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IDEALIST Approved For Reese 2002/06/13 :CIA-RDP68B00724Ra00200010001-8 IDEA 0930-69 Copy j ] of 11 17 December 1969 MEMORANDUM FOR: See Distribution 25X1A SUBJECT Activity Report - November 1969 1. Request each addressee review the attached Commander's Report for problem areas for which he is responsible and forward within four working days, appropriate remarks and corrective.action taken, or being taken, to this component for consolidation and ultimate transmission to the field. Negative replies are required. 2. Request some comment be made by the appropriate Division on every item which is pertinent to that Division. 3. Upon receipt and consolidation of your contribution, a message will be prepared by this office for signature of the DSA, who will indicate his approval by releasing the message for transmission. Attachment : As stated Distribution: 1 - COMPT 2 - IDEA 3 - D/M 4 - SS/OSA 5 - R&D/OSA 6 - D/OPS 7 - DSA 8 - AMS 9 - COMMO 10 - CC/OSA . ill----"RB / OSA Deputy for Operations, OSA 25X1A IDEALIST Approved For Release 2002/06/13 UAE)FT68B00724R000200010001-8 Q Approved For R~-j CTII VIII? TD--) Tr-zq MD MD NOVEMBER - .1969 ~0 - P68B00724RQr0~200010001-8 Approved For Release 2 02/06/13 : I - P68B00724R000200010001-8 STE ~S~ Approved For RJ,se 20041/ ERDP68B00724RQP20001 0001-8 25X1A Director, OSA 25X1 A FROM: SUBJECT: Activity Report - November 1969 Page A. Summary Be Operations Co Materiel 25X1A D. Support/Installations E. Life Support Approved For Release S~0~1 : CIA-RDP68B00724R000200010001-8 Approved For R se 20 A-RDP68B00724R 200010001-8 The highlight of November was the successful completion of 25X1A I I the effort to qualify the U-2R and pilots aboard a carrier. The smooth manner in which this o eration was accomplished speaks 25X1A well for those individuals in and at who were responsible for p anning and actions. The Captain 25X1A and crew of the USS America were especially helpful and cooperative throughout the operation. THE REMAINING PORTION OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SECRET Approved For Release 2002/06/13: CIA-RDP68B00724R000200010001-8 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Reese 20 25X1A 25X1A 2. OPERATIONS fE(TIA-RDP68B00724RQ 00200010001-8 ANNEX B 2.1. Mirror Landing Practice (MLP) was conducted this month in preparation for I Ion 20 November. The MLP training was highly successful as was t e o eration''itself. We now have four drivers U2R carrier-qualified. I IReport has been forwarded to Pro- ject Headquarters. 25X1A 2.2, L-lQualification continues to receive utmost attention. It is hoped that all units will soon be OR. 25X1A 2.3. O has been completed. RED DOT continues. A long flight to the East Coast has been rescheduled for mid-December. Weather permit- ting, this flight will complete the current RED DOT series. 2.4. During the month of December and 'early January flying will be at a minimum due to aircraft availability. Because of this, several drivers will be unable to maintain Category I Status. However, no de- gradation of Mission Capability.will.occur. By February all drivers should be able to again attain Category I Status. 25X1A 2.5. will begin "C" recurrency flights on 9 Decem- ber and shou comp ete training prior to departure of It 25X1A is planned that I I will assume unc ions in programs testing ion to his Operations cer u ies. 2.6. The following is'the.month's summary for November 1969: 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A? CATEGORY Training Low Prof Config C II Systems Special Projects :TASKS/SORTIES HOURS 6.1 22.6 4 27.3 7 8.9 rT Approved For Release 20Q AQ /,7 : 'CIA-RDP68B00724R000200010001-8 2 Approved For Remise 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP68B00724RQ200010001-8 SECRET Ferry Maintenance Maintenance 4 25.4 1 2.0 1 0.4 THE REMAINING PORTION OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK .Approved For Release, 200 6 1E1f-RDP68B00724R000200010001-8 SECRET Approved For Rise 2002/06/13: CIA-RDP68B00724RQQ200010001-8 2.7. U-2 PILOT ACTIVITIES U-2 FLYING AC TIVITY T33A PILOT TOTAL SORTIES TOTAL 3.5 SORTIES TOTAL HOURS SORTIES HOURS C R C R C R 0 3 0 1 0 7.0 .2 4.0 0 2 0 1 0 7.2 4 7.3 3 8 3 0 15.8 . 7.4 1 2.0 0 1 0' 1 0 4.8 3 5.3 0 8 0 1 0 17.5 1 1.3 0 10 0 2 0 19.5 0 0 0 10 0 2 0 19.1 0 0 1 1 1 0 4.4 2.0 2 4.0 0 2 0 0 0 4.5 3 4.9 0 9 0 0 0 7: 6 N/A N/A TOTALS 4 54 4 8 20.2 96.6 16 28.8 REMARKS: 2.8. U-2 AIRCRAFT UTILIZATION RATES - AVERAGE NUMBER AIRCRAFT POSSESSED ........... 6.1 AVERAGE NUMBER AIRCRAFT FLYABLE STORAGE.. .............. 2.0 AVERAGE NUMBER AIRCRAFT IN/OR ......................... 4.1 AVERAGE NUMBER SORTIES PER AIRCRAFT .................... 14.1 AVERAGE NUMBER HOURS FLOWN PER AIRCRAFT ..... ..:....... 28.5 TOTAL SORTIES FLOWN ..................~................y_, 58 TOTAL HOURS FLOWN..,,.,.,. 