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Approved For Release 2009/05/13: CIA-RDP68-00140R000200090003-8_ AIR FORCE REGULATION 76-15 ARMY REGULATION 96-25 OPNAV INSTRUCTION 4630.12 *AR 96-25 *OPNAV INST 4630.12 1-5 DEPARTMENTS OF THE AIR FORCE, THE ARMY, AND THE NAVY WASHINGTON, 8 SEPTEMBER 1953 AIR TRANSPORTATION Responsibilities and Policies for Movement of Traffic on MATS Scheduled Aircraft Paragraph Purpose and Scope - - - - - ----------------- 1 2 Definitions Uniform ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Responsibilities ----------------------------------------------------------- 5 - - ------------------------------------ Policy 6 - CaGegories ------------------------------------------- - 7 Additional Authorization ------------------------------------------------------------ 8 Revenue Traffic Charges ------------------------------------------------------------- Air Movement Designator Requirements---------------------------------------------- - 9 10 ecial Requirements --_------- -------_-- ------------------------------------------ S 11 p Baggage Allowances -------- ------------------- -------------------------------------- 12 Diversion to Commercial Carriers---------------------------------------------------- 13 Personnel Movement Authorization Chart-------------------------------------------- 14 References ------------------------------------------------ 1. Purpose and Scope. This Regulation pre- scribes the responsibilities and policies for the movement of traffic on scheduled Military Air Transport Service aircraft. It applies to all agen- cies utilizing or controlling space on Military Air Transport Service aircraft. 2. Definitions : a. Traffic-Cargo, mail, passengers' baggage. b. Revenue Traffic-Traffic bursement to, or accounting by, of Defense is required. passengers, and for which reim- the Department c. Nonrevenue Traffic-Traffic transported in the primary or official interest of the Depart- ment of Defense. d. Baggage-All equipment, clothing, except one overcoat or raincoat, and items of any other kind carried by or accompanying a passenger and not documented as cargo. e. Air Movement Designator-A combina- tion of code letters and numbers assigned by the issuing agency as a medium of identification and for the establishment of precedence of movement of traffic. f. Military Air Transport Service Aircraft- As used herein, only those aircraft of the Military Air Transport Service organization operated for the purpose of performing transport functions (excludes subordinate nontransport services of Military Air Transport Service, such as Air Weather Service, Air Rescue Service, and so forth). 3. Uniform. Military personnel of the armed services will be in uniform when traveling on military aircraft unless civilian clothing is spe- cifically authorized in competent orders. 4. Responsibilities. The Military Air Trans- port Service, under the command and direction of the Chief of Staff, USAF, is responsible for air transportation for the Department of Defense as directed by the Secretary of Defense. The Director of Transportation, Headquarters, USAF, is responsible for monitoring traffic management aspects of the Military Air Transport Service. 5. Policy. In addition to the competent au- thorities of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard listed in a below, cer- tain orders issued by Canadian authorities will be honored for the purpose of providing military air transportation in accordance with specific directives governing reciprocal transportation between Canada and the United States. This eligibility listing is not to be construed as indi- cating the relative order of movement. The fol- lowing is the only traffic authorized to be carried on transport aircraft operated by the Military Air Transport Service: a. That traffic which is directed or author- ized by written orders issued by competent an- This Regulation supersedes,AFR 76-15/DAB Pamphlet 209-116/CNO Letter 98P05, September 1948; and -e9 it A-1 1 Approved For Release 2009/05/13: CIA-RDP68-0014OR000200090003-8 Approved For Release 2009/05/13: CIA-RDP68-00140R000200090003-8 AFR 76-15 AR 96-25 OPNAV INST 4630.12 5-6 thorities of the Departments of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force authorizing air trans- portation without reimbursement therefor when the traffic is primarily of official concern to the Department of Defense. The determination of whether traffic is primarily of official concern to the Department of Defense i;3 a responsibility of the Secretaries of Defense, Army,, Navy, or Air Force, or by delegation of authority to those agencies authorized to establish priority of move- ment via military air by current Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force directives. The priority of traffic movement shall be determined by the Department concerned in accordance with the classification of military necessity established by the individual Departments. Assigned air movement designator will be included in all orders, movement directives, or shipping docu- ments for all traffic to or from the continental United States or between areas outside the con- tinental United States. b. That traffic which is directed or author- ized by competent authorities of the Depart- ments of the Army, the Navy, it the Air Force, with reimbursement therefor, in accordance with the provisions of applicable law, when the traffic is of official concern to the executive departments or agencies, or to the legislative or judicial branches of the Government. Requests for trans- portation in this category should be directed to the Chief of Staff, USAF, with procurement au- thority chargeable or a clear indication of the method by which reimbursemcnt is to be ac- complished. c. That traffic which is certified by the in- terested Department or agency as being in the national interest may be furnished air transpor- tation to or from places outside the continental United States with reimbursemcnt therefor. In cases covered by this paragraph, it will be within the purview of the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, or Air Force to refuse to authorize the trans- portation if deemed advisable. As a matter of general policy, the aviation organizations of the armed services will not be placed in a position of competing with United States commercial air transportation. 6. Categories. Categories of traffic eligible for transportation via aircraft of the Military Air Transport Service will be limited to traffic moving under competent Army. Navy, or Air Force orders, or movement authorities directing or authorizing air transportation subject to the conditions set forth in a through e below: a. Personnel, Space Requirement, Non- revenue: (1) Category 1. Military personnel of the Department of Defense, including United States Coast Guard, on active duty when traveling under competent permanent change of station, tempo- rary duty, or emergency leave, orders, including all foreign military person- nel, sponsored by the Secretaries of Defense, Army, Navy, or Air Force. (2) Category 2. Civilian employees of the Department of Defense when traveling under competent permanent change of station orders or properly V executed transportation agreements, temporary duty, or emergency leave orders including all civilians specifi- cally sponsored by the Secretaries of Defense, Army, Navy, or Air Force. (3) Category 3. Civilian personnel of Government contractors and technical advisors to military authorities, when engaged in activities of the Depart- ment of Defense which require such air travel. Such transportation may be furnished when specified in the contract or determined to be in the best interest of the Department of Defense. (4) Category 4. Members of Congress and other Federal officials when the travel is in the primary interest of the Department of Defense and when authorized by the Secretary of Defense or one of the military de- partments. (5) Category 5. Military personnel of the National Guard and Reserve Components when traveling on mat- ters of official concern to the Depart- ment of Defense. (6) Category 6. Dependents of military and civilian personnel of the Depart- ment of Defense traveling pursuant to competent permanent change of sta- tion orders or other com etent ravel authorizatiincluding such c e_ pen e s w en traveling to and from the continental United States or be- tween oversea areas for medical reasons. (7) Category 7. American Red Cross personnel when serving with the De- partment of Defense in oversea areas, provided that they are in uniform and such travel is in the performance of Red Cross duties incident to change Approved For Release 2009/05/13: CIA-RDP68-00140R000200090003-8 Approved For Release 2009/05/13: CIA-RDP68-0014OR000200090003-8 AFR 76-15 AR 96-25 OPNAV INST 4630.12 6 of station or temporary duty. Erner- gency leave travel authorized between (8) oversea areas and zone of interior aerial ports. Military air travel will not be authorized within the zone of interior. Category 8. Dependents of military and civilian personnel of the Depart- ment of Defense stationed overseas when traveling to or from the United States for the purpose of attending school (limited to one roundtrip each school year). (9) Category 9. Commissioned officers of the Public Health Service detailed for duty with the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, or when traveling in connection with matters primarily of