtFD PEATU'F3 OPSERVED. O VItPC C'F TRAINTIpC A TROOP ACTIVITY, OP SUPPLY rALPUP. GFVII_ CARGO TRUCVS. Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 25X1 411111111111 III 111.1 I ? I=ME 1111 IF N PHU CO PP AWgiveCcif FAVO IT AI CHAU COM RM APPA RIF: NT CT TiVN 2 2904/!M02/ 1 attyrillitRiti10006130040002-7, ; E AC PI CT YsVN (t *r 'SM MISSION NO NEW CONSTRUCTION ICNA NG S I IICATQNS OF TROOP OR ItJPPLY NW. DU TRIAL FA CI 0 FERVFO ? AO A I SER ROLL P ECFS 0 P 0 CTY IVN 0 30N I?3ETO2214PJ ST ifiC OPSERVF 1O CAI CLANS ROLI IN? stocx N IFICATION 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 25X1 25X1 PAO OAt) sGrNQi CT Y teff 2 3,121(110114341 For el As' 0.2004/02/11 CIA-RDP69B00041R0006000400024 /iPd3Ard R IcAet OA fjPROVFPIENT TRAILS OR CONSTRUCT ION. Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69B00041R00060004.0002i-7 25X1 1101) SECEZ.1.]'1! Approved For Relea 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP 9g300041R000600040002-7 MEMORANDUM FOR TiE RECORD Copy 6 of 8 September 1967 SUBJECT: Critique for OXCART Mission Number BX6718 1. Subject mission critique was conducted in the OSA Control Center commencing at 1400 hours, 6 September 1967. 2. Mission Data: a. Mission Number: BX6718 b. Date Flown: 31 August 1967 c. Area of Operation: North Vietnam d. Mission Success: Partially Successful see Para 3. c. (3) below e. Pilot's Name: f. Aircraft Number: 127 g. Primary or Spare Flown: Primary h. Takeoff Time - Planned: 31/0240Z Actual: 31/0240Z i. Landing Time - Planned: 31/0750Z Actual: 31/0752Z j. Time Enroute - Planned: 5+10 Actual: 5+12 k. Departure Base: Kadena AB 1. Landing Base: Kadena AB m. Equipment: 25X1 (1) Primary: Type I, 25X1 (2) Spare: Type I, GEM Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification 25X 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 201)4/02111:CIARDPG9DoT41 R000600040002-7 Top SECRET 25X 25X ? 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Releas 3. Operations: ? Ei 2004/02/11: CIA-RD4 9600041R000600040002-7 Page a. Route (INS Plot vs Planned): Satisfactory. (1) Comments: SC & DM data on first pass only. SC & DM reference latitude was set one degree in error (to the North). This did not affect in-flight INS performance. (2) INS Terminal Error: (3) INS Spec Error: b. Mission Generation & Operational Support: Satisfactory (1) Comments: INS was satisfactory. Track tolerance on first pass within one mile. SC & DM data not available second and third passes due malfunction. c. Other Comments: (1) Lack of SC & DM data is apparently associated with Type I, Serial 0, camera malfunction. 25X 1 25X1 25X1 (2) ATC agencies indicated that air space block and time required for option climb outs from) refueling area 25X1 was excessive; did not affect this mission. (3) Some target coverage was obtained despite camera malfunction and poor weather in target areas. 4. Weather: a. Forecast vs Actual: (1) Worse than briefed. (2) Comments: CAT III (1/8 Cu, 1/8 Ac & 2/8-3/8 Cl) Forecast for all fit lines. CAT V (5% cloud free) existed over Pass No. 1; CAT II over Pass No. 2; and CAT I-over Pass No. 3. The indicated deterioration over Pass No. 1 which was considered prior to takeoff. Deterioration due tropical stcprm "Nora. " Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041R000 Ill 25X 600040002-7 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release TOP SECRET . 