116.8 Approved For Release 2002/06913 CIA-RDP68B00724R000200010001-8 SECRET Approved For Re. else 2002-RDP68B00724R 200010001-8 ANNEX C 3. MATERIEL 3.1. Tactical Aircraft Maintenance 3.1.1. Articles 343 and 349 remained in flyable storage during this reporting period. 3.1.2. Article 383 completed four scheduled sorties in November and was in "Ready" status the entire period requiring only routine maintenance. 3.1.3. Article 051 was out of commission briefly on 4 November as postflight inspection revealed a hydraulic leak in the aft engine compartment. Engine roll back was required and replacement of two "0" rings at the flap selector valve corrected the condition. Article was transferred to II on 10 November for a subsequent 75 day loan period. 3.1.4. Article 053 entered periodic inspection and update on 4 November following a twelve hour Red Dot sortie. Twenty-five service bulletins were incorporated during this inspection. Func- tional.check flight completing the inspection was flown on 21 Novem- ber. Article entered "l Commis5innif us following this sortie 25X1 D with O.R. status pending sortie which was flown on 25 November. Subsequent readout of this sortie was unsatisfactory 25X1D and another flight will be necessary when article 25X1A returns tol Article was transferred to II on 26 Nov- 25X1A ember for installation. 3.1.5. Article 054 was out of commission the first Dart of November for incorporation of Service Bulletin 351-262, AFCS mod- 25X1A ification. A combined Auto Pilot check sortie was flown on 6 November. This flight was satisfactory, however article was again taken out of commission for MLG modification and RX-107 kit install- ation (arresting hook) which was completed on 8 November. Article. was involved in a non-delivery on 10 November when on postflight the A.C. generator would not drop off the line when reducing the power lever to idle; Corrective action was the replacement of the monitored A.C. contactor relay and the supervisory panel. On 11 November, an aggressive flight schedule began as fourteen MLP sorties were completed 25X1A 25X1A through 17 November in preparation for the xercise. This 25X1A 25X1A article deployed on ferry flight on 20 November as backup for Article 055. There were no carrier traps made with this article since Article 055 was utilized for all scheduled sorties. Article 25X1 A returned to lI on 24 November. 25X1A 3.1.6. Article 055, as the prime article for the 25X1A exercise, completed seventeen MLP sorties through 18 November. Ferry departure from as made on 20 November. Following this ferry flight, post flight inspection revealed an oil leak at the CSD hydro cooler which required replacement. R-model aircraft were successfully "carrier qualified" as were 25X1A Approved For Rese 200SfiGRE-A-RDP68B00724RQ,Qp200010001-8 driver. Aircraft fueling, movement and stora.Ze on the carrier presented no problems. Although the exercise was very successful and went relatively smooth, it was not entirely uneventful. Unsche- duled aircraft maintenance included replacement of the left hand tail landing gear door rod on one occasion and the left hand tail landing gear door on two occasions. These replacements were the result of damage incurred on three of the trap landings. 3.2. Support Aircraft Maintenance 3.2.1. T-33 S/N was out of commission a total of four days which constitute a Phased Inspection. U-3B S/N was out of commission three days which was also due to a Phase Inspection. . 3.2.2. The average "In-Commission" rate for all assigned support aircraft was 95.5% for the month of November. 3.2.3. Six transient aircraft we're supported during the THE REMAINING PORTION OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Approved For Release. 2002A/13 : CIA-RDP68BOO724R000200010001-8 25X1A SECRET 3.3. Aircr.Afr ^..rivIt:v~~ Approv a Rase-ZooU'1/06/1 8B0O724F 0200010001-8 U-1 2C, { 348 U-2 C 383 U-2 R OS1 3 3 7.8 90 U-2 10 9 32.9 100 N/A 11 T-33A I1 .16 15 C-210 12 12 7.5 100 N/A OS4 19 ? 19 30.2 b 75 055,; 29 29 41.0 82 10 6 14.7 84 N/A 10 'm 6 16.4 100 N/A t f 41.6 100 N/A 13 13 30.6 89 N/A 1 E' 14 143. ve5d S o,5 elea AIR ABORTS GROUND ABORTS 3,4. Sy to a/Article ni :crc~~ ancy :'umm,:ar.y SECRET Not.: R yl.gPrj~ she OQNgq/' a lA-RDP68B00724F? 0200010001-8 NZT,.3ER 0= D'SCREPAN CIES ARTICLE T/J . L I PERCZN?AGT SYS~`: ~I 1. Ac f t Gen 3. Hydro 4. Elect 5. Instr 7. A/P 383 1 1 1 051 1 F2 3 OS3 2 054 2 1. 2 _ 055 4 2 { 3 1 PER SYS'~:i. 8 4 5 2 7 PS t S: STE 20% 9%- 12% 5% 18% 8. Driftsight 1 1 3. 11. ARC-51 1 1 31- 14. AIC-10 3 l 3 8% 16. ADF 1 1 3% 19. IFF 1 1 2 5% 25X1 D { I I I I DIAL PER ART roved Fori 3 .6 6 Mail 12 12 39 0 0001-8 PL R CL'NT..GE PER ARTICLE 1 8% . 