official concern to the Department of Defense. (10) Category 10. British, Canadian, and Australian exchange officers on duty with the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps while in a duty status, upon presentation of orders issued by competent authority. (1.1) Category 11. Dependents of officials of the other executive departments or agencies, of the judicial branch, or of the legislative branch when accom- panied by their, principals when au- thorized by the Secretary of Defense. (12) Category 12. Military personnel de- pendents in a patient status in the continental United States whose movement from one military hos- pital to another within the continental United States has been authorized, or who are initially admitted to a mili- tary hospital. When so determined by the hospital commander originat- ing the movement of minor dependents (patients), an adult dependent mem- ber of the immediate family may be designated as an attendant and is au- thorized transportation. (13) Category 13. Any person in case of an emergency involving catastrophe or possible loss of life when other means of suitable transportation are not available, feasible, or adequate. (14) Category 14. Any other individual not listed herein when traveling on competent orders authorizing mili- tary air transportation in connection with matters primarily of official con- cern to the Department of Defense. b. Personnel, Space Requirement, Revenue: Category 15. Persons traveling in the interest of other governmental depart- ments or agencies, with reimburse- ment by the department or agency concerned. (2) Category 16. Civilian employees of the Department of Defense in areas outside the continental United States who are recruited from outside the duty area on the basis of a signed employment agreement providing for return transportation and who are separated at an oversea area under circumstances that do not convey eligibility for return transportation at Government expense for the pur- pose of repatriation to the aerial port which is within the country from which originally recruited and which is most conveniently situated to the oversea command location when mili- tary sea transportation service is not available. The direct cost of such travel is to be paid for by the indi- vidual or withheld from the money due the individual by the Govern- ment. Traffic in this category will be granted the lowest class of priority. Category 17. Civilian personnel or Government contractors and technical advisors to military authorities when engaged in activities of the Depart- ment of Defense in areas outside the continental United States who default in their contracts and whose tour of duty is terminated for the convenience of the Government, for the purpose of repatriation to the continental United States when Military Sea Transport Service is not available. (4) Category 18. Nongovernmental pas- sengers upon certification of the head of the interested Executive depart- ment or agency that the furnishing ,of such transportation is in the na- tional interest, and that transporta- tion by commercial means is not available or adequate. (5) Category 19. Officials of the other executive departments or agencies, of the judicial branch, or of the legisla- tive branch, and their dependents, on Approved For Release 2009/05/13: CIA-RDP68-0014OR000200090003-8 Approved For Release 2009/05/13: CIA-RDP68-0014OR000200090003-8 AFR 76-15 AR 96-25 OPNAV INST 4630.12 6-9 a nonsponsored trip when authorized by the Secretary of Defense. (6) Category 20. Civilian personnel of Department of Defense agencies oper- ating on nonappropriated funds. c. Personnel, Space Available, Nonrevenue. The term "space available basis," as used herein, means space that is surplus after all space re- quirement traffic has been accommodated and which would otherwise be unuse.l. (1) Category 21. Military personnel of the Department of Defense, U. S. Coast Guard, and foreign exchange officers, including British, Canadian, and Australians on duty with the De- partment of Defense when traveling in connection with sick or ordinary leave. (2) Category 22. Persons holding the Congressional Medal c f Honor, within the continental United States upon presentation of prope, identification. NOTE: Personnel traveling unler category 22 will sign a certificate that the travel is not for personal gain, in accordance with AR 96-20/ OPNAV Instruction 4630.10/AFA 76-6. d. Cargo-Nonrevenue: (1) Cargo of the Department of Defense. (2) Mail of the Department of Defense and of military personnel and per- sonal mail of those civilians author- ized to use military postal facilities. (3) Cargo carried as a matter primarily of official concern to the Department of Defense. (4) Cargo