1004/02/11 : 300041R000600040002-7 b. Weather Scout Reporting: Satisfactory. 5. Intelligence: a. Target Coverage: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) facilities covered. Page 3 0 of 22 programmed targets covered. 1 first-priority SSM targets of 9 covered. 3 of 27 first-priority NVN COMOR targets covered. 0 SAM sites, 0 sites occupied, 0 new sites. 1 other priority NVN COMOR target covered. Comments: No evidence of offensive SSM equipment or observed. Photography of land mass is 6/8 cloud b. Quality of Take: Satisfactory. (1) Resolution: only 55% of format could be considered good. However, (2) Camera Operation: Package failed twenty-four (24) seconds after second turn-on (after approx 20 minutes and 56 seconds of camera operation). Camera transported 1200' of film, approx 800' of this was during pre-flight. Camera declared non-ready pending flight test. Approved For Release 2 25X 1 25X 1 25X 041R000 1 600040002-7 2004/02/11: CIA-RD4 25X1 25X1 Approved For Releas TOP SECRET f. Take Movement: 25X1(1) Photography: Satisfactory. 1 6. Materiel: 25X1 a. Aircraft General: Satisfactory. 9600041R000600040002-7 Page 4 (1) Comments: Right engine (221) had tendency for EGT to climb and required repeated de-richment. Aircraft EGT system satisfactory. b. Aircraft Systems: Unsatisfactory. 7. Communications: Satisfactory. a. Message Traffic: Satisfactory. 25X1 (1) Comments: Maintenance (rewiring) being performed on facsimile circuit to WECEN. Malfunction did not affect mission generation I were established with WECEN. 25X1 b. Satisfactory. c. UHF/HF Commo: Satisfactory. (1) Comments: 8. Significant Actions Taken: Type I, G camera installed in aircraft 127 for FCF. Lf successful, camera will be returned to OR status. 25X 1 25X1 25X Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP691300041R0 0600040002-7 mr-VED S1r:C.1k H. 1 1:()1.1 SEC,RIC,T Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69B 25X1 25)(1 25X1 9. Outstanding Actions Required: 00041R000600040002-7 b. will visit 25X1Aairspace problems in SEA (OXCART Division, OXC/O/OSA Distribution: #1 - D/SA #2 - D/O/OSA #3 - D/M/OSA #4 - D/R&D/OSA #5 - OXC/O/OSA #6 - Intel/0/05A #7 - Wea/0/0SA #8 - Commo/O/OSA #9 - ADP/O/OSA #10 - RB/OSA #11 - CHRONO beti to coordinate S ) 25X 1 25X 1 25X1 25X1 Deputy for Operations, OSA IApproved For Release 2 04/02/11 ? CIA-RDP691300041R00 rl f I-1 14..1' 25X )600040002-7 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 Next 14 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 Approv F4or Releas2004/SEIRECr-RDP691t5041R000600040002-7 6 September 1967 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Preliminary Assessment of Black Shield Photography of 31 August 1967 1. Black Shield Mission 6718, flown on 31 AugusL 1967, was severely hampered by cloud cover and equipment malfunction and provided little information of intelligence interest. Useable coverage of North Vietnam was limited to the far northwest from Lao Cal on the Chinese border to the Dien Bien Phu area. Some coverage was obtained of northeastern Laos but showed no significant developments. 2. No surface-to-air missile sites or airfields were covered, and no surface-to-surface missile equipment was identified. 