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28 June 1954,-r
Proposed DCID 15/1
1. Over the three years since NSCID-15 was issued
(13 June 1951) a need has been felt among the IA.C agencies for
a more refined delineation of responsibilities for the production
of foreign economic intelligence,
2. In an attempt to meet this need and the responsibility
for coordinating intelligence in such a way as to prevent unneces-
sary duplication, the Director of Central Intelligence proposes to
issue an intelligence directive, DCID 15/1, "Production of
Economic Intelligence, " a draft of which is attached for your
3. It will be noted that Paragraph 1 sets forth principles
in similar terms to those the IAC agreed to in DCID 3/4, "Pro-
duction of Scientific Intelligence. " Paragraph 2 assigns primary
areas of responsibility, in geographic and/or functional terms,
while at the same time recognizing that the dividing lines can
never be sharply delineated. Paragraph 3 merely adds to the
present functions of the Economic Intelligence Committee that
of coordinating external research on economic intelligence.
That there has been considerable duplication of effort in this
field is apparent from a study of EIC-S-13, "Report of Govern-
ment Sponsored External Economic Research Projects on the
Soviet Bloc"and OIR/State reports on government sponsored
"Foreign Area and Psychological Warfare Research. " Early
action is desirable in order to meet the criticism to which the
intelligence community has been exposed on this score by the
4. It is suggested that the attached draft be considered
in principle at an early meeting of the IAC.
IAC-D-22 / 3
2 8 June 19 54
State De tpr~ive I -F orih base Gtl~ g:,8T r~64200100160004-2
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D-R-A-F-T Tab A to
Proposed Director of Central Intelligence Directive 15/1
Production of Economic Intelligence
54; Confidential)
Pursuant to the provisions of NSCID Nos. 1, 3, and 15,
and for the purpose of strengthening the over-all governmental
intelligence structure for the production of economic intelli-
gence, the following policies and operating procedures are
hereby established:
1. Policies
In discharging allocated responsibilities and effecting inte-
gration of economic intelligence, the interested departments and
agencies will apply the following basic principles:
a. No complete separation of areas of interest is pos-
sible or necessarily desirable in economic intelligence
b. Full and free interchange of all intelligence infor-
mation and finished intelligence and schedules of research
programs, including external research, between all agencies
concerned is essential.
c. No one agency is considered to be the final authority
in any field; conclusions may be questioned by other IAC
agencies and dissents recorded. Tab A to
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Tab A to
IAC-D-22 / 3
d. Any agency may make such studies as it believes
necessary to supplement intelligence obtained from other
agencies in order to fulfill its agency functions, but basic
research studies should not normally be undertaken without
advance consultation with the agency having primary
responsibility for the subject matter involved.
e. An agency charged with primary responsibility in
a particular field will develop special competence in that field
and will normally carry out most of the research in that field.
f. Each intelligence agency will endeavor to coordinate
the intelligence activities of its Technical Services and its
other facilities having economic intelligence production capa-
bilities with the work of the IAG intelligence agencies and to
make available to those agencies the intelligence produced by
such Services and facilities.
2. Allocation of Primary Production Responsibilities
a. Production of general economic intelligence on
countries outside the Soviet Bloc* is the responsibility of
the Department of State.
*As used herein, "Soviet Bloc" includes USSR, Communist China,
Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Albania,
Soviet occupied portions of Germany and Austria, and Communist
dominated portions of Korea and Indo-China. Tab A to
-2_ IAC-D.-ZZ/3
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Tab A to
b. Production of general economic intelligence on the Soviet
Bloc* is the responsibility of the Central Intelligence Agency.
c. Production of military-economic intelligence on all
foreign- countries (including, by way of illustration, intelli-
gence on military requirements, military end-item production,
shipbuilding and ship movements, logistic capabilities,
vulnerabilities to all forms of military attack, and target
systems analysis) is the responsibility of the departments of
the Department of Defense.
d. Despite the above-mentioned allocations of primary
production responsibilities, there will be areas of common
or overlapping interest which will require continuing inter-
agency liaison and cooperation.
3. Responsibility for Economic Intelligence Coordination
a. The Central Intelligence Agency will continue to have
the responsibility for coordination of foreign economic intelli-
gence as outlined in NSCID No. 15. To assist the Central
Intelligence Agency in carrying out this responsibility, the
Economic Intelligence Committee (EIC) shall continue to
perform the functions outlined in IAC-D-22 / 1 (Revised),
29 May 1951.
*See footnote, page 2 .