of the American Red Cross for use of the Department of Defense. (5) Any cargo in case of catastrophe, the lack of which would cause loss of life, when other means of transportation are not available, feasible, or ade- quate. e. Cargo-Revenue: (1) Cargo moving in the interest of other governmental departments or agen- cies, with reimbursement from the de- partment or agency concerned. (2) Nongovernmental cargo upon certi- fication of the head of the interested executive department er agency that the furnishing of such transportation is in the national into rest, and that transportation by commercial means is not available or adequate. (3) Cargo of Department of Defense agencies operating on nonappropri- ated funds. 7. Additional Authorization: a. Requests for transportation of traffic not covered by this Regulation will be referred to the Chief of Staff, United States Army; Chief of Naval Operations, or the Director of Transporta- tion, Headquarters USAF, depending upon the department involved. b. All requests for Military Air Transport Service special missions not involving aircraft of the United States Air Force Special Air Mission Fleet will be submitted through appropriate channels to the Director of Transportation, Headquarters USAF. c. The general policy of the Department of Defense is to prohibit travel of dependents on other than competent orders when the transporta- tion is in connection with permanent change of station assignment of the principal. However , under extenuating circumstances in individual cases, certain exceptions may be authorized by the Secretary of Defense; Secretaries of the De- partments; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Chief of Staff, United States Army; Chief of Naval Operations; Chief of Staff, USAF, and Commandant of the Marine Corps, to allow travel on a space-available basis. 8. Revenue Traffic Charges: a. Charges will be assessed for the trans- portation of traffic qualifying under paragraphs 6b and e. Rates to be charged will be determined by the Chief of Staff, USAF. Such charges will be reasonable and, except as provided in b below, not less than the current commercial rates, in- cluding taxes. Responsibility for collection of such charges will rest with the Chief of Staff, USAF. b. Reimbursement by the Government agency concerned for traffic authorized under paragraph 5 will be on the basis of the cost thereof as determined by the Chief of Staff, USAF, in accordance with section 601 of the Economy Act of June 30, 1932 (31 U.S.C. 686, 47 Stat. 417). 9. Air Movement Designator Requirements. All traffic (passengers and cargo) authorized in the preceding paragraphs is subject to the estab- lishment of an air movement designator in ac- cordance with established procedures. a. Traffic scheduled for movement to an aerial port of embarkation for shipment to points outside the continental United States will not be Approved For Release 2009/05/13: CIA-RDP68-0014OR000200090003-8 Approved For Release 2009/05/13: CIA-RDP68-0014OR000200090003-8 AFR 76-15 96.1225 OPNAV INSTAR4630- 9-12 forwarded to the aerial port of embarkation un- less the traffic has been assigned an air move- ment designator and appropriately cleared. b. Limitation. In the establishment of air movement designators, traffic referred to in para- graphs 6a and d will, at all times, be accorded primary consideration. Traffic, the transporta- tion of which is authorized under paragraphs 61) and e, will not be carried if it can reasonably be handled by United States civil air carriers, nor will such traffic be carried on any given route if in the opinion of the Departments of the Army, Navy, or Air Force, United States civil air car- riers are adequate to handle such traffic. 10. Special Requirements: a. All traffic to be moved on Military Air Transport Service aircraft must meet carrier ac- ceptability requirements with respect to packing, marking, and documentation. Appropriate rec- ords will be maintained to provide essential in- formation concerning diversions, intransit data, and receipt and delivery of traffic. b. Military Air Transport Service will be responsible but not accountable for all traffic carried, with responsibility beginning at the sta- tion where traffic is accepted and ending upon delivery at the carrier destination airport. c. The Chief of Staff, USAF or the Com- mander, Military Air Transport Service may ef- fect emergency changes in the transport opera- tions and the diversion of traffic already en route, with notice to the shipping agency as to alternate means of transportation utilized, when such be- comes necessary. Any diversion of traffic at aerial ports of embarkation will be the respon- sibility of the appropriate air traffic coordinating officer. 