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Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP68B00724&000100140001-5 TOP SSCRIT 6701.69 op7 4 Of 4 30 Ju 13 198 R,iD18 FOR: Director, Office of 25X1 semiannual Report of Acca.plishsents in the Use and * sst of ADP ilea from Information Processing Coordinator, Scisaas and Technology, dated 26 June 1669, sane subject 1. In response to the sesorandum referenced above, the following are the OBA/ADP Programs now in effect and for which reports are attached: a. The Aircraft Flight Maintenance Data Collection system. in paragraph 2 of our previou b. Mission Survivability Simulation for Sigh Altitude Reconnaissance Vehicles using the Monte Carlo System. 2. No further action has been taken on the proposed programs for SA Personnel Directories and OBA Travel referenced office of Special Activities 5X1 Attachments, V46 ISM-3613 Report 2. OCS/SAD Report brig - Addee w/att 2 - ED/OSA w/att 3 - Cosapt/OSAA V/attTOp BIXMW Distribution: Cospt /Finance/OSA~ 25X1 25 X1 25X1 5X1 4 - RB/OSA w/att -RDP68B00721 Approved For Release 206/08/20 : C14 Approved, For'Ogase 2002/08/20: CIA-RDP68B00724R 0100140001-5 SEMIANNUAL REPORT OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE USE AND MANAGEMENT OF ADP (Reference: BOB Circular A-79) ADP Unit IBM-360 Period Covered 2nd half of FY.69 SECTION I. ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE USE OF DIGITAL COMPUTERS Describe significant accomplishments with computer-based systems (i. e. , computer applications) which were initiated or revised significantly during the report period. Furnish the information in Parts A and B for each such application separately. PART A. DESCRIPTION OF COMPUTER-BASED SYSTEM Agency Program Supported Category Collection of Intelligence Subcategory _ ma rv Element Photographic System Description. Explicitly describe the computer application and what it achieves (50 words or less). The "Aircraft Flight Maintenance Data Collection System" is a compLati~n o a by aircraft for each flight; successful/unsuccessful. For each acft there are over 200 items whose performance is evaluated for each flighty The re- sultant data is'stored and nrocessed by ADP to .Produce system anal sis re ores STAT Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP68B00724R000100140001-5 Approved 'For Re'ase 2002/08/20 CIA-RDP68B00724R100140001-5 PART B. BENEFITS. Explain under one (or more) of the categories below. Manpower. Cite net manpower savings for the customer (user); indicate whether actual or projected (best estimate). Savings vs. additional manhour figures-have not been as Ala to date- NO a slots -raQuix-e-d Dollars. Cite net dollar savings for the customer (user); indicate whether actual or projected (best estimate). See other benefits. Service. Explain improvements in service achieved. Management is now - i n a pgsi ion to sirs r"aLt instead o react _ Achievements. Explain accomplishments not feasible without a computer. It is now practical to project tho der ~. o r ~ tlity that can be attained wi h its numerous components Forecasts-on based on analvzineg thepre,sent operator uQh~ e performance and equating it to the stage of.development of the new article, Other Benefits. Explain. By highlighting the recurring problem areas to the system contracturs and bra nrSf nroypntiyo '[Minn can be taken "before-the-fact" to preclude system failures resulting in : loss-of-life equipment and Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP68B00724R000100140001-5 STAT r. rYe'il n-+r..r. 1 Approved For F ease 2002/08/20: CIA-RDP68B00724WO0100140001-5 SECTION II. ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF ADP ACTIVITIES Describe significant ADP management accomplishments during the report period. Explain each accomplishment separately, using the appropriate category(ies) below. Use 50 words or less and quantify the benefits, if feasible (e.g., amount of ADP equip- ment and manpower savings). Standardization within or among computer systems or ADP Units. Integration of computer-based systems on an interagency or infra-agency basis. Research and Development achievements to improve ADP technology, techniques or systems. Consolidation of computer facilities, staffs, etc. Sharing computers or ADP personnel. Excess Equipment acquisitions via the excess property route in lieu of acquiring additional new equipment for the Agency or to permit release of rented equipment. Procurement contracts negotiated under more favorable terms than those provided in the Federal Supply Schedule. Other ADP management accomplishments. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP68B00724R000100140001-5 Approved For Rase 2002/08/20 CIA-RDP68B00724R00100140001-5 SECTION III. PLANS FOR THE FUTURE Include this section only in reports prepared at the end of each fiscal year (i. e. for period ending June 30). Describe in summary form or outline significant actions lammed or underwa in the ADP Unit which are expected to result in ADP accomplishments of the sort indicated in Sections I and II. Include a statement of anticipated benefits'for each such action planned or underway. PART A. Plans which deal with the use of computers (Computer Applications). PART B. Plans-which deal with the management of ADP activities (hardware, software and . . operations). No n?e . -4- Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP68B00724R000100140001-5 Approved- For RWase 2002/08/20: CIA-RDP68B007240100140001-5 SEMIANNUAL REPORT OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE USE AND MANAGEMENT OF ADP (Reference: BOB Circular A-79) ADP Unit OCS/SAD Period Covered 2nd half of FY 69 SECTION I. ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE USE OF DIGITAL COMPUTERS Describe significant accomplishments with computer-based systems (i. e. , computer, applications) which were initiated or revised significantly, during the report period. Furnish the information in Parts A and B for each such application separately. PART A. DESCRIPTION OF COMPUTER-BASED SYSTEM Agency Program Supported Category Subcategory Imagery Element Photographic System Description. Explicitly describe the computer application and what it achieves (50 words or less). A mission survivability simulation for high altitude reconnaissance vehicles using the Monte Carlo process. STAT Approved For Release 2002/08/20:.CIA-RDP68B00724R0001001'40001-5 N NO For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP68B00724R0O6if00140001-5 PART B. BENEFXTS. Explain under one (or more) of the categories below. Manpower. Cite net manpower savings for the customer (user); indicate whether actual or projected (best estimate). Savings Vs. additional manhour figures have not been accumulated to date due to short duration o program, a s i Mona s o s require Dollars. Cite net dollar savings for the customer (user); indicate whether actual or projected (best estimate). Sne nther b meiJ t~ Service. Explain improvements in service achieved. Management is now in a position to fore ast i stead n Achievements. Explain accomplishments not feasible without a. computer. Reliable estimates of the-re l at' e x_obab; lt,~ of success for a particular mission route are obtained, with an indication of th v?ln~rah; of each route segment and each way?`point Plots ^-P +I,- - - mission route to the Flight Planners new legs can be mission route and interceptor activit are generated automatically and maybe extracted for use Other Benefi sal xp a ne paper, maps, or plastic map overlays as briefing aids. By Pointing our the high risk route sements(legs) of a perhaps the life of the pilot. Reduction of loss ro- bability enhances the overall mission success capability. Approved For Release 2002/08/20: CIA-RDP68B00724W00100140001-5 7 T 71T 1117 Approved For Rel ase 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP68B00724R100140001-5 SECTION II. ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF ADP ACTIVITIES Describe significant ADP management accomplishments during the report period. Explain each accomplishment separately, using the appropriate category(ies) below. Use 50 words or less and quantify the benefits, if feasible (e.g., amount of ADP equip- ment and manpower savings). . Standardization within or among computer systems or ADP Units. Integration of computer-based systems on an interagency or intra-agency basis. Research and Development achievements. to improve ADP technology, techniques or systems. Consolidation of computer facilities, staffs, etc. Sharing computers or ADP personnel.- Excess Equipment acquisitions via the excess property route in lieu of acquiring additional new equipment for the Agency or to permit release of rented equipment. Procurement contracts negotiated under more favorable terms than those provided in the Federal Supply Schedule. Other ADP management accomplishments. Not required. Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP68B00724R000100140001-5 Approved for Rase 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP68B00724R 0100140001-5 SECTION III. PLANS FOR THE FUTURE Include this section only in reports prepared at the end of each fiscal year (i.e. for period ending June 30). Describe in summary form or outline significant actions planned or underway in the ADP Unit which are expected to result in ADP accomplishments of the sort indicated in Sections I and II. Include a statement of anticipated benefits for each such action planned or underway. PART A. Plans which deal with the use of computers (Computer Applications). PART B. Plans-which deal with the management of operations). ADP activities (hardware, software and Plans for future use/expansion of this project are in-the .formul.ation stage and will require more study prior to submission. 4- Approved.For Release 2002/08/20: CIA-RDP68B00724R000100140001-5 :?r7 Approved For Release 2002/08/20: CIA-RDP68B0072A6W AUU01T' I 18703-69 25X1 FY 1970 FINANCIAL PROGRAM ISSUE NO. 2 A-12 AIRCRAFT IN STORAGE 1. It is recognized that SCOPE COTTON decision number 21 (27 January 1969) assigned A-12 aircraft storage responsibilities to Director, Program D, and that these aircraft and related assets were thereafter to be considered the property of the NRP. 2. However, we strongly support the D/NRO proposal for conduct of one A-12 aircraft flight test during FY 1970. It is further considered appropriate.that the entire storage concept be reassessed during this same Fiscal Year. Expensive equipment, systems and hardware are being maintained in storage that could conceivably be used elsewhere. ?3. As a point of significance pertaining to the possible deterioration of equipment over an extended storage period, approximately one year after storage a complete operational check was performed by Lockheed covering flight controls, gear operation, etc. through use of the primary aircraft systems. The results of this exercise was gratifying and would tend to indicate that the possible life expectancy vs rate of deterioration in a storage configuration would warrant further evaluation. The applicable systems operated perfectly with no leakage or evidence of deterioration of the hydraulic systems being operated. 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP68B00724Rm00100140001-5 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP68B00724R000100140001-5 Approved For Release 2002/08/20 : CIA-RDP68B00724R000100140001-5