16 % ___ ~ _ ^ 16o 1] 30 % 3096 r. - ;I100 0 [I L_ 25X1D Approved For Release 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP68B00724R000200010001-8 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP68B00724R000200010001-8 r"W Approved For Relapse 2002/0~ IA-RDP68B00724R 200010001-8 25X1A 3.9. Unit Supply 3.9.1. The first of two C-130 missions supporting I departed 14 November on schedule with a cargo Tr of 7,803 pounds marked or ship propositioning. The second aircraft 25X1A departed 19 November with cargo load of 17,244 pounds for beach prepositioning. All. cargo returned intact. No resu 1 roblems arose that could not be rectified by ,3.9.2. Supply activity: Changes .......................'...........38 L/I Issues....... ...........................375 L/I Turn-Ins ................................123 L/I SLOE Changes ..................................63 L/I Accounts Inventoried ......................2 ea Accounts Under Inventory ..................3 ea SPARES Inventory - November ....................600 L/I Inventory - Year .....................10,633 L/I To be inventoried .......................400 L/I SHIPMENTS AND RECEIPTS Automatic receipts .......................38 L/I Receipts requested by us ................549 L/I Shipments ................... ..........260 L/I Long distance runs over 70 miles...12 (7.5 man days) Total documents used - November .......... 428 THE REMAINING PORTION OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Approved For Release 2002/06J9 : CIA-RDP68B00724R000200010001-8 SECRET 25X1A 25X1A Approved For ReIase.2002106/13 : CIA-RDP68BOO724RW200010001-8 3.10. Remarks 3.10.1. November was a full month, highlighted by the 25X1A successful Exercise. The articles performed exceptionally well in spite ot rustrating human lapses that reflected poorly on us humans but that discredited the birds not at all. Now that the U-2 is tightened up, internal people tightening is in order and is being accomplished. 25X1 D 3.10.4. Support maintenance had an outstanding effective month. With six aircraft and six people assigned, one of whom was on leave most of the month, the eager beavers accomplished the following: rate of 95.5 0 SECRET Flew 61 sorties for 143.7 hours. Had no aborts, air or ground. Had no maintenance non-deliveries. Completed two phased inspections . Maintained an overall in-commission The numbers tell their own story. THE REMAINING PORTION OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Approved For Release 2002/06/33 : CIA-RDP68B00724R000200010001-8 SECRET 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP68B00724R000200010001-8 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP68B00724R000200010001-8 Approved For Ruse 2002/0SLOU. N -- DP68B00724R,V0200010001-8 4.2. Installations 4.2.1. The contract for the re-roofing of Hangar # 1 25X1A 25X1A was completed on 10 November 1969 after the installation of four (4) pilot doors, boiler room double doors and painting of same after work accomplished. Necessary corrections to the previously installed roof ventilators were also made. 4.2.2. The relocation of the perimeter fence and related lighting system around the new POL Truck Parking Lot was basically ac- complished between 4'and 16-November 1969. Additional light poles and related electrical wiring has been progressing according to schedule. The grading and compacting of the parking lot is near readiness for blacktopping in early December as well as the roadway for the LOX faci- lities. The only difficulty encountered to date in this contract is with the airplane wash rack facility. The water piping as installed in ac- cordance with the drawings was found to be inadequate since it was con- nected to a non-pressured well line. No solution has been reached to date but a change order will be necessary to disconnect and extend to new line to a more distant source. Civil Engineering is now attempting to solve this problem with minimum cost. 25X1A . 4.3. 25X1A 25X1A 4.3.2. During the month of November, drawings and specifica- tions were being prepared for the new asphaltic paved surfaces, including chain link fence enclosure around the Inspection Building. Also being prepared are plans that are required for the modifications to Tower # 5. It is anticipated that the plans for the tower modifications will be com- pleted and submitted to the first week in December. The plans and specifications for the bituminous:paving operations will be submitted in December, as soon as final typing of specifications are completed. &F ;RET Approved For Release 200 / 13 : CIA-RDP68B00724R0002000.10001=8 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP68B00724R000200010001-8 Approved For Release 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP68B00724R000200010001-8 Approved For Raioase 200210 "IIP68BOO724RQ00200010001-8 200 180 160 140 120 100 so 60 40 20 120 100 80 60 40 20 5.1.2. Medical Activities TREATMENTS 1969 _ ( I I ~ ICI a 4 Jf I I O I w N I I I ~ 'I - q C4 Z a 0 P+ E-+ > 0 r4 9~4 PRE FLIGHT PHYSICALS 1969 J r13 - 1 b W -~ a co z ca x x' a4 Z ra 0 P-i E-+ > 0