25X1 3. Fifteen possible field artillery pieces have arrived at Ho Kou Army Barracks North--on the Chinese side of the border near Lao Cai-- From their present loca- tion, it is more likely that these guns are intended for local defense or storage rather than immediate shipment to North Vietnam. No other new Chinese military activity on either side of the border was detected- ,,rff4r 11, MET Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 OVI , 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ? FARM 1-14 USE PREV:OUS EDITIONS DATE TO 2 FROM , ACTION, INFO , Approved For Reloupe 212Q4/9ffitEalkti, ROUTING CHIEF D/CHIEF OPS PLANS IN: 14M FOR: T. H. MEG. 9-61 00040002-It-OUTING 4.4:r 9 !I7TIT'ACTIINFO _._ I I TO INFO SECRET151706Z CITE PRIORITY E7INFO sic -tid CITE. 25X1 25X1 SUBJ: EVALUATION 1. CAMERA EXPOSURE WAS OF SERIAL GOOD. PROCESSING BLACK SHELD MISSION BX6718, THE THERE ARE 6, TYPE I WAS USED ON MISSION WAS ACCOMPLISHED AT BX6718, 25X1 A TOTAL OF IN THE MISSION. 2. BOTH CAMERAS OPERATED SATISFACTORILY THROUGHOUT THE MISSION. DURING STRAIGHT AND LEVEL FLIGHT, ESTIMATED t ROUND RESOLUTION OF 25X1 ? APPROXIMATELY WERE OBTAINED IN THE VERTICAL PORTIONS OF THE PHOTOGRAPHY. METERING WAS SATISFACTORY WITH OVERLAP OCCURRING ONLY AT START-UP AND SHUT DOWN. MINOR MINUS DENSITY STREAKS, ASSOCIATED WITH FOREIGN MAT.TER IN THE SLIT APERTURE, ARE PRESENT ON ALL FRAMES. 3. THERE WAS NO CAMERA OPERATION DURING ASCENDING OR DESCENDING PORTIONS OF THE MISSION. ALTITUDES RANGE FROM 77,200 FEET TO 80,800 FEET. ( UNCORRECTED BAROMETRIC READINGS) 4. EXPOSURE WAS 1/1'0 FOR THE ENTIRE MISSION. A LONGER MVP 1 SECRET Emmy room Arm. Approved For Release '04/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041 0 0006 14rgi sliiE1 -- REPRODUCTION IN OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE IS PROHIBITED. COPY NO. 25X1 27 25X1 25X1 V's 51262 Approved For Release 2004/02/11.: CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 Noe SECRET PAGE2 EXPOSURE WOULD PROVIDE MORE INFORMATION IN CLOUD SHADOW AREAS BUT WOULD CAUSE TOO HEAVY A DENSITY THROUGHOUT THE BALANCE OF THE IMAGERY. PROCESSING LEVELS ON A FOOTAGE BASIS WERE AS FOLLOWS: HEAD 0000 ? 0940 FULL 'DEVELOPMENT 0941 - 1041 INTERMEDIATE DEVELOPMENT 1042 ? 1101 FULL DEVELOPMENT. 1102 ? 1125 PRIMARY DEVELOPMENT 1126 - 1176 INTERMEDIATE DEVELOPMENT 1177 - 1274 FULL DEVELOPMENT 1275 - 1352 INTERMEDIATE DEVELOPMENT 1353 ? 1585 PRIMARY DEVELOPMENT 1586 - 1604 INTERMEDIATE DEALOPMENT 1605 - 2122 FULL DEVELOPMENT 5. A GOOD CORRELATION OF INS DATA TO THi FILM WAS OBTAINED. THE INS TAPE RECORDED A PLUS ONE DEGREE BIAS IN LATITUDE THROUGHOUT AND THE IMAGED .CLOCK CONTAINS A PLUS TWO SECOND BIAS. 6, THE ELAPSED TIME OF EVENTS AFTER VEHICLE LANDING IS AS FOLLOWS: INS TRANSMISSION RECEIVED D-VALUE CABLE RECEIVED MATERIAL ARRIVED AT UNTITLED DP'S ARRIV FINAL FRAME EPHENERIS COMPLETED INITIAL READOUT COMPLETED HR-MIN 2 10 19 01 22 00 34 50 34 20 38 50 7. MOST OF THE MISSION WAS FLOWN IN PROGRAMMED V/H. THE FOLLOWING ARE EXAMPLES SHOWING THE ERRORS IN THE V/11. FRAME 199/201 295/297 PERCENT CC 0 DEGREE SCAN 40 65 V/H INS INDICATOR V/H ON .0404 ON .0405 . ? A? PLUS B OVERLAP 3.14 3.12 PERCENT ERROR V/H ?1.09 -1.71 8. CLOUDS COVERED APPROXIMATELY 70 PERCO:NT OF THE MISSION (304 FRAMES). AN ADDITIONAL 199 FRAMES WERE EDITED BECAUSE OF TOTAL CLOUD COVER, A GREAT DEAL OF GROUND KAZE WAS ALSO PRESENT IN THE PHOTOGRAPHY. 9. THERE WAS APPROXIMATLY 800. FEET OF PREFLIGHT CONTAINING DATA BLOCKS FOR MISSIONS BX6713, BX6716, BX6717, "AND BX6718. THERE WAS ALSO APPROXIMATELY 50 FEET OF POSTFLIGHT FILM. SECRET TOR: 151731Z SEP 67 . Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP691300041R000600040002-7 n."1". 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 - i"i2d USE PREVIOUS 5.63 EDITIONS DATE TO FROM : ACTION: INFO Approved For Releacid t/ardaiie MFG. 9-66 TO INFO TOPSECRET 3110101 CITE 25X1 25X1 IMMEDIATE INFO CITE (EYES ONLY COMMANDER) A . B B. MISSION REPORT. C. PILOT REPORTS HAVING OBSERVED 4 CONTRAILS OVER GOLF OF TONKIN AT ESTIMATED 4010 50,000 FT. AT PEOZ /024. HE DID NOT SEE AIRCRAFT. CONTRAILS APPROACHED FROM LEFT REAR OF MISSION AIRCRAFT HEADING NORTH. NO OT HER OBSERVATIONS. D. NONE E. NONE F. PC03/025 TO PF 01/043 - 5 PF01/043 TO PG01/000 - 2 RB r2/000 TO RE 02/000 - 2 RE 02/000 TO RE 02/090 5 SB01/-070 TO SB02 1 . 20.400 LBS AT ST ART OF ENROUTE DESCENT H. COMMENTS: NONE TOPSECRET GIMIP ES(CtUDED Muni RM. INATIC IIMMORAD1149 Approvea r-or eleaie90634/hAl FCFA-Ea6 B00041k046-060.010 0002-7 TOR: 311033Z Ain 62 REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE iS PROHIBITED. COPY 1,10. 25X1 25X1 25X1 COMOR NO. Approved For Release 2004/02/11: CIA-RDP69B00041R000600040002-7 :TARGET COVERAGE REPORT FOR MISSION BX6718, 30'August 1967 INSTALLATION NAME ; NORTH VIETNAM TARGETS' . . (PRIORITY I TARGETS) Dien Bien Phu Complex Lai Chau Complex PRO- INTERPRET.- GRAMMED ABILITY REMARKS/WEATHER 1 V71...0,1,110,041JA. P11...UVV,WW.A.V.4,411,1WW, FAIR .SCATTERED CLOUDS . A GOOD CLEAR Lao Cai Complex ? GOOD CLEAR (OTHER COMOR TARGETS) Hanoi/Lao Cai RR Segment :-PART II CHINA TARGETS ?25X1 (PRIORITY I TARGETS) Meng-Tzu Airfie111-.We POOR 1 HAZE, OBLIQUITY lo-Kou Army Barracks North L'CLEAR,' OBLIQUITY' (PRIORITY.IITARGETP. ' ? 1. ' Tsa -Ti -Pao Road _ FAIR HAZE, OBLIQUITY (OTHER COMOR TARGETS) Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : C1A-RDP66B00041R000600040002-7 _ lux nua III 1 3 Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP69600041R000600040002-7 NORTH VIETNAM 4 0 of 9 SSKtargetscovered of 277 Priority T: targets covered:. of 21 Other N,Vietnam COMOR targets of 501 Programmed targets covered of 48 N.Yietnam targets ,covered:: Bonus targets (non-COMOR).: 4 Total targeiseOVered (2 SAM search areas covered) CHINA 2 1 0 3 Priority I targets covered Priority II targets covered Other COMOR targets covered Total targets covered North Vietnam Targets China targets Total targets covered INTERPRETABILITY 3 - GOOD - FAIR 1 - POOR 25?(1 :covered COMOR TARGETS 3- 1st Priority 0 -.2nd Priority 0 - 3rd Priority (OTHER) - 1st Priority - 2nd "Priority - 3rd Priority (OTHER) - 1st Priority 0- 2nd Priority - 3rd Priority (OTHER) DATA BASE TARGETS COVERED; 25X1 25X1 Ho Kou Military Camp CH Lai Chau Complex VN Lao Kay Complex VN Approved 1. 3. 5: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. /11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. . 19. 20. lyc", 21. For Release 2004/02/144Cl2A2-tRDP691300041W08'6i01364(o_ Hanoi) *V. PROGRAMMED TARGETS (NOT COVERED); Haiphong/Cat Bi A/F Haiphong/Kien An A/F Hanoi/Bac Mai A/F Phuc Yen A/F Kep A/F Hai Thuong A/F Cac Ba Coastal Defense Site Hon Gay Port Facilities ita Tou Naval Support Facility Vinh/Ben Thuy Port Facilities Uaiphonp: Port Complex thal Nguyen Army zmppty vopot;., Phu Lang Thuong Military Area Hanoi-Ping Hsiang RR, Sog, 2 Hanoi-Ping 'Hsiang RR, Segment 3 Hanoi-Lao Cai RR, Segment 5 Rep to Than Nguyen RR Phu Lang Thuong Complex Rep Complex Haiphong RR Yards .