11. Baggage Allowances: a. Normal Baggage Allowance. The normal baggage allowance for all passengers, except those covered by c below, traveling on Military Air Transport Service aircraft will be limited to 65 pounds of baggage. b. Excess Baggage Allowance. An excess baggage allowance may be granted by agencies authorized to establish air movement designators. Excess allowances, when authorized, will be in- cluded in individual's orders. c. Baggage Allowance Exceptions: (1) A baggage allowance of 100 pounds may be authorized for dependent females and dependent children (male and female) who are traveling to oversew destinations. Any authorized excess baggage will be indicated in the individual's orders. (2) Military, naval, and air attaches and mission personnel are authorized a baggage allowance of 100 pounds while traveling to oversea destination. Any authorized excess baggage will be indicated in the individual's orders. Personnel evacuated as patients by air from an oversew area or within the continental United States are au- thorized 100 pounds of baggage, d. Baggage Not Covered by This Regulation. This Regulation limits only the baggage which may be carried by passengers on Military Air Transport Service aircraft, as provided above, and does not limit or increase the baggage which may be transported by other means of trans- portation on change of station, as prescribed by existing directives. 12. Diversion to Commercial Carriers. Di- version of cargo from Military Air Transport Service aircraft and forwarding by commercial carrier to consignee will be in accordance with AFM 172-1 and other applicable directives. Approved For Release 2009/05/13: CIA-RDP68-0014OR000200090003-8 Approved For Release 2009/05/13: CIA-RDP68-0014OR000200090003-8 AFR 76-15 AR 96-25 OPNAV INST 4630.12 13 13. Personnel Movement Authorization Space Required Categories of Personnel :Vonrcvenue Space Space Required Available Revenue Nonrevenue Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Category 6 Category 7 Category 8 Category 9 Category 10 Category 11 Category 12 Category 13 Category 14 Category 15 Category 16 Category 17 Category I8 Category 19 Category 20 Category 21 Category 22 1. "X" in the preceding chart indicates con- ditions under which personnel may be trans- ported via Military Air Transport Service air- craft within the purview of this Regulation. 2. Whenever travel is performed in one direc- tion on a permissive basis, that is, military personnel on leave, military and civilian per- sonnel under emergency leave or accompanied of official concern to the Department of Defense. Orders will be issued by the department spon- soring the individual's travel. 4. As a general policy, the following are limiting conditions governing travel of certain categories of personnel via Military Air Trans- port Service aircraft: a. Dependents who are beyond the 188th travel of dependents, there is no guarantee of day of pregnancy will not be accepted for air space on any return flight and the Government transportation. will be under no obligation to return the indi- vidual to point of origin or to any other desti- nation. 3. Any individual not herein listed may travel on written orders authorizing military air trans- portation in connection with matters primarily b. Infants under six weeks of age will not be accepted for air transportation. c. Children under 12 years of age will not be accepted for air transportation unless accom- panied by parent or other responsible adult designated by the parent. Approved For Release 2009/05/13: CIA-RDP68-0014OR000200090003-8 Approved For Release 2009/05/13: CIA-RDP68-0014OR000200090003-8 N AFR 76-15 AR 96-25 OPNAV INST 4630.12 14 14. References. For transportation provided than Military Air Transport Service aircraft, involving reimbursement, refer to procedures established in SR 95-20-5/CNO letter 52P533/ refer to AR 96-20/OPNAV Instruction 4630.12/ AFR 76-8. For traffic to be moved on other AFR 76-6. By ORDER OF THE SECRETARIES OF THE AIR FORCE, THE ARMY, AND THE NAVY: K. E. THIEBAUD Colonel, USAF Air Adjutant General N. F. TWINING Chief of Staff, United States Air Force WM. E. BERGIN Major General, USA The Adjutant General JOHN GINGRICH Vice Admiral, USN Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Administration) M. B. RIDGWAY Chief of Staff, United States Army W. M. FECHTELER Chief of Naval Operations DISTRIBUTION: Air Force: E; F; X: Lowry Air Force Base (Department of Transportation Training) ____30 For explanation of distribution formula, see SR 310-90-1. Army : B For explanation of distribution formula, see SR 301-90-1. Navy: Deputy Chief of Naval Operations. Approved For Release 2009/05/13: CIA-RDP68-0014OR000200090003-8