Tab A to
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Tab A to
IAC-D-22 / 3
b. In order to minimize the duplication of effort and
expense, the EIC will prepare and circulate consolidated periodic
lists of the economic research being conducted within the intelli-
gence agencies. All external projects for research in support
of economic intelligence production involving more than $5, 000
will be submitted to the EIC for recommendation in advance of
final approval. The EIC will advise the sponsoring agencies of
its recommendations and will summarize these recommendations,
together with subsequent agency actions, in periodic reports to
the IAC.
Tab A to
-4- IAC-D-22/3
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17 August 1954
Proposed Director of Central Intelligence Directive 15/1
Production and Coordination of Foreign Economic Intell nce
(54; Confidential)
Pursuant to the provisions of I@SCID Nos. 1, 3, and 15, and for
the purpose of strengthening the over-all governmental intelligence
structure for the production and coordination of foreign economic
intelligence relating to the national security, the following
policies and operating procedures are hereby established:
1. Policies
In caa-rying out their foreign economic intelligence activities
and responsibilities, and in order to effect a better coordination
in the production and exchange of foreign economic intelligence, the
interested departments and agencies will apply the following basic
a. No complete separation of interests is possible or
necessarily desirable in economic intelligence activities.
b. Full and free interchange of all pertinent informa-
tion ICJ finished intelligence and schedules of research
:programs, including external research, between all agencies
concerned is essential.
C. No one agency is considered to be the undisputed
authority in any field; conclusions may be questioned by other
:CAC agencies and dissents recorded.
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d. Each agency will be responsible for fulfilling its
departmental requirements for economic intelligence; it shall
give full recognition to the finished intelligence, produced
by other agencies, but any agency may make such studies as it
believes necessary to supplement the intelligence produced
by other agencies. However, basic research studies should
(o r __'5,s.r" i e.o e-+~[ c, d e / /d v c~ h 5 `i'cy
not normally be underte e1 ou consuIzat, on VTU
the agency having primary responsibility for the subject
matter involved.
e. An agency charged with primary responsibility in a
particular field will develop special competence in that field
and will normally carry out most of the research in that field.
f. Each intelligence agency will endeavor to coordinate
the intelligence activities of its Technical Services and its
other facilities having economic intelligence production
capabilities with the work of the IAC intelligence agencies
and to make available to those agencies the intelligence
produced by such Services and facilities.
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2 c.. The existing allocations of production responsibility
for national intelligence surveys (NIB) are not changed by
this directive even though such allocations may, in some
instances, be at variance with agency responsibilities
specified in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c). However, the
MC will from time to time examine such allocations and
e ter consulting with the NM Committee will make
;appropriate recommendations.
e. Despite the above mentioned allocations of primary
responsibilities, there will be areas of common or over-
lapping interest which will require cooperation and
continuing interagency liaison.
tspxgust 195 S-E-C-R-E-T
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Responsibility for Economic Intelligence Coordination
a. To assist the Central Intelligence Agency in carrying
out its responsibilities with respect to coordination, the
Economic Intelligence Camaittee (EMC) shall continue to perform
the functions outlined in IAC-D-22/1 (Revised), 29 May 1951.
Further, the EIC will be responsible for (1) reviewing from
time to time the allocations of responsibility assigned herein;
(2) for determining how the provisions of this directive apply,
particularly in areas of common or overlapping interest; and
(3) for recommending to the IAC appropriate changes in the
allocations of responsibility assigned herein.
b. In order to minimize the duplication of effort and
expense; (1) the EIC will prepare and circulate consolidated
periodic lists of the economic research being conducted within
the intelligence agencies; and (2) agencies sponsoring external
research projects, involving more than $5,000, in support
of economic intelligence production will submit descriptions
of the scope of such projects to the EIC for review. The
EIC will endeavor to present its recommendations in advance
of final approval by the contracting agency. In its periodic
reports to the IAC the EIC will include a summary report cf
actions on these projects.
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2. Allocation of Priinar Production Res nsibilities
a, The Deparinont of State is responsible for the production
of economic intelligence on countries outside the Soviet Bloc* and for
the production of politico-economic intelligence on the Soviet Bloc
(including by way of illustration, interpretation of Communist economic
ideology, organizations and institutions of the Soviet Bloc economies,
Communist economic planninJ and policies;, slave labor, political and
social aspects of agrarian and policy, econox~ic -warfare tactics,
^.nd Ear t-t+Test trade).
b. The departments of the Do art"aent of Defense are responsi-
ble for c,ilitary-eeononic inte.ll i?(,-nco on all foreign co-tuntries (including,
by may of illustration, iritelligerce ~n milit'try roq;.drements, military
end-item production, shipb~zilwing ')-10. ::ii,., !:!ovuments, logistic capabili-
ties, vulnerabilities to all forms of iilitary attack, and tarvet systoms
analysis ).
c. The Central Intc!1.1_r__;enee A encyr, as a service of common
7ncern, is responsible for all C.`:Jee of economic intelligence on the
Soviet Bloc except those specified in ,aara~,raphs (a) and (b) above, In
addition, with full recognition given to the in.telli-ence produced by other
agencies, it shall supplement this intelligence by such independent naiysie
and studies as may bo necor,s;a.ry to produce I e;-rated econo;;!ic intelligence
on the total eoonohny of the Soviet Bloc.
4Y~.S Used herei UL,-;13R, CO!Ili:uni t Ching., Poland,
Czechoslovakia, iiun!ry, Rhmnania, bania, Soviet occu~7iod
portionw of rrG'I'ii1 any anal Xurtri'i, t ! 'u :3r illlT!i.: t dominated portions of
Korea and Tnda chi _~a,
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B-B-111-.h i
g'mt i9`5?1
2. Allocation of Primary Production Res nsibilities
a. The production of foreign economic intelligence on
countries outside the Soviet Bloc, except for specific aspects
of a military-economic nature as assigned in paragraph 2.b.,
is the primary responsibility of the Department of State.
For cou.ntrios within the Soviet Bloc, the Department of
State is responsi' for providing political and sociolo ics.i
interpretations of economic ue%ie.L eats (inc)-; ping by way
of iratior_, t e, politic-11 ira:Lications of economic
plarnlirC. end po,,.i c ies , nnd tie it ica and soci-I'lo ;ic:'l
aspects o s 1 Ch eCtt .s .abor, co1....ectivi .atiOn
of a 'iC'i!tL' e, and l C?i1 )O11C,. .ti
b. The prod. coon ):- :..iiitar; by intelligence
on a~_ L orei? rn co'._'.ntries ( ; c1int IJ~j way ~i i.L :. ~.+ 4 .~at~.(.~rl,
intelligence on ra l_itar,y 'eq;;iremcnts, prod ,h:_ctim ofL' militnry
materiel, shipblzilding and shi - o-ve- eats, logistical
problems capabilities, vulnerabilities to all -Vorm3 of
r,.ilitary attack, and tart ; :,,~ster~s analyses) is the
responsibility of tae Depar riont o : De ense.
c. The prod-action of economic intelligence on the
Soviet Bloc (including; by u?r;r of il1v.stration, sg reCfativ'e
studies on Soviet Bloc econor:lies) their capabilities =end.
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: CIA-RDP69-00642R000100160004-2
.xfwlyr: 6 of
cific acts of
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2. Allocation of Primary Production Responsibilities
a. The production of foreign economic intelligence
(except for specific aspects of a military-economic
nature as assigned in paragraph 2 b) on countries outside
the Soviet Bloc and of intelligence on the politico-
economic aspects of such subjects of Soviet Bloc economic
activity as Cormnunist economic ideology, economic
organizations and institutions, economic planning and
policies, slave labor, and agrarian and fiscal policy,
is the primary responsibility of the Department of State.
b. The production of military-economic intelligence
on all foreign countries (including by way of illustration,
intelligence on military requirements, production of
military materiel, shipbuilding and ship movements,
logistical problems, vulnerabilities to all forms of
military attack, and targets systems analyses) is the
responsibility of the Department of Defense.
c. The production of economic intelligence on the
Soviet Bloc (including by way of illustration, aggregative
studies on Soviet Bloc economies, their capabilities and
growth trends, as well an analyses of those non-military
aspects of economic activity, such as agriculture and
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the metallurgical, machinery building, and construction
industries, for which responsibility is not assigned in
paragraph 2 b) is the primary responsibility of the
Central Intelligence Agency. In providing independent
analyses and studies in the production of integrated
economic intelligence on the countries of the Soviet
Bloc, the Central Intelligence Agency will supplement,
as necessary, and give full recognition to the intelligence
produced by other agencies under the responsibilities
assigned in paragraphs 2 a and 2 b.
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